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A08425 A reproufe, written by Alexander Nowell, of a booke entituled, A proufe of certayne articles in religion denied by M. Iuell, set furth by Thomas Dorman, Bachiler of Diuinitie: and imprinted at Antvverpe by Iohn Latius. Anno. 1564. Set foorth and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions; Reproufe of a booke entituled, A proufe of certayne articles in religion denied by M. Juell Nowell, Alexander, 1507?-1602.; Dorman, Thomas, d. 1577? Proufe of certeyne articles in religion, denied by M. Juell. 1565 (1565) STC 18741; ESTC S113385 180,927 268

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noted are those who be subiect to no Prelate And vpon the other part againe let M. Dorman conclude as wel against all kingdomes cōmon wealthes in Christendome that they be liue monsters as hauing many heades for that they haue God in heauen to their head and their seuerall Princes in earth to their heades and gouernours as he for like cause concludeth our particular churches to be liue monsters And I doubt not but M. Dorman so reasoninge shall playnely appéere though not to all men that haue heades yet to all that haue reason in their heades to reason more like a trūke than a man who though he haue an head vpon his shoulders yet dooth he by such monstrous and vnreasonable reasoning showe himselfe to haue but small wit and lesse learning in his head Al this adoo hath M. Dorman made now by the space of more than thrée leaues to deface the scripture as no fitte iudge in cōtrouersies to perswade vs that the Pope like an other Pythagoras by his onely bare woorde may and ought to satisfie all mē heretikes others that it shal be sufficiēt for him onely to say without reason or scripture why he so sayeth sauing this reason onely Papae est pro ratione voluntas With the Pope will standeth for reason as is mentioned in the booke of his owne Canon lawe To this ende all his examples of the Suenkfeldians Arrians Anabaptistes matters moste impertinent to his proposed mater doo tende This is the conclusion of all that you shrinking frō the scripture should not shrinke from the Romaine chaire but stick to the Popes theron sitting by vvhom all haeretikes haue been and these shall be to their vtter confusion vanquished For vvhat one haeretike are they hable to recon ouerthrovven by the scripture VVas Arrius vvere the Anabaptistes ouerthrovven by the scriptures nay that vvere they not These be M. Dormans owne woordes But for that I am not so certaine of the certaintie of the Popes iudgement as M. Dorman is I will be so bolde after his example to demaunde of him certaine shorte questions touching the Pope as iudge as he hath made of the scripture as no iudge What if there be twoo or three Popes at once as often hath been for Dnuphrius reckeneth 26. schismes in in the church of Rome of which some one hath dured about 40. yeres together in euery of the whiche schismes were at the leaste twoo Popes at once when there be I saye two or moe Popes at once one cursing an other one breakyng and disanulling the decrees made by an other one persecuting and killynge an other is it not to be doubted whiche of them shall be this certaine iudge in controuersies And whether in this case the popishe churche be not in daunger to be a liue monster as hauing many heades And on the contrarie part what if we haue neuer a Pope at all for so hath it happened many times for one or twoo yeres together as after Pope Gregorie the. 7. the sée of Rome was vacant one yere after Coelestine the. 4. one yere and. 8. monethes After Clement the. 4. twoo yeres 9. monethes after Nicolas the. 4. twoo yeres and thrée monethes After Clement the. 5. twoo yeres thrée monethes And after Iohn the. 23. it was vacant twoo yeres and fiue monethes shal al our doubtes lie for that time vndiscussed for lacke of a iudge and your popish church so long lie as a dead truncke for lacke of an head Or els whether shall Peters chayre though emptie bee both iudge head too good enough for y e popishe church and suche a bodie as it is What if the Pope sitte not at Rome in Italie which is Peters sée and chayre but at Auinion in Fraunce as Popes did for the space of 70. yeres together may we not doubte of the certaintie of the iudge not sittyng in the chayre whereof he hath all his certaintie or els dooeth he carie his chayre about into all countreis for y t the whole world is his diocesse as in his Canon lawe is mentioned What if the Pope doo erre as all the Canonistes Gratian Gerson Caietane and many others thinke he may What if he bee an heretike as Athanasius S. Hierome Gratian Erasmus the generall Coūcelles the sixt the Councell of Constance and Basill testifie that diuers Popes haue been must he yet néedes be iudge and his iudgement certaine also What if his election be vncertaine or vnlaufull he enteryng in by force ambition symonie