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A12482 An answer to Thomas Bels late challeng named by him The dovvnfal of popery wherin al his arguments are answered, his manifold vntruths, slaunders, ignorance, contradictions, and corruption of Scripture, & Fathers discouered and disproued: with one table of the articles and chapter, and an other of the more markable things conteyned in this booke. VVhat controuersies be here handled is declared in the next page. By S.R. Smith, Richard, 1566-1655. 1605 (1605) STC 22809; ESTC S110779 275,199 548

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●8 Beda lib. 1. c. 31. l. 2. c. 2. Apud Godvvin in vit August Godvvin sup Stovv An. 603. Cambd. in Britan. p. 104. in diuers places S. Beda other ancient writers and by the Epitaph of S. Augustins tombe but cōfessed also by diuers Protestants Againe in the yeare 601. he sent more Preachers and with them al things necessary for the furniture and seruice of the Church as holie vessels saith S. Beda Aultar Beda lib. 1. c. 29. clothes apparel for priests and Clarcks reliques of holie Apostles and Martirs and many bookes and a Palle to S. Augustin to vse only writeth S. Gregory at Masse Apud Bed sup appointed also him to be ouer al the Bishops and Priests of Britany and gaue him licence to institute 24. Bishopricks whereof 12. should be vnder his prouince and 12. vnder yorke Besides he sent rich presents of Bed lib. 1. c. 32. Gregor lib. 9. epist 59. 60. diuers sorts and letters vnto the King and Queene for to confirme them in their faith and sent order also into Gregor lib. 5. epist 10. France to buy such English youths as were there slaues and to send them vp to Rome there to be brought vp in vertue learning VVherein he gaue the example of the English Seminary which not long after our English Kings founded in Rome This was the exceeding loue of this B. Pope towards our Nation vvhom vve may vvel and must saith S. Beda lib. 2. c. 1. cal our Apostle and may lavvfullie pronounce of him that saying of the Apostle 1. Cor. ● Although he vvere not an Apostle to others yet he vvas vnto vs For the signe of his Apostleship vve are in our Lord. Neither was this great good so happilie begun and planted in our nation by S. Gregorie and his Legates neglected by the Popes his successors but rather diligentlie watered and furdered by them as appeareth by the letters Bed lib. 2. c. 10. 11. Huntingt l. 3. Bed lib. 2. c. 17. Hunting sup Bed lib. 4. c. 18. Hunt l. 4. p. 335. Malmesbur l. 1. Pontif. p. 197. VVestm onast A. 789. Malmesb. l. 2. Reg. p. 47. A. 804. P. Honorlus An. 635. Bed l. 3. c. 7. Gadvv in vit Birini P. Vitalian 668. Bed lib. 4. c. 1. 2. Gadvv in vit Theodori Antonin tit 14. c. 4. paragr 14. Lazius l. 3. de Cimmeri●s Ramus Poeta German apud Cābd in Britan. p. 105. Polid. lib. 5. Messages of diuers of them sent vnto our Princes and Bishops to that purpose as of P. Boniface 5. in the yeare 618. of P. Honorius in 633. of P. Agatho 679. P. Zacharie about 746. P. Adrian 789. P. Formosus 894. and others But most of al it was increased by P. Honorius his sending hither in the yeare 635. that Apostolical man S. Birin who conuerted the west Saxons and by P. Vitalian who in 668. sent hither those holie and great learned men S. Theodor and Adrian by whose teaching Englishmen in short time became the rarest men and best learned of their age and the first founders of the vniuersities in Paris and Pauia and consequentlie the chiefest fountaines of the learning which hath bene since in the west After this time Eardulf King of Northumberland being driuen out of his kingdome countrey P. Leo 3. in the yeare 808. P. Leo 3. An. 808. Amoinus l. 4. c. 94. Regino in chron Baron 808. sent Card Adalph his legate into England who with the helpe of Charles the greats Embassadors restored the King peaceablie vnto his kingdome Not long after P. Leo 4. dispensed P. Leo 4. 855. Gathezelin in vit S. Suithuni apud Sut. Baron 855. with King Ethelwal for to marry which he being a Subdeacon could not do lawfullie at the same kings request crowned his sonne Alfred VVestmonast 855. Baron sup King and adopted him for his sonne who afterward for his worthie deeds both in warre peace was surnamed the great and for al things became the rarest Prince that England and perhaps Christendom euer had Soone after in the yeare 883. at the suite of the King Alfred the great P. Martin P. Martin 1. 883. VVestmonast Baron A. 883. Gadvvin in vit Pleg 1. released the tribute which the English schoole or Seminary then in Rome paide sent to the King many guifts among which was a good piece of the holie Crosse In the yeare 990 when Richard Marques of Normandie had purposed to inuade England and make warre vpon king Ethelred P. Iohn 15. sent P. Ihon. 15. An. 990. Epist apud Malmesb. l. 2. Reg. c. 10. Baron An. 990. his Nuntio and letters to take vp the matter who happilie brought them to agreement and about the yeare 1059. P. Nicolas the second granted to king P. Nicolas 2. 