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A13170 A ful and round ansvver to N.D. alias Robert Parsons the noddie his foolish and rude Warne-word comprised in three bookes, whereof, the first containeth a defence of Queene Elizabeths most pious and happie gouernment, by him maliciously slaundered. The second discouereth the miserable estate of papists, vnder the Popes irreligious and vnhappy tyrannie, by him weakely defended. The third, toucheth him for his vnciuill termes and behauior, and diuers other exorbitant faults and abuses, both here and elsewhere by him committed, and cleareth his vaine obiections and cauils. Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629. 1604 (1604) STC 23465; ESTC S117978 279,569 402

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ought we to celebrate the memory of our gracious Quéene that gaue libertie to all Christians to professe the truth that caused diuers assemblies of learned men and ratified the Christian faith by her authoritie CHAP. III. Of the true and sincere administration of the Sacraments of the Church restored in England OF the holy rites and sacraments of Christian religion we cannot speake without griefe of heart when we consider how shamefully they were abused mangled and corrupted by the synagogue of Antichrist Where Christ ordained onely two Sacraments to wit Baptisme where he said Teach all nations Matth. 28. baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Sonne and the holy Ghost and the sacrament of his body and blood where he said Take eate this is my body and drinke ye all of this for this is the blood of the new testament and do this in remembrance of me that synagogue hath added fiue other sacraments giuing the same vertue to their extreme vnction and to mariage and orders concerning iustification that they giue to Baptisme the Lords supper Lib. sent 4. dist 2. The master of the Sentences rehearsing the seuē sacraments for the Lords supper putteth Panis benedictionem that is the blessing of the bread excluding the cup either from the Lords supper or from the number of sacraments He doth also differ from the rest in describing the vertue of the sacraments Ibidem Alia remedium contra peccatum praebent saith he gratiam adiutricem conferunt vt baptismus alia in remedium tantùm sunt vt coniugium aliae gratia virtute nos fulciunt vt eucharistia ordo That is some of the sacraments yeeld vs a remedy against sin and withall bestow on vs helpfull grace others are onely for remedy as mariage others do strengthen vs with grace and vertue as the eucharist and holy orders But Bellarmine lib. 2. de sacrament c. 12. doth shew that the common currant opinion now is otherwise and that all these sacraments do iustifie ex opere operato that is by vertue of the worke wrought As if all maried men and priests of Baal were iustified or as if iustification and grace came by greasing scraping crossing and such other ceremonies But neither are they able to iustifie this doctrine nor to shew either institution or promise of confirmation or extreme vnction or certaine signe of mariage or repentance or order or the other two new deuised sacraments Furthermore mariage repentance and priesthood were as well vsed in the time of the law as in the Gospell How then can these be sacraments of the Gospell They haue also altered corrupted and mangled Christ his institution concerning the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords supper In baptime they salt and coniure the water in which the party baptized is to be dipped They put salt into his mouth and touch his eares and nosthrils with spittle which is oft times very noisom They annoint him also on the head and giue him a candle in his hand and embroyle Christ his institution with diuers other ceremonies Finally to make water more effectuall they poure oyle into the font In the sacrament of the Lords supper instituted in bread and wine they leaue neither the substance of bread nor wine but say that the same is transsubstantiated into Christs body and blood and that either his body and blood or the accidents of bread and wine subsisting without their substance make the sacrament Secondly they hold that Christs body and bloud are conioyned without any distance to the accidents of bread and wine albeit they are not there either felt or seene Thirdly they haue turned the sacrament of our communion with Christ and of our mutuall coniunction one with another into a priuate action of one Priest that eateth and drinketh all alone vncharitably and very directly contrary to Christ his institution who ioyntly said Accipite manducate hoc est corpus meum and bibite ex hoc omnes Take eate this is my body and drinke ye all of this contrary to the practise of the auncient Church that neuer solemnized this action without distribution of the sacrament and contrary to the vse and reason of the sacrament For why should not the faithfull be made partakers of that sacrament which is a signe of their vnion both with Christ and among themselues Fourthly Christ and his Apostles administred the cup to as many as receiued the holy eucharist But they by a solemne decrée of priests at Constance take away the cup from all saue the priests that say Masse Fiftly Christ ordained that the sacrament of his body and bloud should be distributed and receiued in that action these fellowes kéepe the sacrament in a boxe and cary it about in solemne processions Sixthly they worship the sacrament and call it their Lord and God contrary to all rules of Christianity Seuenthly Christ appointed a holy sacrament and gaue not his body and bloud to be offered continually in the Masse as a sacrifice auaileable for quicke and dead as these good fellowes do beléeue Finally the Apostle sheweth that as oft as we celebrate this holy action we shew forth the Lords death vntill his comming againe But the Papists forbid this action to be celebrated in a vulgar tong which is commonly vnderstood of the people as much as in them lyeth hindring them from shewing forth the Lords death they hold also that he is already come and present in the sacrament But the Church of England doth religiously obserue Christ his institution and that doctrine which the Apostles haue deliuered vnto vs. The same admitteth no sacramēts but two that is Baptisme and the Lords supper In Baptisme we refuse the idle and superstitious ceremonies brought in lately by Papists That which the Apostle had receiued of Christ Iesus and deliuered to the Corinthians 1. Cor. 11. that we diligently obserue renouncing their nouelties heresies and blasphemies concerning the grosse carnal and corporall presence and eating and drinking of Christs body and bloud in the sacrament the late deuised transsubstantiation the blasphemous idole of the Masse the diuine worship of consecrated hostes the mangled communion vnder the forme of bread their celebration in a tongue not vnderstood of the communicants and all the rest of their abuses which without either authoritie of scriptures or allowance of the most auncient and sincere fathers they haue brought into the Church The sacraments therefore of the new Testament being pledges of Gods loue and seales of Gods graces whereby he worketh in vs we are not lightly to prize the true and sincere administration of them according to Christs holy institution nor to esteeme this a small benefite that the doctrine concerning the holy sacraments being reformed according to the canon of Gods word both the superstitious ceremonies in Baptisme and the idolatrous Masse with al abuses depending thereon were abrogated and remoued out of the Church and the celebration of Christs holy sacraments
abrogated Christs institution in the celebration of the Lords supper not onely taking away the cuppe from the communicants but making a priuate action of that which should be a communion Is not this as much as the Pharisies did Mat 15. that transgressed Gods commaundement for their owne tradition And do not the Papists ordaine that vnwritten traditions should be receiued with equall affection to the holy Scriptures Againe what reason haue they to curse and anathematise Iam. 4. nay to put to cruell death such as obey not their ordinances and vniust decrees S. Iames saith We haue but one Law-giuer that is able to saue and destroy And no where do we reade that the Church of Christ did persecute Christians and put them death for matters of their conscience and religion much lesse for matter of ceremonies or such obseruances Neither can the aduersarie shew that bishops excommunicated Christians that would not rebell and take armes against their Liege Soueraignes Which of vs saith Optatus lib. 2. contra Parmenian did persecute any man The Apostle he commaundeth euery soule to be subiect to higher powers and not to rebell How vntolerable then are the Romish decretals and rescripts that not onely bind mens consciences in things frée otherwise but also in things that may not be done without impietie Likewise haue diuers complained of the abuse of popish excommunications That which our Sauior Christ saith If he heare not the Church let him be to thee as a heathen man or Publican that the popish faction translateth to the ridiculous censure of the Pope And therefore excommunicateth al that place not the Churches vnwritten traditions in equall rancke with diuine Scriptures or that beléeue not that Christians can performe the lawe perfectly and are iustified before God by the workes of the law or that hold not the doctrine of the Romish Church concerning their seuen Sacraments or that do not worship Images or that receiue not their doctrine of indulgences and purgatorie and all the heresies and abhominations of the Pope or that submit not themselues to his tyrannie or that refuse to pay his annates or taxes or whatsoeuer he and his suppostes require Nay they excommunicate the subiects that rebell not against their lawfull Kings After that Pius the fifth that wicked and cruell hypocrite had commanded that neither the Lords nor people of England should obey Quéene Elizabeths commandements or lawes it followeth In Bulla contra Elizabetham Qui secus egerint eos anathematis sententia innodamus That is Those which shall do otherwise we pronounce accursed or anathema Neither did the Pope onely in time past thunder out those curses but also gaue leaue to euery base companion and for euery small trifling cause to inflict most grieuous censures Petrus de Alliaco speaking of the Pope and his excommunications complaineth that he gaue leaue to his Collectors to thunder out excommunications to the offence of many and that other Prelates for debts and light causes did cruelly excommunicate poore men De reform Eccles Saepè saith he per suos Collectores in multorum scandalum fulminauit alij Praelati leuiter pro leuibus causis vt pro debitis huiusmodi pauperes excommunicatione crudeliter percutiunt The Germaines complaine Grauam 34. that many Christians were excommunicated at Rome for prophane causes and for gaine to the trouble of diuers mens consciences Romae say they caeterisque in locis per Archiepiscopos ac Episcopos aut saltem eorum ecclesiasticos iudices multi Christianorum ob causas prophanas ob pecuniae denique ac turpis quaestus amorem excommunicantur multorumque sed eorum in fide infirmorum conscientiae per hoc aggrauantur in desperationem pertrahuntur Scotus in 4. sent dist 19. complaineth De reform Eccles that the Church did too often strike with this sword and Petrus de Alliaco saith that by this abuse the sword of the Church was in his time growne into great contempt Of late time the Popes of Rome haue excommunicated Emperours and kings if they would not depart with their townes countries and crownes and yeeld to their legats what they demaunded How intolerable this abuse was we may perceiue if we consider the heauinesse of this censure being rightly inflicted by the true Church Our Sauiour sheweth that the partie excommunicate is to be holden for a heathen man and a Publican Tertullian Apolo 39. doth call it the highest fore-iudgement of the future iudgement Lib 1. Epist 11. ad Pomp. Summum futuri iudicij praeiudicium Cyprian doth esteeme them as killed with the spirituall sword Superbi contumaces saith he spirituali gladio necantur dum de Ecclesia eijciuntur Commonly excommunication is called Anathema and Chrysostome homil 70. ad populum Antioch calleth it the bond of the Church We are therefore no lesse to be thankfull for our deliuerance from the Popes vniust lawes then the auncient Christians for their exemption from the yoke of the Pharisies and from humane traditions from which by the preaching of the Gospell they were freed Neither may we think it a simple fauour that we are made to vnderstand that the crackes of the Popes thundring excommunications are no more to be feared then the ratling of Salmoneus that impious fellow that with certaine engines went about to counterfeit the noise of thunder We knew alwaies that a man vniustly excommunicated and by a Iudge vnlawfull was no way preiudiced Origen in Leuit. homil 48. speaking of a person excommunicate saith that he is not hurt at all being by wrongfull iudgement expelled out of the congregation Nihil laeditur in eo quod non recto iudicio ab hominibus videtur expulsus And the aduersaries confesse that excommunication pronounced vniustly and by him that is not our Iudge bindeth not C. nullus 9. q. 2. and C. nullus primus 9. q. 2. and C. sententia 11. q. 3. But few vnderstood the iniustice and nullitie of the Popes lawes and that he neither was nor is a competent iudge vntill such time as by true preaching of the Gospell which by Queene Elizabeth was restored vnto vs the man of sinne beganne to be reuealed CHAP. X. Of our deliuerance from heresie schisme superstition and Idolatrie THese things therefore considered it cannot be denied but that her Maiesties godly reformation brought great profite to the Church of England Yet if we please to looke backe to the heresies of the Papists and to remember how they liued in heresie schisme superstition and idolatry we shall the rather praise God for that great deliuerance of his Church which he wrought by the meanes of our late Quéene For heresie and false doctrine is the bane and canker of the Church The Apostle Paul If an Angel from heauen should teach vs any other Gospel or doctrine beside that whith himselfe had taught the Galathians Gal. 1. doth pronounce him accursed S. Iohn in his second Epistle forbiddeth vs
regnat per munera quaeque reguntur sayth one in hist citiz Pauli Langij Theodoric à Niem lib. 2. de schism c. 7. Vsura saith he tantum inualuit vt foenus non putaretur peccatum that is Vsurie did so preuaile that it was accounted no fault Paul the fourth and Pius the fourth set vp shops of vsury as their acts testifie and Onuphrius recordeth Neither the Popes nor their adherents obserue oath or promise as their acts do at large shew and many poore Christians brought into snare by their perfidiousnesse haue felt Theodoric à Niem lib. 3. de schism speaking of Pope Gregorie the twelfth saith that with his vowes and othes he deceiued the world Votis iuramentis suis decepit mundum Gregorie the seuenth contrary to his oath tooke vpon him the papacie as is recorded in the life of Henrie the fourth He did also absolue all the Emperors subiects frō their othes of allegiance to their soueraigne Prince The like practise did Pius the fift vse in discharging the subiects from their othes to the late Quéene The articles of the pacification of Gant anno 1578. were confirmed by solemne oath of the old King of Spaine and yet presently and wilfully broken Neither had the Popes faction in France any better colour to intrap poore Christians then othes For whiles the Admirall and diuers of the religion in France trusted solemne othes they were brought within danger and most cruelly and perfidiously massacred Neither need we to maruell if this sect obserueth no othes seeing in the conuenticle of Constance the same determined that faith was not to be kept with heretikes in which number they reckon all that yéeld not to the Popes will The Doctors of this sect hold that the Pope can dispence with othes and absolue men that are periured Finally those that haue trauelled France Italy and Spaine do know that the common sort of Papistes can scarce vtter thrée words without swearing and blaspheming The Popes and their faction haue caused all the warres and troubles in Christendome as histories do recount If a man do but look in the life of Sixtus the fourth Iulius the 2. he may easily sée what seditious and turbulent spirits they cary But what néed we looke so high seeing the flames of ciuil discension in Germanie France Flanders England and Ireland burning so bright by the solicitation of Paul the third Pius the fifth Gregorie thirtéenth and fourteenth and this Clement that now possesseth the throne of Antichrist do so plainely declare them to be firebrands of warre and trouble Well therefore said Petrarke that in Rome all those mischiefes were hatched that are now spread through the world and neuer shall Christian Princes haue loyall subiects as long as seditious Masse-priests are suffered to lurk within their kingdomes In countries subiect to the Pope they count it a little fault to murder mē now frō thence are come certaine assassins which for hire and by perswasions are induced to kill men There also impoysonments are most common The Popes themselues vse to drinke of poysoned cups and that by the iust iudgement of God séeing by the cup of their poysoned doctrine according to the prophecy Apoc. 17. they haue empoysoned many Christian nations To conclude this large discourse there is no state of men vnder the Popes iurisdiction but it is growne to great dissolution and corruption of manners and may be conuinced of diuers sinnes and abominations by infinite witnesses and confessions if we would stand vpon it but I will content my selfe with two or three Breidenbach in the historie of his peregrination speaketh generally and sayth Recessit lex à sacerdotibus c. that is the law is departed from priests iustice from princes counsell from elders good dealing from the people loue from parents reuerence from subiects charitie from prelates religion from Monkes honestie from yong men discipline from clerkes learning from masters study from schollers equitie from Iudges concord from citizens feare from seruants good fellowship from husbandmen truth from merchants valor from Noblemen chastitie from virgins humility from widowes loue from maried folks patience from poore men O time ô manners And Walter Mapes that liued in the time of Henry the second King of England Virtutes cunctae saith he en iacent defunctae All vertues lie now dead Charitie is no where to be found And againe In truth I find that the whole Cleargy doth studie wickednesse and impietie enuie raigneth truth is exiled The prelates are Lucifers heires They being now aduaunced tread downe others blinde guides they are and blinded with idolatrie of earthly things Robert Bishop of Aquila in his Sermons of which Sixtus Senensis maketh mention in the third booke of his Biblioth sanct speaketh thus to his countrie of Italie O Italia plange ô Italia time ô Italia caue ne propter obstinationem tuam in te desaeuiat ira Dei c. Tu in dies durior efficeris in peccatis malitia perseuerando Fiunt iam vbique vsurae publicae omnia foedata sunt spurcissimis vitijs carnis ignominiosae Sodomiae superbia pomparum iam occupauit omnes ciuitates terras blasphemia Dei periuria mendacia iniustitiae violentiae oppressiones pauperum similia superabundant O Italie saith he lament ô Italie feare ô Italie beware lest for thy obstinacie the wrath of God waxe not cruell against thee c. Thou euery day art more and more hardened perseuering in thy sinnes and maliciousnesse Euery where men set vp bankes of vsurie all things are defiled with most foule vices of the flesh and most shamefull sodomie Pride in pompous shewes haue now filled cities and countries blasphemies against God periuries lies iniustice violence orpression of the poore and such like vices do superabound I would further insist vpon this argument but that I referre diuers matters ouer to the second booke where I shall haue occasion more particularly to examine the good workes of Papists But the Church of England neither alloweth publike shewes nor bankes of vsurie nor dispenseth with oathes of subiects to Princes or alloweth periurie nor shall Robert Parsons find such filthines and abhominations among the professors of our religion as are commonly practised by the Popes Cardinals Masse-priests Monkes Friars and Nuns and their followers All corruptions in doctrine concerning good workes are reformed and diuers abuses concerning manners among the Papists taken away The which séeing it procéeded wholly of that reformation of religion which Quéen Elizabeth of pious memorie wrought by her regall authoritie among vs we are most gratefully to accept that worke and by exercises of pietie and charity to indeuour to shew our selues not vnworthie either of our profession or of so great a blessing Against this discourse Robert Parsons talketh very scornfully and saith first that the experience of the whole world will deny that good workes are fruites of our religion But if he had bene well aduised he would haue forborne to
Quéene dealt iustly defending her selfe against publike enemies that sought her destruction and the ouerthrow of her people To proue that the land hath not increased in wealth in the late Quéenes time he obiecteth 1. Encountr cap. 11. that the Nobilitie and Gentrie keepe not so great houses nor families as in times past But the witlesse fellow speaketh against himselfe For the lesse is spent the more remaineth But that many are able to keepe as great houses as in time past it cannot be denyed Further if he knew the state of the countrie he might know that many houses are built and kept where in time past there was neither house-kéeping nor house He telleth vs further of tributes and other duties But his talking and dealing therein is but friuolous For compare all that is paid in subsidies and other duties with former payments yet is it not halfe of that which was exacted by the Pope and spent in superstition and vaine deuises But were our subsidies greater yet being bestowed vpon our owne souldiers and people the land is neuer a whit the poorer but rather poore men employed by those that can well spare all which they giue and more Finally he would insinuate that increase of people is no blessing séeing the Turkes by multitude of wiues haue many children and holy Eunuches are commended that haue no children He doth also vnder hand glaunce at the mariage of Ministers But first he denyeth that which the spirit of God doth directly teach viz. that children are the blessing of God and that God did promise the multiplication of his séede to Abraham as a great blessing Secondly albeit particular men that kéepe themselues chast for the kingdome of heauen are commended yet that concerneth the lecherous and bougerly Masse-priests and Monkes nothing that rather forsweare mariage then kéep themselues chast Neither is that a commendation to a whole State or kingdome if some liue chastly Thirdly albeit Turkes haue many wiues yet God doth not so blesse them with children but that they are compelled to vse the children of Christians and to exact a tribute of them To conclude this bastardly fellow sheweth himselfe to be past shame to talke against mariage when himselfe was begotten by a filthie priest and his consorts wallow in all beastly abhominations Wherefore let the aduersaries storme and rage as much as they list yet will we say and may say it most truly that both the Church of God and the State hath receiued great blessings by Quéene Elizabeths late happie gouernment And if nothing else yet the vaine opposition of enemies and traitors may perswade vs that it is so For not onely their mislikings do shew that both the Church and State was well ordered for otherwise they would haue bene better pleased but also their vaine ianglings and contradictions they being not able to obiect any thing which soundeth not to her Maiesties honour and high commendations confirme the same CHAP. XIII Parsons his cursed talke of cursings of England by chaunge of Religion and gouernment vnder Queene Elizabeth examined Psal 14. THe Prophet Dauid speaking of the foolish and wicked men of his time saith that their throate is an open sepulchre and afterward that their mouth is full of cursing and bitternesse The which we sée verified in the Pope and his impious sect For their throates are wide as the graue and swallow the wealth of Europe They also degorge out of them all the wickednesse and villanie they can deuise against the godly Pius Quintus and Sixtus Quintus accurse the Quéene Robert Parsons following their steppes raileth vpon her in diuers libels In his Warn-word that is a complement of his foolery he sayth We receiued no blessings by her but rather cursings Here therefore we are to answer the barking of this cursed hel-hound and of his accursed companions In the first encounter of his Wardword p. 4. he saith We are deuided from the general body of catholickes in Christendome But this should haue bene proued if he would haue any man to giue him credit For we alleage that the Papists from whom we are deuided are no Catholikes beleeuing the new doctrines of the late conuenticles of Lateran Constance Florence Trent other Friers priests which neither were receiued of all men nor in all times nor in all places which is the true propertie of Catholicke doctrine Next we offer to proue that we are true Catholikes séeing the doctrine of our faith is Apostolicall and vniuersally approued of all true Christians and for the most part confessed by the Papists vntil of late time If then this be a principall curse to be deuided from Catholickes then doth the same fall on Parsons his own head and vpon his trecherous consorts and not vpon vs. Secondly he saith that we of England are deuided from Lutherans Zuinglians and Caluinists abroad and from Puritanes Brownists and other like good fellowes at home But this common Iergon of Papists is already answered For neither do we acknowledge the names of Lutherans Zuinglians and Caluinists nor can he shew that the Church of England is deuided from the Churches of France Germanie or Suizzerland or that one Church oppugneth another If any priuate man do maintaine priuat opinions in doctrine as diuers Germaines French and English do or else if there be any difference among vs concerning ceremonies and gouernment that doth no more make a schisme in our church then the diuers rites of Spanish French and Italians and diuers opinions in al points of religion betwéen old and new Romish Doctors maketh a schisme in the Romish Church For generally we all agrée in substance of faith in rites ceremonies refer euery Church to their libertie In England publikely there is more vniformitie in doctrine prayers ceremonies then in the Romish Church albeit some priuat men whom Parsons vseth to call Puritanes dissent in some points As among the Papists there are diuers that allow not all which they hold commonly But saith he in his Warne-word Encont 1. c. 15. the French Germaines and Scottish do not agrée with the English in the rule of faith as is proued in the foure fiue and sixe and sequent chapters But if he had found any differences he would not haue spared to set them down In the chapters mentioned he sheweth not that we differ in any article of faith or substantiall point of religion but rather in rites ceremonies and some diuers interpretations of some words of Scripture Thirdly he would make his reader beléeue that we haue no certaintie in religion and that as he foole-wisely imagineth because we haue no certaine rule whereby to direct our consciences And this he handleth both in his Wardword 1. Encontr and Warnw. 1. enc c. 15. 16. and other places skipping like an ape vp an downe without rule order or reason But while he talketh of the rule of faith he is direct contrary to himselfe For in his Wardw. p. 6.
