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A17018 The iudgement of the Apostles and of those of the first age, in all points of doctrine questioned betweene the Catholikes and Protestants of England, as they are set downe in the 39. Articles of their religion. By an old student in Diuinitie. Broughton, Richard. 1632 (1632) STC 3898; ESTC S114820 265,017 428

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Metropol l. 1. c. 6. Alexander next Successour to Pope Euaristus both of them liuing in this first age though dying by martyrdome in the seconde that he sent diuers Apostolike men hither to preach the faith of Christ and so they did These Popes haue taught vs the supreamacie of the Church of Rome ouer all Churches before So did the next holie Pope S. Sixtus euen Protestants Sixtus 1. ep 2. Rob. Barn l. de vit Pont. Rom. in Sixto 1. Telesph Higin pio Anice●o So●ero so confessing Ab Episcopo ad Romanum Pontificem appellandi ius dedit Ecclesiasticis ministris So they confesse of all Popes Telesphorus Higinius Pius anicetus and Soter vnto Pope Eleutherius vnder whome and by whose meanes and authoritie this Kingdome was wholly conuerted by all antiquities and testimonies made the first Christian Kingdome in the world This holie Pope as Rob. Barn sup in Eleutherio Eleuther ep ad Episcop Gall. cap. 2. our Protestants write did Order and practise and as the Apostles and their Successours had defined as he testifieth sicut ab Apostolis eorumque Successoribus multorum consensu Episcoporum definitum ●st that nothing should be proceeded in against Bishops vntil it was defined by the Pope of Rome accusationem contra Episcopos Episcopos audire permifit sed vt nihil nisi apud Pontificem definiretur cauet This highest spirituall Authoritie in the Pope of Damas in Eleuth Monolog G●aec in eod Breuiar Roman die 26. Maij. Martyrol Roman eod die Bed l. 1. ●●st c. 4. l. de 6. ae●a● Ado Chron. Marian. Scot. an 177. Martin Pol. Supput an 188. Galfrid monum hist l. 4. Virun l. 4. Radulp. de Dicet hist in Lucio Gul. Mal. l. Antiq. caenob glaston Math. west chron an 185. 186. 187. flor w●gor chron an 162. 184. Antiq Eccl. land Antiq. Eccl. wint Cambd. Brigant Stowe hist hollinsh hist of Engl. Theatr. of Brit. l 6 Hect. Boeth l. 5. Parker Godwin c. Eleuth ep ad Reg. Lucium Lambert l. de leg Stowe hist Godw conu of Brit. Mat. Parker Antiq. Brit. Mason of consecr foxe tom 1. Theat of Brit. l. 6. Bridg. def of the gouern l. 16. pag. 1355. Iewell ag hard old Booke of Const Guil. hall in lond l. Antiq. Brut Caius antiquit Cantabrig l. 1. leges Antiq. Reg. Edward cap. 17. Gul. Lambard l. 2. de priscis Angl. legib fol. 130. p. Hect. Boeth Scot. hist l. 5. f. 83. Godw. conuers of Brit. pag. 22. 23. Antiq. Eccl. Glastonien Galfrid monum l. 5. hist Reg. Brit. c. 1. Mat. west chron an 186. Rome was not vnknowne to the Christians and King Lucius in Britayne which moued that King as both Greeke and Latin Brittish and Saxon domesticall and forreyne Catholike and Protestant Antiquaries informe to write humble letters supplices litteras to that Pope entreating him obsecrans that by his commaundement he with his Kingdome might receaue Christianitie vt per eius mandatum Christianus efficeretur The Pope most willingly assented and sent his legates with full power to founde the Church of Britayne to Ordeyne three Archbishops and 28. Bishops with their particular Sees power and Iurisdiction who hauing established all things here returned to Rome to haue them confirmed by the Pope the Pope confirmed that they had done and they with many other preachers and the Popes confirmation returned agayne into Britayne Beati Antistites Romam redierunt cuncta quae fecerant à Pontifice confirmari impetrarunt confirmatione facta cum pluribus alijs redierunt in Britanniam Our King craued direction of that Pope also what lawes he should vse in his Kingdome and the Pope directed him therein as his epistle still extant witnesseth as our Protestants write and themselues testifie We haue seene the Bishop of Romes owne letter to King Lucius So witnesse these men This Pope went further in prescribing the limits bounds and circuites of the Dominions of this Kingdome and assigned vnto it all the Ilands to Denmarke and Norway by his sentence and by that definition ordonation they were parts of Britayne as is conteined in our old lawes many hundreds of yeares since published and approued by our Protestant lawyers and historians aswell as others Vniuersa terra tota Insulae omnes vsque Noruegiam vsque Daniam pertinent ad coronam Regni sunt de appendicijs dignitatibus Regis vna est monarchia vnum est Regnum Tales enim metas fines constituit imposuit coronae Regni Dominus Eleutherius Papa sententia sua qui primo destinauit coronam benedictam Britanniae Christianitatem Deo inspirante Lucio Regi Britonum Here also he sēt first a crowne or hallowed crowne to our King being before as some Catholiks and Protestants write but a King by courtesie of the Romane Emperour and authoritie Lucus Britonibus Caesaris beneuolentia authoritate imperitabat He gaue Indulgences to our Churches namely to the old Church of Glastenbury ten yeares Indulgence as in the old antiquities of that holie place is recorded And by his Order and direction King Lucius endowed the Churches of Britayne with liberties regall Lucius Rex Ecclesias Britanniae libertatibus muniuit Gloriosus Britonum Rex Lucius cum infra Regnum suum verae fidei cultum magnificatum esse vidisset possessiones territoria Ecclesijs viris Ecclesiasticis abundanter conferens chartis munimentis omnia communiuit Ecclesias verò cum suis caemeterijs ita constituit esse liberas vt quicumque malefactor ad illa confugeret illaesus ab omnibus remaneret Thus reuerent and honourable was the spirituall power and supreamacie of the Church and Pope of Rome in Britayne and all places in these Apostolike dayes All those Apostolike men Popes or others which haue thus taught vs were glorious Saincts and King Lucius also Sainct Lucius who with all his Kingdome clergie and others so embraced it and though neither he nor the Romās had then any temporall Rule or dominion in the Kingdome now called Scotland yet that glorious Pope by his spiriruall supreamacie subiected that contrie to the Archbishop of yorke in the land of an Enemie And this Papall supreamacie and Iurisdiction continued here euer after vntill It was taken away by King Henry the 8. taking first of all Kings the title and name of Supreame head of the Church of England neuer heard of before in any time as his owne historian Polydor virgill and all others both Catholike and Protestant English and other historians acknowledge Habetur concilium Londini Polydor. Virgil Anglic. Hist l. 27. p. 689. Stowe Howes hist an 1534. statut in Parliament an 26. Henr. 8 in quo Ecclesia Anglicana formam potestatis nullis ante temporibus visam induit Henricus enim Rex caput ipsius Ecclesiae constituitur And after King Henry the 8. had thus as he endeuoured expelled the Papall Authority spirituall out of England and assumed
them They write how Ridley made Preist by Catholike Order but Bishop by their new fashion when he was to be degraded by B. Brooke Bishop of Glocester delegate thereto in Q. Maryes time hee did onely then degrade him concerning preisthood being iudged to be no Bishop Foxe tom 2. pag. 1604. Mason l. 2. pag. 92 Record degrad Rid. as our Protestants and Records thereof testifie in thes his words to Ridley we must proceede according to our commission to degrading taking from you the dignitie of preisthood for we take you for no Bishop So it was also adiudged by the common lawes Brooke Abridg an 1576. ti●ul leases num 68. of the land in that time Bishops in the time of King Edward the sixt were not consecrated and therefore a lease for yeares made by such and confirmed by the deane and chapter shall not binde their Successours because such were neuer Bishops Of thes pretended Bishops which were thus by publike Iudgment in lawe disabled to do tēporall offices for want of true ordination and power how much more were they vnable to performe any spirituall function belonging to that highest holie Order yet this is published for law euen in Q. Elizabeth her time longe after thes new Protestant Bishops were so allowed and still remaineth among their receaued and adiudged lawes And so generall and vniuersall a consent was of all in authoritie Pope Prince Prelates and whosoeuer that this new Protestant forme gaue no consecration that their owne Protestant applauded writers thus confesse it Touching Articles of Q. Mary to Bish. Boner Consecrat l. 5. cap. 12. foxe Act. mon. vol. 2. p. 1295. such parsons as were here to fore promoted to any Orders after the new sorte and fashion of Orders they were not ordered in verie deed This was the common and publike sentence of Pope Prince and Prelates in Queene Mary her time of the pretēded Bishops of King Edward the 6. when there was more pretence for them thē these diuers Catholikely ordained Bishops then liuing and some helping in their new ordering now and from Q. Elizabeth her time not one at all And it is contained in our old lawes Iudex secularis non potest Bracton fol. 401. degradare clericum magis quàm ad ordines promouere A secular Iudge can no more degrade a Preist or Clearke then he can promote him to orders And it was publikly adiudge in lawe That the parlament Temp. Henrici 7. fol. 27. 28. could not make the Kinge being a lay parson to haue spirituall Iurisdiction Then much lesse could it giue to King Edward the sixt to speake Protestants Stow an 1. Edw. 6. Hist words proclaimed King of England and also of Ireland the supreame heade immediately in earth vnder God being of the age of nyne yeares and to Queene Elizabeth a woman by Sexe disabled in such things both to haue spirituall Iurisdiction and supreame spirituall Iurisdiction and spirituall power Episcopall or Pontificall to conferre and giue both spirituall highest order and Iurisdiction to whom and by what meanes it pleased them contrary to all Christians in the world Catholiks Protestants and whosoeue● none out of England so proceeding in such affaires A●d in the time of Queene Elizabeth both particular wr●●●rs records and her parlament publikely in the 8. year● of her Reigne assure vs that their new Bishops making was by diuers both doubted of and denied to be lawfull The Protestant cheife Iustice of the common plees Lord dyer setteth downe that Bishop ●onner publikely pleaded they were no Bishops and namely Doctour Horne so admitted and it w●s adiuged by all the Protestant Iudges that Bish●● Bonner might so pleade And the Protestants would neuer come to tryall with him therein And the next Parlament in her 8. yeare cleared him and all other Catholikes so in i●pugning those Bishops offering the oath of suprema●y vnto them in these words Be it exacted that no person or persons Statut. in parliament an 8. Elizab. cap. 1. be empeached or molested in body lands or good by occasion are meane of any certificate by any Archbishop or Bishop heretofore made in the first session of this parlament touching or concerning the refusall of the oathe set fourth by act of parlament in the first yeare of Queene Elizabeth And that all tenders of such oath made by any Archbishop or Bishop aforesaid and all refusals of the same oath so entered by any Archbishop or Bishop shall be voyde and of noe effect or validity in the lawe And to helpe afterward what they could thus they enact diuers questions haue lately growne vpon the Statut. in parliam an 8. Eliz supr c. 1. making and consecrating of Archbishops and Bishops within this realme whether the same were and be duely done according to the lawe or not Therefore it is thought conuenient hereby partly to touch such authorities as doth allowc and approue the making of the same Archbishops and Bishops to be duely and orderly d●●e according to the lawes of this Realme her h●●●nesse in her letters patents vnder the greate S●●●e of England directed to any Archbishop Bis●●p or others for the confirming inuesting and co●secrating of any parson elected to the office or dig●●●y of an Archbishop or Bishop hath not onely vs●● such words and sentences as King Henry and King Edward did in their letters patents diuers other general words and sentences whereby her highnesse by her su●r●ame power and authority hath dispenced with all ●auses or doubts of any imperfection or diasbility th●t can or may in any wise be obiected against the sa●e These be the on●ly authorities the statute doth or could bringe ●eing all carnall and humane not one diuine or ●cclesiasticall vtterly vnable to make a lawfull true Bishop or confirme any for such being b●t meere phantasies letters patents the greate Seale of England of a woman such words and sentences as King Henry the eight and King Eduard his child contrary to the vniuersall Church of Christ vsed A womans supreame power authority and dispensation in all causes doubts Imperfections or disabilities in any wise to be obiected and that not onely their pretended Archbishops and Bishops but others neither true nor pretended Archbishops or bishops did as their words be plaine by this most straunge and infirme feminine commission confirme inuest and consecrate Archbishops Bishops which as they haue confessed before with all authorities none but true lawfull Bishops in approued receaued forme and manner can doe And yet this parlament doth thus approue all such as were thus made whether by the Queenes letters patent and men no Bihops true or pretended and without King Edwards forme or any other remembred or by King Edwards forme and fashion to be lawfull Bishops in these words All Statut. an 8. Eliz. supr acts and things made or done by any person or persons in or about any elected to the office of any Archbishop or Bishop by vertue of
for defence of the Catholike Faith and Iastlie by your Maiestie our last Queene MARIE by whom this land is blessed by a royall issue and as we hope shall in time be mad● happie by restitution of the Catholike Religion ether in your owne o● your childrens dayes And the rathe● when England shall see by the Iudgement of the Apostles that the Catholike religiō aggreeth in all point with the religion taught deliuere● by the Apostles and first Apostolical● preachers and that the Protestant religiō is discoūtenaunced discarded condemned by them This shall appeare by this booke which I you● Maiesties most humble subiect a● old student in holie learning doe i● all dutifull manner present vnto you● wishing to your Gracious Maiestie and to our noble Souueraigne your deare Spouse a long and happie raigne in our great Brittainie such a temporall raigne amongst your subiectes as you may both raigne in heauen eternallie with God his Saintes and Angelles Your Maiesties most humble and deuoted subiect R. B. APPROBATIO CVm mihi constiterit ex testimonio fide digni S. Theol. Doctoris in hoc libro cui titulu● Apostolorum iudicium c. nihil inueniri Catholicae fidei aut bonis moribus contrarium sed mult● quae ostendunt religionem Catholicorum esse Apostolicam haereticorum verò Apostaticam censu● vtiliter praelo committi posse Actum Duaci die 23. Iunij 1632. GEORGIVS COLVENERIVS S. Theol. Doctor Regius ordinariusque Professor Gollegiat● Ecclesiae S. Petri Praepositus Dua● censis Academiae Cancellarius librorum Censor THE FIRST CHAPTER CONCERNINGE THE FIRST 5. PROtestants Articles not differinge from the Apostles Religion and the Roman Church BEEINGE to enter into the Examen and comparison of the parlament protestant Articled Religion of England with the Religion of the present Church of Rome and ●e whole Christian world named Catholike ●or profession whereof the Catholiks of England ●y the protestants thereof haue longe tyme suff●red and still most constantly endure most bitter persecutions by the first knowne and confessed ●ue Christian Catholike Apostolike Religion ● the Apostles and that their happy age wee finde ●t in the first fiue Articles of this new Religion ●y difference or difficulty to be thus decided both ●atholicks and parlamētary protestants agreeing them all and they all beeing ordeyned by these pro●tants against other Sectaries so soone within 4. ●ares of the beginning of Q. Elizabeth her Reigne re●eing old condemned heresies amongst them as their ●tories and registers remember and therefore it will ●re suffice onely to recite the Titles of these ar●les to giue notice thereof The contents and title ● the first article are Of faith in the holy Trinity The second of the word or sonne of God which was made verymā The 3. Of the going downe of Christ into hell The 4. Of the Resurrection of Christ The 5. Of the Holy Ghost The whole Article the Title being subiect to doubt is The holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the sonne is of one substance Maiesty and glory with the Father and the Sonne very and eternall God Hitherto wee finde nothing against the doctrine of the Catholike Church Which no● vnlikely these men did rather to winnesome credi● at their entrance to be thought louers of truth then that they hated the enemies of these articles not yet suppressed among them THE SECOND CHAPTER Examining their 6. Article about Scriptures and traditions and condemning it by the Apostles and Apostolike men and doctrine of their age THEIR next sixt Article intituled of the sufficiency of the holy Scriptures for Saluation ● thus holy Scripture containeth all things necessary ● saluation Soe that what soeuer is not read therein n● may be proued thereby is not to be required of any ma● that it should be beleeued as an article of faith or ● thought requisite or necessary to saluation By the na● of holy Scripture wee doe vnderstand those canonic● bookes of the old and new testament of whose auth●rity was neuer any doubt in the Church And from t● number of those bookes which there they allow● to be canonicall They doe in expresse words a● tearmes reiect The booke of Tobias the booke of Iudit● the rest of the booke of Esther the booke of wisdom● Iesus the sonne of Sirach Baruch the Prophet the songe of the three children the story of Susanna of Bel and the Dragon the prayer of Manasses the first and second Bookes of the Machabees Concerning the new testament thus they adde all the bookes of the new testament as they are commonly receiued wee doe receiue and accompte them for canonicall This their Article is in their proceedings as the grounde worke and foundation whereupon their Religion is wholy framed and builded and yet so weake Feeble totteringe ruinous arid deceitefull that not any one true certaine and infallible point of doctrine as euery Article in true religion is can be framed vpō it or from it so deduced by the expresse graunt of this article it selfe and of all English Protestants professed and sworne maintainers of it For whereas they sentence and define In the Art 6. supr name of holy Scripture wee doe vnderstand those canonicall bookes of the old and new testament of whose Field Booke of the Church lib. 4. cap. 5. wotton def of perk pa. 442. Couell ag Burg. pag. 60. def of Hooker pag. 31. 