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A53112 The complaint of English subjects delivered in two parts. First part, is the complaint, of the poor, middle, and meanest sorts of subjects, concerning their bodily assistance. Second part, is the true Christians complaint, against vice, and wickedness, for the good of their soul's health. Also, werein is set forth, the late prodigious growth, of atheism, errors, and vice: with a call to repentance. As also, how needful it is, in these times, for every one of us, first of all, to look into our own hearts, and endeavour to amend what is their amiss. And lastly, a brief discourse, concerning our late unfruitful, and cold summers: as also, what is thought to be the real causes of it, by way of opposition, to the opinion of astrologers. By Richard Newnam of Tiverton in Devonshire. Newnam, Richard. 1700 (1700) Wing N935; ESTC R218651 71,890 130

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Leaves thereof do now begin to overshadow the Glory and Brightness of the true Protestant Religion Gospel of our most Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ which is yet by some good men's endeavours devoutly upholden within this our Land which God of his great Mercy always grant unto us and amongst us to send many more such faithful Labourers to prevent the farther growth of this now mighty Tree of Atheism that so at last for want of future nourishment it may at last perish by the root and so at last dye evelastingly away is my Prayer But 2dly I say from this pernitious Root of Atheism springs forth Errors For no sooner can a Traveller be out of his right way but he must inevitably be in a wrong Path that will lead him aside or backwards so that by means thereof it may be a long time before he will be able to reach to his Journeys-end Again I say Natural Philosophers do hold this for a Maxim tha● there is no Vacuum in the Globe of the whol● World which if so then comparatively I may say that in the whole Body of Divinity ther● can be no Vacuum but it must be full of Truth or Truth mixt with Error Again I say a● likely a thing it is that if Truth in any Cause Matter or Things whatsoever fly from or give ground to Error then consequently Errors wil● step into Truth 's Ground and so possess Truth● place which things of late Years by sad experience hath been found to true For through th● Erroneous Lives of some Men that do profess themselves to be true Church of England Men Truth by means thereof hath of late Years been a great Sufferer whilst Errors in the mean time hath gained great Applauses amongst sim●le and weak Ones And no wonder is 〈…〉 made of it if we do but consider how man● 〈◊〉 there be that do profess themselves to be of and for and belonging to the Church of England that can say no more in the defence of their Faith than to say Here is a Health to the Church of England with confusion to all them that are of any other Opinion But such Expressions and Sayings are not only foolish and bruitish but they are very uncharitable also and the Doctrine of the Church of England teacheth such Men as so say better Principles for it teacheth all Men to have Charity for all Persons and all sorts of People as well for such as are not of that Faith as for those that are within the Pale of that Church And therefore I say great pity it is and much to be lamented and I my self cannot otherwise but be much troubled for it to see and hear such a most worthy honourable excellent and authentick Religion so much slighted undervalued and despised as now our most honourable Church of England is by many poor simple and weak Creatures who through want of Right Understanding stumble at Truth in the very plain Ways and Paths of Righteousness it self and that only because some of the Pastors of our Church are now become foolish bruitish and very loose Livers throughout their whole Lives and Conversations But the greater is the shame to all such of them as so do and so live and a great Account one Day for it they must all give And now with all my Heart I could wish that all such Evil Members were cast out of our Church for they do meerly thereby Eclipse the very Glory of our Religion and such Men cannot be otherwise but like great Stumbling-blocks which still lie in the very middle way of our Church-Paths which leads towards our several Sanctuaries and thereby keep back many Simple Ones from going to hear God's Word truly preach'd by other worthy Members of the Church of England whose Lives and Conversations have always adorned their Preaching But yet nevertheless notwithstanding all this yet such are the weak Capacities of many People that when they see such stumbling-Blocks lie in the way before them and just in the very Church-Path it self then rather than they will step over them or endeavour to avoid them by their going onward by either of the sides of them they will rather go back again or turn in to some other unknown ways wherein it may be at last they many of them do stumble indeed and many times thereby fall in Head-long into that most dangerous Gulf of Atheism