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A17513 A iustification of the Church of England Demonstrating it to be a true Church of God, affording all sufficient meanes to saluation. Or, a countercharme against the Romish enchantments, that labour to bewitch the people, with opinion of necessity to be subiect to the Pope of Rome. Wherein is briefely shewed the pith and marrow of the principall bookes written by both sides, touching this matter: with marginall reference to the chapters and sections, where the points are handled more at large to the great ease and satisfaction of the reader. By Anthony Cade, Bachelour of Diuinity. Cade, Anthony, 1564?-1641. 1630 (1630) STC 4327; ESTC S107369 350,088 512

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many nay But the issues of these Ladies were very vnfortunate and many calamities proceeded from these marriages as he there reports Yet the pope dispensed with all this partly to bind the French vnto him and partly to bridle the Emperour whom he would not haue grow too great by addition of Britany to his State Besides he needed not much care for this present Emperour Maximilian a poore prince full of affaires and of small credit Yea Maximilian himselfe afterwards affected the popedome as Guicciardine reporteth But come we to the affaires of our owne Nation Pope Julius the 2. gaue a dispensation that King Henry the 8. of England might marry Katherine the wife of his brother Arthur deceased A marriage plainly condemned by the Scriptures Leu. 18.16 and 20.21 and Mat. 24.2 4. and by many learned Vniversities Afterwards pope Clement the 7. Hist concil Trid. lib. 1. pag. 68. at Henries sute sent Cardinall Campeggio into England framing a Briefe to dissolue the Kings said marriage with Katherine to be published when some few proofes were passed which he was sure would easily be made and to giue liberty to the King to marry another This anno 1524. but anno 1529. The pope thinking it better to ioyne with the Emperour who was sonne to Katherines sister sent another Nuncio to Campeggio with order to burne the Breefe and to proceed slowly in the cause For the popement to apply himselfe to his best aduantages but the King espying their iugling finally banished the popes authority out of England Annals ibid praepar pag. A. 3. Latin Apparat. p. xij But Queene Mary the daughter of H●nry by the said marriage of Katherine perswaded her selfe that all the right that she had to the Kingdome of England was vpholden by no other meanes then by the power of the pope whose dispensation made that marriage lawfull and gaue sentence of her side after her father had declared her illegitimate and therefore she was bound to cleaue strongly to the Pope Also Charles the 5 Emperour procured a marriage betwixt Philip his sonne of Spaine and Mary Queene of England by a dispensation of pope Iulius the 3. because they were allied in the third degree and that Charles himselfe had contracted to marry her being then vnder age for time to come Ibid. pag. 5. sed ●atin pag. 4. After her death King Philip desirous to keepe England treated seriously of a marriage with Queen Elizabeth his late wiues sister with promise to obtaine a speciall dispensation from the pope Which the King of France fearing it would be granted by the pope laboured secretly to hinder but the hindrance of the marriage was from Queene Elizabeth her selfe Relation of Religion in the West pag. 34. 27. See the whole Tract pag. 25. seq By such dispensations from the pope marriages in the house of Austria haue been so neere that they remaine still as brethren all of one family and as armes of the selfe-same body Keeping their dominions vnited still together without distraction Philip the second of Spaine might call the Archduke Albert both brother cozen nephew and sonne being vncle to himselfe cozen-german to his father husband to his sister and father to his wife Such marriages made lawfull onely by the pope dispensing with the Law of God must needs binde both the parties and issue thereof to be firme to the Papacy and to maintaine that authority by which themselues stand maintained and honoured So searched and penetrant is that Sea of Rome to strengthen it selfe more by vnlawfull marriages of other men then euer Prince yet could doe by the most lawfull marriage of his owne And thus the Pope by some one act ties vnto himselfe the fauour of many friends and many generations Yet may this be thought fit onely for blinded or ill-minded Princes The well-sighted or well-minded need no such cloake nor will make vse of any such for any otherwise vniustifiable courses But if they through their owne ignorance or their Ancestors vniust proiects haue been inuolued in such nets as their conscience now mislikes they may after our King Henries example by Gods booke and the counsell of godly wise and learned men alter their courses abolish his authority that alters Gods Lawes or deludes them and establish their state by more sound meanes Humanum est errare perseuerare diabolicum §. 9. VI. Other dispensations See Verdunt discourse anno 1563. Mense Febr. in hist conc Trid. lib. 7. pag. 676. See Tortura Torti pag 57. for diuers things hurtfull to the Church States and People but very profitable to the Pope and Court of Rome are ordinary About which one Iohannes Verdun spake freely and iudiciously in the Councell of Trent Dispensations saith he are accounted dis-obligations from the Law but Gods Law is perpetuall and remaineth inuiolable for euer The Pope is not Lord and the Church his seruant to bestow fauours as a master vpon his seruants Hee is but a seruant at the best to him who is Spouse of the Church neither can he by dispensing vnbinde any that is bound but onely declare to him that is not bound that he is exempted from the Law Indeed humane Lawes through the imperfection of the Law-makers and Cases not foreseene may admit dispensations in sundry occurrences as exceptions from the generall Law where it may be iustly thought the Law-makers would haue made exceptions if they had foreseene those Cases but where God is the Law-giuer from whom nothing is concealed and by whom no accident is not fore-seene the Law can haue no exception but all his Law is equity it selfe perpetuall and immutable Hist conc Trid. lib. 4. pag. 321. The King of France anno 1551. in a Printed Manifest published to his subiects that they were not to regard the Popes dispensations which were not able to secure the conscience and are nothing but a shadow cast before the eies of men which cannot hide the truth from God Euen in mens lawes Dispensationes sunt legum vlnera Dispensations are deepe wounds In Gods Lawes deadly wounds both to the lawes and to the dispenser for lawes often wounded haue little life left in them and he that wounds them hath little feeling of conscience Christ came not to dissolue the Law but to fulfill it Matth. 5.17 the Pope comes not to fulfill the lawes but to dissolue them He vnbinds subiects oathes to Princes yea bindes subiects with oathes against Princes both against Gods Law binding where he should loose loosing where he should binde as Anti-god and Antichrist He bindes his Catholickes for a time while they want strength they shall not stirre getting strength then they are loosed then stirre kill● and massacre Thus Gregory the 13. interprets the Bull of Pius the 5. And thus Princes of the old Christian faith that they liue and reigne are beholden to the Catholickes of the new stampe not for their faith but for their weakenesse Hist conc Trent lib.
