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A07225 Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Mason, Thomas, 1580-1619? 1615 (1615) STC 17622; ESTC S114403 588,758 444

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communed with him and was afraid to goe home the King deliuered him his Signet for a Token to deli●er to the Cardinall that he should not trouble him The Cardinall answered Though this discharged him yet he had no discharge for his Wife and sent for her and had troubled her if her●Daughter had not béene sicke of the plague of which sicknesse the said Fish within halfe a yeare after dyed and she marryed one Baynham which after was martyred as followeth in this Story To preuent the spreading abroad of this Libell there was a prohibition sent out ●y the Bishop of London for calling in this the New Testament and diuers other Books translated into English the names whereof because they are many I omit and leaue you to the booke at large King Henry about the twentith yeare of his raigne made an Oration vnto his Commons that though it had pleased God to send him a faire Daughter of a Noble woman and of him begotten to our great comfort and ioy yet it hath beene told vs by diuers great Clarks that neither she is Our lawfull Daughter nor her Mother Our lawfull wife but that we liue together abhominably in open adultery and when our Ambassadors were last in Fraunce motion was made that the Duke of Orleans should marry our said Daughter One of the chiefe Councellors said it were well done to know whether she be his lawfull Daughter or no because hee begat her on his brothers Wife which is directly against Gods Law Thinke you my Lords that these words touch not my body and soule and that it doth not daily and hourely trouble my Conscience I doubt not but euery one of you would seek remedy when the perill of your soule and losse of your inheritance is laid vnto you For this cause I haue asked Councell of the greatest Clarkes in Christe●dome and for this cause I haue sent for this Legate as a man indifferent to know the truth and settle my conscience and if the Queene be adiudged by the Lawe to bee my lawfull Wife it would be the most acceptable thing in my life both to cleere my conscience and for the good qualities which I know to bee in her besides her Noble parentage as almost this twenty yéeres I haue tried so that if I went to mary againe the mariage lawfull I would choose her before all women if the marriage proue vnlawfull I shall sorrow the departing from so good a Lady and louing a companion but much more lament that I haue so long liued in Adultery and haue no true heyre of my body to inherit this Realme Therefore I require you to make our minde knowne to our Subiects that they may pray for vs. The Quéene hearing thereof answered it was a great maruell that they would make question of this now after they had béene married twenty yeares and no question in the meane time and that all the learned at the time of the marriage did conclude it was lawfull and that both their fathers being so wise did not foresee it if there had béene any such doubt and the King my father sent to Rome and with great costs obtained a dispensation that I beeing one brothers wife procar●ally knowne might without scruple of conscience marry with the other brother lawfully which licence vnder lead I haue yet to shewe but I may thanke you my Lord Cardinall onely for this trouble this is of malice because I haue won●red at your high pride and abhorred your voluptuous liuing and little regarded your t●ranny and for the malice you beare to my Nephew the Emperour because he would not make you Pope by force and the Quéene appealed to the Pope The King to try out the matter sent first to the Pope then to most part of al● Uniuers●ties first the Pope sent his two Legats Wolsey and Campeius to hear● and decide the Case they cited the King and Quéene personally to appeare or else by Proctors at the day the Legats with their crosses axes and pillers were set the King was ready to heare the determination requiring to haue an end notwithstanding from month to month they detracted the matter vntill August the King not taking it well to bee so vsed sent the Dukes of Northfolke and Suffolke vnto the Legats requiring them to hasten an end and to deferre no longer it is the manner of Rome about the beginning of August during the Dogge dayes to haue a solemne vacation in which neither Schooles bee vsed nor any Terme kept Cardinall Campeius pretending the order of Rome whereof he was a member answered hee neither could nor would goe against the ordinance thereof and before October he would procéed no further in the cause t●e Dukes séeing their pretended excuses and that by no wayes they would be intreated burst out in open defiance the Duke of Suffolke clapping his hands on the table sware by the Masse there neuer came Legate or Cardinall from Rome to doe good in England so in anger they departed from the Cardinall the King for quietnesse was content to tarry● vntill October but before October came Campeius was called home by letters fr●m the Pope so the matter was left vndiscussed the King seeing himselfe thus deluded sent againe to Pope Clement desiring to h●ue an answere of the cause the Pop● would take a pause and after send him word Twelue Uniuersities agreed in one consent that the mariage was vnlawfull and repugnant to the word of God and that no man is able to dispence with it but nothing was heard of from Rome wherefore the King assembling his Parliament sent the Lord Chancellour with twelue of the vpper house to noti●●e the determinations of the Colleages as afore said vnto the lower house And the same year● the King sent out a Proclamation for the abollishing of the Pope and establishing of the Kings Supremacy and hee brake off with the Cardinall and caused him to be attainted in Premu●ire and to bee apprehended and the Clergy maintaining th● power Legatiue of the Cardinall incurred the like premunire wherefore the Spirituall Lords were called by processe into the Kings Bench to answere but befor● the day of appearence they submitted themselues to the King offered him an hundred thousand pounds to pardon them by Act of Parliament and offered him the Title of Supreme head of the Church of England which they would neuer confesse be●ore whereby the Pope by the prou●dence of God lost his whole Iuris●iction an● Supremacy in England Patricke Hamelton a Scottish man hee was of the Kings bloud and family beei●● of the most ancient and Noble stocke and name in Scotland was of the Uniuersity of Marpurge in Germany he openly procéeding so intreated and iudged of matters of the Church with such praise as passed the expectation of his age that he made the common people and learned to admire him Francis Lambert in his Preface D●●icatory maketh mention of him then he tooke a companion with him and ret●●ned home
Cardinall signifying that he would drowne himselfe and to leaue his clothes there and another Letter to the Mayor of the Towne to search for him in the water because he had a Letter written in parchment wrapt in wax about his neck for the Cardinal which would teach all men to beware of him vpon this they were seuen daies a searching for him but he went to London in a poore mans apparell and thence to Anwerpe to Luther and there answered all the Bishops of the Realme and made a Booke called acta Romanorum pontificum and another Booke with a supplication to King Henry When it was told the Cardinall he was drowned he said perit memoria eius cum sonitu but this lighted vpon himselfe for shortly after he poyso-himselfe In the beginning of the Raigne of Quéene Anne he and others came againe into England and continued a faithfull Preacher in the Citie of London and in her Graces time well entertained and promoted and after sent by King Henry the eight Ambassador to the Duke of Cleaue for the marriage of the Lady Anne of Cleaue betwéene the King and her and was well accepted vntill Gardiner came out of France but then neither Religion nor the Queene prospered nor Cromwell nor the preachers Then followed alteration in marriage vntill hee had grafted the marriage into another stocke by the ●ccasion whereof hee began his bloudy worke Soone after Doctor Barnes and his Brethren were carried to the King to Hampton Court to be examined But the King seeking meanes of his safety bad him goe home with Gardiner and confer with him they not agréeing Gardiner sought opportunitie to dispatch Barnes and the rest as he had done by the Que●ne the Lady Anne of Cleue and the Lord Cromwell and he appointed them three to preach thrée Sermons at the Spittle which were baites to minister iust occasion of their condemnations A hen they were sent for to Hampton Court and from thence carried vnto the Tower and came not thence but to their deathes Then the Protestants went beyond Sea Priests were diuorced from there Wiues certaine Bishops deposed and other good men denied Christ and bore Faggots then they were put to d●ath without iudgement a Papist and a Protestant were laid vpon one hurdle and drawn to Smithfield This was Winchesters deuise to colour his tyrany Then Barnes hid the Sheriffe beare him witnes he died Christianly and Charitably and prayed them all to pray for him and if the dead may pray for the quick we will pray for you so they forgaue their enemies and kissed one another and stood hand in hand at the stake vntill the ●●re came and so rested in Christ. The same day one Powell Fetherstone and Abel were hanged drawne and quartered in the same place for denying the Kings Supremacie and maintaining the Kings marriage with the Lady Katherine Dowager The reason was because as one halfe of the Councell being Papists called vpon Barnes Garet and Hierome to be executed so the other part of the Councell called vpon these thrée Papists to be executed In this yéers a Boy one Richard Mekins but fiftéene yeares old was burned in Smithfield for speaking somewhat against the Sacrament of the Altar In like manner Richard Spencer Priest leauing his papistry married a Wife and got his liuing by day-labour Hee was burnt in Salisbury because hee was thought to hold opinion against the Sacrament and one Andrew Hewet was burned with him About this time Cardinall Poole Brother to the Lord Mountegew was attainted of high treason and fled to Rome where he was made Cardinall of Saint Mary Cosmoden where he remained vntill Quéene Maries time Stokely Bish●p of London and Tunstone Bishop of Duresme writ to him to perswade him to abandon the Supremacy of the Pope and to conforme himselfe to the Religion of his King which Letter thou maist reade in the Booke at large which sufficiently proueth the Pope not to be supreme head of the Church but because this Doctrine is as sufficiently proued in other places I omit to abridge it In this yeere the King by the aduice of his Councell sent forth a Decree for the setting vp the Bible in the great volume in euery parish Church in England This yeare Iohn Porter a Taylor a lusty yong man was by Bonner Bishop of London cast into Newgate for reading in the Bible in Paules Church where he was miserably famished to death About this time Iohn Longland Bishop of Lincolne burned two vpon one day one Thomas Barnard and the other Iames Morton the one for teaching the Lords Prayer in Engl●sh and the other for kéeping the Epistle of Saint Iames in English In this yeare the Kings Maiestie vnderstanding that all Idolatry and vain● pilgrimages were not vtterly abolished within these Dominions directed his Letters vnto the Archbishop of Canterbury for the spéedy amendment of the same Anthony Pierson Priest Robert Testwood singing man Henrie Finmore Taylor and Iohn Marbeck singing man were burned at VVindsor THese Articles were obiected against Pierson that he had said Euen as Christ once hanged betweene two theeues so when he is holden vp betwixt the Priests handes he hangs betwixt two theeues except the Priest sincerely preach Gods word That he preached that Christ should not be eaten as he did hang vpon the Cross● with his flesh torne and the bloud running about their mouthes but he was to be eaten this day that we might also feed on him to morrow and next day and continually and that he was of more power after his resurrection then he was before That Christ sitting amongst his Disciples commended the Scriptures vnto them when he said This is that bread this is that body of Christ so when hee brake bread and bade them deuide it amongst them and eate it for it was his bodie and likewise the cup saying This is my bloud hee signified to vs that wee should receiue the Scriptures and distribute them vnto the people It was obiected against Finmore that he had said that the Sacrament of the Altar was but a similitude and that if it were God he had eaten twenty Gods in his life He condemned Testwood for iesting with the Priest when he lifted vp the host saying Ho take héed that he fall not That Marbeck with his owne hands had writ notes out of certaine Authors which were repugnant to the masse and sacrament of the Altar and that he said The Masse was impure and defiled with much vngodlinesse and it spoyleth God of his honour and that the eleuation of the sacrament represents the Calues of Ieroboam and is worse Idolatrie then those were and that therein Christ was counted a mocking-stock There was a fift man named Bennet vnto whose charge it was laid that hée should say the daily Masses vsed in the Church were superfluous and that it were sufficient the seuenth day were kept holy Bennet and Marbeck were pardoned by the King the other thrée stoutly suffered
taught heresie And hee desired all them present to beare him witnesse that he tooke the Traditions and Religion of the Pope to bée most erronious false and against the doctrine of holy Scriptures which hee had often proued by preaching and writing and the Pope to bee very Antichrist so often preached by the Apostles and Prophets in whom most euidently doth concurre all the signes and tokens whereby hee was painted vnto the world to bee knowne by for hee aduanceth himselfe aboue all Emperours and Kings of the world whom he affirmeth to hold of him and to be at his commandement and the stories make mention of his intollerable pride and tyranny vsed to them as no King would haue done to his subiects nor a good maister to his seruants setting his féet vpon Emperours necks and making others to hold his stirrops and remoued others from their Empires hath not onely occupied the highest places in the world aboue Kings but hath presumed to fit in the seat of Almighty God which is the conscience of man to kéepe the possession thereof he hath promised forgiuenesse of sins he hath brought in Gods of his own framing and inuented a new religion full of lucre quite contrary to the Scriptures only for maintaining of his kingdome displacing Christ from his glory holding his people in miserable seruitude of blindnesse to the losse of a number of soules which God at the latter day shall exact at his hands boasting in his Canons decrées that he can dispense against Peter Paul the old Testament New that in his fulnesse of power he can do as much as God If any man can be aduanced aboue him let him be iudged Antichrist This enemy of God and our redemption is so euidently painted out in the Scriptuers with such manifest tokens which all sée clearely appeare in him that except a man will shut his eyes and heart against the light hee cannot but know him therefore I will neuer giue my consent to the receiuing of him into the Church of England and my Lord sand you that be here examine your own consciences you are sworne against him you are learned and can iudge the truth I pray God you be not wilfully blind I haue discharged my conscience to the world I will write my mind to her grace which letter you may sée in the book at large Storie and Martine diuers times interrupted him saying he spake blasphemy and would faine haue the Bishop put him to silence who notwithstanding suffered him to end his spéech Then they charged him that he was sworne vnto the Pope when he was made Archbishop but he denied it and said It appeareth that he did not by the record of the countrey which one of them confessed Many maruelled that in so perilous a time he had so sincerely proceeded choosing rather to venture the losse of his life and all his glorious pompe then to do any thing that might spill his conscience Then they obiected that he was married which he confessed Doctor Martine said his children were bond-men to the Sea of Canterbury At which he smiled saying If a benificed Priest had a Concubine and had bastards by her they are not bond-men to the benifice I trust you wil make my childrens cause no worse Then D. Martine demanded of him who was the supreme head of the Church he said Christ Martine said you made K. Henry supreme head of the Church He said of the people of England Ecclesiasticall Temporal and not of the Church for Christ is the onely head of the Church and of the Faith and Religion of the same The Articles of religion touching the Sacrament denying transubstantiation the Sacrifice of the Masse and the reall presence he affirmed as he taught in his Booke Then they cited him to appeare 80 daies after at Rome and then sent him to prison where thou maist sée their visored face of Iustice as though the Court of Rome would condemne no man before hee answered for himselfe but the same time the Pope sent letters executory vnto the King and Queene to disgrade and depriue him which was done before twenty dayes were done And though he were kept in prison at the end of the 80 dayes hee was decreed Contumax and thereupon condemned Upon S. Valentines day next after the Archbishop was disgraded and condemned by Bonner Thurlby Bishop of Ely who sometimes was Cranmers Chaplaine and preferred by him at which time Bonner which a long time had borne great malice towards him and reioyced greatly see this day wherein he might triumph ouer him at his pleasure made an Oration to the people in this sort This is the man who hath euer despised the Popes holinesse and now is to be iudged by him this is the man that hath pulled downe so many Churches and now is come to be iudged in a Church this is the man that contemned y ● blessed Sacrament of the Altar and now is come to be condemned before the said Sacrament hanging ouer the Altar this is the man that like Lucifer sate in the place of Christ vpon an Altar to iudge others and now is come before the Altar to bee iudged himselfe Thus he continued halfe an houre heaping vp a number of lies together beginning euery one with This is the man so lothsomly that he made euery man weary When they had disgraded him they stript him of his gowne put vpon him a poore yeoman Bedles gowne thrid-bare and as ill-fauouredly made as could be and a Townsmans cap vpon his head and so deliuered him to the secular power in this filthie gowne he was carried vnto prison The Queene Bishops hauing kept the Archbishop now almost three yeares in prison seeing by no means they could preuaile with him all this while to turn him from his religion they suborned certaine men which should by intreaty and faire promises or any other means allure him to recantation so the wily Papists flocked about him labouring to draw him from his former sentence to recantation especially Henry Sidall and Frier Iohn a Spaniard they shewed him how acceptable it would be to the Kings Queene and how gainfull it would be both bodily spiritually they added that the Councell Noble-men bare him good wil promising him both his life ancient dignity saying the matter was but small the setting of his hand to a few words but if hee refused there was no hope of pardon for the Queene was purposed that shee would haue Cranmer a Catholique or else no Cranmer at all By these and such like prouocations they at last w●nne him to subscribe It may bee supposed that it was for hope of life and better dayes to come But it appeareth by a Letter of his to a Lawyer that the most cause why hee desired his life to bee delayed was that hee might make an end of a Booke against Marcus Antonius a Papist which hee had begun but it is manifest
say his prayers in English and when he had said them in Latine he died Luke Kirbie William Filbie Thomas Cottom and Lawrence Richardson THese were executed at Tyburne vpon the thirtéenth day of May they were brought from the Tower of London vnto the place of execution first William Filbie was brought vp into the Cart being asked whether he would acknowledge the Quéen supreme head of the Church of England no quoth he I will acknowledge no other head of the Church then the Pope onely He prayed that God wold incline the Quéens heart to be mercifull towards the Catholikes of which societi● he was one They opening his bosome ●ound two crosses in it which were holden vp and shewed vnto the people and besides that his crown was shauen so after a few Latin prayers the Cart was drawne away The next was Luke Kirbie one charged him that when he was at Rome he deliuered him certaine silke pictures which he said were hallowed by the Pope and you told me what indulgences were allowed by th●m● one of them which was a Crucifix you gaue mee the other you willed mee to deliuer vnto your friends at Reimes and in England and you gaue me two Iulios to goe into the Citie to buy more and when I had bought them you tooke thrée or foure of the fairest from me promising to get them hallowed at the next benediction which he confessed to be true he affirmed that the Pope had power to depose any Prince from his Kingdome if he fall by infidelitie He would not repent and aske the Quéene pardon though vpon that condition he might haue bin discharged he would not pray in English the preacher desired him to say a prayer after him and if he could find any fault therein he should be resolued O quoth he you and I be not of one faith therefore I should offend God if I should pray with you so saying his Pater noster in Latin he ended his life Then Lawrence Richardson was brought vp to be executed he confessed himselfe a Catholike and that he would beléeue in all things as the Catholike Church of Rome did and he allowed the only suprema●ie vnto the Pope and after certain Latin prayers said he died Then was Cottom brought vp he looking vpon the bodie of Lawrence Richardson lift vp his eyes and hands and said O blessed Lawrence pray for me thy blessed soule Lawrence pray for me The Preachers and people rebuked him saying that he ought to pray vnto none but God he answered he was assured that Lawrence will pray for him he denied to repent and aske pardon of the Quéen When he had said his Pater noster and an Aue Maria he ended his life As before is declared the rebellions in England by the seducing of wicked spirits so not long after followed an open rebellion in Ireland they tooke armes and came into the field against her Maies●ie and her Lieutenants with their forces vnder banners displayed inducing many simple people to follow them in their trayterous actions being bent to haue deposed the Quéens Maiestie from her crowne and to haue trayterously set into her place some other whom they liked yet by Gods power giuen vnto her Maiesty they were quickly vanquished some few of them suffered by order of the law but the greate●t part vpon confession of their fa●lts were pardoned some of the principall escaped into forreine countries These notable Traytors and Rebels informed many Kings Princes and States especially the Pope from whom they all had first secretly their comfort to rebell that the cause of the flying was for the religion of Rome and maintenance of the Popes authoritie whereas the most of them before they rebell●d liued notoriously euill out of England fled Charles Neuill Earle of Westmerland who was vtterly wasted by loosenes of life and how afterward his body was eaten with vlcers of lewd causes all his companions did see Out of Ireland ran Thomas Stukely a defamed person thorough out all Christendome he fled out of England for P●racies and out of Ireland for treason these two were the first ring-leaders to the rest of the rebells the one for England the other for Ireland yet it liked the Pope to fauour their treasons and to animate them to continue their wicked purposes to wit to inuade Queen Elizabeths Realme with forren forces hee thundred out B●lls excommunications other publike writings denouncing her not to be the Queene of the Realme commanding her subiects vnder paine of excommunication to depart from their alleagean●es authorizing and prouoking all persons within both her realmes to rebell and vpon this vn●hristian warrant all those that were fled and such as had forsaken their natiue countrey haue many yeares runne vp and downe from countrey to countrey to gather forces and money for forces and to 〈◊〉 Princes to make warre vpon their natiue countrey some practising secretly to murther the Quéene and very many with publike infamous Libels full of poysoned lyes did séeke to vphold that Antichristian warrant of the Popes Buls And for better furtherance of these intentions they deuised to erect certaine schooles which they called Seminaries to nourish persons disposed to sedition that they might become séedmen in the ●illag● of sedition and to send them secretly into England and Ireland vnder secret maskes some of priesthood some of other inferior orders of the meaner sort being called Seminaries and the ●ancor sort Ies●ites bringing with them hallowed Wax their Agnus Dei many kind of beades and such like labouring secretly to perswade the people to allow of the popes foresaid Buls and of his absolute authoritie ouer all Princes Countreyes And if this trayterous and crafty course had not by Gods goodnes been espied and stayed there had followed horrible vprores in the Realmes for as many as should be perswaded to obey the Popes warrant must needs b●e secret traytors there should haue wanted nothing but power and opport●nitie to be open traytors but God of his goo●nes discouered some of these seditious seedmen of rebellions and when they could not be moued to repent of their trayterous determinations they were iustly condemned for adhering vnto the capitall enemy of her Maiestie and her crowne The Pope who hath not only been the cause of two rebellions already in England and Ireland but in Ireland did manifestly maintaine his owne people Captaines and souldiers vnder the banner of Rome against her Maiestie And further those Traytors prouoke newly other seditious persons secr●t●y to enter into the Realme to reuiue the execution of the Popes Bulles pretending when they are apprehended that they came into the Realme onely by the commaundement of their Superiors the heads of the Ie●uits to whom they are bound by Ooth against either King or Country and that their comming is to informe and reforme mens conscience from errors in some points of Religion as they shall thinke meete but it is manifestly prooued that their labour is secretly to win