32. 33. pro●●st glosse on the 6. art Tho. Rogers ibid. authority was neuer any doubt in the Church They plainely make the Iudgment of the Church to be the highest tribunall in spirituall questions euen of the scriptures themselues And thus their best and cheife writers published by authority doe glosse and expound this article And of necessity so they must say except at their first entrance they will plainely confesse their religion and congregation their Church of England as they terme it to be erroneous or hereticall and to haue noe power or warrant at all to doubt deny or determine and propose what bookes be or be not Scriptures canonicall either of the old or new testament Or what one chapter or sentence in them is part or not part of such canonicall and vndoubted holy Scriptures for this power and prerogatiue being onely committed to the true Church by their Article and professors before if these men doubt or Iudge otherwise in this case then the true confessed Church hath hitherto done They can be noe part or members of that true Church And whatsoeuer is read or may be deduced from vntrue or doubted Scriptures cannot be possibly any certaine and vndoubted article of faith and religion For noe conclusion can be more certaine and vndoubted then the Maximes and authorities from which it is concluded but as the light of nature common law and vndeniable Maxime of true reasoning teacheth all men and all men truely acknowledge for a verity most certaine it euer followeth the weaker part euer erroneous doubtfull vncertaine or false if both or
any of the propositions from which it is deduced be or is of that nature Nothing can giue that to an other which it selfe wanteth and by noe meanes hath to giue A lying false or vncertaine humane witnesse or assertion can by no meanes possible make a constant and certainely true probation in any thing whatsoeuer much lesse in supernaturall matters articles of faith aboue mans capacity and therefore to be proued by diuine testimony which possibly cannot deceaue vs. And in this miserable and desolate estate and condition is the Protestant congregation of England in and for euery article pretended by them to be of faith which they hold against the Roman Church at this day and so they censure themselues by their owne definitiue sentence in this their owne cheefest Article and publikely authorized glosse thereof with diuers others of their Religion allowed and recommended writers among them Artic. 6. supr Confessio Wirtemberg cap. de Scriptura Protest glosse in art 6. p. 1. Willet Synop quaest 1. of scripture pag. 2. 3. ●dit an 1594. holnish chron f. 1299. Stowe hist an 1579. in Q. Elizabeth Io. Brēt Apolog confess Wittemberg histor Dauidis Georg. Display Art 6. Magdeburg hist cent 3. ca. 11. In their Article receauing onely for canonicall bookes neuer doubted of in the Church and in the others to vse their owne authorizing words perused and by the lawfull authority of the Church of England allowed to be publike plainely manifestly deliuering from all kinde of Authors Greeke and Latine old and late Catholike and Protestant That euery booke in particular not one excepted which they allowe for canonicall Scripture either ●n the old or new testament haue both beene ●oubted of and by their owne men Protestants de●ied for such Therefore it remaineth without question con●rary to this Protestante Article euen by them●elues and their best authority that neither all nor ●ny one of those bookes which vpon this vayne ●retence they haue blotted forth from the Canon ●f holy Scripture and the Roman Church still re●eaueth may be denyed by that Title of sometimes ●eing doubted of for wee should haue noe Scripture ●nonicall at all all bookes thereof hauing beene ●us doubted of By that colour wee might deny ●l Articles of faith which sometimes doubted of ●ue beene concluded and agreed vpon against the ●est heretiks that euer were and all their heresies ●th might and ought to be reuiued againe Sainct ●ul and Sainct Thomas Apostles were thus to ● denied Apostles and thrust out of heauen be●use they had doubted wee might and ought to ● that no conuerted Christian first doubting ●as ●rue Christian neither our first brittish Christian ●nge Sainct Lucius nor Kinge Ethelbert among our Saxons nor any of their first doubting and afterward conuerted Subiects and soe of the whole Christian world doubting or denying before it receaued the law of Christ All Courts Consistories Tribunals and Seates of Iustice and Iudgment ecclesiasticall and ciuil to decide and determine must be ouerthrowne no sentence or decision though of Kings Parlaments or any community is to b● obeyed no doubt no Controuersie hitherto eue● was or hereafter can or may be finally determined nothing but doubtes quarrels Controuersies an● contentions as wee see among Protestants n● peace quiet or vnion must be left vnto vs. Ther● fore this Protestant paradoxe and presumption i● reiecting so many bookes of holy Scripture again both the Latine and Greeke Church onely vnde● colour of being sometime and by some doubte● of being thus grosse and absurd by their ow● Iudgments and proceedings let vs examine wh● this first pure and Apostolike age did Iudge of th● And first to begin with the scripture it selfe of t● The new testament by Protest ●r●st published by King ●ames authority Matth. 6. 2. Cor. 9. Luc. 14. Ioan 9. Hebr. 5. 1. Cor. 1. Hebr. 1. new Testament euen as our Protestants recea● and translate it King Iames his new testament the 6. chapter of Sainct Matthew his ghospell a● the 9. chapter 2. Corinth citeth Ecclesiasticus ● two seuerall places In the 14. chapter of Sai● Luke the 4. chapter of Tobias is cited And in ● 10. chapter of Sainct Ihon the 4. chapter of the ● booke of Machabees And in the 5. chapter to ● Hebrewes the second booke And 7. chapter the Machabees In the 1. chapter 1. Corinth T● first chapter of the booke of wisdome is cited chapter to the Hebrewes citeth the 7. chapter wisdome And the 9. chapter thereof is cited Ro● Rom. 11. cap. 11. And yet wee shall scarcely finde any Text of diuers bookes of the old Testament which our Protestants allowe for canonicall to be cited at any time or place of their new testament as the 4. Booke of the Kings the 1. and 2. of Paralip the booke of the Iudges Ruth Esdras 1. and 2. Esther Ecclesiastes Cantica canticorum Abdias Sophonias Therefore wee are as well warranted by this argument of concordance of Scriptures and that holy authority to receaue for canonicall Scriptures of the old Testament all those bookes which our Protestants haue excluded as those they haue receaued The Canons ascribed to the Apostles and published by Sainct Clement per me Clementem Concil gener 6. can 2. Successour to S. Peter in this age are plainely acknowledged by the sixt generall Councell to haue beene receaued by the holy Fathers before them as deliuered from God firmi stabilesque maneant qui à sanctis patribus qui nos praecesserunt susceptiac confirmatisunt atque à Deo nobis etiam traditi sunt sanctoctorum Apostolorum nomine 85. Canones These doe Canon Apostolor can 85. vl● ●n the last Canon expressely receaue the books of ●he Machabees Esther and the booke of Ecclesiasticus for holy Scriptures of the old testament Ve●erandi ac sacri libri veteris Testamenti In the very same māner as they doe the others which our Pro●estants allowe for such Sainct Clement often ci●eth Clem. epist 1. 2. Apostolic constitut li. 2. c. 4. cap. 21. c. 49. 51. cap. 63. l. 3. cap 3. l. 6. c. 19. 23. 29. l. 8. l. 7. and alloweth for bookes and parts of the old Testament Baruch Ecclesiasticus Sapientia To●ias The prayer of Manasses the history of Su●anna the booke of Esther those parts of Daniel which our Protestants reiect the bookes of Ma●habees and others Sainct Ignatius receaueth the booke of Daniel which our Protestants deny Ecclesiasticus Sainct Policarpus approueth Tobias Ignat. epist ad Philadelph epist ad maynesian epist ad Heron. Polycarp epist ad Philippen Dionis l. de diu nom cap. 4. Ecclesiast Hier. c. 2. de diu nom c. 7. Sainct Denys the Areopagite conuerted by Sainct Paul alloweth the booke of wisdome calleth the part of Daniel excluded by our Protestants diuine Scripture Diuina scripta These be all or the chiefest writers especially by Protestants allowance in this first age and consideringe how few of their works are
Luther Iohn Caluine Thomas Cr●mar or whosoeuer in any time or place a● preacher of the cōtrary truth as Protestants wo● haue it yet this man being but one could not mal● a congregation of faithfull men which must ne● be a number nor preach the pure word of God ● ●●ongregation of faithfull men nor duely minister ● the Sainaments according to Christs ordinance no s● Protest Cōf. Helu Gallic Angl. Scotic Belg. Polonū Argent Augustan Saxonic wittemb Palatin Bohemich Parliament Henric. 8. Edw 6 Eliz. Can Comm. bookes Iniunct Canōs faithfull men or congregation yet being to prea● and minister them vnto which is a generall a● vnanswearable demonstration by this Protes● article it selfe that the Church could neuer so ●nerally erre nor their new pretended congregat● be any part or parcell of the true Church Wh● is also manifest by their fourteene fifteene or m● seuerall Protestant confessions and pretended ●gregations euery on of them different from ot● and with it selfe also as here in England the ● Church of Kinge Henry VIII King Ed●● Queene Elizabeth King Iames and King ●harles at open warrs with themselues both in ●ctrine and Sacraments as their seuerall approued ●wes Parlaments proclamations Synods Ca●ns Iniunctions Litanies communion bookes ●thorized Orders of prayer conferences and de●ees are too great witnesses And to quench the ●ey malice of the Protestāts against the Church of ●ome our Mother Church as lately King Iames ●ed it they saying in this article the Church ● Rome hath erred in matters of faith The Apo●like men which liued this age will teach the ●ntrary First whereas all agree that Sainct Peter was Bi●op liued and died there Sainct Dionisius the A●opagite saith hee was the most auncient and ●eifest head of diuines Petrus maximum antiquissi●mque Dionis Areopag l. de diu nom cap. 3. Eccles Hierarch c. 9. Ignat. ep ad Rom. in ●itul Theologorum columen And testifieth plaine● that without doubt he was Prince or cheifest of ●e Apostles Ipse discipulorum facile princeps Sainct Ignatius proueth the Roman Church ●s the sanctified and ruling Church Ecclesia san●ficata quae praesidet in loco Regionis Romanorum That was the Church which was sanctified il●minated by the will of God who created all ●ings which belong to the faith loue of Christ ●sus God our Sauiour the Church worthy of ●od most decent to be blessed praysed worthy ● be obtained most chast and of excellent charity ●ioying the name of Christ and his father and re●enished with the holy Ghost Ecclesia sanctificata ● illuminata per voluntatem Dei qui omnia creauit ●ae pertinent ad fidem charitatem Iesu Christi Deo ●gna decentissima beatificanda laudanda digna quae quis potiatur castissima eximiae charitatis Chr● patris nomine fruens spirituque plena And plai●ly of the Christians of Rome that they v● ioined in body and soule to all the commaun●ments of Christs and replenished with all gra● Spiritu corpore coniunctos omnibus mandatis I● Christi repletos omni gratia Dei absque haesitatione repugnatos ab omni alieno colore Without all do●ting freed from all errour Sainct Clement is ●●nesse Clem. Rom. epist 1. that Sainct Peter was made the foundat● of the Church Simon Petrus veraefidei merito ●tegrae praecicationis obtentu fundamentum esse Eccl● definitus est And was cheifest ruler among the ●postles Nec inter ipsos Apostolos par institutio f●sed vnus omnibus praefuit And calleth him the ●ther Clem. Rom. epist 2. of all the Apostles and that he receaued t● keyes of the Kingdome of heauen Beatum Petr● Apostoluni omnium Apostolorum patrem qui cl● regni caelestis accepit And relating how Sainct Pe● a litle before his constituting him his successour● the presence of the whole Church in auribus to● Ecclesiae committed his chaire and Apostolike supre● power vnto him alone as it was by Christ comm●cated and giuen vnto him In auribus totius Eccle● haec protulit verba Clementem hunc Episcopum v●● ordino cui soli meae praedicationis doctrinae c●●●dram trado Ipsi trado à Domino mihi traditam potes●tem ligandi soluendi vt de omnibus quibusc●● que decreuerit in terris hoc decretum sit in coelis And this is not denied by our Protestant An●quaries Robert Barnes lib. de vit Pontif. Rom. ●● Clement 1. but affirmed from the same authorit● Clemens Romanus à Petro apprehens â manu instit●● est Romanus Pontifex si Epistolis Clementis credend● est Acknowledging those epistles to be the wor● ● Sainct Clement which so testifie In which and ●ers other bookes he giueth lawes for the whole ●hurch which he himselfe sufficiently often wit●sseth writing and sending his decrees to be kept ●d obserued to and by all Bishops Preists all ●ergy men and all Princes greater or lesse and ●nerally vnto all beleeuers Clemens vrbis Romae Clem. epist 3. de offic Sacerd Clericor ●iscopus omnibus Coepiscopis Presbyteris Diaconis ● reliquis Clericis cunctis Principibus maioribus ●noribusuè omnibus generaliter fidelibus This epi●e trāslated by Ruffinus is intituled of the office ●d duty of Priests Clergie men de officio Sacerdotis Clericorum for the whole Church of Christ The ●e commaunde and generall authority of his Sea ●postolike he hath in diuers other bookes Sainct Anaclet epist 1. 2. 3. ●acletus also is so cleare for this primacy and in●libility of the Church of Rome that our Prote●nts confesse it thus as plainely To proue that the Ormer pict Pap. p. 78. Robert Bern. l. de vit pont Rom. in Anacleto ●urch of Rome hath the preeminence ouer all Churches ●eadgeth math 16. vers 18. vpon this rocke will I ●lde my Church and he expoundeth it thus super ●c Petram id est super Ecclesiam Romanam vpon ●s rocke that is vpon the Church of Rome will I ●ld my Church Anacletus writeth that the primacy of the Church of ●me ouer all Churches and ouer all Christian people ●s graunted by our Lord himselfe because saith he said to Peter liuing at Rome vpon this rocke will I ●ild my Church Ab ipso Domino primatum Romanae ●clesiae super omnes Ecclesias vniuer sumque Chri●ani nominis populum concessum esse asseruit quia in●it Petro agenti moriēti Romae dixit tues Petrus ● super hanc petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam Sainct Euaristus writeth the like calling the Euarist ep 1. Church of Rome the head ●●put of Churches ●lexander Alex. 1. ep 1. affirmeth that Christ committed th●●posing of the greatest causes and busines ● Churches to Sainct Peter Prince of the Ap● and to the Apostolike Roman Sea as head of t● Middleton Papist p. 200. Cui sanctae Apostolicae sedi summarum dispos● causarum omnium negotia Ecclesiarum ab ipso● mino tradita sunt quasi