chaire Neither doeth he doubt but to proue his triple conuersion and that in honor of the Popes triple crowne But if we do well examine his grounds and allegations we shall find that vnder the title of S. Peters chaire and apostolical doctrine the man doth séek nothing else but to recommend vnto vs the Popes close stoole with a decoction of his decretaliue doctrine and most beastly abominations The grounds of the whole discourse are false and the inference made out of them most weake and euil concluding First most false it is that Britannie or as Parsons sayth England was thrise conuerted by preachers sent from Rome Of Peters preaching in Britaine whereupon the first supposed conuersion standeth the obliuious fellow is but lately aduised For in his Wardword wherein he maketh the best ward for Rome that he can he could not find any more then two conuersions and those he rather fancieth then proueth His proofes for S. Peters preaching in England stand wholy vpon the testimony of Simeon Metaphrastes a lying pedant full of fabulous narrations whereto the aduersaries themselues make conscience to giue credit of Surius a Carthusian Monke and a great eater of stockfish and a codshead parasite hired to speak for the Pope and vpon a forged lying decretal set out vnder the name of Innocent the first wherein notwithstanding we reade nothing specially of Britaines conuersion Those that were sent from Eleutherus bishop of Rome to the Christian King Lucius of Britannie séeme rather to haue bin Britans then Romanes as the names of them set downe by Galfridus by Caius and other writers of British histories do report Lucius certes had no reasō to craue baptisme at the hands of Eleutherus his mandataries vnlesse he had bin well instructed in Christian religion before Beside that the Romanes in these times ruling in most part of Britaine it may be a question how far the kingdome of Lucius did extend it selfe Suppose then that this historie is authentical which may well be doubted the same being onely found in legends and fabulous writers all the glory of this conuersion must néedes stand vpon weake surmises and fabulous legends As for the Monke Austine he could not speake one Saxon or British word but was faine to bring interpreters with him out of France then called Gallia How then could he conuert them which vnderstood not one word spoken by him We do not reade that he preached to the Saxons or Britans but only that he baptized And very likely it is that he holp onely to baptize those whom either the Britans alwayes remaining among the Saxons and submitting thē selues vnto them or the interpreters which Austin brought with him from Gallia which then had a tongue common to both Gaules and Britons had before conuerted But suppose that either himselfe speaking British or Saxon or by some interpreter should haue conuerted some few yet all that amounteth to nothing and is scarce worth the speaking of it Secondly suppose some Britans or Saxons had bene conuerted to Christian Religion by preachers sent from Rome in auncient time when religion was pure and sincere yet Parsons hath no reason to make any great clamor vpon so small aduantage For first all those that are conuerted to religion are not to subiect themselues to those churches frō whence those came that did conuert thē or else to the bishops that sent them The church of Rome acknowledgeth no subiection to the Church of Ierusalem or to the Bishop thereof Neither doth Friseland or Germany that was conuerted by Saxons that came out of England acknowledge our Church or Bishops to be their superiors But were Rome beholding to Ierusalem from whence her first preachers came yet do not the Romanists now turne Turkes because Turkes preside at Ierusalem Suppose then we were beholding to Christian Romanes yet what is that to Antichristian Romanes that haue declined almost into as grosse impieties as Turks and worship idols or as they call them images so grossely that the Turkes do condemne them and may iustly rise vp too against them in iudgement Againe suppose we had bene beholding to the auncient Romanes yet this maketh nothing for the moderne inhabitants of Rome that either are a race of Gothes and Lombards that were enemies to the Romanes or else a collection and Ramasse of other nations nothing like to the Romanes Finally if we ought to embrace that religion that was either taught by S. Peter Eleutherus Austin or by other Christian Bishops in their times then are we to renounce the decretaliue doctrine of Popes together with the philosophicall mixtures of schoole diuines both which haue bin brought into the Church long after the ages wherein they liued Furthermore the idolalatrous worship of the crosse with latria of the saints with dulia of the blessed virgine with hyperdulia the doctrine of Papists concerning the carnall eating of Christs bodie transsubstantion halfe Communions priuate Masses reseruation of the Sacrament purgatorie for temporall paines after the guilt remitted popish indulgences and other popish trash might be packing It would also be time for the Pope with his triple crowne two swords guard of Suizzers Cardinals Monkes Masse-priests and Friers to trusse vppe his trinkets and to make himselfe readie for his iourney into some farre countrey beyond all Christianitie For neuer shall Robert Parsons proue albeit he could conuert him selfe into all shapes that Britaine was conuerted to any such religion as this or that the Church then had such a forme as now wée see in Rome Page 103. hée alleageth two proofes whereof the first he calleth negatiue the second affirmatiue and thereby hopeth to shew that the moderne Romish Religion is all one with the auncient Christian Religion But his negatiue ridiculous proofe is denied His affirmatiue is rather a bare affirmation then a proofe For first against his negatiue we offer to proue that not onely the points of Romish doctrine which the Church of England refuseth are brought in long after the Apostles time but also that they are contrary to the Apostles doctrine But suppose we knew no originall of some of the Romish heresies are they therefore no heresies Is idolatry no idolatry because the first beginning thereof is not knowne Or are the Angelikes Archontikes Crosse-worpers Nudipedals Monothelites and diuers other heretikes true Catholikes because the Papists cannot shew who first broached these heresies Secondly albeit the Magdeburgians and some other learned men find fault with some termes vsed by the fathers as of sacrifice altar priest purgatorie free-will and some other yet that sheweth not either that all the fathers vsed these termes or that any of those that vsed them consented with the Papists which from new termes are growne to new and strange doctrine Beside that Parsons disputeth ridiculously which ascribeth the particular and priuate opinions or some one or few among vs to the whole Church He himselfe albeit he affirme many things desperately will not yéeld vs this point against his
master of Sentences Dist 1. lib. 1. the school-mē striue about the words vti and frui dissenting not only from their master but also from one another They differ also much about the distinction of diuine attributes Vtrum sit realis formalis an rationis tantùm This saith Dionysius a Charterhouse Monke is one of the chiefe difficulties of Diuines In dist 2. lib. 1 sent and about it betweene famous Doctors is great dissention and contention Aegidius doth lance Thomas and others runne vpon both Aegidius in lib. 1. sent dist 2. would haue the persons of the Trinitie to be distinguished by a certaine thing in one that is not in another but others condemne him for that opinion Writing vpon the 3. dist lib. 1. sent they denie their masters examples and one condemneth another Bonauenture saith that men may attaine to the knowledge of the holy Trinitie by naturall reason others say contrarie The Scotists lib. 1. sent dist 5. inuey against Henricus de Gandauo for his opinion about the eternall generation of the Sonne of God Aegidius holdeth that the son of God hath power to beget another son which displeaseth Thomas and Bonauenture and is very strange doctrine Thomas Aquinas part 1. q. 32. art 4. saith that Doctors may hold contrary opinions Circa notiones in diuinis He teacheth also that the holy Ghost doth more principally proceed from the Father then from the Sonne which others mislike If then they agrée not about the doctrine of the holy Trinitie it is not like that in matters wherein they haue libertie to dissent they will better agrée Scotus holdeth In 2. sent dist 1. that the soule and an Angell do not differ as two diuers kinds Others teach contrary Some Doctors hold that Angels consist of forme onely In 2. sent dist 3. others hold contrary They dissent also about the sin of our first parents Pighius in the doctrine of original sin dissenteth from his fellowes Innocentius in c. maiores de bapt eius effect misliketh the opinion of the master of the Sentences that held it to be pronitas ad peccandum that is a pronenesse to sinne The Thomists to this day could neuer be reconciled to the Scotists about the conception of our Ladie these denying she was conceiued in sin the others affirming it Gropper in his exposition of the Créed confesseth that among the Papists there are two diuers opinions about Christs descending into hell Bellarmine in his bookes of controuersies doth not more violently run vpon vs then vpon his owne consorts In euery article almost he bringeth contrary expositions of Scriptures and contrary opinions In the sacrament of the Lords supper which is a pledge of loue there are infinite contradictions among them as I haue shewed in my bookes de Missa against Bellarmine The like contentions I haue shewed in my Treatises de Indulgentijs de Purgatorio and shall haue occasion more at large to speake of them hereafter We are therefore to thanke God that the doctrine of faith in the Church of England is setled and that refusing all nouelties we agrée therein with the auncient catholike Church We acknowledge one Lord one faith one baptisme one head of the Church one canon of Scriptures with the auncient fathers The rules of all auncient and lawfull generall Councels concerning the faith we admit We haue one vniforme order for publike prayers administration of Sacraments and Gods seruice Neither do we onely agrée among our selues but also with the reformed Churches of France and Germany and other nations especially in matters of faith and saluation And as for ceremonies and rites it cannot be denied but that all Churches therein haue their libertie as the diuersities of auncient Churches and testimonies of Fathers do teach vs. Most vaine therefore and contumelious is that discourse of N.D. in his Warne-word 1. encontr ca. 4 5 6. where he talketh of the difference of soft and rigide Lutherans among themselues of them from Anabaptists and from Zwinglians of all from the followers of Seruetus and Valentine Gentilis For neither do we acknowledge the names of Lutherans Caluinians or Zuinglians but onely call our selues Christians nor haue we to do with the Arians or Anabaptists or Seruetus or Gentilis or any heretikes Nay by our Doctors these fellowes haue bene diligently confuted and by our gouernors the principall of them haue bene punished But these may Parsons reply haue bin among vs. Admit it were so yet do not our aduersaries take themselues to be guiltie of Arianisme and Anabaptisme because there are diuers guiltie of Arianisme and Anabaptisme among them We say further that the Churches of Germany France and England agree albeit priuate men hold priuate opinions Finally where we talk of the Church of England what a ridiculous sot was this to bring an instance of the Churches of Germany or Suizzerland nay not of the Churches but of priuat persons and that in matters not very substantiall if we admit their owne interpretations Hauing therefore talked his pleasure of Lutherans and Zuinglians he descendeth to speak of rigid and soft Caluinists as he calleth them in England He calleth them also Protestants and Puritanes But neither do we admit these names of faction nor is he able to shew that publikely any Christian is tolerated to dissent either in matters of faith or rites from the Church of England But if any there be that mislike our rites yet is not that contention about matters of faith nor can the disorder of priuate persons hinder the publike vnion of the Church Finally I do not know any man now but he is reasonably well satisfied concerning matters of discipline albeit the same be with the great griefe of Papists who go about to stirre vp the coles of contention as much as they can that heretofore haue bene couered CHAP. II. Of the restoring of Christian Religion and the reduction of the Church of England to the true faith TRue faith in time of Poperie was a great stranger in England most men being ignorant of all points of christian Religion the rest holding diuers erronious points and heresies Their ignorance we shall proue by diuers testimonies hereafter Their errors and heresies are very apparent and at large proued in my late challenge That which the Apostle calleth the doctrine of diuels 1. Tim. 4. that they imbrace for doctrine of faith For they forbid their Priests Monkes Friers and Nuns to marrie and commaund the Benedictines and their Charterhouse Monkes at all times to abstaine from flesh They also forbid men to eate flesh vpon all fasting dayes fridayes and saterdayes and in Lent dissoluing the commandements of God by their owne traditions The Manicheyes abstained from egges as Saint Augustine sheweth lib. de haeres cap. 46. Nec oua saltem sumunt quasi ipsa cùm franguntur expirent nec oporteat vllis corporibus mortuis vesci Cap. plurimi dist 82. So likewise did Papists at certain
conformed according to the prime institution Many godly Emperors and Kings haue deserued praise in going about to reforme abuses crept into the administration of sacraments before their time but none more then our late most gracious Quéene that from extreme abuses brought all to a most excellent order CHAP. IIII. Of the true worship of God established in the Church of England HOw the worship of God was corrupted among the Papists before the late reformation wrought by her Maiesties authoritie in the Church of England it wil hardly be of posteritie beléeued but that there are monuments of like corruptions yet remaining in diuers other countries and good records and memorials yet remaining of their notorious abuses in this countrie The faithfull Ministers that were yet remaining vpon the comming in of Quéene Marie wept to sée the desolation of the Church Psal 137. as the people of God caried into captiuitie when they sate by the waters of Babylon and remembred Sion They that now liue wonder at the grossenesse of popish errors For first they erred in the rule of Gods worship In vaine sayth our Sauiour Mat. 15. do they worship me teaching for doctrines the precepts of men The Apostle Colos 2. doth condemne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is voluntarie or new deuised religion or as the old Latine interpreter hath translated that word superstition For so indéede humane deuises for the seruice of God without warrant of Gods word are for the most part to be called and estéemed God in expresse tearms refuseth such deuised seruices saying Who hath required these things at your hands But the founders of popish Religion as if God had appointed vs no certaine rule for these matters haue placed the perfection of their religion in voluntarie vowes of abstinence from mariage of pretended beggerie and of other Monkish and Friarlike obseruances and such like humane traditions Bellarmine de Monachis cap. 2. saith that Monkish religion is a state of men tending to Christian perfection by the vowes of pouertie continencie and obedience But if a man should aske him who taught men to aspire to perfection in this race he will be to séeke for an answer That God requireth or approueth such seruice it will neuer be proued They do also estéeme it a high peece of Gods seruice to kéep holidayes in honor of Saints created by the Pope in fasting vpon Saints vigils in eating stock-fish coleworts to adestooles and such like toyes in praying vpon beades in often repeating Aue Maria in worshipping of stones bones and rotten ragges they know not of whom in humbling themselues before Angels and Saints and the Sacrament of the altar in saying our Ladies Psalter in ringing bels in going barefoote and woolward and whipping themselues By saying ouer the Rosarie of our Ladie onely they report that diuers miracles haue bene wrought Diuers thousands of yeares of indulgences also are graunted to the company of the Rosarie or beades of our Ladie as is recorded in a booke intitled Miracoli della santissima vergine Maria printed at Venice by Bernard Giunti anno 1587. Matters which no man would admit but fellowes made of wood coleworts and stockfish Secondly they are deceiued in the manner of Gods worship and that in thrée sorts For first their worship is almost wholy externall consisting in outward ceremonies as namely in often rehearsall of Credo or Pater noster or Aue Maria or being present at the Masse albeit they vnderstand nothing or sprinkling themselues with holy water or often crossing themselues or going to Rome or Hierusalem or lighting of candles or ringing knocking or greasing or such like But our Sauiour reprehendeth thē that come neare to God with their lippes and haue their hearts farre from him and sheweth that true worshippers shall worship him in spirit and truth Next they offend grieuously in giuing too great honor to Angels Saints stocks stones and rotten bones Hierome in his Epistle to Riparius teacheth vs otherwise Nos non dico Martyrum reliquias c. We saith he worship not or adore either reliques of Martyrs or Sunne or Moone or Angels or Archangels or Cherubim or Seraphim or any name that is named either in this world or in the world to come lest we should serue the creature rather then the Creator which is blessed for euer Saint Augustine likewise lib. de vera relig cap. 55. speaking of Angels Honoramus eos saith he charitate non seruitute nec eis templa construimus We honor them with loue and not with seruice and build no temples vnto them Epiphanius haeres 79. speaking of Angels saith directly that he would not haue Angels worshipped But Papists kisse dumbe images pray before them burne incense vnto them They teach also that seruice is due to Saints and that we are to giue latriam or diuine honour to the crosse to the crucifixe to the sacrament of the altar and the images of the persons of the holy Trinitie which they indeuour to fashion in wood mettal and colours They offend thirdly in the forme of their prayers which are found in their Missals Breuiaries and rituall bookes and which cannot be denied to be both false and blasphemous Gaude Maria virgo say they cunctas haereses sola interemisti in vniuerso mundo that is reioyce virgin Marie thou alone hast killed al haeresies in al the world What then I pray you did Christ in the meane while and what did all other Saints And againe O Maria admitte preces nostras intra sacrarium tuae exauditionis reporta nobis antidotum reconciliationis c. O Marie admit our prayers within the holy place of your hearing and bring vnto vs the triacle of reconciliation And yet they say Saints departed do not sée nor know things below but by séeing them represented in the face of God as it were in a glasse In Missall Rom. On S. Andrewes day they pray in this forme Sanctifie ô Lord these gifts dedicated vnto thee and the blessed Martyr Saturninus interceding for vs by the selfe same being pleased intend vs by our Lord c. As if the Lords bodie which is the thing meant by those gifts néeded sanctification or else as if it were conuenient that God being reconciled to vs by Christ should no otherwise intend our prayers then by the intercession of Saturninus On S. Nicholas his day they say thus Deus qui B. Nicolaum innumeris decorasti miraculis tribue quaesumus vt eius meritis precibus a Gehennae incendijs liberemur That is O God which hast adorned S. Nicholas with innumerable miracles grant we beseech thee that by his merits and prayers we may be deliuered from hell fire Which implyeth that not onely the miracles reported in S. Nicholas his legend are true but also that by his mediation we are deliuered and saued from hell In the Portesse they pray thus Tu per Thomae sanguinem c. That is Thou ô Christ by the bloud of Thomas which
few words then reason will inferre that it were far more profitable if the publike seruice were in a tongue that might of all the hearers be vnderstood It is therefore a great blessing that we may heare God speaking vnto vs in scriptures in our owne mother tongue and praise and honor him with heart and voyce in the publike congregation If then Robert Parsons meane to confirme his owne opinion and to ouerthrow our cause he must bring better arguments answer these testimonies and not fight with his owne shadow or cauill with some words or allegations that are not materiall CHAP. VII Of the great deliuerance of Christians out of the bloudie hands of wooluish Papistes wrought by Queene Elizabeth No man can wel esteeme what fauor God hath done the Church of England by deliuering the same from the cruell persecution of the bloudie and mercilesse Papists but such as either themselues suffered or else knew the sufferings and vexations of their brethren in Quéene Maries time Neither do any so well apprehend Gods mercie in deliuering them from the dangers of the sea as those that haue either passed great stormes or escaped after shipwracke séeing their fellowes swallowed in the sea But those that liued in the dayes of Quéene Mary and escaped the crueltie of those times or else by report know the desperate resolution of the wooluish persecutors both well know the fauor of God to the Church and English nation and can not choose but shew them selues thankefull for the same The bloudy inquisitors neither spared old nor yong noble nor base learned nor simple man nor womā if he were supposed to be contrary to their procéedings The records of Marian Bishops offices are so many testimonials of their extreme crueltie Neither was any free from danger if any quarrell could be picked to him for religion Those that were suspected were imprisoned and hardly handled such as recanted were put to penance those that confessed the faith constantly lost life and all they had As S. Augustine lib. 22. de ciuit Dei cap. 6. saith of the Primitiue Church so may we say of the Christian Martyrs of our time Ligabantur includebantur caedebantur torquebantur vrebantur they were bound put in prison beaten racked and burnt The brother deliuered vp his brother and a mans domesticals were his enemies Eusebius lib. 2. de vita Constan cap. 51. saith That without respect of age all manner of torments were inflicted vpon the bodies of Christians Quae incendij flamma fuit saith he quis cruciatus quod tormentorum genus quod non fuerit omnium sanctorum corporibus nulla aetatis ratione habita irrogatum The like may we say of the holy Martyrs of Queene Maries dayes For neither hard dealing torment nor fire was spared to draw men from the confession of the true faith Neither did the cruell aduersarie respect the reuerend Prelates nor the tendernesse of young age nor the modestie of matrons But Quéene Elizabeth coming to the crowne the fires were quenched the swords were wrested out of the cruell executioners hands and true Christians were not onely deliuered out of prison and banishment but also fréed from feare of persecution Therefore we say with the Prophet Psal 139. Blessed be God that hath not giuen vs as a prey into their teeth Our soule is escaped as a sparrow out of the snare of the fowler The grinne is broken and we are deliuered And as Eusebius said sometimes of the benefite Eccles hist 10. cap. 1. which the Church enioyed by Constantine the Great so we may also most iustly say Nos haec beneficia maiora quàm vitae nostrae conditio fert confitentes sicut egregiam Dei eorumdem authoris magnificentiam obstupescimus sic illum optimo iure totius animae viribus colentes summè celebramus c. We confessing these benefites to be greater then the condition of our life may beare as we wonder at the singular bountie of God the author of them so we do highly praise him deseruedly with all the might of our soule and do testifie the holy predictions of Prophets in Scriptures to be true in which it is said Come and see the workes of the Lord and what wonders he hath done vpon the earth ceassing warres vnto the end of the world He shall breake the bow and teare armes and burne the shields with fire Impijs hominibus è medio sublatis potestate tyrannica deleta mundus de reliquo velut solis claritate collustratus fuit This saith Eusebius of Constantine but the same was also verified of our late Quéenes raigne For wicked men being put out of place and tyrannicall power ceassing the world afterward séemed to reioyce as lightened with the brightnes of the Sunne Against this discourse Robert Parsons opposeth himselfe in his first Enconter chap. 10. num 11. and belcheth out a great deale of malice out of his distempered stomacke being sorie as it séemeth that any escaped his consorts handes But all his spite is spent in two idle questions First he asketh whether this freedome for persecution be common to al or to some onely as if because seditious Masse-priests and their traiterous consorts and other malefactors are punished this were no publike benefite that all Christians may fréely professe religion Secondly he asketh whether we be free from persecution passiue or actiue meaning because murderers and traitors suborned to trouble the state passe the triall of iustice that we are persecutors But his exceptions do rather shew malice then wit For first albeit all men be not fréed from punishment yet is it a great blessing that true Christians may professe religion without feare or danger For in Constantine the Great his time murderers and rebels other notorious offendors were punished and yet doth Eusebius accompt the deliuerance of Christians from persecution a great benefite If there had bene also then any Assassins or traiterous Masse-priests suborned to kill Princes or to raise sedition they should haue bene executed and yet could no man haue called Constantine a persecutor Let Parsons therefore if he haue any shame cease to talke of persecution considering the bloodie massacres and executions committed by his consorts vpon Christians for méere matter of religion and forbeare to tell vs either of Penrie or an hundred Priests put to death For they were not called in question for religion but for adhering to the Pope and Spaniard that went about to take the Crowne from her Maiesties head and for going about by colour of their idolatrous Priesthood to make a partie for the ayde of forraine enemies as by diuers arguments I haue declared in my challenge and Robert Parsons as a fugitiue disputer and not onely a fugitiue traitor answereth nothing CHAP. VIII Of the deliuerance of the realme of England from the Popes exactions THe Pope of Rome and his greasie crew of pol-shorne Priests although they challenge power of binding and loosing yet as experience hath taught vs
