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A02638 The chronicle of Ihon Hardyng in metre, fro[m] the first begynnyng of Engla[n]de, vnto ye reigne of Edwarde ye fourth where he made an end of his chronicle. And from yt time is added with a co[n]tinuacion of the storie in prose to this our tyme, now first emprinted, gathered out of diuerse and sondrie autours of moste certain knowelage [et] substanciall credit, yt either in latin orels in our mother toungue haue writen of ye affaires of Englande. Hardyng, John, 1378-1465?; Grafton, Richard, d. 1572? 1543 (1543) STC 12766.7; ESTC S103772 402,679 836

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accordyng to the lawe of God taken reputed as supreme heed of this his realme nexte and immediatly vnder Chryst This yere the erle of Kyldare died in the Towre and his sonne rebel led and slewe the byshop of Dubelyn wherfore the kyng dyd send sir Wylliam Skeuynton thether This yere was graunted to the king the fyrst frutes and the tenthes of all spirituall possessyons In Iune was the byshoppe of Rochester and sir Thomas Moore behedded for deniyng the kyng to be supreme hed of the church of Englande This yere wer .iii. Monkes of the Charterhouse executed for the same offence In this .xxvii. yere in Ianuary dyed lady Katheryn princesse dowager and is buryed at Peter borowe This yere quene Anne was attaynted of treason and was beheded And the kynge maried lady Iane Seymer And in October beganne a fololyshe commocion in Lyncolnshyre another in Yorke shyre by the meanes of Lord Darey lord Husey sir Robert Cōstable Robert Aske Which only by the kynges wysedome his discrete counsayle were appeased withoute bloode shedynge In this .xxviii. yere the Thamis was ouer fro 〈…〉 in December wherfore the kyng and the quene rode throwe London with a goodlye companye This yere also syr Fraunces Bygot lord Darcy syr Robert Constable and other beganne a newe co●spyracie and thei were attaynted and putte to death in Iune In February was Thomas Fytzgarred and fyue of his vncles hanged drawen quartered And on saynt Edwardes euen Prynce Edwarde was borne at Hamptō court The. xxiii daye of October dyed quene Iane and is buryed at Wyndsore In this .xxix. yere in Maye was Frere Foreste hanged and brente in Smithfeelde for treason heresy with the Image of Daruell Gathern In thys yere all ydolatry was forbyddē And dyuers ymages that had engynnes to make their eyes other lymmes to styre wyth many other disceates wer destroyed And all Freers and Monkes chaūged their garmentes In this .xxx. yere in Decēber was the Marquis of Ereter the Lord Montacute and syr Edward Neuell behedded for hygh treasō duly proued In May the cytesyns of Londō mustred al in bright harneisse with coates of whyte clothe and whyte sylke wyth chaynes of golde in thre great armyes to the great wonder of straungers Nowe for a fynal cōclusiō as touchīg this most noble exellēt prince and for the closing vp of this presēt werke If that his highnes had by al the space of his reigne heretofore whiche hath bene .xxxiiii. yeres done no more but only these three thynges as in dede his grace hath done a great infinite nōbre of moste prudente beneficial thynges bothe for the quietnes of his realme wealth of his subiectes that is to saie the extirpyng abholyshyng of the vsurped authoritee of the B. of Rome out of all his dominions and restoring vnto vs the holy most blessed worde of God the is to saie the whole scripture in our Englishtongue to th entent chiefly that we mighte knowe oure dutie to almightie God oure obedyence to our prince and hys successours kynges of thys realme lyue a godlye and Christen life one with another Secondarely in takynge a waye all supersticion and ydolatrye whiche was a thyng moost detestain ▪ the sight of God And thirdlye and laste of all the dissoluynge of cloisters and suppressynge all conterfete and false religion which so long as thei cōtinued wer not only teachers preachers of false and supersticious doctryne but also wer euer the autours begynners of all mischiefes commocions For reformacion I saye of which thynges who is hable to rendre woorthy thankes and prayses to his highnes And therfore to conclude infinite thankes be geuē to almightie God that so hath wrought by his speciall grace in the hearte mynde of his hihgnes let earnest prayers and supplicaciōs incessantly be made of all his faythful subiectes for the preseruacion of his highnes in mooste triumphant honoure and wealth and ouer vs longe to reigne rule And that when nature shall geue place to death in his grace that then thesame giftes of prudence pollecie and godly iudgement that his highnes is so plentifully endewed with maye yet be planted in the personne of that goodly ympe and mooste flory shyng braūche prynce Edwarde that the same maye finishe mainteine that whiche his noble father and our souereigne lord kyng Henry the eyght hath moste graciously begōne To this all true Englishe heartes saie Amen LONDINI In officina Richardi Graftoni Cmm priuilegio ad imprimendum solum per septennium Numeri .xxvii. Salphaat 〈…〉 ke 〈…〉 orn in Gaūt 〈…〉 y● 〈…〉 〈…〉 y● 〈…〉 〈…〉 that 〈…〉 Edmoūd duke of yorke Thomas of wood stoke duke of gloucester Mat. 〈…〉 vii Edward prince of Wa 〈…〉 the eldest sonne of kynge Edward the .iii. Duke of Yorke The tytle of the kinges of Englāde to Scotland and Ireland Godfray● Boleyn Robert cur those Out of old bookes cōmeth newe knowledge The dukes wyfe named Cecely Kyng Dioclesyā and Albyne his wyfe This chronicle is not true Saul was the fyrste kyng in the thyrde age This s●e 〈…〉 that our chronicle is false in the beegynnyng Brutus The o●acyon of the authoure for that makyng of this booke The names of false goddes The armis of Brute Brutus Dute of oldbokes cōmeth new wisedome Adam The gene●a●ion of ●●ute 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 h. 〈◊〉 〈…〉 th 〈…〉 m. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cely. Saturne Iubiter Dardanus Eriotonus Troilus Ilis Ilyon Hercules Lamadone Priamus Achilles was Priamus brother Lamedō shewed to Iason vnkindnesse Hector Troilus Dephebus Helenus Parys came of Pryamus Greekes Anchyses Eneas Ascaneus Eneas Euādre Latene Turnus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Siluius the father of Brutus The praise of Brute Howe Brutus slewe his father Helenus Priamus Anchises Pandras Brutus Anacletus 〈…〉 onꝰ Pandras The pillers that Hercules made of brasse Diane the Goddes Corneus capitain of that Troyās Goryne The armes of 〈…〉 e Maryan chronicler Corneus Gogmagog Coryn This Isle Briteyne Corneus London 〈…〉 The lēgth and bredth of the Isle of Bryteyne Howe Brutus deuided this ysle Thre sonnes of Brute Locryne 〈◊〉 Albanacte Brutus ordered the people to sowe corne Locryne * The death of Albanact The ryuer of Humbar wherof it tooke that name How Lo●yn was 〈…〉 e in betrayle by hys wy●e Gwendolyne The ryuer of Seuerne wherofit tooke the name Guendolena Maddā kyng of Britain that is Englād Scotlande Howe the one 〈…〉 to be kynge Mēpryse kyng of Britaine The wretched end of Mempryse Ebranke reygned ▪ lx yeres The Castell of Dūbrytayne in Scotlād The castel of Ediburgh The castell of Bamburgh That is yorke Brutus greneshilde reigned xii yeres Leyle kyng of Britain reygned .xxv. yeres The cytee of Carleile by whō it was buylded Rudhudebras kynge reygned xxxix yeres Bladud reigned .xx. yeres Stāforde A manne decked in fethers Leyr kyng Cordell quene of Fraunce Morgan Cōdage is that which we nowe call Walis Condage
