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A13043 The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.; Annales Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1580 (1580) STC 23333; ESTC S117590 888,783 1,248

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firste he is brought to the Castell of Corfe then to Bristow where for a season he was kept shut vp close in the Castel vntil suche time as it was vnderstoode of by certaine Burgesses of the same Towne who for the deliueraunce of the said Edward conueyed themselues ouer Sea whose determination béeing knowne to his kéepers in a certaine darke night they conueyed him thence to Berkeley These tormentours forced him to ride bareheaded when he woulde sléepe they would not suffer hym neyther when he was hungry would they giue him suche meate as liked him but suche as he lothed Euerye worde he spake was contraried by them giuing out moste slaunderously that he was madde And to conclude in all matters that they coulde imagine they were contrarie to hys wyll that eyther by colde or watchyng or vnholesome meates or melancholy or other infirmitie he myght languishe and dye But contrariwise thys man being of a good disposition by nature stoute to suffer and patiente throughe Gods grace to abyde griefes hée endured all the wicked deuises of hys enymies For as touching poysons whiche were ministred to him by the benefit of nature he dispatched them away These Chāpions as I sayd bring the olde king towardes Barkeley being guarded with a rabble of Helhoundes along by the graunges belonging to the Castell of Bristow where that wicked man Gerney making a crown of Hey put it on hys heade and the souldiours that were aboute him mocked him saying Tprut auaunt sir King making a kinde of noise with theyr mouthes as though they had farted These doubting to meete some of hys friendes bent theyr iourney ouer the Marish grounds lying by the ruier of Seuerne Moreouer diuising by all meanes to disfigure him that hée mighte not be knowen they determined to shaue as well the heare off hys heade as also off his bearde wherefore comming by a little Water whiche ranne in a ditche they commaunded him to alighte from his horsse to be shauen to whome being set on a Molehill a Barbour came with a Bason of colde Water taken out of the ditch to whō Edwarde sayd shall I haue no warme water the Barber answered this wyll serue quoth Edward will ye or nil yée I will haue warme water and that he might kéepe his promise he beganne to wéepe and to shed teares plentifullye as it was reported by William Byshop to sir Thomas de la More knight At length they came to Berkeley Castel where Edward was shutte vppe close like an Ancher Isabel his wife taking it grieuously that hir husbāds life was thus prolonged made complaint to Adam Bishop of Hereforde fayning that she had certayne dreames the interpretation whereof she misliked In like sorte the Bishop being in hys conscience guiltie of treason stoode in feare the like feare also stoke the heartes of other for the same offence whom the Diuer had gathered together to that effect Wherfore it séemed good to many of great dignity bloud as wel spiritual as temporal y t al such fear should be taken away by y e death of Edwarde whervppon letters were sent to hys kéepers blaming them for suffering him to enioy so much libertie nourishing him so delicately Moreouer there is a priuie motion made to them that Sophistical letter procuring the murder of the olde king the death of Edwarde woulde not be misliked vnto them and in this pointe the great deceyte of Sophisters stoode in force set downe by the Bishoppe of Hereforde who wrote thus Edwardum occidere nolite timere bonum est Kyl Edward do not feare it is a good thing or thus To seeke to shed king Edwards bloud Refuse to feare I counte it good Thys saying is to be resolued into two propositions whereof the first consisting of thrée wordes to witte Edwardum occidere nolite and the seconde of other thrée that is Timere bonum est do séeme to perswade very subtilly but the receyuers of the letters not being ignorant of the Sophistical writing chaunged the meaning thereof to thys sense Edwardum occidere nolite timere and afterwarde ioyned these wordes bonum est Nowe when the olde king was broughte to the Castell aforesayde he was very curteouslye receiued by Thomas Lorde Barkeley but after the tormentors had receyued letters concerning the gouernemente of the Castell Thomas Lord of Berkley is commaunded to departe from thence wherefore taking his leaue with sighes he goeth to his other dwelling places After this the olde king was shutte vp in a close Chamber where with the stincke of the deade carkasses layde in a celler vnder him he was miserablye tormented manye dayes in suche sorte that he was well nyghe suffocated therewith and that the paine was almost intollorable it appeared by the complainte he made on a certayne daye at the Chamber windowe certayne Carpenters then working on the righte side thereof hearing the same But these tyraunts perceyuing that this woulde not force hys death one night being the xxij of September they came rushing in vppon him as he laye in his bedde with greate heauye The old king murdered ●eatherbeddes as muche in weyghte as xv menne coulde beare wherwyth they oppressed and smoothered hym into whom also they thrust a plummers yron being made redde hotte vp into his bowels throughe a certaine instrumente like to the end of a Trumpet or glister pipe put in at hys fundiment burning thereby his inward partes prouiding thereby least any wound being founde in the kings bodye they might be caused to aunsweare it In this sort was this stoute King oppressed crying with a lowde voyce so that many as well within the Castell as without heard it perceyuing it was the cry of one that suffered violente deathe which caused many of Berkeley as they affirmed to take cōpassion thereof and to pray for the soule of him that was then departing Isabel and the Bishop that their tyrannye mighte be hid outlawed and banished Thomas Gournay The murderers fledde and Iohn Maltrauers Thomas fléeing into Marcels thrée yeares after being known was taken and brought towards Englande and was beheaded on the Sea least he shoulde accuse the chiefe doer Iohn Maltrauers repenting himselfe lay long hid in Germanie This yeare died Charles king of Fraunce the thirde brother whiche was brother to the Lady Isabel Quéene of Englande K. Edvvards title to Fraunce mother to King Edward the thirde by whose deathe the succession of the Kingdome of Fraunce came to the said Edwarde but it was vsurped and possessed by Phillip de Valoys vncle to the sayde Charles who dyd intrude himself by force King Edward married Phillip the Earles daughter of Edvvard the third married Heynalde at Yorke the fiue and twentith of Februarie shée was sisters daughter to Phillippe de Valoys aforesayde Henrie Darcy Iohn Hauten the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Hamond Chikwel Grocer the 28. of October A Parliament was holden at Northampton in whiche ● Anno reg 2. Parliament at
