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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13043 The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.; Annales Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1580 (1580) STC 23333; ESTC S117590 888,783 1,248

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that at ●●ght of the clocke they shoulde lose their Maister Here is the ende and fall of Pride arrogancie of men Example of pride and arrogancie exalted by fortune to dignities for in hys tyme he was the haughtiest man in all hys procéedings alyue hauing more respecte to the honor of his person than he had to his spirituall profession wherein should be shewed all méekenesse 〈◊〉 a●● charitie The Cleargie of Englande beyng iudged by the Kings The Cleargie condemned in the Premunire learned Councel to be in the premunire for maintaining y ● power Legan●ine of the Cardinall were called by pro●e●● into the Kings Bench to aunsweare wherefore in their conuocation they concluded a submission where in they called the King Supreme head of the Church of England and were contented to giue the King 100000. poundes to pardon King Henrie supreame head their offences touching y ● premunire by acte of Parliamēt The fift of Aprill one Richard Rose a Cooke was boyled 1531 A Cooke boyled in Smithfielde for poysoning of diuers persons at the Bishop of Rochesters place King Henrie purchased the Hospitall of Saint ●ames ●éere to Charing Crosse and al the medows to the same adioyning Anno reg 23 The Kings house at Saint Iames. gyuing the sisters of the house pencions during their liues and then builded thereof a goodly Mansion with a Parke whiche he caused to be walle● about with Bricke The 〈◊〉 of August Thomas Bilney a Bacheler T. Bylney burned of Law 〈…〉 Norwich Richard Gresham 〈◊〉 Alth●●●●h● 28. of September Sherifes Maior Rice Griffyn executed Sir Nicholas Lambard G●●cer the 28. of October The fourth of December sir Rice Gryffyn was beheaded at the Tower hill and buryed at the Crossed Friers Iohn Hewes hys man 〈◊〉 to Tybor●● hanged and quartered The 17. of May deceassed Robert Thorne Bacheler and Merchant Taylour of London who gaue by his Testament his debts firste being paide is to be destributed in the citie Robert Thom his charitie in the Citie of London of London 500. l. to pore housholders in the xxv Wardes 20. l. in euery warde To reléeue prisoners in the Counters 50. l. To pore Maides mariages 50. l. To the foure prisons about London Newgate Ludgate Kings bench Marshalsea 100. l. To Aldermarie Church in London 10. l. Summe 710. poundes In the Citie of Bristow to the making vppe of the Frée Robert Thorn● his charitie in the tovvne of Bristovve schoole of Saint Bartholomew 300. l. to be diuided in the parishes among the poore housholders 300. l. to the redemption of the frée farme of prisage there 200. l. to the Almes houses there 100. l. to Thomas Moffit Maister of the Grammer Schoole 25. l. and to Robert his sonne 10. l. to the poore prisoners in Bristowe 50. l. to poore maides Mariages there 50. l. towarde making of a place for Merchants for the stréete in Bristow 100. l. to the repayring of hyghe wayes from Camer Marche to Bristow at the discretion of his executors as néede requyred and to the other high ways about Bristow 100. l. to Saint Nicholas Churche in Bristowe 20. l. to the four orders of Friers there euerye order 20. l. more to the prisoners of Bristowe 100. l. to the Chamber of Bristow 300. l. for the prouision of corne and wood more to the Chamber 500. l. to the reléefe of yong men that practise Clothing to the pore people of Bristow 500. l. And ouer and besides all this to be distributed in déedes of Charitie at the discretion of his executors 1000. l. Summe 3735. poundes Legacies to his sisters children other kindred amounted to 5142. l. 6. s̄ 8. d. His debts forgiuē wer 83. l. 5. s̄ 10. d. The residue of hys goods he gaue to his brother Nicholas Thorne The 28. of May Fryer Forrest was put in prison for contrarying Frier Forrest the Preacher before the King The othe which the Clergie had vsed to make to the Bishop Clergy svvor●e to the King of Rome was made voyde by statute a new othe confirmed wherein they cōfessed the king to be Supreme head The fiftéenth of May sir Thomas Moore after great sute Si● Thomas Moore made by him was discharged of the Chancelorship The fourth of June the King dubbed Thomas Audeley Lorde Audley made Lorde Chauncelour Knight made him kéeper of the greate Seale and not long after Lord Chancelor The fiftéenth of June fiue men were hanged and quartred Coyners and Clyppers executed Christes Church suppressed at Tower hill for coyning and clypping In the Moneth of July the King suppressed the Priorie of Christ church in London he sent the Chanons of that house to other Priories and gaue their Church plate and lands to sir Thomas Audley The thrée and twentith of Auguste William Warham Archebyshoppe of Canterburie deceassed The King repayred the Tower of London The firste of September the Lady Anne Bolleine was Marchionesse of Penbrooke made Marchionesse of Pembrooke at Windsore and then was gyuen hir by the King one thousande pounde by yeare The eleuenth of October King Henrie landed at Calleis with the Duke of Richemonde hys bastarde sonne the Duke of Norffolke Lord Treasurer of England the Duke of Suffolke the Marquesse of Excester the Erles of Darby Arundale Oxforde Surrey and Rutlande the Vicount Lisle King Edwarde the fourth his bastarde sonne the Lord Matrauers the Lord Sands Lorde Chamberlaine of the Kings house the Lorde William Hawarde the Lorde Bray the Lorde Montague the Lorde Cobham the Lorde Mordant the Lorde Dawbney the Lorde Grey the Lord Clinton the Lorde Vaux the Lorde Mountegle the Lorde Rocheford wyth diuers other Lordes the Bishoppes of Winchester London Lincolne and Bathe sir William Fitz William treasourer of the kings house sir William Pawlet Comptroller sir William Kingstone Capitaine of the Guarde sir Iohn Page sir Iames Boleine sir Anthony Browne sir Edwarde Neuell sir Thomas Cheyney sir Iohn Russell sir Richard Page sir Ralph Eldercare sir Edward Baynton sir Edwarde Santener sir Griffyth Deene sir Iohn Dudley sir Iohn Femer sir Henry Long sir Anthony Hungerforde sir Iohn Brudges sir Arthur Hoptō sir Anthony Wingfielde sir William Paston sir Edmonde Bedingfielde sir Thomas Strange sir William Hawte sir Edwarde Wotton sir William Askewe sir Iohn Marleant sir William Barington sir William Essex sir Giles Strangweis sir Edwarde Chamberlaine sir Giles Caple sir Iohn Sent-Iohn sir Walter Hungerforde sir William Gascoine sir Lionel Norrice sir Edwarde Boloine sir Thomas Lisle sir Iohn Ashton sir Thomas Palmer sir William Boloine sir William Finche sir William Pellam sir Thomas Rotherham sir Iohn Norton sir Richarde Sandes sir Iohn Neuell and thyrtie Esquiers with manye Gentlemenne and all theyr traines The towne of Calleis had at thys season xxiiij C. beddes and stabling for two thousande horses besides the Uillages about The xxj of October King Henrie rode towarde Boloigne and was by the
putte in places of the Grey Fryers The fourtéenth of August was a greate fire at Temple Bar Fire at Temple Barre and certaine persons burned The sixetéenth of Auguste was burned the Kings Stable The Kings Stable brent at Charing Crosse called the Mewes wherin was burned many greate horses and greate store of Haye The one and twentith of September Doctour Taylour Thomas Cro●vvell Master of the Rolles Maister of the Rolles was discharged of that office and Thomas Cromwell sworne in his place the ix of October The Earle of Kildare dyed prysoner in the Tower of London and his sonne Thomas Fitz Garet rebelled in Irelande slew Doctour Allen Bishop of Deueling and tooke the kings Ordinaunce wherefore the King sente thither sir William Skeuington with a company of souldiours Nicolas Leueson William Denham the 28. of September Sherifes Maior The Popes authoritie abrogated Sir Iohn Champneis Skinner the 28. of October In Nouember was held a Parliament at Westminster wherein the Pope with al his aucthoritie was cleane banished this Realme and order taken that he should no more be called Pope but Byshoppe of Rome and the King to bée reputed and taken as supreame head of the Churche of Englande hauing full aucthoritie to reforme all errours heresies Firste fruites tenths giuen to the King 1535 Anno reg 27 Charter house Monkes and abuses of the same Also the first fruits and tenths of all spirituall dignities and promotions were granted the king with a subsidy of the laity of twelue pence in y ● pound with a fiftéenth and a tenth The nine and twentith of Aprill the Prior in the Charter house at London the Prior of Beuall the Prior of Exham Reynoldes a brother of Sion and Iohn Haile Uicar of Thistleworth were all condemned of Treason who were drawne hanged and quartered at Tyborne the fourth of May theyr heads and quarters set on the gates of the Citie al saue one quarter whyche was set on the Charterhouse at London The eighte of May the King commaunded al about hys Polled heades commaunded Courte to poll their heades and to giue them example hée caused hys own head to be polled and from thence forth his bearde to be notted and no more shauen Hollanders condemned for heretiques The fiue and twentith daye of Maye was in Saint Paules Churche at London examined ninetéene men and sixe womē borne in Holland whose opinions were firste that in Christ is not two natures God and Man secondely that Christe tooke neyther flesh nor bloude of the Uirgin Mary thirdlye that children borne of Infidels shall be saued fourthly that baptisme of Children is to none effecte fifthly that the Sacrament of Christes bodye is but breade only sixtly that hée who after his Baptisme sinneth wittingly sinneth deadly and cannot be saued Fourtéene of them were condemned a man and a woman of them were burned in Smithfielde the other twelue were sent to other townes there to be brent Charter house Monkes executed The eightéenth of June thrée Monks of the Charterhouse at London named Exmew Middlemore and Nidigate were drawne to Tyborne and there hanged and quartred Byshoppe of Rochester beheaded The two and twentith of June Doctour Iohn Fisher Byshoppe of Rochester was beheaded on the Tower hill hys head was set on London Bridge and his body buryed within Barking Curchyard The sixte of July sir Thomas Moore was beheaded on Sir Thomas Moore beheaded the Tower hill for deniall of the Kyngs Supremacie and then the body of Doctour Fisher Byshoppe of Rochester was taken vp and buryed with sir Thomas Moore in the Tower Doctour Foxe the Kyngs Almoner was made Bishoppe of Hereforde and Hugh Latimer Bishoppe of Worcester the blacke Frier of Bristowe was made Byshoppe of Rochester In August the Lorde Thomas Gerard sonne to the earle of Kildare was taken in Ireland and sent to the Tower of London In October the King sente Doctour Lee and other to visite Abbeys visited the Abbeys Priories and Nunneries in Englande who putte forth all religious persons that woulde goe and all that were vnder the age of foure and twentie yeres and closed vppe the residue that woulde remayne and tooke order that no manne shoulde come to the houses of women nor women to the houses of menne but onelye to heare theyr seruice all religious menne that departed the Abbot or Prior to gyue them for their habite a Priestes gowne and fortie shyllyngs of money the Nunnes to haue suche apparell as Secular women weare and to goe where they woulde He tooke out of Monasteries and Abbeys theyr reliques and chiefest Jewels Humfrey Monmouth Iohn Cotes the 28. of September Sherifes These Sheriffes in the beginning of their yeare put away twelue Sergeants and twelue Yeomen till they were forced by a Courte of common Councell to take them againe Sir Iohn Allen being one of the Kinges Councell was at the Kings requeste chosen Maior of London Sir Iohn Allen Mercer the 28. of October Maior This sir Iohn Allen when he deceassed in Anno 1544. Charitable deedes of sir Iohn Allen. and hadde béene twice Maior of London and of Councel with the King as is aforesaide he gaue to the Citie of London a riche collar of Golde to be worne by the Maior whyche Collar was firste worne by sir William Laxton on Sainct Edwards daye to the election of the newe Maior who gaue to euery Warde in London twentie pounde to be distributed to the pore housholders besides to one hundreth and twentie persons thrée score men euerie of them a gowne of broad cloth and a blacke cappe and thréescore women to euerye of them a gowne of the like cloth and a white kerchiefe The eleauenth of Nouember was a greate Procession Procession at London of all the religious men thrée Bishoppes and foure Abbots mytered whyche was for ioy the French King was recouered of hys health In the moneth of December the names of all Chauntries Names of Chauntries were taken and who had the gifte of them The eighte of Januarie dyed Lady Katherine Dowager Katherine Dovvager de ceassed at Kimbalton and was buryed at Peterborowe The nine and twentith of January Quéene Anne was deliuered of a child before hir time whych was borne dead In a Parliament begonne in the moneth of Februarye Aparliament was graunted to the King and his heyres al religious houses Small houses suppressed 1536 Anno reg 28 in the Realme of Englande of the valewe of two hundred pound and vnder with al lands goods to them belonging the number of these houses then suppressed were 376. the value of their lands then 32000 pound and more by yere the mouable goods as they were sold Robin Hoods penniworths 10000. pound the religious were tourned oute to the worlde more than 10000. On May daye was a greate iusting at Greenewich where were Chalengers the Lorde Rocheford and other and Defendors Iustes
firste christned Pag. 115 Ile of Ely besieged Pag. 247 Ipswiche besieged Pag. 198 Iron gunnes first cast Pag. 1026 Irelande inhabited Pag. 28 Issue of William Conquerour Pag. 167 Istleworth by the Thamis Pag. 279 Isabel the Queene sent into France returned and made an army againste the King hir husbande Pag. 348. shee besieged Bristow Pag. 347 Ithancester a Citie in East Sax. Pag. 99 Iuall King Pag. 30 Iulius Frontinus a Romaine Pag. 45 Iulius Agricola a Romaine Pag. 45 Iulius Seuerus a Romaine Pag. 54 Iulius Amilianus Pag. 64 Iulius Maximus Pag. 64 Iulius Philippus Pag. 64 Iulianus Apostata Pag. 71 Iustices punished Pag. 304 Iustes at Lincolne Pag. 405. at Windsore Pag. 408. at Woodstocke Pag. 431. in Smithfielde Pag. 459 Iustes in Smithfielde Pag. 718. at Richmont Pag. 866. in the Tower of London Pag. 874 Iur●rs on the Pillerie Pag. 718 Iusting of Chalengers Pag. 1018 Iustes at Greenewich Pag. 1006 Iustes at Westminster Pag. 1151 Iustices condemned Pag. 507 Insurrection in the North. Pag. 864 Ill May day Pag. 923 Iuogo de Can a pastime at Court Pag. 1096 Images brent at Chersie Pag. 1013 Images forbidden Pag. 1036 Image of Thomas Becket defaced c. Pag. 1110 K. KInimacus king Pag. 23 Kymarus king Pag. 28 Kingdome of Northumberland Pag. 87 Kentish Saxons Pag. 89 Kings euill healed Pag. 145 Kensham builded Pag. 181 Kenelworth Priorie Castel built Pag. 181 Kenelworth Castel besieged Pag. 290. yeelded Pag. 291 Knighten guilde Pag. 102 Knarisborow Pag. 251 Kenington or Kingston Castle Pag. 283 King of Man Pag. 387 Kings a Prince and other Pag. 455 King Castle Pag. 465 King and Queene of Denmarke arriued in England Pag. 932 King Henries marriage with Queene Katherine called in question Pag. 959 King Henrie supreme head of the church Page 978 King Henrie the eighte besieged Turwine Pag. 898 Kings stable brent Pag. 1003 King Henrie married Lady Iane. Pag. 1007 King Henrie his gift to the Citie of Lōdon Pag. 1034 Sir Edmund Kneuet araigned for striking one in the Court Pag. 1021 King Henrie married Ladye Anne of Cleaue Pag. 1017 King Henrie Pag. 8. went to Boloigne Pag. 1029 Knightes made by the Earle of Sussex Page 1144 L. LAncaster builded Pag. 28 Lanthony founded Pag. 178 Late haruest Pag. 364 Labastie in Frāce brent by the Eng. Pag. 425 Lambert brent Pag. 1014 Lambeth Ferry drowned Pag. 1010 Leil King Pag. 21 Legion of the Romaines Pag. 21 Lecester built Pag. 22. repayred Pag. 130. Monasterie Pag. 206 Legetoun or Lutone in Hertfordshire Page 129 Leedes Castle in Kent built Pag. 163. besieged Page 342 Lewes in Sussex Pag. 172 Lesnes in Kent founded Pag. 212 Lewes arriued in England Pag. 249. returned into Fraunce Pag. 253 Legat put to his shiftes Pag. 266 Leaden Hall builded Pag. 649 Lewes de Bruges Lord Grantehuse made Earle of Winchester Pag. 738 Legate from Rome Pag. 959 Letanie in English Pag. 1029 Llhanpatren Vaier Castel builded Pag. 298 Licinius Valerianus Pag. 64 Licinius Gallicinus Pag. 64 Lichfielde an Archbish Sea Pag. 105. 110. 130 Lincolne Minster founded Pag. 109. a Bishops Sea Pag. 166. burned Pag. 183. besieged Page 191 Lincolne Colledge in Oxford Pag. 1217 Librarie at Yorke Pag. 112 Liganburge Pag. 114 Limen a Riuer Pag. 124 Lieth taken and spoyled Pag. 1028. besieged Page 1115 Lincolneshire men executed Pag. 1011 Liberties in Southwark purchased Pag. 1046 Liberties of the Stilyarde seased Pag. 1050 Lightning and thunder Pag. 1121 Londō builded Pag. 18. tooke name of Lud. Pag. 31. repayred and made habitable Pag. 124 empaired by fire Pag. 134. brent Pag. 166. Pag. 185. Pag. 187. bridge brent Pag. 241 Liberties of London seased Pag. 274. taken and helde by the Earle of Glocester Pag. 292. vncurteous to the King Pag. 512 Liberties seased Pag. 513 London the Kings especiall Chamber Page 814 Locrine King Pag. 18 Lollius Vrbicus a Romane Pag. 54 Lombards goodes confiscate Pag. 376 Lord Cassels slayne Pag. 557 Loue to King Henry the vij Pag. 861. 864 Lord Dacres of the North arraigned Page 1003 Lone of money to the King Pag. 861. 864 Lord of merrie disportes Pag. 1055 Lord of misrule Pag. 1055 Locke and key weyed but one wheate corne Pag. 1195 Lud King repaired London Pag. 31 Ludgate builded Pag. 31 Lucius King Pag. 54. baptised Pag. 55 Ludlow Castell taken Pag. 285. towne spoyled Pag. 691 M. MAdan King deuoured Pag. 19 Marcus Antonius Pag. 64 Macrinus Emperour Pag. 64 Maximius a Romane Pag. 66 Maximus Emperour Pag. 71 Malgo King Pag. 87 Maldune in Estsex Pag. 99. 129 Martins Church at Douer founded Pag. 93. by Ludgate Pag. 88 Malmesbury buylded Pag. 115 Marius King Pag. 58. ●●ew Roderike King of Pictes Pag. 54 Manchester repaired Pag. 130 Maior of London repaireth to Paules wherefore Pag. 158. Pag. 219. yearely chosen Pag. 237 rowed to Westminster Pag. 674. conseruer of the Thamis and Medway two Riuers Pag. 864. feast kepte at the Guild hall Pag. 874 Mawde the Empresse Pag. 190. obteyned the crowne Pag. 191. fled Pag. 192. beseeged Pag. 194. flyeth Pag. 194. Walingford beseeged Pag. 190. Pag. 195 Marleborough Castell beseeged Pag. 224 Mart at Westminster Pag. 271 Mad Parliament Pag. 276. at the new Temple Pag. 277 Martins Churche in the Vintrey newe builded Pag. 309 Margaret daughter to Edward the fourth marryed to the Duke of Burgoigne Page 719 Martin Swart Pag. 863 Merchants of England receyued with procession Pag. 872 Merchant Taylors Pag. 876 Maltot Pag. 490 Mayd boyled in Smithfield Pag. 102 Margraue and Marquesse of Baden landed at Douer Pag. 1127. returneth out of England Pag. 1129 Memprisius King deuoured Pag. 19 Merianus King Pag. 31 Mercians or middle England Pag. 88 100 Medeshamsted now Peterborough Pag. 101 Medway a Riuer Pag. 124. drie Pag. 181 Measures reformed Pag. 176 Men brought from new found Ilandes Page 875 Men drowned at London bridge Pag. 1059. againe Pag. 1067 Mercers Chappell in London Pag. 292 Midleton or Milton in Kent Pag. 125 Min●s or coyning places Pag. 130. in Ireland Page 239 Michelney Pag. 131 Minories without Aldgate founded Pag. 306 Middleton in Dorsetshire brent Pag. 330 Michaels Church in Crooked lane builded Pag. 462 Morgen King Pag. 22 Mortalitie Pag. 23. Pag. 336. more of kine Pag. 340 Mother slew hir sonne Pag. 24 Morindus King deuoured by a mōster Pag. 28 Morgan King Pag. 30 Mordred the Traytor slayne Pag. 86. hys children slayne Pag. 87 Monkes Pag. 1200. slayne Pag. 108 Monasterie at Winchester founded Pag. 127 Monster Pag. 235. 270 Monsters appeare Pag. 553. Monster Pag. 1053 Monstrous birthes Pag. 1117 Montgomery Castell founded Pag. 258 Monasteries rifled Pag. 162. 307 Monmouth Castell rased Pag. 286 Mortimer escaped out of the tower Pag. 346 Mortimer beheaded Pag. 362 Mayden of God Pag. 633. brent Pag. 634 Mouing of the earth Pag. 1150 Monkes goodes confiscate Pag. 376 Mooregate of London builded Pag. 587 Mercers prentises of London against the Pag. 8● strangers Pag. 679 ● Monox his almes deedes Pag. 902
called Etheldred his wife would by no meanes accompany hir husband but continued a Uirgine and after she had bin maried twelue yeares tooke at the handes of Wilfride the vaile and habite of a Nunne and builte the Monasterie of Eely where she was Abbesse Egfride hir husband fought a battell with Edilfride King of Mercia but after they were reconciled by Theodore the Bishop Then turning his power against Ireland he sente Berte thither who miserably destroyed the séely people But the yeare following he marched against the Pictes contrarie to the good counsell of S. Cuthbert whome he made Bishop and was slayne by them in an ambush when he had raigned fiftene yeares ALfride bastard sonne of Oswine succéeded after his brother 685 Egfride He did repaire y ● decayed state of Northumberland but coulde not recouer all that Picts Scottes and Brytaines tooke frō the Northumbers at the death of his brother He raigned ninetéene yeares OSred his sonne a child of eyght yeares succéeded who 704 whē he had wickedly raigned eleuen yeares was murthered by his kinsmen Kenred and Osricke KEnred when he had slaine Osred ruled Northumberland 715 two yeares OSricke obteyned the Kingdome after xj yeares and elected Ceolnulph brother of Kenred to be his successor CEolnulph raigned in this prouince with great pietie 728 victorie viij yeares then forsooke the estate of a King and tooke the habite of a Moncke in the holy Iland Benedict who firste broughte Masons Paynting and Glasing into this Realme to the Saxons flourished at this Glasing brought among the Saxons Bede famous time Beda also that famous learned man liued at this time who dedicated his Historie of the Church of England to the forenamed Ceolnulph EGbert cousin germane to Ceolnulph raigned in Northumberland 736 Wil. Malme twenty yeares peaceably and then forsaking the Worlde entred into Religion and became a Monke his brother bearing the same name was Archbishop of Yorke which Sea he greatly aduanced and founded there a most woorthy Librarie replenished with all good Librarie at Yorke Authours OSwulfe succéeded his Father who was slayne by the 757 people in the first yeare of his raigne MOllo then tooke the regiment and after eleuen yeares 758 was traytecously murthered by Alerede ALered raigned after him eleuen yeares and was enforced 76● by the people to leaue the Countrey AThelred or Etheldred the sonne of Mollo was aduanced 780 to the regiment of Northumberland by the people and the fifth yeare after was by them depriued AELfwold then was proclaymed King of Northumberland 785 and when he had raigned eleuen yeares was slayne by his subiects he lyeth buryed at Haugustald OSredé the sonne of Aelerede then succéeded but the firste 796 yeare he was depriued AEThelred or Etheldred who was before deposed now receyued 797 the Kingdome and when he had ruled foure yeares was also miserably slayne After his death thys Kingdome decayed and was pitifully ransacked by ciuill sedition and foraigne inuasions for the space of 30. yeares in whiche space there ruled héere withoute title of Kings ¶ Eardulfe ¶ Alfwold ¶ Eandred Lib. A●tonensis ¶ Ethelred ¶ Readulfe ¶ Osbert which two last were slaine at Yorke by the Danes in a place yet to this day called Elle Crafte This Osbert rauished a Lady of his Countrey wife to Bernebokard in reuenge whereof the same Bernebokard fléeing into Denmarke returned againe with the Danes Hinguer and Hubba and ariued in holy Iland and so came to Yorke and there slew King Osbright ¶ Egbert then obteyned Northumberland RIcsy then vsurped it and after him Cuthred frō whome Sitricke the Dane gote it vnto whome King Athelstane the Monarche gaue his daughter in mariage Weast Saxons THe seanenth Kingdome was of the Weast Saxons which conteyned the Countreys of Barkeshire South-hampton Wiltshire Dorcetshire Somersetshire Deuonshire and Cornewall and hath dioceses Bathe and Welles Sarisburie and Exester hauing on the East side Southsex on the North side Thames on the South and the Weast the Sea Ocean This Kingdome although it tooke beginning long after the first comming of the Saxons yet the same endured longest and ouercomming all the other Kingdomes broughte them againe to one Monarchy CErdic the tenth from Woden with his sonne Kenrike landed in Britaine at a place called Cerdike shore and slew Natanleod King of the Britaines and fiue thousand men of whose name the Countrey as farre as Cerdikes foorde was called by the name of Natanleod CErdike and Kenrite began to raigne as Kings and 519 the same yeare they fought with the Britaine 's in a place called Cerdikes foorde and departed vanquishers After that they fought with the Britaynes in a place called Cerdicks lege They tooke the I le of Wight and gaue the same to their Nephewes Stuffe and Withgare and slewe the Britaines in Wethgarbirg He raigned xvij yeares Withgare the Nephew of Cerdic was buried at Withgarbrig or the Citie of Withgar KEnrike the sonne of Cerdic fought with the Britaine 's at 5●6 Searesberige and afterwards at Beranbrige and at both times put them to flight and raigned xxv yeares CEaulin the sonne of Kenrike tooke vpon him the Kingdome 560 of the West Saxons In the beginning of his raigne he discomfited Ethelbert King of Kent and slew his two Dukes Oslaue and Cnebban at Wibbandune Afterward his brother Cutholfe vanquished the Britaines at Bedford and wanne from them the townes of Liganburge Egelsburge Bensington and Eignesham Sixe yeres after Ceaulin slew thrée kings of the Britaines Commeaile Condid●n Fariemeile at Deorham and tooke thrée Cities from them Glocester Cirencester and Bathancester After he fought with the Britaine 's at Fethanleah in which Tho. Rudborne Leyland he had the victorie but lost his sonne Cutha for now his fortune changed and when he had raigned xxxiij yeares he was ouercome at Wodnesbeorhe or Wannes ditch in Wilshire and expelled out of his Kingdome by the Britaines CEalrike the sonne of Cutholfe ruled the West Saxons fiu● 591 yeares CEolnulfe son of Cutha before named succéeded who had 598 continuall warres either with the Englishmen with Britaines with the Scottes or with the Pictes and lastly moued warre against the South Saxons and there dyed when he had raigned fourtéene yeares KInegilsus the sonne of Ceolrike succéeded He brought his 611 Marian. Floria. W●g host against the Britaines into Beandune and there ●lew of them two thousand xlvj He also fought with Penda King of Mercians néere vnto Cirencester and after made peace with him And shortly after VVestsex baptised in the yeare of Christ 635. by the preaching of Berinus King Kinegilsus and all his people receiued the Christian faith to whome King Oswald was Godfather at the Font of which Kings the said Berinus had granted to him the Citie of Dorchester and builded there an house of Canons for Vita Berini his Bishops Sea Kinegilsus raigned xxvij yeares
hys Dominion He granted the Priuiledge vnto Saint Edmund in which the limits of the Towne of Edmundes Burie are conteyned On Saint Austins day in the kings town named Puckelchurch W. Malme the King whilest he woulde haue saued his Sewar from the handes of a wicked théefe called Leofe was slayne when he had raigned fiue yeares and. vij monthes and was buried at Glastenburie ELdrede succéeded Edmunde his brother for hys sonnes 946 Sp● Histo Rich. Ciren Edwyne and Edgar were thoughte too yong to take on them so great a charge He tooke on him but as protector but afterwardes he was crowned at Kingstone This Eldred had the earnest fauour of the commons bycause he was a great maintayner of honestie and also most abhorred naughty and vnruely persons for his expertnesse in feates of armes he was much commended whereby he quieted and kepte in due obeysaunce the Northumbers and Scottes and exiled the Danes He placed the Bishoppe of Cornewal at Saint Germaines where it continued tyll the time of Edward nexte before the conquest in whose time it was translated to Excester In the yere 951. he committed to prison Wolstan Archbyshoppe Ma●●●nus Canturb recordes of Yorke in Luthaberie bycause he often had bene accused to haue commaunded manye Citizens of Thetforde to be slaine in reuenge of the Abbot Adelme vniustly by them slaine he was a yeare after released and restoared to hys sea King Eldred builded Mich at Abindone gaue gret lāds Asses and confirmed them Charters with seales of golde He raigned ix yeares and was buried in the Cathedrall Church at Winchester in the old Monasterie EDwyn succéeded his vncle Eldred in the kingdome He 955 was crowned at Kingstone of whom is left no honest memorie for one heynous acte by him committed in the beginning of his raigne In the selfe daye of hys coronation he sodainely wythdrewe A vicious king W. Malme Speculum Hist ●i Cirecest himselfe from his Lordes and in the sight of certaine persons rauished his owne kinswoman the wife of a noble man of his realme and afterwarde slewe hir husband that he might haue the vnlawfull vse of hir beautie For whyche acte and for bannishing Dunstane he became odible to hys subiectes and of the Northumbers and people of middle Englande that rose against him was depriued when he had raigned The king depriued four yeres He dyed and was buried in the new Abbey of Winchester EDgar the peaceable brother to Edwyne was crowned at 959 King Crovvned at Bathe Bathe He was so excellent in iustice and sharpe in correction of vices as wel in his magistrates as other subiects that neuer before his dayes was vsed lesse fellonie by robbers or extortion or briberie by false officers He chastised y e Alfridus Beuerla great negligence couetousnesse and vicious liuing of the clergie and broughte them to a better order Of stature hée was but little yet of minde valiaunt and hardie and verye Marinus Alredus Riual expert in martial pollicie He prepared a gret nauie of 3600. ships which he deposed in thrée parts of his realme and had souldiours alway prest and readie against the incursions of forrain and strange enimies King Edgar hauing restored new founded xlvij Monasteries which before his time had bin destroyed and intending to continue that his intent tyll the number of 50. were accomplished he confirmed the Monasterie of Worcester whiche Oswalde then Bishop of Worcester VVorcester nu●ster restored Ex charta regia by the kings consente and leaue had enlarged and augmented and made it the Cathedrall Churche of that shire The Princes of Wales payde to him yearely in name of Tribute VVolues destroyed 300. Wolues by meanes whereof within thrée yeres in England and Wales might scarcely be found one Wolef The Danes and all other people in England vsed the vice Against qua●●ing of great drincking The king therefore put downe many alehouses and would suffer but one in a village or Towne except it were a great borough he ordayned certaine Cuppes Lavvs against dronkardes with pinnes or nayles and made a lawe that who soeuer dranke paste that marke at one draughte shoulde forfayte a certaine payne Alwynus Alderman earle of East-angle kinsman to king Edgar founded the Abbey of Ramsey King Edgar confirming Ramsey fon̄ded Ex charta regia the same on Christmasse daye 974. in the presence of all the Nobilitie The same yere was an Earthquake through al England Edgar being at Chester entred the riuer of Dee hée tooke Eight kings rovved K. Edgar Horiacensis Iohn Pike Eulogium W. Malme Alfridus Beuerla Speculum histo the rule of the Helme and caused eyght kings to rowe hym vnto Saint Iohns Church and from thence vnto hys Palaice in token that he was Lord and King of so many Prouinces The names of the eight Kings were Rinoch king of Scottes Malcoline of Cumberland Macone king of Man and of many Ilands Dufnal King of Demecia or South Wales Siferth and Huwall kings of Wales Iames king of Galaway and ●i Cir●●●st Rog H●●ed Flores Historiarū R●y●●lf Hygden Hērie Bradshaw Edmerus 〈…〉 Osbernus Autonius Archi. Marianus Scotus Iukil of Westmerlande King Edgar raigned sixetéene yere was buried at Glastenburie By his first wife Egelslede as some doe write or by a religious votarie as some other doe write he hadde issue Edward surnamed the martyr who succéeded after his Father Of his wife Elfrith daughter to Ordgarus Duke of Deuonshire he receyued another son named Ethelrede a daughter named Wolfrith EDward the sonne of Edgar was crowned at Kingstone by y ● 975 The king crovvned at Kingstone Iohn Pike W●l Malme Alfridus Peuerl Speculum histo Ri. Ciren Flores Historiarū The king murthered by his step mother handes of Dunstan Archbishoppe of Canturburie and Oswalde Archbishoppe of Yorke This man might well be compared to his Father for his modest●e and gentlenesse so that he was worthyly fauoured of all men except onely of hys stepmother and other of hir aliaunce whyche euer bare a grudge against him for so muche as she desired to haue y ● gouernaunce of the realme for hir owne sonne Ethelred This Edward while he was hūting in a forest by chāce lost his companie and rode alone to refresh himselfe at the Castell of Corffe where by Counsayle of his stepmother Elfrede he was traytorouslye murthered as he satte on hys horsse when he had raigned thrée yeares He was buried at Warham and after at Shaftesburie Elphred did after take great penaunce and builded two VVarvvel and Almesbury built monasteries of Nuns Almesburie Warwel in which Warwel the after liued a solitarie life till she dyed ETheldrede commonly called Unready the sonne of King 978 W. Malme Speculum Hist Ric● Ciren Edgar by his seconde wife Elphrede was crowned at Kingstone But bycause he came to the Kingdome by wicked meanes and by killing his brother he coulde neuer
get the good wyll of the people who had conceyued an ill opinion of hym of thys arose ciuill warres within the Realme and often dissention and discordes as well of the Nobles as of the common sort Anno. 982. a great part of the Citie of London was brent Thomas Rudburn which Citie at this time had most building from Ludgate towarde Westminster and little or none where the harte of the Citie is nowe except in diuerse places was housing that stoode without order so that manye Cities as Canturburie Yorke and other in Englande passed London in building but after the Conquest it encreased and nowe passeth all other A disease not knowen in England in time past to witte Asser Flux of men c morraine of Cattaile Bishops Sea at Excester Feuers of men with the Flix and Morren of cattayle killed many Anno. 994. King Ethelred erected a Byshoppes sea at Excester The same yeare Anlafe Kyng of the Norwayes Sweyne King of Danes on the daye of the Natiuitie of our Lorde in xviij Galleys came vp to London whiche they attempted to breake into and to set on fire but they were repulsed not without their greate detriment and losse by the Citizens wherevppon they being driuen with furie leauing London set vpon Eastsex and Kent by the sea coastes brent Townes and wasted the fields without respect of sex or age killed al wasted with fire sword al what they may not carry away At length being pacified with a Tribute of 16000. pounds departed to theyr shyppes and Wintered at Southampton Anno. 995. a Comet apeared The Bishoprick of Lind●fer Bishops sea a● Durham or Hol●e Iland was remoued to Durham In the yeare 1002. King Etheldred caused al the Danes in The Danes 〈…〉 thered Burton vpon Trent England to be slayne vpon the day of Saint Brice The same yeare Vl●ricus Spote founded a Monasterie at Burton vppon Trent In Anno. 100● Swayn King of Denmark with agret army inuaded Englēd with fire and sword 1004 they fought a great battell at The●forde against Vlfekettel Carle of East-Angle Asser The yere 1009. they fought another battel against Vlfekettel at Rengemore The yere 1011. they destroyed Canturburie for that y ● Archbishoppe Elfegus woulde not yéelde to them he was first imprisoned there after carried to Grenewiche and there stoned to deathe Christes Churche is spoyled and brent the Monkes with all other men are ●●●●hed Tirāny of the Danes in Englande nine of euery ten being put to death the tenth suffered to liue in miserie the number of them that were left aliue was four Monkes and of lay people eight hundred so that y ● number slaine was 36. Monkes and. 8000. of the lay people In Anno. 1012. they toke tribute of 48000. poundes and Record eccle Ca● Marianus Tloriacensis at the last after diuerse ouerthrowes giuen to the mē of this Iland they possessed the same and putte king Etheldred to flight constrayning him to liue in exile among the Normās This Etheldred had two wiues Ethelgina an Englishe Ethelgina and Emma vviues to Etheldred Alured and Edvvard the sons of Etheldred woman and Emma a Norman of the first he had two childrē of which sauing of Edmonde who succéeded hym in the kingdome it were nothing to our purpose to speake Of the secōd that was Emma sister to Richard Duke of Normandie there were borne two sonnes to witte Edward and Alured And that I do here contrarie to that is commonly vsed set Edward before Alured as elder brother I am moued therevnto by no smal aucthoritie which I haue taken out of the historiographers W. Gemeticensis Encomium Emma of that age out of Gemeticensis a most diligē● writer of Genealogies and one other author who in hys Commentarie written in praise of Emma the Quéene affirmeth that Edwarde was the elder brother whom I doe the better beléeue bycause it is not like that he séeing the things wyth his eyes shoulde mistake the matter especiallye writing to the Quéene who was mother to them both Swanus in the meane time subdued al Englande and the people for feare yelded vnto hym on euery side ouer whome most cruelly he tryumphed But not long after he departed this life at Geynesburge and left Canutus his sonne successour in the Kingdome Etheldrede hearing that Swanus was dead leauing in Normandie with Duke Richard his sisters sonne Emma his wife and the children that he hadde by hyr returned with al spéede into Englande with Edmunde his sonne by hys firste wife being then at mās state by the trustinesse of his own men and the ayde of the Normans moued warre against his enimie Canutus finding himselfe vnable to matche with him went into Denmarke minding to returne hither immediatly againe Etheldred being contrarie to his expectation thus restored to his kingdome shewed great crueltie vpon the Danes that remained in England sparing neither man nor woman yong nor old Therefore Canutus being very desirous to reuenge the same prepared a new armie and came into England against Etheldred with al spéede he could raging wide and side with fire and sword Etheldred in the meane season whether by sicknesse or for sorrow dyed when he had raigned ●o Taxtor Wil. Malme Alfredus Beuers lacensis eight and thirtie yeares and was buryed in the North I le of Paules Church in London aboue the high Aulter EDmond the sonne of Etheldred by his first wife succéeded 1016 Edmond Ironside W. Malme in the Kingdome who whether it were for the greate strength of his body or for that he alwayes vsed to go in armour was surnamed Ironside He had sixe battels against Canutus King of the Danes Leyland at Penham hard by Gillingham in Dorcetshire He put the Danes to flight after that at Shirestone He held euen hand with them in the field notwithstanding that the Englishmen at the first beganne to flée by the policie of Edricus Duke of Lincolne and of Merce who cryed Edrike a Traytor runne away wretches Edmond your King is slayne After this King Edmond came to London to deliuer the Citizens whome part of the enimies had beséeged as soone as he was gone from thence He had made a ditch also round about the Citie where Ditch about London the Riuer of Thamis doth not runne The Danes fléeing the King followed them and passing ouer Brentford he vanquished them with a notable victorie The rest of y e Danes which remayned with Cnute whiles London beseeged both by land and by vvater Edmond rested him and set his matters in order did againe beséege London both by water and by lande but the Citizens stoutely withstoode and repulsed them wherefore they shewed their anger vpon the Countrey of the Mercies spoyling Townes and Uillages with robbery burnings and murther and caryed their pray to the Shippes whiche they had gathered togither in the Riuer of Medway which runneth by Rochester from