Christ but this one alone Christ did purchase but one militant Church with his pretious blood he hath no more but one such daughter nor true Christians more then one such mother which the same Sainct Clement likewise proueth thus conuenite ad Ecclesiam Domini quam acquisiuit sanguine Christi dilect● primogeniti Const Apost l. 2. c. 65. omnis creaturae Eaest enim altissimi filia quae part●rijt nos per verbum gratiae He cōpareth this Church also to one greate shippe Carrying passengers from all contryes to the desired hauen and harbour saying that God is alwayes the Lord and owne● of it Christ the Master or Gouernour the Bishop cheife ruler vnder him Preists Deacons and other Clergy men euer supply their places and offices therein Similis est omnis status Ecclesiae magnae na● Clem. epist 1. quae per vndo sum Pelagus diuersis è locis regionib● viros portat ad vnam potentis regni vrbem proper●● cupientes Sit ergo nauis huius Dominus ipse omnip●tens Deus gubernator verò sit Christus Tum dem●● proretae officium Episcopus impleat Presbyteri nau●●rum Diaconi dispensatorum locum teneant hi qui ●●techizant nautologis conferantur He giueth also ●● lay persons their place in this shippe saying th● world is the Sea it passeth and witnesseth that th● shippe notwithstanding all stormes and tempest● persecutions tribulations daungers false Prophet● seducers persecuting potentates hypocrites an● whatsoeuer enemies aduersaries and aduersities ● euer is safe and neuer maketh shipwrake fo● Christ euer gouerneth it and the whole Church must endeuour to serue and obey him and his commaundes Saluator Dominus gubernator Ecclesiae suae Martial ep ad Burdegal cap. 11. diligatur ab omnibus ipsius solius praeceptis ac iussis credat obediat omnis Ecclesia Thus Sainct Clement from the Apostles themselues And Sainct Martial also teacheth that the Church of Christ is so firme it can neuer fall nor be broken And yet in the same place he teacheth that the deuill and heretiks his vassals and instruments shall neuer cease to labour and fight against it Inimicus venturus est vt superseminet in populo Dei grana errorum Sed firma Ecclesia Dei Christi nec cadere nec disrumpi poterit vnquam Venient praesumptores absque gratia Dei loquentes quorum gloria labiorum procedit ex superbia similes illi qui superbiâ caelum praesumens habitare mox de caelo cum Angelis suis sequacibus ruit in aeternam voraginem Hi docebunt aliam doctrinam quae aliena est à Deo amica autem diabolo per quam ipse spiritus erroris animas post se trahere festinabit Which cannot more properly be applyed to any sects of heresies then the libertine Protestants so first arising encreasing and subsisting by wanton and lewde licentiousnesse S. Dionysius Areopagita wrote a whole booke Dion Areop l. de Eccles Hierarch in Greeke yet euery where extant de Ecclesiastica Hierarchia of the Ecclesiasticall Hierarchy or holy order which was in his time and to continue euer in the neuer fayling or ceasing Church of Christ All the Apostles so firmely and vniformely beleeued Clem. Rom. epist 1. Ruff. in exposit Symbol Leo i● mul●is locis and professed this doctrine as a necessary article of faith for all Christians and to obtaine saluation by as the rest and so proposed it vnto all in their Symbolum as Sainct Clement then liuing Ruffinus S. Leo and all Christians acknowlegde Credo Sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam euer to be an Article of faith as the others which possible could not be true if at any time Christ should want a Church holy and Catholike And our Protestants of England in these their articles doe twise in one article before intituled of the three Creeds make and receaue it with the other articles of their Creede an article of faith throughly to be receaued and beleeued For So they define The three Creeds Protest artic of Relig. art 8. Nicene Creede Athanasius Creede and that which is commonly called the Apostles Creede ought throughly to be receaued and beleeued affirming further they may be proued by most certaine warrants of holy Scripture And both in the Apostles and Nicen Creede this article is contained with the rest This is also confirmed in their publike communion Engl. Protest com booke ●it Catechisme booke vsed in their Churches and allowed by their Parlaments where besides the Article of the Apostles Creede I bel●eue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church they say vnto God in the canticle Te Deum as they translate it The holy Church Tit. morning prayer through all the world doth knowledge thee And in their Creede of the Nicen Councell they Nicen Creede plainely professe and beleeue that from the Apostles till now and euer after there is and shal be one holy Catholike and Apostolike Church vnam sanctam Catholicam Apostolicam Ecclesiam Where the Church is euer one holy Catholike and the same in all matters of faith it was in the Apostles time And in this sense and no other they haue in their 19. article before described or defined the Art 19. supr Church of Christ to be one congregation of faithfull men with true preaching and due ministration of Sacraments in all things necessary and requisite according as Christ ordained And their publike glosse vpon this 19. article diuiding it into diuers propositions and making this the second proposition There is Thomas Rogers in art 19. proposit 2. but one Church When wee doe say that the Church is visible and that there is a westerne East Greeke Latine English Church wee meane not that there be diuers Churches of Christ but that one and the same Church is diuersely taken and vnderstood and also hath many particular Churches as the Sea many Riuers and armes branching from it For the visible Church is not many congregations but one company of the faithfull For proofe of this out of Scriptures they cite diuers texts Rom. 12. 5. 1. Cor. 10. 17. 1. Corint 12. 13. 27. Gal. 3. 28. and conclude thus all Gods people meaning Protestants agree with vs in this point And particularly cite Confess Hel●et 2. cap. 17. Bohe. cap. 8. Gal. art 26. Belg. art 27. August art 27. Wittemb art 32. Sueu art 15. and these Protestant Confessions so agree I will onely cite two for the rest one of Heluetia for the Caluinists and for the Lutherans that of Wittemberge where Luther liued as Caluine in Heluetia The Heluetian confession saith Cum semper vnus Confessio Heluet. c. 17. modo sit Deus vnus mediator Dei hominum Iesus Messias vnus item gregis vniuersi Pastor vnum huius corporis caput vnus denique spiritus vna salus vna fides vnum testamentum vel foedus necessariò consequitur vnam duntaxat esse Ecclesiam quam propterea Catholicam
nuncupamus quod sit vniuersalis diffundatur per omnes mundi partes ad omnia se tempora extendat nullis vel locis inclusa vel temporibus Seing alwayes there is onely one God one mediatour of God and men I●sus the Messias also one Sheepheard of the vniuersall flocke one heade of this body to conclude one holy Ghost one saluation one saith one testament or league it necessarily followeth that there onely is one Church Which therefore wee name Catholike because it is Vniuersall and diffused through all parts of the world and extendeth it selfe to all times not concluded within any places or times This holy Church of God is called the house of the liueinge God builded of liuely and spirituall stones and seated vpon an vnmoueable rocke and vpon a foundation on which no other thing can be placed and therefore it is called the pillar and supporter of truth Haec Ecclesia Dei sancta vocatur domus Dei viuentis extructa ex lapidibus viuis spiritualibus imposita super petrā immotā super fundamentū quo aliud loc ari nō potest ideo nuncupatur etiam colūna basis verit ati● 1. Tim. 3. The Lutheran Religion or confession of Wittemberge saith credimus confitemur quod vna sit Confess Wirtemberg cap. de Eccl. sancta Catholica Apostolica Ecclesia iuxta Symbolum Apostolorum Nicaenum Quod haec Ecclesia ● Spiritu sancto ita gubernetur vt conseruct eum perpetuo ne vel erroribus vel peccatis pereat Quod in hac Ecclesi asit verapeccatorum remissio Quod haec Ecclesia habeat ius iudicandi de omnibus doctrinis Quod haec Ecclesia habeat ius interpret and aescripturae Ecclesia habet certam promissionem perpetuae praesentiae Christi Cap. de Concilijs gubernatur à Spiritu sancto Wee beleeue cōfess● that there is one holy Catholike and Apostolike Church according to the Creede of the Apostles and Nicen Councell That this Church is so gouerned by the holy Ghost that he preserueth it for euer that it perish not either by errours or sinnes That in this Church there is true remissiō of sinnes th●● this Church hath authority to Iudge of all doctrines That this Church hath authority to interpret the Scripture The Church hath certaine promise of the perpetuall presence of Christ and is gouerned by the holy Ghost By this it is euident by all Testimonies of this Apostolike age and these Protestants themselues that the true Church of Christ neuer did shall or can erre in any Iudgment decree sentence or profession in matters of faith but is pure Catholike and Apostolike in all such in all times and places And this article either denying or doubting of such power and prerogatiue in the true Church is very Idle or Antichristian taking away all certaine and holy Religion of Christ As also that the Church which was when these heresies began euen Catholike and vniuersall in all places and had beene so in all times before hath beene so euer since and still so continueth and florisheth is that true holy Catholike Apostolike Church which the holy Scriptures Fathers of this age and the Article of our Creede giue testimony vnto And the Protestant particular Confessions and congregations of Heluetia Fraunce England Scotland Belgia Poland Argentine Ausburgh Saxony Wittemberge the Palatine of Rheine Boheme and perhaps some others being onely of particular Contryes or Townes and onely of some and not all persons of them cannot be possibly Catholike for place and as vnpossibly for time the eldest of them by their owne testimony and confession vnknowne vntill the yeare of Christ 1530. the Confession of Ausburge first began not printed vntill the yeare 1540. the Confession of Boheme 1532. Heleutia 1536. Saxony 1551. England 1562. Scotland 1581. the like of the rest These nor any of them by the same reason can be Apostolike arising so many hundreds of yeares after the Apostles time None of all these can be that one Church which was euer those being diuers from that among themselues at warres both for Sacraments discipline doctrine None of their cōgregations or cōfessions yet hath brought forth any one man or woman knowne which in their owne Iudgment or sentēce is honoured or calendred for a Saint though their calenders chronicles and histories be full of Saints which were of the Roman Church and Religion They haue taken away and ouerthrowne many thousand foundations of holynesse and piety their owne first foundation in such kinde is yet to begin this cannot be the one holy Catholike and Apostolike Church of Christ which our Creeds doe teach vs being in all respects diametrically opposite or rather contradictory to whatsoeuer is or can be defined or described as they themselues define the true Church by those attributes properties or distinctiue differences to be one to be holy to be Catholike and vniuersall in all times places and points of doctrine and Sacraments and to be Apostolicall continued without intermission from the Apostles in sound and Apostolicall Christian Religion in all articles and matters of faith And thus it was confessed and professed by our Christian Britains from their first couersion in the Apostles time as these men themselues haue before deliuered THE IX CHAPTER The 21. Article so examined and condemned THE Article which followeth 21. in number is intituled of the authority of generall Councels And in these their words Generall Councels may not be grathered to gether without the commaundement and will of Princes And when they be gathered for asmuch as they be an assembly of mē whereof all be not gouerned with the spirit and word of God they may erre and some time haue erred euen in thinges pertaining vnto God wherefore things ordained by them as necessary to saluation haue neither strength nor authority vnlesse it may be declared that they be taken out of holy Scripture Hitherto this English Protestant Article The first part of it requiring of necessity the commaundement and will of Princes for the validity of Councels is singular not onely against Catholiks but all Confessions of Protestants not any one consenting in this matter with our English Protestants as is euident in those confessions Neither doe the Protestants of Britaine agree herein but all they whom they terme Puritans or Disciplinarians are quite of an other opinion And the Parlament Protestants themselues of best Iudgment doe euen with publike allowance condemne it Thus with such approbation they write of themselues Protestant relation of Religion cap. 47. The Protestants are seuered bandes or rather scattered troopes each drawing diuers wayes without any meanes to pacifie their quarrels to take vp their controuersies No Prince with any preeminence of Iurisdiction aboue the rest no Patriarcke one or more to haue a common superintendance of care of their Churches for correspondancy and vnity no ordinary way to assemble a generall Councell the onely hope remaining euer to
assuage their contention The other haue the Pope as a common Father aduiser and conductor to all to reconcile their Iarres to appease their displeasures to decide then difference aboue all things to drawe their religion by consent of councels to vnity And this is euidently and experimētally knowne to be true by all men no Prince or Potentate spirituall or temporall except the Pope of Rome either hauing or pretending to haue any such power as is necessary to call assemble a generall Councell And for Protestant Princes none clayming such prerogatiue but onely in his owne temporall dominions it is absolutely vnpossible that any such assembly of Bishops which could deserue the name of one halfe or third or lesse part of a generall Coūcell from all Christian Kingdomes and contries should at any time or place be called and gathered together by any such pretended power And if wee should allowe meere lay and prophane men Souldiars The Subscriptiōs of these Protestants confessions Captaines Rebels and heretikes without knowledge in diuinity or humane duty to haue decisiue voyces in Ecclesiasticall matters and to offord to euery common Artizan the place and office of holy and learned Bishops in such assemblies Iudgmēts it were a thing most ridiculous And further to say that all the Bishops and Catholike Cleargy men in all those contries where Protestant confession haue beene kept were present and consented vnto them all those assemblies and conuenticles could not come to be the halfe of a fourth part of a Councell generall out of the whole Christian world There was not in any of forreine conuenticles and conciables any one man bearing the name of a Bishop which inuented them or subscribed vnto them as is euident in their subscriptions neither any one such at this day amōg them except in Scotland whether some of King Iames his bastard Bishops haue crept sent or appointed by his regall supremacy from the newly hatched broode of England which neither now hath or had any one true and lawfull Bishop at the enactinge and first shaping of these articles called forsooth Anglica confessio the confession of England and now scarcely a man to be founde in England Scotland Fraunce or other contry where those confessions were first vented which consenteth vnto them Diuers of them of late as of Bohemia the Palatinate of Rhyne and others in Germany wholly ouerthrowne and all returned to the Catholike faith and the rest so farre at variance and distastes with their confessions as wee see in England the late bookes of Doctor Montague and him that gathered the booke of prayers priuiledged by the present Protestant Bishop George of London both them iustifiable by this booke of articles their communion booke and other allowed rules of their religion are esteemed and accompted for straūge wonders among the present called Protestants And to shew of what validity these pretended peeces of Protestants Councels and confessions were from the beginning in their owne Iudgment disablinge all such as be not gathered together by the commaundement and will of Princes except here in England where a woman was head in al● things both temporall and spirituall there was n●● either the commaundement will or assent of a●● true lawfull and cheife Prince to those