waye of peace was founde betwixt those two Kings by aliance that is to say by a mariage to be made betwixt y ● most victorious K. of England the Lady Katherin daughter to y ● King Quéene of Fraunce but bicause they perceyued that many things mighte not be done w tout the presence of the kings as wel for y ● apposition of their seales for y e ratifying of y ● articles of this peace as for the solemnization of y e matrimony also y ● King Charles was a man of many yeres they condescended y ● the K. of Englād at a certain day amōgst them limited shoulde come to the foresayde Citie of Troys w t as great an armed power as he woulde At whiche day appointed if he fayled to be there al his cōmunicatiō of peace shold be as voyde These things thus concluded set down in writing y ● erle of Warwicke w t his company returned to y ● K. of Englande to whō they declared by order what they had done who was contente in all things to performe their appointments prepared for his iourney He called togither knights men of armes archers to y ● nūber of xvj M. of thē the more part were Archers when the time came that he would depart toward Troys as he was accustomed he deuided his people in thrée parts battayles two wings and in that maner the. viij day of May he entred his iourny toward Troys in Campaine where he was met by the Duke of Burgoigne accompanyed with manye noble mē two leagues w tout the town whō he receiued w t gret honor due obser●ance Then this most victorious king accompanyed bothe of English and Frenchmen of euery estate degrée entred the 〈…〉 resaid Citie of Troys y ● stréetes wherof w tout any abyding he passed vntil he came to the kings place wher K. Charles and the Quéene his wife abode his comming of whom the was receyued goodly and after a Princely maner When y ● King of England was thus royally receiued after the due resolutions on his part made to King Charles the Quéene he departed from them and by the Duke of Burgoine and other great estates as well of England as of Fraunce he was conueyed to his lodges The Cittie was deuided into two p●rts wherof the one half was assigned to the Frenchmen Burgonians and the other halfe to the Englishmen and bicause that parte assigned to the Englishmen suffised not to receyue them all within the walles but that a great part of thē must be lodged in the suburbes the King of Englande bicause hys people on that part shoulde haue frée concourse togither he caused the wall on that part of the Citie where he was lodged to be cast down to the ground King Charles gaue aucthoritie and power to Isabel his wife and Quéene to Phillip Duke of Burgoigne and to certaine other of his Counsell plenarily to conclude the peace with King Henrie for hym and for his realme of France vnder such conditions as shold be decréed also to proue ratify cōfirme the same by oth solemnized in the parsō of K. Charles without fraude in al things to be obserued vnto the sayd K. Henrie his heyres successours by the sayde King Charles his heyres and successors c. On the xxj of May in the xl yere of the reigne of King Charles in the Cathedral Churche of Troys the King of Englande with the Duke of Clarence his brother and other Dukes Earles Bishops Barons Lordes of estat and other Prelates of Englande and Isabel the Quéene of Fraunce with the Duke of Burgoigne and other of the Kings Counsel of Fraunce and in that part hys especiall commissioners for and in the name of the king of Fraunce and also for themselues in their proper names in a great assembly of the iij. estates of Fraunce vulgarly called theyr Parliamente concluded a peace betwixt the two Realmes of England Frāce and the same ratified and approued with the conditions and Articles that in part shall follow wherevpon writings wer made sealed with the brao●e seale of the sayde king Charles Then immediately Isabel the Quéene and the Duke of Burgoigne in the name of King Charles made a solemne oth vpon the holy Euangelistes that y ● same Charles his heyres and successours shoulde obserue and kéepe without fraude the peace made betwixt the two Realmes And the same othe the Quéene and the Duke of Burgoigne in theyr owne names and for themselues theyr heyres successours made vnto the King for him his heyres and successours and after them as many as were there present both of the Kings counsel and also of the Parliament as Bishoppes Lords Knightes and commons made the same othe to the Kyng And the. xxiij and. xxiiij daye of May the Chauncellour of Fraunce and many other Lordes Bishops Prelates and noble men gaue the like fayth and othe The thirde of June being present the Counsell of K. Charles Isabel Quéene of Fraunce the Duke of Burgoigne and the Parliament of Fraunce and also the Duke of Clarence with many Bishops Lords and Knightes of England with King Henrie the matrimonie was solemnized betwixt the most victorious King Henrie of England and the excellent glorious Lady Katherin daughter to Charles of Fraunce and Isabel his Quéene The peace that was confirmed betwixte the sayd two kings and their realmes was red as foloweth King Henrie from nowforth during the life of Kyng Charles shall not name or write himselfe King of Fraunce nor shall not suffer himselfe of his people so to be named or written After the death of king Charles king Henry shal be king of Fraunce peaceably with hys heyres and successours And bicause King Charles by reason of his infirmitie is vnable to gouerne the common weale king Henrie during y e life of Charles shal rule and gouerne the realme of Fraunce to the profit honor of the same king Charles King Charles in al his writings shal name the same King Henrie our son and heyre of France during the life of the said king Charles King Henrie shall be written Henrie King of Englande and heyre and Regent of Fraunce and in the like maner hée shal write himselfe in all things that shall be aucthorized vnder his owne seale King Henrie shall call King Charles hys Father and Quéene Isabel hys mother and shall honoure them Nor King Henrie shal not prohibite with holde nor defraude King Charles his Father of the Crowne of France nor the issues or reuenues thereof And the Quéene his mother at all times during hi● life he shall kéepe in due estate as belongeth to hi● maiestie c. with diuerse other Articles which for libertie I set not downe in this place After the final end and accomplishing of this marriage couenants and conditions ratifyed in all partes King Henrie accompanyed of King Charles and of his counsel of the two Quéenes Isabel
and Katherin and of the Duke of Burgoigne departed from Troys and toke his iourney to Paris and from Paris not many dayes after they all went to laye siege to the Citie of Sens whiche was to them contrarie but before the whole hoste were setled in their places the Captaine Citizens and Garisons submitted their bodyes and Citie with all that they had to the King Then they hasted to Monstrean which Towne they toke by force On the xv of July they went to the Citie of Melune and inuironed the same with a strong siege for there were the Kings of Englande of France and Scotlande the Duke of Burgoigne Tho. Wals Bauier Clarence Bedforde and Excester the Earles of March Warwicke Huntington and Somerset c. This siege cōtinued xiiij wéekes and odde dayes from the feast of Mary Magdalen to the feaste of All Saintes not without in a maner euery day a conflict and sore skirmishe but at length for wante of victualles the besieged yéelded themselues to the Kyngs of Englande and Fraunce from whence the forsayde Kyngs with a greate parte of theyr armye wente to Paris Iohn Butler Iohn Wels the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior William Cambridge Grocer the. 28. of October King Henrie kept hys Christmasse in the Citie of Paris in the Castle of Saint Anthony And after he had holden a Parliamente there he went to Roane and therewith hys Titus Liuius Normans and Englishmen helde a Parliament And thē when he had established sure guarde for this Realme of Fraunce Dutchie of Normandie he passed throughe Picardie to Caleis and so to Douer where with his Quéene he landed on Candlemasse day The fourtéenth of Februarie Quéene Katherin was Crowned at Westminster vnto whom the King assigned to hir dowrie 10000. markes also he consented to the deliuerie of the King of Scots who had bin long prisoner in Englande with condition that before his departure out of Englande he shall take to wi●e the Duke of Somersets sister niece to the Cardinal of Winchester Anno reg 9. 