looked for wherevpon the Kingdome was deuided the North part to Harold and the South to Hardycanute Edward and Alfred sonnes to King Ethelred with many Knightes came out of Normandy to sée their mother at Winchester whiche sore troubled the mindes of many greate men who bare more fauour to King Harold Especially Godwine Earle of Kent feigning to receiue Alfred as a friend came to méete him but in the end put him in prison parte of his companye he put in fetters and after put out their eyes Of some he caused their skinne to be plucked ouer their eares chopping off their hands and féete Some he commanded to be solde and diuers were murthered at Gilforde Quéene Emma hearing of this dealing she sent hir sonne Edward backe againe into Normandy After this Alfride was conueyed to the I le of Eely where his eyes being firste plucked out he was deliuered to the Monckes to be kept prisoner there where shortly after hée departed this life and was buryed in the South I le of the West part of the Church Bycause Hardycanutus delayed to come ouer being sent for he was vtterly reiected and Harold who before was King of the Mercies and Northumbers was chosen King of all England who shortly after expelled his mother in law Emma out of the Realme He raigned thrée yeares dyed at Oxford and was buryed at Westminster and after at Saint Clements without Templebarre at London HArdycanutus the lawfull begotten sonne of Canutus and 1041 Emma as soone as he had gotten his fathers Kingdome fetched home his mother out of exile and in reuenge of displeasure that was done to hir and of the murther of his brother Alured he commanded the carkas of Harold to be digged out of the earth and to be throwen into the Riuer of Thamis where by a Fisher it was taken vp and brought to the Danes who buryed it in a Church yard which they had This is supposed to be S. Clements Church vvithout Temple barre at London Which done the King appoynted eyght markes to be payde to euery Sayler in his name twelue markes to euery Pilote or Maister which tribute was to be payd of al England so gréeuous that scarce any was able to beare it Shortly after he sent for Edward the sonne of Etheldred his brother of the mothers side to come into England and embraced him with all loue and fauour Being at a mariage feast pleasantly drincking with the Bride other persons in the middest of his cups he fell suddaynely downe to the ground so remaining dumbe departed this life the third yeare of his raigne was buried by his father at Winchester EDward borne at Islip besides Oxford the sonne of Etheldred 104● Alfridus Beuerla Io. Rouse whom Hardycanutus had sent for into England was Crowned at Winchester This Edward for his excellēt holynesse is vntill this day called Saint Edward who so soone as he had gotten his fathers kingdome of his owne frée will released the tribute of 40000. pound called Dane gelt which Dane gelt the English people euen from the very beginning of the reigne of the Danes was compelled to pay to their Kings euery The first com●●ing vp of the common Lavv. yeare He was also the chiefe author and cause that the law which we call the common Law was first brought vp being gathered togither out of the lawes and ordināces of four nations which were receiued when the Island was subiect to diuers regiments gouernances to witte of the Mercies of the West Saxons of the Danes of the Northumbers Mercies vvest Saxons Danes and Northumbers He was hard to his mother bycause she was hard to him in his minoritie and also suspected with Alwine Bishop of Winchester whome he put in prison by counsell of Roberte Archbishop of Canturbury but after his mother had purged hirselfe Alwine was deliuered and Robert the Archbishop conueyed himselfe out of England He tooke to wife Edgitha Sea Cron. the daughter of Earle Godwine who bycause she brought Edgitha vvas barreyne him forth no children neyther was there any hope that she should beare any whē he did sée that many did gaye after y ● kingdome he began to be carefull for one that should iustly succéede him and therfore following the reason of y ● commō law he sent for home into England his Nephew Edward the sonne of king Edmond his brother who by reason of his lōg absence out of the Countrey was cōmonly called y e outlaw This is that Edward the sonne of King Edmond surnamed Ironside which remained aliue whome Canutus when he had gotten England had sent into Swethen with his brother He knowing the aduise of his Uncle came againe into England and brought with him Agatha his wife Edgar Margaret and Christian his children borne in Panonia in hope of the kingdome where he liued but a while Thus S. Edward being disappoynted both of his Nephew and his heire for that Edward the outlaw was both by néerenesse of bloud and by lawfull succession right heire vnto the Kingdome withoute delaye pronounced Edgar the outlawes sonne and his greate Nephew to bée heire of the Kingdome and gaue him to surname Adeling which name in those dayes was peculiar onely to Kings Children which were borne in hope and possibilitie of the Kingdome for thys worde Adeling in the English tong is as much to say as Prince or Lorde the contrary of which word is Vnderling that is The signification of the vvord Adeling to say a seruan●●or or bondman or according to the Walche spéech Adeling signifieth heire but bycause this Edgar was but yong of yeares and within age by his testamente he made Harold the sonne of Godwine a stoute man both in warre and peace Regent vntill the yong Edgar should be of age to receyue the Kingdome and that then he should be made King which thing Harold with a solemne oth promised to sée so performed and done Notwithstanding he like a Traytour by force of armes immediately after y ● death of Edward refused the name of Regent and pronounced himselfe Alfridus Beuerl Speculum histo R● Cirecest Flores histo King whiche thing shortly after brought destruction both to himselfe and to all England Anno 1051. Eustace Earle of Bullogne which had to wife Floriacen Goda sister to King Edward arriued at Douer where one of his men quarelling aboute his lodging slewe one of the Townesmen in reuenge whereof not only the quareller but other of his company and many of the Towne were slayne whiche doing so muche offended Godwine Earle of Kent that he assembled a great power wherewith he marched toward Glocester where the king then lay vnto whome he sent messengers to denounce warre except he would deliuer Eustace and his fellow Normans and Bolognians which held a Castell in the dominions of Kent After this Godwins armie entered into Glocester but it was there agréed that at a day
himselfe so neare y ● with the heate of his harneys he got a disease to the encrease of his sicknesse Also the kings horsse leaping ouer a ditch did burst the inner parts of the K. with the pain wherof he was sore afflilcted and retourned to Roane wher shortly after he ended his life The. ix day of Septem in the yere of King VVilliam dyed our Lord. 1087. when he had rained xx yeres xj monthes lacking fine days his body being brought w t great solēnitie in Cane in Normandie there to be buried in a Church whiche he had founded a certaine knight boldly forbod the burial of W. Malme him in that place affirming that by title of inheritaunce the ground was his that king William ought not to be buried Burial forbiddē to VVilliam Conquerour in the ground which by violence he had obtayned wherfore by consent of Henry his son this reproch was appeased with the payment of an hundred pounde of siluer He had issue by Matild his wife daughter to Baldwin Erle of Flaunders Robert Curthose vnto whom he gaue Normandie Richard that Issue of VVilliā Conquerour dyed yong William Rufus vnto whom he gaue England and Henry to whō he gaue his wiues inheritance treasure hée had daughters Cicily Abbesse of Cane Constance marryed to Alane Earle of Brytain Adale wife to Stephen Earle of Bloyse Margaret promised to Harold king of Englād Alianor betrothed to Alfonse King of Galicia King Williā commanded all prisoners to be released his tresure to be distributed vnto churches ¶ King William Rufus WIlliam le Rovvse or Rufus the thirde sonne of William Conquerour beganne his raigne the Anno reg 1. ninthe daye of September in the yeare of our Lorde 1087. and was crowned at Westminster by Lanfranke Archbishop of Canturburie y ● first day of October He was variable inconstant couetous cruel hée burdened his people with vnreasonable taxes pylled the ryche and oppressed the poore and what he thus got he prodigally spent in great banqueting and sumptuous apparel for he woulde neyther eate drinke or weare any thing but W. Malme Robert of Glocest S. Albons Cronicl that it coste vnmeasurably déere As for example it was in those dayes written and for vs now to be noted that in a mornyng hys Chamberlayne bringing him a newe paire of hosen he demaunding what they coste and the Chamberlaine The best paire of hose three shillings answering thrée shillings the king being wroth said away begger that thou art are those méete hose for a King to weare bring me a paire of a Marke or thou shalte sore repent it then his Chamberlaine fette another paire that were much worse than the first and sayd ●h●y cost a Marke wherewith King William was well pleased Thus farre haue I noted the saying of King William bycause it importeth the simplicitie of apparell in those dayes vsed so farre different from the excesse of this present time Odo Bishop of Bayon and Earle of Kent with his brother 1088 The Nobles ●ebes● Robert Earle of Mortaigne and Hereford and almost all the Nobles of England raysed warre against King William and would haue had Robert his eldest brother to be King but King William by f●irs words pacifying some of the principall conspirators beséeged the residue in the Castell of Rochester W. Malme and with muche labour lastly ouercame them An Earthquake ouerturned many houses and churches An Earthquake in England Lanfranke Archbishop of Canturbury deceassed He renued Anno reg 2. 1089 the great Church of Canturbury restoring xxv manors to the same He repaired the walles of that Citie builded two Hospitals the one of Saint Iohn the other at Harbaldowne Hospitall of Saint Iohn and Harbaldovvne He restored the Church of Rochester from four secular Clarkes to fiftie Monkes He alwayes attended his booke and trauelled to correct the corruption of Writers When Lanfranke was dead King Wilham kept in his owne hands the Churches and Monasteries of England after Mathew Paris G. Lilly their pastours were dead making great spoyle and lotting them out to ferme King William making warre against his brother Robert Anno reg 3. 1090 King VVilliam made vvarre on his brother Duke of Normandy tooke the Castels of Wallarroke and of Albemarle making great spoyle in his brothers Countrey but at length agréemente was made betwéene them that Robert should giue vp into the Kings hands the Castels that he had gotten of him and the King shoulde helpe him to get all that his father had England only excepted and also if one of them dyed without issue the other should succéede in the inheritance to which couenant were sworne twelue Princes of the Kings side and twelue Barons on the Dukes side Malcoline King of Scottes did homage and fealtie to King of Scots did homage Mathew Paris Great tempest King William of England A great tempest sell on Saint Lukes day in ●imdry places of England specially in Winchcombe where a great part of the Stéeple was ●uerthrowne with thundering and lightning and in London the winde ouerturned 606. houses and 606. houses ouerturned the rou●e of Bow Church in Cheape wherewith some persons were slayne foure of the ●afters of 20. foote in length were with such violence pitched into the strée●e that scantly Wil. Malme Gualter Couen foure foote of them remayned aboue grounde whiche were fayne to be ●●t euen with the same grounde bycau●e they could not be plucked out About this time one Iustinus sonne to Gurguntus Earle Anno reg 4. of Glamorgan and Morgannoke refusing to obey Rhesus sonne to Theodore Prince of South-wales sente Aeneas The vvinning of Glamorgan and Morganoke out of the VVelchmens hands sonne to Gedi●orus sometyme Lorde of Deme●ia into England to take muster of Souldioures and there receyued a great Armie vnder the conduct of one Robert Fitzhamon and ioyning with other tables out of Went and Brecini● met with Rhesus in Blacke h●ll and there ●●ewe him and s● paying the Englishmen their wages discharged them But they taking regard vnto the goodnesse of the soyle and the great variance which was then amongst the Welchmen as in foretime the Saxons had done they turned their force of armes against those which had entertayned them and soone displaced them wholly of all the Champion and the best of the Countrey which Robert Fitzhamon diuided amongst twelue Knightes whiche he broughte with him reseruing the better parte to hymselfe who building there certayne Castels and ioyning their power togither defended their Farmes and Lordships whiche they had taken and possessed whose heires peaceably enioy the same vnto this day but Iustinus scarsely reserued to himselfe and his the hilly Countrey The names of the twelue Knightes were these 1 William Lowdon 2 Richard Granuille 3 Paganus Turberuille 4 Robert Saintqui●ti●● 5 Richard Siward 6 Gilbert Vmfreuill 7 Roger Berkerowle 8 Reynald Sully 9 Peeter Soore
10 Iohn Fleming 11 Oliuer Saint Iohn 12 Williā Easterling now for shortnes called S●radling Thus was the Lordship of Glamorgan Morgannoke wonne out of the Welchmens hands whiche Lordship conteyned in length from R●mid bridge on the East side to Pallekinan in the West side 27. miles The breadth from the Hauen of Aberthaw on the South side to the confine of Breknokeshire about Morleys Castell is 22. mi●●● In this Prouince are neath vpon a Riuer of the same name Pontfaine that is to say Stone bridge sometimes called Cowbridge Lantwid Wenny Dinwid Townes and Castels besides Caer Phili a most antient Castell fortresse which by reporte was erected by the Romanes and Caerdid the Humfrey L●●yd principall Towne of the Shire standing vpon the Riuer Tafe Englishmen tearme it Cardid or Gardife Also within the body of the said Lordship were eightene Castels and ●6 Knightes fées and a halfe that helde of the same Lordship by Knights seruice besides a great number of frée holders Also the saide Lordship being a Lordship Marcher or a Lordship Royall and holden of no other Lordship the Lordes thereof euer since the winning of the same owing their obedience only to the Crowne haue vsed therein Iura regalia with the triall of all actions as well reall as personall and pleas of Crowne with authoritie to pardon all offences Treason only excepted King William W 〈…〉 Northumberland where he repaired 1091 Nevv Castell Sarisburie Anno reg 5 such Castels as the Scottes had impayred and builded the newe Castell on Tine Osmond Bishop of Sarisburie founded the Cathedrall Church of old Sarisburie and on the morrow after the dedication thereof the Stéeple was fiered by lightning In England fell wonderfull abundance of rayne and after 1092 Great Frost Mathew Paris Wil. Malme ensued so great frost that horsses and cartes passed commonly ouer great Riuers which when it thawed the Yse brake downe many great bridges Hugh Lupus Earle of Chester sente into Normandy for Abbey of Chester Anselme by his counsell to builde an Abbey at Chester of Saint Werbridge King William lying sicke at Glocester for feare of death Mathew Paris promised to correct the wicked Lawes He gaue the Archbishoprike of Canturbury to Anselme Anselme Archbishop and to his Chancellour Robert Bloet the Bishoprike of Lincolne but when the King had recouered his health he was sorie that he had not sold the Bishoprike of Lincolne Malcolme King of Scottes comming into Englande was King of Scottes flayne met withall and sodeinly ●●ayne with his sonne and heire also by Robert Mowbray Earle of Northumberland Iohn Bishop of Welles by noynting the Kings handes Bishopricke at Bathe Levves in Suffex Anno reg 6. 1093 Carelile repayred and the Castell builded Famine ●● Beuerla Thomas Rudburn transposed his Bishops seate to Bathe William Waren first Earle of Surrey and Gundred his wife founded the Abbey of Lewes in Sussex King William builded againe the Citie of Carelile which was destroyed by the Danes 200. yeares before He also builded a Castell there and out of the South parts of England sent men to inhabit This yeare was a great famine and after so great a mortalitie that the quicke were scant able to bury the dead King William made great warres in Normandy against his brother Robert through the whiche both England and Normandy were fore oppressed with exactions Exactions VV●l●chmen vvon Angle●ey The Welchmen spoyled the Citie of Glocester with a part of Shrewsburie and woonne the Is●e of Anglesey The Bishopricke of Thetford was translated to Norwich Bishopricke at Norvvich Anno reg 7. 1094 Northumberland spoyled by Herbert Losing Bishop there King William sent his brother Henry into Northumberland with a great power bycause Robert Mowbrey Earle of that Countrey refused to come to the Kings Court the Countrey was spoyled the Earle was taken and many were disherited Some had their eyes put out c. King William with a great power entred Wales but not King VVilliam inuaded vvales being able to followe the Welchmen among the hilles he builded two Castels in the borders and returned Great preparation was made by the Christians to goe Anno reg 8. 1095 〈…〉 to Hierusalem against the Infidels at Hierusalem Peter the Hermite being their first leader and after Godfrey of Lorraine called Godfrey of Bolleine Robert Duke of Normandy tooke his iourney towards Anno reg 9. 1096 Normandy pavvned An. reg 10. 1097 Nice and Antioch vvoon Hierusalem and layde Normandy to gage to his brother King William for 6666. poundes of siluer The Dukes Godfrey Beamonde and Robert beséeged the Citie of Niece with 6000. horsemen and 10000. footemen and tooke the same with the wife of Soliman and his sonnes They also tooke the Citie of Antioch King William with an armie of horsemen and footemen wente the seconde time into Wales meaning to kill all the male kinde there but he could vnneth kill or take any one of them All the lands in Kent that sometime belonged to Earle Hector Boetius Godvvin sands Godwine by breaking in of the Sea were couered with Sands and therefore is yet called Godwine Sands King William was in Normandy and gaue himselfe to Exactions An. reg 11. 1098 An. reg 12. 1099 Hierusalem vvonne warres there so that with exactions and tributes he did not only shaue but flea the people of England Hugh Earle of Shrewsburie was slayne in Anglesey by the Irishmen The Christians tooke the Citie of Hierusalem and placed there a King and a Patriarche After King Wilham was come out of Normandy he kept his Courte at Westminster in the new Hall which he had then caused to be builded the length whereof is 270. foote VVestminster Hall P. Patauiensis and the breadth 74. foote and hearing men say it was too bigge he answered this Hall is not bigge ynough by the one halfe and that it was but a Chamber in comparison Io. Euersden of that he was about to make A diligent searcher might Mathew Paris Io. Rouse yet find out the foundation of the Hall which he had purposed to builde stretching from the Thames side vnto the common strééte King William being a hunting in the new Forest word was brought him that his people were beséeged in Mayne he forthwith tooke shipping though he were vehemently perswaded to the contrary for that there was at that time a great tempest to whome he answered he neuer heard that any King was drowned At this time he gote more honor VVord of VVilliam Rufus Mathew Paris than euer he did in all his life for he chased his enemies and returned with victory In this Sommer bloud sprang out of the earth at Finchamstede Anno reg 13 in Barkeshire King William on the morrow after Lammas day hunting 1100 There stande●● a Chappell King VVilliam slayne Wil. Malme Mathew Paris Radulphus Niger in the new Forrest of Hampshire in a
wéete Radulphus fitz Algede Winiard le Douershe c. gaue the foresayde Lands called Knighten Gild to the same Church but Othowerus Accolinillus Otto and Gefferey Earle of Estsex Constables of the Tower of London by succession with-helde by force a portion of the same lande that is to say East Smithfield néere to the Tower to make a Uineyard and would not depart from it by any meanes till the seconde yeare of King Stephen when the same was adiudged and restored to the Church of the holy Trinitie King Henry hauing greate warres with Lewes King 1116 Anno. reg 17 Cro. Peter of France the Realme of England was sore oppressed with exactions The Towne of Peterborow with the stately Churche there was burned downe to the ground In March was excéeding lightning and in December 1117 Anno. reg 18. Tempest and Earthquake thunder and hayle and the Moone at both times séemed to be turned into bloud This yeare in Lumbardy was an Earthquake continued fortie dayes whiche ouerthrewe many houses and that Floriacen whiche was maruellous to be séene a Towne was moued from his seate and set a good way off Mathild the Quéene wife to King Henry of Englande 1118 Anno reg 19. Mathew Paris deceassed at Westminster and was there buryed in the Reuostrie She founded the Priorie of Christes Church within the East gate of London called Aldgate and an Hospitall of Mathilds Hospitall Saint Giles in the fielde without the Weast part of the same Citie The order of the Templers began Knightes of the Temple Many sore battayles were fought in France and Normandy betwéene the King of England and of France 1119 Anno reg 20 1120 Anno reg 21. The Kings children drovvned W. Malme Mathew Paris King Henry hauing tamed the Frenchmen and pacifyed Normandy returned into Engalnde in whiche voyage William Duke of Normandy and Richard his sonnes and Marye his daughter Richard Earle of Chester and his wife with many noble men and to the number of one hundred and sixtie persons were miserably drowned the Sea being calme King Henry marryed Adelizia the Duke of Louans 1121 Anno reg 22. daughter at London from thence the King with a great armie wente towarde Wales but the Welchmen met him humbly and agréed with him at his pleasure The Citie of Glocester with the principall Monasterie was brent againe as before and Lincolne was burned 1122 Anno reg 23 Glocester brent Lib. Glocest Mathew Paris 1123 Anno reg 24. VVarvvike vvith the Colledge King Henry sayled into Normandy where he remayned long trauelling to quiet that Countrey Henry Earle of Warwike and Margaret his wife founded the Colledge of Saint Mary in y ● towne of Warwike And Roger de Belemound his sonne Earle of Warwike and Aeline his wife translated the same Colledge into the Castell of Warwike in Anno 1123. At that time were nine parishes in Warwike Saint Sepulcre Saint Hellens of these twayne were made one Priorie of Saint Sepulchre Alhalowes Saint Michaell Saint Iohn Saint Peter Saint Lawrēce Saint Iames these fiue last Liber Warwic●● Io. Rouse were ioyned to Saint Maryes in Anno 1367. Saint Nicholas Waleran Earle of Mellent is takē in Normandy by King 1124 Anno reg 25 1125 Anno reg 26 Mathew Paris Taxtor Coyners punished Henry and he with many other are imprisoned at Roane Iohn Thremensis Cardinall came into England who inueying sore against Priestes Concubines was himselfe detected of whoredome The King caused all the Coyners of England to haue their priuie members cut off and also their right hand bycause they had corrupted the Coyne Henry the fourth Emperour being dead as it was said 1126 Anno reg 27. The Empresse returned into England Giraldus Cambr. and Mawde the Empresse returning into England dwelte with the Quéene in hir Chamber bycause she was suspect of hir husbands death but some affirmed him to be long after in England lyuing as an Hermite and in the end to be buryed at Chester King Henry held his Courte with great magnificence Floriacen in his Castell of Winsore and there assembled all the nobilitie of his Realme where when the Archbishop of Yorke woulde haue Crowned the King equally with the Archshop of Canturbury by the iudgement of all menne he Archbishop of Yorke vvith his Crosse cast out of the Kings Chappell was repulsed the bearer of his Crosse togither with the Crosse was throwne out of the Kings Chappell for it was affirmed that no Metropolitane out of his owne Prouince might haue any Crosse borne before him The feast being ended the King with all the States of the Realme togither came to London and there at the Kings commandement William the Archbishop and the Legate of the Romish Churche and all other Bishops of the English Nation with the Nobilitie tooke an othe to defend against all men the Kingdome to his daughter if she suruiued hir father except that before his deceasse he begate some sonne to succéede him The King also granted to the Churche of Canturburie and to William and his successors the custodie and Constableship of the Castell of Rochester for euer The Archbishop of Canturbury assembled a counsell of Bishops 1127 Anno reg 28. Abbots and other Prelates at Westminster where they determined many causes concerning Ecclesiastical businesse and the King with his counsell confirmed them King Henry went with a warlike army into Fraunce bycause 1128 Anno reg 29 Lodowike the French King defēded the Erle of Flaunders the Kings Nephew and enimy At this time men had such a pride in their haire that they Men vveare haire like vvomen W. Malme 1129 Anno reg 30 Mathew Paris contended with women in length of haire King Henry helde a Counsell at London wherein it was graunted him to haue the correction of the Cleargie whiche came to an euill purpose for the King tooke infinite summes of mony of Priests and suffred them to do what they would Robert Deolley Knight great Conestable of England was the first founder of Osney King Henry gaue his daughter the Empresse to Geffrey 1130 Anno reg 31 1131 Anno reg 32 Rochester brent Richard Diuiensis 1132 Anno reg 33 Carleil a Byshopricke Geruasius Gualter Couen London brent Geruasius Doro. Thomas Wikes Plantagenet Earle of Angiou In the Moneth of May the King beyng present the Citie of Rochester was sore defaced wyth fire The King made a Bishopricke at Carleil Mawde the Empresse did beare to Geffrey Plantagenet Earle of Angiou a sonne and named him Henry which when the King knewe hée called hys nobles togyther and ordayned that his daughter and the heires of hir body should succéede him in hys Kingdome In Whitsonwéeke a great fire beginning at Gilbert Beckets house in Weast Cheape consumed a greate parte of London from thence to Algate with the Priorie of Channons of the holy Trinitie and many houses of Office thereto
belonging An Earthquake in England Earthquake Henry Bloys Bishop of Winchester builded the Hospitall Liber canonitrinitatis of Saint Crosse neare vnto Winchester The same hadde béene a Hospitall in the Saxons time but after spoyled by the Danes There was greate darkenesse in England and the Sunne 1133 Anno reg 34. VVorcester brent became like the Moone in the thyrd quarter Worcester as it had oft before chaunced was sore defaced with fire Mawde the Empresse brought forth a sonne named Geffrey for which cause King Henrie went ouer into Normandie Robert Shorthose King Henries brother died in the Castel 1134 Anno reg 35 Robert Short●ose died 1135 Anno reg 36 Death of King Henrie Mathew Paris of Cardife and was buried at Glocester King Henrie remayning in Normandie vpō a day did eat Lampraies wherof he toke a surfeite and deceased the firste day of December Anno. 1135. when he had raigned 35. yeres 4. monthes his bowels braynes and eyes were buried at Roan the rest of his bodie was pondered with salt and wrapped in Bulles hydes bycause of the stincke which poysoned them that stood about him The Phisition which being hyred with a great reward to cleaue his heade to take out y e brain with the stinck therof died so that he enioyed not the reward that was couenaunted Thus among a gret many that king Henrie slew this Phisition was the last King Henrie was buried at Reding which he had founde● He also founded the Priorie of Dunstable he conuerted a rich Colledge of Prebends in the Towne of Cirencester into an Abbay of Chanons regular he also builded ● Leyland there an Hospitall of Saint Iohn and newe builded the Castel of Windsor with a Colledge there ⸪ ¶ King Stephen STephen Earle of Morton Anno reg 1 W. Malme Floriacencis Gernasius Do. Ypodigma and of Boloigne sonne to the Earle of Bloys Adela William Conquerours daughter and nephew to king Henrie the firste claymed the kyngdome the seconde daye of December Anno. 1135. He comming into Englande was repulsed by them of Douer shutte out by them of Canturburie but receiued of y e Londoners and Péeres of the land admitted king and crowned at Westminster on Saint Stephens daye by William Archbishop of Canturburie This was a noble man and hardy of passing comely fauour and personage he excelled in martiall pollicie gentlenesse and liberalitie toward all men especially in the beginning and although he had continuall warre yet did he neuer burden his commons with exactions But vniustly and contrarye to his othe made to Mawde the Empresse daughter Fire at London to King Henrie he toke on him the crowne of England Fire which began in the house of one Ailward neare Lōdon Liber trinitatis London Thomas Wikes 1136 Excester besieged Ger. Dorobor stone consumed Eastward to Algate and Westwarde to Saint Erkenwalds shrine in Poules Church King Steuen assembling a great armye of Englishmen and Flemmings entred into Deuonshire and besieged the Castell of Excester a long time whiche Baldwine de Riuers helde against him but at length when they within the Castel wanted necessarie things to liue by they compounded Baldwine with hys wife and children are disherited and expulsed the lande A battayle was fought at Goher betwixte Normans and Walshmen where a hundred and. xvj persons on bothe sides Battaile against the vvalchmen were slaine whose bodies laye in the fieldes and were horribly torne and deuoured of Wolues After this was made greate eruptions by the Walchmen who destroyed Churches Townes Castels corne cattayle slewe men women and children riche and poore or solde thē in forraine countries In October a sore battayle was fought at Cardigan in the which such slaughter of men was made that the men except which were led awaye captiue there were of women taken and ledde away that there remayned to the tenth a thousād their husbands with their small children partelye drowned partly brent partly slaine so that the bridge being broken ouer the riuer of Tinde there was a bridge made of mens bodies Anno reg 2. and horsses drowned In March King Steuen passed the Sea to subdue Normādie 1137 Ypodigma Rochester Richard Diuiensis where he toke many Cities and strong Castels The thirde of June Sainte Andrewe in Rochester was brent with all the Citie and the Bishoppes and Monkes houses The fourth of June Saint Peters the Archbishops sea in Saint Peters in Yorke Yorke Saint Maries without the wals and an Hospital whiche the Archbishoppe Thrusto● had builded with 39. other Churches also the Trinitie Church in the suburbes of the same Citie within a small time after were brent Also Saint Peters Church at Bathe and all the Citie the The Citie of Bath brent Liber Roff. Geruasius Dor● Floriacensis Anno. reg 3. 27. of June was brent And the same moneth the citie of Leogere was consumed with fire England began to fall into great troubles whych caused King Steuen to returne out of Normandy before he had finished his businesse there Kyng Stephen besieged Bedford and wonne it then he wēt 1138 Bedford besieged Floriacencis Geruasius with a strong power into Northumberlande where he stayed not long but went to Glocester where the Citizens receyued him with greate reioycing Miles the Kings Conestable broughte him into the Kings Pallace there where all the Citizens were to him sworne From thence he wente to Hereford bicause that he heard the Castel was holdē against him and on Whitsonday he sate crowned in the Churche of Hereford When they that kept the Castell sawe the Kyngs power to encrease they yéelded themselues The King tooke also the Castell of Webheleyge whych Geffrey Talbot hadde helde agaynste hym The same day that the Kyng departed Hereford brent out of Hereforde all beyond the Ryuer of Wye was brente by the saide Geffrey The King returned to Oxforde where he tooke Roger the Bishop of Sarum with the Byshop of Lincolne and his sonne Roger the Bishop of Eely escaping went to the Castell of Vies and kept it against the King but at lengthe it was deliuered The same time Robert Earle of Gloucester renounced his allegeaunce to King Stephen fortified Bristow and other Castells Also Miles the Kings Conestable reuolted Wherfore Bristovv besieged the Kyng besieged the Castell of Bristow but at length being wearyed he tourned to other of the Earles Castels and séeing hys enimyes still encreasing he called out of Flaunders Anno reg 4. Ypodigma men of warre wyth Wylliam de Ypers their leader whose counsell he chiefly followed The same yeare Roger Byshop of Salisbury a great builder Geruasius Do●o of Castelles and Houses departed this life There was founde in hys Coffers fortie thousande Markes of siluer besides much golde and dyuers Jewels that came to the kings hande so that he hadde gathered treasure but wist not for whom The Nobles sent for Mawd the Empresse promising hir
Gillemehelmach Ocadeci Ocaruell with other Princes and the Bishops submitting themselues and theirs to the King of Englande and his successors builded for him a greate Pallace at Dublin where he helde hys Christmas The Church of Norwich with the houses thereto belonging was brent and the Monkes were dispercled The King returned into England on Monday in the Easter 1172 wéeke about the Ascention tide sayled into Normandy At Andouer a Priest praying before the Altare was striken with thunder and slayne Likewise one Larke and his brother was brent to death with the lightning Cro. Col●estre King Henry the sonne with his wife the French Kings daughter were both togither Crowned at Winchester the seauen and twentith of August by the handes of Rotrod Archbishop of Roane King Henry the elder was assoyled of the death of Thomas Geruasius Anno reg 19. the Archbishop vpō his oth made that he was not priuie to it King Henry married the eldest daughter of Hubert 117● Ypodigma Earle of Morton vnto his sonne Iohn surnamed without land He also made Mary the sister of Thomas Becket Abbesse of Berking Henry the yonger rebelling in Normandy against King Henry the yonger rebelled Henry his father many Earles and Barons fledde ouer to him whereby diuers strong battayles were fought as well in England as in Normandy Poytow Guyen and Britaine There tooke part against the father Lewes King of France William King of Scottes Henry Geffrey and Iohn his sonnes Robert Earle of Leycester Hugh of Chester and others Robert Earle of Leycester with thrée thousand Flemings comming into England ariued at Walton and after were receyued by Earle Hugh into Framilingham Castell They brent the Castell of Hagoneth the Citie of Norwich c. but by Iohn Taxtor Anno reg 20 Richard de Lucy the Kings Justice both he his wife and as many Normans and Frenchmen as were with him were taken but the Flemings were all slayne or drowned This battayle was fought without the Towne of S. Edmondsburie néere to a place called S. Martins of Farneham William King of Scottes with many Flemings entring into England wan the Castels of Appleby Brough and Prideho● King Henry the elder returning into England in shorte time subdued his Rebels The Citie of Leycester by his 1174 Leycester brent commandement was brent the walles and Castell raced and the inhabitants sparcled into other Cities Robert de Scoteuile Radulph de Mandeuile Barnard Bayllole of whome Baynards Castell tooke the name and William de Vescy came to Newcastell and after tooke King William King of Scottes taken prisoner Ger. Dorobor Baynardes Castell Sca. Cron. prisoner and sent him to London from whence King Henry tooke him and the Earle of Leycester with him into Normandy and there imprisoned them at Roane where King William compounded for his ransome and after was deliuered at Yorke for 4000. pound The Nobles of Scotlande came no néerer than Pembles in Scotland to méete with their King wherefore he tooke with him many of the yonger sonnes of noble men in England that bare him good wil and gaue them landes in Scotland which he tooke from suche as were Rebels to him there The names of those Gentlemen that he toke with him were Baylliol Brewle Soully Mowbrey Saintclere Hay Giffard Ramesey Lanudell Bisey Berkeley Wellegen Boys Montgomery Valx Celenille Friser Grame Gurlay and diuers other The v. day of September Christes Church in Canturburye Geruasius Doro. Wil. Thorne Canturbury brent was burned with certayne houses of Office in the court King Henry the sonne with his bréethren other were reconciled to King Henry the father The Archbishop of Canturbury held a Counsell in S. Peeters Anno reg 21 1175 at Westminster on Sunday before the Ascention day at which Counsell were present all the suffragan Bishops of his Prouince Worcester except that was sicke and so excused himselfe and y ● Bishop of Norwich which was deceased A brother of the Earle Ferrers was in the night priuily Roger Houed slayne at London which whē the King vnderstoode he sware that he would be auenged on the Citizens for it was then a common practise in the Citie that an hundred or more in Night vvalkers in London did murther all they met a company of yong and old would make nightly inuasions vpon the houses of the wealthy to the intent to robbe them and if they found any man stirring in the Citie within the night they would presently murther him in so much that when night was come no man durst aduenture to walke in the Stréetes When this had continued long it fortuned that as a crew of yong and wealthy Citizens assembling togither in the night assaulted a stone house of a certayne rich man and breaking through the wall the good man of that house hauing prepared himselfe with other in a corner when he perceyued one of the Théeues named Andrew Bucquinte to leade the way with a burning brand in the one hand and a potte of coales in the other whiche he assayed to kindle with the brand he flew vpon him and smote off his right hande and then with a lowde voyce cryed Théeues at the hearing whereof the Théeues tooke their flight all sauing he that had lost his hande whome the good man in the next morning deliuered to Richarde de Lucy the Kings Justice This Théese vpon warrant of his life appeached his confederates of whome many were taken and many were fledde but among the rest that were apprehended a certayne Citizen of greate countenance credite and wealth surnamed Iohn the olde when he coulde not acquite himselfe by the waterdome offered the King for his life fiue hundred Markes but the King commaunded that he shoulde be hanged which was done Gualter Couen and the Citie became more quiet The Kings of England both father and sonne did eate Anno reg 22 1176 and drinke at one Table lay in one Chamber and wente togither to visite the Tombe of Thomas late Archbishop of Canturburie accomplishing indéede the peace whiche they had promised The King caused to be razed and ouerthrowne the Castels of Huntington Walton Groby Tutsburie Hay and Trest Castels razed with many other in reuenge of the harme the Lordes of them had done to him This yeare 1176 after the foundation of Saint Mary Redulphus de diceto Oueryes Church in Southwarke the stone bridge ouer the The stone bridge at London begon to bée buylded Ex recordis Sāctae Mariae de Southwarke Iohn Leyland Thamis at London was begonne to bée founded A Cardinall and the Archbishop of Canturburie gaue a thousande Markes toward the same foundation In March the King called a Conuocation of the Cleargie at London when the Popes Legate was set and the Archbishop of Canturbury on his right hande as primate of England the Archbishop of Yorke disdeyning to sitte on the lefte hande came and swapt him downe to haue thrust
his tayle betwixte the Legate and the Archbyshop of Canturburie whiche Archbishop of Canturburie béeing lothe to remoue the other set his buttocke in his lappe but he had vnneath touched hym with his bumme when the Bishops and other of the Cleargie and Laytie stepte to hym pulled hym threwe hym to the grounde and beganne to lay on hym with fistes and battes so that the Archbishop of Canturburie yéelding good for euill was fayne to defende the other Archbishop who with his rent Coape gote vppe and away straight to the King with a greate complaynte but when the trueth of the matter was once knowen hée was well laughed at for hys remedye Richard Strangbow Earle of Chepstow deceassed and was Iohn Beuer. buryed at Dublin in Ireland William Earle of Arundell also deceassed and was buryed at Wimondham William Earle of Glocester bycause he had no sonne to Anno reg 23 Ypodigma inherite his landes and béeing loth to distribute them amongst his daughters he made Iohn the Kings sonne his successor A showre of bloud raigned in the Isle of Wighte two Cron. Tinmouth houres space The Church of secular Channons at Waltam was by 1177 Ypodigma Geruasius the Kings commandement newe builded and regular Channons placed there After the death of Rosamund the Faire daughter of Walter Rosamund Lord Clifford Concubine to Henry the second at Woodstoke he tooke priuily King Lewes daughter of France that was marryed to his sonne Richard Earle of Poytow for his Leman and had practised for a diuorce betwixt him and his Quéene Eleanor wherevpon followed great discord betwixt the Kings of England and France but méeting togither they agréed vpon peace for a time Richard Lucy the Kings Justiciar layde the foundation of the couentuall Church in the honor of Saint Thomas in 1178 a place which is called Westwood otherwise Lesnes in the territorie Lesnes Geruasius Walter Couen Gerua Tilberien of Rochester in the new Parish of Southfleete This Richard Lucy builded the Castell of Anger in Estsex in the diocesse of the Bishop of London The Citie of Yorke was brent On Christmas day at Oxenhall in the territorie of Derlington Anno reg 25. 1179 Cron. vinmouth in the Bishopricke of Duresme the earth lifted vp it selfe in the manner of an high Tower and so remayned from the spring of the day vnmoueable vntil the euening and then fell with so horrible a noyse that it feared the inhabitantes thereabout and the earth swallowed it vp and made there a déepe pitte which is séene vntill this day For a testimonie thereof Leyland sayth he saw the pittes there Iohn Leyland commonly called Helkettles The tenth day of Aprill the Church of Saint Andrewe in Rochester was consumed with fire Richard Lucy departed this life in the Abbey of Lesnes hauing changed his habite The Usurers in England were gréeuously punished for Anno reg 26 1180 Vsuters punished Gerua Dor● corrupting the Coyne the whiche besides other vexations were fettered two and two togither and carryed in Cartes to the Kings Court. A new Coyne was ordeyned in England Geffrey the Kings Bastarde sonne resigned the Byshopricke Anno reg 27 1181 of Lincolne and was made the Kings Chancellour This yeare Giraldus Cambrensis wrote his booke of the Itinerarium Cambri● Giraldi description of Wales wherein he noteth to haue happened in his time in the Prouince of Kemmeis a yong man borne in those partes to be persecuted with Toades as all within that Countrey had come crawling togither to vexe him A man deuoured by Toades and when innumerable numbers of them were killed by those that kept him and other of his friends and kinsmen Geruasius de mappa mundi yet came they still as if they had sprong like Hydraes head numberlesse at length when his friends were wéeried with watching they caused him in a Coffin to be hoysed vp into an high trée that was shred of all the boughes and made smooth but there was he not preserued from his venemous enemies which assaulted him créeping vp into the trée till they had eaten him to the bones that he dyed his name was Seisillus Elker her that is long legge Barnewell with the Priorie néere vnto Cambridge was fired Anno reg 28 1182 and brent Robert Harding a Burgesse of Bristow to whome King Henry gaue the Barony of Barkeley builded the Monasterie Saint Austins in Bristovv Anno reg 29 1183 of Saint Augustines in Bristow King Henry the elder went into France and there made his testament They of Aquitayne hated their Duke Richard for his crueltie and were minded to driue him out of the Earledome of Poytow and Dukedome of Aquitayne and to transpose those estates to his brother King Henry the yonger but when all men looked for victory to the yong King he King Henry the yonger deceassed Giraldus Cambr 〈…〉 1184 Gualterus Couen fell miserably sicke and dyed in the Castell of Limouicen about the beginning of June and was buryed at Roane King Henry returned into England and sent many men of warre into Wales for the Welchmen emboldned by the Kings absence had broken forth and slayne many Englishmen The Abbey of Glastenbury was brent with the Church of Glastenbury brent Saint Iulian. Heraclius Patriarch of Hierusalem came to King Henry Anno reg 31. desiring him of ayde agaynst the Turkes but the King bycause 1185 Herac●●us the Patriarke Gerua Doro. of the crueltie of his sonnes was counselled not to leaue his Dominions in hazard and to goe so farre off wherefore he promised the Patriarke 50000. Markes of Siluer This Patriarke dedicated the new Temple then builded Nevv Temple in the West part of London King Henry sente his sonne Iohn into Ireland that he Iohn the kings sonne Lord of Ireland Ypodigma might be made Lorde thereof The Pope sente him a Crowne of Peacocks feathers brayded with Golde This yeare dyed Hugh Mortimere founder of Wigmor● Abbey Mawde the Empresse Mother to King Henry the second The Empresse deceased deceassed she founded the Abbey of Bordesley Geffrey Earle of Britayne the Kings sonne of England dyed Anno reg 32 1180 Geffrey Earle of Britayne dyeth Giral Cambr. Mathew Paris Roger Houeden Iohn Taxtor at Paris about the beginning of August and was there buryed He left issue two daughters which he had by Constance daughter to Conan Earle of Britaine who also at the time of his death was great with childe and after brought forth a sonne named Arthur A great Earthquake threw downe many buildings amongst the which the Cathedrall Church of Lincolne was rent in péeces the fiue and twentith of Aprill The Cathedrall Church of Chichester and all the whole Chichester brent Citie was brent the twentith of October Néere vnto Orford in Suffolke certayne Fishers of the Anno reg 33 1187 A Fish like a man Ralphe Cogshall Monument in Colchester Sea tooke in
