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A10318 A directorie teaching the way to the truth in a briefe and plaine discourse against the heresies of this time Whereunto is added, a short treatise against adiaphorists, neuters, and such as say they may be saued in any sect or religion, and would make of many diuers sects one Church. Radford, John, 1561-1630. 1605 (1605) STC 20602; ESTC S115540 239,684 640

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opinion be properly termed Heretikes Now lett vs see to which Church this marke Catholike is proper and agreeth and you shall find it to belong to no other but only to that church which Heretikes call the Popish or papistical church but she it is which they so scornefully miscall which is in deed the true Catholike church For our church and true Catholike faith and religion which they terme Papistry is common to all countries wheresoeuer heretikes be but yet Protestants or to speake more plainly heretikes be not in euery place where catholikes be as ●or example heretikes as Lutherans Caluinists or Protestants Puritans Anabaptists and the like sectaries deuided from the Catholike church be here openly in England Scotland Ireland Denmarke Switzerland Iseland partlie in Bohemeland yea in some corners of France Polony Hungary and in some prouinces free states rebells to their lawfull Princes in the inferior and higher Germany For in very few places else in all Europe saue these by me reckoned shall you find any hereticall estate To omitt then that all these countries many hundred years togither before they euer hard of these new heresies were al catholike yet at this day be they neuer so heretical you shall finde amongst thē some opē church of the catholiks such as stick not to profes their faith with losse of liberty goods liues as here in England though Gods church be opressed by heretiks with taxes impri sonments death more then any christians be in the world yea worse thā vnder that open professed enimie of Christ the Turke who permiteth Christians to liue with liberty of cōsciēce to haue their churches Masse opēly wheras you see how Catholiks here for their faith lose al their goods two partes of their lands cannot enioy that quietly neither but pilledwith euery apparitor purseuant cast in prison restrained of their liberty and susteining the like notable iniu stices disgraces knowne vnto you already to long to speake yet notwithstanding be they neuer so sore opressed beggered or consumed yet they liue after their death new arise in their places so that you wante not at euerye assises and sessions in euery shiere towne in England Catholikes that there be openly called vpon and ready to professe their faith besides many hundreds that lye this day in prison as in Yorke Hull Norwitch Wisbitch where be aboue thirty priests together most learned and reuerend men whereof some haue beene prisoners thirty yeares and aboue an hundred Priests or there-abouts haue beene within the same time hanged drawen quartered for the same cause though it is giuē out to the people it is for treason wherof they be most innocent as may appear by their milde death where they euer pray for conuersion of the Queene and Realme for recouery only whereof to the Catholike Faith Religion they be trained vp in virtue and learning in other countries and sent hither backe againe besides many lay men and weomen yong and olde of all degrees most noble personages and of interiour sort and condition haue and doe suffer to the open testimony of the world imprisonment and death for the Catholike cause So that you see here for example in England though neuer so poore and persecuted yet by Gods gratious mercy and prouidence be Catholikes and an open professant Catholike congregation The like might be saied of Scotland Ireland Germany and other countries that looke wheresoeuer heretikes be yet Catholikes be amongst them openly I say knowne to the world But yet the church of Christ is in farre more large noble worthy countries wher no heretike dare openly shew his head no nor at all or rarely be found as in the greatest countries of Europe the corpes of Christendome as in those most noble Countries In france god he blessed though the state publike be Catholicke yet both publikly and priuatly I graunt heretikes chiefly Italy Spaine Sicily and for the most part in the chiefe and famous cities of Fraunce Portugall and the like prouinces Kingdomes and dominions adioyning by North and South of those Countries where God be blessed the Catholike faith and Church hath free liberty vse for preaching Sacraments and ceremonies but very few heretikes or none to account in respect in the most of those mighty Regions that dare opēly avouch their absurd monstrous heresies which they deceaue the simple souls with al here in Englād other obscure corners of the world like lurking theeus that be ashamed to shew their faces before men In somuch that at the last generall councel of Christendome holden at Trent where the most of all the learned Bishopps and Doctors of Chistendome were gathered together to dispute and appease controuersies in religion the heretikes of this country and of all others in the world being sommoned to appeare and hauing free liberty giuen them to say what they could for themselues with sufficient securitie of their saufe conduct to and fro they like men of cancred and guilty consciences knowing the naughtines of their own cause durst not appeare nor shew their faces before the lawfull Iudge graue Senate and councell of Christendome but like subtill foxes in their dens kept thēselus at home so by the consent of all christendome were iustly condemned for obstinate Heretikes Ouer and besides al these coūtries abouenamed where you see by Gods grace the Catholike church is openly persecuted or free and in peace there be other countries in the world neuer heard of but of later yeares which now be of late with wonderfull :: For miracles vid● Osoriū d● Lusitanorū gestis Itē Maffeū maxi●e Epistolas Indicas Iaponicas ver bi gratia The Reu● rende Father Franc. Z●uier his body was found vncorrupte sweet and of an odoriferous sauour some months after his death I omit the report how he raysed a dead mā This holy Zauier first in our age preached Christ in Iaponia The Iaponians though they be as fa●re or rather farther distant from the Ro●anes thē the An●ipodes yet they be not properly Antipodes but in ●ome sort Antiesi or quasi Antiesi for that part of the world which is directly opposit●●o Rome is partly it seemeth Sea partly terra incognita miracles conuerted to Christs faith religion both in the East and West Indians insomuch as about 9. yeares past in the latter end of the time of Gregory the thirteene of blessed memory I my self saw there three young Princes come to Rome that came from the vttermost coasts of the earth out of a Country called Iaponia who bee Antipodes to the Romanes that is their feete contrary to theirs they were 3. yeares in comming and all to visit the bodies of the Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul to acknowledge their dutifull obedience to the Apostolike Sea and to worship Christ his Vicar here on earth they were as worthy receaued with great applause of all Christian states and Princes in Christendome
a Mat. 20. Mar. 12. Luc. 20. citty set vpon a hill to a tabernacle set in the sunne that cannot be hid Againe he biddeth vs if we cānot amend our brother by brotherly correctiō Totel the Church which if he will not heare account him as a Heathen and Publicane saith christ But how should we tell that Church or howe should a man hear that church that can neither be seene nor heard but is inuisible as the heretiks would haue it Wherefore you see how slender a shifte this is of them who like theues that hate the light would haue the Church inuisible contrary to Gods word his holy Gospell which biddeth vs to haue recourse vnto it in time of neede as the sure foundation and piller of truth so euident and plaine that it may and might euer and shal be seene to the worldes end euen frō the rising of the sunne to the setting of the same againe as was foretolde by the Prophets Hereupon the Apostles write their epistles to such and such Churches and to the whole Catholike Church as in particular to the Romanes the Cor. the Ephes c. as visible that may be seene that is This position of theirs heretiks I meane denying the Church to be visible is so false that before Christs time whē things were but in shaddowe and figure yet was there euer an opē visible Church of God whereunto men might haue recourse in all doubtes especially since Moyses as appeared in Elias time whē it was so sore persecuted that he cried out Relictus sum ego solus I good Lord thy seruant am lefte 3. Reg. 19. alone and yet aunswere was giuen him by God that he had left 7000. in Israell besides the wel known citty of Ierusalem Cath. Iuda that neuer bowed knee to Baal Loe a visible cōpany at al times yet in the visible church we be taught by Scriptures there be both good bad as appeareth by that parable of the gospell the Kingdome of Heauen that is the Church of God which in holy scriptures is sometimes called the Kingdome of heauen is compared to a field where Mat. 13. good corne cockle and weed grow together which our Sauiour the good man of the house his Church bad let grow both to gether least in weeding out the cockle the good corne also should bee bruised and plucked vp but in the end of the world then will he by his Anglles gather his good corne his elect people and bind the weed that is the wicked in bundles to be burnt with vnquenchable fire For God suffereth wicked men as saith Saint Augustine to liue amongst the iust that either they may be conuerted by their example or else good mens patience by them may be the better exercised In an other place the church is Mat. 13. compared to a net cast into the Sea gathering good bad fishes so likewise to the threshng place wherein is both corne chaffe So that you see how false the heretiksb e how contrary vnto the Gospell whereof before