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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10708 The. holie. Bible. conteynyng the olde Testament and the newe.; Bible. English. Bishops'. Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. 1568 (1568) STC 2099; ESTC S122070 2,551,629 1,586

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them aswell publicanes fishers and sheepheardes may fynde their edification as great doctours their erudition For those bookes were not made to vayne glorie lyke as were the writynges of the gentile Philosophers and Rethoritians to the intent the makers shoulde be had in admiration for their hye styles and obscure maner and writyng wherof nothyng can be vnderstanded without a maister or an expositour But the Apostles prophetes wrote their bookes so that their speciall intent and purpose myght be vnderstanded and perceaued of euery reader whiche was nothyng but the edification of amendement of the lyfe of them that reade or heare it Who is it that readyng or hearyng read in the Gospell Blessed are they that be meeke Blessed are they that be mercifull Blessed are they that be of cleane heart and such other lyke places can perceaue nothyng except he haue a maister to teache hym what it meaneth Likewyse the signes miracles with all other histories of the doynges of Christe or his Apostles who is there of so simple wit capacitie but he may be able to perceaue and vnderstande them These be but excuses and clokes for the rayne coueringes of their owne idle slouthfulnesse But styll ye wyll say I can not vnderstande it What maruayle Howe shouldest thou vnderstande yf thou wylt not reade nor loke vpon it Take the bookes into thyne handes reade the whole story and that thou vnderstandest kepe it well in memorie that thou vnderstandest not reade it agayne and agayne yf thou can neither so come by it counsayle with some other that is better learned Go to thy curate preacher shewe thy self to be desirous to know learne and I doubt not but God seyng thy diligence and readinesse if no man els teache thee wyll hym selfe vouchsafe with his holy spirite to illuminate thee to open vnto thee that which was locked frō thee Remember the Eunuch of Candace Queene of Ethiopia which albeit he was a man of a wylde and barbarous countrey and one occupied with worldly cares and businesse yet rydyng in his charret he was readyng the scripture Nowe consider yf this man passyng in his iourney was so diligent as to reade the scripture what thynkest thou of lyke was he wont to do sittyng at home Agayne he that letteth not to reade albeit he dyd not vnderstande what dyd he then trowest thou after that when he had learned and gotten vnderstandyng For that thou mayest wel knowe that he vnderstoode not what he redde hearken what Philip there saith vnto hym Vnderstandest thou what thou readest And he nothyng ashamed to confesse his ignoraunce aunswered Howe shoulde I vnderstande hauyng no body to shewe me the way Lo when he lacked one to shewe hym the way and to expounde to hym the scriptures yet dyd he reade and therfore God the rather prouided for hym a guide of the way that taught hym to vnderstande it God perceaued his wyllyng and towarde mynde and therfore he sent hym a teacher by by Therfore let no man be negligent about his owne health and saluation Though thou haue not Philip alwayes when thou wouldest the holy ghost which then moued and stirred vp Philip wyll be redy and not fayle thee yf thou do thy diligence accordyngly All these thynges be written vnto vs for our edification and amendement which be borne towardes the latter ende of the worlde The readyng of the scriptures is a great and strong bulwarke or fortresse agaynst sinne the ignoraunce of the same is a greater ruine and destruction of them that wyll not knowe it That is the thyng that bryngeth in herisie that is it that causeth all corrupt and peruerse lyuyng that is it that bryngeth all thynges out of good order Hitherto all that I haue sayde I haue taken and gathered out of the foresayde sermon of this holy doctour saint Iohn Chrisostome Nowe yf I shoulde in lyke maner bryng foorth what the selfe same doctour speaketh in other places and what other doctours and writers say concernyng the same purpose I myght seeme to you to write another Byble rather then to make a preface to the Byble Wherfore in fewe wordes to comprehende the largenesse