their nettes a Fish hauing the shape of a man in all poyntes whiche Fishe was kepte by Barthelinew de Glaunuile Custos of the Castell of Orford in the same Castell by the space of sixe monethes and more for a wonder he spake not a word All manner of meates he gladly did eate but most gréedily raw fishe after he had crushed out all the moysture Oftentimes he was brought to the Churche where he shewed no tokens of adoration At length when he was not well looked to he stale away to the Sea and neuer after appeared The Kings of Englande and of France mette betwixt Gisors Anno reg 34 1188 and Trye where they tooke on them the Crosse and dyuers other with them The King of England landing at Winchelsea hasted towards North-hampton where at Gedington Richarde Sothwel Rog Houed ●n●iq●●●●erl Gual Coue●● about eight or tenne miles from North-hampton he helde a Parliamente aboute the voyage into the holy land where many Articles concerning that voyage were concluded and the whole Realme troubled with paying of tithes towarde that voyage The Christians were appoynted to pay aboue lxx thousand pound and the Iewes lx thousand without any delay but by meanes of a discorde that fell betwixt the two Kings that voyage was stayed The Towne of Beuerley with the Church of Saint Iohn Beuerley brent Anno reg 35 Geruasius 1189 there was brent the twentith of September The Kings of England and of France with Richard Earle of Poytow the Legate and the Archbishops of Canturbury Roane Rhenes and Burges mette at Naunts the ninth day of June There Philip the French King required that his sister which had bin kept in England a two and twēty yeares ●odouicus vi●es Death of King Henry the second mighte be restored vnto Earle Richard as his wife and Earle Richard desired the same but King Henry denyed this request and so they departed a sunder and got them to armour The French King and Earle Richard pursued the King of England so hard that he was forced to yéelde to Richardus Cambr. all the requestes as wel of the French King as of his sonne Richard This was done at Gisors and so departing came to Azai where he fell sicke and departed this life the sixth day Ypodigma of July in the yeare of our Lord 1189. when he had raigned xxxiiij yeares ix monethes and xij dayes and was buryed at Fonteuerard in the Monasterie of Nunnes by hym founded He founded the Priories of Douer and of Stoneley and Basingwarke and the Castell of Rudlan He also began the stone Bridge ouer the Thamis at London He left issue Richard and Iohn ¶ King Richard Cuer de Lion RIchard the first borne at Oxford for his valiantnesse surnamed Anno reg 1. Cordelion or with the Lions heart the seconde sonne of Henry the second began his raigne the sixth day of July in the yeare of oure Lorde 1189. He was bigge of stature with a merrie countenance To his Souldyoures fauourable bountifull to his friends to Strangers a gréeuous enimie hard to be pleased desirous of warre abhorring ydlenesse enclined to pride lechery and auarice He comming from beyonde the Seas landed at South-hampton Geruasius Do. Mathew Paris the twelfth day of August and was Crowned at Westminster on the third day of September by the hands of the Archbishop Baldwine He commanded that no Iewes nor women shoulde be at his Coronation for feare of enchantmentes whiche were wont to be practised for breaking of whiche commmandement many Iewes were slayne the same day Elianor the olde Quéene who at the commaundement of hir husbande had bene long kept close prisoner was now set at libertie The Archbishop of Canturburie being sore offended wyth Erle Iohn the kings brother for takyng to wife Isabel countesse of Glocester his coosin in the thirde degrée wrote a threatning letter to the same Iohn commanding him not to touch the virgine and to appeare at a peremptory day before him to aunswere the matter King Richard gaue the Castels of Berwike and Rokesburgh to the Scottish king for the summe of x. M. pound he also sold to Hugo de Puteaco Bishoppe of Durham his own prouince for a great péece of mony and created him Erle of the same and then sayde in game I am a wonderous craftesman I haue made a newe Earle of an olde Bishoppe He solde the Priorie of Couentrie to Hugh Bishoppe of Chester for iij. C. markes which Hugh with a power of armed men inuaded the Priory chased the Prior away beat the Monkes lamed some cast some into prison and spoyling the other droue thē away brake the Hutches of the Churche brente their Charters and priuileges The King also fayned to haue lost his signet and made a newe and then caused to be proclaymed that who so euer woulde safely enioy those things which before time they had inrolled shoulde come to the newe seale wherby it came to passe that many which could not finde him in England went ouer sea to fine with him at his plesure He gaue his brother Iohn the prouinces of Notingham Deuonshire and Cornewal In this time were many robbers and out-lawes among Iohn Maior Outlavves in England the whiche Robert Hoode little Iohn renowmed théeues continued in woods despoyling and robbing the goods of the rich They killed none but such as would inuade them or by resistance for their own defence The sayde Robert entertayned an hundred tall men and good Archers with such spoyles and theftes as he got vppon whome foure hundred were they neuer so strong durste not giue the onset He suffered no woman to be oppressed violated or otherwise inolested poore mens goods he spared aboundantlye relieuing them with that whiche by theft he gotte from Abbayes and the houses of rich Carles whome Maior blameth for his rapine and thefte but of all théeues he affirmeth hym to be the Prince and the moste gentle théefe Till this firste yeare of King Richard the firste the Citizens Magistrates of the Citie of London since before the Conquest Robert Fabian of London hadde bene gouerned by Portgraues as Fabian sometime an Alderman of London in his Chronicle affirmeth whose names with the lawes and customes of the Cittie then vsed he sayeth were recorded in an olde booke written in the Saxon tongue called Domes daye sometime remayning in the Guilde Hal of London but now embezeled To this accordeth the Charter of the same Citie granted by William the Conquerour and diuerse other Records wherein I finde that the chiefe Magistrate of the Citie of Portgraue London in the time of king Edward last before the Conquest called the Confessor was called Portgraue whose name was Wolfgare In the time of William Conquerour and William Rufus Liber trinitatis W. Dunthorne Prouost Godfrey Mandeuile or Magnauile was Portgraue Richarde de Pare Prouost In the time of King Henrie the first Hugh Bouch Portgraue and Leofstanus Goldsmith Prouost
the Castell and Lordshippe of Elingsmore in the Marches of South-Wales Robert Fitz Parnell Earle of Leycester dyed without issue Liber Bernewell and then Simon de Mountford and Sayer de Quincy deuided the Earledome betwixt them bycause that Sayer de Quincy and the Father of Simon Mountford had marryed the sisters of the sayd Robert Sherifes Thomas Hauerell Hamond Bronde Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne The fourtenth day of January beganne a Frost whiche continued till the two and twentith day of Marche so Great Frost 1205 that the grounde coulde not bée tilled whereof it came to passe that in Sommer folowing a quarter of Wheate was solde for a Marke of Siluer in many places of Englande Dearth of corne whiche for the more parte in the dayes of King Henry the seconde was solde for twelue pence a Quarter of Beanes or Pease for halfe a Marke a Quarter of Otes for forty pence that were wont to be solde for foure pence Also the nno A reg 7. money was so sore clipped that there was no remedie but to haue it renued King Iohn gathered greate armyes of menne to haue gone ouer the Seas but béeing sayled onwarde of his voyage hée returned againe and tooke escuage two markes and a halfe of euery Knightes fée through Englande pretending a quarrell agaynste hys Barons bycause they Iohn Taxtor would not follow hym into the partes beyond the Seas Sherifes Iohn Walgraue Richard Winchester Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne The Earle of Salisburie the Kings brother Geffrey the Kings sonne begot on a Concubine and many other 1206 Ralph Cogshall Anno reg 8. Knightes were gone ouer before but all in vayne the charges was inestimable that had bin layde out aboute the preparation made for this iourney Greate Thunders and Lightnings brusting out of the Great Thunders Lightnings and hayle Cloudes were séene so that men thought the day of Dome had bin come many men and women were destroyed beside Cattell and houses that were ouerthrowne and burned The Corne in the fieldes was beaten downe with haylestones as bigge as Goose egges Aboute Maydestone in Kente a certayne Monster was A strange Monster founde stricken with the Lightning whiche Monster had an head like an Asse a belly lyke a man and all other partes farre discordante from any one liuing thing This deade body no man might vnneath come néere vnto for stenche Sherifes Iohn Holyland Edmond Fitz Garrard Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne King Iohn tooke the thirtenth parte of all mouable goodes both of lay and religious through England at which all men murmured The seauen and twentith day of January a great winde 1207 ouerthrew many houses and trées and a great Snow destroyed many beastes The Monkes of Canturbury by the aduise of the Pope elected Stephen Langton to be their Archbishop and then Anno reg 9. Mathew Paris Pope Innocent intending to obteyne the fauour of King Iohn towardes this election bycause he knewe that he did make diligent search for precious stones sent him an eloquent Epistle with diuers precious iewels which were of King Iohn well accepted and Stephen Langton was consecrate at Rome Then the Pope sent Letters to King Iohn humbly exhorting him to receyue the sayd Stephen Archbishop of Canturburie being therevnto canonically elected the rather bycause he was an Englishman borne and a Doctour of Diuinitie c. but King Iohn being greatly offended with the promoting of the sayde Stephen sent men in armour to expell the Monkes of Canturburie to the number of lxiiij out of the Realme and condemned them of Treason the Monkes went into Flanders and their goods and landes of their Churche was confiscate Also King Iohn sent threatning letters to the Pope whervnto the Pope made a large answere Quéene Isabell was deliuered of hir first sonne at Winchester and named him Henry Sherifes Roger Wincher Edmond Hardell Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne The xxiij of March William Bishop of London Eustachius Bishop of Ely and Malgor Bishop of Winchester by the 1208 England interdicted Nicholas Triuet Mathew Paris Ralphe Cogshall Popes commandement executed the interdiction vpon the whole Realme and they ceased through all England from ministring of Ecclesiasticall Sacraments sauing to them that were in perill of death and Baptisme to Children All the bodyes of them that dyed were buryed like Dogges in ditches and corners Many Bishops especially they that pronounced the interdiction fledde the Realme The King Anno reg 10 set all the Bishoprickes and Abbeys in the Realme into the custody of lay men and commanded all Ecclesiasticall reuenues to be confiscated Also doubting least the Pope should excommunicate him by name or discharge the Nobles of England of their allegiance towards him he laid holde vpon them specially such as he had in suspition and tooke pledges of them This yeare was graunted to the Citizens of London by Maior of London yearely chosen the Kings letters patents that they shoulde yearely choose to them a Maior Sherifes Peter Duke Thomas Neale the 28. of Septem Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne the 28. of October Richard the Kings second sonne by Isabell his wife was 1209 Wil. Packington borne By the procurement of Stephen Langton Archbishop of Canturburie licence was graunted to the conuentual Churches in Englande to celebrate diuine seruice once euery wéeke but the white Monkes had not this priuiledge bycause they had disobeyed the interdiction The Eschequer was remoued frō Westminster to Northhampton Eschequer at Northhampton by the Kings commandement He also gathered a great armie and wente towarde Scotland as farre as the Castell of Norham where the King of Scottes came to him and treated a peace for the which he gaue 11000. Markes of Siluer and deliuered his two daughters for a pledge By the Kings commandement through out all the Forestes of England all the ditches were made playne ground Cro. D●● Hedges breute Homage of freeholders VVelchmen did homage and the hedges brent After this he tooke homage of all fréeholders and sware all men to his allegiance from twelue yeares old vpward The Welchmen came to Woodstocke and did homage A Clarke of Oxford by chance killed a woman and then Anno reg 11 Oxford forsaken ranne away wherefore his thrée chamber fellowes whiche knew nothing of the matter were hanged at the Townes end which caused thrée thousand Maysters and Schollers to forsake the Uniuersitie of Oxford so that there taryed not one A prodigeous sight was séene one morning in the beginning Radulphus Cog. of Lent the Clowdes séemed to fighte with the Sunne from the Sunne rising till one of the clocke of that day The Arches and stone bridge ouer the Thamis at London London bridge builded of stone Fx libro pontis ●ondinensis S. Mary Ouery was this yeare finished by the worthie Merchants of London Serle Mercer William Alman and Bennet Botewright Mayster Fowle a learned man last Prior of Saint Mary Oueryes Church
pressed that the Shippes being drowned they all perished it was sayde through the fire and the Shipwracke that there were destroyed aboute thrée thousand persons William Packington writeth that there were founde in parte or halfe brente thrée thousande boydes besydes those that were quite brente that coulde not bée founde Randolph Eiland Constantine Iosue the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne the 28. of October King Iohn being now in extremitie and minding to impute the faulte to them that would not appease his furor aforetime reprehended sometimes one and sometimes another Liber Roffensis Gualter Couen of his Nobilitie as Traytors calling them iealous whose beddes as he bragged he had defiled and des●our●● their daughters The Chronicle of Dunmow sayeth this discord arose betwixte Chr. of Dun. the King and his Barons bycause of Mawde called the Faire daughter to Robert Fitz Water whome the Mavvde the faire daughter to Robert Fitz VValter King ●o●●●d but hir father woulde not consente and there vpon ensued warre throughout England The King spoyled especially the Castell of Baynard ●●● London and other Baynards Castell throvvne dovvne holdes and houses of the Barons Robert Fitz Walter Roger Fitz Robert and Richard Mount Fichet passed ouer into France some also went into Wales and some into Scotland Robert Fitz VValter fledde into France and did great domage to the King Whitest Mawde the Faire remayned at Dunmow there came a messenger vnto hir from King Iohn about his suite in Loue but bycause she would not agrée the messenger poysoned a boyled or po●ched egge against she was hungrie whereof she Mavvde the Faire poysoned dyed and was buryed in the Quier at Dunmow About thys tyme the King of France wasted the King of Englandes landes beyonde the Seas and the King of Englande 1213 likewise wasted his but at the length a truce was taken and an a●ne of the Sea being betwixte eyther host there was a Knight in the English host that cryed to them of the other side willing some one of their Knightes to iust a course or twayne wherevpon without stay Robert Fitz Walter made himselfe ready terried ouer and gotte on hys Horsse withoute any manne to helpe hym Robert Fitz VValter his ●al●an●ie and béeing readie agaynste the face of his enimie at the first course he stroke the other so harde with hys greate Speare that Horsse and Man fell to the grounde and when hys Speare was broken hée wente backe agayne to the King of France by Gods tooth quoth King Iohn he were a King indéede that had suche a Knighte Robertes friendes hearing that knéeled downe and sayde O King hée is youre Knighte it is Robert Fitz Walter and the Robert Fitz VValter restored to the kings fauour nexte day he was sente for and was restored to the Kings fauoure and by hys meanes peace was concluded and he receyued his liuings and had leaue to repaire his Castels ●● Thrée the moste for 〈…〉 and valiaunte Knightes of Englande in those dayes were Roberte Fitz Walter Roberte Fitz Roger and Richarde Mount Fichet Pandolph the ●●ga●●●ame to Douer and admonished Mathew Par●s Nic. Triuet the King to restore Stephen Langton to his Sea of Caunturburie and the Monkes vnto their Abbey the King calling to minde the manyfolde daungers he was in made promis by othe to be obediente to the Court of Rome This was done the Monday before the Ascention day● Pandolph ●al Cogshall King Iohn resigned the Crovvne with the Nobles of the Realme came togyther at the house of the Templers by Douer vpon the Ascention euen where the King according as sentence was giuen at Rome did resigne his Crowne with the Realmes of England and Irelande into the Popes handes whose Uicegerent was Pandolph aforesayde and confirmed hys gifte with a Charter dated the xv of May in the viiij yeare Peter of Pomfret Anno reg 15 of his raigne When the Ascention day was past he commanded the foresayde Peter the Hermite to be fette out of the Castell of Corfe to be bound to a Horse tayle drawne through the Stréetes to Warham and there both he and his sonne to be hanged The seauententh of August Stephen Langton Archbishop Stephen Langton returned of Caunturburie and all the other that were banished arriued at Douer and wente to Winchester to the King who méeting them in the way fell flatte vpon the earth before their féete and with teares beséeched them to take pitie on hym and of the Realme of Englande The Archbishops and Bishops likewise with teares tooke him vp from the ground and brought him vnto the do●e● of the Cathedrall Church with the Psalme of Mise●ere absolued The King ab●solued him then the King tooke an othe to call in al wicked lawes and to put in place the Lawes of King Edwards Deuine Seruice being ended the King the Archbishop Bishops and Nobles dyned albat one Table Richard Prior of Bermondsey builded an house againste Lib. Bermondsey Saint Thomas Hospitall the wall of the sa●● house of Bermondsey called the Almorie or Hospitall of conuerts and children in the honor of Saint Thomas Gilo de Brawse the sonne of William de Brawse receyued all his Fathers inheritance into his custodie togither with his Nephew till the childe came to lawfull age Henry Fitz Alwyne Fitz Leofstam Maior of London deceassed who had continued Maior of London four and twentie Henry fitz Alvvin Maior of London xxiiij yeares Wil. Packington yeares since the first of King Richard the first he was buryed in the Priorie of the holy Trinitie néere vnto Aldgate Martin Fitz Alis Peter Bate the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Lib. Bermond A ditch about London Chr. of Dunstable Roger Fitz Alwyne the 28. of October The fiftenth of October was begonne by the Londoners the Ditche withoute the Walles of London of two hundreth foote broade causing no small hinderance thereby to the Channons of Christes Church néere vnto Aldgate for that it passed through their ground Geffrey Fitz Peter dyeth chiefe Justice of Englande and Bishop chiefe Iustice 1214 the Bishop of Winchester in that office is placed the Nobles of Englande murmuring that a Stranger borne shoulde be made Ruler ouer them Pope Innocent sent his Letters to Nicholas Bishop of Interdiction releassed Nic. Triuet Tusc●land his Legate to release the interdiction whiche had continued sixe yeares thrée monethes and fourtéene dayes The seconde day of July King Iohn sayled towarde Brit●ne intending to beséege Naunts in the whiche warres he had the aide of Othe the Emperour and of the Dukes of Lo●●ine Brabant and Holland of Reignold Earle of Roloigne and Ferrandis Earle of Flanders so that there was a great fielde foughte in whiche the Frenche King escaped narrowly but béeing rescued hée tooke the foresayde Earles put Hugh de Bones to flighte and droue the Emperoure out of the Fields and then a truce was taken
famous Knight called Stephen Bancan was sent of the K. with an army who entring y e lands of a noble mā of Wales called Rise surnamed Vaghan y e is little being circūvented beset of his enimies in marish groūds was slain the remnāt of his army likewise eyther slaine or taken aliue put in bands few excepted y t escaped by flight Stephen Do Henry Walmond the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1256 Anno reg 41 Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October The Maior and diuers Aldermē of London and the Sherifes were depriued of their offices and the gouernance of the Citie committed to other The new worke of S. Paules Church in Londō was begon Michael Bokerell Iohn the Minor the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1257 Tpodigma Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October Hugh Bigot chiefe Justice of England Roger Thurkelby kept their Courtes in the Guild Hall of London and punished the Bakers vpon the Tomberell and did many other things against the lawes of the Citie Richard Earle of Cornewall went ouer into Almayne and was there Crowned King of Almayne at Aquisgrayne King of Almayne The sixth day of July fell such abundance of rayne that many houses bridges and trées were borne downe The Bridges borne dovvne Taxtor VValles of Lōdon repayred Anno reg 42 Sherifes Maior 1258 King caused the walles of the Citie of London whiche were sore decayed and destitute of Bulwarkes to be repaired in more séemely wise than afore they had bin Richard Owell William Ashwye the 28. of September Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October For so much as the King had oftentimes promised the restitution of certaine antient lawes which he neuer performed the Lords murmuring against him held a Parliament at Oxford which was after called the madde Parliament bycause many things were there enacted which turned Madde Parliament Tpodigma Tvvelue Peeres to the death of many nobles In confirmation of these actes were chosen twelue Péeres whiche had authoritie to correct y e breakers of them the King his bréethren the noble men and Barons taking their oth to sée the same obserued Shortly after they banished William of Valence Galfrede Strangers banished Gwydon and Aylmer the elect of Winchester all foure bréethren to the King on the mothers side and other strangers Great dearth followed the wet yeare passed A Quarter Dearth of Corne. of Wheate was solde for fiftéene Shillings and twenty Shillings but the worst was there could be none found for money where-through many poore people were cōstrayned to eate Horse flesh and barkes of trées but many starued Cro. ●ouesham for want of foode twentie thousand in London as it was sayd A Iew at Tewkesburie fell into a priuie vpon the Saterday A Ievv drovvned and woulde not for reuerence of his Sabboth be plucked out wherefore Richard of Clare Earle of Glocester kept him there till Munday at which time he was founde Anno reg 43 Ex record Tho. W●ke● dead Richard Clare Earle of Glocester dyed and also his brother William by poyson as was thought Robert Cernehull Iohn Adrien the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1259 A ●u●ke more Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October The King commanded a generall assembly at Powles Crosse in London where he in proper person commaunded the Maior that the next day following he should cause to be sworne before the Aldermen euery stripling of twelue Oth to the King yeares of age or vpwardes to be true to the King and hys heires Kings of Englande and that the Gates of the Citie should be kept with harnessed men Two Romaynes striuing for prebends in Powles Church Anno reg 44 at London the one killed the other there Iohn Adrian Robert Cornehill the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1260 Iohn Gysors Peperer the 28. of October Iohn Duke of Briteine married Beatrice King Henry the thirds daughter and was made Knighte and with him Baldwine Earle of the Isle of Wight This yeare was Sir Hugh Dispencer made chiefe Justice Hugh Bigot chiefe Iustice Wil Packington of England and Nicholas of Ely Chancellour to y e King and the Abbot of Peterborow Treasourer of the Eschequer by ordinance of the Barons The King repenting that he had at Oxford granted such large Lawes and Liberties to the Nobles and people of the Realme by counsell of Edward his sonne and Richarde his brother he sente to the Court of Rome to be absolued of his oth The Barons and Nobles of the Realme helde a Parliament Parliament at London in the new Temple and the King held himselfe in the Tower of London Reignold de Moun Earle of Somerset Lord of Dunstere Anno reg 45 Nevvham founded the Abbey of Newham in Deuonshire Adam Browning Henry Couentry the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior 1261 King Henry absolued William Fitz Richard the 28. of October King Henry published at Powles Crosse the Popes abslution for him and all his that were sworne to maynteyne the articles made in the Parliament at Oxford and then he with the Quéene sayled into France to make a finall concord betwéene him and the King of France for Normandy where the composition was that Normandy should remaine to the French King paying to the King of England and his 3000. pound sterling Anno. reg 46 Sherifes Maior 1262 The Barons in armoure heires yearely thirtie thousand pounds Turnoys which is 3000. pound sterling Iohn Northampton Richard Pickard the 28. of Septem William Fitz Richard the 28. of October The Barons of Englande Simon de Mountfort béeing their chiefe armed themselues against the King all this yeare houered about London and other places without any notable acte of Rebellion sauing that they robbed aliants and suche other persons as they knewe to be againste their purpose especially they slew the Iewes in all places There was slayne Iewes at London to the number of 700. the rest Ievves spoyled for Vsurie were spoyled their sinagogue defaced bycause one Iewe would haue forced a Christian man to haue payde more thā two pence for the Usurie of twentie Shillings a wéeke Richard of Clare Earle of Glocester son of Gilbert of Clare Wil. Packington Anno reg 47 being with King Henry in France deceassed was buryed at Tewkesburie and Gilbert his sonne succéeded him Iohn Taylor Richard Walbroke the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1263 Macy a French man Connestable of Glocester Robert of Glocest Thomas Fitz Thomas Fitz Richard the 28. of October Sir Macy de Bescile a Frenchman was by the King made Sherife and Connestable of Glocester wherwith the Barōs being offended they chose to be Sherife and placed there a Knight of that Countrey called Sir William Tracy which Sir William kéeping Court vpon a day in the Towne of Glocester Macy the Frenchman with a number of armed men came sodeinely vpon him drew him to the ground
also after the death of Simond Mountfort and Robert Ferrers the Erledomes of Leicester and Darbie and two daughters Beatrice and Margaret ¶ King Edward surnamed Longshanks EDvvarde the firste after the Conquest son to Henrie the third Anno reg 1 surnamed Longshanke beganne hys raigne the sixtéenth day of Nouember in the yeare 1272. being then in y ● parts beyond the sea towarde 1273 Ierusalem Of stature he was tall and mighty of bodye nothing grosse his eyes soméwhat blacke and in time of anger fierce of suche noble and valiaunt courage that he neuer fainted in most dangerous enterprices of excellent witte and greate towardnesse he was borne at Westminster Iohn Horne Walter Potter the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 2. 1274 Sir Walter Haruy Knight the. 28. of October This yeare fell a great variaunce at Oxforde betwéene the Northren and Irishmen wherein manye Irishmen were slaine The second day of August King Edward came into England from the Holy Lande and on the fiftéenth of Auguste hée with Elianor his wife were Crowned at Westminster by Robert Kilwarby Archbishop of Canturburie At this Coronation fiue hundred great Horsses were turned loase catch them who could Alexander King of Scottes did homage to King Edward The King caused Leolin Prince of Wales to be sommoned to his Parliament at Westminster but he would not come saying he remembred the death of his father Griffen Nicholas Winchester Henry Couentry the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Anno reg 3. Henry Welles the 28. of October On Saint Nicholas euen was great Earthquakes lightnings and thunder with a huge Dragon and a blasing Starre which made many men sore afrayde In a Parliament at Westminster Usury was forbidden Vsury forbidden Io. Rouse to the Iewes and that they might be knowne the King commanded them to weare a Tablet the breadth of a palme vpon their outmost garments He also ordeyned that Bakers making bread lacking weight assigned after the price of Corne should first be punished by losse of their bread the second time by emprisonment and thirdly by the Pillory millers for stealing of corne to be chastised by y e Tumberel A rich man of France brought into Northumberland a Spanish Ewe as bigge as a Calfe of two yeares which Ewe being 1275 First rotte of Sheepe Hen. of Leycester Tho. Walsing rotten infected so the Countrey that it spread ouer all the Realme This plague of moren cōtinued xxviij yeares eare it ended and was the first rot that euer was in England Lucas Batecourt Henry Frowike the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Gregory Rokesley Goldsmith chiefe mayster of y e Kings Mintes the 28. of October King Edward builded the Castell of Flint strengthned Io. Rouse Castell of Flint Anno reg 4. Bocland the Castell of Rutland and other against the Welchmen Amicia Countesse of Deuonshire and Lady of the Isle founded the Abbey of Bocland for Gilbert of Clare Earle of Glocester and Hereford hir Father Isabell hir mother and Baldwine Earle of Deuonshire The eleuenth day of September there was a generall 1276 Earthquake by force whereof the Church of Saint Michael of the Mount without Glastonburie fell to the ground and péeces of many famous Churches in England fell by force of the same Earthquake Gregory Rokesley and the Barons of London granted Canter Record Ex Carta Preaching Friers Church founded by Bainards Castell before vvhiche time their Church vvas in Holborne and gaue to the Archbishop of Canturburie Robert Kilwarby two lanes or wayes next the Stréete of Baynards Castell and the Tower of Mountfichet to be destroyed in the which place the sayd Robert builded the late newe Churche of the Blacke Friers with the rest of the stones that then were left of the sayde Tower for the best and choyse stones the Bishop of London had obteyned of King William Conquerour to reedifie the vpper part of Saint Paules Church that was then by chance of fire decayed Iohn Horne Ralph Blunt the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 5. 1277 Iohn Euersden Sherifes Maior Anno reg 6. 1278 Gregory Rokesley Goldsmith the 28. of October The Statute of Mortmaine was enacted Michaell Tony was hanged drawne and quartered for Treason Robert de Arar Ralph Feuto the 28. of September Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October King Edward gaue vnto Dauid brother to Leolin Prince of Wales the Lordship of Fredisham which Dauid attended in the Kings Court and did him pleasant seruice c. Michaelmas tearme was kept at Shrewsburie Iohn Adrian Walter Langley the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 7. 1279 Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October The King builded a strong Castell in Weast Wales at Llhampaterne vaier Reformation was made for clipping of the Kings coyne Ievves executed for which offence 267. Iewes were put to execution The worthie Souldiour Roger Mortimer at Killingworth Round Table at Killingvvorth Io. Rouse appoynted a Knightly game which was called the Round Table of an hundred Knightes and so many Ladyes to the which for the exercise of armes there came many warlike Knightes from diuers Kingdomes Robert Basing William Mazaliuer the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 8. First halfe pence and farthings round 1280 Pi●rce Longtofe Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October Where as before this time the peny was wont to haue a double crosse with a creast in suche sorte that the same might be easily broken in the midst or into four quarters and so to be made into halfe pence or farthings it was now ordeyned that pence halfepence and farthings shoulde be made rounde wherevpon was made these Uerses following Edward did smite round peny halfepeny farthing Robert Brune The crosse passes the bond of all throughout the ring The Kings side was his head and his name written The crosse side what Citie it was in coyned and smitten To poore man ne to priest the peny frayses nothing Men giue God aye the least they feast him with a farthing A thousand two hundred fourescore yeares and mo On this money men wondred when it first began to go At this time twentie pence wayed an ounce of Troy Regist of E●●ry weight whereby the peny halfepeny and farthing were of good quantitie Thomas Boxe Ralph de Lamere the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 9. Wilhel Rishanger Gregory Rokesley the 28 of October Dauid the brother of Lewlin Prince of Wales rose against the King and in the night season brake into the house of Roger Clifford when he was in his bed a sléepe on Easter day at night and sent him fettered in yrons as a théefe vnto Snowdon to his brother Lewlin He also rased and laid flatte on the grounde the Castell of Flint belonging to the King 1281 Sherifes Maior Anno reg 10 Great Frost and Snovv Liber Roffensis Rochester Bridge and fiue arches of London bridge borne dovvne William
Farrendon Nicholas Wi●ichester the 28. of Sep. Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October From Christmas till the purification of our Lady there was such great Frost and Snow as the olde men could not remember the like wherethrough fiue arches of London Bridge and all Rochester Bridge was borne downe and caryed away with many Bridges more Men passed ouer the Thamis betwéene Westminster and Lambeth and likewise ouer the Riuer of Medway betwéene Stroude and Rochester drishod Fishes in ponds and birds in woods died for want of foode Pirats of Zeland and Holland about Yarmouth and Donwich 1282 Io. Euersden Yermouth and Donvvich spoyled Sherifes Maior Anno reg 11 Corne sold by vveight did spoyle and robbe whosoeuer they met slew many men and caryed away not a few Shippes with all y e goodes in them William Mazelyuer Richard Chigwell the 28. of Sept. Henry de Waleis the 28. of October This yeare the Bakers of London were first drawne vppon Herdles by Henry Waleis Maior and Corne was then first sold by weight This Henry Waleis Maior of London caused to be erected The Toune in Cornehill Radul Baldoke a certayne house in one of the highest places of London which house was called the Tonne vpon Cornehill to be a prison for night walkers and other suspitious persons He also by the Kings licence caused to be builded an house called the Stockes on the North side of Saint Mary Wolchurch in The Stockes market Customes of Lon. London to be a market for flesh and fish in the midst of the Citie and certayne houses néere vnto Powles Church the profites therof to be receyued by the Maysters of the Bridge of London towards the maintenance of the same Bridge The King entred Wales with an army appoynting his Wil. Rishenger Wil. Packington footemen to occupy the enimies in fight whiles his horsemen in a wing set on the rere battayle himselfe with a power kept his place where he pight his golden Dragon vnto the which as to a Castell the wounded and wéerie might repaire but Dauid fléeing the King with his power followed and as he passed by a wood there issued out of the same a foure thousand Welchmen whiche inuading the Kings armie made great slaughter but at length the King marching through by strong hande entred the Castell of Oxe and tooke Anglesey where he lost William de Awdley Roger Clifford the yonger and twelue other of his chiefest Captaynes Iohn Peckham Archbishop of Canturburie sendeth commandement 1283 to the Bishop of London to destroy all the Sinagogues of the Iewes within his dioces After the Archbishop The Ievves Sinagogues destroyed writeth to him to tolerate them to build one Church in some open place in the Citie of London where the King should appoint so they bestow no great cost nor vse their fond ceremonies Ralph Blound Anketin de Beteuile the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Anno reg 12 Tho. Walsing 1284 Wil. Rishang Nic. Bromfild Henry de Waleis the 28. of October Leolin Prince of Wales came downe from the Mountayne of Snowdon to Mountgomerie and was at length taken at Bwelth Castell where vsing reprochfull words againste the Englishmen Roger le Strange ranne vpon him with the Sword wherewith he was girt and cut off his head leauing his dead body on the grounde Sir Roger Mortimer caused the head of Lewlin to be set vpon the Tower of London crowned with Yuy King Edward founded the Abbey of Vale Royall in Cheshire Histo Auria Io. Rouse He also remoued the Abbey of Aberconwey to another place and there builded a strong Castell against the Welchmen He gaue diuers Castels of the Welchmen to Englishe Chr. of Dun. Wil. Pakenham Lords and after tooke Dauid Lewlins brother with his wife his two sonnes and seauen daughters at Saint Moris which Dauid was drawne hanged and quartered at Shrewsburie Iordane Godchepe Martin Box the 28. of September Henry Waleis the 28. of October Sherifes Maior Anno reg 13 Edward Prince of Wales borne at Carnaruan in Wales Laurence Ducket Goldsmith and Citizen of London gréeuously wounded one Ralph Crepin in Weast Cheape and then fled into Bow Church after that certaine euill disposed persons friendes to the sayde Ralph entred the Cron. of Dunsta Ducket hanged in bovv Church 1285 Church in the night time and slew the sayd Laurence lying in the Stéeple and then hanged him vp placing him so by the window as if he had hanged himselfe vpon the which déede enquirie being made it was presented that he had hanged himselfe for the which being drawne by the féete he was buryed in a ditch without the Citie but shortly after by relation of a boy who lay with the said Laurence at the time of his death and had hid him there for feare the truth of the matter was knowne for the which Alice a woman that was chiefe causer of the sayde mischiefe and xvj men Murtherers hanged Io. Euersden with hir were then put in prison and afterwardes more who all were drawne and hanged saue the woman who was burnt these were of the poorer sort but the rich of that malicious company escaped for money The Churche was Bovv Church interdicted interdicted by the Archbishop and the dore with the window was stopped vp with thornes then the said Laurence was taken vp and buryed in the Church-yard The great Conduit in Cheape was begon to be builded Stephen Cornehill Robert Rokesley the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Anno reg 14 Liberties of London seased Gregory Rokesley till the feast of Peter and Paule and that day was the Citie seised into the Kings handes and Ralph Sandwich appoynted Custos vntill Candlemas and then was chosen Iohn Briton vntill Saint Margarets day A Justes was proclaymed at Boston in the faire time 1286 whereof one part came in the habite of Monckes the other in the suite of Chanōs who had couenāted after the Justes Faire at Boston spoyled Histo Aurea Tho. Walsing to spoyle y e Faire For the atchieuing of their purpose they fired the Towne in thrée places It is said that streames of Gold Siluer and other mettall molten ranne into y e sea The Captayne of this confederacie was Robert Chamberlaine Esquier who was hanged but would neuer confesse his fellowes Wheate was solde for xvj pence xij pence y e Quarter Walter Blunt Iohn Wade the 28. of September Sherifes Custos Anno reg 15 Yermouth Donvvich and Ipsvvich perished Iohn Euersden Ralph Sandwich On Newyeares day at night as wel through y e vehemēcie of the wind as violence of y e Sea many Churches were ouerthrowne and destroyed not only at Yarmouth Donwich and Ipswich but also in diuers other places of Englande and other Regions adioyning to the Sea especially in that part 1287 of England which is called Meris land Al the whole prouince was for the most part turned into a standing poole so that intollerable