the simple and vnlearned eares they so brag that would haue the church inuisible that no man might see their wily deceits and would haue therin none but good wheras in their Church can be none but bad but we that by gods grace be catholikes doe according to Gods word affirme that in his holy Church be many good none good but onely those of Gods Church yet amongst those good be some euel til the last day of paiment when the goats and lambes shal be shed or seperated by the good sheapheard a sunder so that Gods Church is visible that is open to the whole world to be seene and knowne and shall so continew euen til the end of the world take then this for the second most certaine marke of the true Church of God that our Catholike and visible church is of the greatest Antiquity and longest cōtinuance Wherfore none but our church is the true spouse of Christ Chap. IIII Of the third certaine note of the true Church The third most certaine note of the true church is vnity and consent in all matters of Religion For as there is on God as I sayed in the beginning so one onlie truth proceedeth from him hee is not the author of dissention but of peace as therefore there is one God so is there but on Church his only spouse For thus hee saieth in his Canticles Vna est Columba mea c. My doue is Cont. c. 6. one as shee is one so is shee not nor cannot possiblye bee deuided into diuers sectes factions and opinions in faith and Religion forso shee shoulde not bee one but manye and so not of God which is one and hath chosen her for his onely spouse and euer according to his promise guideth her with his holye spirite saying Her● Heb. 13. 8 hodie ipse in secula who is one and the same yesterday to day and for euer heereupon it commeth that by the guiding of Christes holye spirite euer resident and directing his Church that therein is not preached one faith this daye another that nowe this yeare one thing an other yeare an other as Heretikes doe that can neuer agree among themselues in opinions but the same faith that was taught in the beginning by christ his Apostles in matters of Faith Religion the Church of God euer most soundly keepeth pure vndesiled as we be able to proue by authority of Gods wordes and all auncient Fathers and the same Faith that we Catholikes holde here in England the same they holde in Fraunce Scotlande Irelande Germany Poland Dalmatia Italy Spaine the East and West Indians and so to the vttermost coastes of the worlde not differing a iotte in points of religion and due administration of the Sacraments But if you see howe finely heretikes accord you shall see them like Samsons foxes with sire tyed in their Iud. 15. tayles together readye and of one accord to burne vppe the good corne of Christ but their heads quite contrarye from each one another readye to bite one another in peeces neuer agreing in opinyons but sharpely vvriting against one another condemning one another to the bottomelesse pitte of Hell For Luther that was their sirst father and broke downe the walles and so was fallen with pronde Lucifer from the kingdome of heauen frō Gods holye Church did hee long continue thinke you in one opinion with himselfe No for besides that in one and the same matter in some one booke he is contrary to him self he changed his opinions dayly to worse and that diuerse times For first of pride and couetousnes he founde fault at the manner of dispensing of pardons and in the ende denied the Pope pardons and all what said I Pardones Saints Sacraments to espeacially priuate Masse as he termed it and the most pure and vnbloudy Sacrifice of the Altar propitiatory both for the quicke and the dead and
chiefe Monarch in most trayterous and rebellious sort by pride and goeth about to shake and pull downe the soundation of his common weale his Church in steed of true faith where of it standeth peruerting the vnderstanding the eye of the soule that is by false doctrine whereof the tower of Babilon the very Sinagogue of Sathan is builded So that the Church euer carefully conserueth true faith in euery point cleare as the apple of the eie the sight whereof as it cānot tollerate the least moath to cleaue to it so cannot the Church of God admit the least heresie or ioyne himselfe in society with the least sect of heretikes or schismatikes in the world no more then a generous minded most royall Princes can admitte in her kingdome some newe vnworthye vpstart that seeketh to bee her equall or superiour or the jealous husband can permitte the adulterer he suspecteth with his wife to lie in bed by her side no no coang●státum est stratum nec pallium breue vtrumque operire potest neither is there any agreement in the least thinges betwixt light and darknesse betwixt GOD and the Diuell betwixt his true CATHOLIKE CHVRCH and that false Babilonicall strumpet heresie Hereupon it commeth that most blessed holy diuine men euer so detested heresie and the least society or affiance to the same Saint Iohn woulde not come in the bath where the heretickes had beene An other holy man though most innocent coulde tollerate himselfe to bee accounted a whore-master an vncleane person and the like but when one called him an heretike he could beare no longer So Saint Basil talking with the Emperour of matters of religion the Cooke comming in saucely and telling the holy man his opinion that it was but a smal matter to yeeld to his Master the Emperor in a word or two and needed not to stand so precisely in diuine matters which seemed indifferent or of no great moment yea sir Cooke quoth S. Basil it is your part to tend to your Pottage and not to boyle or choppe vp diuine matters then with great grauity turning to the Emperor said that those that were conuersant in diuine matters with conscience would rather suffer death then suffer one jot of holy Scripture much lesse an article of faith to be altered or corrupted What thinke you now if such a one as M. Buny or a lesse heretike perhaps as some Arrian heretike should haue come in denyed with protestants not jors nor words but whole bookes of Scripture not one article but almost al the Sacraments with many articles of the Catholike faith that such as bee the chiefe substance of the same and yet for all that vvith such vncleane fingers seeking to make a Pacification betwixt them and Saint Basil with the Catholikes and shoulde say we beleeue all one God and so are of one Church with you let vs not passe of this article or that this place of Scripture and the other but vvithout more adoe account vs as wee are Catholikes with you what may wee thinke this graue diuine Basil woulde haue answered to such a motion how woulde he haue shaken vppe such a nullifidia● Minister of the Diuell how vvoulde he haue drawne out that weapon so terrible to the vvicked and more percing then the two edged sworde and tolde him flatly vvith his Master CHRIST ●owe in that case n●●●●●●●itt●re pac●m sed gladium and may not wee say to such Ne●ters as Bunny and his fellowes be vvhich be the worst kinde of heretickes in the vvorlde vvhich be● neither hotte nor colde make a hodge podge of altogither Maister Buny you that thus vnskilfully behaue your selfe in diuine matters and yet not altogither vnlearned in compositions better it vvill become you to make some compoundes of Apothicarie stuffe or if that bee too difficult or painefull for you some meash of a potte of good Ale and diuers sundrie spices as you sitte in your chaire by the fire side then thus without all skill learning or reason in diuinity to make a conjunction of two thinges that bee as farre as heauen and hell asunder as heretickes of our time especially bee from the Church of God Nay the hereticall and schismaticall Greekes and other old sects in the east and by north which be far neerer in faith to Catholiks then Protestants be haue many of them many hundred yeares agoe by the just consent of Christendome bin quite cut off from the true Church of God yea schismatiks heere in England that in all articles beleeue as the Catholik Church doth yet in doing contrary to their faith Ipso facto they cut themselues off from the Church of Christ which can admitt none nor acknowledge iustly for hers but such as keepe vnity of faith both in thougt and action such as are not ashamed to cōfesse the truth before men such as beleeue in hart for iustice and confesse in mouth to saluation I Petr●● Aboto heard once of a learned diuine who earnestly disputing in schooles of the authority of the holy Scriptures one merrily though vnfitly in that place and matter brought in the example of Tobies dogge that wagged his tayle so to infirme the authority of the whole books as that he was not bound to beleeue that what said the deuine dost thon make a iest of it the verity whereof I am ready to defend with my bloud which was right worthely spoken for though some places of holy Scripture be more mistle all then other and con●aine not all profound ma●er alike Yet some places for faith and other for mortall life another for mistery another auowching some circumstance apperreyning to the verity of some history as this for example of Tobyas dogge in their degree bee all true alike which bookes of holy Scriptures euery sentence cōteyned therein being proposed to vs by the Church to be beleeued to be true a good Christian ought rather to suffer death then deny one sentence thereof to be true for so discrediting the Church and Scriptures in one point he might make the rest vncertaine and so doubt in all But heretiks that deny the whole booke of Toby Hester Iudith the Canticles the Prouerbs Ecclesiasticus the two books of Machabies Bar●ch yea Or if they call not in question these whole bookes yett some notable sentences chapters of the same some call in question whether Marke Mathew and Luke be true Gospels and whether the Apocalipsis be a true booke of Scripture some flatly denying Saint Iames Epistle as Luther their chiefe Apostle and corrupt the rest of holy Scripturs shall these men be written in the booke of life that lay such violent hands of Gods booke shall we admitt such rebellious traitours in the host of Gods Church that thus first robbing her of her armour whereby shee may defend her selfe indeuour quite to subuert her scatter and disperse her a sunder these Protestants new Masters and teachers 6. Sixtly If they were of God who is
