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A04483 A viewe of a seditious bul sent into Englande, from Pius Quintus Bishop of Rome, anno. 1569. Taken by the reuerende Father in God, Iohn Iewel, late Bishop of Salisburie. Wherevnto is added a short treatise of the holy Scriptures. Both which he deliuered in diuers sermons in his cathedral church of Salisburie, anno. 1570 Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Garbrand, John, 1542-1589. 1582 (1582) STC 14614; ESTC S107782 85,989 232

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and in Germanie Will these men be more holye than so manye Bishoppes and Sainctes and Martirs and Patriarkes and Prophets and Apostles whyche by theyr example haue approued and commended vnto vs thys diuine ordinaunce Let euery man consider the strength of his owne dessell for whiche he shall render account before God in that Consistorie where we shall be iudged not by the lawes of Rome but by the lawes of God our owne conscience accusing or excusing vs. Paule sayth If they can not abstaine let them marry it is better to marry than to burne The name of Uirginitie is commendable but euery thing is not as it sheweth I protest before the liuing GOD which is the Iudge of the quicke and the dead that no filthinesse vnder the Sunne is comparable to forced Uirginitie I condemne not but rather highly commende single life No doubt there are many true Uirgins holy in body and holy in spirite but yet al are not Uirgins which liue vnmarried as Hierome séemeth to note Eliguntur mariti in sacerdotium non nego c. Such as are married are chosen into the Priestehode I deny not For Virgins are not to bee so muche accompted of as Priestes And againe But why say you in giuing of priestly orders is one whiche is a Virgin oftentimes refused and another whiche is married admitted It may bee because his doings are not agreeable to his Virginitie or bicause he is thoght to be a Virgin yet is not or bicause his virginity is infamous So much saith Hierome for reasō why married mē were preferred to orders of the Church before others whiche carried the shewe of Virginitie Now to conclude this we say our lawes after the counsell of the Apostle finding so many examples in al ages of the godly which were married and the notable inconueniences which grewe by forced chastitie haue giuen libertie that those who haue not the gifte of Chastitie to auoide Fornication may marry But no law made among vs hath forbiddē Virginitie or Single life This is the thyrtéenth vntruth And so haue you in these fewe words the number whiche I spake of euen fiue vntruths in litle more than fiue words First that we haue no Sacrifice This is not true For we haue the Sacrifice of the death and bloud of Christ a Sacrifice which lasteth for euer Againe that we haue no Prayers This is vntrue For we call vppon the name of the Lorde We glorifie God euen the Father of our Lore Iesus Christe God grant all the Churches in Christendome may do the like Againe that we haue no Fasting This is vntrue Our doctrine requireth fasting our lawes command it we commend it Againe They make no difference of Meates This is vntrue For we haue not putte downe one Fish day and we haue appointed 50. more than our forefathers kept Againe Single life is abolished This is vntrue for a Minister may liue single if he wil there is no law to the cōtrary God graunt our liues may be single and simple and pleasing him else we are like painted graues faire and holy without but within ful of stincking carren Nowe let vs procéede You haue heard 13. vntruths and maye we thinke that he which hath vttered so much falshode will stay there Eadem occupato regno supremi Ecclesiae capitis locum in omni Anglia eiusque praecipuam authoritatem atque iurisdictionem monstrosè sibi vsurpans regnum ipsum rursum in miserū exitiū reuocauit She the Quenes Maiestie inuaded the kingdome and by vsurping monstrously the place of the supreame heade of the Churche in all Englande and the chiefe aucthoritie and iurisdiction of the same hathe againe broughte the saide Realme into miserable destruction You must kéepe reconing for here to the 13. vntruths he