multitude of men were ouerflowed and destroyed with the water By reason of wrongs done by Paine Tiptot Rice ap Merideth rebelled in Wales and did much hurt against whome came Edmond the Kings brother and at the séege of Durselan Castel in vndermining of walles with the ruines were slaine William Mountchensey Gerard de Insula Banerers Mounsire Humfrey Hastings Bacheler and diuers other Thomas Croshe Walter Hauteyne the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Custos Anno reg 16 W. Packington Ralph Sandwich King Edward sayled to Burdeaux and from thence rode into France where he was honourably receyued of Phillip le Beaw King of France He banished all the Iewes out of Gascoigne and other his lands in France The Sommer was so excéeding hote that many men dyed through the extremitie thereof and yet wheate was Hot former and cheape Corne. 1288 solde at London for thrée Shillings four pence the Quarter and suche cheapenes of Beanes and Peace as the like had not bin heard of William Hereford Thomas Stanes the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Custos Anno reg 17 1289 Ralph Sandwich Great hayle ●e● in England and after ensued great raine that the yeare following wheate was raysed from thrée pence the bushell to sixtéene pence and so encreased yearely till it was lastly sold for twentie Shillings y e Quarter The Citie of Carelile the Abbey with all the houses belonging to the Friers Minors was consumed with fire William Betayne Iohn of Canterbury the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Custos Anno reg 18 Ralph Sandwich Which Ralph before Candelmas was deposed from the Constableshippe of the Tower of London and in his place was putte Ralph de Barneuers Knighte who was agayne remoued on the Custos of London Constables of the Tovver Monday after Candlemas daye from the custodie of the Citie and in his place was Sir Iohn de Briton Rice ap Merideth was by the Earle of Cornewall in the 1290 Kings absence taken drawne hanged quartered at Yorke William de Breosa called the senior deceased at Find●● and was buryed in the Monasterie of Sele Falke of S. Edmond Salomon le Sotell the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Custos Anno reg 19 Sir Iohn Briton King Edward returning out of Gascoine where he had remayned thrée yeares two monethes and eleuen dayes was honourably receyued of the Londoners King Edward held a Parliament at Westminster where in the transgressions of diuers Justices was tryed out and Iustices punished Adam Meri Cro. Dun. Radul Baldoke Scala Croni Iohn Rouse punished accordingly some lost their goodes and then were banished some as well of the bench as of the assises were sent to the Tower which with great summes of money obteyned libertie Sir Thomas Weyland had all his goodes both moueable and vnmoueable confiscate and was banished Sir Ralph Hengham chiefe Justice of the higher bench offered 7000. markes Sir Iohn Loueter Justice of the lower bench 3000. markes Sir William Bromtone 1291 Justice 6000. markes Of their Clearkes for their redemption Of Robert Littelburie 1000. markes Of Roger Leycester 1000. markes Of Sir Salomon Rusx chiefe Justice of Assises 4000. markes Of Sir Richard Boylond 4000. markes Of Sir Thomas Sodentone 2000. markes Sir William Hopton 2000. markes Of Robert Preston 1000. markes Sir Williā Saham Justice 3000. markes Of a certayne Clearke of the Courtes called Adam de Stratton 32000. markes of olde money and newe beside iewelles without number and pretious vessels of siluer which were found in his house and a Kings Crowne which men sayde was King Iohns Moreouer the King constreyned the Justices to sweare that from thenceforth they shoulde take no pention fée or gifte of any man except only a breakefast or such like present He banished all the Iewes out of England giuing thē to beare their charges till they were out of his Realme the number of Iewes then expulsed were xv M. lx persons The Scottes by their Charter deliuered to King Edward Records the Kingdome of Scotland with the Castels rightes and customes the fourth day of June that vpon due discussing the matter it might be knowne who was lawfull heire therevnto Thomas Romaine William de Lier the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Custos Anno reg 20 1292 Iohn de Briton Who was about Saint Margarets day remoued from the custodie of London and Sir Ralph de Bernouers was remoued from the Constableship of the Tower and in their places put againe Ralph Sandwich Custos of the Citie and Connestable of the Tower Roger Bacon was buried on the eleuenth of June in the grey Friers Church in Oxford The wooll Staple was ordeyned to be kept at Sandwich Ralph Blunt Hamo Box the 28. of September Sherifes Custos Anno reg 21 Iohn Bay●●oll did homage for Scotland Recordes Ralph Sandwich The eightenth of Nouember King Edward sate in his tribunall seate at Berwike and hauing heard the assertions of the competito●● of the Crowne of Scotland he adiudged Iohn Bailliol to be true heire of Scotland and therefore to enioy the same whole Kingdome with the appurtenances and assigned him to do him homage which was performed at Worham the twentith of Nouember and also on Saint Stephens day following at Newcastell Quéene Elianor dyed at Herdeby a Towne néere to Lincolne 1293 Queene deceassed Walte Hennig Radul Baldoke Charing Crosse Ghro Dun. hir bowels were buryed at Lincolne hir body was brought to Westminster and there buryed the King made at euery place where she stayed a costly Crosse with the Quéenes image vpon it Charing Crosse the Crosse in Weast Cheape of London Dunstable Saint Albons Waltam Crosse and others Great discord arose betwixt the Mariners of France and The Sinque Ports against the French them of Portesmouth and Yermouth wherethrough the Englishmen susteyned great losse but they complayning to the King obteyned licence to reuenge their owne wrongs and without ayde eyther of Wales Scotland or Ireland wente to the Sea with sixe hundred Shippes and set vpon their enimies and tooke two hundreth and fiftéene French Ships and droue them to the I le of Gernesey and after presented them to the King The ninth of July a great part of the Towne of Cambridge Cambridge brent Iohn Euersden with the Church of our Lady was consumed with fire The goodes as well Temporall as spirituall of all religious people in England were taxed to pay the tenth part to the King The Minories a Nunnerie without Aldgate of London The Minories Ex Carta Radul Baldoke was founded by Edmond Earle of Leycester brother to king Edward The same yeare the same Edmond and his wife and all the Englishmen were banished out of the French kings dominion Henry Bole Elias Russell the 28. of September Sherifes Custos Anno reg 22. First Alderman in London Ralph Sandwich Nicholas Farrengdon was the first Alderman Thrée men had their right hāds cut off in Weast Cheape for rescuing a Prisoner rested by an Officer
brother He also reuoked the prouisions before Wil. Paston Tho. Walsing made for selling of victualles and permitted all men to make the best of that they had neuerthelesse the dearth ●●creased through the abundance of rayne that fel in Haruest so that a Quarter of Wheate or of Salte was sold before Midsomer for thirtie Shillings and after fortie Shillings There followed this famine a gréeuous mortalitie of Anno reg 9. Mortalitie of men people so that the quirke might vnneath bury the dead The Beastes and Cattell also by the corrupt gr●●● whereof they fedde dyed whereby it came to passe that the eating of flesh was suspected of all men for flesh of Beastes not corrupted was hard to finde Horsseflesh was counted great delicates the poore stale fatte Dogges to eate some Dogges flesh good meate Children vvere eaten as it was said compelled through famine in hidde places did eate the fleshe of their owne children and some stale others which they deuoure● Théeues that were in prisons Theeues in prison deuoure one another did plucke in péeces those that were newly brought amōgst them and gréedily deuoured them hal●e aliue A Gallon of small Ale was at two pence of the better thrée pence and the best four pence The Londoners considering that Wheate made in Malt VVheate forbydden to bee made into Ma●● was muche consumed ordained that from thenceforthe it shoulde be made of other grayne and also that a Gallon of better Ale should be solde j. ● ob and of small Ale for j. ● and not aboue The King according to the Statute of London sente hys Writs through the Realme commaunding that as wel within the liberties as without in Cities Boroughs Townes and Uillages a Gallon of Ale shoulde be solde for j. ● and that from thenceforth no Wheate shoulde bée made into Malt whyche if he had not the sooner caused to be proclaimed the greatest parte of the people should haue perished throughe famine Earle Waren was excommunicate by the Byshoppe of Cro. D●●● Chichester for Adultrey wherevppon the sayde Earle came to the Bishop with armed men and foure more hasty than the reste threatned the Bishoppe wherevpon the Byshops men fell on them and tooke the Earle Hamond Goodsheape William Bodele the. 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Tho. Walsing 1316 Stephen Abindon the. 28. of October There arriued in England by the Kings request Gaustelinus and Lucas de Flisco two Cardinalles to make peace betwixte the Realmes of England and Scotland and to reconcile vnto the King Thomas Earle of Lancaster They broughte Iohn Trocklow Tho. de la More Bulles from the Pope to excommunicate the Scottes except they returned vnto peace with the King of England These Cardinals wente into the North partes to enstall Lodowike Beomond to whome the Pope at the Kyngs instaunce hadde giuen the Byshopricke of Durham and when they came neare vnto the Towne of Derlington certayne robbers breaking out of a valley Gilbert Middleton and Walter Selby beyng their Capitaynes sodaynelye sette vppon the family of the Cardinals and of Lodowike Tvvo Cardinals robbed on Wigelesden More robbed them of their treasure and carryed Lodowike Byshoppe of Durham to Morpeth where they constrayned hym to paye a greate Raunsome they broughte Henrye Beaumont to the Castell of R●ntforde and there kepte hym tyll hée hadde payde a greate raunsome but the Cardinalles came to Durham where they tarryed a fewe dayes for aunsweare of the Scottes and so vnder the Kings conducte they retourned to Yorke and left their businesse whyche they came for vndone Gilbert Middleton after manye domages done Anno reg 10. to the Priory of Rymuth and other was taken in his owne Castell of Nitforde by Wyllyam Felton Thomas Hetton and Robert Horneclife carryed to London and there in the presence of the Cardinalles drawne and hanged The Cardinalles vnder certayne conditions made peace betwixte the King and Thomas Earle of Lancaster whyche conditions shortlye after were vniustly broken Syr Gosseline De●●uile and his brother Roberte wyth Theeues lyke Fryers two hundred in the habite of Friers did many notable robberies they spoyled the Byshoppe of Durhams Pallaces leauing nothing in them but bare walles for the whiche they were after hanged at Yorke William Cawston Raufe Balancer the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Wengraue the 28. of October Margaret daughter to Philip sonne to Lewes Kyng of Fraunce wife to Edwarde the firste deceassed the fourtéenth of Februarye and was buryed in the myddle of the Quire of the Gray Fryers Churche at London Edwarde de Bruis the King of Scottes brother who by Ioh. Trocklowe Edvvarde de Bruse beheaded the space of thrée yeares hadde assaulted Irelande and had crowned hymselfe Kyng was taken by Englishemen that were the King of Englandes Subiectes and was beheaded at Dundalke In that battel were slayne nine and twentie Baronets of Scotlande and fiue thousande and eight hundreth other the Primate of Armakh béeyng chiefe Capitayne for the Kyng of England This yeare was an earlye Haruest so that all the corne Early Haruest cheape corne was inned before Saint Giles daye A Bushel of Wheate Anno reg 11. that was before solde for tenne shillings was solde for ten pence and a Bushell of Otes that before was eighte shyllings was solde for eight pence Earle Warrin tooke the wife of the Earle of Lancaster and shut hir vppe in hys Castell for that he sayde she was betrothed to hym before she was marryed the Earles had eyther of them a wife but neyther of them cared for them Iohn Prior William Furneys the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Barvvike betrayed Iohn Wengraue the 28. of October Aboute Midlent the Towne of Berwicke was betrayed to the Scottes throughe the treason of Peter Spalding and other Englishemen whome the Kyng of Scottes caused to be hanged for béeyng Traytors to theyr Countrey The Castell held oute till for wante of victualles they wythin were constrayned to delyuer it into the Scottishmens hands The Scottes inuaded England Richard South Iohn ●●ucklowe who wanne also the same tyme the Castelles of Harbotel Warke and Mydforde so that they possessed the more parte of all Northumberlande euen to Newecastell vppon Tyne sauing certayne Castels that were defended agaynst them In May they entred further into the lande brenning al before them tyll they came to Rypon whyche Towne they spoyled and tarrying thrée dayes they receyued a thousande Markes of those that were gote into the Churche bycause they should not put the Town to the fyre as they hadde done the Townes of Northallerton and Borough Bridge c. In theyr returning backe they brent Knaresburghe and Skipton in Crauen and all other afore them carrying into Scotlande a maruellous multitude of Cattel besides prysoners men and women The Yorkeshiremen gathered togither to the number of Tho. Walsing ten thousād met with the Scots at the town of Mitton ten myles by Northweast from
Northampton 1228 Peace vvith the Scottes shameful peace was made betwixt the Englishmen and Scots so that Dauid the sonne of Robert Bruis scarce seuen yeres olde married Ioan of the Tower king Edwardes sister at Berwike the twelfth of July Also the king made the Scottes charters the tenour whereof was vnknowen to the Englishmen but al was done as it pleased the olde Quéene Roger Mortimer and Iames Dowglas The Scottes made manye tannting times against the Englishmen for the fond disguised apparel by them at that time vsed amongst the which was fastened vppon the Church doores of Saint Peter towardes Stangate Long beardes hartlesse Scottish taunts Painted hoodes vvitlesse Gay coates gracelesse Makes England thriftlesse Adam Tarleton was made Bishop of Worcester In a Parliament at Salisburie the K. made thrée Erles Parliament at Satisburie Iohn of Eltam his brother Earle of Cornewal Roger Mortimer Earle of the March and Iames Butler of Ireland Earle of Ormond From this Parliament the Earle of Lancaster y e Lord Wake Henrie Beamonde Earle Marshal and other noble men did absent thēselues not being far off frō thence in armour for the whiche the King was highly displeased notwithstanding in Sommer following they submitted themselues vnto the Kyngs mercy séekyng his fauour Simon Fraunces Henrie Combmartin the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Iohn Grantham the. 28. of October Certaine men of this land to y ● intent to try what friends K. Edvvard the seconde bruted to be aliue they had in England craftily deuised that Edward the second king of England was aliue in the Castell of Gorffe but not to bée séene in the daye time and therefore they vsed manye nightes to make shewes and maskyng wyth dauncing vpon the towers and Wals of the Castel which being perceyued by people of the countrey it was thoughte there had bin some great king vnto whom they dyd these greate solemnities this rumour was spredde ouer all Englande to witte that the olde King was aliue whence it came to passe that the Earle of Kent sente thyther a Fryer Precher to trye the truth of the matter who as it was thought hauing corrupted the Porter of the Castell with rewardes is Anno reg 3. let in where he lay all the day in the Porters lodge verye close and whē night was come he was willed to put on y ● habit of a lay mā and then was brought into the Hal wher he saw as he thought Edwarde the Father of the king sitting royally at supper with great maiestie This Frier being thus perswaded returned againe to the Earle of Kente and reported as he thought what he saw whervpon y ● Erle saide and affirmed with an othe that he would indeauoure by all the meanes he coulde to deliuer his brother from prison The same yeare at the earnest request of some the king 1329 held a Parliament at Winchester where by procurement of the olde Quéene and Roger Mortimer the sayde Earle of Parliament at VVinchester Kent and manye other noble men and religious persons to witte the prouincials of the white Carmilit Friers and of the blacke Preaching Friers and Frier Richarde Wliten were accused of conspiracie touching as it was sayde the deliuerye of the Kings Father which matter although it were but deuised fantasie and a méere lye yet the sayde Earle for certaine confessions whyche he made and for certayne letters which were founde about him was there beheaded The other to wit y ● prouincials of the Predicants Erle of Kent the kings vncle beheaded at VVinchester Carmilites were banished but the Bishop of London was set at libertie Robert de Taunton Priest and some certain Carmilite Friers and predicants were condemned to perpetual prison The death of the sayde Earle was the lesse lamented bycause his familye and seruauntes had aboue measure afflicted the commons in taking vp things as they trauayled at the Kings price paying nothing or verye lyttle for it Richarde Lazer Wyllyam Gisours the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Richarde Swanland the 28. of October There was a Parliament holden at Notingham where Roger Mortimer was in suche glorie and honoure that it was without all comparison No man durst name him any other than Earle of Marche a greater rowt of men wayted at his héeles than on the Kings person he would suffer the King to rise to him and would walke with y ● King equally step by step chéeke by chéeke neuer preferring y ● King but would go formost himselfe with his Officers he greatly rebuked the Earle of Lancaster cousin to the Kyng for that withoute hys consent hée appointed certayne lodgings for Noble men in the Towne demaundyng who made him so bolde to take vppe lodgings so nighe vnto the Quéene wyth whyche wordes the Conestable béeyng greatelye feared appoynted lodging for the Earle of Lancaster one myle oute of the Towne and lykewise were lodged the Earle of Hereforde Iohn de Bohune of Estsex highe Conestable of Englande and others By whyche meanes a contention rose among the Noblemen and greate murmuring among the common people who sayde that Roger Mortimer the Quéenes Paragon and the Kyngs Mayster sought all the means he could to destroy the Kyngs bloude and to vsurpe the Regall Maiestie whyche reporte troubled muche the Kyngs friendes to wéete William Mountacute and other who for the safegarde of the Kyng sware themselues to be true to his person and drew vnto them Robert de Hollande who hadde of long tyme béene chiefe kéeper of the Castell vnto whome all secreate corners of the same were knowne Then vppon a certayne night the Kyng lying without the Castel bothe he and his friendes were brought by Torchlight through a secrete waye vnder ground beginning far off from y ● said Castell til they came euen to the Quéenes Chamber whyche they by chaunce found open they therfore beyng armed with naked swords in their hāds went forwards leauing the King also armed without the dore of the Chamber least that his mother should espie him they which entred in slew Hugh Turpinton Knighte who resisted them Mayster Iohn Neuell of Horneby giuing him his deadly wound From thence they went toward the Quéene mother whome they found with the Earle of March readie to haue gone to bedde and hauing taken the sayde Earle they ledde him out into the Hall after whome the Quéene followed crying Bele fits bele fits ayes pitie de gentil Mortimer Good sonne good son take pitie vpon gentle Mortimer for she suspected that hir sonne was there though she saw him not Then are the keyes of the Castell sent for and euery place with all the furniture is yéelded vp into the Kings hands but in suche secret wise that none without the Castell except the Kings friends vnderstoode thereof The next day in the morning very early they bring Roger Mortimer and other his friēds taken with him with an horrible shout and crying the Earle of Lancaster then blind being
Scotlande where most victoriouslye he conquered it and the same Ile being called the I le of Man the kyng gaue it to the Conquerour franckelye and fréely to be possest and caused hym King of Man to be called and crowned king of that I le Then King Edward returning towards the south parts kept solemn torneymentes at Dunstable beyng accompanyed wyth 230. Knightes The same yeare was a Parliamente at Westminster wherein the Archbishoppe of Canterburie was reconcyled to the King before whom the Archbishoppe sware that althoughe the Kyng by hys counsell and consente hadde done homage to the French King for the Dukedome of Aquitaine and the Earledome of Poytowe yet he neuer consented therto as to be anye hurte or preiudice to the Kyng or that by hys counsel he myghte incurre fauoure or séeke to please the French King but for that presente tyme he thoughte it beste to be done both for the obtayning of peace and also for the profit of the Kyng and Realme After this Parliament the king commaunded Florences of golde to be made at the Tower of London that is to saye the peny of the value of sixe shillings eight pence the halfe penye of the value of thrée shillings foure pence a farthing worthe twentye Florences of golde Sherifes Maior Anno reg 17 pence Iohn Louekyn Richard Rifling bury the. 28. of Septem Simon Fraunces Mercer the. 28. of October In a Parliament at Westminster in the moneth of May the religious men that were possessours of Lands graunted to the king towards the maintenaunce of his warre al their iewels and plate as wel siluer as gold horsses carts wagons whervpon the kings treasure was notably enriched The same yeare auctoritie was giuen to the kings escheters 1343 to enquire and certifye the Counsell of al such persons which helde of the King any landes in Capite or by any A general suruey of the vvhole realme of England other fée to the value of one hundred shillings and that the names of all suche shoulde be enrolled and giuen vp for recorde Also certaine other were put in aucthoritie to signifie howe many sufficient and able bow-men were in euerye shire also what other sufficient men were able to beare armour for the defence of theyr Country and to sée them practised with suche kinde of weapon wherein they had beste skill and being thus assembled in all parts of the Realme speciallye suche as were of lawfull age commaundemente was giuen out that they shoulde be readye at the Kyngs commaundemente to fyghte agaynste theyr enimies King Edwarde and his nobles perceyuing the derogation Ro. de Auesbury Gual Homingford that was done to the realme by such reseruations prouisions and collations of benefices as the Pope practised here in England wrote to him requiring him that sith the Churches of Englande had bene founded and endued by noble and worthy men to the ende the people might be instructed by people of their owne language and that he beyng so farre off coulde not vnderstande the defaultes yet hys predecessours and he more than had bene vsed by diuerse reseruations prouisions and collations made to diuerse persons some straungers yea and some enimies to the Realme whereby the money and profits were carried forth theyr cures not prouided for according to the founders mindes they therefore vpon due considerations therof signifyed to him that they coulde not suffer such enormities any longer and therefore besought him to reuoke such reseruations prouisions and collations wholy to auoyde suche slaunders mischieues and harmes as mighte ensue and that the cures might be committed to persons méet for the exercises of the same beséeching him further wythout delay to signify his intention sith they ment to bestow their diligence to remedie the matter and sée that redresse might be had Giuen in ful Parliament at Westminster the xviij of May in the yeare 1343. Iohn Steward Iohn Aylesham the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Hamonde the. 28. of October Many being called to ayde the King against the Scots but not being ready they contributed their money wherewith the king might hyre souldiours in place of them that remayned at home King Edward caused to be called togither a great many Anno reg 18 Tho. Walsing 1344 Round Table at VVindsore of Artificers to the Castell of Windsore and began to builde an house whiche was called the Rounde Table the floure wherof from the Center or midde point into the compasse was an hundred foote and the whole Diameter 200. foote the Circunference thereof is 600. foote and thrée quarters The same time Phillip de Valoys king of Fraunce buylded Round Table in Fraunce Scala Croni a Rounde Table in his Countrey to the ende he mighte allure the menne of Warre of Germanie and Italie and so to kéepe them from the Kyng of Englandes Rounde Table Kyng Edwarde in succour of Iohn Mountfort Duke of Th● de la More Brytaine and of his wife and children who then remayned in the kings custodie sent the Earles of Northampton and of Oxforde Hugh Spencer and Richard Talbot Knightes and maister William Kilesby Clearke euerye one of them hauing vnder them many mē of armes and archers into Britaine who entred there-into in despight of al theyr enimies whych resisted them making many conflictes They toke as well walled Townes as other with diuerse Fortresses and Castelles both by assaulte and surrender by whiche meanes they had the whole Countrey vnder theyr subiection conquering till they came to the Towne of Morleis where Charles de Bloys mette them wyth a greate armye Therfore in the Champion grounde nygh vnto Morleys the Battayle as Morleys two armyes made greate and moste stoute battayle wherin the worthinesse of both sortes dyd full well appeare for they fought so stout on both sides that in the first conflict it chaunced as the like had not bene séene for the chiefe Captaines Charles de Bloys to whom the Frenche king hadde giuen the Dukedome of that Countrey and William de Bohune Earle of Northamton who for the defence of y e right of Iohn de Mountfort naturall heire and Duke of that lande the king of Englande had made a generall ouer the army of the English men who foughte so long wyth hande strokes in the fielde that daye that no manne but a lyar coulde giue more prayse to the one than to the other Thrée tymes that daye they beyng wearied on both sides wythdrewe themselues to take breathe and then fell to it again with Speare and shielde and sworde and Targe but in y e ende the right worthy and stoute Charles de Bloys his men fléeing away was also forced to flée himselfe wherevppon after many slaine on both sides the victorie fell to the Englishmen Geffrey Wichingham Thomas Legge the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Iohn Hamond the. 28. of October King Edwarde sente ouer Henrie Earle of Darbie son to the Earle of Lancaster his cousin
fact he was drawne hanged and quartered To this Counsell came two Earles and two Clearkes sente from the Princes electours signifying that their election was made to the King for the dignitie of the Kingdome of Almayne These messengers the Kyng receyued King Edvvard elected King of Almayne with due honour but aunswered them that hée woulde not take so great honour vppon hys shoulders vntill hée had the Crowne of France due vnto him in peaceable possession A little after Easter there were great Justings holden Iusting at Lincolne at Lincolne by the Duke of Lancaster where were presente many Ladyes with the Countesse and also certayne messengers sente from the King of Spayne for the Lady Ioane daughter to the King that should be maryed to their Mayster the Kings sonne whome hir husbande méeting she dyed of the great Pestilence so that he followed hir to the graue The same yeare King Edward with his eldest sonne the Earle of Warwike and the Bishop of Winchester went to Caleis from whence the King sente the Duke of Lancaster to Denemere to receyue in his behalfe fealtie and homage of the Earle of Flanders ●hich thing was by the sayd Earle perfourmed Henry Picard Simon Dolseby the 23. of September Sherifes Maior Tho. de la More Great Pestilēce Tho. Wa●sing Iohn Loueken Fishmonger the 28. of October There beganne amongst the East Indians and Tartarians a certayne Pestilence which at length waxed so generall infecting the middle region of the ayre so greatly that it destroyed the Sarasins Turkes Sirians Palestinians and the Gretians with a wonderfull or rather incredible death in so much that those peoples béeing excéedingly dismayde with the terrour thereof consulted amongst themselues and thought it good to receyue the Christian Faith and Sacramentes for they had intelligence that the Christians whiche dwelte on this side the Gréekish Sea were not so greatly more than common custome was troubled wyth sicknesse and mortalitie At length this terrible slaughter passed ouer into those Countreys which are on this side the Alpes and from thence to the partes of France which are called Hesperia and so by order along into Germany and Dutchland And the seauenth yeare after it beganne it came into England and first beganne in the Townes and Ports ioyning on the Sea coastes in Dorsetshire where euen as in other Countreys it made the Countrey quite voyde of inhabitantes so that there were almost none left aliue From thence it passed into Deuonshire and Somersetshire euen vnto Bristowe and raged in suche sort that the Glocestershiremen woulde not suffer the Bristowmen to haue anye accesse vnto them or into their Countrey by anye meanes but at length it came to Gloce●●or yea and to Oxforde and London and finally it spread ouer all England and so wasted and spoyled the people that scarce the tenth person of all sortes was lefte aliue when Church yardes were not sufficiente and large ynough to burie theyr dead in they chose certayne Fields appoynted for that purpose Gualter Mayny Lord of Mayny borne in Cambray who serued in company of Henry Duke of Lancaster in his great Records of the Garter actes of Gaseoyne and G●ien after this time made Knight of the Garter in England hauing a respect to the danger that might fall in time of this Pestilence then begonne in England if the Churches and Church-yardes in London might not suffise to bury the multitude he purchased a péece of ground called Spittle Croft for that it belonged to the Mayster and bréethren of Saint Barthelmewes Spittle conteyning Register of the Charterhouse Ex Carta thirtéene acres and a rodde without the barres of Weast Smithfield and caused the same to be enclosed and dedicated by Ralph Bishop of London in the which place in the yeare Charterhouse Church-yard by London following was buryed more than fiftie thousand persons as is affirmed by the Kings Charters which I haue séene and also by an inscription fixed on a stone crosse in the same place And in memorie thereof the same Gualter Mayny caused vpon the same grounde a Chappell to be builded Anno reg 23. and after founded the same to be an house of Charterhouse Ro●de Auesburie Charterhouse at London founded Monkes Also about the same time one Iohn Cory procured of Nicholas Prior of the Church of the Holy Trinitie néere vnto Al●gate one tost of ground néere vnto East Smithfield for the buriall of them that dyed that it mought be called the Church yard of the Holy Trinitie which ground he caused to be enclosed and dedicated by Nicholas Northbroke Bishop of London in the which place King Edward the third by consent of the sayd Prior and Couent founded the Abbey Nevv Abbey by the Tovver of London founded Liber trinita Lond. Lib. Eastminster of Saint Mary of Grace in the yeare 1359. placing therein an Abbot and Monke of the order of Cisteaux whiche were white Monkes and named the place Eastminster All sutes and pleading in the Kings Bench and other places for a season ceassed Uery fewe noble men dyed among whome departed Iohn Mountgomery and his Lady the Lord Clisteles Captayne 1349 of Caleis dyed at Caleis and was buryed in the white Friers at London Of the common people togither with Religious and Clearkes there dyed an innumerable sorte for no man but God onely knewe how many There dyed from the first of January to the first of July in the Citie of Norwich 57374. persons besides Ecclesiasticall Mendicants Norvvich Regist of Norwich An●● ecclesi ●●● Yermouth and Dominikes There was buryed in the Church and Church-yard of Yermouth in one yeare 7052. men and women before which time the Personage there was worth 700. markes by yeare and afterwardes was scarse worth fortie pounde the yeare This note was certified to King Henry the seauenth in the ●● of his raigne and the same is written on the gates of the Church of Yermouth This great Pestilence began at London about the feast of All Sainctes in y ● yeare 1348. What time this Pestilence had wasted all England y e Scots greatly reioycing mocked sware oft-times by the vile death of y ● Englishmen but y ● sword of Gods wrath departing frō thence slew cōsumed the Scots in no lesse nūbers than it did the other It also wasted the Welchmen and within a while passed ouer into Ireland where it destroyed a great nūber of English people that dwelt there but suche as were right Irishmen borne y ● dwelt in the hilly countreys it scarcely touched so that few of thē died therof This plague cōtinued sometime in one place sometime in another vntill the yeare of our Lord 1357. The same yeare for a truce or finall peace to be concluded the B. of Norwich the Earle of Northampton the Earle of Stafford Richard Talbot Walter Mayny Knightes sayled ouer the Sea into France whom y ● Frenchmen met peaceably but they would not agrée to a
Cornewall and in the meane space the Kings seruants spoyled his goodes Iohn More Richard Northbery and other were likewise there conuict and condemned to perpetuall prison and their goodes confiscate to the King for certaine congregations by them made against the Fishmongers in the Citie of London Nicholas Exton Iohn French the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Nicholas Brembar Grocer the 28. of October About the feast of Saint Martine a Parliament was holden at London in the whiche nothing was done worth the memorie but that which still was in hand and exacting of money of the Cleargie and common people to mainteine the men of warre And besides this there was a Combate fought in listes betwixte an Esquire of Englande and one of A Combate fought Nauarre that had accused the English Esquire whose name was Iohn Welch of Treason to the King and Realme but the effect was that when he was Captayne of Cherbrugh he forced the wife of this Nauaroys as the sayde Nauaroys being afterward ouercome and being readie to suffer death did ●penly confesse for the which cause by the Kings iudgemēt he was drawne and hanged although the Quéene and many other did make earnest intercessiō to haue his life saued The Parliament was not yet ended when newe ● came Bervvike lost and vvo●●● againe out of the North of the taking of Berwike Castell by the Scottes the custodie whereof the Earle of Northumberland Sir Henry Percy did possesse by right of his predecessors The Scottes by mediation of money got entrance into that Castel by one that was put in trust with kéeping of it The Duke of Lancaster that loued not the Earle was glad of this happe when he knew it It came to passe therefore by the Dukes procurement that the Earle was condemned by iudgement of the Lords there present the which execution was within a short while after releassed The Earle of Northumberland through the Kings fauour restored to his life and possessions without any long delaye● prepareth al furniture of warre to beséege and winne the sayd Castell of thē that were within it and after he had gathered a mighty armie he sodeinly beséeged it and after he had layne about it a certaine time it was compounded betwixt them without and them within that they within should forsake the Castell and haue their liues and moueable goodes and for surrendring the Castell they should haue of the Earle two thousand markes of English money and by this meanes did the Earle recouer the Castell foorth of the Scottishmens hands Through certaine yong men brought vp with the King Tho. Wal● there arose great dissention betwixt him and the Duke of Lancast●r who departed from the Court and wente to his Castell of Pomfret whiche he had fortified but by meanes of the Kings mother this discorde was appeased for a time The third of May was an Earthquake 1●85 The King entred Scotlande King Richard with a great armie entred Scotlande but the enimies would not shew themselues wherfore he brent the Countrey and returned The eightéenth of July there was an Earthquake Sir Iohn de Vienne that serued the French King was sent into Scotland with a great multitude of Shippes and men of warre that ioining with the Scottes they might in●e●t all England and that whilst they might● draw the power of this Realme that way forth the Frenche King with his Nauie and army might the more at liberty enter other partes of the Realme few or none being left at home to prohibit them their entrie The arriuall of the sayd Iohn being knowne in England the King with all the Nobilitie prepared themselues to make a iourney thither The King maketh a iourney into Scotland there came flocking vnto the King such a number of Knightes Esquires and Archers as the like had not bin heard of in those dayes in so much as the number of Horsses amoūted to thrée hundred thousand as they were iudged The King reioyced héereat as well he might but the reioycing was shortly darkened at Yorke by fiercenesse of Sir Iohn Holland the Kings brother that slew the Lord Ralph Stafford Ralph Stafforde ●ayne sonne to the Earle of Stafford in the way as he went to the Quéene whose seruant of houshold he was and greatly in fa●eur with hir and he was no lesse beloued of the King as he that had bin brought vp with him and bin his play-fellow from his tender age where the King taking greate indiguation determined to pursue the sayd Sir Iohn Holland he caused therefore his goodes to be cōfiscate But Sir Iohn Holland fledde to Beuerley there to enioy the libertie of the Church The Lady Iane the Kings mother sente to intreate him for hir other sonne and his brother but when the messengers were returned to Wallingforde and that the mother could perceyue no hope of grace to be gotten in that behalfe of the King she tooke it heau●●ie and fell sicke and Queene Iane the Kings mother dyed within foure or ●●ue dayes departed this life hir body being seared and closed in Leade was kept at Wallingford till the Kings returne forth of Scotland then to be buried at Stanford in the Church of the Friers Minors In the moneth of August the King of England with a mightie power entred Scotland to whose force the Scottes and Frenchmen perceyuing themselues not able to matche they séeke to get them into the wooddes places where they might be out of the way The English army then the which there hath not bin séene a fairer stronger or greater rideth through the Countrey that was destitute of inhabitantes ●●yd of Cattell wanting victualles for the land was left desolate as our men confessed that they saw not so much as a bird Owles only excepted They found gréene Corne on the grounde very faire and plentifull whiche they eyther eate vp with their Horsses or treade downe with theyr féete but the enimies fléeing battayle our men did nothing to be accompted of but brent the Abbey of Melroys and the Meltoys and Edenborough brent Towne of Edenborough with such houses as they found by the way When our armie was come to Edenborough and that victualles fayled them many of them beganne to ware sicke and some to die for hunger wherevpon the King returned with his armie into England While King Richarde was in Scotland the Scottes and Frenchmen entred into Englande brenning Townes taking spoyles and leading away many prisoners returned home into their Countrey Iohn Organ Iohn Churchman the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Nicholas Brembar Grocer the 28. of October The Souldiers of Caleis went secretly forth into France and got a bootie of four thousand Shéepe and thrée hundred head of great beastes which they draw to their holdes About the feast of Saint Martine there was a Parliament at London in which the Laytie granted to the King a fiftéenth and a halfe with cōdition that the Cleargie should giue a tenth