grace the sweet li●our of his holie Sacraments without this Church of Christ no saluatiō can be found this Church is worthily called the ship of S. Peter out of which whosoeuer at death shall be found shal bee ouerwhelmed without all doubt in those flouds of eternall damnation For as at Noes floud none were saued but those only that were in the Arke eight persons euen so we cannot pas through the Sea of this troublesome world nor arriue to the sure hauē of rest with god in his kingdome vnlesse we saile in Noe and Saint Peters ship Christs holy Church which church is nothing else but a congregation of al faithfull people liuing in one faith or vnity of beleif vnder Christ their head his Vicar the cheif Pastor of our souls Saint Peters successor heare in earth keeping that faith and beliefe that Christ and his Apostles taught and hath beene euer openlie preached in Christs Church without intermission euen from Christs Assention vnto this day shal be so without faile euen to the end of the worlde For against his Mat. 16 Church Christ promised The gates of hel that is the Diuel and al his power that is al Infidels Turkes Iewes Heret●kes Schismatikes should neuer preuaile but the true Catholike church hath more manifestly shall haue in the end the vpper hand though for a time for our sins in this and other countries it hath beene sore persecuted and oppressed yet can it neuer be vanquished or suppressed because Christes worde shall neuer faile who promised to be with it and assist it with his holy spirit to the end of the world Nay the more it is persecuted the more in the end it will florish as the vine that is pruned afterward bringeth out branches more perfectly and more plentifull fruit This ship of Saint Peter hath bin sore tossed with stormes of persecution frō time to time but yet by the good guiding of Christ her head neuer ouerwhelmed How sore was it shaken when Nero that bloudy tirant and persecuting Emperour slew the chief Captaines therof Saint Peter and Saint Paul at Rome in which city now Christs Religion by his special grace and by the merits praiers of these Apostles most florisheth What bloudy battailes afterward made Domitian Diocletian and rhe rest of those persecuting Kings and Emperours against the same Church slaying by thousands of Christiās in one day The Arrian Heritickes aboue a thousand yeares agoe that denied the Son of God to be of the same substance with his father as the Heretickes of our time now deny him though not altogither alike but in another manner and in another article of our beliefe according to his worde to be heare with vs in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar Those that were true Christian Catholickes especially Bishopps Preists were for the truth by them persecuted with fire and sword both by Sea and land Yet by the valiant death and constancie of Martirs and worthy Confessours who were robbed spoiled of goods landes liberties and liues by long imprisonment death as many in this countrie for the same cause now be they in the end obtayned ouer the enimies of the truth the victorie that euen in those very places where greatest persecution bloodshed was for the truth there afterward was of all sorts of people greatest confession of the truth Churches and houses of prayer being raised in those very places where many Martirs were hanged shed their blood the bloody persecutor dying and being buried in hell in eternal obliuion The glorious Martir now triumpheth and reioyceth with God in Heauen with perpetuall praise and memory of his name here on earth When the ghospel in this country was first preached a blessed man harboured Amphibo l●s by Saint Albon nere to Christs time that blessed Martir for his receipt of Christs messenger and for becoming a Christian shed his bloud and yet in that very place was afterward a goodly Abbey built where Christ was serued both day and night and the towne of Saint Albons as of whome it tooke the name for many hundred yeares honoured God in him in that place who before as a traitor and enimie to the Realme and state they put to death Afterward about a thousand years agoe when Saint Augustine the Moncke was sent by Saint Gregorie then Pope of Rome to restore preach christs faith and religion here amongst English men then a mongst the Britons in some sort partly decaied for sinne as now in a great part of the whole Isle it is if not worse in manie mens hartes though God bee thanked a Church though litle poore and afflicted wee haue still manye mockes buffets and blowes that holy Moncke with the rest of his fellowes had before they could recall this Country to the right way of saluation The storme against them was sharp for a time But afterwardes with long patience Christ bad the winde cease and there became a great calme The Church of England hauing great tranquility flourishing after in religion virtue almost a thousand years togither till wicked Luther a many of his fellowes runagate Friers and forsakers of their order and religion for the desire they had to liue as they lust in al liberty pleasures of the flesh broched a new gospel I would say raised vp a mōstrous storme of heresy infidelity troubling the peace of the christian world quite ouerthrowing the cōmon state of Religiō here in our Country till it please God to bid the raging storme cease which no doubt hewil do whē it semeth best to his good wil pleasure who after a storme sendeth faire weather when he hath beaten his children wel knoweth to cast the rod into the fire in the meane time in this perilous storme it behoueth vs to bee well armed least we be ouerwhelmed with al vertues but first cheifly with true faith and religion Chap. II Of the first certaine note of the true Church WHerfore because heretiks the enimies of truth deceiue simple soules vnder the shewe of truth glory of the Church as though they only were true mēbers of the same which notwithstāding they oppugn pul down Therfore the first note wherby you may knowe the true church of Christ frō the Church of Satan is this that the Church of God is called Catholike which word Catholike is deriued frō the Greeke and in Latine is asmuch as vniuersalis that is vniuersall and generall common as it were to al true beleuers of all nations so that the true Church of Christ is commonly called the Catholike church or at least knowne The proper etimologie of this word Catholik is vniuersall or generall of all sorts so to be called as we are taught in our Creed to beleue the holy Catholike Church so that true Christiā beleuing men are commonly called catholikes those that be deuided from this knowne common faith and Church of Christ in
euer wāting in heretikes in cleane pure cōsciences in which vertues worthy qualities these B. Fathers most excelled liuing in such abstinēce cōtinēcy watching meditatiō of the law of god both night day praier with thē wēt euer before study study was ioyned with prayer they did not expound harde places and hygh misteries of Scriptures after their owne brayn phantastical conceipt but by the teachig of their masters holy forefathers of whō they had receiued the Scriptures especially therein following the rule cōmon consent of Christs holy Catholike Church that is euer guided with Christ her spouse head the holy spirit euer assisting the same church which was the cause there was not such iarres amongst thē as now be amongst heretiks Farre vnlike be our newe gospellers to these holy Fathers how more securely may we well committe our selues to God with them than hazard our saluation with these companions who with belly cheare little learning lesse honesty embracing of weomen care of children loue of the worlde and care of their owne carcases beeing most carnall men yet take vpon them to reueale his mysteries of the Spirite to open Gods word which commonly is open to none indeed but to those that be pure in hart and minde and with humility submitte their iudgementes vnder the obedience of the holy Catholike Church whereunto all heretikes be traitours and rebelles whether I say is it more like if we had no more certaine a marke of the true church and teachers that these lewde companions haue the trueth on their sides or those holy Fathers by me aboue named who excelled asmuch in vertue as these newe Gospellers bee drowned in vice which Fathers be of such authority that though indeed they be alwaies against heretikes yet the heretike is gladde if he can but get a scrappe or peece of a sentence euer wrested euill vnderstood out of these holy Doctours that maye seeme to make for his purpose though rightly vnderstood in the samesentence often-times they bee most confounded These holye Fathers were not eloquent in affection and inckehorne termes as Protestants be all wordes but no true or sounde matter but wisedome in those fathers by force ioyned vnto their words incomparable eloquence See S. Chrysostom S. Leo S. Ierome Lactantius but aboue all that Blessed martyr S. Ciprian who as many other of our holy doctors Catholike writers did sealed his writings with his blood if any of these holy Fathers as men at any time did of infirmity erre they did not malitiously obstinatly defend it as proud heretikes do but were alwayes ready to submit their doings to the cēsure of the Cath. church saing with S. Augustine Errare possiim hereticus esse nolo I may erre as a man yet wil I not be an heretike that is obstinately defending anye opinion the Church gain-sayeth This Faith then and Religion Catholike Romane Church thus groūded on Christ her head thus plainly knowne by such distinct notes of Vniuersallity Antiquity Succession Consent thus adorned and florishing with writings of so many and so holy auncient Fathers and Doctors thus confirmed with miracles thus watered and sealed with the blood of most constant and valiant Martyrs especially