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A09103 A discussion of the ansvvere of M. VVilliam Barlovv, D. of Diuinity, to the booke intituled: The iudgment of a Catholike Englishman liuing in banishment for his religion &c. Concerning the apology of the new Oath of allegiance. VVritten by the R. Father, F. Robert Persons of the Society of Iesus. VVhervnto since the said Fathers death, is annexed a generall preface, laying open the insufficiency, rayling, lying, and other misdemeanour of M. Barlow in his writing. Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610.; Coffin, Edward, 1571-1626. 1612 (1612) STC 19409; ESTC S114157 504,337 690

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Another thing may be to consider what strange Paradoxes he inserts here and there as positiōs dogmaticall which who so listeth in practise to follow shall either haue no religion or faith at all or insteed of Christs Ghospell the Turks Alcoran For exāple what more grosse and wicked assertion can there be then to teach that Kings euen against our conscience are to be obeyed For thus he replyeth against F. Persons saying that Kings were to be obeyed propter cōscientiā sed non contra conscientiā This saith M. Barlow is no sound doctrine in the negatiue part for euen against a mans Conscience the Prince is to be obeyed Againe There is nothing more easy for proofe or euident for d●monstration then that obedience is to be enioyned ●u●n against conscience if it be erroneous and leaprous and against religion if forged and falsely so called And is not this a very learned Axiome For more euident refutation whereof let vs suppose that for which we powre forth our daily prayers to God that his Maiesty were as all his Noble Progenetors of both Realmes haue alwayes bene a Catholick Prince and as zealous for the truth therof as now he is for the Protestant cause if then he should propose vnto Syr Williā the Oath of Supremacy of the Bishop of Rome so cleerly out of Scriptures and all antiquity proued and euinced to be true but yet in the blind eyes and leaprou● conscience of this Minister thought to be false what would he doe therin Will he sweare it to be true But in his conscience he thinketh it to be false and against the Scriptures Will he refuse it But Kings saith he euen against conscience are to be obeyed 25. Neyther doth he help the matter any thing at all by his distinction of leaprous and erroneous conscience for with men of his stamp conscience is like a cheuerell point which they may stretch loose at their pleasure For who knoweth not that in the tyme of Q. Mary they were held to haue erroneous leaprous consciences euen by the iudgement of the greatest deuines in Geneua who manteyned that women were to be obeyed albeit they were Queenes euen in ciuill and temporall affaires But within one yeare after this errour and leaprosy was so transposed that the quite contrary was taught and they were not only held to haue leaprous and erroneous consciences who denyed ciuill obedience but were condemned also as Traitours by Parlament if they did deny Q. Elizabeth to be the Supreme head or Gouernesse of the Church of England So that it was not only lawfull but necessary for her to haue all Temporall and Ecclesiasticall gouernmēt in her hands as she was Queen which yet in Q. Mary to haue ciuill only euen by reason of her sex was iudged monstrous vnnaturall and repugnāt to the Scriptures and law of God Many other examples might be produced in this kind to shew this new Gospell to be as constant as the weathercocke which neuer turneth but when the wynd doth change to wit as often as occasions fall out that may fit their purpose for then they will strayne all conscience and honesty also to conforme themselues become good subiects 26. Much like vnto this of obeying Kings against our conscience is his other prophane and barbarous assertion of the Supremacy of the heathen Emperours Nero Domitian and the rest ouer the Christian Church yea which is more strange that the auncient Fathers Iustinus Martyr Irenaeus Tertullian and others acknowledged the same But you must know that M. Barlow in cyting their words for proofe of this paradox is very silent howsoeuer with all cōfidēce as a maxime in his new Deuinity vncōtrollable he deliuereth the same saying That they acknowledged the Emperors Supremacy indepēdant vpon any but God And a litle after that Queene Elizabeth in her Supremacy was no vsurper by Nouell-claime but accepted what God himselfe had annexed to her crowne Out of which I first note that by this Doctrine the Great Turke is supreme Head of the Christian Church in Greece and that if M. Barlow were there for such he would acknowledge him Secondly the Pythagoricall manner of speaking which our Aduersaries vse in matters of greatest moment and controuersie For whereas before King H●nry the eight no Christian King euer tooke that title or vsurped any such authority ouer the Church yea for challenging much lesse Constantius was called Antichrist both by S. Athanasius and S. Hilary these men without all profe but not without singuler impupudency thinke it sufficient to say● that the King is head of the Church that he was so acknowledged by the ancient Fathers that not only a woman may haue the same authority of Supremacy in all causes Ecclesiasticall but that also the heathen Emperours had it as annexed to their Crowne and Imperiall Dignitie euen against the whole torrent of all writters the practise of the Christian world and euident text of Scripture it selfe no Fathers no history no monument no shew or shaddow of proofe or authority in former tymes being found for the same without many straines violent enforcements or ridiculous illations made there-upon as in the arguments of the Protestants who haue treated this controuersie is euery where to be seene 27. Lastly the Reader may note that M. Barlow is so poore a Deuine as eyther he knoweth not what belongeth to matters of faith or els is so wicked as against his owne knowledge he will auouch that for true which is checked euen by his owne brethren and conuinced by common sense and experiēce to be most false to wit that the Protestants and the Puritanes in England differ only in ma●ters cerimoniall and agree in all ●ss●ntiall and substantiall points concerning religion in which this Prelate is very cathegoricall for ignorance as himself elswhere telleth vs out of Fathers and Philosophers though he cite no place or sentence is the mother of a●dacious assertions and vndertakings and writteth thus Faine they woul● possesse the world that we are at iarre among our selues about our religion whereas the quarrell though it be indeed vnkind yet is it not in this kind sau● only for cerimonyes externall no points substantiall c. So he Which though it be kindly spoken as you see yet he must giue me leaue to belieue him at leasure and in the meane tyme ●o aske him one question to wit whether the Protestāts and Puritans vnderstand their ow●e differences that are between thē or not If not● then we need not belieue M. Barlow as speaking of that which he doth not vnderstand If they doe how commeth it to passe that they condemne ech other of idolatry heresy and false religion as any may read in the Suruey and dangerous Positions set forth by S●●cliffe and the last Superintendent of Canterbury for the Protestants and Cartwright Gilby M●rtin Senior and others for the Puritans 28. To this answereth M. Barlowes Comicall companion of
the name of diuine things the possession of this or that materiall Church Or if he would be so bold now I assure my self he would not haue bene so in Queene Elizabeths dayes whose spirituall Supremacy though femininae seemed much more to be esteemed of him then this now of his Maiesty as presētly will appeare The third refusall of S. Ambrose to the Emperour was when the said Emperour sent his Tribunes and other officers to require certaine Vessels belonging to the Church to be deliuered which S. Ambrose constantly denyed to do answering as before hath bene set downe That i● th●● 〈◊〉 could not obey him and that if he loued himselfe he should abst●●●e to offer such iniurie vnto Christ c. which answer also M. Barl●● well alloweth signifying therby that he would a●●wer● in the same sort to the magistrates officers of King Iam●● if he should send them vpon any occasion to require at his hands the Cōmunion cup or any other such vessels belonging to any Church in Lincolne Diocesse And will any man belieue this that he will be so stout But it is a pastime to see how he chatteth about this matter as though he would say somewhat indeed but yet saith nothing at least to the purpose Let vs heare what he bringeth Things separated saith he to holy vse are not to be alienated to 〈◊〉 vsage Here now euery man will laugh that remembreth how the Vessels Vestments and other such things dedicated vnto God and consecrated to Ecclesiasticall vses in the Catholike Church haue bene handled by Protestants taken away defaced and conuerted to prophane vses which this man I presume dareth not to condemne Let vs heare him further God hath in them saith he a 〈◊〉 right as King Dauid confesseth first as his gift to man secondly as mans gift agayne to him which twofold cord tyeth them so strong as it is an Anathema or curse for any man not consecrated to chalenge them yea for them which are consecrated if they do not only p●● them to that vse alone for which they were dedicated And do you see now heer● how zealous M. Barlow is become vpon the suddayne for defence of consecrated vessels in the Church What Vessels haue they consecrated thinke you Or what kind of consecration do they vse therein He sayth it is an anathema for any person not consecrated to chalenge them the sacred Emperour and King do demand them in this our case if their persons be sacred then in M. Barlows sense they are also consecrated and they may demaund these Vessels which as I said are very few in the Protestant Church and if they had beene as few in the Church meant by S. Ambrose it is not likely that the Emperour would haue troubled himselfe so much in sending Tribunes and other officers for the same But suppose the vessels were of like number price and value in the one and the other Church Yet I thinke M. Barlow will not deny but that the manner of consecrating them was far different which may be seene in the ●●g●●churgians themselues in the fourth Century and by S. Ambrose in his second booke of Office cap. 29. where he putteth downe two sorts of Church-Vessels dedicated to diuine vses the one initiata hallowed or consecrated and the other not yet hallowed and that in the time of necessity to redeeme Captiues or to relieue the poore the second sort are first to be broken and applied to these holy vses but the former with much more difficulty for that they were now hallowed Which difference I thinke the Protestants do not greatly obserue in their hallowed Vessels S. Gregory Nazianzen in like manner talking of such consecrated Vessels as were vsed in the Church in his time sayth that it was such as it made it vnlawfall for lay men to touch them which I thinke M. Barlow will not lay of his Communion-Cup which all men take in their hands But now to the question it selfe Do you thinke that M. Barlow would deny vnto King Iames that Communion-Cup or any other Vessels of a Church if he should as earnestly demand them as Valentinia● the Emperour did when he sent his Tribunes and other chiefe officers to require them of S. Ambrose If he would what kind of Supremacy doth he allow his Maiesty in spirituall matters if he may be denyed and disobeyed in these also that are in a certaine sort mixt and in some part conioyned with temporall respects And truly when I do consider with my selfe with what degrees M. Barlow doth descend and go downeward in defending of the Ecclesiasticall Supremacy of his Maiesty bringing it as it were to nothing from that high pitch wherin King Henry the eight both placed it and left it his children King Edward and Queene Elizabeth continued the same I cannot but wonder and admire the prouidēce of Almighty God that hath wrought the ouerthrow in effect of that new Protestant Idoll of spirituall Authority in temporall Princes euen by Protestants themselues Iohn ●aluin beginning the battery as all men know calling it Antichristian the Puritans following him in that doctrine and now M. Barlow though vnder-hand and dissemblingly confirming all that they haue sayd or do●● therin The first pitch wherin King Henry did place the same was as appeareth by the Statute it selfe in the twentith six yeare of his raigne That he and his herres should be taken ●ccepted and reputed the only Supreme head on earth of the Church of England called Anglicana Ecclesia and should haue and enioy ●●nexed ●nd vnited to his Imperiall Crowne asi●eli the title style therof as also all honours dignities preheminences iurisdictions pri●iledges to the said Dignity of supreme Head belonging c. Wherby is euident that the Parlament gaue vnto him as great authority ouer the Church of Englād as the Pope had before And this very fame authority was translated after him to his Sonne King Edward though a child yea all Preachers were commanded to teach the people that his Minority of age w●● no impediment to his supreme spiritual gouernment for that a King is as truly a King at one yeares age as at ●wenty so as the exception made by M. Barlow that Valentinian●he ●he Emperour was yong when he commanded S. Am●ro●e to dispute before him maketh nothing according to this Doctrine against his spirituall authority if he were Head of the Church as King Edward was And further the Parliament in the first yeare of King Edward explaining this authority hath these words That all authority of Iurisdictions spirituall and rēporall is deriued and deducted frō the Kings Maiesty as supreme head of the Churches and Realmes of England and Ireland vnto the Bishops and Archbishops c. And the like was passed ouer also to Queene Elizabeth by a Statute in the first yeare of her raigne wherin it is said That all such iurisdiction Ecclesiasticall as by any spirituall
of Supreme 〈◊〉 of the said Church belonging c. And in another Statute two yeares after that From h●●cef●rth he shall accept r●pute ●●d take the Kings Maiestie to be the ●●ly Supreme Head o● earth of 〈◊〉 Church of England c. And that the refusers of this Oath 〈◊〉 reputed traytours and suffer the p●y●es of ●●ath c. And in other Statutes it is decr●●d that it ●halbe ●reas●● t●●eny th●● tytle 〈◊〉 Headship and that this was held of such importance vnder King Edward who succeeded his Father that it is decreed by Statute that all authority of iurisdiction spirituall and temporall in the Bi●●ops and Mi●istry 〈◊〉 dedu●ed and deriued fr●● 〈◊〉 Kings Maiestie as Supreme 〈◊〉 c. Vpon this important doubt I was so bold as to stay my selfe a little as now ●lso I must intreating M. Barlow to giue the solution therof● to wit that forsomuch as this matter of the Headship of 〈◊〉 Chu●ch was held of so great weight by th●ir prime a●d principall Protestant● and especially by their Pa●riarkes Cranmer ●idley H●●per and others then holding the places of Bishops in Parlament when the sayd Title was not only confirmed in the Child King but declared als● to be the fountayne of all spirituall ●uthority and i●risdiction in the Clergie and that it was treason to deny this Tytle of spirituall influxe in the Clergie how this matter came about that it should be so little esteemed as to be left of and changed now yea to be denyed expressely by their principall wry●●●● as namely by Doctour Iohn ●●ynolds in his ●ōference with M. Hart where he flatly de●yeth that they doe call the Queene Supreme Head but only Supre●● 〈◊〉 which if they be Syno●●ma and all one then what nec●●●●●ie to h●ue denyed 〈◊〉 vnto her● But i● Go●ernour do signify any thing les●e then Supreme Head then haue they changed their principall point o● doctrine wheron dependeth the law●ulne● of their whole Cl●rgie a● you se● and so the matter being of such weight I thought it worth the staying to haue some answere But M. Barlow falleth into a great chafe for this my stay The giddy fellow sayth he hath an other err and to do not 〈◊〉 of the way but by the way The Scripture setteth a more esse●●i●●● 〈◊〉 vpon such by-way takers saying That wicked men declinant 〈◊〉 o●●iquation●s take all the by-wayes n●okes a●d lanes they c●● passe for feare to be descryed or apprehended This is one reprehension as you see insteed of answering the matter Yo● shall heare ano●h●r more ch●leri●ke It is a vexing torme●● 〈◊〉 a man sayth he th●● is inioyned a io●rney vpon a speed● 〈◊〉 requiring a serious dispatch to tra●aile with a tri●ling compan●●● that will make many er●ands by th● way or