towne and citee The .lxxxviii. Chapiter ¶ Ethelbert kyng of Saxons Hils Ethelberte was reignyng kyng of Kēt W Sainct Austin sēt by Gregory of R. bisshop Landed in Tenet with clerkes of his assēt And many monkes to teache the faith I hope That clothed were echeone vnder ablacke cope Whiche in procession with crosse and belles came The latinies syngyng in Iesus his name ¶ In the yere of Christ his incarnacion Fiue hundreth foure score and sixtene Kyng Ethelbert had in his dominacion All Kent throughout with greate ioy as was seen Were baptized then in holy water clene To whome Gregory sent Mellito and Iusto With other clerkes and doctours many mo ¶ Gregory hym made archebishop of Caūterbury Of all Englande hiest then primate And had the paule with hyest legacye By Gregorye sent to hym and ordinate Fro London then thus was that tyme translate To Caunterbury the sea Metropolitan And London sette as for his suffrigan ¶ Saynt Augustyne then with helpe of Ethelbert Saynt Augustyns made Christes churche also That Christes churche hight as it was aduerte And sacred so by hym and halowed tho For the chiefe sea Metropolitan so Of all Englande by Gregory ordinate And saynt Augustyne of all Englande primate ¶ Then Augustyne made Peter a clerke deuoute Of saynt Augustynes thabbot religious And made Mellito as Bede clerly hath note Of London then byshoppe full vertuous A clarke that was then beneuolus Who then conuerted of Essex the kyng Sebert And all his lande baptized with holy herte ¶ Kyng Ethelbert sainct Poules edefied And kyng Sebert Westminster founded Mellito theim both halowed and edefied Austyn then made clerke full wel grounded Iust o that hight of Rochester full well bounded The bishop then to preache and helpe Austyn And to baptise the folke by his doctrine ¶ Saint Austyn set ful nere to Walis his seant That prelates all bishops and doctours wise Of Brytons bloodde thither might well atteine To make all rest and loue in humble wise Through all that churche and lande by good auice To whiche sean came tharchbishop of Brytain And bishops fiue with doctours wise certain ¶ In whiche Austyn syttyng as president Archbishop and also the high primate Required and prayed with all his whole entent As he that was of England high prelate By Gregory sacred and ordinate Of fraterne loue and due obedience To helpe hym furth with all their diligence ¶ To conuerte and to teache the Saxons all The Englishe also in Christen feith and trewe And baptize theim through Brytain ouer all The pasche to kepe as Roome did then full dewe To whiche Brytons aunswered that they not knewe That he had suche estate in all Britayn For they had three archebyshops to obeyn ¶ Of Cairlyon London and Yorke citee By byshops of Rome graūted to vs ordinate Full long afore ye had suche dignitee Wherfore we will obeye no newe primate And specially none Englyshe newe prelate For Englyshemen and Saxons haue vs noyed And haue our lande and all our kyn destroyed ¶ And Pasche we wyll holde forth as we afore And holy fathers vnto this daye haue vsed We wyll not chaunge for youre doctrine ne lore There shall no newe emong vs been abused As saynt Iohn did we haue it not refused That on Christes bozome saw his great priuetees So will we vse and none other solempnitees ¶ S. Austyne saied sith ye nowe thus forsake The seed of God to sowe by your doctryne The Christen fayth for to encrease and make By ryghtfull dome of God ye muste enclyne Vnder theyr handes that fro the fayth declyne The cruel death to suffer for hie vengeaunce Sith ye refuse Christes wyll and ordinaunce ¶ This tyme eche kyng warred on others lande Of seuen kynges of Saxones nacion And of Englyshe with Peightes I vnderstand And Britons also did great aduersacion But Ethelfryde of Englyshe gouernacion Of Northumberlande kyng and Panyme cruell Fought with Aydan the kyng of Scottes fell The .lxxxix. Chapiter ¶ Howe kynge Ethelfryde of Northumberlande had seruyce of Aydan kyng of Scottes the yere of Christ .vi. hundreth and three after saynt Bede AT Degfastan wher Ethelfryde preuayled And sette Aydan in his subiection To Bedes dayes the Scottes nomore assayled Englande but aye obeyed his ediccion And was his man without contradiccion And held of hym his lande as was accorde By many yeres thens forth nomore discorde ¶ This battayl was of Christes incarnacion Syxe hundreth yere three as sayth saynt Bede And of his reygne by Bedes computacion The eleuenth yere it was then as I rede That twenty yere and .iiii. reygned there in dede In all his tyme to whom the Peightes obeyed And Iryshe also and nomore hym disobeyed ¶ In that same yere of Christes incarnacion The Britons all did sette theyr parliamente At Cairlion by good informacion Cairlegeocestre hight as some men ment That Westchester is become of entente Where they did chose Cadwan vnto there kyng Theim to defende fro theyr fooes warryng The .xc. Chapiter ¶ Cadwan kynge of Britayne that firste was prince of Northwales This Cadwan was crowned in the yere of Christ syxe hundreth and thre and after Bede by xiii yere reigned ouer the Britons in the west parties of all Wales and Cornwayll THis kyng Cadwan at wynchester crownd Was made the kyng of Britayne Brytōs Agayn whom kyng Ethelfrede that stound Warred full sore all the regions Where Brytons were so did he all religions Who westchester sieged with violence Wher Brochewall therle made greate defence ¶ But there he slewe Brochewall in batayll And gatte the towne of westchester in that tyde Where .xii. C. monkes without fayle He slewe downe right a lytle there besyde That came to praye for peace without pride Fro Banger there in hole procession That marters wer there by his oppression ¶ Whō kyng Cadwan with mighty hoste strōge Met in felde full ready for to fight But both theyr frendes treated so theim emong That good accorde betwene thē was made righte Duryng theyr lyues well kepte as they hight With all frendshippe great loue and vnytee That both theyr realmes stoode in great dignitee ¶ But Ethelfrides wyfe with chylde farre gone Violently exiled and repudiate And wedded another full wrongfully anone Wherfore she went to recouer his estate To kyng Cadwan full sycke and desolate Whom he receyued with noble reuerence And sory was for her wofull offence ¶ But thē his wife as great was gone with childe For whiche he kept hir in house to abyde To tyme he might hym haue reconsyled Her to receyue and set the other on syde But in the meane tyme they might no lēger abide Both queenes delyuered wer of sonnes two That one Edwyn that other hight Cadwallo ¶ The chylder two together noryshed were In tender age to tyme that they were men At whiche tyme there rose full cruell warre Betwene Redwald kyng of Estangle then And Ethelfride that fought as folke