in the beginnig of the Church whilest the blood of Christ was yet warme in mens hearts yea of later yeares too as there want not in England and other places euen to this day Is there any so blinde if he obserue these notes well but he may both knowe this to bee the onely true Church and true way of Saluation or so carelesse of his saluation that dare aduenture his soule in any other congregation saue only the true Church of Christ thus strengthned with so many sure bulwarkes and strong pillars Assure your selfe good sir ignorance cannot excuse you For this is the citty set vpon a hill that cannot be hid so euident and so plaine that the words of the holy Prophet Esay may be applyed vnto her Hec Isa 35. erit vobis directa via ita vt stulti non errent per eam This shall be your direct way so that idiots or very simple soules maye not misse the same Where it is written to this effecte that great and lesse shall knowe God that is if they will seeke his waies diligently and in due time As also in Ieremie the thirty one Omnes cognoscent me a minimo eorum vsque ad maximum All shall knowe me from the least of them to the greatest And againe Adducam eos c in via recta I will bring them or leade them in the right way Non impinguent in ea and they shall not hit or stumble in it Seeke therefore to walke good sir in this way the Church of Christ if you will attaine the port of saluation for as long as you be out of this waye you shall alwaies be worse entangled with brambles bryers of sinne and blinde error and euer further frō your iourneys end the kingdome of God As youse when a man loseth his way in the night he is allwayes in greater incumbraunces and further from the marke till he returne by good guide to his way againe so it is in the blinde way of this life if we leaue Christ the way of life and his deare spouse the church the only way of truth we be euer in greater danger till we returne backe againe Come home the night draweth neare the day of payment hieth fast on take heed if you come short of the mariadge of Christ with his spouse the dore be not closed vp and you shutte out Heare what St. Augustine saith whatsoeuer saith he a mā be or whosoeuer he is he cannot be saued if he be not in the Catholike Church and in another place to Peter the Deacō he hath these fearful sayings Though a man giue neuer so much almes yea shedde his bloud for Christ if he be not a member of Christs Catholike Church he cannot be saued Firmissime tene saith he this holde stedfastly doubt in no wise not only al Pagans and Iewes but also heretikes and Schismatikes that die without the vnity of Christs Catholike Church shall goe into euerlasting fire prepared for the diuell and his Augells Neither doth this holy father St. Angustine speake these wordes of his owne priuate opinion but founded in Gods owne worde as in the holy Apostle St. Paule who saith If I giue al my goods to the poore and body to be burnt and want charity it profiteth me nothing now vnity be twixt God participatiuely I meane our owne soules and neighboures is that which maketh charity in vs by Gods grace which vnitye none can possibly haue that is not vnited to Christ being a member of his body the holy Catholike Church for otherwise he is deuided so that beeing out of this vnity he is not in charity so beingout of Gods Catholike Church he is out of state of Saluation therefore
not exceed his limits or office knowing that it was the part of a King to rule in the pallace but the Priest in the Church so much did this mighty Emperour whome God so highly honored blessed with temporall power and spirituall graces honor Priestes but espeacially the high Priest of God the Pope that he gaue to him and his successors for euer the Citty of Rome and all the Territories thereunto belonging giuing place to the Vicar of Christ and remouing the Imperiall seate to Constantinople where Christian Emperours many yeares after raigned till that nowe for sinne and heresie it is fallen vnder the enemy of Christ that greate tyrant the Turk● with whome our Protestants in England o monstrous impiety shake hands as is said to trouble the whole state of Christendome that they themselues may liue in more quietnesse at home but no meruaile when they can haue no helpe of God who hateth the wicked and his iniquity they runne to the Diuell for like will to like in euery degree Theodosius the Emperour for a slaughter by him committed at Thessolonica being excōmunicated by S. Ambrose Bishop of Millaine and put backe by him from entring into the Church intreated the Bishop he might enter into the Church for that saith hee Dauid committed man slaughter yet after pleased god Yea saith S. Ambrose Dauid offended which many Kings doe but Dauid did penance which many Kings doe not let me first see fruit of your penāce with Dauid and after we shal consider furder The Emperour fearing Christ in his Priest the Bishop returned with humility and teares and many daies in his Pallace did penance till at length hee was reconciled by S. Ambrose admitted into the Church O how far did this worthy godly Bishop differ from these false counterfeit Bishops of yours that like flattering Parasites to feede themselues children giue Princes superiority in the Church so far be they from gainsaying any vice raygning amongst thē which one day they will haue cause to curse as cōtrariwise Theodosius for his amendment had cause to blesse the true Bishop S. Ambrose that plainly told him of his fault vsing the rod and authority of the Church ouer him in somuch that therfore the good Emperour after more loued and commended him for it aboue all men esteeming Ambrose worthye in deede to bee Bishoppe These noble Emperours Constantine Theodosius and the like that so feared honoured and reuerenced Priestes which in England you see here tyrannicall heretickes so greatly dishonour and cruelly murther vvere of no lesse witte learning valour courage honour and power then hereticall Princes be now a daies nay they were not only of farre greater worthyer and of more excellency in all princely qualities then any such nowe liuing but withall they were of more profound humility had greater feare of God and reuerence of Priestes his messengers honoring Christ in them which vertues Princes alas deceaued with false heretickes now want They considered and feared right worthely these words of God Qui tangit vos tangit pupillam oculi mei he that toucheth you that is lawful Priests Gods annointed toucheth as it were the very aple of his eye remembring likewise what God said to Samuell of the Iewes They haue not despised 1. Reg. 8. thee but me that I raigne not ouer thē And our Sauiour saith Hee that despiseth Luc. 10. 16. Mat. 10. 40. Iohn 13. 20. Math. 10 15. you despiseth me he that hateth you hateth me hee that receaueth you receaueth me Againe he threatneth those that refuse his messengers comming in his name That at the last day it shal be more tollerable to Sodome and Ghomor Whereby it appearrth what greate reward good Catholicke christians at this day in England shall haue at Christes handes one day for receauing Priestes comming in his name and lawfullye sent by Christ yea though it be losse of goods landes and life to the receauers so much greater is their merite and what perill and danger not only those stand in that for dasterdly loue to them-selues and feare of the worlde refuse them but in what most damnable state those be that persecut● Priestes and their receauers with most vile deathes and so glory they neuer so much of Christ yet they in deede persecute Christ in his members and seruants vnto whome vvhat good or euill is done he accepteth as done vnto himselfe Chap. XXXIIII Of the goodly order of the Clergy and Monarchy of the Church and of the Anarchy and disorderly confusion of heretickes YOu may see by this litle which is said the reuerend order of Priesthood how much it hath euer beene honored by good men but euer impugned persecuted by enemies of the truth because the shepheard once taken away the flock is easily dispersed which maketh the heretikes so to rage and tirannize against Priests in England for the hatred in deed they haue against the whole flock of Christ to the end there should be left neuer a good christian or catholicke in England that in deede is their drift though to blind the simple they pretend all dye for treason not for religion and vnder the cloake of elemencye and mercy with a lingring persecution they vse one of the most subtill and greatest tiranny that euer vvas vsed since CHRISTS tyme For making some out-warde shewe of clemencye euer they haue and doe and will doe I feare me the worst they can deuise in their proceedings till it please GOD either to conuert their hartes vvhich I beseech hym of his mercy for their good and saluation hee vvoulde or else otherwise to chastise them as it may best please him to the terrour and example of all pos●erity You see likewise how Priesthood most necessarily was ordained by Christ for conseruation of his Church and vvhat godly order is in the same and vvhat a valiant armye hereby the heauenly Monarchie the Church of God thus set in order is how bountifull and amyable to the good in their sight it is and how terrible to the wicked the Diuell all his power see I say in what decent noble aray this Monarchy of Christ standeth First the lay people as feete or inferior members though they rule not the head yet as necessary members be expedient for the body as other more noble mēbers are next to the temporall lay people be those in lower orders or degrees toward Priesthood which as handes or armes in this christiā Monarchy maintaine helpe the head as subdeacons deacons which in holy Order be eies as it were to the Priest and Bishop and so in order the Priest preacher is as it were mouth to the Bishoppe helping him to administer the Sacraments and preach Gods word and so Bishops with their vigilant care as it were with their head shoulders do support that most heauy burden Angelicis humeris tremendum and so vpholde altogether and maintein the head whither the head guideth and directeth all the inferiour