it self And such things as these I my self do much lament them as I my self am one of that Faith which is of and belonging to that Church known by the Name of the Church of England from which Faith I hope I shall never waver But again it may be said What are there none that do live in Lewdness and lead wicked prophane Lives but such Men as are called by the Name of Church of England Men To this I Answer There be some of all Opinions and Professions that are altogether so vile and as filthy in their Lives and Conversations as any Church-men whatsoever only they have a way of carrying it off more privately to the World for what they do is more secretly and more Hypocritically so that I cannot decide the matter so as to say which is the worst of them both of them and all of them are all to bad and I heartily wish that they may all and every one of them amend and turn from their evil ways as I my self shall endeavour to amend my own evil ways for I acknowledge my self to be a great Sinner And now I say to you my Native Country-men of our Town of Tiverton in Devonshire spare me not but either exclaim against me or reprove me in or for any thing that is Evil that you either know in me or of me or against me and if it be true that you lay to my Charge I will patiently bare your Reproof and endeavour to amend what is in me amiss to the best of my power and for what is wanting in my self to be enabled so to do I shall desire God to assist me so as that I may be the better able to eschew all manner of Evil and follow nothing but what is Good And the same Resolution in every thing I advise all and every of you and all other Persons whatsoever that hope to be saved in and through the Love of God and the Merits of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ you all of you and every of you ought to take which Resolution so taken and so put in Practice then we shall all of us at last reap the benefit of it and not otherwise But again something more I must say concerning Errors and Erroneous Livers and that is this I say take this for certain that amongst all our Opinions Sects and Religions their are some Errors For their is but One true God but One true Religion but One true Faith and but One true Way to serve this true God Then how can so many Ways as we profess in and
first Rise and Growth from Clippers and False Coiners of Money who laid their Heads together and consulted how they might have a trade And then immediately up started a subtile Fellow amongst them and said Gentlemen the People say that no manner of crack'd Money will pass any longer But if you will be rul'd by me we will make it all pass one way or other But then says another of the Company How can we make all manner of crackt Money pass for some is crack'd almost through and such crack'd Money as that cannot be made to pass But then again says that cunning subtile Fellow that first started the Question Pray Sir hear me Doth not all manner of Clipt Money pass without any objection made against it tho' never so small And there is a great deal of good broad Money that is but a little crack'd and some of it not quite to the Ring and what if it be crack'd home to the Ring all such Money we can Clip and afterwards it will pass currently And then all such Money as is deeply crack'd we can melt down and new Coin it and Clip it afterwards But then presently up started an expert false Coiner and said What need we give our selves double trouble Why do ye think that a piece of Money is not to be new made in imitation of old clipt Money No Sir says the Clipper I beg your Pardon says the False Coiner He 's a bad Artist to his Trade that can't do that Then reply'd some other of the Clippers I believe Sir you your self cannot do it Then the False Coiner reply'd again Sirs I will warrant to do it artificially and compleatly and in the doing of it I will not use six penny-worth of Silver in a Shilling and but little more than nine penny-worth in Half a Crown and yet he shall be a good Artist that discovers it and if it do look somewhat courser in the Eye of an Artist the Country will not take notice of it But on the whole at such a rate as I have told you I will make all such Money passable without objection Nay said the whole Company if you can do so our Business is done Then says that False Coiner Gentlemen rest your selves contented in this matter by me you shall see it done and therefore let 's now talk no more about it Come drink about for our Trade will now and than afford us a Glass of Sack Ay says another of the company and a Rope to boot for some of us if we have not the more care on 't Tush says another of the same Company we must all venture that And so with a merry Fit of Laughter amongst them they all cast off the thoughts of Hanging for it And thus they all agreed And then by their Maker they all swore Fidelity to one another and then shaking each other by the Hand they all unanimously promised each other never to discover one the other if any of them were taken in the Fact And so unanimously they went on with their Trade some to Clipping and