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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07586 A Christian letter, containing a graue and godly admonition to such as make separation from the church assemblies in England and elsewhere. VVritten in Latine, by that most Reuerend and learned man, Master Francis Iunius, diuinitie reader at Leyden in Holland, and translated into English, by R G.. Junius, Franciscus, 1545-1602.; R. G., fl. 1602. 1602 (1602) STC 7298.5; ESTC S91785 8,598 20

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A CHRISTIAN Letter containing a graue and godly admonition to such as make separation from the Church assemblies in England and elsewhere VVritten in Latine by that most Reuerend and learned man Master Francis Iunius Diuinitie Reader at Leyden in Holland and translated into English By R G. AT LONDON Printed for Robert Dexter and are to be solde at his shoppe in Paules Churchyard at the Signe of the Brasen Serpent 1602. ❧ To the Christian Reader SVCH as of late yeares haue rent themselues from the holie seruice of God vsed in the publique congregations and Churches of England being destitute of any sound warrant from the worde of God haue sought from time to time so much the more earnestly as the manner of such is to shroude themselues vnder the shadowe of humane authoritie Hence it came to passe that master Francis Iunius a man of great learning and godlinesse was solicited by some of them as may appeare by these letters ensuing in the yeare 99. to be a fauourer of their erronious opinions and of their vnchristian disordered and vndutifull proceedings whose answere being deliuered by himselfe to a religious and worshipfull knight and so comming to my handes I haue presumed to communicate with thee by the motion of some godly and well disposed hoping that through the blessing of God and thy prayers it may prooue a good meanes to stay such as are wauering to confirme such as doe stand and to recouer such as are fallen For although he doe not enter into an exact discussing of the question with arguments obiections and answeres yet he vseth a very graue and godly admonition which is oftentimes of greater fruite then a long and learned disputation And whosoeuer doth diligently studie the booke of God shal finde that the holy Prophets Apostles do in manie places insist vpon a plaine simple asseueration of the truth rather the vpō multitude of proofs argumēts Besides if we obserue the story of the holy Martyrs of our own Church others we may perceiue that by the soūd profession of their faith and suffering for the same they haue glorified God and aduanced the kingdome of Iesus Christ aswell as others haue done by arguments and reasons And yet notwithstanding if thou do well obserue these letters of master Iunius thou shalt finde in them not vaine and emptie wordes but waightie and sounde reasons grounded vpon the holie Scriptures of god Thus praying thee to take these first fruites of my poore laboures in this kinde in good part and beseeching god to giue a blessing hereunto I bid thee heartily farewell in the Lord. Thine in the Lorde R G. ❧ Grace mercie and peace from God the father and our Sauiour Iesus Christ I HAVE receiued of late belooued brethren in Christ a little booke by one of your companie which is intituled A confession of faith of some English men banished in Belgia and haue knowne your desire partly by the speach of the same messenger partly by the preface of the writing But as concerning my selfe beloued brethren whom peraduenture yee haue thought meete to be appealed vnto a part I verily see not how much I can doe in this cause or how I can fit your purpose For I knowe that now long since euery man doth abound in his owne sense and that those that are otherwise minded are so farre to be borne with holding the heade and foundation till the Lord reueale things further vnto them I know it is my part not to play the busie body but that I should serue the truth and charitie in my standing and measure which the Lord hath bestowed vpon me in Christian modestie and simplicitie as farre as my skil and abilitie wil stretch vnto Certainely when I considered more diligently I thought nothing more commodious or more safe both for you and for my selfe publickly in all this matter then that we should embrace a holy silence Yf there be any thing wherein we be offended let vs commit our cause to the Lord the author of our faith and righter of our cause But because after a sort you will not suffer mee to be silent and to condole in secret for the woundes of the Church which is rent more then inough by actions thrust forth in publick in this our age I will declare faithfully and with a good conscience before God what I thinke beseeching him who is author of peace and truthe that he would leade both you and me alike into all trueth according to his promise also dispose each of our mindes and affections to interpret brotherly one anothers requestes answeres admonitions and finally all our duties although as it commeth to passe and is incident to man disagreeing from our sense and taste I obserue therefore that there are three chapters in your little booke wherein you desire our counsell and iudgement The first is that heade of doctrine which you professe in your little booke The second is the fact whereof yee haue accused the English Churches Lastly the third is the conclusion which you inferre by comparing that your doctrine with that practise of England namely that yee cannot with good conscience entertaine a communion with those Churches but that yee doe abhorre them with all your heartes Therefore I will speak briefely of these 3. things entreating you brotherly to take my answere in good part I maruell that the point of doctrine or little booke of your confession beloued brethren is sent ouer to me I maruell that it was sent ouer to all the studēts of holy Scriptures in all Christian Vniuersities for if there be a certaine consent of doctrine as you pretend it truely I do not see what need there was that you should set forth a newe confession in this present of holy and auncient doctrine But if there be a dissention peraduenture in the doctrine or rather a difference the same ought not to bee dissembled if so be that yee thought it necessarie that your doctrine should be declared Besides in that you send to mee yea that you send to the publicke viewe of the whole Church I maruell brethren yea I greatly maruell what your meaning should bee both in respect of the ende and the fact For if yee haue set it foorth to that end that yee might purge your selues I pray you brethren wherefore doe yee desire to purge your selues with so many soules who neuer could knowe you as yet to bee accused which can neuer take knowledge of the right or wrong of your accusation and who are not called vnto it by any lawfull means and that which is worse wherfore would yee haue that done before so many enemies to God and the Church who thirst after nothing so much as the bloode of the Church of God and doe reioyce that we vndiscreetly do cause a publishing of these woūds that by these wounds they might spoyle the Church that pretious bodie of Christ of the bloode of veritie and iuyce of charitie Finally why