1421 The. xxij of March the duke of Clarence with many other Lords were slaine beyond the Water of Leire in Fraunce many Lords were taken prisoners of the which the Earle of Huntington and the Earle of Somerset were principal In a Parliamēt at Westminster it was ordayned that no man should profer gold in payment but if it helde waight wherfore was ordayned Balances and weightes The king suppressed the French houses of religious Monkes and Friers and such like in Englande bycause they thought ill of the Conquest ouer Fraunce theyr lands were giuen by him and Henrie the sixth to Monasteries and Colledges of learned men In this Parliament was demaunded subsidie The Bishop of Winchester lent the king ●0000 pounde to straine y ● matter The King hauing disposed all thing in order cōcerning the realme of England and the wars in Scotland leauing in Englande his Quéene with a greate power to the number after Enguerant of thirtye thousande returned into Fraunce where after he hadde visited the King and Quéene of Fraunce at Paris he tooke the Castell of D●wex by assault And when he heard that his enimies prepared themselues to battaile he approched the floude of Loyre aboute whyche Titus Liuius floud it was said his enimies were but against him came no man Wherfore the Kyng ledde his hoste to laye siege to the City of Sens commonlye called the Kings new Town whiche Towne for lacke of victualles yéelded themselues and the Town to the King Iohn Mortimer brake foorthe of the Tower of London and beyng afterwards taken hée was drawen and hanged Richarde Gosselin William Weston the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Sir Robert Chicheley Grocer the 28. of October This Syr Robert Chicheley when he deceased in Anno 1439. willed in his Testament that vppon his mind day a competent dinner should be ordained for 2400. pore men housholders of the Citie and twenty pounde in mony to be distributed amongest them whyche was to euery man two pence He also with his brother William Chicheley Alderman of London gaue liberally to the Almes houses founded by his brother Henrie Chicheley Archebyshop of Canterbury at Higham Ferrers in Nothamptonshire in whych Towne they were borne In the Moneth of October when King Henry had deliuered Ti●us Liuius the Citie of Paris from all annoyaunces he with his h●ste went to bes●ege the Citie of Meaulx in Brye to whych City nigh adioyning is a place called y ● Market of Meaulx betwixt which two places floweth the riuer of Marne whiche also enuironeth bothe the same places Thys Citie was besieged all the Winter wherein were so manye and so greate stormes and flouds of raine that the kings host was often annoyed with hūger colde The sixth of December Lady Katherine Quéen of Englande broughte forth hir firste begotten sonne in the Castell of Windsore and his name was gyuen him Henry for there receyued hym at the Fonte Iohn Duke of Bedford hys vncle Lord Warden of England and Henrie the Kings vncle B. of Winchester and Iaquelyn dutches of Holland that remained then in England Henry Archbishop of Canterburie doing the office of Baptisme In the moneth of Februarie the Knights that were in Garison and the principall of y ● Citie of Mealx perceyuing that the Sommer comming shoulde cause the siege to be more light and lesse painefull to the Englishmen and difficil vnto themselues departed the Citie and wente into that Anno reg 10 1422 place that is called the Market of Mealx as to the more defensible holde after whose departing the cōmon people hauing none ability to resist the Kings power yéelded themselues and the Citie to the King After this in the moneth of May when the King had sore beaten the forsayd Market of Meaulx he constrayned the Frenchmen that were besieged to condescende vnto certaine couenauntes and to deliuer the place vnto him and shortly after were deliuered to the King the towne of Orepy in Valois the Castle of Pier Pountmeralaw Offemoūt and many others After the rendering of these Townes and Castles the King returned to Paris In the moneth of Aprill Katherin Quéene of Englande shipped at Hampton and sayled ouer into Fraunce with a strong power vnder the conducte of Iohn Duke of Bedforde y ● kings brother Humfrey Duke of Glocester being appointed Warden of England in the Duke of Bedfordes place whē the comming of Quéene Katherin was knowne to Kyng Henry hir husband and to Charles king of France both these Kings and with them the Quéene of Fraunce accompanyed with many great Lordes and estates as well of Englande as of Fraunce went to méete hir at Boys de Viscenne wher she was ioyfully receyued of them as if she had bin an Angell sente from God The. xxx day of May the two Kings of Englande and Fraunce with theyr Quéenes departed from Bois de Viscenne and went to Paris the king of
England and his Quéen were lodged in the Castell of Lowre and the King of France and his Quéene were lodged in the pallace of Saint Paule King Henrie hearing that the Dolphen with a great power besieged the Towne of Guisney he determined to goe himselfe to the raysing of the siege and so came to the town of Corbeil and so to Senlis where he waxed so sicke that hée was constrayned to tarry and send his brother the Duke of Bedforde to rescue thē of Cosney but the Dolphin raysed hys siege and departed thence King Henrie his disease increasing he departed this life in the Castell called Boyes de Visceme not far from Paris on the last of August in the yeare 1422. when he had raigned nine yeares fiue monethes and odde dayes There was present at his death King Charles of Fraunce and the two Quéenes but before his death this most prudent King disposed the guarde of the yong Prince his sonne and the defence of the realme of Englande to hys brother Humfrey Duke of Glocester but the custodie of the body of this yong Prince the King committed to his vncle the Duke of Excester and the reuenues of the Dutchie of Normandie he bequethed to his brother Iohn Duke of Bedforde for the gouernaunce of the same Dutchy and of the Realme of France In his life time he reedified his royall manour that then was called Shine nowe Richmount hée founded two Monasteries vpon the Thamis not farre from Richmount the one of Carthusians whiche he named Bethlem the other of religious men and women of Saint Bridget and that he named Sion He founded Gartar principal Kyng at armes of all Englishmen and also the brotherheade of Sainte Gyles without Creple Gate of London Shortlye after hys departing his bowels were enterred in the Church of Sainte More de Fosses and his corps well enbaulmed and seared was closed in leade and accompanyed with all the Lords Enguerant estates and commons of England that were there presente with also many Lords and great estates as well of France Normandie Burgondie and Picardie was brought with greate honour to Paris and set in the Churche of our Ladie where were done for him right solemne exequies with distributiō of mony and great almes to the poore From thence he was broughte to Roane where he aboade long When all things necessarie were prepared for the conueyaunce of the deade King into Englande hys body was layde in a Chariot whiche was drawen by foure great horsses and aboue the dead corpes they layde a figure made of boyled hydes or leather representing