periurie as Platina testifieth many of them haue entered and in whiche case not onely Gerson Gratian Caietane and all the Canonistes but also Pope Nicolas the seconde hymselfe doo affirme that he is to be deposed as no lawfull Pope and not Apostolicus but Apostaticus not Apostolike but an Apostata must he yet be the moste certaine and onely iudge What if we haue a shée Pope suche as was Pope Iohane otherwise Iohn the eight must the iudgementes and woorde of our woman Pope be certayne and the iudgementes and woorde of God vncertaine What if the Popes successours dooe disanull their predecessours Popes decrees and make decrées most contrary to them pull them out of their graues whan they be dead and disgrade them is here no incertaintie which Popes and Papall decrees are to be folowed whiche to be reiected Nowe if the matter be the Popes owne case as is this of his supremacie he must be both partie and iudge too whiche his own Canon lawe forbiddeth These doubtes with a great manie moe whereof you shall also shortely heare more at large god wylling haue I good M. Dorman about the Pope as the onely certaine iudge in all controuersies and I desire to be resolued at your handes who are so certaine of the certaintie of his Papall iudgements that you are author to vs to flie from the scriptures as vncertaine to them as moste certaine and infallible For séeynge the spirite of God doth so oft call the scriptures Iudicia iudgementes yea ● Iudicia iusticiae Dei the iudgementes of the iustice of God and viam veritatis the way of truthe for the certaintie of their iudgement as I take it vntill you haue resolued me of these doubtes and many other about the Pope your Romaine iudge and his consistorie you shall hardly perswade me and as I thinke many moe to beleue that the scripture that is to saye the woorde of God should be vncertain and the Popes that is to say mans and sometime womans woorde to be most certain And besides this text Deus verax omnis autem homo mendax I thinke you shall not finde many moe for your purpose Dorman fol. 14 Aske of them vvith vvhat face they coulde so many yeres together call king Henry the eight supreame head of the churche of England immediatly vnder God and novv our gracious soueraigne lady his daughter supreme gouernour in all
ecclesiastical thinges and causes ouer the same vvhiche hovv so euer they please themselues vvith fine fetches and coloured deuises is vvith the other title in effect al one if this reason of theirs vvere good Christ is head of the churche therefore there is no other head therof vnder him And hovve vvas king Henry then If they saye that their meaning is that no man can because Christ is head of the vniuersall churche be vnder him head of the vvhole but may vvell be of some particuler churche as king Henry vvas and the Quenes maiestie novve is Then demaunde of them vvhat reason they haue to leade them to say that a particuler membre of the churche as the churche of Englande can bee no more maie haue an other head beside Christe and the whole bodie maie not and whye one member maie haue twoo heades more then one bodie Nowell Now after his long digressions and declamations against the Suenkfeldians against the Arrians and Anabaptistes and against the conferēce of scriptures the manne remembryng hymself retourneth sodainlie to his matter by a question And in deede he taketh on with his Herotemata and other rollyng Rhetoricall figures exceadynglie now that he draweth towarde a conclusion Flie those sticke to those saieth M. Dorman Shrinke not from those Tell those you are at a poincte with them Saie to them as saincte Hierome saied Tell them bouldlie with sainct Augustine Aske of them with what face then demaunde of them againe with what reason with many other Rhetoricall floures wherewith he hath geuen a faire floorishe to his finall conclusion Magno conatu magnas nugas agens as thei saie makyng greate adooe aboute greate trifles as I doubte not but all wise menne will iudge Aske of them saieth maister Dorman with what face thei could call Kyng Henrie the eight so many yeres supreame heade of the Churche of Englande c. As though the man had so proued the contrarie that none durste shewe his face to gainesaie hym whereas all he hath saied is not woorthe one rushe Aske of them ꝙ he with what face Naie aske of your forsworne fathers the old Papistes for some of them are yet liuyng who gaue hym that title firste with what face thei did geue it hym did sweare it to hym and so long tyme cōtinued so callyng hym if thei did not so thinke as thei saied and had sworne but dissembled deepelie aske of them with what face thei plaied so false dissemblyng hypocrites to saie but soberlie with so noble a prince their soueraigne Lorde Aske of them what maner of subiectes thei were all that while feignyng in face in countenaunce in woorde and writyng also yea and takyng a solemne othe to be with