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A19858 A treatise of the Church VVritten against them of the separation, commonly called Brownists. Wherein the true doctrine of a visible Church is taught, and the Church of England, proued to be a true Church. The Brownists false doctrine of the visible Church is conuinced; their shamefull peruerting of the holy Scriptures discouered, their arguments to proue the Church of England a false Church answered. Darrel, John, b. ca. 1562. 1617 (1617) STC 6286; ESTC S117495 230,202 407

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in your schisme and errours and hearken to the counsell of Salomon Pro. 19.27 My sonne heare no more the instruction that causeth to erre from the words of knowledge Goe not I beseech you in the name of Iesus one step more forward in the way you are in For I call heauen and earth to record that it leades to destruction And why will ye die O ye children of men It is a fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God for our God is a consuming fire I know you perswade your selues of better things and such as accōpany saluation You think that the way you now are in is the only way to life But what if you mistake it Christ telleth vs that many shall seeke to enter in at the straight gate Luk. 13.24 and shall not bee able Which cannot be vnderstood of men minding earthly things whether it be their profits or pleasures For they neither desire nor seeke after any such thing But of heretickes Schismatickes and sectaries You will say I know that you are no schismatickes because you separate from a false Church onely and ioyne to a true in deede if that which you teach of the visible Church were true then were all our congregations false Churches But heare and marke well what I say Such a visible Church as you require and pretend to be there is not in the world neither euer was You teach in this point that which is repugnant to the Scriptures and a thing vnpossible in it selfe to be Such a societie as you say a true visible Church is is not visible cannot possibly be seene or discerned But some of you will say are not our Ministers learned Yes That lets not but that both they may and indeede doe grossely erre in those things wherein they dissent from vs and from all the learned in the world Who knoweth not that among the Papists there be many of great learning and gifts which haue very great knowledge and skill in the arts in the languages are of excellent vtterance expert and ready in holy Scriptures can speake and write truely agreeing with the Scriptures of sundry of the secrets of the Kingdome of heauen as of God his nature persons attributes Of Christ Iesus his incarnation his birth life preachings sufferings comming to iudgement of the Resurrection of the life to come with many more of this kinde and yet notwithstanding in those points wherein they differ from the Church of England and all other true Churches they are blinde as beetles But you will obiect further that what you of the Separation hold is proued plentifully out of the word of God I acknowledge indeede that you abound and superabound in your allegations of Scripture Neuer any men contending for lyes did therein goe beyond you nor equall you neither If hereunto we adde their externall holinesse wee may safely say that in no faction or schisme that euer yet was in the world Satan did more transforme himselfe into an Angell of light then in this But what Their Scriptures being peruerted as the truth is and so tending to the destruction of the Reader all this is but sheepes clothing Mat 7.15 whereof Christ biddeth vs to beware Horrible and fearefull is your abusing and wresting of holy Scripture and to some incredible It had been well for you if you had been more sparing in your quotations then had yee lesse taken Gods Name in vaine who will not hold you guiltlesse for the same except ye repent And now dearely beloued behold Christ Iesus stands at the doore and knockes aloud tarrying and abiding there as one very desirous to come in and loth to be kept out He that hath the keyes of the house of Dauid who shutteth and no man openeth and openeth and no man shutteth open the doore of your soule that you may let Christ enter in And to that end open I humbly beseech you the eyes of your minde that you may bee able to discerne betweene things that differ and know truth from falsehood and reiecting and abhorring the one which is from the Diuell may imbrace the other which is from God And here my deare countrimen who lately are gone out from vs and become Anabaptists I beseech you consider of this one thing with me When you first separated from the Church of England did not you highly esteeme and reuerence the Church of Amsterdam euen as the deare spouse and body of Christ I meane the Brownists Church there Would not you then gladly haue had communion with them if possibly you could when you refused the same with vs Did not then all of you assure your owne soules that that way which then and still we call