hath many acquaintances to stop him in the way or is forced to make often returnes vp●● forge●fullnes of d●●ers ●hing● c. And I expected that he would haue sayd also that he must need● d●inke at eue●y Ale-house as he passeth by But this perhaps he thought would haue caused more reflection then he esteemed conuenient and those other triflings are inough for so much as they yield such a ve●ing t●rme●● to M. Barlow in his i●ioyned 〈…〉 ●pon so speedy a busines But why did he not giue me 〈◊〉 a speedy answere without tryfling and so dispatch both me and himselfe quickly Truly you haue heard somewhat largely b●for● what he can say to this matter ●nd therfore I meane no● to dwell theron long in this pl●●e especi●lly for so much as the man is in such hast and so impatient of stay You haue heard what hath bene treated before about this point of spirituall authority in the temporall Prince and to ●ow ●ow a pitch he bringeth the same euen in effect to agree with vs granting ●nto the Prince the power ●●ly o● execution of such things as are determ●●ed by the Church But now in a wo●● let vs see how he shifteth of the change of the name of Supreme Head First he sayth that 〈◊〉 Maiesty did not leaue it out o● his Title vpon ●uer-awed 〈◊〉 to take it forasmuch as God gaue the said Ty●le to a far worse King I pray you note the phrase which is strang from a s●biects pen to wit to Saul when he said he was Caput in Tri●●bus● Head among the Tribe●●f Israel And S. Paul nameth the ●●sband head of the wife But what is this to our purpos● that do talke of the spirituall Head of the Church Nay it seemeth rather to make against M. Barlowes prouing that the Tytle o● Head was lawfull and so it was in the true sense of ciuill Head ship and consequently it should haue bene con●inued wheras we demand why it was left of chan●ed So as this first answere is nothing to the purpose His second is that it is but identity of commaund expressed 〈◊〉 ●iuersitie of termes But why then was it changed And why doth M. Doctour Reynolds by M. Barlowes owne ●●●●i●ony giue the Title not of Head● but of Supreme Gouernour What need that expresse negatiue if they were all one If you should deny to the Kings Highnes the Tytle of King and of Supreme Head of the Common-Wealth and call him only supreme Gouernour would it be taken well or excused by identity No man can be ignorant but that in euery state neuer so popular there is a supreme Gouernour ●hough no King Thirdly he sayth that the change of supreme Head into supreme Gouernour was made by Parlament the first yeare of Queene Elizabeths raigne at the request of the Nobles and Deuines of the Land But the question is why and vpon what ground forsomuch as it may be presumed there were as great Deuines in King Henry the Eight h●● time in the Parlament And if not yet at least in King Edwards Parlament that did approue and establish this Tytle of supreme Head It was saith M. Barlow not in regard of Queene Elizabeth her sexe for she being descended as she was she had as absolute authority in the fruition of the Crowne for both powers spir●tuall and temporall as any Male-Monarch whatsoeuer And a little after agai●e he saith that this change was made least a weaker 〈…〉 thinke that they gaue vn●o Kings t●●t Ti●le secundum interiore● influ●um according to ●he in●●riour influence which 〈◊〉 the pr●p●● office of the head as being the fountayne of moisture and is ●he ●●st 〈◊〉 attribute of Christ alone But not to speake in this place of this internall influxe of grace that commeth originally from Christ alone although instrumentally also frō men as in the administration of Sacraments according to C●tholike doctrine what will he say of the externall influ●● of power iurisdiction ouer soules of preaching te●ching administring Sacraments ordayning Ministers and the like Could this power come aswell from a Feminine as a Masculine Mon●rch If it could● I do
here pretermitt the residue of the trifles which M. Barlow for lengthening his booke bringeth in spicing the same euery where with most virulent raylings as the examples of Squire and Parry which so often haue beene answered by vs the former as a meere fiction for so much as concerned his sending from Spaine into England by F. VValpole the Iesuite for poisoning the Queenes chaire and the Earle of Essex his saddle the other a deuise of his owne to wit of Parry himself to gaine the Queenes goodwill and therby some preferment by telling her that he was sent to kill her by some Catholikes out of the Land whereas indeed he was neuer trusted by them in farre lesse matters then in such an enterprize But he returneth yet once ag●ine excessiuely to praise the said Queene That Lady Queene Elizabeth saith he the diamond amongst Princes the glory of royall Maiestie the ioy of the Christian world for her sex whilst she liued And what will the discreet reader hould M. Barlow for his sex Truly I thinke for one of the most grosse and palpable flatterers that mankind doth containe and as for her being the ioy of the Christian world I meruaile what Christian world he can pretend to meane For if he will confine the Christian world within the Protestant world it is God wote but a very small part therof and yet in this Protestant world neyther was she held to be so rare a diamond or glory of royall Maiestie nor was she such a ioy vnto them as there is sayd which is euident by their writings extant especially of the Lutherans that misliked her religion māner of proceeding and especially her taking vpon her to be head of the Church whereat they do laugh euen vntill this day And the same or greater dislike was euen in the purer sort of Caluinists both at Geneua the mother-Mother-Church of that profession as also throughout all France Holland Zeland Scotland and England so as this little Protestant world held her not for such a ioy nor yet Iewell of theirs as here by M. Barlow she is described But as for the Catholike Christian world for what diamond they held her and what Ioy they tooke of her and in her appeareth well by their bookes which are extant and will indure till the worlds end so as the chiefe ground of all these excessiue and exorbitant prayses and flatteries is no other as far as I can see but the volubility of this Ministers tongue for the present what it may be hereafter vpon the blast of other windes I know not but it is like that the Weather cock will turne Some examples haue we seene before of his constancy about the Earle of Essex and may do also hereafter concerning Queene Elizabeth if his Maiestie that now reigneth shall neuer so little turne the fauour of his eyes from her actions which of all other Princes by the iudgement of most men he hath most cause to do as somwhat I touched in my ●ormer letter and now shal be inforced to repeat somwhat againe for defending my selfe against M. Barlows calumniations but it shal be only the conclusion of that my discourse To conclude then said I about Queen Elizabeth albeit Pius Quintus some other Popes did excōmunicate her and cut her of from the body of the Catholike Church by Ecclesiasticall Censures in regard of her persecuting Catholicke Religion yet did I neuer know it hitherto proued that any Pope procured or consented to any priuate violence against her person albeit if the forealleadged Statute of the 28. yeare of King Henry the 8. be true wherin it is determined both by the King himself his Counsel and whole Parliament and by the Archbishop Cranmer with his Doctors in his Iudiciall Seat of the Arches that Lady Elizabeth was not legitimate nor that her mother was euer King Henryes true wife which once being true could neuer afterward by any humane power be made vntrue or amended to the preiudice of a third rightly by due succession interessed therin if as the whole Parlament testifyed it should be against all honour equity reason and good conscience that the said La. Elizabeth should at any tyme possesse the said Crowne then the said Popes respecting in their said sentence as it is certayne they did the actuall right of the Queene o● France and Scotland and of her noble issue his Maiestie that now is they might proceed as they did against the other for her remouall whom they held for an vsurper in fauour of the true inheritours oppressed by her not only by spirituall but temporall armes also as ag●inst a publicke malefactor and intruder contrary to right and conscience And I cannot see how this fawning Apologer can eyther without open vntruth or manifest iniury to his Maiesty auerre the contrary Which being true doth greatly iustify the endeauours and desires of all good C●tholicke people both at home and abroad against her their principall meaning being euer knowne to haue bene the deliuerance preferment of the true Heire most wrongfully kept out vniustly persecuted for right ●ousnes sake To this discourse of mine M. Barlow with many bitter wordes taketh vpon him to reply this that followeth First that there are many more euidences to proue that the Pope is Antichrist then that Queene Elizabeth was illegitimate this you see what force it hath how fit it is vnto this purpose and therfore he taketh hādfast of another hould thus If King Henry her Father B. Cranmer with his Court of Arches and body of the Parlament did sentence her for such yet the same Father Arches and Parlament vpon better ground within few yeares renounced the same sentence and repealed that act This now is somewhat if M. Barlow had cited the Act or Parlament or Decree of Bishop Cranmer or his Arches or some other particularity how or where it was repealed as I did cite for the contrary of her condemnation Rastals Abridgments I do find indeed in the booke of Statutes that seauen yeares afterwards to wit anno 35. of Henry the eight cap. p●●●o when King Henry had determined in person to go ouer and make warre in France as in the said Statute is affirmed and after the death of so many other wyues had married the Lady Katherine Parre widdow hauing small hope of more issue he made a certaine declaration of the succession if in case himselfe and the Prince Edward and Lady Mary should dye without lawfull issue to wit that for lacke of such issue the said Lady Elizabeth should succeed in her turne but there is no word of her legitimation nor of the repeale of the foresaid Statute declaratory of the inualidity of her Fathers and Mothers marriage And albeit I find diuers other clauses of that Statute 28. Henry 8. cap. 7. repealed by 1. Edward 6. cap. 12. and primo secundo Philip. Mariae cap. 1. 8. yet do I not find any
sola meritum is nothing els but meere foolery as shal be afterwards shewed 59. From Diuinity he comes to Logick making his entrance with a vaunting insultation of his Aduersaries ignorance and want of skill about the true nature of a contradiction In deliuering of which the poore man is so embroyled as he knoweth not what he saith but cleane mistaketh euery thinge which he speaketh of For first he supposeth that a con●radiction must be where some generall proposition ●ither expresly or implicatiuely is crossed by a particu●er but this is no equall and perfect diuision for that ● contradiction requireth not alwaies a generall pro●osition but may be between two particuler so that ●he subiect remaine indiuisible to wit vnder one and ●he selfsame respect vnder them both For if I should ●ay that M. Barlow hath skill in Logicke though it be ●ery little and M. Barlow hath not skill in Logick ●gaine M. Barlow is Bishop of Barlow●s ●s not Bishop of Lincolne c. I do not doubt but that ●e would thinke these propositions though both par●iculer to be truly contradictory and consequently his ●wne supposition to be false as that also is very fond ●hich for explication of his expresse and implyed con●radiction he ioyneth saying contradiction●n ●n negato the other in opposito or adiecto of the first ●ort are these examples wherin the negatiue note is expres●ed as omnis homo est aliquis non est of the second ●ort are such wherin the note negatiue is omitted and yet ●ne member ouerthrowes another So M. Barlow out of Logick And this as I said is very fond for that it is not ●f the nature of a contradiction in adiecto to be impli●d but rather the contrary to be expressed in termes ●t being all one with that which is called implicantia ●n terminis an implicancy or contradiction in the ●ery termes themselues For example If I should say M. Barlow is a brute beast the adiectum or terminus ●rute beast destroyeth the subiect to wit M. Barlow whose behauiour though it be often tymes very bru●ish and beastly yet is he by nature a man and that also a very naturall one 60. But the greatest mistaking and ignorance of all the rest is in the example which he maketh of this his implyed contradiction for hauing made this proposition Euery Bishop of Rome is vnder Christ the immeatate and sole chief Pastour of the whole Church in the Christian world this saith our Philosopher may be contradicted two wayes first expresly Some Bishop o● Rome is not the immediate and sole chief pastour c. Thi● is a contradictory with the negatiue Secondly it may be crossed by implicatiō as thus The patriarch of Constantinople is vnder Christ the immediate and sole chief p●stour of the East●rne Church This though it be a contradiction in opposito yet doth it as mainly oppose th● former generall proposition as if it had a negatiue no● c. Thus far M. Barlow as good a Philosopher a● M. Morton who though he professe to haue bene ● Reader of Logick yet shaped vs out a syllogisme o● six termes to proue Equiuocation in an oath to b● vnlawfull such great Deuynes are these men● as they know not the first elements of this faculty For ha● not M. Barlow bene exceeding ignorant of the first rule and necessary condition of a contradiction ● which is that both parts c●nnot togeather be eythe● true of false he would neuer haue giuen this for a● example seeing himself neyther belieueth the Bishop of R●m● to be head of the whole or Patriarke of Constantinople of the Easterne Church And where the● is the contradiction And is not M. Barlow well seen● in Philosoph● who chooseth out an example to proue a contradiction in which euen in his owne opinion there is no contradiction at all Truly I may well suspect that he neuer came to be Bishop ●f Lincolne for his learning which euery where he ●heweth to be lesse then meane and therfore ouerla●heth without measure but for some other inferiour quality little perhaps befitting that calling Let vs to make him conceaue his errour the better exemplifie in some more familiar examples The L. of Canterbu●y is Primate of all and euery part of England and ●he L. of Yorke is Primate of all the North part is with me no contradiction for that I hold both propositions to be false and neyther of them both to haue any Primacy at all in that Church and as the later will not claime it so M. Abbots may be sure I will not assigne it vnto him whome I doe as much hold to be Abbot of W●stminster as Bishop of Cant●r●ury And the like must M. Barlow needs say of his two propositions for that neyther of them in his iudgmēt ●s true and therefore are more contrary then contradictory as are also these omnis homo currit nullus homo currit and the like 61. Wherefore if it be as M. Barlow will needs haue it our very case in hand euen by the verdict of all skilfull Philosophers in the world the Cardinall will be quit at least from a contradiction and it is but childish babling yet very frequent in M. Barlow to make the oppositiōs of the termes thēselues saying that h●re is a double contradictiō both subiecti praedica●i the Patriarke of Constantinople crosseth the Bishop of Rome the East●rn● Church and the whole world contradict ech oth●r implicitely This I say is but babling for there is as great opposition between the former two propositions before set downe as in this Cant●rbury cr●ss●th Yorke all England the north parts And againe omnis cannot stand with nullus currit with non currit and yet he will sooner bring Constantinople to Rome● and Yorke to Canterbury then proue any contradictiō to be in the same But let vs draw to an end of M. Barlows dispute 62. I passe ouer the rest he addeth concerning this matter although his chiefest fraud and cosenage be conteyned in the same For of an exhortatiue proposition in the Cardinall he maketh an absolute and necessary by cogging in the words is must thus mans confidence is to be reposed in the alone mercy of God and some confidence of man must be placed in his owne merits which are his owne forgeryes and not the Cardinalls assertions and then further in falsly charging F. Persons as though he said that good workes increase confidence in their owne nature and therfore will needs haue his doctrine to be condemned by Pius V. amongst other like assertions of a Louain Doctor but all is forgery for the Father speaketh not of our workes as alone they proceed from vs but as they proceed also from Gods grace within vs and for that cause calleth them the good workes of a Christiā it is vnchristian dealing in this Prelate to say that this proposition was euer condemned by Pius V. or any other Pope or Councell who only