Church and magnifying the largenesse dignity wealth and dowry of his Bride apud Vsserium De ecclesiarum successione statu cap. 9. initio pag. 255. See also B. Carlton Consens contr 2. de ecclesia cap. 1. pag. 156. and D. Field of the Church lib. 5. cap. 41. pag. 267. where he answereth Bellarmines arg libri 2. de Rom. pont cap. 31. Ex nominibus quae Romano Pontifici tribui solent verse 18. so plaine that that the Iesuites cannot doe not deny it our Rhemists say it was Rome vnder Nero c. but later Iesuites Ribera and Viegas Suarez confesse it must needs be Rome towards the end of the world wherein Antichrist shall sit make hauocke of the Church and be finally destroyed CHAP. 5. §. 5. II. As the Pope challengeth a superiority ouer all Christians so much more particularly ouer all the Clergy who must all deriue their both Orders and Iurisdiction from him as from the vniuersall Pastor of the Church in whom all power of Orders and Iurisdiction originally resideth So that Bishops pay to the Pope great summes of money for their ceremonies at their entrance and Priests also their first fruites and yearely tenths with other payments to fill the Popes Cofers by exhausting Christian Kingdomes and all Bishops and Priests become the popes subiects exempted from the Iurisdiction Lawes and penalties of the Princes in whose Countries they liue both their persons goods and lands which is a double iniury to Christian Princes and Common-wealthes First that the Princes and State haue no dominion ouer the persons or bodies of the Clergy or ouer Monkes Fryars Nunnes or other Regulars or Votaries they cannot be punished by the Kings lawes be they adulterers murderers robers traitors or tainted with other villanies except the popes officers will degrade them make thē seculars Which was the Controuercy betwixt King Henry the second Read this whole story in our Chronicles especially in Speeds and Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury who would not yeeld the King any authority to punish Clergy malefactors as being none of his subiects Secondly that the Princes and State haue no aide subsidies or reuenues out of the goods or lands of Church-men or Abbies whereas the goods or lands of such men may arise to a quarter or a third part of the whole Realme yea and they continually increase from Age to Age by gifts bequests and purchases and are neuer alienated to the great impairing of publicke reuenues and publicke force For which the Venetians and other Common-wealthes haue been compelled to make Lawes of restraint lest they should in time be swallowed vp by the Clergy This is against Diuinity equity and antiquity Christ was not exempted from the Magistrates power he acknowledge Pilat to haue power to crucify him Iohn 19.10 11 power to release him euen lawfull power giuen him from aboue He payed tribute to Caesar for himselfe and his Saint Paul acknowledged Caesaer to be his lawfull iudge And taught all men both for conscience sake Mat. 17. end Act. 25.10 Rom. 13.1 c. 1 Pet. 2.13 Bernard epist ad Episcopum Senonensem Omnis anima tum vestra quis vos excipit qui tentat excipere tentat decipere and in equity for the good we receiue from the Magigstrates to be subiect to the ciuill Magistrates that beare the sword Saint Peter doth the like Saint Bernard writing to a Bishop tels him he is not exempted from temporall subiection to Princes he that excepts him deceiues him Father Paul of Venice in his Considerations vpon the censure of Pope Paul 5. pag. 39. shewes how the Exemptions of the Clergy came in peece-meale by the priuiledges of Princes and not jure diuino Anno domini 315. Constantine the great exempted their persons from publicke and Court seruices And Constant and Constance his sonnes added their exemption from illiberall or sordid actions and from Impositions 308 Valens and Gracianus 400 Arcadius and Honorius 420 Honorius and Theodosius 2. c. put the tryall of the Clergy to the Bishop if both parties were willing otherwise to the secular Magistrate which was confirmed by Gracian also anno 460. and by Leo. 560 Iustinian put the Clergy in ciuill causes to the Bishop and in criminall to the secular Iudge 630 Heraclius exempted the Clergy both in ciuill and criminall causes from the secular Magistrate yet euer reseruing entire the Princes immediate Deputies and substitutes But the popes in following Ages challenged these priuiledges as due to them by diuine right and abused these Emperours bountifulnesse to their great disturbance and dishonour And in these last Ages wherein priests and Iesuites are so busie with State matters to the great disquiet and danger of Princes making Religion a Maske to couer and closely conuey treasons and rebellions these exemptions and priuiledges are not tollerable §. 6. III. The Popes authority staies not here in the general Fatherhood of the Church or dominion ouer the Clergy exempting from the secular powers These are but staires to an higher ascent In the first and best times of the Church the gaining of soules to God was the principall end and wealth a poore inferiour meanes to maintaine them selling their lands to relieue the poore Christians Acts 2.45 and 4.34 c. Now it seemes greatnesse and wealth are the chiefe ends and a shew of Religion is a meanes to get them Christs kingdome was not of this world Iohn 18.36 The Popes is Doctor Sanders calls it Sanderi libri de visibili monarchia The visible Monarchy of the Church a Monarchy ouertopping all other yea practising to depose dispose transpose all other Christian Potentates as shall seeme good to the Pope to giue Henries Empire to Rodulph sending to him a Diadem with this Inscription Petra dedit Petro Petrus Diadema Rodulpho authorizing him like Zimri to kill his Master and raigne in his stead To giue England from King Iohn to Philip of France our Henry the eigth his Kingdome to whosoeuer could take it by force Queene Elizabeths to the King of Spaine to omit many others Pope Celestinus crowned Henry 6 and his Empresse See Tortura Torti pag. 264. 262. Baronius approued not Alexander 3. act annot 177. for he thought the story not true But Celestin●s fact he commends and defends B. And●ews in Tortura Torti pag. 263. with both his feet and cast off his with one An Emperours Crowne is but the popes football Gregory 7 made Henry 4. attend bare-footed foure dayes in Winter before his gates Alexander 3 trode vpon Fredericke Barbarosaes necke reciting the verse of the Psalme 91.13 Thou shalt treade vpon the Lyon and Adder The yong Lyon and the Dragon shalt thou trample vnder thy f et These things the world cryed shame vpon and Bellarmine blusheth at some of them and laboureth to weaken the credit of the Reporters but our Bishop Andrewes reckons aboue 20 Authors of diuers Nations reporting them Christ would not
