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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00227 Articles to be inquired of in the visitation to be had in the byshopricke of Norwyche, now vacant in the fourth yere of our most drad souerayn lorde Edwarde the sixte ... by the moste Reuerend father in God, Thomas Archebyshop of Cantorbery, prymate of all England and metropolitan.; Visitation articles. 1549 Church of England. Diocese of Norwich.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.; Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Archbishop (1533-1556 : Cranmer) 1549 (1549) STC 10285; ESTC S101631 2,951 10

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ARTICLES TO BE INQVIRED OF IN THE VISITATION TO BE HAD in the byshopricke of Norwyche now vacant in the fourth yere of our most drad souerayn Lorde Edwarde the sixte by the grace of God kynge of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defender of the faythe and in earthe of the churche of Englande and also of Irelande the supreme head nexte and immediatly vnder our sauiour Christ by the moste Reuerend father in God Thomas Archebyshop of Cantorbery Prymate of all England and Metropolitan LONDINI ANNO DOMINI M. D. XLIX Articles to be inquired of article I FYRST whether they haue exhorted the people to obedience to the Kynges maiestee and his ministers and to vse charitee loue one to an other article II Also whether any preacher or any other person hath affirmed the ●ynges maiestee that now is not to be a full kynge or not to haue his full power and auctoritee in al thynges duryng his tender age or his subiectes not to be bounde to obey his lawes made in the same age as well as yf he were xxx or xl yeares of age article III Item whether your persones vicars and curates or mynisters doo vse onely the Mattins Euensong celebration of the Lordes supper and administration of eche of the Sacramentes and all other Cōmon and open praier in suche order and forme as is mencioned in the boke of common praier of late sette forthe in englysshe and none other or otherwyse article IIII ITEM whether there be any that doo preache declare or speake any thyng in the derogation or deprauyng of the said boke of common praier or seruice of this Churche of Englande or against any thyng therin cōteyned or of any part therof article V Also whether any person or persons what soeuer they be do in any enterludes plaies songes rimes or by any other open wordes declare or speake any thyng in the derogation deprauyng or despysynge the sayd booke of Seruice article VI Item whether they haue charged fathers and mothers maisters and gouernours of youth to bring thē vp in som vertuous study or occupatiō article VII Item whether suche beneficed men as be laufully absent from their benefices doo leaue their cure to a rude and vnlearned persone and not to an honest well learned and experte curate which can and wyll teache you holsome doctrine article VIII Item whether they haue prouyded in euery of theyr cures one boke of the whole Byble of the largest volume in Englyshe and the Paraphrasis of Erasmuz also in englyshe vpon the Gospelles and sette vp the same in some conuenient place in the Churche where theyr parisheoners maye moste commodiousely resorte to the same article IX Item whether they be common haunters and resorters to tauernes or alehouses geuyng them selues to drynkyng riottyng or playeng at vnlaufull games and doo not occupy them selues in the readyng or hearyng of some part of holye Scripture or in some other godly exercise article X Item whether they haue admitted any man to preache in their cures not beyng laufully lycenced thervnto or haue refused or denied such to preache as haue been lycenced accordyngly article XI Item whether they haue heretofore declared to their parishioners any thyng to the extollyng or settyng foorthe of pylgremages relykes or Images or lyghtyng of candels kyssyng kneelyng deckynge of the same Images or any suche superstition and haue not openly recanted and reproued the same article XII Item whether they haue one boke or regester safely kepte wherin they write the daye of euery weddynge christenyng and bur●yng article XIII Item whether they be resident vpon their benefices and kepe hospitalitee or no and if they be absent or kepe no hospitalitee whether thei do make due distribution among the poore parysheoners or not article XIIII Item whether all maner proprietaries persones vicars and clerkes hauyng churches chapelles or mansions doo keepe theyr chauncelles rectories and all other howses apperteynyng to theym in due reparations article XV Item whether they haue