lesse the true substance of things handled by him I do pretermitt as very fond and impertinent the next passage that ensueth and is the last in this matter in M. Barlow his booke where he maketh this demaund But what if there be none or few that make such conscience or take such offence at the admission of the Oath as he speaketh of To this question I say it is in vaine to answere for if there be so few or no Catholikes that make conscience or scruple to take the Oath the contention will be soone at an end But presently he contradicteth himselfe againe taking another medium and saying that there would be none if they were not threatned by vs to haue their howses ouerturned as some Donatists sayth he confessed of themselues by the witnesse of S. Augustine that they would haue bene Catholikes if they had not bene put in feare ne domus corum eu●rt●r●ntur by the Circumcellians perhaps which M. Barlow sayth may spiritually be applyed to our threatning that such as take the Oath shall be accompted Apostataes and to haue renounced their first fayth and to be no members of the Catholike Church and finally that we shall remayne branded in euerlasting record with Balaams infamy that taught Balaac to lay a scandall or occasion of fall to the people of Israell To all which I answere first that he that layeth forth the truth of Catholike doctrine vnto Catholike men may not iustly be sayd to threaten or terrify but to deale sincerely and charitably with them laying truth before their eyes what their obligation is to God before man and how they are bound as members of his true Catholike Church to hould and defend the vnity and integrity of ●ayth and doctrine deliuered by the same though it be with neuer so much temporall danger And as for laying a scandall wherby they may fall into the ruine of their soules it is easy to iudge whether wee do it rather that teach them to deale sincerely with God and their Prince wherby they shall preserue their peace and alacrity of conscience or you that indeauo●r to induce th●●●● sweare and doe against the same whe●eby they shall be sure to leese both their peace in this life and their euerlasting inheritance in the next THE ANSVVER TO AN OBIECTION BY OCCASION VVHEROF IT IS SHEVVED THAT POSSESSION and Prescription are good proofes euer in matters of Doctrine AND The contrary is fondly affirmed by M. Barlow CHAP. V. THERE remaineth now for the finall end of this first Part to examine an obiection that might be made by the aduersary which I thought good by ●●ticipation to satisfy in the very last number of the first par● of my Letter And it was that wheras we complaine of so great pressures layd vpon vs for our conscience especially by this enforced Oath some man may say● that the li●● course is held in the Catholicke States against them● whome we esteeme as heretickes I shall repeate my owne words and then see what M. Barlow answereth to the same Here if a man should obiect quo●h I that among vs also men are vrged to take Oathes and to abiure ●heir opinions in the Tribunalls of Inquisitions and the like and consequently in this Oath they may be forced vnder punishment to abiure the Popes temporall authority in dealing with Kings I answere first that if any hereticke or other should be forced to ●biure his opinions with repugnance of conscience it should be a sinne to the inforcers if they knew it or suspected it neyther is it practised or● permitted in any Catholicke Court that eue● I knew But you will reply that if he doe it not he shal be punished by d●ath or otherwise as the crime requireth and Canons appoint and consequently the like may be vsed towards Catholikes that will not renounce their old opinions of the Popes authority But heere is a great difference for that the Catholike Church hath ius acquisitum ancient right ouer heretickes as her true subiects ●or that by their baptisme they were made her subiectes and left her afterwards● and went out of her and she vseth but her ancient manner of proceeding against them as against all other of their kind and quality from the beginning But the Protestant Church of England hath nullum iu● acquisitum vpon Catholickes that were in possession before them for many hundred yeares as is euident neither was there euer any such Oath exacted at their hands by any of their Kings in former Catholicke times● neither is t●e●e by any Catholicke forraine Monarch now liuing vpon 〈◊〉 and consequently by no ●e●son or right at all can English Catholicke men be either forced or pressed to this Oath against their conscience or be punished be●●●● or destroyed if for their conscience they refuse to take t●e same humbly offering notwithstanding to their Soueraigne to giue him all other dutifull satisfaction for their temporall obedience and allegiance which of loyall Catholicke subiects may be exacted And this shall suffice for this first point concerning the contents and nature of this Oath This was my speach and conclusion then And now shal we take a vew how it is confuted by M. Barlow First be amplifyeth exaggerateth with great vehemēcy the torments and tortures of our Inquisitions which are vsed as he saith with the most extreme violence that flesh can indure or malice inuent wherin he sayth more I thinke then he knoweth and more perhaps then he belieueth and at leastwise much more then is true in my knowledg For of twenty that are imprisoned there not one lightly is touched with torture and when any is in the case by law appointed it is knowne to be more mildly then commonly in any other tribunall But let vs leaue this as of least moment and depending only vpon his asseueration and my denyall and let vs passe to that which is of more importance for iustifying the cause it selfe to wit by what right of power and authority the Roman Church proceedeth against heretickes and how different it is from that wherby Protestants pretend to be able iustly to proceed against vs for matters of Religion First of all he sayth that I do take as granted that the Church of Rome is the Catholike Church which we deny sayth he and the chiefest learned of their side could as yet neuer conuict our denialls Wherto I answere that if themselues may be iudges that are most interessed in the controuersie I do not meruaile though they neuer yield themselues for conuicted But if any indifferent iudgment or triall might be admitted I do not doubt but that their euiction and cōuiction would quickly appeare and many learned men of our dayes haue made most cleare demonstrations therof by deducing the Roman Church doctrine and fayth from the Apostles dayes vnto our times successiuely as namely Doctour Sanders his Booke of Ecclesiasticall Monarchy Cardinall Baronius in the continuation of his Annales G●nebrar●
corruption in it either in life or doctrine as he pretendeth nor if it had in life doth it preiudice the truth of Doctrine as by the testimony of our Sauiours owne wordes wee remaine assured These two obiections then that the Roman Church for that she hath a determinate Prouince as also for that shee hath sundry euill liuers in her are shewed to bee of no force at all Not the later for that euill manners may stand with true doctrine not the first for that wee doe not say the Roman Church is the whole Catholick Church but a chiefe member thereof as hath bene sayd whereby also will appeare what wee meane by the name of the Catholicke Church to wit that visible vniuersall Church which being erected and founded by Christ our Sauiour when he was vpon earth hath continued euer since and descended visibly from age to age by succession of Bishops throughout all Christendome vnto our times and shall so continue vnto the worldes end by which description may appeare also how vaine another obiection is of M. Barlow in these wordes If Vincentius rule be true that that only is to be accounted Catholicke Doctrine quod semper vbique ab omnibus creditum est neyther shall Rome be proued Catholicke nor England hereticke when any of these is soundly determined then let him plead her Ius acquisitum VVhereto I answere that the rule of Vincentius is verified by that which I haue sayd before of the nature of the Catholicke Church to wit that it began vnder Christ and hath descended from age to age and so shee teacheth quod semper creditum est And for that she hath imbraced all nations she teacheth quod vbique in respect of place and for that shee hath vnion of Doctrine shee teacheth quod ab omnibus creditum est For albeit there h●●● not wanted hereticks from time to time that haue de●ised particuler doctrines and erected particuler congregations yet were they nothing in respect of the vniuersall consent of those of the Catholike Church whose I●● acquisitum or ancient right and power vpon all Heretickes for theyr correction and punishment I sayd was manifest for that by baptisme they were made her subiectes Vnto which point M. Barlow would seeme now to say somewhat though neuer so impertinent therefore he telleth vs a tale of an indument and a stripping to be considered in Baptisme vnder the wordes Credo and Abre●●●●i● and that neyther the spirituall mystery nor the prescribed forme nor intended effect of Baptisme doe make him and his liable to Rome Whereunto I answere that the whole action in that Sacrament without so many diuisions and subdiuisions as here he maketh to obscure the matter doth make him and all other Christians liable to the Catholike Church For that euery man that is baptized as he is made a member and seruant of Christ therby and entreth into his Church as by the first dore soe is he made a subiect to the sayd Church and is liable to her correction if he should renounce change or peruert that fayth which there he professeth as a child of the sayd Church And all this I thinke M. Barlow will not deny but onely his question may be of such as are baptized out of the Catholike Church by some Hereticall Congregation yet notwithstanding the matter is cleare for that such baptisme houlding only so far forth as they haue intention to doe that in their baptisme which the true Catholicke Church doth and vse the forme of wordes which the sayd Church prescribeth to wit I baptize thee in the name of the Father● 〈◊〉 the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost for that otherwise if either of these conditions to wit eyther the forme or the intention of the Catholike Church doe faile the baptisme is not auaylable it is euident I say that such as are so baptized out of the Church are liable notwithstanding to the same for any offence that they shall commit against the fayth of the sayd Catholike Church for so much as their baptisme had relation to this Church as is now declared And albeit they be departed from the same eyther by their own wilfulnes or other men● inducemēts yet remaineth stil that obligation of subiectiō Which superiority o● the Catholik Church practized frō time to time vpon Heretiks and Schismatikes that haue gone forth from her which the Aduersary will also graunt for sundry ages after Christ cānot be pretended by the Protestant Church vpō Catholiks for that we went not out of them but they out of vs which in England is most perspicuous For that since our first Conuersion by S. Augustine the Monke to Christian Religion it cannot be sayd with any shew of probability that euer there was a Protestant Church extāt● and visible or publickly receyued in our Country as the Roman hath bene and consequently wee English Catholikes cannot be said to haue gone out of them but they out of vs and soe by their baptisme and admission to Christianity they are liable to the Roman Catholike Church in matters of Religion not the Roman Church to them But now besids this reason of obligation by baptisme I do alledge another of former possession and prescription whereby the English Catholike Church hath had exercised this power of punishing Sectaries frō time to time wherunto M. Barlow answereth in a strange manner Possession saith he for hould and Prescription for time may be Pleas in ciuill Courtes but not sound arguments in case of Religion Which is so absurd an answere as nothing could more shew declare that he had nothing to say then this For if wee suppose that to be true which Christ our Sauiour affirmeth in the Ghospell that the good corne was first soone that the Darnell was ouer sprinckled afterwardes and that truth of Christian religion was first planted by our Sa●iour heresies afterward sprong vp then are the Antiquity of possession and the Plea of Prescription very excellent good argumēts to conuince all Hereticks for that the former must need● be true and the later must needs be false For which cause old Tertullian writing in the second age after Christ against hereticks thought good to intitle his book de Praescripti●●●bu● of Prescriptiōs shewing therby that heretiks are by no way so euidently conuinced as by Prescription Priority of time And first of all he giueth this generall rule by allusion to our Sauiours words before repeated of good corne and darnell Ex ipso ordine manifestatur id esse Dominicum rerum quod est prius traditum id autem extraneum ●alsum quod est posteri●s immiss●m By the order it selfe of sowing the corn darnell● it is made manifest that to be true and pertayning to our Lord which was first deliuered and that to be false and forreyne which is thrust in afterward And then passing to examine particuler heresies and beginning with them that pretended to be
antiquity against him But yet otherwise when he was out of that necessity of defending an errour himselfe sayth he did not only allow of custome but also did often vrge the custome and traditiō of the Church for very good arguments and proueth many Catholicke doctrines therby as the necessity of Chrisme or Vnction lib. 1. Epist. 12. the offering of wine togeather with water in the Sacrifice lib. 2. Epist. 3. saying that it is Dominica ●r●di●io a tradition of our Lord and other like poynts of Christian religion which he proueth by the like force of Tradition Antiquity and Prescription wherof I haue treated more largely in my Booke against M. Morton shewing the same more aboundantly out of S. Augustine and that both S. Augustine and S. Cyprian are in this poynt and many others abused by him And so now to returne to our argument of Possession and Prescription and to end also with the same this first Part of our Answ●re I say that Possession and Pr●scription● 〈…〉 hath bene declared the cause of M. Barlow is vtterly o●erthrowne for that he wil be neuer able to prooue eyther Intrusiō in our Possession or Errour in our Antiquity which for a finall vpshot to the Reader in this behalfe I shall demonstrate by this ensuing reason If euer the Protestant● Church or Religion were receyued publikely in Christendome from Christs time downward vnto ours that is to say in any one or more ages and was that first visible Church that was founded by Christ into which M. Barlow sayth that we entred afterward by intrusion and fi●●●orce and so possessed Christendome in such sort as for many ages the said Protestant Church appeared not publikely vntill these our dayes I would demaund of M. Barlow Whether this his Church so put to flight from the eies of Christendome did perish or lay hidden only For if it perished then the true Church of Christ perished and the promises made by him were not performed That he wo●ld be with the same vnto the end of the world That the gates of hell should not preuaile against it for that in this case the sayd hell should haue preuailed Moreouer I would demaund if she once perished how could she be raised to life againe In which case S. Augustine writing against the Donatists saith thus Si peri●t Ecclesia vnde ergo Donatus apparuit Dic de qua terra germinauit De quo mari emersit De quo caelo cecidit If the true Church did perish from whence is Donatus come vnto vs Out of what groūd is he sprong Out of what sea hath he peept From what heauen is he fallen which S. Augustin● saith for that if the true Church were perished before Donatus was borne in what Church was he borne and how came he into the true Church that now he braggeth of and how did that Church rise from death to life againe But if M. Barlow will say that the Protestant Church which flourished in and after the Apostles times did not perish but fled only into the wildernes and lay hidden being spread visibly before ouer all the whole world for so he must say if