and vtilitie of the scripture howe it contayneth fruitfull instruction and erudition for euery man yf any thyng be necessary to be learned of the holy scripture we may learne it If falshood shal be reproued therof we may gather wherwithall If any thyng be to be corrected and amended yf there neede any exhortation or consolation of the scripture we may well learne In the scriptures be the fat pastures of the soule therin is no venimous meate no vnholsome thyng they be the very daintie and pure feedyng He that is ignoraunt shall fynde there what he shoulde learne He that is a peruerse sinner shall there fynde his dampnation to make hym to tremble for feare He that laboureth to serue God shall fynde there his glorie and the promissions of eternall lyfe exhortyng hym more diligently to labour Herein may princes learne howe to gouerne their subiectes Subiectes obedience loue and dreede to their princes Husbandes howe they shoulde behaue them vnto their wiues howe to educate their children and seruauntes And contrary the wiues children and seruauntes may knowe their duetie to their husbandes parentes and maisters Here may all maner of persons men women young olde learned vnlearned riche poore priestes lay men lordes ladyes officers tenauntes and meane men virgins wiues widdowes lawyars marchauntes artificers husbandmen and all maner of persons of what estate or condition soeuer they be may in this booke learne all thinges what they ought to beleue what they ought to do what they should not do aswell concernyng almightie God as also concernyng them selues and all other Briefly to the readyng of the scripture none can be enemie but that either be so sicke that they loue not to heare of any medicine or els that be so ignoraunt that they knowe not scripture to be the most healthfull medicine Therfore as touchyng this former part I wyll heare conclude and take it as a conclusion sufficiently determined appointed that it is conuenient and good the scriptures to be redde of al sortes and kyndes of people and in the vulgar tongue without further allegations or probations for the same which shall not neede since that this one place of Iohn Chrisostome is inough and sufficient to perswade all them that be not frowardly peruersly set in their owne wylfull opinion specially nowe that the kinges highnesse being supreme head next vnder Christe of this Churche of Englande hath approued with his royal assent the setting foorth hereof which only to all true obedient subiectes ought to be a sufficient reason for the alowaunce of the same without further delay reclamation or resistaūce although there were no preface nor other reason herein expressed Therfore nowe to come to the seconde and latter part of my purpose here is nothyng so good in
is euery fourth yere then the Sunday letter leapeth and that yere the Psalmes and Lessons which serue for the .xxiii. day of Februarie shal be read agayne the day folowyng except it be Sunday which hath proper Lessons of the olde Testament appoynted in the Table seruyng to that purpose ¶ Also whersoeuer the begynnyng of any Lesson Epistle or Gospell is not expressed there ye must begyn at the begynnyng of the Chapter ¶ And whersoeuer is not expressed howe farre shal be read there shall you reade to the ende of the Chapter ¶ Item so oft as the first Chapter of saint Matthewe is read either for Lesson or Gospell ye shall begyn the same at The birth of Iesus Christe was on this wise c. And the thirde Chapter of saint Lukes Gospell shal be read vnto So that he was supposed to be the sonne of Ioseph ¶ A briefe declaration when euery Terme beginneth and endeth BE it knowen that Easter Terme beginneth alwayes the .xviii. day after Easter reckenyng Easter day for one and endeth the Munday next after the Assention day Trinitie Terme beginneth .xii. dayes after Whitsunday and continueth .xix. dayes Michaelmas Terme beginneth the .ix. or .x. day of October and endeth the .xxviii. or .xxix. day of Nouember Hyllary Terme beginneth the .xxiii. or .xxiiii. day of Ianuarie and endeth the xii or .xiii. day of Februarie In Easter Terme on the Assention day In Trinitie Terme on the Natiuitie of saint Iohn Baptist In Michaelmas Terme on the feast of All Saintes In Hyllary Terme on the feast of the Purification of our Lady the Queenes Iudges of Westminster do not vse to sit in iudgement nor vpon any Sundayes ❧ An Almanacke The yeres of our Lorde The Golden number Dominicall letter Septuagesima The first day of Lent Easter day Rogation weeke Assention day VVhitsunday Aduent Sunday 1561. iiii E 2. Febru 19 Febru 6. April 12. Maii. 25. Maii. 15. Maii. 30. Nou. 1562. v. D 25. Ianu. 11. 