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A72019 Constitutio[ns] and canons ecclesiasticall treated vpon by the Bishop of London, president of the conuocation for the prouince of Canterbury, and the rest of the bishops and clergie of the said prouince: and agreed vpon with the Kings Maiesties licence in their synode begun at London anno Dom. 1603. And in the yeere of the raigne of our soueraigne Lord Iames by the grace of God King of England, France and Ireland the first, and of Scotland the 37. And now published for the due obseruation of them by his Maiesties authoritie, vnder the great Seale of England.; Constitutions and canons. 1603. English Church of England. 1604 (1604) STC 10070.5; ESTC S124736 53,373 350

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persons hauing cure of soules and all other Preachers and Readers of Diuinitie lectures shall to the vttermost of their wit knowledge and learning purely and sincerely without any colour or dissimulation teach manifest open and declare foure times euery yeere at the least in their Sermons and other Collations and lectures That all vsurped and forren power forasmuch as the same hath no establishment nor ground by the law of God is for most iust causes taken away and abolished and that therefore no maner of obedience or subiection within his Maiesties Realmes and Dominions is due vnto any such forren power but that the Kings power within his Realmes of England Scotland and Ireland and all other his Dominions and Countreys is the highest power vnder God to whom all men aswell inhabitants as borne within the same do by Gods Lawes owe most loyalty and obedience afore and aboue all other Powers and Potentates in earth II. Impugners of the Kings supremacie censured WHosoeuer shal hereafter affirme that the Kings Maiesty hath not the same authority in causes Ecclesiastical that the godly Kings had amongst the Iewes and Christian Emperors in the Primitiue Church or impeach in any part his Regall supremacie in the said causes restored to the Crowne and by the Lawes of this Realme therein established let him bee excommunicated ipso facto and not restored but only by the Archbishop after his repentance and publike reuocation of those his wicked errours III. The Church of England a true and Apostolicall Church WHosoeuer shall hereafter affirme that the Church of England by Lawe established vnder the Kings Maiestie is not a true and an Apostolical Church teaching maintaining the doctrine of the Apostles let him be excommunicated ipso facto and not restored but onely by the Archbishop after his repentance and publike reuocation of this his wicked errour IIII. Impugners of the publike worship of God established in the Church of England censured WHosoeuer shall herafter affirme that the forme of Gods worship in the Church of England established by Law and conteined in the booke of Common Prayer and administration of Sacraments is a corrupt superstitious or vnlawfull worship of God or containeth any thing in it that is repugnant to the Scriptures let him be excommunicated ipso facto and not restored but by the Bishop of the place or Archbishop after his repentance and publike reuocation of such his wicked errors V. Impugners of the Articles of Religion established in the Church of England censured WHosoeuer shall hereafter affirme that any of the nine and thirtie Articles agreed vpon by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Prouinces and the whole Cleargy in the Conuocation holden at LONDON in the yeere of our Lorde God one thousand fiue hundred sixty two for the auoiding of diuersities of opinions and for the establishing of consent touching true Religion are in any part superstitious or erroneous or such as hee may not with a good conscience subscribe vnto let him bee excommunicated ipso facto and not restored but onely by the Archbishop after his repentance and publike reuocation of such his wicked errors VI. Impugners of the Rites and Ceremonies established in the Church of England censured WHosoeuer shal hereafter affirme that the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England by Law established are wicked Antichristian or superstitious or such as beeing commanded by lawfull authoritie men who are zealously and godly affected may not with any good conscience approue them vse them or as occasion requireth subscribe vnto them let him bee excommunicated ipso facto and not restored vntill he repent and publikely reuoke such his wicked errours VII Impugners of the gouernment of the Church of England by Archbishops Bishops c. censured WHosoeuer shal hereafter affirme that the gouernement of the Church of England vnder his Maiesty by Archbishops Bishops Deanes Archdeacons and the rest that beare