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A93476 A solemn league and covenant, for reformation; and defence of religion, the honour and happiness of the King, and the peace & safetie of the three kingdoms. Of Scotland, England, & Ireland.; Solemn League and Covenant (1643) England and Wales. Parliament.; Scotland. Convention of Estates.; Church of Scotland. General Assembly. 1643 (1643) Wing S4447B; ESTC R184348 5,233 16

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Peace of thir Kingdoms And to haue their goods and rents confiscate for the use of the publick and that they shall not bruik nor enjoy any benefite place nor office within this Kingdome And al 's ordains all Sheriffs Stuarts and others his Majesties Magistrates to Burgh and Land and Committees in the severall Shires To bee assisting to Ministers Presbyteries in procuring reall obedience here-vnto And that with all diligence they make report to the Committee of Estates of the names of all such persons as shall postpone or refuse to the effect course may bee taken with them as aforesaid And that they may bee cited to answer to the next Parliament as enemies to Religion King and Kingdomes and to receaue what further punishment his Majestie and Parliament shall inflict vpon them And further ordains thir presents to bee printed with the former Act of the Estates and published at the Market Crosses of the head Burrowes of this Kingdome Wherethrough none pretend ignorance of the same Arch Primerose Cler. Com. A SOLENM LEAGUE AND COVENANT For REFORMATION And Defence of Religion The Honour Happiness of the King and the Peace and Safetie of the three Kingdoms of Scotland England and Ireland WEE Noblemen Barons Knights Gentlemen Citizens Burges Ministers of the Gospell and Commons of all sorts in the Kingdoms of Scotland England and Ireland by the Providence of GOD living vnder one King and beeing of one reformed Religion Having before our eyes the Glorie of GOD and the advancement of the Kingdom of our Lord Saviour Iesus Christ the Honour and Happiness of the Kings Majestie and his Posteritie and the true publicke Libertie Safetie and Peace of the Kingdomes wherein everie ones private condition is included And calling to mynd the treacherous and bloodie Plots conspiracies attempts and practices of the enemies of GOD against the true Religion and Professours thereof in all places especiallie in these three Kingdomes ever since the Reformation of Religion how much their rage power and presumption are of late and at this tyme increased and exercised whereof the deplorable state of the Church and Kingdome of Ireland the distressed estate of the Church and Kingdome of England and the dangerous estate of the Church and Kingdome of Scotland are present publick testimonies Wee haue now at last after other means of Supplicaton Remonstrance Protestations and Sufferings for the preservation of our selves and our Religion from vtter ruine and destruction according to the commendable practice of these Kingdomes in former times and the example of GODS people in other Nations After mature deliberation resolved and determined to enter into a mutuall and solemne League and Covenant Wherein wee all subscribe and each one of vs for himself with our hands lifted vp to the most high GOD do Swear I. THat wee shall sincerelie reallie and constantlie through the Grace of GOD endevour in our severall places and callings the preservation of the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland in Doctrine Worship Discipline and Government against our common Enemies The Reformation of Religion in the Kingdomes of England and Ireland in Doctrine Worship Discipline and Government according to the Word of GOD and the example of the best Reformed Churches And shall endeavour to bring the Churches of GOD in the three Kingdomes to the nearest conjunction and Uniformitie in Religion Confession of Faith Form of Church-government Directory for Worship and Catechizing That wee and our posteritie after vs may as Brethren liue in Faith and Loue and the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of vs. 2. That wee shall in like manner without respect of persons endeavour the Extirpation of poperie prelacie that is Church Governement by Arch-bishops Bishops their Chancellours and Commissaries Deans Deans and Chapters Arch-deacons and all other Ecclesiastical Officers depending on that Hierarchy Superstition Heresie Schism Prophanenesse and whatsoever shall bee found to bee contrarie to sound Doctrine the power of Godlinesse Lest wee pertake in other mens sinns thereby bee in danger to receaue of their plagues And that the Lord may bee one and his Name one in the three Kingdomes 3. Wee shall with the same sinceritie realitie constancie in our severall vocations endeavour with our estates and liues mutuallie to preserue the Rights and Priviledges of the Parliaments and the Liberties of the Kingdomes And to preserue and defend the Kings Majesties Person and Authority in the preservation and defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdomes That the world may bear witnesse with our consciences of our Loyaltie and that wee haue no thoughts or intentions to diminish his Majesties just power and greatnesse 4. Wee shal also with all faithfulnesse endeavour the discoverie of al such as haue been or shal bee Incendiaries Malignants or evil instruments by hindering