giueth thrée others more wicked and slaunderous than the rest Hathe Queene Elizabeth inuaded the Realme O vaine man Is it beséeming for Christs Uicar to speake so vntruely What sendeth he such tales vnto vs who know the trueth and can reproue him Did hir Maiestie inuade this realme Came she by force and violence to hir Crowne No childe so simple but he may controll him herein Was not Quene Marie hir Sister Was not King Edwarde hir Brother Was not King Henrie hir naturall Father and King Henrie the 7. hir Grandfather Is shée not the right inheritour of both the houses queorke and Lancaster Hath shée not both the Roses that is bothe the Titles to the kingdome enclosed in one Did not the whole body of the Counsell take their Oath to hir xxxv yeres agoe Was not the Crown due to hir by inheritance and by succession and by the laws of this Realme Did not hir Father warrante it to hir by Wil as to his daughter Did not Queene Marie by expresse wordes leaue it to hir as to hir Sister Did not the whole Noblitie of the Realme confirme it Did not Queene Maries Byshops knéele downe before hir and acknowledge hir to be their naturall and lawfull Queene Did not you Did not all the Commons of this Realme willingly of your selues make Bonfiers ring your Belles and clap your handes for ioy Did not the children and little Babes crie out in your stréetes God saue Queeene Elizabeth Howe then dareth the Pope a wilfull Frier a wilfull and vnlearned Frier how dareth he say that Queene Elizabeth is no lawfull Queene but didde inuade this Realme with force and violence O good and gratious Ladie what Host had she what Capitaine what Souldiours what weapon was worne what Sworde drawne what Speare bente what Banner displayed what Trumpet sounded Shée entred to hir right peaceably hath raigned in greate peace saue that Pope Pius hath practised hir trouble by certaine rebels and traitors But God doth mercifully peserue hir to the confusion of hir enimies to the comforte of hir subiectes and the adnauncement of his glorie Yong men and Maydens Olde men and children may sée and saye Pope Pius is a forger a reporter of vntruth hathe no regarde what he saith or doth that he is paste al shame and hath no seare of God Againe Supremi capitis locum vsurpans Taking vpō hir the place of the supreme head This is vntrue Here laye a chase If the Pope goe forwarde he wil winne the game Where is shée euer called the supreme head Peruse the actes of Parliament the Recordes the Rolles and the Writs of Chauncerie or Exchequer which passe in hir Graces name where is she euer called the supreame heade of the Church No no brethren she refuseth it she woulde not haue it nor bée so called Why then doth Christes Uicar blaze and spreade abroade so grosse vntruth why shoulde he say Queene Eliz. maketh hir selfe the head of the Church Nay yet more Monstrose praecipuam eius auctoritatem atque iurisdictionē vsurpans Taking vpon hir monstrously the chiefe authoritie and iurisdiction of the same Here I might well say O monstrum hominis
the Apostles He saith Christe hathe giuen charge ouer his Church to Peter alone But Ciprian saith Parem tribuit Apostolis omnibus auctoritatem hoc vtique erant caeteri Apostoli quod fuit Petrus pari consortio praediti honoris potestatis The Lord gaue vnto his Apostles like power the reste of the Apostles were euen the same that Peter was endewed with like felowship both of honour and of power And Hierome saith Ex aequo super omnes Apostolos Ecclesiae fortitudo solidatur The strength of the Church is foūded equally vpon al the Apostles He addeth further Petrique successori Romano pontifici And to the Bishoppe of Rome Peters Successour This is another vntruth and the cause of al this stir this is it wherefore Peter is set so farre before his fellowes The Pope maketh Peter a rocke the other Apostles small péeplestones to be builte vpon him Peter a Shéepheard y e other Apostles shéep Peter a Schoolemaister the other Apostles his schollers Peter a Giant the other Apostles little Babes And al thys he doth to enfeoff the Pope with that fulnesse of power whervnto he entitleth Peter To proofe whereof M. Harding sayth Nowe wee