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A05310 The abbreuyacyon of all generall councellys holden in Grecia, Germania, Italia, and Gallia, compyled by Joh[a]n le maire de belges, most excellent hystoryograffer to kynge Lowys the. xii. of late french kynge dedycated to the sayd kyng Lowys. Ann d[omi]ni. 1519. Translated by Joh[an] gowgh the prynter herof, by the kynges gracyous priuilege, for. vii. yeres ensewynge, dwellynge in Lumbarstrete agaynst the stockys market.; Traicté intitulé de la difference des schismes et des concilles de l'eglise. English Lemaire de Belges, Jean, b. 1473.; Gough, John, fl. 1528-1556. 1539 (1539) STC 15453; ESTC S104745 44,904 146

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these enormytes and Incōuenyences it was expedyent for dyuerse Kyngꝭ Pryncꝭ to assemble dyuerse councelles and congregacyons of wyse prudent persons and faythfull chrysten Rulers and gouerners the which counceles doth more playnly appere in the fyrst parte of this present boke and specyally in the .vii. fyrste sysmes ¶ Of the fyrst sysme deuysyon that began in the churche of Rome with persecucyons and deuysyons that arose through the possessyons that constantyne the emperour gaue to the Bysshop of Rome Syluester and his successours IT is a comune experience dayle sene and harde that none euyll is engendred but through some euyll and malyuolent persone as it appered playnly by one Nouatus an heritike preest cardynall of Rome which was y ● fyrst y e inuiolated y e church of Rome through his detestable abusiōs ypocrysy for he pretēded none other but to obtayne y ● dignyte of the see of rome vnder his fayned holynesse that was throughe Rygore and ambysyon Thus vnder his false subtyll pretence was reysed vp two anty papis agaynst the holy bysshop saynt Cornelis the one was y ● sayd Noua●us at rome the other nicostratus in affrica and so was expulsed the said Nouatus frome y ● knowlege of the churche of Rome named hym selfe vnmaculat clene without spot and al his diciples and thus they a bode in theyr appostasy as men that denyed the fayth catholyke not worthy to come agayne to the crystē Relygyon accordyng as Chrystes dycyples dyd preach and teache the Gospell For the whiche errour it was thought expedyent to assemble a counsell in Rome of .40 Bysshoppes In the whiche coūceyl the sayd Nouatus was cōdempned which was the fyrst counceyll that was assembled in the church of Rome except in the prymatyue churche by the Appostles and Discyples of Chryste Thus abode Cornelis a Romayn in y ● see bysshop suffryng great tribulacions and persecucyons through the sysmes of the two forsayd antypapes n●uatus and Nycostratus cardynalles and perforse put Cornelius to exyle so afterwarde he was put to y ● Crowne of marterdome vnder the tyraunt Decyus emperour he rayned bysshop of Rome .ii. yeres and .iii. dayes and so he gaue his power and auctoryte to steuen and thus the see of Rome lyued many yeres after Chrystes passyon in great perfeccyon symplyci●e holynesse replet with grace and vertue vntyll the tyme that Cōstātyne poysoned holy perfeccion w t temporall possessyons whiche he gaue then to the church of Rome and so rayned after Cornelius Fabyan the fyrst the .xxi. bisshop of Rome whiche cristened Phillip the fyrst Emperour of y ● name of y e naciō of Arabye who began to raygne Anno dn̄i .cc.xlvi. which when he dyed gaue al his treasours possessyons vnto y e sayd Fabyan bysshop of Rome the whiche Emperour dyed vnder Decius the Tyraunt and so bycause that Decius the tyraunt coude not obtayne Kyng Phyllyppes treasours whiche was gyuen to Fabyan bysshop of Rome Then Decyus caused great persecucyon through all the worlde amonge crysten people whiche was y e .vii. persecucion after Nero the great tiraunt so in this persecucyon Fabyan was put to deth by cruell martyrdome with the fyrst and the .xxi. martyre bysshop of Rome folowynge Saynt Peter and vnder y ● sayd decyus dyed martyrs Sebastian saynt Agatha Appolonia with many other y e were innocent of the treasours that fabyane had whiche was y ● specyall cause of this cruell persecucyon of chrystes flocke ¶ And so this cruell tyranny contynewed many yeres by detyns and his successours and so after Detyns successid Ualeryan gallus which began the .viii. persecucion vnder whom dyed Sextus bishop of rome the fyrst of that name also Laurens his deacon which distrybuted the goodes of the church to the pore accordyng to y ● law of God also saynt Ypolyt with dyuers other martyrs dyed vnder hym And after hym Aurclianus emperour borne ī Dalmace the .xxxii. emperour founder of Orleaunce in Fraunce And y ● cytie