she were the Catholike Church then would I demaund him whether this Church being thus in exile and couert but yet liuing did make profession of her fayth or not and if she made profession therof as she was bound for that as S. Paul sayth to the Romans Ore 〈…〉 a● salutem Confession of our faith is necessary to our saluation then by this confession she must needs make her selfe knowne as Martyrs and Confessours did in time of persecution and then she cannot be sayd to haue layen hidden and couert from the sight of the world no more then the Christian Church lay hidden in the time of persecution in Rome and other places when men and women lay in caues vnder ground but yet the confession of their fayth appeared vnto the whole world and no more then the Catholike religion may be sayd to ly hidden now at this day in England when all Christendome can be witnes of their Confession of the Catholike fayth which point I thinke M. Barlow doth not take vpon him to proue of the Protestants Confession in ancient ages Yf then he will say that the sayd Church lay altogeather hidden indeed without any publicke confession of their fayth then must he confesse that the state and condition of this Church which was the only true Church which Christ had vpō earth of whose exceeding glory the Prophets did foretell so many wonderfull things was more miserable then any least Sect of heretickes that euer was ye● then the Church of the Iewes themselues in any of theyr Captiuities for that still they confessed their religion and euery Sect did the like in their times and had some meeting or Congregation exercises of their Religion registred by some Authors which the Protestant Church of this our age cānot proue to haue had visibly in the world and dstinct from other people in any age before ours And this demonstration is sufficient to conuince the vanity of M. Barlow his assertion that Possessio● and Prescription for time are no good arguments in case of Religion The last point which he toucheth as he passeth it ouer very sleigtly so shall I as briefly answer the same I sayd in my Letter that among other considerations this was one very considerable that there was neuer any such Oath as this is exacted at the hands of Catholicke subiects either by any of their owne Kings or Princes at home in former Cat●olick times ●or yet by any ●orraine King or Monarch now liuing vpon earth Whereunto I may also adde if I be not deceiued all Protestant Princes in other Countries of whome I neuer heard or read tha● they odered such Oathes to their subiects that were of different opinion in religion all which M. Barlow in effect confessing or not contradicting sayth If other Princes 〈◊〉 not the like we iudge them not perhaps it is in some of them an infused persuasion that it is not lawfull in others peraduenture it is a violent restraint yea gladly they would but cannot be suffered Where you see that all his answers goeth by i●s and ands perhaps and peraduentures and yet is the matter of moment and sequele if it be well pondered to take a course of extraordinary rigour different from all other Christian Princes besides It is not the Parasiticall flattery of a few Ministers at home respecting their owne trenchers will worke the State so much honour security as the generall mislikes and murmurations abroad may worke the contrary in time He sayth that his Maiesty wanted not a motiue to take this course for that the Pope was not so insolently busy with any nation as of late with his Maiesty and his Kingdome He addeth further that if it had not bene for him our gracious King might haue enioyed a peace more continuall and happy then
seene I doubt not and scorned in great part by his Maiesties prudence yet meane I not to treat therof for that the common refuge of flatterers in this poynt is to say that such as do taxe or mislike their flatterie are enemies or enuious of the prayses giuen to the person flattered and the same is M. Barlowes defence in this place Only then shall I ●eau●●his matter to the iudgment of the Reader but especially of his Maiestie who in this case for m●ny respects may be the most competent Iudge notwithstanding the cause doth most concerne himselfe Let vs now se● wh●t M● Ba●lo● sayth ●o that which before was obiec●ed ag●inst him and his like and nam●ly against T. M. the yonger for sycophancie and calumniation against Catholickes and their doctrine by sinister meanes at such times as his Maiesty tak●th his repast It is true sayth he that his Maiesties 〈◊〉 for the most part at times of repast is a● Constantines Court Ecclesiae 〈…〉 a li●le V●iuersitie compa●sed with learned men in all professions and his Ma●estie in the midd●st of them as the Grecian in●ituled one lesse deser●●●● a liuing Library furni●h● 〈◊〉 all handes to reply● answere● 〈…〉 explayne 〈…〉 vpon fact or 〈◊〉 vpon 〈◊〉 ● In which wordes for so much as concerneth his Maiesties person I will not meddle withall to con●r●dict but rather to admite and r●ioyce 〈◊〉 such excellencies of lea●ning in so great a Prince and 〈◊〉 most hartily and 〈…〉 Almighty God euery day that his Di●ine Maiesty would bestow vpon him the true excellencie and indeed aboue all other learning which is ●he knowledge of his true Cat●olick● Church and doctrin● without which as we haue now heard out of the an●ient Fathers before alleadged that all other skill and learning is eyther vayne or pernicious for that it shall be as S. Cyprian sayth non corona 〈…〉 His 〈…〉 heard but one part and hath bene ●uer obse●t with th●s● Academicall fellows both in Scotland and England which here M. B●rlow nameth his Table-●niuersity being indeed ●ut ●r●ncher-Minister● for in Sc●o●●●● and publicke 〈◊〉 they dare not ●ppeare or 〈◊〉 thei● f●ce And ●ow th●t his Ma●●●ty hath giuen so plentifull occasion of tryall by writing with his hand t● all Christiā Princes stirring vp the●by great store of learned men to dis●usse the questions in controuersy we do verily hope in the mercy of Almighty God that as goo●d by rubbing and heating is made more cleare so will ●ruth by disputation and examination wherin his Maiestie hauing so principall an interest as now to the world is knowne he will stand more attent to the discussion an● issue of all and therby recei●e that lig●● which is needfull to euerl●sting blisse A●d this concerning his Maiestie with all duty and respectiue loue But as for the little Vniuersitie of learned men of all professions that inuirone his Mai●sties table at time of repast I must say somewhat more though verie b●eif●y also We doe easily imagine by the effects what m●●ner of learned men and of what measure in learning they are that attend his Maiestie at those times and places and we do measure them principally by their bookes whic● they haue published for that it i● like t●at their 〈◊〉 writings are no lesse considerate and weighty then their table-talke ex tempore And then if M. Barlow for example ●hould talke no more substantially in that place and audience then he doth here in this hi●●ooke which he hath published to the world it would pro●e God knoweth a very poore Vniuersity which his Maiesty should haue about him of such men wherin I remi● me for some part to the triall already made in this discussion of mine If we should compa●e the Ac●demies Vniuer●●tyes of learned de●ines that his Mai●styes noble renowned ancestours both of England and Scotland had about them from time to time for a thousand yeares togeather for resoluing them in all cases necessary for belie●e or man●●● with these new men lear●ing with learning grauitie with grauity authority wi●h authority they being ioyned with all other learned men of the Christian world in vnity of doctrine these men being alone ag●●ei●g with no other part or sect ●o not of their owne Prot●stā● that liue out of England no● hauing any other cert●ine ●●le of infallible direction but their owne heads the difference will quickly be seene betweene them as also whether his Maie●ties furniture be better or not in this behalfe then all theirs and of all other Princes of the Christian world bes●des And yet further to increase the weight of this consideration somewhat more let vs suppose that this Maiesty our Soueraigne with that great pregnancy of wit and ot●er gui●tes bestowed by Almightie God vpon him should sit downe in an Assembly of halfe a dozen of the ancient learned Fathers and Doctours of the primitiue Christian Church as S. Athanasius S. Gregory Nazianzen and S. C●rysostome of the Greeke Church S. Ambrose S. 〈◊〉 S. Augustine of the latin all liuing aboue twelu●●●ndred yeares agone and that S. Gregorie the Gre●● though comming somewhat after them yet for that he sent first Christian preachers into England should sit downe with them and that all the●e togeather should reason grauely wi●h his Maiestie de Reg●o Dei of the kingdome of God as S. Luke testifieth that our Sauiour did with his disciples after his resurrection for fourtie dayes togeather and that S. Athanasius as somewhat more ancient then the rest should grauely begin and recount vnto his Maiesti● what passed betweene him and other Catholicke Bi●hops and his Lord the Emperour Constantius deceaued by the Arian Preachers and Ministers of that sect who flocked no● lesse about him at that time to flatter him ●●d incite him against Catholickes then doe these Protestant Ministers about his Maiestie in these dayes and namely he should tell him that which he hath left written in a large Epistle of his how the sayd Emperour being auerted now from the Catholickes by the Arian M●●isters 〈◊〉 for di●ers Bishops commanding them in his p●●ence to subscribe to his Imperiall order for the banishing of Athanasius and communion to be frequented with the sayd Arians and that the sayd Catholick Bishops wond●ing at his command●ment and telling him that it was against Ecclesiasticall Canons that the Emperor should meddle with such matters he persisting notwithstanding to haue his will done they held vp their hands to heauen appealing vnto God for remedy presuming further to tell him that his Kingdome was not his but from God who gaue it him and it was to be feared least ●b would take it away againe if he proceeded in that course and finally deuounced vnto him the dreadfull day of Iudgement perswading him not to peruert the course of Ecclesiasticall affaires neither intermeddle the Roman Empire in dealing with Ecclesiasticall institutions c. All which and much more is set downe by S.
this matter there is more on the behalfe of Catholicks then of Puritans for obtayning this toleration notwithstanding their differences in poynts of Religion were or be greater for that the Puritans came out of the Protestants and therby the Protestant Church may pretend to haue Ius aliquod Ecclesiasticum some Ecclesiasticall right vpon them But the Catholicks of England came neuer out of the Protestants nor their Church out of the Protestant Church but were long before them in possession which is the markable poynt so much pondered by S. Iohn to discerne heresy heretickes thereby Prodierunt ex nobis they went out of vs. And consequently the Protestant Church can haue no spirituall iurisdiction vpon the sayd Catholickes and much lesse by right or reason can they barre them the vse of their Religion as they may do to Purytans that were members once of them though they differ in fewer poyntes of beliefe An Exāple may be the Iewes in Rome who are tolerated in their religion which Protestants are not though they differ in more poyntes of beliefe but yet for that they were in possession of their Religion before Christians and went not out from them as Protestants did from Catholickes they are tolerated in that place and Protestants not And hereby is also answered M. Barlowes last reason against graunting of toleration which I pretermitted before to be answered in this place which is that if the cause were ours as God be thanked he sayth it is theirs we wil not graunt liberty to them for their religion But how doth he know that seeing soe many Catholike Princes both in France Low-Countryes and Germany doe permit the sayd toleration to diuers and different sectes And if he obiect that in Queene Maries daies it was not permited to Protestants in England nor yet by King Henry the eight much lesse by the foresayd 3. Henryes that went before him yet may the causes and reasons be different now For albeit for equity and iustice the matter do passe as before we haue sayd that no sect in England whatsoeuer as of L●●lords VVickcliffians Lutherans Zuinglians Calui●ists or the like can haue any right in conscience to deny toleratiō of their religion vnto them out of which they themselues went and that the Catholike Church hath that right vpon them as going out of her yet may shee leaue to vse that right oftentimes and tolerate different sectaryes also when they are so multiplied as they cannot be restrayned without greater scandall tumult and perturbation according to the parable to our Sauiour concerning the cockle growne vp amongst the wheat which our sayd Sauiour willed rather to be let alone vntill the haruest day left by going about to weed out the one out of due time they might pluck vp the other So as these Catholicke Princes his Maiesties Ancestors that did deny toleration considering their kingdomes to be quietly setled in the Ancient religion of theyr fore fathers did iustly and lawfully resist the new attempts of innouators and iustly also may we affirme that if other forrayne Princes at this day of the same Catholick religion do permit vpon other reasons liberty or toleratiō of different religion much more may his Maiesty of England do the same to his Catholick subiects for the reasons that haue bene now alleadged And so much of this To the exāples of the Lollardes VVickliffian Protestants that made such earnest suite for toleration and liberty of conscience in the dayes of three King Henries 4. 5. and 6. and tooke armes for obtayning the same he sayth that if any such conspiracies were we de●end them not subiection to Princes we preach insurr●ctions we defy c. And with this he thinketh he hath well satisfyed the matter● To the forreyne examples of higher Germany in the time of Charles the fifth and of the low-Countryes in these our dayes he answereth That these are noe fit presidentes for our State the gouerment of the Emperour being limited● and conditionall and we speake of subiects vnder an absolute Monarchy To those of Bo●hemia Polonia and Hungarie he sayth that it is to be considered VVhether the en●rance into those kingdomes be Successiue or Electiue by descent without condi●i●●all restraintes and if they were absolute Monarchies what is that to his Maiesty who in cases of religion taketh not mens examples but Gods lawes for his dyrects He knoweth what Princes ought to doe not regarding what they please to doe c. But al this while me thinkes the chiefe point is not answered by M. Barlow which is that those good Protestants were of opinion that toleration or liberty of conscience might be graunted according to the law of God and ought also to be graunted And why is Iordani● now turned backward saith the letter● Why is this Ministers voice contrary to the voice sens● of all other Protestants The sayd Letter goeth forward laying downe di●er● considerations which engendred hope in the minde● of Catholicks for obtayning this suite of toleration and namely these three to wit First the first entrāce of our new King knowne to be of so noble and royall a mind before that time as he neuer was noted to be giuē to cruelty or persecution for religion Secondly the sonne of such a Mother as held her selfe much behoulding to English Catholi●kes And thirdly that himselfe had confessed that he had euer found the Catholicke party most trusty vnto him in his troubles and many conspiraci●● made against him To the first wherof M. Barlow in effect answereth nothing at all but only citeth certayne places of Scripture for punishing of Idolatry To the second he sayth That if his Maiesties Mo●her had not relied too much vpon the Priested sort in England her end had not bene so suddaine or vnkind Belike he was priuy vnto it that he can tell those particulars And his Epithete of vnkind in cutting off her Maiesties head was very iudiciously deuised by him For indeed there can nothing be deuised more vnkind then for two Queenes so neere of kinred to cut off one the others head and that vpon the suddaine as here is graunted which increaseth the vnkindnes of so barbarous a fact perswaded and vrged principally as al men know by the continuall incitations of those of M. Barlows coate to the despite both of Mother and Sonne and ruine of them both if it had laye● i● their hande● Neyther is this to cast salt into his Maiesties eyes as M. Barlow heere sayth but rather to open the sa●e that he may see● what kind of people these are that do s● much flatter him now and impugned both him and his at that time But let vs heare how Ironically he dealeth with vs● in framing a fond argument on our behalfe as to him it seemeth The Mother sayth he loyalty● Ergo the Sonne must giue them liberty of consc●●c● And i● this Sy● so bad an argument Do you take away the word 〈◊〉 which