Colledges are called the new Colledges dedicated to our blessed Lady He builded the great body of the Church of Saint Swithens in Winchester where the Sermons are made where his body is enterred a very princely worke neyther did he for all this diminish any thing of his ordinarie housholde charges and fedde as the writing engraued on his Sepulchre sheweth both rich and poore He deceassed at the age of fourescore yeares He dyed rich for beside that he gaue to his kinsefolke and to the poore he gaue somewhat to euery Church in his Dioces He gaue many things to the King and to his owne seruants and to his Colledges neyther do I doubt but y t he that thus liued is now with God whome I beséech to reyse vp many like Bishops in England Iohn Leyland writeth by the reporte of Doctor London Iohn Leyland that this William Wikeham was borne at Wickham in Hampshire and was sonne to one William Perot parishe clarke there of which place he tooke his surname and that one Mayster Wodale of Wickham brought him vp at schole where he learned his Grammer and to write faire After this the Connestable of Winchester Castell at that time a great ruler in Hampshire gote Perot alias Wickham of W●dall and made him his Clearke Edward the third comming to Winchester Castell liked Wickham and tooke him to seruice and vnderstanding that he had mind to be a Priest made him first Parson of Saint Martins in London and then Deane of Saint Martins le Graund and then Archdeacon of Buckingham He made him also surueyor of his buildings as of Windsore Quinborow in Kent and other buildings After this he preferred him to be bearer of the priuie Sealt mayster of the Wardes and Forrests and Treafourer of the Kings reuenues in France then Bishop of Winchester Chancellour and Treasourer of England as it very manifestly sayth Iohn Leyland appeareth by writing The blacke Prince scant fauoured Wickham wherefore Wickham procured to kéepe the Prince in battell out of the Realme but at length Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster and Alice Peeres Concubine to Edward the third caused him to be banished the Realme and then he dwelled in Normandy and Picardie seauen yeares Edward the thirde yet liuing but he was restored about the second yeare of Richard the second of whome he had a generall pardon Aboute the feast of Saint Valentine the sonnes of the Barle of Marches sonnes Earle of March were taken out of the Castell of Windsore and ledde away into Wales to Owen Glendouerdewe but shortly after were recouered againe The Smith that made the keyes by the which they that conuayde them got into them had first his hands and then his head cut off The Lady Spencer Sister to the Duke of Yorke and widow of Thomas Lord Spencer before executed at Brestow being apprehended and committed to prison accused hit brother the Duke of Yorke to be chiefe author in stealing away of the Earle of Marches sonnes wherefore the sayde Duke was kept by Sir Iohn Pelham in the Castell of Pemsey till the next Parliament After the feast of the Purification of our Lady the King assembled his Barons at London to treate of the gouernement of the Realme and to haue ayde of money to be giuen him but the Nobles would not at that time obey his request In the Lent following therefore the King caused the Cleargie and the Barons to assemble at Saint Albons for the matter aforesayd but by reason the Nobles stroue against him there was nothing done and so departed on Palme sonday About the fiftéenth of March in a fight betwixt the Englishmen 1405 Conspiracy against King Henry by the Archbishop of Yorke other and Welchmen the sonne of Owen Glendouerdewe was taken and fiftéene hundred with him were taken or slayne Henry Percy Earle of Northumberlande Richard Scrope Archbishop of Yorke Thomas Mowbray Earle Marshall Thomas Lord Bardolph and other cōspiring against King Henry assembled togither the Citizens of Yorke and many other to stand with them for the commoditie of the Realm And to animate the commons to be the readier vnto this businesse they set articles vpō the dores of the Monasteries Churches of the same Citie written in English agaynste the King bycause he had put downe King Richard offering themselues for those articles to liue and die which caused great number of people to resort to them but Ralph Neuill Earle of Westmerland that was not farre off togither with Iohn Duke of Lancaster the Kings sonne being enformed of these things gathered an armie with spéede to goe against the Archbishops company but all was in vayne for the Archbishops power was farre greater than theirs wherevpon the Earle of Westmerland sente messengers to enquire of the Archbishop the cause of so great an assembly in armour contrarie to the Kings peace wherevnto the Archbishop answered that he tooke nothing in hand against the Kings peace and he was in armour and munited with men only for feare of the King whome he could not safely come vnto to speake but his purpose he said was good and cōmodious both for y e King Realme if happily they would know it thē he shewed a scedule in which y e articles were conteyned which when the Earle of Westmerland had read he with word and countenance praysed the Bishops holy and vertuous intent and promised that he and his would prosecute the same with the Archbishop The Archbishop being glad of this beléeued the Earles words perswaded the Earle Marshall being vnwilling therevnto to go with him to a place appointed to talke togither to whome they with like number came and the writing with the Articles was read ouer streightway the Earle and they that were with him gaue their assent to these articles then sayde the Earle being subtiller than the rest behold the labour that we haue takē in hand is come to such end as we would haue it and the people hath now bin long in armour let some of your mē beare word vnto the people to go their way home and to lay downe their armour and euery mā to fall to his occupation and accustomed labour in the meane season we in token of concord will drinke togither that the people on both sides shall sée it and without delay after they had takē each other by the hands a Knight was sent on the Archbishops behalfe to beare word to y e people that it was peace and to command euery man to lay downe their armour and to go to their owne home The people beholding signes of peace the Lords drinking togither being awéeried with the vnaccustomed trauell of war turned the reines of their bridles homewards and so it came to passe y ● whē the people of y e Archbishops side went away y e nūber of the aduersaries increased as before it was appointed the Archbishop did not perceiue y t he was betrayd vntill such time as y e Earle
might say The South windes warme did blow with heate pestiferous Pestilence And Pestilence did beare great rule in Cities populous For at London in short while it consumed aboue thirtie thousand men and women and in the Countrey Townes great mortalitie fell among the husbandmen so that great households dyed cleane vp and the houses were emptied About the fiftéenth day of August deceassed Sir Roberte Knowles Knight at his Manour of Sconethorp in Norffolke Sir Robert Knovvles Iohn Leyland he was brought to London and there honourably buried in the white Friers Church which he had newly reedifyed and builded This Sir Robert Knowles had bin a most valiant Captayne in the warres of France during the raigne of Edward the third and Richard the second whose force the Realme of France both felt and feared so did the Dukedome of Briteine Register of Bermondsey and all the people from hence to Spayne Of him in his life were made Uerses in Latin which may be englished thus O Robert Knowles most woorthy of fame Verses by thy prowesse France was made tame Thy manhoode made the Frenchmen to yeeld by dint of sword in towne and field This Sir Robert Knowles founded in the Towne of Colledge and Hospitall at Pontfract Pontfract a Colledge to the honor of the holy Trinitie with an Hospital ioyned therevnto In the which Colledge was placed a Mayster and 6. or 7. Priestes and in the Hospitall 13. poore men and women He was once minded to haue made this Colledge at his Manour of Sconethorp but at the request of Constance his wife a woman of meane birth and somtime of a dissolute life afore hir mariage he turned his purpose and made it in the very place of Pontfraite wher she was borne enduing the same with 180. pound lande by yeare He also builded the faire new greate bridge at Rochester ouer the riuer of Medeway with a Chappel and a chauntrie at the East end therof In the which chappel was sometime a table hanging wherein was noted the benefactours to that Bridge as followeth Sir Roberte Knoles founder of the Trinitie Chappell at Rochester Bridge Constaunce wife to Knowles Sir Iohn Cobham Lord principall benefactour to the making of Rochester Bridge Margaret wife to Cobham Thomas Boucher Cardinall Iohn Morton Archbishop Henrie Chicheley Archbishop Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham Iohn Langedon Bishop of Rochester Thomas Arundale Archbishop Sir Iohn Cornewal Lord Fanhap Richard Whittington William Cromer Geffrey Boleyne Maior of London Iohn Darby Draper Alderman of London William Midleton Mercer of London William Martin Justice Sir Willlam Nottingham chiefe Barron of the Exchequer William Wangforde Iohn Buckingham Bishop of Lincolne Iohn Kempe Bishop of London Sir William Richal Sir Iohn at Pole All these had giuen money or landes towards the building and repayring of the sayde Bridge Iohn Warner a Merchaunt of Rochester made the newe coping of Rochester Bridge and William Warham Archbyshop of Canter burie made the yron pikes and bars aboute the same coaping This sommer Henrie Prince of Wales besieged the Castel of Abrustwich but not long after Owen Glendouerdew Anno reg 9. Sherifes Maior entred into it and placed new kéepers Henrie Pontfract Henrie Halton the. 28. of September Sir William Stondon Grocer the. 28. of October In Nouember a Parliamente being called at London a taxe of money was leuied of the whole Realme This yeare was a sore and sharpe Winter and suche aboundance of Snow which continued December Januarie Februarie and March so that almoste all small Byrdes dyed through hunger and colde Whiles the King helde a great Counsell at London with the nobles of the Realme Henrie Earle of Northumberlande and Thomas Lorde Bardolfe came againe into England who after long iournying when they came to the Towne of Thriske they caused to bée proclaymed that who so woulde haue libertie shoulde take vp armour and weapon and follow them whervpon much people resorted to them but sir Thomas Rockley Sherife of Yorkeshire with other Knightes of that Countrey went against them and at Bramham Moore nere to Hasewold fought with them a great battayle and slew the Earle whose head was streyght wayes cutte off The Lord Bardolph was sore wounded and taken aliue but dyed shortly after This battayle was fought on the xviij day of February The Erles head was put on a stake and caryed openly through the Citie 1408 of London and set on London Bridge The Bishop of Bangor was taken with the Lordes but pardoned of his lyfe bycause he was not founde in armour The King wente to Yorke and there condemned such as transgressed confiscated their goods pacified the Countrey hanged the Abbot of Hayle who had bin in armour and returned to the South partes againe Upon the seuenth of September there were suche flouds of rayne as the olde men of that age had neuer séene before Edmunde Hollande Earle of Kent whilest he besieged the Castell of Briake in Brytaine he was wounded with an arrowe of a crossebowe in the heade notwithstanding he toke the Castel and destroied it to the ground and not long after his braines rotted and he died Anno reg 10 Sherifes Maior Thomas Ducke William Norton the. 28. of September Sir Drew Barentine Goldsmith the. 28. of October Aboute the feaste of Al Saintes the Cardinall of Burges came into Englande being sente from the Colledge of Cardinalles to informe the King and Cleargie of the vnconstaunte dealing of Pope Gregorie as also he had informed the Frenche King and his Cleargie and realme to the end that those two Kings might sette to theyr helping handes to induce the sayde Gregorie to obserue the othe he hadde made and that by the magnificence of those two Kings cōcorde mighte be made in the Church vnto the whiche businesse the Frenche Kyng hadde gladlye graunted and sente messengers vnto Pope Gregorie who notwythstandyng 1409 was obstinate The Kyng of Englande when hée vnderstoode the Cardinalles message hée commaunded that curtesie and gentle entertaymente shoulde be gyuen hym and offered to beare hys charges so long as hée woulde abyde in Englande After the feaste of the Epyphanye the Archebyshoppe of Canterburie caused to assemble at London all the Cleargye of the Realme to chose personages méete to go to the general counsel holdē at Pisa where vnto were chosen Roberte Holam Bishop of Salisburie Henrie Chiseley bishop of Saint Dauids and Thomas Chillingdon Prior of Christes Churche in Canterburie and the Kyng had sente before Iohn Coluile Knighte and mayster Nicholas Rixton Clearkes wyth letters to be giuen to thē And in y e letter to the Pope it was writtē most holy father c. if y e prouidēce of y e Apostolike sea wold vouchsafe to consider how gret harme and danger is sprong vp through out the whole worlde vnder pretence of Scisme and chiefly the destruction of Christian people whiche aboue the nūber as men say of 200000. are perished by the raging
the number of thréescore and foure The tenth of September Iohn Claydon Skinner and A Skinner a Baker brent Richard Gurmonfrench Baker in Lombardstree●e of London were brent in Smithsield Iohn Michel● Thomas Allin the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Mooregate first made in the vvall of Lōdon Thomas Fawconar Mercer the 28. of October This Thomas Fawconar Maior caused to breake the wall of London néere to the ende of Colmanstreete and made there a Gate vpon the moore side where was none before He also caused the ditches of the Citie to be cleansed and a comm●● priuie that was on the moore without the wall to be taken downe and another to be made within the Citie vpon Walbrooke into the which brooke he caused the water of citie to be turned by grates of iron in diuers places Our Embassadors the Bishops of Durham Norwich returning now the second time out of France declared to the King that the Frenchmen did but vse fraude and deceiptes wherefore the King being stirred vp vnto anger determined to a●at● their ●●●rnin●●● and to teach them to vnderstād their fully in ●●aking of a ●●éeping Dogge and forth with the King commanded all the Pre●●tes and Nobles of the Realme to come to London there to intreate of waight● affaires cōcerning y ● Realme at y ● which time the Archbishop of Canterbury held a great counsayle in y ● which were chosen 〈◊〉 of the Cleargie of England to go to the generall Counsell that should be holden at Constance a Citie of Germ●● and so there were sent the Bishops of Salisburie Bath and Hereford and with them the Abbot of Westminster and the Prior of Worcester and many other wise men in co●●●●●● of the Earle of Warwike whose presence did thē much honour This yeare the order of Church seruice throughout Anno reg 3. 1415 Order of Church seruice in England altered England was changed from the vse of Saint Paule to the vse of Salisburie which was to the great disliking of many men in those dayes When King Henry percey●ed that the Frenchmen had with deceite entreated him with fayned promises and faire words he gathered his ●a●y togither apointed his bowmē● men of armes prepared his engins all things necessary ●or y ● warres cōmanding all y ● should go w e him to be ready against the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist and to m●e●e him at Hampton The eyghtenth day of ●●●e King Henry with many Lords and others rode from London toward South-hampton the Maior 〈◊〉 and Craftes of the C●tle 〈…〉 ing him on his ●●●y to ●he ●owne of Kingston vpon Thamis while●● the King 〈◊〉 ●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 where he abode for his reli●●●● and ●●●ffe ●●nging to the warres On the last ●● July was discouered a great conspiracie Conspiracy disclosed Tho. Wals Regist Maior against him by three 〈…〉 is 〈◊〉 of all the rest he pat greatest trust and confid●●●● 〈…〉 of them was Henry Scrope Lord Treasours the second Richard ●a●●e of Cambridge brother ●o Edward Duke of Yorke and Sir Thomas Grey a Knight of the North these had made Edmond Earle of Ma●●h 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vpon a Booke not to d●●●●ose their counsell and then ●●l●● him that they thought to 〈◊〉 the King and to 〈◊〉 the sayd Ed●●ō●● King the which ●● he refused to take vpon him they would ●●ey him where vppon the Earle prayse them to giue him one hou●es spa●e to take ●●uise●ent what was best to doe whiche being granted the Earle went secretly and ●ol● the King● ther●●● who caused them forthwith ●o be apprehended and brought before him where they confessed the ●●●ason for the which on the sixth of August they were ar●●●gned in y ● Kings presence and the same day all three beheaded The Earle was buried head and all bu● the other hea●● were ●e●●● the one to Yorke the other to Newcastell vpon Tine and there se● vp On the eleuenth of August the King tooke shipping and entred the Sea with a thousand Sayle Enguerant sayth King Henry sayled into Normandy Tho. W●●s Titus Liuius Enguerant 1600. Sayles and the third night after arriued at Kedeca●x in Normandy whiche is betwixte Hereflete and ●imflete of whose comming all the Cities and States of th●●● partes being aduertised were striken with great feare The King the Dukes of Clarence and of Glocester his bréethren the Duke of Yorke his Unkle the Earles Barons Knightes Gentlemen and Souldiours 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an●●●● ● there and tooke land without any resistance and the King forthwith falling to the ground vpon his knées deuoutely prayde to God that to his honor he would giue him iustice of his enimies He had at his landing in his host sixe thousande Speares and xxiiij thousand footemen besides Gunners and other enginars artificers and labourers of whome the King had great abundance The King gaue to diuers Gentlemen the order of Titus Liuius Knighthoode and assigned the bearing of his Standarts and Banners to such mē as he knew to be of great strength and prowesse All thing being set in good order and array the King with all his host ascended to the toppe of an high hill there nigh and there he rested the next day On the sixtéenth day of August the Duke of Clarence leader of the foreward in good ordinance entred his iourney towarde a Towne called Herefleete distant from Kedecamp scarcely thrée leagues where he lodged his host in a field before the towne The King at his comming lodged himselfe nigh to the first warde not farre from the Towne The Earle of Suffolke Michaell at Poole Chiefetayne of the rereward lodged on the other side before the Towne Other noble men that had the conduct of the two wings lodged them one on the right hād the other on the left Forthwith were sent to the Towne men of armes in great number to sée the scituation thereof who shortly returned with a great pray of Cattell and enformed the King of all his demaundes Hereflete is the key of the sée of all Normandy and is scituate Enguerant Description of Herefleete vpon the Sea side by the Riuer of Seene betwixte two hilles and through the middle thereof runneth a Riuer whiche not farre from the same Towne entreth into the Seane and from thence both those Riuers in one descende into the Sea where as a great and goodly Hauen is belonging to the same Towne which Hauen is garnished with the defence of two faire and strong Towers and in the same Hauen a right great Nauie of Shippes may ride in safetie and if the inhabitants of this Towne enclose and képe within the Towne the course of the foresayd Riuer by their sluces as they may right well do then the Riuer riseth without the Towne so high that it forecloseth all entries to the walles so that no man may approch the towne on that part This Towne is also defended with high and thicke walles and towers and is also enuironed with broade
waye of peace was founde betwixt those two Kings by aliance that is to say by a mariage to be made betwixt y ● most victorious K. of England the Lady Katherin daughter to y ● King Quéene of Fraunce but bicause they perceyued that many things mighte not be done w tout the presence of the kings as wel for y ● apposition of their seales for y e ratifying of y ● articles of this peace as for the solemnization of y e matrimony also y ● King Charles was a man of many yeres they condescended y ● the K. of Englād at a certain day amōgst them limited shoulde come to the foresayde Citie of Troys w t as great an armed power as he woulde At whiche day appointed if he fayled to be there al his cōmunicatiō of peace shold be as voyde These things thus concluded set down in writing y ● erle of Warwicke w t his company returned to y ● K. of Englande to whō they declared by order what they had done who was contente in all things to performe their appointments prepared for his iourney He called togither knights men of armes archers to y ● nūber of xvj M. of thē the more part were Archers when the time came that he would depart toward Troys as he was accustomed he deuided his people in thrée parts battayles two wings and in that maner the. viij day of May he entred his iourny toward Troys in Campaine where he was met by the Duke of Burgoigne accompanyed with manye noble mē two leagues w tout the town whō he receiued w t gret honor due obser●ance Then this most victorious king accompanyed bothe of English and Frenchmen of euery estate degrée entred the 〈…〉 resaid Citie of Troys y ● stréetes wherof w tout any abyding he passed vntil he came to the kings place wher K. Charles and the Quéene his wife abode his comming of whom the was receyued goodly and after a Princely maner When y ● King of England was thus royally receiued after the due resolutions on his part made to King Charles the Quéene he departed from them and by the Duke of Burgoine and other great estates as well of England as of Fraunce he was conueyed to his lodges The Cittie was deuided into two p●rts wherof the one half was assigned to the Frenchmen Burgonians and the other halfe to the Englishmen and bicause that parte assigned to the Englishmen suffised not to receyue them all within the walles but that a great part of thē must be lodged in the suburbes the King of Englande bicause hys people on that part shoulde haue frée concourse togither he caused the wall on that part of the Citie where he was lodged to be cast down to the ground King Charles gaue aucthoritie and power to Isabel his wife and Quéene to Phillip Duke of Burgoigne and to certaine other of his Counsell plenarily to conclude the peace with King Henrie for hym and for his realme of France vnder such conditions as shold be decréed also to proue ratify cōfirme the same by oth solemnized in the parsō of K. Charles without fraude in al things to be obserued vnto the sayd K. Henrie his heyres successours by the sayde King Charles his heyres and successors c. On the xxj of May in the xl yere of the reigne of King Charles in the Cathedral Churche of Troys the King of Englande with the Duke of Clarence his brother and other Dukes Earles Bishops Barons Lordes of estat and other Prelates of Englande and Isabel the Quéene of Fraunce with the Duke of Burgoigne and other of the Kings Counsel of Fraunce and in that part hys especiall commissioners for and in the name of the king of Fraunce and also for themselues in their proper names in a great assembly of the iij. estates of Fraunce vulgarly called theyr Parliamente concluded a peace betwixt the two Realmes of England Frāce and the same ratified and approued with the conditions and Articles that in part shall follow wherevpon writings wer made sealed with the brao●e seale of the sayde king Charles Then immediately Isabel the Quéene and the Duke of Burgoigne in the name of King Charles made a solemne oth vpon the holy Euangelistes that y ● same Charles his heyres and successours shoulde obserue and kéepe without fraude the peace made betwixt the two Realmes And the same othe the Quéene and the Duke of Burgoigne in theyr owne names and for themselues theyr heyres successours made vnto the King for him his heyres and successours and after them as many as were there present both of the Kings counsel and also of the Parliament as Bishoppes Lords Knightes and commons made the same othe to the Kyng And the. xxiij and. xxiiij daye of May the Chauncellour of Fraunce and many other Lordes Bishops Prelates and noble men gaue the like fayth and othe The thirde of June being present the Counsell of K. Charles Isabel Quéene of Fraunce the Duke of Burgoigne and the Parliament of Fraunce and also the Duke of Clarence with many Bishops Lords and Knightes of England with King Henrie the matrimonie was solemnized betwixt the most victorious King Henrie of England and the excellent glorious Lady Katherin daughter to Charles of Fraunce and Isabel his Quéene The peace that was confirmed betwixte the sayd two kings and their realmes was red as foloweth King Henrie from nowforth during the life of Kyng Charles shall not name or write himselfe King of Fraunce nor shall not suffer himselfe of his people so to be named or written After the death of king Charles king Henry shal be king of Fraunce peaceably with hys heyres and successours And bicause King Charles by reason of his infirmitie is vnable to gouerne the common weale king Henrie during y e life of Charles shal rule and gouerne the realme of Fraunce to the profit honor of the same king Charles King Charles in al his writings shal name the same King Henrie our son and heyre of France during the life of the said king Charles King Henrie shall be written Henrie King of Englande and heyre and Regent of Fraunce and in the like maner hée shal write himselfe in all things that shall be aucthorized vnder his owne seale King Henrie shall call King Charles hys Father and Quéene Isabel hys mother and shall honoure them Nor King Henrie shal not prohibite with holde nor defraude King Charles his Father of the Crowne of France nor the issues or reuenues thereof And the Quéene his mother at all times during hi● life he shall kéepe in due estate as belongeth to hi● maiestie c. with diuerse other Articles which for libertie I set not downe in this place After the final end and accomplishing of this marriage couenants and conditions ratifyed in all partes King Henrie accompanyed of King Charles and of his counsel of the two Quéenes Isabel
England and his Quéen were lodged in the Castell of Lowre and the King of France and his Quéene were lodged in the pallace of Saint Paule King Henrie hearing that the Dolphen with a great power besieged the Towne of Guisney he determined to goe himselfe to the raysing of the siege and so came to the town of Corbeil and so to Senlis where he waxed so sicke that hée was constrayned to tarry and send his brother the Duke of Bedforde to rescue thē of Cosney but the Dolphin raysed hys siege and departed thence King Henrie his disease increasing he departed this life in the Castell called Boyes de Visceme not far from Paris on the last of August in the yeare 1422. when he had raigned nine yeares fiue monethes and odde dayes There was present at his death King Charles of Fraunce and the two Quéenes but before his death this most prudent King disposed the guarde of the yong Prince his sonne and the defence of the realme of Englande to hys brother Humfrey Duke of Glocester but the custodie of the body of this yong Prince the King committed to his vncle the Duke of Excester and the reuenues of the Dutchie of Normandie he bequethed to his brother Iohn Duke of Bedforde for the gouernaunce of the same Dutchy and of the Realme of France In his life time he reedified his royall manour that then was called Shine nowe Richmount hée founded two Monasteries vpon the Thamis not farre from Richmount the one of Carthusians whiche he named Bethlem the other of religious men and women of Saint Bridget and that he named Sion He founded Gartar principal Kyng at armes of all Englishmen and also the brotherheade of Sainte Gyles without Creple Gate of London Shortlye after hys departing his bowels were enterred in the Church of Sainte More de Fosses and his corps well enbaulmed and seared was closed in leade and accompanyed with all the Lords Enguerant estates and commons of England that were there presente with also many Lords and great estates as well of France Normandie Burgondie and Picardie was brought with greate honour to Paris and set in the Churche of our Ladie where were done for him right solemne exequies with distributiō of mony and great almes to the poore From thence he was broughte to Roane where he aboade long When all things necessarie were prepared for the conueyaunce of the deade King into Englande hys body was layde in a Chariot whiche was drawen by foure great horsses and aboue the dead corpes they layde a figure made of boyled hydes or leather representing his person as nyghe to the semblaunce of him as could be deuised painted curiously to the similitude of a liuing creature vpon whose heade was set an Emperiall Diadem of golde and precious stones and in his right hand he helde a Scepter royall and in his lefte hand a ball of gold And in this manner adorned was this figure layde in a bedde in the sayde Chariot with hys vnsage vncouered toward the heauens and the couerture of hys bedde was of red silke beaten with golde and besides that when the body shoulde passe through anye good Town a Canapie of maruaylous great value was borne ouer the Chariot by men of great worshippe In this manner accompanyed of the King of Scottes and of all Princes Lordes and Knightes of hys house he was broughte from Roane to Abeuile where the corpse was set in the Churche of Sainte Offr●ne From Abuile he was broughte to Hedin and from thence to Menstreull so to Bulloigne and to Caleis In all thys iourney were many men about the Chariot clothed al in white which bare in theyr handes torches burning after whom followed al the housholde seruauntes in blacke and after them came the Princes Lordes and estates of the Kyngs bloud adorned in vestures of mourning and after all thys from the sayde Corpse the distaunce of two Englishe myles followed the Quéene of Englande righte honourably accompanyed In thys manner they entred Caleis from whence after a fewe dayes they departed and continued theyr iourneys by water and lande vntyll they came to London where they arriued about the tenth of Nouember so were conuaied by London bridge through Cheap to the Cathedrall Churche of Saint Paule vppon the couering of the for moste of the foure horsses that conuayed the Chariot wer imbrodered the auntient armes of Englād vpon the couerture of the seconde horsse were the armes of England and Fraunce in one shielde quarterly vppon the couerture of the thirde horsse was imbrodered the armes of Fraunce without any maner of difference and on the fourth horsse were the armes of King Arthur When his exequies were solemnized at Saint Paules Church in London hée was brought from thēce to be enterred in the Abbay of Saint Peter at Westminster amongst hys noble auncestoures Thus thys most victorious and renoumed Kyng entred the way decréed for euery creature in the floure most lustie time of hys age to witte but sixe and thirtie yeares olde ⸪ ¶ King Henry of Windsor HEnrie the sixth being an infant of eight moneths old beganne Anno reg 1. Titus Liuius his raigne the last of August in the yeare 1422. Continuing the time of his youth the gouernance of the Realme was committed to y e Duke of Glocester and the gard of his person to the Duke of Excester and to the Duke of Bedford was giuen the regiment of France who right wisely and nobly ruled the same so long as he liued This Henry was of witte and nature simple gentle and méeke he loued better peace than warre quietnesse of mind than businesse of the world honestie than profite rest and ●ase than trouble and care all iniuries that euer happened to him which were many he suffered patiently and reputed them to be worthely sent of God for his offences William Gastfield Robert Tatarsale the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior William Walderne Mercer the 28. of October The xxj of October Charles King of France passed out of this world and was buried at S. Denis in France after he ha● History of Loys Duke of Orleance Charles le bievv King of France dyed bin Crowned King 46. yeares He was greatly beloued of his people all his life time and therefore was called Le Roy Charle le biew ame but yet he had a sicknesse the more part of his raigne that being out of his witte he woulde strike all that came néere him it tooke him first in the Citie of Mans shortly after he had bin in Flanders to reduce the Flemings to obedience There was by reason héereof great trouble in France bycause those that were néere to him in lignage sought euery one to haue the chiefe gouernement in theyr hands When he thus dyed the Realme was left in miserable state for people of each strange nation were gouernoures in the Realme First the Englishmen had conquered a great parte and sought to haue the rest and the Duke of
of the same Indenture And not apply your sayde blessednesse ne the great righteousnesse and equitie wherewith God hath euer endued your high nobilitie to y e importune impacience and violence of such persons as intende of extreme malice to procéede vnder the shadowe of your high might and presence to our destructiō for suche inordinate couetise wherof God is not pleased as they haue to our Landes Offices and goods not letting or sparing therefore to put suche things in all lamentable and too sorrowfull ieoperdie as might in all wyse take effecte by the mysterie of Gods will and power nor not hauing regarde to the effusion of Christian bloud ne any tendernesse to the noble bloud of this Land such as serue to the tuition and defence thereof ne not waying the losse of your true liege men of your saydo Realme that God defend which knoweth our intent and that wée haue auoyded there from as farre as we may with our suerties not of any dreade that wée haue of the sayde persons but onely of the dreade of God of your said highnesse and will not vse our sayde defence vntil the time that wée be prouoked of necessitie whereof wée call heauen and earth vnto witnesse and recorde and therein beséeche God to be our Judge and to delyuer vs according to our sayde intent and our sayde trueth and duetie to your said highnesse and to the sayde Common Weale Most Christian King right high and mightie Prince and most dread Soueraigne Lorde wée beséeche our blessed Lorde to preserue your honour and estate in ioye and felicitie Written at Ludlowe the. x. day of October R. Yorke R. Warwike R. Salisburie After their excusation contayned in this letter sent to the King they withdrewe them and went into diuers partes beyond the Seas for the more suertie of their persons The Duke of Yorke went into Ireland where he was honorably receyued the Earle of Marche Salisburie and Warwike not without great ieoperdie and perill as well on the lande as on the sea went to Calleis and abode there Then was a Parliament holden at Couentrie wherein Parliament at Couentrie were attaint of treason Richard duke of Yorke Edward Erle of Marche his sonne and heire Richard Earle of Warwike Edmond Earle of Rutlande Richard Earle of Salisburie Iohn Duke of Yorke other attaint Lorde Clifford Lorde Clinton sir Thomas Harington sir Iohn Wenlocke Thomas Neuill Iohn Neuill sonnes of the Earle of Salisburie Iames Pickering Iohn Conyers Thomas Par William Oldhall and Henrie Ratforde Knightes Iohn Bowser Thomas Cooke Iohn Clay Richard Gyton Robert Browne Edward Bowser Thomas Vaughan Iohn Roger Richard Grey Walter Deuorux Walter Hopton Roger Kynderton William Bowes Foulke Stafforde the Lorde Powys and Alice Countesse of Salisburie their goods and possessions escheted and their heires disherited vnto the 9. degrée their tenauntes spoyled of their goods bemaymed Ludlovv spoyled and slayne the towne of Ludlowe longing to the Duke of Yorke was robbed to the bare walles and the Dutches of Yorke spoyled of hir goods The Earle of Warwike hauing a great Nauie kepte the Earle of VVarvvike fought vvith the Spa●●● ardes narrow seas and sought with the Spanyards kylled many of them tooke their great vessels with one Carrake of Iene and got in them great riches Iohn Plummer Iohn Stocker the 28. of September Sherifes Maior William Hulin Fishmonger the 28. of October In this moneth of October Henrie the yong duke of Somerset Henry Lorde Roos and Lorde Audley with men of Armes sailed toward Calleis to the intent the Duke shoulde haue bene Captaine there but when he came to lande they Duke of Somerset fled to Gvvynes The Lord Audley taken into Calleis The lord Roos fled into Flaunders of Calleis would haue taken him so that he hardly escaped to the Castle of Gwines his souldiors were stripped out of their harnesse and let go The Lord Audley was taken into Calleis and the Lord Roos fled into Flaunders and after returned into England Not long after Richard Lord Riuers was sent to Sādwich to kéepe the towne and certaine great ships which lay there at Anker but when the Earle of Warwike sawe time conuenient The Lord Riuers and the Lord VVoodvile by force caried from Sandvvicke he sent some of his men to Sandwich by night y e which tooke the Lorde Riuers and Antonie Wooduile his sonne in their beds led them ouer to Calleis with al the great ships saue one called Grace de Dieu the which might not be had away bicause she was broke in the bottome Sir Baudwyne Fulford vndertooke on paine of loosing his head y t he woulde 1460 Sir Baudvvin Fulford his enterprise destroy y t Earle of Warwike but when he had spent y e King a thousand markes in money he returned againe Then was the Duke of Excester Admirall sent to the sea with a great The Duke of Excester sent to the Seas Nauie for to distresse the Earle of Warwike and his Nauie he sailing from Sandwiche to Dertmouth for lacke of victuals and money his Souldiours forsoke him there And betwéene Sandwiche and Dertmouth he met the Earle of Warwike comming out of Ireland that had bin there for to speake with the Duke of Yorke and brought with him his mother that was sled thither for dread and led hir to Calleis but the Duke of Excester durst not set vppon the Earle of Warwike nor the Earle woulde not distresse him because he was Admirall and of the Kings bloud but let him passe by In y e moneth of June 500. men were sent to conduct the duke of Somerset frō Gwynes into England but abiding y e wind in y e port of Sandwich y e Earle of Warwikes men spoyled them of their harnes killed their captain Moūford many other The Earles at Calleis sent to the Archbishop of Caunterburie Captaine Moūt sort slaine and at large to the commons of England certaine Articles in writing beginning thus Worshipful sirs we the Duke of Articles sent frō the Duke of Yorke and the Barles to the Archbishop of Caunterburie and to the commons Yorke the Earles of March Warwike and Salisburie sewed offered to haue come vnto the King our Soueraigne Lords most noble presence to haue declared there asore him for our dutie to God to his highnesse to the prosperitie and welfare of his noble estate and to the Common Weale of all his Lande as true liege men the matters following that is to say In primis the great oppression extortion robberie murther and other violences done to Gods Church and to his ministers thereof against Gods and mans law 2 Item the pouertie miserie that to our great heauinesse our Soueraigne Lord stādeth in not hauing any liuelode of the Crowne of England whereof he may kéepe his honorable housholde which causeth the spoyling of his sayde liege men by the takers of his sayde housholde which lyuelode is