his person as nyghe to the semblaunce of him as could be deuised painted curiously to the similitude of a liuing creature vpon whose heade was set an Emperiall Diadem of golde and precious stones and in his right hand he helde a Scepter royall and in his lefte hand a ball of gold And in this manner adorned was this figure layde in a bedde in the sayde Chariot with hys vnsage vncouered toward the heauens and the couerture of hys bedde was of red silke beaten with golde and besides that when the body shoulde passe through anye good Town a Canapie of maruaylous great value was borne ouer the Chariot by men of great worshippe In this manner accompanyed of the King of Scottes and of all Princes Lordes and Knightes of hys house he was broughte from Roane to Abeuile where the corpse was set in the Churche of Sainte Offr●ne From Abuile he was broughte to Hedin and from thence to Menstreull so to Bulloigne and to Caleis In all thys iourney were many men about the Chariot clothed al in white which bare in theyr handes torches burning after whom followed al the housholde seruauntes in blacke and after them came the Princes Lordes and estates of the Kyngs bloud adorned in vestures of mourning and after all thys from the sayde Corpse the distaunce of two Englishe myles followed the Quéene of Englande righte honourably accompanyed In thys manner they entred Caleis from whence after a fewe dayes they departed and continued theyr iourneys by water and lande vntyll they came to London where they arriued about the tenth of Nouember so were conuaied by London bridge through Cheap to the Cathedrall Churche of Saint Paule vppon the couering of the for moste of the foure horsses that conuayed the Chariot wer imbrodered the auntient armes of Englād vpon the couerture of the seconde horsse were the armes of England and Fraunce in one shielde quarterly vppon the couerture of the thirde horsse was imbrodered the armes of Fraunce without any maner of difference and on the fourth horsse were the armes of King Arthur When his exequies were solemnized at Saint Paules Church in London hée was brought from thēce to be enterred in the Abbay of Saint Peter at Westminster amongst hys noble auncestoures Thus thys most victorious and renoumed Kyng entred the way decréed for euery creature in the floure most lustie time of hys age to witte but sixe and thirtie yeares olde ⸪ ¶ King Henry of Windsor HEnrie the sixth being an infant of eight moneths old beganne Anno reg 1. Titus Liuius his raigne the last of August in the yeare 1422. Continuing the time of his youth the gouernance of the Realme was committed to y e Duke of Glocester and the gard of his person to the Duke of Excester and to the Duke of Bedford was giuen the regiment of France who right wisely and nobly ruled the same so long as he liued This Henry was of witte and nature simple gentle and méeke he loued better peace than warre quietnesse of mind than businesse of the world honestie than profite rest and ●ase than trouble and care all iniuries that euer happened to him which were many he suffered patiently and reputed them to be worthely sent of God for his offences William Gastfield Robert Tatarsale the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior William Walderne Mercer the 28. of October The xxj of October Charles King of France passed out of this world and was buried at S. Denis in France after he ha● History of Loys Duke of Orleance Charles le bievv King of France dyed bin Crowned King 46. yeares He was greatly beloued of his people all his life time and therefore was called Le Roy Charle le biew ame but yet he had a sicknesse the more part of his raigne that being out of his witte he woulde strike all that came néere him it tooke him first in the Citie of Mans shortly after he had bin in Flanders to reduce the Flemings to obedience There was by reason héereof great trouble in France bycause those that were néere to him in lignage sought euery one to haue the chiefe gouernement in theyr hands When he thus dyed the Realme was left in miserable state for people of each strange nation were gouernoures in the Realme First the Englishmen had conquered a great parte and sought to haue the rest and the Duke of
Burgoigne with many other great Lordes alied with hym sought to conquere all for the yong King Henry of Englande who claymed then to be King of France and likewise in all Henry King of England and of France the money that was coyned the Axmes of both Realmes were quartered The Crownes that were stamped in the tyme of Charles and all other money more were forbidden to be currant and called to the Minte King Henry caused a péece to be stamped called a Salus worth two and twentie Shillings and Blans of eyghtpence a péece and so in no place of France where King Henry was obeyed any other money was receyued but suche as had the Armes of France and England stamped on it Charles Duke of Tourayne the Dolphin sonne to King Charles le biew ame clayming to be right inheritor to the Dolphin of France proclaymed King of France Realme of France by the auntient Edictes and customes of the sayde Realme as was alledged proclaymed himselfe King after the deceasse of hys father notwithstanding by the agréement made at the marriage of his Sister to the King of England it was otherwise concluded as before is recited and so there were two Kings in France Henry and Charles both which striuing for the Crowne the Realme Tvvo Kings of France Henry and Charles was in way of perdition A Parliament at London began the ninth of Nouember Parliament at London wherin was granted to the King a subsedie for thrée yeares fiue nobles of euery sacke of wooll that should passe out of the land This yeare the Weast Gate of London sometime called Nevvgate of London nevv builded A●i S. Paul Lon. 1423 Chamberlaine Gate was begon to be new builded by the executors of Sir Richard Whitington late Maior of London King Charles of France began now to aduance himselfe into the D. of Burgoignes lands and the Connestable of Scotland accompanied with many Lords and men of war of K. Charles side layd séege to the towne of Carnens but the Marshall of Burgoigne assembled men of warre to raise the séege with whome went the Earle of Salisburie a valiant mā and The Earle of Salisburie vvan diuers holds in France and rased them now being come togither fought with their enimies wan the field tooke the Connestable whose sonne was slayne in the field Many of K. Charles men were slayne and taken to the number of tenne or twelue hundred good men of warre After whiche victorie the Earle of Salisburie layde séege to Montaguillon in Champeigne and continued there an eyght monethes before he could haue it rendred and then caused the same to be rased and throwne downe Then the Earle of Salisburie beséeged the Castell of Monnes which at length Anno reg 2. was yéelded to him this Castell he also rased bet downe which was the strongest place in all Champaigne it was after repaired by King Charles Nicholas Iames Thomas Wanford the 28. of Septemb Sherifes Maior Duke of Bedford married the Duke of Burgoignes daughter William Crowmar Draper the 28. of October About the same time the Duke of Burgoigne gaue his sister the Lady Anne in marriage to the Duke of Bedford and so the alliance was made more strong betwixt the English the Burgonians Phillip de Comines writeth that Iohn D. of Bedford was Phi. Comi Regent in France for the Englishmen his monethly allowāce in that office amounting to 20000. Crownes at the least Also y ● Dukes of Burgoigne Bedford Britein met in y e town of Amiens there was also the Earle of Richmont brother