and defy this communion in fayth with them and haue set forth whole bookes to proue the same which were too long here to repeate Yea Caluinian and Zwinglian Ministers themselues are witnesses hereof in many of their Treatises as namely the Tigurine Deuines who confesse that theyr differences and contentions with the Lutherans are about Iustification Free-will the Ghospell the law the Person of Christ his descent into hell of Gods election of his children to life euerlasting de multis alijs non leuis momenti articulis of many more articles of no small importance which is euident for that Ioannes Sturmius another Zwinglian or Caluinist addeth other controuersies as of the Supper of our Lord and Reall Presence of Predestination of the Ascension of Christ to heauen his sitting at the right hand of his Father and the like adding also that the Lutherans do hould the Protestant Caluinian Churches of England France Flanders and Scotland for Hereticall and their Martyrs for Martyrs of the Diuell And conforme to these their writings are their doinges and proceedings with them where they haue dominion for that they admyt them not to cohabitation nor to the common vse of marriage betweene them nor to be buryed with them after theyr deaths as they well know who haue liued or do liue among them And thus much for the Lutherans of the one syde Now let vs see somewhat also of the Purytans of the other And first of all this matter hath beene handled dyuers times and demonstrated by Catholicke English wryters of our dayes agaynst this absurd assertion of M. Barlow that the differences at this day betweene Protestants and Purytans are not at all concerning religion nor of any substantiall and essentiall poyntes thereof but only Ceremoniall and in particuler the same is conuinced and made most manifest in the Preface of a late Booke intituled An answere to the fifth part of Syr Edward Cookes Reports where the different grounds of Spirituall and Ecclesiasticall power betweene Protestants Puritans and Catholickes being examined it is found that their differences are such as cannot possibly stand togeather to make one Church and house of saluation but that if one hath the truth the other must necessarily remayne in damnable error which is euident also by the writings of Protestants themselues especially by the bookes intituled Dangerous positions set forth and imprinted at London 1593. and the Suruey ofpretended holy discipline made as they say by him that is now Lord of Canterbury and Doctor Sutcliffe as also the Booke intituled the Picture of a Purytan writen by O. O. of Emanuel printed 1603. and other like bookes But especially at this time will I vse for proofe of this poynt the testimony of Thomas Rogers Minister and Chaplin as he styleth himselfe to his Lord of Canterbury who of late hauing set forth by publike authority the fayth doctrine and religion of England expressed in 39. articles vpon the yeare 1607. doth in his Preface to his said Lord hādle this matter of the differences betweene the Puritans and Protestantes though partially agaynst the discontented brethren he being theyr aduersary but yet setteth downe out of their owne words what their iudgment is of the importance and moment of the controuersyes betwene them to wit that they are not only about Ceremonies and circum●tances as M. Barlow pretendeth but about poyntes contayned in scripture in the very Ghospell it selfe They are compryzed say they in the booke o● God and also be a part of the Ghospell yea the very Ghospell it selfe so true are they and o● such importance that if euery hayre of our head were a life we ought to aff●ard them all in defence of these matters and that the articles of religion penned and agreed vpon by the Bishops are but childish toyes in respect of the other So they And will any man thinke or say now that these men doe not hould that theyr differences with the Protestants are differences in religion as M. Barlow sayth or that they are only matters of ceremonyes and not of any one substantiall poynt concerning religion Let vs heare them yet further telling theyr owne tale and related by M. Rogers The controuersy betwene them and vs say they of the Protestants is not as the Bishops and their welwillers beare the world in hand for a cap or tippet or a Surplisse but for greater matters concerning a true Ministry and regiment of the Church according to the word of God The first wherof which is a true Ministry they Protestants shall neuer haue till Bishops and Archbishops be put downe and all Ministers be made equall The other also will neuer be brought to passe vntill Kings and Queenes doe subiect themselues vnto the Church and doe submit their Scepters and throw downe their Crownes before the Church and licke vp the dust of the feete of the Church and willingly abyde the Censures of the Church c. This they write and much more in that place● which I trow is more then M. Barlow ascribeth vnto the matter For if it be contayned in Gods booke yea a part o● the Ghospell the very Ghospell it selfe about which they contend what proter●ity is it on the other part to call it a matter only of Ceremony But yet further within two pages after agayne they doe explayne themselues and theyr cause more in particuler saying Our controuersy with the Protestants is whether Iesus Christ shal be King or no and the end of all our trauell is to b●yld vp the walls of Ierusalem and to set vp the throne of Iesus Christ 〈◊〉 heauenly king in the myddest thereof And are these poyntes also not substantiall nor any wayes touching religion but Ceremonies Harken then yet further what they do inferre vpon the Protestantes Church for dissenting from them in these pointes Neyther is there among them say they a Church or 〈◊〉 least wise no true Church neither are they but titular Christians no true Christians indeed And yet will M. Barlow continue to say that there is no difference at all in Religion and that I lyed when I sayd that his Maiesty yeelded to a Conference between Protestants Puritans concerning their differences of Religion VVhat will he answere to the two precedent members touched by the Puritans to wit● that their strife is for a true Ministry a lawfull gouermēt therof expounding their meaning to be that for obtaining the first all Bishops and Archbishops must be put downe for the second all temporall Princes Kings Queenes must leaue their superiority ouer the Church submit themselues and their Crownes vnto the same Church to wit their Presbyteries as M. Rogers expōdeth their words And is there no substantiall point neyther in all this but only matter of Ceremony And doth not the very life soule of the Church depend of these two things a true Ministry and lawful Head Is not the power of preaching teaching administration of
or Ecclesiasticall power hath hitherto bene or may be lawfully exercised● for the re●ormation and correction of all māner of errors heresies schismes 〈◊〉 c. all and all manner of Iurisdiction priu●ledges and prehe●●●●●ces in any wise touching any sprituall or Ecclesiasticall iurisd●cti●●● with in the Realme was giuen vnto her and vnited vnto the Cr●●●e This was the high doctrine in those daies of the Pri●ces supreme Ecclesiasticall and spirituall power o●er the Church of England no lesse thē of the Pope himselfe ouer his Church of Rome But now of later dayes and by later writers the case seemeth wonderfully altered for not only haue they taken away the name title of Head of the Church which was treason by King Henries Statutes to deny and many were put to death for not yielding therunto but haue taken away the authority also it selfe if we respect the substance and shifting in words to seeme still to retaine somewhat Wherin among others M. Barlow seemeth eminent and vnder a shew of defending the Kings supremacy to take it quite away For let vs heare first how he handleth the question about the Princes authority for iudging in cases of religion which is the principall of all the rest He both proposeth and solueth the question thus May not then saith he a Prince iudge in cases of Religion and Faith No not iudicio definitiuo to determine what is sound Diuinity or not and so impose that vpon the consciences of men for faith which he alone defines to be so but iudicio executiuo or iurisdictionis he may and ought when the Church hath determined matters of saith command the prosessing therof within his Kingdome● as the soundest and worthyest to be receaued This is his determination whereby it is euident that he permitteth only vnto the King to execute that which his Church in England to wit the Bishops and Clergy therof shall determine about matters of religion which is no one iote more of power in Ecclesiasticall matters then that which Catholicks do ascribe vnto their ●emporall Princes to execute what the Church determineth but yet with this difference of much more dignity that they are bound to the execu●ion only of that which the Vniuersall Church shall determine not of their owne subiects alone as it falleth out on the behalfe of his Maiesty of England in this case In which point also I do not see how he can wind himselfe out of this maze that must necessarily follow of his owne doctrine to wit that one should receiue from another that the other receiued from him As for example if the Bishops being his Maiesties subiects as well in spirituall as temporal affaires haue no spirituall iurisdiction but frō him as the Statute of King Edward doth determine and on the other side his Maiesty to haue no authority to define of any matter belonging to religion at all but only to execute that which the Bishops do define it seemeth that they receiue from his Maiesty that authority which they deny to be in him and so that he giueth them the thing which he hath not in himselfe but is to receaue from them Moreouer it is euident by this doctrine of theirs that the Bishops do make their Courtes Tribunalls for matters of Religion to be absolutly greater then the Kings for that they do allow him no other power for Iudging in spirituall matters but only to execute that which they shall define and determine And albeit for dazeling the simple readers eyes M. Barlow doth in this place fumble vp a certaine distinction not wel vnderstood by himselfe takē out of some Schoolmen as he saith noting Occam in the margent that there be three parts of this executiue iudgmēt the one discretiue to discerne the other directiue to teach others the third decretiue which third he saith is in the Prince both affirmatiuely to bind to the obseruing of that which is so tryed and adiudged and negatiuely to suppresse the contrary and that this last is to Iudge for the truth and the former of defining is to iudge of the truth Yet doth all this reach no further but to the power of execution of that which others haue determined which may be called a power of impotency in that behalfe for that therin he is subiect and not Superiour especially if it lye not in his power either to execute or not to execute as he shall think best which M. Barlow here denveth saying That he may and ought to execute when the Church hath determined But on the other side if he haue power and liberty to execute or not to execute then is the other power of defining in the Bishops to small purpose For that they may define and he not execute his iudgment being that they haue defined e●ill and by that way becommeth he their Iudge againe to define whether they haue defined well or no. And this is another circle or labyrinth which I see not how M. Barl●● will easily auoid I doe pretermit diuers other childish thinges that be in this speach of his as where he propoundeth thus the question as first VVhether a Prince may iudge in cases of Religion ●●d saith as though these two were Sinonyma and all one Whereas religion contayneth many cases as well of life manners and cerimonyes as of faith in all which cases it may be demanded how far the King may be iudge Secondly he saith that the King cannot define and determine what is sound Diuinity or not which is far from the purpose For the question is not whether the King may iudge and determine what is sound Diuinity or Theologie but what is matter of faith and what is to be belieued or not be belieued by a true Christian within his realme Thirdly in like manner when he saith that the King hath only iudicium executiuum or iurisdictionis as though they were all one whereas executio and iurisdictio are two different things iurisdiction is more properly in that party that defineth then in the other that executeth for that the former commaundeth and the second obayeth Fourthly his terme also of discretiuum ascribed by him vnto all Christians to haue power to try spirits whether they be of God or no besides that it seemeth contrary to that of S. Paul to the Corinthians who reckoneth vp discretion of spirits to be a peculiar and seuerall gift vnto some alone saying Alij discretio spirituum c. is nothing well applyed by him to iudicium execu●iuum for that it appertayneth rather to iudicium definitiuum for somuch as those that haue power to define to determine of matters are principally to iudge of spirits not their subiects to iudge of theirs for that other wise there must needes ensue an inextricable confusion of trying iudging of one the others spirits As if for example the Bishops o● England should try condemne the spirits of the Purytans and they agayne the spirits of the Bishops by
colour of this power to discerne spirits giuen thē by M. B●●lo● out of the words of S. Iohn there would neuer be an end And lastly it appeareth by all this that his l●st distinction wherin he sayth that the King may iudge for the truth and not of the truth is a meere delusion giuing somewhat in wordes but nothing in deed for that if the iudging for the truth be nothing els but to execute allow and approue that which others haue defined determined and appointed out vnto him to be belieued and defended as the truth then hath he no more free choice or superiority in iudgment in this case then euery subiect or common man who is likewise bound to belieue and defend the same according to his ability and power Now then to conclude the matter and to reduce all to a briefe summe for so much as M. Barlow taketh away from his Maiesty of England not only the title and style Of Head of the Church which was giuen to King Henry and confirmed to King Edward but the Papall authority in like manner for decision of matters which was ascribed vnto them both by Parlament and confirmed to Queene Elizabeth and here saith that he cannot iudge in cases of religion and fayth iudicio definiti●o to define and determine any thing but only execu●iuo to execute what the Church of England to wit what the Bishops shall define and ordayne and for somuch as he addeth yet further now in that which before we haue discussed three other particuler cases out of S. Ambrose wherin he con●es●eth that his Maiesty hath no authority but may be resisted to wit if he should call before him a Bishop to dispute with another of a different religion as Valen●inian did S. Ambrose and he denyed him If he should commaund a Bishop to deliuer ouer a Church to a people of a different religion and if he should command a Bishop to deliuer vp the Ve●els of his Church as the said Empe●ou● did and the ●ther refused to obey all these things I say laid ●oge●t●er ●ut of M. Barlows doctrine do so much diminish the greatnes of his Maiesties Supreme power in causes Ecclesiasticall as in effect it commeth to be no more th●n Catholike doctrine doth ordinarily allow to euery Catholicke Temporall Prince for the obseruance and execution of that which the Church determineth And this is M. Barl●●●● heroycall exployt to marre the matter he takes in hand for his Clyent Let euery man iudge how well he hath deserued the good fee which already he hath rec●a●ed for his plea and hopeth to receaue more hereafter if he may speed according to his expectation OF ANOTHER EXAMPLE Or I●stance out of S. Gregory the Great about the obeying and publishing a Law of the Emperour Mauritius that he misliked which M. Barlow calleth Ecclesiasticall §. III. THERE followeth another controuersy betweene M. Barlow me about a certayne fact of S. Gregory the Great concerning the Law of Mauritius the Emperour prohibiting souldiars and such as were accomptable to the Emperours Courtes