office in the same is Antichristian or repugnant to the word of God let him be excommunicated ipso facto and so continue vntill he repent and publikely reuoke such his wicked errors VIII Impugners of the forme of consecrating and ordering Archbishops Bishops c. in the Church of England censured WHosoeuer shall hereafter affirme or teach that the fourme and maner of making and consecrating Bishops Priests or Deacons conteineth any thing in it that is repugnant to the word of God or that they who are made Bishops Priestes or Deacons in that forme are not lawfully made nor ought to be accounted either by themselues or by others to be truly either Bishops Priests or Deacons vntil they haue some other calling to those diuine Offices let him bee excommunicated ipso facto not to bee restored vntill he repent and publikely reuoke such his wicked errours IX Authours of Schisme in the Church of England censured WHosoeuer shall hereafter separate themselues from the Communion of Saints as it is approoued by the Apostles rules in the Church of England combine themselues together in a new brotherhood accounting the Christians who are conformable to the Doctrine Gouernment Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England to be prophane and vnmeete for them to ioyne with in Christian profession let them bee excommunicated ipso facto and not restored but by the Archbishop after their repentance and publike reuocation of such their wicked errors X. Maintainers of Schismatickes in the Church of England censured WHosoeuer shall heerafter affirme That such Ministers as refuse to subscribe to the forme and maner of Gods worship in the Church of England prescribed in the Communion Booke and their adherents may truly take vnto them the name of another Church not established by Lawe and dare presume to publish it that this their pretended Church hath of long time groaned vnder the burden of certaine grieuances imposed vpon it and vpon the members thereof before mentioned by the Church of England and the Orders and Constitutions therein by Law established Let them be excommunicated and not restored vntill they repent and publikely reuoke such their wicked errors XI Maintainers of Conuenticles censured WHosoeuer shall hereafter affirme or maintaine That there are within this Realme other meetings assemblies or congregations of the Kings borne Subiects then such as by the lawes of this land are held and allowed which may rightly challenge to themselues the name of true and lawful Churches let him be excommunicated and not restored but by the Archbishop after his repentance and publike reuocation of such his wicked errors XII Maintainers of Constitutions made in Conuenticles censured WHosoeuer shal hereafter affirme that it is lawfull for any sort of Ministers and Lay persons or either of them to ioyne together and make Rules Orders or Constitutions in causes Ecclesiasticall without the Kings authoritie and shall submit themselues to be ruled and gouerned by them let them be excommunicated ipso facto and not be restored vntill they repent and publikely reuoke those their wicked and Anabaptisticall errors
suffered to preach pendente lite LIIII The Licences of Preachers refusing Conformitie to be voyd IF any man licenced heretofore to preach by any Archbishop Bishop or by either of the Vniuersities shall at any time from henceforth refuse to conforme himselfe to the Lawes Ordinances and Rites Ecclesiasticall established in the Church of England he shall be admonished by the Bishop of the Diocesse or Ordinary of the place to submit himselfe to the vse and due exercise of the same And if after such admonition he doe not conforme himselfe within the space of one moneth We determine and decree That the licence of euery such Preacher shall thereupon bee vtterly voyde and of none effect LV. The forme of a Prayer to bee vsed by Preachers before their Sermons BEfore all Sermons Lectures and Homilies the Preachers Ministers shall moue the people to ioine with them in prayer in this forme or to this effect as briefly as conueniently they may Ye shal pray for Christs holy Catholike Church that is for the whole Congregation of Christian people dispersed throughout the whole world and especially for the Churches of England Scotland and Ireland And herein I require you most especially to pray for the Kings most excellent Maiestie our Soueraigne Lord IAMES King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defendour of the Faith Supreme Gouernour in these his Realmes and all other his Dominions and Countries ouer all persons in all causes aswell Ecclesiasticall as Temporall Ye shall also pray for our gracious Queene ANNE the Noble Prince HENRY and the rest of the King and Queenes Royall Issue Ye shall also