Brownisme was the onely way to life wherevpon in that way you would needs walke come on it what would imprisonment or banishment life or death Did not then some of the chiefe of you in my hearing magnifie M. Fr. Iohnson and their bookes specially the Apologie aboue all bookes next to the holy Bible And in all this you reioyced exceedingly How commeth it now to ●asse that so quickly not onely our Churches but the aforesaid Church at Amsterdam is likewise become an Harlot and Babylon That you abhorre now as much to haue religious communion with them as with vs How commeth this I say to passe but because that which the Apostle saith generally of all deceiuers is and must needs be in the particular true of you your selues being deceiuers That you wax worse and worse deceiuing and being more and more deceiued Thus haue I in few words by way of commination exhortation dehortation and supplication indeuoured to perswade you my brethren of the Separation speecially my countreymen who are lately entred into this way to renounce your errours and to breake off by repentance your grieuous sinne of separating and all the sinnes accompanying it If this I haue published preuaile not thus farre though not with all yet with some of you as to bring you to the sight and acknowledgement of your erronious doctrine concerning the visible Church and your peruerting of holy Scripture for confirmation thereof as my hope is it will I for my part doe confesse that I vtterly despayre of doing any good of you and say to you as I haue learned from the Apostle to speake in this case If any man be ignorant let him be ignorant I shall also hold it vaine to contend any further with you 1. Cor. 14.38 11.16 If any lust to be contentious saith Paul wee haue no such custome nor the Churches of God And so I end leauing the successe hereof both with you and others to the Lord whom in Iesus Christ I beseech to accept of this my poore and weake seruice and to grant that it may prosper to that end wherevnto by me his most vnworthy seruant it is intended euen to the glory of his great Name and edification of his Church Amen IOHN DAYRELL A
then it is taken for all that company which in a Citie Towne or Villages cohabiting professe the Christian or true Religion and doe ordinarily meet and ioyne together in the exercises of Religion This particular Church we call a Parish and being met together to ioyn in prayer in hearing of the Word and receiuing the Sacraments A Parish assembly which is a company of Christians dwelling in such a circuite as we call a Parish assembled in one place for religious exercise And in this sence is this word Church often taken in the new Testament and namely in these places following Rom. 16.1 1. Cor. 1.17 14.23 I commend vnto you Phebae our sister which is a seruant of the Church of Cenchrea As I teach euery where in euery Church As if a Minister of the Gospell should now say thus This is my opinion and so I teach euery where in euery Parish wheresoeuer I come If therefore when the whole Church is come together in one and all speake strange tongues there come in they that are vnlearned t is as if one should speak now when the whole Parish is come together Act. 14.23 and 27. And when they had ordained them Elders by election in euery Church that is as we say in euery Parish and prayed and fasted they commended them to the Lord. Behold then many Churches and one Church many particulars but one vniuersall Thus we see that the word Church in holy Writte is often taken for a company of men professing Christian Religion whether that company be great or small that is all one Sometimes in the Scripture the whole company of men that professed Christian Religion throughout the world that is the vniuersall Congregation of Christians is called a Church Of that company of Christians that ordinarily ioyned together in the exercises of Religion and sometimes the Christians that were of the same family And from hence by very good reason wee may well call all that professe Christian or true Religion in a Nation or all the Christians in a Nation the Church of that Nation whatsoeuer it be Let no man therefore hold that it is vnlawfull to say The Church of England the Church of Scotland c. as some of late haue done And thus much concerning the Church what it signifieth and what it is It remaineth that we be further instructed touching the visible Church that so we may the better know it and be able to discerne betweene a true visible Church and a false betwixt the Church of God and the Sinagogue of Satan That so to our further comfort or discomfort we may know to which of these we doe belong CHAP. IV. The visible Church is a mixt company compounded of Christians true and false the greatest part being the worst TO this purpose wee haue a very good place in the 11. of the Acts vers 26. And it came to passe that at Antiochia Barnabas and Saul were a whole yeer conuersant with the Church and taught much people in so much that the Disciples were first called Christians in Antiochia Where we