of December at nyne of the Sheene burnt clocke at night sodaynely beganne a greate fier within the Kings lodgings then being at his Manour of Sheene which continued tyll Mydnight by violence whereof much and a great part of the olde building of that place was brent with hangings beddes apparell plate and manye other Iewelles Perkin Werbecke endeuouring to steale secreatlye out 1498 Perkin VVerbecke taken of the lande was taken againe by hys kéepers and by the Kings commandement cast in the Tower of London and after he was shewed in Westminster and in Cheape stocked on Anno reg 14 scaffoldes to the great wonderment of many people This yeare all the Gardens which had bene continued time out of mind without More gate of London wer destroyed and of them was made a plaine fielde for Archers to shoote in The Englishe Merchants were receyued into Antwarpe with general procession after they had bene long absent from thence This yeare was a great drought by reason whereof a loade of Hay which was before time solde at London for fiue shillings was this yeare solde for ten shillings or twelue shillings more This yeare one Sebastian Gabato a Genoas sonne borne in Bristow professing himselfe to be experte in knowledge of the circute of the worlde and Ilandes of the same as by his Charts and other reasonable demonstrations he shewed caused the King to man and victual a shippe at Bristow to search for an Ilande whiche he knewe to be replenished with rich commodities in the ship diuerse Merchauntes of London aduentured smal stockes and in the company of this shippe sayled also out of Bristow thrée or foure smal shippes fraught with slight and grosse wares as course cloth Caps Laces pointes and such other sir Humfrey Gilbert knight in his booke intituled a discouerie for a newe passage to Cataia writeth thus Sebastian Gabato by hys personall experience and trauaile hath set forth and discribed this passage in his Chartes whiche are yet to be séene in y e quéenes Maiesties priuie Gallerie at White Hall who was sent to make this discouerie by King Henrie the seuenth and entred the same fret affirming y ● he sayled very far Westward wyth a quarter of the North on the Northside of Terrade Labrador the eleuenth of June vntil he came to the septentrial latitude of 67½ degrées and finding the seas stil open sayde y ● he might would haue gone to Cataia if the iminitie of the Maister and Mariners had not bene Thomas Bradburie Stephen Iennins the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior A Shoemakers sonne fained to be the Earleof VVarvvike Sir Iohn Perciuall Tayler the 28. of October A Shoemakers sonne borne in Byshopsgate streete of London was hanged at Saint Thomas Watrings on Shroue Tuesday for naming himselfe to be Edward Earle of Warwike sonne to George Duke of Clarence which Edward Earle of Warwike was then and had bin all the raigne of this King kept se●ret prisoner in the Tower of London The foure and twentith of February the Kings thirde 1499 Anno reg 15 sonne was Christned within the Friers Church at Greenewich by the name of Edward The Gasgoyne Wine was solde at London for forty shillings VVine salt and vvheate cheap the Tunne and much left to the Shipmen for freight the plentie was so great A quarter of Wheate foure shillings and bay salte foure pence the bushell This yeare was the Brewers house called the Swanne adioyning to Saint Antonyes taken downe for the enlarging of the sayd Church which was after new builded at the costs of Sir Iohn Tate late Maior Iames Wilford Tayler Richard Brond the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Perkin vverbeck hanged Nicholas Alwin Mercer the 28. of October The xvj of Nouember was arraigned Perkin Warbecke and thrée other the which Perkin and Iohn a Water Maior of Corfe were executed at Tiborne the xxiij of Nouember The xxvitj of Nouember Edward Plantagenet Earle of The Earle of VVarvvike beheaded Warwike sonne to George Duke of Clarence being about the age of xxiitj yeares was beheaded at Tower hill and buryed at Birsam by his auncesters Shortly after Walter Blewet and Thomas Astwoode were hanged at Tiborne In the beginning of May the King and Quéene sayled to 1500 The King and Queene sayled to Calleis Caleis where they met with the Duke of Burgoigne they returned agayne in June In July the Towne of Babram in Norffolke was brente Edward the Kings thirde sonne dyed at a place of the Bishop of Eely called Hatfield in Hartfordshire and was buryed at Westminster This yeare was a great death in London and other partes Anno. reg 16 of this Realme Iohn Hawes William Stede the 28. of September Sherifes Maior William Remington Fishmonger the 28. of October The xxx day of January was brought vnto the Grey Friers the corpse of the Lorde Denham Treasurer of England and was there buryed in the South side of the Quéere In the moneth of May was a royall Tourney of Lords and Knightes within the Tower of London before the King The King buylded new his Mannour at Sheene and named Arnold Smart 1501 Richmond and Baynards Castell Anno reg 17. it Richmond for that so many notable and rich Jewels were there brente and the same cost no small summes the building new He also new builded Baynards Castell in London and repaired Greenewich Edmond de la Poole Duke of Suffolke and Richarde hys brother shipped at Harwich departed secretly into France The fourth of October Katherine daughter to the King of Spayne landed at Plimmouth Lawrence Ailmer Henry Hede the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Shaw Goldsmith the 28. of October This Iohn Shaw caused his bréethren the Aldermen to ride from the Guildhall vnto the water side when he went to Westminster to be presented in y ● Exchequer He also caused the kitchens and other houses of office to be builded at y ● Guildhall where since that time the Maiors feastes hath The Maiors feast first kept at the Guild hall bin kept which before had bin in y ● Grocers or Tailors hal The xiiij of Nouember Prince Arthur was married in Prince Arthur married S. Paules Church at London vnto Katherine daughter to Ferdinando King of Spayne which Arthur the second of Aprill Prince Arthur deceassed 1502 deceassed at Ludlow and was buryed at Worcester About Easter all the Grey Friers in Englande changed their habite for where of long time before they had vsed to VVollen cloth tvvo shillings the brodyarde weare browne Russet of foure shillings sixe shillings and eight shillings the yard now they were compelled to weare Russet of two shillings the yard and not aboue which was brought to passe by the Friers of Greenewich This yeare the dike called Turnemill brooke with all the Dikes of London clensed course of Fléete dike were so scoured downe to the Thames that boates with fish and
whereof he dyed slew many of his men and tooke many prisoners with two Shippes the one called the Lion the other a Barke called Ienny Perwine which Shippes were brought to Shippes taken from the Scots Blacke Wall the seconde of August and the Scottes to London where they were kept as prisoners in the Bishop of Yorkes Place and after sent into Scotland Nicholas Shelton Thomas Mirfine the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Roger Acheley Draper the 28. of October The fiftéenth of January began the Parliamente at Westminster Sir Robert Sheffeld Knight sometime Recorder Parliament of London was speaker for the Commons During this Parliamente in the moneth of March a Yeoman of the Crowne one of the Kings Gard named Nevvbolt hanged Newbolt slew within the Pallace of Westminster a sernant of Mayster Willoughbyes for the whiche offence the Kyng 1512 cōmanded to be set vp a new payre of Gallowes in y e same place where the sayde seruante left his life and vppon the same the sayd Newbold was hanged and there remayned on the Gallowes by the space of two dayes King Henry sente the Lorde Darcy with a goodly company Anno. reg 4. of men into Spayne to ayde the King hys Father in law against the Moores but ere he arriued a peace was concluded betwéene them In August Sir Edward Poynings accompanyed with the Lorde C●nton and diuers other was sente into Gelderland with fiftéene hundred Archers to ayde the Prince of Castell at the request of Margaret Duchesse of Sauoy and Regent of Flanders Edward Haward Lord Admirall of England through hys too much hardinesse was slayne before Brest in Britayne after whome hys brother Thomas Haward was made Admiral About the moneth of August the Nauyes of England and France méeting at Briteine Bay fought a cruell battayle in the which the Regent or Soueraigne of England and a Carike of Brest in France being crappeled togither were burned and their Captaynes with their men all drowned the English Captaine was Sir Thomas Kneuet who had with him Sir Iohn Carew and seauen hundred men In the Frenche Carrike was Sir Piers Morgan with nine hundred men which were all brent or drowned Robert Holdernes Robert Fenrother the 28 of Septemb. Sherifes Maior William Copinger Fishmonger the 28. of October Richard Hadden Mercer The Stéeple and Lantarne of Bow Church in Cheape Bovv Steeple builded was this yeare finished By Friers this yeare a great parte of the Kings Pallace Kings Pallace at VVestminsier brent Sca. Tempo of Westminster and the Chappell in the Tower of London and many other places in England were brent In a Parliament at Westminster was granted to the king two fiftéenes and four demies and head money of euery 1513 Duke tenne Markes an Earle fiue pound a Lorde four pound a Knight four Marke and euery man valued at Great subsedie eyght hundred pound in goods to pay four Markes and so after that rate till him that was valued at fortie shillings payd twelue pence and euery mā that tooke fortie shillings wages xij d. euery mā womā at xv yeres or vpward 4. d. In Aprill the King sent a great Nauie of twelue thousand men to the Sea On May euen Edmond de la Poole was beheaded on the Tower hill his brother Richard was after slayne in France King Henry hauing sent ouer a great and puissant Armie King Henry beseegeth Turvvyne into France to beséege the Citie of Turwine himselfe accompanyed with many noble men and vj. C. Archers of his Gard all in white gabberdines tooke his Ship at Douer on the last of June in the morning When the King was shipped and made Sayle all his armie followed to the number of foure hundred Shippes and the winde was so that they were brought the same night into Caleis Hauen On the nexte morrowe being the first of July Thomas Lord Howard Admirall of England landed at Whitsandbay and entred spoyled and brent the Towne and returned to his Shippes The xxj of July the King passed out of the Towne of Caleis in goodly array of battell and tooke y e field and notwithstanding that the fore-ward of the Kings great Armie were before Turwine yet the King of his owne battayle made thrée battayles the Lord Lisle Marshall of the host was Captayne of the fore-warde and vnder him thrée thousand men Sir Richard Carew with thrée hundred men was the right hand wing to the fore-ward and the Lorde Darcy with thrée C. men wing on the left hand The scourers and fore-riders of this battayle were the Northumberland men on light geldings The Earle of Essex was Lieutenant Generall of the Speares and Sir Iohn Pechy was vicegouernour of the Horsemen Before the King wente viij C. Almaynes all in a plump after them came the Standert with the redde Dragon next the Banner of our Lady and nexte of the Trinitie vnder the whiche were all the Kings houshold Then went the Banner of the Armes of England borne by Sir Henry Guildford vnder which Banner was the King himselfe with diuers noble men and other to the number of thrée thousand mē The Duke of Buckingham with vj. C. men was on y e Kings left hand On the right hād was Sir Edw. Poynings with other vj. C. mē egall w t the Almains The L. of Burgainie w t viij C. mē was wing on the right hande sir William Compton with the retinue of the Byshoppe of Winchester Fox and Maister Thomas Wolsey afterward Cardinall of eighte hundred was in manner of a rerewarde sir Anthony Oughtred and sir Iohn Neuell with the Kings speares that followed were foure hundred and so the whole armye was eleauen thousande and thrée hundred men The Maister of the ordināce set forth the Kings artillerie as Faulcons Slyngs Bombards powder stones bowes arrowes and suche other things necessarye for the fielde the whole number of the carriages were thirtéene hundred the leaders and driuers of the same were ninetéene hundred men The King laye the firste nighte betwixte Calkewell and Freydon the nexte night before the Castel of Gwisnes at Bocarde the next night he laye beside Arde a good waye wythout the Englishe pale when he was a little beyonde Dernome there came a greate hoste of French men that purposed to haue sette vpon him but the Kyng with his hoste kepte their ground and shotte their greate ordinaunce wherewyth the aray of the French men was broken The fourth of August the King in good order of battell came before the Citie of Turwine and planted his siege in warlike wise The eleuenth day of August Maximilian the Emperor came to King Henrye who was receiued with greate triumph betwéene Aire and the campe The Emperor and all his seruants were reteyned with the King of Englande in wages by the daye euery person according to his degrée and the Emperor as the kings souldioure ware a Crosse of Saint George with a Rose and so hée and all
his traine came to the Kings Campe the thirtéenth of August and there was receyued wyth greate magnificence The thrée and twentith of August the towne of Turwine Turvvine yeelded to K. Henry was giuen ouer vnto the Kyng of England wyth condition that all men in the Towne mighte safely passe wyth horsse and harnesse and so on the foure and twentith of Auguste there came oute of the towne foure thou●and men of warre and moewell appointed whereof sixe hundred were well horsed theyr standardes borne before them The sixe and twentith of August the King remoued to Singate and there it was agréed that the walles gates bulwarkes and towers of Turwine shoulde be defaced razed and caste downe of whyche conclusion the Emperoure Turvviue raced and brent sent word to Saint Omers and to Aire whych being ioyous of that tydings sente thither Pioners and so they and the Englishe Pioners brake down the wals gates and towers and filled the ditch and fiered the towne except the Cathedrall Churche and the Palaice and all the ordinaunce was by the King sente to Aire to be kept to his vse After this it was concluded that the King in person shoulde laye hys siege to the Citie of Turney wherefore hée sente forwarde thrée goodly battayles the firste was conducted by the Earle of Shrewsburie the seconde battell led the King hymselfe wyth whome was the Emperour The rerewarde was conducted by the Lorde Harbert and so the firste nyghte they laye in campe beside Aire The fourtéenth of September the King and hys armye came to Beatwin and on the morrowe passed forwarde and came to a straite where was a Forde whiche with greate difficultie they passed and the next day they passed a bridge called Fount Anandiew c. The one and twentith daye of September the Kyng remoued hys Campe towarde Tourney and lodged wythin thrée myles of the Citie the whyche nighte came to hym the Emperour and the Palsgraue the people about King Henry be●ieged Turney Tourney were with theyr gòodes fledde to the Citie and yet the Citie hadde no menne of warre to defende it but wyth multitude of Inhabitantes the Citie was well replenished The Kyng came in aray of battell before Tourney planted his ordinaunce rounde abonte the Citie dyuers frenches were caste and rampiers made so that no Citizens coulde issue oute nor no ayde come to them Wherevpon at length to wéete on the nyne and twentith of September the Citie was yéelded Then the King appointed the Lorde ●isle the Lorde Burgeyny and the Lorde Willoughby to take possession whyche wyth sixe thousande menne entered the Citie and tooke the market place and the walles and then Mayster Thomas Wolsey the Kings Almoner called before him all the Citizens and sware them to the Kyng of Englande the number of whiche Citizens were four score thousande On the seconde daye of October the King entred the citie of Turney and there ordayned sir Edwarde Poynings Knight of the order of the Garter to be hys Lieuetenaunt wyth Captaines horsemen archers and artillerie conuenient hée made hys Almoner Thomas Wolsey Byshoppe of Tourney and then returned to Callaice and sayled Thomas VVoolsey Bishop of Turney from thence to Douer on the foure and twentyth of October In this meane tyme Iames King of Scottes notwithstanding he was sworne to kéepe the peace inuaded this lande with a mightye armye but by the good dilligence of the Quéene with the pollicie and manhoode of the Earle of Surrey the Kings Lieuetenannt he himselfe was slaine at Bramstone vpon Piperd hill with thrée Byshoppes two Abbots twelue Earles seuentéene Lords besides Knights and Gentlemen and seauentéene thousande Scottes and all the ordinaunces and stuffe taken the ninth of September there were slaine of the Englishe men aboute fiue thousande The dead body of the King of Scottes was broughte vp to London and so conueyed to Sheene where I haue séene the same lapped in Lead lye in an olde house vnburyed Iohn Dawes Iohn Bridges the 28. of September Sherifes Roger Bafford William Browne Mercer the 28. of October Iohn Tate Maior Mercer On Candlemasse daye the Kyng made Thomas Howard Earle of Surrey Duke of Norffolke Thomas Lorde Howard Earle of Surrey Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke Charles Somerset Earle of Worcester at Lambeth in the Archbishop of Canterburies palace and not long after he maoe sir Edward Stanley Lorde Mountegle In March folowing Thomas Wolsey the Kings Almoner 1514 T. VVolsey B. of Lincolne Anno reg 6 Hedges plucked vp ditches filled and Bishoppe of Tourney was consecrate Byshoppe of Lincolne as successour to William Smith late deceassed All the hedges wythin one myle and more euery waye aboute London were pulled downe and the ditches fylled vp in a morning by a number of yong men Citizens of London bycause those enclosures hadde bin hinderaunce to their shooting The ninetinth of May was receyued into London a Cap of Maintenance and a sworde sente from Pope Iulie the seconde which was presented to the King on the Sonday nexte with greate solempnitie in Saint Paules Churche The seauenth daye of August a peace was proclaimed betwixte the Kings of England and of Fraunce duryng theyr lyues In October a marriage was made betwéene Lewis the twelfth King of Fraunce and Ladye Mary the Kyngs sister of England Iames Yarford Iohn Mundy the 28. of September Sherifes Maior George Monox Draper the 28. of October This George Monox Mayor of London of his godly disposition reedified the decayed stéeple of the parishe Churche of Waltham Stowe in the Countie of Essex adding thereunto a side I le with a Chappel where he lyeth buryed And on the North side of the Churchyarde there he founded a fayre large Almose house for an Almose Prieste or Schoolemaywomenster and thirtéene poore almes folke eight men and fiue women appointing to the sayde almes Priest or Schoolemayster for his yearely wages 6. l. 13. s̄ 4. d. and to euerye one of y e almes folke 7. d. a wéeke 5 l. to be bestowed yéerely 1515 among them in coles And ordeyned that the sayd almes Priest should on Sondayes and festiuall dayes be helping assistant to the Uicar or Curate there in the celebration of Anno reg 7. diuine seruice and on the wéeke dayes fréelie to apply and teache yong children of the saide parishe to the number of Free Schoole at VValtham Stovv thirtie in a Schoolehouse by him there builded for that purpose Moreouer he gaue to the parish Clearke there for the time being a yearly stipend of 26. s̄ 8. d. for euer a Chamber by the sayde Almes house to the intent he should helpe the sayd Schoolemayster to teach the said children And hath giuen faire lands and tenements in the Citie of London for the perpetual maintenance of the premisses to Gods glory foreuer He also for the great commoditie of trauellers on ●●●e made a continuall cawsey of Timber ouer the mar●●●s from
Wednesday following Upon whiche daye ●●e Maior sir Stephen Pecocke in a gown of Criniosin Uel●●t wyth his collar of Esses and al the Aldermen in Scar●●● with collars and chaines and all the Counsell of the Ci 〈…〉 with them tooke their Barge at one of the clocke and the 〈…〉 had another Barge and so rowed to Greenewiche where were manye Lordes Knightes and Gentlemen assembled al the walles betwéene the Kings palace and the Friers were hanged with Arras and all the way strewed with gréeue rushes The Friers Church was also hanged wyth riche Arras the Font was of siluer and stoode in the middest of the Churche thrée steppes highe whiche was couered with a fine cloth and diuers Gentlemen with apro●●● and towels aboute their neckes gaue attendance aboute it that no filth shoulde come to the font ouer it hung a square Canapie of Crimosin Sattin friuged with Golde aboute it was a rayle couered with red Say betwéene the Quéere bodye of the Church was a close place with a panne of fyr● to make the childe ready in when all these things were ●●dered the childe was brought to the Hall and then euery● man set forwarde firste the Citizens twoo and two then Gentlemen Esquiers and Chāplaines nexte after them the Aldermen and the Maior alone and nexte the King●● Councell then the Kings Chappell in Coapes then Barons Bishoppes Earles the Earle of Essex bearing the couered Basons guilte after him the Marquesse of Excest●● with a Taper of Uirgin Ware nexte him the Marquesse Dercet bearing the Salte behinde him the Ladye Mary of Norffolke bearing the Criso●e whyche was verye ●●●he of Pearle and Stone The olde Dutchesse of No●ffolke 〈…〉 the childe in a Mantle of purple Uel●e● wyth a long traine surred wyth Ermin The D. of Norffolke with his Marshals rod went on the right hand of the said Dutches the Du●●● of Suffolke on the left hand and before them went officers of Armes y e Countesse of K●●● bare the long traine of y ● childes Mantle and meane betwéene the childe the Countesse of Kent went the Earle of 〈…〉 the Earle of Darby on eyther side supporting the said traine in the middest ouer the child was borne a rich Canapieby the Lord Rochforde the Lord Husse the Lord William Howard the Lord Thomas Howard the elder After the child followed many● La●y●s ● Gentlewomē When y e child was come to the Church dore the Bishop of London met it with diuers Bishops Abbots mytered began the obseruaunces of the Sacrament The Godfather was Lord Tho● Archbishoppe of Canterburie the Godmothers were the olde Dutchesse of Norffolke the olde Marchionesse of Dorcet widows and the childe was named Elizabeth and after that al things were done at the Church dore the child was broughte to the Font and Christened that done Garter chiefe King of Armes cryed aloude God of hys infinite goodnesse send prosperous life and long to the highe mightie Princesse of England Elizabeth and then the Trumpets blewe then y e child was brought vp to y e Aultar the Gospel said ouer it After that immediatly the Archebyshop of Canterburie confirmed it the Marchionesse of Excester being Godmother then the Bishop of Canterbury gaue vnto the Princesse a standing Cuppe of Gold the Dutchesse of Norffolke gaue to hir a standyng Cuppe of Golde fretted wyth Pearle y e Marchionesse of Dorcet gaue 3. guilt bolles pounsed with a couer the Marchionesse of Excester gaue 3. standing boules grauen al guilt with a couer Then was brought in Waffers Confects I pocrase in such plenty y ● euery man had as much as he would desire then they sette forward y e Trumpets afore going in the same order toward the kings palace as they did when they came thitherward sauing that y e gifts that y e Godfather Godmothers gaue were borne before the child by 4. persons that is to say first sir Iohn Dudley bare the gift of the Lady of Excester the L. Thomas Howard the yōger bare the gift of the Lady Dorcet the Lord Fitz Walter bare the gifte of the Lady of Norffolke and the Lorde of Worcester bare the gifte of the Archebyshop of Canterburie and al the one side as they went was full of staffe-torches to the number of fyue hundreth borne by the Guarde and other of the Kings seruantes and aboute the childe were manye other proper Torches borne by Gentlemenne And in this order they brought the Princesse to the Quéenes Chamber dore and then departed The ●aior wente to the Kings Chamber and tarryed there a whyle wyth his bréethren the Aldermen and at the laste the Dukes of Norffolke and Suffolke came out from the King and reported to the Mayor and his brethren that the King thanked them hartily and commanded them to giue them thankes in his name and from thence they were had to the Seller and dranke and so went to their Barge The xxiij of Nouember béeyng Sonday on a Scaffolde Holy Mayde of Kent before the Crosse at Paules there stoode a Nunne professed in the Priorie of Saint Sepulchre in Caunterburie named Elizabeth Barton with sundry other persons and the Bishop of Bangor late Abbot of Hyde there preaching shewed their offences from whence they were committed to the Tower of London The xxviij of Januarye a great fish was taken at Blacke wall called a Whale whyche was broughte to Westminster to the King and so backe to Broken Wharfe and there cut out The firste of Aprill Woolfe and his wife were hanged 1534 VVoolfe and his vvife hāged on two Gibbets at the turning trée in Lambeth Marshe for murthering the two Merchant strangers aforesaide The xx of Aprill Elizabeeh Barton a Nunne professed at The holy Maid of Kent and other hanged and headed Saint Sepulchres in Canterburie Edward Bocking Iohn Deering two Monks of Christs Church in Canterburie Hughe Riche warden of the Friers Obseruants in Canterburie and Richard Risbe and another of his fellows of the same house Richarde Maister Parson of Aldington in Kent and Henrie Golde Pryest were drawn from the Tower of London to Tyborne there hanged headed c. for sundry conspiracies in the matter of diuorce betwéene the Kynges Maiestie and Quéen Katherine At which time were also attainted of misprision by acte of Parliament for the same matter Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester Iohn Adeson his Chaplain Tho. Abell Priest Thomas Gold Gentleman and Thomas Laurence Anno reg 26 Register to the Archdeacon of Canterburie The ninth of July Lorde Dacres of the North was arraigned Lord Dacres of the North arraigned at Westminster of high treason where he so wittily confuted his accusers that to their great shame he was foūd not guiltie The eleauenth of August was all the places of the Obseruant Friers houses suppressed Friers as Grenewich Canterbury Richmont Newarke and Newcastell putte downe and Austen Fryers set in their places and the Obseruants were
a platter with porage and four penc● in money The xiiij of Nouember Hugh Ferringdon Abbot of Abbots of Reading Glastonb●●y executed Reading and two Priests named Ruge and Onyon for denying the Kings Supremacie were hanged and quartered at Reading The same day was Richard Whiting Abbot of Glastonburie hanged and quartered on Torre hill beside his Monasterie for the same cause The first of December Iohn Beach Abbot of Colchester was likewise executed In December were appoynted to wayte on the Kings Pencioners appoynted highnesse person fiftie Gentlemen called Pencioners or Speres vnto whome was appoynted fiftie pound the péece pearely The third of January was the Lady Anne of Cleeue receiued King Henry married Lady Anne of Cleue at Blacke heath and brought to Greenewich with great triumph and the sixth day of y e same moneth she was maryed to King Henry After Christmas the Priorie Church of Saint Mary Ouery Saint Mary Oueryes made a parish Church in Southwarke was purchased of the King by the inhabitants of the Borow Doctor Gardener Bishop of Winchester putting to his helping hand they made thereof a parish church and the little Church of Mary Megdalen ioyning to the same Priorie was made all one Churche and Saint Margarets in Southwarke a parish was admitted to the same parish The xij of March Henry Bowrcher Earle of Essex riding Earle of Essex deceassed a yong Horsse was cast and brake his necke at his Manour in Essex He was the eldest Earle in England The xix of March Iohn Vere Earle of Oxforde high Earle of Oxford deceassed chamberlayne of Englande deceassed at his Manour in Essex Ther. of Aprill Sir William Peterson Priest late commissarie 1540 of Caleis and Sir William Richardson Priest of Saint Maryes in Caleis were both there drawne hanged Priests at Caleis executed and quartered in the Market place for the Supremacie The 18. of Aprill Sir Thomas Cromwell Lorde priuie Cromvvell Earle of Essex Seale was created Earle of Essex and high Chamberlayne of England Also Gregory hys sonne was made Lorde Cromwell In a Parliament which began the xviij of Aprill was Subsedie and four fifteenes graunted to the King a subsedie of two shillings the pound Lands and twelue pence goodes and four fiftéenes The xxiiij of Aprill Thomas Lord Audley Chancellor Anno reg 32 of England with Sir Anthony Browne Maister of the King● Lord Audley Knight of the Garter Horsse were made Knightes of the Garter On May day was a great triumph of Justing at Westminster which Justes had bin proclaymed in France Flaunders Iusting of challengers Scotland and Spayne for all commers that woulde against the challengers of Englande which were Sir Iohn Dudley Sir Thomas Seymer Sir Thomas Poynings Sir George Carew Knightes Anthony Kingston and Richarde Cromwell Esquiers which sayd challengers came into the listes that day richly apparelled and their Horsses trapped all in white Ueluet with certayne Knightes and Gentlemen riding afore them apparelled all in white Ueluet and white Sarsenet and all their seruants in white dublets and hozen cut after the Burgonion fashion and there came to Just against them the sayd daye of defendants xlvj the Earle of Surrey being the formost Lord William Heyward Lord Clinton and Lord Cromwell sonne and heire to Thomas Cromwell Earle of Essex and Chamberlayne of Englād with other which were all richly apparelled And that day Sir Iohn Dudley was ouerthrowne in the fielde by mischance of his Horsse by one Mayster Breme defendant neuerthelesse he brake diuers Speares valiantly after that and after the saide Justes were done the sayde challengers rode to Durham place where they kepte open housholde and feasted the King and Quéene with hir Ladyes and all the Court. The seconde of May Anthony Kingston and Richarde Cromwell were made Knightes at the sayd place The third of May the sayde challengers did turney on Tournying horssebacke with swords and against them came xxix defendants Sir Iohn Dudley and the Earle of Surrey running first which the first course lost both their gauntle●s and that day Sir Richard Cromwell ouerthrew Mayster Palmer in y e field off his Horsse to the great honor of the challengers The v. of May she said challengers fought on foote at the Barriers against thē came xxx defendants which ●ought Barriers valiantly but Sir Richard Cromwell ouerthrew that day at the Barriers Mayster Culpeper in the field and the sixth of May the sayd chalengers brake vp their houshold The vij of May Sir William Weston Knight Lorde Saint Iohns in Smithfield suppressed Prior of Saint Iohns without Smithfield dyed and the King tooke all the Lands that belonged to that order into hys hands to the augmentation of his Crowne and gaue vnto euery of the Chalengers aboue written for a rewarde of their valiantnesse a hundred Markes and a house to dwell in of yéerely reuenues out of the sayd lands for euer The 26. of May was sent to the Tower Doctour Wilson and Doctour Sampson Bishop of Chichester for reléeuing certayne prisoners which denyed the Kings Supremacie for the same offence Richard Farmer Grocer of London a rich Richard Farmer in the Premunire and wealthy man was committed to the Marshalsea and after arraigned and attaynted in the Premunire and lost all his goodes Also the kéeper of Newgate was sent to the Marshalsea for giuing libertie to Doctor Powell and Doctour Abell his prisoners The ninth of July Thomas Lord Cromwell Earle of Thomas Lord Cromvvell beheaded Essex béeing in the Counsell Chamber was sodeinly apprehended and committed to the Tower of London The ninetéenth he was attainted by Parliament of heresie and high Treason and y e xxviij of July he was beheaded on the Tower hill with the Lord Walter Hungerford of Heitisburie In this moneth of July King Henry by authoritie of King Henry deuorced from Lady Anne of Cleeue Parliament and Conuocation was deuorced from Lady Anne of Cleeue The xxx of July Robert Barnes Thomas Gerrard William Sixe Priestes three brent three hanged Ierome Priests were burned in Smithfield The same day Thomas Abell Edward Powell and Richarde Fetherstone all thrée Doctours were hanged and quartered for denying the Kings supremacie of the Church The fourth of August were drawne to Tiborne sixe persons Seauen executed at Tiborne and one ledde Lawrence Cooke Prior of Dancalfe William Horne a lay brother of the Charterhouse Giles Horne Gentleman Clement Philpot Edmond Bromham Darby Kenham Robert Birde Iaruis Carrow all put to death for Treason The Ditches about London were clensed The eyght of August Lady Katherine Haward daughter to Edmond Lord Haward was shewed opēly as Quéene King Henry married at Hampton Court The xj of September was hanged in Moore field a Strāger Harlots cause many murthers named Iames Rinatian who had slayne his Maister one Capon a Florentine in a Garden for his Harlot The later end
downe the Roode in Paules Church with Marie and Iohn all other Images in y e Church then y e li●e was done in al Churches in England Also Easter folowing began the Communion and confession in Englishe but no manne constrained thereto excepte Anno reg 2. 1548 they woulde but after Easter beganne the Seruice in Englishe in dyuers Parishe Churches and at Whitsontide at Paules by the commandement of the Deane Barking Chappell nighe the Tower of London and Saint Martins Le Graund nigh the Shambles were pulled down Also the parish Churches of Saint Nicholas in the Shambles and Saint Ewyns within Newgate were pulled downe and the Parishioners appointed to the late dissolued Grey Friers Churche whyche is now named Christes Church founded by King Henrie the eight The watche whiche hadde béene accustomed in London at Midsommer of long time laide downe was nowe againe vsed both on the euen of Saint Iohn and of Saint Peter in as comely order as it had béene accustomed whych watch was greately beautified by the number of more than thrée hundred Dimilaunces and light horsemen that were prepared by the Citizens to be sent into Scotlande for the rescue of the Town of Hadington and other kept by Englishmen in Scotland On Saint Peters euen Monsieur Dassey Lieuetenant to The siege of Hadington the French King and the Reingraue of Fraunce wyth the number of x. thousand French and Almaines besides Scots besieged the Towne of Hadington in Scotlande defended by the Englishmen vnto whose aide shortly after came from Barwike iij. E. horsemen which were 700. men of armes and Dimitances the Captaines whereof were sir Robert Bowes and sir Thomas Palmer whych horsemen not long after by the Frenchmen were enclosed and the moste part either slaine or taken with their Captaines before named neuerthelesse our Englishmen defended the Town often skirmishing wyth the French and putting them to the worse vntill the twentith daye of August and then came an army out of Englande of sixetéene thousande of the whiche foure thousande were Almaines the Kyngs Lieuetenant was the Earle of Shrewsburie the General of the Almaines was Captaine Courtney At the comming of this armie the Frenchemenne and Scottes in peaceable manner departed from before Hadington giuing our Captaynes and Souldiers great commendation for their seruice Francis Earle of S●r●wshurie after he had séene the Towne victualled and stored with fresh Souldiers and munitions departed into England and our mē kept the Towne of Hadington oftentimes skirmishing with the Frenchmen and Scottes till the twentith day of September Hadington rased by Englishe men and then came with the Earle of Rutland with thrée thousand Almaynes and as many Borderers who caused the To●ne to be razed and so brought their Ordinance and carriage to Berwike and returned without battayle On Saint Peters day Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester Bishop of VVinchester sent to the Tovver preached at Westminster in the Courte before the King for the which Sermon he was on the morrow after sent to the Tower of London The vij of July a Priest was hanged and quartered in A Priest of Cornevvall executed Smithfield for that he and other in Cornewall had slayne Mayster Body one of the Kings Commissioners the others of his societie were put to death in diuers other partes of the Realme This yeare a great mortalitie by the pestilence was in Great Pestileuce in London London wherefore commaundement was giuen to all Curates and other hauing to do therwith that no corps should be buried before sixe of the clocke in the morning nor after sixe of the clocke at night and that there should at the buriall of euery corpse be rong one bell at the least by the space of thrée quarters of an houre In September dyed Quéene Katherine late ●●●s to King Queene Katherine dyed Henry and after marryed to Sir Thomas Seymer Lorde Admirall William Locke Iohn A●li●e the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Henry A●●ots Fishmonger the 28. of October The xvj of Nouember Saint Annes Church within Aldersgate Saint Annes Church brent Anno reg 3. Lord Thomas Seymer beheaded of London was brent The xvj of January Thomas Seymer Lord Admirall and brother to the Lord Protector was sent to the Tower of London the xx of March he was beheaded on the Tower hill The ●●●th o● 〈◊〉 Proclamation was made for the 1549 ●●●●e to be put downe through the whole 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 tenth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the ●loysten of Paules Church in 〈◊〉 ●al●●● Pardon Churchyard with the Daunce of Death commonly called the Daunce of Paules about the Daunce of Paules pulled dovv●●e same Cloyster costly and cunningly wrought and the Chappell in the midst of the same Church-yard were all began to be pulled downe Also the Chernill house of Paules with the Chappell Charnill house of Paules there after the Tombes and other Monuments of the dead were pulled downe and the dead mens bones buryed in the fields were conuerted into dwelling houses shoppes About the same time the Stéeple and most part of the Church of Saint Iohn by Smithfield blovvne vp Church of Saint Iohn of Hierusalem néere vnto Smithfield was vndermined and ouerthrowne with Gunne powlder the stone whereof was applyed in the building of the Lorde Protectors house at the Strand The xxiij of Aprill sixe houses at Broken Wharffe were Fire at Broken VVharffe brent In the moneth of May by meanes of a Proclamation for e●●losu●es the Commons of Somersetshire and Lincolneshire made a Commotion and brake vp certayne Parkes Commotion in Sommersetshire and Lincolneshire of Sir William Herberds and Lord Sturtons but Sir William Herberd ●lew and executed many of those Rebels In July the Commons of Essex and Kent Su●●●ke and Norffolke rose agaynst inclosures and pulled downe dyuers Parkes 〈◊〉 Also the Commons of Cornewall and Deuonshire rose against Commotion in Cornevvall and Deuonshire the Nobles and Gentlemen and required not only that the inclosures might be disparked bu●● also to haue their old Religion and Acte of sixe Articles restored these ●●sée god the Citie of Excester which was valiantly defended Against these Rebels was sent Iohn Lord Russell Lord priuie Seale with a number of Souldyers who entred the Citie of Excester the fifth of August where they ●lew and ●ooke prisoners of the ●●e●●●s more than four thousand and Rebels subdued after hanged diuers of them in the Towne and Countrey about The Lorde Gray was also sente with a number of Strangers horssemen who in diuers conflictes s●ew many people and spoyled the Countrey The last of July William Lorde Marques of Northhampton Commotion at Norvvich Lord Sheffield slayne Marciall Lavv. entred the Citie of Norwich and on the next morning the Rebels also entred the Towne burned part thereof put the Lorde Marques to flighte and s●ewe the Lorde Sheffeld In this meane time diuers persons were apprehended as ayders of the foresayde
execution and therefore to crie away away wherevpon the people ranne some one way some another many fell into the Tower Ditch and they which ●arried thought some pardon had bin brought some sayd it thundered some that the ground moued but there was no such matter The xvij of February on which day was receyued the Bookes of the reliefe of all the wardes of London towardes the new Hospitals by the Kings commissioners the Counsell dined a● Mayster Cowpers the Sheriffe and after dinner Mayster Thomas Curteys Alderman came thither to speake with the Lord Chancellour for a matter he had depending afore him in the Chancerie but for his misde●●●●o●r in words and ●●gnes to the Lord Chancellour at that time the sayde Mayster Curteys was committed to warde in the Fleete The sixe and twentith of February Sir Ralph●a Vane Anno reg 6. Sir Ralpha Vane and other executed and Sir Miles Partridge were hanged on the Tower hill Sir Michaell Stanhope with Sir Thomas Arundell were beheaded there The last of Aprill through negligence of the Gunnepowlder 1552 makers a certayne hou●e néere to the Tower of London with thrée Last of Powlder was blowne vp and House blovvne vp vvith Gunpovvlder brent the Gunpowlder makers being fiftéene in number were all slayne The xvj of May was a goodly muster of Horssemen made before the King in the Parke at Greenewich Under the Kings Banner his band of Pencioners in Muster of Horssemen number 15● euery Pencioner two great Horsses and a Gelding the Lord Bray their Lieuetenaunt The Lord Marques of Winchester high Treasurer vnder his Banner the 〈…〉 one C men The Duke of North●●berlande greate mayster of the Kings honshold vnder the white Lion and the ragged staffe fiftie The Duke of Suffolke vnder the Unicorne in the Starre C. x. The Earle of ●●●for●● Lorde Pri●ie Seale vnder the Goate C. The Marques of Northumpton high Chamberlayne vnder the Mayden head C. The Earle of Warwike mayster of the Kings horses vnder the white Lion fifty The Earle of Huntington vnder his Banner fifty The Earle of Ru●la●d vnder the Peacocke fifty The Earle of Pembroke vnder the gréene Dragon fifty The Lord Darcy vnder the Maydens body fifty The Lord Cobham vnder the Sarizens head fifty The Lord Clinton Lord Admirall vnder y e Anker fifty The Lord W●rden of the fiue Portes vnder the Rose in the Sunne b●●●●es ● The xxvj of July began the preparing of the Grey Friers Grey Fri●●● in London a● Hospi●all● house in London for the poore father ●esse Children and also in the later end of the same moneth began the repayring of Saint Thomas Hospitall in Southwarke for poore impotent and lame persons The i●j of August at Middleton xj miles from Oxford a A Monster woman brought f●●th achild which had two perfect bodyes from the na●ell vpward and were so ioyned togither at the na●ell that when they were layd in length the one head body was Eastward and the other West the legges for both the bodyes grew out at the midst where the bodyes ioyned and had but one issue for the excrements of both bodyes they liued xvi●j dayes and were women children The vi●j of August were taken at Queeneborough i●● great Great Fishes Fishes called Dolphins and the ●éeke following at Blacke Wall were vj. more taken and brought to London the least of them was more than any Hor●●e This moneth of August began the great prouiūon for the poore in London towardes the which euery man was contributorie and gaue certaine money in hand and co●enanted to giue a certayne wéekely The commons of the Citie of London being assembled in Four electione for one Sheriffe their Guild hall on the first of August elected Iohn Grimes Clothworker to be Sheriffe for the yeare following who refused and payd his fine of two hundred pound The vj. of August the commons chose Thomas Clayton Baker who likewise refused and payde his fine The xv of August the commons chose Iohn Browne Mercer who also refused and payde his fine The xix of August the commons chose Iohn Maynard Mercer who tooke the same in good part and serued William Garrard Iohn Maynard the 28. of September Sherifes Great Fishe● taken The seauenth of October were thrée great Fishes called Whirlepooles taken at Grauesend which were drawne vp to the Kings Bridge at Westminster In this moneth of October the King demaunded of the Merchant Aduēturers by way of prest of euery broad cloath then shipped to Bawmes ●art twentie Shillings sterling to A pre●t by the Merchant Aduenturers be payde at Antwarp for certayne dette there and they to haue the Kings band for the repayment thereof which did at that time amount to more than xlviiij thousand pound The xvij of October the Sergeants feast was kept at Sergeants feast Greys Inne by Oldborne Mayster Robert Brooke Recorder of London being the principall of the new Sergeants and sixe more besides him the Lorde Maior and Aldermen béeing bidden to the sayde feast rode from the Lord Maiors house vp Friday stréete through Cheape and out at Newga●e all in their Scarlet Gownes to the said Greys Inne Sir George Barne Habe● dasher the 28. of October Maior This Sir George Barne gaue a Wind●●ill in Fins●●r is Charitable deedes of Sir George Barne Field to the Haberdasher● of London the profites thereof to be distributed to the poore Al●es people of the same company Also to the par●●● Church of S. Barthelmew the little certayne tenements for the which the Parson and Church-wardens be bounde to distribute to the poore people of the same Parish xvi●j pence in bread euery Sonday for euer The first of Nouember being the feast of All Saintes Booke of common Prayer the new Seruise Booke called Of common Prayer begonne in Paules Church and the like through the whole Citie the Bishop of London Doctor Ridley executing the seruice in Paules Church in the fore●●●ne in his Rochet only without Coape or Uestment preached in the Quire and at after n●●ne he preached at Paules Crosse the Lord Maior Aldermen and Craftes in their best Liueries being present which Sermon tending to the setting forth the sayde late made Booke of common Prayer continued till almost fiue of the clocke at night so that the Maior Aldermen and companyes entred not into Paules Church as had bin accustomed but departed home by Torchlight By this Booke of common Prayer all Coapes and Uestments were forbidden through Englande and Prebendes of Paules left off their hoods the Bishops left their Crosses c. as by an Acte of Parliament more at large is set out After the feaste of all Saints the vpper Quéere in Saint Paules Churche in London where the highe A●ltare stoode was broken downe and al the Quéere thereabout and the table of the Cōmunion was set in the lower Quéere where the Priests sing The thrée and twentith of Nouember the children were