1059. Epist ad Eduard R. apud Sur. in cit Eduardi Edward Conss and his successors aduocationem tuitionem omniū totius Angliae Ecclesiarum the aduouzon protection of al the Churches in Englād And in the yeare 1094. P. Vrban 2. in P. Vrban 2. 1094. Malmesbur l. 1. Pontif. p. 223. Gadvvin in vit Anselmi a councel at Bari appointed that S. Anselme Archbishop of Canterburie and his successors should sit in Councels besides the Archdeacon of Rome who sitteth before the P. adding these honourable words Includamus hunc in orbe nostro tanquam alterius orbis Papam wheras before it was vnknowne saith Malmesbury what place belonged to our Archibishop the same place did P. Paschal 2. confirme in a councel at Rome about the yeare 1102. But besids this diuers other dignities haue bene graunted to the Sea of Canturb Malmesbur sup p. 208. 209. by the Popes as that it should be Primate ouer al Britany and the B legatinati Polid. lib. 13. Gadvvin in vit Theobaldi and other like dignities Moreouer in the yeare 1098. the Scottish men saith Genebrard out of Genebrard chron in Vrban 2. Pascali 2. Leone 9. Maior Boethius two Scottish Chroniclers obtained of P. Vrban 2. for their Prince that he might haue the name title and anointment of a king which the Hungarians and Polonians Baron An. 1000. had obtained for their Princes about the yeare 1000. whereupon Edgar was then first anointed King of Scotland And about 1107. P. Pascal P. Pascal 2. 1107. Malmesbur lib. 5. Reg. p. 163. 2. writing to king Henry 1. among other things promiseth so to fauor him and his sonne as vvho saith he hurteth you or him may seeme to haue hurt the Church of Rome And in the yeare 1152. when K. Steephen hauing vsurped the Crowne of England would haue caused the Bishops to Crowne his sōne Eustace thereby to exclude for euer the right heyre Henry 2. Pope Eugenius P. Eugenius 3. An. 1152. Stovv A● 1152. Gadvvin in vit Theobaldi 3. sent commaundement to the Cleargie not to medle in that matter whereby it was hindered
shott sighted or starcke blinde For what Sigebert writeth of Pipin he meaneth not of Pipin Carolus his father and giuer of the exarchate who died 768. but of Pipin Carolus his sonne and neither his possessing Italy 801. nor his sonne Bernards kingdome therof 812. doth preiudice the Popes regality ouer the exarchate and Coctian Alpes giuen him before by King Pipin Aripert any more then it doth preiudice the regality and dominion which the greeke Emperours had at the same time Naucletus general 27. Platina in Leone 3. Bland Dec. 1. l. 1. ouer a great parte of Italie vz. From Naples and Manfredonia to the sea of Sicily 7. For besides that Lombardy whereof Pipin and Bernard were kings was then called Italie as is euident out of Charles his Nauclerus general 18. testament where he saith Itali which is also called Lombardy because they alone in Italy were then called Kings and possessed the best parte thereof they were intitled of the whole as the Kings of England were before the vnion of Scotland by straungers called in latin Kings of Britanny And as for Charles the great he was soe far from taking from the Pope what his father Pipin had giuen as he added thereto saith Nauclerus the I le of Corsica and what is from Luna to the Alpes confines of Italy and what betwixt Leo Ostiensis lib. 1. chron Cassinen Parma and Luca together with the Dukedomes of Spoleto and Beneuent 8. But yet far greater blindenes it is not to be able to see how the Pope can be now any Kinge at al if others were Kings of Italie 800. years agoe can he not se how kingdomes may be altered not only to different families but euen to diuers nations in lesse then eight hindred years are not the Normans and their discent Kings of England because they were not 800. nay 600 years agoe are not Spaniards Kings in Italie because they were not 400. yeares agoe could not the Popes in eight hundred years space come to a kingdome either by guifte of Princes or by iust ware or at least by prescription of time which they had not before 9. As for the Popes besides the guifts of Constantine Aricthpert Pipin and Carolus Magnus before mentioned Ludouic Pius Emperour and sonne to Carolus Magnus Gratian. d. 63. can ego Ludouicus confirmed the donation of his grandfather Pipin and afterward Countesse Leo lib. 3. chron c. 48. Maud gaue to the Pope Liguria and Tuscia in the yeare 1079. of which guifts the authentical euidences saith Bellarmin Bellarm. de Rom. Pont. c. 9. are extant in Rome which suffiseth to let Bel see how the Pope may be now a King though he were none in the yeare 812. besides that pag 17. he could see how some Christian Kings and Emperours haue yeelded vp their soueraigne rights to the Pope and pag 11. how Pipin gaue vp the gouernment of Italie into his hand and is he stricken blinde in the midest so that pag 14. he could not see how the Pope is now any King at al. Thus much of Bels blindnes out of his owne confession Now let vs see as much of his smal credit by the like confession 10. Bellarmin saith he must be credited at Bel pag. 14. Bellar. sup leisure