members go that way The feete bidds not the hand doe this neither any of the inferior members haue domination ouer the higher but euery one vseth his office and function and is gouerned by the head that is Christs Vicar and cheife Pastor of our soules S. Peters successor whose faith Christ promised should euer holde and neuer faile and therefore when tribute was to be paid for heads of houses our Sauiour bad S. Peter goe to the water and take a fish in whose mouth hee shoulde finde a peece of mony and that he bad Math. 17. 27. him pay for them both for me and theo said Christ marke here for whome this tribute was paid for Heads of houses only not for the rest of Christs disciples but for Cephas only that is S. Peter the rock and head of Gods house vnder Christ tribute was paid Thus you see what vnity peace charity is in Gods Church by reason of one heade vnder Christ the Pope Whereby you see how the citty of Gods Church by this order in what sweete disposition it is as that citty Ierusalem well built and noe maruaile for as we read Saba hearing of 3. Reg. 10 the wisdome and worthines of Salomon comming out of the vttermost coastes of the earth to see him when shee harde his wisedome saw the temple of God which he had built the princely Palace wherin he dwelt the godly order and disposition of his seruants the varietie of dishes the goodly seruice at his tables with great admiration burst out saying Beati serui qui astant coram te audiunt sapientiam tuam Blessed be thy seruants that wait in thy presence and hearing thy wisedome minister at thy table If Salomon then which was but a shadow or figure of Christ the eternall wisedome of his father coulde so dispose his house no meruaile then though Christ the truth and wisedome it selfe in most noble decent and wise order could dispose his holy Church which S. Paul calleth the 1. Tim. 3. house of God the pillar and foundation of the truth this is done especially by the Sacrament of Order for want wherof all discord and confusion is amongst heretikes whose rude company like the proud builders of the tower of Babilon confound one another and lifting their mouthes to heauen to pul God from his throne be deuided into innumerable sects without all order Wherefore the conuenticle of heretiks for her miserable confusiō is properly called in holy Scripture the strumpet of Babilō drinking of the cup of Gods wrath iustly forsaken of him as destitute of his spirit for want of peace vnity and concorde and the Church of the malignant whereof that terrene bloudy Cain was the first builder as Abell that innocent Martir was the first builder of the citty of God Chap. XXXV Wherein is more at large described the Babilonicall confusion of sinne and heresy how God hath blessed this Country of olde for honour and obedience to the Church Priesthood THerefore in heresy this Sinagogue of Satan is such a discord and disorder that it is a very figure of hell vbi nullus ordo c. where as testifieth holy Iob there is no order but euerlasting horr●r dwelleth therein What biting is there of one another neuer agreeing with them selues nor their followers what bitter inuectiues euery one braggeth of the spirit of God euery one would be a teacher an other Paul as it were numquid omnes Apostoli numquid omnes Doctores The Apostle teacheth the Church of Christ that euery one should not take vpon him to haue the office of an Apostle or Doctor but with heretikes it is quite contrary euery one looketh amongst them to be a teacher at least to expound the word euery one thinketh himselfe a Priest though neuer called to that function by any lawfull authoritie they would seme to haue Scripture for thē but falsely wrested Al we Christians in deed in holy Scripture be called genus sacerdotale a priestly stock generation or kindred but what then So we be called al kinges in the scripture or a princely generation As therefore wee bee not all properly kings but in some respect it is that wee bee so called for that we by Gods grace liue well and raigne in Christ well rule our inordinate passions and motions and well gouerne our selues that it is which is a greater matter then for some loosely to gouerne a kingdome So and no otherwise a●l lay Christians be called Priests not for that they bee properly Priestes which none can be but those which by order are lawfully chosen and ordeined but because they offer vpon their harts spirituall sacrifice of prayses prayers thanksgiuing to God which be not properly sacrifice but metaphorically no more be all Christians Priests properly but figuratiuely as we be not al properly Kings but vnproperly and in signification But heretickes like vncleane beastes and vnreasonable creatures out of all order make no distinction of any thing but confounde all therefore no meruaile though amongst them the feete stand where the head shoulde and the head in steede of the feete Euery maide amongst them by Luthers opiniō is a Priest and euery Minister amongst the Puritanes woulde bee heade of the Church euery one may start vp into the Pulpit and say what the spirit moueth him the man controleth his Master woemen men for not preaching the worde sincerely if there be any forme of order at this day in England amongst Protestants as wearing of Surplices Rochets square Caps and keeping Belles and Churches and the like all these ceremonies that beare a laudable shewe they haue and steale from the Catholike Church insomuch that Whitgift their chiefe Superintendent of Canterbury coulde not defende such ceremonies as appeareth by his booke against Puritanes but only by Catholike arguments Wherefore they though vnworthely call him Pope of Lambeth But in deed as heretickes tearme them those bee but Popes ragges in deede The Diuell careth not to leaue amongst heretickes a a fewe ceremonies of Catholickes to deceaue the simple in making a shewe so the Sacraments that is the things them selues wherby men should receaue gods grace be taken away so they take the shell leaue out the kernell take but only our ragges as it were if I might so tearme such laudable ceremonies when they be well vsed in Gods Church and all to cloth with all and couer the vncleane filth and abhomination of their ragged heretical flock which be deuided almost into as many superstitious heresies contray opinions as they be men yet would imitate vs catholikes in their outward ceremonies as apes do mē In so much but that it hath pleased God to leaue some seed of catholiks yet in Englād that kepeth thē in some awe they before this I may iustly thinke had all become Turkes or worse openly denying Christ God and all as many of them alreadye by the relation of some that be of their secrets
that is to vvorke vvickedlye and their damnation The Pope then and the holye Church hath not disalowed pardons the vse whereof bee requisite but hee hath ordained by consent of the whole Church that Pardoners no more so abuse the people but that they receaue pardons from their ordinarye and lawfull Curates and that without all hope of gaine or mony hereafter As for your ministers good men they bee all in the spirit they desire no mony women nor no worldly nor corporall thing they be so full of the spirit yet because you know them better then I tell mee I praye you whether they be not some thing greedye of duties that vvere paid to Priestes and the Church of olde yea of very pence or halfe pence giuen of deuotion of olde for maintenance of Church lights holy Water and holy Bread and the like now imployed to feede their brats with or to light themselues or their wiues to bed who if they bee greedy of that which is nothinge their due yea be the most beggarlye couetuous wretches in England of all men then let them not complaine of the Popes couetuousnes for pardons no nor of any thing which was giuen to Priestes or the Church which in deede vvas due as Peter pence and the like Chap. XLIX Exhorting all to doe their Penance meekely here and not to trust to much to the helpe praiers of their friendes left behinde BVt thus by the waye in speakinge of pardons vvhich by charitable faithfull men aliue maye bee applied by meanes of suffrage to the faithfull departed for their speedy release I am digressed from my purpose in speaking of Purgatory and prayer for the dead Before I touched certaine places of the Scriptures and authority of the Church and Fathers that maketh for this purpose and how fasting prayer pardons but especially the holye sacrifice of the Masse is the most soueraigne remedy for the faithfull departed But as I exhorte all to praye for the departed and forget them not considering they cannot helpe themselues though Diuines holde that the more charitable wee are to helpe the departed by so much the prayer of our friendes shall helpe vs after our death so vvoulde I vvish all not to much to trust others vvhich oftentimes be forgetful of their friendes departed enjoye they neuer so many of their posessions and goods But let each one doe well yea the best hee can for himselfe and performe his penance meekly whilest he is here that he may haue a pure and perfect soule for happelye euen in those that bee carefull of their Saluation some drosse of sin imperfection or corruption maye bee founde to staye them in that fire of Godes iustice and there many a light thought many a vaine worde many a head-strong passion and vnmortified affection which we little regarded and lightly passed ouer in our selues without correction shal bee founde stiffe matter for Godes iustice to worke on in that cleansing fire where nil inultum remanebit no sinne shal bee left vnpunished the sharpnesse and seueritie whereof in that it is inflicted by Gods judgement for sinne who is it if hee deeplye consider but hee may easilye perceaue The greatnesse of vvhich paine is such and so subtile that God can lay such punishment on the soule in one houre that it may seeme and serue for a thousand yeares whereby you see that those that at the day of judgement shal bee taken in debt of paine due to sinne may fullfill it in an howre though they deserued a thousand yeares so greatly canne GOD Almighty increase the punishment in that space so that vvhen the Pope graunteth pardon for manye thousand yeares vvhen as Purgatory shall remayne no longer but till the daye of judgement which perhappes maye bee with in an hundreth yeares yet his pardons be right iust and auailable for the reason abouesaid But as I said I exhort all to doe their Penance here leaue it not to that place for besides that one day there is more then a whole yeare here and yet that one day of penance here may satisfie for a whole yeare there yet though a man vvere there a thousande yeares hee should nothing merit thereby but only satisfie for sinne with paine and due punishment but here in doing penance he both satisfieth for his sinnes escapeth greater punishment increaseth his merit more plentifully receauing here the grace of God in this life and glory in the next Chap. L. Of Pilgrimage proued by examples of Christ and his seruantes AS for pilgrimage of deuotion or vowe to holy places where it hath pleased God to worke his wonders if it be well vsed it is laudable and highlye commended in holy Scripture as appeareth by that solemne pilgrimage that not onlye of the Iewes but also Act. 8. 