First children in Christes hospital taken into y e hospital at the Grey Friers called Christes Hospitall to the number of almost foure hundred And also s●eke and pore people into the Hospital of Saint Thomas in Southwarke in whiche two places the children and pore people shoulde haue meate drinke lodging and cloth of the almes of the Citie On Christmasse daye in the afternoone when the Lorde Firste shevve of the children in Christs hospital Maior and Aldermen rode to Paules al the children of Christes Hospitall stoode in array from Saint Laurence Lane in Cheape toward Paules al in on Lyuerie of Russet Cotten the men children with red Caps the women children kerchiefs on their heades all the Maisters of the Hospitall foremost nexte them the Phi●●tions and four Surgeons and betwéen euery twentie children one woman kéeper whych children were in number 340. The King kept his Christmasse with open housholde at Lorde of merry disportes Greenewiche George Ferrers Gentleman of Lincolns Inne being Lorde of the merry disportes all the twelue dayes who ●●●pleasantly and wisely behaued himselfe that the King had greate delight in his pastimes On Monday the fourth of January the saide Lorde of The Sherifes ● of Misrul● mery disportes came by water to London and landed at the Tower Wharffe entred the Tower and then rode through Tower streete where he was receyued by Vawce Lorde of Misrule to Iohn Maina●d one of the Sheriffes of London and so conducted throughe the Citie with a great company of yong Lordes and Gentlemen to the house of sir George Barne Lorde Mayor where he with the chiefe of his company dy●ed and after had a greate banquet and at his departure the Lorde Mayor gaue him a standing Cup with a couer of siluer and guilt of the vale ●●● of ten pounde for a rewarde and also set a Hog●●●ad of 〈…〉 and a Barrel of Béere at hys Gate for his traine that folowed hym the residue of his Gentlemen and s●rn a●ntes dyned at other Aldermens houses and with the Sheriffes and so departed to the Tower Wharffe againe and to the Courte by water to the great commendation of the Maior and Aldermen and highly accepted of the King and Counaell In the moneth of January the King fell sicke of a cough Anno reg 7. at Whitehall whyche gréeuouslye encreased and at the laste ended in a Consumption of the Lights The firste of Marche beganne a Parliament at Westminster A Parliament and all the Lordes Spiritual and temporall assembled that daye in the Whitehall in their Robes where a Sermon was preached in the Kings Chappell by Doctor Ridley Bishoppe of of London and his Maiestie with diuers Lords receyued the Communion Which being done the King with the Lordes in order went into the Kings greate Chamber 1553 on the Kings side which that day was prepared for the Lordes house the King sitting vnder his clo●h of Estate and al the Lordes in their degrées the Bishoppe of Ely Doctor Godrike Lorde Chauncollor made a Proposition for the king whyche being ended the Lordes departed This was done bycause the King was sickly The 〈…〉 after the Burgesses sate in the Common house at Westminster and chose for their Speaker Maist●● Diar one of the late made Sergeants at the lawe The ●1 of Marche being good Friday the Parliament brake vppe and was clearely dissolued at the Kinges Pallaice of White hall at seauen of the clocke at night The thirde of Aprill being Monday after Easter daye the children of Christs Hospitall in London came from thēce thorough the Citie to the Sermon kepte at Saint Marie Spittle all clothed in plonket Coates and red Cappes and the maiden childrē in the same Lyuerie with kerchefs on their heades all whiche with their matron and other 〈…〉 were there placed on a Scaffolde of eight Stages and there sate the same time whiche was a goodly shewe The tenth of Aprill the Lorde Mayor of London was sent Bridevvell gyuen to the Citie of London for to the Courte at White hall and there at that time the Kings Maiestie gaue to him for to be a w●rk● house for the ●●re and ydle persons of the Citie of London ●●●● 〈…〉 of Bridewel and seauen hundred marke land of the Sauoy rents wyth all the beds and bedding of the Hospitall of the Sauoy towardes the maintenaunce of the saide work-house of Bridewell The eleauenth of Aprill the Lord Maior was presented to the King in his Pallaice of White hall at Westminster and was made knight by his Maiesty and the same day the king remoued in the afternoone to Greenewiche In this Moneth of April and in May commissions were Ievvelles and Church plate called into the Kings handes directed throughe Englandes for all the Churche goods remaining in Cathedrall and parishe Churches that is to saye Jewels of Golde and Siluer Crosses Candlestickes Sen●●●● Chalices and all other suche like with their readye money to be deliuered to the Maister of the Kings Jewels in the Tower of London all Coapes and Uestmentes of cloth of Gold cloth of Tissewe and Siluer to the Maister of the kings Wardrobe in London the other Coaps Uestmēts and ornaments to be solde and the money to be deliuered to the Kings Treasurer reseruing to euerie Churche one Chalice or Cuppe with Table clothes for the Communiō board at the discretion of the Commissioners The twentith of May by the encouragement of one Sebastian Voyage to Moscouy Cabotte thrée great ships wel furnished were sette ●●●th for the aduenture of the vnknowen voyage to Musco●●● and other easte partes by the North Seas diuers Merchants and other being frée of that voyage yéelded towards the charges of the some fiue and twentie pounds apéece ●●● George Barnes 〈…〉 William Garrard being y ● principall 〈…〉 there in About the same time two other ships were sent séeke aduentures Southwards Whiles King Edward lay dangerously sicke Lord Gilforde Three notable marriages at D●rham place the Duke of Northumberlandes fourth sonne marryed Lady lane the Duke of Suffolkes daughter whose mother being then ali●e was daughter to Mary King Henries sister whiche was firste marryed to the Frenche King and after to Charles Duke of Suffolke Also the Earle of Pembrookes eldest son marryed Lady Katherine the said Dukes second daughter and the Erle of Huntingtons sonne called Lord Hastings marryed the Dukes yongest daughter King Edward being about the age of sixetéene yeares ended King Edvvarde deceassed his life at Grenewich on the sixth of July when he hadde raigned sixe yeares fiue moneths and odde dayes and was buried at Westminster He was in this his youth a Prince of such towardnesse in vertue learning and al godly gifts as seldome hath bin sée●● the like The eight of July the Lorde Maior of London was sente King Edvvards death opened for to the Courte then at Greenewich and to bring with him fi●e Aldermen as many Merchaunts of the Staple an 〈…〉
the Quéens mercy and so had iudgement There of August Doctdure Watson Chaplaine to the Byshop of Winchester preached at Paules Crosse by the Quéen● appoyntment and for feare of the like ●un●●lie as had béen the Sonday laste paste certaine Lordes of the Counsell repayred to the Sermon as the Lorde Treasourer the Lord priuie Seale y e Earle of Bedforde the Earle of Pembrooke the Lorde Wentworth the Lorde Bliche and sir Honrie Ge●o●g●● Capitayne of the Guarde wyth two hundred of the Guarde whych foode aboute the Preacher with Halbert● Also the Maior ●●d warned the Companies of the Cittie●● Preacher at Paules Crosse guarded be present in their Ly●●eries whyche was well accepted of the Quéenes Counc●●l and the Sermon was quietly ended The xxij of August Iohn Duke of Northumberlande was beheaded on the Tower hill whose bodye with the head was buryed in the 〈…〉 by the bodye of Edwarde late Duke of Somerset ●o that there lyeth before the highe Aultare ●w● Dukes between two Quéenes to wéere the Duke of 〈…〉 and the Duke of Northumberlande betwéen Quéene Anne and Quéene Katherine all foure beheaded At the same time and place also was likewise beheaded sir Iohn Gates Sir Iohn Gates and sir Thomas Palmer beheaded and sir Thomas Palmer whyche sir Iohn Gates in that place vsed fewe words but layd● downe his hea● withoute an●● kerchef and had the same st●●●en off at thrée blowes Syr Thomas Palmer as loone as he came to the Staffolde tooke euerye manne by the hande and desyred them to praye for hym then putting off his gowne he leaned vpon the Easte rayle and sayde these words in effecte My Maisters quoth he God saue 〈…〉 it is ●ot 〈…〉 ●●●o you wherefore I come hither whyche I haue worthilye well defe●●●ed at Gods handes for I knowe it to be h●● diuine ordinance by this meanes to call me to his mercie and to teache me to knowe mys●tre what I am and wherevnto we are all subiecte I thanks hys mercifull goodnes for he hath caused me to learne more in one litle darke corne● 〈…〉 〈…〉 than euer I learned by any trauell in so many places as I haue bin for there I say I haue séene God what he is and how vnsearcheable his wonderous workes are and how infinite his mercies be I haue séene there my selfe throughly and what I am nothing but a lump of sinne earth dust and of all vilenesse most vilest I haue séene there and know what the world is how dayne deceiptfull transitorie and short it is how wicked and loathsome the workes thereof are in the sight of Gods Maiestie how he neyther regardeth she man●ees of the proude men and mighty ones neyther despiseth the humblenesse of the poore and lowly which are i● the same world Finally I haue séene there what death is how néere hanging ouer euery mans head and yet how vncertayne the time and how vnknowne to all men and how little it is to be feared and should I feare death or be sadde therefore haue I not séene two dye before mine eyes yea and within the hearing of mine eares no neyther the s●rinckling of the bloud or the sheading thereof nor the bloudy Axe it selfe shall make me afrayd and now taking my leaue to the same I pray you all to pray for me come on good fellow quoth he art thou he that must do the déede I forgiue thée with all my heart and then knéeled downe laying his head on the blocke sayd I will sée how méete the 〈…〉 is for my necke I pray thée strike not yet for I haue a few prayers to say and that done strike on Gods name good leaue haue thou his Prayers ended and desiring each man to pray for him he layd downe his head agayne and so the executioner tooke it from him at one stroke The xxiij of August the Quéene deliuered the greate Nevv Lord Chancellour Seale to Doctour Gardener Bishop of Winchester and made him Lord Chauncellour The xxvij of August the seruice began in Latin to bée Latine seruice song in Paules Church in London The xxvj of August in the euening the notablest Shippe Great Harry a Shippe brent in England called the great Harry was brent at Wolwich by negligence of the Mariners she was of burthen a M. tunne The ●● of September the Quéene demanded a prest of ● Prest to the Queene Citie of London of twentie M. pound to be repayde agayne within fourtéene dayes after Michaelmas next following which summe was leuied of the Aldermē 120. cōmoners The third of September Edward Courtney was created Earle of Deuonshire created Earle of Deuonshire at Richmond The iiij of September was proclaymed certayne new coynes of gold and siluer a Soueraigne of gold of xxx s̄ the Nevv Coynes halfe Soueraigne xv s̄ an Angell of x. s̄ the halfe Angel v. s̄ Of silner the grote halfe grote and peny All base coynes to be currant as before Also the same day by Proclamation was pardoned the Subsidie of iiij s̄ the pound Landes Subsedie pardoned and two shillings eyghtpence the pound of mouable goods graunted in the last Parliament of King Edward the sixth The fourtéenth and fiftéenth of September Mayster Latimer and Doctour Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury were sent to the Tower of London Thomas Offeley William Huette the 28. of September Sheriffes The xxvij of September Q. Mary came to the Tower by water accōpanied with y t Ladye Elizabeth hir sister other Ladies before whose ariual was shot a gret peale of gūnes The last of September Quéene Mary rode through the Citie of London towards Westminster sitting in a Charryot Coronation of cloth of Tissew drawne with sixe Horsses all trapped with the like cloth of Tissew She sate in a gowne of purple Ueluet furred with poweered Grmin hauing on hir head a caule of cloth of tinsel beset with perle and stone aboue the same vpon hir head a round circlet of gold beset so richly with pretious stones that the value there of was inestimable the same caule and circle being so massy p●derous that she was fayne to beare vp hir head with hir hand and the Canapy was borne ouer hir Charyot Before hir rode a number of Gentlemen Knightes then Judges then Doctors then Bishops th Lords then y e Counsel after whom followed y ● Knightes of the Bath in their roabes the Bishop of Winchester ● Chancellour the Marques of Winchester L. high Treasurer next came y e D. of Norffolke and after him the Earle of Oxford who bare y e sword before hir the Maior of London in a gowne of Chrimson Ueluet bare the Scepter of gold c. after y e Quéenes Chariot Sir Ed. Hastings led hir horse in his hād then came another Chariot hauing a couering all of cloth of siluer all white vj. horsses trapped with she like therin sate the Lady Elizabeth and the Lady Anne of Cleue then Ladies
and Townes in the like order as afore and thus to continue for euer as in the indentures tripartite more playnely may appeare Cardinall Poole who had long time bin forth from this Cardinal Poole Realme and now in great estimation in the Court of Rome was sent for by Quéene Mary to returne into his Countrey of England The third of Nouember the weathercocke of Paules was set vp which cocke wayed fortie pound his length VVeathercock of Paules from the bill to the tayle was four foote and his breadth ouer the wings thrée foote and a halfe the which cocke béeing of copper was ouer gilt The thirtéenth of Nouember Doctor Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury Lady Iane that was before proclaymed Quéene and the Lord Guilford hir husband were arraigned at the Guild hall of London and condemned of Treason The Parliament was dissolued on the sixth of December And on the one and twentith of December beganne Latine seruice in the Church throughout England the Church seruice to be done in Latine as was enacted by the last Parliamente and as the same had bin left in the last yeare of King Henry the eyght In the beginning of the moneth of January the Emperour sent a noble man called Ecmondane and certayne other Embassadors into England to conclude a marriage betwéene King Phillip his sonne and Quéene Mary of Englande The fourtéenth of January D. Stephen Gardener Bishop of Winchester Lord Chancellour of England in the Chamber of presence at Westminster made to the Lordes Nobilitie and Gentlemen an Oration very eloquent wherein hée declared that the Quéenes Maiestie partly for amitie and other waightie considerations had after muche suite on the Emperours and Prince of Spaynes behalfe made determined by the consent of the Counsell and Nobilitie to match hir selfe with the sayde Prince in most godly and lawfull matrimonie and declared further that she should haue for hir ioynter thirtie thousand Duckets by the yeare with all the lowe Countrey of Flanders and that the issue if there happened any betwéene them two lawfully begotten should bée heire as well to the Kingdome of Spayne as also to the sayde lowe Countrey He sayde therefore that they were all bound to thanke GOD that so noble worthy and famous a Prince would vouchsafe so to humble hymselfe as in thys marriage to take vppon hym rather as a Subiect than otherwise for the Quéene and hir Counsell shoulde rule all thynges as ●●e dyd before and that there shoulde bée of the Counsell no Stranger neyther to haue the custodie of anye Fortes or Castels c. nor beare anye rule or office in ●he Quéenes house or else-where in all Englande with ●yuers other Articles there by hym rehearsed where●●e hée sayde the Quéenes pleasure and request was ●●at lyke good Subiectes for hir sake they woulde most ●●●inglye receyue him with reuerence ioy and honoure The next day the Lord Maior of London with his bréethren the Aldermē were sent for to the Court and to bring with them fortie of the head commoners of the Citie vnto whome before the Counsell the Lord Chancellour made the like Oration desiring them to behaue themselues like good subiects with all humblenesse and reioycing The purpose of this marriage was so gréeuously taken of diuers men that for this and for Religion they in such Conspiracy sort conspired against the Quéene that if the matter had not broken out before the time by them appoynted men thought it would haue brought much trouble and daunger The xxv of January Sir Iohn Gage Lord Chamberlayne certified the Lord Maior of London that Sir Thomas Commotion in Kent by Sir Thomas VViat Wyat with certayne other Rebels were vp in Kent aboute Maydestone wherevpon great watche was kepte and that night the Lord Maior rode about to peruse the same and euery night after two Aldermen did the like in the day time the gates of the Citie were warded by substantiall Citizēs The xxvij of January the Lord Treasurer came to the Guild hall from the Counsell to request the Citizens to prepare fiue hundred footemen well harnessed to go agaynste Wyat which was granted and made ready the same night and on the morrow were deliuered to their Captaines and sent to Grauesend by water The xxix of January the Duke of Norffolke with the Captayne of the Gard and other souldiers The Duke of Norffolke sente against VVyat and the Captaine and Souldiers that were sent from London minded to assault Rochester Castell where Wyat and his people lay but before the setting forward of these VVyat strengthened vvith the Queenes Ordinance men the Duke sent Mayster Nory an Herault vnto Rochester with the Quéenes Proclamation of pardon to all such as would desist from their purpose who comming to the bridge woulde haue gone through into the Citie but they that kept the bridge would not suffer him till that the Captayne came who at the last granted the same to be read ●● the Citie but holding a Dagge against him cryed speak●● softly or else they would shoote him thorough so that they would not suffer the people to heare the Proclamation which béeing ended each man cryed they had done nothing wherefore they should néede any pardon and in that quarrell which they had taken in hande they would lyue and dye neuerthelesse at the last Sir George Harpar receyued the pardon outwardly and béeing receiued vnder the Duke of Norffolkes protection came on forwarde againste the Kentishmen and euen as the company were set in a readinesse and marched forward toward the Bridge Brette béeing Captayne of the fiue hundred Londoners of which the more parte were in the fore-ward turned himselfe aboute and drawing out his sword sayd these or like words Maysters we go about to fight against our natiue Countreymen of England and our friends in a quarrell vnrightfull and partly wicked for they considering the great and manyfolde miseries which are like to fall vpon vs if we shall be vnder the rule of the proude Spanyards are héere assembled to make resistance of their comming for the auoyding of so great mischiefes and inconueniences likely to light not only vpon themselues but on euery of vs and the whole Realme wherefore I thinke no English heart ought to say against them much lesse by fighting to withstande them and therefore I and others meaning such as were in that ranke with hym will spende our bloud in the quarrell of this worthy Captayne Mayster Wyat and other Gentlemen héere assembled which words once pronounced each man turned their Ordinance agaynst their folowers and therevpon cryed a Wyat a Wyat of which sodeyne noyse the Duke the Captayne of the Gard and other béeing abashed fledde forthwith immediatly came in Mayster Wyat and hys company on horssebacke rushing in amongst as well the Garde as the Londoners and sayde so many as wyll come and tarrye wyth vs shall be welcome and so many as wyll departe good leaue haue they and so
Edwarde After he had bin carried aboute Westminster ball before the Judges he was whipped about the Pallaice and then through Westminster into Smithfielde and then banished into the North in whyche Countrey he was borne and had bin sometime Lackey to sir Peter Mewtas The firste of Julye Iohn Bradford was burned in Smithfielde Bradford brent Anno reg 3. this Bradford was a man of very sober and honest life and therefore the Bishops woulde gladly haue had him recant and abiure his opinions The xij of Auguste was a terrible fighte on the sea betwéene the Dutchmen and Frenchmen néere to Romney Marsh whereas xj ships were brent and suncke In thys moneth of August in Suffolke at a place by the Sea side all of harde stone and pibble called in those parts a Shelfe lying betwéen the towns of Orford and Alborough where neuer grewe Grasse nor anye earth was euer séene there chaunced in this barraine place sodainely to spring vppe without anye tyllage or sowing great abundaunce of Peason whereof the poore gathered as men iudged aboue The necessity of the poore by God releeued an hundred quarters yet remayned some rype and some blossoming as many as euer there were before to the whiche place rode the Bishop of Norwich the Lord Willoughbey with others in greate number who found nothyng but harde rockey stone the space of thrée yardes vnder the roots of those Peason whyche rootes were greate and long and ●erye swéete c. On Bartholomew euen after the Lorde Maior and Aldermen of London hadde ridden aboute Saint Bartholomews Disputation at Christes Hospitall as had bene accustomed at S. Bartholomevvs in Smithfielde faire they came to Christs Hospital within Newgate where they heard a disputation betwéene the Schollers of Paules Schoole Saint Anthonies Schoole and the Schollers of the said Hospitall for whom was prouided thrée games which was thrée Pennes the best Pen of siluer and guilte valued at v. s̄ wonne by a Scholler of Saint Anthonies Schoole the Maister of that Schoole had vj. s̄ viij d. the second a Pen of siluer parcel guilt valued at iiij s̄ wonne by a Scholler of Paules Schoole and hys Mayster had v. s̄ in money the thyrde a Pen of siluer valued at iij. s̄ wonne by a Scholler of the saide Hospitall and his Maister had iiij s̄ and there were two Priestes Maisters of Arte appointed for Judges whyche had eache of them a siluer Rule for their paines valued at vj. s̄ viij d. the péece The disputation beyng ended the Maior and Aldermen entred the Hall where the chyldren of the Hospital vse to dyne and hadde fruite and wine and so departed King Philip wente ouer seas and landed at Callais on King Philip vvent ouer into Flaunders the fourth of September where he was honorably receyued by the Lorde Deputie and the Maior of the Staple of Callais an Alderman of London named sir Andrew Iudde who presented his Maiestie wyth a Purse and a M. Marks of Golde in it that night the Kyng was lodged in Staple Inne and on the morrowe he departed from Callais towards Brussels in Brabant to visite the Emperour hys father he gaue at his departing among the souldyours of the town of Callais M. crowns of gold and there accompanied him in his iorney of English Lords the Earle of Arundale Lorde Steward of the Quéenes house the Earle of Penbrooke the Earle of Huntington and others On Michaelmasse euen the prisoners that laye in the Nevv Counter in VVoodstrete Counter in Bredstreete were remoued to a newe Counter made in Woodstreete of the Cities purchase and building the whiche remouing was confirmed by a common counsell assembled at the Guild hall for that purpose On the laste of September by occasion of greate winde Great lande vvaters and raine that had fallen was suche greate floudes that that morning the Kings Palaice at Westminster and Westminster hall was ouerflowen wyth water vnto the Stayre foote goyng to the Chauncerie and Kings Benche so that when the Lorde Mayor of London should come to present the Sheriffes to the Barons of the Exchequer all Westminster hall was full of water and by reporte there that morning a Whirrie man rowed with his Boate ouer Westminster Bridge into the Pallaice Courte and so through the Staple gate and all the Wooll Staple into the Kings stréete all the Marshes on Lambeth side were so ouerflowen that the people from Newington Church coulde not passe on foote but were carryed by boate from the said Church to the Pinfold neare to Saint Georges in Southwarke Thomas Leigh Iohn Machil the 28. of September Sheriffes Ridley and Latimer brent The xvj of October Doctor Ridley and Maister Latimer were brent at Oxforde Sir William Garrard Haberdasher the 28. of October Maior First fruites and tenths restored to the Cleargie In October and Nouember a Parliament was holden in the whych the Quéene yéelded vp vnto the Spirituall men the first fruits and tenths of all Bishoprickes Benefices Ecclestasticall liuings In this Parliament was graunted A subsedie to the King and Quéene a subsedie of the Layty from v. l. to x. l. viij d. of the pound from x. l. to xx l. xij d. of the pound and from xx l. vpwarde xvj d. of the pound and al strangers double and the Cleargie granted vj. s̄ of the pounde Doctor Storie and other were appointed by the Cardinal to visite euery Parish Churche in London and Middlesex to sée their Reliques repayred and the Images of the Cruci●●● wyth Mary and Iohn thereon to be fixed Stephen Gardener Byshoppe of Winchester Chauncellor Doctor Gardner deceassed ●● Englande dyed the ix of Nouember and was buryed at Winchester On Newyeres day the Quéene gaue the great Seale to Doctor Nitholas Heath Archebyshoppe of Yorke and made him Lorde Chauncellor shée likewise gaue the priuie seale to the Lorde Paget and made him Lord priuie Seale these were bothe Londoners borne In thys moneth of February the Lord Maior of London and the Aldermen entred into Bridewell and tooke possession thereof accordyng to the gifte of King Edward nowe confirmed by Quéene Marie The xxvj of February William Conestable alias Fetharston The Millers son fayning to be King Edvv. was arraigned in the Guild hall of London who had caused letters to be caste abroad that King Edward was aliue and to some he shewed hymselfe to be King Edward so that many persons both men and women were troubled by him for the which sedition the said William had bin onte whipped and deliuered as is aforesaide But nowe he was condemned and the thirtéenth of March he was drawne hanged and quartred at Tyborne A Blazing Starre was séene at all times of the nighte the sixth seauenth eight ninth and tenth of Marche The xxj of March Doctor Cranmer Archbyshop of Canterburie Doctor Cranmer brent was burned at Oxfolde and the same day Cardinal Poole sang his firste Masse at Greenewiche in the
order of the Garter one of the Quéenes Maiesties priuy Counsell and Lorde high Treasorer of England at his Manour of Basing Thys worthy man was borne in the yeare of our Lorde 148● the firste yeare of King Richarde the thirde and lyued aboute the age of 87. yeares in sixe Kings and Quéenes dayes He serued fiue Kings and Quéenes Henrie the seauenth Henrie the eight Edwarde the sixth Quéens Marie and Quéene Elizabeth All these he serued faithfully and of them was greately fauoured Hymselfe did sée the chyldr●n of hys children● children growen ●o the ●●●ber of ●03 A●●●● blessing gyuen by God to men of hys ●●●●ing The xxv and xxvj of March by the commaundement of the Quéenes Maiestie hir Councel the Citizens of London assembling at their ●●●●●all Halles the Maisters chose oute ●he mo●●e 〈◊〉 ●●● 〈◊〉 persons of euerye their companies to 〈…〉 e● of thrée thousande whom they appoynted to be Pikemen and 〈◊〉 ●h● Pikemen were forthwith armed in ●a●●●●●r●e●● and ●●●●r furniture according there vnto the Gunners had euery of them hys Callyuer with the furniture and 〈◊〉 on theyr hea●es To these were appoynted dyuers valiant Capitaines who to ●●aine them vp in warlike ●ea●● 〈◊〉 them ●●r●ce euery wéeke sometimes in the Artillery yarde teaching the Gunners to handle their péeces sometime at the Miles end and in Saint Georges fielde teaching them to skyrmishe In the whyche skyrmishe wythe Miles end the tenth of Aprill one of the 〈◊〉 of the Goldsmiths company was shot in the 〈◊〉 wyth a péece of a scowring sticke lefte in one of the Calyuers whereof he dyed and was buryed the twelfth of Aprill in S. Paules Churcheyarde al the Gunners marching from the Miles end in battaile ray shotte off theyr Calyuers at hys graue On May day they mustred at Grenewich before y e Quéens Maiestie where they shewed manye warlike feates but were hindred by the weather whych was all day showring they returned that nighte to London and were discharged on the nexte morrowe The fourth of May Walter Deueroux Lorde Ferrers of Earles of Essex and Lincolne created Chartley and Viscount of Her●fonde was created Earle of Essex And Edwarde Fines Lorde Clinton and Say hyghe Admirall of Englande was created Earle of Lincolne The eight of May the Parliament beganne at Westminster Barons made and that same daye in the Parliament by the Quéenes Maiesties Writtes sir Henrie Compton Knight Lorde of Compt●n in the Hole sir Henry Cheyney Knight Lorde of Tudington sir William Pawlet Knight of Basing and sir Henrie Norrice Knight Lorde of Rycote were called Barons into the higher house In this Parliament for so muche as the whole Realme of England was excéedingly pestred with Roags Uagabonds and sturdy beggers by meanes wherof dayly hapned diuers horrible murders theftes and other greate outrages it was enacted that all persons aboue the age of fourtéene yeres beyng taken begging vagrant and Roags brente through the ●are wandring misorderly shoulde be apprehended whipped brent through the gri●●le of the right eare with a hote yron of one ynch compasse for the firste time so taken The foure and twentith of May Martin Bulloke was hanged on a Gibbet by the Well with two Buckets in Bishoppes gate stréete of London for robbing and most shamefullye murdering of a Merchaunt named Arthure Hall in the Personage of Saint Martine by the saide Well Thys Martin hadde procured the saide Arthure Hall to come to the sayd Personage to buy of hym certaine Plate but after the saide Arthure hadde well viewed the same he saide this is none of your Plate it hathe Doctor Gardeners marke I knowe it to be his that is true said Martin Bullocke but he hath appoynted me to sell it c. After thys talke whyles the said Arthure was weighing the Plate the same Martin fetcht out of the Kitchen a thicke washing Bée●le and commyng behinde hym strake the saide Arthure on the head that hée felled him with the firste stroke and then strake hym againe and after tooke the saide Arthures Dagger and sticked hym and wyth hys knyfe cut hys throate and after woulde haue trussed hym in a Danske Cheste but the same was too shorte wherevppon he tumbled him downe a paire of stayres and after thinking to haue buryed hym in the Seller hys legges being broken with the fyrst fal and stiffe he coulde not drawe hym downe the Seller staires béeyng wynding wherefore he cutte off hys legs wyth an Hatchet and in the ende trussed hym with Strawe in a drye fat and saying it was his apparell and Bookes caused the same to be carryed to the water side and so shipped to Rye The sixe and twentith of May the right honorable Earle of Lincolne departed from London towardes Fraunce Embassador being accompanyed with the Lords Dacres the Lord Riche the Lord Talbot the Lord Sandes and the Lord Clinton sir Arthure Chambernowne sir Ierome Bowes and sir Edwarde Hastings Knightes wyth dyuers other Gentlemen who takyng ship at Deuer cutte ouer to Bolongne where they were very honorably receyued from thence conueyed by iorneys to Paris where they were lodged in a house of y e kings named Le Chasteau de Loure being attended on by the Kings Officers Fiue dayes after they wente to the King at a house called Madril where the Kyng wyth his two brethren the Admirall and the moste parte of the Nobles of Fraunce mette them a distance from the place and broughte them into the house where they dyned and remayned till Sondaye followwyng from whence the Kyng and hys nobles with the nobles of Englande came to Paris the Kyng his two brethren and oure Embassador ryding in one Coche togither and the Nobles of England and Fraunce being so placed also in Coches came to the saide Castell of Loure and there dyned After dinner the King our Embassadour with the Nobibilitie of bothe Realmes wente to a Churche named Saint Germaine where the Frenche King his brethren and Nobilitie hearde Euensong the Noble men of Englande withdrawing them into a Chappell til Euensong was done were then fetched thence by the Nobles of Fraunce to the Kyng and hys brethren that awayted their commyng where was League vvith Fraunce confirmed in Fraunce confirmed the league whyche hadde bin concluded at Blois the ninetéenth of April deputies beyng there for the French partie Frauncis Momorencie Reignold Virago Sebastian de Lanbespine and Paul de Foix. And for the Quéene of Englande sir Thomas Smith and Maister Walsingham Embassadors Thys being done they departed without the wals of Paris to a Garden of pleasure where they supped after supper the King departed to his place of Madrill and the nobles of Englande to the Castell of Loure On Monday the Admirall feasted the Nobles of Englande On Tuisday the Duke of Aniow the Kings brother and on Wednesday the Duke of Alanson hys yonger brother and so passed in banquetting and feasting wyth riche giftes on bothe partes On Fridaye the Nobles of
Christ 1539. And finished by the same K. Henry y e eight in y e yere 1546. Trinitie Colledge was founded in the tyme of Quéene Mary Trinitie Colledge by sir Thomas Pope Knight 1556. Saint Iohn Baptists Colledge was founded in the time of Saint Iohns Colledge Quéene Mary by sir Thomas White Knight late Maior of London in the yeare of Christ 1557. Oxford hath Halles Brodegate hall Harte Hall Magdalen hall Alborne hall Saint Marie hall White hall VValter Stap●ton VVilliam VVainflet Newe Inne Edmond hall IN the Uniuersities of Englande saith Erasmus Roterodame there be certaine Colledges in the whych there is so muche Religion so straight discipline in such integritie of life that if you did sée it you woulde neglecte in comparison of them all Monkish rules and orders All the Cities in Englande many Market Townes and some Uillages haue frée Gramer Schooles erected in them for the further encrease of learning and vertue Uertuous men haue to the perpetuall registring of their good names done these good déedes learned men haue not bin al the dooers Some therefore for the supplie in other of that whiche wanted in themselues haue done wisely al to this purpose that vertue and learning vnited and knit togither mighte in this our age make a learned vertuous world haue done godly It were muche they are so many in a small roume to comprehend them but the chiefe and worthy patrones of the rest are Eaton Schoole Henry the the sixth 1443. Westminster Quéene Elizabeth Winchester William Wickham Bish of Win. Paules Schoole in London Iohn Collet 1510. Saint Anthonies in London by Iohn Tat. Merchant Taylors Schoole in London by the Merchant Taylours 1560. FINIS ¶ A Table of the principall matters contayned in this Chronicle ABbot of Westminster putte to his shiftes Pag. 256 Abbot of Glastenburie commitied a filthy act Pag. 165 Abbot of Saint Albons his policie Pag. 152 Abbayes visited Pag. 1005. suppressed Pag. 1013 Aberconway builded Pag. 301 Abingdon spoyled Pag. 464 Acres of land in Englād numbred Pag. 165 Aduoultry punished by death amongst the Infidels Pag. 103 Adrian an Englishman Pope Pag. 207 Adam Tarleton Bishop of Hereford accused of treason and depriued of hys temporalties Pag. 346. his sophisticall letter Pag. 357. made Bysh of Worcester Pag. 359. Bishop of Winchester Pag. 367. dyed Pag. 393 Admiral of Frāce came to Londō Pag. 1034 Albon first Martire Pag. 65 Albertus Emperour Pag. 66 Albons Church founded Pag. 105 Almesburie builded Pag. 134 Alfred King of West Saxons Pag. 122 Albe first King of South Saxons Pag. 94 Aldermen in London Pag. 268 Alice Perce Pag. 467 Ales Hackney being long buried was taken vp againe Pag. 869 Almes houses founded at the Crossed Friers Pag. 930 Alderman of London sent into Scotlād taken prisoner Pag. 1031. Alderman of Southwarke first Pag. 2047 Ambassadours sente to Rome Pag. 1096. to Caleis Pag. 1069. from Sweden Pag. 1113. from Muscouie Pag. 1103 Amphabel Martire Pag. 65 Antonius Gordianus Pag. 64 Antonius Emperour Pag. 64 Antonius Philosophus Pag. 54 Androgius King Pag. 30 Andrewes Churche in Rochester founded Pag. 92 Andreds Cester Pag. 94 Andreds walde Pag. 117. in Sussex and Hamshiere Pag. 125 Anger a Castel in Essex founded Pag. 212 Anthonies Church in London builded Pag. 870 Agnes Dayntie on the Pillorie Pag. 745 Anabaptistes bare Faggots Pag. 1015. Anabaptistes brent ibid. Anabaptistes bare faggottes at Paules crosse Pag. 1181. banished Pag. 1184. brent ibi Anne of Cleaue died at Chelsey Pag. 1104 Anne Marchionesse of Pembroke Pag. 980 Answere of a Pope Pag. 395 Anthonies Church in Londō built Pag. 870 Anne Sanders Anne Drurie and trustie Roger hanged Pag. 1169 Anth. Broune Knight of the Garter Pag. 1018 Annes Church in London brent Pag. 1039 Anne Askew with others brent Pag. 1033 Apollos Temple at Delphos Pag. 25 Apuldore in Kent Pag. 125 Apostata brent Pag. 255 Apparell appointed to Harlots Pag. 427 Archbishops of London Pag. 56 Archemalus King Pag. 5● Archegallo King depriued Pag. 29 Archeflamins iij. Pag. 27 Archbishop of London reproueth Vortiger and is by him slaine Pag. 81 Arthur King Pag. 84 Archbishop of Yorke with his Crosse cast out of the Kings Chaple Pag. 184 Archbishop of Yorke plucked from his seate throwne to the ground beaten Pag. 211 Archbishop of Yorke drawne from the Alter to prison Pag. 220 Archbishop of Yorke couetous Pag. 264 Archbishop of Canterburie beateth woundeth the Prior and Chanons of Saint Bartholomew in Smithfielde Page 272 Archebishoppe of Yorke George Neuil emprisoned at Hames and his goods confiscate Pag. 733 An army sent to Landersey Pag. 1027 Archbishoppes Pallaice at Canterburie brent Pag. 1027 Articles of religion deuised by the king Page 1007 Arden murdered Pag. 1048 An Arian brent Pag. 1049 An army sent into Scotlande Pag. 1028 Arthure firste sonne to King Henry the seauenth borne Pag. 861 An army sent into Scotlande Pag. 870 Archbishop of Canterburie deceassed Page 1182. Archbishoppe newly elected of Canterburie Pag. 1185 Arthure of Britaine murdered Pag. 233 Asclepiodatus Pag. 67 Aurelius Probus Pag. 64 Aurelianus Pag. 64 Austine the Monke came into Britaine Page 91 Austins Churche at Canterburie founded Pag. 91 Auntient lawes of Englande remaine in Kent onelye ●52 Austins in Bristowe builded Pag. 213 Augustine Friers Churche in London Page 430 Aubrey de Ver created Earle of Oxford Page 515 Audley made Lorde Chauncellour Pag. 980 Knight of the Garter Pag. 1058 Aide sent into Scotlande against Edemborough Castell Pag. 1169 B. BAse moneys coyned Pag. 1029 Bayliffes of London Pag. 219 Bathe Abbey founded Pag. 105 Bachiler Maior of London Pag. 865 Bath a Bishops sea Pag. 172 Barons created Pag. 1090 Basianus Emperour Pag. 64 Basing Pag. 121 Bastard brother disheriteth the lawfull and after murdereth him Pag. 462 Bamburgh builded Pag. 20 Bangor builded Pag. 23 Bathe builded Pag. 22 Barons of the Britaine 's murdered Pag. 82 Britons state miserable Pag. 83 Banquetting house built in Callais Pag. 927 defaced by tempest Pag. 928 Barnardes Castell builded by Barnard Bayllioll Pag. 209 besieged Pag. 1138 Baynard Lorde of Dunmow builded Baynards Castle in Lōdon Pag. 178. throwen downe Pag. 242. newe builded Pag. 874 Barons in armor against King Iohn Pag. 245 excōmunicate by the Pope Pag. 246. Pag. 248 they sent for Lodowike Pag. 248 Barons in armor against King Henry the thirde Pag. 278 against King Edwarde the seconde Pag. 341 Bathe burned Pag. 189 Battell of the Danes at Ashendune Pag. 120 Battayle at Hasting Pag. 147. againste the Welche Pag. 188. of the Standard Pag. 190. at Lewes in Sussex Pag. 283. at Eusham Pag. 287. at Fankirke in Scotl. Pag. 306. at Striueling Pag. 333. at Morleys Pag. 390. of Crecie Pag. 396. on the sea Pag. 417. at Poyters Pag. 444. on the sea Pag. 465. at Shresburie Pag. 553. at Bramham Moore Pag. 570. of Agencourt Pag. 593. at Vernole in Perche Pag. 621. at S. Albons Pag. 674. at Northampton Pag. 699 Wakefield Pag.