the Reformation of Religion dividing the King from his people or one of the Kingdomes from another or making any faction or parties amongst the people contrarie to this League and Covenant That they may bee brought to publick triall and receaue condign punishment as the degree of their offences shall require or deserue or the supream Iudicatories of both Kingdomes respectively or others having power from them for that effect shall judge convenient 5. And whereas the happinesse of a blessed Peace between these Kingdomes denyed in former tymes to our Progenitors is by the good Providence of GOD granted vnto vs and hath been latelie concluded and setled by both Parliaments Wee shall each one of vs according to our place interest endeavour that they may remain conjoyned in a firm Peace and Union to all Posteritie And that Iustice may bee done vpon the wilfull Opposers thereof in manner expressed in the precedent Article 6. Wee shall also according to our places callings in this Common cause of Religion Libertie and Peace of the Kingdomes assist and defend all those that enter into this League and Covenant in the maintaining and persuing thereof And shall not suffer our selues directlie or indirectlie by whatsoever combination perswasion or terrour to bee divided and withdrawn from this blessed Union and conjunction whither to make defection to the contrarie part or to giue our selues to a detestable indifferencie or neutralitie in this cause which so much concerneth the glorie of God the good of the Kingdoms and honour of the King But shall all the dayes of our liues zealouslie and constantlie continue therein against all opposition and promote the same according to our power against all Lets and Impediments whatsoever And what wee are not able our selues to suppresse or overcome wee shall reveale and make known that it may bee timelie prevented or removed All which wee shall do as in the sight of GOD. And because these Kingdomes are guiltie of manie sinnes and provocations against GOD his Son Iesus Christ as is too manifest by our present distresses and dangers the fruits thereof Wee professe declare before GOD and the world our vnfeygned desyre to bee humbled for our own sins for the sins of these Kingdoms especiallie that wee haue not as wee ought valued the inesteemable benefit of the Gospell that wee haue not laboured for the Puritie and power thereof and that wee haue not endeavoured to receaue Christ in our hearts nor to walk worthie of him in our lyues which are the causes of other sinnes and transgressions so much abounding amongst vs. And our true and vnfeygned purpose desyre and endeavour for our selues and all others vnder our power and charge both in publick and in privitie in all dueties wee ow to GOD and Man to amend our lyues and each man to go before another in the example of a reall Reformation That the LORD may turn away his wrath and heavie indignation and establish these Churches and Kingdoms in Trueth and Peace And this COVENANT wee make in the presence of ALL-MIGHTIE GOD the Searcher of all hearts with a true intention to perform the same As wee shall answer at that Great Day when the secrets of all hearts shall bee disclosed Most humblie beseeching the LORD to strengthen vs by His Holie Spirit for this end And to bless our desyres and proceedings with such success as may bee deliverance and safetie to his People and encowragement to other Christian Churches groaning vnder or in danger of the yoak of Antichristian Tyrannie to joyn in the same or lyke Association and Covenant To the Glorie of GOD the inlargement of the Kingdome of IESUS CHRIST and the Peace and Tranquillitie of Christian Kingdoms and Common Wealths FINIS
A SOLEMN LEAGUE AND COVENANT FOR REFORMATION AND Defence of Religion the Honour and Happiness of the KING and the Peace Safetie of the three Kingdoms OF SCOTLAND ENGLAND IRELAND Ier. 50.5 Come let vs joyn our selues to the Lord in a perpetuall Covenant that shall not bee forgotten Prov. 25.5 Take away the wicked from before the King and his Throne shall bee established in righteousness 2. Chron. 15.15 And all Judah rejoyced at ●he Oath for they had sworn with all their heart and sought Him with their whole desyre and Hee was found of them and the LORD gaue them rest round about ABERDENE Imprinted by Edw Raban And are to bee sold at his Shop at the end of the Broadgate 1643. Sess XIV AUGUST 17. 1643. The Generall Assemblies Approbation of the draught of the League and COVENANT presented to them THE Assemblie having recomended vnto a Committee appointed by them to joyn with the Committee of the Honourable Convention of Estates and the Commissioners of the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of England for bringing the Kingdoms to a more near conjunction and Union receaved from the aforesayd Committees the Covenant after-mentioned as the result of their consultations And having taken the same as a matter of so publick concernment and of so deep importance doth require vnto their gravest consideration Did with all their hearts and with the beginnings of the feelings of that joy which they did fynd in so great measure vpon the renovation of the National Covenant of this Kirk and Kingdome All with one voice approue and embrace the same as the most powerfull mean by the Blessing of GOD for settling and preserving the true Protestant Religion with perfect Peace in his