and not the flesh and bloud of Christ naturally and that there is no sacrifice nor saluation to a Christian in the Masse except it were said and vsed in the mother tongue and likewise also that the ceremonies of the Church are not profitable for a Christian. And as touching Auricular confession he said it was necessary to goe to a good Priest for counsaile but the absolution and laying handes on a mans head by the Priest as it is now vsed is not profitable and that the faith and doctrine now taught is not agreeable to GODS word and that Hooper Cardmaker and others of their opinion which were late burned were good Christians and did preach the doctrine of Christ. Iohn Launder was coudemned by the said Bonner for affirming that whosoeuer doth teach or vse any other Sacraments then the Lords Supper and Baptisme or any other ceremonies he beleeueth that they were not of the Catholique Church but abhorreth them and that he himselfe is a member of the true Catholique Church he denied the reall presence in the Sacrament but he beleeueth that when he receiueth the materiall Bread and Wine it is in remembrance of Christs death and that he eates Christs body and bloud by faith and no otherwise and that the Masse is naught and abominable and directeth against Gods word and that the gloria in excelsis the Creed Sanctum Pater noster Agnus and other parts of the masse be of themselues good yet being vsed amongst other things are naught also and that auricular confession is not necessary to be made to a Priest but to God and that none but Christ hath authoritie to absolue sinnes Derick being asked whether he would recant your doctrine quoth he is poyson and sorcerie if Christ were here you would put him to a worse death then he was put to before You say you can make a God you can make a Pudding as well your ceremonies in the Church are beggerie and poyson and auricular confession is poyson and against Gods word so they were condemned and burned Derick was rich but the ra●eners made such hauocke thereof that his poore wife and children had little or none thereof he was olde and past learning yet when he was put into prison being ignorant of any letter in his booke he could before his death reade perfectly When he was burned they threw his booke into a barrell that he was burned in to be burned with him but he threw it amongst the people and the Sherife commanded vpon paine of death in the King and Quéenes name to throw it into the fire againe then he said Deare brethren and sisters as many as beleeue in the Father the Sonne and holy Ghost vnto euerlasting life see you doe thereafter and you that beleeue in the Pope or any of his lawes you beleeue to your vtter destruction for except the great mercy of God you shall burne in hell continually The Sherife said if thou dost not beleeue in the Pope thou art damned therefore speake to thy God that he may deliuer thee now or else to strike me downe to the example of this people but he said vnto him The Lord forgiue you that which you haue said THOMAS IVESON THis Iueson was condemned by the said Bonner for saying the Sacrament of the Altar is a very Idoll and detestable before GOD as it is now-a-dayes ministred and that the Masse is naught and that auricular confession is not necessary for that a Priest cannot forgiue sinnes that baptisme is a token of Christ as circumcision he beléeueth his sinnes are not washed away therby but only his body washed and his sinnes washed only in Christs bloud and that there is but two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper which now are not rightly vsed in England that all the ceremonies now vsed in the Church are superfluous and superstitio●s and being earnestly labored withall to recant said he would not forsake his beléefe for all the goods in London I doe appeale to Gods mercie and will be none of your Church and if there came an Angell from heauen to teach me other doctrine then that which I haue now I would not beleeue him whereupon he was burned IOHN ALEWORTH HEe died in prison at Reading for the testimonie of the truth whom the Catholike Prelats as their vse is did exclude out of Catholike buriall IAMES ABBES THis Abbes be●ng examined by the Bishop of Norwich he relented at their naughty perswasions now when he was dismissed and should go from the Bishop he gaue him some money but after he was pittiously vexed in conscience he went againe to the Bishop and threw him his said money which he had receiued and said it repented him that euer he had consented to their wicked perswasions then the Bishop and his Chaplains laboured a fresh to win him againe but in vaine and so he was burned at Berry Iohn Denley Gentleman Iohn Newman Patricke Pachington AS Edmund Tyrell a Iustice of Peace in Essex came from the burning of certaine godly Martyrs he me● with Iohn Denley and Iohn Newman both of Maidstone in Kent and vpon the sight of them as he bragged he suspected and searched them and finding the confessions of their faith written about them hee sent them to the Quéens Commissioners who sent them to Bonner the effect of the writing followeth In the Sacrament Christs bodie is figuratiuely in the Bread and Wine spiritually he is in them that worthily eate and drinke the Bread and Wine but really carnally and corporally he is in heauen from whence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead Then Bonner ministred articles vnto them and vnto Patrick Pachington who all answered alike to this effect following The Catholike Church is built vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Christ being the head corner stone it is the Congregation of the faithfull dispersed through the whole world and two or three gathered together in Christs name are the members thereof This Church doeth preach GODS holy word and minister the blessed Sacraments truely the Church of England vsing the Faith and Religion which now is vsed is no member thereof but is the Church of A●tichrist the Bishop of Rome being the head thereof for they haue altered the Testament of GOD and set vp a Testament of their own deuising ful of blasphemy and lies Christs Testament being that we should haue all things done for the edifying of the Church The Masse now vsed is most abominable idolatrie and intollerable blasphemie Christ ordained his Sacraments to be eaten together in remembrance of his death vntill he● come and not to bee worshipped and to make an Idoll of them for GOD will not be worshipped in his creatures but we must remember to praise him for his creatures what is kneeling holding vp your handes knocking of the breast putting off the cap and making curtsie with other superstition to the bread but Idolatrie You obiect you worship not the Bread and Wine
made the Emperor Hen. 4. his wife and his child to wait three daies and three nights bare-foot in winter at his gates to sue to him for his fauor and gaue away his Empire in the meane time This prophecie of Antichrists exaltation aboue Princes is verified in none but the Pope Touching the breadth of his kingdom it is not said he shall exalt himselfe aboue one or two but aboue all that are called God w ch are all Christian rulers spiritual temporal to whom God vouchsafeth this name because hee ruleth and instructeth by them and dwelleth in them if they be good this declareth the large limits of his kingdome And as he is said heere to exalt himselfe aboue all Kings so Reu. 17. 3. he is said to haue ten horns and in ver 12. they are interpreted to be ten Kings which shal giue their power and authority vnto the beast that is to say the beastly Pope and fight with the Lambe that is they shal be the Popes Butchers to destroy Gods children and as the prophecies foretell such an Antichrist as shall raigne ouer all Christian Princes so this storie shall shew thee the true fulfilling of this prophesie in the Pope Touching the length of his Kingdome it is prophecied Antichrist shall raigne three yeares and a halfe and in Reuel 12. three times and a halfe these times and these yeares are all one so is the fortie two moneths Reuel 13. 5. for there be so many moneths in three years and a halfe the same likewise is the 1260. dayes in Reuel 12. 6. for there be iust so many daies in three yeares a halfe at 360. daies to the yeare which was the number of the dayes of the Iewes yeare And it is common with the prophets to set downe a day for a year so by these prophecies Antichrist must raign 1260. yeares which is iust so many yeares as Christ preached daies and Gregory the first sheweth that Antichrist began when one Bishop exalted himselfe aboue all others And though there were manie Popes before him which did exalt themselues aboue all other Bishops yet he would not but haue himself called Seruus seruorū Dei Wherefore Sabinianus which succeeded him in the popedom was a malitious detractor of his works as thou maist see in this book Antichrist was not at his height vntill Hildebrand had gotten aboue the Emperor for then he was aboue all that was called God yet Antichrist began when the Bishop of Rome being the least of all the foure Patriarchs exalted himselfe aboue all other Bishops which was about the yeare of Christ 400. for then began pride and superstition to creep into the Church and Anno 666. according to the number of the name of the beast in Reu. 13. 18. Latin seruice was set vp in England and all other places and mass●s ceremonies letanies and other Romish ware which was long before Hildebrands time And if we account the aforesaid 1260. yeares of Antichrists raigne from thence there remaineth but about 46. yeares to come vntil God shal call together the kings of the earth to destroy Rome Touching the fall of his kingdom Mat. 24. 22. If God should not shorten his kingdom none of Gods children could be saued from his cruelty but for the elects sake Reu. 11. 13. God first destroyed the tenth part of his Kingdom thou mayest note in this book when this prophecie was fulfilled and Reu. 8. at the blowing of the foure first Trumpets the third part of all his kingdom is destroyed which prophecie we see fulfilled at this day for the third part of his kingdom are wholly become Protestants yet Reuel 11. 22. the Church of Antichrist is not heerewith moued to repent of her murders sorceries fornications and thefts but Reu. 18. 7. glorieth her selfe that she is a Queene and shall be no widdow that is shee shall neuer lose her Spouse the Pope therfore shall her plagues come at one day death sorrow and famine and shee shall be burned with fire for strong is the Lord God which will condemne her The meanes of her destruction is set forth Reu. 17. 16 the ten kingdomes that first tooke her part against Gods children shall hate the whore and make her desolate and naked and eate her flesh and burne her with fire for God doth put into their hearts to fulfill his will The manner of the destruction of Rome and the Popedome is declared Reu. 19. 17. as fowles gather together to a dead carkasse so God shall gather all Nations together to warre against Rome and shall take her and the Pope the false Prophet that worketh miracles wherby he deceiued all that receiued his marke and worshipped his Image and they shall not only be destroyed in this world but they shall bee cast aliue into a lake burning with fire and brimstone to wit into eternall damnation and Reu. 18. 20. the Angells and all Gods children are exhorted to reioyce at her destruction and vers 21. Rome shall be destroyed with such violence as a Mill-stone falleth into the Sea and there shall neuer any more Mill grinde any light corne or anie be married in Rome but it shall euer after be a desolate wildernesse as Babylon was They that cannot behold Antichrist in this Glasse 2. Cor. 4. 3. it is a signe the Diuell the God of this world hath blinded their eyes but as Salomon when hee dedicated the Temple prayed God to heare euery one that prayed therein so I beseech God with his holy spirit to illuminate all that shall reade this book that they may plainly see the pope to be Antichrist and to flie from him lest they be partakers of his punishment in this world and in the world to come AN ABSTRACT OF ALL THE HISTORIES OF THE CHVRCH from CHRIST to this day 1614. THE FIRST BOOKE IN describing the whole State of the Prim●tiue and latter times of the Church First shall be declared the suffering time of the Church 300. yeares after Christ secondly the flourishing time of the Church 300. yeares more then the declining of true Religion 300. yeares more sourthly of the raigne of Antichrist since Sathan was loosed Lastly of the reforming of the Church in this last thrée hundred yeares In the tractation of all which things the Christian Reader may by experience obserue two special points First the Nature of the World Secondly the condition of the Kingdome of Christ By the World is meant all that by ignorance know not Christ and that will not beléeue him or that persecute him The Kingdome of Christ are the beléeuers in Christ and take his part against the World and though they be much fewer then the other and alwaies lightly hat●d and molested of the world yet they are they whom the Lord doth blesse and euer will and Christs Subiects which we call the Ui●●b●e Church the●e are of two sorts first of such as onely outwardly professe Christ secondly of such as by e●ection inwardly are ioyned to Christ
it reioyced and the next day suffered with an 100. more Pusices séeing an old Father shrinke in the sight of the Martyr● said shut thine eies be strong and shortly thou shalt sée God wherefore the King caused an hole to be made in his necke and thereout pulled his tongue and so he was put to death and his Daughter a Uirgine died with him in Christs cause the number of them that were martyred in Persia was 15000. This comming to Constantines eares mooued him he graunted Sapores his Ambassadors all they requested thinking thereby to mooue him to fauour the Christians and wrote to them to take compassion on the Innocents and shewed how the hand of God had béene against Tyrants of the Church Beniamin for preaching Christ was thrust vnder the nailes with twenty sharpe prickes when hee laughed at it a sharpe Réede was thrust into his yard and a long thorny stalke vp into his body vntill hee died Under Iulianus Apostata Emilianus was burned Domitius was slaine in his Caue Theodorus singing a Psalme was tormented from morning to night hardly escaped with life and being asked how hee could abide the torments said at first I felt some paine but after there stood a young man by me who so refreshed me that it greeued me more when I was let down from the Ingine then before The Arethusians of Syria tooke a company of Uirgines Christians whom first they set sorth naked to bee scorned of the multitude then shaued them then couered them with draffe and caused them to bee deuoured of Swine their cruelty was the greater because Constantine restrained them from defiling Uirgines and destroyed the Temple of Venus Marcus Arethusius because at the commaundement of Constantine he pulled down a Temple of Idols and builded a Church for Christians in the place they stripped him naked and beat him gréeuously then put him in a filthy sincke then they caused Boyes to thrust him in with sharpe stickes then they annointed him with Hony and Broath and hung him in the Sunne as meat for Waspes and Flyes then they required somewhat towards the building of the Temple againe he answered it were as great impiety to conferre one halfe-peny to a matter of impiety as a great summe Constantine raigned about thirty yeares he was borne in Brittaine his Mothers name was Helena Daughter of King Coilus hee trauailed greatly for the peace of Christians he set peace amongst the Byshops at dissention hee made prouision for Preachers and caused all to bee restored vnto the Christians that was taken from them by Persecutors He wrote to his chéefe Captaine that Ministers should be fréed from all publique duties and burthens He wrote to Eusebius for the edifying of new Churches and after he had gathered the Nicene Councel for the vnity of the Church he writeth to Alexander and Arius for the same intent He inioyned a Prayer to his Souldiers in stead of Catechisme We knowledge thee onely to be our GOD we confesse thee onely to bee our King we call vpon thée our onely helper by thée we obtaine our victories by thee we vanquish our enemies to thee be attributed whatsoeuer commodities we presently enioy by thee we hope for good thinges to come vnto thee we direct all our sutes and petitions most humbly befeeching thee to keepe Constantinus our Emperour and his Noble Children to continue in long li●e and to giue them victory ouer their enemies through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen He graunted great immunities vnto the Ministers that they might appeale from the ciuill Iudge to their Byshop whose sentence was of as great value as if the Emperor had pronounced it He prouided maintenance for liberall Sciences and Arts for the Prosessors there Wiues and Children and gaue them great immunities He wrote to Eusebius Byshop of Nicomedia to procure fifty Uolumes of Parchment well bound and cause to bee written out of the Scripture therein in a leageable hand such things as were profitable for the instruction of the Church allowed him two Ministers for the businesse he was a Father to the Church and inforced himselfe euery way to set forth the Gospell and to suppresse the contrary The end of the tenth Persecution THE SECOND BOOKE Containing the next 300. yeares BY these Persecutions hitherto we may vnderstand that what the fury of Sathan and rage of men could deuise to do by death or torments all was to the vtmost attempted to extinguish the Name and Religion of Christ yet notwithstanding the wisedome of the world and the strength of men Christ hath the vpper hand as thou seest Now because the tying vp of Sathan giueth the Church rest we will leaue the affaires of the Uniuersall Church and prosecute the Histories of our Country of England and Scotland beginning with King Lucius with whom the Faith began first in this Realme The Papists doe earnestly contend that the Faith of Christ was first brought and receiued into England from Rome both in the time of Eleutherius their Byshop in the yeare 180. and also in the time of Augustine whom Gregory sent hither in the yeare 600. but it is proued otherwise by these seauen Arguments 1 Gildas affirmeth that Brittain receiued the Gospel in the time of Tyberius the Emperor vnder whom Christ suffered saith farther that Ioseph of Arimathia was sent of Philip the Apostle from France to Brittaine in the yeare 63. and remained héere all his time and founded the Faith amongst the Brittaines 2 Tertullian liuing about the time of Elutherius testifieth how the Gospell was dispersed by the Apostles reckoneth Brittany amongst the Countries conuerted by them 3 Origen before the daies of Elutherius said the Brittaines consented to Christianity 4 Bede affirmeth that 1000. yeares after Christ Easter was kept in Brittaine after the manner of the East Church on the fouretéenth day after the full Moone what day soeuer it was and not on sunday as we doe whereby is gathered the first Preacher came from the East rather then from Rome 5 Nicephorus Lib. 2. Cap. 4. saith Simon Zelotes spread the Gospell in Brittany 6 Petrus Cluniensis saith that the Scots in his time celebrated Easter after the manner of the Gréekes and as the Brittaines were not vnder the Romain order nor vnder their Legate in the time of Gregory nor would admit any primasie of the Byshop of Rome aboue them 7 By the Epistle of Elutherius to Lucius it appeareth that Lucius had receiued the Faith before he wrote to Elutherius for the Romaine Lawes Elutherius might help some-thing to conuert the King and to increase the Faith but was not the first that planted it but if it were so it maketh nothing for them for he challenged no such Supremacy as they doe and was farre from their errours and superstitions The Chroniles write that about the yeare 180. King Lucius Sonne of Coylus which builded Colchester hearing of the myracles of Christians in his time writ to Elutherius Bishop of
very good but none almost frō the first to the last which was not either slain in war or murdred in peace or constrained to make himselfe a Monk whether it were the iust iudgment of God because they had violently dispossessed the Brittains they were not only vexed of the Danes conquered of the Normans but more cruelly deuoured themselues Ethelbert King of Cambridgeshire Norffolke and Suffolke came peaceably to King Offa for dispousage of Athilrid his Daughter and by the Councel of King Offa his Wife was secretly beheaded Wherevpon Offa through repentance made the first peter-pence to be giuen to S. Peters Church at Rome One Lothbrooke a Dane of the Kings blood being a hauking by the Sea-side in a little Boat was cast by weather vpon the Coast of Norffolke and being brought to King Edmund he retained him in great fauour at length he was priuily murdered by one Bericke which being knowne Bericke was sent away in Lothbrookes Boate without tackling and was driuen into Denmarke and being séene in Lothbrookes Boate and examined of Lothbrooke he falsely said the King had killed him Wherevpon Iugner and Hubba Lothbrookes Sonnes gathering an Army of Danes inuauaded first Northumberland then Norffolke and sent to King Edmund to deuide his Treasures to him and be subiect to him else he would dispossesse him of his ●ingdome he answered he would not be subiect to a Pagan Duke vnlesse before hee become a Christian then the Danes besiedged his house but he fled and pitched a fielde with them but the Danes preuailing he fled to the Castle of Halesdon where they tooke him and bound him to a stake and shot him to death Seauen or eight Kings are highly commended in the Histories for leauing there Kingdomes and becomming Moonkes but they are more to be discommended for leauing their calling wherein they might so much benefite the Church There were foure Persecutions in England before Austen came into England the first vnder Dioclesian the second by the inuading of Gnarius and Melga one captaine of the Hunnes the other of the Picts after they had slaughtered 11000. Uirgines as before made a rode into Brittaine hearing it wanted strength and murdered Christians and spoiled Churches without mercy the third by the Saxons who destroyed Christs Saints and the Churches vntill Aurelius Ambrosius restored again the Churches the fourth Gurmundus King of the Affricans ioyned with the Saxons and wrought much grieuance to the Christians of the Land which persecution remained to the time of Ethelbert the fift King of Kent In the t●me of Ethelbert the faith was receiued of the Saxons by this meanes Gregory Bishop of Rome seeing Brittaine Children to be sould in Rome very beautifull vnderstanding what Country they were of pittied that the Country which was so beautifull and angellicall so to be subiect to the prince of darkenes Wherefore he sent thither Austen with about forty Preachers with him and when they were apaled and would haue turned backe again Gregory emboldned and comforted them with his Letter so they came to the I le of ●henet in Kent Ethelbert as before was King of Kent he had married one Berda a French Woman vpon condition shee should vse the Christian Religion with one Lebardus her Byshop Austen sent to the King signifying hee was come from Rome bringing with him glad tydings to him and all his people of life and saluation if he would so willingly hearken vnto it as he was gladly come to preach it vnto him The King hauing heard of this Religion by his Wife came to the place where Austen was Austen against his comming erected a Banner of the Crucifire such then was the grosenesse of the time and preached to him the word of God the King promised they should haue all things necessary and none should molest them and gaue them frée leaue to preach to his subiects and conuert whom they might to the Faith When they had this comfort of the King they went with procession to Canterbury singing Alleluia with the Letany that was vsed at Rome in the great plague We beséech thée O Lord in all thy mercies that thy fury and anger may cease from this Citty and from thy holy house for we haue sinned Alleluia they continued in the same Citty preaching and baptizing in the old Church of S. Martine where the Quéene was wont to resort vntill the King was conuerted at length the King séeing their myracles and their godly conuersation he heard them gladly and was conuerted in the thirty sixe yeare of his raigne Anno 586. After him innumerable daily were adioyned vnto the Church whom the King did specially imbrase but compelled none then the King gaue Austen a place for his Byshops Sea at Christs Church in Canterbury and builded the Abbey there where after Austen and all the Kings of Kent were buried which now is called S. Austine Then Austen by the commandement of Gregory went into France to the Bishop of Arelatensis to be consecrated Arch-byshop and so was then Austen sent to Gregory so declare how they had sped and to be resolued of diuers questions how Bishops should behaue themselues towards their Clarke of offerings and Ceremonies and what punishment for stealing Church goods and such like to no great purpose therefore if thou béest disposed to sée them I referre thee to the Booke at large Gregory after he had sent resolutions to these questions sendeth moreouer more Coadiutors as Melitus Iustus Paulinus and Ruffianus with Books and implements necessary for the English Church and in reward of Austines paines he sent him a Pal onely to be vsed at the solemnity of the Masse and granteth two Metropolitane Seas London and Yorke but granted to Austen during his life to be cheefe Arch-bishop of all the Land and that they should not destroy the idolatrous Temples but conuert them to Christian vses and that Austine should not be proud of the myracles that God wrought by him that he should remember they were not done for him but for their conuersion whose saluation God sought thereby Then he wrote to King Ethelbert first hee praysed GOD then the King by whom it pleased God to worke such goodnesse of the people then exhorted him to perseuer in his profession and to be zealous therein to conuert the multitude and destroy Idolatry and to gouerne them in holinesse of conuersation according to the Emperor Constantinus the Great comforting him with the promises of life and reward to come Austine receiuing his Pall as aboue said and of a Monke being made an Arch-Byshop hee made two Metropolitanes as Gregorie commaunded then Austine assembled the Byshops and Doctors of Brittaine in this assembly hee charged the Byshoppes that they should preach the Word of GOD with him also that they should reforme certaine rites and vsages in the Church especially for keeping of Easter and baptizing after the manner of Rome the Scots and Brittaines would not agree thereto refusing to leaue the custome which