are not bounde to obey Peter and Paule but him that sitteth in their Chaire This is their Doctrine thus they teache so boldly dare they sette out their blasphemies against God The whole Churche saieth Pope Pius is committed to the Pope alone by the commaundement and worde of God What Apostle or Euangelist euer wrote so where didde Christe at anye time speake of the Pope or of Peters successour or of the Byshoppe of Rome What auntient Counsell what olde Doctor what Father Augustine Ambrose Hierome Chrysostome Basil euer saide that the whole Church was committed to the Pope alone It is not fitte the Pope should draw his owne Charter If no Euangelist nor Apostle no auntient Doctor nor olde Councel wil come in and beare him witnes it is not likely he hath giuen true euidence Yet he saith moreouer In plenitudine potestatis tradidit Christe hath giuen this commission in fulnesse of power This is a fifth vntruth It is wonderfull to sée howe muche they make of this fulnesse of power Abbot Panormitane telleth vs Plenitudo potestatis omnem superat legem positiuam sufficit quod in Papa sit pro ratione voluntas The fulnesse of power passeth all positiue lawe and it is sufficient in the Pope that will stande in steade of reason Durande doth tell vs al Bishoppes are deriued from the Pope as members from the head and all they receiue of hys fulnesse there was a Councell holden at Laterane in Rome vnder Leo the tenth where one Stephanus Patracensis gaue foorth these words In the Pope is al maner of power aboue all powers as well in Heauen as in earth They tell vs that whatsoeuer he doe no man maye presume to saye Domine cur it a facis Sir why doe you so To make an ende of their tales and vaine ambitious claime an other of hys flatterers beareth the world in hand Potest Papa quasi omnia facere quae Deus potest The Pope in a manner may do al things that God may do Nay not so onely saith an other Papa facit quicquid libet etiam illicita est plusquam Deus The Pope dothe whatsoeuer he listeth yea althoughe it be vnlawful and is more than God They saye Hee maketh right wrong and wrong to bee righte at his pleasure Hee maye commaunde Aungels Archaungels Cherubin and Seraphin This is the fulnesse of power whereof they dreame Who would thus presume but that mā of Sin and childe of Perdition let them shew where euer Peter had like fulnesse of power If he neuer hadde it with what face can they require it Ciprian tolde vs Christe gaue like auctoritie to al the Apostles The auctoritie of Peter was suche as the auctoritie of Iohn and of Iames and no otherwise Al the Apostles were the light of the world al were Ministers of Christ and disposers of the secretes of God they al had the same auctoritie and fulnesse which Peter had Extra quam Ecclesiam Roman nulla est salus Without whiche the Churche of Rome there is no saluation That is who liue not vnder the obedience of the Churche of Rome can not be saued No man can be saued without hir Buls and Pardons The Churche of Rome is the Arke of Noah whosoeuer is without it is drowned Subesse Romano Pontifici saith Pope Boniface omni humanae creaturae declaramus dicimus definimus pronuntiamus omnino esse de necessitate salutis Wee declare saye determine and pronounce that it is of the necesitie of saluation for euerie mortall creature to be subiecte to the Bishoppe of Rome If the case were so harde as it is made by hys wordes then it woulde goe amisse with al those Nations and Kingdomes and people whyche beléeue in Christe in Aethiopia India Arabia Africa Asia Graecia Moscouia of whiche some are greater than all Christendome They are not subiecte to the Pope they yéelde no obedience to the Church of Rome Are they al drowned because they bée not within that Arke are they al damned because they know not their good maner to the Bishop of Rome the kingdomes of England Scotlande Denmarke and Sweden the Dukes of Saxonie Brunswicke Wittenberge the Palsegraue of Rheine the Lantgraue of Hessia the Earles and Noble men throughe the whole Countrey of Germanie the infinite number of their people and subiectes many hundred thousandes in Spaine Italie Fraunce Hungarie and in the kingdome