may obserue that this word Church is explained by three diuers words People Disciples Christians By all which foure words the holy Ghost meaneth one and the same society For where it is said they taught much people it is all one as if it had beene said they taught the Church And in so much that the disciples in so much that the Church or they of the Church were first called Christians In that the Church is called a people we learne that one Disciple or Christian is not neyther can be called a Church But to that end there must be a company more or lesse as I haue noted in the beginning out of the signification of the word Secondly in that by the word Disciples is meant the Church and that by these two different words is meant one and the same company we learne that the Church visible is a people much or small hearing and learning those things which are taught them from God or seeming so to doe In a word that it is a company of Disciples whereof some few only are * Which bee they who yeelds obedience to the word of God Ma●th 20.16 Proficients and doe learne aright the heauenly instructions the other being now Proficients or trewants yet comming to this Schoole of Christ doe only occupie a roome there according to that saying of Christ Many are called but few are chosen Last y in that the Church or they of the Church are called Christians and that by these two seuerall words the holy Ghost meaneth one and the same society we are taught that the visible Church is nothing else but a company of Christians which hath beene further confirmed by the former testimonies of holy Scripture and might be by more if need did so require Christians now are all they to be accounted who professe the Christian or true Religion A company of which make a Church as wee heare and these bee of two sorts Christians indeed and Christians in name onely Christians indeed be such who professing true Religion be withall religious indeed leading a religious holy life Or Christians indeed Iames 1.27 be they which partake with Christ in that holy anointing wherof the Apostle entreating of Christ speaketh in the first of the Hebrewes Verse 9. God euen thy God hath annointed thee with the oyle of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes 2. Cor. 1.21 And to the Corinthians It is God which hath anointed vs who hath also sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts Such were those 5. Iohn speaketh of in his first Epistle Chap. 2.20.27 But yee haue an oyntment from that holy one And a little after But that anointing which ye receiued of him dwelleth in you and yee need not that any man teach you but as the same annoynting teacheth you of all things and it is true and not lying As if hee had said what it teacheth is true and no falshood or error in it which must needs be because it is the Spirit of truth and therefore breatheth and inspireth nothing into any but truth The Spirit of God and of Christ that leadeth all them which haue it into all truth needfull to be knowne to saluation dwelleth in all these Christians so as hee that wanteth this spirit is no true Christian Rom. 8.9 According to that of PAVL If any man haue not the Spirit of Christ the same is not his From whence also it followes on the other side that he who hath Christ his Spirit and he only is Christs that is a member of Christ or true Christian As he only was a Iew which was one within Rom. 2.29 circumcised in the heart and in the spirit not only in the letter or circumcision done by the hand so hee onely is a Christian which is one within baptised with the holy Ghost and not alone with water 2.
and inuisible church onely as is plaine by those two testimonies your selfe quote in the margent Ioh. 8.32 Reu. 1.6 The elect therefore and inuisible Church onely haue Christ for their King Secondly Their King Christ Iesus is who abstaine from errour false-worship and all other euill whatsoeuer deliuering thus their owne soules But the elect and inuisible Church onely abstaine from euery euill way and deliuer their owne soules Therefore the elect onely haue Christ Iesus for their King Thirdly They onely are the people and subiects of Christ and haue him for their King for whom hee hath subdued Sathan and sinne and whom he hath redeemed out of all Satanean bondage that sinne should reigne no more ouer them But Christ hath subdued Sathan and sinne onely for the elect and invisible Church and them alone hath he redeemed out of all Satanean bondage that sinne should reigne no more ouer them Therefore the elect and inuisible Church onely are the people and subiects of Christ and haue him for their King Thus what you build with the one hand you put downe apase with the other Ephes 4.8.11 Heb. 3.6 Yet do not I deny that Christ hath appointed the offices and officers and giuen lawes to the vis church by and according to which only it ought to be gouerned that in th●s respect he is the onely King thereof Also Mat. 28.18 Reu. 17.14 in that all power is giuen vnto him in heauen and in earth and is King of the whole