him buried in Christian buriall at length by perswasion of his kinred he was buried in Christian buriall Ater the death of Sythericus King of Northumberland King Adelstone seazed that Prouince into his hands and put out his sonne Alanus who fled into Scotland maried the daughter of Constantine King of Scots by whose stirring gathered a company of Danes Scots and others and entred the North of Humber with a strong Nauie of 615. shippes King Adelstone and his people ioyned in fight with them at a place called Binford where fighting with them from morning till night after a terrible slaughter on both sides the like hath not béene seene in England King Adelstone had the victorie fiue vnder kings were slaine in that battell with Constantine King of Scots and twelue Dukes with the most part of the strangers that were there Then King Adelstone subdued the Brittaines and forced them to grant to him yearely tribute 20. lib. of gold 300 lib. of ●iluer 2500. heads of neate with a certaine number of hawkes and dogs King Adelstone caused his guiltlesse brother Edwine through sinister suggestion of his Cup-bearer to be set in an old rotten bote in the broad sea onely with one Esquire with him without any tackling where the tender Prince dismai●e with the ●age o● Windes and Flouds weary of his life cast himselfe into the Sea the Esquire shif●ed for himselfe and recouered the body of his maister and brought it to Sandich were it was buried The reason the King the more doubled of his brother was because he was by his mother of a base bloud and begotten before wedlocke for King Edward his Father comming into his Nurses house was rauished with the beautie of one Edwina a beautifull maide begat that night of her King Adelstone and afterward married her after the King was stricken with great repentance for the death of his brother by the space of seauen yeares at length the Cup-bearer his accuser bearing the Cuppe vnto the King stumbled with one foote and recouering himselfe with the other saying Thus one brother helpeth another These words so moued the king that forthwith he commaunded the false accuser of his brother to bee had out to execution and he builded two Monasteries of Middleton and Michlenes for his brothers Soule Whereby it appeareth what was the speciall cause of building of Monasteries to wit for releasing of sinnes for them departed and them aliue which is contrarie to the grace and veritie of Christs Gospell He deuised diuers good and wholsome lawes as well of the state Ecclesiasticall as Seculer which thou maist see in the booke at large whereby it is to bee vnderstoode that the vsurped power of the Bishop of Rome did not then extend or derogate from the authoritie of Christian Princes but that euery one in ●is owne Dominion had the doing of all causes whether they were spirituall or temporall he raigned 16. yeares and because he had no Issue his brother Edmond succéeded him This Edmond expelled the Danes Scots Normanes and all forraine enemies out of the Land and recouered such Cities as were in their hands from them then the King set his minde to building of Monasteries and furnishing of Churches with possessions in his time Monks were dispersed out of the Monastery of Esham and Canons substituted in their place At the first Religious houses were replenished with Priests and Canons which were Clergie men after Monkes succéeded they professed Chastitie that is to 〈◊〉 vnmaried for so they defined Chastitie in those blinde daies the Priests and Canons liued more frée from Monkish rules and obseruations were common●y marie● and in their life came néerer to seculer Christians so there was great enmitie betweene them one ●uer sought to expell the other Thus Monkes first beganne about the time of this King Edmond when straitnes of life with superstition was had in veneration which men either to haue publike fame with men or merit of God gaue themselues to leade a strict life There was a Monastery in Fraunce called Floriake of the rule of Benedict from whence came our English Monkes for after they were professed there returning into England they daily congregated men to their profession and for their outward holinesse and straite life we●e in great admiration not onely with the rude sort but with Kings and Princes who founded them Houses maintained their rules and inlarged them with possessions After King Edmund had raigned 6. yeares and a halfe he was slaine and buried at Glastenbury leauing bebing him two children Edwine and Edgar but because they were vnder age Edred brother to King Edmund gouerned as Protector nine yeares with great moderation and fidelity to the young children Edwine eldest sonne of King Edmond was crowned at Kingstone the day of his Coronation he forsooke his Nobles and went into a Chamber to a woman whom he inordinately had retained Dunstone Abot of G●astenbury followed the King into the Chamber and brought him out by the hand and accused him to Odo Archbishop causing him to be separated from her company for which ●act Odo suspended the king out of the Church The king being displeased banished Dunstone who went into Flanders where hée was in the Monastery of A●andus about that time the order of Benedict Monkes or blacke Monkes beganne to multiply in England so that Priests and Canons were put out in many places and Monkes put in their 〈◊〉 but King Edwine for the displeasure he bare to Dunstone so vexed all the Order of the said Monkes that in Malmesbury Glastenbury and other places he thrust out the Monks and set seculer Priests in their steed Edwine being hated of his Subiects for his misdemeaners was remoued from his kingly honour and his brother Edgar receiued in his stéede yet one raigned ouer all on the one side of the Th●mes and the other on the other side of the Thames but Edwine after hee had raigned 4. yeares dyed leauing no Heire wherefore all fell to Edgar Edgar at the age of 16 yeares began to raigne but was not crowned vntill 14. yeares after He sent for Dunstone home againe whom Edwin had exiled he was made Bishop of Woster and after of London and not long after of Canterbury By his intre●tie to the King Oswoldus was made Bishop of Woster and by his meanes also Ethelwaldus Abbot of Abendon was made Bishoppe of Winchester By the meanes of these thrée Bishoppes the multitnde of Monkes began first to swarme in this Realme of England By the meanes of them King Edgar builded 40. Monasteries and by the instigation of them King Edgar in diuerse great houses and Cathedrall Churches where Prebends and Priests were before displaced them and set in Monkes and many seculer Priests being put to their choyce whether they would change their habit or leaue their roomes departed out of their houses After Oswaldus was made Archbishop of Yorke and then they had their minde and when he by no perswasion could make
Cadwalader 2076. year●s vnder an hundred and two Kings and they receiued the Christian Faith in the yeare of Christ 162. In the time of Lucius their King Elutherius being Pope who sent thither Fagamus and Damianus Preachers who ordained in the realme 28. Bishops with two Archbishopes Theonus Archbishop of London and Theodosius Archbishop of Yorke so it continued 300. yeares vntill the Saxons being Infidels subdued the Realme and diuided it into seauen Kingdome and so it continued vntill Gregory sent hither Austin to conuert the Realme who was after made Archbishop of Canterbury and it was Gregories purpose to reduce the new Church of the Saxons to the order that was in the old time amongst the Britaines vnder the two Metropolitaines of London and Yorke yet hée gaue Austen this prerogatiue during his life time to haue the Iurisdiction aboue all the Bishops and Priests in England but after his dec●ase London and Yorke to ouersée the charge and he willed no distinction of Honour to be betwixt London and Yorke but that he that had béene longest Bishop of the place should be preferred Upon this it was decréed that Yorke should be subiect to Canterbury and that wheresoeuer Canterbury would hold a Councell Yorke with his Bishops should come thither and be obedient to his Decrées and when Canterbury should decease Yorke should come to Duer to consecrate the new Archbishop but if Yorke decease his successor should resort to Canterbury and where the Bishop of Canterbury should appoint to receiue his consecration swearing obedience In the 9 yeare of King Williams reigne another Counsell was holden at London w●ere was decreed that the Bishop of Yorke should sit on the right hand of Canterbury and London on the left and in his absence Winchester and that Bishops should translate the Seas from v●●lages to cities that Monks should haue nothing propper and if any so had he dying vnconf●ssed should not be buried in the Churchyard that no Clarke or Monke should be retained in another Di●cesse without Letters testimoniall that none should speake in the Councell without leaue but Bishops and Abbots that none should buy or sell any ●ffice in the Church that neither Bishop Abbot nor any of the Clergie should be at the Iudgement of any mans death or dismembring At this time diuerse good Bishops displaced Monkes and restored maried Priests againe the Bishop of Winchester placed aboue 40. Canons in stead of Monkes for his part but this godly enterprise was stopped by Lanfranke the Archbishop of Canterbury he plucked downe the old Church of Canterbury and builded vp the new After the death of the Pope Hildebrand succéeded who was surnamed Gregory the 7. he was a Sorcerer and the principal cause of all the per●urbation that hath beene since in the Church for before he wrought his feats setting vp and displacing what Bishops he listed setting them against Emperours and destroying Matrimony vnder colour of chasti●ie the Chuch was in some order and Popes quietly ruled vnder Christian Emperours and were defended by them He first contemning the authoritie of the Emperor thrust in himselfe to be Pope vanting himselfe to haue both the Ecclesiasticall and the Temporall sword committed to him of Christ and full power to binde and loose what he lifted he challenged all the Dominion both of the East and West Church he set at light Kings and Emperours who raigned but at his godamercie Bishops and Prelates as his vnderlings he kept in awe suspending cursing and chopping off their heads He ●●irred vp warres releasing Othes Fidelitie and due allegiance of Subiects to their Princes To this scope tended chiefly all his practises to abolish the mariage of Priests and to translate the authoritie Emperiall vnto the Clergy as appeared before in the Councell of Later●n for though he was not then Pope in name yet was he Pope indéed and ruled the Pope as he listed In a Councell which he held at Rome he enacted that no Priest hereafter should mary that those that were maried should be Diuorced and that none hereafter should be admitted Priest but should sweare perpetuall Chastitie The Clergie of France resisted this Decree and said it was repugnant to the word of God that the Pope should take from Priests that which God and Nature had giuen them and against the Doctrine of Saint Paul I haue no commaundement of God touching Virginitie and he that cannot liue continent let him mary And that it was against the Canons of the Apostles and the Nicen Councell and that thereby would be opened a pernicious window to vncleanesse and fornication and conclud●d they had rather giue vp their benefices then forsake their lawful wiues against the word of Christ. Likewise the Priests of Germany were as stout against the Pope but at last this gréedinesse of Liuings in weake Priests made them to yéeld vp their godly libertie to wicked tyranny He preached in a great assembly that the Emperour should die before Saint Peters day next and should be so deiected that he should not be able to gather together aboue sixe knights and that if this prophesie were not fulfilled they should plucke him from the Altar and he would be no more Pope And when he had gone about diuerse waies to murder the Emperour and yet God preserued him beyond the appointed time them subtily he turned his tale and said he ment of the soule of the King About the time Hildebrand was made Pope there was great warres betwixt Otho Duke of Saxony and the Emperour which was a fit occasion for the Pope to worke his seats First he excommunicated all that receiued Spirituall liuings of Lay-men and all the giuers thereof which he called symony whereupon he sent Legats to the emperour to appeare before him at the Councell of Lateran The Emperour appeared not whereupon hee threatned him excommunication and to depriue him of his Crowne If he would not renounce the heresie of Symony which was giuing of Spituall Liuings Wherefore Centius a Romaine Captaine caught the Pope and shut him vp into a Tower the next day the citizens plucked downe the Tower and deliuered the Pope and cut off the noses of the men of Centius but he escaped to the Emperour The emperour being moued with this arrogancie called a Councell at Wormes where all the Bishops of Germany deposed Hildebrand The Pope in his Councell of Lateran excommunicated and depriued as many as tooke the Emperours part and excommunicated the emperour depriued him of his empire and all his subiects of their Oath of alleagiance As soone as he rose out of his papal seat to excommunicate the Emperour the seat being but new and of strong tymber suddenly shiuered and rent vs pieces The princes of Almany all concluded to forsake Henry and choose another emperour except he would submit himselfe and obtaine the Popes pardon The Emperour with his wife and young sonne all hauing forsaken him laying apart his regall ornaments in sharpe winter came bare foo●●d to the
Spirituall Liuings but these Bishops being demaunded of him could not deny but hee tooke nothing of them they being preferred by him well said hée you requi●e mée well and admonishing them of their Oath and alegiance as hee sate in his Throne they pl●cke away all his Cu●periall Ornaments The good Emperour being destitute said Videat Deus Iudicat Thus leauing him they confirmed the Kingdome to his Sonne and caused him to driue his Father out who with nine persons did ●●y to the Dukedome of Li●burg the Duke bearing of it made after him the Emperour hauing before put him from his Kingdome being afraid of death cra●ed pardon of him and not reuengement the Duke pittying his estate remitted his displeasure and receiued him to his Castle and collecting men of Warre brought him to Colin His Sonne hearing thereof besieged the City but hee escaped by night to Leodium thither all they that had compassion and consiant hearts resorted to him so hee was able to pitch a Field against his enemies and so did hee desired his friendes if they that had the victory they would spare his sonne in that sight the Father had the victory and the Sonne was chased but in another battell the Sonne had the victory and the Father was taken who being vtterly dispossessed was faine to craue of the Bishop of Spire whom he had done much for to haue a Pr●bendry in the Church to serue in our Ladies quire who swore by our Lady hee should haue none Thus hee came to Leodium and there for sorro ● dyed after he had raigned 50. ●eares Pope Pascalis caused his body to be taken our of the graue and to remaine at Spite 's fiue yeares without buriall About this time Anselmus Bishop of Canterbury which brought in the Conception of our ●ady to bee hal●wed accused King Henry the first of England to Pascal●s for making certaine Bishops by his owne election the Kings Proctor in his behalfe signif●●d to the people that the King for the value of his Kingdome would not forgoe his right in setting in Bishop and Pr●lates The Pope answered Before ●od I for the price of my head will not permit it vnto him The Archbishop returning home being the Popes Legate was turned out of his Bishopricke and goods Henry the 5. Emperour after his fathers death raigned twentie yeares being at Rome could not be crowned except he would relinquish his clayme of making Popes or any other Bishops there was such a stirre made by the Pope that if the Emperour had not defended himselfe with his owne handes hée had béene slaine But the Emperour hauing the victory tooke Pope Pascalis led him out of the city made him agree to cr●wne him and to allow him his prerogatiue of election of Popes and other Bishops and being crowned returned with the Pope to Rome But as soone as the Emperour returned to Germany the Pope called a Syno●e ●euoking his agréement and exc●mmunicated the Emperour as he had done his Father The Emperour 〈◊〉 a● it marched to Rome and put the Pope to flight and placed another in his 〈◊〉 The Germaine Bishops with all they might stirred the Saxons against the●r Caesar it gr●we at length to a pitched Field The Emperour seeing no end of his conflicts was faine to forgoe his priu●ledge of the Popes election and other things belonging to the Church and Churchmen In the time of Pascalis li●ed Barnardus of whom sprung the Barnardine Monkes The Emperour had no issue his wife was Mathildas daughter of King Henry the fi●st of England which was Gods iust Iudgement for deposing his Father Pascalis being dead Pope Gelasius was chosen by the Cardinals without the Emperour and the Emperour made another Pope Gregorius the 8. which made Pope Gelasius 〈◊〉 into France and there dyed The Cardinales choose Calixus the 2. Pope without the Emperour who before hee came to his Seat in R●me sent his Legate to excommunicate the Emperour and droue Gregorius the Emperours Pope out of Rome The Emperour fearing the vaine thunderbolts of the Popes curse perswad●d by his Princes and f●iends resigned his ●y●le pertaining to the 〈◊〉 of the Pope and the inuestiture of Bishops This being set vy in writing in the Church of Lateran in tryumph of the Emperour thus sub●ued Then the Pope made out and tooke his fellow Pope Gregorius set him on a Camell his face backward holding the tayle for a bridle brought him thro●gh the streetes of Rome and sho●● him and thrust him into a Monastery ●ée established the Decrée of the Papall Sea against the Emperour and brought in the foure Ember-fasts called ember ●aies He ordained the order of Monkes called Praemonstratenses It was 〈◊〉 by him to be iudged adultery for any person to put away his Liuing or Bishoprick●●uring his life according to Saint Paul The wife is bound vnto the husband as long as he liueth By a generall Councell at Rhemes he decréed all Clergy men should put away their wiues or be depriued of their Liuings wherupon an English writer made these verse● O bone Calixte nunc omnis clerus odit te Quondam presbyteri poterant vxoribus vti Hoc destruisti post quam tu Papa fuisti Pope Honorius the ● succeeded him he sent one Iohn Cremensis Cardinall Legat into England and Scotland in colour of redresse but to fsill his purse as all other did after him in those dayes afte● he had well refreshed himselfe in Bishops and Abbots houses he assembled the whole Clergy inquired of Priests wiues and made a Sta●tute they should haue no women in their houses vnlesse i●●h kindred as were not to be ●usp●cted and the offend●r of this Act to forfaite all his Spirituall promotion and that no kindred should mary vntill the seauenth generation and r●fling within houres at night was taken in the same vice he was so strict against to no little shame of the Clergie At this time the Emperour Henry the 5. dyed without issue the Emperiall crowne came to Lotharius Duke of Saxon. Not long after deceased Henry the first King of England In this Honorius his time came a Priest to Rome called Arnulphus who preached vehemently against the pride auarice and incontinencie of the Clergie and exhorted them to follow Christ. He was well respected of the Citizens but the Cardinals and Clergy hated him and made him away in the night by drowing him Sabelicus and Platina say they hanged him His Martyrdom he said was reuealed to him by an Angel in the Desert and said vnto them I know you will kill me priuily and no maruell for if Saint Peter were héere and rebuked your vices that exceed you would serue him so and said with a loud voice I am not afraid to suffer for the truth but God will be reuenged you play the blinde guides and leade the people to Hell In the second Booke of Councels printed at Colen either this Arnulphus or about his time one complaineth of the
meete vs in the borders of the King though we offered him safe comming we to satisfie his minde condescended to meete him at a place which hee appointed within the Land of the French King we exhorted him humbly to submit himselfe vnto his soueraigne and King who had heaped him with such benefits and dignities after aduise with his Couns●ll hee said he would submit himselfe to the King sauing the honour of God the libertie of the Church the honestie of my person the possessions of Churches and the Iustice of him and all his in all things wee asked him whether h● would submit himselfe to vs as the King and the Bishops were content to doe he said he had a commandement from you not to answere before he and all his were restored to all their possessions then he would proceed in the matter as hee should receiue commandement from the Sea Apostolick whereof wee made relation to the King yet keeping back a great part which we had heard and séene which when the King and Nobles vnderstood the King said he was so much the more cleere for that the Archbishop would not stand to Iudgement after much heauinesse and lamentation of the King Bishops and Abbots they required of vs whether wee had any power to proceed against him and perceiuing wee had none least the Archbishop should worke any disquietnes to any of the Noble personages of the Realme agreed together with one assent to make their appellation to your audience prefixing accordingly the terme of their appeale The Archbishop saying he stood onely for the peace of the Church one of the Cardinals offered him if he would relinquish his Bishoppricke the King should relinquish his Customes He answered He could not renounce his Church sauing the honour of the Church and his person but it standeth vpon the soules health and honor of the King to renounce his customes After the Cardinals were gone the French King séeing the King of England disquieted and s●●icitous of peace pretending to set agréement betwixt them the King and the Arch-bishop both were content to stand to his arbiterment The Archbishop prostrating himselfe at the féete of the King of England said he would commit the whole matter to his owne arbiterment Saluo honore Dei the King was highly there-with displeased rebuking him of pride and stubbornenesse and charged him with sundry and great benefits bestowed on him and hee a person vnkind and forgetfull And speaking to the French King there present said whatsoeuer displeaseth this man hee saith it is contrary to the honour of God and by this meanes will vindicate to himselfe that which is his owne and mine too there haue bin Kings of England of greater and lesse puissance then I am there haue haue béen Archb. of Canterbury both great holy men what the best of them haue done to my predecessors before me let him doe the same to me and I am content the standers by with one voice cried the king hath debased himselfe enough to the Bishop the French King said what my Lord will you be better then those holy men will you be greater then Peter you haue peace and quietnes put in your hands if you will take it he answered my predecessors euery one in his time did pluck vp and correct something in his time though not all things for then there would bee no cause of this fire of temptation to try vs though some haue béen slack we are not to follow their examples we rebuke Peter for denying Christ but we commend him for resisting Nero hee could not in his conscience consent vnto him he did not dissemble wherby he lost his life by such oppressions the Church hath alwaies growne our forefathers suffered because they would not dissemble the honour of Christ shall I to haue the fauour of one man suffer the honour of Christ to be supprest the Noble men standing by noted him of arrogancy and wilfulnes and one openly protested that séeing he refused the request of both kingdomes hee was worthy of the help of neither as England had reiected him so France should not entertaine him One of the Archbishops Chapleins writeth that the French king prostrated himselfe at the féet of the Archb. repented he had giuen him such councell in a case pertaining to the honour of God desired to be assoiled and that Henry sent to the king to desire him not to support his enemy within his Realme the French King vtterly denied the Kings request and tooke part rather with the Archbishop The King of England returned from Normandy into England in the 16. yéere of his reigne kept his Court of Parliament at Westminster by assent both of the Clergy Temporalty caused his sonne Henry to be crowned King the Coronation was done by the Archbishop of Yorke other Bishops assisting Becket not beeing called tooke no little displeasure and so did the French King hearing that Margaret his Daughter was not like wise crowned with her husband wherevpon hee came with a great armie to Normandie but the King sent his sonne to him which intreated peace promising that his sonne should be crowned againe and his daughter crowned with him Becket sent to the Pope complaining of foure Bishops especially the Archbishop of York who durst be so bold in his absence without his licence to crowne the king being a matter peculiar to his Iurisdiction at whose instance the Pope excommunicated the Bishop of London the other thrée with the Archbishop hee suspended they resorted to the King declaring how miserable there case stood for fulfilling his commandement the King was highly moued The King of France with his Clergy and Courtiers slacked no occasion to incite the Pope to excommunicate the King of England also thinking to haue some aduantage against the Realme neither was the King ignorant of this which made him the readier to agree The pope sent two Legats with full commission either to driue the K. to be reconciled or to be excommunicated the King seeing himselfe in great straites which he could not auoid and by the mediation of the king of France and other great prelates and Princes of the king was content to be reconciled with the Archb. whom he receiued into his Realme and granted him free returne to his Church But he would not grant him his lands vntill he came into England and did see how he would agrée with his subiects he was ioifully receiued of his church albeit he was not very welcome vnto the yong king so that comming to London to the king he was returned back to Canterbury and bid to keepe his house hee excommunicated one Robert de Brocke on Christmas day for cutting off the taile of one of his Horses the day before hee would not absolue the foresaid foure Bishops without cau●els and exceptions who went to Normandie to the king and complained of the miserable state vncourteous handling which made him conceiue such displeasure towards Becket that
