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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01466 An explicatio[n] and assertion of the true Catholique fayth, touchyng the moost blessed sacrament of the aulter with confutacion of a booke written agaynst the same / made by Steuen Byshop of Wynchester ; and exhibited by his owne hande for his defence to the Kynges Maiesties commissioners at Lambeth. Gardiner, Stephen, 1483?-1555. 1551 (1551) STC 11592; ESTC S102829 149,442 308

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and new wyne haue new bottelles and be throughly new after .xv. C. l. yeres in the verie yere of Iubile as they were wount to call it to be newly erected and builded in Englishe mens heartes Whiche new teachyng whether it procedeth from the spirite of truth or no shall more plainely appeare by suche matter as this auctor vttereth wherewith to impugne the true faith taught hitherto For among many other profes whereby trueth after much trauaile in contencion at the last preuayleth and hath victorie there is none more notable then when the verie aduersaries of truth who pretend neuertheles to be truthes frendes do by some euident vntruth bewray themself According wherunto whē the two women contended before kyng Salomon for the childe yet aliue Salomon descerned 3. Reg. 3. the true naturall mother from the other by their speaches and saiynges Which in the verie true mother were euer conformable to nature and in the other at the last euidently against nature The verie true mother speake alwaies like her selfe and neuer disagreed from the truth of nature but rather then the childe should be killed as Salomon threatened whē he called for asword required rather it to be geuen whole aliue to the other woman The other woman that was not the true mother cared more for victorie then for the childe and therfore spake that was in nature an euidence that she lied callyng her selfe mother and saiyng let it be deuided whiche no true naturall mother could say of her owne childe wherupon proceded Salomons most wise iudgmēt which hath this lesson in it euer where contention is on that parte to be the truth where all saiynges and doynges appeare vniformely consonante to the truth pretended and on what side a notable lye appeareth the rest may be iudged to be after the same sorte for truth nedeth no ayde of lyes craft or slayte wherwith to be supported and maynteined So as in the intreatyng of the truth of this high and ineffable mysterie of the Sacrament on what parte thou reader seest traft slayte shift obliquitie or in any one pointe an open manifest lye there thou maist consider whatsoeuer pretence be made of truth yet the victorie of truth not to be there intended whiche loueth simplicitie plainenes directe speache without admixcion of shift or coloure And that thou reader mightest by these markes iudge of that is here intreated by thauctor against the most blessed Sacratment I shall note certaine euident and manifest vntruthes whiche this auctor is not affrayed to vtter a matter wounderfull consideryng his dignitie if he that is named be the auctor in dede whiche should be a great stay of contradiction if any thyng wer to be regarded against the truth First I will note vnto the reader howe this auctor termeth the fayth of the real and substanciall presence of Christes bodie and bloud in the Sacramēt to be the fayth of the Papistes whiche saiyng what foundaciō it hath thou maiest consider of that foloweth Luther that professed openly to abhore al that might be noted Papish defēded stoutly the presence of Christes bodie in the Sacrament and to be present really and substancially euen with the same wordes and termes Bucer that is here in Englād in a solēpne worke that he wryreth vpon the Gospels professeth the same fayth of the real and substāciall presence of Christes bodie in the Sacrament whiche he affermeth to haue been beleued of all the churche of Christ from the beginnyng hitherto Iustus Ionas hath trāslate a Catechisme out of Douch into Latin taught in the citie of Noremberge in Germanye where Hosiander is cheife preacher in whiche Catechisme they be accompted for no true Christian men that denye the presence of Christes body in the Sacrament The wordes really and substancially be not expressed as they be in Bucer but the worde truely is there and as Bucer sayth that is substancially Which Catechisme was translate into Englishe in this auctors name about two yeres paste Philipp Melancton no Papist nor priest writeth a verie wise Epistle in this matter to Oecolāpadius and signifiyng soberly his beleif of the presence of Christes verie bodie in the Sacrament and to proue the same to