Majesties Dominions and propagating the same to other Nations and for establishing his Majesties Throne to all Ages and Generations And therefore with their best affections recommend the same to the Honourable Convention of Estates that beeing examined and approved by them it may bee sent with all diligence to the Kingdom of England That beeing receaved and approven there the same may bee with publick humiliation and all Religious and answerable solemnitie sworn and subscribed by all true Professours of the Reformed Religion and all his Majesties good Subjects in both Kingdoms A. Johnston The Convention of Estates their Approbation of the draught of the League and COVENANT aforesaid 17. AUGUST 1643. THE Noblemen Commissioners of Shyres and Borrowes now conveaned having receaved the Covenant aboue-mentioned from their Committee as the result of their Consultations with a Committee of the Generall Assemblie and the Commissioners from both Houses of the Parliament of England And having taken that Covenant vnto their gravest consideration Did with all their hearts and great expressions of joy and vnanimitie approue and embrace the same as the most powerfull mean by the Blessing of GOD for settling and preserving the true Protestant Religion with a perfect Peace in all his Majesties Dominions and propagating the same to other Nations and for establishing his Majesties Throne to all ages And beeing verie confident that their Brethren in the Kingdom of England will heartilie receaue and approue the same Therefore according to the earnest recommendation of that Venerable Assemblie of this Kirk now met thinks it most necessarie for the good ends aforesaid that it bee sent into that Kingdom with all diligence That beeing receaved and approved by their Brethren there the same may bee with all Religious Solemnities sworn and subscribed by all true Professours of the Reformed Religion and all his Majesties good Subjects in both Kingdoms Arch Primerose Cler. com EDINBURGH 11 OctoB 1643. Ordinance for the solemn receaving swearing and suscribing of the League and Covenant THE Commissioners of the Generall Assemblie having receaved from their Brethren sent vnto the Kingdom of England the solemn League and COVENANT vnder-written as it was approven by the Honourable Houses of the PARLIAMENT of ENGLAND and the Assemblie of Divines in that Kingdom and solemnlie sworn and subscribed there After due examination thereof did all in one voice most heartilie receaue and embrace the same as agreeing with the draught vnanimouslie and chearfullie approven and embraced by the late Generall Assemblie and Convention of Estates As the most powerfull mean by the Blessing of GOD for settling and presetving the true Protestant Religion with perfect Peace in his Majesties Dominions and propagating the same to other Nations and for establishing his Majesties Throne to all ages and generations And therefore according to the power given to them by the sayd Assemblie Ordain this solemn Leauge and Covenant to bee with publick humiliation and all Religious solemnities receaved sworn and subscribed by all Ministers and Professours within this Kirk And that this may bee vniversallie performed It is also ordayned that this League and Covenant bee foorthwith printed that the printed Copies bound with some clean sheets of paper bee sent vnto the Ministerie And that everie Minister vpon the first Lords Day after the same shall come to his hands reade and explain it by exhortation prepare the People to the swearing and subscribing thereof solemnlie the Lords Day next immediatlie following And it is farther Ordained that Presbyteries take account of the performance heereof in their severall bounds and that they proceed with the Censures of the Kirk against all such as shall refuse or shift to swear and subscribe this League and Covenant as enemies to the preservation and propagation of Religion And that they notifie their names and make particular report of their own diligence heereintill to this Commission or their Moderator or Clerk to bee delivered to them And the Commissioners think it verie convenient for good example and the better encouragement of others that this Covenant bee solemnlie sworn and subscribed by themselues now present before the Congregation in the East Kirk vpon Fryday next the 13 of this instant after Sermon and exhortation to bee made by Master Robert Dowglas Moderator And that the Commissioners of the Convention of Estates now in Town and the Commissioners from the Parliament of England and the Divines of that Kingdom heere present bee earnestlie desyred to joyne with them in this solemn and Religious Action A. Ker. At Edinburgh the 12 of October 1643. THE Commissioners of the Convention of Estates having receaved from the Commissioners of the Generall Assemblie the solemn League and Covenant vnder-written approven and solemnlie sworn and subscribed in the kingdom of England And having taken the same to their serious consideration do vnanimouslie and chearfullie receave embrace it as agreeing with that draught approven by the late Convention of Estates and Generall Assemblie And therefore ordains the same to bee with all Religious solemnities sworn and subscribed by all his Majesties Subjects of this Kingdome And that vnder the pain to such as shall postpone or refuse to bee esteemed and punished as enemies to Religion his Majesties Honor