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A77739 A confutation of the Anabaptists, and all others who affect not civill government; proving the lawfullnesse of it: and a full answer to all their cavills, that are, or can be made against it. With a nut-cracker for an unnaturall nut, whose shell is as hard as the scales of Leviathan, and the kernell of his heart as hard as a piece of the nether mill-stone, Iob 41.15.24. yet the hammer of Gods word that breaketh in pieces the rocks, Ier. 23.29. will break this nut, that all may see the devillish kernell that is in it. Also arguments against the Anabaptists, proving that infants borne of Christian parents ought to be baptized: with a full answer to all their cavills that are (or can be) made against it. Imprimatur Ja. Cranford. Bakewell, Thomas, b. 1618 or 19. 1644 (1644) Wing B530; Thomason E51_20; ESTC R209932 98,225 89

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Gen. 30.36.40 Luke 2.8 many congregations called are one church see Act. Revel 2.1 compared with the 7th Again as one congregation may be called a particular church So when a Kingdome or Nation receives the Faith and makes profession of it we suppose it may be called a national church but yet if they can give any other name better befitting a Kingdome or Nation that have received the Faith we shall not differ much about words or names only this as many members make one body so many particular churches make one call it what you will and as many ships make one Navy and many regiments make one army many companies make one Citie yet although ever sh●●●ath his Officers compleatly yet they must not say they are independent but m●st s●cke the good of the whole Navy So although every Regiment hath gov●●●ours of their owne yet they must j●yn together for the good of the whole Army and so every Company in the City hath Officers of their owne yet they must ●l● be helpfull for the good of the whole and so every congregation although they have all o●●●ees needfull for themselves yet they must all joyne for the good of the whole and ●o say they are independant and that they are indifferent what becomes of others so they may have their independant government is much like to the answer o● ●a●● when he said to the Lord am I my brothers ke●per see Protestation protested 9. While they deny Pres●●teries and Synods they doe not seek for that which makes for peace as they are commanded Rom. 14.19 Paul and Barnabas might have decided the controver●●e at Antioch but they being parties would not because it would not make for peace saith Paul L●ok not every man on his owne things but every man also on the things of others Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Iesus Ph●l 2.4.5 But they will say that they will not joyne in Church-government and discipline till they have some expresse word for it But if they will not joyne with us till then they had as good say they will never joyne with us for in many things the word speaks only in generall terms as concerning the onely Form of excommunication or the only form of ordination o● the outward gesture of externall reverence to be used and no other in severall ordinances then this doing they may trouble themselves and never find the true discipline therein in all these things they ought to condescend to the peace and edification of the whole Church not to make rents and divisions about these things for what a confusion in Families would it be to set up severall independant Churches when the father shal be of one Church and the sonne of another the husband of one and the wife of another the Master of one and the servant of another how would this hinder all family duties and it would not only be as a canker to the duties of the generall but to the duties of their particular calling 10. These independant people demand that which they themselves would not grant if the power were in their hands for in new England they will not suffer men of other opinions in doctrine or government to live within the bounds of their patent but they banish them out of it although they be godly Christians they shal not reside there unlesse they will enter Covenant professe their faith and submit to their Church orders these men do not follow that golden rule of the law the Propheths to do ●o others as they themselves would be done by Math. 7.12 And these partiall men will beare great de●ects and wants in their owne Churches as want of officers Sacraments and prophesying some of these many yeares together and nor to groane under the burden of it when as a ceremony or something of as little moment shall make them separate from us making ●ents and divisions amongst us but let the world see the unjustnesse of their separaration especially from the Presbiteriall government 11. The independant people hold that one Church if required ought to give an account to other Churches and that differences of importance in one Church should be heard in others and that one Church may be advised and counselled by another and their doctrines tryed and judged by Synods and in case they deserve it to be admonished and reproved by Synods and complained of to the civil Magistrate These things they will take upon generall rules for I am sure there is no speciall rules for them in the word but further they will not goe neither shall we desire more helpe from one particular congregation to another then they do for wee hold them all equall in authority as they do but yet we expect more from Synods being made up of many congregations ●eeking the good of the whole these we hold to have some power over particular Congregations being chosen out of them by their consent for the same purpose they may write conclude and impose and lay it upon them and deliver them the decrees for to be kept see Acts And saith Paul Now I prayse you brethren that you remember me in all things and kept the ordinances as I delivered them unto you 1 Cor. 11.2 But for new Englands Synods which come together upon courtesie as many as will who will if none will come from Stamford they may chuse and they have one meane Minister weake in parts and gifts if not worse qualified they do not care if he goe they can spare him best and they being independant must looke onely at their own particular and not seek the good of the whole and it is not much materiall who goes for they have no power to reforme any thing save only to counsell admonish and complaine to the civil Magistrate who they say themselves hath no more power to reform or to do any thing in or about the Church then heathen Princes this is independant government the reformation they would have which is nothing else but a flood-gate set open for all sects in the world to the ruine of the true Church of Christ as Anabaptists Familists Jewes Papists or any other for all would separate themselves into Churches in their own judgement to do whatsoever Sathan or their owne corrupt hearts would lead them unto well may those cursed blaspheming traytors and Papists at Oxford hearken to this way and grant them their full desire for it is the road way to all confusion yea their owne Churches divide commonly upon the death of their Pastor with contempt and hatred to each other But God hath called us to peace 1 Cor. 7.15 Let all things be done decently and in order for God is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all the Churches of the saints 1 Cor. 14.33 40. Now forasmuch as the Magistrate is the Father of the countrey and the Pastor of the people the keeper of