haue been the faith of the olde churche from the begīnyng allegeth the saynges of Irene Cyprian Chrisostome Hilarie Cyrill Ambrose and Theophilacte whiche auctors he estemeth both worthy credite and to affirme the presence of Christes bodie in the Sacramēt plainly without ambiguitie He answereth to certaine places of S. Augustine and sayth all Oecolampadius enterprise to depend vpon coniectures and argumentes applausible to Idle wittes with muche more wise matter as that Epistle doth purporte whiche is set out in a booke of a good volume amonge the other Epistles of Oecolampadius so as no man may suspect any thyng counterfecte in the matter One Hippinus or Oepinus of Hamborough greatly estemed among the Lutherians hath written a booke to the kinges maiesty that now is publisshed abrode in prynt wherin muche inueiyng against the churche of Rome doth in the matter of the Sacrament write as foloweth Eucharistia is called by it selfe a sacrifice because it is a remēbraunce of the true sacrifice offered vpō the crosse and that in it is dispēsed the true bodie and true bloud of Christ whiche is plainely the same in essence that is to say substaunce and the same bloud in essēce signifiyng though the maner of presence be spirituall yet the substaunce of that is present is the same with that in heauen Erasmus noted a man that durst and did speake of all abuses in the church liberally taken for no Papist and among vs so muche estemed as his Paraphrases of the gospell is ordred to be had in euery church of this Realme declareth in diuers of his workes most manifestly his faith of the presence of Christes bodie in the Sacrament and by his Epistles recommendeth to the worlde the worke of Algerus in that matter of the Sacrament whom he noteth well exercised in the scriptures and the olde doctors Cypriā Hilarie Ambrose Hierome Augustine Basil Chrysostom And for Erasmus own iugemēt he sayth we haue an inuiolable foundacion of Christes owne woordes This is my body rehersed agayn by S. Paule he sayth further the bodie of Christ is hidden vnder those signes and sheweth also vpon what occasions mē haue erred in readyng the olde fathers and wysheth that they which haue folowed Berengarius in error would also folowe him in repētaunce I will not reader encombre the with mo wordes of Erasmus Peter Martyr of Oxforde taken for no Papist in a treatyse he made of late of the Sacrament whiche is now translated into English sheweth how as touchyng the real presence of Christes bodie it is not onely the sentence of the Papistes but of other also whom the sayd Peter neuerthelesse doth with as many shyftes lyes as he may impugne for that poynte aswell as he doth the Papistes for transubstanciation but yet he doth not as
the sufferyng of the bodie of Christ sheddynge of his moost precyous bloud on thaultar of the Crosse whiche worke and passion of Christ is preached vnto vs by wordes and sacramentes and the same doctrine receiued of vs by faith the effecte of it also And thus farre goeth the doctrine of this auctor But the Catholique teachyng by the scriptures goth futher confessing Christ to feade such as be regenerate in him not onely by his bodie and bloud but also with his bodie and bloud deliuered in this sacrament by him in dede to vs whiche the faythfull by his institucion and commaundement receiue with their faith and with their mouth also and with those specyall deynties be fed specially at Christes table And so God doth not onely preach in his sacraments but also worketh in them and with them and in sensible thynges geueth celestiall giftes after the doctrine of eche sacrament as in baptisme the spirite of Christ and in the sacrament of thaultar the verie bodie bloud of Christe accordyng to the plaine sence of his woordes whiche he spake This is my bodie c. And this is the Catholique faith against the which how thauctor wil fortify that he would haue called Catholique and confute that he improueth I intend hereafter more particularly to touche in discussion of that is sayd wherein I will kepe this ordre First to considre the thirde booke that speaketh against the fayth of the real presence of Christes most precious bodie bloud in the sacrament then against the fourth so returne to the second speakyng of Transubstātiation wherof to talke the real presence not beyng discussed were clearly superfluous And finally I wyll somewhat say of the fift booke also The confutation of the thyrd booke IN the beginyng of the thyrde booke thauctor hath thought good to note certaine differences whiche I will also particularly consider It foloweth in him thus They teache that Christ is in the bread and wyne But we say accordyng to The auctor the