to the Duke of Briteine and many other great Lordes whiche Earle of Richmont had married the Duke of Briteines eldest sister Margaret sometime wife to the Duke of Guyen and Dolphin of France These thrée Dukes were fiue or sixe dayes togither in Amiens in great friendship and reuerence each to other promising perpetuall amitie to continue After this the Duke of Briteine returned into his Countrey the Duke of Bedford Regent of France to Paris and the D. of Burgoigne to Arras but within a while after the Earle of Richmont reuolted to King Charles vpon some misliking he had conceyued against the Duke of Bedford King Charles receyued him ioyfully made him Connestable of France About the same time the Duke of Bedford caused Crotoy to be beséeged both by water and by land which after foure or fiue monethes séege was both Towne and Castell deliuered to the Duke where he ordeyned Ralph Butler to bée Captayne At that time the Duke of Bedford was obeyed as Regent in all places through Vimeu Pontieu and Picardy from Paris to Reins Chalons Troyes vp to the water of Loyre About the feast of Saint Andrew the Captaynes of King Charles assembled their forces about Le Fere and Nelle and tooke by night the Towne of Campeigne and spoyled the inhabitants of all their goodes Shortly after came the Duke of Bedford to Mondidier with twelue hundreth fighting mē and requested the Lord of Sanenses to lay séege to Campeigne and he woulde finde him men and money to wage them wherevnto he graunted and after fiftéene dayes séege had the same deliuered In the moneth of February Iames Steward the yong King of Scottes who was taken by the Englishmen in the King of Scottes releassed of imprisonment eyght yeare of King Henry the fourth and had remayned in England prisoner till this time was now deliuered and married in Saint Mary Oueryes Church in Southwarke to the Lady Iane daughter to Iohn Earle of Somerset Cousin to King Henry Sir Iohn Mortimer Knight was drawne to Tiborne and there hanged and quartered but his body was buryed in Saint Iohns Church at Clarkenwell King Henryes people beséeging the Castell of Dinry in 1424 the marches of Normandy they within compounded to yéeld at a day assigned if the Englishmen were not fought withall before the same day by the Frenchmen wherevpon as well King Charles as the Duke of Bedford made great leuies of men to kéepe the day appoynted and héerewith they drew both towards Yury but when King Charles heard how the The Battell of Vernole in Perche Duke of Bedford was comming towardes him with such a puissance he was counselled to draw backe and so he did towards Vernole in Perche whome the Duke of Bedford followed so that he found his armie néere to Vernole And when eyther armie was in sight of the other they put themselues in order of battell and the Englishmen made an hedge of their Horsse behind their battell bycause the French shoulde not strike in among them on the backes and the Frenchmen ordered themselues in battell array making a great battell of footemen in the which they put the floure and chiefest men They appoynted their Horssemen to set on the Englishmen a trauerse the battayles on foote came vpon and ioyned where was a sore fight betwixt them continuing two houres togither that no
and his Cardinalles 14●5 after long laboure coulde make no peace betwixte King Henry of England and France and Charles also named King of Fraunce they at length made a peace betwixte the said Charles and Philip Duke of Burgoigne whereby the said Duke of Burgoigne became vtter enimy to the King of England and soone after the said Duke beganne his order of the Lillie and the Golden fléece and ordayned certaine Knightes of that order and made thervnto many Statuts wherof some of them were like vnto the Statutes of the Garter On the fourtéenth daye of September at Roan in Normandy dyed the noble Prince Iohn Duke of Bedforde and Regent of Fraunce and was after with great solemnitie ●●ryed within the Churche of No●ir Dame of the same ●itie Anno reg 14 Sherifes Maior Thomas Catworth Robert Clopton the. 28. of Septemb. Henry Frowike Mercer the 28. of October King Charles of Fraunce recouered the Citie of Paris and at Newyeares tide wanne the Towne of Harflewe and 1436 Sainct Denis and manye other Townes and holdes expellyng and murdering the Englishe people in greate number The nintéenth daye of Julye the Duke of Burgoigne wyth a great multitude of Burgonians and Flemmings appeared Caleis besieged before Caleis and there pight his pauilions and tentes at which season was Lieutenaunt of Caleis Sir Iohn Ratclife Knight and of the Castell was Lieutenant the Baron of Dudley this siege endured about thrée wéekes in whiche season many knightlye actes were done exercised on both partes On the second day of August the Duke of Glocester protectour Robert Fub●●● of Englande with 500. sayles as some write landed at Caleis and entended vppon the thirde day following to haue issued out of the Towne and to haue gyuen battel to the Flemmings but as testifyeth our Englishe writers so soone as the Duke of Burgoigne was ware of the great power of the Lorde Protector he toke with him of his ordinaunce that he might lightly carrye and the other that were cumberous he left behind When the Duke with his host was thus fledde the Lorde Protectour with his people followed hym into the Countrey by the space of eleauen dayes in whiche season he brente the two Townes of Popering and Bell and returned to Caleis and so into England This yeare was the Castel or Towne of Rokesborough in Scotlande besieged by the Kyng of Scottes but when hée Anno. reg ●● hearde that Syr Ralph Graye Knyghte was commyng thyther with a competente number to remoue the siege anone he departed leauyng some parte of hys Ordinaunce behynde hym to hys greate shame and dishonour Thomas Norstede William Gregory the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Iohn Michel Fishmonger the. 28. of October The second of Januarie Quéene Katherin late wife to Henrie the fifth and mother to King Henrie the sixth dyed at Bermondsey and was buried at Westminster but being takē Part of London bridge fel. vp againe in the raigne of Henrie the seauenth when he layde the foundation of his new Chappel there she was neuer buried since but lyeth still aboue ground in a Coffin of bordes behinde the East end of the Friers The. xiiij of Januarie at noone of the day the gate on Lōdon bridge wyth the Tower vpon it nexte to Southwarke fell down and two of the furdest Arches of the same bridge and no man perished Ralph Lord Cromwel erected the Colledge of Ta●eshall 1437 Ta●eshall Colledge in Lincolneshire King Henrie put downe the Maior of Norwich sente the Aldermen some to Linne some to Canterburie toke their frāchises into his hande and appointed Iohn Wels Alderman sometime Maior of London to be Warden of Norwich who so continued eight moneths as I haue red on his Monument in Saint Antholines Churche in London whiche Monument is nowe amongest manye other by lewde persons defaced The ninth of July Quéene Iane wife to King Henrie the fourth dyed at Hauering a Boure and was buried at Canterburie All the Lyons in the Tower of London dyed Anno reg 18 Sherifes Maior William Hales William Chapman the. 28. of Septemb. William Eastfielde Mercer the. 28. of October This William Eastfield Maior of his own costes caused to be builded the Water Conduite in Fleetestreete of London On Easter daye Iohn Gardener was taken conuaying 1438 Gardene●brent the Sacrament from his mouth with a soule cloth after he had receyued the same at the Priests hande in Saint Marie at the Axe Churche of London