when he telleth vs that Pipin gaue Rauenna and Pentapolis to S. Peter S. Paul meaning Ex Adone loc cit lib. 3. c. 3. ex regione Sigebert ●● chron Bland Dec. 1. lib. 10. Magdeburg cent 8. c. 10. the Pope and yet him selfe telleth vs pag 11. that Pipin gaue vp the gouernement of Italie into the Popes hands If Bellarmin must be credited at leisure for saying Pipin gaue to the Pope a smal parte of Italie though he proue it by many witnesses and Bel confesse it to be so apparant that it can not be denied Surelie Bel p. 12. Bel not to be credited him selfe must not be credited at al for saying without al testimony yea contrary to his owne testimony pag 13. that he gaue Italie to the Pope I omit a petit vntruth of his saying that Meroueus was the first christian King of France So blinde he is that he Anual Gall. Claude Paradin des Alliances Gnealogiques Bel pag. 12. can not discerne the grand-father from the grand-childe Meroueus from Clodoueus a heathen from a christian 11. The sixt steppe Bel maketh the translation of the Empire by Pope Leo 3. from the Greekes to the French or Germans in the person of Charles the great of this translation we haue spoken before and it is rather a notorious act of the Popes superiority ouer Emperours then a steppe thereunto But because Sigebert in recounting Sigeb chronic 801. it saith Romani animo desciuerant ab Imperatore Constantinopoli Which Bel Englisheth pag. 13. reuolted from the Emperour he inferreth diuers vntruths first that Popes were subiect to 23 vntruth Emperours 800. yeares after Christ Secondly that the translation of the Empire implied flat treason 24 vntruth in the Pope and Romans Thirdlie that Sigebert 25 vntruth saith they surrendered the right of their soueraigne to an othor 12. To disproue the two first vntruths Bel disproued by him selfe I need no other witnes then Bel him selfe who pag 8. affirmed that from the yeare 471. vntil Carolus Magnus which was 801. Barbarians possessed al Italie If from 471. vntil 801. Barbarians possessed al Italie how Contradict 7. Contradict 8. were Popes 800. yeares vnder Emperours how committed they treason against Emperours in making Carolus Emperour if at that time aboue 300. yeares before they were not vnder Emperours but vnder Barbarians 13. The truth is that Barbarians possessed Baron in annal Italie from the yeare 476. for more then 80. yeares after which time the Grecian Emperour in the yeare 553. recouered al Italie and albeit they lost shortly after in the yeare 568 a great part therof yet they kept Rome vntil about the yeare 726. Onuph saith 731 when both Rome and Onuphr in chron Baron in annal Italie reuolted from Leo 3. Emperour of Constantinople for his heresie against Images and would then haue chosen an other Emperour against him if Gregory the second then Pope had not disswaded them Since which time Rome was neuer vnder the Emperours of Constantinople And therefore neither were the Popes subiect to Emperours 800. yeares after Christ nor did Pope Leo commit any treason against the Grecian Emperors by creating Charles Emperour in the yeare 801. which was almost a hundred yeares after the reuolt of Italy from the greekes As for the third vntruth it is euident because Sigebert doth not cal the grecian Emperour soueraigne to to the Romans And the word desciuerant signifieth any for saking or leauing of one whether he be his soueraigne or no. 14. But Bel goeth on in erring the Pope Bel pag. 13. not to be true King of Italie because writers agree not
c. 6. Malmesb. lib. 1. Reg. lib. 2. Pont. Huntingt l. 3. Marian. A. 693. al. 617. VVestman 616. who thereupon returned to the Chaistian faith recorded by S. Beda aboue eight hūdred yeares agoe who wrote nothing but what he knew him selfe or receaued from credible men whose history was approued by the King of his dayes by the Protestants Godvvin in life of Tatvvin Cambd. in Britania p. 12. now and finallie it is contested deliuered by our best Chroniclers Not long before when the King had built a Monasterie and Church in honor of S. Peter where now westminster standeth S. Peter came from heauen and consecrated as by miracle he confirmed the same church promising that there he would heare the prayers of the faithful VVherupō King Edward Conss reedified that church of new chose it for the place of his sepulture whom the most of his successors haue imitated and bene there also crowned Authors of this are Abbat Ealred Malmesburiensis In vit S. Eduardi Malmesbur l. 1. de Pont. See Sauil ep ad Reg. Elizab ante Malmesbur Epist ad Eduard R. apud Sur. Baron An. 610. a man highlie esteemed of Protestants P. Nicolas 2. and others In like maner when England was sore oppressed by the Danes S. Peter was seene of Brithwald a holie B of winchester in a vision to anoint S. Edward Conss King of England and to foretel the yeares of his raigne and the end of the Danish fury adding withal these most comfortable words The kingdome of England is the kingdome of Loc. cit Malmesb lib. 2. reg cap. 13. p. 91. lib. 8. histor Angl. God