of Geneue vpon the lake in sauoy he persecuted the .ix. persecucion on Christes flocke or region through cristendom to pytefull to suffer THe .x. persecucion was most cruely vsed through Dioclesian Maximyan Emperours borne in Dalmatiq̄ whiche persecucyon endured .x. yeres whiche Dioclesyan caused hym selfe to be honoured lyke a God in kyssyng his fete as popis of late daies hath vse princes and crysten rulers to do which was abhomynable afore God man and this sayd Dioclesian persecuted ouer al the Orientall partes of y e world Maximian in lykewyse in y ● occident partes and tyranny vpon chrystes chosen chyldren was so horryble vnmerciful lyke bochers of bestes that it was to exec●eble in the syght of all people impossyble for pen to wryt for in the space of a moneth in y ● pa●tꝭ of Englād Fraūce was put to deth .xvii. thousād christē people in so moch that y ● fayth of chryst was almost in Englande and fraūce extynckit that no man durst shew hym felfe a crysten man for fere of deth and tyranny all bokes of Chrystes fayth brent that myght be goten so after this cruell persecucyons the deuyll ennemye to al mākynd engendred many heresyes as Sabellyans that denyed y t Ihesus Chryste was not the sone of God and also y e herytykes called Manekis put forth two questyons one good y ● other euyl whervpon was gadred a great counceyll in Antioch agaynst Paule the samosethā bysshop which denyed the virginite of the virgyne Mary mother of chryste In the whiche counceyll and busynesse was assembled .xviii. bysshoppes in the cyte of senesse in the countrey of naples ¶ All this persecucyon endured vnto y ● tyme of Constantyne y ● great emperour in which tyme was martyred and put to deth for Christes fayth all these sayntes Marcellyn Marcell Melchiades bysshops of Rome Also Agnes Anastase Barbara Crispyn and Crispian Crystofer Cosme and Damyan Kateryne Luce marget George maximiliā quintyn Blase Mauryce Uincent many without nombre whose names are wryten in the boke of lyfe ¶ Here foloweth the occasyon of the sismes and enormytyes that came of the donacyon and gyftes of Constantyne to the churche of Rome THus haue you harde howe the fylthy treasours y ● Fabyan helde Chrystes churche was infected fyrste with by the couetous mynde of Fabyan bysshop of Rome whiche held the treasours of Phyllyp kynge whiche dyed vnder Decyus the tyraunt whiche Decyus cruelly persecuted all crystendome for with holdynge the sayd tresory of kyng Phyllyp and so afterward the forsayd No●atus Nycostratus was proued false prophetes antipapes openly to theyr great rebukes and shame by a generall counceyll and yet after this there ●ose agayne throughe all Chrystes churche great dyscordes trybulatyōs persecucyōs through the infexions pryd of arrogansy y e arose in the church of Rome through the treasours and gyftes of cōstantyne and of his successours where through sprange .xxiii. great sysmes in contynuaunce ī crystes church through these possessyons temporall abused ¶ Of constancius father of constantyne COnstantyne was sone to the doughter of claude Emperour the seconde of his name and the said Constancius maryed Helene quene of Englande herefor to the Crowne of Englande by whom was conceyued and borne constantyne the great the yere of oure Lorde God
y ● sacreed ordinaūce of maryege with y ● dignite of preest hode which ▪ was pretended vnder y ● coloure of clennesse chastite without spot yet notwithstādīg now is alowed y ● statute of cōcubynage which is clene cō●rary against al statutꝭ decreed by goddes lawes or of clene lyuyng but rather folowynge al sensualy●e bodely lustes pleasurꝭ it is to be iudged y ● the makers of such statutes or decrees were more apt vnto au●●ice and couetousnesse through the procuracyon of symony with dyuerse other vn●efull wayes stryfull with processe corrupt as by benefyces prelacions spyrytual whiche ar defyled spotted w t wordly cures busynes temporall thus largely wryteth storyes of the greke churche and the latyne also as concernynge the ambylyon and dishordinaūces of preestes relygyous persons and men of the clargy which was onely the cause of the seperacion of the people of boheme and also of other nacions of the churches of Rome what shall I meane of Boheme none other then al crysten regyons for the prelates of the church w t theyr adherentes hath so abhominably fylthily enfected not only them selues or theyr estate but al crystendome y ● they haue gyuen occasyon to be disdayned of all crysten p●ople both great and small and to be holden as straungers dishobedyent to the holy catholyke church of christ through the baroynesse who were clene desti●ute of theyr