some to False Coining the latter of which 't is supposed there was abundance of it made and in a littie time such sorts of Money became very plenty and it was scattered all England over in great abundance and for a short time it procured a very quick brisk and vigorous Trade But note Trading was then encouraged only to put off this small Money which was then the only current running Money in our Nation And it is supposed by some that for the love of putting off such sorts of small Money brought Guinnea's to so high a Price for there came down here into the Country pretended Merchants and gathered up all the Guinea's that they could get and exchanged changed such Small Monies for them And also 't was said that then at that time there were many Men with Seventy Pounds of Broad Money each particular Man bought One Hundred Pounds of this then Small current Money which yielded the then Buyers the full value of One Hundred Pound of Lawful Money of England And thus those Money-Buyers were at that rate supplyed as often as they then had occasion for it And was not this a cursed Trade for such Men to use that have sworn to be true both to the King and County and that profess themselves to be both Loyal Men and Protestants But now again before I can proceed any farther I must Answer a Question which seemingly sounds in my Ear and methinks I hear some say Where could those Clippers have all those vast and great Sums of Money to Clip all of i● could never be their own and therefore it must be that they were supplyed by some great Monyed-Men To this I Answer Undoubtedly they were so supply'd by many of our great Money Masters who were very Rich or such as have always to command vast and large Sums of Money as great Bankers great Usurers great Merchants and some other great Receivers of Money and also some great Rich Trades-men of other Callings For all these sorts of Men have always by them or at their commands great and large Sums of Money And also they all of them had a more commodious way and better opportunities to put off all such Clipp'd and False Coin'd Money than any other sorts of men could have had if there then had been any other sorts of Men that then would have taken on them the like Devilish Trade But now upon the whole I say I am apt to believe that many of those Clippers and some of those False Coiners that have been justly executed for such Facts were but the hired Servants of some such Men as are before mentioned yet trusty Servants to such Masters for they would rather dye with a Lye in their Mouths than confess who set them on work And here I cannot otherwise but comment on th●● ●●d say Great pity it is and by all good M●● undoubtedly it is much lamented that we should be so unhappy to see the Devil and such wicked Men more truly served by these their wicked Servants than God and our King is served by too many thousands of our Nation that outwardly to the World profess much Zeal towards God and much Loyalty towards our King and yet are not in their Hearts so faithfully zealous towards God or so loyal towards our King as those poor Wretches that so justly suffered w●re to their most wicked Masters I mean such Rich men as aforesaid and the Devil But now again I seem to hear the sound of a Voice that doth propose to me this Question W●o are those Men that have thus wickedly done What are their particular Names To this Question I now Answer and say As for their Names I do not readily know all of them but some of them I think I may know However I must at present most humbly beg Your most Gratious Majesty and the Parliament to excuse me tho' I do not now
in the 6th Chapter of Genesis vers 3. But they of the Old World in all that time did not Repent and therefore at last they were all drowned in the Flood see in 7th Chapter of Genesis vers 12. Again I say Nineveh was a great City and the People thereof very Wicked see Jonah chap. 1. ver 2. For their Wickedness was grown to that prodigious height that it ascended up to Heaven before the Lord and therefore God pronounc'd his Judgments against them by the Mouth of the Prophet Jonah But as soon as Jonah had Preach'd the Word of the Lord unto them and told them Yet forty Days and Nineveh shall be overthrown Then they presently Believed and Repented from the highest to the lowest of them and therefore God shewed them Mercy and repented of the Evil that he had said he would do unto them see in Jonah chap. 3. from the first verse to the end of that Chapter And thus we may see that God doth first of all shew himself a God of Mercy before he doth shew himself to be the God of Justice And therefore I may now justly and truly say without giving offence to any Man that God hath been and still is very Merciful to us here in England and that in his forbearing of us in all these our Infirmities with great Patience For is not our Land now become a very sinful Nation O what Wickedness is their in the whole World that is not now acted done and committed here in England amongst us for now in this our Age home to this very day do not we continually wallow in the prophane wicked