their prince therein and beyng in harte and déede on the Pope his sworne enemie his side Whiche passeth hauyng of twoo faces vnder one hoode But if thei thought in deede as thei pretended in woordes then aske of thē with what face thei did chaunge their copie forsweare the same and themselues with all so easilie afterwarde yea and compelled al other to be forsworne with them for companie If it will please you to resorte to the recordes of the .xxij. and .xxiiij. yeres of king Henry the eight there shall you finde who thei were that first offered this title to the saied kyng there shall you finde that all Abbottes and other religious all the Bishops Deanes Archedeacons and Cleargie of bothe the houses of the Conuocation then liuyng gaue hym that title Emōgest whom if you finde one protestante I can for hym finde one score of papistes to speake with the least and peraduenture one hundreth too And those protestantes who gaue hym that title dealed simplie and plainly with their Prince as becomed true subiectes as the sequele declared But there shall you finde an huge number of Papistes who by their writyng not onelie saiyng by their othe not woorde onely reiected all that false vsurped supremacie of the Pope whiche you and thei as many of them as yet bee liuyng without all face or with a shamelesse face dooe now maintaine there shall you finde who gaue to Kyng Henrie the supremacie ouer the cleargie as well as the laitie within his owne dominions there shall you finde who thei were that so falsely dissembled and that so many yeres together with their soueraigne lorde There shall you finde who thei were that chaunged their copie and turned with the wind as the wethercocke there shall you finde who thei were that so falsely sware resware triesware forsware themselues and not content therewith did so cruelly by all moste terrible tormentes and dreadfull deathes compell others to periurie with thē S●ing therefore thus standeth the case with what face soeuer M. Dorman moueth suche demaundes and vexeth vs with suche leude questions to bee enquired otherwhere surelie he dooeth it without all forehead or shamefastnesse Now to the matter by what right wée geue the Quéenes maiestie the title of the supreme gouernour in Ecclesiasticall matters as well as temporall and with what face we so call her is to be answered in the second parte of M. Dormans diuision where he affirmeth that priestes onely and not princes ought to haue the gouernemēt of the churche wherin I doubt nothyng to aduouche and that shortly the princes due authoritie in the churche of God within their own dominions with better face authoritie reason and conscience then you haue dooen or shalbée able to dooe in the mainteinaunce of the Popes foraine false vsurped supremacie Where M. Dorman requireth a reason why a particuler church maie haue one head gouernor vnder Christ in earth and the whole church maie not why one member maie and the whole bodie maie not haue any head I truste the reason is not to seeke in the good readers memorie seyng it hath been so ofte declared before Yet will I answere M. Dormā his question by an other questiō Why maie one kingdom haue one head in earth vnder God as daily experiēce teacheth the whole worlde can not haue one onely head in earth vnder God that Monarchie being reserued to himself alone and why in this case the member maie haue an earthly heade besides God and the whole bodie maie not If M. Dorman saie the questions bee not like I aske with what face he can so saie seing that in the beginnyng of this his treatie he brought the example of ciuill gouernemente in the whiche euery kyngdome hath his Kyng euery countrey citie and companie haue their seuerall gouernours c. to prooue that the churche ought likewise to haue one head But I wotte what maister Dorman and other Papistes would saie to my question if the tymes serued them Thei would quickelie aunswere that the whole worlde hath and ought to haue one onely head in earth vnder God and therefore the Churche in like wise oughte to haue one onely head in earth vnder Christe And if thei were demaunded who is or should be that
witnesses sainct Cyprian and sainct Hierome brought in by hymself for the proofe of his parte and that whiche is more I will prooue it by the verie same places of sainct Cyprian and sainct Hierome whiche are by Doctour Hardyng and maister Dorman here alleged that is to saie by the thirde epistle of the firste booke of the epistles of sainct Cyprian and by the epistle of sainct Hierome to Euagrius And I doubte not but as of his three witnesses brought for hym one is no witnesse but suche as if one would saie aske my self whether I bee a theefe or no so the other twoo witnesses who bee moste woorthie credite shall proue my cause true I truste and maister Dorman a verie liar Wherein I doo thus proceade First I will putte the reader in remembraunce yet once againe of