29. Mar. iiii vii xvii xxix 1563. vi C 7. Febru 24. 11. April xvii xx xxx xxviii 1564. vii BA 30. Ianu 16. 2. viii xi xxi 3. Decem. 1565. viii G 18. Febru 7. March 22. xxviii xxxi 10. Iune ii 1566. ix F 10. 27. Febru 14. xx xxiii ii i. 1567. x. E 26. Ianu. 12. 30. Mar. v. viii 18. Maii. 30. Nou. 1568. xi DE 15. Febru 3. March 18. April xxiiii xxvii 6. Iune xxviii 1569. xii B 6. 23. Febru 10. xvi xix 29. Maii. xxvii 1570. xiii A 22. Ianu. 8. 26. Mar. i. iiii xiiii 3. Decem. 1571. xiiii G 11. Febru 28. 15. April xxi xxiiii 3. Iunii ii 1572. xv FE 3. 20. 6. xii xv 25. Maii. 30. Nou. 1573. xvi D 18. Ianu. 4. 22. Mar. 27. April 30. April 10. Maii. xxix 1574. xvii C 7. Febru 24. 11. April 17. Maii. 20. Maii. xxx xxviii 1575. xviii B 30. Ianu. 16. 3. ix xii xxii xxvii 1576. xix AG 19. Febru 7. March 22. xxviii xxxi 10. Iunii 2. Decem. 1577. i. F 3. 20. Febru 7. xiii xvi 26. Maii. i. 1578. ii E 26. Ianu. 12. 30. Mar. v. viii xviii 30. Nou. 1579. iii. D 15. Febru 4. March 19. April xxv xxviii 7. Iunii xxix 1580. iiii CB 31. Ianu. 17. Febru 3. ix xii xxii xxvii 1581. v. A 22. 8. 26. Mar. i. iiii xiiii 3. Decem 1582. vi G 11. Febru 28. 15. April xxi xxiiii 3. Iunii ii 1583. vii F 27. Ianu. 13. 31. Mar. vi ix 19. Maii. i. 1584. viii ED 16. Febru 3. March 19. April xxv xxviii 7. Iunii 29. Nou. 1585. ix C 7. 24. Febr. 11. xvii xx 30. Maii. xxviii 1586. x. B 30. Ianu. 16. 3. ix xii xxii xxvii 1587. xi A 12. Febru 1. March 16. xxii xxv 4. Iunii 3. Decem 1588. xii GF 4. Febru 21. Febru 7. xiii xvi 26. Maii. i. 1589. xiii E 26. Ianu. 12. Febru 30. Mar. v. viii xviii 30. Nou. 1590. xiiii D 15. Febru 4. March 19. April xxv xxviii 7. Iunii xxix ¶ Note that the supputation of the yere of our Lorde in the Churche of Englande beginneth the .xxv. day of Marche the same day supposed to be the first day vpon which the worlde was created and the day when Christe was conceaued in the wombe of the virgin Marie ¶ Golden number ❧ To fynde Easter for euer   A B C D E F G i April .ix. x xi xii vi vii viii ii March 26. xxvii xxviii xxix xxx xxxi April .i. iii April .xvi. xvii xviii xix xx xiiii xv iiii April .ix. iii iiii v vi vii viii v March 26. xxvii xxviii xxix xxiii xxiiii xxv vi April .xvi. xvii xi xii xiii xiiii xv vii April .ii. iii iiii v vi March .xxxi. April .i. viii April 23. xxiiii xxv xix xx xxi xxii ix April .ix. x xi xii xiii xiiii viii x April .ii. iii March 28. xxix xxx xxxi April .i. xi April .xvi. xvii xviii xix xx xxi xxii xii April .ix. x xi v vi vii viii xiii March 26. xxvii xxviii xxix xxx xxxi xxv xiiii April .xvi. xvii xviii xix xiii xiiii xv xv April .ii. iii iiii v vi vii viii xvi March 26. xxvii xxviii xxii xxiii xxiiii xxv xvii April .xvi. x xi xii xiii xiiii xv xviii April .ii. iii iiii v March .xxx. xxxi April .i. xix April 23. xxiiii xviii xix xx xxi xxii ¶ When ye haue founde the Sunday letter in the vppermost line guide your eye downewarde from the same till ye come ryght ouer agaynst the prime and there is shewed both what moneth and what day of the moneth Easter falleth that yere ❧ These to be obserued for holy dayes and none other THat is to say all Sundayes in the yere The dayes of the feastes of the Circumcision of our Lorde Iesus Christe Of the Epiphanie Of the Purification of the blessed virgyn Of saint Matthias the Apostle Of the Annunciation of the blessed virgyn Of saint Marke the Euangelist Of saint Philip and Iacob the Apostles Of the Assension of our Lorde Iesus Christe Of the Natiuitie of saint Iohn Baptist Of saint Peter the Apostle Of saint Iames the Apostle Of saint Bartilmewe Apostle Of saint Matthewe the Apostle Of saint Michael the Archangel Of saint Luke the Euangelist Of saint Simon and Iude the Apostles Of All Saintes Of saint Andrewe the Apostle Of saint Thomas the Apostle Of the Natiuitie of our Lorde Of saint Steuen the Martir Of saint Iohn the Euangelist Of the holy Innocentes Munday and Tuesday in Easter weeke Munday and Tuesday in Whitson weeke ❧ A Table for the order of the Psalmes to be sayde at Mornyng and Euen●ng prayer   Mornyng prayer Euenyng prayer i i. ii.iii.iiii.v vi vii.viii ii ix x.xi xii xiii.xiiii iii xv xvi.xvii xviii iiii xix xx.xxi xxii xxiii v xxiiii xxv.xxvi xxvii xxviii.xxix vi xxx xxxi xxxii xxxiii.xxxiiii vii xxxv xxxvi xxxvii viii xxxviii xxxix.xl xli xlii.xliii ix xliiii xlv.xlvi xlvii xlviii.xlix x l. li.lii liii