for the whiche he was brent in Smithfielde the xiiij of May. Owen Tewther ●ouly hurting hys kéeper brake out of Newgate but was againe taken afterwarde thys Owen had priuilye as it was sayde maryed Quéene Katherin late wife to Henrie the fifth and had foure children by hir whiche was not knowen tyll she was dead and buried On the Uigil of Mary Magdalen the town of Nantwich in the Countie of Chester was pitifully consumed with fire A great dearth of corne for wheate was in some places Dearth of corne Anno reg 17 Sherifes Maior solde for two shillings sixe pence the Bushell Hugh Diker Nicholas Yoo the. 28. of September Stephen Browne Grocer the. 28. of October The fiue and twentith of Nouember a great winde dyd Great vv●n●es muche harme in manye places In London it bare muche leade of the Gray Friers Churche and almost blewe downe the one side of the stréete called the Olde Change so that the same was faine to be vnderset with Timber On New yeres day a stacke of woodde fell downe at Baynardes Castell and killed thrée men manye moe were sore hurte By fall of a Staire at Bedforde where the shire daye was kepte eightéene persons were slayne and manye moe hurte Richard Beauchampe Earle of Warwicke dyed at Roane in Normādie the last of May and the fourth of October next folowing his corpse was honourably conueyed as well by water as by land from Roane vnto Warwicke and there worshipfully buried in the Colledge of our Lady Church founded by his noble auncestours Wheate was sold at London for thrée shillings y e bushel Malt at thirtéen shillings y ● quarter Otes at eight pence the bushel which caused men to eate beans pease and barley more than in a hundred yeares before Anno reg 18 Strūpets vvare Raye hoodes Manye Stumpets were sette on the Pyllerye and banyshed the Cytye excepte they ware theyr Raye hoodes Phillip Malpas Robert Marshal the 28. of September Sherifes ●●ior Robert Large Mercer the. 28. of October In a Parliament at Reading it was ordayned that all Marchaunt straungers shoulde goe to host with Englishmen and to make sale of theyr Merchaundises and buy again what they woulde wythin the space of sixe monethes geuing theyr hoste for euerye twentye shillings worth two pence except the Esterlings And that euery housholder that Order for straungers was alien should pay to the King xuj. pence the yeare and euery seruant
Leicester wyth the saide order of Saint M●chaell The Mar●u●s of Baden and the Ladye Cecilie his wyfe 1566 ●●● Ma●q●es of Baden returneth ●●ster to the King of Swethen who came into this land in the meneth of September laste paste as before is declared béeing then by the Qéenes especiall appointment at theyr arriuall honorably receyued by the Lord Cobham an honorable Baron of this Realme and the Ladye his wife one of the Quéenes Maiesties pri●ie Chamber nowe in the moneth of Aprill Anno. 1569. departed the same againe the Marques a fewe dayes before hys wife being both cenducted by a lyke personage the Lorde of Aburgaueny to Douer Certaine houses in Cornehill being first purchased by the The Burse in Cornehill Citizens of London were in the moneth of February cryed by the Bell man and afterwarde solde to suche persons as shoulde take them downe and carry them from thence whiche was so done in the moneths of Aprill and May next following And then the grounde beyng made plaine at the charges also of the Cittie po●●ession thereof was by certaine Aldermen in name of the whole Citizens giuen to y e right worshipfull sir Tho. Gresham Knight Agent to the Quéens Highnesse there to buylde a place for Merchantes to assemble in at hys owne proper charges who on the seauenth of June layde the firste stone of the foundation being Bricke and forth-with the work-men followed vpon the same with suche diligence that by the Moneth of Nouember in the yeare of our Lorde ●●67 the same was couered wyth Slate The commissioners before named appointed for the matters of Flaunders kéepyng their dyet at Bruges agréed to referre the whole matter to the Princes on bothe sides and if they coulde not agrée then the Merchants to haue fortie dayes to repayre home with their merchaundise and in the meane t●●● all things to stande as they were then Dure C●●●●issioners departed frō Bruges about the xxvj of June The xxxj of August y e Quéenes Maiestie in hir progresse The Queenes progresse to Oxforde came to the Uniuer●●tie of Oxforde and was of all the Studentes whyche had looked for hir commyng thyther two yeares so honorably and ioyfully receyued as eyther theyr l●ya●n●●●e towardes the Quéenes Maiestie or the expectation of their ●●iendes did requyre Concerning orders in disputa●●on and other Academicall exercises they agréede much wyth those which the Uniuersitie of Cambridge had vsed two yeres before Comedies also and Tragedies were played in Christes Churche where the Quéenes Highnesse ●●dged Among the whych the Comedie entituled Palemon Misfortune at Oxford and Arcet made by Maister Edwards of the Quéenes Chappel had suche tragicall successe as was lamentable For at that time by the fall of a wall and a payre of staires great pre●sse of the multitude thrée men were slaine The fifth of September after disputations the Quéene at the humble sute of certaine of hir Nobilitie and the King of Spa●●es Embassadour made a briefe Oration in Latine to the Uniuersitie but so wise and pithie as England maye reioice that it hathe so learned a Prince and the Uniuersitie may tri●●ph that they haue so noble a Patronesse The vj of September after dinner hir Grace comming from Christs Churche ouer Carfox and so to Saint Maries the Scholers standing in order according to their degrées euen to the East gate certaine Doctors of the Uniuersitie did ride before in their Scarlet gownes and hoodes Maisters of Arte in black●●●wn● and hood●s The Maior also with certaine of his drethren did ryde before hir in Scarlet to the ende of Magdalene ●●●dge where their liberties ended but the Doctors and Maisters went forward still to Sho●ouer a myle and more out of Oxforde dicause their Liberties extended so farre and there after Orations made hir Highne●●● with thankes to the whols Uniuersitie dade them farewel and rode to Rycote Richarde Lambert Ambrose Nicholas the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Iohn Langley the 4. of Aprill Sir Christopher Draper Iremonger the 28. of October Maior Souldiors transported into Irelande The valiant Captaine Edward Randolfe Esquier lieutenant of the Ordinaunce and Colonell of a thousand footemen in September last paste was wyth his band embarqued at Bristow and within few dayes after landed at Knocfergus in the North parts of Ireland and went thence by water to a place called Derry by which passeth y e riuer of Longfoile there the saide Colonell in shorte space fortified to the greate annoyaunce of Iohn Oneale and by greate foresight and experience guarded hymselfe and hys charge till the said Oneale to hinder and disturbe his abode there th●● of Nouēber arriued with a great army of Kerne Galawgl●ss●s and horssemen wyth whome the saide Captaine Randolfe encountred and him there so discomfited as after that conflicte he durste neuer approche the Quéenes power and to his perpetuall fame the said Captaine by reason of his bold and hardie onset that daye loste his life Charles Iames the sixth of that name sonne to Henrie Yong Prince of Scots christned Anno reg 9. Stuarte Lord of Darnley and Marie King and Quéene of Scots was borne in Edenberough Castel the ninetéenth of June last past and the eightéenth of December thys yeare solemnly Christned at Striueling whose Godfathers at the Christning