Saincte Cyprians owne woordes before touched written in the same epistle by maister Dorman alleged whiche are these Cum statutum sit omnibus nobis c. whiche maie bee thus translated whereas an order is taken or statute made emongeste vs all and it is also reasonable and right that euery mannes cause be there hearde where the faulte was committed and whereas a portion of the flocke is assigned to euery bishoppe by himself whiche euery one ought to rule and gouerne and must geue an accompte of his doynges to the Lorde these whiche bee vnder our gouernaunce ought not therefore to runne about to witte from one Bishoppe to an other neither to breake the agreable concorde of Bishoppes by their guilefull temeritie or rashnesse but ought there to make answere in their causes where thei maie haue accusers witnesses of their crimes excepte it seeme to a fewe desperate and caste awaie persones that the authoritie of the bishoppes that bee in Afrike is lesse then the authoritie of others whiche Bishoppes haue alreadie geuen iudgement of them their cause is alreadie heard sentence is alreadie pronounced against them neither dooeth it agree to the graue iudgemente of Bishoppes to be blamed of the leuitie of a mouable and inconstant mynde whereas our Lorde dooeth saie Let your speache bee yea yea no no. Thus farre saincte Cyprian M. Dormans owne witnesse euen in the same epistle by hymself alleged And this sentence of saincte Cyprian touchyng the determinyng of controuersies in the places where thei dooe rise and that no appellations shal bee made to any bishop of an other Prouince yea and that namely not to the Bishop of Rome nor that he shall sende any Legates Laterall to heare or determine foraine matters dooeth the whole Carthaginense councell approue and allowe wherein was saincte Augustine Drosius and Prosper with 217. moe learned and godlie Bishoppes assembled as I haue before noted The same sainct Cyprian euer agreyng with hym self in this veritie of the equalitie of al bishops which is the ouerthrowe of the supremacie of one dooeth applie many suche places of the scriptures as are customarelie but moste falsely alleged now a daies by this authour and other aduersaries for the proufe of the popes supremacie ouer all Bishoppes to the declaration of the equall authoritie of euery Bishoppe in his own diocesse as the place of Deuteronomium concernyng the obedience due to the high Prieste out of Numerie of the disobedience of Chore Dathan and Abyron against Aaron out of the Actes of the Apostles touching Saincte Paules woordes I wiste not that he was the high Bishoppe for it is written thou shalt not speake euill to the prince of thy people All these places I saie doeth saincte Cyprian allege for the authoritie of Rogatian an Africane Bishop and againste the disobedience of the saied Rogatians oeacon against his bishop And the same places dooeth sainct Cyprian likewise againe in an other place allege for his owne authoritie beeyng Bishop of Carthage and against the stubbornesse of Pupianus towardes hymself So that saincte Cyprian doeth in all places maintaine the equalitie of bishops and withal ouerthrowe the supremacie of one ouer all directlie againste this place by you as out of Pope Leo alleged But in no place is sainct Cyprian more effectuous and piaine concernyng this matter then in his booke intituled De simplicitate praelatorū where he hath these woordes Dn̄sapostolis oībus post resurrectionem suam parem potestatē tribuit mox Hoc erant vtique caeteri apostoli quod fuit Petrus pari consortio praediti honoris potestatis That is to saie The Lorde after his resurrectiō did geue like orequall power to al his Apostles The other Apostles were the veric same that Peter was beeyng indued with like felowship both of honour and power Thus farre saincte Cyprian who beyng in so many places so directlie againste this vsurped supremacie of one and for the equalitie of all Bishoppes it is to be wondered with what face M. Dorman hath been so bold and busie with S. Cyprian in this his treatie of the popes supremacie Now let vs heare S. Hierome M. Dorman his second witnesse and euen in the same epistle by M. Dorman alleged also Where Saincte Hierome speakyng of the authoritie of Churches and Bishops and makyng thē all equall and none aboue an other hath these woordes Nec altera Romanae vrbis ecclesia altera totius orbis estimanda est c. Wée maie not thinke that the Churche of the citie of Rome is one and the Churche of the whole worlde an other Bothe Fraūce and Britaine now called Englāde Afrike and Persie lande the East countreis and Indie and al barbarous nations woorship one Christe and obserue one rule of truth If you seke for authoritie the worlde is greater then the citie of Rome wheresoeuer any bishoppe is whether he be at Rome or Eugubium at Constantinople or at Rhegium at Alexādria or Tanis he is of the same merite of the same