Christe and his Churche ought to be aduouched out of the scriptures and do contende in disputation that the true Churche can not be knowen but only by the holy scriptures For all other thinges saith the same aucthor may be founde among the heretikes Some affirme it to be a sinfull tradition that is obtruded without the scripture Some playnely pronounce that not to knowe the scriptures is not to knowe Christe VVherefore let men extoll out the Churche practises as hyghly as they can and let them set out their traditions and customes their decisions in synodes and counsayles with vaunting the presence of the holy ghost among them really as some doth affirme it in their writing let their groundes and their demonstrations their foundations be as stable and as strong as they blase them out Yet wyll we be bolde to say with Saint Peter Habemus nos firmiorem sermonem propheticum VVe haue for our part a more stable grounde the propheticall wordes of the scriptures and doubt not to be commended therefore of the same Saint Peter with these wordes Cui dum attenditis ceu lucerne apparenti in obscuro loco recte facitis donce dies illucescat c. VVherevnto saith he whyle ye do attende as to a light shining in a darke place ye do well vntill the day light appeare and till the bright starre do arise into our heartes I or this we know that al the propheticall scripture standeth not in any priuate interpretation of vayne names of seuerall Churches of catholique and vniuersall seas of singuler and wylfull heades whiche wyll chalenge by custome all decision to pertayne to them only who be working so muche for their vayne superioritie that they be not ashamed now to be of that number Qui dixerunt linguam nostram magnificabimus labia nostra a nobis sunt quis noster dominus est VVhiche haue sayd with our tongue wyll we preuayle we are they that ought to speake who is lorde ouer vs. And whyle they shall thus contende for their straunge claymed aucthoritie we will proceede in the reformation begun and doubt no more by the helpe of Christe his grace of the true vnitie to Christes catholique Churche and of the vprightnesse of our fayth in this prouince then the spanishe cleargie once gathered together in counsaile only by the commaundement of their king before whiche tyme the Pope was not so acknowledged in his aucthoritie which he now claymeth I say as surely dare we trust as they dyd trust of their fayth and vnitie Yea no lesse cōfidence haue we to professe that which the fathers of the vniuersall counsaile at Carthage in Affrike as they wryte them selfe did professe in their epistle writtē to Pope Celestine laying before his face the foule corruption of him selfe as two other of his predicessours did the like errour in falsifiyng the canons of Nicen counsayle for his wrong chalenge of his newe claymed aucthoritie Thus wrytyng Prudentissime enim iustissimeque prouiderunt Nicena et Affricana dicreta quecunque negotia in suis locis vbi orta sunt fi●ienda nec vnicuiqui prouintiae gratiam sancti spiritus defuturam qua equitas a Christi sacerdotibus et prudenter videatur constantissime teneatur maxime quia vnicuique concessum est si iuditio offensus fuerit cognitorum ad concilia suae prouinciae vel etiam vniuersale prouocare That the Nicen and Affrican decrees haue most prudently and iustly prouided for all maner of matters to be ended in their teritories where they had their beginning and they trusted that not to any one prouince shoulde want the grace of the holy ghost wherby both the truth or equitie might prudently be seene of the christian prelates of Christe and might be also by them most constantly defended specially for that it is graunted to euery man if he be greeued by the iudgement of the cause once knowen to appeale to the counsayles of his owne prouince or els to the vniuersall Except there be any man which may beleue that our Lorde God would inspire the righteousnesse of examination to any one singular person and to denie the same to priestes gathered together into counsaile without number c. And there they do require the bishop of Rome to send none of his clarkes to execute such prouinciall causes lest els say they mought be brought