pray for the Ministers of Gods holy word Sacraments aswell Archbishops and Bishops as other Pastours and Curates Ye shall also pray for the Kings most honourable Counsell and for all the Nobilitie and Magistrates of this Realme that all euery of these in their seuerall Callings may serue truely and painefully to the glory of God and the edifying and well gouerning of his people remembring the accompt that they must make Also yee shall pray for the whole Commons of this Realme that they may liue in true Faith and feare of God in humble obedience to the King and brotherly charitie one to another Finally let vs praise God for all those which are departed out of this life in the Faith of Christ and pray vnto God that wee may haue grace to direct our liues after their good example that this life ended wee may be made partakers with them of the glorious Resurrection in the life Euerlasting alwayes concluding with the Lords prayer LVI Preachers and Lecturers to reade diuine Seruice and administer the Sacraments twise a yeere at the least EVery Minister being possessed of a Benefice that hath Cure and Charge of soules although he chiefly attend to preaching and hath a Curate vnder him to execute the other duties which are to be performed for him in the Church and likewise euery other stipendarie Preacher that readeth any Lecture or Catechizeth or Preacheth in any Church or Chappell shall twise at the least euery yeere reade himselfe the diuine Seruice vpon two seuerall Sundayes publikely and at the vsuall times both in the Forenoone and Afternoone in the Church which he so possesseth or where he Readeth Catechizeth or Preacheth as is aforesaid and shal likewise as often in euery yeere administer the Sacraments of Baptisme if there be any to be baptized of the Lords Supper in such maner forme and with the obseruation of all such Rites and Ceremonies as are prescribed by the booke of Common prayer in that behalfe which if hee doe not accordingly performe then shall he that is possessed of a Benefice as before bee suspended and he thatis but aReader Preacher or Catechizer be remoued from his place by the Bishop of the Diocesse vntil he or they shal submit themselues to performe all the said duties in such mater and ●ort as before is prescribed LVII The Sacraments not to be refused at the hands of vnpreaching Ministers WHereas diuers Persons seduced by false Teachers doe refuse to haue their children baptized by a Minister that is no Preacher and to receiue the holy Communion at his hands in the same respect as though the vertue of those Sacraments did depend vpon his ability to preach Forasmuch as the doctrine both of Baptisme and of the Lords Supper is sufficiently set downe in the booke of Common prayer to bee vsed at the administration of the said Sacraments as nothing can be added vnto it that is material and necessary We doe require and charge euery such person seduced as aforesayd to reforme that their wilfulnesse and to submit himselfe to the order of the Church in that behalfe both the said Sacraments being equally effectual whether they be ministred by a Minister that is no Preacher or by one that is a Preacher And if any hereafter shal offend herein or leaue their owne Parish Churches in that respect and Communicate or caus● their children to be Baptized in other Parishes abroad and will not bee mooued thereby to reforme that their error and vnlawfull course let them be presented to the Ordinarie of the place by the Minister Churchwardens and Sidemen or Questmen of the Parishes where they dwel and there receiue such punishment by Ecclesiasticall censures as such obstinacie doth worthily deserue that is Let them persisting in their wilfulnesse be suspended and then after a moneths further obstinacie Excommunicated And likewise if any Parson Vicar or Curate shal after the publishing hereof either receiue to the Communion any such persons which are not of his owne Church Parish or shall Baptize any of their children thereby strengthening them in their said errours Let him bee suspended and not released thereof vntill hee doe faithfully promise that hee will not afterwards offend therein LVIII Ministers reading Diuine Seruice and Administring the Sacraments to weare Surplisses and Graduats therewithall Hoods EVery Minister saying the publike Praiers or ministring the Sacraments or other Rites of the Church shall weare a decent and comely Surplisse with sleeues to be prouided at the charge of the Parish And if any question arise touching the matter decencie or comlinesse thereof the same shal be decided by the discretion of the Ordinary Furthermore such Ministers as are Graduats shall weare vpon their Surplisses at such times such Hoods as by the orders of the Vniuersities are agreeable to their degrees which no Minister shall weare being no Graduat vnder paine of suspension Notwithstanding it shal be lawfull for such Ministers as are not Graduats to weare vpon their Surplisses in stead of Hoods some decent Tippet of black so it be not silke LIX Ministers to Catechize euery Sunday EVery Parson Vicar or Curate vpon euery Sunday and Holy day before Euening prayer shall for halfe an houre or more examine and instruct the youth and ignorant persons of his Parish in the ten Commandements the Articles of the Beliefe
