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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07430 The defence of peace: lately translated out of laten in to englysshe. with the kynges moste gracyous priuilege; Defensor pacis. English Marsilius, of Padua, d. 1342?; Marshall, William, fl. 1535.; Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531, attributed name.; Jean, de Jandun. aut; Curio, Valentinus, d. 1532, attributed name.; Rhenanus, Beatus, 1485-1547, attributed name. 1535 (1535) STC 17817; ESTC S112620 399,186 289

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degrees or estates because it hath not ben so dylygently regarded and seen vnto as was mete and accordynge that it shuld haue ben and whyles the one sorte to boldlye agaynst ryght and lawe dothe hurte the other howe great hurtes and troublouse stormes it hathe alwayes styrred and raysed vp not onely in temporall maters but also in sprytualte maters bothe the tymes of our elders and forefathers partely but specyally and cheyfly these presente tymes vexed with so many incōmodytes and myscheuouse euylles and troubles by reason hereof doth euydently declare and proue Agaynst whiche euylles wolde god that some conuenyent helpe remedy were founde afore it come to that passe that they be vtterlye paste remedye by those persones whiche worthelye both ought and also myght remedye them But I exorte and desyre the most good gentyll reader dylygentlye to tourne ouer and to laboure this worke called the defender of peace Thou shalte fynde in it the Image of these our tymes most perfytly and clerlye expressed and set out And also that euen afore these dayes euery one of the beste Emperours hath ben contynually sore vexed troubled with the same tyrannye of Romanystes wherwith nowe all good men be accombred greaued and noyed not without the cruell and deadelye iniurye of the cōmune weale THis worke was wryten in the latyne tonge two hundred ten yeres nowe fully passed and nowe prynted in englysshe for none other entent and purpose I take god to wytnesse more then to helpe further and profyte the chrysten cōmen weale to the vttermost of my power namely and pryncypally in those busynesses and troubles wherby it is and before this tyme hath ben iniustly molested vrxed and troubled by the spyrytuall ecclesyastycall tyrauntꝭ And that to the great hurte calamyte of the same cōmen weale that by many suche hystoryes of olde men sette before the iyes and syght of all men at the last the very trouth myght appere and shewe itselfe and that all darkenesse dyscussed and put awaye the same maye come to lyght Wherfore good indyfferent reader take thou that also in good worthe whiche we haue done certaynlye of a very good mynde and purpose ¶ Explicit Prynted by me Robert wyer for wyllyam marshall and fynysshed in the moneth of Iuly in the yere of our Lorde god a M LLLLL xxxv And in the. xxvii yere of the Reygne of our moste gracyous soueraygne lorde Henry the eyght by the grace of god of Englande and of Fraunce kynge defender of the fayth and lorde of Irelande and supreme hed vnder god of the churche of Englande With the priuilege of our moste gracious soueraygne Lorde for sixe yeres ROBERT WYER Ihon̄ y e. xxii Benedicte the xii Clement the. vi The despysinge and settynge at nought of godes worde is the cause of all y e present euylles ī the worlde we be worthely punysshed for the despysynge of the lyghte of the gospell Men of the churche now a dayes at rather the folowers of the phariseys thē of y e apostles we do folyshly and madly to defēde our couetousnes by the examples of our holy Fathers They ar not of this world whom chryst hath elected The wykydnesse of some papystes To gyue christe buffet or blowe The bysshop of Rome I praye the good reader attende take hede howe goodly thyse thynges agre togyther ¶ Nota. Peter by the cōmaūdemēt of y e Apostles went to Samaria That w t our gloses wel nere all dyuyne scrypture is clene taken away Our armour or weapons ar not carnal Names of dygnyte The iniuries and contumelyes done by the Popes of Rome to Lodowike of bauarye the emperour Cardynalles and Abbottꝭ capytaynes ī warre An angell is not to be beleued spekynge agaynst the gospell Because chryste is kyng in heuen therfore the pope is Emperour or hedde ruler in erthe is not this a goodsy reason Two solucyons Men of the churche shuld be mynisters not lordes That neither the prophetts neyther the apostels dydde speake or teache to men any other thynge than the worde of god The churche had not so auctoryte to approue the gospelles that it had lye lykewyse in theyr power to dysalowe y e same Howe the sentence of them is to be vnder standed that saye that the churche hathe approued allowed the gospell Take hede marke this wycked blasphemye Petri. 