counsailed or moued theyr parisheoners rather to praie in a tunge not knowen then in englyshe or to put theyr trust in any prescribed numbre of praiers as in saiynge ouer a numbre of beades or other lyke article XVI Also whether they haue bought theyr benefices or come to them by fraude or deceipte article XVII Item whether they haue geuen open monition to theyr parisheoners to detecte and present to their ordinary all adulterers and fornicatours and suche men as haue two wyues lyuynge and suche women as haue two husbandes lyuynge within theyr paryshes article XVIII Also whether euery paryshe haue prouyded a stronge cheste for the poore mens boxe and sette and fastened the same neere to the hygh altare article XIX Item whether they haue diligentely exhorted and moued their parishoners and specially when they make theyr testamentes to geue to the sayd poore mennes boxe to bestowe the same vppon the poore article XX Item whether you knowe any persone within your paryshe or els where that is a letter of the woorde of God to bee redde in englyshe or syncerely preached or of the execution of the kynges maiestees procedynges in matters of religion article XXI Item whether there bee any other grammar taught in any schoole within this diocesse than that whiche is set forth by the kynges maiestee article XXII Item whether any haue wylfully mainteyned and defended any heresies errours or false opinions contrary to the faithe of Christe and holy Scripture article XXIII Item whether any haue commytted adultery fornication or incest or be common baudes and receyuers of suche euyll persones or vehemently suspected of any of the premisses article XXIIII Item whether any be braulers sclanderers chyders scolders and lowers of discord betwene one person and an other article XXV Item whether you knowe any that vse charmes sorcery enchauntmentes witchecraft sothsayeng or any lyke crafte inuented by the diuell article XXVI Item whether any Inholders or alehouse kepers doo vse commonly to sell meate and drynke in the tyme of common praier preachynge readynge of the Homilies or scripture article XXVII Item whether you knowe any executours or administratours of dead mens goodes whiche doo not duely bestowe suche of the sayd goodes as were geuen and bequeathed or appoynted to be distributed amonge the poore people repayryng of high waies fyndyng of poore scholers or maryeng of poore maydens or such other lyke charitable dedes article XXVIII Item whether you knowe any that speaketh agaynst the baptisme of chyldren or agaynst the holy communion article XXIX Item whether ye knowe any that say that the wickednes of the mynister doothe take away the effecte of Christ is sacramentes article XXX Item whether ye know any that say that christen men can neuer be allowed to repentaunce yf they synne voluntaryly after baptysme article XXXI Item whether ye knowe any that affirme all thinges to be common or that there ought to be no magistrates gentlemen or riche menne in christian realmes article XXXII Item whether you knowe any that saye that christian men may not swere or take an othe before a iudge or go to lawe one with an other or maye sweare contrary to the trewthe article XXXIII Item whether ye know any that say that priuate personnes may make insurrections vprors or sedition or compell men by forse or feare to gyue them anye of theire goodes article XXXIIII Item whether you knowe any that holdeth that Christ dyd not take fleshe and bloude of the blessed virgyne Mary article XXXV Item whether you knowe any that saye that Magistrates may not punyshe by death notorious malefactors or vse any compulsion or warre article XXXVI Item whether euery Sonday at the least you haue a communion in your paryshe churche accordyng to the kynges graces booke in that behalfe and if not in whome is the defaute article XXXVII Item whether your minister doo admitte any notorious euyll lyuer to the holy communion before the amendement of his naughty lyfe or any that is in malyce before reconciliation be had in that behalfe article XXXVIII Item whether in the communion preachyng or diuine seruice tyme any iangle talke walke or otherwyse trouble or let the same article XXXIX Item whether ones in syxe wekes at the least your ministers doo here some chyldren saye the Catechisme openly in the churche of the holyday at after noone before Euensonge accordyng to the kynges booke in that behalfe article XL Item whether any absent them selues from sermons the readyng of the Homilies or other diuine seruice in the churche on holy daies Imprinted at London by Reynold Wolfe Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum