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A69104 A necessary doctrine and erudition for any Christen man set furthe by the kynges maiestye of Englande &c.; Institution of a Christen man. Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547.; Church of England. 1543 (1543) STC 5168.7; ESTC S110763 117,759 234

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mayntenance support an vniust vsurpation for that church hath no more ryghte to that name than the churche of Fraunce Spayne England or Portugale whiche be iustly called catholyke churches in that they doo professe consent agree in one vnitie of true fayth with other catholike churches This vsurpation before rehersed well considered it may appere that the bishop of Rome doth contrary to goddis lawe in chalengynge superioritie and preeminence by a cloke of goddis lawe ouer all And yet to make an apparance that it shulde be soo he hathe and dothe wreste scriptures for that purpose contrary both to the true meanyng of the same and the interpretation of ancient doctours of the church so that by that chanleng he wold not do wrong onely to this churche of Englande but also to all other churches in claymyng this superioritie without any authoritie by god so to him gyuen For God by his goodnes hath called indifferently and equally all such churches in sundry places as his highe wisedome hath thought good to assemble and call vnto hym Moreouer the perfitte beleue of this article worketh in all true christen people a loue to continue in this vnicie and a feare to be caste out of the same and it worketh in them that be synners and repentaunte great comforte and consolation to obteyne remission of synne by vertue of Christis passion and administration of his sacramentes at the ministers handes ordeyned for that purpose for as muche as god doth not ordinarily giue suche thinges but onely within this churche It is to be noted that this churche of England and other knowen particular churches in whiche Christis name is truely honored called on and professed in faythe and baptisme be membres of the hole catholike churche eche of them by him selfe is also worthyly called a catholyke churche whan they merely professe and teache the faythe and relygion of Christ according to the scripture and the apostolike doctrine And so euery christe man oughte to honour gyue credence and to folowe the particular churche of that region soo ordered as afore wherin he is borne or inhabiteth and as al christen people as well spirituall as temporal be bounde to beleue honour obey our sauiour Iesus Christe the onely heade of the vniuersall churche soo lykewyse they be by his commaundemente bounde to honour and obey nexte vnto him selfe christen kinges and prynces whiche be the heade gouernours vnder him in the particular churches to whose offyce it apperteyneth not only to prouide for the trāquillitie and wealthe of theyr subiectes in temporal and worldly thynges to the cōseruation of their bodyes but also to forsee that within theyr dominions suche ministers be ordeyned and appoynted in theyr churches as can and wil truely and purely set out the true doctrine of Christe and teache the same and to see the commaundementes of god well obserued and kepte to the wealth and saluation of theyr soules The tenth article The communion of sayntes / The forgyuenes of synnes IN this article be taught two speciall fruites and benefytes whiche all men called of god and obeying to the same calling in theyr wyl and workes doo obteine by goddes grace in the saide catholike churche whiche benefites be the communion sayntes and forgyuenes of synnes And here is to be noted that althoughe this word Sayntines our english tungue signifieth proprely them that be departed this lyfe and be establysshed in glory with Christe Yet the same worde Saintes wherby in this article we expresse the latin worde Sanctorum is here extended to signifie not onely these before mencioned but also all suche as be called into this holy assemble and churche and be santified in our sauiour Iesu Christe And as touching the communion that is to say the mutuall participation of these sayntes ye must vnderstande that lyke as all the partes and membres which be liuing in the natural body of a man do naturally cōmunicate and minister eche to other the vse commoditie and benefite of all theyr forces nutrimentes perfections In so muche that it lieth not in the power of any man to say that the meate which he putteth into his owne mouth shal nouryshe one particular membre of his bodye and not an other but that all and euery one particularly shall receyue of the sayde nutriment and of the vertue and benefyte therof more or lesse accordyng to the naturall disposition portion and place whiche it hath within the same body euen so what soo euer spirituall gyftes or treasure is gyuen by god vnto any one membre of the holy church although the same be gyuen particularly vnto one membre and not vnto an other Yet the fruite and merites therof shall by reason of theyr abydyng together in the vnitie of the catholike churche redounde vnto the common profyte edifienge and increace of all the other membres of the same catholike churche In so muche that there shal nede no mannes autoritie to dispence and dystribute the same or to applye it vnto this membre or that but eche membre shall be made participante of the sayd treasure and shall haue and enioy the fruite and benefyte of the same in such quantitie and measure as for the rate and proportion of the faythe and charitie which he hath in the same body shall be expedient and necessary for hym to haue And hereby is notified and declared vnto vs the vtilitie and profyte whiche all the membres of the church do receiue by the merites suffrages and prayers of the churche And forasmoche as the moste blessed sacrament of the Aultare wherin by the myghty operation of goddis worde is really present in fourme of breade the naturall lyuynge body and bloude of our sauiour and redemer IESV CHRISTE increaseth and worketh in them that worthily receiue it the communion and coniunction in body soule of them to Christe and Christe to them with a mutuall coniunction also in loue and charitie of eche good man in Christe to other Therfore the sayde sacrament may worthely be called the Communion of saintes And so the fyrst parte of this article hath ben by good deuout and lerned men expounded to sygnifie the sayde blessed sacrament of the aultare which we must beleue to be a reall effectuall communion of all saintes that is to say of al men whiche be called by the holy callynge of god and there with wyllyngely and obediently do knowlege and folowe the same In the seconde parte of this article we be taught to beleue remission of synnes which is one of the effectes and chiefe benefites of the moste blessed passion of Christe head of the holy churche whiche is called and assembled in his name in which churche is applyed the benefites of remission of synnes by the workynge of god in his sacramentes ministred in the same as shal be hereafter declared in theyr place ❧ The XI and XII article The resurrection of the body / and the lyfe euerlastynge AT the daye of the generall dome or
A NECESSARY DOCTRINE AND ERVDITION FOR ANY CHRISTEN man set furthe by the kynges maiestie of Englande c. Psal xix Lorde preserue the Kyng and here vs whan we call vpon the. Psal xx Lorde in thy strengthe the Kynge shall reioyse and be meruailous glad through thy saluation The contentes of this booke The declaration of fayth The articles of oure beliefe called the Crede The seuen sacramentes The .x. commandementes of almyghty god Our lordes prayer called the Pater noster The salutation of the angell / called the Aue Maria. An article of freewyll An article of iustification An article of good workes Of prayer for soules departed ❧ HENRY THE EYGHT BY THE GRACE OF GOD KYNG of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defendour of the faythe and in earthe of the churche of England and also of Ireland supreme hed vnto all his faithful and louyng subiectes sendeth greetyng LIke as in the time of darckenesse and ignoraunce fyndynge our people seduced and drawen from the truth by hypocrisy and superstition we by the helpe of god his worde haue trauayled to purge and clense our realme frome the apparant enormities of the same wherin by openynge of goddes trueth with settyng furth and publishyng of the scriptures our labours thankes be to god haue not ben void and frustrate So nowe perceiuing that in the tyme of knowledge the deuil who ceasseth not in all tymes to vexe the worlde hath attented to returne agayn as the parable in the gospel she with into the hous purged and clensed accompanied with seuen worse spirites and hypocrisy and superstition beyng excluded and put away we fynde entered into some of our peoples hartes an inclination to sinister vnder standynge of scripture presumption arrogancye carnall liberty and contention we be therfore constrayned for the reformation of them in tyme and for auoyding of suche diuersitie in opinions as by the sayde euyll spirites might be engendred to sette furth with the aduise of our clergy suche a doctrine and declaration of the true knowledge of god and his worde with the principall articles of our religion as wherby all men may vniformely be ledde taught the true vnderstandyng of that whiche is necessary for euery christen man to know for the ordering of him selfe in this lyfe agreably to the will and pleasure of almyghty god Which doctrine also the lordes bothe spirituall and temporall with the nether house of our parliament haue both sene and lyke very wel And for knowlege of the ordre of the matter in this boke conteined for as muche as we knowe not perfectly god Faythe but by fayth the declaration of faith occupieth in this tretise the first place Wherunto is nexte adioyned the declaration of the articles of our Crede The crede conteinyng what we shulde beleue And incontinently after them foloweth the explication of the seuen sacramentes The sacramentes wherin god ordinarily worketh and whereby he participateth vnto vs his speciall giftes and graces in this lyfe Whiche matters so digested and set forth with simplicitie and plainesse as the capacities and vnderstandynges of the multitude of our people may easily receyue and comprehende the same The commaundementes There foloweth conuenientlye the declaration of the .x. commaundementes beyng