he sayth that the vniuersal Church was the direct rule and squire which we ought to follow and in the Warnw. Enc. 1. c. 15. nu 10. he teacheth that it is the summe and corpes of Christian doctrine deliuered at the beginning by the miracles and preachings of the Apostles Where I omit to tell Robert Parsons that it is absurd to make the same thing to be a rule and a squire the rule being direct and the squire being square It is also ridiculous though I do not tell him of it to say that Christs doctrine was deliuered by miracles for it was deliuered by writing and preaching and confirmed by miracles But I cannot forbeare to tell him that there is great difference betwéene the Catholike Church and the Catholike doctrine How then can these two make one rule Next he taketh exception to my words where I say that the Church of England hath a certaine rule to follow in matters of faith as if the canon of scriptures and those conclusions which are to be drawne out of them were no certaine rule or else as if traditions that are no where certainly described or set downe were a more certaine and authenticall rule then scriptures and necessary deductions out of them Fourthly he giueth out Warnw. 1. encont cap. 17. that we despaire of all certaine rule or meane to trie the truth which is a most desperate and impudent kind of dealing For directly I told him before and now I tell him againe that our rule is most certaine being nothing else but the canonicall Scriptures and the conclusions necessary drawne out of them Nay this rule may in part be confirmed by Parsons his owne confession For if the corps of Christian doctrine preached by the Apostles be the rule of faith as he saith VVarnw 1. encont c. 15. where are we to find it but in holy Scriptures He holdeth percase that it is to be found in the Popes bosome But if he say so in schooles he shal not want a greater plaudit then he had when hauing ended his comicall dealings in Bayliol colledge he was rung and hissed out of the house For who knoweth not that scabs and villany are rather to be found in the Popes bosome then any corpes of Apostolicall doctrine for that is very rife with them With the corpes of Apostolicall doctrine the Italian atheisticall Popes are litle acquainted We tel him further that for trial of any point of doctrine we are not to run to the Popes sea which is as much able to resolue vs as his close stoole but to the word of God reuealed in Scriptures and if there be any difference about a place of Scriptures we are then to compare the same with other places to search the resolutions of Councels of auncient and later Fathers of the Church of England and learned men Prouided alwayes that nothing be receiued as a ground of faith which is not to be deduced out of the word of God Whether then S. Augustine or Hierome or Ambrose or Luther or Caluin or any preacher among vs bring vs the word of God it is to be receiued But if they teach without that we are not necessarily to credit them nor to beléeue them in grounds of faith Out of the Scriptures we learne that Christ hath giuen some Apostles some Prophets some Euangelists some pastors and teachers albeit all particular matters are not precisely set downe So likewise we are taught that these words this is my body are most true that the sacramēt is Christs body in a mysterie or sacramentally albeit how the Sacrament is called Christs body there may be some differences Likewise out of Scripture we are taught that the King is the most principall man in his Realme and not to be subiect to any other in externall gouernement albeit euery one percase vnderstandeth not the seuerall points of his supreme authority These differences therefore notwithstanding our rule of faith is most certaine Fiftly he would insinuate that as vertue houskéeping true dealing is much decayed since her Maiesty came to the crowne so pride in apparel gluttony drunkennes lechery swearing and other vices are much increased But the man should shew that these vertues are decayed and vices increased in men that are truly of our Religion If he say so then let him name the men that are guiltie of these faults If the men that are guilty be Papists that for the most part are knowne to be carnall and cruel and most vitious he striketh himselfe and not vs. If they be Atheists or hypocrites then his allegation maketh not to purpose This I will speake to his téeth that if our Ministery be no more honest and vertuous then the Popes Cardinals Friers and Masse-priests and our true professors then zelous Papists it were pitie they should liue on the face of the earth Some proofes I haue brought before and more I shall alleage herafter Let Parsons do the like against vs and leaue his hypocriticall ostentation and generall declamation that maketh men rather to wonder at his impudency then to beléeue that he dealeth truly or sincerely Wardw. p. 3. Warnw. 1. encoutr cap. 18. Sixthly he very impudently imputeth all the troubles wars and calamities that haue happened in Scotland Ireland Flanders France to alteration in Religion and wold lay the blame wholy vpon vs. But if he looke into their immediate causes he shall find that the mint of this money was the Popes consistorie and that he and his agents are the onely firebrands of all mischiefe In Ireland Gregorie the thirtéenth stirred vp rebellion by the traitor Saunders his legate in England Pius Quintus by his agent Ridolphi and by Morton his messenger moued the two Earles to rise in the North Anno 1569. The same Pope animated the Spanish King to make warres against the Quéene of England and against them of the Low countries The same Pope sent not onely his agents to stirre the French but ayded them both with men and mony Gregorie the thirtéenth likewise sent ayde to Irish rebels The wars of Germanie were enflamed by that butcherly Pope Paule the third To make short all massacres trecheries warres and troubles haue wholy procéeded from their malice against the truth If the Pope and his adherents therfore haue bene troubled so was Herode and all Ierusalem with him at the birth of Christ If they blame vs for their troubles so did the Pagans impute all their troubles to Christians and their religion But the true cause was not religion but the hatred of impious Papists against religion Finally he saith that if her Maiestie had not altered religion then her kingdome had bene flourishing and secure and that she would haue had issue and her succession certaine and continued in friendship with the Pope and auncient confederates and neither had wars abroad nor treason at home and insinuateth that by reason of alteration of religion al is fallen out contrarie But if Wil Sommer had
Pope may iustly depose Kings Neither is it likely that he would so busily haue sought to stirre vp rebels in England and to suborne cut-throtes to kill the Quéene or that he would haue desired that Pius the fift his bull against her might be suspended for a time concerning Papists if he had not taken her to be deposed by the Pope But because this doctrine of the Popes authority that of it selfe is litle worth would auaile nothing vnlesse the people also can be drawne to fauour the Popes faction therefore the Pope and his schollers giue also a power to the people to depose Kings and princes especially if once they proue tyrants that is as Iebusites teach if they be excommunicate by the Pope or else séeke to maintaine their state or the truth against the violence and practises of the popish faction Gregory the seuenth tooke away all regall power from Henry the fourth and gaue the same vnto Rodulph of Saxonie commaunding all Christians to receiue Rodulph for their King and not to obey the Emperour Henry in any thing as being absolued from their othes which they were wont to giue vnto Kings Platina in Greg. 7. Regiam ei potestatem adimo saith Gregory the seuenth interdicoque Christianis omnibus illo iuramento absolutis quo fides regibus dari consueuit ne Henrico vlla in re obtemperent Rodulphum in regem suscipiant But this could not be executed vnlesse the people had some power giuen them to put by the one and to receiue the other Nor can princes stand firme if seditious Popes can giue the people this power Math. Paris in Hen. 3. Innocent the fourth likewise deposed Friderick the second forbidding his subiects to obey him and commanding them to whom it appertained to chuse another King As if it lay in the power of the people to do the one or the other or as if the princes authoritie stood in this case vpon the peoples pleasure In Bulla cont Elizabeth Pius the fift declared Quéene Elizabeths subiects to be fréed from their obedience and not onely commaunded them not to obey her but by all perswasions moued them to depose her Is not this then a plaine and euident argument that the Pope doth giue power to the people contrary to the doctrine of the Apostle Rom. 13. and Tit. 3. to rebell against princes and to depose them William Raynolds a renegate Englishman in a treatise set out vnder the counterfeit name of William Rosse and entitled De iusta reip Christianae supra reges impios haereticos authoritate iustissimaque Catholicorum he should say cacolicorū ad Henricum Nauarraeū quemcunque haereticum à regno Galliae repellendum confederatione doth in expresse termes giue the people power to depose Kings and maintaineth impudently the wicked league of the French rebels against their King In the 2. chap. of that booke he affirmeth that the right of al the Kings kingdoms of Europe is laid vpō this foundation that common wealths or people may depose thir kings His words are Quod ius omnium Europae regum regnorum hoc fundamento nititur quod resp possint suos reges deponere But therein he sheweth himselfe and his consorts to be the most notorious traitors of all Europe Likewise Robert Parsons our aduersary if such a base companion may deserue that name and a notorious firebrand of sedition in his booke of succession to the crowne of England made against the iust title of King Iames and in fauour of the infanta of Spaine in his first booke chap. 1. endeuoureth to proue that succession to gouernement by nearenesse of blood is by positiue lawes of the commonwealth and may vpon iust causes be altered by the same His intention is to shew that they which made that law may also alter it In the third chapter he striueth with himselfe to shew that not onely vnworthy pretenders may be put backe but that Kings in possession may be chastised and deposed The first part of which proposition is directed against our most worthy and rightfull King before his comming to the crowne the second aymeth at him now that by Gods grace he is attained to the Crowne In the fourth chapter he sayth that othes in diuers cases bind not subiects and that sometimes they may lawfully proceed against Princes Matters so seditious and odious that it séemeth to me admirable that such a leud companion should be suffered so impudently to barke against the authority of Kings or that the Archpriest or the Iebusits or Masse priests that depend vpon him and allow this doctrine and percase yet stand for the infantaes title together with their cōsorts shold be suffered to liue by the lawes of that king whom by their wicked doctrine they haue sought to dispossesse of his right and to depose from his royall throne Neither is this the doctrine of these base companions only but also of other more famous Doctors and of the most illustrious ring-leaders of the Iebusites Bellarmine lib. 5. de pontif Rom. c. 6. saith It is not lawful for Christians to tolerate a King that is an infidel or an hereticke if he go about to draw his subiects to his heresie or infidelitie His words are these Non licet Christianis tolerare regem infidelem aut haereticum si ille pertrahere couetur subditos ad suam haeresim aut infidelitatem Now it is well knowne that such as receiue not the superstition and heretical doctrine of the Romish synagogue are by the sect of Papists accompted heretikes and litle better then infidels Emanuel Sa a Iebusite also in a booke called Aphorisnis confessariorum holdeth these aphorismes ensuing In verbo Princeps That the Prince may be depriued by the common-wealth for tyrannie and also if he do not his dutie or when there is any iust cause and another may be chosen of the greater part of the people But some saith he suppose that onely tyrannie is a iust cause of deposition His words stand thus Potest princeps per remp priuari ob tyrannidem si non faciat officium suum cum est causa aliqua iusta alius eligi à maiori parte populi Quidam tamen solam tyrannidem causam putant And in the word Tyrannus he affirmeth that he may deposed by the people although they haue sworne to be obedient to him if being admonished he will not amend Potest deponi à populo etiam qui ei iurauit obedientiam perpetuam si monitus non vult corrigi True it is that he speaketh of a tyrant But the Papists account al tyrants that wil not yéeld to the Popes will or that are by him excommunicate as is proued by the example of their writings against King Henry the eight king of England and the French Kings Henry the 3. and 4. and diuers others Frier Ghineard a French Iebusite held that Henrie the French King now liuing was very fauorably dealt withal if he were
and Moregate Finally fol. 88. b. he doth againe inculcate the same matters and pretendeth that he was set on by certaine puritanes and hungrie protestants But if he knew any of vs guilty of such a crime I doubt not but he would haue reuealed their names vsing to kéepe nothing secret that might hurt vs. We haue rather great cause to suspect Papists who were the principall men about him and some percase suborned by the Spanish Infantaes faction that feared him and by all meanes sought his destruction And thus euery man may see that no man euer pleaded the Popes cause with worse grace then Parsons who obiecteth nothing to his aduersaries but that which falleth beside them and reboundeth backe on himselfe and his friends In the places aboue mentioned he endeuoreth also to sprinkle some suspition vpon sir Francis and me as if we had bene priuy to the Earles intentions But we were too farre off to be partakers of his counsels and too far different from sir Chr. Blunt and other Papists to consort with them and I may boldly say not so simple as to allow of such an action Parsons therefore may do well either to forbeare such foolish toyes or to take better information of matters He calleth the Earle my master but therein he is no lesse abused then in the rest For albeit I haue in diuers actions serued vnder him yet so did diuers others Knights Lords that neuer called him master Fol. 20. he giueth out foolish words as if some of our religion which he calleth Puritanes should intend to take some port or towne in England But that as it is a matter far from our doctrine and practise so it is common with the Papists as may be proued by the example of such as came with the Spaniards an 1597. 98. for Falmouth and of the traiterous leaguers the Popes blessed souldiers in France Was not then sir Robert a woodden discourser that hath no fault to obiect against vs which he can proue and yet specifieth diuers things whereof his owne consorts are most guilty Fol. 25. a. Taxing me for diuers faults this masked O. E sayth he shewing himselfe no lesse full of malice and poisoned hatred against Catholikes then furious in heresie falleth from flattering her Maiestie to bloodie sycophancie and calumniation of Catholikes as though they hated her Maiesties person Whereto that I may answer according to Parsons owne vaine I say that this masked N.D. sheweth himselfe an egregious Noddy that chargeth men with malice poysoned hatred against Catholikes fury heresie calumniation and sycophancy and yet neither nameth who these Catholikes are nor bringeth one letter to iustifie his furious accusatiō I say further that he is neither Catholike nor honest man but a furious sycophant hired for crusts of bread to calumniate honest men and an irreligious apostate and heretike and yet not more wicked for religion then damnable for his odious conuersation And where I say that Papists as many as were linked to Parsons and his packing consorts were enemies to her Maiesties person their manifold plots and attempts against her Maiesty their continuall adhearing to her enemies do proue my saying true Parsons also hath by diuers libels and namely by Philopater which he denieth to be his and by the printing and publishing of Sanders booke de Schismate and the libell which was partly made by him and partly by Allen and by diuers practises against her life and state proued himselfe to be a dogge in barking and a poysoned enemie in conspiring against her We will onely alledge a few lines out of Allens libell printed by Parsons against the Queene She is sayth he a most vniust vsurper an open iniurer of all nations an infamous depriued accursed excommunicate hereticke the very shame of her sexe and princely name the chiefe spectacle of sinne and abhomination in this our age and the onely poyson calamity and destruction of our noble Church and countrey Now would I gladly know whether those that allow this forme of writing did not both hate and séeke to hurt her Maiesty Next whether such as do allow such malicious railing and libelling do not concurre with them in hatred and deserue to be hated and expulsed out of all kingdomes well gouerned as leud libellers venimous serpents and damnable traitors Let any man reade the first page of the Wardword sayth Parsons and then tell me whether this minister haue any forhead at al though his head be great inough who saith I do not so much as go about to proue any such matter that he flattered the state And this saith he forgetting his owne brazen face and forehead and the blacksmiths his mothers husbands forked head and his mothers litle honestie recorded in so many bookes of the secular priests and spoken of commonly in the country Beside that it is most apparent that he doth not once mentiō sir Francis in the first page of his book saue in the title much lesse proue him a flatterer And if as he saith that was the but of his discourse then like a blind archer he missed the but shot wide and far off It appeareth also that he was not in his wits when he began thus to exclaim and cry alarme Fol 35. he imputeth vnto me idle babling and calumniation whereas all his wast Warne-word is nothing but a fardle of idle words and méere babling and foolery except where he addeth some additions of knauery that not only in calumniation and lying but also in diuers kinds of villany and trechery Fol. 36. he sayth I flatter to get a bigger benefice But if a man should aske him how he knoweth my mind he wil like a restie iade be at a stop Onely he imagineth me to be like himselfe who caused a solemne supplication to be presented to the King of Spaine subscribed with the hands of diuers base knaues and whores for want of more worthy witnesses declaring that to vphold the cacolike cause it was necessary that Robert Parsons should be made forsooth no lesse then a Cardinall He made meanes also for the Kings letters to the Pope to the same effect And no doubt they had taken effect but that he had iugled too much aboue the boord and was knowne to be a bastardly base refuse ribaldicall rascall fellow Fol. 72. speaking of sir Francis like Scogan he scorneth and like an impudent companion accuseth him as not abounding in good workes whereas himself aboundeth in all euil workes as for example impietie heresie trechery filchery lying cogging lechery beastly filthinesse and all knauery As for sir Francis his pietie charitable dealing the same is sufficiently knowne and greatly should I wrong him if I shold compare him with any of Parsons his consorts which was begotten on the backside of a smiths forge in that cuntry where sir Francis hath an honorable charge In his second Encounter ca. 13. such ruffianlike and rauenous companions saith he do possesse buy and sell Catholike
but consubstantiall Fol. 115. in the same chapter he quoteth Durand lib. 4. in sent dist 2. for dist 20. A litle after he cauilleth with me for saying that the Pope hath power to absolue and pardon men that haue liued most filthily and abhominably and sayth that absolution belongeth to the sacrament of penance and not to indulgences But therein the asse bewrayeth his owne grosse ignorance For as some Papists say indulgence is absolution others say it is absolutio solutio as Bellarmine disputeth lib. 1. de indulg ca. 5. and might haue taught the same to Parsons if he would haue looked on him The Pope therefore may do wel to lash this asse and to graunt him no pardon that knoweth not the grounds and first principles of his owne foole or as some call it school diuinitie Nay he remembreth not the common formes of pardons Gregory the 13. anno 1578. granting a pardon to those cutthrotes Meteran hist Belg. that came with D. Iuan d'Austria into the Low countries for to such are his indulgences granted giueth them indulgence and remission or absolution from their sins after confession and communion Confessione communione peracta sayth Gregory impotretis omnium peccatorum vestrorum indulgentiam O holy Pope that granteth pardons to such cutthrotes O patch Parsons that knoweth not the forme of his holy fathers blessings Wherefore as the Apostle sayth of the idolatrous Gentiles that when they professed themselues wise Rom. 1. they became fooles so we may say of the idolatrous hereticke Parsons that while he professed himselfe a teacher of others he hath shewed himself an ignorant dolt Likewise as the heretikes called Gnostici professed themselues great clerks Imperitiae suae nomen scientiae vendicantes that is challenging to their ignorance the name and title of knowledge as Hierome sayth in Isaiae c. 44. So the illuminate Iebusites professe arts and learning and Parsons is as arrogant as the best of them But if he looke downe vpon these so many and so grosse errors committed within one of his volumes whatsoeuer he thinketh of himselfe I hope hereafter he will not contemne others CHAP. VI. Parsons his singular patcheries and fooleries THis is but a base argument may some suppose to discourse of patcheries and fooleries But how can we do withall hauing to deale against a bastardly and base fellow who vrgeth vs to make a register of his fooleries Stultitia gaudium stulto that is Foolishnesse causeth a foole to reioyce sayth Salomon Prouerb 15. But séeing this Patch would néedes make a scorne of religion and the professors thereof it was necessary to lay his notorious fooleries open First then he sheweth himselfe a notorious sot to sée curiously into others and not at all to looke into his owne faults Tuscul 3. Est proprium stultitiae sayth Tully altorum vitia cernere suorum obliuisci But for men to accuse innocents when them selues are guiltie is not onely simplicitie but also madnes and impudency Cùm pro tuis erubescere debueras innocentes Catholicos accusas that is when thou shouldest blush in regard of thine owne fellowes thou accusest innocent Catholikes sayth Optatus to Parmenian lib. 2. In the Epistle to the reader he chargeth sir Francis Hastings with writing a most bitter and bloody pamphlet who onely stirreth vp his countrimen to defend themselues and their country against forreine traitors and home-borne traitors and yet himselfe published and as is said holpe to write that bloudy Exhortation to the Nobility and people of England and Ireland whereby Allen and he endeuour to perswade all Papists to take armes against their Prince and countrey and to ioyne with forreine enemies And this is the end of his own and his consorts writings and practises for the most part Neither can any write more moderately then Sir Francis or more immodestly and doggedly then himselfe Likewise he is not ashamed in diuers places to accuse me of malignity intemperate writing and bitternesse And yet himselfe like a gull casteth out nothing but gall and bitter reproches He chargeth vs both with flattery lying falshood and diuers other faults which are most rife in him and not any way to be forced vpon vs. Most singular folly it is also for any writer to vtter things that either make against himself or at least nothing for him Quae nihil attingunt ad rem nec sunt vsui Plauti Mercator ea saepe profert aduerso tempore sayth Plautus of a certain foolish fellow But this is a common fault of Parsons and committed in his discourses In his Wardword he endeuoreth to scrape a litle fauour of the late Quéene of the Lords of her Councell and of his countrimen And yet like a sot euery where he endeuoreth to disgrace her Maiesties procéedings and commendeth forreine enemies and traitors and that not without great reproch to the whole State and to the English nation In the Warneword his purpose is to speake of the church and state of England and yet is he still running out into by-matters of France Germany and other countries Nothing can be deuised more odious then the tyranny exactions and pillages of the Pope and his adherents and yet is Robert Parsons still braying out the canonists asmine commendations of the Popes kingdome Fooles haue their confidence in their tongues In Paenulo Stultis thesaurus in lingua situs est sayth Plautus So doth Parsons rely on his libels pamphlets and discourses and hopeth to pay vs all our debt with euill language But come to trie his words in the ballance they are as light as feathers In his Epistle to the Reader A Spanish inuasion saith he was then sayd to be vpon the seas for England But if he had not bene a puppy or at least such a one as could not speake English he would haue sayd that a fléete was sayd to be on the seas with forces to inuade England Certes he might as wel say that an inuasion was marching on the land as floting on the sea But his mind was so much vpon inuasions that he forgot both the loue and the language of his countrey In the same place he saith he wrote a Ward-word to a Watch-word Whereby a plaine Englishman would suppose that he meant to send this Ward-word as a letter to a gentleman called a VVatch-word Forasmuch as to a Watch-word in good English doth not signifie against a Ward-word Againe we Englishmen thinke strange to heare these strange words VVarne-word and Ward-word in our tongue and wonder that there should be an opposition betwixt watching and warding that are commonly ioyned together But this forging Friar forgeth new words as fast as his putatiue father was wont to forge horseshooe nayles His answer to my Epistle Talking of his braue bookes which if they were all bound together were not worth a léeke he nameth his Epistle of Persecution which seemeth to be some new cut and deuise contrary to all formes of former Epistles