are not wont to tarry the consent of Princes therefore Wee comma●nd you vnder pa●ne of the great curse that you c●use him Whereupon they all assented sauing he whom the King had sent for the Arch bishop of Norwich Upon this the King conceiued great displeasure against the Monkes of Canterbury wherefore he banished 64. of them out of the Land The King sent Letters to the Pope sharply expostulating with him for re●u●ing the Bishop of Norwich and setting vp one Stephen Langton vnknowne to him and brought vp in the kingdome of France amongst his enemies Archbishop of Canterbury and that the Monkes without his consent presumed to promote him and meruailed that the Pope did not reuolue with himselfe how necessary his fauour had euer béene to them What great reuenues had procéeded hence thether the like whereof hath not béene receiued out of any Country on this side the Alpes and that he would stand for his liberties vnto death nor would not bee so shaken from the election of the Bishop of Norwich which he séeth so commodious to him and that if his request were not heard he would prouide by Seas that there should be no more such g●dding to Rome to export the riches of his Land thither whereby he is lesse abled against his Enemies and that he had sufficient Prelats of his owne and hath no néede of any from abroad Pope Innocentius writ to him againe Whereas wée haue written gently to you conc●rning the matter of Canterbury you haue written to vs after a threatning sort and where wée aboue our duetie haue giuen to you you have not giuen to vs ou● duetie which you are bound to doe and though your sauour as you say be necessary for vs yet consider ours is not a little opor●une vnto you and whereas wee haue not shew●d the like honour to any Prince as to you you haue so much derogated to our Honour as no Prince besides hath presumed to doe Where you say the Archbishop is vnknowne to you and brought vp amongst year enemies Then be sheweth how learned ●e was how he was Prebend at Paris and of an ho●●st stocke borne an Englishman and knowne to the King being he wrote to him thrée times before and saith that at the Monkes request he sent his Letters once or twise to the King for his assent although was not the manner of the Sea Apostolike who hath the fulnesse of the power of the Church of Canterbury to waite for princes consents in such elections therefore according to the Canons of the Fathers w● did pro●ide that the said Church should be no longer 〈◊〉 of her Pastor therefore being this election hath so orderly proceeded vpon a person so meete for the same w●e will not for any mans pleasure nor may without danger of ●ame and conscience deferre the consummation thereof And my sonne seeing we ha●e respected your Honour more then our duetie is study to Honour vs so much as ●u●tie requireth that you may deserue fauour at Gods hands and Ours and least doing contrary you bring you selfe into such a pe●ke of t●oubles that you cannot ri● your selfe againe for it will fall out he will haue the better to whom euery knée doth bowe whose turne I serue in the earth therefore obey not them that desire vnquietnesse that they might f●sh the better in a troubled water It will not be for your saftie and glory to resist God and the Church in whose quarrell the blessed and glorious Martyre Bishop Thomas hath lately shed his bloud especially seeing your Father and brother being Kings of England did giue ouer those thrée wicked Customes into the hands of the Sea Aposto●●ke but if you will yéeld your selfe humbly into our hands we will looke that you and yours shall be sufficiently prouided for Thus haue you the glorious Letter of the proud Pope I beséech you marke it well Not long after proceeded a commaundement to certaine Bishops requiring them by the authoritie Apostolicall that if the King would not receiue the Prior of Canterbury and his Monkes then they should interdict him through his Realme Whereupon the foure Bishops of London El● Winchester and Herford shewed the King thereof but the King refused the same and would not grant their request wherupon they pronounced the said In●erdiction throughout England and Wales and the Church doores were shut vp with keyes and other fastnings Then the King tooke all the possessions of the foure Bishops into his hands and apointed certaine to keepe the Liuings of the Clergie throughout the Realme The Bishops cursed all that kept or medled with Church-goods against the wils of the owners Then they went to the Bishop of Canterbury and shewed him all the matter he promised he would shortly come to Canterbury himselfe or send some which should doe as much as himselfe 〈◊〉 came to the King that the Bishops had beene beyond-Sea with the Archbishop and were returned He sent to them Bishops Earles and Abbots to shew that the King would receiue the Archbishop Steuen and the Prior and all the Monkes of Canterbury promising on his behalfe that he should neuer take any thing of the Church-goods but would make amends for them taken and the Church should haue all her Franchices as amply as in King Edwards time the Confessor This agreement was concluded and ingrossed in a payre of Indentures the saide foure Bishops set their hands to one part the other part was caried to the King which he liked well but he would not make restitution of the Church-goods The foure Bishops would not agree to put out that Article then the King sent for the Archbishop to come to him and speake with him at Canterbury and for his safe conduct to come and goe at his will sent thrée Iustices to be pledges for him whereupon the Archbishoppe came to Canterbury and the King came to Ch●●ham and sent his Treasurer to him to put out the clause of restitution which he denyed to doe or any word of the same Then the king caused to be procl●imed throughout the Realme that th●se that had any Church-liuings and went beyond-sea should returne at a certaine day or loose the●● Liuings for euer And that all Sheriffes should inquire if any Church-man from that day forward receiued any commaundement from the Pope to apprehend him and bring him before him and that they should take into their hands vnto his vse all the Church Lands that were giuen by the Archbishop Steuen or the Priors of Canterbury from the time of the election of the said Archbishop and that all the woods of the Archbishop should be cut downe and solde Thou the Pope sent ouer two Legats which resorted to the King at Northampton where he held his Parliament and saluted him they said they came from the Pope to reforme the peace of holy Church and we admonish you in the Popes behalfe that you make full restitution of the goods that you haue rauished of holy Church and of
the land and that you receiue Stephen Archbishop into his dignity and the Prior of Canterbury and his Monkes and yeeld againe to the Archbishop all his Lands and rents and Sir yet moreouer that you shall make such restitution to them as the Church shall thinke good The King answered he would gladly grant their request touching the Prior and Monkes of Canterbury but touching the Archbishop let him giue vp the Archbishopricke and I will giue him some other Bishopricke vpon this condition I will admit him otherwise not Then one of them said holy Church was neuer wont to disgrade Archbishop without reasonable cause but to correct Princes that were disobedient to her What now quoth the King threaten you me They said You haue told vs what is in your heart now we will tell you what is in the Popes will He hath wholly interdicted and accursed you for your wrongs to holy Church and the Clergy and we doe accurse all those that shall common with you hereafter and we assoyle all Earles Barons Knights and others from their homage fealty and seruice they should doe to you and to confirme this we giue power to the Bishops of Winchester and Norwich and the same power ouer Scotland we giue vnto the Bishops of Rochester and Salisbury and in Wales wee giue the same power to the Bishops of Saint Dauid Landaffe and Saint Assaph And we send throughout all Christendome to all Bishops to accurse all that helpe and comfort you in any néede And we a●●oyle all your aduersaries and command them to warr● with you and with all that are enemies to the Church Then the king answered What may you doe more They said we say to you in verbo Dei that no heire of yours after this day may be crowned Then the King sware if hee had knowne their newes hee would haue kept them out this tweluemonth Upon this occasion Pope Inocent commanded ageine in paine of his great curse that none should obey King Iohn nor kéepe company with him to eate drinke common or Councell with him or his seruants to doe him any seruice at bed boord hall or stable But the greater part that sled from him by this meanes of diuerse and sundry diseases that yeare died Betwixt England and France that yeare fell great amitie but false to the bitter betraying of England Further the Pope with his Cardinals gaue sentence definitiue that King Iohn should be deposed from his Regal Seat and promised Phillip the French King full remission of all his 〈◊〉 and cleare possession of the Realme of England vnto him and his heirs if he did either kill him or expel him Moreouer he wrote vnto other Nations that they should take vpon them the badge of the Crosse and reuenge him of the manifold iniuries done to the vniuersall Church by the cursed Tu●ke and Pagan King Iohn The next yeare the French King manned with the Bishops Monkes Prelates and Priests and their seruants began his att●mpt in hope of the Crowne of England but the English Nauie tooke 300. of the French Kings ships loaden with wheat wine meate flesh Armour and other necessaties for warre and burnt 100. within the Hauen and tooke the spoyle of them The Priests of England prouided them a false prophet one Peter Wake●ield they noysed daily amonst the Commons that Christ had twise appeared to him in shape of a childe betwixt the Priests hands once at Yorke and againe at Pomfret and breathed saying Peace peace peace and that he was rapt in spirit and hee saw the ●oyes of Heauen and sorrowes of Hell He prophecied of King Iohn that he should raigne no longer then ●scention day within the yeare of our Lord 1213. Being asked the question he could not tell whether he should be slaine expelled or of himselfe giue ouer the Crowne but he was sure he nor none of his stocke should raigne that day once fi●●shed The King laughed thereat when he sawe himselfe out of dange● He prated thereof at large so that they which l●ned the King apprehended him and put him in prison the King not knowing therof the fame hereof went through the whole Realme and the more becau●e he was imprisoned When the prophesied Ascention day was came King Iohn commaun●ed his Regal Tent to be spred abroad in the open field and passed the day with his Noble Councel and men of Honour in the greatest solemnity that euer hee did before When that day was passed withall his enemies turned it to an al●goricall vnderstanding and said He is no King for the Pope raigneth and not he yet raigned he stil and his sonne after him to proue the prophet alyer And because this false prophet had troubled the Realme peruerted the people raised the Commons against the King and was caried ouer the Sea by the Prelates and gaue incouragement to the French King to inuade the Land the King commaunded the false prophet should be hanged and his sonne least any more should rise of his race At length the King seeing himselfe so compassed with enemies and treasons and great danger that was like to follow especially fearing the French King was inforced to submit himselfe to that execrable monster and Antichrist of Rome conuerting his Land into the patrimony of Saint Peter as many other had done before him for hee was sure though not without shame being vnder his protection no forraine Potentate was able to subdue him King Iohn made a Letter obligatory to the Pope in this manner Whereas wee haue grieuously offended God and our mother Church of Rome and our body and Realme is not a sufficient satisfaction to him that humbled himselfe on the Crosie for vs through Councell of the noble Earles and Barons we freely grant vnto God and the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul and to our mother Church of Rome and to our holy Father Pope Inocent the third and all the Popes that come after him all the Realme and patronage of the Churches of England and Ireland with all the appurtenances for the remission of our sinnes and the helpe of our kinsfolkes soules and of all Christian Soules so that henceforth we will hold as Farmer to her Mother Church doing fealtie to the Pope and his successors Wee will doe homage to the Popes Legate as it were in the Popes presence paying ●or all manner of Custome which we sho●ld doe for the said Realmes yearely 1000. markes of siluer sauing to vs and our heires our Iustices and our Franchises and other realties that appertaine to our Crowne And for the assurance hereof we binde our successors and heires that if any of our heires shall goe against these things and being warned will not an end he shall then loose the foresaid Realmes for euermore But before the relea●ment of the Interdiction the king was compelled to giue ouer his Crowne and Scepter to the Antichrist of Rome for fiue dayes and to receiue it at another Cardinals hands Then all that had their hearts
was not profitable to the quick nor dead and that there was no knowledge i● the consolations of the Pope but onely of mens workes at last Frederick King of Cicill sent him to the Pope where he died vpon the Sea by the way Peter Iohn Aquine a Franciscane Frier prophecied that in the later daies the law of Liberty should appeare Pope Clement 4. pronounced him an hereticke after his death and caused his bones to be digged vp and burned There was so many Christian Martyrs in all parts of the world whereof a great number were c●mpassed in with craft and deceit some were poisoned others tormented with torments many oppressed with priuate and vnknowne deaths others dyed in prison some by famine some by other meanes were openly and priuately destroyed that it is scarsely possible to attaine to the knowledge of a small number of them or if I happen to attaine to the knowledge of the names of them yet I can not finde out the manner of the execution of them and their causes no one man is able to doe it but by the example of some of them you may ●asily Iudge what hath happened to all for the cruelty of Bishops haue been alike against them and the forme of their Iudgements all one the reason of their condemnation agreeing and the order and kinde of their death It was fiue hundred yeeres since Satan was set at libertie this Story were wonderfully to be enlarged if all that were put to death by the Primates of the Church should be recited for in Narbone 140. chose rather to suffer the fire then giue any credit to decretals and in the yeare 1210. at Paris were foure and twenty put to death and in the yeare after foure hundred burned and fourescore beheaded the Prince Armericus hanged and the Lady of Castele stoned to death At Erphurd Begardus was burned 1218. and a Deacon burned at Oxford 1222 a●d in the County of Cambray diuers more were burned by the Dominicans The Pope commendeth a King in Boetius that for one that the Pope had slaine he had slaine foure hundred cutting away the genitals there were many burned in France 1392. not long before Wickliffe Eckhardus a Dominick Fryer was condemned at Hedelberge I passe ouer the Aluenses that were burned in K. Iohns time and I passe ouer the Hermite that disputed in Paules Church that the Sacrament then vsed was not ordained by Christ of this number were two Gray-Friers that were burned at London Certaine Conclusions were put vp vnto the Parliament house first when the Church of England began first to dote in temporalties according to her Mother in law the Church of Rome and Churches were appropriated Faith Hope and Charitie began to vanish away because pride with her Genealogy of mortall and deadly sinne did challenge the title of truth 2 Our priesthood that tooke originall from Rome is not that which Christ ordained to his Disciples because it is done by signes and pontificiall ceremonies and benedictions of no effect hauing no ground in Scripture neither see wee the Holy Ghost giuen by any such ceremonies it is a dolorous mockery to sée Bishops play with the Holy Ghost by giuing of crownes when they giue orders in steed of white hearts the marke of Antechrist brought in to clo●e their idlenes 3 The law of Chastitie inioined vnto Priests which was to the preiudice of women induceth Sodomy into the Church by reason the delicate fare of the Clergy will haue a naturall purgation or worse and the secret proofe of them is they doe delight in women the primate religions must be disanulled the originall of that sinne 4 The fained m●racles of the Sacrament of bread induceth almost all to Idolatry because they thinke the body which is neuer out of heauen is included in the little bread which they shew the people the Feast of Corpus Christi and the seruice thereof inuented by Thomas Aquinas fained and full of false myracles for hee would haue made a myracle of an Hens Egge these lies openly preached turne to the approbry of him that is alwaies true The Orcismes or blessings ouer the Wine Bread Water Oyle Salt Incence the Altar Stone about the Church walles ouer the Uestment Chalice Myter Crosse and Pilgrim-staues are the practices of Negromancers for by it the Creatures are honored to be of more vertue then by nature they are and we sée no change in any creature exercised except it be by false faith which is the principall point of diuellish Art if the coniuring of Holy Water were true it would bee an excellent Medicine for all kinde of sicknesses and sores the contrarie whereof dayly experience teacheth 6 One man to be a King and a Priest a Prelate and a Temporall Iudge maketh the Kingdome out of order the Temporaltie and Spiritualtie are two parts of the Church to be called Amphradite or Ambidextri are good names for such men of double States we shew this to the Parliament that it bee enacted that the Clergy should onely occupy themselues with their owne charge and not meddle with others charge 7 Prayers made for the soules of the dead is a false foundation of Almes wherin all the almes houses in England are falsely founded meritorious prayers ought to proceed of Charitie but the gift is the cause of their prayers which is Simony againe a prayer made for one in hell is vnpleasant to God and it is most like the Founders of such Almes houses for their wicked indowings are most of them passed the broad way euery prayer of effect proceedeth of Charitie and comprehendeth generally all such as God would haue saued these strong Priests are able to labour and serue the Realme let them not be retained in idlenes for it hath been proued in a Booke to the King that a hundred almes-houses are sufficient for the whole Realme 8 Pilgrimages prayers and offerings to blind Crosses or Roods and dea●e Images are Ido●atry and farre from almes though these be forbidden yet they are thought Bookes of error to the common people and the common Image of the Trinitie is especially abhominable but God commands almes to be giuen to the poore and not to Idols the seruice of the Crosse celebrated twice euery yeare is full of idolatry for if the nailes and the speare ought so profoundly to be honored then were Iudas his lips a maruellous good relike if one could get them Thou Pilgrime when thou offerest vnto the bones of Saints whether doest thou relieue their soules being in ioy 9 Auricular Confession and the fained power of Absolution setteth vp the Priest of Priests and giueth them opportunitie of other secret talkes Lords and Ladies doe witnes that for feare of their Confessors they dare not speake the truth and in time of confession is opportunity ministred to play the Bawdes and make other secret conuentions to deadly sinne they say they are Commissaries from God to Iudge and discerne all sinnes to pardon what they
necessarie reformation of the Church and Christian Religion and effectually labour f●r the rooting out of all publike e●ils as well in the head as in the members as you haue often promised in our Kingdome in the Compositio●s and as our fourth Article touching the auoiding all publicke euils doth exact and require In this Councell was ordained the feast of the Conce●tion of our Lady and the feast of the Uisitation of our Lady In this Councell there was diligent ca●e about reformation of the Church that through euery Church apt and méete Ministers might bee app●inted which may shine in vertue and knowledge to the glory of Christ and the healthfull edifying of the Christian people whereunto the multitude of expectatiue gifts haue béene a great impediment hereby often times vnméete Ministers are appointed for the Churches and they giue occasion to desire anothers death and many contentions are mo●ed a●ongst the seruants of God and the ambition and gréedie desire of pluralities maintained and the substance of Kingdomes consumed poore men suffer vexations by running to Rome they are often by the way robbed murdered afflicted with diuerse plagues and hauing spent their pa●rimony left them by their parents are constrained ●o liue in extreame pouertie Many craue benefices which haue no iust title and get the same and such as haue most craft and subtiltie to deceiue and greatest substa●●● to contend in the Lawe doo great wrongs the Eccle●●asticall order is confounded whiles euery mans Iudgement is not preserued and the Pope by chalenging and taking vpon him too much the Office of Superiours is drowned from more waightie and fruitfull matters and intends not to the guiding and correction of the inferiours as publicke vtilitie requireth all which things bring a great confusion vnto the Clergie to the great preiudice of Gods true worship and the publike saluation THE SIXT SECTION OF this Ecclesiasticall Historie THIS Storie following and that before confuteth the vaine opinion of some that this Religion now vsed hath risen but twentie or thirtie yeares since and manifesteth that it hath béene spred in England this 220. yeares and often sparkled before that time although it flamed not so as it hath done within this 100. yeares and more w●o although they were not so strongly armed in their cause as of late yeares yet were they warriours in Christs Church and although they gaue back for tyranny yet Iudge the best and referre the cause to God who euealeth all things according to his determinate will and time there hath bin no realme more fertile for Marters then England Oxford was as a continuall spr●ng of Christian knowledge whence as out of the Troiane horse hath come so many inuincible wit●esses of the truth amongst whom William Taylor Master of 〈◊〉 hath not deserued the least praise being a fauorer of Wickliffe who because he had written cer●ain things against the inuocation of saints and many other matters after he had recanted nine articles returned vnto th● right way and with a maruellous constancie 〈◊〉 bu●●t in Smithfield the 7 of March. Iohn Florence a Turner of Shelton in the Di●cesse of Norwich was attached because he held and taught that the Pope and Cardinals haue no power to const●tute Lawes that nor day is to be kept holiday but Sunday That there ought to be no fast but of the Qua●uor temporum That Images are not to be worshipped not lights to be set before them Not 〈◊〉 goe on Pilgrimage nor offe● for the dead or with women that are purified That Curates should not claime Tithes by any exaction and that they should be diuided amongst the poore That such as sweare by their life or power except they repent shall be dam●●d He was brought before the Chauncellour and forced to abiure and was sworne not to hold or teach any thing contrary to the determination of the Church of Rome nor to helpe or ayde any that should so doe He was inioyned for penan●● thr●● Sund●ies Solemne Procession in the Cathedral Church of Norwich to be whipped before all the people and three other Sundaies about his Parish Church of Shelton bare f●●ted bare necked his bodie being couered with a canu●s shirt and canu●s briches carying in his hand a Taper of a pound waight so was dismissed Richard Belward of Erisam in the Diocesse of Norwich was accused for holding and teaching that Ecclesiasticall Minist●re and Ordinaries haue no power to excommunicate and though the Bishop excommunicate any God doth absol●e them And that he held the opinion of Sir Iohn Oldcastle And that such as goe on Pilgrimage offering to Images are excommunicated because they ought to giue to the poore which are aliue and not to the dead And that the Curates sell God on Easter day when they receiue Offerings before they minister the Sacraments And that hee councelled ●●uerse women that they should not offer for the dead nor with women that were puri●●●● and for that he called his neighbours fooles for not learning his sect and that they of 〈◊〉 sect were able to confute all others and that we ought not to pray vnto the Saints 〈◊〉 heauen but onely to God and that he kéept schooles of Lolardie in Dichingham 〈◊〉 that a Parchment maker bringeth him bookes from London containing 〈◊〉 Doctrine The Bishop of Norwich si●ting in Iudgement vpon him he denied his articles and was purged by 〈◊〉 of his neighbours swearing that he would not teach or defend any thin● contrary to the Church of Rome and the aforesaid parchment-maker was likewise accused vpon the aforesaid Artic●es who d●nyed them and was likewise purged by his neighb●urs and sword in like manner Also sir Hugh Pie Chaplen of L●dney was likewi●e accused before the said Bishop of Norwich for holding that the people ought not to goe on pilgrimage and that people ought not to giue almes to Images but to the poore That the Image of the Crosse other Images are not to be worshiped and that he had cast the Crosse of Brome hold into the fire to be burnt which he tooke from one of Ludney which he denied purged himselfe by three Laymen and three Priests was sworne as before In this yeare Henry the fift sent a most cruell Commission vnto Iohn Exeter and Iacolet Germaine kéeper of the Castle of Colchester for the apprehending of sir William White Priest and Thomas Chaplin of Setling in Northfolke and William Northamton Priest and all other suspected of Lolardy and to commit them to prison by vertue of which Commi●●ion sixe persons were attached in Bu●gay of Norwich whose names were so defaced through antiquitie that there remained but three names in the worne booke to be red to wit Iohn Teaderton in Kent Bartholomew Monke of Ensham in Norfolke Corneleader a ma●ie● man these three were in the custodie of the Duke of Norfolke in the Castle of Fremingham We finde also in the Diocesse of Norfolke and Suffolke specially in the townes of Bechels Ersham