by God ordeyned the hyghe way wherin eche man shulde walke in this lyfe to finishe fruitfully his iourney here and after to rest eternally in ioy with him Whiche bycause we can not doo of our selfe but haue nede alwayes of the grace of god as without whom we can neither continue in this lyfe ne without his speciall grace doo any thing to his pleasure wherby to atteine the life to come We haue after declaration of the cōmandementes expounded the .vii. The pater noster petitions of our Pater noster wherin be conteined requestes and suites for all thynges necessary to a christen man in this present lyfe with declaration of the Aue Maria The Aue as a prayer conteinyng a ioyfull rehersall and magnifiyng of god in the worke of the incarnatiō of Christ whiche is the grounde of our saluation wherin the blessed virgin our Lady for the abūdance of grace wherwith god indued her is also with this remembrance honoured and worshypped And for as muche as the heades and sensis of our people haue ben imbusied and in these dayes trauailed with the vnderstandyng of Freewill Iustification Freewyll Iustification Good workes Praier for soules Good workes and Praying for the soules departed we haue by the aduise of our clergie for the purgation of erronious doctrine declared and sette furthe openly plainly and without ambiguitie of speche the mere and certain truthe in them So as we verily truste that to knowe god and howe to lyue after his pleasure to the atteining of euerlastyng life in the ende this boke conteyneth a perfecte and sufficient doctrine grounded and established in holy scriptures Wherfore we hartily exhorte our people of all degrees willyngly and earnestly bothe to reade and printe in theyr hartes the doctrine of this boke considering that god who as saynt Paul sayeth distributeth diuideth to his churche his graces distinctly hath ordered some sorte of men to teache other and some to be taught that al thynges shulde be done semely and in ordre and hathe beautified and set furthe by distinctiō of ministers and offices the same church And consideryng also that for the one parte whiche shuld teache other is necessary not only knowlege but also learnyng and cunnyng in the same knowlege wherby they may be hable conueniently to dispence and distribute to their audience the trueth of god accordyng to theyr connyng for the edification of other and by true exposition of the scriptures accordynge to the apostolicall doctrine receyued and mainteined from the beginnyng and by conferring and declaration of them to conuince refell and reproue all errours and vntrouthes set furthe to the contrary finally be also able to giue an accompte as saynt Peter sayeth of that they professe It must be agreed than that for the instruction of this parte of the church whose offyce is to teache other the hauing redyng and studyeng of holy scripture bothe of the olde and newe testament is not onely conuenient but also necessary But for the other parte of the churche ordeined to be taught it ought to be denied certainly that the reading of the olde and newe testamēt is not so necessary for all those folkes that of duty they ought and be bound to reade it but as the prince and the policy of the realme shall thynke cōuenient so to be tollerated or taken from it Consonant whervnto the politike lawe of our realme hath nowe restrained it from a greate meyny esteming it sufficient for those so restrained to here and truely beare away the doctrine of scripture taught by the preachers and so imprint the lessons of the same that they may obserue and kepe them inwardly in their harte and as occasion serueth expresse
people whiche be called of god to one fayth be they of the clergye or of the laymen but also by the same worde we signifie the place wherin the worde of god is commonly preached and the sacramētes ministred and vsed and call that the churche to entreate wherof at this time in this article is no part of our entent but onely of the assemble and cōpany called to professe Christe in one faythe whiche in this article is named the Holy churche For all be it in this assemble of men called by the worde of god and receyued by faythe and baptisme be many euyll men many synners many that tourne by true penance to grace and sometyme yet fal agayn some after theyr tourne by true penance styll perseuere and increace in goodnes many that fall and neuer ryse agayn so that spottes blottes and imperfections appere euidently in this churche and many tymes in the more parte therof Yet neuerthelesse bycause the callyng is of it selfe holy the caller also holy and the ende of the callinge holynes with this also that the people so called professe holynes and make a bodye wherof the onely heade our sauiour CHRIST is moste holy and holines it selfe by the merites of whose passion they be relieued and norisshed with dyuerse holy sacramentes and be in theyr callyng indued with moste speciall holy giftes and graces of almightye god autour therof and by his holy spirite directed and gouerned in the same so long as they by folowyng theyr concupiscence the deuyll or the worlde fall not frō that estate For these causes although some membres therof be euyll the churche is called Holy churche takyng