Mulmucius King Pag. 24 Muster of horssemen Pag. 1050. agayne Pag. 1052 Muster at Greenewich by Londoners Page 1112 Merchant Taylors freeschoole founded Page 1116 Mary Rose a Shippe drowned Pag. 1032 Men brent in the Hedgehog a Ship Pag. 1031 Mathew Hamont an Heretike brent Pag. 1195 Marmaduke Glouer hanged in Cheape Page 1209 Monstrous child Pag. 1212. 1213 Magdalen colledge in Cambridge Pag. 1220 Merton Colledge in Oxford Pag. 1221 Magdalen Colledge in Oxford Pag. 1217 Magdalen Hall in Oxford Pag. 1223 Mary Hall in Oxford Pag. 1223 Michaell house in Cambridge Pag. 1220 N. NOble men that came with William Conquerour Pag. 153 Names of Chantries taken Pag. 1006 Nero a Romaine Pag. 3● Newcastell vpon Tine founded Pag. 172. the towne drowned Pag. 378 New Abbey by the Tower of London founded Pag. 407 Newgate of London builded Pag. 619. on fire Pag. 1100 New Testament first printed in english Page 967 Newman priest bare a fagot at Paules Crosse for singing Masse with good Ale Pag. 1010 New Coyne Pag. 1072 againe Pag. 1115. agayne Page 1117 Newhauen by Bolleine wonne by the French Pag. 1042 Nightwalkers in London did murther all they mette Pag. 209 Night as light as the day Pag. 1125 Norwich a Bishops see Pag. 173. brent Pag. 208. Pag. 294. citie walled Pag. 315. steeple brent Pag. 715. brent Pag. 890 Notingham brent Pag. 191. beseeged Pag. 198 Nonne Eaten founded Pag. 206 Northampton beseeged Pag. 282 Noble of gold Pag. 574 Newelme hospitall Pag. 652 Nunnes burnt in their Abbey Pag. 121 Nelson executed Pag. 1192 Newport towne ouerflowed Pag. 1209 New Colledge in Oxford Pag. 1217 New Inne in Oxford Pag. 1223 O. OCT auius Augustus a Romane Pag. 34 Order of the Garter founded at Windsore Pag. 415 Ocation made by the D. of Buckinghā Pag. 811. the same Duke of Buckingham beheaded Pag. 845 Otto of Bromswike chalengeth combate with Iohn Duke of Lancaster Pag. 426 Owen Glendouerdew Pag. 551. Pag. 557. his sonne taken Pag. 563 Owen Tewther brake out of Newgate Pag. 640. beheaded Pag. 709 Oxford builded Pag. 20. an Vniuersitie Pag. 127. Castel builded Pag. 163. forsakē Pag. 237. Orial Colledge in Oxforde Pag. 1221 Out●rier and Bell man for the daye Pag. 1123 Owes bridge borne downe Pag. 1126 P. PArkes Pag. 4 Policletus a Romaine Pag. 43 P●te a riuer in Eastsex Pag. 99 Parliamēt at Winchester Pag. 288. at Marleborow Pag. 293. at Westminster Pag. 297. at Barwicke Pag. 306. at Stepen●eth Pag. 309. at Carelile Pag. 319. at Northampton Pag. 326. at Yorke Pag. 343. at Northampton Pag. 358. at Salisburie Pag. 359. at Winchester Pag. 360. at Notingham Pag. 361. at Yorke Pag. 367. at Northampton Pag. 370. at London Pag. 372 Pag. 374. at Westminster Pag. 381. at London Pag. 386. at Westminster Pag. 387. Pag. 420. Pag. 427. Pag. 431. Pag. 458. Pag. 611. at London Pag. 619. Pag. 624. of Battes at Leycester Pag. 629. at Westminster Pag. 631. Pag. 636. at Bury Pag. 650. at Westminster Pag. 664. at London Pag. 679. at Couentrie Pag. 691. at Westminster Pag. 700. Pag. 713. Pag. 718. Pag. 738. Pag. 861. Pag. 86● ●●t the Blackefriers Pag. 932. 968 Paules Church in London founded Pag. 92. brent Pag. 166. repaired ibidem newe work Pag. 276. Pag. 335. weathercocke blowne downe Pag. 878. new Schole Pag. 894. steeple brent Pag. 1116. gates blowne open Pag. 1128. Parson of Saint Mildreds brent Pag. 859 Poultery prised Pag. 310 Pageants new made in London Pag. 930 Parishes in England Pag. 932. in London Page 1120 Paginton slayne with a gonne Pag. 1016 Pallace at Westminster brent Pag. 897 Patrike-Brumpton ouerturned Pag. 1188 Penisellus King Pag. 31 Petronius a Romayne Pag. 44 Pertinax Emperour Pag. 58 Peters Church in Cornehill a Bishops see Pag. 56 Pellagius a Britayne Pag. 73. an heretike Pag. 7● confuted Pag. 78 Peterborow founded Pag. 101 Peterpence payd to Rome Pag. 116 Pestilence great in England Pag. 405 Pestilence Pag. 568 Saint Petro●us at Bodmin in Cornewall Pag. 131 Pestilence Pag. 271. Pag. 478. Pag. 510. Pag. 747. Pag. 166. Pag. 172 Peterborow burned Pag. 182 Peter of Pomfret Pag. 241. hanged Pag. 243 Peter Colledge Pag. 1216 Pierce Plowman his visions Pag. 387 Peterpence forbidden to be payd Pag. 461 Penbroke hall Pag. 1217 Pecocke Bishop of Chichester abiured Page 682 Perkin Werbecke Pag. 825. Pag. 868. Pag. 869. Pag. 871. hanged Pag. 873 Philip king of Castile landed in England Pag. 878 Pictes first inhabit the marches Pag. 28 Pickering builded Pag. 30 Pirthus king Pag. 31 Pilton priorie Pag. 131 Piked shoes forbidden Pag. 717 Pirates hanged Pag. 271 Priuiledges vnto Saint Edmondsbury Page 131 Priests married remoued Pag. 163 Priest at Masse slayne with thunder Pag. 208 Priests became theeues Pag. 460 Prisoners in Newgate and Ludgate dyed Page 586 Porchester builded Pag. 28 Porrex king Pag. 30 Portgreues of London Pag. 218 Porter of the Tower headed Pag. 586 Posterne by the Tower of London fell Page 642 Prodigious signes Pag. 31 Portesmouth Pag. 84 Popes authoritie abrogated Pag. 1003 Powled heads commanded Pag. 1004 Prouosts of London Pag. 218 Prouinciall counsell at Oxford Pag. 255 Proclamation againste the family of loue Pag. 1213 Prince of Wales the kings eldest son Pag. 311 Priuiledge to Clothworkers Pag. 373 Priorie and hospitall of Saint Bartholmew in Smithfield founded Pag. 178 Printing first Pag. 687 Preached at Paules Crosse Doctor Goddard Pag. 724 Prisoners of the Marshalsea brake out Pag. 877 Priests saying Masse apprehended Pag. 1177 Priories suppressed by Cardinall Wolsey Pag. 939 Prince Arthur married Pag. 874. deceassed ibidem Prisoner brake frō the sessiōs house Pag. 959 Prince of Piamont came into England Page 1095 Prince of Orange conducted to the Tower of London Pag. 1095 Publicans whipped Pag. 203 Publicans with their bloudy procession Pag. 409 Plimmouth spoyled Pag. 556 Q. QVatbridge or Catwarbridge in Essex Pag. 126 Quaffing and drunkennes punished Pag. 133 Queeneheth in London Pag. 270 Queenes Attourney slayne Pag. 685 Queeneborough Castell builded Pag. 461 Queene tooke Sanctuary Pag. 724. 767 Queene of England chased Pag. 279 Queenes Colledge in Cambridge Pag. 1217 Queenes Colledge in Oxford Pag. 1221 R. RAmsey founded Pag. 133 Rampire builded at Caleis Pag. 401 Ralph Stafford slayne Pag. 498 Redargius King Pag. 31 Rebellion in Kent and Essex Pag. 480 Recorder of London Fitz William Pag. 817 Register booke in euery Church to bee kept Pag. 113 Religious houses graunted to the king Page 1015 Rimo King Pag. 30 Richborough Pag. 36 Riot and euill life the destruction of the Britaines Pag. 79 Ripendun or Ripon Pag. 122 Richarde the first King Pag. 216. tooke hys voyage to Hierusalem Pag. 220. taken prisoner Pag. 222. builded the walles of Vienna Pag. 223 Riot in London Pag. 292 Risebanke Castell builded Pag. 403 Rye spoyled Pag. 471 Richard Scrope Archbishop of Yorke rebelleth Pag. 563 beheaded Pag. 564 Richard the secōd made prince of Wales Pag. 468. crowned King Pag. 470. married Pag. 489. Pag. 518. entreth Scotlād Pag.
this Maiors yeare Corne rose to fourtéene shillings the quarter and wood waxed scant in London and was sold for thirtéene and fourtéene shillings the thousand of ●illets and coles at tenpence the sacke by reason of the great death and sicknesse the last Sommer for lacke of hēlp and carriage King Philip being absent out of the Realme and Quéene Mary being dangerously sicke ended hir life at hir Manour of Saint Iames by Charing crosse the xvij of Nouember in the yeare 1558. when she had raigned fiue yeares four monethes and odde dayes The same daye deceassed Cardinall Poole at Lambheath and a little before two of hir Phisitions besides diuers Bishops and noble men Quéene Mary was buryed at Westminster and Cardinall Poole at Canterbury ¶ Queene Elizabeth ELizabeth our most gratious Anno reg 1. and soueraigne Lady second daughter to King Henry the viij to the great comfort of Englande was with full consent proclaimed Quéene of England France and Irelande Defender of the Fayth c. on the xvij of Nouember in the yeare of oure Lorde God 1558. Forthwith the Portes and Hauens were stopped and none suffered to passe out of the Realme without licence Proclamation was made forbidding all men to Preach saue such as should be appoynted also to alter any rytes or Ceremonies vsed in the Church saue as it was in hir graces Chappell The xxiij of Nouember Quéene Elizabeth came from The Queene commeth from Hatfild Bishops Hatfield in Hertfordshire vnto the Lord Northes house in the late Charterhouse of London the Sheriffes of London méeting hir Grace at the farther ende of Barnet Towne within the Shere of Middlesex and so rode before hir till the came to the Charterhouse Gate next Aldersgate where hir Grace remayned On Monday the eyght and twentith of Nouember about The Queene ●emoueth to the Tovver two of the clocke in the after noone Quéene Elizabeth rode from the Lorde Northes house along by the Barbycane in at Creeplegate then along by the wall to Bishopsgate which Gate was richly hanged where the Waytes of the Citie playde and ouer against the Kings head Tauerne a Scholler of Paules Schoole made a short Oration to hir Maiestie in Latin Uerses the company of the Mercers standing in theyr rayles next the Scholler and so all the other Companyes of the Citie in order from thence to Mart Lane ende nexte vnto Barking Church in Tower streete the Lorde Maior of London riding wyth Mayster Garter King at Armes bearing a Scepter before hir Maiestie whiche Lorde Maior mette hir at the Charterhouse Gate nexte Aldersgate where Mayster Recorder saluted hir Grace in the name of the Lorde Maior and the whole Citie and so with Lordes Knightes and Gentlewomen richly apparelled brought hir to the Tower of London but when hir Grace entered at Mart Lane a peale of Gunnes beganne to be shotte off at the Tower whiche continued almost halfe an houre The fifth of December the Quéene remoued by water from the Tower to Somerset place néere to the Strand The xiij of December the corpse of Quéene Mary was honourably conuayed from Saint Iames to the Abbey of Queene Mary buryed Westminster and there placed vnder a rich Hearse decked with penons banners and Schutchions of the Armes of Englande and France where she remayned that nighte and on the morrow after the Masse of Requiem and a Sermon preached by Doctor White Bishop of Winchester was ended she was buryed in the Chappell of King Henry the seauenth on the North side The xxiiij of December was solemne obsequie kept in Obsequie for Charles the Emperour the Abbey of Westminster for Charles the fifth late Emperour which deceassed in Spayne in the moneth of September last past Quéene Maryes herse yet standing altered with the Armes of the Emperour and richly hanged with a rich pall-cloth of gold lying on the hearse the Emperours Embassadour being chiefe mourner with other Péeres and Lords of England assistant with him c. The first of January the Lord Maior and Aldermen gaue in commandement to euery warde in London that the Procession Epistle and Gospell in English Parson or Curate in euery Parish Church in London should reade the Epistle and Gospell of the day in the Englishe tong in the Masse time and the English Procession then vsed in the Quéenes Chappell according to a Proclamation sent from hir Maiestie and priuie Counsell proclaymed in the Citie of London the xxx of December which commandement was that day obserued in most parish Churches of the Citis The ninth of January in the morning the Image of Thomas Becket which stoode ouer the dore of the Mercers Image of Thomas Becket throvvne dovvne Chappell in London toward the stréete was found broken and cast downe and a bill set on the Church dore deprauing the setters vp thereof The xij of January the Quéenes Maiestie remoued from hir place of White hall to the Tower by water the Lorde Maior of London and his bréethren the Aldermen in their Barge and all the Craftes of the Citie in their Barges richly decked with targets and banners of euery mysterie The Batchelers of the Maiors companie in their Barge with a Foyst hauing thrée toppes trimmed and richly decked to wayte on them which shotte off gunnes all the way all these awayted on hir Maiestie who tooke hir Barge about two of the clocke in the after noone the Lord Maior folowing after and euery company in order with great melodie of musicall instruments till hir grace was through London bridge and landed at hir priuie staire of the Tower Wharffe and then the Maior after leaue taken and thankes of the Quéene returned through the Bridge with the floud and landed at the Three Cranes Wharffe in the Uintrie The xiiij of January at which time the Londoners had made sumptuous prouision the Quéenes Maiestie passed through the Citie of London to hir Palace at Westminster Coronation the next day she was Crowned by Doctor Oglethorp Bishop of Carelile The xxv of January began a Parliament at Westminster Parliament before the States whereof Doctour Coxe late come from beyond the Seas and sometime Schoolemayster to King Edward the sixth made a learned Sermon In this Parliament the first fruites and tenthes were granted to the Crowne and also the supreme gouernemēt ouer the state Ecclesiasticall Likewise the Booke of commō Prayer and administration of the Sacraments in our vulgar tongue was restored to be done as in the time of King Edward the sixth In the Easter Holydayes preached at the Spittle Doctour Bill the Quéenes Almoner Doctour Coxe and Doctour Horne the two last came lately from beyond the seas On Lowsonday the seconde of Aprill Mayster Sampson made the rehearsall Sermon at Paules Crosse The iij. of Aprill the Quéenes Maiestie appoynted a cōference or disputation to be had at Westminster Church betwéene 1559 the olde Bishops and certayne learned men late A conference at VVestminster come
from beyond the Seas concerning matters of Religion but the matter came to small effect The seauenth of Aprill was a peace proclaymed betwixt England and France And the like betwéene hir Maiestie and the King and Quéene of Scotland The xix of Aprill was kepte the Serieants feast in the ●●ner Temple and nine Serieants were there made Mai●●er Reignald Chamley Recorder of London being one of y ● ix A Subsidie of ij s̄ viij d. the pound of moueable goods was Subsidy granted granted and the Parliament dissolued the vij of May. The seconde of July the Citizens of London had a muster The Citizens of London mustered at Greenevvich afore the Quéenes Maiestie at Greenewich in the Parke of fourtéene hundred men whereof eyght hundred were Pikemen all in fine Corselets foure hundred Haquebuts in shirtes of mayle with morians and two hundred Halberters in almanriuets which were furnished and set forth by the companyes of the Citie of London they had to euery hundred two wiffelers richly apparelled and twelue wardens of the best companyes riding in coates of blacke Ueluet to conduct them with drommes and fifes and sixe Ensignes all in Jerkins of white Bridges Satten cutte and lined with blacke Sarsenet with cappes hosen and skarfes according the Captayne 's Robert Constable and Mayster Saunders brought them in battayle ray afore the Quéene euen as they should haue fought which made a goodly shewe before hir Maiestie the Emperoures and French Kings Embassadours béeing present In the moneth of July the olde Bishops of England then liuing were called and examined by certayne of y e Quéenes Bishops depriued Maiesties Counsayle where the Bishops of Yorke Ely and London with other to the number of thirtéene or fourtéene for refusing to take the oth touching the Quéenes supremacie and other Articles were depriued from their Bishoprickes And likewise were diuers Deanes Archdeacons Parsons and Uicars depriued from their Benefices and some committed to prison in the Tower Fléete Marshalsea and Kings bench Commissioners were likewise appoynted for the establishing Commissioners of Religion through the whole Realme For London were appoynted Sir Richard Sackuile Knight Doctou● Horne a Diuine Doctour Huicke a Ciuilian and Mayster Saluage who called before them diuers persons of euery parish and sware them to enquire and present vpon certayne iniunctions Iniunctions Also the houses of Religion erected by Quéene Mary Houses suppressed as the Monkes of Westminster Nunnes and bréethre● of Sion and Sheene the blacke Friers in Smithfielde and the Friers of Greenewich were all suppressed On the euen of Saint Barthelmew the daye and the Church ymages burned merrow after c. were burned in Paules Church yarde Cheape and diuers other places of the Citie of London all the Roodes and other Images of Churches in some places the Coapes Uestments Alter clothes Bookes Banners Sepulchers and Roode loftes were burned The fifth of September about midnight fell a greate tempest at London in the ende whereof a great lightning with a terrible clappe of thunder strake the Spire béeing stone of the Stéeple of Alhallowes Churche in Bredstreete Churches in London striken and broken by tempest about a tenne foote beneath the toppe out of the which fell a stone that slew a Dogge and ouerthrew a man playing with the same Dogge and the Spire of the Stéeple was so perished that not long after the same was taken downe with lesse charges to the Parish than the repayring woulde haue cost And at the same instant by the same tempest one of the South dores of Saint Dionise Churche in Fenchurch streete with the dore of the Reuestrie of the same Churche were both stricken thorough and broken The eyght and ninth of September a solemne Obsequie Obsequy for the French King was kepte in Paules Churche at London for Henry the French King departed who dyed of a wound giuen by the County Mountgomerie at a triumph iusting in the Citie of Paris whereof he dyed about the tenth daye of July About the last of September Iohn Duke of Finland seconde Embassadour from Svvethen sonne to Gustabus Kyng of Swethen was sente by hys father to treate a marriage for hys eldest brother Ericus with the Quéenes Maiestie of Englande he arriued at Harwich in Essex and was there honourably receyued enterteyned by y e Earle of Oxford which said Earle the Lord Robert Dudley with a goodly baude of Gentlemen and yeomen conueyed him to London where he was receyued of diuers Knightes and Gentlemen of the Court on the fifth of October and was with his trayne of about the number of fiftie persons well horssed conuayed to the Bishop of Winchesters place in Southwarke where he was lodged during his abode héere and remoued from thence two dayes before Easter homeward and sped on his message as may appeare by that which foloweth takē out of Iohannes Lewenclaij comment de bellis Moscorum Ericus King of Sweden sonne of Gustabus late King of the sayde Kingdome hauing committed to prison his brother Iohn Duke of Finlande whome a little before he had employed into England on an Embassage to the Quéenes Maiestie whome he sued to for marriage and had his sute reiected agayne the second time solicited hir Maiestie in the same suite notwithstanding to his great dishonor and as it fell out his iust disgrace he attempted the same matter with the yongest daughter of Phillip Lantgraue Vanhessen at whose hand hauing the seconde tyme bin reiected of hir Maiestie héere the matter béeyng knowne there he also not onely receyued a denyall but the Lady was by hir Father bestowed vppon Adolfe Duke Van Holst Unckle Iohannes Lewenalaij of Frederike Kyng of Denmarke then enemie of the sayde Erice Thus farre Iohannes Lewenclaij Thomas Lodge Roger Martin the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 2. Sir William Hewet Clothworker the 28. of October About this time many men of warre were conueyed out of France into Scotlande and there placed in Townes and Fortresses as in the Towne of Leeth Dunbarre Inskith and other whereby it was to bée suspected that they would sodeynely inuade thys Realme wherevpon the Quéenes Maiestie sente the Duke of Norffolke towards Duke of Norffolke sent into Scotland Scotland as Generall with an army who remayned at Berwike In the moneth of Aprill the Lord Grey Wilton entred 1560 Scotland with an army of tenne thousand and beséeged the towne of L●th where betwéene the French and the English Lord Grey beseeged Lieth were often skirmishes and many slayne on both sides for few were taken prisoners In May a noble man of France by licence of the Quéenes Maiestie passed through England into Scotland to talke with the Quéene Dowager and the Frenchmen for the appeasing of this matter who at his returne agayne into England obteyned of the Quéenes Maiestie to send Sir William Ciuill Knight hir Maiesties principall Secretary with Mayster Doctour Wootton to treate with the
beheaded Pag. 1165 Earle of Worcester sent into Fraunce robbed on the Sea Pag. 1163 Earle of Essex with others sayled into Ireland Pag. 1174. Captaine general Pag. 1175 Ebbe Abbesse of Coldingham Pag. 121 Edenbourgh builded Pag. 20. yeelded to the Englishmen Pag. 1173. brent Pag. 1029. Edmond King of Eastangles martired by the Danes Pag. 97 Edmond Ironside king Pag. 137 Edrike of Statun the Traytour Pag. 137. 138 Edwine of the West Saxōs a vicious king depriued Pag. 132 Edgar K. crowned at Bath Pag. 132. restored Monasteries Pag. 133. eyghte kings rowed him Pag. 133 Edwarde sonne to Edgar murthered by his stepmother Pag. 134 Edmonds Burie builded Pag. 140 Edwarde Confessour Pag. 142 Edmonds Burie brent Pag. 245 Edward the first king Pag. 296 Edward the second king Pag. 325. imprisoned Pag. 349. deposed Pag. 350. murdred Pag. 357. Edwardle Bruse beheaded Pag. 338 Edward the third king Pag. 352. elected King of Almaine Pag. 404. dyed Pag. 469 Edwarde the seconde bruted to be aliue Page 359 Edendon founded Pag. 393 Edward Earle of March Pag. 711. crowned Pag. 712 martired Pag. 715. taken prisoner Pag. 723. escaped ibid. fledde Pag. 724. returned Pag. 726. made knightes at London Pag. 735. banqueted the Maior of Londō Pag. 749. ended his life Pag. 750. his description Pag. 752. Oration at his death Pag. 758. his Concubines Pag. 799 Edward Lord Grey made Earle of Kent Page 713 Edward the sixth borne Pag. 1011. beganne to raigne Pag. 1035. made knight ibid. decesed Pag. 1058 Eguesham Pag. 114 Egelburge Pag. 114 Egbrightstone Pag. 123 Elanius king Pag. 28 Elidurus king Pag. 29 Eldrea king Pag. 30 Eliud king Pag. 30 Elye minster founded Pag. 97. Pag. 111. a Bishops sea Pag. 180 Elder brother seeketh fauour of the yōger brother but it would not be obtayned Pag. 179 Elsing spittle founded Pag. 366 Elianor Cobham apprehended Pag. 644. indited of treason Pag. 645. did penance Pag. 646 Elizabeth now Queene of England hyr birth Pag. 999. hir christning Pag. 1000 Lady Elizabeth sent to the tower Pag. 1090 Emerianus king Pag. 30 Emperour came to London Pag. 930 England first so called Pag. 118 Ensigne of the Danes Pag. 123 Englishmen besieged the Castel of Argilla in Barbarie Pag. 128 England deuided Pag. 138 Englande conquered by woodden bowes Pag. 46 England interdicted Pag. 236. released 244 English ships ouercome by Spaniar Pag. 475 Entercourse with Flaunders Pag. 870 Englishmen sent to Saint Quint. Pag. 1104 Englishmen sent to Vlstar in Irelād Pag. 1163 Epistle of Elutherius Pag. 55 Epistle of Boniface to king Ethelbald Pag. 102 Erchenwine first king of East Saxōs Pag. 98. Essendune in Essexe Pag. 138 Exchequer at Northampton Pag. 237 Exchequer at Yorke Pag. 306 Exchequer at Yorke Pag. 340 Ethelbert king of Kent Pag. 90. christened Pag. 91 Ethelburge poysoned hir husband Butricus king of West Saxons Pag. 118. hir miserable end ibid. Ethelingey the noble Iland Pag. 123 Etheldred king of West Saxons Pag. 134 Euesham founded Pag. 102 Excester builded Pag. 34 Excester the Danes wintered there Pag. 122 Excester a Bishops Sea Pag. 135 Excester besieged Pag. 160. 188 Executiō in Pauls churchyard Pag. 1015. 1083 F. FAmine Pag. 166. 172 Fals accuser of his elder brother hanged Pag. 227 Farendon founded Pag. 251 Fat Cow xvj pence Pag. 420 Fall of money Pag. 1049. second fall of money ibid. Pag. 1115 False Christ whipped Pag. 1116 Faelix Bishop of Donwich Pag. 96 Fernehame in Southsex Pag. 125 Feuersham in Kent founded Pag. 195 Feete and hands of many mē cut of Pag. 257 Feast of Saint George at Winds●r Pag. 415 Free Schoole at Bedford founded Pag. 1117 Felton arraigned and executed Pag. 1148 Fire-light forbidden to the English Pag. 153 Fish like a man Pag. 214. like armed knights Pag. 245. monstrous Pag. 268 Fikets felde Pag. 585 Fire at Baynardes Castle Pag. 652 Fitz Water drowned Pag. 636 Fire nigh Ludgate of London Pag. 674 Fire at Leaden Hal. Pag. 846. in Breadstreete Pag. 859. in Roode lane Pag. 1013. at Temple barre Pag. 1003. at Broken wharfe Pag. 1040 Friste fruites and tenthes giuen to the King Pag. 1003. restored to the Cleargie Page 1099 First shew of children in Christs Hospitall Pag. 1055 Fifteenes granted at a Parliament Pag. 1017 Fiue persons of the familie of loue stode at Paules Crosse Pag. 1184 Flyes venomous Pag. 23 Florianus Pag. 64 Flauius Pag. 64 Flemmings sent into Wales Pag. 180 Floudes of water Pag. 269. 272. 274. 1123. 276 Flint Castell builded Pag. 297. rased to the ground Pag. 299 Fleete dike at London which sometime bare shippes sore decayed Pag. 322 Florences of Gold Pag. 388 Flemmings robbed by the kētishmen Page 724 Ferrex and Porrex kings Pag. 24 Forest in Hampshire Pag. 166 Fodringhey Colledge founded Pag. 574 Foure Eclipses Pag. 1027 Foxley of the Tower Potmaker slept Pag. 14. dayes and as manye nightes without waking Pag. 10●3 Frawe a riuer Pag. 122 Frost great Pag. 172. Pag. 234. Pag. 293. Pag. 299. Pag. 194. Pag. 638. Page 923 Free Schoole and almes houses at Ratcliffe Pag. 1014 Frier Forrest brent Pag. 1012 Free Schoole at Drayton in Shropshire Page 1032 Free Schole at Tonbridge Pag. 1048 Frenchmen landed in the I le of Wight Pag. 1032. at Newhauen in Sussex ibid Frenchmen attached Pag. 930 Frenchmen arriued in Sussex Pag. 1031 Friers houses suppressed Pag. 1003. againe Page 1014 Free Schole at Walthamstow Pag. 903 Fray in Saint Dunstans Church of London Pag. 568 Frier tormented to death Pag. 494 Friers of the sacke Pag. 316 French nauie taken Pag. 501 Fray against the stilyarde men Pag. 867 Fier at the starre in Breadstreete Pag. 643. on London bridge Pag. 877 Frier Randulph slayne Pag. 632 French men land in Wales Pag. 565 Fraunce Pag. 390 Frier Randulph sent to the Tower Pag. 604 Fray at Wrestling Pag. 673 Fulgen king Pag. 30 Fullenham or Fulham Pag. 124 Foure children borne at one burdē Pag. 1183 Flyes in Februarie in greate number Page 1180 Frobishers first voyage to Cataya Pag. 1186 Frost and a sharp winter Pag. 1165 G. GAlley halfepence forbidden Pag. 597 Gardiner hrent Pag. 640 Gascoigne wine sold for fortie shillings the tun Pag. 873 Garnodo won from the Turke Pag. 866 Gardins about Londo stroyed to make Rome for Archers Pag. 872 Gatehouse of the middle Temple newe built Pag. 905 Gambo and another Captaine murdedered Pag. 1045 Germany toke the name Pag. 20 Gernucius king Pag. 30 Germanus and Lupus Bishops Pag. 77 Gerend on ●ourded Pag. 206 Geffrey Chaucer Pag. 548 George Plontagenet made Duke of Clarence ●13 Geffrey whipped for heresie Pag. 1116 Gifford Angolisme created Earle of Huntington Pag. 471 Gilbert Pot punished in Cheape Pag. 1059 Glamorgan Pag. 23 Glastenburie Pag. 58 Glocester founded Pag. 102 Glocester Pag. 114. brent Pag. 177. burned Pag. 183 Glocester Castle take by the Baros Pag. 279 Glocester Church brent Pag. 310 Glocester besieged Pag. 282 Glamorgan and Morganocke wonne Pag. 170 Glastenburie builded Pag. 116
Glastenburie brent Pag. 213 Gorbodug king Pag. 24 Gorbomanus king Pag. 29 Gorbonian king Pag. 30 Gospell preached in England Pag. 57 Godwin Sands Pag. 173 Good Parliament Pag. 467. euil Parliament Pag. 519. lay mans Parliament Pag. 559 Golden Rose sent from Rome Pag. 933 Gold enhaunsed Pag. 941 Grantham builded Pag. 29 Grantbridge or Cambridge Pag. 122 Grey Friers in England Pag. 259 Grifithe of Wales brake his necke out of the Tower of London Pag. 269 Grauesend Bishop of London Pag. 315 Groates halfe groates coyned Pag. 420 Grey Friers in Londō an Hospital Pag. 1053 Great and wonderful tempestes Pag. 1106 Gardner made Lord Chauncellour Pag. 1071 deceased Pag. 1099 Great Hary a slip brent Pag. 1071 Great seale taken from the Lord Riche page Pag. 1050 Greenewich Towne builded Pag. 240 Giles Church brent Pag. 1032 Great flouds Pag. 1099 Great fishes Pag. 1053 Great muster in London Pag. 1015 Gwindolen Queene Pag. 19 Gurgustus king Pag. 23 Gurgustius King Pag. 28 Guinthelinus king Pag. 28 Gurguinus king Pag. 30 Guinouer wife to Arthur Pag. 81 Gurmondchester builded Pag. 88 Guy Earle of Warwicke slew Colbronde Page 131 Guisnes gotten by the English Pag. 421 Gunnes muented Pag. 480 Guilde Hall in London builded Pag. 573 Gunne shot at the Preacher Pag. 1091 H. HAdrianus a Romaine Pag. 54 Hadley in Essex Pag. 124 Harold a Dane King Pag. 141 Hardicanutus king Pag. 142 Harold king Pag. 146. slaine Pag. 147 Hartes leapt into the Sea Pag. 240 Hales Owen reedified Pag. 251 Halfepence and farthings round Pag. 299 Handes of men cut of for rescuing of a prisoner Pag. 306 Hastings brent Pag. 472 Harlow Castel wonne Pag. 721 Hayle stones Pag. 18. ynches about Pag. 870 Hayle in Northamptonshire did muche harme Pag. 1174 Hailestones figured like mē heads Pag. 103 Hangman hanged Pag. 1013 Helius king Pag. 31 Helen mother to Constantine Pag. 69 Hengest Saxon. Pag. 80. king of Kent Pag. 83 Hengest first king of Kent Pag. 190 Hereforde Bishoppes Sea founded Pag. 106 Hereford brent Pag. 164 Hen●ie the first Pag. 176 Hereford brent Pag. 189 Henrie the seconde king Pag. 200 wenteagainst the Welchmen Pag. 201 Hergelius Patriarke Pag. 214 Hedges burned Pag. 237 Henrie the third King Pag. 252 Herdesmen go toward Ierusalem Pag. 340 Hugh Spencer executed Pag. 349 350 Henrie Percy created Erle of Northumberland Pag. 471 Henrie bastard of Spaine Pag. 475 Herfleete besieged Pag. 589 Henrie sonne to Iohn of Gaunt created Duke of Hereforde Pag. 527 accufeth the Duke of Norffolke Pag. 528 banished Pag. 529 returneth into Englande Pag. 532. chosen king Pag. 540 crowned ●42 conspiracie againste him Pag. 544. entreth Scotlande Pag. 547. in great daunger Pag. 549 marieth the dutches of Brytaine Pag. 553. conspiracie against him Pag. 563. writeth to the Pope Pag. 571. ended his life Pag. 576 Henrie Beauchamp created duke of Warwicke Pag. 648 Henrie Lord Bourcher made Earle of Essex Pag. 713 Henrie son to Henrie the seauenth borne Page 865 Henrie sonne to Henrie the fourth made prince of Wales Pag. 541. his demean of at his fathers deathe Pag. 576. crowned king Pag. 583. entreth Normandie Pag. 588. Pag. 599. returneth home Pag. 597. deceased Pag. 614 Henrie the sixth borne at Windsor Pag. 612 King of England and of Fraunce Pag. 618 crowned Pag. 633. at Paris Pag. 635. fled into Scotlande Pag. 712. disherited Pag. 713 taken Pag. 717 ●estored Pag. 725. sent to the Tower prisoner Pag. 727. murdered Pag. 729. his cōmendation Pag. 730 his Colledge Pag. 731. his death Pag. 756. buried at Windsor Pag. 84● Edward Prince borne in Sanctuarie Pag. 726 Pag. 807. King of Englande Pag. 7●● his aunswere to his mother Pag. 805 murdered Page 828 Henrie Earle of Richmonde landed at Mylford hauen Pag. 851. proclaymed king Pag. 858 drowned Pag. 861. besieged Buloigne Pag. 866 builded a Chapple at Westminster Pag. 875. Hospitall of the Sauoy Pag. 891. deceased ibidem his sepulchre Pag. 892 Hingwer the Dane slayne Pag. 123 Honorius Emperour Pag. 73 Hokenorton a towne Pag. 129 Houndsdich Pag. 139 Hofen a payre for a king three shillings Page 168 Howses blowne down in Cheape Pag. 170 Hospital of Saint Leonard at Yorke foūded Pag. 175 Hospitall of Saint Giles Pag. 183 Hospital of Saint Crosse builded Pag. 185 Hospital of s Thomas in Southwark Pag. 244 Hospitall at Oxford Pag. 263 Hospital of Saint Marie at London Pag. 265 Hospital at Lecester founded Pag. 365 Hogges in Normandie brent by Edward the third Pag. 394 Hospitall at Kingston founded Pag. 461 Housekeeping of the Earle of Warwike Page 722 House at London bridge fell into the Thames Pag. 748 Humber a Riuer Pag. 18 Humfrey Duke of Glocester chalengeth to cōbat with Philip D. of Burgoign Pag. 625. marieth Elianor Cobham Pag. 631. dyed at Bury Pag. 650. debate betwene the D. of Glo. and the Bi. of Winchester Pag. 627 I. I Ago King Pag. 23 Saint Iames in Bristowe builded Pag. 181 Iames Churche at Garlike Hithe builded Pag. 349 Iaqueline Dutchesse of Henalt Pag. 623 married to the Duke of Gloucester Pag. 624 Iames son to the King of Scottes taken Pag. 567. released of his imprisonment Pag. 629 Iacke Cade a rebel Pag. 652. Pag. 653 entred London Pag. 659. pardoned Pag. 661. beheaded Page 663 Iames house purchased by the king Pag. 798 Ida firste King of the Northumbers Pag. 107 Iewels hāged and left in the high wayes not touched but of the owners Pag. 127 Iewes robbed Pag. 220. imprisoned Pag. 238. spoyled Pag. 246. their Synagogue Pag. 262 Iewes borne in Englande Pag. 273. hanged Page 275 Iewe drowned Pag. 277. Iewes spoyled Pag. 278 Iewes executed Pag. 298. their Synagogues destroyed Pag. 301. banished Pag. 304 Iewes and Leapers poysoned waters Pag. 341 Iedworth in Scotland brent Pag. 933 Iewels and Church Plate called into the Kings hande Pag. 10●7 Ioseph of Aramath ●7 Iohn the Kings sonne made Lord of Irelande Pag. 294 Iohn the Kings brother rebelled Pag. 221. 223 Iohn King Pag. 230. diuorced Pag. 231. sommoned to the Frenche Courte Pag. 232. resigned the Crowne and absolued Pag. 243. crossed to Hierusalem Pag. 245. fled Pag. 249. hys treasure drowned Pag. 250 Iohn Eure helde landes in Scotlande Pag. 319 Iohn Kirby hanged Pag. 480 Iohn Ball hanged Pag. 489 Iohn Wraw hanged Pag. 491 Iohn Philpots worthiness● Pag. 476. Pag. 479. deceassed Pag. 495 Murder in Westminster Church Pag. 477 Iohn Northamptons sedition Pag. 493 Iohn Holand created Erle of Huntingtō Page 507 Iohn Duke of Lancaster entreth Spaine Pag. 500. made Duke of Aquitaine Pag. 510 marryeth Katherine Swinford Pag. 518. dyeth Pag. 530 Iohn Gower Pag. 548 Sir I. Oldeastel cōuict Pag. 584. executed Pag. 599 Iohn Beaufort made Duke of Somerset Page 647 Iohn Dauy loste hys hande in Cheape Page 713 Iohn Duke of Bedford regent of France married Anne daughter to the Duke of Burgoigne Pag. 619 Saint Iohns in Smithfielde suppressed Page 1019 Ione Butcher brent Pag. 1047 Ile of Shepey Pag. 115 Ile of Wight