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A10670 Votivæ Angliæ: or The desires and vvishes of England Contayned in a patheticall discourse, presented to the King on New-yeares Day last. Wherein are vnfolded and represented, manie strong reasons, and true and solide motives, to perswade his Majestie to drawe his royall sword, for the restoring of the Pallatynat, and Electorat, to his sonne in lawe Prince Fredericke, to his onlie daughter the Ladie Elizabeth, and theyr princelie issue. Against the treacherous vsurpation, and formidable ambition and power of the Emperour, the King of Spayne, and the Duke of Bavaria, whoe unjustlie possesse and detayne the same. Together with some aphorismes returned (with a large interest) to the Pope in answer of his. Written by S.R.N.I. Reynolds, John, fl. 1621-1650. 1624 (1624) STC 20946.1; ESTC S117031 21,745 45

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therfore that it is rather more to bee feared then doubted that as hee first tooke Aix and Weesell for the Emperour and ever since keepes them for himselfe that right soe hee intends to deale with the Pallatynat and if your Majestie vvould but turne your back to Spayne and your eyes to the Pallatynat you will then confirme my oppinion wheras with a fearfull jelousie I apprehend that turning your backe to the Pallatynat and your eyes to Spayne you maye peradventure passionatlie oppose and contradict it For as the diseases and iniquitie of our tymes and the Vanitie of our Natures are such as manie tymes wee see Ambition gives a Lawe to Nature and the strongest sword proves most commonlie the best right and tenure Soe notwithstanding that the Emperour bee puffed upp with joy and pride for this his good success yet the King of Sayne thinckes that the Pallatynat is but a debt dewe to his Vertue and a tribute to his Ambition and Greatnesse And that your Majestie maye the more perfectlie and apparantlie consider them destinctlie or joyntlie and soe looke from theyr tongues to theyr hartes from theyr wordes to theyr actions and from the barke of theyr Friendshippe to the tree of theyr Intents Swartsenbourgh from the Emperour brought onlie Complements but noe deeds not hoapes of restitution of the Pallatynat Bosquet from the Archdutchess under the cloake of trust and consignation carried away Frankendale the last hostage and pledge of that Province and last of all Mexia with his statelie Embassye pretended from the sayd Princess but intended from the King of Spayne came to Comply with your Majestie to make fayre weather of all sydes to keepe everie byrd in his neast and your Majestie Sword still rusting in his scabberd yea if the hartes of Inijoca Mendoza and Columba whome I reverence and honnor for the honnor of theyr places were as visible and transparent as Iulius Drusus wished his house Then notwithstanding all theyr veluett wordes and silken protestations and vowes your Maiestie should see without perspective or spectacles that the most retyred Article and secret mysterie of theyr Kinges Commission to them is To give theyr Infanta to our Illustrious and famous Prince Charles but infalliblie with this proviso and reservation still to keepe the Pallatynat for the behoofe and use of the King theyr Master And what else doe all these severall Ambassadours in England and whervnto tend all theyr severall legations but onlie to conceale the Ill which is and to pretend the Good which is not in the designes and resolutions of the King theyr Master For in all theyr Treaties and Negotiations with your Maiestie and your mynisters what doe they else but purposlie play theyr prizes in practising theyr chiefest invention Arte and skill to procrastinate the restitution of the Pallatynat making everie daye produce newe Difficulties and Evasions till in the end they have made the Cure woorse then the Disease and which without the helpe and assistance of your Maiesties sword will verie shortlie prove incurable and meerlie Physique after death For the Emperour the king of Spayne and the Archdutchesse doe onlie feed your Maiestie with the emptie ayre of hoapes and with the bitter sweet sugar of manie flattering and false promises that they will restore the Pallatynat to the Prince your Sonne in Lawe whiles they in the meane tyme with as much treacherie as silence doe heerbye onlie gayne tyme in working and procuring theyr owne ends to repayre and renewe the fortifications of that Countrie till in the end they like Molewarps have therein taken firme footing and made those Cities and Castles which were easie to subdue become difficult and the difficult impregnable For the King of Spayne playes the Practicke with your Majestie whiles you professe the Theorie to him you give him contemplation for action hee returnes you action for contemplation for whiles you are entertayning and flattering your thoughts with hoape hee and his Factor the Duke of Bavaria hath crowned his hoapes and front with the Lawrels of the Pallatynat that daintie peece and rich and bewtifull Prouince of Europe neyther is it your Maiestie alone but the