for offices borne by them to enter into monasteries and professe a religious life without his licence whereof I wrote thus in my letter Neyther doth the last place cited out of S. Gregory the Great to the Emperour Mauritius make any thing mo●e for our Apologers purpose of taking Oathes against Conscience For albeit the same Father do greatly compla●ne in diuers places of the oppression of the Church by the Kingly power of Mauritius whome though otherwise a Catholike Emperour he compareth in that poynt to Nero and Diocl●si●n saying Quid Nero quid Dioclesi●●●s q●id de●ique iste● qui ●oc tempore ●●●lesiam persequitur N●mq●●● 〈◊〉 omnes porta Inferi Wh●t was Nero What was Diocles●●● what is he who at this time doth persecute the Church Are they not all gates of Hell Yet in this place alleaged by the Apologer he yealded to publish and send abro●d into diuers Countreys and Prouinces a certayne vniust law of the sayd Emperours that prohibited S●uldiars and such as had bene imployed in matters of publike accompts of the Cōmon-Wealth to make thēselues Monks W●ich law though S. Gregory did greatly mislike and wrote sharply agaynst it to the Emperour himselfe yet to shew his due respect in temporall thinges vnto him and for that indeed the law was not absolutly so euill but that in some good sense it might be tolerated to wit that Souldiars sworn to the Emperours wars might not during the said Oath obligation be receaued into Monasteries but with the Princes licēce yet for that it tended to the abridgmēt of Ecclesiastical freedome in taking that course or state of life which ech man chooseth for the good of his soule S. Grego●y misliked the same and dealt earnestly with the Emperour to relinquish it or to suffer it to be so moderated as it might stand without preiudice of Christian liberty wherunto the Emperour at length yeelded and so S. Gregory sent the same abroad vnto diuers Primates and Archbishops of sundry Kingdomes mentioned by him but corrected first and reduced by himselfe as supreme Pastour to a reasonable lawfulnes and temperate moderation to wit that those who had borne offices of charge in the Common-wealth and after desired to be admitted to religious life in Monasteries should not be receaued vntill they had giuen vp their full accompts and had obtayned publicke discharge for the same And that Souldiars which demanded the like admittāce should be exactly tryed and not admitted vnto Monasticall habite but after they had liued three yeares in their lay apparell vnder probation This determineth S. Gregory in his Epistle beginning Gregorius Eusebio Thessalonicensi Vrbicio Dyrachitano c. adding further in the same Epistle as hath bene said De qua re Ser●iss●mus Christianissimus Imperator omnimodò placatur about which matter our most Clement and Christian Emperour is wholy pleased and content So as in this S. Gregory shewed his pastorall care and power in limiting and moderating the Emperours law according to the law of God though in temporall respectes he shewed him the Obedience that was due vnto him But what is this vnto our Oath May we thinke that S. Gregory that would not passe a temporall law of the Emperour without reprehension of the vnlawfulnes thereof to the Emperour himselfe and correction therof in the publication for that indirectly it did infringe the liberty of Religious life when men were called therunto that he would not haue much more resisted the admission of an Oath about such affaires if it had bene proposed No man I thinke in reason can imagin the contrary To this declaration of mine M. Barlow beginneth his reply thus But that of Gregory saith he toucheth the very quicke who as he thought his duty discharged to God in shewing the reasons why he disliked the Law so did he performe it very readily to the Emperour in promulging
Monasteries of Virgins eyther to say Masse or otherwise but such as be of appro●ed vertue How peace is to be held betweene Bishops Earles and other Great men especially in execution of Iustice That weightes and measures be iust and equall and that none worke vpon holy dayes That all Tythes be payd al ancient possession mantayned to the Churches That no secular courtes be held in Churches or Church porches That no Earles or other Great men do fraudulently buy poore mens goods c. These then were the pointes of Reformation decreed in that Councel of Arles at the instance of Charles the Great who was so zealous a Prince in this behalf● as he caused fiue seueral Councels to be celebrated in diuers Partes of his Dominions within one yeare to wit this of A●les another at Towers a third at Chalo●s a fourth at Mentz the fifth at Rhemes and another the yeare before which was the ●ixt ad Theodonis villam which is a towne in Luxemburge Al which Prouincial Synodes are extant i● the third Tome of Councels togeather with the Canons and Decrees which are such as could not be put in execution but by the temporall fauour authoritie and approbation of the Emperour in such matters as concerned his temporall Kingdome and iurisdiction Wherfore i● for these respects the Councell did present vnto the Emperour these Canons to be cōsidered of by his wisedome whether any thing were to be added altered or taken away for the publike good of the Common Wealth no Controuersy of faith being treated therin what is this to proue eyther that the Emperour in spirituall matters was superiour to the said Bishops or that if he had proposed vnto them any such Oath as this is wherin by pro●essing their temporall Allegiance they must also haue impugned some poynt of their faith that they would haue obeyed him And so much of this Councell This was then my speach yielding furthermore a reason why I did not stand vpon the places of some particuler Councels alleadged for that the discussion of this one made manifest all the rest that they tended only to this end that they proued temporal obedience in subiects towards their Princes in temporal affaires which Catholicks deny not and so in effect they proue nothing to the purpose in hand But yet it shall be good to ponder a little what M. Barlow bringeth in against that which heere I haue written First he saith that not only these Prouinciall Councels of Arles in France and diuers others submitted themselues wholy to the Emperour Charles the Great in most humble termes but the foure Generall Councels also s●mmoned at the beck and command of the Emperour submitted themselues for the validity and establishing of their Decrees to his most Royal assent And within three lines after againe VVhole Councels saith he submitted themselues in all dutifull reuerence to their Soueraignes not only in matters of temporall affaires but in faith and religion And yet further in the very next page The Emperour saith he that hath the sole authority to summon a Councel hath the sole power to make good or voyd what it concludes And we must note that he putteth downe the words to make good or voyd in a different markable letter therby to signify that this is an Axiome of great solidity And yet I suppose that he could not be so forgetfull or negligent as not to see that all this is quite contrary to that which he wrote within three leaues● before to wit that in cases of religion and faith Princes could not iudge any thing iudicio definitiuo to define or determine but only executiuo to put in execution that which the Church determineth But now if not only the Councell of Arles and other Prouincial Councels but the first foure General Councels submitted themselues also for the validity and establishment of their Decrees which are knowne to haue bene concerning points of religion and faith vnto the Emperours Royal assent so as whatsoeuer was decreed there by the Church this not a Prouincial or National Church only of England but the whole Vniuersall Church gathered in those first foure Counc●ls should haue no validity except the Emperour approued the same this is more then iudicium executiuum to execute that which the other had determined For here the Emperour doth iudge of al yea euen of the iudges themselues and of their Iudgments and decrees and consequently hath the last and supreme iudgment de●initiue to define and determine what Decrees are truly and rightly made and to ratify or make void what he shall think good which is as much as we do or can ascribe vnto the Pope And this is confirmed in like manner by M. Barlows second ass●ueration That Councels must submit themselues in all dutifull reuerence not only in matters of temporall affaires but of faith and religion also● What can be ●poken more plainly in contradiction of his former assertion And what more absurdly then that which followeth in the third place That the temporall Prince hath sole power to make good or voyd● what the Councell concludes For that hereby all the Conciliabula or vnlawfull false Councels that met togeather often in the primitiue Church as that of A●iminum for the Arians against the Catholickes that of Carthage against Cecilianus that of Constan●inople against Marcellus that of Antioch against Athanasius that of Burges in France against S. Hilary diuers other hauing the assent and approbation of hereticall Emperours then bearing rule shal be good and lawfull Councels and all other Councels gathered for the Catholicks against these to be voyd of no validity Do you see heere M. Barlows manner of writing and how he plungeth himself aboue the eares in contradictions without marking or respecting what he said before so he may say somewhat for the present But do you thinke that he wil stand to this now No. For that in the very next ensuing leafe he being pressed by me to answere what submission that was which the Councel of Arles made to Charls the Great for his approbation and whether it were of matters concerning faith he runneth quite backe againe denying that Emperours haue any such authority To iudge saith he definitiuely which are matters of faith or no is not for the Emperour but to ratify by hi● assent and command by his authority what the Church or Councell so assembled hath defined to be matter of faith is proper to Emper●●rs and Kings Which words if you consider them well do cōtaine most euidently the contradictory of that he sayd before That Councels were to submit themselues for the validity of their Decrees to the Emperours Royall assent and that not only in temporall affaires but in faith and ●eligion and that they only haue power to make good or voyde all conclusions of Councels which contayneth manifestly power also to define it is but a shift to say heere that it is not for the
appertaineth to the ancient Oath and not to this wherin nothing is demanded but Ciuil Obedience only which the Cardinal denyeth and in the very first leafe of his answere vnder the name of Tor●●● ioyneth issue principally vpon that point saying Primùm ●stend●mus Iuramentum hoc Catholicis propositum non solum ciuilem obedientiam sed etiam Catholicae fidei abnegationem requirere We shal first proue that this later oath proposed vnto Catholicks doth not only require ciuil Obedience but abnegatiō also of Catholick faith And he proueth it by fiue or six arguments First by the words of the English Statute the title wherof is for the detecting and repressing of Papists which word of Papists importing such as stick to the Pope or defend his Supremacy maketh it euident that the Statute was not intended only against them that deny ciuill Obedience but rather the Kings Supremacy in spiritual affaires Secondly by the words of the Oath themselues that the Pope cannot by himselfe or any other or by any authority of the Church depose c. Which is some denyal of the Pope his authority and consequently not meerely only of temporal Obedience and so out of foure or fiue points more by him obserued and there set downe which as I had not seene when I wrote my Epistle before the publicatiō of the said Cardinals booke so I vsed not those arguments nor any of them but contented my selfe with one only taken out of the Cardinals words in the beginning of his Letter to M. Blackwel as sufficiently prouing the same that in it sel●e was most cleare I said as followeth This exception against the Cardinal for mistaking the state of the cause seemeth to be most clerely refuted by the very first lynes almost of the letter it selfe For that telling M. Blackwel how sory he was vpon the report that he had taken illicitum Iuramentum an vnlawfull Oath he expoundeth presently what Oath he meaneth saying Not ther●ore deare Brother is that Oath lawfull for that it is offe●●● s●●ewhat tempered and modified c. Which is euidently meant of the new Oath of Allegiance not only tempered with diuers lawfull clauses of Ciuill Obedience as hath bene shewed but interlaced also with other members that ●each to Religion wheras the old Oath of Supremacy hath no such mixture but is plainly and simply set downe for absolute excluding the Popes Supremacy in caus●s Ecclesiasticall for making the King supreme Head of the Church in the same causes all which is most euident by the Statutes made about the same from the 25. yeare of King Henry the 8. vnto the end of the raigne of King Edward the sixt To this declaration of myne M. Barlow is in effect as mute as a Macedonian frogge if to say nothing at al to the purpose be to be mute though words and wynd be not wanting But first to the Cardinalls six argumentes he s●yth neuer a word albeit he had both seene and read them as may be be presumed To my reason of the difference between the Oath of Supremacy and this of Allegiance for that this is modified and tempered with different clauses of thinges partly touching ciuil Obediēce and partly Religion wheras the other is simply of Religion against the Popes Supremacy to this I say he answereth with this interrogation If this Oath be so modified i● comparison of the other why is it accounted by ●he Censurer the greatest affliction and pressure that euer befel the Catholickes Do you see what a question he maketh and how farre from the purpose My intention was and is to proue that for so much as Cardinall Bellarmine did particulerly impugne this mixt and tempered Oath therfore he did not mistake the question by impugning only the other Oath of Supremacy as was obiected there being between them this difference amongst others that the one to wit of Allegiāce is compounded of different clauses as hath bene said partly touching ciuill Obedience and partly Religion wheras this other of Supremacy is simply of Religion This was my demonstration And to what purpose then for answere of this was brought in that other dem●und of M. Barlow asking vs very seriously why this second Oath should be afflictiue vnto vs if it be modifyed and tempered Is there any sense in this We say for so much as it is compounded and tempered as the other is not therfore it was meant by the Cardinal and not the other M. Barlow saith if it be so tempered why doth it afflict yow We say first that this is nothing to the purpose noe more then VVhich is the way to London A poke ●ull of plummes Secondly to M. Barlowes impertinent demand we say that albeit we grant that this second Oath is modifyed and tempered yet we say not that it is moderate and temperate for a law that in substance is mild may be by some clauses or circumstances so modified that is to say framed in such manner as it may be seuere and rigorous and a thing may be tempered aswell with exasperating ingredientes as mollifying and as well with afflictiue as leniti●e compounds and so is this Oath more sharpe perhaps then the other and so doth M. Barlow him selfe confesse within a few lynes after saying that this last Oath of Allegiance is more press●ng pitthy and peremptorie and in all circumst●nces a more exact and searching touch-stone then the ●ormer of the Supremacy And yet as though we did not see nor feele this he will needs haue vs to acknowledge in the same place that this Oath is allaied tempered corrected and moderated for all these are his wordes by the variety of clauses therein contayned theron foundeth his subsequent discourse of our ingratitude in not accepting the same wheras both he and we do hold the contrary that it is more stinging as now you haue heard and that euen by his owne confession what then shall we say of this manner of M. Ba●lowes disputing Is he fit to be a Kings Chāpion in writing But heere now by the way I must tell the Reader that in my Letter I interposed a few lines in this place for noting the different style vsed by King Henry King Edward in their Statutes concerning the O●●h of Supremacy and this oth●r now related in the A●●logy in thes● wordes I. ● do vtterly t●stify and declare 〈…〉 that the King● H●ghnes is the only Supr●me Gouer●●● 〈◊〉 in all causes Eccl●sia●t●call as temp●rall wheras in t●e S●tute of twenty sixt of king Henry the Eight where the Tytle of Supremacy is ●nact●d the wordes are these 〈…〉 ●●●cted by this present Parliament that the King his Heires 〈◊〉 S●●cessors ●●albe taken ●●●epted and rep●t●d the ●nly Sup●eme 〈…〉 earth of the Church of England and sh●ll 〈◊〉 a●d ●ni●y 〈◊〉 and vnited vnto the Imperiall Crow●e of this Realme as●●● the tytle and style therof as all honours dignitie● authorities 〈◊〉 profites and comm●diti●s 〈◊〉 the said dignityes