were Charles King of Fraunce and Philibert Duke of Sauoy and the Quéenes Maiestie of Englande was the Godmother who gaue a Font of Golde curiously wrought and enameled weighing 333. ounces amounting in value to the summe of 1043. ● 19. s. The tenth of February in the morning Henrie Stuarte King of Scottes murdered Lorde of Darneley before named King of Scots by Scottes in Scotlande was shamefully murdered the reuenge whereof remaineth in the mightie hande of God The xxij of February the Lady Margaret Dowglasse coūtesse of Leunex mother to the saide King of Scottes was discharged out of the Tower of London Within the space of ten moneths laste paste dyed seauen Seauen Aldermē deceased in Lōdon Aldermen of London the firste Edwarde Bankes deceassed the ninth of July Anna 1566. R. Chamberlaine late Sherife sir Martin Bowes sir R Malory sir William Hewet sir Thomas White late Maiors then Richarde Lambart one of the Sheriffes for that yeare the 4. of Aprill Anno 1567. The xxij of Aprill by greate misfortune of fyre in the 1567 The Tovvn of Ossestry brente thrice in thyrtie yeares Towne of Ossestrie in Wales twelue myles from Shrewsburie to the number of 200. houses to saye seauen scores wythin the walles and thrée score without in the Suburbes béesides cloth corne cattel c. were consumed whyche fire began at two of the clocke in the forenoone and ended at f●●● to the great maruelling of many that so great a spoile in fo short time should happen Two long stréets with great riches of that town were brent in Anno. 1542. And lykewise or worse in Anno. 1544. The xxiiij of Aprill the Sergeants
wéete Radulphus fitz Algede Winiard le Douershe c. gaue the foresayde Lands called Knighten Gild to the same Church but Othowerus Accolinillus Otto and Gefferey Earle of Estsex Constables of the Tower of London by succession with-helde by force a portion of the same lande that is to say East Smithfield néere to the Tower to make a Uineyard and would not depart from it by any meanes till the seconde yeare of King Stephen when the same was adiudged and restored to the Church of the holy Trinitie King Henry hauing greate warres with Lewes King 1116 Anno. reg 17 Cro. Peter of France the Realme of England was sore oppressed with exactions The Towne of Peterborow with the stately Churche there was burned downe to the ground In March was excéeding lightning and in December 1117 Anno. reg 18. Tempest and Earthquake thunder and hayle and the Moone at both times séemed to be turned into bloud This yeare in Lumbardy was an Earthquake continued fortie dayes whiche ouerthrewe many houses and that Floriacen whiche was maruellous to be séene a Towne was moued from his seate and set a good way off Mathild the Quéene wife to King Henry of Englande 1118 Anno reg 19. Mathew Paris deceassed at Westminster and was there buryed in the Reuostrie She founded the Priorie of Christes Church within the East gate of London called Aldgate and an Hospitall of Mathilds Hospitall Saint Giles in the fielde without the Weast part of the same Citie The order of the Templers began Knightes of the Temple Many sore battayles were fought in France and Normandy betwéene the King of England and of France 1119 Anno reg 20 1120 Anno reg 21. The Kings children drovvned W. Malme Mathew Paris King Henry hauing tamed the Frenchmen and pacifyed Normandy returned into Engalnde in whiche voyage William Duke of Normandy and Richard his sonnes and Marye his daughter Richard Earle of Chester and his wife with many noble men and to the number of one hundred and sixtie persons were miserably drowned the Sea being calme King Henry marryed Adelizia the Duke of Louans 1121 Anno reg 22. daughter at London from thence the King with a great armie wente towarde Wales but the Welchmen met him humbly and agréed with him at his pleasure The Citie of Glocester with the principall Monasterie was brent againe as before and Lincolne was burned 1122 Anno reg 23 Glocester brent Lib. Glocest Mathew Paris 1123 Anno reg 24. VVarvvike vvith the Colledge King Henry sayled into Normandy where he remayned long trauelling to quiet that Countrey Henry Earle of Warwike and Margaret his wife founded the Colledge of Saint Mary in y ● towne of Warwike And Roger de Belemound his sonne Earle of Warwike and Aeline his wife translated the same Colledge into the Castell of Warwike in Anno 1123. At that time were nine parishes in Warwike Saint Sepulcre Saint Hellens of these twayne were made one Priorie of Saint Sepulchre Alhalowes Saint Michaell Saint Iohn Saint Peter Saint Lawrēce Saint Iames these fiue last Liber Warwic●● Io. Rouse were ioyned to Saint Maryes in Anno 1367. Saint Nicholas Waleran Earle of Mellent is takē in Normandy by King 1124 Anno reg 25 1125 Anno reg 26 Mathew Paris Taxtor Coyners punished Henry and he with many other are imprisoned at Roane Iohn Thremensis Cardinall came into England who inueying sore against Priestes Concubines was himselfe detected of whoredome The King caused all the Coyners of England to haue their priuie members cut off and also their right hand bycause they had corrupted the Coyne Henry the fourth Emperour being dead as it was said 1126 Anno reg 27. The Empresse returned into England Giraldus Cambr. and Mawde the Empresse returning into England dwelte with the Quéene in hir Chamber bycause she was suspect of hir husbands death but some affirmed him to be long after in England lyuing as an Hermite and in the end to be buryed at Chester King Henry held his Courte with great magnificence Floriacen in his Castell of Winsore and there assembled all the nobilitie of his Realme where when the Archbishop of Yorke woulde haue Crowned the King equally with the Archshop of Canturbury by the iudgement of all menne he Archbishop of Yorke vvith his Crosse cast out of the Kings Chappell was repulsed the bearer of his Crosse togither with the Crosse was throwne out of the Kings Chappell for it was affirmed that no Metropolitane out of his owne Prouince might haue any Crosse borne before him The feast being ended the King with all the States of the Realme togither came to London and there at the Kings commandement William the Archbishop and the Legate of the Romish Churche and all other Bishops of the English Nation with the Nobilitie tooke an othe to defend against all men the Kingdome to his daughter if she suruiued hir father except that before his deceasse he begate some sonne to succéede him The King also granted to the Churche of Canturburie and to William and his successors the custodie and Constableship of the Castell of Rochester for euer The Archbishop of Canturbury assembled a counsell of Bishops 1127 Anno reg 28. Abbots and other Prelates at Westminster where they determined many causes concerning Ecclesiastical businesse and the King with his counsell confirmed them King Henry went with a warlike army into Fraunce bycause 1128 Anno reg 29 Lodowike the French King defēded the Erle of Flaunders the Kings Nephew and enimy At this time men had such a pride in their haire that they Men vveare haire like vvomen W. Malme 1129 Anno reg 30 Mathew Paris contended with women in length of haire King Henry helde a Counsell at London wherein it was graunted him to haue the correction of the Cleargie whiche came to an euill purpose for the King tooke infinite summes of mony of Priests and suffred them to do what they would Robert Deolley Knight great Conestable of England was the first founder of Osney King Henry gaue his daughter the Empresse to Geffrey 1130 Anno reg 31 1131 Anno reg 32 Rochester brent Richard Diuiensis 1132 Anno reg 33 Carleil a Byshopricke Geruasius Gualter Couen London brent Geruasius Doro. Thomas Wikes Plantagenet Earle of Angiou In the Moneth of May the King beyng present the Citie of Rochester was sore defaced wyth fire The King made a Bishopricke at Carleil Mawde the Empresse did beare to Geffrey Plantagenet Earle of Angiou a sonne and named him Henry which when the King knewe hée called hys nobles togyther and ordayned that his daughter and the heires of hir body should succéede him in hys Kingdome In Whitsonwéeke a great fire beginning at Gilbert Beckets house in Weast Cheape consumed a greate parte of London from thence to Algate with the Priorie of Channons of the holy Trinitie and many houses of Office thereto