truth that he is in them that worthely eat and drinke the bread and wyne Note here Reader euen in then●re of the The answer comparison of these differēces how vntruly the true fayth of the Churche is reported whiche doth not teache that Christ is in the bread and wyne which was the doctrine of Luther But the true fayth is that Christes most precious bodie bloud is by the might of his worde and determinacion of his will which he declareth by his worde in his holie supper presēt vnder forme of bread wyne the substaunce of whiche natures of bread wyne is conuerted into his most precious bodie and bloud as it is truely beleued and taught in the Catholique Church of whiche teachyng this auctor can not be ignoraunte So as thauctor of this booke reporteth an vntruth wittyngly against his conscience to say they teache callyng thē Papistes that Christ is in the bread wyne but they agre in forme of teachyng with that the Churche of England teacheth at this day in the distribution of the holie communion in that it is there sayd the bodie and bloud of Christ to be vnder the forme of bread and wyne And thus much serueth for declaracion of the wrong and vntrue reporte of the fayth of the Catholique church made of this auctor in the settyng forth of this difference on that part whiche it pleaseth him to name Papistes And nowe to speake of the other parte of the difference on thauctors side when he would tell what he and his say he conueyeth a sence craftely in wordes to serue for a difference suche as no Catholique man would deny For euery Catholique teacher graunteth that no man can receaue worthely Christes precious bodie and bloud in the Sacrament onlesse he hath by fayth and charitie Christ dwellyng in him for otherwise suche one as hath not Christ in him receaueth Christes bodie in the Sacrament vnworthely to his condempnaciō Christ can not be receaued worthely but in to his owne temple whiche be ye S. Paule sayth yet he that hath not Christes spirit in him is not his As for callyng it bread and wyne a Catholique man forbereth not that name signifiyng what those creatures were before the consecracion in substaunce Wherfore appeareth how thauctor of this boke in the lieu and place of a difference whiche he pretendeth he would shew bringeth in that vnder a But which euery Catholique man must nedes confesse that Christ is in them who worthely eate and drinke the sacramēt of his bodie bloud or the bread and wyne as this auctor speaketh But and this auctor would haue spoken plainely and compared truely the difference of the two teachynges he should in the second part haue sayd somewhat contrarie to that the Catholique churche teacheth which he doth not and therfore as he sheweth vntruth in the first reporte so he sheweth a sleight and shifte in the declaracion of the second part to say that repungneth not to the first matter that no Catholique man will deny consideryng that the sayd two teachynges be not of one matter nor shote not as one might say to one marke For the first part is of the substaunce of the Sacrament to be receaued where it is truth Christ to be present God and man The second part is of Christes spiritual presence in the man that receaueth which in dede must be in him before he receaue the sacramēt or he can not receyue the Sacrament worthely as afore is sayd whiche two partes may stand well together without any repugnaunce and so both the differences thus taught make but one catholique doctrine Let vs se what the auctor sayth further They say that when any mā eateth the bread and The auctor drynketh the cup Christ goeth into his mouth or stomoke with the bread and wyne and no further But we say that Christ is in the hole man both in body and soule of him that worthely eateth the bread and drynketh the cup and not in his mouth or stomoke onely In this comparison thauctor termeth the The answer true Catholique teachyng at his pleasure to bryng it in contempte Whiche doyng in rude speache would be called otherwise then I wyll terme it Truth it is as Sainct Augustine sayth we receaue in the Sacrament the body of Christ with our mouthe and suche speache other vse as a booke set forth in the archbisshoppe of Cantorburies name called a Cathechisme willeth children to be taught that they receaue with their bodely mouth the body and bloud of Christ whiche I allege because it shall appeare it is a teachyng set forth among vs of late as hath been also and is by the booke of comen prayor beyng the moost true Catholique doctrine of the substaunce of the Sacrament in that it is there so Catholiquely spoken of whiche booke this auctor doth after specially allow how so euer all the summe of his teachyng doth improue it in