dyewty of cle●e holy mynistracyon lyuynge haue set fur●h vsed all vnlawfull tradycyons vayne lu●uryous werkꝭ of ba●dry and for● cac●on I may not wryt so large w t my 〈◊〉 as I culde onely for to vtter to moche theyr abhomynacyon for mānes eres to here or iyes to rede ¶ And yf I shulde say al that I thynke I shulde say playnly the ex●esse and fatnesse of the goodes temporall medled w t the hote sulfure of enuy with the hete of ambycyon and lechery hath made them redy to put the fyre into the Church but this matter is of to depe inuestigacyon and y ● determinaciōs doubtfull though there be experyence and proffe therof ynowgh so w t this I holde my peace but yet I pray vnto hym which consecrated our mother the holy church w t his blode that which I do thynke folow not pyte hath caused me to wryt this wherfore pray we all to god that al chrysten prynces may perceyue theyr dyewty regall to set forth goddes worde prosperiously vnyuersall accordynge to goddes wyll and to reforme all such enormytes s●smes which antechryst hath deceyued vs by whiche we may auoyd to y ● hye honor of God and tranquyl lyte of all chrysten regyons Amen ❧ ❧ ☞ ☞ ❧ ❧ ¶ The tenour of the Kynges preuylege HEnry by the Grace of God Kynge of Englande and of Fraūce defensor of the fayth lorde of Irland supreme hede vnder crist ouer the catholyke church of Englande To all maner of people exercysing the art of pryntyng we gyue gretynge and to vnderstande that we haue onely graunted and lycencyd vnto Iohn̄ gowgh cytesyn● and stacyoner of London that he onely to prynte vnder our pryuelege all maner of bokes new begon translated or compyled by the sayd Iohn̄ gowgh ▪ all suche as he doth cause to be translated and prynted by his procurement cost or charge we graunt lycence auctoryse to the sayd Iohn̄ gowgh his assigne●s factors to prynte all such storyes newe begonne lawful and not prohybyted so that all such storyes or bokes be perused ouersene by our coūceyl or by such as we shal admyt we graunt to the sayd Iohn̄ gowgh the makyng pryntyng and vtteraunce of al such bokes newe set forth to his owne aduantage for y ● space of .vii. yeres Imedyatly ensewynge the pryntynge and settynge forth of all such bokes or processe new begonne and not afore prynted and thus duryng the tyme afore lymyted that in onywyse no person vsyng the scyence of printing or not vsyng do by any maner of crafte or delay prynte with in this ont Realme or cause to be prynted elswhere no such bokes but that the forfayd Iohn̄ gowgh haue the onely auantage accordynge to 〈◊〉 of this our forsayd lycense and pleas●t to hym onely graunted vpon payne of forf●●●ture of all such bokes contrary imprynted to the effect of this our lycense cōmaundyng therfore all subiectes ▪ offycers and mynysters to ayde and fauourably assyst the sayd Iohn̄ gowgh in the executyng of this our lycense and auctorite yf nede requyre ¶ God saue the kynge ¶ Cum priuilegio regali ad solū imprimendum ꝑ septiennium ¶ Inprynted by me Iohn̄ gowgh dwellynge in Lumbard strete agaynst the st●ckes market at y ● sygne of the mermayd Anno dn̄i M. ccccc.xxxix
.ccc.viii. whiche Constantyne was emperour of all the occident partes and after warde emperour of all the worlde ¶ And thus after his great warres Cyuyle he beynge yet a pagan a persecutor of crysten men as his predecessours were frome the whiche tyranny God of his wonderfull workes conuerted hym to y e faith by Siluester byshop of Rome which was fled hyd hym selfe for dred of deth in mountens and woodes ¶ Of Siluestre the fyrst which tryumphed ouer the churche mylyta●●t of Rome through great possessyon● treasours whiche the emp●rou● Constantyne enpoysoned 〈◊〉 churche fyrste withall SIluester the .xxxiiii. bysh●p borne ī Rome was estemed a mā of holy lyfe which had great grace gyuē to hym in cōuertyng many to the fayth as specylaly constantyne the great by whose dylygence and preachyng the sayd syluester caused hym to sease of his cruell tyrāny vpon cristen people cōmaunding 〈◊〉 destroy all ydoles temples and set vp Crystes churches so worshipped the crosse and passyon of cryst ouer all the worlde vnyuersall to the great ioy of all crystēdome and straytly he cōmaūded that no persecucion shulde be done ouer crysten men in no regyon which was to al crystendome a wonderful s●d ayne mutacyon and chaunge y ● in a lytle whyle afore y e no man so hardy y e durst be knowen to be a crysten man for feare of persecucyō of deth in somoch they were hated ouer all that no body wold suffre a crystē mā ones knowē abyd ī no place but lyued in great dred and in secret places ¶ Thus by the prouysyon of God syluestre was taken in lyke