sée Christs true body lurking vnder the accidents of the Masse-cake his bloud by a necessary concomitance as they say being not farre off This fellow as a Masse-priest was thought a fit person to speake for the Masse and as a spie and renegate Englishmā to speake shame of his country and to defend traitors And yet the poore man is as fit to dispute of the massing religion and popish subtilties as an asse to play an antheme vpon a paire of organs The true author of the booke as his stile declareth and the dealers in the edition must néeds witnes is Robert Parsons an old hackster in missifical quarels and a great dealer in matter of conuersion of England and one that vseth at his pleasure to borrow other mens names now calling himselfe Captaine Cowbucke now Dolman now Iohn Houlet now N.D. or Noddy now T.F. or Tom Fop now Robert Parsons Vnder the name of Dolman he set out his traitorous seditious booke of succession in disgrace of the Kings title Vnder the name of Iohn Houlet he published certaine idle reasons of refusall himselfe neuer refusing to attempt any mischiefe against the State Vnder the title of N. D. he set out his VVardword and VVarneword stigmatizing his manship with the perpetual note of a Noddy implied by those two letters N. D. And this course he tooke in T.F. his Apologie The second is entitled A treatise of three conuersions of England and was set out by Robert Parsons also vnder the old stampe of N. D. whose signification euery child now knoweth to be Noddy But why he should write of the conuersion of his countrey to religion we can sée no reason séeing we haue knowne him alwaies more studious of the subuersion then of the conuersion of England and his consorts the Masse priests do testifie that he is a Machiauelian packing fellow voyd of religion and honesty The turnings of the Masse or turning of iackets had bene a more fit subiect for him to handle seeing he turneth skippeth so oft about the altar like an ape dauncing about a maypole and hath turned his coate so often from English to Romish from Scottish to Spanish from all to French that some of his friends feare vnlesse he turne Cardinall that he will turne Turke The third is called A Suruey of the new religion and was deuised by a renegued fugitiue Englishman who hath surueyed diuers other countries and yet neuer found any settlement in his braine or habitation Like Caine he hath bin long a vagrant fugitiue fellow Vagus profugus in terra and séeketh if not to kill yet to slander his countrimen and friends imputing vnto them most horrible opinions and crimes It resteth then that we set vpon him a mark as vpō Caine that euery man may know him for a suppost of Satan although herein we néed not much to trauell seeing the first letter of Kellisons name who fathereth this monstrous moonecalfe is K. and the man is noted among his companions for a great quareller about his commons The poore fellow is but a kettle doctor or rather a Tinker of broken schoole distinctions and a professor rather then a performer of any diuine learning The fellow talketh idly of new religion but neither doeth he know what is new nor what is old nor what belongeth to religion that taketh popery for religion and estéemeth the masse and decretaliue doctrine which this Church of England refuseth to be auncient and the apostolike faith which we professe to be new The fourth is termed A briefe and cleare confutation of a new vaine and vanting challenge and is directed against a treatise set out some two or thrée yeares agone by mee wherein is proued that the Masse-priests and their adherents are neither Catholikes nor good Christians But so learnedly and wisely hath the author of this braggard confutation handled the matter that his good friends are sory to sée so worthy a worke misnamed For if he had done me right he should haue called his pamphlet A confirmation of my challenge for so in truth it is the author answering nothing to the purpose and rather by silence consenting then by good answering contradicting our arguments The most of his discourse standeth vpon bitter railing vaine talking and childish trifling about serious matters If any man doubted whether popery were heresie before I doubt not but that this weake discourse that yéeldeth no satisfaction to any indifferent Reader may resolue him The author of this deuise as we are credibly informed is VValpoole the ruler of the kitchin or porredge pot of the colledge of yong English popish traitors in Rome In Italian they call him Padre ministro or padre de minestra or Lord chiefe steward of the schollers porredge The same man is that Walpoole that gaue poyson to Squire and corrupted him by promises of great rewards both in this life and the life to come if he would vndertake to empoyson Quéene Elizabeth the late Earle of Essex and hauing gained a promise at his hands swore him vpon the sacrament to performe the same The fellow is recorded in publike act bookes for these infamous stratagems and knowne to be a notorious traitor and an atheist We are not therfore much to maruell if this wicked Iebusites libel be ful of bitternes atheisme and poison procéeding from so impious an atheist and so cunning a master in the art of empoisoning If any thing wanted in Walpool whose wits are grosse muddy like a standing poole or sink of villany yet was the same bountifully supplied by Robert Parsons the Rector of the quire of Romish conspirators You may then imagine what a loade of leasings calumniations and fooleries such two coach horses were able to draw out of their miry inuentions Much are the simple papists to be pitied that listē to such wicked traitors and suffer themselues to be abused by such notorious and infamous impostors Vnto all these libels there are seueral answers in making If they be not presently answered maruel not They are of too large a blocke to be read ouer hastily My countrimen thinke if the whole impressions of these foure books might be had that they would wel serue to paue Shaftsbury causy There would onely be this difference that for cobble stones and rough slates we should haue cobbled bookes and rough hewne libels as fit to be troden vpon as read ouer Others think because they are in forme octagonall and for the most part as thick as long made like brick-bats that they would finely serue séeing the holy father is said to be the foundatiō of the Pope holy church to lay vpon him for the rearing vp of the wals of some Romish synagogue so it wold be like foundatiō like wals As soone as such huge thick volumes may be run ouer they shall God willing receiue an answer fitting such indiabolated authors and such wicked railing stuffe In the meane while receiue this censure of them al. First they
practise against her life and to make a strong partie against Religion and the State as your Maiestie very well knoweth For the same is lately broken out to the hazard of your royall person and the indangering of the State and God knoweth whether those that haue intended mischiefe against your royall Maiestie that neuer offended them did not worke mischiefe against her whom they tooke to be the obstacle of all their plots and desseines Your Maiestie I doubt not will wisely consider of these plotters and their abettors and all their practises Prouerb 20. A King saith Salomon that sitteth in the throne of iudgement chaseth away all euill with his eyes But his eyes must be in his head and he must sit in the throne of iudgement and execute his lawes He must not suffer them to escape vnpunished that maliciously seeke the bringing in of strangers and the subuersion of Religion and the State Ibidem A wise King saith a wise King scattereth the wicked and maketh the wheele to turne ouer them Who these plotters are I haue declared in the treatise following And that they excuse not themselues by Religion I haue discouered the deformities of their Religion as well as their wicked treasons All which I present to your Maiesties graue consideration beseeching him that is King of Kings to endue you with wisedome and all royall and heroicall vertues fit for the managing of so great kingdomes that you may both triumph ouer all your enemies and also long sit in the royall seate of these kingdomes to the honor of his diuine Maiestie and the comfort of all your louing subiects Your Maiesties most loyall and louing subiect Matthew Sutcliffe The Preface to all true Christians and loyall subiects HOw often the Spaniard and Pope and their agents haue attempted by secret practises to ruinate the Realme of England I doubt not my deare countrimen and friends but you haue heard The rebellion in the North-part of England an 1569. the pretence of the Duke of Guise an 1584. the diuers rebellions and troubles of Ireland the practises of Parrie Patrick Collein Williams and York to kil the Queen of Lopes Squire to impoyson her of Babington and Ballard and diuers other Masse-priests and Masse-louing Papists to subuert the State are yet fresh in memory And to forbeare to speake of such secret practises they haue endeuoured by open warres also to preuaile against the State In the yeare 1588. they prouided against England not onely great land-forces but also a great fleete in their owne conceit inuincible yet by Gods grace easily vanquished and dispersed Likewise anno 1597 and 1598. they made two attempts or rather offers of some enterprise against the State In the first one D. Stillington and other Masse-priests English and Spanish miscaried the Spanish fleete being wracked on the rockes of their owne country so that they could not come to sing Masse in England The other was disappointed by stormes and contrary winds so that no effect came of it The noise of these preparations and menaces comming into England and being bruited abroade partly by letters and partly by a proud proclamation set forth in print by the Adelantado of Spaine wherein he plainly discouereth that he meant no lesse then to cut all our throates if he could it is no maruell if the State and diuers men well affected to their countrey did prepare themselues to make resistance Among the rest Sir Francis Hastings a man of auncient nobilitie and one that hath adorned the honour of his parentage with excellent vertues and namely with true pietie loue of his countrey fortitude and magnanimitie scorning to heare that so base a rabble of Marranes and Bisognos as were assembled first at Lisbone and then at the Groyne should either talke or thinke of the conquest of England which the Adelantado in his bragging Rodomonts stile did threaten he armeth himselfe and prepareth his friends and countrimen to make resistance Perceiuing also the securitie of some and slacknesse of others especially such as were tainted with the pestilent infection of Italian atheisme or Spanish Marranisme but commonly titled Cacolike or popish religion he publisheth a little treatise called A watch-word giuing warning to the secure and stirring vp such as seemed euill affected to resist manfully and to withstand the Spanish incrochments and pretences This booke crossing the desseines of Robert Parsons and his consorts who by all meanes sought to set England in combustion that they might triumph in the ashes and sing Masse in the funerals of their natiue countrey we may perceiue by the sequele that it touched his cause and faction very nearely and therefore was taken by him very tenderly For presently he taketh pen in hand and writeth a most scornefull and bitter treatise against her Maiesties proceedings against Religion and all that professe it railing against Sir Francis and the professors of the truth and commending in the best sort he could both the professed enemies and the secret vnderminers of the State Wherein if we would but note the mans singular impudencie or rather his audacious foolerie it were argument sufficient to confound all his writings For at what time the Spaniard lay with forces at the Groyne and by a Proclamation set forth in print threatned fire and sword against the Realme Robert Parsons like a viperous traitor in his Ward-word talketh of nothing but peace and would make vs beleeue that both the Pope and Spaniards are our good friends Where Iesuites and Masse-priests and malcontent Papists were brewing of sedition and preparing themselues to ioyne with forreine forces this good fellow would make vs beleeue that traitors are good friends and that there was no hurt by them meant to the Queene or State Finally this babling Warder doth addresse all his discourse to the Lords of the Councell and chiefe dealers in matters of State albeit the same tended wholly to the destruction of the State And yet when I consider the practises of the enemies of the State I must cōfesse that he had great reason to enter into this shamelesse course For albeit there was no colour of truth in his discourse yet he supposed if the same were shewed to her Maiestie that it would make her stay her preparatiues He thought also it would proue a faire pretence to those that were loth to spend their money to forbeare to make resistance against the enemy Further he saw that the same would bleare mens eyes while both forreine enemies and secret traitors sought to cut our throates And finally the same being full of railing scorning and scurrilitie he doubted not but the same would deterre others or at least make them slow to take vpon them the defence of the common cause For what man considering the smal encouragement that forward men did find at the hands of friends and the rude entertainment they receiue at the hands of enemies would not leaue the patronage of the State to those that haue most interest
vpon the Church and the Church is a societie of mē then the Papists beléeue Scriptures with humane faith and depend vpon men But that they do plainely teach Thirdly if the Church ought to consigne canonicall Scriptures and the Pope ought to rule the Church then if the Pope either determine against canonicall Scriptures or make fabulous scriptures equall with canonicall Scriptures the Papists are to beléeue either doctrine contrarie or diuers from Scriptures at the least they are vncertaine what they shall beléeue But the Pope may both erre in denying Scriptures and adding to Scriptures To answer this the Papists are driuen to affirm that the Pope cannot erre in these determinations But this sheweth the vncertaintie of their faith that dependeth vpon one little rotten goutie Pope whose learning is not worth two chips and whose pietie is lesse then his learning Fourthly if the Popes consignation be necessary to make Papists beleeue Scriptures then is their faith most vncertaine and rather humane then diuine Especially considering that of this Popes consignation of Scriptures there is not one word in Scriptures But that is their doctrine Fiftly the doctrine and practise of the Church of Rome being the rule of faith the Romish faith must néeds proue vncertaine and variable The consequence of this proposition is proued for that both schoole-men differ from schoolemen and late writers from the auncient and also Popes from Popes as I haue shewed in my bookes De pontif Rom. That the rule of faith is as I haue said it may be auerred by Stapletons words Sixthly if faith be grounded vpon traditions as well as vpon Scriptures then haue the Papists no certaine faith The consequence is plaine for that diuers ancient traditions are new ceased and neither Caesar Baronius nor any man is able to set downe which are authentical traditions which not Finally if the faith of Papists rest vpon the Popes determinations or else vpon the supposed Catholicke Churches decrees then is their faith a goutie fraile and rotten faith or rather a most doubtfull opinion For neither are they certaine who is lawfull Pope nor that his determinations are vnfallible nor is it an easie matter to know which are the Catholicke Churches determinations the Papists themselues contending and varying continually about them These arguments do shew that the Papists haue either a vaine faith or else no faith at all And this Robert Parsons notwithstanding his obstinacie and peruersenesse must needs confesse For simple Papists haue only these meanes whereby to direct themselues viz. Scriptures Fathers or their owne Priests Scriptures they neither heare read in a tongue knowne nor do they much regard them The Fathers they vnderstand not The priests do often tel lies and too farre they dwell from the Pope to know of him the truth To omit to talke of ruder persons and to talke of spruce Robert Parsons gladly would I know of him how he is assured that the religion he teacheth is true Scriptures he denieth to be the rule of faith and will not beléeue them to be authenticall without the Popes determination The Pope is but one man If then he rely wholy on the Popes determination his faith is nothing but a foolish fancie grounded vpon one man If vpon the Church yet he knoweth not the Church but by his owne reason and sence as I thinke he will confesse Ward-word pag. 6. Rule of faith he acknowledgeth none but the vniuersall Church which is not onely absurd but maketh much against him Absurd it is for that the Church is ruled and is not the rule no more then the Carpenter is his rule It maketh against him for that it is more difficult to know the Catholicke Church of all times and places then Scriptures or any proofe of faith else For to know that it is necessary to be well seene in the historie of all times Churches and countries And if he refer himselfe to others and beléeue humane histories his faith is still grounded on men This being the case of Papists and of their agent Robert Parsons we may estéeme our selues happie that are deliuered from this great vncertaintie and taught to build our faith vpon Christ Iesus and the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets 1. Cor. 3. Other foundation can no man lay beside that which is laid that is Christ Iesus saith the Apostle And Eph. 2. Ye are built saith he vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ himselfe being the chiefe corner stone We know that faith commeth by hearing Rom. 10. and hearing by the word of God We beléeue that the Scriptures are a perfect rule and therefore rightly called canonicall The Apostle speaking of the rule of faith 2. Cor. 10. Gal. 6. and Phil. 3. meaneth no other rule but that which was to be found in holy Scriptures The Fathers also procéeded by the rule of Scriptures both where they sought direction for themselues and also where they brought arguments against Heretikes Ireney lib. aduers Haeres cap. 1. calleth the Gospell deliuered in Scriptures the foundation and pillar of our faith Tertul. writing against Hermogenes saith He abode not in the rule of faith And why Inter Scripturas enim Dei colores suos inuenire nō potuerat He could not find his colours or fancies in Scriptures Athan. saith Orat. 2. contr Arian that Heretikes are to be stoned with arguments out of Scriptures Out of Scriptures the Arians in the Councell of Nice other Heretikes in other Synods were confuted And generally antiquitie doth call Scriptures the canon or rule of faith Agréeably therefore to Scriptures and Fathers the Church of England in the beginning of Quéene Elizabeths raigne acknowledged the canon of Scriptures and thence tooke the articles of our Christian faith And therefore I call Scriptures and that which is necessarily deduced out of Scriptures the rule of faith not separating the rule from scriptures as Parsons 1. Encontr cap. 15. of his Warn-word doth cauill but in the rule comprehending whatsoeuer is either expressed in termes or by necessarie consequence deduced out of scriptures And this I did to auoide the cauils of the aduersary which inferre because this word Trinitie or consubstantiall or baptisme of children is not found in Scriptures that scriptures are not a solide and entire rule of faith Against this Parsons in his Warn-word 1. Encontr c. 15. alleageth first certaine names of Fathers then certaine words out of Ignatius his Epistle ad Phil. Irenaeus lib. 3. 4. aduersus Haeres Tertullian de Praescript aduersus Haeretic and Vincentius Lirinensis But he spendeth his labour in vaine and abuseth his Reader Lib. 3. aduers Haerel cap. 4. For none of these Fathers speake of other matters then such as are to be proued out of Scriptures as the places themselues shew Ireney by Tradition proueth God to be the Creator and the mysterie of Christ his incarnation But Parsons will not deny this to be contained in Scriptures Tertullian de
Praescript aduers Haeret. disputeth against the heresies of the Valentinians and Marcionites drawing arguments from the Apostles preaching and tradition But that was because they denyed and corrupted Scriptures For no man can deny but that their heresies are clearely conuinced by Scriptures Quod sumus hoc sunt That we are that they are saith Tertullian speaking of Scriptures That is likewise the meaning of Vincentius Lirinensis de Haeres cap. 27. for that depost of which he talketh is nothing but the Christian faith contained in scriptures But if Parsons will prooue his rule of faith he must shew a faith grounded vpon tradition that is not deduced out of Scriptures Nay if he will not be contrarie to himselfe he must shew that not the Apostles tradition as he saith in his Warn-word 1. Encoun cap. 15. but the Catholike church is the rule of faith as he holdeth Ward-word Encontr pag. 6. He doth also obiect against vs diuers alterations of religion in England in king Henry the eight his raigne Warn-word Encontr c. 16. and in king Edwards dayes and then asketh by what authoritie our rule of faith was established But first he might as well haue spoken of the alteration made in Q. Maries dayes when the impieties of Popish religiō were established by act of Parliament Secondly the alterations in religion made in England of late time make no variation in the rule of faith that is alwayes one but in the application and vse of it Thirdly albeit by act of Parliament the articles of religion were confirmed wherein the canon of scriptures and the substance of our confession is set downe yet was that rather a declaration of our acceptance then a confirmation of the rule of faith that in it selfe is alwayes immoueable Our rule of faith therefore is certaine albeit not alwaies in one sort approued or receiued by men But the rule of Popish faith neither in it self nor in the approbatiō of Parliaments or Churches is certaine or immoueable Finally he asketh a question of Sir Francis in his Ward-word p. 5. how he knoweth his religion to be true And saith he hath only two meanes to guide himselfe in this case and that is either Scriptures or the preaching of our Ministers But this question as I haue shewed toucheth himselfe that busideth his faith vpon the Pope nearer then Sir Francis who groundeth himselfe his faith only vpon the holy Scriptures and is assured of his faith not by these two meanes onely but by diuers others For beside Scriptures he hath the help of the Sacraments of the Church of Gods spirit working within him of miracles recorded in scriptures of auncient Fathers of the practise of the Church of the consent of nations of the confession of the aduersaries of the suffering of Martyrs and testimonies of learned men and such like arguments In this question therefore Robert Parsons shewed himselfe to be a silly Frier and to haue had more malice then might In time past also we were as shéepe going astray and out of the vnion of the Catholike and Apostolike Church Diuers of our auncestors worshipped the crosse and the images of the Trinitie with diuine worship Some like bruite beasts fell downe before Idols crept to the crosse and kissed wood and stone Others worshipped Angels the blessed Virgin and Saints praying vnto them in all their necessities trusting in them saying Masses in their honour and offering incense and prayers to their pictures and images For so they were taught or rather mistaught by popish Priests The Romish synagogue in the very foundations of religion was departed from the Apostolike and Catholike Church The schoolemen brought their proofes out of the Popes Decretals and Aristotles Metaphysickes Est Petri sedes saith Bellarmine in Praefat. ante lib. de Pont. Rom. lapis probatus angularis pretiosus in fundamento fundatus The See of Peter is an approued corner stone precious and laid in the foundation The same man lib. 2. de Pont. Rom. cap. 31. calleth the Pope the foundation of the Church Sanders calleth him the Rocke Alij nunc à Christo saith Stapleton relect princip doctr in Praef. eorúmue doctrina praedicatio determinatio fundamenti apud me locū habebūt That is Others now beside Christ and their doctrine preaching and determination shall be esteemed of me as a foundation This he saith where he talketh of the foundation of religion and the Church But the catholike Church had no foundation beside Christ Iesus and his holy word and Gospell taught by the Prophets and Apostles The Apostle Gal. 1. denounced him accursed that taught any other Gospell then that which he had preached The holy Fathers proued the faith by holy Scriptures and not by popish Decretals and philosophicall Principles Concerning Christs bodie the Romanists taught that the same is both in heauen and in the Sacrament albeit we neither could see it there nor féele it But the scriptures teach vs that his bodie is both palpable and visible Luk. 24. Mar. vlt. and is now taken vp into heauen So likewise teach the Fathers Vigilius in his fourth booke against Eutyches speaking of Christs bodie When it was on earth saith he surely it was not in heauen and now because it is in heauen certainely it is not on earth They haue also brought in new doctrine concerning Purgatorie and indulgences and which is no more like to the auncient catholike faith then heresie and noueltie to Christian religion They teach that whosoeuer doth not satisfie in this life for the temporall punishment of mortall sinnes committed after baptisme and remitted concerning the guiltinesse must satisfie for the same in Purgatorie vnlesse it please the Pope by his indulgences to release him Of the tormentors of soules in Purgatorie and of the nature qualitie and effect of indulgences they talke idlely and vnlike to the schollers of Catholikes The Catholicke doctrine concerning the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords supper they haue quite changed in Baptisme adding salt spittle hallowed water exorcismes blowings annointings light and other strange ceremonies In the Lords supper taking away the cup from the communicants and not deliuering but hanging vp or carying about the Sacrament and worshipping it as God and finally beléeuing holding transubstantiation They haue also deuised other sacraments and taught that they containe grace and iustifie They were wont to kisse the Popes toe and to receiue his dunghill decretals worshipping Antichrist and intitling him Christs Vicar All which nouelties superstitions and heresies by her Maiesties godly reformation are abolished who hath restored the auncient Catholike and Apostolike faith which the Popes of Rome for the most part had altered suppressed She hath also by her authoritie brought vs to the vnitie of the Catholike faith and by good lawes confirmed true Christian religion Before our times there was no settlement in matters of Religion Durand denieth Diuinitie to be Scientia Thomas and Richard Middleton hold that it is Writing vpon the