27. of the Gentiles proselites yea and by our Sauiour himselfe and his blessed Mother vvas made to Salomons Temple where God did accept of their prayers better then in other places though he be in euery place and heareth those at any time that in spirit and truth worship him and call vpon him The three kinges that by guiding of a Mat. 2. 2. stare found out Christ what other was that then a pilgrimage to Hierusalem Bethleem So S. Helene a noble Empresse went in pilgrimage to Hierusalem and miraculouslye founde out the Crosse S. Iohn Chrisostome had such a desire to haue seene and kissed the verye chaines of Saint Peter at Rome wherein he was bounde and to see the place where Saint Paul shedde his bloude there where three fountaines miraculously at his death sproung vp that he said If he were at liberty from charge of his Bishoply and pastorall care hee woulde haue gone in pilgrimage frō Constantinople to Rome him selfe Many like testimonies and examples for Pilgrimage might be found which wee are to beleeue and follow scoff M. Minister neuer so much in his chaire at home For holy Saint Hierome that in Pilgrimage trauailed about Hierusalem and all the holy land and with Paula Eustochium and many other B. Virgins and Widowes as hauing care or charge ouer them most sweetely visited and religiously liued and died by the holy Manger at Bethleem where the sweete babe Iesus was borne may and shall be to me euer of more reuerend authority then all the taunts of heretiks in the world to moue me a iote For I had rather be a poore Pilgrime with S. Hierome in that poore deuout Caue at Bethleem then a proude heretike in a Princes Pallace Chap. LI Of the reliques of Saints reuerently to be vsed and kept and of miracles wrought by meanes of them AS for the B. bodies and reliques of Saints who shed their bloud for Christ which once were shall be euer after the resurrection liuely temples tabernacles of the holy Ghost which heretickes blasphemously call deade mennes bones though we neither worship them nor their Images as Gods neither thinke any diuinity in them or worthy any
incurable with his shadowe and strooke two dead at his word to the terror of all excommunicate and sacriledgious persons and to declare the authority he had to binde and loose to kill and raise againe wonderfull were the thinges that GOD wrought by those that succeeded in his place 30. and moe of the first Popes were all most glorious Martyrs One of I meane Marceline who in that per secutio of Dioclesiā Thus ad hibuit de orum simulacris ex Damas Platina the Popes indeede with his predecessor S. Peter denyed Christ for fetre of death but with S. Peter presently rose againe condemned his owne fault whereas other Bishops for that he was the high Bishop would not condemne him saying in the Councell Prima sedes a nemine indicatur The first seate or S. Peters chaire is iudged of no man Wherefore before the prosecuting Tyrant confessing his fault and accusing the deniall of his Master with just reproofe of the Infidell and incredulous persecutor the impious and cruell Tyrant put him to death so he dyed a glorious Martir Another Pope there was as some affirme a fauourer of the heresie that holdeth that soules before the day of judgment shall not see God and was about to haue ascended the chaire that is to haue made a decree intending to bind the whole Church thereunto for This story haue I hearde 〈◊〉 to my remēbr●ce I neuer reade it neither c●n I call to memory the 〈◊〉 of th●● Pope of 〈…〉 by relation of others I heard this matter as also of his sode death maintenance of that erronious opinion But it pleased God to strike I am vvith sodaine death that he could not do his intended purpose See the prouidence o God how he defended his Church and how faithfull he is in his promise that told S. Peter his faith thou d neuer 〈◊〉 For though Peter and Marceline of frailty for feare denyed their Master and this other Pope as a priuate man became a fauourer of heresie and did erre as men some in act of themselues and another in opinion Yet when they came to make publike decree intēding to bind the whole Church thereunto ●o giue judgment as it were ex Cathedra in that place which is the highest tribunall seat in Gods Church wherein they spake in the persō of Christ there o they neuer did nor any successor of S. Peter cā euer possibly erre as partly appeared by this dreadfull example of this aforesaid Pope preuented with death so that if there were any one Pope amongst an hundred as they be but men of euill life or conuersation Gods truth of hereticks ought not to haue bin slaundered therefore neither hath the true faith in the Apostolike seat of S. Peter fayled though any ill man for the sinnes of the people may haue possessed the same but ordinarily the Popes haue beene and be God be blessed for it the most godly and vertuous men vpon earth as I before shewed by the glorious number of those that be Martyrs and Confessors such Saints as the heretickes cannot deny Chap. LXXI What most admirable vertuous holy zealous and most worthy and charitable men many Popes haue beene of olde and of late yeares also euen to this present day FOR example of what vertue vvas Leo the Pope that meeting Attila a great and mighty tyrannicall King that had spoyled almost al Italy and cōming to Rome to haue destroyed it Le● then Pope desired him to returne who though he came like a Lion he obeyed the Popes words and returned as meeke as a Lamb his souldiers meruailing their Master woulde bee so ruled by a Priest he answered that hee durst doe no other For whilst Leo the Pope talked with him hee saide hee sawe one stand by the Pope in Priestly attire with a drawne sworde threatning him death if he would not obey the Pope By the same vertue and holinesse another time hee put backe Gensericus from the burning and sacking of Rome Yet we doe knowe though Rome were destroyed that Saint Peters successor shoulde neuerthelesse be Pope of Rome though hee were in any place of the worlde As for Rome it hath often beene sacked and the Popes persecuted driuen away and yet God hath had euer care to prouide a Pastor for his Church though God hath oft and as we may well thinke will for his seruants sake aboue other places defende that Cittie what shoulde I speake of that Apostolike spirit that was in Gregory the great first Pope of that name and our Apostle of England His religious acts and worthy workes extant to this day declare the excellency of the man for all eternity when heretikes that call him the first Antechristian Pope shall with confusion be buried in hell to omit most famous and worthy men and be short what singuler vertues had Gregory the thirtenth of blessed memory what Seminaries did he erect what learned Colledges did he maintayne what seedes of vertue and learning by religious Apostolike Fathers and men did he sowe almost throughout the vvhole vvorld vvho vvith infinite expences sought the conuersion of heretikes and the whole world besides especially our country to whom he was a most louing father oft lamenting the miserable state thereof and that with teares How miraculous and worthy the acts were of P●us Quintus his predecessor against the Turkes all Infidelles and Heretickes all the worlde knoweth I neede not speake of the vertue and religious piety of our holy Father Clement the eight that now is Pope of Rome for all good men there know it what excessiue expences he hath bin and daily is at in defending the whole Christian worlde against the commou enemy the Turke what fatherly care he hath vpon those Princes and States that bound vppon him what gifts and dignities hee hath bestowed on such as haue shewed them selues valiant Champions in defence of Christs truth and christian countries how with sighes and teares hee hath lamented such Princes and countries that haue withdrawne themselues from their christian brethren winking at the Turke finallye to their owne harme and ruyne with what Apostolike serious zealous and most prudent diuine letters and graue messengers to the contrary hee hath exhorted and admonished them to bee briefe Fraunce and Spayne yea and all Europe to their comfort and ioy seeth and feeleth the fruits of his labours in reconciliation of Christian Princes quieting of Countries seeking to the vttermost of his power for perfect peace betwixt God and man throughout the whole world a man surely right worthie his name a right Clement full of Clemency mercie and piety in charitable almes good deedes and most worthy thoughts towardes all men The Popes sometimes after a great and sure proofe of their Godly liues and miracles haue canonizd good mē departed for Saints heere to be accounted reuerensed in earth as they be with GOD in honor aboue in heauen but the glorious actes of these holy Popes not only