French King likewise who hath given too confident an eare to the Syreen tunes and charmes of Spayne for whiles their practises and machynations threw him to a pernitious sacrilidgious Warre against his owne Protestant subjects then Spayn recovered the Valtolyne and deflowred the Fortes and passages of the Grisons and whiles he by his Gondomar lull'd your Maiestie asleepe with the melodie of the Match then hee finished the Conquest of the Pallatynat Onlie your Majesties dishonnor heerin is farre greater then that of the French King because his remisnesse permitted but his Confederates to bee ruyned but your Maiestie your Confederate your Sonne in Lawe your onlie Daughter his wife and their Royall posteritie Thus as the Cyclope Polephemus devoured his passengers one after another soe doth the King of Spayne ea●e upp whole Countries and Provinces And wherto tends all this formidable Ambition power and greatnesse of his but onlie to fill the sailes of his glorie Whiles your Ma tie and other Potentates and Princes of Christendom most inconsideratlie I may say shamefullie ride at Anchor in the Portes of false securitie and therfore of true danger and wherunto tends all this but in the end to aspire to the whole Empire of the West as your Majestie heard though would not beleeue from your last Assemblie of Parliament which our sinnes and your Enemies caused you to make and intitle but a Convention All Europe can beare witnesse of your Majesties two yeares pious interceeding and Christian endeavours and resolution to have the Palatynat restored by Treatie and although the Emperour hath superficially promised and the King of Spayne artificiallie vowed it yet still your Majestie sees contrarie effects and still they fortifie the Pallatynat not for but against the Prince your Son in Lawe as if they had given a Definitive sentence and periode to theyr resolutions and made it an Orthodox Article of their Fayth still to keepe and never to restore it to him or his posteritie yea the Emperour is soe glutted with his victories and the Duke of Bavaria soe sursetted with his good fortunes in both which the King of Spayne insults with joye and triumph with exhileration that they are now soe farre from thincking of restitution as they disdayne it Alexander the Great whose generositie was yet farre greater then his fame shewed such testimonies of his moderation and Magnanimitie as hee gave those whome he subdued and conquered more cause to reioyce then repyne at his Victories yea hee shewed infinit Vertue and Charitie in his power and these twoe cannot bee better shewen then in giving lymitts to power But it seemes the Emperour is continuallie soe inflamed with choller and transported with revenge towards the Count Pallatyne your Sonne in Lawe as hee is whollie unmindfull eyther of Charitie or Vertue hee mought have added glorie
your Courage but animate your Designes and your Subiects will execute them For give them but the worde of Commaund to resetch it by Warre and your Majestie will then see they will act wonders with theyr Swordes not onlie answerable to your desires and expectation but beyond the Emperours the King of Spaynes and the Duke of Bavaria's beleife and your Nobilitie and Gentrie out of theyr true zeale and innate affection to the famous Princesse your Daughter her Husband and Posteritie will flye from Thames to Rhyne as to a Fayre or Wedding and you shall have more Gentelmen in this action then ever Germane Armie beheld or Spanish confronted And although money which is the true cyment and synewes of Warre seeme now scarce in your Kingdomes and that your Bounties hath made your Exchequer and Treasor emptie yet if your Majestie will be pleased to secure but this one doubt and feare of your Subjects that your Souldiers may eate and not your Courtiers devoure the monyes which a Parliament will give and rayse you for this enterprise you shall then assuredlie finde an Indyes in your England and more huge sommes of mony cheerfully Contributed then that action can anie way take upp or expend you shall finde that one Herauld will doe more good then all your Ambassadors have performed And as the Mathematicians hold that the rightest and straightest Lyne is still the shortest Soe your Majestie shall undoubtedlie finde that the rightest and shortest way for you to recover the Pallatynat will bee by your Sword When Scotland was not yet added by your Majestie to England England holding herselfe bound in poynt of Honnor hath sent a blacke Prince into Spayne a Drake and Essex into Portugal and an Essex Willoughbie Norrice and Fourbisher into France with statelie Fleets and Regiments to restore Disinherited Kinges to theyr Kingdomes whoe were yet but our Confederates and will not your Majestie whoe hath so happilie Vnited and Wedded Scotland to England and whoe is the powerfullest Monarch that ever swayed the Brittish Sceptre attempt and performe the like for the Prince Pallatyne your Son in Lawe and the Husband of your onlie Daughter our Princesse our hands harts and swordes beeing of as good and of as excellent a temper as