for England and his that 〈◊〉 a●●rte that he was at the sea-cost and shipt for England ●●erto I answer first for the word almost left out Secondly 〈◊〉 the example The words of the Apologer about the likenes of our 〈◊〉 to the Toletane action are thrice repeated by me first in the beginning of the matter p. 76. n. 11. where repeating the Apologers words I said almost euery point of that action is 〈◊〉 to ours In the end also p. 81. n. 19. I related his words ●●s that almost euery point of that action hath agreeance with that of 〈◊〉 c. So as twice the word almost is repeated though in the third place pag. 77. num 12. It is said euery point of that 〈◊〉 c. which might be as well the errour of the writer or printer as ouerslip of the Authour And how then can this be called fraudlent impudēcy Or rather was i● not more fraudulent in M. Barlow not to tell his reader that it was twice put downe though once left out As for the two mēbers alleaged they are both known to be false that either Father Parsons was almost vpon the Sea-coast for England or vpon the Sea-coast and shipt for England to expect the ●●●der-●lot for that hundreds of witnesses will testifie in 〈◊〉 that neither at that time nor in al that yeare was he out of that Citty so as this is somewhat more then almost two vntruthes And this is as much as in effect he answereth to this matter But I went forward in my Letter to shew out of the Councell and Histories of Spaine the occasions causes and circumstances of this Councell and how it was procured by the King of Spaine Sis●nandu● of the Gothish bloud who hauing ceposed his Lord and Maister King Suintila was somewhat iealous least the Oath of f●●elity made vnto him by the Spaniards would not be obserued and therfore made recourse vnto the Bishops and Clergy for assisting him in that behalfe with their Ecclesiasticall authority as they did both confirming the one and excluding the other wherupon is set downe in the preface of the said Councell that he comming into the same accompanied with many Noble and honourable persons of his trayne coram Sacerdotibus Dei bumiprostratus cum lacbry●●● gemitibus pro se interueniendum postulauit he prostrate on the ground before the Priests of God besought them with teares and sobs to make intercession for him Wherupon the Councell commaunded vpon seuere Censures that no man should practise his death or deposition or breake his Oath of fidelity made vnto him but no particuler forme of oath do I find there to haue bene prescribed or decreed wherby this our new oath may be confirmed or authorized but rather another oath prescribed vnto the King and all his successours Iuramento po●licean●ur hanc se Catholicam non permissuros eos violare sidem that they sweare that they will neuer suffer their subiects to violate this Catholike faith And marke said I that he saith 〈◊〉 which was the Catholike fayth then held in Spaine and explicated in these Coūcels of Toledo the particulers wherof do easily shew that they were as oposite to the Protestants fayth as ours is now To all this what sayth M. Barlow He beginneth with a tale as he is wont when he hath little els to say Pericles sayth he as some do affirme had that skill in wrastling that though he receaued a fall yet he would perswade the wrastler that cast him and the spectatours that beheld him that he was the conquerour You will imagine how well this is ●pplyed by him he sayth that there is not one poynt of this which I haue sayd to the purpose or against the Apologer But how doth he proue it First he saith that this Conncell was gathered by the cōmand of King Sisenandus And what maketh this to the purpose Did not we graunt also that Kings within their Kingdomes may cause Prouinciall Councels to be made by their Bishops Archbishops Metropolitans But how submissiuely this King did behaue himselfe in that Coūcell appeareth by his former submission both in fact words And ye● by the way the Reader must note M. Barlows smal truth in relating for his purpose these words religiosissimi Sisenandi Regis iussu Imperijs conuenimus we are assembled by the commaund and authority of our most Religious King Sisenandus wheras the true words in the Councel are ●●m studio amoris Christi ac diligen●ia religiosiss●●● Sisenandi Regis apud Toletanam Vrbem in nomine Domini conuenissemus wheras for the loue of Christ and by the diligence of our most religious King we came togeather in the name of God in the Citty of Toledo And then those other words which ensue a●terwards to wit eius ●mperijs atque iussis are referred to another thing not to their meeting but what matters they should principally handle touching discipline c. Vt communis a nobis ageretur de quibusdam Ecclesiae disciplinis tractatus In which Treatise of discipline was contayned in like manner the Kings owne temporall cause concerning the assuring of his succession by Ecclesiasticall Cēsures When or wherin then shall we find M. Barlow to deale pūctually and sincerely But let vs go forward In the next place he sayth that this Councell the Canons therof do make for the Protestants and giueth example in three or foure Canons and concludeth generally in these words The Church o● England both for substance in doctrine and ceremony in discipline doth hould the same which ma●y of the sayd Canons do conclude Well then we shall see presently how many they be He citeth only foure of seauenty and foure and those so impertinently as by the citation he maketh himselfe miserable as now you will perceaue And first he cyteth the 43. Canō saying that the marriage of Priests so it be with the consent of the Bishop is therin allowed and he beginneth with this for that it seemeth to him a knocker and to the purpose indeed for authorizing Priests marriages Wherfore we shall handle it in the last place of the foure alleadged by him In the second place then he leapeth back from the 43. Canon to the 24. saying that therin it was positiuely set downe that ignorance is the mother of all errours but not of de●●tion A great obiection no doubt against vs as though we were great friends of ignorance Ignorance sayth the Canon the mother of all errours is most to be auoyded by Priests who haue the office of teaching the people Do we cōtradict this What meane our Schooles Our Seminaries Our Colleges Our Vniue●sities for bringing vp and instructing Priests Are our Priests in England or on this side the seas more incumbred with ignorance then the Ministers Why then is this Canon brought in against vs For that perhaps it sayth not that Ignorance is the mother of deuotion nor we neither as
make for him and his religion But now we haue seene his ill fortune in the choice for that no Canon maketh for him but rather all against him and especially this last Now let vs see somewhat about the second point that the Church of England at this day both for substance in doctrine and Cerimony in discipline doth hould the same which many of the said Canons do conclude which though as before I haue noted it may seeme to be a very dubious imperfect assertion for that they of England being Christians and so those of that Councel also it were very ●ard but that of 74. Canons wherof the first only comprehēdeth the summe and confession of all Articles of Christian fayth contayned in the common Creeds it were hard I say ●ha the Church of England should not hold in substāce at least the same that many of those Canons do conclude But let vs touch the point indeed concerning the articles now in controuersy betweene vs and Protestants ●oth for doctrine and cerymonies whether in these the sayd Councel of Toledo did agree m●re with the Church of Engl●●● as now is teacheth practizeth or with the Church of Rome And albeit this Councell was not gathered togeather purposely to handle and determine matters of faith and doctrine for the establishing of King Sisenand●● his successi●● and concerning ●he dep●sition of King Suintila as hath bene touched ●nd by that occasion for reformation also of manners of the Clergy yet are there many things here handled which giue sufficient signes with what Church they more agreed either the Protestants or ours In the very f●●st Canon where they make their profession of 〈◊〉 ●hey say Descendit ad inser●● 〈…〉 he descended into Hell to fetch from thence tho●● Sain●● which were there detained Do the Protestants agree to this interpretation And then talking of the last iudgment they say Alij pro iustitiae meri●●● vitam 〈◊〉 some shal receaue life euerlasting at Christs ●and● for their merrits of iustice Will Protestants acknowledg this in their Creed And it followeth immedi●tely Haec est Ecclesiae Catholicae fides c. This is the ●●ith of the Catholicke Church this Confession we 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 ●hich 〈◊〉 ●h●soeuer shal constantly keepe shal 〈◊〉 li●e euerlasting S● they● And for so much as there oc●●●red a doubt in the Church of Spaine about the vse of ●aptisme some allowing a triple dipping in the water some one only the Canon saith● that the recourse in former ●●me was made to the Sea Apostolick for deciding of the same by S. Leander Archbishop of Siuill who wrote to S. Gregory the Great then Pope of Rome to haue his resolution And wil M. Barlow allow of this recourse But let vs heare the words of the Canon Proinde quid à nobis c. Wherfore what we are to do in Spaine saith the Councel in this diuersity of administring the Sacraments Apostolica Sedi● in ●●●mem●r praecepti● non nostrā sed paternam instructionem sequent●● Let us 〈◊〉 by the pr●cepts of the Sea Apostolick not following our owne instruction out that o● our fore-●at●●rs● Wherfore Gregory of holy memory Bishop of Rome at the request of the most holy man Leander Bishop of Si●●●● demāding what was to be followed in this case answered him in these words Nothing can be more ●ruly ans●ered about the three dippings in Baptisme thē that which you your selfe haue set down that diuersities of some customs doth not preiudice the holy Church agreeing all in one faith So S. Gregory But yet discusseth the question more largely as may be seene in that Canon but much more in his owne booke lib. 1. Regist. Epist. 41. And is thi● conformable to the practice doctrine of M. Barlows Church Some men will say perhaps yea to the Church of Engl●●● that then was for that about the very same tyme that S. Leander Metropolitan of Si●ill wrote to S. Gregory to haue his resolu●ion about this difficulty of diuers custome● in baptizing S. Augustine Archbishop and Metropoli●●n of the English Nation wrote vnto the same S. Gregory about the like doubts as appeareth by Venerable Bede and had his answere to the same But this recourse also of the English Church at that time will not greatly please M. Barlow In the seauenth Canon some men are noted that vpō good Friday after h●ra nona did vse to breake their Fast for which they are much condemned by the Councell adding this reason for the same for that the vniuersall Church did obserue the fast of that day wholy and strictly for the memory of the passion of our Sauiour therfore whosoeuer should breake that fast besides yonge children old men and sicke men before the Church haue ended her prayers of Indulgence he should not be admitted to the Festiuall ioy of Easter day And is this conforme to the present Church of England In the eight Can●n there is a re●son giuen by the Councel Cur lucer●a cereus in peruigilijs à nobis benedicantur why the candell the waxe taper are blessed by the Bishops And if any mā will contemne this Ceremony qui haec contempserit Patr●● regu●is subia●ebis sayth the Canon he shall vnder goe the punishments appointed by the rules of the Fathers This cogitation I thinke hath neuer much troubled M. Bar●●● In the tenth Canon order is giuen about the discipline to be vsed in Lent both in respect of publike prayer and priuate chastisings of the bodie Touching the first it is ordained vt in omnibus quadragesimae diebus quia te●pus non est gundij sed m●rori● Alleluia non decantetur that Alleluia be not songe in all the daies of Lent for that is a time not of ioy but of sorrow● and then for the chaftysment of the flesh they say Opus est fletibus ie●u●ijs insistere corpus cilicio cinere induere 〈◊〉 moeroribus deijcere gaudium in trislitiam vertere quousque ●●●iat tempus Resurrectionis Christi It is necessary to insist in weeping and fasting to couer our body with haircloth ●nd ●she● to deiect our mynd with sorrow to turne mirth into sadnes vntill the day of Christs Resurrection do come And doth this Ceremony of discipline please M. Barlow Or doth his Church admit the same And if he doe not th●̄ let him heare what followeth in the Councel hoc enim Ecclesiae Vniuersalis consensio in cunctis terrarum parti●us roborauit c. For this the consent of the vniuersall Church hath establyshed in all parts of the Christian world and consequently it is conuenient to be obserued throughout the Prouinces of Spayne and Galicia and therfore if any Bishop Priest or Deacon or any whatsoeuer of the order of Clarks shall be found to esteeme or perferre his own iudgment before this Constitution of ours let him be put from the office of his order and depriued of the Cōmunion at Easter This toucheth
of M. Barlow why Petrus de Vineis should be credited against Innocentius but that Inuocentius should not be beleiued in his owne case writing an Apology for himselfe against Petrus de Vineis This he would seeme to proue harken I pray thee good Reader if thou canst without laughter for M. Barlow will play the Vice in kind But did the Pope saith he write these bookes in defence of himself to consute Petrus de Vineis Surely that is an argument that he was guilty And why good M. Barlow Suspitionem saith he mihi facit nimia diligentia saith S. Hierome Pr●mptitude of excuse implieth a consciousnes of the fault Yea what sayth the same Father of Iudas the Traytor when our Sauiour told his disciples that one of them should betray him and all the rest of the Apostles as stroken with griefe pluck their hands from the dish forbidding meate to their mouths Iudas only thrust in his hand This he did vt audacia bonam conscientiam mentiretur that therby he might dissemble thinke to perswad his INNOCENCY with meere bouldnes So he And is not this good stuffe Who euer heard wise man before draw an argument to proue one to be faulty for that he wrot in his owne defence For by this reason S. Athanasius S. Basil S. Gregory Nazianzen who wrote Apologies for themselues against their calūniators shal also be guilty of these crymes wherewith they were charged by their aduersaries neither shall the Emperour Fredericke himself be free who wrote diuers Epistles in his owne defence as euery where we find yea your whole Church of Englād M. Barlow shal be condemned who wrote a lying Apology for it selfe refuted by D. Harding and shamefully defended by your Brother the Superintendent of Salisbury M. Iohn I●ell And truly the inference of M. Barlow in prouing Innocentius guilty for that he defended himselfe being before wrongfully charged is not more childish then the proose which he bringeth for the same is impertinent suspitionem sayth he mihi facit nimia diligentia and then interpreteth it thus promptitude of excuse implies a consciousnes of the sault This is his reason if so it may be tearmed out of which it followes that the sooner a man offers to cleare himselfe the more he is to be suspected as guilty therof which who seeth not how ridiculous it is and moreouer I would faine know how or vpon what ground M. Barlow doth gather that Innocentius was so prompt or forward in answering that his very promptitude gaue so great occasion of suspitiō as that it was to be compared with Iudas readines in putting his hand into the dish to couer his malicious intention for in this only standeth the force of his proofe how I say doth he proue that Innocentius was more prōp● then slow in writing Or that he may not as well be condemned for his too much slacknes as for his ouer much ha●t What proofes are there for the one more then for the other Are not these pretty fooleries M. Barlow May not any man proue Quidlibet ex Quolibet by this your manner of reasoning in which you say what you li●t and proue nothing at all And for the example of Iudas who seeth not that it much better befits M. VVilliam