confession● but the contrary those assemblies and Confessio● being gathered and concluded by refractory disobedient and vndutifull people as is euident in th● very Protestant proceedings and histories of the● all In the confession of Ausburg the Protestant p●blishers of it say that Ihon Duke of Saxony E●ctour George Marquesse of Brandeburge Ernestus Duke of Luneburge Philip Lansgraue ● Subscriptio confessionis Augustanae Hesse Ihon Frederike Duke of Saxony Franc● Duke of Luneburge Walfangus Prince of Anha● the Senats of Nurnberge and Reutling subscribe● but by their owne confession they subscribed ● subiects to the Emperour and protesting their fidelity vnto him Caesareae maiestatis v●strae fideles o● subditi And the Emperour their Supreame Lord and Prince neuer consented vnto it No Prince ●● Potentate Protestant that consented vnto any ● these confessions neuer had or claymed any Iuridiction or power spirituall or temporall ouer ● other or any one other Prince or contry and so no● generall Councell euer was or can be called b● any right or title claymed or pretended in their religion all Protestants agree the true Church e●● had hath and shall haue true discipline Sac●ments and due ministration of them and true d●ctrine in all things necessary none of these co●fessions thus agree together And the Protestan● of England with their temporall Princes spiritua● Supremacy with two onely Sacraments and d●uerse points of necessary doctrine differ from the● all Neither euer was there any Christian temporall prince King or Emperour or euer like to be that did or shall Reigne ouer all prouinces and contries where Christians did doe and are to liue hereafter yet councels haue beene kept and lawfully called euen such as be named generall from the beginning and before any Christian King was in the world and were lawfully kept and called contrary vnto and against the temporall Princes will and commaundement The Apostles themselues kept diuers councels in such manner The Scripture witnesseth that S. Peter and the Apostles assembled in Councell to be called generall for that time consisting of all the Apostles hiomnes erant perseuerantes vnanimiter Act. cap 1. and almost 120. Petrus in medio fratrum dixit erat autem turba hominum simul f●re c●ntum viginti when Sainct Matthias was chosen in the place of Iudas It was a generall Councell also for that time Act. cap. 6. which was called and kept by the Apostles When Sainct Stephen and the other 6. Deacons with him were chosen remembred in the 6. chapter of the Acts of the Apostles For both all the Apostles and disciples being then very many crescente numero Act cap. 6 discipulorum were present at it called thither by Apostolike authority both without and against the consent will or liking of any temporall Prince It was also a generall Councell for that time when S. Paul S. Barnabas with others Paulus Barnabas Act. cap. 18. Clem. Rom. const Apost l. 6. cap. 12. quidam alij went a long Iorney to the rest of the Apostles and disciples at Hierusalem about the question then moued concerninge circumcision For these were receaued by the Church Apostles and others of the Clergy there Suscepti sunt ab E●clesia ab Apostolis senioribus And the Apostles with the disciples and rulers of the representatiue Church gaue resolution and sentence vpon that doubt Placuit Apostolis senioribus cum omni Ecclesia So wee may say of the councels wherein the Canones Apostol Const Apost l. 6. c. 12. Canons of the Apostles and their constitutions registred by S. Clement and remembred in many auncient writers Greeke and Latine were made The like is also set downe by S. Clement when Clemens
builde● before S. Ioseph and his holy companians ca●● hither and here founded by them wholly finished Antiquitat glast tabulis fix sup S. Augustinus in Ecclesia S. Edmundi Matth. parker An●iquit Britan. c. 2. p. 3. edit Hanouiae an 1605. and perfected dedicated also to the blessed Virgi● Many Primi Catholicae legis Neophyta antiqua● De● dictante repererunt Ecclesiam nulla hominion arte v● referunt constructam immo ●umanae saluti à Deo p●●atam quam postmodum ipse caelorum fabricator m●ltis mir●culorum gestis multisque virtutum mysterij● 〈◊〉 Sanctaeque Dei Genitr●ci Mariae se consecrasse monstrauit This was in the ●1 yeare after the Passion of Christ and after the assumption of our lady 15. Anno post Passionem Domini 31. post Assumptio●e● Gloriosa Virginis 15. When few other Saincts in the lawe of Christ were deceased this life and then in heauen Thus were our Two first Churches dedicated here by greatest warrant to the honour of the blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God where shee assisted and protected her Suppliant Seruants and petitioners there And S. Bede with all Antiquaries Catholiks Protestants consenteth that the Britans kept their first faith inuiolate and whole vntill the cruell persecution of Dioclesian Bed histor Eccl Angl. l. 1. cap. 4. susceptam fidem Britanni vsque in tempora Dioclesia● 〈◊〉 inuiolatam integramque quieta in pace serua●●● And when this Kingdom was generally ●●●●erted which happend in the succeding age all ●●● Temples before founded to false Gods were by common and greatest authoritie in all opinions 〈◊〉 now whatsoeuer of the holy pope S. Eleu●●●●i●s his legats and our holy kinge S. Lu●●us c●●●nged into Christian Churches dedicated to God and his Saincts Templa quae in honore plurimo●●● Galfrid histor Briton l. 4. c. 19. Matth. west an 185. Deorum fundata fuerant vni Deo eiusque San●●●● dedicanerunt So they dedicated Churches to ●●● holy Angels namely S. Michael the Archangel ●●●oured and prayed vnto him and he protected Antiquitat glaston manuscript epistol S. Patricij Capgr catal in S. Patric Ioseph Bed hist l. 1. c. 7. Matth. westin An. 303. Manuscript Antiq. Iacob gemen in vit S. Amphibali Cap grau in eod in S. Alban Gradual antiq miss Sarisb in festo S. Albani litan Angl. antiq ante bapt commend anim● ●●em Phaganus Damianus Oratorium aedificauerunt in honore S. Michaelis Archangeli quatenus ibi ab hominib●● haberet honorem qui homines in perpetuos honores i●●ente Deo est introducturus So they prayed vnto the Saincts as is euident in the Examples of Sainct Heraclius our Martyr at the death of our fist Martyr S. Alban praying to him and heard and helped by him And S. Amphibalus that conuerted Saint Alban thus prayed vnto him both to be assisted by him and the holy Angels Sancte Albane Deum nostrum depreceris vt mihi Angelum bonum obuiam mittat ne mihi praedo truculentus obsistere nec Iter meum pars iniqua valeat impedire So it was in all after times which I am not to speake of in this place but thus may end this tedious and confused Article stuffed with so many fulshoods and aunciently condemned heresies I may be more breife in the rest of their followeing Articles not conteyning so many particulars THE IX CHAPTER The 23. article examined THeir next Article the 23. in number is this ● is not lawfull for any man to take vpon him ●● office of publik preaching or ministring the Sacrame●● in the Congregation before he be lawfully called ●● sent to execute the same And those wee ought to Iudg● lawfully called and sent which be thosen and called ● this worke by men who haue publik authoritie giu● vnto them in the Congregation to call and send mi●●sters in the Lords vineyard This is the whole Article wherein there is no controuersie with or again● the Church of Rome neuer allowing any fo● Preists or publike ministers of the holy Sacraments but such as are duely and truely consecrate● in the Sacrament of holy orders onely ministre● by lawfully and Canonically Sacred Bishops a● the doctryne and practise of this Apostolike ag● was as I haue proued before and S. Ignatius wit● S. Ignatius epist ad Smyrnen others thus proue vnto vs Non licet sine Episcop● baptizare neque offerre neque sacrificium immol●●● neque Dochen celebrare sed quodcumque illi vis●● fuerit secundum beneplacitum Dei vt tutum ra●●●sit saci at is No Sacrament could be ministred nothing done in the Church without the Bishop● authoritie and approbation No man could be ● Preist minister Sacraments or exercise any Ecclesiasticall order or function but onely such as wer● Epistol ad Heron. consecrated thereunto by lawfull Bishops Nih●●sine Episcopis facito baptizant sacrificant elig●●● manus imponunt And these Protestants themselue● both in their Booke of their pretended consecration Protest Booke of consecrat pref per tot artic 36. infra prot glosse vpon the same canons Iniunctious c. and their 36. Article hereafter intituled of Consecration of Bishops and Ministers as also their publik glosse therevpon and common practise do thus testifie The Superioritie and authoritie which Bishops and Archbishops do exercise in ordering ●●d consecrating of Bishops and Ecclesiasticall ministers i● grounded vpon the word of God From the Apostles d●●es hither to there neuer wanted à Succession of Bis●ops neither in the East nor westerne Churches And from the first nursing of their Religion here in England they euer by their publik proceedings allowed that consecration which was in the Romane Church and most willingly without any addition or ceremony allowed such as were so consecrated to be Preists Ministers and Ecclesiasticall men among them if they would in wordly respects and in externall shew giue any allowance to their Religion And at this day they contend to deriue their owne pretended Bishops and Ministers by Consecration from our Catholik Roman Bishops This Article as their glosse expoundeth it seemeth to haue beene made agaynst the Mancerians Them Rogers Analis vpon the b. of Articles art 23. allowed by the lawf authoritie of the Church of Engl. Anabaptists family of loue and such others risen vp in their Protestāt Schoole denying externall Ordination and calling of cleargie men But being well examined it doth both free the Roman Church as is proued and they confesse and condemneth all Protestants in the world First for forreyne Protestants none of them take or clayme ordination true or pretended from eyther true or pretended Bishops and so by that is already saide are vtterly condemned by this Article And for our English Protestants which pretended a calling and ordination by Bishops they are in the same case by their owne decree in this Article for therein they say that men lawfully called and sent be onely they which be chosen and called by men who haue publike
Preist is to offer Sacrifice and Minister other Sacraments and Deacons are to Minister vnto them in such holie mysteries and so must needs haue power giuen them accordingly in their consecration and this was so with the Apostles and Ignat. epistol ad Heronem Diaconum the first Preists and Deacons Sac●rdotes sunt T● verò Diaconus Sacerdotum Minister Baptizan● sacrificant manus imponunt tu verò illis ministras vt Sanctus ille Stephanus Iacobo presbyteris qui Epistol ad Trallian erant Hierosolymis Oportet Diaconos mysteriorum Chtisti ministris per omnia placere nec enim ciborum potuum ministri sunt sed Ecclesiae Dei administratores Ipsi itaque tales sunt at vos reueremini illos vt Christum Iesum cuius vicarij sunt Episcopus Typum Dei Patris omnium gerit presbyteri verò sunt consessus quidam coniunctus Apostolorum chorus Sine his Ecclesia electa non est nullasine his Sanctoru● congregatio nulla Sanctorum electio Quid Sacerdotium aliud est quam sacer caetus consiliarij assessore● Episcopi Quid verò Diaconi quàm imitatores Angelicarum virtutum quae purum inculpatum ministerium illi exhibent vt sanctus Stephanus beato Iacobo Timotheus ●nius Paulo Anacletus Clemens Petro Qui igitur his non obedit sine Deo prorsus impurus est Christum contemnit constitutionem eius imminuit S. Martial deliuereth plainely a cheife and principall cause of the honour and excellencie of this Sacrament of holie Orders because among other eminencies thereof Bishops and Preists offer and Deacon assist them therein the most holie sacrifice of Christs bodie and blood vpon an holie Altar the very same which the Iewes did by malice offer Martial epist ad Burdegal cap. 3. when they crucified Christ Sacerdotes honorabatis qui decipiebant vos sacrificijs suis qui mutis surdis statuis offerebant Nunc autem multò magis Sacerdotes Dei omnipotentis qui vitam vobis tribuunt in calice viuo pane honor are debetis Christi corpus sanguinem in vitam aeternam offerimus Quod Iudaei per Inuidiam immolauerunt putantes se nomen eius à terra abolere nos causa salutis nostrae in ara sanctificata proponimus scientes hoc solo remedio nobis vitam The Britan● here so held praestandam mortem effugandam hoc enim ipse Dominus noster iussit nos agere in sui commemoratio●em This was also the doctrine of our first Christian Gildas l. de excid conq Britan. c. 26. manuscript antiq de tit S. Patricij Capg in cod Gi●ald Ca●mb Britans Their Preists were consecrated to offer the heauenly Sacrifice at the holie Altar They conse●rated Christs bodie and blood with their mouthes ●roprio ore And of all the people in the world as ●heir Antiquities witnes they most honoured clear●ie men in such respects Ecclesiasticis viris longè ●agis quàm vllā gentem honorē deferentes Their Bishops were consecrated with holie Chrisme imposition in descript cambr c. 18. of hands and consecrating words in consecratione Pontificum capita eorum sacri Chrismatis infusione perungere cum Inuocatione sancti Spiritus manus impositione The hands of Preists were consecrated Gild. l. de excid Britan. in castigatione Cleri to offer and handle the blessed Sacrifice Benedictione initiantur Sacerdotum manus S. Paule in diuers places proueth it giueth grace so making it a true and proper holie Sacrament Noli negligere 1. Timoth. 4. gratiam quae in te est quae data est tibi cum impositione manuum presbyterij And admoneo te vt resuscites 2. Timoth. 1. gratiam Dei quae est in te per impositionem manuum mearum And Christ himselfe by his owne example and testimonie S. Iohn the Euangelist so recording affirmeth that the holie ghost and power to forgiue sins were giuen in this Sacramentall ceremonie Io 20. Accipe Spiritum fanctum quorum remiseritis peccata remittuntur eis And it is the witnesse of God that holie Orders is the worke of the holie ghost Dixit Spiritus sanctus Segregate mihi Saulum Act. 13. Barnabam in opus ad quod assumpsi eos Tunc i●iunantes orantes imponentesque eis manus dimiserunt illos It is confessed by the greatest Protestant authoritie in England of King Protestant Bishops K. Iames and his protest publike conference at hampton court Couell def of hooker p. 87. and others their best scollers in their publike examen of their Religion That this power of Orders giuen as they pretend by imposition of hands I● diuinae Ordinationis and de iure diuino The ordin●●ce of God and by his diuine lawe To these persons G●● imparted power ouer his mysticall bodie which is ●● societie of soules and ouer that naturall which is himself Mod. ex●mina● pag. 105. 155. def of hooker pag. which antiquitie doth call the making of Christ body The power of the ministry by blessing vis●● elements it maketh them inuisible grace giueth 87. 88. 91. daily the holy ghost it hath to dispose of that flesh which was giuen for the life of the world and that blood which was powred out to redeeme soules It is a power which neither Prince nor potentate King nor Caesar on earth can giue The Apostles did impart the same power to ordayne which was giuen to them And in their publikly authorized Rituall and Protest Booke of Consecrat in Order Bish. and Preists booke of consecration or making Protestant Bishops and Preists warranted by their parlaments in these very Articles and their generall practise in ordayning all their Church men it is diuers times and plainely confessed both by words and actions that the holy ghost grace and power to giue grace and forgiue sinnes is infallibly giuen Protest confat hampton Communion Booke Titul visitat of the sike by the externall signe or ceremony vsed therein And both their publike conference and examen of their Religion and the common booke of their Church seruice do proue and giue warrant from hence from their ministers to forgiue sinns by such power committed to them from God in their ordination Therefore if there be any ground or warrant for the Protestant Religion of England or any one point or article thereof though but such as they pretend for the proposers and authorizers thereof whether Protestant Prince parlament conuocation canons Articles the publik bookes and practise thereof or whatsoeuer els they can name in this kinde holie Orders and preisthood so vehemently persecuted by them is by their owne doctrine and Religion an holie Sacrament in such proper true sense and meaning as it is vsed in the Romane Church at this time and euer was They were the Messaliani or Massaliani Euchitae or Enthusiastae heretiks about the Damascen de haeresib hist tripart l. 7. Theod. l. 4 c 11.