the Pope aboue all former times exalted 3. Obserue If Becket had stood for the substance of Religion or any necessary point thereof it had beene a worthy which now was a wicked part but his standing for matters against the good and peace of the Church and Common-wealth and them ancient and well established and that with obstin●cy against the iudgement not onely of the King Bishops and Nobles at home but euen of the Pope himselfe at the first the Cardinalls the King of France the Vniuersity of Parts and as I may say all the world argued his exceeding folly pride and peeuishnesse 4 Obserue that euen the best sort of Popes against their owne knowledge and inclination may be drawn by their Counsellors and flatterers and by the tickling desire of wealth and greatnesse to take par● countenance and backe most obstinate rebells periured persons and vntollerable troublers of Church and Common wealth yea to defend them while they liue and Saint them after their death Thus King Henry was troubled much by the Romish Hierarchy but King Iohn much more It appeares by this which hath beene said Flores historiarum Matthaei West monast l. 2. p 81 anno 1205 that there had beene troubles about the ancient customes libertie of Princes in the English Church which the Kings stroue still to maintaine and the Popes to infringe whereof one was that no Bishop should bee elected and inuested without the Kings consent in his owne dominions which King Iohn maintained as his predecessors had done It hapned in the seuenth yeere of his raigne that Hubert the Archbishop of Canterbury dyed and the Monks of Canterbury secretly in the night chose Reginald their Sub-prior and brought him in with Te Deum first to the high Altar and then to the Archbishops chayre and presently causing him to sweare secresie sent him with some of their company to the Pope to see how it would be taken but the Pope seeing no letters commendatory from the King made some stay and tooke time to deliberate In the meane season the Monks at home hearing of this delay and finding that Reginald in his way towards Rome had carried himselfe as Archbishop elected and so published their secrets now repenting their euill choyse and bad successe sent to the King and craued license to chuse a new Archbishop whom the King would commend The King winking at their former iniury tooke this kindly and commended vnto their choyse Iohn Grey Bishop of Norwich and brought him to Canterbury himselfe and the Monks in the Kings presence very solemnely chose him put him into the Archbishops seate and the King put him into all the Archbishops possessions writing to the Pope to accept him Had the Pope beene a pious Father of the Church as you describe him giuen to seek peace and ensue it Rom. 12. as much as in him lay he might haue beene well pleased with this peaceable course but hee was led by the spirit of Hildebrand not of Peter and Paul and tooke a course that there might be no peace and that the people might not vnder their natural Kings leade a peaceable and quiet life in all godlinesse and honesty 1 Tim 2. For he would neither accept of Reginald nor Iohn but vrged the Monks that were sent vnto him to chuse a third one Steuen Langton and against all excuses commanded them vpon their obedience and vnder payne of Anathema to doe it presently Whereupon they all yeelded except onely one Elias de Brantfield who still stucke to the King and to the election of the Bishop of Norwich a man worthy of honourable memory for his constant standing though standing alone in danger and to the Popes face to the right to his Prince to the good and liberty of the Church The rest with the Hymn brought Langton to the Altar and the Pope wrote to the King to receiue him B. Caritou iuris c. 7. §. 124. The King was herewith much moued because Steuen Langton though an Englishman born was brought vp vnder the French King promoted by him and tyed to be at his command And therefore King Iohn wrote to the Pope that he had no reason to admit such a one as Langton to such a great place in his kingdome And withall hee banished the Monks that had chosen Langton as traytors and confiscated their goods This was done vpon Saint Swithens day Mat. Westmonast vbi supra The Innocent Pope Pope Innocent the third who about the same time excommunicated Otho 4. Emperour and discharged the States of Almaine and of the Empire from their alleageance vnto him being set on fire with this news sent to the Bishops of England commanding them to put the King and his land vnder the sentence of interdiction which was executed the 24. of March by the Bishops of London Ely and Wigorne who now turned plainely subiects to the Pope and leauing England fled to Rome The King for this cause of Interdict whereby himselfe and his whole land stood accursed commanded all the goods of the Clerks to bee confiscate and thē drew as many as he could of his people to an oath of alleageance The Pope proceeds to excommunicate the King by name and finally to pronounce sentence of deposition against him discharging all his subiects of their oath of alleagiance vnto him sending also Pandulph his Legate first into England and then to Philip Augustus King of France to bestow vpon him the kingdome of England so that hee would expell King Iohn and take it by force By this meanes King Iohn was strangely and suddenly weakened and vtterly disabled to hold his kingdome seeing strong inuasions from without and daily reuolting within to open insurrections and euery man now counted a Saint and Martyr that would fight or suffer in wars against him considering that the Popes Bulles like Magike spelles had let loose many turbulent spirits not easie to be layd againe but by him that raised them After much strugling he was finally compelled to deliuer vp his Crown to Pandolph that he might receiue it againe from him as from the Popes hands and be protected hy him And this was done in the 15. yeere of King Iohns reygne anno dom 1213. And Steuen Langton made Archbishop Thus the King became the Popes vassall and the King of France forbidden by the Popes Nuncio to meddle any further against him K. Iames Remonstrance pag. 256. being now the Popes liege man whom he would protect And now Iohn held his Crowne of the Pope as a man holds his land of another in Knights seruice or by homage and fealty and did faire homage to the Popes Legate laying downe at his feet a great masse of the purest gold in coyne which the reuerend Legate in token of his Masters Soueraignty kicked and spurned with his feet and at solemne feasts was easily entreated to take the Kings Chayre of estate Obserue here first The progresse of the Hildebrandine Religion in deposing of
Pope had actually pronounced published by his Bull Elizabeth to be excommunicated and deposed that since that publication all her actions were by the Law of God disanulled and to be held for nought her Magistrates were no Magistrates her Lawes no Lawes Yea some of them denied not in publike hearing that they were sent for no other cause into England than to absolue euery one particularly from their obedience to the Qu. as the Bull had absolued all in generall and this they did in taking confessions of their Reconclliation to their Church priuately and promising absolution from all mortall sinne so doing most safely and secretly These Seminaries were not erected to teach true Religion and points of doctrine necessary to saluation for those might bee taught and learned in all places without such cost but principally to fit young wits and fiery spirits to become instruments to vphold the Papacy with the dominion greatnesse Camd. ib p. 844. alibi passim and wealth thereof and to regaine those that were fallen from it though it were with the destruction of Kings dissipation of kindomes bloodshed murthers insurrections treasons poysonings massakers and many other euils as the histories following will declare most plainly and by their owne confessions may appeare 1. This story and the rest of the treasōs against Q Elizabeth are set out at large by B. Carlton in his booke entituled A thankful remembrance whose chapters I here note in the margent To come therefore to the Plots and Treasons practised against Queene Elizabeth effects of the Popes excommunication The first was The rebellion in the North stirred vp by one Nicholas Morton a Popish Priest the chiefe leaders within the land were the Earles of Westmerland and Northumberland who were to ioyne with the Duke of Norfolke entending a marriage betwixt him and the Scottish Queene thereby to make clayme to the Crowne of England Queene Elizabeth being deposed by the Popes Bull. With them also was to ioyne the Duke of Alua with his power from the Low-Countries the Earle of Ormond at the same