full fine That chaunged then mayden castell name To Edenbrough a towne of greate fame The C .j. Chapiter ¶ Cuthred kyng of Westsex protectonr of England and reigned sixtene yere CVthred was kyng crouned of al Westser And protectour of all Englāde that daye His kynges vnder hym that then wer full sixe Did hym homage anone withouten delaye Saue Ethelbald of Mers that saied hym naye For whiche he warred on hym then full sore That bothe their landes troubled were therfore ¶ Full oft thei mette faught with great power Some that one some tyme that other had Victorie in felde with strokes bought full dere But when that kyng Ethelbald was moste glad This kyng Cuthred that was nothyng a drad At Berford with hym mette in strong battaill And slewe hym then as Bede maketh rehersall ¶ Which Ethelbald in Mers one fourtye yere Had reigned hole and diuerse abbeys founded In Mers lande at Crouland one full clere Of Monkes blacke within the fennes groūded To whiche Turketyll his chaunceler founded Gaue sixe maniers to theyr foundacion And abbot there was made by installacion ¶ This Battayl was of Christes natiuitee Seuen hundreth and fyue and fyftye yere Wher Ethelbalde of Mers the kyng did dye To whom Borrede there was the kyng full clere But this Cuthrede of Westsex layed on here Was in the yere of Christes birth to weten Seuen hundreth hole and syxe and fyfty written ¶ To whome Segbert in all regalites His cousyn next of bloode by all recorde Was kyng crowned and had the dignitee But full he was of malice and discorde That with his kynges could no tyme wel accorde Wherfore they would no lenger of hym holde But droaue hym out of all his lande full bolde ¶ For lawe ne peace he did not well conserue But chaunged lawe euer after his deuise From good to euell eche other to ouerterue To spoyle and robbe his commons to supprise Thus in the lande he made full great partyes Wherfore the kynges and lordes did hym expell That but one yere he dyd in it excell ¶ And afterwarde exiled as he hym hyd Within a wood a swynherd made his ende Then with his staffe he slewe hym so betyd For all his hye estate thus was he spend A prouerbe is of olde was wysemen kend That wronge lawes make euer shorte lordes Whiche wysemen yet remembre and recordes The C .ii. Chapiter ¶ Kynulphe kyng of Westsex protectoure of Englande the whiche reigned .xxvi. yere KYnulphe succeded had the gouernaunce Of Westsex then with all to it appente Protectour was by all thordinaunce Of kynges all and the lordes assent As his elders afore had regimente The yere of Christ .vii. hundreth fyfty and seuen As Bede hath written and accompted full euen ¶ Of all the kynges and lordes of Englande He tooke feautee and royall hole homage As souerayn lorde honoured in all the lande And mightly mayntened his heritage His kynges all and all his baronage The peace and lawe he kepte by diligence Was none that would displease his excellence ¶ He reigned hole in all kyndes suffisaunce Sixe and twentye yere fully accoumpted In greate honoure and myghty great puysaunce Was none hym like nor none hym surmounted But death alone to his corps amounted Dryuyng his soule out fro the worldly nest To heauens blisse eternally there to rest ¶ At wynchester he was full fayre buryed The yere .vii. hundreth foure score and also thre Emong the people highly magnifyed As to suche a prince longeth of royaltee Right well beloued of his lordes and cōmontee In whose tyme Offa of Mers kyng Vnto the B. of Roome sent his letters prayeng ¶ To depriue Lambert of Cauntorbury Of primacy and also of the palle Whiche the byshop Adrian anone hastely Graunted hym then by bulles written papall Lambert depriuyng of his sea primall By whiche Aldulphe byshop then of Lychfelde Hye primate was and thestate there helde ¶ The pall he had and all the dignitee Lambert depryued without any delay Of primacie and of all souerayntee Of all the churche of Englande hole that day From Humber south to Aldulphe did obeye And Lychfeld then for metropolitan sea Was set aboue and had the dignitee ¶ But Egfryde then the sonne of Offa kyng Of Mers the pall and all the primacie Did well restore to Christes hye pleasyng To Award then byshop of Caunterburye Wher it abode euer after worthyly Vnto this daye with all the dignitee As of olde right it should haue souerayntee ¶ This tyme Kynot of Pyghtes was the kyng Fro forth to Carleile and from the Scottishe sea To Tyne that tyme his lordshyp was dwellyng The whiche he helde by homage and feautee Of the kyng then of Northumberlande in fee And was his man also in warre and peace As his elders had doen without leace ¶ In whose dayes tharchbyshop Egbert Of Yorke brother was as I can vnderstande To the kyng of Northumberlande Edbert The primacye and pall brought to Yorkes lande By the B. of Rome graunted without gaynstand Whiche from the death of the good kyng Edwyn Had ceased long from the tyme of saynt Paulyn ¶ About this tyme as well is expressed Vnguste the kyng of Pyghtes rode in Englande On warre wher then he was full sore distressed By the manly kyng of Northumberlande Where he auoiwed yf he came to his lande A churche to make of full great dignitee In worship of saynt Andrewe should it bee ¶ And at his home commyng one Regalo Fro Constantyne by reuelacion Brought certayn bones of saynt Andrewe tho To kyng Vngust where by his relacion He founded then a mynster of his fundacion Of saynt Andrewe wher his bones shryned been As there in dede I was and haue it seen The C .iii. Chapiter ¶ Brightryke kyng of Westsex protectour of Englande reigned .xvi. yere that began to reigne in the yere of our Lorde vii hundreth .iiii. score and three and died in the yere .vii. C. foure score and nynetene BRightrike cousyn that was nexte of bloode To kyng Kenulphe by hole intelligence Of Westsex was kyng full wise good And protectour of Englande in regence Whiche gouerned right well with great sapience The yere of Christ .vii. hundreth .iiii. score three When that he tooke on hym the dignitee ¶ He wedded Edburge kyng Offa his doughter fayre Of Mers for loue peace good accorde Betwene theyr landes with all theyr hole repayre The kyng Albert also of good accorde Only of purpose to make concorde Of Eastlande came to Offa for peace Betwene theyr lande the warres for to ceasse ¶ And his doughter to wed vnto his wyfe For more suertee of loue and good accorde Whom quene Eburge of Mers because of strife Afore had be betwene hym and hir lorde And for she would not vnto the mariage accorde Made hym to bee slayn in full priue wise Within his bed afore that he myght ryse ¶ For whiche Offa greatly was agreued And buried hym at
Without mercy cracked vpon the croune The kyng came home with honour and victorye As Flores saieth right in his memorye ¶ And in the yere eyght hundred fourty and one The Danes watched thest sea cost throughout With diuers hostes for which that king made great mone All helples thē the Danes that were so stout In many places with many dyuerse rout All harmles went without hurt or pain By dyuers tyme that yere home again ¶ In the yere eyght hundred foure and fourtye At Carham then the kyng full sore did fight With Danes fell and had the victorye And at Alnewik he faught again furth right With Danes also wher kyng Redwolf that hight Of Northumberlāde and erle Alffride was slain And full greate parte of their hoost certain ¶ Kyng Athilwolf came to the South contree Wher Danes then in battaile with hym faught In Somersetshire wher he made many dye And gate the feld and sleugh all that he caught Wher great people that daye the death hath raught Tharchbishop with his full wise clergie Bysyde Sandwiche of Danes had victorye ¶ And in the yere eyght hundred fifty and one The Danishe hoost in Thamis did arriue Kent and Southray Sussex and Hāshire anone Distroyed sore and throughe that South gan dryue Wher muche folke thei sleugh bothe māne wife Whiche host the kyng with battaile slewe doune sore That home again retourned thei no more ¶ And in the yere eyght hundred fifty and three The kyng Edmond of Estangle began To reigne after Albert of greate beautee That holy was as his legend tell can But Athilwolf the kyng buryed then The kyng of Mers that had his doughter wed All Wales wan theim thought thei had well sped ¶ This Athilwolf to Roome toke his waye In pilgremage with hym his soonne Alurede Cardinall was of Wynchester that daye Wher then he had the bishoprike in deede A perfecte clerke he was as saieth sainct Bede A philosophier wise and well approued And by the bishop of Rome cōmēdid well loued ¶ And there