in the vayne pride of the worlde into the Churche of Christe In this antiquitie may we in this christian catholique Church of Englande repose our selfe knowyng by our owne annales of auncient recorde that kyng Lucius whose conscience was muche touched with the miracles whiche the seruauntes of Christe wrought in diuers nations thervpon beyng in great loue with the true fayth sent vnto Eleutherius then byshop of Rome requiring of hym the christian religion But Eleutherius did redyly geue ouer that care to king Lucius in his epistle for that the king as he wryteth the vicar of God in his owne kingdome and for that he had receaued the faith of Christe And for that he had also both testamentes in his realme hewylled him to drawe out of them by the grace of God and by the counsaile of his wisemen his lawes and by that lawe of God to gouerne his realme of Britanie and not so muche to desire the Romane and Emperours lawes in the which some default might be founde saith he but in the lawes of God nothing at all VVith which aunswere the kinges legates Eluanus and Medwinus sent as messengers by the king to the Pope returned to Britanie agayne Eluanus beyng made a byshop and Medwine alowed a publique teacher who for the eloquence and knowledge they had in the holy scriptures they repayred home agayne to kyng Lucius and by their holy preachinges Lucius and the noble men of the whole Britanie receaued their baptisme c. Thus farre in the storie Nowe therfore knowing and beleuing with Saint Paul Quod quecunque prescripta sunt ad nostram doctrinam prescripta sunt vt per pacientiam consolationem scripturarum spem habeamus VVhatsoeuer is afore writtē is written before for our instruction that we through the pacience and comfort of scirptures might haue hope the only suretie to our fayth and comscience is to sticke to the scriptures VVherevpon whyle this eternall worde of God be our rocke and anker to sticke vnto we will haue pacience with all the vayne inuentions of men who labour so highly to magnifie their tongues to exalt them selues aboue al that is God VVe wil take comfort by the holy scriptures against the maledictions of the aduersaries and doubt not to nourishe our hope continually therewith so to liue and dye in this comfortable hope and doubt not to pertayne to the elect number of Christes Churche howe farre soeuer we be excommunicated out of the sinagogue of suche who suppose them selues to be the vniuersall lordes of all the world Lordes of our fayth and consciences at pleasure Finally to
the gates .xij. angels names written which are the names of the .xij. tribes of Israel 13 On the east syde three gates and on the north syde three gates and towards the south three gates and frō the west three gates 14 And the wall of the citie had .xij. foundations and in them the .xij. names of the lambes .xij. Apostles 15 And he that talked with me had a golden reede to measure the citie withall and the gates thereof and the wall therof 16 And the citie was buylt foure square the length was as large as y e breadth and he measured the citie with the reede twelue thousande furlonges and the length and the breadth and the heyght of it were equall 17 And he measured the wall thereof an hundreth and fourtie and foure cubites by the measure of man that is of the angell 18 And the buylding of the wall of it was of Iasper and the citie was pure golde lyke vnto cleare glasse 19 And the foundations of the wall of the citie were garnisshed with all maner of precious stones The first foundation was Iasper the seconde Saphire the third a Chalcedonie the fourth an Emeralde 20 The fifth Sardonix y e sixth Sardius the seuenth Chrysolite the eygth Beryl the ninth a Topas the tenth a Chrysoprasus the eleuēth a Iacinct y e twelfth an Amatist 21 The .xij. gates were .xij pearles euery gate was of one pearle and the streate of the citie was pure golde as through shynyng glasse 22 And I sawe no temple therin For the Lorde God almightie and the Lambe are the temple of it 23 And the citie hath no neede of the sunne neither of the moone to lighten it For the glorie of God dyd lighten it and the Lambe is the lyght of it 24 And the people which are saued shall walke in the lyght of it and the kynges of the earth shall bryng their glorie and honor vnto it 25 And the gates of it are not shut by day for there shal be no nyght 26 And they shall bring the glory and honor