time raysing tumults in Ireland and all procured by Pope Pius 5. who also secretly wrought the mindes of many English by one Ridolph a Gentleman of Florence Camden Annal. an 1568. p. 146. an 1572. p. 227. an 1569. p. 158 166 vnder colour of Merchandise by whom the Popes Bulles letters and money to wit an hundred and fifty thousand crownes were conueighed for the managing of this businesse The Pope further promising to the King of Spaine to engage all the goods of the Sea Apostolike Chalices Crosses and holy vestiments to further it But God preuented this mischiefe for the Northerne Earles preparations being discouered and rising before the other associats were ready were dispersed the Duke of Norfolke taken and put to death and the whole plot defeated to the great griefe of the Pope and the Spaniard The King of Spaine said before the Cardinall of Alexandria the Popes Nephew that neuer any conspiracy was more aduisedly begunne more constantly concealed nor more likely to prosper than this For that an Army might be sent out of the Low-Countries in 24. houres space which might suddenly haue taken the Queene and the City of London vnprouided restored the Popes authority and set the Queene of Scots in the Throne especially hauing so mighty a faction within land and Stukely an English fugitiue made Marquesse of Ireland by the Pope vndertaking at the same time with the helpe of 3000. Spaniards to bring all Ireland to the Kings of Spaines obedience and with one or two ships to burne all the English Nauy This story is written at large by Hieronymus Catena in the life of Pius the 5. and printed at Rome anno 1588. by the same Popes authority and priuiledge by which we come to the knowledge of the whole plot B. Carlton ib. c. 3. Camden ib. pag. 72. 2. I passe by the treasonous leagues made by the Earle of Ormonds Brethren with Iames Fitzmorice of Desmonds Family and others to serue the Pope and Spaniards designes against Queene Elizabeth And the Earle of Darbies sonnes with Gerard Hall Rolston and other Darbishire mens conspiracy to set vp the Queene of Scots And other conspiracies of B. Rosse Henry Percy c. and of Powel and Owen for the Queene of Scots Also of don Iohn of Austria his plotting to marry the Q. of Scots and put downe Elizabeth with the fauor of the Pope and Guises for these plots miscarried in their Infancy Thomas Stukely hauing rioted out his State in England Ibid. cap. 4. Camden Annal. part 2. pag. 193. 229. passed to Rome and made Pius 5. beleeue that with 3000. Italians he would driue the English out of Ireland and burne the Queenes Nauy Pius dying Gregory 13. employed Stukely to get Ireland for his bastard sonne creating the said Stukeley Marquesse of Lagen Earle of Wexford and Caterlogh Vicount of Morough and Baron of Rosse famous places in Ireland and made him Generall of 800. Italian souldiers But Stukeley comming by Portugal ioyned with the King in a warre in Africa that the King afterward might goe against England with Armes as he against Ireland but in Africa they were both slayne and two other Kings died also at the same battell 1572. Whereupon the Spanish King turned his forces prepared for England to subdue Portugall Note here the Popes zeale not to win soules to Christ but Kingdomes to their Bastards Note also two Popes proceed in malice and malediction against Queene Elizabeth and one English fugitiue makes them both fooles And note thirdly how God can diuert the great preparations of puissant Princes and turne their wise policies into foo●ishnesse Nicholas Sanders D. of Diuinity Ibid. cap. 5. Rea●e Camd. A●nal par●t 3. pag. 371 372. hauing written a witty and wicked booke to maintaine the Roman visible Ecclesiasticall Monarchy comes into Ireland 1579 with the Popes legantiue authority and a consecrated banner with three shippes to ioyne with the rebels against Queen Elizabeth where much mischiefe was done supplies sent of men money and armour from the Pope and Spaniard but after diuerse yeeres diuerse fortunes the Earle of Desmond chiefe of the rebels wandering and poore was killed by a common Souldier and D. Sanders for griefe ran mad and finally died miserably being hunger-starued Ibid. cap. 6. See Camdens Annals p. 315. c. Anno 1568. began the Seminaries deuised by Cardinall Allen an Englishman as Sanders was first at Doway for English fugitiues but remoued to Rhemes by the Guises and another erected at Rome by Gregory 13. In them were trayned vp many fit instruments for Rome and Spaine traytors to England issuing out thence when they were fitted as Campian Parson Sherwin Kirby Briant and multitudes of others not in the habits of Priests but of Gallants Seruingmen Summoners or any other the better to insinuate into company and peruert men without danger of discouery
more then three times so much as the taxe for Incest with a mans Mother 4 Consider Bellar. de Iustif lib. 2. cap. 1. in fine if they winke not at our doctrine in their owne men as Pighius the Diuines of Colen Durandus and hundreds of others as long as they professe subiection to the pope in such Catholickes our opinions are not heresie but in vs the same opinions are persecuted with fire and sword 5 Consider Histor concil Trent lib. 3. pag. 293. how kindly they offer to tolerate things otherwise very odious vnto them if men will professe subiection to the pope as anno 1548. Paul the third sent the Bishops of Verona and Ferentino his Nuncij into Germany then almost lost from him with faculties to grant vnto all persons Kings Princes Ecclesiasticall and Regular that would returne to his obedience absolution from all censures dispensations for irregularities or objuration penance oathes perjuries and to restore them to honour fame and dignity and to license them to partake the Cup in the Communion to eat flesh in Lent and Fasting dayes with many other immunities so farre as might be done in time and place without scandall c. So Pius the fourth Annals Eliz. Engl. pag. 63. Latin pag. 49. anno 1560. offered to Queene Elizabeth to allow our whole booke of Common Prayer if she would receiue it as from him and by his authority 6 Consider whether this was not the maine cause of the popes quarrell and thunder against the German Emperours and our English Kings John and Henry the 8. who held all the doctrinall points of the Romish Religion and onely impaired the popes highnesse greatnesse or reuenues In Henry 8 time Hist conc Trid. lib. 1. pag. 70. the Court of Rome maintained that it could not be said There was no change of Religion in England the first and principall article being changed which is the supremacy of the pope and that seditions would arise as well for this onely as for all the rest which the euent shewed to bee true For though the King continued the Religion of the pope so fully by commands and punishments that pope Paul 3 commended him highly to the Emperour Ibid pag. 89 90. ibid. pag. 87. as an illustrious example to bee imitated in that course yet for abrogating the popes supremacy and reuenues in England he thundred a Bull against him denouncing him depriued of his k●ngdome and his adherents of whatsoeuer they possessed and commanding his subiects to deny him obedience and strangers to haue any commerce with that kingdome and all to take armes against and to persecute both himselfe and his followers granting them their estates and goods for their prey and their persons for their slaues It is not therefore the points of true ancient Catholike Christian Doctrine that you so much contend for to make good gracious Christians inheritors of heauenly felicity but it is your wealth and greatnesse or the setting vp and maintaining of your Visible Monarchy of the Church as you Doctor Sanders calls it whereof Christ and his Apostles spake neuer a word and whereof the Primitiue Church neuer dreamed This if our Religion would allow Pius 4. Hist conc Trid. lib. 8. pag. 745. you would allow of our Religion The rather-politicke-then-pious pope saide once since he could not regaine the Protestants it was necessary to keepe those in obedience which hee had Bellar. de eccles militant lib. 3. c. 2. §. nostra autem sententia See Triplici nodo pag. 41 42. Printed 1609. to make the diuision strong and the parties irreconciliable Conformable whereunto now their Doctrine is that such as submit not to the popes supremacy doe renounce Christianity For the Church saith Bellarmine is the company of them that liue in subiection to the pope professing the same faith with him though they haue no inward vertues but be indeed Atheists Hypocrites or Heretickes And in his Epistle to Blackwell the Arch-priest in England anno 1607. he cals the popes supremacy one of the principall heads of the Faith and foundation of the Catholicke Religion and saith They that disturbe or diminish that primacy seeke to cut off the very head of the Faith and to dissolue the state of the whole body and of all the members §. 