thei were abydyng ful twoo yere And home thei came vnto the kyng of Fraunce And his doughter Indith ther weddid clere By assent of hym and all his hole puysaunce And so with worship and noble gouernaunce Fro thens he came sone into England With hir and with his soonne as I vnderstand ¶ And in the yere eyght hundred fifty and three The death his soule gan frome his body dryue Vnto the blisse eternall there to bee In heuen aboue wher is euerlastyng life To Peter and Pole he graunted infenitife The Roome pence then of all Englande As Flores saieth as I can vnderstande ¶ He was then buryed at Winchester in royall wise As to suche a prince of reason should affere And with his wife as did full well suffice Foure soonnes he had worthy without pere Sir Athilwold Ethelbert Elfride the dere And Alrude the youngest of echone Afore theim all one bast had Athelston ¶ Athelbold was kyng after hym and heire And protector with all the prerogatif His stepdame wed menne saied it was not faire The churche him gan punishe and chastiue For cause he wed hir so vnto his wife Again the lawe and christen conciense Vnaccordant with his magnificence ¶ That reigned whole twoo yere and no more In greate sikenes and pain inmorderate Greately vexed and punisshed was right sore Menne saied it was for sinne inordinate With his stepdame that was so consociate But then he had as God would repentaunce For his trespas and misgouernaunce ¶ Afore he dyed he did full sore repent And for his synne stode to correccion Of holy churche for his amendement Submitted whole without obieccion And for to liue in clene perfeccion Departed were by lawe and deuorced Afore his soule was passed and vncorced The C .vi. Chapiter ¶ Ethelbert kyng of Westsex protector of Englande that reigned fiue yere SIr Ethelbert his brother gan succede In whose dayes the Danes destroied sore The east parties of England then in deed And home againe they went harmeles therfore Destroyed the people and the lande right sore But sone ther after kyng Ethelbert them mette And sleugh theim downe in bataile sore and bet ¶ An other hoost then newe spoyled all Kent And by treaty wyntred within the Isle Of Tenet then by Kentishe mennes assent But at last thei with a subtell wyle Despoyled all Kent and falsely did beguyle And to their shipis went without delaye Into Denmarke with muche riche araye ¶ This Ethelbert reigned whole fiue yere And dyed the yere of verey Christ his date Eyght hundred whole and therto sixty clere As Flores saieth and hath it approbate But with sykenesse he was so alterate He dyed then and at Shirborne buryed With greate worship and honour laudified The C .vii. Chapiter ¶ Elfride kyng of Westsex protector of Englande reigned sixe yere and dyed in the yere of Christ eyght hundred lxvi ELfride was kyng after his brother then That reigned so with all the dignitee In Westsex whole and mightely began Protector was as was necessitee For Danes then of greate iniquite His lande foule brent wasted and destroyed That all Englande was combred and anoyed ¶ In the east cost of Englande specially In Estangle wher Edmond then was kyng Ther did greate hurte full cruelly In Northumberlande full felly warryng The people destroiyng and the lande brennyng Wher Danes then sleugh the kyng of that lande Byside Yorke so as Flores dooeth vnderstande ¶ Also thei sleugh in Northfolke all about The people doune and in Suffolke also The kyng Edmond thei sleugh without doubt Of Estangland with arowes sharpe tho Was shot to death with muche other woo That is a sainct honored this daye in blisse At Edmondes bury canonyzed I wisse ¶ Hungar and Vbba sleugh hyw full cruelly And brent abbeis throut all England that tyme By North and South and prestes full cursedly All holy folke fled out of that realme Thei sleugh all people that had take bapteme At Colyngham sainct Ebbe that was abbesse Their nonnes putte from theim in sore distresse ¶ For dred of the tyrauntes twoo full cruell And their people cursed and full of malice That rauished nōnes euer wher their herd tell In hir chaptre ordeined again their enemies Should not deffoule their clene virginitees She cut hir nose of and hir ouer lippe To make hir lothe that she might from hym slipe ¶ And counseled all hir susters to dooe the same To make their fooes to hoge so with the sight And so thei did afore thenimies came Echon their nose and ouer lipe full right Cut of anone whiche was an hogly sight For whiche tho fooes thabbey and nonnes brent For thei theim self disfigured had shent ¶ Frō Twede to Thamys abbais then thei brēt And churches hole and people sleugh right doune Wiues maydens widdowes and nonnes shent Through all the lande and the est region People sleyng in euery borough and towne The women euer thei diuiciate In
that countre slewe doune right The kyng then made a lord that Awbryke hight Erle of that countre that durst not Scottes withstande Wherfore he gaue Robert Mowbray that lande ¶ And made hym erle of Northumberland The kyng then sent vnto euery shire Iustices to sitte throughout all the land Of all lordshipis and knightes fees enquere What temporales he had to knowe he had desire And what perteined vnto his royall croune And what the churche had of deuocion ¶ Vnto his soonne eldest then generate All Normandy he gaue in heritage And England whole to Wyllyam nominate His second soonne gaue with all thauauntage And to Henry his third soonne young of age Therldome gaue then of Gloucester sea With the honour of slede for euer in certente ¶ He dyed the yere a thousand four score and ten And of his reigne twenty yere and four tho At Cane buried in thabbey that hight then Sainct Stephēs abbey by Cane that stādeth so His doughter Ade afore had maried tho Vnto therle Stephē of Bloyes a prince of might Of warres wyse and a full manly knight The C .xxiij. Chapiter ¶ Wyllyam Rufus kyng of England reigned thirtene yere and began to reigne in the yere of our lorde a thousand four score and ten dyed that yere a thousand one hundred three HIs soōne Wylliam Rufus as he deuised Was crouned then with great solempnitee But after soone duke Robert was auised To clayme England by his priorite And Normandy also as for his proprete As he that was his eldest soone and heire With hoste full greate in England game repeire ¶ And made greate warre vpon his brother so Three yere all out betwene theim so continued Till at last thei bothe betwene theim twoo Did condiscende as well to theim perteined With whole herte and will nothyng feined The iudgement of kyng Philip of Fraunce To vndergo and bide his ordinaunce ¶ In whiche meane while his brother erle Hēry The castels all belongyng to the croune As high constable of England properly Then seazed had in his possession As his office by good dereccion Asked of right and of good consuetude To kepe theim sure to the crounes excelsitude ¶ The kyng Philip by his auised parliament Gaue iudgement betwene the brethren twoo As kyng Wyllyam their father full ment All Normandy Robert should haue euer moo And Wyllyam England frendes should bee so And liue in peace without any clayme And either other releace and whole disclayme ¶ Th erle Henry of England then constable Deliuered all the castels and citees right To kyng Wyllyam his brother enheritable As he was bound and fully so had hight Duke Robert then his brother a worthy knight To England came to sport hym with his brother At whiche tyme either was glad of other The C .xxiiij. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Malcolyn of Scotland warred in England for his wife 's right pretendyng that she was right heire of England and afterward he did homage to kyng wyllyam Rufus for the realme of Scotland His Malcolin of Scotlād greatly claimed T To haue England then by his wifes right Margarete suster of Edgar heire ꝓclamed Of England whole that expelled was by might Of kyng Wyllyam conquerour by vnright So for his right the Northland he destroyed And home he went again nothyng annoyed ¶ But then the kyng and his brethren twoo To Scotland rode and wasted sore the land Till Malcolyne came and did his homage By letter wrytten and sealed I vnderstand Whiche Hardyng gaue in to kyng Henryes hād Without reward or any recompence Of mayne labour his costagis and expence ¶ The duke Robert went home to Normandy And kyng Malcolyne his soonne then Edward Warred again Northumberland in hie But erle Robert that kepyng had and ward Of Northūberland with hym then faught full hard Byside Alnwike at Malcolyne well were slain There Malcolyne and Edward his soōne certain ¶ Whē quene Margret so of that tidynges knewe She eate neuer meate for sorowe dyed anone At Dunfermelyn buryed as then was dewe But nowe she is there shryned in fleshe and bone Workyng miracles as sayeth many one Entombed faire and in the firetree translate Of whiche abbey nowe is she aduocate ¶ The Scottes then made Dunwalde so their kyng Malcolynes brother that to it had no right But Dunkā sonne of Malcolyne that knowyng With helpe of kyng Wyllyam and royall might Of Scotlande so droaue hym awaye to flight And crouned was as chronicles vnderstande And homage made to wyllyam for his lande ¶ Sone after kyng Dunkan of Scotland slayn By treason was and Dunwall restitute Vnto the croune of Scotlande then agayne Whome Edgare then by succoure and refute Of kyng Wyllyam droue out all destitute Of any helpe and crouned was in Scotlande To kyng Willyam did homage for his lande ¶ Of whose homage Iohn Hardyng gaue that letter Full clerely made written well and sealed The whiche also with other letters better That by reason maye not be repeled The whiche yf he would haue enbeseled The kyng Iames vnto his waryson A M. marke hym hight of his discrecion ¶ And in his tyme Roes that Richarde hight The kyng of Wales in battayl strong was slayn Besyde the castell of Brekenham then full right Fro whiche tyme forthe theyr kynges seazed full playn And princes called they were soth to sayn The kyng with hoste on Robert Monbraye rode Who with the kyng faught of his traytourhode ¶ And discomfite helde Bamburgh castell then And the kyng enduryng full .vii. yere Consentyng with the lordes that so began For to depose the kyng of his croune clere And duke Robert his brother with great power To croune and make the kyng of all Englande With Normandy to ioyse I vnderstande ¶ The kynge exiled Anselme of Cauntorbury Tharchebyshop that withstode his wronges Doen to the churche and to the prelacie To the commons also that theim belonges Seuētene tounes with also many churches amōges And abbeys foure he wasted and confounde The newe forest in Hamshire for to founde ¶ He buylded the Newcastell vpon Tyne The Scottes to gaynstande and to defende And dwell therin the people to enclyne The towne to builde and walle as did append He gaue theim ground golde ful great to spend To buylde it well and wall it all aboute And fraunchised theim to paye a free rent out ¶ The rentes frutes to tharchbishop ꝑteinyng And to the byshoppes of Wynchester Sarum And also .ix. abbeys lyuelod conteynyng In his handes leazed and held all and some But for his workes buylynges held eche crome With whiche he made then westmynster hall And the castel of Newecastell withall ¶ That stādeth on Tyne therin to dwel in warre Agayne the Scottes the countree to defende Whiche as men sayd was to hym mekill deer And more pleasyng then otherwyse dispende And muche people for it did hym cōmende For cause he dyd the commen wealthe sustene Of marchers vnnumerable to mayntene The
Ierusalem he reserued the resort to hym to his heires THe Soudā toke a trewce with kyng Richard For thre yere whole to bye all marchandise And sell and passe saufly thitherward To the sepulcre in all maner wyse With entercomen as then it did suffice And home he went for cause his brother Iohn Then purposed had for to bee crouned anon ¶ He sent his mother and wife to Cisile And of Acres he made then capitain The baron bold sir Rychard Vmfreuile Ierusalem to Henry erle of Champein With all Surry to haue and to demain And made hym kyng therof without delay For his susters soonne he was without nay ¶ For the marquis Wyllyam Mountferrate That kyng therof was by his wife enherite Was slain in Tire his citee by debate All sodeinly for cause of greate dispite Vetulo de Mount his brothers death to quite His bretherne twoo to Tire with power hath sent That slewe hym there by Vetulo his assent ¶ Whose wife he gaue to Henry his cousyn For she was heire of Ierusalem He made kepers in euery place full fyne And homeward came then by the sea stream Hoostyng by diuerse countres and realme To Romany Tuskan and Lumberdy In to Oistrich and there was take in hye ¶ Thēperour led home thē to Mēske he brought In strong ward brought to tyme that his finaūce Was fully payed emong his commons sought Of holy churche vnto ful greate greuaunce The marchaūtes also thē made great cheuisaūce Of all the shryues was take full greate riches Through all England to raūsom with his highnes ¶ And home he came Iohn his brother chastised And his fautours emprisoned all full sore To Normandy then went and there supprised The kyng Philip and werred hym euer thore That stroyed his land of Normandy afore Against his othe and his hie assuraunce Whilest he labored vpon the miscreaunce ¶ He then appeled the kyng Philip to fight Thei twoo alone hand for hand in feld That he was false of his promise and hight Whiche kyng Philip graunted but not it held But cowardly with royall hoste hym beld Vpon hym came all sodeinly to fight Within three dayes then for their brothers right ¶ Beside Gysours thei faught with hostes sore Wher kyng Rychard had the victorie Kyng Philip fled fro his baner thore With muche shame reproffe and vilanie Kyng Rychard segid a castell then in hie That Caluce hight not ferre fro Lymosyne Wher hurt he was full sore and dyed fyne ¶ An arblaster with a quarell hym smot As he about the castell went to spie But then he made therto a saute full hote On euery syde about full cruelly And gatte the place so then full myghtely And slewe theim all without any grace Agayn hym so that holden had that strong place ¶ He shroue hym then vnto abbots three With great sobbyng and hye contricion And wepyng teares that pitee was to see Mekely askyng penaunce and absolucion That it might please God at his peticion To forgeue his offences tyll domysday So afterwarde in blysse he might been ay ¶ He quethed his corps then to bee buried Al Fount Euerard there at his fathers feete To whom he graunted and made it notifyed Traytour he was and false of his behete His herte inuyncyble to Roan he sent full mete For their greate truth stedfast great constaunce His bowelles lose to Poytou for deceyuaunce ¶ Whose soule from the body dyd departe And into heauen went where is eternall ioye Because from synne he did conuerte Longyng for that blessed daye To see Christ that for his synne dyd paye That crucyfied was vpon the roode Redemyng his synne by the shedyng of his blode ¶ And of his reigne he died the .x. yere And in the yere of Christes incarnacion A thousande hole two hundreth and .iiii. clere As written is by clere computacion Who in his life had hole dominacion In Normandy Guyen Cypers and Surry Whose honoure shone aboue all other clerely The C .xli. Chapiter ¶ Iohn kyng of Englande duke of Normandy and Guyan 〈◊〉 erle of Angeou began to reygne the yere M CC. and .iiii. and reigned .xvii. yere and died the yere M CC .xxi. HIs brother Iohn was kyng then of Englande And crouned was at westminster ful faire By all estates and lordes of his lande And sone therafter deuorced full vnfayre From his wife wedded that there afore was heyre Vnto therle of Gloucestre full wyse That sonnes had that tyme of great enterprise ¶ For cause of whiche and of consanguinitye Deuorce was made and toke another wyfe Dame Isabell therles doughter fayre and free Of Englande and his heyre knowen ryfe Whiche after made hym ful great warre stryfe For she was wyfe of Hugh Brune of Toreyn The Viscount then toke fro hym a virgyne ¶ Wherfore Hugh Brune nomore of hym wolde hold But warred hym on euery side aboute Tyll he hym toke with other many folde And slewe theim all were thei neuer so stoute In his first yere a taxe he tooke full out Of eche plough land thre shyllynges fully payed For whiche the people bitterly for hym prayed The C .lxii. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Wyllyam of Scotlande did homage leege to kyng Iohn at Lyncolne the duke Arthure of Britayne all the lordes of Irelande did the same IN his first yere kyng Wylliā of Scotlād Made hys homage in Lyncolne his citee And Arthure duke of Britayne I vnderstande Sone after made hys homage feautee At London then with great humilitee The prince of Wales there made his homage For Wales then that was his heritage ¶ The great a Neele and Makmurre also And al the lordes and kynges of Irelande Therles also of Vlster did right so Of Ormond and Desmond for there lande And all estates there as I vnderstande Wer sworne to hym and to hym did homage For theyr lyuelodes and theyr heritage ¶ The kyng Philip confedered with Arthure To rebell sore agayne his eme kyng Iohn And graunte hym men power stronge and sure To gette Guyan Poytou and Angeou anon Wherfore kyng Iohn to Normandy gan gone And there he tooke Arthure duke of Britayn In castell Mirable dyed in mykell payne ¶ Dame Isabell the suster also of Arthure In the castell of Bristowe was then holde And died there in pryson then full sure As kyng Iohn hir vncle so it wolde A lady of greate beautee she was hold Beshet in pryson in paynes strong So endeth her life for sorowe liued not long ¶ Thus slewe he both Athure and Isabell The chyldren of his brother duke Geffrey To ioye the croune of Englande as men tell Wherfore moste parte of all his landes that daye Beyonde the sea forsoke hym then for ay Retournyng to the kyng of Fraunce in hye To holde of hym and his perpetually ¶ Bishop Hubert of Cauntorbury tho died Wherfore kyng Iohn vnto the couent sente To chose his clarke whiche they refused denied Wherfore the kyng was wroth in
his entente For they disobeyed the lettre whiche he sent For they had chosen mayster Stephan Langton An worthy clarke of all disposicion ¶ Whom kyng Iohn then wold not admytte For Romayn bull ne for the prelates prayer But prisoned some and some to death commytte Some he exiled and theyr eyen clere And all personnes and prelates in fere He then put out and seazed theyr benefice Through all the lande as his mortall enemyes The Romyshe byshoppe curssed hym openly And all the realme fully did enterdite That sacramentes none therin should occupie And to the kyng of Fraunce without respite He wrote his letters so full fayre endite To take Englande hole in gouernaunce For kyng Iohn his great misgouernaunce ¶ Many erles also and many great barons Vnto the kyng of Fraunce wrote openly To sende his sonne Lewes the rebellions To helpe to whome they promysed sikerly To croune hym kyng of England worthely If that kyng Iohn would not his trespasse amēd Vnto the churche in whiche he had offend ¶ Wherfore that kyng of Fraūce to England sente His sonne Lewes with hoste and power strong With whom many lordes susteyned his entent And other some maynteyned kyng Iohn in wrōg Thus stode this lande Englande Wales longe Hole enterdite frō all holy sacramentes That none was done without priuelegementes ¶ Lewes the sonne of kyng Philip of Fraunce Had castelles fees and citees many one At his good rule and full wyse gouernaunce In Englande then well mo then had kyng Iohn Tyll on a daye to lordes he made his moone By whose coūcel vnto that Romishe bishop he wrote His letters meke as best he could theim note ¶ Besekyng hym of mercy and of grace Of forgeuenesse and absolucion His defautes all to mend and his trespasse And vndirguage all his punysion For to release thenterdiccion For whiche the Romishe bishop as he that letters see Wepte fore hauyng full greate pitee ¶ Thenterdiccion fully he releassed And to the kyng of Fraunce anone sent To ceasse the warre the peace to be encreassed Betwene hym and kyng Iohn bayssent To whiche he would put so all his entent To Lewes then he sent thesame message And of Englande to haue his hole costage ¶ And for Lewes with Lordes of Englande Obeyde not the byshops commaundement He sent Gwalo his legate I vnderstande To cursse Lewes and all of his assent Then died kyng Iohn in Christen hole entent At Croxton abbey and buried was full fayre At Worcester with lordes and great repayre ¶ Some bookes sayen he poysoned was to dead Of plummes so syttyng at his meate In thabbey of Cistews at Swynsheade With whiche a monke there hym did rehete Wenyng of God greate thanke to gette At Newerke died at Worcester sepultured In chronicles as is playnly scriptured ¶ He gate a sōne that Hēry of Wynchester hight And other after and Richarde was his name That erle was of Cornwayle of great might A Worthy knight and of right noble fame These sonnes on his wyfe that noble dame And gate Isabell the wyfe of Frederyk Emperoure of Rome a lorde full poletyk ¶ In his tymes were these earles in Englande Geffry Maundeuile earle of Essex than Syr Quincy as I can vnderstande Earle of Winchester that was a manly man And the earle of Cornewayle that was than Roger of Clare then earle of Gloucester That in Englande was none his better ¶ Roger Bygot earle of Northfolke then That Marshall was that tyme of Englande Henry Bowne then earle of Herforde as I can Conceyue was then Constable of the lande Aryght worthy knyght of his hande And Dauyd then was of Huntyngdon Willyam Marshall earle of Penbroke full boon ¶ Randolfe of Chester the earle of good estate Robert Veer of Oxenforde full wyse Willyam Groos of Almaryk generate Willyam Lōgspee earle then of great enterpryse In actes marcyall a man knyghtly and wyse Of Salysbury a mighty lorde that daye Through all Englande knowen of greate araye ¶ Willyam the earle of Arundell that hyght Awbeny by his surname full well then knowe At Wimondham in Northfolke buryed ryght Father was of Philyp full yonge vnknowe That full curteous was both to hye and lowe That after hym was earle of Arundell As chronycles wryten can clerely tell ¶ This kyng Iohn dyed in hole creaunce The yere of Chryste a. M was then knawe Two hundreth .xxi. by remembraunce In chronycles as I haue red and sawe And full cumbreous bothe to hye and lawe At Worcester buryed in good araye As a prynce royall of reason ought that daye The C .xliii. Chapiter ¶ Henry the thyrde kynge of Englande duke of Normandye and Guyen and Earle of Angeou that beganne to reygne the yere of Chryste a thousande CC. xxi and dyed in the yere a thousande CC .lxxiii. and of his reygne the .lvi. yere ¶ In his tyme was a batayl at Lincolne where Earle Raudolfe of Chester discomfyted Lewys that sonne of kyng Philyppe of Fraunce