his ghospell in the words of Christ that it was breade before the words of Consecration accepit Iesus panem But after them the Marc. cap. 14. Manuscrit antiq de prima Instit Ecclesiast Seruit S. Marcus in Missa bodie of Christ HOC EST CORPVS MEVM So he testifieth of wine chaunged into his blood In his Order of Masse receaued and vsed here in Britayne as our old brittish writer of the first Institution of Ecclesiasticall Seruice allowed by our Protestant Antiquaries proueth he calleth it after consecration the holy most boly vnspotted body of Christ Sanctum Sanctissimum Intemeratum Corpus Christi so chaunged from breade likewise of his pretious blood pretiosus sanguis Christi from wine before S. Luke in his ghospell is most playne HOC Luc. cap. 22. EST CORPVS MEVM quod pro vobis datur And being so inseparable a companion to S. Paule as he witnesseth in many places of scripture he could not differ from him in this poynt Neither from Luc. cap. 1. the rest of the Apostles from whom as he writeth in the beginning of his ghospell he receaued what Isidor l. 1. de offic c. 25. de Missa orat Albin l. de diuin offic Egbert Stephan Eduen l. de Sa Magdeburg centur 1. l. 2. cap. 6. col 500. Matth. Parker antiquitat Britan cap. 17. pag. 47. Paschas Ratb lib. de Corp. Sang. Christi Walfrid Strab l. de obseruat cap 22. Martin Polon Supputat temp in S. Petro col 27. Missa antiq S. Petri manuscript Brit. antiq supr cit he wrote therein Sicut tradiderunt nobis qui ab initio ipsi viderunt ministri fuerunt sermonis That S. Peter said masse and deliuered a forme and order thereof to the Church of Christ we haue more witnesses then can easely be cited and their citations more needles seing the principall Protestants themselues confesse it and that it remayned without alteration 200. yeares and more vntill Pope Zepherine added some what vnto it A Christi primo instituto ducentis amplius annis in prima Ecclesia durauit And this as they and others teach was by S. Peter instituente Beato Petro. Yet therein we finde most playnely deliuered that the breade and wine were transubstantiated and chaunged into Christs body and blood Domine Deus noster qui te obtulisti pro huius mundi vita respice in nos super panem istum calicem bunc fac eum immaculatum tuum corpus pretiosum sanguinem And in the masse still vsed Corpus sanguis fiat dilectissimi filij tui And often therein repeted that after consecration it is so chaunged Our old Brittish manuscript of the first Institution of Church seruice with others proue that S. Photinus S. Peters disciple Bishop of Lyons and S. Trophimus Bis 〈…〉 in Fraunce brought this Order of S. Zozimus ep to 1. concil Martyrol Roman die 29. Decemb. in S. Troph Magdeburg cent 1. l. 1. in Troph Old Engl. chron an domini 34. part 4. Peters M●sse thither and all Fraunce receaued it from them Our old English chronicle in our old language pl●inely saith Peter the first Pope was a blessed man and glorious Apostle of Christ he was heade of the Church he said Masse he made our Lords bodie No men can better witnesse what was the doctrine and practise of this cheife Apostle then his renown●d disciple and Successours S. Ignatius and S. Element the one at Antioche the other at Rome both which as I haue before proued from them and shall more hereafter do directly teach Christs ●●all presence in this Sacrament and so transubstantiation and such chaunge of breade and wine into Christs bodie and blood as this Article denyeth for so greate mutation Alteration or whatsoeuer we shall name it cannot possibly be otherwise And our old brittish manuscript saith plainely that this Masse of S. Peter brought into Fraunce by S. Photinus S. Trophinus was afterward car●●ed to S. Clement at Rome to be viewed Cursum Romanum quem Beatus Trophinus Sanctus Photi●●s in Gallijs tradiderunt ad Beatum Clementem quartum loca Successoris Beati Petri Apostol● deportauerunt S. Andrew the Apostle is thought to be the Author Onissa S. Andreae Eccl. Constantin Chrisost of the Masse of the Church of Constantinople named now S. Christostoms in which there is manifest transubstantiation Emitte spiritum tuum super nos super proposita dona haec fac panem hunc pretiosum Corpus Christi tui quod est in calice ifto pretiosum saguinem Christi filij tui transmutans spiritu tuo sancto Which he practised in his life and at his holie martyrdome openly both before Christians and persecuting pagans he th●● professed Ego Omnipotenti Deo immolo quotidi● i●maculatum agnum in al●ari eius carnem poste●quam omnis populus credentium manducauerit agnus q●● sacrificatus est integer perseuerat vinus Thus testified the Preist and Deacons liuing ●● Vit. S. And. per presbyter Diac. Achaie Breuiar Roman Breuiar Salisbur in fest S. Andreae l. de duplici mart inter opera Cypr. Anonymus de vit Apost in S. Andrea Metaphrast in S. Andr. Iuo carn Serm. de Sacram. dedicat Serm. 4 Bernard apud Franc. Eenardent in Iren. l. 4. Alger cont Berengar Iacob gemens in S. Andr. Clem l. 6. Hypotepos Euseb hist Eccl. l. 2. c. 1. Miss● S. Iacobi Eccl. Hierolomitanol his death the Church of Rome ours of England with others in their publik seruice of him S. Cyprian or whosoeuer authour of the booke de ●●plici martyrid amonge his workes The old Anonymus writer of the Apostles lines Symeon Metaphrastes S. Iuo S. Bernard Algerus Iacobus igemensis and others without number S. Iames brother to S. Iohn was soone after Christs Ascension martyred by King Herode as we reade in the Acts of the Apostles cap. 12. by reason whereof much memory is not left of him in histories but being of Christs three most beloued Apostles brother to S. Iohn and companion to S. Peter the two others so inuincibly proued to haue beene professours and practisers of this Catholike doctrine no man can Imagyne hee could be of other minde especially being martyred in Hierusalem where he S. Peter and S. Iohn professing this doctrine as before ordeined the other S. Iames Bishop who in his Order of Masse writeth Rogamus vt Spiritus sanctus adueniens sancta bona gloriosa sua pr●sentia sanctific●● eff●●iat hunc panem Corpus sanctum Christi tui calicem hunc praetiosum sanguinem Christi ●ui Where transubstantiation and chaunge of breade and wine into Christs bodie and blood in the blessed Sacrament by the omnipotent power of God is most playnely deliuered And so must needs be 〈…〉 of this S. Iames as of the other and S. Censura Oriental Hier. Patriār Constinopol ibid. Proclus S. Michol Methon Bessar apud Gul.
ei vim sanandi depellendi morbum fugandi daemones expellendi insidias per Christum spem nostram And by Apostolike Alexander Pap. 1. epistol omnes orth authority commaunde those ceremonies especially of holy water to be perpetuallie vsed by Preists in all Churches aquam sale conspersam populis benedicimus vt ea cuncti aspersi sanctificentur purificentur Quod omnibus Sacerdotibus faciendum esse mandamus So auncient was this holie ceremonie of sanctifying water and salt so cōtinuall generall and inuiolable which our Protestants themselues thus acknowledge Alexander Romanus aquam admixto Robert Barn l. de vit Pont. Roman in Alexandro 1. sale precibus benedicendam eamque in templo domi ad Satanam propellendum ad peccata tollenda seruari iussit So it was in hallowing the water of baptisme S. Clement and others deliuering the verie manner thereof deprecetur Sacerdos instante baptismo Et dicet Clem. const Apost l. 7. ca. 43 l. 8. c. 35. Aspice è Coelo sanctifica hanc aquam tribue gratiam vim qui baptizatur secundum mandatum Christi cum eo crucifixus commortuus consepultus consufutatus sit in adoptionem quae in eo fit vt mortuus quidem sit peccato viuat autem iustitiae There he deliuereth Cap. 42. also the forme and order of hallowing Chrisme to annoint the baptized Benedicitur oleum à Sacerdote in remissionem peccatorum There he deliuereth the abrenuntiation which was made before baptisme Abrenuntiatio sathanae Cap. 41. operibus eius pompis cultui Angelis machinationibus eius omnibus quae subipso sunt He deliuereth Cap. 23. ep 3. const Apost l. 3. c. 16. 10. Iustinus quaes 137. Missa S. Marci Clem. cōst Apost l. 8. c. 12 Ciprianus ep 63. Miss S. Iacob Alexand. 1. ep 1. Iustin orat ad Ant. pium Ireneus l. 4. c. ●7 lib. 5. cap. 2 Dion Areop l. Eccl. Hier. c. 43. Clem. const Apost l. 3. c. 6. Ignat. epist ad Eph Iren. l 4 c. 20. c. 34. Euarist apud Burchar l. 1. cap. 27. Pius r. apud eund l. 5. c. 47 l. 3. c. 72. Tom. 1 conc c. Clem. can Apost 72. ep 2. the annointing of the baptized vnges oleo sancto caput eorum qui baptizantur siue viri sint siue mulieres It was Dominica Traditio the Tradition euen from Christ that in the chalice water should be mixed with the wine to be offered ne quid aliud fiat à nobis quàm quod pro nobis Dominus Priorfecerit vt calix qui in commemorationem eius offertur mixtus vino offeratur The Apostolike writers of this age assure vs there were altars and they consecrated to consecrate and offer vpon them the blessed and perpetuall sacrifice of Christs body and blood and how they were consecrated as now they are with holy oyle Diuini altaris consecrationem sanctissimorum mysteriorum lex sacratissimi vnguenti castissimis infusionibus perficit And deliuer the verie manner with incense and other ceremonies Pontifex vbi orationem sanctam super diuinum altare peregit ex ipso incensum adolere inchoans omnem plani ambitum circuit Demum ad sanctum altare iterum rediens psalmorum incipiens melos Qui verò ipsius ordinis praecipui sunt vnà cum Sacerdotibus sanctum panem benedictionis calicem sanctis altaribus imponunt So they write of chalices patens and veales hallowed vas aureum vel argenteum vel velum sanctificatum nemo amplius in suum vsum conuertat hoc enim fit contra ius contra leges So of the holie vestiments of Bishops Preists Deacons Subdeacons and others of the Cleargie Sacris induti vestimentis So our Protestants themselues Clem. ep 2. Anac ep 1. Robert Barnes l. de vit Pontif Rom. in Anacle●o confesse Anacletus Sacerdotem sacrificaturum ministros vestibus sacris indutos contestes custodes sibi adhibere ordinauit Episcopus verò vt plures ministros sibi in sacris faciendis adiungat I haue spoken of diuers others before and shall remember more in the 36. of consecration of Bishops and ministers hereafter And our auncient monuments are witnesses that as other nations so all the Churches of Britaine did in the Britans time receaue and followe these manners and ceremonies euen by authoritie of the Romane Church Omnes Britannicae Ecclesiae modum Manuscr an t in vit S. Dauidis Capgr Catal. in eodem regulam Romana authoritate acceperunt Therefore most certaine it is that euerie particular and nationall Church hath not against this article authority to ordaine chaunge and abolish such ceremonies or rites of the Churche as the Protestants of England haue done THE XXVI CHAPTER The 35. 36. articles intituled of homilies and of consecration of Bishops and ministers thus examined and condemned THeir next 35. article intituled of homilies doth onely receaue and allowe to be read in their Protestant Church 2. Bookes of homilies one set fourth in the time of King Eduard the sixt the other in the beginning of Queene Elizabeth her Reigne Of which the reader may easilie giue censure according to that is said and proued in the former articles for wherein soeuer either of those 2. bookes any homilie in them on anie part point or doctrine in anie one of them all doth differ from the first Apostolike Catholike true doctrine inuinciblie proued before those bookes homilies parcels or assertions of them are vtterlie to be reiected and renounced Which the verie times themselues of their publication the condemned erroneous dayes of that King and Queene and their Protestan● composers and publishers likewise condemned for their false teaching and writing doe manifest vnto vs. Their 36. article of Consecration of Bishops and ministers is thus The booke of consecration of Archbishops and Bishops and ordering of Preists and Deacons lately set for the in the time of Edward the sixt and confirmed at the same time by authoritie of parliament doth conteine all things necessary to such consecration and ordering neither hath it any thinge that of it selfe is superstitious or vngodly And therefore whosoeuer are consecrated or ordered according to the rites of that booke since the second yeare of the a forenamed King Edward vnto this time or here after shall be consecrated or ordered according to the same rites we decree all such to be rightly orderly and lawfully consecrated and and ordered Hitherto this article which in euery part thereof is fully confuted before in my Examination of their 23. Article intituled of ministring in the congregation Where I haue demonstratiuely proued that they neither haue any true lawfull Iurisdiction or ordination among them But to do a worke of Supererogation in this so much concerning the standing or ouerth●owe of our Protestants whole religion quite ouerthrowne by this one dispute if they haue no rightly orderly and lawfully consecrated Bishops Preists or Deacons I further thus