This testifie the foresaid Ealred Malmesbury Polidor and others If Protestāts obiect against my Authors that they were Papists I must confesse but to their shame that I finde no protestāt writer before K. Henry 8. his time yet such papists they are as protestants account some of them the singular Cambden in Britan. p. 12. in Durham Stovv A-726 Bel in dovvnefal p. 54. of S Beda Sauil of Masmesbur Hunting and Hoveden epist. ante Malmesbur ornamēts of England especial friends of truth and renowmed through Christendom for vertue and learning and others they cal faithful recorders of things done good and diligent Authors and most true guides of the times past Such also they are as wrote long before protestants were therefore not vpon any splene against them and finallie such they are as vpon their authority principallie dependeth al the credit of our English Chronicles Others perhaps wil say that the foresaid histories are not in scripture True nor almost any thing els in al our Chronicles Shal we therefote beleue nothing but what God reporteth I request no more but that the foresaid matters be as wel credited as other things are which the same Authors report This affection and loue towards England was not proper to S. Peter alone but descended vnto his successors For when the sweet sound of the Ghospel first preached here by him had so increased as it came to the eares of Lucius then King of this land he sending to Rome for preachers P. Eleutherius about the yeare 156. sent P. Eleutherius A. 156. S. Beda lib. 1. c. 4. Martyr Rom. 26. Ado Marian in chronic VVestmon A. 188. Stovv 179. hither S. Fugatius and S. Damian who baptized the King Queene and almost al his people VVhereby our Country became the first that publikely professed the faith of Christ and there vpon is called Primogenita Ecclesiae The like charitable office performed also P. Victor vnto Scotland P. Victor 203. Boet. lib. 6. histor Scot. Genebr chron in Victore about the yeare 203. sending thither his legates at the request of King Donaldus who conuerted the King together with the Q. and nobility And about the yeare 324. Pope Siluester P. Siluester 324. Constant in edicto Menolag Graecor cal Ion. Huntingt l. 1. hist p. 306. Acta liberij vita Siluestri hauing perfectlie instructed our great Emperor Constantin baptized him and miraculouslie cured him of his leprosie as the said Emp. and many others testifie Afterward when the Christian faith in Britany began to be infected with heresie P. Celestin about P. Celestin A. 432. Prosper in chron An. 432. Baron 429. Prosper An. 434. Beda l. 1. c. 13. Plat. in Celestino Baron Ann. 429. Cambden in Hibernia Marian. in chron Cambd. in Hibern the yeare 432. sent hither S. S. German and Lupus for to expel and confute the heresies which they accōplished And the same P. in the yeare 434. consecrated Palladius a Bishop and sent him to Scotland where as yet was no B not forgetful of Ireland sent thither S. Patrick who with miracles cōuerted the Iland deserued saith Cambdin the title of Apostle thereof Thus cōtinued the loue of the Sea Apostolicke towards our Coūtrey al the time that the Britōs possessed it But towards our English nation after they had conquered this Iland Beda lib. 1. ● 22. it was far greater For whereas not only the Britons refused but the French also and other Christian nations Gregor lib. 5. epist 58. 59. Gadvvin us life of S. Austin neglected to preach vnto our English aunciters who euer vntil that time had bene Pagans bondslaues saith S. Beda of Idols only Rome lib. 2. c. 1. put forth hir helping hand to draw thē out of that darcknes miserie of Infidelity For no sooner that blessed holie father S. Gregory as Gadwin P. Gregory An. 596. loc cit calleth him vnderstood that the Angles or English whom for their bewtie and his tender affection he called Angels were Pagans but forthwith he Beda lib. 2. c. 1. Malmesb. l. 1. Reg. went to the P being him selfe yet a monke and desired him to send Preachers into England and offering him selfe to be one And obtaining Ioan. Di●● in vit Gregor licence came on his voyadge towards England three daies Iourney but was recalled at the importunity of the Romanes who were vnwilling to forgoe soe worthie a man neuertheles he forgot not his holie enterprise For as soone saith S. Beda l. 1. cap. 1. as he was high Bishop ouer the vvhole vvorlde he made our nation the Church of Christ vvhich had bene euer vntil that time the bondslaue of Idols And in the yeare 596. Beda sup Stovv An. 596. Godvvin sup sent hither S. Augustin with almost forty Moncks more to preach who being receaued of K Ethelbert in short time conuerted both him his Coūtry And that they preached the true faith and religion of Christ appeared by the miracles they wrought in testimony thereof which were so great and many as it seemed saith S. Gregory lib. 7. epist 30. that they imitated the vertues of the Apostles by the miracles they wrought and are withal so certaine as they are not only testified by the said S. Gregory lib. 9. ep 56.
