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england_n church_n faith_n profess_v 3,565 5 8.8932 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19216 The humble and vnfained confessio[n] of the belefe of certain poore banished men grounded vpon the holy scriptures of God, and vpo[n] the articles of that vndefiled and onlye vndoubted true Christian faith, which the holy Catholicke (that is to say vniuersal) Churche of Christ professeth. Specially concerning, not only the worde of God, and the ministerye of the same: but also the church and sacramentes therof. Which we send moost humbly vnto the Lordes of Engla[n]d, and al the commons of the same. ... Lorde increase our faith.; Humble and unfained confession of the belefe of certain poore banished men. Ponet, John, 1516?-1556, attributed name. 1554 (1554) STC 5630; ESTC S111154 26,257 72

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❧ THE HVMBLE and vnfained confessiō of the belefe of certain poore banished men grounded vpon the holy Scriptures of God and vpō the Articles of that vndefiled and onlye vndoubted true Christian faith which the holy Catholicke that is to say vniuersal Churche of Christ professeth ¶ Specially concerning not only the worde of God and the ministerye of the same but also the Church and Sacramentes thereof Which we send moost humbly vnto the Lordes of Englād and al the commons of the same Rom. x. ¶ To beleue wyth the hart iustifieth and to cōfesse with the mouth saueth Lorde increase our faith ❧ Grace and peace in our sauior Iesus Christe be with you euer strengthen and preserue you in the stedfastnes of Christes worde and bringe to luckie and blessed ende that gracious worke y t he hath begunne in you I Must needes with Saint Paule knowledge my selfe debter to all y t cal vpon the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ but to non more thē to you most dearly beloued both because of such louynge frendship as I haue found in you and most of al for the Christian loue that some time beyng your Curate I founde amonge you that I trust continueth among you stil not onely toward me but to al that love the Lorde Iesus Christe wherfore now consideryng the tyme of trial to be come that both our Sau●or Christ and al his holy Apostles warned vs of I haue thought it my part w t this Epistle to cōsort you not mistrusting but you al are strengthened and comforted dayly with the cōfort that is of God and do nowe earnestlye accompt with your selues the price of the buylding of your tower least if the foundation and beginning be layde and the worcke not finished your enemies beginne to laugh you to skorne and to sai these men began to builde but thei were not able to finishe I trust you are not builte vpon the slippery sandes or grauels where euerye waue that beateth shall shake the foundation and cause it to fal but you are built vpon a sure groūd depe digged and your foūdation layde vppon the foūdation of the Apostles Prophetes vpon the corner stone Iesus Christ in whom euery buildinge knitt and coupled together groweth vnto an holye Temple for the Lorde For al though the builders refuse and cast away as a thyng of nought this stone Christ whiche at this daye thei do puttinge out of the Temples Gods holi word in the mother toūg to set vp a Latine vnknowne tounge and in it to maintaine their olde Romyshe beggery Yet shal that stone be the principal corner stone to you that beleue elect and precious And whosoeuer beleueth in him shall not be ashamed And doubtlesse the vnbeleuers and vnfaithful must nedes fal stomble vpon this stoone be broused and vtterlye destroyed at the laste although for a time the Lorde vseth thē as the rodde of his furye to chasten our wāton and tomuch worldly vain liuing which in a manner had forgotten God and mere to muche cooled from that ardent loue that Christ willed to be among his Wherfore oure heauenly father doth mercifully call vs again to suffre afflictions with his sonne Christ and so to tri and examin our fayth that it beynge foūde more precious thē gold or siluer myght be to the praise and honour of his name Let vs therfore take this correction with al mekenes of heart and submission vnder the hand of God that he may exalte vs when it shalbe his godly pleasure We cal him our father our sauior Christ hath warranted vs so to do wherfore let vs knowe hym to be in deede a father not onelye in king Edwardes daies when we had al welth quiet with his holye word but also now in these perillous daies when the angels of the depe holde stoppe the windes of Christes Gospel that they should not blowe vpon the earth to make it fruitful nor vpō the seas to make them aboundaunte with fishe for the Apostles to catche nor vpō the trees to make thē bryng furth their fruites in due season I sa● euen now the Lord is our father and y ● he correcteth vs it is of very loue and not of crueltie of mercie and pytie and not of seuere iudgement We are corrected saith Saint Paul of the Lord that we should not be damned with the world Wherefore as obedient children we must submit our selues and sai with Dauid O Lord thou art righteous and righteous are thy iudgementes It is good to me that thou hast hūbled me y t I may learne thy iudgementes The lawe of thy mouth is more dearer to me thē thou sandes of gold and siluer I trust dear brethren that you al do nowe studie how to stand stedfast in Gods word vnto the ende that you may optaine the promisse as the Lord sayth Thus sayth the first and the last which was dead and liueth I knowe thy works and tribulation pouertie but thou art rich and I knowe the blasphemy of those that cal them selues Iewes and are none but are the sinagoge of Sathanas The Lord calleth thē rich that habounde in the ritche spirit of God in al good workes that gods spirite moued theim vnto as stedfast fayth sure hope ardent loue and charitie diligent often and feruent praier tamyng of the flesh with his lustes and appetites which you may reade Galath v. liberal almes to the poore and nedie especial to the houshoulde of faith and al other good dedes commaunded of God But the other although thei bost neuer so much y t thei ar Iewes y t is confessors of the Lordes name men of the church spiritualtie yea Gospellers if thei wil to yet the Lorde calleth theim blasphemers and of the sinagoge of Sathan Be not a bashed therefore wyth names titles or dignities as Lorde Duke c. or byshop doctor c. for e●cept he bring the worde of God and Christes Communiō with the maintenaunce of it doubte not but by the fruites knowe him and geue him his name that y e Lorde geueth him A blasphemer of the Sinagoge of Sathanas And though persecutiō com vpō the yet remēber what he saith that is first last whē no tiraūt shal remain Be not afraied of none of those thinges that thou shalt suffre Behold the deuil wil cast some of you into prison that you mai be proued You se dearly beloued that it is the deuil that raiseth vp these stormes against vs but doubtles at Gods permission and sufferaunce y t we may be proued whether we be Christians in dede as we confesse in word Manye of vs thinketh our selues strong but tempcation declareth that we are but weake Euen as Peter saide Lorde I wil go with the into prison and death But the knower searcher of hertes sayd Truly or the cocke crowe thou shalt deny