HEnry his sonne then was of .ix. yere age At Gloucester crowned with the dyademe By the Legate Gwalo the Baronage Stephan of Langton helpyng as did well seme Archbyshop then as the byshop coulde deme The same yere then the kyng with Lewys faught Besyde Lincolne where Lewys was nere caught ¶ Foure C. knyghtes of Lewis there was slaine Th erle of Perche was slayne on Lewis syde And many fled with Lewys soth agayne Th erle Randolf of Chester knowen wyde The felde there gate that daye with mikell pryde And Lewys then all his ryght relesed And home he went with mony well appesed ¶ In the seconde yere he wedded Alyanor Therls doughter of Prouynce good and fayre Whose elder syster kyng Lewys wed afore This earle was then famed amonge repayre The noblest prynce without any dispeyre That tyme alyue through all chrystente Of all honoure and greate nobilyte And Iohn the sonne of Dauyd of Huntingdon That of Huntyngdon Chester earle had bene Without chylde dyed his erldome to the crowne Then sezed were to tyme that it was sene Howe his systers myght them departe betwene The parliament graunted that wardes to the kyng That helde of hym by knyghtes seruyce doyng ¶ To make statutes at Oxenforde ordynaūce By whiche there shulde none alyence enheryte And put the kyngvnder the gouernaunce Of certayne lordes wysest moste parfyte Whiche after made amonge them great dispyte And batayles stronge greate contrariaunce Through all the lande by longe continuaunce The C .xliiii. Chapiter ¶ Of the byrthe of Edwarde his eldest sonne and heyre was in the .xxix. yere of his father and in the yere of Chryste a thousande CC .xxxix. Howe Symonde Mountforte Earle of Leycester was create HIs eldest sonne and heyre that Edward hyghe At Westmynster of Chrystes incarnacyon The yere a thousand CC .ix. and .xxx. ryght Whome the legate Otho by informacyon Baptyzed in funt saynt Edmondes confirmacy 〈…〉 To hym then made as the churche deuysed In his baptime holy then autoryzed
feld ¶ And with the Soudan faught in bataill sore Discomfit hym and putte hym to the flight Wher Edward then was hurt and woūded thore Of woundes fiue that mortall werre to sight His brother Edmond also wounded in that fight But as Edward in his bedde sicke then laye A Sarasyne came to hym vpon a daye ¶ To leche his hurtes with salues many one But false he was for with a knife full sore He strake hym foule as thei were then alone But yet that prince the knife fro hym gate thore And slewe hym then with it for euermore At Acres laye he then with woundes fele With medicyns to lech and to hele ¶ The lech so false was by the Soudan sent Hym to haue slain in any maner wyse For cause he had discomfite hym and shent And when he was all whole that he might ryse Message he had fro all the lordes wyse Of England then of his father dedde That praied hym home to come been their hede ¶ Kyng Henry had then made the minster faire Of Westminster as it is nowe at this daye The remnaunt he left vnto his heire To edifie and make in like araye Or els a some of money for to paye The whiche he graunted to the edificacion At his death then bequeth and assignacion ¶ Edward then toke a trewce for tenne yere With the Soudan and to Cisile saylid And landed at Rome wher thē he had good chere Bothe of the bishop and cardinalles not failed That sore had mourned and greately bewailed That curssed sore syr Guy Mountforte eche daye For the slaughter of Henry his cousyn gaye ¶ The sonne that was of Richarde themperoure Erle of Cornwayle whome at Veterbe he slewe Right in the churche for olde wrath and rancoure In Englande dooen his fathers death to renewe At masse knelyng horrybly hym all to hewe Fro Acres as he came as goddes knight Without cause of reason or of right ¶ But price Edward Edmoūd his brother dere To Sauoye cā where iustes wer made tournamēt And ther desired thei their knightes in fere With the duke of Sauoye and his there presente To iuste and proue eche other in good entente Theyr knightes younge to learne as dyd suffice In marcyall fete knighthode to exercyse ¶ Wher he foriust the duke full manly His brother also the dukes neuewe And bare hym downe both horse and man egerly And euery knight with other euer iusted newe Daye by daye whyles echeone other knewe By .xiiii. dayes enduryng and conteyned With feast solempne by the duke susteyned ¶ An hundreth ladyes of worthy good estate Were set on hye aboue within a tente By the duke of Sauoye well ordinate To geue the gree and thanke by iudgement Whiche then awarde playnely by hole assent To prince Edwarde erle Edmound his brother That had foriust the duke and many other ¶ The duke hym gaue gyftes of great honoure And to his brother gyftes of hye pleasaunce And to his knightes giftes of great valoure And conueyed hym into the lande of Fraunce Where of the kyng with worthy gouernaunce Receaued he was as prince full excellente And homage made to hym in good entente ¶ For his landes lyeng beyonde the sea The whiche was true as chronicles witnesse And home he came with great felicitee Of whose cōmyng the people had great gladnesse Hym to receaue in all kynde of worthynesse And of his brother Edmound also in feer They were full glad at all theyr hole power ¶ But kyng Henry was gone to God afore The yere of Christ a thousande hole accompted Two hundreth hole syxty and thirtene more On saynt Edmondes daye when he amounted This worlde leuyng full of trouble accompted Vnto the blysse of heauen for euer to reste Emong good soules where Christe so liked best The C .xlviii. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Edwarde of Englande the first after the conqueste called Edwarde with the longe shankes beganne to reigne on the morowe after saynt Edmondes daye that kyng in the yere a. M CC. and .lxxiii. died the yere M CCC and .vii. the eyght daye of Iulye and the .xxxiiii. yere of his reygne EDwarde his sonne heire first generate With all honour by all the baronage Crouned was in all royall estate And of thestates receyued hole homage Kyng Alexander for his heritage Of Scotlande hole and ysles apperteynyng His homage did right then vnto the kyng ¶ The duke also of Britayne made homage For Britayn hole and there became his man Whiche princes two had wed in mariage His susters two Margarete and Beatrice then Margarete to Scotland Beatrice to Britayne Both two maried and wed in hye estate By their father full wysely ordinate ¶ A marchaunt toke the wife of prince Lewlyn Erle Symonds doughter of Leycester that had ben And to the kyng hir brought full femenyn Wherfore the prince by heste as then was seen To be his man and homage did full clere And led his wyfe to Wales in good entent By the kynges grace and by hole assent ¶ The kyng then did great right and iustice Vpon clippers and peirers of the coyne And newe money made that then might suffice Of syluer plate made out of Boloyne The grote half grote all in newe coyne He coyned fast peny halfpeny and ferthyng For porayll to bye with theyr leuyng ¶ That same tyme he made a newe statute That no man should graunt lande ne tenement To the churche ne geue nor constitute No maner grounde nor no maner rente Without licence of the lorde and his assent Of whome it is holden aboue in chiefe And els that church this realme had put in mischiefe ¶ The prince Lewlyn and of Dauid his brother Made warre vpon the kyng in greate araye The Marche brent and many harmes other In Englande did wherfore the kyng his waye To Wales held in all the haste he maye The lorde Mortimer toke then the prince Lewlyn And to the kyng hym brought for to enclyne ¶ The kyng hym headed and to the toure it sent The Walshemen made Dauid his brother then Prince of Wales by theyr commen assent Wherfore the kyng to warre on theim began And of the Walshemen slewe full many a man And had Dauid vnto his presence brought Hanged and drawen as then he had it sought ¶ Then seazed he Wales for euer into his hande And ordeyned that no prince therin should be But he or els his heyre I vnderstande And that no man of Wales hole countre One night shulde lye in castell nor cytee But voyde out fro sunne to sunne thē euery night Thus kept he Wales his tyme by royall might The C .xlix. Chapiter ¶ Howe Gladowys Dewy the doughter of Dauyd prynce of Wales was wedded to syr Raufe Mortymer of whom came the Earles of Marche GWenlyan that doughter was of Lewlyne Without chylde dyed a vyrgyne aye In a ●onnery of the order of Gylbertyne And Gladowys Dewy Dauyds doughter gaye Yonge freshe and lusty