earth being King of Kings thus likewise hee is King of the visible church And as King hee defendeth it from the enemies thereof for his own glory and name that is called vpon them for his elect sake that are among them And lastly in this respect he is also King of the visible church that these rebels and enemies of his that will not suffer him to reigne ouer them neither regard his lawes and statutes he will take vengeance of them and destroy them Thus I acknowledge our Lord is King of the visible church but not so a he is King to them to whom he is Priest and Prophet as you doe affirme Come we now to the second part of the aforesaid proposit on Counterp 141. and to M. Ainsworth his 4. argument Euery true visible Church hath Christ for the Priest of the same The vis Church of England hath not Christ for the Priest of the s●me Therefore the Church of England is not a true visible Church I de●y your proposition which to be false I doe thus make manifest If Christ Iesus be the Priest of the visible Church then Christ died for the v●sible church and maketh intercession for all of that societie for doubtlesse hee performed all the parts of his Priesthood for them to whom he is a Priest If Christ now died for the visible church then all of the visible church shal be saued and none of them damned for Christs death shall be effectual to saue all those from perdition for whom he died Who shall condemne saith the Apostle It is Christ which is dead Rom. 8.34 Intimating that none of those can possibly be damned for whom Christ died Now the aforesaide inference is false seeing there be many reprobates of the visible church for which Christ neither dyed nor maketh intercession and therefore is that false from whence it is inferred deduced Nay I will disproue this by your owne words In the 32. p. of your confession of faith thus you write Touching his Priesthood Christ hath appeared once to put away sinne by the offering of himselfe and to this ende hath fully performed and suffred all those things by which God might be reconciled to his Elect. From hence I reason thus If Christ in that he was a Priest hath by the oblation of himselfe taken away the sinne of the Elect onely and reconciled vnto God onely the Elect then is hee the Priest onely of the Elect or inuisible church But Christ in that hee was a Priest hath by the oblation of himselfe taken away the sinne of the Elect onely and reconciled to God onely the Elect Therfore Christ Iesus is the Priest only of the Elect or church inuissible and by consequent not of the vissible church as you affirme The Proposition is so cleere in it selfe that it needes no proofe The Assumption is prooued by your owne confession Though you doe not vse this word onely yet must it nec●ssarilie bee vnderstood This your selfe also M. Ainsworth doe further confirme Counterp 141. The Church of England say you hath not Christ for the Priest or Sacrificer of the same Because the gifts and sacrifices which it offereth vnto God are not presented and offered vnto him by Christ neither is this Church reconciled vnto God by him from hence also I argue thus Whose spirituall sacrifices Christ doth present and offer vnto his father their priest he is But the spir●tual sacrifices of the elect and inuisible church onely doth Christ present and offer vnto his Father Therefore Christ is the Priest of the elect and inuisible church onely Agai●e To proue that Christ is the prophet of the inuisible church this in a word may suffice To what societ e soeuer he is king a●d priest to the same hee is a prophet But to the inuisible church onely he is a king and priest Therefore a prophet the Proposition needes no proofe The Assumption hath alreadie beene prooued This likewise may be co●firmed by your own lines and therefore I may well be sparing of mine Counterp 139. Moreouer the church of England wanteth part and communion with Christ in that propheticall office which he hath imparted to his people namely power and freedome to witnesse professe practise and holde forth the word of life and all that Christ hath commaunded And therefore concludeth he The church of England hath not Christ for the prophet thereof from hence I reason thus To that church or company of men whatsoeuer which hath power and freedome to witnesse professe practise and hould forth the word of life and all that Christ hath commanded to them onely is Christ a prophet But this power and freedome hath the inuisible church onely Therefore of the inuis church onely is Christ a Prophet The proposition is your own The assumption is very cleare for though all of the visible church and many reprobates haue power to professe yet onely the Elect haue the abilitie to practise the word of God and to obserue all that Christ hath commanded that is earnestly endeauor to obs●rue and keepe the cōmandements of God Christ in all things which is that we call euangelicall obedience This obedience wherof our Lord speaketh Mat. 28.20 Teaching thē to obserue all things whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you is proper I say to the elect and cannot fall into any reprobate But these words of Iesus you vnderstand of the politie of the church and being generall you restraine to all things