the Lords put a book of articles against the Cardinall that he procured the Legat without the Kings consent whereby he took away the right of all Bishops that in all writings to Rome and other Princes he wrote Ego Rex meus that he standered the Church of England to be brought into a reprobate sense sending to Rome to be Legat to reforme the Church and carried the great Seale with him to Flanders and that without the kings consent he sent commission to conclude a league betwéen the King and the Duke of Florence and that hauing the French pocks he presumed to come and to breathe on the King and that hee had caused the Cardinalls Hat to be put on the Kings coyne that he had sent innumerable substance to Rome to obtaine his Dignities to the great impouerishment of the Realme with many other things The princely possessions and great pride of the Clergie in those dayes did not only farre excéede the measure of subiects but surmounted the estates of Kings and Princes In Henry the fourth his dayes the Temporalties in the possessions of the Clergie of England amounted to three hundred twentie two thousand marks by the yeare And it appeareth by a Libell giuen to Henry the eight compiled by one Master Fish that the Cleargie had gotten into their hands more then the third part of the lande of the Realme and the goodliest Lordships Mannors and Territories are theirs besides the tenth part of corne and all things else and seruants wages and they looke so narrowly to their tythes that they will haue the tenth egge or else the good wife getteth no rights at Easter and shall be taken as an her●ticke beside what they get by their foure offering dayes prouing of wills priuie tythes offerings to pilgrimages and at their first Masses euery one that is buried must pay somewhat for Masses and Dirges to be sung for them else they will accuse their frinds and executors for hereticks What money get they for mortuaries by hearing confessions and yet will keepe no Councell by hallowing of Churches Altars Superaltars Chappels and Bels by cursing men and absoluing them againe for money What a multitude of money gather the Pardoners in a yeare by cyting men to the Court and releasing them for money and what abundance the begging Friers get yearly There be two and fifty thousand parish Churches in England and euery house in the Realme payeth a pennie a quarter to euery of the fiue s●rts of begging Friers which is twenty pence yearely for euery house in England And the number of the Clergie reckoned with men women and children of the Laie●ie are but one of foure hundred and their substance draweth nigh to the halfe of the whole substance of the Realme and they doe nothing therewith but exempt themselues from the obedience of your grace and translate all power to themselues and that your subiects may rebell against yon and be vnder them as they did vnto your noble predecessor King Iohn they then interdicted the Realme wherefore your Realme hath stood tributarie not to any temporall Prince but to a cruell diuellish bloud-sucker drunken in the bloud of the Saints and Martyrs euer since and what doe they more nothing but apply themselues to haue to doe with euery mans wife daughter or mayde that Cuckoldrie and baudry should raigne amongst your subiects that no man should know his child and that their bastards should inherite euery mans possessions they haue made an hundred thousand idle whoores in your Realme which would haue gotten their liuing honestly had not their superfluous riches inticed them to vncleanenesse and idlenesse they catch the p●cks or be burnt or the leprosie and beare it vnto another yea some one of them shall boast amongst his fellowes that he hath had to do with an hundred women When they haue intised mens wiues vnto them they spend away their husbands goods and make the women runne away from their husbands and runne away themselues with the wife and goods bringing man and wife and children to idlenesse theft and beggerie Who is able to number the broad bottomlesse Ocean full of euils that this sinfull generation may lawfully and vnpunished bring vpon vs Who is shee that will worke for three pence a day when she may haue at least twentie pence a day to fleepe an houre with a Frier Monke or Priest and who will labour for foure pence a day that may haue at least twelue pence a day to be bawde to one of these What a sort are there that marrie Priests Lemans but to cloake the Priests incontinencie and that they may liue of Priests for their labour and who is he though he be grieued neuer so sore for the death of his Ancestor rauishment of his wife or his daughter robberie trespasse maime debt or any other offence dare lay it to their charge by any way of action if he do then by and by he is accused of heresie and except he beare a faggot they will excommunicate him and then all his Actions be dashed Notwithstanding the statute to Mortmayne they doe daily get into their hands more lands the Kingdome of the bloud-suckers is like to preuaile aboue your Kingdome for to them is giuen daily out of you Kingdome and that which is once giuen them neuer commeth from them againe What Kingdome can indure that ●uer giueth and receiueth nothing again All their colour for their gathering these things into their hands is that they pray for vs to deliuer our soules out of Purgatorie without whose prayers and especially the Popes pardon we could neuer be deliuered thence but the truth is there is no Purgatorie but it is a thing inuented by the couetousnesse of the spiritualtie And if there were a Purgatorie if the Pope can deliuer them there with money he can deliuer them without and if hee can deliuer one he can deliuer all and so destroy Purgatorie and then is he a cruell tyrant without all charitie if he keepe them in prison and paine vntill men will giue him money They will not let the New Testament goe abroad in the mother tongue lest their cloaked hypocrisie and that their cruelty vncleanenesse and vnmercifulnesse be seeue and that they seeke not Christs honour but their own that remission of sins are not giuen for the Popes pardon but for Christ by true faith in him And except your Maiestie suffer their hypocrisie to be disclosed the people will think you take away their liberty from them to buy their soules out of Purgatorie by giuing to the spiritualtie as their predecessors haue done therefore let their hypocrisie be vttered and that shall be more speedfull in this matter then all the lawes that possibly can be made The Author of this Booke was fled to Tindall where he wrote this Booke for feare of the Cardinall when the King had read this he caused his Wife to send for him home he was brought to the King and after he had
should be any publike change in this Realme of Religion except by the consent of you and the whole Parliament wherein you may easily perceiue his profound wisedom great leue towards you Wherfore he desireth you in Christs name that leauing blindnes contentions you would discusse those things amongst you which pertaine to religion and the Church hauing onely respect vnto the Scriptures neither will he any longer suffer the Scriptures to be wrested by any one of you neither to be oppressed with the Popes Decrées or authoritie of the Doctors or Councels neither will he allow any Doctrine grounded onely vpon Antiquitie and Custome hauing no other foundation in Scriptures such as you call vnwritten verities you owe this duety chiefely to Christ and next of necessitie vnto the Church and yet you shall not be vnrewarded at the Kings hands if he perceíue you do your duty as you ought in establishing concord in the Church The which to bring to passe the onely methode is to discusse all things according to the Canons of Gods word wherevnto the Kings Maiestie doth exhort you and hartily desire you the Bishops gaue thankes vnto the King for his zeale vnto the Church and his exhortation worthy so Christian a Prince Then Bonner Bishop of London the most earnest Champion for the Pope defended the vnwritten verities and maintained the seuen Sacraments of the Church and others resisted him Touching whose Arguments because there is no great matter in them I refer thee to the Booke at large where also thou maist sée the number of Idols in England to which in great deuotion they vse to goe on pilgrimage vnto At length he was apprehended and committed to the Tower and then hee was attainted by Parliament for heresie for supporting Barnes and Clarke hereticks and many others And by his authoritie and Letters rescued them and deliuered them out of prison and for evulgating a great number of Bookes containing heresie and caused Bookes to be translated into English comprising matter against the Sacrament of the Altar for commending the Bookes after and that he should speake words against the King which they would neuer suffer him to answere vnto which were not likely to be true in that the King so shortly after his death wished to haue his Cromwell aliue againe by reason of which Act of Parliament the Noble Lord Cromwell was oppressed with his enemies and condemned in the Tower He was beheaded vpon Tower Hill where he patiently suffered the stroke of the Axe by a Butcherly miser which very vngodlily performed the office The History of Thomas Barnes Thomas Garard and William Hierome Diuines WHen as Cromwell was dead Gardiner Bishop of Winchester being at liberty to exercise his cruelty it is to be wondred what troubles hee raised and least he should loose his occupation by delayes Hee first assaults Robert Barnes Thomas Gerrard and William Hierome whom hee caused to be put to execution two daies after Cromwell and first of Barnes Doctor of Diuinitie There was sent downe a Sergeant at Armes to Cambridge who arres●●d Doctor Barnes in the Conuocation house and they determined to make priuy search for Luthers Bookes and all the Germaines workes but they that were suspected had word therof and the Bookes were conuayed away before they came and he was brought to Cardinall Wolsey in Westminster At last he spake with the Cardinall in his Chaire of State knéeling on his knees Then said the Cardinall What Maister Doctor had you not scope sufficient in the Scriptures to teach the people but my golden showes my pollaxes my pillars my golden Cushions my crossee did so much offend you that you made vs Ridiculum caput amongst the people we were iollily that day laughed to scorne Uerily it was a Sermon more fitter to be preached on a Stage then in a Pulpit At last you said I wore a paire of red Gloues I should say bloudy Gloues that I should not bee cold in the middest of my Ceremonies Hee answered hee spake nothing but the truth according to the Scriptures and the old Doctors Then hee deliuered the Cardinall six shéetes of Paper to coroborate his saying He receiuing them said we perceiue you intend to stand to your Articles and shew your learning Yea said Barnes by Gods Grace and your Lordships fauour He answered such as you beare vs and the Catholick Church little fauour whether doe you thinke it more necessary that I should haue this royalty because I represent the Kings person in all High Courts of this Realme to the terror of all rebellions Treasons all the wicked members of this Common-wealth or to be as simple as you would haue vs to sell these things and giu● them to the poore which shortly would pisse it against the walles and pull his Maiestie from his dignitie He answered I think it necessarie to be sold and giuen to the poore for it is not comely for your calling and the King is not maintained by your pompe and pollaxes but by God which saith per me Reges regnant Then the Cardinall said to Doctor Gardiner and Maister Fox Loe Maister Doctors heere is the learned and wise man that you told me of Then they knéeled and desired his Grace to be good vnto them for hee would be reformable Then said he for your sakes and the Uniuersitie wee will be good vnto him Maister Doctor●dost thou not know that I am legatus de latere and that I am able to dispence with all matter in this Realme as much as the pope may Hee answered I know it Then hee bad him be ruled by him and I will doe all things for thy honesty and the honesty of the vniuersitie hee thanked him and said he would stick to the Scriptures according to his little Talent Then the Cardinall told him he should haue his learning tried and haue the Law and commanded him to the Tower But Gardiner and Fox became his sureties After he was twice brought before the Bishops and the Abbot of Westminster in the Chapter-house at Westminster Then he was put to haue the Councell of Gardiner and Fox and they perswaded him rather to abiure the● burne that he might doe more in time to come and with other perswasions mighty in the sight of reason and foolish flesh wherevpon he abiured and bore a faggot the Bishop of Rochester preaching at the abiuration of him and others stood vp and declared vnto the people how many daies of forgiuenes of sinnes they had for beeing at that Sermon yet he continued halfe a yéere after in prison and then he was committed to be frée prisoner in the Augustine Friers in London when these Caterpillers and bloudy beasts had vndermined him they complained on him again to my Lord Cardinall Then he was deliuered to the Friers of Northampton to bee burned Then Maister Horne heard that a writ should come shortly to burne him then hée councelled him to faine himselfe desperate and writ a Letter to the
and for his contempt and misdemeanor deposed Gardener Bishop of Winchester with Tunstall Bishop of Durham were cast into the Tower for their disobedience In this time of King Edward vnder this noble Protecto● this one commendation is proper vnto them that amongst all the Popish ●ort of whom some priuily st●le out of the Realme manie were craftie dissemblers some open aduersaries ● yet there was not one that lost his life during the whole time of the Raigne of this King for any matter of Religion Papist or Protestant except lone of Kentan English woman and one George a Dutchman who died for certaine Articles not necessarie to be rehearsed THOMAS DOBBE THis man in the beginning of King Edwards Raigne comming from S. Iohns Colledge in Cambridge to London as he passed through Paules Church there was a Priest at Masse at the South side of the Church being at the eleuation this yong man repleate with godly zeale pittying the ignorance and Idolatry of the people in honouring that which the Priest lifted vp he exhorted the people not to honour that visible bread as God which was neither God nor ordained of God to be honoured wherefore he was apprehended by the Mayor and accused to the Bishop of Canterburie and was committed to the Counter in Bread-stréete where shortly falling sicke he died whose pardon was obtained of the Lord Protector if he had liued IOHN HVNNE IN the first yeare of the Kings raig●e one Master Lewnax of Wresell and his wife sent this Iohn Hunne their seruant vnto the Bishop of Canterbury for denying the flesh and bloud of Christ to be really in the Sacrament of the Altar and saying he would neuer vaile his Hatte to it if he should be burned for it and that if he should heare masse he should be damned But because I finde nothing done therein I leaue it When this godly yong Prince was peaceably established in his Kingdome and had a godly wise and zealous Councell about him especially the Duke of Sommerset he earnestly desired the aduancement of the true honour of God and planting of sincere Religion and the s●ppressing of all Idolatry Superstition and hypocrisie throughout his Dominions Following the good example of the good King Iosias and being he found most of his Lawes repugnant to his zealous enterprise He by the aduice of his wise and Honorable Councell of his own regall authoritie did prosecute his godly purpose vntill by consent of the whole estate of Parliament he might establish a more free and vniforme order and those certaine wi●e learned and discreet personages for Commissioners generally to visit all the Bishopricks of this Realme to vnderstand and redresse the abuses of the same and diuided them into seuerall companies and assigned them seuerall Diocesses to be visited appointing to euery company one or two godly Preachers which should preach to the people at euery Sessions the true Doctrine of the Gospell of Christ and exhort them to all loue and obedience of the same and earnestly dehort them from their old superstition and wonted Idolatry and that they might the more orderly be directed in this their Commission there were deliuered vnto them certaine iniunctions and Ecclestasticall orders drawne out by the Kings learned Councell the which they should both inquire of and also command in his Maiesties behalfe to be thenceforth obserued of euery person to whom they did seuerally appertaine within their seuerall circuits the which Iniunctions if thou beest disposed for to reade I leaue thee for breuitie to the Booke at large Now during the time the Commissioners were in their circuits about diligent execution of their godly and zealous orders of the King and Councell de●iring a further reformation as well in Ecclesiasticall as in Ciuill gouernment appointed a Parliament to be summoned on the fourth of Nouember in the first yeare of his raigne which continued vntill the twenty foure day of December then next following Whereby he caused to be enacted that all Acts of Parliaments and Statutes touching menci●ning or any wise concerning Religion or opinions to wit the Statute of the first yeare of Richard the second and the statute made in the second yeare of the raign of Henry the fift and the statute mad● in the fiftéenth yeare of the raigne of Henry the eight concerning the punishments and reformation of Hereticks and Lolards and the sixe Articles made in the thirty one yeare of Henry the eight and the statute made in the thirty thrée year of Henry the eight against the bookes of the old and new Testament in English and the printing and vttering of English or bookes writings and preaching the Scriptures an another Statute in the 35. yeare of Henry the eyght touching the qualification of the Stat●te of sixe Articles and a●l and euery other Act or Acts of Parliament concerning Doctrine or matters of Religion should from thenceforth bee repealed and of none effect by occasion whereof all his godly subiects abiding within the Realme had free liber●y to professe the gospell and those beyond Sea wer not onely licensed to ret●rne home but incouraged bouldly and faithfully to trauell in their calling so that God was much glorified and the people edified And in this Parliament it was enacted that the Sacrament should be ministred in both kinde and letters missiue were sent fr●m the Councell to the Bishops of the Realme concerning the communion to bee ministred in both kinds and from Bishop to Bishop as thou maist sée in the booke at large Another Parliament was assembled in the second yeare of his Raigne beginning vppon the foorth day of Nouember 1548. continuing vntill the 14. day of March wherein a booke in English intituled the Booke of Common prayer and administration of the Sacraments and other Rightes and Ceremonies of the Church after the vse of the Church of England was concluded vppon by the Clergy which his highnesse receauing with great comfort did exhibi●● it vnto the Lords and Commons of the Parliament who for the honour of God and great quietnesse which by the grace of God should ensue vppon that one vniforme right and order in such Common prayer rites and externe Ceremonies to bee vsed throughout England Wales Calice and the Marches of the same authorise● the sayd Booke by Act of Parliament and set great penalty vpon them that wo●ld bee disobe●ient thereto as is to be seene in the booke at large A●so the mariage of Priests was authorized by the sayd Parliament by these procéedings and the Iniunctions which thou maiest see in the book at large thou maiest well perceaue the great zeale of the King and the Lord Protector in reformation of t●ue Religion and also the lingring slacknesse on the other side of others especially of the Bishops and old Popish Curats by whose cloked contempt and wilfull winking the Booke of Common prayers was long after the publishing thereof very irreuerently vsed throughout many places of this Realme which when the King by diuers
Sacrament Ridley preached at Paules Crosse that the Diuell beleeued better then you for he beleeued Christ is able to make of stones bread and you will not beleeue Christs body is in the sacrament yet thou buildest thy faith vpon them Haukes What they haue done I know not but what they do I know I build my faith vpon no man If these and many more should recant yet will I stand to that which I haue said and then they departed The next day Doctor Chadsey comming to the Bishop I was sent for into the Garden Bonner He thinketh there is no Church but in England and Germany I said and you thinke there is no Church but at Rome Chad. How say you to the Church of Rome I said it is a Church of a sort of vicious Cardinals Priests Monks and Friers which I will neuer credit nor beleeue then he said what say you to the Pope Haukes From him and all his detestable enormities good Lord deliuer vs he said so we may say from King Henry the eighth and all his detestable enormities good Lord deliuer vs. Bonner He will not come into the Chappell he cannot abide the masse nor the sacrament nor any seruice but in English then Chadsey said Christ neuer spake English Haukes Neither spake he in Lattine but alwaies in such a tongue as they vnderstood And Saint Paule saith Tongues profit nothing if a Pipe or a Harpe make no certaine sound who can prepare himselfe to battaile So if wee heare a tongue that we vnderstand not we receiue no profit Bonner The Catholike Church ordred that the Latine seruice should serue thorow the whole world that they might pray in one tongue that there be no strife I say this did your Councels of Rome Chad. You are to blame to reprooue the Councells through the whole World Haukes Saint Paule reproueth them saying If any preach any other Doctrine then that which I haue taught doe you hold him accursed Then he said hath any preached to you any other Doctrine I said yes since I came into this house I haue beene taught praying to Saints and to our Lady and to trust in the Masse holy Bread and holy water and in Idols he said they taught him not amisse in that I said cursed bee he that teacheth me so and I will not credit him nor beléeue him Chad. What be those Idols you are offended with I said the Crosse of wood Siluer Copper or Gold c. Boner I say euery Idoll is an Image but not euery Image an Idoll if it be an Image of a false God it is an Idoll but if an Image be made of God himselfe it is no Idoll but an Image Haukes Lay your Images of your true God and of your false God together and both your Image and Idoll haue hands and feele not eyes and see not feete and goe not mouthes and speake not so there is no difference Chad. God forbid I should reioice in any thing but in the crosse of Christ I asked him whether he vnderstood Paul so he answered me not Boner When can we haue a godlier remembrance when wee ride by the way then to see the Crosse I said if it were such profit why did not Christs Disciples take it vp and set it on a pole and carry it in procession with Salua festa dies Chadsey said it was taken vp Haukes You say Elenor tooke it vp and she sent a peece of it to a place of Religion where I was with the visiters at the dissolution and we called for the peece of the crosse which was so esteemed and had robbed so many and made them commit Idolatry and it was but a peece of a Lath couered ouer with Copper and double gilded as it had béen cleane gold Then the Bishop cryed fye on him and hey left me And Chadsey said it was pitty I should liue and I said I had rather die then liue in this case The Bishop after writ somewhat that hee should set his hand too and there was in it that I Thomas Lankes had talked with mine Ordinarie and with certaine good godly and learned men Hee answered hee would not grant them to bee good godly and learned men After also hee told the Bishop as for your cursings raylings and blasphemings I care not for them for I know the mothes and wormes shall eate you as they eate Wooll or Cloth and at length with diuers others in the month of Iune hee was condemned and beeing carried into Essex at Cophall by martyrdome he changed his life His friends priuily desired him that in the middest or the flame he would shew some token that they might bee certaine whether the paine were so great that one cannot keepe his minde constant therein which hee promised to doe and if it were tolerable to hold vp his hands ouer his head and when his breath was taken away his skin drawne together his fingers consumed in the fire and all men looked that hee would giue vp the Ghost Hee mindfull of his promise● made did lift vp his hands halfe burned and burning with heate aboue his head to the liuing God euen on a sodaine and with great reioicing striketh them three times together by which thing contrarie to all mens expectation béeing seene there followed so great reioycing and cry of the multitude as though heauen and earth would haue come together and presently he sunke downe and gaue vp the Ghost THOMAS WATS HE was of Billerica in Essex beeing brought to the Bishop of London hee put certaine Articles to him The effect of the answere whereof followeth That he hath and doth beleeue that Christs body is in heauen and no where else and that hee will neuer beleeue that Christs body is in the Sacrament and that the Masse is full of Idolatry and abhomination neuer instituted by Christ and that he neuer did nor doth beleeue that a Priest can absolue him of his sinnes but he beleeueth it is good to aske councell at the Priests mouth and he confessed that he said openly in the sessions that all that is now vsed and done in the church is abhominable hereticall and scismaticall and altogether naught And he doth beleeue that the Pope is a mortall enemy to Christ his Church and that hee prayeth as Tooly did that we may be deliuered from the tyrannie of the Pope and all his enormities And after he had been many times brought before Boner and his company and the Bishop perceiuing neither his threatnings nor flattering promises nothing to preuaile he condemned him and after he was carried to Chemes-ford there most patiently and constantly sealed his faith with his bloud by most cruell fire The morning before hee died hee said words to this effect to his Wife and Children Wife and good Children I must now depart from you henceforth I know you no more but as the Lord hath giuen you to mee so I giue you againe vnto the LORD whom I charge you to obay