Iohn Baptist and as it followeth in the common confessiō But if they did not beléeue that Angels and Saints can forgiue sinnes they would not so pray vnto them Fourthly they make their vowes to saints as appeareth by the common formes of vowes of such as enter into Religion Bellarmine also lib. 3. de cult sanctor c. 9. confesseth that vowes may be well made to saints But the scriptures teach vs that this is an honor due vnto God Pay thy vows to the most high saith the prophet Psalm 50. and Deuter. 23. when thou shalt vow a vow to the Lord thy God Finally they pray to the crosse saying Auge pijs iustitiam reisque dona veniam that is increase iustice in the godly and graunt pardon to sinners as if a stocke could encrease iustice or pardon sinners We are therefore herein to acknowledge Gods fauour and continually to praise him for his goodnes who gaue vs such a Queen as with al her heart sought to pul downe the altars and groues of Baal to root out idolatry and superstition and to restore Gods true worship In the beginning of her reigne the holy scriptures were restored to the people in their mother tongue and Gods true worship established in the Church according to that rule God was serued in spirit and truth and the seruice of the Church brought back to the auncient forme of Christs primitiue Church CHAP. V. Of the translations of Scriptures into vulgar tongues and reading them publikely in tongues vnderstood HE that doth euill hateth the light No maruel then Ioh. 3. if the Pope his crue of Masse-priests shun the scriptures their workes and doctrine being euill and the scriptures being compared to light Psalm 119. and to a candle shining in a darke place 2. Pet. 1. they would if they durst plainely prohibite scriptures as appéereth by the practise of the begging Fryers in the time of William de sanct amore who hauing brought all their fancies and traditions into one volume Doctores Paris de penc nouis temp and calling the same the eternal Gospel preached that the Gospel of Christ should cease and that their eternal Gospel should be preached and receiued to the end of the world The Pope also could hardly be enduced to condemne this blasphemous booke of the Fryers In the end I confesse he was forced for shame to abolish it yet he conceiued infinite displeasure against the Doctors of Paris and fauored the Fryers as much as he could And now albeit he hath not simply prohibited the translation of scriptures and reading them in vulgar tongues yet he hath so limited the same as in effect they are as good as prohibited For first he will not permit that scriptures translated into vulgar tongues shall be read publikely in the Church as both the Trent conuenticle and the practise of the Romish Church declareth Secondly Regulae Ind. lib. prohib Pope Pius the fourth doth simply forbid all translations of scriptures into vulgar tongues such onely except as are made by his adherents and followers which are not onely false and absurd in diuers points but also corrupted with diuers false and wicked annotations as the Rhemish annotations vpon the new testament being examined do manifestly declare Thirdly we do not find that the Papists are hastie in setting forth translations of scriptures in vulgar tongues nor can I learne that the Bible is hitherto translated into the Spanish Italian and Dutch tongue by them Fourthly they will haue no Booke-sellers sel Bibles though translated into vulgar tongues by them selues without leaue Fiftly they wil not permit any man to read Bibles so translated by themselues without leaue Sixtly they graunt leaue to none to reade scriptures in vulgar tongues albeit allowed by themselues but to such onely as they suppose to be resolued or rather drowned in the dregges of Popish errors and to lay men seldome or neuer do they grant the same I do not beleeue that Robert Parsons albeit well acquainted in Spaine and Italie can name a doosen lay men of either nation that haue licence to reade Scriptures in vulgar tongues or that had licence in England in Quéene Maries time to reade Scriptures translated into their mother tongue If he know any such he may do well to name them If he name them not his silence wil bréed suspition if it be not taken for a plaine confession Finally if any among the Papists be taken with other translations then such as themselues allow or not hauing himselfe obtained licence according to the foresaid rule he is presently taken for suspect of heresie and seuerely punished if he acquite not himselfe the better So we sée that among them it is lawfull to reade all prophane bookes if they fall not within the compasse of their prohibition and to tumble ouer the lying legends of Saints and the fabulous booke of Conformities of Saint Francis with Christ and that without leaue But Scriptures translated into vulgar tongues no man may reade without leaue Now how contrarie this course is to the word of God to the practise of Gods Church and to all reason we may easily perceiue by these particulars God would haue the words of the law not onely a continuall subiect of our talke and meditations Deut. 6. but also to be written at the entrances and doores of our houses Our Sauiour Christ preaching to the Iewes willed them to search the Scriptures But how can this be done if Scriptures be not translated into tongs which we vnderstand and if no man may reade them without leaue In the primitiue Church they were publikely read in the Syrian Egyptian Punicke other vulgar tongues By the testimonie of Bede hist Angl. lib. 1. it appeareth they were translated into the British tongue and into other vulgar tongues the mysteries of religion being made common to diuers nations by the meditation of Scriptures Lib. 2. aduers haeres cap. 46 Irenaeus speaking of all the Scriptures saith They may be heard alike of all Hierome in an Epistle to Laeta and in another to Celantia exhorteth them to reade Scriptures But how can they be heard alike if they may not be translated nor read publikely in vulgar toungs And why should it be more lawfull for Laeta and Celantia to reade Scriptures then for other men and women In his Commentaries likewise vpon the 86. Psalme he saith that Scriptures are read to all that all may vnderstand Scriptura populis omnibus legitur vt omnes intelligant But how can the common people vnderstand a strange toung Chrysostome homil 9. in Epist ad Coloss teacheth that the Apostle commandeth lay men to reade scriptures and that with great diligence The Apostle teacheth vs that the word of God is the sword of the spirit And before I haue shewed that it is light Our Sauiour saith that the word of God is food to our soule Basil homil 29. saith That the old and new Testament are the treasure of the Church
First he saith There hath not bene so many exactions in time past as since the yeare 1530. and for proofe he referreth vs vnto the exchequer bookes But both his exceptions and his proofes are ridiculous For albeit much hath bene paid to the king yet it doth not therefore follow that we are to pay much to the Pope Againe it is ridiculous to séeke proofes of the Popes exactions in the Exchequer bookes being so many that they can hardly be registred in any bookes Beside this it is false that the people of England hath paid more to the king then to the Pope as may appeare by the conference of particulars But suppose we should pay more to the king then to the pope yet these two contributions are euill compared together For to the King we owe dutie and tribute to the Pope we owe nothing but many bitter execrations for all our charges and troubles For his malice is the root of all our troubles and the cause of all our payments He saith further that notwithstanding the exactions of the Pope the Clergie in time past did farre excell our Clergie in ease and wealth But that is no great commendation if ours excell them in vertue and pietie Beside that Matthew of Paris in Henry the third doth in diuers places expresse the miserable estate of the prelacie in those times by reason of the Popes gréedinesse As for the common sort of priests that liued vpon sale of Masses and the begging Fryers that liued vpō almes Robert Parsons hath no reason to extol thē for wealth lesse certes for other qualities But were our Clergy burthened more thē in times past yet hath this louzie companion no reason at all to mention the same séeing the blame ariseth from the Sodomitical priesthood of the popish synagogue that in king Henry the eight his dayes sold and intangled their liuings and haue since bene occasion of many troubles which without charge could not be ouerpassed He saith our Clergie may sing Beati pauperes spiritu and so might the Romish Clergie too if they were Christians Robert Parsons certes himselfe abusing this place to sport as the Pope abuseth scriptures to profite sheweth himselfe to be an Atheist and talking of his Clergie he proueth himself a sot For in the world there is not a more beggerly I might also say bougerly Clergie then in Italy especially those which liue vpon the sound of bels by their rustie voices as Grashoppers liue vpon dew and sing swéetly oft times when they haue little to eate saue sallades and pottage of coleworts and such like suppes and Italian Minestraes Afterward turning his spéech from others he runneth very rudely vpon me and giueth out that I haue complained secretly of heauy payments to prince and patron But either he lyeth wilfully and wittingly against all truth and reason or els some secret lying companion hath gulled him Certes if he knew my estate and how willing I haue bene and am to spend more then ordinarie for resistance both of common enemies and such Caniball traitors as himselfe he would not impute this vnto me Let him therefore bring forth the man that told him this lie or else he must be charged with deuising the lie himselfe Finally he endeuoreth to excuse Innocentius the fourth and to lay the fault of the extreame exactions of his time rather vpon his collectors and officers then vpon the Pope himselfe He pretendeth also that Innocentius required a collection in a generall Councell But who is so simple to thinke that the whole state would complaine of the court and Pope of Rome if the fault were onely in a few vsurers and caterpilling collectors Againe why should Matth. Paris so often complaine of this and other Popes for their couetousnesse if the fault were onely in the collectors and why why did not the Pope sometime punish his collectors abusing their commission Thirdly it appeareth that this cogging pope abused the world pretending the recouery of the holy land gathering great summes of money vnder that pretence where it appeareth by the historie of Matthew Paris and others that he spent the money in warres to enrich his cousins and bastards and employed the aduenturers that crossed themselues for the holy land against the Emperor and other Christian states Finally it is a méere abuse to call a rabble of idle Monkes and busie Fryers and swinish Masse-priestes combined with Antichrist a generall Councel or to say that the Pope euer meant to recouer the holy land or to enlarge Christian Religion séeing by his aspires and contentions the Turkes haue enlarged and Christians haue lost their Empire being abandoned oft times and betrayed by the Pope CHAP. IX Of the deliuerance of the Realme and Church of England from the yoke of the Popes lawes and vniust censures ALbeit the Cardinals of Rome and the priests of Baal and their adherents do not willingly complaine of the Pope being diuers of them his creatures and the rest his sworne seruants and marked slaues yet such is the grieuance and wrong that many haue sustained by his lawes and censures that diuers of them haue bene forced to open their mouths and to talke against their holy Father Petrus de Alliace in his Treatise de reformat Ecclesiae saith that the multitude of statutes canons and decretals especially those that bind to mortal sinne are grieuous and burdensome Budaeus in his annotations vpon the Pandects saith that the Popes lawes serue not so well for correcting of manners as making of money His words are these Sanctiones pontificiae non moribus regendis vsui sunt sed propemodum dixerim argentariae faciendae authoritatem videntur accommodare In France as Duarenus saith In Praefat. in lib. de Eccles minist it was wont to be a common prouerbe that all things went euill since the decrées had ales adioyned to them that is since the decretals were published Malè cum rebus humanis actum dicebant ex que decretis alae accesserunt The Princes of Germanie complaine Grauam 20. that the rules of the Popes Chancerie were nothing but snares laid to bring benefices to the Popes collation and deuised for matter of gaine They say also Ibid. 8. that the Popes constitutions were nothing but clogges for mens consciences Neither may we thinke but that they had great reason thus to speake considering both the iniquitie of most of these constitutions and the strictnesse of the obligation by which men are bound to obserue them For what reason haue they either to prohibite mariage to any order or state of men not prohibited by the law of God to marrie or else to restraine the libertie graunted by the lawe of God or to forbid flesh egges or milke vpon certain daies Againe why haue they brought in not onely their carnall presence of Christs bodie in the Sacrament transsubstantiation the idolatrous sacrifice of the Masse but their purgatorie their indulgences and infinite such trash Why haue they
which is properly due vnto God vnto creatures Superstitiosum est saith S. Augustine lib. 2. de doctr Christ cap. 20. quicquid institutum est ab hominibus ad facienda colenda idols pertinens vel ad colendum sicut Deum creaturam partémue illam creaturae vel ad consultationes pacta quaedam significationum cum daemonibus placita foederata He saith it is superstitious whatsoeuer is ordained of men for making and worshipping idols pertaining either to the worship of creatures or any part of a creature as God or else to magicall consultations or couenants agreed vpon with diuels for reuealing of matters Thomas Aquinas 2.2 q. 94. art 1. confesseth that idolatrie is nothing else but the worshipping of creatures either in visible formes or otherwise with diuine honour And this is partly prooued out of the law of God against Idolatrie which not only prohibiteth the hauing of strange Gods but also the making of grauen images with an intent to bow vnto them and to worship them But the superstitious Papists do worship the Sacrament as God and call it their Lord and God They do also giue Gods honour to the images of the Trinitie of the Crucifixe and crosse and teach that what worship is due to the originall is due to the image or picture as Alexander Hales p. 3. q. 3. art vlt. Aquinas part 3. q. 25. art 3. and Caietan in his Commentaries vpon him do testifie They do also make vowes to our Ladie and to Saints and trust very much in them They do further call vpon Angels and Saints in all places and offer sacrifices in their honour Finally they bow vnto the images of Angels and Saints pray before them kisse them and burne incense vnto them All which be points of that adoration that is due to God Secondly they commit those faults which the holy scriptures do note and condemne in idolaters of old time They worship creatures for the Creator as the Apostle Rom. 1 ●aith the Gentiles did They make similitudes of things ●oth in heauen and earth bow downe to them and worship them although the same be prohibited in the second commaundement Exod. 20. They erect monuments and titles and stones for signes to be worshipped contrary to the law Leuit. 26. They make euery day new gods affirming that the priest maketh his maker Now this making of new gods is noted as a propertie of idolaters Psal 81. They reioyce in the works of their owne hands and worship the images which themselues haue made as did the idolaters whereof S. Stephen maketh mention Act. 7. They serue the hoast of heauē as the old idolatrous Iews spokē of Amos 5. Act. 7. seruing diuers saints and as they call them Militiam curiam coelestem that is the soldiory and court of heauen As the statues of the Gentiles were siluer and gold the worke of mens hands and had mouthes and spoke not eies and saw not as sayth the Prophet Psal 114. so is it with the images of Papists that albeit of costly matter and curious workemanship yet neither speake with their mouthes nor sée with their eyes As idolaters burnt incense to their statues as we reade 2. Paral. 30. so do Papists burne incense to their images Thirdly they fall into those abuses which the Fathers of the Church thought worthy to be reprehended of old time as sauoring of idolatry The Gentiles thought they could represent God in a materiall image And so do the Papists making the image of God the Father and God the holy Ghost The Fathers therefore reprehend them both alike Quis tam amens erit saith Eusebius praeparat Euangel c. 3. vt Dei formam imagu● 〈◊〉 statua viro simili referri perhibeat Who wil be so mad to think that the forme and image of God may be expressed by an image like vnto a man Hierome likewise writing vpon the fortith of Isay What image saith he wil you make for him which is a spirit and is in all places Ambrose in his oration of the death of Theodosius sayth It is a● errour of the Gentiles to worship the crosse Inuenit Helena saith he crucem Domini regem adorauit non lignum vtique quia hic Gentilis est error sed adorauit illum qui pependit in cruce The councell of Laodicea condemneth the worship of Angels as idolatrous So likewise saith Tertullian de praescrij aduers haeret that the heresie of the Simonians in seruing 〈◊〉 Angels was reputed among idolatries Simonianae magiae disciplina Angelis seruiēs vtique ipsa inter idololatrias deputabatio Hierome in an Epistle of his to Riparius saith that Christians neither adore nor worship Martyrs nor Sun nor Moone nor Angels least they should therein rather serue creatures then the Creator De praescript aduers Haeret. Tertullian doth also say that euery lie o● God is after a sort a variation of the kind of idolatrie Omnis mendacium de Deo variatio quodammodo sexus est idololatrie Both he and diuers others say that heresie is a kind of idolatrie How then can they cleare themselues from the blemish of idolatrie that worship the crosse serue and worship Angels and are authors of so many sorts of heresies Fourthly they must néedes deny the crosse and the images of the Trinitie and the crucifixe to be creatures and works of their owne hands or else in worshipping of them they must needes confesse and yéeld themselues to be idolaters But that they cannot do Finally the testimonie of their owne conscience doth proue them to be idolaters in that they leaue out the second commandement or as they make it a péece of the first commandement that is direct against the adoration and worship of grauen images and the making of them to that end in most of their Catechismes Manuals Psalters and rituall bookes where they rehearse the ten commandements as their Ladies psalters short Catechismes and diuers of their bookes do testifie But since it pleased God to restore religion in the church of England the leuen of popish doctrine and heresie is purged out the breach of schisme and diuision from the Catholike Church is repaired and all superstitious and idolatrous worships are quite abolished and remoued out of the Church CHAP. XI Of good workes and good life THe Ministers of God as they are guides to their people and teachers of the law so ought they to go before their flockes shewing them examples to prouoke them to do good workes and to cōforme their liues according to the lawes of God Shew thy selfe an example of good workes T it 2. sayth Paul to Titus Ibid. Ephes 2. All true Christians also should shew themselues zealous of good workes For we are Gods workmanship created in Christ to good workes which God hath ordained that we should walke in them This is our doctrine and the practise of all that professe our religion If any hypocrites be found among vs that walke not according to their
talke of experience For whosoeuer hath liued among those that are of our religion and among Papists also must néedes say that the liues of Romanists are abhominable offending in whoredome Sodomie periurie vsurie and all impieties and discharge vs deterring and abhorring those vices and punishing them seuerely Beside that if he meant to winne credit he would not talke of the whole world being not able to name one honest man that will iustifie that which he talketh Secondly he saith our best friends renounce our workes And then alleageth an Epistle of Erasmus mentioned by Surius a Postil of Luther and a testimonie out of Aurifaber But first Erasmus is none of our best friends being in most points an aduersarie and a professed Masse-priest And if he were our friend yet haue we no reason to beléeue Surius a malicious enemie and a base Monke hired to speake lyes Secondly it is a ridiculous foolerie where we dispute of the fruites of the Gospell in England in Queene Elizabeths dayes to bring testimonies of Luther and Aurifaber that were dead before her time and speake of some of their countrie people Thirdly they speake not of the whole reformed Church in Germanie but rather of some that albeit they disliked Poperie yet did not sincerely embrace the truth Finally neither Luther nor Aurifaber doth charge his countrie people with such faults as raigne among Papists He must therfore séek some witnesses that speake more to purpose and leaue his owne treasons filthinesse periurie lying gluttonie and drunkennesse before he talke of good workes Finally he pratleth much concerning the merit of workes But if he had bene vsed according to his merits then had the crowes long ere this eaten his carion flesh He misliketh also that we should giue a caueat to auoide hypocriticall ostentation albeit any man shold do good works But this caueat concerneth him but a litle whose workes are most wicked and odious his writings being nothing but either lying and rayling libels or fond and trifling discourses of points of Poperie and his practises tending all to murdering empoysoning sedition warre and bloudshed CHAP. XII Of temporall benefites enioyed by Queene Elizabeths most happie gouernment BEside great successe in affaires of the Church God hath also blessed the people of England in ciuil matters in regard that his name is truly called vpon by vs fulfilling that in England which he promised to the kéepers of his lawe by Moises Deut. 28. Benedictus eris saith Moises ingrediens egrediens Thou shalt be blessed in thy comming in and going out And againe Emittet Dominus benedictionem super cellaria tua super omnia opera manuum tuarum benedicetque tibi in terra quam acceperis That is the Lord shall send his blessings vpon thy store houses and vpon all the workes of thy hands and shall blesse thee in the land which thou shalt possesse First by her happie entrance we were deliuered from the yoke of the Spaniards and from subiection to forraine nations A blessing very great and which is promised to the obseruers of Gods holy lawes Deut. 28. The Lord saith Moyses shall appoint thee for the head and not for the taile and thou shalt be aboue and not vnder if so be thou wilt hearken to the commandements of the Lord thy God which I command thee this day That is God shall make thée commaund others and not to be commaunded by others Libertie is a gift litle estéemed because frée men know not the miseries of people subiect to forraine Lords But if men would consider the difference of men frée and subiect to strangers and tyrants Philippic 10. they would preferre nothing before it Pro libertate saith Tully vitae periculo decertandum est For libertie we are to contend Ibid. albeit we should hazard our liues And again Ita praeclara est recuperatio libertatis vt ne mors quidem sit in libertate repetenda fugienda So excellent is the recouerie of libertie that we are not to doubt to lose our liues for the regaining thereof Contrariwise it is an indignitie not to be suffered by any Englishman honorably minded the Spaniards should raigne ouer vs. The Spanish gouernment is very rigorous in Spaine but in Flanders Millan Naples and the Indiaes the same is most tyrannicall and intolerable Seing then that by the happie entrance of Quéene Elizabeth the Spaniards lost their footing in England which they had alreadie deuoured in their imagination and both perfidious Marans and the Popes bougerly Italians were turned out to séeke new countries wherein to practise their fraud and crueltie why do we not continually renew our thankesgiuing for so great deliuerance Her Maiestie was alwaies desirous of peace and neuer made warres against any but being prouoked and forced thereunto for the defence of her estate and people Yet neuer did she take armes in hand but she returned with victorie The French entring into Scotland and by that meanes intending to trouble England were forced to surrender Lieth and with scorne to returne from whence they came Vpon which great securitie ensued to both the countries When the Nobilitie and people of Fraunce were oppressed by the Popes faction that meant after they had atchieued their purpose there to assaile vs in England as in diuers Treatises they haue declared by her armes and mediation the Christians there obtained good conditions of peace if the aduersaries perfidiously had not broken them Both with forces in New-hauen and by other meanes she was alwaies willing to succour that distressed people By her support for the most part the states of the lowe countries being in danger to be depriued of their libertie priuiledges and lawes and to be tyrannized by the Spaniards haue long subsisted and maintained themselues against most cruell enemies Anno Dom. 1588. that fléete of Spaniards which proudly they called the inuincible Armada by her shippes through Gods fauour was chased dispersed and vanquished and all the bragges of Spaniards and their assistants brought to nothing Not long after when she saw that to resist the enemies malice it was necessarie for her to follow the warres she sent some forces to sea which albeit not great nor competently prouided yet did they possesse the harbor of Coronna take the base towne and defeat all the forces that were gathered against them at the bridge of Burgos The same also entred Portugal and had possessed it if there had bene good correspondence Sir Francis Drake with no great forces took S. Iago S. Domingo S. Augustine and Carthagena and laid a plot to take a great part of the Indiaes from the Spaniard but that he defended himselfe with bribes better then with shippes or armes corrupting some that alwaies ouerthrew most traiterously all attempts against him At Caliz her Maiesties souldiers burnt the kings fléete tooke the towne and had entred farther into the countrie had not the Spaniard some as good friends in our armie as the Quéene Not long since