Thomas Hutton newely retourned oute of Britein of whom afore is mencioned that Fraunces duke of Brytain would not onelye holde Henry Erle of Rychmount in prisone for his sake but also was readie to helpe thesame Henry with menne money and shippes in all that he might against hym he sette dyuerse and sondry shippes in places conuenyent by all the seacostes to Brytain ward that if Henry should come that waye he might either bee taken before his arriuall or els might bee kept frō landyng in any coaste of England And furthermore in euerie coaste and corner of the realme laied wondrefull wayte and watche to take partely any other of his enemies and specially thesaid duke of Buckynghm̄ Wherupon thesaid Homffrey Banaster were it for mede or for losyng his life and goodes disclosed hym vnto the kynges inquysy●ours who ymediatly tooke hym and foorthwith all brought hym to Salisbury where kyng Rychard was The duke beyng dylygently examined vttred without any maner refusall or styckyng all suche thynges as he knewe trustyng that for his plain confession he should haue lybertee to speake with the kyng whiche he made moste instaūt and humble peticion that he might dooe But assone as he had cōfessed his offence towardes kyng Rychard he was oute of hande behedded And this death the duke receaued at the handes of kyng Rychard whom he had before holpen in his affayrs and purposes beyonde all Gods forbode Whyle these thynges wer in hand in England Henry Erle of Richmount made readye his hoste and strength to the nombre of fiue thousand Brytones and fiftene shippes the daye apoynted of his departure beyng nowe come whiche was the twelfe daye of the moneth of Octobre in the yere of our lorde God a thousand foure hundred .lxxxiiii. and the seconde yere of the reigne of kyng Richard and hauyng a fayre wynde hoysed vp the sayles setforwarde but towarde the night came suche a tempest that thei were dispersed one from another some into Britain and some into Normandy But the ship in whiche Henry was with one other ship tossed all the night with the waues of the sea and tempest when the mornyng came it waxed somewhat calme and faire weder and thei were come toward the South parte of England by a hauen or porte called Poole where thesaid Henry sawe all the shores or bankes sette full of harnessedmen whiche were souldyours apoynted there to wayte by kyng Rychard as we haue saied before for the comyng landyng of the erle While Henry there abode he gaue commaundement that no manne should land before that comyng of the other shippes And in the meane tyme that he wayted for theim he sent a litle bote with a fewe in it a lād to knowe what thei were that stoode on the shore his frēdes or enemies To whom those souldyours beeyng before taught what thei should saie aunswered that thei were the frendes of Henry and were appoynted by the duke of Buckynghm̄ there to abide his commyng and to conducte hym to those castelles and holdes where his tentes pauylyons and ar●●llary for the warre laie and where remayned for hym a greate power that entended nowe with all spede to set vpon kyng Rychard while he was nowe sle● for feare and cleane without prouision and therfore besought hym to come alande Henry suspectyng this to bee but fraude after that he saw none of his shippes apered hoysed vp the satles hauyng a meruelous good wynde euen apoynted hym of God to delyuer hym from that great ieopardy and sayled backe agayn into Nor mandy And after his landyng there he and his compaignie after their laboures arested theim for the space of .iii. dayes determynyng to go from thence afoote into Brytayne in the meane while sent messengers vnto Charles the Frenche kynge the sonne of Lewes that a lytle before departed be sechyng hym of lybertee and lycence to passe thorough Normādy into Brytayn The young kyng Charles beeyng sory for his fortune was not onlye ready and well pleased to graunt his passage but also sent hym moneye to helpe hym foorthe in his iourneye But Henry before that he knewe the kynges mynde not doubtyng of his great humanytee and gentlenes had sent awaye his shippes towardes Britayne and had set hym selfe forwardes in his iourneye but made no greate haste tyll the messengers retourned whiche greate gentlenes when he receaued from the kyng reioysed his hearte and with a lustye stomacke and good hope set forwarde into Brytayne there to take ferther counsayle of his affayres And when he was in Brytayn he receaued frō his frendes out of Englande knowledge that the duke of Buckyngham was behedded and that the Marques of Dorcestre with a greate nombre of the noble men of Englande had bene there a lytle before to seke hym and that they wer now in Veneti a cytie in Brytayne The whiche thynges beynge knowen to the erle he on the one parte did greately lament the death and euel chaunce of his chiefe and princypall frende but yet on the other parte he greatlye reioysed in that he had so many noble menne to take his parte in the battayll And therfore conceauynge a good hope and opinion that his purpose shoulde well frame and come to passe determyned with hym selfe with all expedycion to set foorth warde and therupon wente to a place in Brytayn called Rhedon and from thence sent to the Marques with all the other noble men that they should come vnto hym Then when they hearde that Henrye was safe returned into Brytayne reioysed not a lytle for thei had thought he had landed in Englande and so fallen into the handes of kyng Richarde and they made not a lytle haste tyll they wer come vnto hym The whiche when they met after greatloye and gladnesse aswell of their parte as of his they began to talke of their prepensed matters and nowe was Christmasse come on the whiche daye they altogether assembled in the churche and there sware fayth and truthe one to another And Henry sware first promysyng that assone as he should possesse the croune of England that he woulde marye Elyzabeth the doughter of Edward the .iiii. and after warde they sware feaultie homage vnto hym euē as though he had already bene kyng and so from that tyme foorthe dyd take hym promysyng hym that thei would spende bothe their lyfes and goodes with hym that Richard should no lēger reigne ouer theim When this was dooen Henry declared all these thynges to the duke of Britayne praiynge desyryng hym nowe of helpe and that he woulde ayde hym with a greater nombre of menne also to lende hym a frendly honest somme of moneye that he might nowe recouer his right and enheritaunce of the croune of England vnto that which he was called desyred by al the lordes nobilitee of the realme whiche God wyllyng he was moste assured to possesse and after his possessiō he would moste faythfully restore the same again The duke