well for Paul writ to the Corinthians to haue the man excommunicated that had lien with his Fathers wife Smith As the Church of Corinth was manifest to God and Paule so is this Church in England else you could not persecute it as you do I being conuayed into the Garden Doctor Dee being one of the Bishops Chaplaines came to me and after much adoe about his God I compelled him to say that it must needs enter into the belly and so fall out ●nto the draught then hee said What derogation was it to Christ when the Iewes spit in his face and I answered If the Iewes his enemies did but spit in his face and wee being his friends throw him in the draught which of vs haue deserued the greater damnation Doctor Then he would haue Christs humanitie incomprehensible bringing to serue his turne which way Christ came amongst his Disciples the doores being close shut Smith I haue as much to proue that the doores opened at his comming as you haue to proue that he came thorow the doores for God that opened the prison doores for his Disciples was able to doe the like for Christ but that maketh not for your purpose for they saw heard and felt him and so cannot you do in your sacrament Then I was called for before Bonner and my Lord Mayor was with him and my articles were read then said Bonner Bonner My Lord they call me bloudie Bonner where I neuer sought any mans blood I haue stayed him from the Consistory this day whither I might haue brought him iustlie and heere before you I desire him to turne and I will with all spéed dispatch him out of trouble Smith Why do you put on this visard before my Lord Mayor to make him beléeue you séeke not my blood Haue not you burned my Brother Tomkins hand most cruelly and after burned his body and the bodies of a number more of Christs faithfull members Then he questioned with me about the Sacrament and I said as the body is dead if the blood be gone so their Sacrament is a dead God because they take away the blood of Christ from his body being the Cup is taken from the Layty for if the Br●ad be his body the Cup must bee his blood Then Bonner rose and my Lord Mayor desired me to saue my soule I said mine was saued by Christ desiring him to pittie his owne soule and remember whose sword hee carried so with many foule farewels we were sent to New-gate againe and Boner gaue the Keeper charge to lay me in Limbo The second Examination Boner THou saést there is no Catholick Church on earth I said I haue answered you the contrarie and it is written he said yea but I must aske you this Question Smith Must you begin with a lye it seemeth you determine to end with the same but no lyer shall enter into the kingdome of God I haue con●essed a church of God as well in earth as in heauen and yet all one Church and one mans members euen Christ Iesus Boner Well what saist thou by auricular Confession Smith It is needfull in Christs Church but if it be needfull in your Church it is to pick folkes purses and such pick●purse matters is the whole rabblemene of your ceremonies for all is but money matters that you maintaine he said thou maist be ashamed to say so I said I speake by experience for I haue heard seene the fruits of Confession it hath béene a betrayer of Kings secrets and others who b●ing glad to be discharged of their sinnes haue giuen to Priests great summes of money to absolue them and sing Masses for their so●les health Boner By the Masse if the Queene were of my minde you should not talke before any man but should be put in a S●ck and a Dog tyed vnto the sam● you should be throwne into the water Smith You and your predecessors haue sought by all meanes to kill Christ secretly as appeareth by Master Hunne whom your predecessor caused to be thrust into the nose with ho●e burning needles and then hanged him and said he hanged himselfe and another of your predecessors when he could not ouercome an innocent man by Scripture he made him priuily to be snarled and his flesh to be torne away with pincers and told the people the rats had eaten him Bonner Then came in M. Mordant and then he said How sayest thou Smith to the seuen Sacraments Smith I beleeue that in Gods Church there be but two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper as for your Sacrament of the Altar and all your other Sacraments they may well serue your Church but Gods Church hath nothing to do with them Bonner Why is Gods order changed in baptisme Smith Yes in hallowing the water in coniuring of the same in baptising children with annointing and spitting in their monthes mingled with salt and with many other lewd ceremonies then be said by the masse I was the shamelest hereticke that euer he heard speake I said well sworne my Lord you keepe a good watch Bonner Well M●ister Controller you catch me at my words but I will watch thée as well I warrant you then quoth Mordant I neuer heard the like in my life I pray my Lord marke well his answer for Baptisme he disaloweth therein holi● oyntment salt and other lawdable ceremonies Smith It is a shamefull blasphemy against Christ to vse such mingle mangle in Baptisme Boner I beléeue if a child die without Baptisme he is damned Smith You sha●l neuer be saued by that beléefe I pray are we saued by water or by Christ he said by both I said then the water died for our sinnes and must you say that the water hath life and it being our seruant and created for vs it is our Sauiour This is a good doctrine is it not Bonner How vnderstand you these words Except a man bee borne of Water and the Spirit and Christ saith Suffer little Children to come vnto me and if thou wilt not suffer them to be baptised according to the lawdabl● order thou lettest to come vnto Christ. Smith Paul to the Galathians asheth whether they rec●iued the Spirit by the deeds of the law or by the preaching of fai●h and concludeth that the Holy Ghost accompanieth preaching of faith and with the word of faith entereth into the heart so if Baptisme preach vnto me the washing in Christs bloud the holy Ghost doth accompanie it and Christ saith Suffer little children to come vnto me and not vnto water then if you suffer them not to com to Christ without the necessity of water but condemne them if they die before baptisme you condemne both the merits and the words of Christ. Bonner Thou makest the water of no●● effect and then thou mayest put away water Smith Peter saith It is not the washing away of the filth of the flesh but in that a good conscience consenteth vnto God and onely water bringeth not the Holy Ghost for Simon
receiue them Therefore your Lordship may be sure the word of God will one day take place doe what you can to the contrarie The fift Examination Couen DOe you not beléeue your Créed I beléeue in the Catholick Church Phil. Yes but I cannot vnderstand Rome to be the same nor the like to it S. Asse S. Peter builded the Catholick Church at Rome And Christ saith thou art Peter and vpon this Rock I will build my Church and the succession of Bishops can be proued in Rome from time to time as it can be of no other place so well which is a manifest proofe of the Catholick Church as diuers Doctors do● write Phil. You cannot proue the Rock that Christ would build his Church on to bee Rome and though you can proue the succession of Bishops it is not sufficient to proue Rome the Catholick Church vnlesse you can proue the succession of Peters Faith where vpon the Catholick Church is builded to continue in his successors at Rome and at this present to remaine there Couen What meaneth this word Catholick Phil. The Catholick Faith or Catholick Church is not that which is most vniuersall or of men receiued wherby you d●e infer your Faith to hang vpon the multitude which is not so We iudge saith S. Augustine the Catholick Faith of that which hath been is and shall be so that if you can proue your Catholick Church and Faith hath been taught from the beginning and is and shall be then may you count your selues Catholicks otherwise not Catholick in Gréeke is compounded of ● which signifieth according and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a summe or principle or whole so that Catholick Church or Faith is as much to say as the first hole sound chéefest faith Boner Doe you thinke the Catholick Church hath erred vntill within these few yeares some haue swarued from the same Phil. I doe not thinke the Catholick Church hath erred but I require you to proue the Church of Rome the Catholick Church Curtop Ireneus who was within a hundred yeares after Christ came to Victor Bishop of Rome to aske his aduice about excommunication of certaine hereticks which he would not haue done if hee had not taken him to bee supreme head and Couentry bad him marke this Argument Phil. This fact of Ireneus proueth no more for the supremacie then mine hath done for I haue béen at Rome as well as he and could haue spoken with the Pope and if I would yet would there were none in England fauoured his supremacie more then I And it is not like that Ireneus or the primatiue church so take him for I can shew 7. generall Councels after Ireneus time wherin he was neuer so taken in many hundred y●eres after Christ These be the Councels the Nicentine Ephesine the first second Calcedone Constantinopolitane Carthagenense Auilence Couen Wherefore will you not admit the Church of Rome to be the Catholick Church Phil. Because it followeth not nor agréeth with the Primitiue Church no more then an Apple is like a Nut it were too long to name all the disagréements I will name but two The Supremacie and Transubstantiation Curtop Although transubstantiation were decréed for an Article of the Faith not aboue 300. yeares yet it was alwaies beléeued Boner said that was well said Phil. It is true it was but lately planted by the Bishop of Rome and you cannot shew any ancient writer that the primitiue Church did beleeue any such thing with that Master Curtop shrunke away Couen Can you disproue the Church of Rome not to be the Catholick Church Phil. Yes that I can but I desire rather to heare you proue it First it doth not agree with the Primitiue Church neither in Doctrine nor in the vse of Sacraments And as you describe Catholick to be vniuersall the Church of Rome was neuer vniuersall For the world being diuided into three parts Asia Africa Europe Two parts Asia and Africa professing Christ as well as wee did neuer consent to the Church of Rome and the most part of Europe doth not agrée nor allow the Church of Rome As Germany Denmarke the Kingdome of Pole a great part of France England and Zeland which is a manifest probation that your Church is not vniuerfall Doctor Sauer I am sory to sée you commune with so many learned men and are no more conformable vnto them then you be Phil. I will be conformable vnto them that be conformable to Christ his word I pray Master Doctor be not so conformable to please men more then God contrarie to your learning for worldly estimation you are led away from the truth for promotion sake as many Doctors be now adaies Sauer Saint Cyprian an ancient Writer doth allow the Bishop of Rome to be supreme head of the Church Phil. I am sure he doth not for he writing to Cornelius Bishop of Rome called him his companion and fellow Bishop and calleth him not Pope nor any other vsurped termes which are now ascribed vnto the Bishop of Rome Then they brought forth Cyprian and turned vnto the third Epistle where hee saith it goeth not well with the Church when the High Priest is not obayed which supplieth the steed of Christ after Gods word and the consent of the Bishops and the agreement of the people Sauer How can you auoid this place which maketh so plaine for the Bishop of Rome his Supremacie Phil. It maketh not so plaine First heare you may see that he calleth Cornelius his fellow Bishop as he doth also in other places you do misconstrue that same to make the high Priest onely for the Bishop of Rome and otherwise then it was in his time for there were by the Nicen● Councell foure Patriaches appointed The Patriarke of Ierusalem and the Patriarke of Constantinople The Patriarke of Alexandria and the Patriarke of Rome of which foure the Patriarch of Rome was lowest placed in the Councell and so continued many yeares for the time of seuen or eight generall Conncels Therefore Cyprian writeth vnto Cornelius Patriarck of Rome because certaine hereticks as the N●uatians which were excommunicated by him went from his Dioces to the Patriarcks of Rome or of Constantinople and there were receiued in the Communion of there congregation in derogation of good discipline and maintaining of schismes in that obedience is not giuen vnto the Priest of GOD being in Christs steede not meaning the Patriarck of Rome onely but euery Patriarck in his precinet who had euery one of them a Cathedrall Church of learned Priests in hearing of whom by a Conuocation of all his fellow Bishops with the consent of the people all heresies were determined by the Word of GOD and this is the meaning of Cyprian Sauer I wonder you will stand so stedfast in your errour to your owne destruction Phil. I am sure we are in no errour by the promise of Christ to the faithfull that he will giue them such a spirit of wisedome that
that he stood alwayes in one place without mouing of his members with his eyes vpward he off repeated his vnworthy right hand saying Lord Iesus receiue my spirit and so gaue vp the Ghost Agnes Potten and another woman ONe was the wife of Robert Potten of Ipswich in Suffolke the other the wife of Michael Trouchfield of the same towne shoemaker they were burned at Ipswich the 16. of February for denying the sacrament of the Altar their constancy in burning was wonderfull they earnestly exhorted the people to credit and lay hold vpon the word of God and to dispise the institutions of the Romish route with all their superstitions and rotten religion Robert Spicer William Coberley Maundrel THese three were burned at one stake in Salisbury what their confessions were and by whom they were condemned it appeareth not Robert Draks Minister William Tims Ioyner Richard Spurge Fuller Iohn Cauell Weauer George Ambrose Fuller and Thomas Spurge Fuller THese sixe were burned at one fire in Smithfield the foure and twentieth day of Aprill they were all of Essex and sent at diuers times by the Lord Rich to Gardner who sent them to prison where they remained a yeare almost and then they were sent to Bonner to whom they all denied the reall presence in the Sacrament of the Altar after they were all sent for vnto the Consistorie first Tims was sent for and exhorted to conformity he answered we haue béene brought hither this day for Gods word which we haue beene taught by the Apostolike Preachers in King Edwards time whom you haue murthered because they preached the truth and they haue sealed their doctrine with their bloud whom I will follow Then Bonner perswaded them not to stand to the litterall sense of the Scriptures but to vse the interpretation of the Fathers Then Tims said what haue you to maintaine the reall presence of Christ in the Sacrament but only the bare letter We haue quoth Bonner the Catholike Church no said he the Popish Church of Rome for which you be periured and the Sea of Rome is the Sea of Antichrist therefore to that Church I will neuer consent I confesse Christ is present with his Sacraments but with your Sacrament of the Altar he is neither present corporally nor spiritually for as you vse it it is a detestable Idoll Then the Bishop séeing his constant boldnes condemned him Then Robert Draks was called and being exhorted to returne to the Church of Rome he said he vtterly defied it and all the workes thereof euen as I defie the diuell and all his workes then was he likewise cond●mned Then Thomas Spurge was demaunded if he would returne to the Catholike Church and then he called the rest and vpon the like demands he receiued the like answers so they had all their iudgements and deliuered vnto the Sherife and after burned as before Iohn Hullier Minister HEe was bur●ed at Cambridge vpon the second day of Aprill for the professing of Christs Gospell vnder Thurlby Bishop of Ely and his Chancellor only a Pra●er and a Letter of his are recorded his Letter is to proue the Romish Church Antichrist and exhorteth from dissembling with God and the world in comming to masse Christopher Lister Minister Iohn Mace Iohn Spencer Simon Ioyne Richard Nicoll and Iohn Hamond THese six were burned together at Colchester in Essex where the most part of them did inhabite the eight and twentieth day of Aprill Bonner now waxing wearie made a very quicke dispatch with these for as soone as they were deliuered by the Earle of Oxford and other Commissioners vnto Iohn Kingstone the Bishops Register Bonner caused them to be brought vnto his house at Fulham where in the open Church he ministred vnto them articles to which they answered alike as followeth That the Church of Rome is the malignant Church and no part of the Cathotholike Church and that they beleeue not the doctrine thereof and that they beléeue there be no mo but two Sacraments in the Church of Christ to wit Baptisme and the Lords Supper that they learned the truth of their profession by the doctrine set forth in King Edwards time and therein they would continue as long as they liued they refused to be partakers of the Sacrament of the Altar because it was vsed contrary to Gods word and glorie they said the Popes authoritie was vsurped and that he was an oppressor of Christs Church and Gospell and that he ought not to haue any authoritie in England and that they vtterly abhorred the Sea of Rome for putting downe the booke of God and setting vp the Babylonicall Masse with all the rest of Antichrists merchandise and that after consecration there remaineth in the Sacrament Bread and Wine as well as before and that the reall flesh and bloud of Christ is not in it and that the Masse is not propitiatorie neither for the quick nor for the dead but méere Idolatry and abomination And in the afternoone when they would not recant they were condemned and burned as before Margaret Ellice Hugh Lauerock an old lame man and Iohn Apprice a blind man SHe was of great Bursteed in Essex and was sent to Bonner by Sir Iohn Mordant Knight and Edmund Tyrrell Esquire she died in Newgate the thirtéenth of May being condemned to be burned before Hugh Lauerocke an old lame man and Iohn Apprice a blinde man when they were examined answered in effect as Christopher Lister Iohn Mace and others before mentioned had done after they were brought to the Consistori● and being perswaded to recant their opinions of the Sacrament Hugh Lauerock said I will stand to my answere I cannot finde in the Scriptures that the Priests should lift vp ouer their heads a cake of bread then Bonner asked Iohn Apprice what he would say he answered your doctrine that you set forth is so agreeable with the world and imbraced of the world that it cannot be agreeable with the Scriptures and ye are not of the Catholike Church for ye make lawes to kill men and make the Queene your executioner whereupon they were condemned and sent to Stratford the Bow and there burned the ●ifteenth of May at their deaths Hugh Lauerock comforting Iohn Apprice said be of good comfort my brother for my Lord of London is our good Physitian he will heale thée of thy blindnes and me of my lamenesse Katharine Hutte widdow Elizabeth Tharnell and Ioane Hornes IN the yeare 1556. these were burned in Smithfield were sent to Bonner with Margaret Ellice and the blinde and lame man for denying the reall presence in the Sacrament of the Altar and for calling the Masse an Idoll Katharine Hutte being required to recant and say her minde of the Sacrament said I denie it to be a God because it is a dumbe God and made with mens handes Ione Hornes said if you can make your God to shedde bloud or to shew any condition of a liuely body then will I beleeue you but it is
as for the feare of death I do not greatly passe when I behold the amiable countenance of Christ my deare Sauiour the vgly face of death doth not greatly trouble me In the which time she reasoned most comfortably out of Gods word of election and reprobation in the euening before she should die two Priests came to her to heare her confession for they would be sorie they said she should die without it She sent them word she had made her confession vnto Christ at whose hands● she was sure to haue forgiuenes of her sins for the cause for which she should die she had no cause to repent but rather to praise God that he made her worthy to suffer death for his word and the absolution that they were able to giue her by the authority of the Pope she defied it Well said the Priests to morrow her stoutnes will be tried All the night she was wonderfull cheerefull and merry About thrée of the clock in the morning Sathan began to stirre himselfe busily questioning with her how she could tell that she was chosen to eternall life and that Christ died for her I grant he died but that hee died for thée how canst thou tell She being troubled with this suggestion they that were about her counsailed her to follow the example of S. Paule to be faithfully perswaded that Christ loued her and gaue himselfe for her for S. Paule was perswaded that Christ loued him and her calling and true beléefe and knowledge of Gods word was a manifest token of Gods loue towards her and the operation of the spirit of God in working in her a loue and a desire to please God by these perswasions and the comfortable promises of Christ brought out of the Scripture Sathan was put to flight and she comforted in Christ. When she came to the stake she prayed to God most instantly to abolish the vile masse at which prayer all the people said Amen then she tooke a cup of drinke that was brought vnto her and drunk vnto all them that vnfainedly loued the Gospell of Christ and wished for the abolishment of papistry a great number of the women of the towne pledged her When the fire was kindled about her she neither strugled nor stirred the Papists had appointed some of theirs to raile vpon her and reu●le her openly as she went to execution and whilst she was at the stake amongst others there was an old priest which had writing tables and noted the names of the women which drunke with her and caused Processe to be sent for them but God defended them from the hands of the Tyrants Ralph Alerton Iames Awstoo Margery Awstoo and Richard Roth. ON the 17. of September these foure were burned at I●●ington néere London Ralph Alerton comming to his parish Church of Bently and séeing the people sitting there idle exhorted them that they would fall to prayer and meditation of Gods word wherevnto they consented after prayer he read vnto them a chapter out of the New Testament and departed In which exercise he continued vntill Candlemas and then being informed that he might not doe so by law because he was no Priest he left off and kept himself● close in his house vntill Easter after he was constrained to forsake his house and liue in woods and such places vntill he was apprehended After his Examination my Lord Darcy sent him vp vnto the Councell who sent him to Boner who tempted him openly to recant at Paules Crosse and set him at liberty which after wrought such a terrour in his conscience but the Lord with his fauourable chastisement did raise him vp againe with Peter giuing him vnfained repentance and a most constant boldnes to professe his name and glorious Gospell Wherefore at the procurement of Thomas Tye Priest hee was apprehended againe and sent to Boner before whom he was diuers times examined which examinations written with his owne hand in bloud for lack of Inke hereafter follow His first Examination Boner AH Sirra how chanceth it that you are come hether againe in this fashion Rafe Forsooth if your Lordship remember I set my hand vnto a writing the Contents thereof as I remember was that I did beléeue all things as the Catholique church teacheth in the which I did not disburse my mind but shamefully dissembled because I made no difference betwixt the true church vntrue Church Boner Which is the true Church doest thou call the heretiques Church the true Church or the Catholiques Church Rafe I vtterly abhorre the hereticks Church as abhominable before God with all their enormities and heresies the Church Catholique is it that I onely imbrace whose doctrine is sincere pure and true Boner By S. Augustine that is well said Then a Priest said to my Lord you know not what Church it is which he calleth Catholick Then hee said by Saint Mary he might a deceiued me Sirra which is the Catholick Church Rafe That which hath receiued the wholesome sound spoken of by Esay Dauid Malachy Paul with many others m●e the which sound as it is written hath gone throughout all the earth in euery place and to the end of the world Bon. Yea thou saist true before God for this is the sound that hath gone foorth throughout all Christendome and he that beléeueth not this Church as S. Cyprian saith doth erre Hee saith whosoeuer is out of the Church is like vnto them that are out of Noahs ship when the floud came vpon the whole world for the Church is not alone in Germany or here in England in the time of the late schismes as the hereticks doe affirme for then were Christ a lyar for he promised the holy Ghost should come vnto vs and leade vs in all truth and remaine with vs vnto the end of the world So if we wil take Christ for a true sayer then the way that is taught in France Spaine Flanders Italy Denmarke Scotland and all Christendome ouer must needs be the true Catholick Church Ra●e I spake of all the world and not of all Christendome onely for the Gospell hath been preached and persecuted in all Nations First in Iury by the Scribes and Pharisies And since by Nero Dioclesian and such like and in our daies by your Lordship knoweth whom your church is no more catholick then was figured by Cain Ieroboam Ahab Iezabel Nabuchadonosor Antiochus Herod with ennumerable more the like and Daniel and Esdras prophesieth of these last daies and that there shall come greeuous wolues to deuoure the flocke is affirmed by Christ and his Apostles Boner Hee is the rankest hereticke that euer came before mee by Alhallowes thou shalt be burned thou whor●on varlet and Pricklouse the prophecie is of you what is the saying of Esdras that you speake of Rafe He saith the heate of a great multitude is kindled ouer you and they shall take away certaine of you and feed the Idols with Idols and he that consenteth not to them shall be