priesthoode The power of riches or basenesse of pouertie maketh not a bishope either higher or lower But thei be al the successors of the Apostles But thou wilte saie how dooe thei at Rome a● the testimonie of the deacon ordein the priest What dooest thou allege to me the custome of one citie what dooest thou chalenge for the lawes of the Churche the vsage of a fewe whereof presumptiō hath risen Thus farre sainct Hierome Vpon the which place Erasmus in his Scholies noteth that Eugubium Rhegium and Tanis were base and little tounes and that sainct Hierome matcheth in paires and couples a poore simple little toune with a noble citie to she we therby that the dignitie of the Bishop is not estéemed by the greatnesse of his diocesse or citie but that all bishops bee equall in office Now let vs compare these twoo sainct Cyprian I saie and saincte Hierome bearyng witnesse with the truthe with Leo onely bearyng witnesse to hymself Leo saieth In the holie Apostles themselues there was a differēce of power and that it was geuen to one to be aboue all the reste On
hym alleged moste euidentlie againste hym and that moste falsly vsurped supremacie of the pope You haue heard how contrary his witnesses be twoo against one and that one either not so writyng as is alleged by M. Dorman but falsified or forged as so writyng by the Popes commen corrupters and falsaries of al writers and writynges or if so writyng yet vnworthie credite euen by his owne lawe as partiall in his owne cause and otherwise to be suspected for that his testimonie is in diuers copies found not onely diuers but cleane cōtrarie vnlesse M. Dormā thought he might put in and out this woorde non not as a little sillable and nothyng materiall at his pleasure And further the saied witnesse who so euer he be beyng but one is confuted as you haue hearde by the veredicte of twoo witnesses moste worthie of creadite brought in with hym for testimonie of the same matter You se therfore not onely no necessitie but an impossibilitie of such an one onely head aswell of the churche dispersed throughout all the worlde as of one onely king or prince of all the worlde it self You sée there was no suche opinion muche lesse knowledge of any suche head emōgest the Apostles or in the primitiue churche but that it is a newe deuilishe deuise of the late ambitious Bishoppes of Rome who when thei were neuer able yet hitherto well to rule the churche of Rome one citie as by all histories and experience is euidente would yet of the worlde vsurpe the superioritie supremacie And if S. Paule didthinke he was not méete to haue charge of one Churche who could not well gouerne his owne house of what monstrous ambitiō and presumption is he trowe you who neuer yet able to gouerne one peculiar churche dooeth claime and would take vpon him the regiment of all churches throughout the whole worlde Wheras he is not able were he thereto required to tell the onely names of a small parte of the saied churches neither knoweth in what part of the world a great many of thē be Dorman fol. 6. I can not heare staie to examine curioussie euery worde in these auncient fathers but leauing that good readers to your discreatiō and not doubtyng but that in these graue witnesses in a matter of suche weight importaunce as wherevpon dependeth the healthe of the whole Churche you will be no lesse diligente then you would bee in examinyng the depositions of your owne witnesses or your aduersaries in a triall of landes or other temporall commoditie Nowell M. Dorman is in haste and lacketh leisure for the examination of these matters there is some plaie belike towardes and his par●e therein the busieste of all other and therefore you must examine these witnesses your selues and that with more diligence then you would dooe in controuersies about landes or worldie matters Now surely M. Dorman a little examinatiō will serue to trie out that you and all your felowe collectours and ouersears of this booke were either of hast shamefully ouerséene or so ignoraunte that you could not sée though you had had good leisure or moste impudēt and shamelesse so that you cared nothyng what or how you did write so it were some thyng or els all three together And had you doen well you should all haue bestowed your leisure and cunnyng together in some one piththie booke if any thyng can be piththilie written of suche leude and trifelyng matters as you take in hande to maintaine rather then by launcyng out suche hauocke of bookes like to this yours and moste méete for you in poste pase as though all speede were in the haste onelie to gette for the tyme the commendation of celeritie and readinesse either of your fanourers altogether blinded with partialitie or of such vndiscreate readers as delite moste in moste trifles and withall to obteine a perpetuall note and blotte of greate ignoraunce mixed with more shamelessenesse and impudencie in the opinions