the Citty Tociacum K. Richard Ceur de Lion at the exhortation of the P. went in person to the holy land with an army of 30. thowsand foote and fiue thowsand horse in which voiage he conquered the kingdome of Ciprus citty of Ptolemais and ouerthrew the Souldan in a great battel and the like enterprise afterward vndertooke K. Edward the K. Henry 2. An. 1241. Stovv An. 1241. first in the yeare 1241. King Henry 3. placed the Popes Legate in the most honourable roome of the table at a publique banquet in Christ-masse betwixt him selfe and the Archebishop of yorke And afterward vvith great pompe saith Stowe and innumerable company of Nobles and trumpets sounding before brought him to the Sea How deuout K. Richard 2. and Englishmen K. Richard 2. Stovv An. 1407. in his time were to the Sea of Rome appeareth by their building an hospital there for receit of English Pilgrims insteed of the foresaid Seminary which as it seemeth was destroyed in that great burning of Rome in the yeare 1084 in the place where S. Thomas of Canturbury had before built a chappel in honor of the B. Trinity This hospital was afterward in the raigne of K. Henry 6. and Henry 7. reedified and much encreased and lastlie in the yeare 1570 was much bewtifyed and augmented both in buildings and reuenews by P. Gregory 13. and by him conuerted to the auncient vse of a Seminary retayning stil the obligation of an hospital The affection of K. Henry 4. appeareth K. Henry 4. A. 1409. Stovv Ann. 1409. by his letter to the Pope A. 1409. which he beginneth thus Most holy father our humble recommendations in filial vvise premised And afterward hauing taken vvith our said sonne and also vvith our Prelats and Nobles mature deliberation vve beseech vvith al humility require your clemency vvhose state and honor vpon diuers causes as a deuout sonne of the Church so far as vve might vvith God vve haue euer embraced and do embrace by the expresse and vvhole assent of the estates aforesaid c. And as for King Henry 5. he in the yeare 1416. sent his K. Henry 5. An. 1416. Stovv Ann. 1416. Embassadors to the general Councel at Constance at whose procurement it vvas there ordained that England saith Note this Stowe should obtaine the name of a nation be said one of the fiue Nations that ovve their deuotiō to the Church of Rome vvhich thing vntil that time men of other Nations for enuie had letted Behould what an honor K. Henry 5. the Alexander of England and Conqueror of France and England in his most florishing triumphant time accounted it to owe deuotion to the Church of Rome VVhich now Ministers would accoūt so dishonourable And as for K. Henry K. Henry 7. An. 1505. 7. your Maiesties great grandfather his affection is euident by the sword and cup of maintenance sent to him from the Pope spoken of before But none of the kings of the Norman bloud euer shewed so great signes of loue affection to the Sea Apostolike as K. Henry 8. did for a long time K. Heury 8. A. 1511. 1521. Stovv 1511. 1512. 1513. Onuphr in Iul. 2. for first in the yeare 1511. he wrate to the French K. to desist from molesting Pope Iulius 2. and in the next yeare sent an army of ten thousand men into France for the Popes defence And in the yeare 1513. wēt him selfe in person with a royal army conquered Turwin and Turnay And not content to defend the Pope with his sword in the yeare 1521. wrate an excellēt booke Stovv An. 1521. in his defence against Luther And againe in the yeare 1527. when Pope Clement 7. was taken prisoner by the Emperors souldiers he gaue monethlie Stovv An. 1532. 60. thowsand Angels to the maintenance of an armie for the Popes deliuery And in this singular affection towards the Sea Apostolik continewed he vntil the 22. yeare of his raigne Stovv 1530. deinceps An. 1530. when not vpon any iniury offered by the P. or dislike of his religion which except the matter of supremacy he defended to his death and persecuted the Protestants but only vpon occasion of delaie saith Stowe made by the Pope in his controuersie of deuorcement and through displeasure of such reports as he he ard had bene made of him to the court of Rome and thirdlie pricked forvvards by such counsellers to follovv the example of the Germanes he first forbad the procurement of any thing from Rome and soone after prohibited al payments and appeales to Rome and lastlie tooke vpon him that supremacy which al his Christian predecessors had acknowledged to be in the Pope Thus your Maiestie seeth how long how honourablie and how profitablie also vnto both parties hath the mutual amity and league of friendship betwixt the Sea Apost and the Princes of al the foure Nations that haue swaied the Scepter of England continewed and flourished how of late it was broken by one Prince vpon meere passion contrary to the example of al his Predecessors and Successors also except one childe and a woeman VVhat dangers and troubles he and his kingdome