foul filthy shameful Sins of Sabbath-breaking Hypocrisie Pride Whoredoms Sodomy Murthers Blasphemy Swearing Cursing Flattering Lying Frauds Perjuries Thieving Oppression Vnjust Dealing Covetousness Self-intrest with all maner of Undermining Falshood and with Hearts full of secret Mischief striving by all manner of false ways Clandestinely to deceive and undermine our fellow Creatures and yet at the same time with a Judas-like Kiss or Counterfeit Smile profess themselves real Friends to him or them whom he or they at that very time intend to deceive O! what greater Wickedness than these can there be in the whole World And such Wickedness as these do not only continue amongst us but now they do superabound abundantly beyond measure all England over And therefore I say both from Reason and Scripture rationally and divinely we may all of us think our selves to be as great Sinners as any were in the Old World or in any other Nation ever since the World began who have been destroyed for their Sins And therefore 't is now high time for us all to Repent and Amend our Lives for who can tell what may follow these our most great and grievous Sins And 't is to be questioned whether our Sins may deserve that Mercy from God which the Ninehvite's then received from him for they the Ninehvite's immediately Repented at the Preaching of the Prophet Jonah as you may read it in the 12th Chap. of Matthew vers 41. But for our selves 't is much to be feared that our Impenitent Hearts are now much like the Hearts of the old Jews who were too much hardened to repent which if so who can tell how soon we may feel the severe Judgments of God amongst us for we are as great Sinners as any of they were look in the 13th Chapter of Saint Luke's Gospel the 1 2 3 4 and 5th verses and there you will find that when some told Christ what great Sinners the Galileans were Jesus answered them Suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans I tell you Nay But except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish Or those eighteen upon whom the Tower in Siloam fell and slew them think ye they were Sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem I tell you Nay But except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish And thus we see the Jews had warning from Christ himself and yet they did not Repent And now are not we in England warned to Repentance and that not only by Signs and Tokens from Heaven and Earth but by the Holy Bible the written Word of God wherein we may see by all the Commandments of God and Jesus Christ and by all the sayings of the Prophets and the Preachings of the Apostles that all such horrid Sins as we now daily commit and live in them are most abominable in the Eyes of the Almighty God And therefore it is now high time for every one of us from the highest to the lowest to Repent and turn us every one of us from our Evil Ways And though we have not now amongst us in these our days personally the Prophets and Jesus Christ himself and his Apostles to teach us and reprove us yet we have to this very day left unto us by divine Records for our Doctrine for our Instructions and for our Reproof all their Holy Sayings and Preachings And besides all this we cannot to this very day pretend to make any excuse for it that we have not sufficient warning given us to Repent us of all our Evil Doings for God be thanked for it still to this very day there are not wanting in our Church of England many good devout and most eminent Preachers that do constantly shew themselves like good Pastors and are faithful Shepherds over their Flocks and every Sabbath-day do by their most powerful and pressing Arguments use their utmost endeavours to perswade Sinners and to reclaim them from all their Evil Ways exhorting them to true Repentance and Amendment of Life and also to endeavour always to live in Obedience to all the Laws of God and all the Commandments and Sayings of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ And then for the better performance of it they are not wanting to offer up their most devout Prayers to Almighty God for his Blessings to remain upon them These Pastors and only such good Pastors as these are are now the only true Moses's Aaron's that are now left on the Earth to stand in the Gaps and Ways in which destruction cometh and there do lift up their most devout Hearts and Hands and interceed unto the Lord for us And thus by their Prayers together with the Prayers of all other true devout Christians God's most severe Judgments have hitherto been stopt from falling down upon us But after all those Signs and Tokens and Warnings if at last we will be like the Impenitent Jews and will not repent us of our Evil Ways then our Punishments will be only from our selves 〈◊〉 to prevent all such Evils let us now ●●●●●w●th repent us from the very bottom of our H●●r●s as the Ninevite's did and also that we may be the better enabled so to do let us now forthwith first of all every one of us look into our own particular Hearts and see what is there amiss and amend it And after that to the very utmost of