of Pole are wythout that Churche and liue not vnder the obedience thereof are they all therefore damned God forbidde the mercie of the Lorde is aboue al hys workes in euerie place who so euer calleth on the name of the Lorde shal bée saued who soeuer trusteth in the Lorde shal not be confounded You may wel recken this for the sixth vntrueth all whyche sixe are made in the compasse of sixe lines Nos nullum laborem intermittimus Wee take paynes we spare no trauell we forsake no labour Alas good man I hadde thought he would haue sayde I was often in perilles of waters in perilles among the Gentiles in perilles in the Sea in wearinesse and painfulnesse in watching often in hunger and thirst in fastings often in colde in nakednesse I hadde thought he woulde haue saide from lerusalem and rounde aboute to Illyricum I haue caused to abounde the Gospell of Christe I haue preached in season and out of season I haue done the work of an Euangelist I haue fought a good fight haue finished my course I made my selfe seruaunte to all menne that I mighte winne the more I am made al things to all menne that I mighte saue some and this doe I for the Gospelles sake He kéepeth him selfe safe ynoughe from these paines and trauelles Yet
the wind lay at Rome and ther sate he which made the fire At what time he wrote this Bul she had displaced none neither Lord Baron nor Earle nor touched thē in their liues bodies goodes or landes Indéede Pope Paulus 4. cast Moronus into prison and there kept him al the time of his papacie Pius 4. tooke Caraffa a chief Cardinal he caste him into prison and in the midnight sent a slaughterman to put him to death Pope Vrbanus tooke sixe Cardinals and knit them in bags threw thē into the sea Hir milde gratious merciful nature hath neuer béen distained by any the like crueltie neyther haue any of hir Noble men béene so by hir dishonored Againe Hominibus obscuris compleuit Shee hath made hir Councell of poore darke beggarly fellowes and hath placed them ouer the people What hathe Pope Pius to doe with the Councell of Princes Maye not a King choose a Councellour vnlesse he allow of hym Men take their owne eyes to choose ther wiues and Princes take their owne heartes to choose their Councellours As wel he might say No King shal haue any Secretarie any Iudge or Iustice or Sergeant or Attorney or Solicitour or man at Law any Captain for wars any Garde to his person any Phisition to his body any Sewer or Taster but by his appointment Oh what a charge this man taketh He calleth hir honourable Councellours darke and obscure and beggarly What if they had bene such Maye not Princes haue any other Councelloures than Dukes and Earles Cardinall Woolsey was able to doe something in this realm in the late time of King Henrie Of what noble house came he Of what noble house came B. Heth Stephen Gardner Iohn Bourne and M. Boxall Of what honorable Parentage of what noble bloud came they They were of the Councel yet who was their Father Grandfather what Duke Earle Lord Barō or Knight I speak not this in dispite of their persōs let no mā so mistake me som of thē ar yet aliue I pray for thē for my selfe God direct them to do those things which may be for his glorie Hée is noble whiche is the childe of God which is borne from aboue he is honourable he is noble But what are they who are nowe in auctoritie whome Pius calleth so poore and beggarly I will not name them I cannot flatter it were vnséemly I shold You knowe them and are thankefull to God for them There is none of them which hath not bin at the least a Knight or worthy of that degrée aboue these xx yeares so wise learned vertuous and godly so carefull of the Commune weale as euer were bredde vppe in thys Realme They haue euer béene in credite in the countenance and knowledge of the worlde As Pope Pius complaineth now of the Councellors of England so did the Wolf sometimes make complaint to the shéepheard against his Dogges Thou haste two vile ill fauored Curres they iette vp and downe they barke and howle and trouble thy flocke which can not bée quiet nor féede for them Remoue them away tie them vppe braine them hang them what do they here the