of all wise and learned men For it will fall out M. Dorman that you alone shall bee more able to write and sende vs ouer a doosen suche bookes at this is by the leisure and facultie that you haue sufficiente enough thereto then D. Hardyng and you with all your adherentes shall bee able to maintaine one little pa●cell of this your or his booke as truelie and sincerely written So mucke harder it is either to write a little well and truelie or to defende a little of muche written lightlie and falselie then to write neuer so many and so greate bookes bothe lightly leudely and falsely too suche as I trust it shall appeare to the worlde this booke named woorthily yours is in deede M. Dorman Dorman fol. 6. I shall procede to the consideration of the seconde reason whiche before I touched of the people of Is●ael if I firste warne you to consider but this by the waie that ye maie truste those aunciente fathers by their woorde the better an other tyme how many schismes bee burste in apon vs in our countrey of Englande for one common receiued truth in the daies of our fathers when we remained in the obediēce of one chief priest and iudge whiche shake nowe so miserablie the same how quietlie in one loue in one truth in one doctrine in one Churche in one heade thereof God almightie and his minister vnder hym appoincted ouer the same weliued then and other in other places dooe now Nowell Yet for all the haste M. Dorman hath he will by the waie warne you to credite the aunciente fathers by hym alleged The same dooe wee also desire of the discreate readers that thei will creadit those auncient fathers who though alleged by M. Dorman beyng directlie against hym doo declare that he is woorthy of no creadite at all And he doeth vniustlie charge England specially with so many schismes where it is well knowen that there is as muche consente in true doctrine in the churche of Englande at this tyme as euer was in any realme at any time And though there were not a perfecte consent of all men in all poinctes what marueile yet were it if that should happen emongeste vs whiche was not altogether lackyng emongeste the Apostles themselues Let the contētion betwéene Paule and Peter and betwéene Paule againe Barnabas be a proofe thereof What woonder if that were emongest vs touching some poinctes that was not wanting in the primitiue churche emōgest the olde fathers Let the variaunce emongeste the bishops assembled at Nicene councell let the contention betwene the bishops of the Easte and of the Weste churche aboute the keepyng of Easter daie a matter not woorthie of suche variaunce bée a witnesse thereof Let the sharpe contētion betwéene S. Chrysostome and Theophilus bishop of Alexādria and Epiphanius bishop of Cyprus the bitter strief betwéene S. Hierome and S. Augugustine and betwéene the saied S. Hierome againe and Rufine and like contentions betweene the beste men of all
ages testifie the same What nedeth muche repetitiō of antiquities As though it were vnknowen what contentions haue euer been emongest the Papistes themselues as betwene the Canonistes and schole doctours betwene Scotus and Thomas betwene Alliacensis and Occam and of late tyme betwene Catetanus and Pighius and as though at this presente tyme all Papistes agreed emongest themselues in the principall poinctes of their religion where thei as shal in place conueniente be declared dooe exceadingly not onely varie but repugne one againste an other And what bee these names Thomistes Scotistes Nominalles and Realles but names of schismes What be these Benedictines Cistertians Carmelites Chartusians Dominicans Franciscans with others like an huge number but names of Popishe schismes sectes Who all forsakyng the religion and name of Christe common to all true christians haue chosen to be called religious as by a speciall name of a seuerall religion and to bee named after men their fathers on earth forsakyng the heauenlie father and continuyng and accomplishyng the schisme firste begunne in S. Paules time after the exāple of those who said I am of Paule I of Cephas I of Apollo saiyng I am of Dominike I of Benedicte I of Francise who also maie directly answere S. Paule askyng was Paule or any other sauyng onely Christe crucified for you Yea maie the Franciscanes saie S. Francise was crucified for vs of his familie and beholde the woundes in his side handes and feete If S. Paule aske againe is Iesus Christ diuided Yea maie a false hypocrite one of the secte of the Iesuites say for we haue th' one part of Iesus therof called Iesuites and haue left the other part Christe to the seelie soules abroade to holde them selues contēted therewith and with the name of christians thereof deriued Why is Iesus one then and Christ an other Be there twoo Christes then or one diuided into twoo One of these must needes be els if Iesus Christ be not twoo but one as he is moste certainly one and beyng not diuided