had beene warned to beware of the foureteenth day yet making no account thereof hee went downe into the Court whereas a man of a meane condition detained him a quarter of an houre then hee went into his Caroch by the Duke of Espernon who sat● in the first place of the Boote vppon the Kinges right hand Montbazon the Marshall Lauardin La Force and Praulin being followed by two Foote-men and one of his Guard on horsebacke hauing commaunded Mounsier de Vitry and the rest of his Guard to stay behinde Being betwixt the draw-bridge and the poole this miserable wretch who watched his opportunity drew néere vnto the Caroch on the right side thinking his Maiesty had béene there but seeing he was on the left hand and hearing them commaund the Coachman to go on he went the néerest way by the narrow lanes and met with his Maiesty in the stréet called Ferroneire neere vnto S. Innocents Church wher staying to make way for a Cart to passe the King leaned downe on the one side towards Mounsier Esper●●on pressing him to reade a letter without spectacles The Duke of Montbazon turned towards them and one of the footmen was busie tying vp his garter on the other side so as this monster had opportunity to stab the King into the left pa● but the wound was not great whereupon crying out O my God I am wounded he gaue him m●anes to giue him a second blow which was mortal the knife entring betweene the fift and sixt rib it cut asunder the veine leading vnto the hart and the wound was so déepe as it entred into caua vena the which was pierc●d wherewith the King did presently spit blood losing all apprehension and knowledge for any thing they could perceiue They had great diff●culty to saue the murderer from killing presently yet in the end hee was conuaied to the house of Retz The King was carried backe vnto the Louure vpon the way they met with the Dolphin who went to take the ayre but they caused him to returne and be caried into the Quéenes Chamber The King was laid vppon a Couch in his Cabinet whereas presently after he gaue vp the Ghoast In that these Papisticall and trayterous attempts tooke effect vnto the murthering of these two French Kings when the Lord of his infinite goodnesse still preserued Quéene Elizabeth and our now dread Soueraigne King Iames from so many and from more dangerous practises It may certainly be concluded that if they had no worse feared the Papists then they did and put their trust in God as wel as they and had according to their example purely purged their Realmes from Papistry the sure prouidence of God would haue beene as sure their Castle strong hold and defence as it was to them and their Realmes at all times and in all occasions and needs NOw by the especiall Grace of God and the assistance of his blessed Spirit I haue sayled vnto my expected Port al laud and praise and thanks therefore be giuen vnto the Father the Son and Holy Ghost And I most hartily beseech him that this Booke may beget in the Readers a true dislike of all ceremonies superstitions and false Doctrines of Papistry and to make them truely zealous of Gods word and commandements O Lord conuert all Papists that belong vnto thee and hasten according to thy promises to gather all Kings together to destroy the Popedome in the meane time grant all Kings Princes and others Grace to beware of him that he corrupt not the soules of them nor their subieces nor hurt their persons or estates And lastly I beséech thee to gather together the number of thine elect and hasten thy comming to iudgement that thou ma●st take thy beloued Spouse from the miseries of this World vnto thy eternall glory prepared for her com Lord Iesus come quickly FINIS An Alphabeticall Table containing the principall matters and all the Martyrs that suffered for the truth from the Primitiue Church to the end of Queene Mary A AGrippa cast into prison by Tyberius page 2 Andrew Peters Brother crucified 3 Anthia martyred 5 Ant. Pius Edict in fauour of the Christians Ibid Attalus burned on an Iron chaire 6 Aurelius fauours the Christians 9 Affaires of the Church of England and Scotland beginning with King Lucius 19 Austin with aboue forty Preachers sent into England 22 He goes in procession to Canterbury Ibid. Consecrated Arch-bishoppe in France by the commandement of Gregory 23 He assembled the Bishoppes charging them to preach the word of God Ibid Hee baptiseth 10000. in the Riuer Swale on Christmas day 24 His death Ibid. Abbaies erected 29 Alfride opprest by the Danes his misery hee makes Dunwolphus a Swineheard Bi. of Winchester he is comforted by Gods prouidence and ouercomes the Danes causing them to be christned 33 Adelstane crowned King at Kingstone forceth the Brittaines to pay him tribute sends his Brother to Sea in an old Boate builds Monasteries for the release of his sins 35 Anselme Archbishop of Canterbury accuseth Henry the first King of England to the Pope he is turned out of his Bishopricke and goods 50 Anacletus Pope 51 Arnulphus a Priest put to death for preaching against the Auarice and incontinency of the Cleargy 51 Adrian the fourth an Englishman Pope 52 Choakt with a fly 54 Auarice of the Popish Prelats 80 Amadeus Duke of Sauoy chosen Pope 138 Abraham of Colchester burned for maintaining the truth 142 Alexander the sixt poysons the Turkes brother for 2000. Florins 151 Abiurations in Henry the eight his time referred to the Booke at large 126 Adulphus Clarbachus burned for maintaining the truth at Colen 170 Articles against Cardinall Wolsey 171 Andrew Hewit a Prentise burned for maintaining Fr●ths opinions 183 Anne of Bullen her charitable good works 184 Articles agreed vpon in Parliament 196 Abell hanged for the supremacy 200 Anthony Pierson burned at Windsor 201 Adam Damlip his persecution and martirdome at Callis 205 Anne Askew her confession condemnation persecution and martyrdome 207. 208. Adam Wallace martired in Scotland for holding the masse to be Idolatry 215 Altars in Churches puld downe 226 Anne Potten burned the next after Samuel for professing the truth 290 Anthony Burward of Callice for saying the Sacrament of the Altar was an Idoll burned at Canterbury 291 Alexander the Keeper of Newgate his crueltie to M. Philpot and his man 311 Agnis South about the Sacrament of Penance condemned and burned 314 Anne Albright for denying the realty in the Sacrament condemned and burned Ibid. Agnes Potten burned at Ipswich 320 Adam Foster Husbandman Martyr 326 Askin a constant Martyr 327 Alice Potkins starued to death 329 Agnes Stamley burned 331 Alexander Horsman Martyr 332 Ambrose died in Maidstone Goale 339 Agnes Siluerside alias Smith condemned 340 Agnes Banger martyred 348 Anne Try Martyr 349 Alexander Lane Martyr 362 Alexander Gouch martyred Ibid Alice Driuers a constant Martyr Ibid. Alice Snoth burned at Canterbury 365. B BArtholmew crucified and beheaded
3 B●zaes Register of Martyrs vnder Decius 11 Boniface the forerunner of Antichrist 24 Beda Priest wrote 37. vollums 27 Boniface an Englishman Archbishop of Mentz and Martir Ibid. Bohemians suppresse Idolatrous Temples 127 Basill besiedged by the Dolphi● of France 145 Barnes a Fryer beares Fagots for eating flesh on a Fryday 166 Bilney a great Preacher of the truth his articles abiuration and martyrdome afterwards 177 Bayfield a Monke of Berry a valiant Martyr his cruell vsage and martyrdome 179 Baynham a Lawyer whipt rackt and martyred for maintaining the truth 181 Bartrucke a Scottish Knight confutes certaine Articles of the Papists for which he is condemned and his picture burried 193. 194. 195. Byble at large set vp in euery Church 200 Bonners examination his pride before the Commissioners 225 His vnreuerent and forward words his imprisonment and depriuation 226 B●ner compares Priests to the virgin Mary 240 Bradfords declaration of the manner of disputaon he meant to hold 244 Beckets Image twice set vp at Mercers Chappell and throwne downe 256 Bishoppe of Chester who condemned George Marsh burned with a harlot dies therof 268 Barlow for bearing witnesse of the truth sent to the Fleet. 269 Berd the Promoter his cruelty to Iames Treuisam and other Professors 281 Bartlet Greene Gent. in trouble for writing the Queene is not yet dead meaning Queene Mary and afterwards for denying the Sacrament of the Altar condemned burnt 313 Blind Boy martyred at Glocester 323 Bloudy Commission granted by King Philip and Queene Mary to prosecute the poore members of Christ whereupon 22. are brought before Bonner out of Essex 330 Barbara Final burned at Canterbury 332 Bradbregs widow burned at Canterbury Ibid Bends wife burned at Canterbury Ibid Berry a Priest and Commissary a Persecutor of the faithfull his suddaine and fearefull end 356 Bate a Barber a persecutor of the faithfull his suddaine death 362 C CAligula Caesar. 2 Commodus Son to Verus Emperor 7 Contention between the East West Church for the obseruation of Easter day Ibid Constantine the Emperor borne in Brittaine 18 His prayers to his Souldiers Ibid. His immunity to the ministry his prouision for liberall sciences 19 Constantine with the helpe of three legions of Souldiours out of Brittany obtains the peace of the vniuersall Church 20 Councell at Sternhalt for the obseruation of Easter 25 Councell of Constance 26 Carolus Magnus proclaimed Emperor 25 Cambridge erected by Sigisbert 29 Chester built 33 Cloud halfe blood halfe fire seene in England 39 Canutus succeeds Siranus and erects the monastery of S. Edmonsbury 40 Councell at Vercellis 43 Councell at Mentz vnder Pope Leo 9. Ibid. Councell at Latteran Ibid. Councell at Mantua against Priests marriages Ibid. Controuersie betweene Canterbury and Yorke for the Primacy 45 Calixtus the second Pope 50 Complaints of sundry abuses in the Church 51 Contention betweene the Bishop of Yorke and Canterbury 68 Conclusions put vp to the Parliament 93 Councell of Constance for pacifying a schisme betwixt 3. Popes in which Iohn the Pope was deposed proued to be an hereticke a murtherer a Sodomite and many others in the 8. Session Iohn Wickliff and his forty Articles were condemned 112 Councell of Basill send Ambassadors to the Bohemians with their answers 130 Councell of Basil begun 137 Contention between two Popes 145 Constantinople taken 146 Clement the seuenth Pope his wicked life and death 162 Collins for holding vp a little Dogge when the Priest was at Masse burned and the Dogge with him 190 Cowbridge after he was almost starued martyred at Oxford 191 Cardinall Poole attainted of high treason flyes to Rome 200 Commotions in Oxfordshire Yorkshire Norfolke and Suffolke 222 Commotions in Oxford and Buckingham appeased by the Lord Grey 224 Commotion in the North. ibid. Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury offers to defend the book of common-prayer 235 Communication between Doctor Ridley and Secretary Bourne in the ●ower 240 Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury sent to Oxford to dispute 242 Cat apparelled like a Priest hanged at the Crosse in Cheapside 244 Cardinal Pools Oration in the Parlament-house 246 Christianus king of Denmark his Letters to Q. Mary for Miles C●u●rdale 256 Causon of Thunderst in Essex for maintayning the truth burned at Kayley 262 Christopher Wade burned at Dartford for denying the reall presence in the Sacrament 281 Cornelius Burgie burned 295 Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury his parentage and education hee is sent Ambassador to the Emperour he is sent Ambassadour to the Pope he seekes to banish Popish errors and to reforme the Church he is charged with heresie for denying the Popes power he is condemned and disgraded by Bonner Bonners Oration in disgrace of him he is allured to recant by fair promises and entreaty his martyrdome from fol. 315. to 32● Christopher Li●●er burned 322 Cisley Ormes burned 343 Cuthbert Simpson Martyr 354 Christian George burned 357 Christopher Browne burned at Canterbury 365 D. DEscription of the Primitiue and later times of the Church 1 Domitius Caesar. 2 D●cius tyrannie against Christians 11 Danes enter England and burn the I le of Sheppey in Kent 30 Danes take Yorke 32 Dunston Abbot of Glastenbury banished by E●● wine 36 Danes arriue and do much spoile 39 Danes suddenly slaine vpon S. Brices day 40 Danes begin to be Christians 41 Diuers Popes at one time 52 Dominicans or black Fryers order instituted 78 Diuorce of K. Henry the eighth and Q. Katharine 174 Duke of Norfolk committed 201 Destruction of Merindall Cabriers in Fr. 202 ●od alias Scot burnt at Callice 206 Da●id Beaton Archb. and Cardinal in Scotland his miserable end and buriall in a dunghill 215 Duke of Sommerset protector his history proclamation against him sent to the Tower discharged againe committed to the Tower again arraigned at Westminst and condemned beheaded at Tower-hill 230 231 232 Duke of Northumberland beheaded 235 Dagger throwne at the Preacher at Paules crosse ibid. Disputations in the Conuocation house about the Sacrament 256 Duke of Suffolk brought to the Tower ib. Duke of Suffolke beheaded at the Tower-hill 239 Derick Caruer condemned 281 Dunstone Chittenden famished in the Castle of Canterbury 329 Denis Burges Martyred at Lewis 332 Denis Brigs martyred 349 Dunning the cruell Chancellors sudden death 356 E. EVstachius a Captain with his wife family martyred 4 England troubled only with the tenth persecution 16 Ethelbert King of Kent 21 Edwine conuerted by Paulinus and christened at Yorke 25 Ethelwood conuerts the people of South-sax 26 Empire translated from the Grecians to the Frenchmen 28 Egbert sole King 30 Ethelwolph Bishop of Winchester succeedes K. by the Popes dispensation his superstition ibib Edw. the elder subdues Wales and Scotland and is alwaies victorious 35 Edmund expels the Danes and is slaine at Glassenbury 36 Edwine crowned at Kingstone ibid. Edward succeds Edgar and is murthered 39 Egelred King ibid. Elphegus Bishop of Canterbury put to death at Grenwich 40 Eldred driues out Canutus ibid. Edmund sirnamed Ironside
at Bury Ibid. Iohn Denley martired Ibid. Iohn Newman burned 284. Iohn Wade dyed in prison and was buried in the fields 285. Iohn Leishord Martyr Ibid. Iohn Trunchfield Martyr 290. Iames Tutty of Breachley burned 291. Iohn Gorway martyred at Lichfield Ibid. Iohn Glover persecuted 292. Iohn Webbe burned at Canterbury 304 Iames Gore died in prison at Colchester Ibid Iohn Philpot accused of herisie after twice examination comitted to Bonners cole house his third examination before Bonner his fourth examination before the Bishoppes his ninth examination he is condemned and brought to Newgate his patient and constant end from folio 304 to folio 312. Iohn Tucson burned in Smithfield 312 Isabell Foster burned in Smithfield Ibid. Iohn Warne burned in Smithfield Ibid. Iohn Warne of Tenterden in Kent about the Sacrament of the Altar condemned 314. Ioane Sole of Harton about the Sacrament of the Altar and auriculer confession condemned 315 Ioane Cotmer burnt at Canterbury Ibid. Iohn Cauel burned in Smithfield 321. Iohn Huillier Minister burnt at Cambridge 321 Iohn Mace burned at Colchester 322 Iohn Spencer burned at Colchester Ibid. Iohn Hammon burned at Colchester Ibid. Iohn Ap Rice a blind man burned at Stratford the Bow Ibid. Ioane Hornes martyred 323. Iohn Hartpoole burned at Rochester Ibid. Ioane Bache widdow burned at Rochester Ibid. Iohn Osward martyred at Lewis 324. Iohn Clement Wheelewright persecuted Ibid. Iohn Colstocke of Wellington for denying the reall presence forced to recant 326. Iohn Norres dies in the Kings Bench and buried on the backside Ibid. Iohn Carelesse of Couentry after long imprisonment and many examinations dies in the Kings bench 327. Iohn Guyn a constant Martyr ibid Iulines Palmer a godly Preacher in K. Edwards dayes martyred ibid. Iohn Forman martired 328 Ioane West burned Ibid. Iohn Hart martyred 329 Iohn Clarke pined to death in the Castle in Canterbu●y Ibid. Iohn Archer of Cranbrooke weauer pined to death at Canterbury ibid. Iohn Philpot of Tenterden Martyr 330 Iohn Bradbridge of Staplehurst Martir 332 Ioane Mannings of Maidstone in Kent Martyr Ibid. Iohn Fishcocke burnt at Canterbury Ibid. Iames Morris martyred at Lewis Ibid. Iohn Iohnson about the Sacrament condemned 340. Iohn Thurston a constant confessor of Iesus Christ dyed in Colchester Castle 341. Iohn Cures Shoomaker of Sisam in Northamptonshi●e burned 343. Iames A●stoo burned at Islington 345. Iohn Ioyes of Lezfield in Suffolke martired 349 Iohn Forman Martyr Ibid. Iohn Weauer Martyr Ibid. Iohn Milles Martyr Ibid Iohn Hart Martyr Ibid. Iohn Osward Martyr Ibid. Iohn Ashdon Martyr Ibid. Iohn Hallingsdale burned in Smithfield 351. Iohn Rowth Minister for affirming the Pope to bee very Antichrist after many persecutions for the truth burned Ibid. Iohn Deuenish burned in Smithfield 354. Ioane Seaman persecuted for the truth of the Gospell 356 Iohn Floyd Martyr 357 Iohn Holyday Martyr ibid Iohn Slade burned at Brainford 359 Iohn Vale died in prison and buried in a dunghill 360 Iohn Alcocke cast into a dungeon dies and is buried in a dunghill 361 Iohn Cook Sawier burned at S. Edmunds Burie 362 Iames Asley Martyr ibid. Iohn Dauid burned at Bury 362 Iohn Sharpe burned at Bristow 365 Iohn Cornford burned at Canterbury ibid. Iohn Herst burned at Canterbury ibid. Iohn Baker burned at Siuill in Spaine 366 K. KNights of Rhodes instituted 51 Katharine Par Henry the eighth his last wife her troubles for the Gospell 209 Kathaerine Knoches and her two daughters martyred for the truth 228 Katharine Hut widdow Martyr 323 Katharine Knight alias Tinley burned at Canterbury 365 L. LVcan put to death 2 Lawrence broiled 12 Licinius ioyned with Constantine calls learning the vice of Princes hangs Theodorus on a crosse 16 Lucius his letters to Elutherius Bishop of Rome 20 London burnt 39 Lurdanes why so called 40 Letters between the Emperour and the Pope 53 Lewes the French Kings sonne comes into England and takes himselfe to be King 77 Lodouicus King of Hungary drowned in a bog 167 Leyton for affirming both kindes in the Sacrament burned at Norwich 191 Lancelot one of the guard burned 192 Lady Iane beheaded 236 Latimer Bishop of Worcester sent to dispute at Oxford 242 Lawrence Sanders Parson of Al-hallowes in Breadstreet his examination Martyrdome 252 M. MArke the Euangelist burned 3 Matthias stoned ibid. Mahomets beginning and lawes 26 Monasteries erected 29 Martin crowned Pope the Emperor on foote leading a horse on the right hand and the Marquesse of Brandenburg on the left hand 112 Margery Bac●ster for disswading the people frō Idolatry and superstition sore troubled 143 Martin Luther a stout champion of the church against the Pope his History 154 Matthew Ward about the Sacrament committed to the Counter 161. Myracle of a Iew Christned in Constantinople 160 Mekins a boy burned in Smithfield 200 Mustle borow field where thirteen or fourteene thousand Scots were slaine 224 Mary Queene of England 234 Morgan a Iudge troubled in conscience for sentencing the Lady Iane fals mad and dies 239 Marsh accused to haue taken the Pixe and crucifixe out of the Sepulcher he and his Wife committed to the Counter 243 Margery Polley widdow burned at Tunbrigde 281 Michael Trunchfields wife burned in Ipswich about the Sacrament 320 Mantrell burned at Salisbury Ibid. Margaret Ellis condemned to bee burned but died in Newgate 322 Martin Hunt imprisoned in the Kings Bench for the truth dies and is buried in the backeside 326 Mother Tree martyred 328 Mathew Bradbridge of Tenderden martyred 330 Margaret Hide burned in Smithfield 331 Margery Awstoo burned at Islington 345 Margaret Thurstone martyred at Colchester 348 Margery Mearing for affirming the Masse to be abhominable burned 353 Mother Bennet an ancient woman persecuted for the truth 356 Mathe● R●c●rby Martyr 357 Marke Burges burned at Lisbon in Portugall 166. N. NEro Caesar. 2 Nunneries erected 27 Normans aduanced in Church and Common-wealth 44 Nicholas Canon pennanced and thrise whipped 144 Nine millions of gold leuied in Fraunce of the Prelats in fourteen yeare 146 Nicholas South committed to Newgate for not being shriuen in Lent 161 New Testament translated into English by William Tindall 167 Nicholas Chamberlaine burned at Colchester 274 Nichlas Ha●● burned at Rochester 281 Nicholas Finall of Tenderden Martyr 330 Nicholas White burned at Canterbury 332 Nicholas Pa●due burned at Canterb. ibid. Nicholas Holden Martyr 349 Nicholas Burton Merchant of London cruelly persecuted and burned at Cadix in Andalousia 366 O. OSwald by praier vnto God ouercoms Cadwallo 25 Ostright rauisheth the wife of Br●wer a Nobleman in reuenge wherof he cals in the Danes 32 Otho the Emperour puts out Pope Iohns eyes and hangs Cressentius the Consull 39 Old-Castle Lord Cob●am his historie 131. the King secretly admonisheth him to submit himselfe to the holy Church his answere thereto the Archbishop sends his Sum●er to him with a sit●tion he is arrested and sent to the Tower 133. his later examination and answere to the Archbishops questions 135. 136. hee is led againe to the Tower and
escapes into Wales he is condemned of heresie and treason and drawne to S. Giles in the fields hanged by the middle burned 137 O●colampadius testimony of diuers good men 166 Oldman of Buckingham burned for eating Dacon in Lent 181 Ombler a rebell in the North refuseth the kings pardon is afterward taken and executed at Yorke 224 P. PIl●t slew himselfe vnder Tiberius 2 Parmenias put to death 3 Persecution the first by Domitius Nero. ibid. Persecution the second by Domitian ibid. Persecution the third vnder Trayanus 4 Phocas Bishop of Pontus cast in a hote Furnace ibid. Persecution the fourth vnder Antonius Verus 6 Poly●arpus his constancie and death ibid. Persecution the fift vnder Pertinax 7 Parmachus with his wife and children put to death 9 Persecution the sixt vnder Maximinus ibid. Persecution the seuenth vnder Decius ibid. Persecution the eighth 12 Persecution the ninth vnder Aurelian 13 Persecution the tenth vnder Dioclesian 14 Paul●s Church in London built by Ethelbert K. of Kent 21 Phocas kils Mauritius the Emperor 24 Popes work masteries against the Greek Emperors 27 Paschalis Pope dies 50 Popes Pall instituted 69 Pope by his policy leuies a great summe of money in England 83 Prophecies of the Popes persecutions 91 Pope Martins death 137 Pope Eugenius the fourth 138 Paule Craws a Bohemian for holding Wickliss opinions deliuered to be burnt 144 Printing the ruine of the Pope and Antichrist inuented in Germany 145 Philip Norrice an Irishman sore troubled for the truth 147 Pope a Weauer in Eye martyred about the Sacrament 148 Peake burned in Ipswich for giuing a Sacrament cake to a Dog ibid Pius the second Pope his prouerbes 150 Paulus secundus Pope a hater of learning learned men 151 Petrus Ruerrius in two years spent 200000. fl●rins permitteth the Cardinals to play the Sodomits the three hote moneths ibid. Prodigies and Prophecies shewing the fall of Antichrist 154 Petrus Flistedius burned at Collen 170 Packington a fauourer of Tindall deceiues the Bishop of London 171 Patrick Hamilton a Scottish man of the bloud royall burned for the truth 175 Pauy a persecutor hanged himselfe 182 Puttedue for taunting a Priest condemned and burnt 191 Peter a German burnt at Colchester about the Lords Supper Ibid. Powell hanged for denying the kings supremaciy 200 Persecution in Callice 204 Persecution in Scotland 218 Peter Martyr banished for religion out of England 239 Priest of Canterbury saies Masse one day and the next preacheth against it 243 Philip Prince of Spaine lands at Southhampton maried at Winchester 245 Priests doe penance at Paules Crosse. 246 Procession through London for their conuersion to the Catholick Religion 249 Patrick Packington martyred 284 Persecution at Wenson in Suffolke 323 Persecution at Mendlesam Suff●lke ibid. Persecution in Couentry and Lichfield 329 Philip Humphreys burned at Berry 362 Q QVeene Mary crowned Q●arrels betweene the Spaniards English about two whoores 248 Queeene Mary said to be with child Ibid. R RA●enna giuen to the Popes by Pipinus king of France Richard Ceu●r de Lyons rebellion against his Father 69 Richard the first King of England 70 Richard the second deposed 95 Richard Turmin a Baker burned in Smithfield 104 Rebels ouerthrowne and executed 223 Ridley made Bishop of London 226 Redman his iudgement rouching certain points of Religion on his death-bed 227 Ridley Bishop of London visits the Lady Mary and offers to preach before her which shee refuseth 233 His conference in the Tower with Secretarie Bourne 240 241 He is sent to Oxford to dispute 242 His report of the vanity of the disputation at Oxford ibid. Rose a Minister with thirtie men and women taken at communion in Bow Church-yard 248 Rowland Taylor Doctor his disputtation with Gardner his cruell vsage and constant Martyrdome 255 Robert Farrar Bishop of ● Dauids in Wales for re●using to subscribe to certaine Popish articles burned at Ca●rnaruan 260 Rawlins White burned in Cardiff 261 Richard Hooke for the truth ended his life at Chichester 284 Richard Collier burned at Canterbury ibid. Richard Wright burned at Canterbury ib●d Robert Smith his examination and conference with Bo●ner and martyrdome 285. to 289. Robert Samuel a godly preacher burned 290 Roger Coo burned at Y●xford in Suffolk 291 Robert Swater of Hith burned at Canterbury ib. Robert Glouer Gentleman burned at Couentry 292 Robert Picot Painter burned at Ely 293 Ridley Bishop of London his parentage carried to Oxford like a traytor his conferenc●e with Antonian his protestation against the Popes authoritie his prayer at his Martyrdom from folio 292. to 303. Robert Spicer burned at Salisbury 32● Robert Drakes burned in Smithfield Richard Spurge Fuller burned in Smithfield for denying the reall presence Ibid. Richard Nicoll burned at Colchester 322 Robert Bacon a persecutor and an enemy to the truth 323 Robert Lawson Linnen Weauer Martyr 326 Robert Bernard martyred for the truth at Aye Ibid. Richard Woodman his martyrdome 332 Ralphe Hardin a persecuter of George Eagles hanged 342 Richard Crashfield his examination and martyrdome Ibid. Ralphe Alberton his examination before Bonner and martyrdome at Islington 345 Richard Roth burned at Islington Ibid Richard Gibson burned in Smithfield 351 Richard Day burned at Colchester 357 Raynald Eastland Martyr Ibid Robert Southam Martyr Ibid Roger Holland Marchant taylor his conference with Bonner his prophesie of the ceasing of persecution and martyrdome 357. 358. 359 Robert Miles burned at Brainford 359 Richard Yeoman persecuted and martyred 360 Robert Miles alias Palmer burned at S. Edmundsbury 362 S SEneca put to death 2 Stephen martyred 3 Simon burned Ibid Simon Zelotes crucified Ibid Simon the Brother of Iude s●aine Ibid. Sulpitius and Seruilia martyred 4 Simproniss● with her seuen sonnes martyred 5 Seuerus the Emperor slaine at Yorke 8 Sands of the Sea as easie to bee numbered as the names of those that suffered vnder Decius 10 Six thousand six hundred and sixty Christian souldiers martyred vnder Mauritius 14 Simon Zelotes spread the Gospell in Britaine 19 Sinode at Aquisgrane 31 Swanus spoile and cruelty 40 His sudden death ibid. Steuen Langhton Archbishop of Canterbury 77 Sau●noral●a a learned Monk of Florence burnt and his ashes cast into the Riuer 147 Sixtus the fourth Pope builds Stewes of both kinds in Rome reduceth the Iubilee from 50 to 25. years institutes the feasts of our Lady canonizeth Bonauenture Francis for Saints 151 Scholler of Abbeuill burned for taking the host from the Priest at masse 162 Solimans Letter to the great master of Rhodes ibid. Senate of Bearne assigne disputation and propound their Articles 168 Soli●an the Turkish Emperour enters into Austria with a great Army and besiegeth Vienna 171 Schisme in Holland about the Pater-n●ster 216 Stories of certaine Friers of Orleance in France 218 Storie of certaine Monks of Sueuia 219 Sanders declaration for disputation 244 Steuen Knight his martyrdom and his prayer at his death 264 Steuen Harwood burned at Stratford for the truth 289 Simon Ioyne burned at Colchester 322