the name Holy of that that Christ the onely head is holy the caller holy the profession and callyng holy and the ende holynes whyche of very duety ought to be in al them that be called and is in deede in suche membres as contynue and perseuere in that holy callynge And for so moch as god of his goodnes calleth people as afore without acception of persons or priuilege of place Therfore this holy church is also Catholike that is to say not limitted to any one place or regiō of the world but is in euery place vniuersally through the world where it pleaseth god to cal peple to him in the professiō of Christis name and faith be it in Europe Affrike or Asia And all these churches in diuers coūtreis seuerally called althoughe for knowlege of the one from the other among them they haue diuers additions of names and for their moste necessary gouernement as they be distinct in places so they haue distinct ministers and diuers heades in earthe gouernours and rulers yet be al these holy churches but one holy churche catholyke inuited and called by one god the father to enioy the benefite of redemption wrought by our onely lord and sauiour Iesu Christ and gouerned by one holy spirite whiche reacheth to this foresayde holy churche one truthe of goddis holy worde in one faith and baptisme And this churche is relieued norished and fortified by his holy and inuincible worde and his sacramentes which in al places haue eche of them their owne propre force strength with giftes of graces also distributed by the goodnes of almighty god in al places as to his wisedome is sene conuenient Wherby it appereth that the vnitie of these holy churches in sundry places assembled stādeth not by knowledging of one gouernour in earth ouer al churches For neyther the hole churche catholyke togither nor any particular church apart is boūd to aknowlege any one vniuersall gouernour ouer the hole churche other than Christe althoughe by sufferaunce of some princes and potentates not beinge truely instructed in the worde of god by suche as of duety both to god them oughte to haue declared the truthe of scripture to them and by hypocrisy and vsurpation of the see and court of Rome the bishoppe of the same giuinge him selfe more to worldly polycy than to the execution of his duety hath longe tyme gone aboute to obteine and establishe vnto hym selfe suche an vniuersall auctoritie and hath by abuses alwaies compassed to cause other to vpholde and mainteine the same contrary to goddes lawe as more largely shall be declared in the sacrament of orders The vnitie therfore of the churche is not conserued by the bishoppe of Romes auctoritie or doctrine but the vnitie of the catholyke churche whiche all christen men in this article do professe is cōserued and kepte by the helpe and assistence of the holy spirite of god in reteining and mainteynynge of suche doctrine and profession of christen faithe true obseruance of the same as is taughte by the scripture and the doctrine apostolike And particular churches ought not in the said doctrine so accepted and allowed to vary one from an other for any lucre arrogance or any other worldly affectiō but inuiolably to obserue the same so that by reason of that doctrine eche churche that teacheth the same maye be worthely called as it is in dede an apostolike churche that is to say folowing such teachyng as the apostels preached with ministration of suche sacramentes as be approued by the same And this vnitie of the holy church of Christe is not diuided by distance of place nor by diuersitie of traditions and ceremonies dyuersely obserued in diuerse churches for good ordre of the same For the churche of Corinthe and of Ephese were one churche in god thoughe the one were farre distant in place from the other And though also in traditions opinions and policies there was some diuersitie amonge them lykewise as the churche of Englande Spaine Italy and Poole be not separate from the vnitie but be one churche in god not withstandynge that amonge them there is great distance of place diuersitie of traditions not in all thinges vnitie of opinions alteration in rites ceremonies and ordinances or estimatiō of the same as one churche peraduenture doth esteme their rytes traditions lawes ordinances and ceremonies to be of more vertue and efficacie than an other churche dothe esteme the same As the churche of Rome doth affirme certaine of theyr lawes and ordinaunces to be of suche estimation that they be of equall force with the worde of god and that who so euer disobeyeth or transgresseth the same commytteth deadly synne Yet we perceyuing the same to be discrepant from the truthe of scripture must nedes therin dissent from them But such diuersitie in opinions and other outward maners and customes of policie doth not dissolue and breake the vnitie whiche is in one god one faith one doctrine of Christe and his sacramentes preserued and kept in these seueral churches without any superioritie or preeminence that one churche by goddis lawes maye or ought to chalenge ouer an other And therfore the churche of Rome beinge but a seuerall churche chalenginge that name of Catholike aboue all other dothe great wrong to all other churches and dothe onely by force