faith they despise whose good manners they so little followe and regard and whose very bodies and ashes they so racke teare and ransacke here ōn earth If we can of chalke make cheese make the Aethiopian white or firmely conjoyne brasse and earth togither then perhaps wee may joyne Catholikes and Protestants in one Church and make them beautifull and acceptable in Gods sight and not before no no these two as farre differ in Gods sight in his grace and fauour as the other things doe in nature and much more Heretikes that deuide their loue from the whole Church of God deuide their liues deuide their faith and religion can be no more acceptable of God the naturall head and spouse of his one only Church then it could be pleasing to the natural mother by Salomōs motiō to haue the child deuided who chose rather to leaue it in the euill womans keeping euen so God our true father will haue vs one as he is one in vnity of true faith and religion in his Church or else we cannot be true children with him in his house which is one and not deuided Hereupon my first ground 1. is this that neither Lutherans Protestants Puritanes nor any other secte whatsoeuer in the worlde dissenting from the common knowne Catholicke and Apostolike Romane Church can bee members of the true Church of GOD nor canpossibly bee saued because as God is one so his true Catholicke spouse the Church as one wife of one husband is one one in faith and religion and that in euery point and article tuam vnus Dominus vna fides vnum Baptisma and without true faith it is impossible to please God which is only the one Catholicke faith and Church vvithout vvhich vvhosoedyeth shall most certainly perish euerlastingly as all did bodely out of Noes Arke testemonies hereof bee abundant the Prophettes Saint Paul and all the whole course of Scriptures and Fathers so expounding them namely holy Athanasius vvhose Creede is receiued of the vniuersall Church of God which Church is rightly called vna Columba mea amica mea of Christ her spouse viz my only doue my darling one chosen out from amongst a thousand all heretickes then dissenting thus from Catholickes and amongst themselues can neuer be members of Gods Church as long as they remayne in this state deuided from that one and only Catholicke Church Secondly if wee looke inwardly into the most essentiall parts of our Catholike faith and religion you shall finde them chiefly to differ from vs therein for if they were but incertaine indifferent matters left for learned men to vse their opinions and judgment in and not articles of faith defined out of holy Scripture by the Church of God the true keeper and expositor of Scripture wherein they differ from vs they vvere tollerable but they differ from vs not only in lesse articles but in many and the chiefest substantiall intrinsicall parts and articles of faith the least vvhereof euery one vnder paine of damnation is bounde to keepe pure and vndefiled Nowe Buny in his Pacification pag. an hundred and eight following some of his fellowes Bullinger Musculus and the like vvho finding themselues miserably intangled vvith this question of the Church deuised certaine principles and foundations of faith wherein vvhosoeuer agreed they should be accounted all members of one church these Buny imitating of his bounty is so liberall towards vs poore Papists insomuch that more then once hee affirmeth that in substance of religion wee and they agree and therefore that wee bee all one members of one Catholicke and Apostolicke Church and blameth his fellowe Ministers that very rashly and inconsideratly they reject Papists from the communion of the true church For saith he vnlesse we confes the papistical Church to be the true Catholike and Apostolicke Church whereof wee are members no lesse then the Papists wee cast our selues into a great difficulty to finde any other Carholicke and Apostolicke Church which being planted first of the Apostles hath alwaies continued to our time wherein wee as members may be ingraffed which if wee cannot finde or performe then are vvee constrayned to confesse our Church to be more new and later then the Romane Church thus farre Buny whereby you may see what shifts heretikes are driuen to that woulde make the vvorlde to beleeue wee differ in small or no substantiall partes of teligion that so by seeming to creepe into one Church vvith vs though vvanting altogither the vertue and for the most part the true faith of members of the Church yet at leastwise they may couer themselues vnder the bare title of the true Church the more to couer their badde dealinges and to deceaue the simple But what frontlesse brazen faces of Protestants bee these to affirme that their sects agree with the CATHOLICKE CHVRCH not only of all former times and of all Nations in the vvorlde but also that they bee not contrary to the vniuersall Church at this day Let vs then briefly consider all the essentiall or substantiall parts of the Church of ancient time and of this age vvhich is all one and let vs see in vvhat one principall point of faith or gouernment Heretickes agree vvith vs. First they haue instituted another regiment or politique gouernment of the Church quite contrary to that of the true CATHOLICKE CHVRCH for in steede of the Bishoppe of Rome generall and only chiefe Pastor of the vvhole Church they haue made temporall Princes heads of the Church whereby as for example here in England making first a Man then a Boy and nowe a Woman heade of the Church they chaunge religion as oft as Princes vvhether the Prince bee Lutheran Adiaphorist halfe Catholicke as King Henry was Zwinglian as his daughter is said to be trinitary Arrian as another may be or Turke as perhaps the other may be if to bee supreame head of the Church bee so annexed to the Crowne as a matter of inheritaunce as our English Diuines nowe of late haue made it yea and that by Gods lawe wee bee bounde to obey them in spirituall matters then by this diuinity euery new King may coyne a newe religion quite contrary to his predecessor and all good and holy Whereas to Pster and his successors Christs Vicar by Christs ordinance made head of his Church to keepe vniformity of faith to the worldes end in the same is certainly promised to the confusion of all heretickes in the vvorlde that his faith euer one shall not faile which promise Christ hath hitherto kept with his Church and generall Pastor and shall doe to the worlds end let me see now vvhether any hereticke in the vvorlde can or dare auouch so much for his sect whereas vvee dare boldlye affirme that CHIST his prayer to his father for our true Church is heard Ego rogaui pro te Petre vt non deficiat fides tua Well this ordinance of CHRIST of such importaunce for the gouernment of the Church heretickes haue altered and
Ghost to reproue the people of their sinne and false worshippe and to acknowledge worshippe the liuing God as the glorious profession of his name in the middest of the flame with that angelicall Society well declareth Secondly this matter was talked of and debated by certaine great learned men at the counsell of Trent and was founde most vnlawfull both by the law of God and the Church therefore no power on earth no not the Pope can dispence with any to goe to the heretikes church no more then he can dispence with any to kill steale comit fornication or the like neither was it needeful to make any new canon or decree of this matter because in former generall councelles yt was euer holden vnlawfull yea an expresse canon of the Apostles forbiddeth al Christians to goe to heretiks churches or seruice much lesse to receiue with them or cōmunicate with them in their Sacraments If any say Cardinall Allen thought it not such great sinne to goe to heretiks church it is most false impudent as his letters and writinges wel vnderstood yea his life and death declareth and as the liues and deaths of his schollars which if I may so terme it bee vere signū Apostolatus sui make most manifest to the world and he that holdeth it lawful to goe to Church of heretiks cōdemneth well neere a hundred of B. Martirs in our daies that might haue liued if they once would haue yeeldeth to haue gone to Church Thirdly the Pope himself and all learned diuines of our time vtterly deny it in any sort to be lawfull and no doubt his holines if in any sorte it could haue bene tollerated of his commisseration and fatherly pitty of our affliction would most willingly haue dispenced with vs surely the Apostolike father the Pope alone his iudgēt ought to satisfi any true Catholik Christian in the world Fourthly goeing to heretikes Church is most dangerous for feare of infection can a man touch pitch and it not defile him can he lye by a Serpent and she not sting him then then may he conuers with an heretik much and be not infected or corrupted with him and therefore S. Paul exhorteth vs to flie the heretik man because his heresie creepeth as the cāker it hath bene noted in great learned men that in reading of heretikes bookes haue bin thereby inclyning to heresie how much more dangerous then is it for lay persons Yea simple vnlearned men to heare their voice in sermons prayers and the like wherefore heretiks bookes also vnder paine of excommunication be forbidden to all to be read For feare of infection vnlesse they haue lawfull authority or faculty graunted them Fiftly as wee read in the Ecclesiasticall histories true Christians euermore abhorred the Churches conuenticles and companies of heretiks yea Saint Iohn the Euangelist would not bath himself where Cerinthus the enemie of the truth had bene before lest the bath should fal vppon his head and exhorteth vs not to salute the heretike which wee ought not to do in any sort to fauour his heresi though to wynne heretiks to God and true religion The church in this time permitteth vs to eat drinck and traffick with heretiks and schismatiks in temporall matters only as our B. Sauiour and his Apostles conuersed eat and drank with sinners to winne thē to his fathers kingdome yea to conuerse with heretiks was so odious a thing so well knowne in the primitiue church to be vnlawful that