Shéepehearde aunsweareth would you so nay I may not spare my dogges they do me good seruice Spaniels and Greyhounds are faire and daintie yet they neuer do me so much good these watche when I sléepe they ease me muche paine and saue my flocke If I should tie them vp thou wouldest be bold with me and take thy pleasure I shall not néede to applye this The Queenes Maiestie is oure Shéepehearde we are left by God to hir safe kéeping The faithfull Councellors are like the watchful Mastiffs they take paines they ease our Shéepeheard they saue the flocke Nowe you maye soone iudge who is the Woolfe If Pope Pius coulde place his Pilot in our Ship he would make vs arriue at what Porte he listed Séeing Pius hath vpon ghesses or vain reports after this maner vnséemely delt with the Péeres and honorable estate of our Countrie let vs looke somewhat abroad and sée what worthie wightes the Pope hathe placed in the Councelles of Kings And so lette vs be aduised by the harmes of our neighbors Didde he not place one Dauid Retchio so high in Scotlande that he tooke vppon him to rule the Queene there and sought al meanes to disgrace and disquiet the Nobles and to vndoe that Country and therefore was slaine in the Queenes presence Was not the Cardinal of Lorraine the highest Councellour in Fraunce Did not Cardinall Granvele beare the whole swaye in Flaunders they were appointed by Pope Pius they were endewed with his spirite they wente from his side they knewe what he would haue done Haue not they spoiled and wasted those two noble Countries and brought them to suche vilanie and miserie as they neuer felt before the King of Spaine suffereth Monkes and Friers to gouerne him and his Countrie It is well known what good they haue done him By these fewe you may sée what Councellors the Pope alloweth and for what purpose Yet that we maye the better marke the order of their gouernment and what good Cardinalles worke in Princes Councels one telleth vs Legati Romanorum Pontificum sic bacchantur in prouincijs acsi ad flagellandam Ecclesiam Satan egressus sit à facie Domini The Popes Legates keepe such reuels in Kingdomes and Countries as if Satan were sent abroade from the face of the Lord to scourge the Church He was wise and did sée what was done If wée open our eyes and beholde the storie and present course of their doings wée maye finde the like What Prince soeuer receiueth them receiueth traitors and enimies to his estate They alwayes bréed suspition stir vp dissention encrease hatred betwéene Prince and Prince and set the one against another they séeke to aduance their maister y e Pope they spoile al Churches to furnish one they be y e very plagues and decay of Countries Let not Pope Pius complaine of the Councellors of England no Prince in Christēdome this day hath better God graunte them the spirite of vnderstanding and of counsel God continue them in his feare and direct them in his glorie If Pope Pius had but one so wise a Councellour hée neuer woulde haue sente suche Bulles and Bables about the worlde Againe hominibus haereticis compleuit The Counsailours are not onely pore and beggarly but also Heretiques The accusation of Heresie is heauie shoulde not be laid vpō any but after due proofe Paule the Apostle was accused for Heresie but he aunswered After that waye which they call heresie worshippe I the God of my Fathers beleeuing al things which are written in the Lawe and the Prophets The high Priestes and Phariseis called our Sauiour a Deceiuer All the Christians of the Primitiue Church were called Heretiques Misistis per omnē terram qui circumirent dicerent impiam haeresim surrexisse Christianorum You haue chosen saith Iustine the