concerning ecclesiasticall gouernment Whereupon it is that in the words immediatly following the former you tell vs of admonition reprehension and excommunication and not a title of any other commaundement of Christ But how doe you prooue this to bee the meaning of Iesus Till you be able to make this manifest which I thinke will neuer be I for my part will reiect this your glosse and vnderstand this Scripture more largely And here in the ende of my Booke may that iustly be retorted vpon M. Ainsworth which he vniustly in the beginning of his Counterpoyson doth auouch against vs. Counterp epist I haue also produced their own testimonies against them that the Saints on earth may say Their rocke is not as our rocke euen our enemies being Iudges Deut. 32.31 And if they will yet resist the world may see they are condemned by themselues For these reasons you condemne our churches and holde them to be false visible Churches whereupon you doe separate It had bene fit you had better informed your selues in the doctrine of the Church and learned first what a true vis church is and what a false and to haue bene able to discerne and put a difference betweene the invisible and vis Church and the Scriptures concerning them before you had thus presumptuously taken vpon you to condemne our congregations to be false Churches My brethren you take to much vpon you You condemne and speake evill of those things ye know not See to it Remember also that this definitiue sentence you haue giuen of our churches is not in a corner where some fewe onely might heare and spread the same but in the streets yea in the high streete among the presse and entering of the gates or rather vpon the house toppe as Absalom abused his fathers concubines so as whosoeuer hath an eare except hee stoppe it cannot chuse but heare it both in this age present and in the ages succeeding O that you were wise to consider of these things To the aforesaide arguments M. Ainsworth addeth two other which he inferreth vpon the former ●nd as a bui●ding erected vpon this foundation That our church is a false church The drift of the one is to prooue That men ought to separate from our Church and haue no cōmunion with it seeing it is a false Church of the other That our Ministers are no true Ministers of Christ and therefore not to be heard I doe not meane to answere the saide Arguments for that is needlesse considering what a sandie foundation they stand vpon as appeareth by the aforesaide tractate but will onely retort them vpon themselues That Church sa●th hee which is not the true Church of Christ and of God Counterp 150 ought not by any true Christian to bee continued or communicated with but must be forsaken and separated from and a true Church of God sought and ioyned vnto where Christ and saluation by him may vndoutedly be had Because wee are willed to abstaine and separate from the false Church 2. Cor. 6.14.17 Reu. 18.4 Hos 4.15 Isa 48.20 Ier. 51.45 Zach. 2.6.7 1. Cor. 10 20.21 c. Wee are willed also to seeke and ioyne vnto a true Church Deut. 12.5 Song 1.6 Ier. 50.4.5 Isa 65.9 Psalm 26.5.6 Act. 2.47 But the Church of England is before proued not to be the true Church of Christ and of God Therefore it ought to bee separated from and a * To wit theirs for none othe● I dare be bold to say doe they hold for a true Church if they which freely professe what herein they thi●ke true Church sought for and ioyned to of such as would be saued This I returne vpon them thus That church which is a true church ought to be continued or communicated with and must not be forsaken and separated from because wee are commaunded to abstaine and separate from a false Church onely 2. We are commanded to seeke and ioyne vnto a true Church But the Church of England is before prooued to bee a true Church Therfore the Church of England ought to be cōtinued and communicated with and must not bee forsaken and separated from His other Argument concerning our Ministers is this These Ministers which haue and execute the ministery of a false Church are not the true Ministers of Christ and consequently not to bee heard or obeyed as Shepheards of our selues Because the ministerie of a false Church must needes be false also seeing the Church hauing no interest in Christ can haue no interest in a Christian Ministery Besides Christ hath giuen his ministerie to his owne Church onely Ephes 1. Cor. 12.27.28 See also Ioh. Act. 20.28 Ioh. 21.15.16 But all the Ministers of the Church of England haue and execute the ministerie of a false Church for so by the former arguments that Church is prooued Therefore they are not the true Ministers of Christ and consequently not to be heard or obeyed as Shepheards of our soules Hereupon I reason thus These Ministers which haue and execute the Ministery of a true Church are the true Ministers of Christ and