5. Tranquyllyte is the mother of artes scyences Cassiodorus The suffycyencye of manneslyfe is the best fruyte y t cōmeth of peas In the byrth of chryste tydynges of peace was broughte by aungels vnto mē Chryst whysshed peas to his dyscyples The apostles wyssheth peas Peas was y ● inherytaunce of christs disciples Example of the kyngdom of Italye The hurtes or euels that growen of discorde The hurtes that cōmeth of stryfe or intollerable Chrysten mē are boūde to those thīges which apperteyneth to peas Let no man for feare spare to speke y e truthe Chryst came in to y e world to beare wytnes vnto the truthe They that are wytty and full of know lage are boūd to defende the truth The prayse of Lodo wyke the emperour what the author wolwryte in the fyrst dyccyon The argument or matters of the secōde dyccyon The contentes of the thyrde dyccyon The fyrste sygnyfycacyon of regnum The seconde what cytie or cōmuitieis A symylytude What saynte or helth is What tranquyllyte is What intranquyllyte or discorde is What infirmite or syckenes Sure knowlege of a thyngeis had de whan the causes of it are knowen whiche was the fyrste cōmunytie What is a strete Adam punysshed not chain that slew his brother because of the pancite smalle nōbre of men at that tyme. The same man a gouernour and an husbande mā or a keper of shepe A cytie is a perfite cōmunytie The ende of cyties or commune weales is a good lyfe or to lyuewel what al men desyre hauīge theyr wittes The wordly lyfe and the heuenly lyfe what is the cause of mānes corrupcyon wherfore mānedeth artes or craftes why the honournnge of god is necessary to men Doctours or teaches ar necessary to cyties or cyuyle cōmunyties The begynnynge or cause of a cytie The syx partesor offyces of a cytie or ciuyle cōmunytie Husbandrye craftes men knyghthode marchaūdyse preesthode lawyers A cytie or cyuyle cōmunytie was Instytute to the ende that mēmyghte lyue well in it wordly lyfe Vita is takē for anima whan a man lyueth well Two maner of accyons passyons of men Actiones immanentes Actiones trāseuntes why craftes were diuysed Husbandrye why arts mechanycall were foūde or deuysed that is to wyt suche craftes which are wrought both w t wyt and hande Consules et iudices why iuges rulers were īstytuted ordeyned Chyualrie or the crafte of Armes Bondage or thraldome is contrarie to a cytie or cyuyle cōmunytie The treasure of a cytie Preesthodeor the offyce of preestes The necessytie of preestes can not be cōprehended by demonstacyō The necessarye
keyes of the kyngdome of heuēs as it shal be more largely declared in the nexte chapytre folowynge And this was openly the mynde of saynt Ihetome in aforesayd epystle in whiche after y t he had shewed by many auctorytes of y e aforesayd apostles y t in the prymatyue churche or in the tyme of the apostles a preest or senyour a bysshop or ouerseer was vtterly all one in the essenciall dygnyte gyuen to them of chryst shewynge y e cause of the sayd thyngꝭ he sayth thus but that one was electe which shuld be aboue other it was done for the remedye of scisme deuysyon leste yf euery man shulde drawe vnto hymselfe the churche of chryst by the reason therof myght be broken or deuyded in sondre For in Alexandria also from the tyme of Marke the euangelyst vnto y t tyme of Hereidas Dionise byssshops y t preestꝭ alwayes chose one amōge themselues whome they dyd set in an hygher degre called hym bysshop or ouerseer moche lyke as yf the hoost or army shuld make an emperour Or els as yf the deacons dyd chose one amonge them selfe whome they do knowe to be dylygent and wyse and dyd cal hym an archdeacone For what dothe the bysshoppe ordynacyon onely excepted whiche a preeste myght not do as touchynge to the actes or workes belongynge to y e essencial auctorite For Iherom where he speaketh of ordinacion dyd not vnderstande therby ordynacyon the powre and auctoryte to gyue or the gyuynge of holy ordres for the bysshoppes do nowe adayes many thynges besyde the gyuynge of ordres and so dyd the bysshoppes also in saynt Iheroms tyme whiche thyngꝭ the preestes do not Albeit y t to the gyuynge of al the sacramētes by y e dyuyne powre any preest may do as moch as y e bysshop But Iherome vnderstode therby ordynacyon the powre of orderynge suche thynges as pertayne to the seruyce of god other thynges aforesayd gyuen to hym īmedyatly of man or men whiche thynge I do confyrme both by reason and the auctoryte of the same Iherome The