the people would not say Amen or abide in the Church whilst the Arrian Bishop was amongst them nay that which is strange the very childrē made a conscience to play with the ball with out expiacion before that ranne vnder the heretiks horses feete what should I say blessed Martirs of old yea tender Virgins and Women accounted it nolesse then very denial of Christ who said Hee that denyeth mee before men I will deny him before my father in heauen either to goe to churches of heretiks or temples of Idolaters which be in effect one For as Idolaters worship the workes of their handes so do heretiks their fond opinions and imaginations and Idolatry a great deale worse then that of the gentiles If these blessed Saints of old I say would but haue yeelded to the tyme in but once putting vp the fingar to the wicked demaunds of the persecutors to haue gone to their churches and seruice then had wee wanted many glorious Martirs in heauen which those sharpe tymes of persecution most fruitfully afford vs. Sixtly this dissimulation in being present at heretiks seruice is scandalous and offensiue to the infirme and weak in faith inducing other to sinne do the like which sinne of scandall is one of the greatest and most generall in the world and shal be most seuerely punished against which Christ thundereth that most terrible woe affirming it were better one with a mill-stone about his neck were cast into the sea then to scandalise one of such litleweaklings in christ and religion Whereuppon the holy Apostle affirmed he would neuer eat flesh rather then offend his weake Brother Yea old Eleazarus a Iew before Christ which may be a confusion to many Christians would rather suffer death then but only seeme to do against the law for feare of drawing weaklinges and younglinges to do the same Seauenthly and last for it is my purpose to be briefe and referre you to more large and learned substantiall treatises writen of this matter in goeing to heretikes Churches or being thus present at their prayers Sacramentes or seruice in any place conuenticle or congregation of theirs be a man neuer so Catholick in minde yet in so doing he becommeth a schismatike excommunicate person which is a thing more terrible then the two edged sword or any torment in this life For thereby a man is cut from God Christ and all the Sacraments prayers merits of Saints in heauē the prayers good deedes of all good men in earth so is exposed to the Deuill and damnation For as said S. Augustme to Peter the Deacon holde stedfastly and doubt in no wise not only al Paynims Iewes but also al heretiks schismatiks that dye without Christs Catho Church shall goe into euerlasting fier prepared for the Deuill his Angells a terrible token whereof God shewed yea euen in this life of schismatiks as Chore Dathan Abiron that were of the same religion Moyses was yet because they deuided themselues from Moyses Aaron offring sacrifice of thēselues not being lawfully called thereunto fire consumed them from heauē their adherēts Yea the earth swallowed them downé quick to hell therefore S. Augustine biddeth feare nothing so much as diuision separation that is schisme for what ●● schisme but a cutting of and diuision from the whole so that such Christians as in all points beleeue as the church doth and yet in their action do contrary to their beliefe as such dissemblers do that
for feare or other temporall respect as heere in England goe to church such properly bee schismatiks so called because by their seperation they not only deuide cut of thēselues quite from Gods church but also teare in sunder the misticall body of Christ which is one worse thē the souldiers that cast lott vppon his vesture not cutting it a sunder schismatiks then first bee deuided in themselues pretending one thing in body thinking another in minde indeede if wee in substance consisted only of soule the case were altered but seeing wee consist both of body and soule God as I said before out of Saint Paul requireth action and confession of body and beliefe of hart to concurre togeather as both in the end shall haue reward or iudgement together secondly schisme is so grieuous in Gods sight because it extinguisheth charity without which nothing can please God for charity proceedeth of vnity which schisme by seperation diuision quite taketh away God almighty then which in himselfe is one as all things proceede from him by vnity as the roote and liuely perpetuall fountaine so must they tend and haue reflection to him againe by charity in vnity wherein whosoeuer gathereth not with Christ he scattereth as hee affirmeth hereupon it commeth according to the Apostles doctrine that we be all one body in Christs holy Catholicke Church from which whosoeuer is deuided by schisme he cannot haue life of Grace and saluation from Christ the head as being a deuided member from his misticall body euen as any member of our body dieth we see that is deuided from our naturall body Therefore S. Augustine right worthely exhorteth to feare nothing so much as seperation that is schisme whereby wee loose the grace of God al merits of prayers good works life and saluation this ought to appale our Schismatiks if they had any feeling or feare of God but these of our times be more absurd hard harted and blind thē those of old for not only schis matiks of old but heretiks litle differed in externall rites and ceremonies from Catholike seruice nor in administration of the Sacraments from the true Catholike seruice sacraments but our schis matiks frequent a Caluinisticall puritane rabble of reading For their seruice with heretiks no more like the Catholike true seruice of Christs Church saue only but for the new Testament which notwithstanding they most falsly interpret and corruptly translate no more like I say set Baptisme aside thē the Iewish superstitious reading and ceremonies is like to christian seruice Moreouer in going to heretiks seruice no true priest can administer vnto them the Sacraments of the Catholike Church as penāce the Sacrament of the Altar which once a yeare you are bound to receiue therfore if it were nothing but in this respect you be in most miserable state of dānati on as neuer receauing the foode of life without which your soule cānot liue no more thē the body can without corporall sustenance but neither can you be present at Masse on holy daies nor receaue at Easter which vnder paine of deadly sinne you are bound vnlesse you haue some lawfull impediment as long as you goe to heretiks seruice therefore you see how on euery side you are plunged in sin misery so long as you cōtinue in this dānable state of schisme therfore I exhort you in the name of Iesus as you respect his honour that hath so dearely bought you and tender your owne saluation flie out of Babilon presently that is out of this miserable confusion of sin heresie out of this sinful wretched and most abhominable citty that you be not ouerwhelmed perpetually lost in the ruines of the same Fugite de medio Babilonis flie out therefore I say out of the middest of Babilon and bee not of those which Paululum fugiunt which flie but a little least you bee corrupted with her prostitution and inwrapped in her snares and if you vvill or looke euer to be saued by the truth I haue here taught First after you haue learned to beleeue well then do penāce that is be sorrowfull confesse your sins with full purpose to amend to a lawfull Catholike Priest then doe the worthie fruits of penāce that chiefly by his good counsell direction appointment and so I beseech you with the holy Apostle for Christs sake be reconciled to God bee reconciled to Christs holy Catholicke Church and then be carefull so to amend your life that you take heede of recidiuation or falling backe to your former vomitte least the latter end bee worse then the beginning though what falles soeuer of infirmity a man may haue had yet quickly he ought to rise againe fight manfully and grow not weake harted how sorrowful or penitent soeuer worke then busilie and vertuouslie be euer sorrie whilst you haue time and space for that is past though by Gods grace already in the Sacrament forgiuen according to that de propitiato peccato noli esse sine timore of thy sinne forgiuen be not without feare during this life come no moee at heretikes Church nor seruice nor Sacramenrs no not to die but suck of the sweete breasts of your deare mother and Christs true spouse the Catholicke Church followe her counselles listen to her sermons frequent deuoutly her Sacraments and so you shall beleeue well liue and die the seruant of Christ and attaine your saluation otherwise as long as you liue in this state that is out of the vnity of the Catholicke Church without all doubt you be in state of damnation and therefore seeing there is no other remedy speedely amend and doe penance Chap. LXXIX Admonishing to amendment of life seeing the time is short and the houre of death vncertaine when as ignorance shall excuse no man For this life is short and vncertaine but death most certaine and yet the honre most vncertaine remember my wordes I pray you I haue told you the truth ignorance cannot excuse you if you followe then my aduise you shall winne your owne soule if you doe not I must be a witnesse against you before God and his Angelles at the last day Then Princes cannot excuse you nor rulers for though they indeede shall beare the greatest charge or burden yet euery one neuerthelesse in his degree shall beare his owne sinne according to that of the Apostie Vnusquisque onus suum portabit Wherefore as in discharge of my dutie I haue truly sette downe before you and declared the truth as I will answere before Iesus the dreadfull iudge at the last day who is that euerlasting truth for which vndoubted Catholicke truth I trust by Gods great mercy and grace I shall be ready to shed my bloud if I bee called thereto So on the other side I most humbly and instantly againe and againe exhort pray and beseech you for that great loue of Christ towards vs all whereby for our sakes he shedde his most pretious bloud that you woulde deepely