the Britain● King which with a mightie Host came against him There is much commendation in writing of this Oswalds zeale in religion and piety towards the poore he sent into Scotland for a Bishop called Aydanus a famous Preacher as he preached to the Saxons in the Scottish tongue the King vnderstanding the Scotish tongue he disdained not to preach and expound the same to his Nobles in the English tongue King Oswald being at Dinner on Easterday one brought him word there was a great company of p●re people in the streets which asked almes of him be commaunded the meate prepared for his owne Table to be caried vnto them and brake a si●●er Platter in pieces and sen● it amongst them by his meanes Kinigillus King of the West Saxons was conuerted to Christs Faith and after he had raigned 9. yeares he was slaine by the said Penda who was after slaine by Osway brother to Oswald and succeeded him in his Kingdome together with his Cosin Oswine This Oswine gaue Aydanus the Scotish Bishop aforesaid a principall Horse with the trappers and appurtenances and as he w●s riding vpon this kingly horse a poore man craued his charity who hauing nothing else to giue him gaue him his hor●e garnished as he was wherefore as he came to Dinner he King chi●e him he answere● O King set you more prise by a horse then by Chr●st Then the King prayed him to forgiue him and he would not hencefoorth finde fault with him for giuing away any of his Treasure then Aydanus wept and being asked wherefore he wept he answered for that this King cannot liue long this people is nto worthy to be ●uled by such a Prince which shortly came to passe for Osway caused him traterously to be slaine One Benedict a great man with Osway that brought vp Bede from his youth ●orsooke Oswayes house and all his kindred to serue Christ he was the first that brought vp the Arte of glazing in windowes About this time there was a Counsell bolden at Ste●ne-halt for the right obseruing of Easterday King Osway began with an Oration that it was necessary ●or such as serued one God to liue in an vniforme order and such as looked for one kingdom in Heauen should not differ in celebration of heauenly Sacraments then by his commandement Colman Bishop said he receiued the order of keeping Easter the 14. day of the first Moneth from his Auncesters Forefathers and from Iohn Euangelist to which at the Kings commandement Wilfride answered Easter is kept alwaies on the Sunday as we keepe it in Rome where Peter and Paul taught in Italy France Affrick Egypt Greece and in all the world I will not reproue Saint Iohn which kept the rights of Moses Law according to the letter the Church being yet Iewish in many points they could not reiect Images inuented of the Diuell which all beleeuers ought of necessitie to detest least they should offend the Iewes therefore Saint Paul circumcized Tymothy therefore he shaued his head and Sacrificed in the Temple all this was done onely to eschew the offence of the Iewes Therefore ●ames said to Paul Thou ●éest brother how many thousand Iewes doe beleeue yet all are zealous of the old Law yet since the Gospell was preached it is not lawfull for the faithfull to be circumcized nor to offer Sacrifices of carnal things to God but Peter remembring that the Lord did rise from death the first day after the Sabbath instituted Easter on that day and not according to the Law and though your forefathers were holy men what is their fewnesse being but a corner of an Iland to be preferred before the vniuersall Church of Christ Then said the King Did the Lord giue the kingdome of Heauen vnto Peter And they both answer●d yea then the King concluded being Saint Peter is the Doore-keeper of Heauen I will obey his Orders in euery point least when I come to the gates of Heauen hee shut them against mee and with this simple reason they consented Ethelwood preached vnto the people in Southsax and conuerted them to Christ in the time of whose baptizing the raine which before they lacked three yeares was giuen them plenteously whereby there great famine slacked About this time the detestable sect of Mahomet began to take place which well agrées with the number of that beast signified in the Reuelation 666. Of Mahomet came the Kingdome of the Haarines now called Saracens to whom he gaue many Lawes they must pray Southward Friday is their Sunday called the day of Venus he permitted them to haue as many Wiues as they were able to maintaine and as many Concubines as they list they must abstaine from wine excep● on solemne daies ●hey were to worship one onely God Omnipotent Moses and the Prophets were great but Christ was greatest being borne without mans seede and taken vp into the Heauen with many such Lawes at length the Sarasins were wholly conquered by the Turkes Theodorus was sent into England by Vitellianus Pope and diuerse other Monks with him to set vp Latine Seruice in England and Mas●es Cerimonies Letanies and other Romish ware he was made Archbishop of Canterbury and began to play the Rex in placing and displacing Bishops at his pleasure He held a Prouinciall Counsell at Therford the contents thereof were the vniformitie of keeping Easter that no Bishop should intermeddle in anothers Di●cesse that Monasteries should be free from Iurisdiction o● Bishops that Monks should keepe the obedience they first promised and not goe from one Monastery vnto another without leaue of the Abbot that none of the Clergy should be receiued in another Diocesse without Letters Commendatory of his Bishop that foraine Bishops and Clergy men should be content with the hospitality offered them and not meddle in any Bishops Iurisdiction without his permission that once a yeare a Prouinciall Sinod should be kept that no Bishop should preferre himselfe before another but according to his time of consecration that as the people increased so the number of Bishops should be augmented The next yeare was the sixt generall Counsell of Constance where this Theodore was present vnder Pope Agatho Mariage there was permitted to the Greeke Priests and forbidden to the Latine in this Counsell the Latine Masse was first openly said by Iohn Portuensis the Popes Legate Colfride Abbot of Shirwin in Northumberland writ to Naitonus King of Picts that shauen Crownes was necessarie for all Priests and Monks for restraint of their lusts and that Peter was shauen in remembrance of the Passion of Christ so we must weare the signe of his Passion on the toppe of our head as euery Church beareth the holy Crosse in the front thereof that by the defence of that banner it be kept from euill Spirits and exhorted him to imitate the Apostolike Churches and when he died the Prince of the Apostles would open Heauen gate to him whereat the King reioyced and knéeling downe thanked God that
hee was worthy to receiue such a present from England and made Proclamation for the performance When Iue King of the West Saxons had ruled them 37. yeares he was perswaded by his wife Etheburge to goe to Rome to be made a Munke when the king an● she had rested in a faire Palace richly adorned she commanded all the roomes in the Palace to be strewed with Dung of vile beasts and hogs and beasts to be laid therein and a Sowe and pigs in her chamber then she brought the King to visit the Palace and said My Lord where are now the rich clothes of gold and siluer that we le●t héere where are the pleasant Seruitors delicacies and costly dishes that we lately were serued with We shall vanish away as sodainly as these worldly things be passed our bodies that are now delicatly kept shall turne vnto the filth of the earth therfore busie you to purchase the Palace that euer shall indure by meanes of these and other words the King resigned his Kingdome vnto Etheraldus his Nephew and for the loue of Christ in the habit of a poore man accompanied with poore men went to Rome and his wife went into the Nunnery of Barkin seauen miles from London where after she had beene Abbesse a certaine time she died This ●ue was the first King of the Saxons that made Lawes for his Country In this time was Beda a man of worthy memory he was a Priest of the Monastery of Peter and Paul at Wire at 7. yeares old he was committed to the education of Benedict as before at 19. yeares old ●e was made Deacon and at 30 Priest He wrote 37. Uolumes in his Treatise vpon Samuel he said If my exposition bring no vtilitie to the readers yet it conduceth not a little to my selfe that whilst my cogitation was vpon them I had little minde of the slippery intisements of the world hee continued in diligent study vntill the age of 62. yeares and in his latter end whilst he was sicke seauen weekes he translated the Gospell of Saint Iohn into English Celulphus king of Northumberland when hee had raigned 8. yeares was made a M●●ke in the Abey of Farne where by his meanes Licence was giuen to the Monks of that house to drinke wine or Ale which before by the institution of the aforesaid Aydanus drunke nothing but milke and water Cutbert Archbishop of Canterbury collected a great Sinod where these decrées were enacted that Bishops should be more diligent in seeing to their Office then in admonishing the people and liue in peace one with another and once a yeare goe about all the Parishes of their Diocesse That they should admonish Abbots and Monks to liue Regul●rly and Prelats not to oppresse their infertours but loue them that none should be admitted to Orders before his life was examined that the reading of holy Scrip●ures shou●d be more frequented in Monasteries that Priests should not dispose seculer businesses that they should take no money for baptizing that they should teach the Lords prayer and Créed in the English tongue that they should ioyne in their Ministery after one vniforme manner that they should sing in the Church with a modest voice that the Saboth be reuerently obserued that the 7. Canonicall Powers be obserued euery day that the Rogation daies should not be omitted that a Festiual day for all Saints should be celebrated and a Feast of S. Gregory an● S. Austin our Patron should be obserued that the fasts of the 4. times should be kept that Churchmen should not giue themselues to drunkennesse that the Communion should not be neglected of the Clergy nor 〈◊〉 that Laymen should be examined and well tried before they become Monkes that Monkes should not liue amongst Lay-men that publike prayer should bee made for Kings and Princes Boniface Archbishop of Mentz a Martyre an English man wrot a Letter to King Ethelbert and rebuked him for abstaining from Mariage that he might liue in luxuriousnesse with Nunnes and that he heard the chiefe of hi● Kingdom by his example forsooke their wiues and liued in adultery with Nunnes whereby appeareth the great disorder of life that alwaies hath beene in these Religious houses of Nunnes whose vowe of coacted chastitie hath neuer beene good to Church or Common-wealth and this Boniface and others were most to blame for that they g●u● occasion thereof by maintaining such superstitious orders of lasciuious Nunnes and other religious restraining them from lawfull Mariage For we finde of him in Stories that he being the Popes Legate builded Monasteries Canonized Saints commanded Reliques to be worshipped permitted religious Fathers to carry about Nunnes with them a preaching and he founded the great Monastery of F●loa in Germany of English Monkes in which no woman might enter but only Leba and Sec●a two English Nuns and by him Childericus king of France was deposed and Pipinus the betrayer of his master made king From this Boniface proceeded that detestable doctrine that in case the Pope liued most filthily and neglected himselfe and all Christianitie and led inumerable Soules with him to Hell yet ought no man to rebuke him because he hath power to iudge all men and ought to be iudged of no man Pope Gregory the 2. Pope Gregory the 3. Pope Zachary and Pope Constantine the 1. wrought great masteries against the Gréeke Emperours Philipicus and Leo and others for the maintaining of Images in Churches of whom Philipicus lost both his Empire and his eyes and Leo was excommunicated for the same cause This Gregory then brought into the Masse Canon the clause for Reliques and the Sacrifice for the dead And Zachary brought in the Prieste Uesture and Ornaments and Constantinus was the first that gaue his feet to be kissed of the Emperours The aforesaid Pipinus which was the betrayer of his said master Childericus king of France and by the Pope made king in his steed to gratifie the Sea of Rome for this benefit to him gaue vnto the said sea the Princedome of Rauenna and the Kingdome of Lombards and many other great possessions of Italy with all the cities thereunto adioyning vnto the borders of Uenice and this no doubt is the same which falsly hath beene thought to ha●e beene the Donation of Constantine To this Pipinus was sent first into France the inuention of the Orgaines out of Grecia by Constantinus Emperour of Constantinople in the yeare 757. Pope Stephanus succeeded pope Constan●inus and Paul the 1. succeeded him hee thundred great Excommunications against Constantinus Emperour of Constantinople for plucking downe Images set vp in the Temples notwithstanding he neglecting his cur●es destroyed Idolatry to the end of his life Then Constantinus the 2. came to be Pope a Layman brother to Deside●ius king of Lumbardy but he was shortly deposed thrust into a Monastery his eyes put out Stephanus the 3. succéeded Paul he cōdemned the seauenth Councel of Constantinople for Hereticall because the worshipping
but the body of Christ borne of the Uirgin vnder the forme of Bread and Wine but that is a very lye for Christs body that was borne of the Uirgin is in heauen Auricular confession is not good if I haue offended God I must séeke to him for remission of sinnes by Christ if I haue offended my neighbour I must reconcile my selfe to him againe if I were a notorious sinner after the first and second adm●nition it ought to be declared to the Congregation and the Minister hath power by the word to excommunicate me and I am to be taken as a heathen not for a day or for fortie dayes but vntill I openly in the Congregation acknowledge my fault and then the Minister hath power by the word to preach to me remission of sinnes by Christ. Touching Baptisme Iohn Baptist vsed nothing but preaching the word and water as appeareth by Christs baptisme and others the Chamberlaine said to Philip Here is water what letteth me to be baptized hee asked not for Creame nor Oyle nor Spittle nor coniured Water nor coniured Waxe nor Crysome nor Salt the like is to be said of the rest of the ceremonies of the Church And he said there were but two sacraments except they would make the Rainbow a Sacrament for there is no sacrament but such as hath the promise annexed vnto it Bonner séeing their vnmoueable constancie after all meanes they could were vsed they were condemned and Denley was burned at Uxbridge he sang a psalm in the fire then cruell Doctor Storie commaunded one to hurle a Faggot at him which made him bléed on the face whereat he left his singing and clapped his hand on his face Doctor Storie said to him that flung the Faggot truly thou hast marred a good old song then Denley put his hands abroad and sung againe Not long after him Patrick Pachingham was burned at Uxbridge and Iohn Newman was burned at Saffron Walden in Essex RICHARD HOOKE HEe neere about the same time and for the same matter that those formerly spoken of died for●gaue his life at Chichester William Coker William Hopper Henry Lawrence Richard Colliar Richard Wright William Steer● THese being examined before the Bishop of Douer and Harpsfield the Archdeacon of Canterbury and others Henry Lawrence denied auricular confession and would not receiue the sacraments because the order of the Scripture is changed in the order of the Sacrament and when the Suffragan made mention of the Sacrament and put off his cap he said you néed not reuerence the same and he said the Sacrament of the Altar is an Idoll and being required to subscribe his hand he wrote Ye all are of Antichrist and him ye follow William Steere of Ashford being commanded of the Iudge to answere bade him command his dogges and not him and said Dicke of Douer meaning the Bishop had no authoritie to set in iudgement against him alledging that the Bishop of Canteburie that was in prison was his Dioccesan and hee said he found not the Sacrament of the Altar in the Scripture therefore he would not make any answer thereto The Iudge speaking of the Sacrament put off his cap he said he needed not reuerence that so highly saying withall that the Sacrament of the Altar was the most blasphemous Idoll that euer was The other also denied the Sacrament wherefore they were all condemned and burned all in one fi●e at Canterburie Elizabeth Warne George Tankerfield Robert Smith Steuen Harwood Thomas Fust William Hall Thomas Leyes George King Iohn Wade Ioane Leyshford THe Prisons of London being replenished with Gods Saints and still moe and moe comming in wherefore these ten were sent for of Bonner to be examined and rid out of the way The chéefe point he examined them of was touching the corporall presence of Christs body and blood in the Sacrament as the profitablest foundation for their Catholike dignity Many other thinges were obiected against them as not comming to Church for speaking against the Masse and for dispising their Ceremonies and Sacraments Elizabeth Warne answered vnto them I deny them all and if Christ was in an error then am I in an errour wherefore she was condemned Doctor Story was of some alliance vnto her who deliuered her once by his earnest sute before hee was Commissioner but after he was Commissioner he caused her Iohn Warne her Husband and her Daughter to be apprehended neuer leauing them vntill hee had brought them all to Ashes George Tankerfield of London Cooke borne in the Cittie of Yorke he vtterly denied aur●culer Confession and Transubstantiation and affirmed that the Masse was naught and full of Idolatry and abhomination and affirmed that there were but two Sacraments He told the Bishop he cared not for his Diuinity for you condemne all men and proue nothing against them and he said the church whereof the Pope is supreme head is not Christs Church and pointing to the Bishop he said to the people beware of him and such as he is these be they which deceiue you Wherevpon he was condemned ROBERT SMITH beeing asked by Boner when hee was Confessed Hee answered not since the time he had discretion I am not commaunded of God to shew my sinnes to any of that sinfull number whom yee call Priests He was a Painter and hee told the Bishop hee had vsed his vocation better then hee had vsed his Bishoprick Hee said hee neuer vsed the Sacrament nor neuer would because it hath not Gods ordinance but rather it is directed to mocke GOD I count it a detestable Idoll and not GOD but contrarie to GOD and truth Then the Bishop said hee should be burned He answered hee must not thinke thereby to quench the Spirit of GOD nor make your matter good for your sore is too well seene to bee healed so priuily with bloud euen the Children haue all your deeds in derision so that though you patch vp one place with authoritie yet it shall breake out in fortie to your shame Then the Bishop said by my truth if thou wilt be shrieuen I will tare this paper of thy examination I answered it would be too much to his shame to shew it vnto men of discretion Boner Doe you not confesse there is a Catholick Church on earth Smith Yes verily and it is builded vpon the Prophets a●d Apostles Christ Iesus being the head Corner stone which Church maintaineth the word and bringeth the same for her authoritie and without it doth nothing nor ought to doe and I am fully assured I am a member of the same Church Boner If my brother doe offend and will not be reconciled I must bring him before the congregation where may a man finde your Church to bring his brother before the same Smith In the Acts of the Apostles when the tyranny of the Bishops was so great against the Church of Iewry they were faine to congregate in priuy places as they now doe yet they were the Church of God Boner There Church was knowne full
And in his seuenth Booke page 734. he sayth The fulnesse of the Apostolike Power hath declared the said Elizabeth an Hereticke and a fauourer of Heretickes and that such as adhere vnto her haue incurred the Sentence of Anathema And that she is depriued of her Right of her Kingdome and of all her Dominion Dignitie and Priuiledge and that the Nobles People and Subiects of the Realme and all others that haue made Oath vnto her are assoyled for euer from such Oath and all dutie of Allegeance Fidelitie and Obedience by the Authoritie of the Popes Sentence whereby he hath depriued her of her Kingdome and forbidden all the Nobles People and Subiects and others aforesaid that they be not so bold to obey her or her Lawes and whosoeuer doth otherwise hee hath bound with like Sentence of Curse And Bristow in his sixt Motiue fol. 31. They miserably forget themselues who feare not the Excommunications of Pius the fift in whom Christ himselfe hath spoken and excommunicated with as great power as S. Paul excommunicated and Christ hath done Miracles by him euen as S. Paul did Miracles And in his 40. Motiue he sayth When the Pope doth duly discharge vs from subiection and the Prince offender from Dominion he doth it with such griefe of heart as if a man should cut off from his bodie to saue the wholesome most principall but rotten part thereof And Sanders lib. 7. fol. 744. he calleth Felton an honorable Martyr for he was led with the loue and zeale of the Catholike Faith when hee saw that the desperate health of his Country could not be restored but by some most bitter medicine would not suffer the sentence of the Pope should be hidden from his Countrymen And there he calleth Doctor Story a noble Martyr saying When he was arraigned of high Treason for conspiring with certaine of Antwarpe against the Quéene attempting to change the schismaticall Religion which now raigneth in England vnto the Catholike Religion being brought vnto the Barre he onely pleaded vnto the Iurisdiction of the Court denying that the English Iudges had any power ouer him being no Subiect to the English Queene but rather to the King Catholike and hee expounds his meaning to be because hee very well knew that the Queene of England by the declaratorie Sentence of the Pope was for manifest Heres●e depriued from all Right of Kingdome and that therefore no Magistrate created by her or adhering vnto her could be acknowledged by him least himselfe also should be bound with the same Curse And further there were many Seminarie Priests which laboured by all persuasions that might be to iustifie the foresaid Excommunication of Pope Pius and to withdraw the Quéenes subiects hearts from their true obedience of whom manie of them were taken and committed vnto Prisons as follow Edmund Campion EDmund Campion was a chiefe champion for the pope he was committed vnto the Tower he would neither deny nor confesse the Quéenes supremacy nor iusti●●e neither deny the power iustice of the popes excōmunication nor commend nor discommend the doctrine of Sanders B●istow as before but answered so cunningly that nothing could be made thereof He was after disputed withall touching all points of Religion by the Deame of Paules and the Deane of Windsor and diuers other diuines but because all their arguments and reason in this book before are moresuff● c●ently handled many times I referre the Reader vnto the booke of the report thereof Thomas Forde Iohn Shert Robert Iohnson Priests THese were executed at Tyburne the 28. of May because they were sent as instruments for and in the behalfe of the Pope in the aforesaid disloyall tray●erous cause they were drawne vpon hurdles from the Tower vnto the place of execution when they were come beyond Saint Giles in the field there approched vnto the hurdle one of their fect a Priest as himselfe hath confessed who said vnto the prisoners O Gentlemen be ioyfull in the blond of Iesus Christ for this is the ●ay of your triumph and ioy and further he said vnto the prisoners I pro●ounce a pardon vnto you yea I pronounce a full remission and pardon vnto your soules Wherevpon he was apprehen●●d and th● Sheriffe asked him what he was he answered that he was the voice of a cryer in the wildernes and that hee was sent to prepare the Lords way wh●revpon h● was carried to Newgate where he confessed himselfe a priest and that he had long so dissembled and that he would now doe so no more When they were brought vnto the place of execution Thomas Ford was first brought vp into the Cart He said he did acknowledge the Queenes Maiesties supremacie in all things temporall but as concerning Ecclesiasticall causes I deny her that onely belongeth vnto the Uicar of Christ the Pope Hee granted to nothing but shewed himselfe an impious and obstinate Traytor he refused to pray in the English tongue mumbling a few Latine prayers and desired those that were ex domo Dei to pray with him and so died Iohn Shert was brought from the ●urdle vnto the gallowes as Ford hanged there he held vp his hands vnto him and said O swéet Tom O happy Tom O blessed Tom Then Ford was cut downe and brought vnto the place where hee should be quartered Then looking downe from the Cart vnto the dead body hee knéeled down held vp his hands vnto it saying againe O blessed Tom O happy Tom thy swéet soule pray for me O deere Tom thy blessed soule pray for mee Then the Sheriffe had him aske the Quéene forgiuenes and he might receiue her princely mercy He answered what M. Sheriffe shall I saue this fraile vile carkasse and damne mine own soule No no I am a Catholick in that faith I was born in that faith I will die heare shal my bloud ●eale it Then said M. Sheriffe is this the fruits of your religion to knéele vnto the dead body of thy fellow desire his soule to pray for thee What can it profit or hinder thee pray to God hee will help thee he answered this is the true Catholick religion and whosoeuer is not of it is damned I desire his so●le to pray for mee The most glorious Uirgine Mary pray for me and all the holy company in heauen to pray for mee Then the people cryed away with the Traytor Then the Sheriffe said O Sherte forsake the whoore of Rome that wicked Antichrist with all his abhominable blasphemies and tr●acheries and put thy whole confidence in Iesus Christ Then he said O Master Sherife you little remember the day when as I and you shall stand both at one Barre and I shall witnesse against you that you call that holy and blessed Uicar of Christ Whore of Rome then he said his prayers in Latine and the Cart was drawne away Robert Iohnson likewise would not aske the Quéen pardon affirmed the Pope to be the head of the Catholike Church and would not