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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13201 A newe reuenge for an olde grudge. Lately sette forth by I.S. VVho buildeth not vpon sure grounde, hath often beene, and now is founde a losse of time, a vaine expence, thus saith Goddes worde. An ouerthrowe of his presence. Thankes to the Lorde Sutton, J., fl. 1567-1573. 1567 (1567) STC 23498; ESTC S101971 6,685 28

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VVised 3. forsakyng the Lorde they are very straglers and straiers abroade shewyng themselues as they are euen a miserable ● of vacaboundes and maisterlesse men a carelesse companie voyde of godly skil souldiours of Satan whose soules are darkened and blinded through ignorance and whose malice hath so mouldered away their wittes that they can not retayne nor comprehende godly wisdome for wante wherof they seeke their owne death in the errour of their life and destroye them selues through the wycked woorkes of their owne handes but their gunnes are not to be feared for theyr ordinaunce beynge but quill gunnes and theyr shotte but Paper pelllets infected with the moisture of their owne malitious mindes dothe euen as poyson to 〈◊〉 selues returne with reboūdes to their owne shame and confusion But Lord what a stonie and harde harted Capitayne hath this carelesse 〈◊〉 chosen them to be their Champion Fors●…th euen M. Doctor Harding who now hath taken vppon him in the place of Goliah to stande at defiance with whole Israell but such men suche mayster such souldiours such Capitaine and no maruel is it that suche a false ●…tor be founde amongst so great and noysom a number when amongest the .xij. Apostles one Iudas betrayed his master Christe and for a small summe of monye bothe solde deliuered him into the handes of the 〈◊〉 Priestes But accordynge as it is sayde Matth. 26. VVo to that man by vvhome the Sonne of man shal be betrayed for it had bene good for him that he had neuer bene borne as the ende of his trauell well declared who through desperation hanged him selfe for that he had betrayed the innocent bloudde Lo there beholde the rewarde of an vnfaithfull seruant But M. Doctor Hardyng hath forgotten this he hath forgotten also whose mā he him self once was he did were Christe his badge he was cladde in the glitteryng garment of the glorious Gospell and was a mēber of the Churche Apostolicall but nowe he hath with Iudas forsaken his maister and is with him become of the Churche infernall and diabolicall for he hath refused and forsaken the woorthie liuerie of the liuinge Lorde and wickedly wrapped him selfe in the clouted cloke of the Lordes lothesome enemie the triple crowned tyraunte whose mallice against the truth by no meanes can be qualified whose insatiable thirste the bloud of the sainctes of God in defence of the same can in no wise quenche nor satisfie But M. Doctor Hardinge beynge forgetfull of Iudas his miserable ende is also as little mindefull of his owne yet let him take hede Sirach 10. For the séede whiche transgresseth the commaundementes of the Lorde shal be shamed for who shall iustifie him that sinneth against him self and who will honour him that dishonoreth his owne soule VVised 2. no horrible is the death and end of the vnrighteous But to procede now is master Doctor Harding stirred vp by the deuice of the Deuill to striue againste the streame and in euery condition euen as Goliah was so is he likewise armed frō toppe to toe from the head to the f●…te for in place of an Helmet of brasse he hath close buckled about his eares the heauy head péece of Heresies and in stéede of a cote of mayle he hath put on the coate armour of errour he hath hangynge about his necke the shielde of shamelesnes and for bootes of brasse he is laden with blasphemie against the truth and for his speare he hath sharpned his cruell wrath and thus beynge armed pointe deuice for his purpose as he thinketh abroade he cōmeth before the face of Israell he brauleth he chideth he taunteth he threateneth he rayleth he is at defiance with any that dare come and f●…ynge no perill but makyng accompte that he hath wonne the fielde before it be foughte he it is that will fighte in his holy Father the Popes cause with him that beareth an head but ye shall 〈◊〉 the olde prouerbe fulfilled which is that pryde is taken in a nette For beholde the Lorde liueth who as he was not forgetfull of Israell but deliuered them from the Philistines and that by the handes of Dauid his seruaunt by whome that ●…les Goliah was ouerthrowen Psalm 129. So hath the Lorde done great thinges for vs ye the Lorde hath done greate thinges for vs alredie for euen nowe in the defence of his Churche of Englande he hath raysed vp an other whome he hath appointed his instrument to woorke his will by and hath made him honorable amonge the congregation a reuerent Father in God the blessed Bishoppe of Salisburie that ioyfull Iuell of Iesus Christe to encoūter this newe founde Philistine Hardinge and to put him to the worse Oh mightie worke of God a méeke sprited Lambe to conquere a ragynge Lion the weake to ouerthrowe the stronge weake I saye in bodie but sounde in soule whose giftes in Godly knowledge surmounteth whose ripe vnderstandinge and perfectnesse in the auncient Fathers and Doctors of the primitiue Apostolicall Churche is singular and in Gods booke the holy Scriptures profounde whereof I make the whole worlde Iudge to whome his woorthie woorkes are cōmitted whiche in the same doo spreade abroade his wel deserued fame Lo suche a Champion hath the Lord of Hostes appointed for the defence of his Churche who builded in harte with Gods mighte and readie in his name to reuēge the great blasphemie of this arrogant Papiste marched forwarde not with worldly pollicie not in Armour not with speare and shielde neither highe minded nor yet with proude lookes but with a lowlie harte and an inuincibly Faith in Iesus Christe beynge onely furnisshed with the slinge of Godly zeale wherein he puttinge the smooth stone of truthe whiche he had chosen foorth of the brooke of Goddes blessed Booke the whiche he slingynge at the proude arrogant Papisticall Harding hath therewith ouerthrowen him and geuen him such a dreadful dente in his forehead whiche is so festered that all the filthie fraternetie of that butcherly broode and blouddie brotherhoode of the Babylonicall Antechristian Romanistes shall with the surgerie of their Sisme neuer be able to cure Thus M. Doctor Harding in a piteous perplexitie and as one caste in his owne turne by beynge reproued in falcifiynge the Doctors so euen as Dauid did Goliah hath the woorthie Iuell cut of Hardinges head with his owne swoorde wherfore well may we now saye with the Psalmist Psalm 129. Many a time haue thine enemies fought against vs oh Lord euen from our youth vp ye many a time haue they vexed vs from our youth vp yet haue they not preuailed against vs for as the Lorde God of powre hath alwaies and at all times preserued and deliuered his choosen Israell from the hādes of their enemies so hath he now likewise stretched foorth his hande vpon theyr furiousnes and hath appointed this woorthie warriour and ine●timable Iuell to be a defence for his people who through the powre and assistance of the euer liuyng