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A13857 The profe and declaration of thys proposition: fayth only iustifieth: gathered [and] set forth by Richarde Tracy; Profe and declaration of thys proposition: fayth only justifieth. Tracy, Richard, d. 1569. 1543 (1543) STC 24164; ESTC S104938 17,685 66

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The profe and declaration of thys proposition Fayth only iustifieth gathered set-forthe by Richarde Tracy The preface ¶ To the moste chrysten and vyctoriouse prynce Henry the .viii. by the grace of God kynge of England Fraunce and Irelande Defendour of the faith and of the churche of England and also of Irelande in earthe the supreme head Rycharde Tracy wyssheth long continuaunce of health prosperouse successe and lyfe eternall MOste vyctorious prynce and prudent gouernour godly vnitie concorde and loue is most praysed set fourthe and taught thorough the hole course of the holye scriptures as to your maiestie it is rygh well knowen fyrste taught by the prophete sayenge Beholde howe goodly and pleasant it is Psalme .cxxii that brethern dwel togyther in one vnitie Christe also prayd to his father Iohn .xvii sayeng Holye father in thy name preserue them whome thow hast geuen me that they may be one as we be The apostle exhorteth and prayeth al men that they be diligent to kepe the vnitie of the spirite Ephes iiii in the bonde of peace beyng one bodie and one spirite euen as they be called in one hope Let there be but one lorde one faythe one baptyme one god and father of vs all c. Seyng than that Chryste the prophete and the apostle exhorte and commaunde suche a christian vnitie to be had and kepte in the catholyke churche and also consyderynge the peynfull trauayle studie and great charges whiche your maiestie hath susteyned and dayly doth susteyne not onely to preserue vnitie amonge your louyng subiectes but also to avoyde and vtterly remoue all occasiones whiche myghte be cause or meane of diuision or breche of such christen vnitie therefore I most simple of this your realme and yet one of the lyuely membres of this your ciuile and polityke bodie hearynge diuision and diuersitie of opinions among your louyng subiectes concernyng one of the moste principall and necessarye articles of our fayth whiche is that faithe onely iustifyeth can not but lament and bewail such diuision in so godlie and necessary an article which is the foundation and grounde of all the christen religion For the godlye vnderstandyng of the sayde article well tasted and inwardlye perceyued is the quyetnes of euerye conscience oppressed with any kynde of aduersitie other spirituall or temporall yea the onely anker and refuge in the extreme agonie and panges of death wherfore with all the poore knowledge whiche god hath geuen to me I haue diligently by the auctorities of holye scripture set forth and declared the true sense meanyng and vnderstandyng of the sayde article and proposition moste humblye desyrynge your hyghnesse more to ponder my good wylle and feruent desyre to profit many than my rude and barbarouse settynge forthe of this lytle treatise whiche I submit moste lowlye vnto your gratiouse and godly iudgement to the whiche if this my labour and study shall be thought profitable for youre christen congregation I than most mekely eftsones desyre your maiesty that it maye be put forth to the glorye of god your honour and the vtilytie of all your louyng subiectes And I shall dayly pray to god that he wyl vouchsafe to strengthen you with his holy sprite thoroughly to perfourme a godly reformation in Christes churche within your dominions with good prosperitie in all your affayeres Of iustification FOr as moche as the moste necessary article of christen religion is that fayth one lye iustifieth which the vngodlye do dayly preache agaynste and obscure by many wayes I haue thought therfore very expedient in this litle treatise by the holye scriptures By mercy 〈◊〉 fayth sinne● be purified by the feare of god all ma● declyne from euyll Prouerb xv to declare the ryght sence and true vnderstandyng therof which is that the mercy and fauour of God iustifieth whiche mercie and fauour we onely by fayth obteyne beleuyng constantly the promesses of goddes mercy and fauour made vnto vs. And the scripture sayeth that this fayth Ephes ii whyche onely iustifieth is onelye the worke of god in vs and cōmeth not by anye mannes power wisedome lerning nor that god geueth it because of any vertue or vertuous disposition which he seeth in man nor that anye man can prepare hym selfe or make hym selfe apte and meete to receiue this fayth but god geueth this fayth frely without any respecte or regarde to any good wyl good workes or good disposition before by god sene in mā ●ath xii For the scripture sayth other make the tre good and his fruyte good also or els make the tree euill his fruyte euyll also ●●d did first 〈◊〉 vpon A●ll and after 〈◊〉 his giftes Genesis iiii Euen so man muste fyrste be made good thoroughe fayth before anye of his workes can be good Therfore I saye that before this lyuelye faythe be gyuen from god to manne that he neyther hathe nor can haue other good wyll good workes or godlye disposition to doe good For without this lyuely faythe it is impossible to please god Hebr. xii Wherefore faith muste nedes fyrste be gyuen of god wherby the wyl is made good vertuous before that any worke whiche springeth oure of the wylle can be eyther good or vertuous as saynt Augustine sayeth Augustyne vpon the .cx. psalme Verylye a man can not worke iustice excepte he be iustified but he that beleuethe in him which iustifieth the wicked begynneth of fayth so that the good workes that go before do not shewe what he hath deserued but such as folowe Augustine vpon the .lxvii. shewe what he hath receyved Also the same doctour sayethe Me thynketh that the fayth is to be praysed whiche goeth before woorkes for wythout the merites of good workes thorough fayth the wicked is iustified as the apostle fayethe To the beleuyng in hym whiche iustifieth the wycked his fayth is coūted for iustice that from thenseforth the same faith may begin to worke by loue For they onelye oughte to be called good workes whiche be done for the loue of god To suche woorkes it is necessarie that faythe shuld goe before that frome this faythe these woorkes and not frome these workes that faythe shulde begynne For no man worketh for the loue of god except he fyrste beleue in god Also the same doctour sayeth vppon this texte Rom. ii They are not rightuous which heare the lawe but they whiche doe the lawe shall be iustified That is as moche to saye that we maye knowe them Aug. in the booke of the spryte and the letter the .xxvi chapter not to be the doers of the lawe except they be iustified Not that iustification shoulde come to the doers but that iustification shulde go before the doers Here by these auctorities of saint Augustyne it is manifest and playn that no workes be good except thei spryng out of a lyuyng faythe Not withstandyng some I thynke wyll be offended with this my sayeng that God geueth not faith