which they hope to be freed from all civil power and government witnesse that heretical booke intituled The personal reigne of Christ upon earth which affirmeth that all civil power and government shall be cast downe before the end of the world a thousand yeares this hath great approbation among them and they the meane time desiring and expecting when all Thrones and powers shall be cast downe that they may live without rule or government But see my answer to it in that booke intituled The Saints inheritance after the day of judgment and for the present let it suffice that the Scripture mentioneth but three commings of Christ one spirituaily when hee changeth the heart and st●mpeth his owne Image of grace upon it Secondly when he came visibly in the fl●sh In the fulnesse of time God sent his Sonne Gal. 4 4. This was done when the word was made flesh and dwelt among us John 1.14 The third is yet expected at which comming he shall judge both quick and dead and the heavens must receive him un●● the restitution of all things Acts 3.21 Thefore no other comming to be expected before the end but here we may see how they declare their affections to civil government when as they expect that Christ shall come and free them from all obedience to it and that a thousand yeares before the end of the world But here some may reply and say to me thus you affect neither Antinemians nor Familists Anabaptists nor Papists Brownists nor prophane Protestants then what is it you would have I answer I desire to be found faithful to Luther's Protestation and to Calvin's Institution the first of these was the originall cause from whence the name of Protestants did first arise for when Luther did first renounce that strumpet of Rome he caused them all that were with him to enter into a Protestation against all Popery and popish Innovations and those that took that protestation were ever afterwards called Protestants we in this Kingdome have of late taken the very same Protestation against all Popery and popish Innovations therefore I doubt not but we have many amongst us who will hazard lives and States and all they have to maintain that protestation and so by the good blessing of the Lord will prove themselves good and faithfull Protestants But for the second although I call it Calvin's Institutions yet not as if he had made it of his owne head but as a faithfull servant of Jesus Christ he hath faithfully declared all the Counsell of God as Paul did Acts 20.27 to all his fellow-brethren that all may see what a Church Christ hath instituted in his word Also this doth well agree with our late solemne Nationall Covenant in which we have bound our selves with our hands lifted up to the most high God swearing thus That we shall sincerely really and constantly through the grace of God endeavour in our severall places and callings the preservation of the reformed Church of Scotland in Doctrine Worship Discipline and Government against our common enemies Now I hope all those that have thus engaged themselves are convinced that their doctrine worship discipline and government are agreeable to Gods Word else why have we bound our selves to preserve it there and to acknowledge the enemies of it to be our common enemies yet I deny not but as it is there it may have some failings which may admit of reformation The Lord open our reformers eyes that they may connive at nothing that may prejudice the honour of Christ or the good of his Church but whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven let it be diligently done Ezra 7.23 Againe wee have sworne to endeavour the reformation of religion in England Scotland and Ireland in doctrine worship discipline and government according to Gods Word and the best reformed Churches and for this I hope we are convinced that the Presbyteriall is the best reformation else why do we bind our selves to preserve it in Scotland we are or should be resolved be resolved before we vow and not after vowes to make enquiry Prov. 20.25 Againe we swear that we will endeavour to bring the Churches of God in the three Kingdomes to the nearest conjunction and uniformity in religion confession of faith sorme of Church-government directory for worship and Chattechising but if Scotlands government and discipline must not be altered the case is cleare that we have bound our selves to uniformity with them in the fore-mentioned things Let therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded God shall reveale even this unto you Phil. 3.15 Thus you see the harmony between our protestation and Luthers protestation as also betweene our Covenant and Calvins Institution thus far blessed be the Lord for our blessed union therefore my motion I hope will not seem strange when I shall desire faithfulnesse to our late Protestation and to our solemne Covenant not as though I did question the faithfulnesse of our reformers for blessed be God they have already done more then some yeares agone we thought we should ever have lived to see or as though I questioned the faithfulnes of any that have taken that protestation or covenant only I wish pray for their perseverance That as their hands have laid the head stone thereof their hands also may finish it and when they bring forth the foundation of this house with shouting we shall cry grace grace unto it Zech. 4.7.9 But I must expect some foul-mouth'd Prelate to stand up as in Doctor Bastwick's case saying that base fellow Calvin for so that old Francis White the Prelate of Ely called that ever to he honoured Divine saying that he arose in an obscure come of the world and violated and overthrew all order and authority in the Church and would also have demolished the authority of the Magistrates and then the pr●late of Canterbury avouched his Episcopal authority and preeminence over his brethren to be only from God very much blaming Calvin for his factious spirit said that they held the crownes of Kings upon their heads for no Bishop no King and those that would have no Bishops sought to overthrow all governement and so he concluded with honourable expressions to that strumpet Synagogue of Rome saying she was a true Church and that she did not sin in any fundamental points and so the rest blaspheming the holy Scriptures calling them the refuge of heretiques and schismaticks and that they could not be knowne to be the word of God but by the Fathers These are they that blame Calvin for his factious spirit and call him base fellow and that he should seeke to overthrow all order and authority n the Church and to demolish the authority of the Magistrate Again the Prelate Whitgift and Saravia dash one against another about ruling Elders and P●esbiteries Whitgift doth acknowledge they ought to be under a Tyrant but not under a Christian Magistracy the other