consequently to be heard and obeyed as Shepheards of our soules Because the ministery of a true Church must needes be true also seeing the Church hauing interest in Christ hath interest in all the gifts hee bestoweth vpon his church and hath therefore interest in a Christian ministery Besides Christ hath giuen his ministery to his owne church so that Christs church is not destitute of his ministery Ephes 4.11 1. Cor. 12.28 c. But the Ministers of the church of England haue and execute the ministery of a true church for so by the former arguments contained in the 8. Chap. of this Booke that church is prooued Therefore they are the true Ministers of Christ and consequently to be heard or obeyed as shepheards of our soules To this argument and demonstration as M. Ainsworth thinketh he addeth this Epiphonema For the further descryi●g of the false ministery of this church I referre thee good Reader to a Treatise lately published intituled Reasons and Arguments proouing that it is not lawfull to heare the ministery of England And to another heretofore published called a Treatise of the Ministery of the Church of England And thus endeth hee his Treatise I answere that to these Reasons and Arguments M. Wutton hath re●urned an answer and sent it ouer to M. Iohnson the Authour of them about three yeeres since expecting a●l this while his reply But hetherto we heare of none and it is very likely neuer shall If not iustifying your Arguments you proceede still to auouch that our ministerie is a false ministerie notwithstanding the vanitie of your Arguments to this saide purpose bee discouered your consciences conuinced and mouthes stopped all the world may plainely see you neither loue nor contend for the trueth but loue more the praise of man then of God and therefore doe contend Thus much of the Church and of the different points
Christs permitting his Disciples the people to heare the Scribes and Pharises The Scribes and Pharises saith he sit in Moses seate Mat. 23.2 All therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue and doe Verily if it were vnlawfull for the faithfull to ioyne with open vvicked men in the worship of God and that they did pollute it vnto the faythfull as these men doe tell vs then had it been vnlawfull to haue heard and prayed with the Scribes and Pharisies who were men notori●usly vvicked Which made Iohn the Baptist to greete them thus Mat. 3.7 23.33 O generations of vipers who hath forewarned you to flye from the anger to come And our Sauiour after many a fearefull vvoe denounced against them to cry out to the same effect with Iohn O serpents the generation of vipers how shall yee escape the damnation of hell This their wickednesse also was open and well knowne to the faithfull neither could they possibly be ignorant thereof Considering their open persecuting of Christ euen to death their open blaspheming of him Matth. 9.34 12.24 Iohn 9 22.34 and 12.42 and traducing of his works and their persecuting of the Saints insomuch that many durst not confesse Christ Iesus for feare of the Pharisees But your a●oresaid reason concerning the pollution of the faithfull and holy things of God by the wicked you will prooue by the Scriptures M. Francis Iohnson charging the forward Preachers of England with 17. points of false doctrine setteth downe this for one and the first in the rancke That though the open notorious obstinate offenders be partakers of the Sacraments yet neither the Sacraments nor the people that ioyne with them are defiled thereby Defence of the Churches and Ministers of England 70. Communion of S●i●ts 469. Par. l. 71. 72. 73 This doctrine quoth he is contrarie to these Scriptures 1. Cor. 10.17 Hag. 2.14 15. 1. Cor. 5 6. 10.28 2. Cor. 6.15.18 Gal. 5 9. with eleuen more there quoted So that there is no want of witn●sses But let vs heare also what M. Ainsworth saieth If in our assemblies quoth he the wicked partake with vs neither we nor the holy things can sanctifie them but contrariwise they defile vs and euery thing they touch For confirmation hereof both these men and likewise M. Smith alleadge Hag. 2 13 14. with diuers other places of the olde Testament concerning ceremoniall pollution whereby they will haue it that this spirituall pollution is signified and shadowed foorth If saith Haggai one beare holy flesh in the skirt of his garment and with his skirt doe touch the bread or the pottage or the wine or the oyle or any meate shall it be holy And the Priests answered and saide No 14. Then saide Haggai If a polluted person touch any of these shall it be vncleane and the Priests answered and said it shall be vncleane I answere proue and make it plaine to vs 1. That by touching is signified our mutuall partaking in these holy things or in true diuine worship 2. That this polluted person doeth signifie an open wicked man in the Church Prooue I say these to haue this resemblance as your interpretation and application of them implyeth and I will confesse that you doe not misinterpret misapply these Scriptures as you doe