Of diuine Seruice and administration of the Sacraments XIII Due celebration of Sundayes and Holy dayes ALl maner of persons within the Church of England shall from henceforth celebrate and keepe the Lords day commonly called Sunday and other Holy dayes according to Gods holy will and pleasure and the Orders of the Church of England prescribed in that behalfe that is in hearing the word of God read and taught in priuate and publike prayers in acknowledging their offences to God and amendement of the same in reconciling themselues charitably to their neighbours where displeasure hath bene in oftentimes receiuing the Communion of the body blood of Christ in visiting of the poore and sicke vsing all godly and sober conuersation XIIII The prescript forme of Diuine Seruice to bee vsed on Sundayes and Holy dayes THe Common prayer shal be said or sung distinctly and reuerently vpon such daies as are appointed to be kept holy by the Booke of Common prayer and their Eeues and at conuenient and vsuall times of those daies and in such place of euery Church as the Bishop of the Diocesse or Ecclesiasticall Ordinary of the place shall thinke meete for the largenesse or straitnesse of the same so as the people may bee most edified All Ministers likewise shall obserue the Orders Rites and Ceremonies prescribed in the Booke of Common prayer aswell in reading the holy Scriptures and saying of prayers as in administration of the Sacraments without either diminishing in regard of preaching or in any other respect or adding any thing in the matter or forme thereof XV. The Letanie to bee read on Wednesdayes and Fridayes THe Letany shal be said or sung when and as it is set downe in the Booke of Common prayer by the Parsons Vicars Ministers or Curats in all Cathedrall Collegiat Parish Churches and Chappels in some conuenient place according to the discretion of the Bishop of the Diocesse or Ecclesiasticall Ordinarie of the place And that wee may speake more particularly vpon Wednesdayes and Fridayes weekely though they bee not Holy dayes the Minister at the accustomed houres of Seruice shall resort to the Church and Chappel and warning being giuen to the people by tolling of a Bell shall say the Letanie prescribed in the Booke of Common prayer whereunto wee wish euery Housholder dwelling within halfe a mile of the Church to come or send one at the least of his Houshold fit to ioyne with the Minister in prayers XVI Colledges to vse the prescript forme of Diuine Seruice IN the whole Diuine Seruice and Administration of the holy Communion in all Colledges and Halles in both Vniuersities the Order Forme and Ceremonies shall be duely obserued as they are set downe and prescribed in the booke of Common prayer without any omission or alteration XVII Students in Colledges to weare Surplisses in time of Diuine Seruice ALl Masters and Fellowes of Colledges or Halles and al the Schollers and Students in either of the Vniuersities shall in their Churches and Chappels vpon all Sundayes Holy dayes and their Eues at the time of Diuine Seruice weare Surplisses according to the order of the Church of England and such as are Graduats shall agreeably were with their Surplisses such Hoods as doe seuerally appertaine to their Degrees XVIII A reuerence and attention to bee vsed within the Church in time of Diuine Seruice IN the time of Diuine Seruice and of euery part thereof all due reuerence is to be vsed For it is according to the Apostles Rule Let all things bee done decently and according to Order Answerable to which Decencie and Order We iudge these our directions following No man shall couer his head in the Church or Chappel in the time of Diuine Seruice except he haue some infirmitie In which case let him weare a Nightcap or Coife All maner of persons then present shall reuerently kneele vpon their knees when the Generall Confession Letanie and other Prayers are read and shall stand vp at the saying of the Beleefe according to the Rules in that behalfe prescribed in the Booke of Common Prayer And likewise when in time of Diuine Seruice the Lord IESVS shal be mentioned due and lowly reuerence shall bee done by all persons present as it hath bene accustomed testifying by these outward