ever our Predecessors were having as it were hands of Steele and hartes of Diamonds for the attempting and finishing of this Honnorable Enterprise If the King of Spayne will not abandon his Cousen the Emperour should your Majestie abandon or rather should you not assist and protect the Count Pallatyne your Son in Lawe agaynst the Emperour Or if there ensue hereon anie breach betwixt your Majestie the King of Spayn hath he not given you just cause to undertake that warre which is soe Iust Honnorable and Charitable as to the eyes and censures of the whole world it beares its perswasion with it And if your actions and resolutions be such that you resolve rather to give Spayne cause to feare you then to take anie to make your Majestie feare Spayne your Maiestie shall then infalliblie fetch securitie out of danger and drawe honnor out of shame yea if you wil couragiouslie resolve to cut this Gordion knot with Alexander and to passe this Rubicon with Caesar you shall then trulie and tryumphantlie participate of the ones Fame and of the others Glorie and this indeed will make your Maiestie live after Death and reviue agayn in your fame as the Phaenix doth out of her ashes And noe sooner shall your Drummes beate and your Coullers bee displayed uppon the banckes of Rhyne but your Majesties sword shall put a newe face uppon Germanie and make England consequentlie assume her olde one which was ever woont to looke more Martiall and lesse Effemynate lesse contemptible to our Friends and still more terrible to our Enemyes It is an action and resolution full of Religion full of Equitie and full of Glorie whervnto the honnor of your Kingdoms and your Royall person and your Maiesties naturall affection towards your Princelie Children doth both envite and conjure you to attempt and perfect it It is a worke and labour infinitlie worthie of your Sword your Sceptre your Crowne yea it will bee one of the most precious Iewels and Diamonds which your lyfe can possiblie give to the adorning of your Raigne or your Death to the embellishing of your Tombe or Chronicle Is the recoverie of the Pallatynat a great action Consider I beseech you that you are a Great King a Potent Monarche doth it produce difficulties what important enterprise ever was or can there bee without them or what cannot the hartes and swordes of Great Brittayne make easie and as success comes some tymes short of our hoapes soe manie tymes it goes beyond them doth it threaten Danger whie there is the more Glorie to surmount it and beeing well and firmlie begunne it will bee alreadie halfe ended Sith there is nothing more Couragious then a good Cause nor more Victorious then the Truthe And although your Majestie delight and glorie to bee tearmed A Prince of Peace yet lett your Peace live and flourish in Honnor and not wyther and dye in Contempt and shame For God whoe is the Protector of Princes will rather releeve then ruyne them and rather desire and authorise theyr restoration to then theyr deprivation from theyr Countryes and it will bee farre easier to beleeve then to represent the joy which all the best and truest harted of your Subjects will conceyue when they shall see your Majesties sword as deeplie ingaged in the quarrell of the Pallatynat as your Sceptre and Honnor is in the cause therof Our famous Elizabeth did beate Spayne and shall our Royall and Potent King IAMES feare it Besides we see our trustie Neighbors and Friends the Hollanders relye uppon the poyntes of theyr Swordes for the preservation of theyr Estates and Lyues and therin they infalliblie finde the securitie of the one and the safetie of the other by Detecting and Detesting the Treacheries of Spayne which is still more prevalent and powerfull in theyr calmes of Peace then in theyr tempests of Warre and it will bee noe small felicitie to your Majestie to see these valiant and constant Confederates how couragiouslie they will second your Warlike attempts in this restoration and how constantlie and resolutelie they will marrie theyr Forces to yours and with theyr best powers pushe foorth the Chariot of your triumphs agaynst the House of Austria Proceed Great King with this action soe full of Glorie and Honnor and the God of Heaven and Earth make your Majestie still happie in your Peace and victorious in your Warres And because it is a difficult poynt to satisfie our selves and the tyme together yet notwithstanding I hope that your Majestie will pardon this boldness and affection of myne except it bee held a Crime to honnor my Kinges Daughter and to desire the prosperitie and welfare of the Prince her Husband and theyr Royall posteritie which next unto that of your owne sacred Majestie and then of the Illustrious Prince Charles your Sonne I will neyther cease to doe with my best zeale nor fayle to performe with my most religious wishes and prayers From my Chamber in your Citie of London this New-yeares Eue and I beseech the Lord to give your Maiestie manie happie and ioyfull newe Yeares and Dayes Anno Dom. 1624. Your Ma ties most humble and most faythfull Subject till Death S. R. N. I. FINIS