the English together with the States souldiers ouerthrew the Cardinals armie betwéene Newport and Ostend to the vtter ouerthrow of the Cardinall and the Spaniards in that countrie if the victorie had bene pursued And now albeit coldly pursued yet hath it so broken his forces that he hath lien idlely euer since before Ostend hoping rather by treatie then by force to preuaile In Ireland the Lord Gray ouerthrew the Earle of Desmond and cut the Italians and Spaniards that kept the fort at Smerwike in péeces About the time also died Sanders the Popes Legate and other traitors stirred vp to rebellion by the Pope and his agents Neither could D. Iuan d'Aquila kéepe his footing in Kinsale albeit he had with him many good souldiers and great aduantages Diuers times hath the Pope troubled her both in England and Ireland stirring vp first the Earles of Westmerland and Northumberland and then certaine rebels in Norfolke and afterward procuring diuers seditious fellowes in Ireland in hope of his blessing to rebel But his blessings haue bene turned into cursings and all his trecherous deuises haue come to nothing Finally we find Gods promise to his people by Moyses Deut. 28. verified in her For where he sayth That God would make all his peoples enemies to fall down before them we sée that all the Quéenes enemies fel before her and that the more they maligned her the more God aduanced her Such reputation she wan both with Christians and with Infidels that al men had great respect vnto her except such as maliciously oppugned her The King of Poland and the Transiluanian haue receiued fauour of the Turk for her sake and her friends great comfort in all their distresses Before the Quéenes time the Pope claimed a great part in the gouernement of England challenging power to make Ecclesiastical lawes to send hither Legates to ordaine and appoint Bishops in diuers cases to dispose of Ecclesiasticall liuings and those that possessed them He did also leuis tenths and first fruites and by procurations licences and dispensations drew great summes of money out of the realme In some cases he tooke vpon him to iudge the king and to dispose of the crown of England Hereof it followeth first that the Kings of this land for some ages before King Henry the eight were but halfe Kings neither medling with the externall gouernement of the Church nor being authorized to rule their Cleargie or to dispose of their liuings Secondly that they held that poore halfe of their kingdome which remained at the Popes pleasure and no further as appeared by the insolent dealing of the Pope with King Henry the second and King Iohn out of whose hands the Pope had almost wrested the scepter of their royall authoritie But her Maiestie abolishing the vsurped power of the Pope fréed her selfe and her successors from his tyrannie and restored that power and iurisdiction to the Crown that was by his craft and fraudulent dealing long vsurped She found that it belonged to godly kings to make lawes for religion to rule their subiects to dispose of the affaires and goods of the Church according to right So did Constantine the great and other godly Emperors So did Charles the great and Lewes kings of France So did Alfred and S. Edward Kings of England as the lawes of the Code and Nouell constitutions the constitutions of Charles and Lewes and of the auncient Kings of England declare Neither before Pope Heldebrand or rather that firebrand of hell did any Pope take vpon him to giue out lawes or decretals for the gouernement either of the whole Church or the Churches of other kingdoms For this matter therfore Quéene Elizabeths name deserueth to be had in perpetuall remembrance for that she fréed her selfe and her subiects from the Popes wicked lawes and vsurpations and restored the auncient priuiledges and dignities to the Crowne The which had bene much in a man but in a woman was much more glorious With her also peace which by the practises of the Spaniards had bene exiled to our losse and shame returned again into this land For finding this land at variance with France and forsaken of Spaine she found meanes to compound with France and begā to settle matters at home According to the Prophets admonition Psal 34. she sought peace and followed it And such successe hath it pleased God to giue her that although the Pope by diuers practises hath sought to raise discord and rebellion within England yet maugre his head we haue enioyed peace this fiue and fortie yeares to the great contentment of her subiects and the wonderment of the world For who wondreth not that France and Flanders and other our neighbor countries being in a flame and the Pope desiring nothing more then to set our country on fire that the moderation of a woman should maintaine her State in peace when great Kings could not kéepe their state from being consumed with warres How great this benefite is both the commodities of peace and the miseries of warres may teach vs. Et nomen pacis dulce est saith Tully ipsa res salutaris Philippic 2. The name of peace is sweete and the thing it selfe safe and commodious De leg Agrar contra Rull Neither doth a people more desire any thing then peace as he saith in another place and in peace not onely those to whom nature hath giuen sence but also houses and fields seeme to reioyce Quid est tam populare ac pax qua non modo ij quibus natura sensum dedit sed etiam tecta atque agri laetari videntur Contrariwise warres worke destruction of men cities countries and as Tully saith Philippic 2. haue vncertaine euents and nothing is more execrable then ciuill warres Tully estéemeth him vnworthy to liue among men Philippic 3. that delighteth in ciuill discord and warre By meanes of long peace this land is also growne to great wealth The country is better cultiuated trade is much increased all arts and occupations growne to greater perfection then in time past Noblemen and Gentlemen haue doubled their reuenues Yeomen and Merchants aspire to the degrée of Gentlemen and diuers men of occupation do exceed men of their sort in former times Whosoeuer compareth the common people of England with men of their qualitie in Spaine Portugal and Italy must néedes confesse that in wealth and meanes our country men do farre excéed them Finally neuer was England so populous and strong in men as in our late Quéenes dayes Spaine and most places of Italy séeme desolate in comparison That these are great blessings it cannot be denied For God promiseth increase of substance and men to his people as a blessing Deut. 28. Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body saith Moyses to the people of God and the fruite of thy land the fruite of thy cattell the flockes of kine and sheepe And the multiplication of Abrahams posteritie Gen. 17. and in diuers other places was
the ignorance of Papists in matters of Religion the falshood and absurdities of their doctrine the burthensome and grieuous tyrannie of the Pope and then iudge without partialitie whether the same be not like the captiuitie of Babylon and darknesse of Aegypt out of which all true Christians ought to desire to be deliuered God graunt all men grace to see it and auoyde it CHAP. I. Of the ignorance both of the Clergie and Laitie of England in matters of Religion in Q. Maries time and generally of Masse priests and their followers at all times and in all places BEfore I enter to discourse of Religion first I am to shew the misery of Papists that for the most part liued in time past and yet liue without the knowledge of Religion Nay diuers of the Masse-priests and common people were ignorant and deuoyd of all good learning and knowledge The ignorance of priests and people in the dayes of Iohn Peccham Archbishop of Canterbury may appeare in that he beginneth his prouinciall constitution with ignorantia Sacerdotum C. ignorantia de sum Trin. and teacheth them the articles of the Créed and how to handle the sacrament of the altar shewing them that the wine giuen to the communicants in lesser churches was not consecrate and that they were not too much to break the sacrament with their teeth percase for hurtiing of it but to sup it vp Instruant eosdem saith he c. altissimus constit de sum trinit sumptum ore sacramentum non nimis dentibus comminuere sed tritum ●adicè sorbere perfectè O miserable men that were taught to sup the sacrament like an oyster And why might they not aswell be taught to eate wine as to sup bread Note that this is a common text among the Papists The same man in the chapter Ignorantia sacerdotum de officio Archipresbyteri thinketh it sufficient for priests to teach by themselues or by others and that once euery quarter the articles of the Creed the ten commaundements the two commaundements of the Gospell for this fellow scarce beléeued that the loue of God or his neighbor was commaunded in the morall law the seuen workes of mercie the seuen deadly sinnes the seuen principall vertues and seuen sacraments And what was this quarter teaching forsooth nothing else but the construing or expounding of these things in English as the text saith Absque cuiuslibet subtilitatis textura fantastica without any fantasticall patcherie of scholasticall subtilties For ●hat ordinarily these fellowes were wont to talke of logicall and philosophicall questions tending rather to the subuersion then the edification of the hearers Now what learning I pray you was required to turne the Créed and ten commaundements into English Bishop Walter also in his prouinciall constitutions teacheth his priests what to beléeue of confirmation and extreame vnction which argueth great rudenesse in his disciples In Quéene Maries dayes it was thought sufficient for priests to reade Latine not one among twentie vnderstood Latine Bonner in the first conuocation in Quéene Maries dayes in his oration in praise of priesthood told the priests that they were creators of their Maker yet few of them could construe the canon and few of them vnderstood it Their grosse ignorance is yet fresh in memorie The Germaines complaine Grauam 47. that Bishops aduanced vnlearned idiots vnfit vile and ridiculous fellowes to the function of priesthood Episcopi say they saepenumero indoctos idiotas inhabiles vilesque ac ludicras personas ad sacerdotij functionem ordinant Neither may we thinke they spoke this of malice Onus Eccles cap. 23. The Bishop of Chems saith the people is seduced by blind guides which are ignorant idiots presumptuous couetous hypocrits symoniacall and luxurious persons Againe he saith Ibidem that Bishops admit men vnworthy to charges without all choise or due examination Indignos beneficiatos admittunt absque omni delectu debita examinatione instituunt Venalitate curiae Romanae saith one inaniter praeficiuntur lenones coqui stabularij aequorum pueri Aureū speculū in Antilog Through the briberie of the court of Rome bawdes cookes horsekeepers and children are preferred to gouernement in the Church Aluarus Pelagius lib. 2. de planct eccles art 20. sheweth that the Bishops of Spaine deale no better then others ordaining men vnlearned and vnworthy and indiscreetly committing charge of soules to men vnsufficient Episcopi alicui nepotulo suo saith he committunt multa millia animarum cui non committerent duo pira Bishops commit many thousand soules to some litle nephew or bastard of theirs to whom if they did right they would not commit two peares Hew learned the priests were we may imagine when few of them could well say their Masse and few vnderstand it We may sée in the cap. retulerunt dist 4. de consecrat that some could not rehearse the words of baptisme but said In nomine patria filia spirita sancta Platina wondreth at the ignorance of the priests in matters of Religion Speaking of priests in Marcellino Quanta ignoratio saith he cum snijpsius tum doctrine Christianae Neither may we maruell at the ignorance of meane priests when the Popes themselues are vtterly vnlearned Laziardus writing of Gregory the sixth Epit. cap. 183. hath these words Vt dictum est alium cum esset rudis literarum secum consecrari fecit He made another to be consecrated with him being himselfe voide of learning Constat plures Papas saith Alphonsus à castro lib. 1. aduer haeres adeo illiteratos esse vt grammaticam penitus ignorent He confesseth that some Popes are so vnlearned that they are vtterly ignorant of grammar And that may be exemplified by Iulius the second that for fiat said fiatur and by other Popes Paul the second and Iulius the third and diuers others are by their owne friends reported to haue bin but simple clerks Felin in c. si quando de rescriptis saith that the Pope cannot be deposed for want of learning Papa propter defectum literaturae non potest deponi But were they learned yet vnlesse they be learned in holy Scriptures and teach their flockes committed vnto them their learning is to the people vnprofitable For like idole shepheards they do nothing but possesse the roome and places of shepheards The Popes albeit they claime the title of vniuersall Bishops teach none hauing contrary to the example of Peter and other Bishops of Rome giuen ouer the office of féeding and teaching and now onely famishing and destroying the Lambes of Christ Rapis depraedaris à me innumerabiles animas saith Christ to the Pope in Brigits reuelations nam quasi omnes qui veniunt ad curiam tuam mittis in gehennam ignis ex eo quod non diligenter attendis ea quae pertinent ad curiam meam Quia tu es Praelatus Pastor ouium mearum ideo culpa tua est quod non discretè consideras ea quae ad
the hand of God vpon them when they heare scriptures read and prayers said publikely in a language which they vnderstand not and a thing to be wondred at that they chuse rather to liue in this blindnesse then to haue the word of God read in a toung which they are able to vnderstand and whereby they may learne to feare God Seuenthly the very heathen haue oft times chosen to die rather then to sée themselues oppressed by tyrants Yet such is the stupiditie of Papists that they suffer the Pope and his Priests to tyrannize ouer them loading their consciences with intolerable lawes and false doctrine and spoiling their goods by diuers kinds of exactions and endangering their liues by their Inquisitors and massacrers and such like executioners of their bloudie decrées 8. Most dangerous is euery diuision among those of one societie but most miserable it is when they which professe themselues to be of Gods Church are deuided one frō another For the Church is a house of vnitie and not of dissention But among Papists one holdeth of Benet another of Francis another of Dominicke another of Clare and in no point of doctrine do all their Doctors agree together Superstitiously also they obserue dayes times and distinction of meates and consecrate salt water bread candles and paschal Lambes Finally they leaue the Creator and serue our Ladie Angels and Saints and other creatures Nay for reliques of Saints they worship oft times the ashes relikes and bones of wicked men and reprobates nay of bruite beasts 9. It is an vnséemely thing for those that professe holinesse to shew themselues examples of all beastlinesse as the Popes and holiest men of the papists are wont to do Therefore séeing the dogs sorcerers whore-mongers murtherers idolaters and lyars shall be shut out of the kingdome of heauen they are not to looke to be admitted without spéedie reformation 10. No Prince liuing vnder the Pope can assure himselfe of his state nor can any subiect that liueth vnder such a prince assure himselfe either of his life or goods For if the Pope haue power to take away kingdomes and to bestow them vpon others how can any King or prince assure himselfe he will not attempt the same when occasion serueth considering his violent procéeding against Emperours and kings in time past and against our late noble Queene against Henry the third and fourth of Fraunce and diuers others And if euery one by him and his Inquisitors declared Hereticke is to lose life and goods who can assure himselfe of either if he acknowledge not his authoritie and refuse his religion 11. No man certes shall prosper that shall follow Antichrists sect or religion If any man worship the beast and his image saith the Angel Apocalyps 14. and receiue his marke in his forehead and in his hand the same shall drinke of the wine of the wrath of God of the pure wine that is powred into the cuppe of his wrath But that new Rome and the Popes gouernment is the image of the old Romaine Empire and that the Pope is Antichrist it plainely appeareth by diuers arguments which I haue declared in my fifth booke De pontif Rom. 12 Those Kings that liue vnder the Pope are but halfe kings For first their Cleargie in diuers cases is exempt from them and next they haue not to do with the rest of their subiects in ecclesiasticall causes O miserable kings that haue fallen downe to worship the beast and haue suffered such base bougerly Italians to take away more then halfe of their royall authoritie 13 We find that no kingdome can long liue in peace which is subiect to the Popes controlment For if the Pope do find himselfe aggréeued then doth he trouble the peace of the State if the same offend him not but pay what he requireth yet if he fall out with others then must that kingdome make warres at the Popes pleasure By the Popes solicitation both England France Flaunders Spaine and all Christian countries haue endured great troubles The Turkes liue farre more quietly vnder their Sultans then Papists vnder the Pope Finally considering the intolerable exactions of the Pope and his furious inclination to warre and bloudshed and the tyrannie both of the Pope and his adherents it is no maruell if the papisticall people be poore and much wasted Whether then we respect things of this life or of the life to come there is no creature more miserable then a Papist Do you not then wonder that any should like the popish gouernment It were certainely much to be wondred but that experience doth teach vs that the Cimmerians that dwell in darknesse care not for the light and that brutish beasts delight in brutishnesse and base people in seruitude and superstitious people in vanities and superstitions CHAP. VI. Of the contradictions of Popish Doctors in principall points of Religion OF the dissentions of popish Doctors in matters of religion I haue said somewhat before Yet because Papists make vnitie in matters of faith to be a marke of the Church and confidently deny that their Doctors dissent in any point of any moment I haue thought good to insist yet more vpon this point that the world may see not only their miserie that as men not resolued in most points of religion wauer betwixt contrarie opinions but also their notorious impudencie that deny it Therein also doth appeare some Papists wonderfull simplicitie that séeing the contention of their Doctors do not vnderstand their differences and séeeing their differences and vncertaintie of popish Religion do notwithstanding sticke fast in the filthy dregs and abhominable corruptions thereof Pighius lib. 1. Eccles hierarch cap. 2. saith That Scriptures are not aboue our faith but subiect vnto it Stapleton Princip doctrin lib. 12. cap. 15. holdeth that the Church and Scriptures are of equall authoritie Eckius in enchirid loc com cap. de Eccles saith That the Scriptures are not authenticall without the authoritie of the church Bellarmine thought best not to dispute this question Nicholas Lyra Hugo Dionysius Carthusianus Hugo Cardinalis Thomas de Vio and Sixtus Senensis lib. 1. Biblioth sanctae reiect the last seuen Chapters of the booke of Hester as not canonicall Scripture The Conuenticle of Trent Bellarmine and most popish Doctors of late time hold them to be canonicall and thinke hardly of those which teach contrarie Iohn Driedo lib. 1. de Scripturis dogmat Eccles denyeth the booke of Baruch to be canonicall Scripture Bellarmine lib. 1. de verb. Dei and most of his fellowes be of a contrarie opinion Caietan and Erasmus in their Commentaries vpon the Epistle to the Hebrewes of Iames Iude the second of Peter the second and third of Iohn do dissent from the rest of their fellowes partly concerning the authors and partly concerning the authoritie of those Epistles Iames bishop of Christopolis in Praefat. in Psalm And Canus lib. 2. cap. 13. de locis theologicis affirme That the Iewes haue depraued and corrupted
and sauage beasts Contemning all iustice In his Preface to king Philip. saith Bartholomaeus à casas writing of the cruel vsage of the Spaniards towards the Indians they delight to see streames of mans bloud which they haue shed and seeke with infinite slaughter to depriue those great countries of the naturall inhabitants thereof In short space they killed diuers hundred thousands onely in one Iland called Hispaniola the women they abused the treasure and commodities of the countrie they spoiled The people of Naples were in the time of Charles the fift who otherwise was a good prince so vexed and oppressed by the Spaniards as an Ambassadour of the people of Siena said to Henry the French king Nat. Com. hist lib. 6. that for release of their extreame bondage they seemed desirous to liue vnder the Turke Vt Turcarum imperia ad tantarum miseriarum refugium exoptare videantur He saith further that the Spaniards laid so many grieuous tributes vpon the people that diuers auncient townes were thereby deformed and left desolate The Dutchie of Milan also by the Spanish tyrannie as those that haue trauelled that countrie do know is brought to great pouertie The taxes and customes are grieuous the oppressions wrought by the souldiers many the lawes vnsupportable Neither doth it auaile them to complaine For that remedie they haue often tried but all in vaine But no people was euer more oppressed then the Flemmings Brabansons Hollanders and other nations of the Low countries Their liberties they haue disanulled their lawes they haue litle regarded their townes they haue spoiled their countrie they haue almost wasted By the fundamentall lawes of the countrie they might neither place strange gouernours ouer them nor bring in forraine forces among them But the Spaniards haue done both By the lawes the king of Spaine could neither impose taxes vpon the subiect without the consent of the States nor condemne any man but by the lawes of the countrie But he hath both done the one and the other The Duke of Alua without the consent of the States or order required the hundreth part of that which euery man was worth and the tenth of all things bought and sold in the countrie The noble Earles of Egmont and Horne and diuers Noble men of the countrie that had done him great seruice he caused to be done to shameful death The prince of Oranges eldest sonne contrarie to the lawes of the Vniuersitie of Louain and countrie he caused to be caried prisoner into Spaine Finally contrarie to the lawes of the countrie he altered the ecclesiasticall State making new Bishops and erecting new offices of inquisition in diuers places of the countrie And this the king did Ludouic Guicciard de Paesi bassi hauing sworne to obserue the lawes and priuiledges of the countrie I will not here recount the murthers rapes robberies thefts spoiles and wrongs which the Spanish souldiers and officers haue committed For that would require a great volume and it would be said that these are the calamities of warres and wrongs of priuate persons Yet if Spaniards bring warres and calamities with them and sée not these wrongs redressed it sheweth how much their tyrannicall gouernement is to be auoided and detested But that is made apparant by the lawes and procéedings which are publikely auowed The Portingals may be an example to all nations sufficient to make the Spanish gouernement odious For although they be neare neighbors and agrée with the Spaniards in Religion language lawes and humors yet haue they not found any more fauour at their hands then other nations Their Nobilitie is almost ouerthrowne the Merchant decayed the Commons spoyled The exactions are intolerable and yet farre more tolerable then the wrongs offered by Spaniards from whom neither the husband can kéepe his wife nor the father his daughter nor the citizen or countriman any thing he hath Adde hereunto the violence that is offered to mens persons and the iniuries of words that they dayly sustaine and then you will confesse that the Portingals liue in great misery and bondage In England also the Spaniards albeit but few began to play their partes offering violence to diuers mens persons and attempting the chastitie both of matrons and virgins In the parliament which is the foundation of the libertie of our nation they attempted the ouerthrow of our libertie not onely by conioyning king Philip with the Quéene but also leauing out the Quéenes title of supreme authoritie in the summons and taking away the frée electiō of the Commons in chusing their Burgesses and thrusting out Bishop Watson Alexander Nowell and diuers Burgesses out of the parliament Nay such is the rigor of the Spanish gouernement that the Spaniards themselues cannot well like it The priuiledges of Aragon the last king abrogated vpon pretense of disorder in the fact of Antony Perez Escouedoes sonnes could neuer haue iustice for the death of their father Murders and violences are rarely punished The taxes customes and payments are so grieuous that notwithstanding all the riches that commeth from the Indiaes nothing can be deuised more bare poore and miserable then the common sort of Spaniards The imposition vpon fish wine oile and silkes which are the principal cōmodities of the country is great and other customes are not easie In the market the tenth penie is exacted commonly for all commodities bought and sold Wherefore if we respect nothing else but the yoke of the Spanish gouernement we may account our nation in very miserable termes in Quéene Maries dayes Yet was not that all the mischiefe she brought with her For beside the yoke of Spaniards she put vpon her subiects the yoke of the Popes tyrannie and of his Italians relinquishing the first fruits and tenths of Ecclesiastical liuings to the Pope and making her people subiect to all his extortions and pillages which not onely to this nation but also to all Christians hath alwayes bene very grieuous In Hen. 3. p. 530. Matthew Paris speaking onely of one Popes Legate and his rauinous pillages sayth excepting church treasure there remained not so much mony behind as he had caried with him out of England Nec remansit eadem hora vt veraciter dicebatur in Anglia tantum pecuniae exceptis sanctorum vasis ornamentis Ecclesiarum quantum à regno extorserat Anglicano The same man beside all this as the same author testifieth bestowed thrée hundred benefices at his own and the Popes pleasure Vnde regnum quasi vinea exposita omni transeunti quam exterminauit aper de sylua miserabiliter languit desolatum Whereupō it fel out saith he that the kingdom did miserably languish being laid desolate made like a vineyard exposed to euery one that passeth by and which the bore of the wood did roote out He that shall reade that storie shall find strange inuentions to extort money from the people and vnderstand that great summes of mony were transported out of England by the