the rest here But if herein you faile neither this Scripture nor any of this kinde will auaile you at all Concerning the first of these you say And this touching figured our fellowship together in the Church as the Apostle sheweth 2. Cor. 6.14 15 16 17. Communion of Saints 469. I deny this and affirme that this place of Paul prooueth no such thing The Apo perswading the Saints at Corinth not to ioyne with their neighbours who were heathens and Idolaters in their false and Idolatrous worship nor in any of their pollutions no not so much as with their bodies though they kept their spirit pure vnto the Lord vseth this phrase in the Lawe touch no vncleane thing not meaning thereby to teach what this touching figured but the Corinthian saints that they might no way pertake nor haue any thing to doe more nor lesse soule nor body with the Idolatrous worship or any other pollution of theirs Now what maner of proofe and argument is this We may not at all pertake with Idolaters in their false worship not somuch as touch it with a finger Ergo not with the open wicked in true diuine worship If wee communicate with Idolaters in false worship by touching that impure worship we our selues shall be made impure touch it not therefore come not at it Ergo if wee communicate with the open wicked in true diuine worship wee and that worshtp shall be made vncleane These two conclusions are your positions and the two Antecedents are Paules Let the Reader iudge of the consequence But let vs come to rhe other thing heere to be considered that is whom the man that was ceremonially vncleane did signifie You will not say I knowe the open wicked man but the sinner without any such limitation or restraint Wherupon by your expositiō this followeth That the sinner or man spiritually vncleane defileth the holy things of God Word Sacraments and Prayer and they that communicate with him therein are likewise defiled as the man ceremonially vncleane polluted whatsoeuer things he touched and they that touched him were vncleane But this inference is false because without any such pollution we may communicate wi●h hypocrites who be sinners and therefore this your exposition from whence it is inferred is false In this straite you haue no other refuge but this That by the vncleane man vnder the lawe was signified the open wicked man or knowne sinner Which I desire you would hereafter prooue vnto vs for we will take nothing of your word In the meane season this I say vnto you that had you or should you yet consider that howsoeuer the wicked whether openly or secretly wicked for all is one polluted indeede the holy things of God it is vnto themselues onely and not to others according to this Scripture vnto them that are defiled Tit. 1.15 and vnbeleeuing is nothing pure you wou'd neuer trouble the Church of God with this impure doct●ine This testimony of Titus you produce for your selues and it maketh against you Communion of Saints 133. Communion of Saints 464. 1 Cor. 5.6 Gal. 5.9 Answerable hereunto bee your other testimonies of holy writ and namely this so frequent with you a little leauen leaueneth a whole lump For the Apostles meaning is not that a few or one knowne wicked man by his open sinne doeth pollute the Word Sacraments and the whole assembly they be comming guilt●e of sinne and so defiled 1. Because they haue religious communion with him Paral. 71 72. 73 2. Because by this communicating with a knowne sinner in d●uine worsh●p they doe approoue of his sinne and thus consenting thereto become accessary vnto it This
head thereof for it is written Counterp 127. God hath appointed him ouer all things the head of the Church which is his body Ephes 1 22.2● and againe to the Church of Corinth it is said Ye are the bodie of Christ 1. Cor. 12.27 But the Church of England is not the body of Christ neither hath him for the head thereof Therefore the Church of England is not a true Church This Argument M. Smith likewise vseth against our Churches and Particular Congregations Your Parish assemblies haue not Christ for their head Ergo they be false churches Paralleles 87. Ephe. 1.22.23 1. Cor. 12.27 Gal. 3.16 Ephes 5.23 Wee answere that these and all other places of holy writ wherein Christ is said to bee the head of the Church or the Church is said to be his body that by Church wee are to vnderstand that societiee we call the inuisible Church or company of beleeuers which be a part therof or if in any of them we may vnderstand the vis Church it must needs be spoken in respect of them therein that are of the inuisible Church which commeth all to one And thus Christ Iesus is the head of the church of England and it is his body and so your Assumption is false Surely it is admirable that all of you are so farre blinded as to teach that a Confession of faith 10. 52. 58. 68. Apologie 44. Communion of Saints 6. 455. 