4. This primacy is practised in the popes challenged gouernment ouer the Church of the whole world For a Turrecremata lib. 2. c. 27. Aug. Triumph q. 19. art 1. as Matrimony is contracted betwixt a prelate and his particular Church by his election and consecration so betwixt the pope and the Vniuersall Church Thus if the pope be the generall bridegroome sponsus and Rome the generall bride sponsa then they two are the common parents of all Christians so that none is to be accounted a Christian that hath not the pope for his father and that Church for his mother Capist fol. 31. ● So saith Capistranus fol. 56 a. A manifest errour for 1 none of the Churches of the New Testament Corinth Galatia Ephesus Philippi Colossus Thessaly Smirna Pergamus Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia Laodicea c. nor 2 other Primitiue Churches following for many hundred yeares were any way dependant vpon Rome or her Bishop but were built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets in generall Iesus Christ himselfe being the chiefe corner stone and by that meanes Eph. 2.20 were no more strangers and forrainers but fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God Ephes 2.19 20. They did not acknowledge Rome their mother but their sister not the roote but a particular branch of the Church such a one as equally with the rest did partake of the root and fatnesse of the Oliue tree Rom. 11.17 Rom. 11.18 20 21 22. And to the Roman Church was written directly this propheticall Caueat Boast not against the branches but if thou boast thou bearest not the root but the roote thee Bee not high minded but feare for if God spared not the naturall branches take heed lest he also spare not thee if thou continue not in his goodnesse thou shalt also be cut off This shewes 1 that Rome is but a branch not the root of the vniuersall Church 2 that it may be cut off and yet other Churches stand and flourish being vnited to the common root and therefore are independant vpon the Church of Rome Baronius an 45. n. 18. Bellar. de Rom. pont lib. 2. c. 2. lib. 3. cap. 13. And it is plaine that the mysticall Babylon ' mother of Abominations drunken with the bloud of the Saints and Martyrs Reuel 17.5 6 is the very City of Rome built vpon seuen mountaines verse 9. and raigning ouer the Kings of the earth Ribera in Apoc. 14. n. 27. seq Viegas in Apoc. 27. comment 1. sec 3. Suarez lib. 5. c. 7. n. 11. Of this point see the glorious Panegyrick Oration of Innotencius 3. calling himselfe the Spouse of the
Guisanus from vpper Germany and Stephanus Tugius who remained at Rome All these of extraordinary learning and experience hauing bin Gouernors of Colledges or Schooles a long time in their seuerall Countries These were appointed by the Pope and Aqua viua to consult of the best manner of trayning vp yong men in the Seminaries They had consultations instructions and intelligences from other places a whole yeare together and doubtlesse concluded vpon the most politicke and likely course that humane wit could deuise to subdue the the world to their owne purposes Meane season there were entised or drawen out of diuers Nations by bookes published ee B. Bilson ●ifference of subiection and rebellion part 1. pag. 149. seq and other meanes many of the best wits such as wanted maintenance or had missed preferments in the Vniuersities or other places or were otherwise discontented or desirous of nouelties c. they were drawne by magnificall promises of preferment degrees honours imployment and most exquisite education in all manner of learning to come to the most bountifull Pope and receiue them And by this meanes shortly were furnished many Seminaries with Iesuite Gouernours and Readers and with plenty of hearers or students Seminarium Romanum Germanum Anglicum Graecum and Maronitanum or of the Inhabitants of Montlibanus to traine vp and make fit instruments in the shortest time to be sent againe into their Countries to put in practise the things they had learned and with all possible wit and diligence to recouer and restore the authority of the Roman Church where it was decayed and in all other places also to preuent such blowes and wounds as the Papacy had already otherwhere receiued To which purpose they had priuiledges contrary to other orders as times and occasions required to goe disguised not in Religious but Lay-mens habits like Gentlemen gallants or seruing-men Dialogue betweene a secular Priest a Gentleman pag. 90. One of their secular Priests reports that a Iesuite hath worne a Girdle Hangers and Rapier worth ten pounds a Ierkin worth as much and made himselfe three sutes of apparell in a yeare his horse furniture and apparell valued at an hundred pounds the better to insinuate into all Companies vnsuspected and creepe into their mindes with cunning perswasions ere they were aware and so goe forwards or fall off as hopes or feares should meete them And wheresoeuer they could finde or worke out entertainment they had priuiledges Buls and Faculties to heare Confessions to pardon sinnes to reconcile and receiue penitents into the bosome of the Church of Rome to instruct them that Princes not of the Catholicke Romish faith nor subiect to the pope were no Princes but had lost their authority rule gouernement and dominion their Officers no Officers their Lawes no Lawes their subiects were freed from obedience to them further then for feare or want of strength they might obey but when they had strength and power they might and ought by all meanes to put such Princes downe and set vp others such as the pope should like of That they should by no meanes come to the Protestant Churches or prayers but maintaine an irreconciliable hatred to all religious Acts and Doctrines of theirs seemed they neuer so good and as they should be able vtterly to extirpe them as people worse then Infidels And for their cunning and appearing sanctitie they became Confessors and Counsellours to Kings and Queenes and great personages and thrust themselues into counsels and actions of state gouernment intelligences and had such connexions amongst themselues as no kinde of men could goe beyond them in wit learning power or policy They nested themselues in places of best aduantage of Princes Courts chiefest Cities greatest men and where they could once place Seminaries or Colledges of their owne Society they made account that Countrey was their owne Their Colledges as it is obserued placed vpon the walles of Cities afforded them passage into the City or abroad into the world at pleasure to giue or receiue intelligence as occasion serued They ha● their Generall at Rom● at