doe yee this before so many weake ones who not yet knowing that yee are borne as I may so say are offended rather with a carcasselike stink of schismes in the Church before they knowe certainely the bodie whereunto they may cleaue Alas brethren is your purgation so much worth vnto you that therfore the publicke good of the Church should bee brought into so greate danger A Christian an humble and godly minde ought to bee otherwise affected and setting aside the respect of their owne priuate good instantly so to determine that the earth should rather swallowe them vp as the Poet saith and let mee rather bee accursed for my brethren then that by me and for my credit sake one of these little ones should be offended and kept from comming to Christ and abiding in Christ my Sauiour Verily let what will of my estimation goe to wracke who am a Christian let me be trampled vnder all mens feete so that by my fact I take nothing from Christ no not the least thing from his bodie And that you my brethren should determine and resolue to bend all your coūsels to this end I am as strongly perswaded as he that is most But what end haue yee in common alas for griefe in this particular case pardon if I speake more freely for yee would haue me to speake yee seeme to haue erred for herein if I see any thing the contemplation of your particular cause hath deceiued you which thing yee your selues without doubt will marke if ye would goe a little from that your particular sense I haue shewed that there is some errour in that end Let vs come to the fact In the fact yee haue framed a purgation of your selues That thing is denyed to none if there shall be a cause if a measure if a place if a time But wherefore with mee brethren who doe neither heare these accusations of yours neither if I should heare them would I receiue them rashly Wherefore in publick where yee knowe that it falleth out for the most part that they who purge themselues before they be accused eyther betray thēselues eyther raise such suspicions against themselues as they can not afterward easily wash away Yee knowe that the publicke voice is neither a iust iudge oftentimes nor at any time almost a lawfull Iudge so greatly doth malice preuaile and beare sway in the publicke Therefore yee appeale to these Iudges who can neither iudge nor take knowledge finally they are not onely no Iudges but not so much as witnesses so the priuate cause is not furthered and the publique is many waies hindered Yee will say then who shall bee What iudges what witnesses shall wee appeale vnto Your owne preface shall answere yee for me For when ye pronounce that ye haue found a place of rest by the mercy of God in these places ye doe acknowledge I thinke your owne words ye plainely signifie two things One that if ye haue found a place of rest ye shall doe wisely if ye doe not stirre where ye may be in quiet The other that where you haue a lodging and a quiet seate that there yee must also be iudged there you must receiue the iudgement of your doctrine and faith if ye will haue the same lawfully knowne and approoued Ye are in a Church furnished with the seruants of God whose pietie learning and brotherly loue to the members of Christ good men doe know It is an vnlawfull course verily to omit those among whom yee are and to appeale to another Church or to the whole publike state or to me who am a weake member therein either in part or in common This order is godly iust lawfull and tendeth to the peace and edification which you ought first modestly to regard and to which I being a weake brother am bounden by brotherly duetie to all my brethren that goe astray and not to be caried headlong and to rush vpon the knowledge of these things by this meanes offred besides all equitie and good order Till ye shall doe that I admonish exhort pray and beseech by the most sacred holy name of Christ that ye would not appeale to me neither to any other neither to the whole Church for by this preposterous course as we may so say ye do not disburthen your selues as ye thinke of enuy and blame if there be any but ye doe burthen your owne cause to which I will bring no preiudice Let them speake first with whom yee soiourne whom yee deny not to be your brethren But if peraduenture they shall not satisfie you or yee shall not satisfie them then let a new course be taken by lawfull order This no good man will denie but till this be attempted it will be vnprofitable to you and hurtfull to the Church to take another course But neither I nor my Colleagues nor other wise men will euer be so impudent as to preuent or take this thing out of the hands of them to whom the knowledge thereof doth of right appertaine And so much of the doctrine I come to the accusation which yee vse against the Church of England as yee write in this accusation beloued brethren I doe louingly entreat you that yee would not take it in ill part if I doe admonish yee of a few things which I thinke I may of right doe first what need is there that yee should accuse them Yee haue giuen place yee haue as wee may so speake passed ouer into another Court wherefore haue yee giuen place No body desireth to know or doth trouble yee If wrong be done you in England that I may grant it that is done for it belongeth not to me to affirme or deny who haue not knowne it yet they doe not prosecute this iniury yee being departed from them What compelleth you to be mooued and to take vpon you the burthen of accusation Why are yee not quiet being without the daunger of any hurt Why doe yee not rather passe ouer the iniury that is past Why doe yee not rather beare it if there be yet any hope in silence then to mooue that which is in rest It is plainely a Christian part if yee beare it and a prudent part if you abstaine from stirring the euill that is well appeased an impudent thing if yee doe contrariwise And to what end I pray you is it To the end that you might purge your selues But here is no man that doth repeate anew or lay these accusations against you Wherefore serueth this purgation that yee may be euen with them against whom yee complaine But this is not the part of a Christian I doe not thinke that this is your meaning Is it to reforme them This indeed is an holy endeuour But if yee could not doe this when yee were present consider what yee may doe when yee are absent But first of all consider with your selues by what meanes yee take this way namely to accuse to me to other to a publike place in the