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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02621 The apology of Iohan Bale agaynste a ranke papyst anuswering both hym and hys doctours, that neyther their vowes nor yet their priesthode areof the Gospell, but of Antichrist. Anno Do. M.CCCCC.L. A brefe exposycyon also upo[n] the .xxx chaptre of Numerii, which was the first occasion of thys present varyaunce. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1550 (1550) STC 1275; ESTC S100596 145,229 320

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The Apology of Iohan Bale agaynste a ranke Papyst aunswering both hym and hys doctours that neyther their vowes nor yet their priesthode are of the Gospell but of Antichrist Anno Do. M. CCCCC L. ☞ A brefe exposycyon also vpō the .xxx Chaptre of Numeri which was the first occasion of thys present varyaunce ¶ Saue thy selfe O Syon thou that dwellest w t the daughter of Babylon Zach. ii ¶ Ye shall depart from Babylon escape the Caldeanes wyth a merye voyce for the Lorde hath preserued hys seruaunte Iacob Esa. xlviii ¶ Fleé awaye from Babylon euerye man saue hys sowle Lete no man holde hys tonge ouer her wyckednesse for the tyme of the lordes vengeaūce is come Hier. li ☞ Cum Priuilegio ad imprimendum solum To the moste vertuouse myghtye and excellente Prynce Edwarde the. vi by the grace of God King of England Fraunce Ireland defender of the faith and in earth vndre Christ of the Churches of the sayd England Irelande y e supreme head his moste humble subiecte Iohn Bale wysheth all honour helthe and felycyte LONGE was it moste worthy and excellēt Prynce ere y e diuine maieste wold fullie condescēde y t Israell shuld haue a Kynge to raygne ouer thē as had the foreyn nacions consydering that he had bene of so longe time theyr hygh gouernour leader defender i Regū viii But whē it was ones determinatly graunted them what was more earnestly requyred of God in that magnifycent mynystracyon then were the necessary affayres of relygion How diligent was kynge Dauid in nombrynge the Leuytes in assygnyng their offyces and in appoynting the sacryfysers syngers seruitours porters and other mynisters in theyr places lottes and courses i. Para. xxiii How studiouse was kyng Salomon in buildinge the house of the Lorde iii. Reg. vi and in disposyng the priestes leuytes queresters dore kepers accordinge to the ordre that hys father Dauid had set ii Para● viii Kynge Abia strongelye warred vpon Israell whyche had than rebelled agaynst the Lorde because they had reiected the priesthode of Aaron for a wycked priesthode of the ydolatrouse nacions to do them seruice in a counterfett and false relygyon whyche were no goddes but ydolles ii Paralip xiii Kyng Asa folowed the pleasure of God He ouerthrew the ydolatrouse aulters destroyed false worshippinges cut downe the yrgroues brake in sondre theyr ymages deposed hys own mother for ydolatry abolyshed the stues of male children and commaunded Iuda to seke the Lorde God of theyr fathers and to do in all thynges accordynge to hys lawe and commaundementes iii Reg. xv Kynge Iosaphat hauynge an harte couragiouse in the wayes of the Lorde bannisshed the hyll aulters and groue chapels out of Iuda he sought out the word of God he sent fourth faythfull preachers in the thirde yeare of hys raygne whych toke with them the boke of the lawe and taught the people in all the cyties of the land ii Paralip xvii Kynge Iehu executed the reuengemente of God for the innocēt bloud of hys holy prophetes seruan̄ts that was cruelly shedde He slewe the great tyraunts Ioram Ochosias and quene Iesabell wyth theyr chyldren kyndredes he destroyed all the false prophet●s ▪ priestes consuming the ydolatours with theyr ydolatries made cōmen takes of theyr churches iiii Re. ix .x. King Ezechias did cleane to the Lorde put away the hyl aulters consumed y ● ymages strake doun the groues and all to brake the brasen serpent y ● Moyses had made iii Reg. xviii He prepared the tēple purified the sanctuary pourged y ● Leuites reformed y ● priestes restored again the true religion of Iuda pro uided for the ministers offred vp the lacri fyces to the Lord. ii Par. xxix Kyng Iosias in like case restored again y ● decaied religiō brought y ● lawes of the Lord to lighte commaūded the people diligētly to obserue thē put doun the false religions which had done sacrifices to the hoste of heauen brent theyr ymages defaced their aulters stampte thē to pouder brake doun y ● bugger● places in y ● house of y ● lord slew al y ● ydolatrouse priests ● brent their bones in places of their wicked sacryfyces and he put oute of the waye all sothsaiers sorcerers inchaunters witches and remoued all other abhominaciōs of the vngodlye reducynge the people to the true seruyce of God iiii Reg. xxiii Suffycient are these most worthy examples of y ● scripture to declare what y ● dewty of a kyng is concernynge the affaires of our Christen religion Two thynges haue chiefely bene the cause of the vtter decaye ful destruccion therof continually frō time to time both in the olde law and in the new whyche are dysputed and improued in thys treatyse here folowynge The one of them is a prodigyouse priesthode in no poynt agreable to the prescrypcyous ordinaunces or determynate rules of God The other is a straunge kynd of vowyng neither taught of Christ nor yet persuaded of his Apostles but expreslye condemned of them both for an horryble hypocrysye and manyfeste doctryne of deuyls In the Testament of Moy ses is onely the priesthode of Aaron and in the Testament of Christ the only priesthode of Melchisedech The fyrste as a fygure was fynyshed in Christ in the other he perpetually reygneth at the right hand of God the father Let your learned Mayestie then cōsydre what priesthod it is that these wily wilful wicked arrogaunt obstinate papistes of your Realme extoll so mallopertly boast so stoutlye these two priesthodes taken clerelye from thys earthe way also what the vowes are y t setteth it in force to worke all vngodlynes and styll to vpholde the wretched worlde in the moste execrable vyces of ydolatrye and buggery to remain the wycked mēbers of that great cytie whiche the holy Ghost calleth Sodome and Egypte Apocal. ii None authoryte haue these vowes and thys priesthod of the holy scrypturs though they a thousande tymes allege for them vouere reddite Psa. lxxv for vouere in that place pertayneth nomore to their vnwining state thā doth reddere there to the office of theyr massynge priesthode Uowes in that kynde are not of fayth but of supersticion not of Christs doctrine but of the Paganes fables Marke the folyshnesse of them whē they are of things impossible Who can pro myse to do myracles perfourme it at hys pleasure who can vowe that hys hear shall not growe nor his nayles increase and fulfyll it in effecte Nomore can they do to lyue chaste onlesse the Lorde geue it whyche he neuer doeth in causes vnnecessary An office was thys practised priesthode not of God but of ydols and that kynde of vowynge an inuencion of the olde Paganes for theyr vestals and monials So that an offycein ydolatrye is the priesthode and the vowe y t they cal of theyr chastyte a seruyce of