reason is this for there hath ben many elected bysshops by the whole people or cōmunaltie as saynt Clement saynt Gregory saynt Nycolas many other sayntꝭ to whome it is vndoubted that no greatter holye ordre nor any inwarde characte was gyuen by the people or by theyr felowe preestꝭ but onely powre auctoryte to dyspose ordre the ceremonyes seruyce of y e church to dyrecte rule the mynystres of the temples as touchynge to the exercyse of goddes seruyce in the temple or howse of god for which cause consyderacyon also such persons elected to dyrecte other preestes in the temple and to instructe the people in suche thyngꝭ which appertayne to the fayth called bysshoppes of the olde law makers as of Iustiniane and of the people of Rome were than called Iconomireuerendi And the hyghest of them was called of the same lawe makers Iconomius reuerendissimꝰ And therfore accordynge to the trouth after the mynde of saynt Iherome a bysshop is none other thynge than an archpreest And that the essencyall dygnyte of a bysshop and of a preeste is all one neyther that one bysshop hath more large essencyall auctoryte than an other bysshoppe Neyther one preeste than an other preeste saynt Iherome also expressed in the aforesayd epystle whan he sayde Neyther it is to be iudged or thought that there is one churche of the cytie of Rome and an other of the whole worlde Bothe Fraunce Englande and Affryke Perselande and the Eest and the west and Inde al Barbarouse nacyons do worshyp one chryste they all do obserue and kepe one rule of the trouth yf auctoryte be sought the whole world is greatter than a cytie where soeuer he shall be bysshop whether it be at Rome or at Engobin̄ or at Constantinople or at Regium or at Alexandrie or at Rachane they are all of one the same meryte and all of one preesthode The powre and myght of ryches and the lownes of pouerte maketh an hygher or a lower bysshop but they are all the successours of the apostles But there at certayne other instytucyons not essencyall of the offycꝭ belongynge to preestꝭ as for exāple the eleccyon which we haue spoken of a lytle heretofore wherby one of them is taken or chosen to the ordrynge or gouernynge of other as touchynge to those thynges whiche appertayneth to the worshypynge of god or the dyuyne seruyce also the eleccyōs instytucyons of certayne of them to teache instructe the chrysten people to mynystre the sacramētꝭ of y ● newe law to a certayne people in a certayne place appoynted greatter or smaller And also to dyspence dystrybute both to hym selfe also to other pore men certayne tēporall thyngꝭ appoynted ordayned by the kynge or by a plyament for the sustentacyon of poore preachers of the gospel in a certayne prouynce or cōmunyte also for the sustentacyon of other poore folkes but yet of y ● onely whiche shalbe superfluous more than nedeth to the suffycient fyndynge of the preachers of the gospell which tēporall goodes so appoynted ordayned to suche vse are after the cōmune vse maner of speakynge nowe a dayes called the benefyces of the churche for these are cōmytted betaken to the mynystres of the tēples to be bestowed vpon the aforesayd vses to the mynysters I saye therunto ordayned in a certayne prouynce For by the auctoryte essenciall by which they are the successours of the apostles they are not more determyned to teache instructe the people and to mynysters the sacramentes of the newe lawe in one place than in an other but lykewyse as the apostles were not determyned or appoynted to any certayne places to whom it was sayde Go therfore teachr all nacions Chryst dyd not appoynte them to certayne places but they afterwae des amonge them selues deuyded the peoples and prouynces to them selues in whiche they wolde preache shewe the worde of god or the lawe of the gospell and somtyme they were taught where they shulde preache by the reuelacyon of god wherfore also it is red in the seconde epystle to the Galatianes They gaue theyr ryght handes to me and to Barnabas in token of felowshyppe that is to wyt Iames Peter and Iohn̄ that we amonge the gentyles and they amonge the Iewes c. So than of the premysses it appereth of whome as of the cause effycyent the instytucyon of preesthode is and of other holye ordres Truely of god or chryste imedyatlye albeit there gothe before as preparynge a certayne mynysterye of man as the layenge one of the handes the pronounsynge of certayne wordes whiche peraduenture doth nothynge to this but are so put before of a certayne promyse or ordynaūce of god It appereth also of y ● same premysses y t there is a certayne other instytucyon made by man by whiche