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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00458 The hatefull hypocrisie, and rebellion of the Romishe prelacie. By Lewys Euans Evans, Lewis, fl. 1574. 1570 (1570) STC 10591; ESTC S101772 29,285 82

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¶ THE Hatefull Hypocrisie and rebellion of the Romishe prelacie ¶ By Lewys Euans ¶ Hieron ¶ Throughe the vnskilfullnesse therfore of teachers in the darkenesse of ignorance through blindenesse euō a troupe of people haue erred in the streates for Whyle they giue thē selfes vnto the snares of plesures they haue not kept the righte pathe of the diuine preceptes ¶ Anno. M. D. LXX D. Boners woordes ¶ If thou at anye tyme heretofore haue doubted of the B. of Romes false pretenced supremacie as if thou haddest a good smelling nose and a sounde judgement I thinke thou dydest not yet hauinge reade ouer this which if thou fauour the truethe and hate the tyrannie of the Busshop of Rome and his Deuelishe fraudulent falshod shall doubtles wonderfullye content the throwe downe thine errour acknowledge the truethe now frelye offered the at length consideringe with thy selfe that it is better late to do so then neuer to repente D. Gardiners woordes ¶ All sortes of People are agreed vppon thys pointe with moste stedfast consent learned vnlearned bothe menne and women that no manner persone borne and brought vp in England hath ought to do with Rome All maner of People receaninge and embracinge the trueth do with one whole consent acknowledge honour and reuerence the Kinge for the supreme heade of the Church vppon earthe To the Reader WHAT KINde of Phisician is he gentle Reader that in tyme of a dangerouse sickenes will then ceasse to Minister hys remedies Phisicke what capitayn is he that whē his enemies do muster wil thē either stand all amazed or els through cowardlyefeare will giue ouer the field what good Christian is he that whē Antichrist by ragewold raigne will then either openlye renounce Christianitie or els in anye wise ceasse from the constante acknowlaiginge of the same if lewde lighte headdes shall rebell agaynst their soueraigne lady who o Lorde can but deteste them who can but abhorre them yea if they rebell against god autoritie who trowe ye can holde his peace where shall I beginne of what shall I fyrst speke is not their intente more then haynouse is it not moste hatefull who to the intente they might bring to passe theyr trayterous purposses will not sticke to paynte their baner with Ydolatry to trouble the comō peace of this Realme to annoye asmuche as in them lyethe all good louinge and faythefull subiectes o the ende of necessite o the fruite of hatefull Ydolatrie we maye nowe well saye as the Doctour fryar Uincentius once sayde Dant vnam medicinā cuilibet morbo scz missas c. They gyue one Medycine vnto euerye sickenesse that is masses c. And whye because bankrouteship must haue a couer riotousnesse muste haue somme defence treason must haue a cloake traytours will euer haue somme collour But God that seeth the inwarde partes and meaninges of men will detecte theyr Hypocrysye hee wyll putte into the heartes of Good people to defende the anoynted hee will endue his chosen with the knowlaig of his worde he will suppresse all tumultes he will worke accordinge vnto his secrete goodwill all for the best ▪ well to speke no more of such it is so Christiā reader that beinge of late in the vniuersite of Oxforde I herd ther not by any mean mā but by the learnest how myne aduersaries na how the truethes aduersaries had bruited that I had reuolted from the Gospell that I was agayne gonne beyonde the seas I hearde also ●ovve at my cominge to the Citie of Londen hovveyt vvas in the mouthes of manye that I vvas deade two tales yet neuer a one true alas beyond the seas what to doe Stultus populus quaerit Romam Folishe folkes flye to Rome I thinke it not wisedome in these dayes to flee from Eglande to a forraine realme I thinke it no godlinesse to leaue God to leane to Antichrist shall we flee from light to darkenesse from the Gospell to vayne gloses frōtrueth to falshoode from faithe to infidelitie from religion to superstition God forbidde For mine own part I se euery day more more the filthie fruites of the Romishe sinagogue and therfore in despight of satan saye mine enemies what they will thinke men as they liste it is the law of God that I professe it is traiterouse Papacie that I detest this is it which mo ued me at this time Gentle reader to set furthe these few leafes wherin we maye se the hipocrisie from time to time of the romayn prelacie wher by we may learne to be wise to knowe oure selfes to see theyr doynges to defie them but as for late time euon at the dissolucion of Abbevs if thou wilte knowe what was the lyues of the irreligeouse roagues if thou wilte vewe what holynes they were then of let vs consider certen of the monasteries put down let vs weyghe the honestie of somme for of all it were to muche At Windesore kepte not eyght of the Priestes twentie and niene harlates A Hollye whoredome At the Monasterie of Battell were not xv foūd to be sodomits as for suche as kepte there harlattes theyr names be set furthe therefore I will omit them What were the Diuines at Cantur burie what eighte of them were sodomites to let passe many thirtene kept fourtene harlates At Bathe twoe Priestes keepte eyghtene harlates besydes that they were proued to be sodomits come we to moōkenfarleghe we shal find that the Prior kept niene harlats the prior of Maydēbradley had fyue the Abbate of Bristow hadde foure the Abbate of Abindon had thre besydes that he had twoe Children by his owne naturall syster At Shulbred foure moonkes kepte twentie one harlattes as for the Prior of Bermoundesey he kept no lesse by recorde then twentie Yt is tediouse to write of all yet it is proffitable to speake of these that euon Children maye see the iniquitie of the Romishe Ydolatrie and therfore to make an ende take a vew of the Cathedrall churche of Cichester whereof Syr Ihon Champion hadde twoe Harlattes sir William Crosse one syr Thomas Parker twoe sir Richarde busfielde one Syr Bartholomewe Cokisleye one Syr Roberte Hunte manye Syr Thomas Coffe twoe Syr Ihon Hill thirtene Syr Roberte Moore manye as for Syr George Barrham sir Ihon Chāpiō besyds that they were proued adulterers they were also found to be sodomites see Christian Reader by a fewe vnder the profession of all beholde what is the fruite of a heathenishe ydolatrie thus they lyued in King Henri the eyghte his tyme at what tyme not without juste cause thou seest he ouerthrew theyr brothell houses theyr uncleane dē nes their filthie caues but that thou mayst further mark their hipocrisie read ouer this litle boke dedicated not vnto anye onne singuler to aduoyde the note of vayn glorie but vn to thee for thy proffite vtilitie And if thou wilt proffite and doe good vnto