Ceremonies and gestures their inward humilitie Christian resolution and due acknowledgement that the Lord Iesus Christ the true and eternal Sonne of God is the onely Sauiour of the world in whom alone all the Mercies Graces and Promises of God to mankinde for this life and the life to come are fully and wholly comprised None either man woman or childe of what calling soeuer shall be otherwise at such times busied in the Church then in quiet attendance to heare marke and vnderstand that which is read preached or ministred Saying in their due places audibly with the Minister the Confession the Lords Prayer and the Creed and making such other answeres to the publique Prayers as are appointed in the Booke of Common prayer neither shall they disturbe the Seruice or Sermon by walking or Talking or any other way nor depart out of the Church during the time of Seruice and Sermon without some vrgent or reasonable cause XIX Loyterers not to bee suffered neere the Church in time of Diuine Seruice THe Churchwardens or Questmen and their assistants shall not suffer any idle persons to abide either in the Churchyard or Church porch during the time of Diuine Seruice or preaching but shall cause them either to come in or to depart XX. Bread and Wine to be prouided against euery Communion THe Churchwardens of euery Parish against the time of euery Communion shal at the charge of the Parish with the aduice and direction of the Minister prouide a sufficient quantitie of fine white Bread and of good and wholesome Wine for the number of Communicants that shall from time to time receiue there which Wine we require to bee brought to the Communion Table in a cleane and sweete standing Pot or Stoope of Pewter if not of purer mettall XXI The Communion to be thrice a yeere receiued IN euery Parish Church and Chappel where Sacraments are to bee administred within this Realme the holy Communion shall bee ministred by the Parson Vicar or Minister so often and at such times as euery Parishioner may Communicate at the least thrise in the yeere whereof the Feast of Easter to bee one according as they are appointed by the booke of Common Prayer Prouided that euery Minister as oft as hee administreth the Communion shall first receiue the Sacrament himselfe Furthermore no Bread or Wine newly brought shal be vsed but first the words of Institution shal be rehearsed when the said Bread and Wine bee present vpon the Communion Table Likewise the Minister shal deliuer both the Bread and the Wine to euery Communicant seuerally XXII Warning to be giuen beforehand for the Communion WHereas euery Lay person is bound to receiue the holy Communion thrice euery
formerly subscribed if vpon admonition by the Ordinary he do not amend and reforme himselfe let him bee suspended from teaching Schoole any longer ¶ Things appertaining to Churches LXXX The great Bible and Booke of Common prayer to be had in euery Church THe Church-wardens or Questmen of euery Church Chappell shall at the charge of the Parish prouide the Booke of Common prayer lately explaned in some few points by his Maiesties authoritie according to the Lawes and his Highnesse prerogatiue in that behalfe and that with all conuenient speed but at the furthest within two moneths after the publishing of these our Constitutions And if any Parishes bee yet vnfurnished of the Bible of the largest volume or of the Bookes of Homilies allowed by Authoritie the said Church-wardens shall within conuenient time prouide the same at the like charge of the Parish LXXXI A Font of stone for Baptisme in euery Church ACcording to a former Constitution too much neglected in many places wee appoint That there shal be a Font of stone in euery Church and Chappell where Baptisme is to be ministred the same to bee set in the ancient vsuall places In which onely Font the Minister shall baptize publikely LXXXII A decent Communion Table in euery Church WHereas we haue no doubt but that in all Churches within the Realme of England conuenient and decent Tables are prouided and placed for the celebration of the holy Communion we appoint that the same Tables shall from time to time bee kept and repaired in sufficient and seemely manner and couered in time of diuine Seruice with a Carpet of Silke or other decent stuffe thought meet by the Ordinarie of the place if any question be made of it and with a faire Linnen cloth at the time of the ministration as becommeth that Table and so stand sauing when the said holy Communion is to bee administred At which time the same shall bee placed in so good sort within the Church or Chancell as thereby the Minister may be more conueniently heard of the Communicants in his prayer and ministration and the Communicants also more conueniently and in more number may