made perfect to all good workes so shall we reioyce in his saluatiō and with one mouth glorifie God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ. FINIS Prou. 1. Ierem. 8. Psa. 119. 2. Thes. 2. 2 Cor. 11. Hom. 44. in opere imperf Lib. 4. cont Marc. Hebr. 4. Psal. 56. Reuel 20. Ad Heliodorum Dist. 40. ex Hier. * In the Confut of the Apologie of the Church of England fol. 282. pag. 2. Saxonic lib. 8. cap. 36. Ibidem Reuel 17. 2. Thes. 2. 1. Vntruth 2. Vntruth 3. Vntruth Matt. 20. Mat. 28. Psal. 19. Cipr. de simplicitate praelatorum Lib. 1. aduersus Iouinianum 4. Vntruth 5. Vntruth Extra de constit cap. 1. Lib. 2. de minist ordinib ecct De concess ●raeb in gloss Hostiensis Zabarella Extra de maiorit obedien vnam S. 6. Vntruth 7. Vntruth 2. Cor. 11. Rom. 15. 2. Tim 4. 1. Cor. 9. Iohn 12. Iohn 11. Acts. 4. 1. Cor. 1. Iohn 1. Act. 4. Galat. 6. Baruch 4. 1. Cor. 2. 1. Cor. 1. Luc. 12. Mat. 3. 8. Vntruth 9. Vntruth 10. Vntruth Vntruth 〈◊〉 15. 〈◊〉 5. 〈◊〉 58. 1. Tim. 4. 〈◊〉 47. in 13. 〈◊〉 ●euit cap. 16. 10. Hom. 6. in 1. Gen. Anno 5. Elizab. ●0 Augusti Colos. 2. 1. Cor. 8. Mat. 15. Elizab. Anno quinto cap. 5. Ibidem Aug. ad Casulan 13. Vntruth Heb. 13. 11. Cor. 7. Lib. 3. ca. 30. Hieron epist. ad Oceanum Idem lib. 1. aduersus Iouinian 1. Cor. 7. Lib. 1. aduers. Iouinian Ibidem 14. Vntruth ●●Vntruth 16. Vntruth Esay 49. Psalm 2. Epist. 50. ad Bonifaciū Comitem 17. Vntruth Anno Do. 1569. ●● Vntruth Cornel. Agri. de Van. Sci. ca. 61. ex Camotense Actes 24. Mat. 27. Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 18. Dist. 22. omnes Deut. 10. Psal. 4. 1. Ierem. Prouerb 8. Daniel 4. Ephes. 6. Prouer. 30. Reuel 22. Hier. 2● Hier● 2● Hiere 19. 20. Hiere 26. ●d cap. 38. Hiere 1. Mark 6. Exod. 7. Ioh. de Pari●uh● cap. 15. Hieron in 1. Hierem. Auentinus in Adriano 4. an 1154. Hier. 1. Epist. 3. Ioh. 11. Q. 3. Deut. 23. Malac. 2. Origen ho● 3. in Exod. Chryso Hom. 1. ad popul Antiochen Ioh. 16. Seneca in Hercule Oeto. Mat. 6. Psal. 13● Rom. 8. Deut. 13. Num. 23. 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 13. Baruch 1. Galat. 1. Psal. 2. Hier. 7. 2. Esdra 9. ● Sam. 15. Hier. 6. The auctoritie of the Scriptures 2. Pet. 1. Heb. 2. Esay 55. Esay 40. Luke 16. Iohn 12. Iohn 15. Mat. 15. Esa. 1. Ierem. 7. Ierem. 23. Exod. 19. Ierem. 36. 1. Mac. 1. Prou. 21. The profite which Christians reape by the Scriptures Rom. 15. Gen. 8. Rom. 10. Rom. 1. Matth. 24. 2. Thes. ● Psal. 119. Iohn 6. Maike 7. Matth. 21. Matth. 19. Matth. 4. Luke 24. Act. 2. Lib. 8. confession cap. 12. Rom. 13. Ciprian ad Pompeium Theophil in 10. cap. Ioh. Theophil in 12. Lucae Hom. 49. in opere imperf Iohn 5. Iohn 8. Baruch 4. Psalm 25. Psalm 25. Psal. 51. Psalm 119. Psalm 13. cle 27. Psalm 23. Psalm 27. Psalm 219. 2. Kings 19. Rom. 14. Luke 22. The auctoritie of the Fathers Aug. ad For●un●●●num Ep. 111. Aug in Ps. 57. Aug. Epi. 48. Orig. in Hier. cap. 1. Aug. contra Crescen Gra. li. cap. 29. Aug. contra Faustum lib● 12. cap. 5. Gal. 1. Aug. lib. 3. cap. 6. contra lit Petil. Aug. lib. 2. ca. ● cont Cresc Mat. 3. 2. Tim. 3. Rom. 1. Basil. praefat in Psal. Ps. 12. Heb. 10● Prou. ● Rom. 13. Esai 58. 2. Tim. 4. Eccles. 7. Eccle. 30. 1. Sam. 2. Ephes. 6. Colos. 3. Prou. 30. 1. Tim. 6. Ps. 62. Prou. 11. Iob. 1. Prou. 16. Prou. 28. 1. Tim. 6. 1. Thess. 4. Prou. 20. Exod. 22. Leuit. 25. Mat. 7. Ps. 15. 1. Cor. 6. 1. Pet. 1. 1. Thes. 4. Heb. 13. Coloss. 3. Tit. 2. Rom. 11. 1. Cor. 14. Mat. 11. Iam. 14. Psa. 34. Ps. 91. 1. Pet. 3. 1. Cor. 10. Psa. 145. Amos. 5. Psa. 37. Luke 15. Mat. 9. Mat. 11. Ezech. 18. Ezech. 33. Psal. 145. Ioh. 11. Philip. 1. The necessitie of the Scriptures Deut. 8. Amos. 8. Esa. 59. Rom. 10. Pro● 2● Mat. 22. Hom. 17. ad Hebraeos Hom. 2. in Mar. Greg. in pastor li. 1. ca. 1. Hom. 27. in Numeri Esay ● Mat. 15. Ioy pleasure by reading the Scriptures Ios. 10. 2. Kings 20. De ciuit dei li. 22. ca. 6. 2. Cor. 12. Mat. 17. Phil. 2. Mat. 27. Luke 23. Re●e 14. Ps. 34. ●●euel 5. ● Pet. 3. ● Tim. ● Aug. lib. 〈…〉 Iulia. Deut. 30. Ps. 19. Tit. 2. Hom. 3. de Lazaro In Ezech. hom 6. lib. 1. Lib. 4. c● 13. in Iohan. Cyril in Io. 14. Exod. ●● Wisd. 14. Ps. 97. Exod. 22. Ezec. 18. Rom 6. Ezech. 18. Eph. 5. Rom. 12. Rom. 13. Ioh. 1. 1. Ioh. 1. 1. Pet. 1. Luke 11. Mat. 11. loel 2. Hom. 3. in 2. ad Thessa. Clem. Alex. in Orat. ad gen Lib. 1. cap. 31. Mat. 11. Mat. 5. 1. Cor. 2. Psa. 94. Mat. 11. 1. Cor. 1. Mat. 18. Hom. 9. in ●p ad Coloss. Chrysost. ho● 2. in Io● Orig. in Esai hom 2. Hom. 9. ad Co●oss Hom. 3. de ●azaro Hierom. in 3. cap. Ep. ad Coloss. Lib. 5. de curādis graecor affect Pro. 19. Rom. 3. Mat. 11. Acts. 10. Mat. 18. 1. Tim. 2. Esay 66. Mat. 11. Iohn 1● Aug. ep 3. ad Volusianum Exod. 3. Exod. 19.