well the former reasons and examples and look into their owne danger and slippery estate For albeit now the Pope hath his hands full and cannot or dare not offer them wrong yet many occasions may be offered of falling out betwixt them and the Pope And in that case either they must confesse as we do that the Pope is a false prophet and Antichrist or else yéeld vp their Crowne at his pleasure or else defend their right without lawful title and that both against rebels and forreine enemies which will be a matter hard for them to do CHAP. IX That no King or Prince can secure his person against the attempts of traitors if he suffer any in his kingdome that teach or hold the Popes doctrine concerning the deposing and killing of Kings THis corollary or conclusion is necessarily deduced frō the doctrine of Papists concerning the Popes power in deposing of Kings and Princes For if it be lawfull for the Pope to depose a Prince frō his royall throne then is it lawfull for the Pope to command any assassin or cutthrote to murder him séeing it is not likely that a magnanimous King wil yéeld to so base a companion as the Pope nor giue vp his Crowne without force and compulsion The same is also proued by the general practise of Popes by the wordes of the Popes bulles by the doctrine of their principall followers and by diuers particular facts and attempts both of Popes and their wicked instruments and agents For first we find that those Popes that haue gone about to depose Kings haue also vsed all meanes to destroy thē to cut their throtes The which may be verified by the procéeding of Gregory the seuenth against Henry the Emperor of Paschalis and Vrban against his sonne of Alexander against Fridericke Barbarossa of Innocent the third against Philip and Otho of Gregory the ninth and Innocent the fourth against Fridericke the second of Clement the fift against Henry of Lucembourg whom he caused to be poysoned in the sacrament Of Iohn the 22. and Clement the sixth against Lewis of Bauier of Paul the third against Henrie the 8. King of England of Pius the fift Gregory the 13. and Sixtus Quintus against Quéene Elizabeth and finally of the Popes that fauored the rebellious leaguers of France against the French Kings Henry the third and fourth and diuers others For why did they raise rebellion moue warres and suborne secret traitors to attempt against the persons of Kings but that they meant to giue leaue to desperate cutthrotes to kill them Secondly the words of the Popes buls and the doctrine of their wicked agents doth notoriously manifest their leud and damnable purposes touching this point Platina in Greg. 7. Gregory the 7 doth first depriue Henry the Emperor of his Empire and forbiddeth his subiects to obey him Next he commaundeth all to accept of Rodolph as their King and to obey him But neither could he be deposed without armes nor might Rodolph be suffered to raigne during the life of the Emperour Henrie Paul the third in his seditious bull against Henry the 8. king of England commaunded the Nobles and other principall men of the countrey to oppose themselues with force and armes against him and to cast him out of his kingdome But armes are taken in hand for no other purpose then to kil such as resist and a weake conceit it is to thinke that king Henry could be thrust out of his kingdome vnlesse he were also depriued of his life That impious Pope Pius the fift also that sent Nicholas Norton to moue an insurrection against Queene Elizabeth in England and his legate Sanders to do the like in Ireland did intend no lesse then the destruction of her person if the rebels had preuailed In his bull against her he declared that he had authoritie to pull vp and to destroy and forbiddeth her subiects to obey her which could not be executed without her destruction Sixtus the 5. in his declaration anno 1588. against the same Quéene hauing at large rayled with his foule and filthy mouth against the Lords annointed exhorteth all her people to lay hands on her to arrest her and to concurre to her punishment That is also the end of that traitor Cardinall Allen his seditious exhortation to the Nobilitie and people of England and Ireland But because the Papists had no better successe an 1588. therefore they suppressed this discourse for very shame least their dealings for the destructiō of princes should be made manifest and least the mysteries of Romish Babylon should be reuealed Parsons that bastardly English renegate Parsons an abbettor of cutthrotes King-killers in his booke of succession part 1. cap. 3. alloweth the deposition of K. Iohn of King Edward the second King Richard the second King Henry the sixth and of diuers violent attempts made by subiects against their lawfull Kings Thereby it appeareth also that he approueth warres and rebellions made to depose Kings and to destroy them Nay allowing the violent death of Caesar in the Senate he seemeth directly to perswade the murder of princes which is the rather to be beléeued for that he was an agent in the printing and as his consorts the Masse-priests say in making the libell set out by Allen against Queene Elizabeth proclaiming reward to all that could lay hold vpon her nay that could kill her Now least any man should doubt of the doctrine of the infernall Iebusites in this point In verbo Tyrann Emanuel Sa in his apherismes for confessaries doth thus instruct all Masse priests Tyrannicè gubernans iustè acquisitum dominium non potest spolias sine publico iudicio lata verò sententia potest quisque fieri executor That is he that gouerneth tyrannically his state which he hath gotten iustly cannot be spoyled of it without publicke sentence of the Pope but sentence being passed euery man may execute the sentence he meaneth that he may kill the King He sayth also that the people haue power to depose the prince He doth further vnderstand the Pope to be euery Kings lawfull Iudge Is it then to be maruelled if the Masse-priests and their followers grounding themselues vpon these resolutions attempt against princes persons Iohn Ghineard one of the sect of the Iebusites did publikely acknowledge in the parliament of Paris anno 1594. that he had written these words The cruell Nero that is Henry the third was slaine by one Clement and the counterfet Monke by the hand of a true Monke Againe the heroicall act done by Iames Clement as a grace of Gods holy spirit and called by that name by our diuines the Iebusites was iustly commended by Bourgoin late prior of the Iacobins a confessor and martyr Talking of the king now raigning he wrote that he would haue him shut into a cloister and deposed But if he cannot be deposed without warre then sayth he let warre be made against him And if there be no meanes to preuaile by
conscience doth accuse him and conuict him For listen I pray you what he answereth I neuer heard saith he any man of notice and iudgement ascribe them to him before and if I be not deceiued other authors are knowne to haue written them Now what is this but to confesse that couertly that he denyeth coldly And what traitour or fellon or séely fellow being charged at the barre with notorious treasons and fellonies cannot answere thus albeit he be charged with things most manifest For what traitor cannot say I neuer heard any man of iudgement or notice ascribe this treason vnto me And againe If I be not deceiued others are knowne to haue committed this treason But if Ro. Parsons answere no better he will soone be conuicted and trussed for a traitor In the meane while he shall here onely rest conuicted of lying and foolery Of which he may also be conuicted in that taking on him to disproue me where I charge him to be the authour of the Wardword he doth afterward plainely confesse it He doth also make me to say that he hath written in all eight contemptible treatises which are no words of mine but cogged in by him and chargeth me with suppressing his bookes where I confesse plainely that he hath written other base and paltry pamphlets Whosoeuer therefore will estéeme the rest of my discourse by this against which he taketh such exceptions as he would haue it may see that as I haue dealt in all things plainely and sincerely so this fellow dealeth most childishly impudently idlely in most of his discourses To conuince me of ridiculous vanitie in vaunting as he calleth it he alleageth nothing but only a challenge made by me to himselfe in fiue new encounters I do also request if himselfe be busie about some packe or practise of treason or els percase about some plot to win a Cardinals hat wil not or hath no leisure to answere that either Creswel or some other babling Iebusite may be set forth to try his skill in this combat But neither is it a ridiculous matter to defend the truth nor any vanity to challenge Parsons or his paltry schollers and seditious companions Beside that if it be vanitie in vs to challenge some few then should Robert Parsons be a most notorious vaine fellow that in defence of his Censure against master Charke doth most proudly challenge the whole Church of England to dispute and in his Wardword vanteth that we dare not to deale with him and his fellowes Campian also challenged all commers in his ten reasons as if a common fencer should challenge all men at ten weapons And yet Parsons I trow will not accuse him of ridiculous vanitie in vanting Neither will the seditious crew of traitorous seminary companions giue the title of Thraso Goliah Behemoth or Leuiathan to all challengers For then could not ruffling sir Robert nor cauilling Campian escape their censure considering especially that in all their pamphlets they breath furie out of their nostrils and folly out of their dried sculs bragging and vanting most vainely and excessiuely But Parsons speaking against others forgetteth alwaies to looke backe vpon himselfe or else age perhaps hath dried vp his wit Omnia fert aetas animum quoque saith the Poet Virgil. Eglog age decayeth all things Parsons vnderstanding also His braine is dryed with Spanish sacke and Spanish scabbes haue seized on his scull Afterward not being able to iustifie his thréefold accusation against my Epistle he roueth at certaine personall matters farre from the questions in controuersie First he saith I haue bene a souldier but what of that was not Ignatius the first founder of his sect a lame souldier And were not Pope Clement the seuenth Iulius the second and other Popes whom he dare not disclaime great men of warre Let him therefore beware least desiring to strike others he wound the lame souldier his founder and the Popes his holy fathers and himselfe that counterfeiteth sometime to be a souldier and calleth himselfe captaine Cowbucke being but a cow and a coward But it may be percase that he accompteth it irregularitie for a man of the Church to be a souldier for so he seemeth to insinuate But he is much deceiued in his own canons For albeit to be a bastard is irregularity yet is it not so to be a souldier And if it were so by the Popes laws who because the Iews said Ioan. 18. it was not lawfull for them to put any to death do therefore exclude their clergie from iudging of matters of death yet it is ridiculous to exact the obseruation of the Popes lawes of Christians when the papists do reason so absurdly from the words of the Iewes and regard their owne constitutions nothing at all Beside that if such traitors as himselfe and the Iebusites of Paris thinke it lawfull to beare armes against their liege Souereignes I hope he cannot disproue them that haue serued their princes against foreine enemies and traitors He saith also I haue bene a pirate But that sheweth he is badly informed and worse affected that calleth all that serue their countrey by sea pirats As for me I count it honour to be rayled on by professed enemies of their Prince and countrey and shall the rather endeuour to do seruice both against enemies traitors and railers Further saith he I vnderstand that he hath bene iudge marshall among souldiers But while he thinketh to offer me disgrace he saith more honour of me then I would percase haue sayd of my selfe if I had not bene occasioned by him For that is a place of honour as the Auditors generall of the Spanish armies can assure him Neither is the same incompatible with my calling although I serued the Queene in that place in the low countries before I had any function in the Church He is also much offended that I haue sometime taken vpon me the trayning of yong souldiers that were to be led against such villeines and traitors as himselfe comming with Spainiards and forraine enemies against their country But if he be sorie that he and his consorts could not cut his countrimens throats without resistance I am glad if I haue made my countrimen the more able to serue both against common enemies and such cut-throate traitors and I doubt not but to vse my skil to the benefit of my country if euer such traitors as himselfe is offer to bring with him any bougerly Italians or bragadocio Spaniards against England He proceedeth and saith I am married and matched as a minister ought to be In an other place he glanceth at my wiues French hood But what if I was married before I entred into the ministery and be able to maintaine her so without any profits of my Ecclesiasticall liuings Beside that himselfe being a filthy bastard and borne of a base queane as the Quodlibetist being a goodly martyr in the Calendar of traitors telleth him he sheweth himselfe both witlesse and shamelesse to speake
holy nor so learned as S. Ambrose by many degrees Where he is charged to haue threatned vs with broken heads and Bastonadoes a logike very familiar with papists he answereth fol. 73. That he speaketh figuratiuely But experience teacheth vs that where they can do it they do it literally It were therefore good to beware of the woodden daggers of these woodden fellowes Fol. 110. b. he affirmeth that by indulgences are distributed the treasures of the Church A matter of méere foolery of which may be said thesaurus carbones that is our treasures proue coles For poore people hoping to receiue a treasure receiue méere cole dust Fl. doct c. de indulg and yet for that trash wast great treasures Iosephus Angles signifieth that the Pope now and then receiueth an hundred millions of duckets for an indulgence which is no small matter for such small wares In the same place he telleth vs of the Popes doctrine of indulgences which is nothing else but a fardle of foolery as in my discourse against Bellarmine I haue shewed at large This Patch if he had remembred himselfe would haue proued somewhat and not haue told vs a tale of the Popes tub full of mustie indulgences more nastie then an old mustard pot 2. encontr c. 15. fol. 117. I shall alleage sayth he most authenticall testimonies to wit foure bookes for the negatiue written and printed at Lyon presently vpon the fact it selfe intituled De iusta Henrici tertij ab dicatione But this allegatiō serueth vs better then him and is a most authenticall testimony of Parsons foolery and of the Popes trechery For what is more repugnant to law conscience and reason thē to beléeue a notorious rebel and traitor declaiming against his liege soueraigne most trecherously and wickedly murdred by a louzie frier And what is more intollerable then that the Popes of Rome and their adherents being aduanced by Christian princes should now be praised for deposing of princes and cutting their throtes This authenticall testimony therfore might well haue bin spared wherein Parsons a traitor produceth his fellow traitor for a witnesse in discharge of his owne and his fellowes treasons and villanies Fol. 123. he talketh most foolishly of penance repeating what he hath sayd before in his Wardword But whatsoeuer he bableth of penance and satisfaction and passing through a néedles eye yet if a man can gaine a plenary indulgence which for mony is easie to be had then al penance inioyned and satisfaction ceaseth and God is plainely mocked If he had bene wise therefore he would haue forborne to talke of penance the doctrine whereof by the Papists is wholly corrupted and ouerthrowne Finally albeit he talketh much of law and of Catholike Religion yet he sheweth himself to be like those of whō the Apostle speaketh which would be doctors of the law 1. Tim. 1. and yet vnderstand not what they speake nor wherof they affirme And like old heretikes which as Hilary lib. 8. de Trinit saith although they lie foolishly yet they defend their lies farre more foolishly Cum stultè mentiantur sayth he stultiùs tamen in mendacij sui defensione sapiunt Compare their doings with Parsons his foolish Warneword and you shall sée he farre passeth them all in foolery CHAP. VII Containing diuers false allegations and falsifications of Fathers and others committed by Parsons THere are diuers kinds of falsifications as we may learne by the Romane lawes ff ad l. Corn. de falsis by the cannon law de crimine falsi and by those Doctors that haue written Commentaries and glosses vpon these titles But to know the diuersitie and nature of them we shall not néed curiously to looke either into the lawes or commentaries of learned lawyers séeing Robert Parsons in his Warn-word which like a warning péece may serue all true men to beware of his falshood and trechery doth furnish vs with particular instances and examples of most sorts of them First he maketh no conscience either to curtal his aduersaries words or to adde somewhat vnto them of which they neuer had so much as a thought Fol. 6. he sayth that Sir Francis obiecteth vnto him the seeking of the ruine of the church and common wealth by his exhortation to peace and mitigation in religion whereas the Knight obiecteth no such matter nor hath any such words He doth also séeme to charge him as enemy of peace whereas the honorable Knight neuer misliked peace or any motion tending thereto but rather discouered the false practises of Papists that anno 1588. talked of peace when their fléete was at the sea to cut our throtes being vnprouided and 1598. made an ouerture of a treaty when the Adelantado had great forces readie at the Groyne and other ports of Spaine to come for England Where Sir Francis prayeth for the prolonging of her Maiesties dayes to the holding out stil of the Popes vsurped authoritie Fol. 8. Parsons in his VVarneword doth so expound him as if he prayed that her life might hold out still And this to the intent he might runne vpon the Earle of Essex barking like a Tinkers curre at a dead Lyon In my Preface I say that obstinate recusants for the most part are secretly reconciled to the Pope and in time past adhered to her maiesties enemies But Parsons to make the matter more hainous Fol. 13. a. turneth obstinate recusants into recusant Catholikes and falsly leaueth out these words for the most part As if I had called them Catholikes which I neuer thought or as if I knew not that there is great difference betweene the factious reconciled papists and those that of simplicitie and ignorance fauour papisticall heresie and superstition Againe where I say that extraordinary fauour or rather remisnesse of lawes and iustice towards disloyall Papists hath caused diuers rebellions both in England and Ireland and made them bold to attempt against her Maiesties life and gouernement and giuen some of them courage to conspire with forreine enemies c. and that by suffering of malcontents to practise the sinewes of gouernement haue bene dissolued and that many thinke that against persons that are so euill disposed and so firmely linked to forreine enemies good iustice is most necessary Robert Parsons iumbleth many words together and cutteth off that which I sayd of conspiring with forreine enemies and the attempting against her Maiesty knowing that many of his friends are the Spanish kings pensioners and haue diuersly attempted against her Maiestie Further he cutteth out these words many do thinke and by a strange metamorphosis changeth disloyal papists into catholike recusants making me to say that too much extraordinary fauour and remisnesse towards Catholikes hath caused diuers rebellions both in England and Ireland and that it hath dissolued the sinewes of gouernment and that it is more profitable to execute lawes then to pardon offenders as if I had spoken generally against all papists not singled those that conspire with publike enemies and attempt
Matth. and Gregory lib. 4. dialog c. 56. and other fathers do teach that it is not conuenient that al things which are handled in Church seruice praesertim in sacris mysterijs shold be vnderstood by all vnlearned people in their owne vulgar tongue A shamelesse lie most impudently auouched vpon the fathers credit by this bastardly frier For neither do they talke of vulgar languages nor seeke to exclude the people from vnderstanding of the tongue wherein God is serued Gregory and Chrysostome haue nothing to this purpose Fol. 66. a. citing Hieromes words he leaueth out these words vacua idolorum templa quatiuntur out of the midst of the sentence least the Reader should surmise he spoke against the temples of the Papists where euery corner is full of idols In his second encounter chap. 3. he corrupteth a place of Bede lib. 1. hist Angl. c. 1. by his wicked translation making him to say that the Latine tongue was then made common to English Britons Scots Picts and Latins when his meaning is that the knowledge of religion is made common to them by meditation of Scriptures in diuers tongs His words are these Haec in praesenti iuxta numerum librorum quibus lex diuina scripta est quinque gentium linguis Note that he saith they study diuinity in fiue tongues vnam candemque summae veritatis verae sublimitatis scientiam scrutatur consitetur Anglorum viz. Britonum Scotorum Pictorum Latinorum quae in meditatione scripturarum ceteris omnibus est facta commmunis He referreth the relatiue quae to the word Latinorum or to linguis which cannot be and not to summae veritatis and verae sublimitatis which both Latin construction and the sense wil admit The other cannot stand For we may not think that all the English Britons Picts and Scots vnderstood Latine Neither doth that make for the Romanists which in publike seruice continue the vse of the Latin tongue being now not vnderstood In his second encounter chap. 6. he doth produce not only counterfet homilies of Basil in 40. martyres and Chrysostome in adorat venerab caten S. Apostolorum principis Petri but also doth alledge them most falsly Basill prayeth not to the 40. martyrs nor Ambrose in c. 22. Luc. to Peter nor Hierome to Paula nor Augustine to Cyprian lib. 7. de baptism contra Donat. c. 1. as impudently Parsons auoweth Nor are the rhetorical spéeches of Nazianzen or Hierom or Chrysostome or others such blasphemous prayers as the Papists vse in their Missals and Breuiaries 2. encontr c. 6. he sayth that Ireney doth call Philip that baptised the Eunuch Act. 8. an Apostle But it is no Apostolicall practise to bely Ireney He must therefore either bring proofe or confesse that Ireney is wronged In the same place he would make vs beléeue that Tertullian lib. de praescript aduers haeret would exclude heretikes from triall by scriptures But he falsifieth the meaning of that father that dealeth against heretickes which neither allowed all scripture nor wold be tried by other scriptures then such as they had counterfeited themselues Ista haeresis sayth he non recipit quasdam scripturas si quas recipit adiectionibus detractionibus ad dispositionē instituti sui interuertit si recipit non recipit integras Séeing therfore Parsons like vnto these heretikes either corrupteth scriptures by false senses or else falsly alleageth auncient authors who will not henceforth detest him as a notorious falsary False expositions are as well repugnant to truth as the corrupting stile as saith Tertullian de praescript cōtra haeret Tantum veritati obstrepit adulter sensus quantum corruptor stilus It is a tricke of heretikes to vse matters of faith like to physitiōs that attemper themselues according to the diuersitie of mens affections altering them for their owne best commoditie Verbis fidei more medicorum sayth Basil epist 73. speaking of heretikes vtuntur pro commoditate aliter atque aliter sese ad affectionum rationem ac varietatem attemperantes And as sayth Irenaeus lib. 1. aduers haeret c. 1. They go about to fit the word of God to their idle fables Aptare volunt fabulis suis eloquia Dei What Parsons hath done herein the particulars aboue mentioned do testifie CHAP. VIII That Parsons his testimonies and allegations make for the most part against himselfe Cic. de Inuent lib. 1. AS it is a grosse fault in an Orator to vse such an exordium as may also be vsed by his aduersary or turned backe vpon himselfe so it is a fault to begin with a sentence that may as well fit our aduersaries as our selues But Robert Parsons litle regardeth this obseruation who fronteth his booke with this sentence of the Apostle Tit. 3. Flie an heretical man after one or two warnings knowing that such a one is subuerted and sinneth damnably against his own iudgement A testimonie that may fitly be applied to him For he is an hereticall man and hath bene often warned of his faults albeit we sée no amendment in him He sinneth also as may be guessed against his owne conscience allowing that which being in England somtimes he condemned and is vtterly subuerted and damned if God do not in his great mercie recall him If he denie himselfe to be an heretike let him shew how he can hold all the heresies of Papists which in auncient time haue bene condemned and yet be no heretike To vs he cannot apply these words seeing we hold nothing against the scriptures by which we are to iudge most certainely of the faith of the Catholike Church Neither doth Parsons alleage this place against vs impertinently but also falsly The words of the Apostle are these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which emport thus much And sinneth being condemned by himselfe and not as Parsons translateth viz. And sinneth damnably against his owne iudgement Where this word damnably and iudgement is added to the Apostles sentence most falsly For euery heretike after once or twise admonition doth not sinne damnably against his owne iudgement as may appeare by the Popes their Cardinals and others that think they do well percase albeit noble and notorious heretikes But rather euery heretike doth by his leud opinions which he will not reforme seuer and diuide himselfe from the Church and as the Apostle saith sinneth being condemned by his owne act or by him selfe Likewise do the rest of his testimonies and authorities serue fitly against himselfe In the beginning of his answere fol. 1. he aymeth at the Apostles words 2. Tim. 2. Where he forbiddeth vs to contend about words which profit nothing but to peruert the hearers Robert Parsons turneth the Apostles words so as if he should say that contention of words tendeth to nothing but the subuersion of the hearers But the Apostle talketh of contention about words and not of contention of words and of the effect and not of tending to an end But to omit his error in translation I