incurred thereby and how his progeny according as Frier Poeto did then foretel him is now consumed and his Crowne translated to an other Royal lyne against which in his time he made sharpe war I need not here declare Only I wil say that him selfe being after more free from passion laboured to be reconciled to the Sea Apostolike and employed therein B. Gardener as he professed in a sermon at Paules Crosse and had easelie obtained it if he would haue acknowledged his fault and done penance VVhat remaineth for me to conclude this long epistle but prostrate at your Maiesties feet humblie to beseech you for your owne good and in the name of the foresaid Christian Princes that as you are the head of the fieft Nation which according to Gods prouidence foretolde by a holy man Hunting l. 6. p. 359. many hundred years agoe hath attained to the rule of this land so you would continew that most auncient honourable and proffitable league of friendship which was betwixt them al and the Sea Apostolicke who I beseech your grace wil giue you more faithful councel then your owne Progenitors and forefathers who can giue you more safe and secure directiō in gouernement of your kingdome then your owne Predecessors who soe happily and so long time gouerned it who are so worthie to giue you example or whom can you with so much honor imitate as so many so valiant so prudent Princes and yet they al with one voice counsel and request you to follow in this so importāt a matter not so much them selues as the councel of the wisest King that euer was yea of God himselfe in these words Thine ovvne Prouerb 27. friend and thy fathers friend see thou forsake not especiallie such a one as hath euer
Iohannes Six emprisoned 9. Paschorlis 2. Boniface 8. Vrbanus 6. Clement 7. besyd Sergius 1. others whom they attempted to imprison They haue deposed as much as they could sixteene vz. Iohannes 12. al. 13. Benedict 5 Gregory 5. Benedict Sixteene deposed 8. and 9. Alexander 2. Gregory 6. and 7. Gelasius 2. Innocent 2. Alexander 3 Iohn 22. Vrban 6. Martin 5. by Alphons King of Arragon Platin. in Alexand. 3. Liberality of Popes tovvards England Stovve an 1171. Polidorus lib. 16. Comin ventura in relation de Napoli VVhen vvould Luther and Caluin haue giuen three Kingdomes to England Eugen. 4. by procurement of Philip Duke of Millen Iulius 2. whereas on the contrary side to omit spiritual benefits Popes haue bestowed the Empire vpon almost al them Emperours whom they deposed and haue refused to take the Empire from the Germans though they haue bene much sollicited thereto by the Grecians and to let passe their liberality to other Princes they haue bestowed the Kingdome of Ireland vpon Henry the second and of Naples and Sicily vpon Henry 3. and the most honourable title of defender of the faith vpon Henry 8. Kings of England hereby may the indifferent reader euen setting aside the iustice of the cause and considering only the fact clearly perceaue whether Christian Emperours and Princes haue more tiranized ouer Popes then Popes ouer them now let vs come to Bels proofe of his ould slaunder here againe renued of the Popes taking vpon them power proper to God alone 28. A Closse saith he affirmeth the Pope Bel pag. 14. Gloss lib. 1. tit 7. c. 3. to haue celestial arbitrement to be able to alter the nature of things applying the substance of one to an other and to make something of nothing and the Pope saith Bel is wel pleased there with Answer As for the Pope being pleased with the foresaid words it is more then Bel knoweth but sure I am he detesteth them if they be meant of power to create or proper to God alone But wel I see that which doth not displease Bel if it be giuen to Princes he condemneth as intolerable blasphemie if it be attributed to Popes For the foresaid words are al in the ciuil lawe and by the Emperours applied either to them selues or to the Pope as the Emperours Gratian Valentinian and Theodosius de sum Three Emperours say the P. hath celestial arbitrement Trin. lib. 1. affirme the Popes to haue celestial arbitrement and condemne them as infamous hereticks who follow not the religion of Pope Damasus and his arbitrement in spiritual matters may be called heauenlie because his authority therein came from heauen That of altering the nature of things and applying the substance of one to an other the Emperour Iustinian C. communia de leg lib. 2. applieth to him selfe Of vvhat things Popes or Princes can alter the nature and meaneth of ciuil contracts as legacis and feoffees in trust which by his imperial power he can alter and change and the like power saith the glosse hath the Pope in contracts pertayning to spiritual matters But of altering the nature of natural things neither the Emperour nor the glosse dreamed 29. But the words which Bel most vrgeth are that the Pope can make de nihilo aliquid something of nothing For saith he it is a thing proper