Barlow for betraying the Earle of Essex his Maister then Innocentius the Pope for defending himselfe But to returne againe to your former charge of Pope Innocentius If the Pope be not lyable to these former pretended Imputations of which we haue now fully cleared him I would as before I haue said faine know what these acts were that are here sayd to be descried any could no longer be hid for in Cuspinian this Popes professed aduersary I find no such personall crime obiected against him but only the contention betwene him and the Emperour for which the whole Councell of Lyons which represented the Church at that time doth cleare him in condemning Fredericke and all Authors excepting one or two set out by Heretickes do not only cleare him but also much commend him and out of Petrus de Vineis M. Barlow citeth nothing wheras me thinks in so odious a calumniation some instance should haue bene produced some Author alleadged and things more specified t●en in such generall termes But that as the Philosopher saith ●dolosus versatur in generalibus the guilfull man goes vpon generalities by which no man is so free but may be charged none so INNOCENT that may not be condemned especially if generall oc●asions without particuler proofes may take place But we against this general assertion will produce the particuler praises that Authors do giue of this Pope In which one thing the Reader may note by the way that as these writers commend Innocentius for his prudence learning vertue constancy other eminent talents so in no particuler thing doe they condemne him of which we shall see the contrary in Fredericke to wit that his disorders were so great and so gros●e that euen his chiefest flatterers that vse to make ex musca montem to prayse him farre beyond desert did yet by force of truth confesse his foule vices as Cuspinian and the two Matthews I meane Paris and VVestminster as I shall anon shew when I come to specify what all Authors write of him But first let vs examine what they say of Innocentius that so contraria iuxta se posita magis illucescant two contraryes being confron●ed togeather may both of them the better appeare Innocentius then for his learning is called of Volateranus Vincentius Philippus Bergomas Tritemius Ioannetus and those who wrote his life Doctissi●us most learned and by C●antzius Summus Doctor Iuris peritissimus the chiefest and most skilfull Doctour of Law and Durandus a famous L●wy●r of that tyme calleth him the Father of the Law as testifieth Alphonsus Ciaconius and the same doth Genebrad ou● of Volateranus And he was not only learned himself but was also a great furtherer and fauourer of learning learned men as witnesseth the said Genebrard and Tarcagnota For his constancy and vpright dealing he is called of Paulus Lauzius Luthers friend Vir rigidus iustitiae tenacissimus executor a seu●re man and most constant executor of Iustice. For his inuincible courage of Folieta to be Impauidi ad terrores animi one who apprehended no feare For his wisdome and prudence he is said of the same Author to haue bene Insignipictare pruden●ia of excellent pietie and wisdome And the like hath Ciaconius For his prouidence and circumspection of the Monke of Padua who then liued Sagacissimus Papa a most prouident or circumspect Pope For his sanctity of Nangis the French man in the life of S. Lewis Beatae felicis vitae and s●nctissimus Papa of a blessed and holy life and most holy Pope And that this was the common opinion of him through all France at that tyme the testimony not only of this Frenchman
CARDINALL what dignity title it is pag. 8. Cardinall Bellarmine abused by M. Barlow pag. 80. his Letter to the Archpriest discussed pag. 345. deinc●ps his opinion of the Oath of Allegiance p. 346. 347. deinceps cleered from false imputation pag. 386. 387. defended from Contradictiōs pag. 432. 442. 443. 448. 449. Charles the Great Emperour his zeale in reformation of manners in the Clergy pag. 313. Ch●lsey erection for wryters pag. 248. Clement 8. his Breues sent into England pag. 342. Clergymen freed from secular burthēs whence it first proceeded pag. 371. L. Cooke Chiefe Iustice of the Cōmon Pleas his booke of Arraignments pag. 188. his definition of Misery by Copia ●nopia ibid. his poore Deuinity pag. 190. Conscience erroneous how and when it bindeth p. 33. 277. Contentions betweene Popes and Emperours pag. 480. deinceps Controuersie betweene S. Gregory and Mauritius the Emperour pag. 304. Councell of A●les how it submitted it selfe to the Emperour pag. 313. Councells Generall alwayes assembled by the B. of Rome p. 320. Councell of Millaine corrupted by M. Barlow pag. 33● Councell 4. of Toledo in Spaine of the Oath prescribed to Subiects therin pag. 365. d●inceps Difference betweene that the Oath of Allegiance pag. 381. 384. falsified by M. Barlow pag. 369. Whether it agreed with the Protestant Church of England 377. S. Cyprians iudgment of such as dy out of the Catholik Church pag. 222. D DESCENDING of Christ into hell pag. 377. Difference Essentiall betweene Protestants Puritans praef n. 32. Differen●e between the writing of F. Persons M. Barlow praef n. 132. Diuells concurrence with M. Barlow pag. 450. Diuinity of M. Barlow carnall p. 133. fit for the Court pag. 177. Diuision of the worke pag. 2. Doct●ine of the Church not preiudicated by euill life p. 147. E EARLE of E●sex his Confession reuealed by M. Barlow p. 22. Preached against by him 212. Edward vide Cooke Eleazar his glorious death for not eating of swines flesh pag. 541. Q. Elizabeth her life discussed pa●t 2. cap. 1. 2. per totum Her manes pag. 161. 166. Canonized for a Saint by M. Barlow p●g 164. praef n. 114. her Mortifications pag. 168. § 2. per totum No cloistred Nunne ● 170. her Felicities Infelicities part 2. cap. 2. per totum her birth pag. 201. her sicknes and death pag. 209. § 3. her Purgation about the Q. of Scotlands death pag. 215. her disastrous end pag. 216. 217. held for an Heretike pag. 226. How she was a ioy Iewell to the Christian world pag. 422. her Illegitimation p. 424. declared by her owne Father in Parlament pag. 426. nec Virgo nec Martyr praef n. 115. Equiuocation not lawfull in matters of Religion pag. 30. confounded with lying by M. Barlow pag. 384. 385. Excommunication of Princes practised in the Primitiue Church pag. 102. F FAITH diuine humane distinguished pag. 392. Feli●ities and Infelicites of Q. Elizabeth part 2. c. 2. per totum Felicity temporall no argument of spirituall p. 181. 182. 183. Anciēt Fathers discourses therupon p. 184. 185. 186. Festiuities Masses of Saints p. 379. B. Fisher abused by M. Barlow p. 328. Flattery of his Maiesty by Mininisters part● 2. cap. 3. per totum of the nature of flattery p. 231. Fox his rabble of Martyrs p. 233. F●edericke the first Emperour his submission to the Pope p 466. Fredericke the second his contention with Popes pag. 480. deinceps his voyage to the holy land 481. 48● his counterfait sicknes ibid. his vices and bad life pag. 514. his barbarous cruelty 517. his blasphemy 519. Gods punishment laid vpō him 520. G F. Garnets face in the straw p. 23. Gemen the Turke poysoned pag. 533. Gracchus abused by M. Barlow pag. 61. S. Gregory rayled at by M. Barlow praef n. 108. H HEAD of the Protestant Church monstrous p. 200. Henry vide Wotton Henry the 4. Emperour taken vp again out of his graue after buriall pag. 398. His deposition 411. Henry the 5. Emperour his insurrection against his father pag. 410. Henry the 3. of France his murder pag. 414. Henry the 8. of England iniured by M. Barlow pag. 428. Henry the 2. of England his absolution pag. 463. Henry the 6. Emperour his coronation pag. 466. S. Hieromes Discourse of felicity and infelicity pag. 185. Hope cannot stand without certainty of faith praef n. 48. Huldericus Mutius a Lutheran pag. 398. Hypocrisy what it is and what is the marke of an hypocrit p. 91. I IAMES vide King Idolatry suspition not cause of feare alwayes pag. 118. M. Iewell contrary to himselfe pr●f n. 41. Immunity of the Clergy whence it first proceeded pag. 371. Inconstancy vide ●arlow Infelicity vide Felicity Infidels denyed Christian buriall 408. also Heretikes and excōmunicated persons ibid. Innocentius the 4. Pope abused by M. Barlow pag. 509. 510. 511. his death lamentation therof 513. 514. Io●n vide Fox Syr Io●n Cu●● abused by M. Barlow in the pulpit praf n. 112. Ios●phs●●lling ●●lling into Egypt p. 421 K KING Iames said to be the Author of the Apology for the Oath of Allegiance part 1. cap. 11 § 1. Why his Maiesty was not named in the booke pag. 5. that he neuer ●ead the booke ●ttenti●ely ibid. Iniured by M. Barlow pag. 12. flattered by Ministers egregiously part 2. cap. 3. per totum His mild disposition diuerted pag. 230. Kings their vices recounted in Scripture pag. 199. King Henry the 2. of England his absolution pag. 46● King Henry the 4. of France his Embassador at Rome and the Ceremony of publike absolution pag. 465. L S. LEO rayled at by M. Barlow ●raf n. 108. 109. Liberty of Conscience demaunded by all forraine Protestants p. 256● Liberty of Conscience vide toleration M MACHIAVELS principles agree with Protestāt doctrine pag. 390. Maister what it signifieth how it is a title of honour pag. 9. Marriage of Priests and M. Barlows forgery therabout p. 373. Decree of the Councell of Toledo against the same pag. 374. 375. 376. Martyrs in Q. Elizabeths dayes pag. 206. Medina misunderstood by M. Barlow p. 43. explicated 44. 45. M●ri● of workes pag. 377. Misery defined by the L. Cooke pag. 188. Moone in the Asses belly p. 103. Monkes punished liuing disorderly pag. 380. M. Morton canuased pag 73. 74. his abuse of Salmeron 75. Mortification of M. Barlow pag. 126. of Q. Elizabeth pag. 163. externall Mortification and internall pag. 169. 171. 176. Mortification for Princes pag. 177. Mortification in time of Lent pa. g 376. N NABVchodonosors punishment pag. 195. more happy then Q. Elizabeth ibid. Ne●o Domiti●n Heades of the Church in M. Barlowes opinion pag. 200. O OATH of Allegiance discussed part● 1. cap. 1. 2. per totum whether the taking of it be a blessing from God p. 37. part 1. c. 4. per totum what freedome the taking thereof bringeth to Catholikes p. 39. coufuted both at home and
Barlow Barlow pag. 184. The silly shifting of M. Barlow M. Barlowes acumen M. Barlowes cōtradictiō C●● 47. ●ta●leton lib 9. c●●tro● 5. de C●● 〈…〉 M. Barlowes fidelity Art 27. c●nt●a Luth●rum B Fisher abused Valētia in 2.2 dis● 1. pun●●o 6. D. Thom● 2. 2. q. 1. art 10. Azor. In●stitut par 2 l. 5. c. 12. Azor abused Suarez abused Suarez ●ō ● in 3. 〈◊〉 ● 27 3. a●t sect 6. ●a●l pag. 18● Tō 5. Cōc concil 4. Mediolan cap. 1. About the Professiō of faith in the fourth Counc●l of Mill●ne fraudul●̄tly all●adged by M. Barlow Azor. par 1. l. 11. c. 4. §. 2. Quaeritur Strange impudency of M. Barlow Azor. par 1. l. 1. c. 11. §. 1● Quaeritur M. Barlows transcendent impudency Letter pag. 64. See S. Cypr. exhor ad Martyres See Euseb● l. 8. c. 4. Aug. de Bapt. l. 7. c. 2. l. 7. cōtra Crescon c. 27. A●nob cōtra Gentes l. 4. in fine M. Barlows slander without end Barl. pag. 187. M Barlowes strange mystery Socrat. lib. ● hist. cap. 14. Socrates peruerted D. Tho. 2. 2. q. 104. artic● 6. ad 3. Lying cogging is proper to M. Barlow S. Thomas his opiniō cōcerning Obediēce due vnto Princes Aug. 4. de Ciuit. c. 4. An obiection answered by S. Thom. M. Barlowes ignorance or malice more declared Strange dealing of our Aduersaries Letter pag. 65. About the Breues of Clemens Octauus M. Barlowes mind impious M. Barlows cobling and clowting on of his Maiesties prayses M. Barlow more fit to be a Sexton then B. of Lincolne Lett. p. 69. Apologia 56.37 The state of the cōtrouersy with Cardinal Bel●larmine Card Bellarmins opinion of taking the Oath Pag. 44. A cauil Barl. p 201. Iosue 6. 15. Rammes horne Barl. pag. 202. A great vntruth to begin wi●h all A foolish fiction of M. Barlow without application M. Barlows trifl●ng ignorance Barl. pag. 203. M. Barlow answereth argumēts by telling of tales those little to the purpose Card. Bellarmine wrongfully charged by M. Barlow for mistaking the question Pag. 164. edit Rom. Lett. p. 71. All is one with M. Barlow for a thing to be moderated or to be modified Barl. pag. 205. Stat. 26. Henr. 8. cap. 1. The first Oath of Supremacy Stat. 28. Henr. 8. cap. 10. Stat. 1. Edw. 6. cap. 2. Barl. pag. 205. M Barlow vexed in defēding the Supremacy pag. 209. 1. Reg. 15. 1. Cor. 11. M Barlowes impertinent answeres Reyn. Confer cap. 1. disp 2. p. 55. Q. Elizabeth in M. Barlowes opinion as absolute for Spiri●tu●ll authority as any Male-Monarch Barl. pag. 207. Letter 74. The Oath deuided into 14. parts Apol. p. 49. Bad kind of arguing Barl. pag. 2●● M. Barlow without all occasion plaieth the parasite Barlow pag. 214. M. Barlowes senselesse demand M. Barlow foysteth into his text the word whole and therupon groūdeth al his idle dispute Bellarm. pag. 22. edit Rom. More required to a good action then to an euil Barl. pag. ●15 The difference betweene this Oath and an Indenture Barl. pag. 215. Barl. p. 215. Strange parasitical paradoxes Lett. p. 76. Apologia 52. The Oath of Allegiance confirmed by the authority of Councels The difference betwene the ancient Councels and the Popes counsell●ng of the Catholiks Con● Tole 4. can 74. A lye in print Barl. pag. 217. About the leauing out the word almost K. ●●senādus his submissiue behauiour to the Bishops in the Councel of Toledo The Catholick Faith confirmed by the Councell of Toledo M. Barl●w when he cannot answere fil● to tell●●g of tales M. Barlows falshood in relating the words of the Coūcell of Toledo M. Barlowes shameles assertion About ignorance deuotion M. Barlow very ignorant but not very deuout Immunit● of Clergy men from whence it first proceeded Lib. de Cler. cap. 2● 29. Vid● in c●d●e Theod●s lib. 16. ti● 2 leg 16 26. ●t in Cod. ●●stin● l●ge ●an●imus de Sa●rosan Eccl. M Barlow for a Canon leapeth out of the booke Can. 75. Two notorious frauds of M. Bar●low M. Barlowes forgery discouered about the Marriage of Priests Con● To. l●t ● tom 2. Conc. an Dom. 542. The Decree of the Coūcel of Tol●d● about the chastity of Subdeacons Deacons Priests Let S●r VVilliam B. and his fellowes examine their consciences how they keep this Canon Priests liuing with their wiues noted by the Councell to come from heretikes Whether the 4 Coūcel of Toledo agree more with the Protestāt church of Englād or Catholik church of Rome Christs des●ēding into hel to deliuer the Saints Merits of workes Recourse to Rome Beda lib. 1. hist. c. 27. Wax tapers All●l●ya Mortification in the time of Lent● Masses festiuities of Saints Disorderly Monks punished The difference betwene the Oath of the Councel of Toledo the English oath of pretended Allegiāce Barl. pag. 220. Very wisly spoken Concil ● Tolet. A fond triumph of M. Barlow before the victory The Coūcel of Toledo would neuer haue allowed of the new Oath About Equiuocation very ignorantly by M. Barlow confounded with lying * An immodest example vsed by M. Barlow The difference be●weene Equiuocation lying A grosse lye of M. Barlow Barl. pag. 226. M. Barlowes principall ignorāce M. Barlowes childish imputations against Cardinall Bellarmine Barl. pag. 230. Lett pag. 43 num 24. Two questiōs proposed solued Clauses of beliefe or not belief in the Oath Pag. 12. Barl. pag. ●33 M. Barlowes caueling Barl. pag. 234. Machiauels principles agree better to Protestāts doctrine thē to the Catholike M. Barlow vnderstandeth not himselfe Barl. pag. 234. M. Barlow his seely distinction M. Barlowes grosse errour in Philosophy Diuine humane faith wherin they are distinguished The Pop● neuer cōmanded any Prince to be murthered Bar● pag. 217. Barl. pag. 239. Bell. de Rō Pont. l. 5. c. 6. §. ex quo M. Barlow falsifyeth Bellarmine M. Barlows foolish consequence Lett. p. 87. Na●e part 2. gē ●7 in anno 11●6 Crā●● l. 5. histor Saxon c. 24. M. Barlow i● 〈◊〉 where he 〈◊〉 ●●●were Henry the 4. not vnburied by Pope Pascalis Naucl. l. 2. gen 37. 〈◊〉 a Lutheran M. Barlows clouted frauds in his black cloud of witn●sses M. Barlow pareth and minceth Authors to his purpose M. Barlow sheweth himselfe a falsificator in capitall Let●ers M. Barlow trimmeth Authours to make thē against their wil 's cōtrary to that they write to speake for him Lett. p. 87. M. Barlowes perfidious dealing in alleaging F. Persons words Crātz l. 5. Hist. cap. 24. Barl. pag. 240. M Barlowes notorious lyes M. Barlowes cloud of witn●sses 〈◊〉 Helmod 〈◊〉 l. 1. c. 33. Binnius misconstrued Binnius tom 3. pag. 13 c 4. The ayre cleered of M. Barlowes cloud of witnesses A commō false trick of M. Barlow to set down his owne words in a different letter as if they were the words of the Authour by him cited Aug. de Ciuit. l. 1. cap. 13. lib. de cura mort agenda Cypr. Ep.