the popes elbow as the aforesaide Claudius de Aqua viva and vnder him Prouincialles and Arch-priests in euery Countrey as George Blackwell Henry Garnet and after him George Bircot in England to giue order and directions to inferiour Iesuites and there to appoint them their limits and imployments call them to accou●t and send them when and whither they thought good And so erected a new Iesu ticall gouernment and clasped the King●ome as farre as was pos●ible in their owne fists See the full discou●se h●re of in M●●●●to Ga●lob●l●i●o Da●t●cano anno 1607. pag. 67. It was w●ll discoursed to the P●lonian Nobility assembled for Reformation of the troubles in the Land That the greatest en●mies to that other free estates were the Iesuites who had a Monarchicall policy fittest to mooue and act tyed to one head at Rome and tyed to their superiours in straitest forme of Obedience that the lower may not enquire into any no not the absurdest commands of the superiours but must yeeld ready obedience without knowing any reason of the equity or danger thereof Which blinde obedience hath brought forth many desperate audacious instruments and designes So that the Iesuites faction is a most agile sharpe sword whose blade is sheathed at pleasure in the bowels of euery Common-wealth but the handle reacheth to Rome and Spaine So that the very life death and fortunes of all Kings Magistrates and Common-wealthes hangs vpon the horoscope of the Iesuites pleasures If the Iesuites be as lucky starres in the ascendent and culminant they may liue continue and flourish if maleuolent they perish but that Deus dominabitur Astris §. 5. See Rainold Hart. confe● cap. 1. din. 6 ●p 382. The great estate and authority of Cardinals was an especiall meanes to aduance and vphold the Papacy after that the parishes grew so populous that there needed mor● Priests and Deacons then one in euery Parish and Ward in Rome the principall was called the Cardinall priest and Cardinall Deacon Bell●r Apolog. con●●a praesat m●●●ortum Iacob Reg●s cap. 4. pa● 34. 38 39 Ibid. pag. 337. con● Lat●ran cap. 1. and this honourable name was in time also giuen to the chiefe Bishops neere vnto Rome they were also called Cardinall Bishops as the Bishop of Alba Tusculum Preneste Sabine Portuesse and Ostia And vntill the yeare 1180. they all Bishops Priests and Deacons liued on th●ir owne charge and discharged it in their owne persons though also as nearest often imployed in the popes affaires But by Alexander the third Cerem Eccle. Rom. lib. 1. 3. August Triumphus d● potest eccl q est 8. art 4. Antonin Sum. part 3. tit 21. cap. 1. § 2. Ceremoniar Rom eccl s lib. 1. sect 8 cap. 3. Some fetch a prophesie of Cardinals from Sam●ch M●ther 1 Sam 2.8 where h● saith Do●ini su●t cardines terrae posunt super
Cap. 7. 1583. Camden Annal part 3. p 370. 7. Someruile bewitched by the wicked seditious bookes of the Iesuits sought to come into the Queenes presence to kill her and by the way set vpon one or two with his drawne sword but was taken and hanged as was also Ardern his father in Law 8. Among other mischieuous bookes one exhorted the Ladies and maids of honour to doe as Iudith did to Holofernes 1584 See Camd. Annal ib. p. 398. 9. Francis Throgmorton practised to deliuer the Q. of Scots Vpon discouery whereof Thomas L. Paget and Charles Arundell fled into France the Earles of Northumberland and Arundell commanded to keepe their houses and 70. Priests whereof some were condemned to dye were sent out of England whereof the chiefe were Gasper Heywod Iames Bosgrate Iohn Hart Edward Bishton c. 10. Bernardine Mendoza Embassadour from the K. of Spaine was commanded to auoyd England for treasonable practices with Thr●gmorton and others to bring strangers into England and depose the Queene This Mendoza had made two Catalogues One of the Hauens of England fit to land forces in the other of all the Noble men that fauoured the Romish Religion 11. Cap. 8. Queene Elizabeth purposed to set the Queene of Scots at liberty and sent Sir William Wade to her to conferre of the meanes and was ready also to send other Commissioners to effect it but a strange accident hindred it One Creighton a Scottish Iesuit being taken by Dutch Pirats tore certaine papers and cast them into the Sea but they were blowne backe into the shippe gathered brought to Sir William Wade who peeced them againe and they discouered new practises of the Pope Spaniards and Guises to depose Queene Elizabeth and King Iames and set vp the Queene of Scots and marry her to some English Lord to be chosen by the Catholikes and confirmed by the Pope their children to succeed them to this purpose were to be employed Cardinall Allen for the English Ecclesiastikes Sir Francis Inglefield for the Laikes and the Bishop of Rosse for the Queene of Scots 12. William Parry a Welshman 1585. Reade the whole story in Camden Annal. part 3. p. 391. Doctor of the Ciuill Law sought occasion to kill the Queene insinuating into her fauour by telling her that hee had found out treasonable intents in Morgan and other fugitiues who practised her destruction and that hee had conferred with them closely to finde their purposes and keepe her safe desiring her leaue to doe so still and to haue accesse vnto her to discouer what he found But Parry himselfe in good time being suspected accused taken imprisoned and examined by graue Counsellors at last freely confessed that in France and from Rome by Cardinall Como he was confirmed that it was lawfull and meritorious to kill the Queene and especially by D. Allens booke written against the Iustice of England and that hee was imployed to that purpose for which he was executed Cap. 9. Camd ib. part 3 pag 399. 13. Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland though pardoned for his rebellion 16. yeeres before restored and made Earle by the Queenes mercy yet practised with Mendoza and Throgmorton to put downe Elizabeth and set vp the Queene of Scots and being imprisoned killed himselfe with a Pistoll was found dead the dore bolted on the inside oh mischieuous Popishnesse the ruine of many Noble houses Camd. ib. p 431. seq Reade it there at large 14. Sauage also vowed to kill the Queene as did also George G●fford a pentioner hired by the Guise for a great summe of money and perswaded by Doctor Gifford Gilbert Gifford and Hodgeson Priests that it was lawfull and meritorious 15. And Ballard a Priest walking in a souldiers habit and calling himselfe Captaine Foscue promised an inuasion by the Pope Spaniard Guise and D. of Parma he told Babington of the Queenes death to bee acted by Sauage perswaded him to see the Queene of Scots fauour and drew more heroik Actors as they called them into the conspiracy Tilney Tichburne Abington Barnewell Charnocke besides others for other purposes Windsor Salisbury Gage Trauerse Iones Dun. And they practised how to stirre Ireland to draw Arundell and his brethren and Northumberland to their side and call Westmerland Paget and others home But Sir Francis Walsingham found out all the plot by meanes of one Gifford a brother false to them but true to the State so that when the proiect was ripe and the Queen made acquainted the Traytors though fled and dispersed were taken conuicted and executed Cap. 10. Camd. ib. p. 483. 