of the gentiles vnto it 27 And there shall enter into it none vncleane thyng neither whatsoeuer worketh abhomination or maketh lyes but they only which are written in the lambes booke of lyfe ¶ The .xxij. Chapter 1 The riuer of the water of lyfe 2 The fruitfulnesse and lyght of the citie of God 6 The Lorde geueth euer his seruauntes warnyng of thynges to come 9 The angell wyll not be worshipped 18 To the worde of God may nothyng be added nor diminisshed therfrom 1 AND he shewed me a pure ryuer of water of lyfe cleare as Cristall proceadyng out of the throne of god and of the lambe 2 In the middes of the streate of it H. L. and of either side of the ryuer was there wood of lyfe which bare twelue maner of fruites and gaue fruite euery moneth and the leaues of the wood serued to heale the people withall 3 And there shal be no more curse but the throne of God and the lambe shal be in it and his seruauntes shal serue hym 4 And they shall see his face his name shal be in their foreheades 5 And there shal be no nyght there and they neede no candle neither lyght of the sunne for the Lorde God geueth them lyght and they shall raigne for euermore 6 And he sayde vnto me these sayinges are faythfull and true And the Lorde God of the holy prophetes sent his angell to shewe vnto his seruauntes the thynges which must shortly be fulfilled 7 Beholde I come shortly Happy is he that kepeth y e saying of the prophecie of this booke 8 I Iohn sawe these thynges hearde them And when I had hearde and seene I fell downe to worship before the feete of the angell which shewed me these thynges 9 And he sayde vnto me see thou do it not for I am thy felowe seruaunt and the felowe seruaunt of thy brethren the prophetes and of them which kepe the sayinges of this booke But worshippe God 10 And he sayde vnto me seale not the sayinges of the prophecie of this booke For the tyme is at hande 11 He that doeth euyll let hym do euyll styll and he which is filthie let hym be filthie styll and he that is ryghteous let hym be ryghteous styll and he that is holy let hym be holy styll 12 And beholde I come shortly and my rewarde is with me to geue euery man accordyng as his deedes shal be 13 I am Alpha and Omega the begynnyng and the ende the first and the last 14 Blessed are they that do his commaundementes that their power may be in the tree of lyfe and may enter in through the gates into the citie 15 For without shal be dogges and inchaunters and whoremongers and murtherers and idolaters and whosoeuer loueth or maketh ●easynges 16 I Iesus sent myne angell to testifie vnto you these thynges in y e Churches I am the roote and the generation of Dauid and the bryght mornyng starre 17 And the spirite and the bride say come And let hym that heareth say also come And let hym that is a thirst come And let whosoeuer wyll take of the water of lyfe freely 18 I testifie vnto euery man that heareth the wordes of y e prophecie of this booke If any man shall adde vnto these thynges God shall adde vnto hym the plagues that are written in this booke 19 And yf any man shall minishe of the wordes of the booke of this prophecie God shal take away his part out of the booke of lyfe and out of the holy citie and from the thynges which are writtē in this booke 20 He which testifieth these thynges sayth surely I come quickly Amen Euen so come Lorde Iesus 21 The grace of our Lord Iesus Christe be with you all Amen FINIS ❧ A Table to fynde the Epistles and Gospels read in the Church of Englande VVherof the first lyne is the Epistle and the other the Gospell Whose begynnyng thou shalt fynde in the booke marked with a hande as it were poyntyng forwarde and the ende with a hande poyntyng backwarde conteyned within these letters A. B. C. D. c. ¶ On the first Sunday in Aduent Owe nothyng to any Rom. xiii c. When they drewe nye Math. xxi a. ¶ On the seconde Sunday in aduent Whatsoeuer thynges are Rom. xv a. And there shal be signes Luk. xxi e. ¶ On the thirde Sunday in Aduent Let a man this wyse i Cor. iiii a. When Iohn beyng in prison Math. xi a. ¶ On the fourth Sunday in Aduent Reioyce in the Lorde Phil. iiii a. This is the recorde of Iohn i. b. ¶ On Christmas day God in tymes past Hebr. i. a. In the begynnyng was Iohn i. a. ¶ On saint Steuens day And Steuen beyng full of Act. vii c. Beholde I sende vnto you Math. xxiii d. ¶ On saint Iohns day That which was from i Iohn i. Iesus sayde vnto