the thing ruled with the rule In the Warneword fol. 100. he saith the summe and corpes of Christian doctrine deliuered at the beginning by the miracles preachings of the Apostles is the rule of faith Which is contrary to the Popes profit For if this be true then vnlesse the Popes determinations and traditions ecclesiastical were preached by the Apostles and confirmed by mracles they are to be excluded from being the rule of faith Psal 7. Parsons therefore is like to those which dig pits for others but fall into them themselues He hath prepared weapons for vs but like a mad sot hath hurt himselfe with the same Finally Captaine Cowbucke like a noble woodcocke is caught in his owne springes CHAP. IX A catalogue of certaine principall lies vttered by Robert Parsons in his late Warne-word 1. Tim. 4. THe Spirit of God as the Apostle sayth speaketh euidently that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith and shall giue heed vnto spirits of errour and doctrines of diuels which speake lyes through hypocrisie and haue their consciences burned with a hote yron Which prophecy as in other heretikes so especially in the Papists we may sée most plainely and euidently to be fulfilled For they departing from the auncient and Catholike faith taught by the holy Apostles and Prophets and recorded in holy Scriptures haue giuen héed to spirits of error and beléeued the trash of vnwritten traditions and lying legends and therupon haue founded their prohibitions of certaine meates and mariages and such like doctrines of diuels confirming their opinions with grosse lies vttered with seared consciences and brazen faces contrary to all shew of truth They take to themselues the name of doctors and fathers but are false teachers and vnkind traitors In 1. Tim. 4. And as Theodoret saith of certaine heretikes Christianorum sibi appellatione imposita apertè docent contraria Calling themselues Christians or Catholikes they openly teach contrary I could specifie it by Caesar Baronius and Bellarmine by Sanders Stapleton and diuers other principall authors of the popish sect But I will not match any man of note with so notorious a dolt and so base a swad as Robert Parsons is of whom we are now to speake though not much to his commendation The onely example of Parsons and that in one of his fardles of lies which we are now to rip vp shall shew them to be notorious and bold lyers The diuellish and erronious doctrine of friars we haue touched before and shall haue often occasion to mention In the front of his booke he promiseth the issue of three former treatises and in the second page talketh of eight encounters But he falsifieth his promise and lieth grossely For of the thrée former treatises he toucheth onely two chapters and of eight encounters entreth onely vpon two Further he declineth the true issue of matters and runneth bias like a warped bowle of dudgeon into impertinent idle questions Doth he not therfore as Hierom saith of one Hierō epist 6● make shipwwracke in the port In his Epistle to the Reader taking vpon him to deliuer the summe of the controuersie betwixt him and vs he wracketh himselfe likewise thinking to wreake his malice vpon vs and beginneth with a grosse lie There hapned saith he some few yeares past he noteth 1599. in the margent as often also before a certaine false alarme of a Spanish inuasion then said to be vpon the seas towards England Where I néed not to note the idiotisme of Parsons speech that talketh of a Spanish inuasion vpon the sea towards England being elsewhere noted but only I wil touch his impudencie in lying and denying that about this time the Spaniards were ready with forces at the Groyne for the inuasion of England And the rather for that this was the occasion that moued Sir Francis Hastings to giue warning to his countrey and also because the same sheweth that Parsons is very sorie that any man is acquainted with the desseines of the Spanish King and that he could not take vs sléeping and so closely and priuiliy cut his countrimens throtes I say then it is a lie most notorious to affirme that the alarme giuen vpon occasion of the Spanish preparations anno 1598. for an inuasion of some part of England was false And proue it first by the words of the King who recouering out of a trance and comming to himself asked if the Adelantado were gone for England Secondly by the prouisions of ships and men made at the Groyne and Lisbone and which coming thence shaped their course for England albeit they were by wether beaten back Thirdly by the testimony of one Leake a Masse priest that was dealt withall to come for England Fourthly by the testimonie of the Secular priests in their reply to Parsons his libell fol. 65. sequent who directly charge Parsons to be a solicitor of these pretended attempts anno 1598. Fiftly by Parsons his letters from Rome to Fitzherbert wherein he desireth to vnderstand the successe of the fleete that anno 1598. was to go for England Finally by the Adelantadoes proclamation made at the Groyne and whereof diuers printed copies were to be dispersed in England vpon his arriuall here The which for that it discouereth the pride of the Spaniard and the malice of the English traitors I haue thought it not amisse to set downe the whole tenour of the proclamation with some animaduersions in the margent This seemeth to be Parsons his stile Considering saith the Adelantado the obligation which his catholike Maiestie my Lord and master hath receiued of God almightie to defend and protect his holy faith and the Apostolicall Romane church he hath procured by the best meanes he could for to reduce to the (a) Popish religiō is neither auncient nor true auncient and true religion the kingdomes of England and Ireland as much as possibly hath bin in his power And all hath not bene sufficient to take away the (b) Goodly pretences of leud ambitiō offence done against God in dommage of the selfesame kingdoms with scandale of whole christianity yea rather abusing the clemency and benignity of his (c) The Popes vassall Catholike Maiestie the heads and chiefe of the (d) True teachers heretikes which litle feare God haue taken courage to extend their euill doctrine with the oppressing of (e) These cacolikes were traitors Catholikes martyring them and by diuers wayes and meanes taking from them their liues and goods forcing them by (f) A manifest vntruth and calumniation against the truth violence to follow their damnable sects and errours which they haue hardly done to the losse of many soules Which considered his Catholike Maiesty is determined to fauour and protect these Catholikes which couragiously haue defended the Catholike faith and not onely those but (g) Lurking and dissembling Papists such also as by pusillanimity and humane respects haue consented vnto them forced thereunto through the hard
there were infinite opinions among them that denied the reall presence 4. That the Anabaptists rose out of Luthers doctrine 5. That there was a potent diuision betwixt Melancthon and Illyricus 6. That Caluin and Beza issued from Zuinglius 7. That Seruetus was Caluins collegue and that he and Valentinus Gentilis and other heretikes came from Caluin and Beza 8. That we admit no iudge of controuersies and laugh at Councels 9. That Zuinglius was condemned in a synod 10. That out of our synods at Marpurge Suabach and Smalcald we departed with lesse agreement then before as Lauater and Sleidan testifie 11. That Melancthon to proue the Zuinglians to be obstinate heretikes gathered together the sentences of the ancient fathers for the reall presence 12. That Zuinglius died in rebellion against his countrey 13. That Oecolampadius was found dead in bed by his wiues side strangled by the deuill as Luther holdeth lib. de priuata missa or killed by his wife 14. That great warres arose betweene Lutherans and Zuinglians as he calleth them 15. That Luther was the first father of our Gospell which he calleth new 16. That Stankare was a protestant as he calleth him 17. That Chemnitius in a letter to the Elector of Brandeburg doth censure the Queene of England and the religion here professed 18. That there are warres and dissentions in England in most principall points of religion He doth also rehearse diuers other points which are all vtterly false and vntrue For first Oecolampadius and Zuinglius were learned men aswell as Luther and taught truth before they knew him Carolstadius also taught matters neuer learned of him Secondly except in the exposition of the words of the Lords supper in which the Papists do differ more then any others all consented with Luther in most things and in this did modestly dissent from him Thirdly those imagined different opinions among them that dissallow the reall presence cannot be proued Let Parsons shew where they are now maintained and by whom 4. It is apparent that Luther taught alwayes contrary to the Anabaptists as his writings shew 5. It cannot be shewed that either Melancthon condemned Illyricus or contrariwise 6. Caluin and Beza had their doctrine from the Apostles and not from Zuinglius 7. Seruetus was a Spaniard and a Papist and an heretike and no collegue of Caluin Nay by his meanes his heresies were first detected and refuted and he punished 8. It is ridiculous to say that we admit no Iudge and laugh at generall Councels For we esteeme them highly and admit the censure of any iudge procéeding by the canon of scriptures 9. The condemnation of Zuinglius in a synode is a méere fiction The 10. lye is refuted by Lauater and Sleidan Sleidan saith they agréed at Marpurge Lib. 7. That seeing they consented in the chiefe points after that they should absteine from all contention Quandoquidem in praecipuis omnibus dogmatis idem sentirent abstinendum esse deinceps ab omni contentione The 11. lie is refuted by Melancthons whole workes where it is not found that euer he called his brethren heretikes or went about to proue them so Nay his principall study was vnitie and peace 12. Zuinglius died accompanying his countrimen of Zuricke in the battel against other Cantons of Suizzerland and standing for his country not against his countrey 13. Oecolampadius died in peace neither did Luther euer write of him that which the Papists haue reported 14. The names of Lutherans and Zuinglians we haue detested and if any contention were betwixt those that fauoured Luther or Zuinglius yet was it rather priuat then publike 15. Our religion we claime from the Apostles and not from Luther and so do other reformed Churches 16. Stankare we condemne as an heretike 17. The letter supposed to be written by Chemnitius against the Quéene is too ridiculous to procéed from him The same doth rather sauour of the blackesmiths forge of papists 18. In England there are no publike contentions nor do priuate men such specially as are reputed among vs as brethren contend about matters of saluation As for those contentions that haue bene about ceremonies they by the kings wisedome are ended to the great griefe of Parsons and other enemies of our peace Wherefore vnlesse Parsons can bring better proofes then Rescius Stancarus Staphylus and such like barking curres of his owne kennell both he and they will be taken for wicked and shamelesse forgers of lyes and slanders Hauing belyed vs before in the seuenth chapter of his first encounter he telleth lies also of himselfe and of his owne consorts First he saith If Papists were idolaters that this error was vniuersally receiued among them But that followeth not For all Papists haue not one opinion of Saints of relikes of images of Saints The second Nicene councell denieth That Latria is due to images or that the images of the godhead are to be made by Christians Some hold that not the image but the thing signified is to be worshipped many hold contrary All giue not diuine worship to the crosse nor pray to it in one sort Finally Bellarmine in his bookes de imaginibus and de Sanctis doth confesse that there are many different opinions among the worshippers of images Secondly Parsons denyeth that Papists are idolaters But Lactantius lib. 1. instit diuin c. 19. and other fathers shew that all are idolaters that giue the worship of God to creatures as the Papists do honoring the sacrament the crosse and images of the Trinitie with diuine worship This point is also fully proued against the Papists in my last challenge chap. 5. Thirdly he sayth most falsly That all Friers and Monkes professed one faith without any difference in any one article of beliefe The falshood of his assertion I haue shewed by diuerse instances heretofore Fourthly he sayth The Papists may haue a ministeriall head of the Church as well as we haue a woman for the head But it is a greater matter to be head of the vniuersall Church then of one Realme Againe we call the King supreme gouernour for no other cause then for that he is the chiefe man of his Realme and chiefe disposer of externall matters But they giue one consistory to Christ and the Pope Furthermore in matters of faith we say all princes ought to submit themselues to the Apostles and their doctrine The Pope will be equall to them if not aboue them and determine matters of faith as absolutely as Christ Iesus Finally he sayth Difference of habites or particular manner of life breaketh not vnitie of religion But the Apostle reproueth those that sayd I hold of Paul Aduers Lucifer I of Apollo I of Cephas And Hierome sayth If you shall heare at any time those which are called Christians to take their names of any but our Lord Iesus as for example the Marcionists Valentinians know that they are not the Church of Christ but the synagogue of Antichrist This therefore is
puritanicall presbytery and byting like a mad dog or at least barking against all honest men that come in his walke But compare them with his rakehell Iebusites and Romish priests nay with the consistoriall Cardinals and we shall see that he that alloweth the consort and combination of Cardinals hath no reason to speake against those vertuous and learned men Neither are the names and conditions of Romish priests such as that this euill fauored companion may despise the names of these men in respect of the other that deserue no fauour either for their titles or qualities Fol. 11. b. in his obseruations vpon my preface he saith It is spiced with poyson and venome But all honest men are to like it the better being misliked of Parsons and his viperous consorts who as they poyson mens soules with false doctrine so do they by poyson and practise séeke to murder all that are opposite to their wicked purposes spicing the cup so as Cardinal Allen the bishop of Cassana Obiected by the secular priests Sixtus Quintus Throkmorton diuers others neuer throue after they had tasted it Parsons also hath so spiced his bookes with calumniations that he may well be master of the diuels spicery Fol. 12. Doth not our Minister saith he shew himselfe more then Bizarro that is as he expoundeth it light and fantasticall headed And yet the heauy and beetleheaded block sheweth no sufficient reason of his spéech Will it then please him to take this word and to bestow it vpon the head of the Romish Church who claiming to be Peters successor and being most vnlike to Peter séemeth to be if not Beatissimo yet Bizarrissimo padre and to want both wit and braine The 13. leafe is all farsed with reproches but hath no more tast then his Italian porredge made of coleworts Let him therefore take them himselfe and bestow them at his pleasure being a hungry mastif curre a cunning companion and a cosiner of such as trust him a notorious firebrand that hath long sought to set his owne country in cōbustion a sycophant ready to detract basely from honest men by words and libels and a shop or rather to speake of his putatiue fathers occupation a forge of trechery and knauery For this he voluntarily giueth to vs but we giue it him vpon credit and warrant of his owne consorts And to requite him for his courtesie let him take from vs the choise of the best titles that are to be found in the hang-mans budget Fol. 14. He shall haue a K sayth he for the first letter of his title which is a fauour more then I desire Notwithstanding because he is so liberall I wold be loth to be vnthankfull let him therfore take both the K. and the rest of the word and an addition of p.p. in honor of the Pope and so all will make a pild po k. Fol. 17. Let vs sayth he learne the subtill shifting of this shuffling Minister And yet himselfe presently falsifieth the law Cunctos populos Cod. de sum Trin. fid Cath. leauing out that forme of faith which the Emperors commend in their law It appeareth therefore that Parsons and his consorts be a packe of cards that neither shuffled nor vnshuffled are worth any thing but to make sulferous matches to light candles to the diuell Fol. 2. he talketh of my companions and calleth them A rude rabble of pyraticall companions railing at men of honour and seruice that haue both by sea and land serued their countrey against all forreine enemies set on by a packe of renegate traitors and which shall alwayes be able to withstand the practises of all bougerly Popes and Cardinals and all their adherents Fol. 26. he termeth me pedling merchant but without all reason For I haue with all my force withstood the Masse priests who like pedlars come from the Pope with a packe of hallowed graines beades Agnus deis pictures and such trash being sory they cannot sell their Masses and make trafficke of mens soules as they were wont But percase he despiseth all pettie pedlars himselfe like a montbanke offering to sell the crowne of England Fol. 39. But ho sir swashbuckler sayth he forgetting his swashing when he plaid captaine Cowbucke and when an 1588. he was swashing and swaggering among the Spaniards that he meant to bring to cut his own countrimens throates Fol. 41. he raileth like a lunatike friar and fol. 58. and in other places calleth me Oedipus himselfe playing Dauus and like a daw cackling at euery one that commeth in his way Fol. 97. b. where I say that the Church of England professeth the doctrine of Christ Iesus according to the rule that was established by common consent and that they that digresse from this rule are not to be accounted of our societie Marke sayth Parsons the giddy head of this gagling goose But what aileth this frantike felow thus to raile Forsooth because he imagineth that I ioyne them of France Germany and Suizzerland which he in his drunken fits calleth Lutherans Zuinglians and Caluinists with vs in vnitie of faith and as he beléeueth cut them off presently againe But the congerheaded Noddey deceiueth himselfe if he thinke I cut them off For in matters of faith I doubt not but to shew that we al agree as touching the substance And that is proued in the harmonie of our confessions Fol. 115. What atheisme doth this martiall Minister and this diuels Deane bring in saith Parsons And why Because I deny that the Churches of France or Germany differ from vs in matters of substance Yet shall this be iustified alwayes against this diuels agent Neither doth it therefore follow that we haue no lawfull ministery as this swaggering friar newly dropt out of the hangmans budget supposeth and as this wicked atheist and sworne slaue to Satan inferreth Fol. 116. Oh saith he that Luther were aliue again to canuas this arrogant barking bastardly whelpe of his But if he wish him aliue once the Pope and the rest if he were aliue wold wish him often dead both aliue and dead being a dreadfull enemy to the tyrannie of Antichrist the false doctrine of friars and a scourge to all those hungrie curres that are now barking against him and casting forth al maner of villanie against the truth As for me I speake of Luthers opinion as some grossely vnderstand it and not as it may be vnderstood his words being fauorably construed Parsons therfore for this cause had no reason to raile and scold in his mothers language But if he would haue railed yet it sitteth not well for bastards and barking hel-hounds and proud peacockes to obiect either bastardy or barking or arrogancy to others Fol. 116. he sayth a Minister and a minstrel a preacher and a pirate a Bishop and a bitesheepe a Deane and a diuell are all one To answer him I say they are as like as a Pope and a puppet a friar and a frying pan a companie of Cardinals and a
Parsons put his consorts among them it is maruell they spit not in the rascals face and defie him Againe if Sir Francis be reprehended for writing against forreine enemies and domesticall traitors what doth Parsons deserue that hath set out Sanders de schismate Allens wicked Exhortation to the Nobility and people of England and Ireland and diuers other libels to the disgrace of his liege soueraigne and nation and hath taken vpon him the defence of publike enemies and traitors Fol. 24. he would make vs beléeue that the Knight flyeth the true combat that he runneth behind the cloth of Estate But in the first he sheweth himselfe a false accuser in the second a vaine bangler For the controuersie arising about Sir Francis his discourse what was required at his hands but the defence thereof and the answer to Parsons his vaine cauillations Again seeing his purpose was to rehearse the principal blessings that God hath bestowed vpon this land through her Maiesties gouernement how could he satisfie mens expectations vnlesse he touched matters of state as well as religion If then Robert Parsons seuer the inconueniences ensuing from the change of religion from the rare good parts both in nature and gouernement of her Maiesty as himselfe confesseth fol. 25. then doeth he like a cowardly fellow runne out of the lists and flie the combat and not we For we haue proued and alwayes offer to proue that both Robert Parsons his trecherous consorts haue most shamefully railed against her Maiesties person and gouernment as may appeare most euidently in diuers slanderous libels published by them and namely by Cardinall Allens letters to the Nobility and people of England and Ireland made printed and published by the helpe of Parsons by Andreas Philopater and Didimus Veridicus his libels forged by the blacke smith of hel Parsons and Creswel by Sanders his book De schismate translated into Spanish by the procurement of Parsons and diuers others If then Parsons renounce these libels and now fall to praise her Maiesties person and gouernement then he confesseth his owne most traiterous behauiour and yeeldeth the bucklers to his aduersaries Fol. 32. he triumpheth as if Sir Francis had yeelded in the matter of controuersy concerning the blessings of this land where he confesseth that the life of religion Queene countrey is at the stake He sayth also that the example of Iosias includeth an euill abodement towards her Maiesties person But vnlesse his arguments were better he sheweth himself a vaine man to mount so high vpon so smal aduantage and to enter into his triumphant chariot For albeit Parsons and other such assassins and empoysoners haue our country and religion vpon one stake and haue diuersly attempted to destroy her Maiestie and to betray their country to the Pope and Spaniard yet are they still loosers For God doth still protect this countrey from all violence and treason as a harbour of his Church and doth not cease still to continue his fauour towards this land Againe albeit anno 1588. the Spaniards came against England thinking to murther our Queene as the Egyptians did Iosias yet hath she ended her dayes in happinesse and left her subiects in peace Let the Spaniards therefore beware that they come not to fight against vs any more vnder the Popes banner thinking to spéed as did the Egyptians against Iosias vnder Pharo Nechao least they be turned home like wandring Gypseyes and sent backe to the Pope to complaine of their false prophet Parsons who hath often told them that they shall vndoubtedly conquer England Where I say he doth not once go about to proue flattery against sir Francis he cryeth out and sayth Fol. 34. Reade the first page of the Wardword He sayth also That it was the but of his discourse But this sheweth that he was a bungling archer that shooting wide mist the but. For who so list to reade the place by him noted shall indéed find that he applied nothing to sir Francis but passed by in a generall cloud of words concerning flattery He crieth out also of impudency but vnlesse he bring arguments to proue that hurt hath ensued by alteration of popish religion to others then to the merchants of Babylon who howle like dogges séeing their gaine lost he shall get more by crying gréene sauce then by crying out of impudency himselfe being a patterne of impudency and foolery and a vaine crier of the Popes commodities Fol. 35. he findeth fault that I alleage no one word out of Harpsefeld Sanders Rishton Ribadineira and Bozius But he would therefore haue yéelded me thankes if he had not bin a thanklesse wretch For the more that is rehearsed out of these lying libellers the more hatred would haue redounded to the Papists He sheweth himself also a vaine cauiller to aske a testimonie of slaunderous dealing against the Queene when the subiect of their accusation is slander and when Parsons himself was an actor in the publication of diuers of those libels Where I say the Popes adherents in England neuer ceased vntill they had brought her Maiesties most innocent mother to her end which the King much repented afterward and shew the rage of that bougerly Pope Paul the 3. and the bastard Clement the 7. Guicciardins histor against the Queenes mother and her mariage he crieth out of temerity and indiscretion and sayth I bring in odious matters accusing both king Henry the eight and all the State But the temeritie was in those wicked Popes that dissolued lawful mariage and prosecuted men that belonged not to their charge and not in him that reproueth their vsurpation and lawlesse tyrannie Againe I accuse none but excuse Quéene Anne that was condemned vpon false informations witnesses But saith he whether matters passed so long agone with publike authoritie may be called now in question c. by such a pettie companion as this is let all the world iudge As if Parsons himself like a pettie saucy scuruy companion did not cal in question the act of parliament an 28. Henr. 8. c. 7. as much as concerneth the mariage of the Lady Katherin prince Arthurs wife and her issue which he cōtrary to that statute déemeth lawfull I may say therefore to him that his owne mouth and tongue condemneth him As for my selfe I do onely cleare the innocent and lay the fault on Winchester and other wicked priests of the synagogue of Satan who for hatred to the religion which she professed layd this plot for the destruction of that innocent Quéene which is also partly insinuated in the act of the 28. of Henry the 8. where they are pardoned that sollicited and vrged the dissolution of Queene Annes mariage Fol. 37. b. he exclaimeth against cousenages knaueries and all because in the margent he found Augustin Steuch Contr. donat Constant alleaged whereas by the fault of the Compositour these words in Vallam de slipped out Which aduantages if he take then must he also answere why fol.