16. Anno 1587. Many discontented persons still continually haunted the Queene of Scots like euill spirits tempting her L'Aubespineus the French Embassadour lieger went about by treason to free her mouing William Stafford whose mother was of the Queenes Bed-chamber to kill the Queene by poyson Gun-powder or rather sword Trappius the Embassadours Secretary perswaded Stafford and Moody but Stafford reuealed all to the Queenes Councell Trappius was intercepted going into France The Embassadour being called before the Councell denied all but Stafford affirmed it to his face The Lord Burleigh told him though he were not punished yet he was not iustified 17. Shortly after Camd. ib. part 4. pag. 843. William Stanley and Rowland Yorke became Traytors Yorke being made Captaine of a Sconse neere Zutphen betrayed it to the Spanyard and Stanley betrayed to them the rich fenced Towne of Deuenter and sent for Priests to teach his English and Irish the Popish Religion being in number 1300. calling them The Seminary legion as the Seminary Priests ordained to defend the Romish Religion Not long after Yorke was poysoned Stanley tossed from place to place ignominiously and his fellowes some died for hunger some stole away himselfe was neuer trusted for the Spaniards vsed to say Some honour might bee giuen to a traytor but no trust and hee found too late he had most of all betrayed himselfe 18. The maruellous climactericall Cap. 11. 72. See the whole history hereof in Camdens Annales part 3. pag. 513. seq Meteranus Hakluits voyages Speeds chron and fatall yeere as some called it 1588. whereupon the superstitious built great hopes brought forth the Spanish Armado a Nauy by them termed inuincible furnished with the best experienced and famous Captaines and souldiers from Spaine Italy Sicily America and all other places to be gotten to conquer England by huge force which had before beene vainly attempted by false treachery It consisted of 130. shippes 19290. souldiers Mariners 8350. chayned rowers 2080. Great Ordnance 2630. Vnto which the Prince of Parma in Flanders was to adioyne his forces building shippes and brode vessels to transport 30. horses a peece with twenty thousand vessels with 103. companies on foot and 4000. horsemen and among these were 700. English fugitiues These were blessed by the Pope and with the Catholikes prayers and intercessions to Saints and for greater terror to the
Kings Princes and Nations and of the whole Church their hopes should not haue beene so often deluded who sought and promised to themselues at least some tollerable reformation from him neither should there haue beene such a Rent among the Churches of Europe when euery Nation seeing Rome would doe nothing was constrained to looke to it selfe and make if not a perfect reformation yet as good as it could and as neere to the Word of God and the custome of the Primitiue Church as time and meanes would afford For if it be obiected that the intended Reformation is not perfect as appeareth by the differences of some Reformed Churches yet surely first th● Reformers mindes were good who with all their hearts and endeuours sought it and secondly the coniunction of all Nations Wits Learning and other meanes by a free generall Councell which might ouer-rule the Pope and all other particulars was onely hindred by the Pope and his Faction But 3 surely the Reformation was most laudable and necessary if it had effected no more but this as one of them wrote in answere to Cardinalll Sadolet that they freed themselues from the tyranny of the Bishop of Rome and had constituted in their Countries somewhat better forme of the Church which before was most vntollerable both to Princes and People Such a Reformation as many former Ages had with greeuous sighes and grones wished and desired hungred and thirsted after but all in vaine because the truth in Europe had not yet shined out of darknesse of which our Sauiour had said ye shall know the truth Ioh. 8.32 and the truth shall set you free Therefore 1 Our late Princes 2 all the orders of the Kingdome and 3 all the people haue seene and felt the goodnesse of God and are bound to be most thankfull to him except they be of all men the most insensible and vngratefull for their great blessing following the Reformation of Religion in England 1 The Princes that they reigne now in their owne right they are not the liege-men and Vassals of the Pope that haue not their kingdome Precariò at the pleasure of another as Bayliffes of another mans inheritance that they and their Reuerend Clergy are at vnity neither fearing excommunications nor depositions from other that they diuide the care of placing Ministers with their Bishops challenging to themselues without feare that part which is due to them and concerneth the temporalls and leauing that part of the care to the Bishops which toucheth spirituals and all things which proue them to be true Kings For this blessing Kings are behoulden to Gods truth which is a friend to them which establisheth them and is with all care and diligence by them to be established Alas for those former times Inas See Polydor hist Angl. lib. 5. pag. 86. wherein amongst our Kings glorious Ancestors one led away with blinde superstition hauing zeale but not according to knowledge did of his owne accord when no necessity compelled him make his Kingdome tributary to Gregory the third King Iohn Bishop of Rome Another brought into desperation by aduerse crosses yeelded vp his Kingdome of England and Ireland to Pope Innocent 3. By whom he had bene miserably embroyled and was compelled to be content to be the Popes steward or Baily O horrid blindnesse of those times O sucessors of Peter egregiously resembling Peter in their doings O what a griefe surprized not onely the Barons Nobles and all subjects of the Realme but also the Kings and Princes throughout Europe as euery one was more wise and better then other to see the fall so heauy so foule of so great a Prince The speaches which some of them vttered at the newes of so inhumane example are committed to writing for perpetuall memory as witnesses also of their most iust both indignation and amazement Yea the speach of that vnfortunate King is extant in the writers of those times most worthy to be deeply setled in all Princes hearts After that I was reconciled to God saith hee and subjected my selfe and my Kingdomes alas for sorrow to the Roman Church nothing came to me prosperous But al things contrary Post quā ut dixi Deo reconciliatus me ac mea regna proh dolor Romana subjeci ecclesiae nulla mihi prospera sed contraria omnia aduenerunt 2 The Clergy and people of England liue happily The Bishops elect neede not run beyond the Alpes to buy their confirmation of the Pope for great summes of money nor purchase their Palles with the waight of gold nor run to Rome euery 3 yeares or as oft as the Pope list that is as oft as he thirsteth after English coyne Now they haue no such care as in times past the Bishops of England had to take vp the best benefices for Italians In which benefices as Mathy Paris saith neither lawes nor order were kept nor releefe for the poore nor hospitality nor preaching of Gods word nor necessary ornaments or repair of Churches nor care of soules nor diuine or deuout prayers as was fit and as was accustomed in the country but in their buildings the walles and roofes fell downe or were pitifully rent and torne Now the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury feareth not new Bulles from the Pope to suspend him from collating any benefices vntil 300 Romans be prouided for by benefices next falling void as it fell out anno 1239 to Edmund the Archbishop by Buls sent from Gregory 9. The Pope hauing promised it to the Roman citizens who at that time little fauored him 3 The Ecclesiasticall controuersies arising in England by a very ancient Canon wherof S. Cyprian also maketh mention are determined in England The collectors of Peter pence and other contributions the Roman visitors proctors and farmers the Marchants of Indulgences or pardons to men according to their wealth the dispencers of vowes and Institors of legitimation to make men capable of orders the Caursine Vsurers that liued at Rome but drew thither all the wealth of England lending to English Nobles others vpon morgage of their lands or other extreme vsuries money to satisfy the Pope and his Harpies The bringers of Buls for new extortions The witty Mice-catchers Muscipulatores as the Story cals them such as Petrus Rubeus and many others conning Artificers to drain money from men for the Pope and sixe hundred such like greedy and greeuous Arts by the vnvtterable benefit of the truth of Religion their names are now scarse heard of and should be vtterly vnknowne were it not for the monuments and histories of former ages Neither doth now any Legat à latere any messenger from the Popes side exercise any Rauin for money in England as many did heretofore and some with execrable hunger of gold as we read of one of them Otto sent by Gregory 9 who after three yeeres raking together of money by most detestable Artes at last departing hence left not so much money in the whole Kingdome as he either carried with