475. Description of the vis church pag. 1. The visible Church is the body of Christ and that without any limitation exception resp●ct or restraine For shew mee one line in all your bookes tending this way And heere behold the absurditie of your Proposition Euery true Church is the body of Christ meaning euery true particular visible Church or congregation wherevpon followeth that how many particular Churches there be so many bodies of Christ and so you make a monster of Christ But how monstrous soeuer this is you wil proue it and that by Scripture For it is written say you God hath appointed Christ ouer all things the head of the Church which is his body Ephes 1.22.23 I answere You speake of euery particular visible Church and the Apostle here of the inuisible Church which is Catholicke or vniuersall part whereof is now in heauen and part on earth as verse 10. For confirmation whereof also serue these words verse 22. God hath appointed him ouer all things How maketh this Scripture then any thing for you The inuisible Church and company of the Elect is the body of Christ Your proposition is Euery true particular visible Church is the body of Christ These are different propositions and euery babe may see the former of these is no proofe of the latter and that the former being true this latter may notwithstanding be false That this Scripture is to bee vnderstood of the inuisible Church it is manifest by that hath been said Also by the words next following in verse 23. which is his body euen the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all things Whereby we learne that without the Church here spoken of Christ Iesus doth not account himselfe full perfect and entire but as it were maimed euen as a head without a body Such is his loue to this church and high account of it But this fulnesse to Christ doth the inuisible Church bring Of the inuisible church therefore doth the Apostle here speake And marke how neither of the first words of your Proposition are vsed here by Paul He saith not euery Church as you doe which might seeme to haue implyed that he had spoken of the vis Church or Churches nor true Church which had made it cleare on your side For true cannot fitly be said of the inuisible Church forasmuch as there is no false inuisible Church Onely the word Church he vseth without any such addition which word in holy writ is indifferently vsed for the inuisible and visible Church as before I haue shewed and here for the inuisible as the reasons aforesaide doe manifest This Scripture therefore is preuerted by you and maketh nothing for you But bee it graunted that Paul speakes here of the visible Church and that there is no abuse of Scripture at least that if not here yet 1. Cor. 12.27 he speaketh of the Church visible yet neither will that helpe you seeing the visible Church cannot bee saide to bee the Body of Christ but in respect of the Elect that are in the visible church now this will not profit you at all for to vnderstand these Scriptures of the visible Church as you will haue it marke how your argument must be framed Euery true visible Church is the body of Christ and hath him for the head thereof in respect of the Elect therein The Church of England is not the Body of Christ neither hath him for the head thereof in respect of the Elect therein Therefore the Church of England is not a true visible Church Thus your argument should haue beene composed and what is wanting is to bee vnde●stood and then wee answere you by denying your assumption and doe affirme that the Church of England is the body of Christ and hath him for the head thereof in respect of Gods elect that be in it And in this sence also as well as in the former the same may be said of vs that Paule saide of the Corinthians Yee are the body of Christ and members for your part And here I cannot chuse but wonder at the extre●me folly of this ma● Who prouing that the Church of England is not the body of Christ neither hath him for the head thereof whereas he should direct his speech against the go●ly among vs and prooue tha● they are not the Body of Christ nor haue him for their head in stea● thereof he doth direct it to vse his owne words to our prophane people Counterp 128 mockers and contemners of Religion that blaspheame God and his holy name euen in the stretes as they walke such as call themselues the damned crewe Familists Atheists and all other sorts of miscreants and wicked liuers These children of wrath saith he this sinfull generation cannot possibly be members of the Body of Christ nor haue him for their head seeing they are not partakers of his life and spirit nor called to his faith neither admitteth he any such vnto him vntill they repent he hath no concord with Belial therefore not with the children of Belial the members of his glorious body must not be the dead stinking and abhominable members of Sathan Light and darkenesse heauen and hell will as soone bee vnited together And in this path doe t●ey all tread Thus can I prooue that the church of the Iewes as in other ages so namely in Dauids time and in Isaiah his time was a false Church for as much as the Iewes then were a prophane people Isa 2 3● mockers and contemners of Religion c. Of the