communicate with the said Minister and that the ten Commandements be set vpon the East ende of euery Church and Chappell where the people may best see and reade the same and other chosen Sentences written vpon the walles of the said Churches and Chappels in places conuenient and likewise that a conuenient seate bee made for the Minister to reade Seruice in All these to bee done at the charge of the Parish LXXXIII A pulpit to be prouided in euery Church THe Churchwardens or Questmen at the common charge of the Parishioners in euery Church shall prouide a comely and decent Pulpit to bee set in a conuenient place within the same by the discretion of the Ordinarie of the place if any question doe arise and to be there seemely kept for the preaching of Gods word LXXXIIII A Chest for Almes in euery Church THe Churchwardens shall prouide and haue within three moneths after the publishing of these constitutions a strong Chest with a hole in the vpper part thereof to be prouided at the charge of the Parish if there be none such already prouided hauing three keyes Of which one shall remaine in the custody of the Parson Vicar or Curat and the other two in the custody of the Churchwardens for the time beeing which Chest they shall set and fasten in the most conuenient place to the intent the Parishioners may put into it their Almes for their poore neighbours And the Parson Vicar or Curate shall diligently from time to time and especially when men make their Testaments call vpon exhort and mooue their neighbours to conferre and giue as they may well spare to the said Chest declaring vnto them that whereas heretofore they haue bene diligent to bestow much substance otherwise then God commaunded vpon superstitious vses now they ought at this time to be much more ready to helpe the poore and needy knowing that to relieue the poore is a sacrifice which pleaseth God and that also whatsoeuer is giuen for their comfort is giuen to Christ himselfe is so accepted of him that he will mercifully reward the same The which Almes and deuotion of the people the Keepers of the keyes shall yeerely quarterly or oftner as need requireth take out of the Chest and distribute the same in the presence of most of the Parish or sixe of the chiefe of them to bee truely and faithfully deliuered to their most poore and needy neighbours LXXXV Churches to be kept in sufficient reparations THe Churchwardens or questmen shall take care and prouide that the Churches bee well and sufficiently repaired and so from time to time kept and maintained that the Windowes bee well glazed and that the Floores be kept paued plaine and euen and all things there in such an orderly and decent sort without dust or any thing that may bee either noisome or vnseemely as best becommeth the house of God and is prescribed in an Homily to that effect The like care they shall take that the Churchyards bee well and sufficiently repaired fenced and maintained with Walles Railes or Pales as haue beene in each place accustomed at their charges vnto whom by Lawe the same appertaineth but especially they shall see that in euery meeting of the Congregation peace be well kept and that all persons Excommunicated and so denounced be kept out of the Church LXXXVI Churches to be suruayed and the decayes certified to the high Commissioners EVery Deane Deane and Chapter Archdeacon and others which haue authoritie to holde Ecclesiasticall Visitations by Composition Law or Prescription shall suruay the Churches of his or their Iurisdiction once in euery three yeeres in his owne person or cause the same to bee done and shall from time to time within the said three yeeres certifie the high Commissioners for causes Ecclesiasticall euery yeere of such defects in any the said Churches as hee or they doe finde to remaine vnrepaired and the names and surnames of the parties faultie therein Vpon which Certificat we desire that the sayd high Commissioners will Ex Officio mero send for such parties and compel them to obey the iust and lawfull Decrees of such Ecclesiasticall Ordinaries making such Certificates LXXXVII A Terrier of Glebelands and other Possessions belonging to Churches WE ordaine that the Archbishop and all Bishops within their seuerall Diocesses shall procure as much as in them lieth that a true note and Terrier of all the Glebes Lands Meadowes Gardens Orchards Houses Stockes Implements Tenements portions of Tithes lying out of their Parishes which belong to any Parsonage or Vicarage or rurall Prebend bee taken by the view of honest men in euery Parish by the appointment of the Bishop whereof the Minister to bee one and bee laid vp in the Bishops Registrie there to be for a perpetuall memorie thereof LXXXVIII Churches not to be prophaned THe Churchwardens