him or sent to Rome before him And yet these euils are small in comparison of others which Englishmen haue felt continually for many Ages from the Court of Rome as the Historians of those times with full consent record Verè enim hortus deliciarum Papis fuit tum Anglia puteus inexhaustus As we reade it was truly and tr●mly said by Pope Jnnocent 4. England was a Garden of deliciousnesse to the Popes and a fountaine inexhaust or vndrainable I speake not now of the true blessings of the soule for which all men may thanke the Reformation of Religion which pious Princes make more account of then of all the Kingdomes of the earth The sincere worship of God alone without fellowes or copartners The veneration of the B. Virgin and holy Saints without superstition The peace of conscience with God by faith in the merits and death of Christ not that the faithfull should cease from good works fie away with such madnes but that when a man hath doneall he can do yet to acknowledge himself an vnprofitable seruant and neuer place confidence in his owne merits to gather exceeding great comfort in the daily and continual reading and meditating of the Scriptures not interpreting them after his own sense but in those things which he finds in them perspicuous and plaine for in such sort they afford vs if we beleeue the Fathers all things necessary to saluation and such as are agreeable to the expositions of the first Doctors of the Church he may sortisie his minde against false opinions which at this day are obtruded vpon the vnwary for ancient articles of faith The receiuing of the holy Communion according to the institution and commandement of our Lord and the continuall practise of the Chuch for more then a thousand yeeres vnder both kinde● Mindes confirmed against those thunders of Excommunication so terrible in former times which the Popes cast abroad oftentimes against innocent Princes and rather for humane causes then Diuine as euery man knoweth As when Innocent 3 kept all the people of this Land vnder a curse most deadly and damnable as the Popes would haue men beleeue and then it was so beleeued whole sixe yeeres three moneths and fourteene dayes In which time all that dyed in the Land were depriued of buriall and iudged to bee damned creatures all new borne remained vnbaptized prayers and teaching ceased in all Churches and men liued like Infidels In so large a land so plentifull of people to continue this curse but for one day vpon so many thousands of Innocents had been doubtlesse a most wicked and damnable thing But from all these euils and many other the blessed Reformation of that formerly corrupted Religion hath redeemed vs. Such things writes the learned and iudicious Casaubon And as the Reformation deliuered vs frō many euils so it hath filled vs with many blessings which we daily feele in full measure but are not able in any sufficient measure to expresse Take a short view of our blessings enioyed vnder our late Princes Cambden Annales Elizabethae initio B. Carltons Thankfull Remembrance initio Queene Elizabeth entring her raigne anno 1558 found at first many potent enemies few and impotent friends Philip King of Spaine who sued to marry her by a dispensation from the Pope hauing buried Mary her sister his former wife now being refused by her turned his loue into hatred Henry 2 King of France with whom she sought peace and amity brake out into open hostility His sonne Francis hauing married Mary the Queene of Scotland professed his Wife to be the heire of England assumed the Armes and Title thereof and sought to displace Elizabeth as one also accounted an Hereticke So were the great neighbour-States of Spaine France and Scotland her professed enemies Her Friends that would haue h●●ped her were weake and could not but stood in need of helpe from her The Scots sore troubled with the French Armies procured by the Guisians The Low-Countries beaten down by the Duke of Alva Agent for the King of Spaine The Protestants of Denmarke and France were faine to craue aide from Her as also other friends did The State at home was much troubled the treasure exhausted and oppressed with great debt contracted by King Henries boundlesse expences King Edwards minority and Queene Maries forraigne marriage and other troubles the land without strength forces souldiers artillery powder and treasure Calis lately lost and nothing seemed lef● but a weake and poore State destitute of meanes and friends So that her great neare Neighbours round about her made no other account of her but as one left to be a prey to the strongest that would inuade her Yet see the mighty hand and blessing of God vpon her not onely to deliuer her out of all these difficulties but further to enable her to support her friends and to match and master her enemies When shee prouided Armour at Antwerpe and King Philip caused it to bee stayed yet she partly procured Armour and Weapons out of Germany but principally God opened new Brasse Mines in England which had been long before neglected sufficient for vs and to vent into other Countries and yeelded vs then first the stone called Lapis calaminaris needfull for working in Brasse By meanes whereof She caused store of Gunnes to be cast of Brasse and Iron at home and Gunpowder also then first to be made in England which before was bought from other Countries Camden ibid. pag 27. And further By the happy abolishing of the Popes Religion as England became the most free of all other Countries in the world the Scepter being as it were manumitted from the former seruitude of the Bishop of Rome so it became also more rich then in former Ages a great masse of money being kept at home which formerly was exhausted and yearely and daily carried to Rome for first fruits Indulgences appeales dispensations Palles such other things Strengthned therefore by all these blessings She fortified Barwicke against Scotland and prouided a great Nauy to safeguard the Sea-coasts And whereas former Kings hyred ships from forraigne places Hamburg Lubecke Dantiske Genua Venice c. Now She built great store of ships of Warre Herselfe and all Coast-townes with incredible alacrity wondring at her wisedome and care of them did the like So that in short time England was able to employ twenty thousand men in Sea-fight at once And her enemies began to feare her more then she did them And such was her power and policy See Speedes Chronicle in Elizabeth § 347. seq and Gods extraordinary blessings vpon them that the great affaires of Europe mainly depended vpon Her directions She sitting at the helme of the ship as Fronto spake of Antonius the Emperour arbitrated and guided their estates both in peace and warre Spaine seeking to ouerflow all was beaten backe and scarcely able to maintaine her owne Barkes In France the house of Valoys vnderpropped by Her counsell that of Bourbons