Bishop especially an Archbishop bot● the presence concurrence of a lawfull true Archbishop and others such Bishops as their owne pretended Prot. forme and manner of making Bishops Preists and minist Ti●ul consecrat of Bishops in praefat Rite and booke of consecrating Bishops doth thus plainely expresse Then the Archbishop and Bishops sent shall lay their hands vpon the head of the elected Bishop the Archbishop saying Take the holy ghost c. And it proueth further in these words It is euident vnto all men diligently reading holy scripture and auncient Authours that from the Apostles time there haue beene thes orders of ministers in Christs Church Bishops Preists and Deacons Therefore to the intent thes Orders should be continued a●d reuerently vsed in the Church of England it is requisite that no man not being at this present Bishop Preist nor Deacon shall execute any of them except he be called tryed examined and admitted according to the forme hereafter following Which is that booke of King Edward the sixt receaued in this article and approued by their greatest warrants parlament Princes Supreamacie and publike practise among them And therefore howsoeuer either with by or without this booke forme and manner of King Edward their first Protestant pretended Archbishop Matthew Parker maker and allower of all such after as they freely confesse was made his making and admittance was frustrate inualid voide and of noe force by their owne censure and doome against themselues so of all others made by him no Bishop pretending or clayming that honour dignitie and office after by that vaine Idle and vnpossible Title to challendge to haue that or any other thing from him or them which neither had it for themselues or to giue to others And this I haue proued before from the Apostolike men of this age and from the Apostles themselues that a Bishop cannot bee consecrated but by true and vndoubted Bishops Episcopum mandamus Clem. const Apost l 3 c. 20. Anacl ep 2. Clem. const Apost l. 8. c. 33. ordinari à tribus Episcopis velad minus à duobus non licere autem ab vno vobis constitui And againe Episcopus à tribus vel duobus Episcopis ordinetur Si quis ab vno ordinetur Episcopo deponatur ipse qui eum ordinauit This is sette downe for an Apostolicall decree Now lette vs come to King Edwards booke so dignified in this article and particularily examine and disproue the validitie or sufficiency of that forme in euery point thereof And first whereas it maketh mention onely of Clem. const Apost l. 3. c. 11. l. 8. c. 21. 22. 28. ep 2. Ignat. ep ad Antioch ep ad Philadelphien ep ad Philippenses Anacl ep 2. Synod Rom. sub Syluestr c. 7. 11. Canis ep ad faelicem c. 6. Clem. const Apost l. 2. c. 61. Clem. Supr l. 8. const Apost c. 21. concil corth 4. c. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bishops Preists and Deacons to haue beene in the Church from the Apostles time This holie time assureth vs of all other orders now vsed in the Catholike Church to haue beene also in those dayes in vse and practise Subdeacons Acolythists Exorcists Lectours and Ostiarij with their particular and seuerall offices duties consecration or admittance to those degrees and that no man might be a Bishop Preist or Deacon except he had first receaued those orders nifi prius fuisset lector deinde exorcista postea caperet onus Acolithi vt acciperet onus Subdiaconi deinde ad diaconatus honorem pertingeret By their consecration they were ordeined to assist and minister at the holie sacrifice of Masse a Subdeacon for the holie vessels calice paten cruetts Tribue ei spiritum sanctum vt vasa ad ministrandum tibi Domine Deus facta dignè attrectet An Acolithus to light candels and prepare and minister wine for the sacrifice of masse accipiat ceroserarum cum cereo vt sciat s● ad accendenda Ecclesiae luminaria mancipari accipiat vrceolum vacuum ad suggerendum vinum in Eucharistiam sanguinis Christi An exorcist receaued the booke of Exorcismes and power against deuils accipiat de manu Episcopo libellum in quo scripti sunt exorcismi dicente sibi Episcopo accipe commenda memoriae habeto potestatem imponendi manus super energumenos So of Lectour and Ostiarius All thes be wanting in this booke of King Edward and this Protestant Religion and all is wanting in it for which they were ordeined except deuils and possessed persons They may well want both them No true clergie man among Protestants of England and first no Deacon The English Prot. forme of making Bish. pr. and Deac Titul Deacons all Bishops Preists and Deacons also as they do For first their pretended booke of consecration giueth a Deacon onely authoritie to reade the ghospell in their Church for allthough their pretended Bishop layeth his hands one the heade of euerie such parson at his admittance to that office and sayeth vnto him Take thou authoritie to execute the office of a Deacon in the Church of God committed vnto thee Yet they presently interpret and limitte this office to be onely confined in reading the ghospell in thes words Take thou authoritie to reade the ghospell in the Church of God And such is their practise extending a Deacons office no further And they obstinatelie denie that he hath power or office to assist either Bishop or Preist in the holy Sacrifice of Christs blessed bodie and blood as that either Preist or Bishop may or can consecrate and offer the same We finde both the doctrine and practise of this first apostolike age to haue beene otherwise and the cheifest office of a Deacon as the very Greeke name it selfe still testifieth to be as Catholiks still vse it to minister vnto and assist th● Bishop or Preist in his holy Sacrifice So it is plainely witnessed in the old Masses and Miss S. Petri S. Iacobi S. Marci Clem. Const Apost l. 3. c. 20. l. 8. c 28. Missals ascribed to S. Peter S. Iames S. Marke and others S. Clement from the Apostles saith Diaconus ministret Episcopo Presbyteris oblatione ab Episcopo aut Presbytero facta ipse Diaconus dat populo non tanquam Sacerdos sed tanquam qui ministrat presbyteris And expresselie teacheth that it is the office and function of a Deacon thus to minister vnto Bishops and Preists this onelie or principally Diaconus L. 3. c. 20. sup ministret Episcopo Presbyteris id est agat Diaconum reliqua ne faciat And settinge downe the whole forme and Order of Masse sacrifice vsed and approued by the Apostles Bishops and Preists in his time euen from the beginning thereof vnto the end he bringeth in Deacons to performe their holie ministration and seruinge therein Praying to God to accept that Sacrifice Deaconus pronunciet Clem. supr l. 8. c. 19. Rogamus Deus Prodono oblato Domino
God committed vnto thee or both together here is no true consecration of a Deacon in their owne proceedings nor Deacon so made if their pretended consecrating Bishop were a true a lawfull Bishop for first of giuing the new testament Act. 6. and power to reade the ghospell this cannot be the full and lawfull manner to make Deacons The first Deacons in the lawe of Christ being made otherwise by the Apostles as the Scripture witnesseth and before the new testament or anie part thereof was written to be giuen to them or for them to reade the ghospels then vnwritten and vnpossible to be read by them or any at that time or longe after The other of taking authority to execute the office of a Deacon cannot be the manner for first no man can truely and lawfully execute that wherein he hath no power and here is no power of a Deacon giuen in all this their forme and order And Statut. in parliament an 27. Elizabethae Reg. ad 1. Jacobo their owne parlaments and highest authorities in their religion doe not onely disable any man in England Deacon or other to execute the office of a Deacon such as the Apostles and Apostolike men of this age haue deliuered vnto vs but make it an offence of high treason for any lawfull Deacon either to execute that office in any Church Chappell or other place or to be in England without executing any such office or function at all euen reading the ghospell or any other And so if we ioyne this Protestant pretended power to execute the offices of a Deacon and reade the ghospell in the Church together there is not the least power of a true Deacon thereby either giuē or permitted by them in all England vnto any such Deacon to doe or not doe such or any dutie of that holy function And thus much of Deacons No true Preist amon● English Protestants Now it can be no question but the pretended Protestāt Ordination of Preists is altogether vaine Idle and friuolous for being so iuuincibly proued that the cheifest and principall office and function of a Deacon is to assist and minister vnto Preists Bishops in the holy Sacrifice of Christs blessed body and blood at Masse such Sacrificing Preists not heauing any such power before their consecration to holy Preisthood must needs receaue it a● that time otherwise they should still remaine without it as they did before And our Protestants vtterly before denying all such sacrifice and sacrificing power and in this their pretended forme and manner of consecration hauing no thing at all to receaue or allowe it but the quite contrary and by their lawes so straungely persecuting sacrificing Preists and Preisthood this their fashiō of making or ordering their pretended Preists must needs be voyde and frustrate and they still remaine in that lay state in this respect wherein they were before euen from their first birth into the world Their Practise in this pretended consecration is this The Bishops the Preists present shall lay their hand● seuerally vpon the heade of euery one that receaueth orders Prot. forme and manner of maki●g consecr Bish. Preists and Deac Tit. forme of Order of Preists The receauers humbly kneelinge vpon their knees and the Bishop saying Receaue the holy ghost whose sinnes thou doest forgiue they are are forgiuen and whose sinnes thou doest retaine they are retained The Bishop shall deliuer to euery one of them the Bible in his hand saying Take thou authority to preach the word of God and to minister the holy Sacraments in this congregation where thou shalt be so appointed Here is all their pretended consecration of Preists so farre from all meaning or intention to conferre any sacrificing power or Preisthood that before they come to this article in their 31. Article before they thus defined The Sacrifices of Masses in the which it was commonly Prot. art 31. supr sayde that the Preists did offer Christ for the quicke and the deade to haue remission of paine or guilt were blasphemous fables and dangerous deceites In that place I haue inuincibly proued against them both this Sacrifice and sacrificing Preisthood and Preists Institution All his Apostles and all consecrated by them and their Successours were massing and sacrificing Preists all the Apostolike writers of this first age gaue testimony to that doctrine and practise All Masses Missales or publike liturgies of all Churches ascribed to the Apostles themselues and continued by continuall neuer interrupted generall tradition beare witnesse vnto it The holy Prophets so described the Messias by a perpetuall holy Sacrifice to be offered in all places in his time that he should be a Preist after the order of Melchisedech teach and establish that Preisthood neuer to end or cease in his Church Thus taught the most learned rabbines among the Iewes before Christ So the Fathers and common practise of both Greeke and Latine Church with the best least learned Protestant writers euen of England writing and published by their publike allowance and authority as I haue vndeniably proued in that article and there made demonstration by all authothority that Christ at his last Supper when he onely did execute the act and office of his Preisthood according to the order of Melchisedech did ordaine his Apostles sacrificing massing Preists at that time in expresse termes set downe in holy Scripture hoc facite in meam commemorationem To offer his consecrated holy body and blood in Martial ep ad Burdegal cast 3. Clem. Coust Apost l. 8. c. 3. Iustin dialog cum Triphon Irenaeus adu haer l. 4. c. ●2 Eus l. 1 cap. 10. demon Euang elicar Theod. in c. 8. ad Hebraeos Alexa. 1. ep 1. cap. 4. Cyprian l 2. epist 3. ep 63. Ambr. in Psal 38. Gandentius tractat 2. Aug. lib. 83. q. q. 61. Sacrifice as he had done So the Apostolike men of this first age assure vs. Vbique offertur Deo oblatio munda sicut testatus est cuius corpus sanguinem in vitam aeternam offerimus Quod Iudaei per inuidiam immolauerunt putantes se nomen eius à terra abolere nos causa salutis nostrae in ara sanctificata proponimus scientes hoc solo remedio nobis vitam praestandam mortem effugandam Hoc enim ipse Dominus noster iussit nos agere in mei commemorationē Domine omnipotens potestatem Apostolis dedisti offerendi tibi sacrificium mundum incruentum quod per Christum constituisti mysterium noui testamenti Suis discipulis dans consilium primitias Deo offerre eum qui ex creatura panis est accepit gratias egit dicens hoc ●st corpus meum calicem similiter qui est ex ea creatura quae est secundum nos suum sanguinem confessus est noui Testamenti nouam docuit oblationem quam Ecclesia ab Apostolis accipiens in vniuerso mundo offert Deo This was the opinion profession and practise of the
whole Christian worlde in that generally confessed puer and vnspotted time both by Catholiks and Protestants And these men confessing that Christ did not in any other place of scripture giue this sacrificing Preistly power vnto his Apostles the cheife founders of his Church and yet being acknowledged before to be our high Preist according to that Order of Melchisedech and both to offer the Sacrifice thereof and establish it for his perpetuall Preisthood and sacrifice it cannot be said by any but his Apostles were by him ordained sacrificing Preists at that time The words of the power hee then gaue them hoc facite do that which he in that preistly act and office did or had done being spoken by him which had both ample power and intention to giue and continue that preistly order at and in his place and time of Sacrifice and now no longer to continue with his disciples be as significant of that power as the words of consecrating true Preists by true and lawfull Bishops euer vsed in the Church of Christ Accipe potestatem offerre Sacrificium Deo Pont. Rom. in ordinat Presbyteri missasque celebrare tam pro viuis quàm pro defunctis Receaue power to offer vpp sacrifice to God celebrate Masse both for the liuing and deade For as I haue proued before both Christ and his Apostles so did and left that preistly power and practise to posteritie for euer to offer Sacrifice both for the liuing and deade And our Protestants themselues haue with publike allowance confessed it was the generall custome of the primatiue Church so to do and such as impugned ordenied it were iustly condemned for so doing And they haue with Regall Is Casaub resp ad Card. peron pag. 51. 52. Middleton papist omast pag. 51. 92. 113. 44. 137. 