as he moste certainelie is whole then are you Iesuites were your religion good nothing els but Christians then are all Christians Iesuites also then do● you in vaine bragge of a seuerall name of religiō if your and our religion bee one But if your religion be hypocrisie as it is in déede then haue you stirred vp an horrible schisme diuiding and cutting the glorious name of Iesus Christ in the whiche onely is saluatiō yea tearyng Christe hymself in pieces infinitely more wickedly and cruelly then euer did the wicked souldiars that crucified Christ who had a remorse to cut his coate asonder And leaste all these sectes of hypocrites should not bee knowen sufficiently by onely diuersitie of names thei haue by other infinite waies and meanes iraueiled to seuer their sectes asunder studiyng for diuisiō as for the beste and fliyng all shewe of vnitie as the worste of all thinges Wherefore to their diuersitie of names thei haue ioigned diuersitie of fashions and diuersitie of colours in their apparell diuersitie of girdles hose and shooes diuersitie of shauyng diuersitie of goyng beckyng and bowyng diuersitie of diete and meates diuersitie of readyng syngyng and tunyng diuersitie of Churche seruice and diuersitie of rules of life All tymes would faile me if I should or could rehearse all their diuersities whiche is the verie propertie of schismes and sectes These be those schismatikes and sectaries with an infinite multitude whereof of late Englande was repleanished of the whiche now thankes bee to God the realme is well ridde so that if you mete a thousande men and wemen one after an other seuerally and aske of them of what religion bee you Thei shall all and euery one answere you I am a christian we bée all christians there shall not one answere to you as was wonte vnder your head I am of the religion of S. Francisce a Franciscane an other I am a Dominicane the thirde I am a Carmelite Et sic de singulis One woman shal not answere you I am a Brigittine an other I am a Clarane the third I am a Beguine whiche are all names of abominable sectes and schismes not onely diuidyng but deniyng but forgettyng but reiectyng the religion and name of Iesus Christ and choosyng the names and religion of sinfull synners and counterfaite hypocrites moste wicked and so muche the more wicked for that thei cloked their wickednes vnder names of holinesse religion These so diuers sectes of false religion being well abandoned now out of Englande and the one true religion of our sauiour Iesus Christe onely here remainyng I marueill with what face you can charge vs with schismes and sectes which is your own speciall sore And where you warne the readers vpon experience of the multitude of schismes lately risen sithen the forsakyng of that one Popishe head to creadite the auncient fathers as witnessyng with you against vs you might as iustly warne them to creadite the aunciente Phariseis rather then Christe and his Apostles bothe for that the first heresie as S. Augustine saieth sprange emongest the disciples of Christe many of them departyng from hym vpon the occasion of his preachyng seemyng to them to be heard and also for that in the Apostles time some vsed suche schismaticall saiynges as these Wee holde of Paule some other wee holde of Cephas the thirde sorte we holde of Apollo whereas there was no suche dissention emongest the high priestes and Phariseis but greate vnitie and concorde emongest them againste Christes Apostles and againe for that diuers greater schismes of the Nicolaites the Symoniās the Cerinthians the Menandrians the Saturninians the Carpocratians the Basilidians with an huge number moe did rise with and shortly after the firste preachyng of the Gospell as Darnell secreatlie sowen by the enemie springeth vp with the good corne sowen by the husbandeman and specially for that great schisme whiche Christe and his Apostles made from the highe Priestes and their Churche whiche S. Paule made against the Phariseis whō he beyng brought vp from his childhood emongest them did so schismatically forsake and cleaue vnto Christ their aduersarie Wherevpon in steede of greate quietnesse in one doctrine and traditions of their fathers of great looue emongest all Priestes and Phariseis throughout all Iurie and the whole Iewishe churche before did folowe greate diuisions trubles did arise not onely in Iurie but shortly after ouer al the worlde Wherof our sauour Christ himself was accused as appeareth in the historie of the Gospell and S. Paule with other the Apostles were likewise accused as is to be seen in the Acttes of the Apostles and in like maner the whole christian religion was in the primitiue Churche of all enemies bothe derided as diuided into many schismes and sectes as doeth by histories ecclesiasticall appeare and also charged as the cause of all mischieues and troubles that ouerwhelmed the worlde as by Origen saincte Augustine S.