honour w t kynges whiche was as many haue opinion and say it was by the subtyl craft of the deuyll whiche is euer was the auncyaunt ennemy of mankynd which could fynde none other poyson to destroy the perfexion of holy byshops which were xxxii that dyed holy martyrs for crystes fayth afore Syluester thus y ● deuyll supposynge to haue a great parte of crystendome through riches power dignite pryd and heresy and sismes y e shulde sprynge dyd in dede afterward vnto this day experience leadeth vs to moche And some holdeth opynyon wryteth that at this tryumphe was herd a voyce horryble in the ayer sayenge Hodie venenum ī ecclesia semiau● yet I can not assure this for a trewth but as some writers haue wryten ¶ This noble Prynce Constantyne in loue zelus mynde to siluester through the wonderfull suffraunce of God and blynded with worldly vanytes caused Siluester the bisshop to be clothed with purple sylkes rayment imperyal most lyke a Kynge or a Prynce in somoch he toke his crowne imperiall set it on his hede yet notwithstādyng Siluester w t humble coūtenaunce wolde not take it but vtterly refused it wold not vse nor take vpon hym to were it but a symple myter of fustian the whiche is yet vsed among the bysshops and cardinalles of Rome to this daye notwithstandynge though Siluester wolde not take vpon hym the emperyall Crowne yet the bysshops of Rome of late dayes haue takē vpon them vsurpacyon hye auctoryte thre crownes of golde facyoned hye and sharpe copped ryche w t stones and perle as the boxe of a great lapydarye oryental for truely it is to be wōdered on such superfluyte to be worne on any such holy persones hede for Chryst our redemptour vsed no such vayne glory for ī this cause Platyne y ● great wryter of stores mayster of the roulles in Rome whcihe mocketh this abusyō in y ● tyme of Adriā y ● fyrst which was called paule y ● proude a venecyan which gloryfy●d ī hym selfe in suche lyke ryche apparel euē as a god in earth and wolde so be called among people in earth ī his arrogancy pryde and thus wolde y ● sayde Paule vse hym selfe gloryfyed euery yere of Iubely afore all y ● worlde afore y ● Pylgrymes dyd vse hym to were y ● maner facion rayment of women in those dayes lyke the customable weryng that Bysshops dyd vse and yet moreouer saynt Austyn sayeth de verbis domini in reproche of the arrogancy pryde of popes whiche wolde be called Goddes saynge thus Qui vult videre deus cum sit homo non imitatur illum qui cū deus esset pro illo factus est homo ¶ Thus to proced of Siluester though he with holy and symple countenaunce refused the ryche crowne emperyall of Constantyne yet he wolde not refuse of Constantyne y e great possessyon gyftes and rentes y ● he gaue with the hole cytie of rome which was no small possessyon as dyuers wryters maketh mencyon as doth Laurence valla the great orator ¶ This Syluester caused to assemble the fyrste great generall councell at Nycene and Bythena purposly agaynst the herysies of Aryen which greatly encreased whose errours was in the distynctions of the thre persons in Trinite And in this coūceyl was presēt .xxxviii. Bysshoppes assembled ✚ ¶ Of the seconde scisme and dyuysion that was in y ● church of rome shortly after the donacion of Cōstantyne And of the herysies that fell in this tyme by the fyrst pope heretykes shamefull sysmatykes ❧ ❧ AFter the donacyon of Constātine folowed two bisshoppes of Rome pesyble iuste men in theyr offyce without sysme or dyscorde amonge crystes flocke the one was named Marke the other Iuly In whose tyme y ● heresyes of the Aryans encreased more more whiche torned the hart and mynde of Constance the sone of Constantyne y ● then rayned And so he began the .xi. persecucyon vpon crysten people And put Iulius in exyle out of rome whose place succeded Liberius and Felyce togyther which enuyed ech other who shuld haue the see of Rome so in contynuaūce Liberius y ● heretyke throughe the fauor of Constans opteyned his purpose to be bysshop of Rome And enioyed the see of Rome the space of .xlii. yeres and .vii. monthes and thre dayes notwithstandyng he was noted to be the fyrste pope heretyke and sysmatyke And supporter of the Aryans artycles through his abhomynable gloryous dygnyte pleasyng the mynde of the Emperoure Constantyne the yonger infecte with the sayd heresyes whiche was the most abhomynablest and cruel heresyes y ● euer was worse then the seckte of Mahōmet for the Preestes Aryans persecuted other crysten bysshops catholyke people without pety or mercy in Affryque Spayne Thus was Felyxe y ● bysshop of Rome put to deth ī this persecuciō the .xiiii moneth of his reygne after this rose