138. morton appeale l. 3. cap. 13. sect 1. pag. 394. cap. 13. authoritie and direction from King Iames published that it was the Religion of the King and the whole Protestant Church of England Haec est Regis haec est fides Ecclesiae Anglicanae that the fathers of the primatiue Church did acknowledge one sacrifice in Christian Religion that succeeded in place of all the sacrifices in the lawe of Moses And the King with his Protestants agreed with the Catholiks in their opinion de duplici sacrificio expiationis nempe commemorationis siue Religionis Concerning two Kindes of sacrifice the one of expiation for the world the other commemoratiue or of Religion And this Sacrifice is the bodie of Christ in the Eucharist as Catholiks hold Nobis vobiscum de obiecto conuenit De hoc est fide firma tenemus quod sit Praesentiam credimus praesentiam inquam credimus nec minus quàm vos veram Therefore to giue Preists power to offer this sacrifice there must needs be some consecratorie words or forme to bestowe it vpon them which if we recurre to scripture as thes men must do we can finde nothing there but those words of hoc facite in meam commemorationem spoken at the sacrifice time and place by Christ to those he then ordeined sacrificing Preists And this is most plainely confessed by thes our English Protestants with common and publike warrant both confessing that the order of the preisthood in the lawe of Christ was to offer sacrifice this sacrifice was the bodie and blood of Christ he made his Apostles such Preists at his last supper when he saide those words vnto them Hoc facite in meam commemorationem Marc. Anton. lib. 2. cap. 1. num 3. Do this is my commemoration Ordinis potestatem intelligo ad conficiendam Eucharistiam sacrificij in cruce per Iesum Christum peracti memoriam celebrandam ad quod Sacerdotium quoddam est necessarium Ad hoc Sacerdotium promoti sunt Apostoli à Christo Domino in vltima caena quando eis dixit Hoc facite in meam commemorationem Quando Christus Eucharistiae conficiendae Apostolis dabat potestatem dixit eis Hoc facite in meam commemorationem cap. 3. pag. 193. nimirum id quod me videtis nunc facere vos facite Hoc est sumite panem benedicite frangite porrigite similiter vinum consequenter Apostoli ex ipso facto Christi instructi certè diuina Christi institutione dabant Eucharistiam And they say that Christ in those words gaue power to his Apostles to consecrate or transubstantiate breade into Christs bodie and wine into his blood as he himselfe had done Accepto pane gratias egit fregit dedit cap. 4. pag. ●18 eis di●ens HOC EST CORPVS MEVM quod pro vobis datur Hoc facite in meam commemorationem Panis consecrationem in Corpus Christi vini in sangui●em ipse coram Apostolis fecit eandem ipsi quoque vt facerent frangerent darent expressè mandauit Thus haue our Protestants published with their cheife authoritie Which I haue inuincibly proued before And the Apostles themselues best witnesses of their owne consecration to preisthood and how others are to be consecrated thereto so testifie and direct as S. Clement their disciple thus recordeth from their owne words Quare vos quoque Clem. const Apost l. 5. cap. 20. suscitato Domino offerte Sacrificium vestrum de quo vobis praecepit per nos dicens hoc facite in meam commemorationem The like testimonie is from them of themselues l. 8. const Apost cap. 5. and other Preists before offerendo Sacrificium mundum in●ru●ntum quod per Christum instituisti mysterium noui testamenti So haue others also before And to followe our Protestants Rule in expounding scriptures by comparing places and the new testament to preferre the Greeke Text S. Paule maketh it plaine vnto vs euen in our Protestants proceedings that those words of Christ to his Apostles Do this in commemoration of mee were spoken vnto them onely as Preists then consecrated For in S. Matthew and S. Marke they are not vsed Mat. 26. Mār 14. Lu● 22. at all and in S. Luke they are onely at the deliuery of Christs bodie vnder the forme of bread hoc facite in meam commemorationem and not at the calice But S. Paule saith plainely that he had receaued from our Lord and so deliuered vnto others before he wrote it Ego enim accepi à Domino quod 1. Cor. 11. tradidi vobis and so writeth afterward that Christ said those words to this Apostles twice once at deliuering his bodie the other time at the calice yet it is euident before and our Protestants haue so graunted that lay people haue often communicated onely in one Kinde which had neuer beene lawfull if this commaunde and power in both had beene giuen to them therefore it must needs be a power and commaunde onely to Preists at their holie sacrifice who onely in the holie Masse haue euer and in all places both consecrated offered and there receaued in both Kindes
and no others so euer receaued at all times and places nor the Preists themselues as all writers Catholiks and Protestants confesse And this our Article Protestants themselues in their pretended booke and forme of consecration receaued in this Article Prot. forme and Manner of Making Bish. Preists and Deac in praef and other places do thus acknowledge It is euident vnto all men diligently reading holy scripture and auncient Authours that from the Apostles time there hath beene thes Orders of Ministers in Christs Church Bishops Preists and Deacons which office● were euermore had in such reuerent estimation that no man by his priuate authoritie might presume to execute any of them except he were first called tryed examined and knowne to haue such qualities as were requisite for the same and also by publike prayer with imposition of hands approued and admitted there vnto Where we finde it thus plainely and authoritatiuely with them confessed that Bishops Preists and Deacons were euer in the Church and truely and lawfully ordeined by such forme Order of consecration as was then vsed and thes Preists as they haue confessed in thes their Articles before in thes words vsed the sacrifices of Masses in which it commonly said Pro● Artic. 31. supr was that the Preists did offer Christ for the quick the dead to haue remission of payne or gilt they are so farre from disallowing or disabling our Catholikly consecrating Massing Preists of the Roman Church whom they make Traytours in England to be truely and duely consecrated Preists that if any of them for feare or any other wordly respects will ioyne with rhem in their new Church seruice or profession he is allowed a minister with them without any further pretended order or admittance and they dignifie their first Catholike ordination so much that as they haue bestowed their greatest Church liuing vpon such so they deduce Francis Mason booke of Consecr Ma● Parker Print Antiq. Britan. Sutcliff alij Pont. Rom. in ordinat Presbyteri and deriue their owne pretended ordination onely from such men Matthew Parker Iohn Scory and Miles Couerdale as they freely confesse And yet all our Catholike Pontificals or bookes of ordination do plainely proue testifie that our Preists being Deacons before are consecrated Preists by those words of the Bishop Accipe potestatem offerre sacrificium Take power to offer sacrifice to God and celebrate Masses both for the liuing and dead And immediately before he calleth such a parson ordinandum and quem ordinat Episcopus a man to be ordered and to whom the Bishop giueth preistly order and presently after those words nameth him or them that were thus ordered ordinati Sacerdotes Presbiteri ordinati Preists that be ordered And being thus fully ordered before any other ceremonie vsed by Protestants or not they celebrate the rest of the Masse euen consecrating the blessed bodie and blood of Christ with their consecratour Bishop and as consecrated Preists Presbiteri ordinati post Pontificem in terra genuflexi habeant libros coram se dicentes Suscipe Sancte Pater c. omnia ali● de missa prout dicit Pontifex qui tamen bene aduer●at quòd secretas morosè dicat aliqaantulum alt● ita vt ordinati Sacerdotes possint secum omnia dicere praesertim verba cons●crationis quae dici deben● eodem momento per ordinatos quo dicuntur per Pontificem And to putte all things out of question in this matter The scripture itselfe is euident witnesse that the Apostles themselues were ordered Preists by those words of Christ vnto them Do this in my commemoration equiualent as I haue proued to the forme now vsed in the Roman Church recited for all writers Catholiks and Protestants agree that all the Apostles S. Thomas and the rest were true and most properly lawfull Preists all our preisthood claimed and deduced from them and that they were all present at his last supper when he said the words do this vnto them Discubuit Luc. 22. M●● 26. M●rc 14 duodecim Apostoli cum eo Discumbebat cum duodecim discipulis suis Dedit eis dicens HOC EST CORPVS MEVM quod pro vobis datur hoc facite in meam commemorationem But when he said those words to his Apostles receaue the holie ghost whose sinnes you forgiue they are forgiuen and whose sinnes you reteyne they are reteyned From and by which thes our Protestants do clayme or pretend ordination S. Iohn the Euangelist then and there present doth witnes all were not there and namely S. Thomas was absent Thomas vnus ex duodecim non erat cum eis quando venit Iesus And so could not possibly be made Preist then with those words Yet all agree he was a Preist as perfectly and fully as any Apostle Agayne Iudas the Traitour was a Preist present at the consecration in the last supper of Christ and as S. Peter saith connumeratus erat in nobis Actor c. 1. sortitus est sortem ministerij huius Scriptum est in libro psalmorum Episcopatum eius accipiat alter Psal 68. De loco ministerij Apostolatus praeuaricatus est Iudas Which is more then our Protestants pretend for their pretended Preists or ministers Yet he was hāged deade before Christ spooke the other words and so could not possibly be eyther made Preist or be present then And S. Paule defining a Preist whether of the lawe of Moyses or Christ Hebr. 5. saith euery high Preist or Preist 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 omnis Prontifex is taken forth of men hauing no such power ex hominibus assumptus to offer sacrifice for sinnes V●offerat dona sacrificia pro peccatis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Greeke words and reading which our Prorestants followe are most proper for sacrifice and sacrificing Preists and so both Catholike our Protestant linguists and lexiconaries confesse and translate Masse and Masse Preist Sacrificium 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 à sacrificio sacrificulus Thom. Thomas Scholae cantabrigien dictionar v. v. Sacrificium Sacrificulus al●are Morton Apolog. part 2. pag. 82. appeal l. 2. sect 1. cap. 6 pag. 162. sacrificus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A Preist à Sacrificer à Masse Preist He setteth downe also the Sacrificing altar of Christians as thes our Protestants also translate 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 altare altar and vnseparable correlatiue to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sacrifice as they confesse and the word proueth And the Apostle doth so appropriate that altare to our Christians at holie Masse and the sacrifice of Christs bodie that it can be applied to nothing els saying none but Christians may eate of the sacrifice offered there vpon Habemus altare de quo edere non habent potestatem qui tabernaculo deser●iunt When neither Iew nor gentile is forbidden to beleeue in Christ our Protestants eating but called and exhorted vnto it by all meanes in holie scriptures And the same Apostle
the Queenes letters patents shall be by authority of this Parlament be declared good any matter or thing that may be obiected to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding All persons that haue beene or shall be made Archbishops Bishops Preists ministers after the forme and Order prescribed in the order and forme how Archbishops and should be made by authority hereof be declared and shall be Archbishops Bishops Preists Ministers and rightly made any statute lawe canon or other thing to the contrary notwithstanding Hitherto this Protestant Parlament and Queene Elizabeth taking vpon them more then omnipotent and diuine power for God himselfe euer omnipotent cannot make that a thing done is not or was not done nor a thing ill done to haue beene well done or not ill done The light of reason the light of grace all Philosophers Christians and others agree non est potentia ad praeteritum there is no power or possibility to make a thing that is past not to be past nor otherwise passed thē it passed Therefore when it appeareth by so many testimonies before that men called Bishops by our Protestants were neuer truely and lawfully made Bishops and this Protestant parlament it selfe confesseth not onely that diuers questiōs had beene whether it were duely orderly done according to the law or not but declareth their acts and effects done by them as Bishops to be voyde and of none effect or validitie in the lawe It farre surpassed a womans power or her parlament thereby or any power on earth or higher to make and proue by authoritie of this parlament in her 8. yeare such men by authoritie hereof be declared and shall be Archbishops Bishops Preists Ministers and rightly made any statute lawe canon or other thing to the contrary notwithstanding Producing no other reason but that her highnesse by her supreame power and authoritie hath dispenced with all causes or doubts of any imperfection or disabilitie that can or may in any wise be obiected against the same If Queene Elizabeth and her Protestants would make Episcopall Order and dignity onely an humane inuention she as a temporall greate Prince might haue had place for her dispensation for time to come Though not past in aboue 6. yeares when thousands of such Bishops and ministers were made among them But all Protestants of England King Bishops whosoeuer hauing decreed and deliuered before that it is diuinae ordinationis the ordinance of God an Apostolicall tradition manifest to all the world a canon or constitution of the whole Trinitie enacted for succeeding posteritie it is vtterly vnpossible that any Queens Kings or what dispensation soeuer on earth can or euer could make that which was and is questioned doubtfull imperfect and inualide to be without question doubt perfect and valide either from the beginning any time past or to come hereafter Thus howsoeuer wee examine the making of these Protestant Bishops and ministers by them either by holy scripture witnessing that God placed Bishops in his Church to gouerne it attendite vobis vniuerso gregi in quo vos spiritus sanctus posuit Episcopos regere Act. c. 20. 1. Timoth. 3. 4. Tit. 1. 1. Petr. 5. 2. Timo●h 1. Ecclesiam Dei quam acquisiuit sanguine suo And not a woman or child Queene Elizabeth and King Edward the 6. by a new deuised manner or by the Apostolike Fathers of this first age tradition of the Apostles all the old Orders of consecration in Britaine or what place soeuer by all Catholike Fathers or by these Protestants themselues we finde nothing but a desolation and an vndoubted want of all Episcopall and Ecclesiasticall holy orders among them But if we come to the Sacred Bishops of the Catholike and Romane Church the holie preisthood and other Orders we finde by all these testimonies all things in Order subordinate required and necessarie to this highest spirituall dignitie We haue with the Apostles and the Apostolike Can. Apost 43. Clem. const Apost l. 3. c. 11. l. 8. c. 21. c. 22. 28. epist 2. Ignat. epist ad Antioch ad Philadelph Philip. Engl. Protest in Abb. Prot. Archb. of canterb and Franc. Mas Booke of Consecrat l. 5. p. 96. 97. c. 1. p. 207. Fathers of this time S. Clement S. Ignatius and others Subdeacons Acolythists Exorcists Lectours and all We haue founde Deacons ministers to Bishops and Preists in the Sacrifice of Masse we haue founde true massing Sacrificing Preists and Protestants both by writing and practise so confessing as also in these words of them all by generall assent We thinke that no man possibly haue the Order of a Bishop which hath not the right Order of preisthood To the verie being of a Bishop the Order of preisthood is essentially required Thus they exclude themselues from and entitle Catholiks to this greatest Order And plainely confesse the Roman Church not onely to obserue and vse in the consecration of Bishops all things whatsoeuer in any opinion of Catholiks or Protestants essentiall and necessarie but also all ceremonies and ceremonialls therein vsed euer since and before England was conuerted to Christ plainely confessing that their first Protestant Archbishop Abbot and mason consecr in Mat. Park Matthew Parker being the 70. from S. Augustine was the first of all admitted without them and otherwise then they were and their publike continuall practise is so euer since that time The ceremonies of pastorall staffe ringe deliuerie of the booke of Ghospels to the new consecrated Bishop by the Consecratour and his Assistants taken from the sholders of the newly consecrated Miter and gloues we are assured to be ceremoniall onely all and euerie of them performed and done after the new Bishop is declared to be consecrated And yet these were so aunciently vsed by these Protestants that all our Bishops of England were consecrated they being vsed And before S. Augustine S. Asaphus and Capgrauius in vit S. Kentegerni came hither S. Kentegern in the Britans time being consecrated without them going to Rome ipso multoties petente with very often suite and desire the Pope then ministred them vnto him Sanctus Papa quae deerunt consecrationi eius supplens The Order of Consecration by which this S. Kentegern was made Bishop and all the Britans Scots and Irish vsed was more old then the canons of the ceremonies vsed in consecration and their old custome mos in Britannia inoleuerat when S. Kentegern about 1200. yeares past was consecrated was this In consecratione Episcopi tantummodo capita eorum sacri chrismatis infusione perungere cum inuocatione Sancti Spiritus benedictione manus impositione In the consecration of Bishops onely to anoynte their heads with holy Chrisme with inuocation of the holie ghost and benediction and imposition of hands This Order was adiudged by the Popes of Rome to be auayleable And all Protestants graunt the Britans haue true consecration and Bishops Here is neyther the ceremonie of saying take the holie ghost nor