head If the tyme I saie were for it thei would plainelie saie the Pope is Lorde and Monarche of the whole worlde and head of the whole Churche too For so it is recorded in the booke of his Canon lawe and that he hath as muche righte to all the Kyngdomes of the worlde as onelie Monarche as he hath to the whole Churche dispersed throughout all the worlde as the onelie head and in so saiyng maister Dorman might saie more truely then he is ware of For he hath like righte to bothe that is none at all to any of bothe But in all his behauiour riches pompe power Castelles souldiours armour gunnes and other artillarie of warre he shewith hym self more like a worldlie prince then in any one poincte like a godlie bishop or a bishop at all whereof he hath no token nor signe at all Wherefore he mighte with better reason plead for his Monarchie of the worlde as partlie in possession thereof then for his bishoprike of the world beyng cleane out of al possessiō of any bishoprike and without all showe of any bishop And as when the tyme serued hym in Kyng Ihons daies he made as greate title to the croune as to the Churche of Englande and named the prince his vassall aswell as the Priestes his subiectes so hath this Foxe chaunged his heare but not his maners And I praie God that he beeyng in deede but a false Romishe Foxe neuer haue oportunitie nor power so to plaie the Lyon or Beare rather againe in our countrey Dorman Fol. 14. Finallie if at that tyme thei flattered the kyng and gaue hym that whiche neither thei coulde geue nor he receiue and abused his good nature to the destruction of so many notable men as for the onely refusall to saie as thei saied by moste exquisite painfull tormentes lost their liues saie vnto them that thei yet at length acknowledge their faulte and admonishe that good Ladie our maistres that she consente not to vse that title whiche because it belongeth to Christe she maie not haue or if thei thinke and wil stande in it that she maie without offence that thei doe yet at the least confesse that reason of theirs to be verie weake and of no strength Christ is head of the churche therefore it maie haue none other Excepte thei will perhaps saie that he is heade of all other Churches and hath onelie left oures headlesse so that because he is not head therof wee are out of the feare of fallyng into that inconuenience of hauyng many and maie therefore choose some one emongest our selues whom we liste Nowell Who thei were that flattered kyng Henrie and abused his good nature I haue touched before who as thei moste deceipfullie dissembled with hym so did thei after moste cruelly by all exquisite and painfull tormētes put to death such as did not slatter their prince but dealed sincerely with him and would not therfore geue his enemie a foraign false vsurper the title due to their said prince And in bothe these poinctes the false flattering of their soueraigne abusyng of his good nature and in murthering moste cruelly their felow subiectes thei did shewe the naughtinesse of their owne nature The Queenes maiestie vseth no title but suche as of good right she maie vse as shall in place conuenient be d●ely proued The reason of th'Apologie Christ is the onely head of the vniuersall churche therefore there is nor can bee no one earthly head ouer it is not weake but as good as is this reason God is the onely head ouer the whole worlde therefore there is nor can bee no one onely earthly head ouer it which as I thinke is no weake but a good and strong reason and well confirmed by perpetuall experience And againe this reason Though Christ be the onely head ouer y e whole church yet maie he haue and hath his ministers vnder hym head gouernours of seuerall churches is as good as is this Though God be head ouer all the world yet hath he seuerall kinges head gouernours vnder him in euery countrey whiche I thinke bothe reason experience will allowe as bothe reasonable true But that one man should haue the gouernaunce of al will trouble M. Dormans braine to make it seeme reasonable but onely to suche as is himsef as the Pope attēpting to put it in experience hath by his ambition crueltie auarice troubled oppressed and robbed all the worlde whiche M. Dorman suche as he is doo maintaine as reasonably and well doen Non quia honestū aut probabile sed quia vtile not for that it is honest reasonable or probable but bicause it is profitable to Popishe prelates partakers of suche polling spoile of the worlde Dorman Fol. 15. ●●● Thus I trust good readers you see sufficientlie proued that Christes pleasure is for the repressyng of heresies calmyng of tempestuous schismes that there be one head of his churche here in earth suppliyng his corporall absence for the tyme his honor in the meane season nothyng thereby the more diminished then it is in other thynges wherein he also vseth the ministerie and seruice of menne Nowell Thus I truste good readers you see the insufficiencie or more truelie the leudenesse of M. Dormans proufes of the necessitie of one onelie heade ouer Christes whole churche here in earth you sée where he saith that he hath sufficientlie proued it to be Christes pleasure that there should be such an one head that he hath not nor could not for if he could he would allege out of the newe testamente where Christes will and pleasure is written and declared moste largelie and manifestlie as muche as one woorde sounding to that purpose so farre of is it that it is as he saieth sufficientlie proued You see that Schismes and controuersies by saincte Cyprians iudgemente and saincte Augustines also with 217. Bishoppes moe assembled in the African Councell with hym and by good reason and experience also maie bee beste quieted and decided in the countries where thei arise by the magistrates and Bishops of the same countreis You see that it becommeth man vnable well to gouerne a verie little thing to humble hymself and to yelde vp the honour glorie of gouernyng the whole worlde and Churche to God and to our sauiour Iesus Christe who alone are able to suffice to suche a charge For experiēce teacheth that those menne are the woorste of all gouernours whiche desire to haue most Also you sée that in this treatie hitherto as M. Dorman hath not one woorde out of the newe Testamente so hath he alleged but onelie twoo textes out of the olde Testamente one out of Deuteronomium cap. 17. whiche is as a speciall place often alleged and repeated an other out of Numeri 16. whiche bothe make directlie againste hym the one prouyng that euery nation countrey diocesse or churche ought to haue their seuerall head Bishoppe as had the nation of the Iewes