to God to make something of nothing in al cases and at al tymes But besides that the glosse neither saith that the Pope can make de nihilo aliquid but de nullo aliquid neither yet in al cases and al times as Bel addeth the foresaid words are taken out of Iustinian C. de rei vxor act lib. 1. where the Emperour Of vvhat nothing Popes or Princes can make something saith that because he can make to be accompted a stipulation where none is much more he can an insufficient stipulatiō to be sufficient the like authority in humane contracts touching spiritual matters the glosse attributeth to the Pope this he meant when he said the Pope can de nullo fecere aliquid of no contract make one which Bel would applie to creatiō making creatures of nothing as God made the world 30. Secondlie he proueth his slaunder out of Gersons rep ort before answered and thirdlie out of Gregory 9. saying Ad firmamentum Gregor 9. lib. 1. de cre● tit 33. c. 6. Caeli c. to the firmament of heauen that is of the vniuersal church God made two lights Pontifical authority and power Roial that we may knowe there is as much difference betweene Pope Kings as bet wixt sunne moone Is here any word of authority belonging to God or yet of deposing Kings but only a cōparison of Pontifical Royal power with the sunne moone allowed by the publique letters VVritten 1279. and one extāt in Baron tom 10. an 996. Matth. 16. vers 19. 18. Iob. 21. v. 15. 16. Act. 20. v. 18. Matth. 28. v. 19. of three Princes electors and a preferring of the Pontifical before the Royal which if Bel had any feeling of Christianity in him he would not deny Is not the loosing and binding of sinns in heauen earth of preaching the ghospel admnistring the sacraments of feeding Christs sheepe and the like which belongeth to Bishops as is euident out of scripture far more excellent then Royal power which as wel woemen and children as men infidels as Christians may haue 31. The sunne moone are of the same Royal povver far inferour to Pontifical nature and quality differing only in more or lesse light but Royal power is both of nature and quality far inferiour to Pontifical thas is more humane and begun by Constantin called Bishops Gods and professed him self vnder them Ruffin lib. 1. hist c. 2. men this supernatural and instituted by God that common to Infidels this proper to christians that passeth not earth this reacheth to heauen that concerneth only the body this the soule that helpeth men to worldhe and transitorie quietnes this to heauenlie and euerlasting rest Bel could not abide Pope Gregory saying Pontifical authority excelled Royal as far as the sunne excelleth the moone nor the glosse saying it excelled it 47. times how then wil he abide S. Chrisostom saying it excelleth the kingdome Chrisost l. 3. de sacerd Ambros lib. de dignit sacerd c. 2. as much as the soule douth the body or S. Ambrose saying that nothing can be equal to Pontifical dignity and that Royal glorie and Princes crownes are far more inferiour to it then lead is to glistering gould And againe nothing in this world is more Ibid. cap. 3. excellent then priests nothing higher then Bishops or S. Ignatius saying that nothing is more honourable Ignat. epist ad Smirnenscs in the church then Bishops and that we owe the first honour to God the second to Bishops the third to Kings he exclamed against the glosse for affirming the Pope
7. c. 9. parag 19. Church within 200. years after Christ highly esteemed Traditions a. 7. c. 10. parag 2. Church may iustly abridg any liberty giuen by S. Chisostom art 7. c. 7. parag 8. Church of late daies as infallible witnes of Gods truth as the primatiue art 7. c. 9. parag 5. 6. Church present only infallible external witnes of Scripture art 7. c. 9. parag 7. Church beleeueth not the old testament for any tradition of Iewes art 7. c. 9. par 10. Church of the east acknowledgeth the Popes primacy art 7. c. 13. parag 6. S. Cyprian wherin he erred a. 7. c. 4. par 6. 7. S. Cyprian reiected one only Tradition art 7. c. 4. parag 7. S. Cyprian opposit to Bel about Traditions in most things art 7. c. 4. parag 7. Commandement may be substiantially kept by Gods grace art 8. c. 1. parag 1. Commaundements truly kept of the man Math. 19. art 8. c. 1. parag 3. Commaundements can not be truly kept and deadly broken art 8 c. 1. parag 2. Communion book made out of the Missal and Portesse art 2. c. 6. parag 10. Councels acknowledge the Popes primacy art 7. c. 13. parag 6. Councels determination not needles art 7. c. 14. parag 4. Councels in our daies as certain as before tyme art 7. c. 13. parag 1. Councels in some sort like to Parlament art 7. c. 13. parag 4. In Confiteor why we say our great fault art 8. c. 4. parag 5. Concupiscence diuersly named art 4. c. 1. parag 3. Concupiscence how commanded not to be at al according to S. Austin art 8. ● 4. parag 2. art 2. c. 3. parag 6. Concupiscence actual though