Marc. Protestant consent so proue and deriue it S. Denis Anton. l. 2. de Republ. Eccl. ca● 2. is so plaine that they plainely thus confesse it Areopagitae Dionysio tributum opusculum vnctionem ponit expressè So they confesse of S. Anacletus made Preist by S. Peter the Apostle addit vnctionem capitis Anacletus quae est antiquissima The words which he vseth deducing his doctrine Anacl ep 2. and practise from the Apostles be these Bishops are to be made by Imposition of hands of Bishops with the ghospels which they are to preach and holie vnction by the example of the Apostles because all sanctification consisteth in the holie ghost whose inuisible power is mixed with holie Chrisme and by this Rite solemne Ordination is to be celebrated Where we finde by this greate Apostolike authoritie that the grace of this Sacrament and power Episcopall is giuen by this Rite And these Protestants as by this they must and Prot. supr in Marc. Anton. are enforced confesse so of the holie fathers following both in the Greeke and Latin Church that they were consecrated Bishops by holie vnction Gregor Nazianc orat 20. de laudib Basil orat 5. ad Basil part Sim. Metaph. in vit Crisost Petr. Chrisolog Ser. de S. Seuero Isidor l. 2. de offic Eccl. c. 25. S. Iuo Ser. de reb Eccl. Steph. Aduen Sacr. alt c. 9. So of S. Basile vnctione sacrâ adhibitâ est ordinatus So of S. Gregorie Naziancen me Pontificem vngis So were S. Iohn Chrisostome and S. Seuerus Of S. Augustine S. Gregorie with others I haue spoken before To which we may ioyne S. Iuo Stephanus Aduensis and other auntient writers and expositours of holie mysteries and all Orders of Consecration By this it is euident how certayne and vndoubted a thing it is That the consecration vsed in the Romane Church is most true holie and honourable both for Order and Iurisdiction euer as is demonstrated before both in this and other nations from the Apostolike Roman see and in the old Orders of consecration the Bishop to be consecrated protesteth obedience to the Popes of Rome And how the case standeth with the Protestants both of England and all others it is as lamentable to know their desolate condition THE XXVII CHAPTER The 37. article intituled of the ciuill Magistrates thus examined and whosoeuer against the Roman Church condemned THeir 37. and next Article is intituled of the ciuill Magistrates And thus followeth The Kings Maiestie hath the cheife power in this Realme of Englād and other his dominions vnto whome the cheife gouernment of all estates of this Realme whether they be Ecclesiasticall or ciuill in all causes doth appertaine and is not nor ought to be subiect to any forraine iurisdiction The Bishop of Rome hath no Iurisdictiō in this Realme of England The rest of this article containeth an excuse of Protestāts that they did not giue to their temporall Prince power to preach and minister Sacraments as some interpreted their opinion and other things not questioned betweene Catholiks and English Protestants but betweene these Protestants and some other new sectaries among themselues and be these The lawes of the Realme may punish Christian men with death for heynous and grieuous offences It is lawfull for Christian men at the commaundement of the Magistrate to weare weapons serue in the warrs These positions are graunted and allowed by all Catholiks The first part of this article giuing vnto the King a temporall Gouernour and Ruler cheife gouernment ouer all estates in all causes Ecclesiasticall or ciuill as also their statute and oath of Princes Supremacy in spirituall things fighteth with and contradicted it selfe for thus it addeth we giue not to our Prince the ministring either of Gods word or of the Sacraments the which the Iniunctions also sometime set fourth by Elizabeth our late Queene doe most plainely testifie Therefore seing Kings be not Teachers preachers Doctours Pastours and sheephards in the Church and fould of Christ to giue them some place therein members of it and not to be quite excluded from the name and number of Christians we must needs say they be of them which be taught preached vnto instructed sheepe and subiects fedde ruled and gouerned by them which haue authority and spirituall power in such things And these our Protestants haue accordingly this defined the Church before in these their articles The visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithfull men in the which the pure word of God is preached Protest art 19. sup and the Sacraments be duely ministred according to Christs ordinance They to whome the word is preached and Sacraments be ministred and neither haue power to preach nor minister Sacraments which this Article confesseth of their Protestant Kings and temporall Rulers cannot possibly in the respect be cheife Gouernours of thē to whome God himselfe hath power and preeminence The holy Scriptures do in many places commaund obedience both to temporall spirituall Rulers but obediēce in matters of Religion in feeding and ruling soules the flocke of Christ gouerning his Church and such spirituall emnencies is onely appropriated in thē to spirituall gouernours Qui benè praesunt Presbyteri duplici honore digni sunt Pascite qui in vobis est gregem 1. Tim. 5. 1. Petr. 5. Ioh. 21. Act. 20. Hebr. 13. Dei pasce agnos meos Pasce oues meas Attendite vobis vniuer so gregi in quo vos Spiritus sanctus posuit Episcopos regere Ecclesiam Dei quam acquisiuit sanguine suo Mementote praepositorum vestrorum qui vobis locuti sunt verbū Dei. Obedite praepositis vestris subiacete Ipsi enim peruigilant quasi rationem pro animabus vestris reddituri Where we see neither king nor Prince if he will belonge to the Church of Christ haue his soule purchased with his blood a care had of it and accompt made for it can be free from this obedience much lesse can he clayme it for himselfe from them to whom it so infallibly belongeth by the highest authority The Apostolike men of this first age haue testified this at large before in the examination Ignat. epist and An●ioch Ep. ad Smyrn Epist ad Philadelph Magnesian Trallian of the last precedent article S. Ignatius hath taught vs a Bishop is aboue all principality and power Episcopus omni Principatu potestate superior est No man is more honorable then the Bishop Nemo Episcopo honorabilior Preists and Deacons all the clergy together with the people and Souldiars and Princes and the Emperour also must obey the Bishop Cum populo militibus at que Principibus sed Caesare obediant Episcopo Be subiect to the Bishop euen as to our Lord for he watcheth for your soules and is to make accompt for them Therefore it is needfull that you doe nothing without the Bishop No man may doe any thing that belongeth to the Church without the Bishop Sine
the testimonie of S. Clement confirmed Anaclet ep decret Ruffin interpr epist Clem. Leo 2. ep decret Marian. Scot. l. 2. aetat 6. Flor. wigorn chronic in Clem. Mart. Polon Supputat col 33. in Lino Robert Barnes l. de vit Pont. in Lino Anacleto Anaclet ep decretal 3. Barn sup in Anaclet Omerd pict Pap. pag. 78. by S. Anacletus then liuing Ruffinus Marrianus Martinus Florentius wigorniensis Pope Leo the seconde and many others both Catholike and Protestant writers S. Anacletus made Preist by S. Peter and by him instructed euen as our Protestants confesse did teach that Christ gaue to the Church of Rome primacy ouer all Churches and all Christian people neither King nor Caesar exempted Anacletus ab ipso Domino primatum Romanae Ecclesiae super omnes Ecclesias vniuersamque Christiani nominis populum concessum esse asseruit Thus our Protestants and S. Anacletus is more playne that this supreamacie of the Roman Church was not giuen vnto it by the Apostles but Christ himselfe Haec sacrosancta Romana Apostolica Ecclesia non ab Apostolis sed ab ipso Domino Saluatore nostro primatum obtinuit eminentiam potestatis super vniuersas Ecclesias ac totum Christiani populi gregem assecuta est And both Christ commaunded and his Apostles decreed that great and difficult questions should be referred to the Apostolike Romane see to be decided and that Anacl epist 1. Christ builded his whole Church vpon it Apostoli hoc statuerunt iussu Saluatoris vt maiores difficiliores quaestiones semper ad sedem deferantur Apostolicam super quam Christus vniuersam construxit Ecclesiam So haue also S. Euaristus and S. Alexander Euarist ep 1. Alex. ep 1. who liued in this first age Relatum est ad huius sanctae Apostolicae sedis apicem cui summarum dispositiones causarum omnia negotia Ecclesiarum ab ipso Domino tradita sunt quasi ad caput Our Protestants Sutcliffe subu pag. 57. Iren. l. 3. c. 3. also acknowledge thus Irenaeus saith that euerie Church ought to haue respect to the Church of Rome for her eminent principalitie But S. Irenaeus is more cleare in this manner ad hanc Romanam Ecclesiam propter potentiorem principalitatem necessè est omnem conuenire Ecclesiam hoc est eos qui sunt vndique fideles There is a necessitie that euerie Church and all faithfull Christians wheresoeuer should acknowledge the more powerable principalitie of the Romane Church No King contrie or nation is exempted from but all are included in this necessitie of being vnder the Iurisdiction of the Church of Rome And particularly for this Kingdome of England which singularly this Article would thus depriue of that honour and happines from being in the folde vnder the chardge of the vicar and highest pastour and shephard of Christ one earth To begin with a Protestant Bishops censure in Godwyn conuers of Britayne pag. 6. these words we should accompt it a great glorie to deriue the pedigree of our spirituall linage from so noble and excellent a father as S. Peter And yet both Greeke and Latin domesticall and forreyne Catholike and Protestant Antiquaries do thus deriue and proue it Petrus venit in Britanniam quo in loco Sim. Metaphrast die 19. Iunij Euseb antiq graec apud eund ib. Sur. eod die Andr. Chesu l. 3. histor Angl. Bucley pag. 171. Cambden in Britan. Sutcliffe Subu pag. 3. Prot. Archb. whitg answ to admo pag. 65. sect 1. def of the answeare pag. 318 Marc. Anton. de Dom. de reb chr l. 4. c. 10. cum longo temporefuisset moratus apud Britannos verbo gratiae multos illuminauit Ecclesias constituit Episcoposque Presbyteros Diaconos ordinauit S. Peter came into Britayne and staying there longe time did illuminate many with the word of grace and founded Churches and ordered Bishops Preists and Deacons Which more Protestant Doctours and Bishops euen Archbishops with them thus confirme Peter preached in no place but he there ordeyned Bishops and teachers and founded Churches The Apostle Peter did in euerie prouince appoynt one Archbishop whome all other Bishops of the same prouince should obey Est caput Roma quatenus ab ea diffusum est Euangelium in reliquas totius occidentis Ecclesias Rome is the heade in respect that from it the ghospell was diffused into the rest of the Churches of the west and into many of the east and into barbarous nations out of the Romane Empire Et in multas orientis atque in harbaras extra Romanum Imperium nationes Diuers of the holie Bishops and Apostolike Doroth. l de 72. discip in Aristob Arnol merm Theatr. conu gent. Antiq. Ecel Tullen Gul. Eisengr cent 1. Petr. de Natal l. 11. Pantal. de vir Ibl. part 1. Stumph l. 7. de Sanctib Theater of great Brit. l. 6. Tho. Rogers Anal. in Prot. Articl ar 36. whitg supr Clem. Sup. ep 1. Arnol. mirm sup Antonin hist part 1. will harrison descript Brit. pag. 23. Harris Theatr. l. 1. Girald Cambr. l. 2. de Iure Metrop Eccl. Meneu ad Innocent 3. Mat. Parker Antiq Britan. pag. 24. Io. Pris defens hist Britan. pag. 73. Nennius hist manuscript Preists which S. Peter consecrated for this Kingdome are remembred both by Catholike and Protestant Historians S. Aristobulus S. Mansuetus S. Beatus and his holie companion not named in Antiquities Our Protestants make S. Aristobulus Archbishop here Britayne Aristobulus and by their Rule before The Apostle Peter did in euerie prouince appoynt one Archbishop he must needs be ordeined Archbishop by S. Peter S. Clement hath sufficiently proued before that he sent Bishops hither saying he sent to the other nations of the west ad reliquas gentes besides Italy Spayne Fraunce and Germany And both Catholiks and Protestants from antiquities affirme that he sent to vs S. Nicasius who instructed the Britons Britones instruxit formauitque fide S. Nicasius à S. Clemente delegatus These Britans must needs be those of this Kingdome they of little Britayne in Fraunce came not thither vntill aboue 200. yeares after S. Clement and S. Nicasius time Both Brittish and English Catholike and Protestant Antiquaries affirme that the diuision of Primates or Patriarkes Metropolitans and others with their seuerall Iurisdictions from the see of Rome being as he ackdowledgeth the decree of his predecessour S. Clement and the Apostles also was receaued in this Kingdome of Britayne as it comprehendeth England wales and Scotland Nennius our old brittish historian in his manuscript antiquities affirmeth that his Successour Pope and S. Euaristus sent legates to our Brittish King to receaue the faith of Christ Missa legatione à Papa Romano Euaristo Who yet saith the generall conuersion was not vntill the yeare of Christ 197. Albertus Krantius well acquainted with our Brittish antiquities writeth the like of S. and Pope Io. Caius Antiq. Cantabrig l. 1. Alber. Krantzius