inuoluntary is euil art 4. c. 1. parag 4. Concupiscence actual inuoluntary no formal sinne art 4. c. 1. parag 7. Concup●●cence actual if voluntary is formal sinne art 4. c. 1. parag 5. Concupiscence if neuer inuoluntary nothing is inuoluntary art 4. c 1 parag 10. Concupiscence habitual both positiue and priuatiue euil art 4 c. 1. parag 1. Concupiscence habitual in the not regenerate materially original sinne art 4. c. 1. parag 2. Concupiscence habitual in the regenerate no formal sinne art 4. c. 1 parag 14. Concupiscence how it need for giuenes a. 4 c. 3 parag 3. Concupiscence habitual and actual in whomsoeuer may be called sinne art 4. c. 1. parag 6. Concupiscence indirectly volūtary known by the law to be true sinne art 4. c. 3. parag 9. Concupiscence directly voluntary not executed hardly knowne to be sinne without the law art 4. c. 2. parag 9. Condigne merit no point of faith art 5. c. 3. parag 4. Condigne merit proued art 5. c. 3. parag 4. 6. 7. Condigne merit what it requireth art 5. c. 3. parag 7. Condigne merit of man explicated by the labors of a slaue art 5. c. 6. parag 2. Condigne merit denyed by some Catholiques but differently from Protestants art 5. c. 6. parag 10. Condigne merit of man not absolute but conditional art 5. c. 3 parag 5. Condigne merit of man not arithmetically equal but proportionate to the reward art 5. c. 3. parag 5. Condigne merit riseth not merely of Gods acceptance art 5. c. 3. parag 5. Condignity riseth partly of our work as it is the fruit of the holy Ghost art 5. c. 3. parag 5. Condigne merit honorable to God and to Christs merits art 5. c. 3. parag 7. 8. Cōdigne merit only true merit a. 5. c. 3. par 6. Coniugal copulatiō may be meritorious giue grace art 3. c. 1. parag 9. Copulation rather Ministerish then Popish art 3. c. 1. parag 7. Consciences timorous feare litle sinnes as great art 8. c. 4. parag 5. Constantins departure from Rome no step to the Popes primacy art 1. c. 8. parag 3. Constantin honored the Pope a. 1. c. 6 par 6. Constantins humility in the Nicen Councel art 7. c. 13. parag 5. Consumption may be without killing art 2. c. 3. parag 6. Curse of the law pronounced only against heynous crymes art 8. c. 3. parag 2. D. DAnger in not crediting Romane Traditions art 7 c. 10. parag 11. Dealing with heretiks we must haue other help beside Scripture and why art 7. c. 5. parag 1. 2. Denyal of the cōmandements to be possible iniurious to Gods grace a. 8. c. 2. par 4. Deposition of Princes first decreed by S. Gregory the great art 2. c. 5. parag 4. Difference of the doctrin in pulpit and schoole art 7. c. 7. parag 9. Dilemma about the Popes superiority ouer Emperors art 1. c. 6. parag 3. Dilemma for Bel art 1. c. 9. parag 21. Disagrement of Authors about tyme and circumstances disproueth not the fact art 1. c. 9. parag 17. Disagreement of school men far different from that of Protestants a. 4. c. 4. par 7. Differences betwene S. Chrisostom Protestants about reading Scripture art 7. c. 7. parag 5. E. EAst Empire when it began to decay art 1. c. 9. parag 1. Eckins foyled Luther art 5. c. 6. parag 4. Emperors called the Popes arbitrement celestial art 1. c. 9. parag 28. Emperors haue confessed the Popes superiority ouer them art 1. c. 6. parag 4. Emperors subiect to Bishops according to S. Gregory Nazianz. art 7. c. 13 parag 5. Emperors subiect to the sea of Rome according to S. Gregory the great a. 1. c. 5. par 2. Emperors who haue humbled them selfs to Popes named art 1. c. 6. parag 6. 7. Emperors of the East why offended with Charles creation art 1. c. 9. parag 19. England named feasts of the Masse art 2. c. 3. parag 5. English bybles al hitherto il translated art 7. c. 8. parag 1. English bybles conteine vntrue and seditions notes art 1 c. 3. parag 7. S. Epiphanius S. Cyril explicated their reuerence of Traditions art 7. chap. 4. parag 10. Epistles of S. Peter S. Ihon S. Iames and S. Iude written against solifidian iustice art 7. c. 6. parag 2. Eternal life sower waies grace and yet true reward art 5. c. 4. parag 2. Eternal life may signify iustification art 5. c. 4. parag 6. F. FAith can not discerne any thing clearly art 7. c. 9. parag 15. Faith in al points not actually in Scripture art 7. c. 1. parag 9. Faith in al points not sufficiently and immediatly proued by Scripture art 7. c. 1. parag 10. Faith in al points vertually in Scripture two waies art 7. c. 1. parag 7. Faith why not so perfectly prescribed to Iewes as ceremonies art 7. c. 2. parag 7. Faith in no point may be denyed of any art 7. c. 1. parag 1. Faith in diuers points need not be actually beleeued of many art 7. c. 1. parag 1. Fathers proued consubstantiality by Tradition art 7. c. 12. parag 2. Fale of the western Empire no step to the Popes primacy art 1. c. 8. parag 4. Figure or represent one thinge may it selfe art 2. c. 6. parag 2. Figure what inferior to the thinge figured what not art 2. c. 6. parag 1.