Gillemehelmach Ocadeci Ocaruell with other Princes and the Bishops submitting themselues and theirs to the King of Englande and his successors builded for him a greate Pallace at Dublin where he helde hys Christmas The Church of Norwich with the houses thereto belonging was brent and the Monkes were dispercled The King returned into England on Monday in the Easter 1172 wéeke about the Ascention tide sayled into Normandy At Andouer a Priest praying before the Altare was striken with thunder and slayne Likewise one Larke and his brother was brent to death with the lightning Cro. Col●estre King Henry the sonne with his wife the French Kings daughter were both togither Crowned at Winchester the seauen and twentith of August by the handes of Rotrod Archbishop of Roane King Henry the elder was assoyled of the death of Thomas Geruasius Anno reg 19. the Archbishop vpō his oth made that he was not priuie to it King Henry married the eldest daughter of Hubert 117● Ypodigma Earle of Morton vnto his sonne Iohn surnamed without land He also made Mary the sister of Thomas Becket Abbesse of Berking Henry the yonger rebelling in Normandy against King Henry the yonger rebelled Henry his father many Earles and Barons fledde ouer to him whereby diuers strong battayles were fought as well in England as in Normandy Poytow Guyen and Britaine There tooke part against the father Lewes King of France William King of Scottes Henry Geffrey and Iohn his sonnes Robert Earle of Leycester Hugh of Chester and others Robert Earle of Leycester with thrée thousand Flemings comming into England ariued at Walton and after were receyued by Earle Hugh into Framilingham Castell They brent the Castell of Hagoneth the Citie of Norwich c. but by Iohn Taxtor Anno reg 20 Richard de Lucy the Kings Justice both he his wife and as many Normans and Frenchmen as were with him were taken but the Flemings were all slayne or drowned This battayle was fought without the Towne of S. Edmondsburie néere to a place called S. Martins of Farneham William King of Scottes with many Flemings entring into England wan the Castels of Appleby Brough and Prideho● King Henry the elder returning into England in shorte time subdued his Rebels The Citie of Leycester by his 1174 Leycester brent commandement was brent the walles and Castell raced and the inhabitants sparcled into other Cities Robert de Scoteuile Radulph de Mandeuile Barnard Bayllole of whome Baynards Castell tooke the name and William de Vescy came to Newcastell and after tooke King William King of Scottes taken prisoner Ger. Dorobor Baynardes Castell Sca. Cron. prisoner and sent him to London from whence King Henry tooke him and the Earle of Leycester with him into Normandy and there imprisoned them at Roane where King William compounded for his ransome and after was deliuered at Yorke for 4000. pound The Nobles of Scotlande came no néerer than Pembles in Scotland to méete with their King wherefore he tooke with him many of the yonger sonnes of noble men in England that bare him good wil and gaue them landes in Scotland which he tooke from suche as were Rebels to him there The names of those Gentlemen that he toke with him were Baylliol Brewle Soully Mowbrey Saintclere Hay Giffard Ramesey Lanudell Bisey Berkeley Wellegen Boys Montgomery Valx Celenille Friser Grame Gurlay and diuers other The v. day of September Christes Church in Canturburye Geruasius Doro. Wil. Thorne Canturbury brent was burned with certayne houses of Office in the court King Henry the sonne with his bréethren other were reconciled to King Henry the father The Archbishop of Canturbury held a Counsell in S. Peeters Anno reg 21 1175 at Westminster on Sunday before the Ascention day at which Counsell were present all the suffragan Bishops of his Prouince Worcester except that was sicke and so excused himselfe and y ● Bishop of Norwich which was deceased A brother of the Earle Ferrers was in the night priuily Roger Houed slayne at London which whē the King vnderstoode he sware that he would be auenged on the Citizens for it was then a common practise in the Citie that an hundred or more in Night vvalkers in London did murther all they met a company of yong and old would make nightly inuasions vpon the houses of the wealthy to the intent to robbe them and if they found any man stirring in the Citie within the night they would presently murther him in so much that when night was come no man durst aduenture to walke in the Stréetes When this had continued long it fortuned that as a crew of yong and wealthy Citizens assembling togither in the night assaulted a stone house of a certayne rich man and breaking through the wall the good man of that house hauing prepared himselfe with other in a corner when he perceyued one of the Théeues named Andrew Bucquinte to leade the way with a burning brand in the one hand and a potte of coales in the other whiche he assayed to kindle with the brand he flew vpon him and smote off his right hande and then with a lowde voyce cryed Théeues at the hearing whereof the Théeues tooke their flight all sauing he that had lost his hande whome the good man in the next morning deliuered to Richarde de Lucy the Kings Justice This Théese vpon warrant of his life appeached his confederates of whome many were taken and many were fledde but among the rest that were apprehended a certayne Citizen of greate countenance credite and wealth surnamed Iohn the olde when he coulde not acquite himselfe by the waterdome offered the King for his life fiue hundred Markes but the King commaunded that he shoulde be hanged which was done Gualter Couen and the Citie became more quiet The Kings of England both father and sonne did eate Anno reg 22 1176 and drinke at one Table lay in one Chamber and wente togither to visite the Tombe of Thomas late Archbishop of Canturburie accomplishing indéede the peace whiche they had promised The King caused to be razed and ouerthrowne the Castels of Huntington Walton Groby Tutsburie Hay and Trest Castels razed with many other in reuenge of the harme the Lordes of them had done to him This yeare 1176 after the foundation of Saint Mary Redulphus de diceto Oueryes Church in Southwarke the stone bridge ouer the The stone bridge at London begon to bée buylded Ex recordis Sāctae Mariae de Southwarke Iohn Leyland Thamis at London was begonne to bée founded A Cardinall and the Archbishop of Canturburie gaue a thousande Markes toward the same foundation In March the King called a Conuocation of the Cleargie at London when the Popes Legate was set and the Archbishop of Canturbury on his right hande as primate of England the Archbishop of Yorke disdeyning to sitte on the lefte hande came and swapt him downe to haue thrust
sailed ouer into England was crowned at Westminster on y ● Ascention daye And at Midsomer Ralphe Cogshall he returned again into Normandie with a great army which al the Sommer season contending against y ● French proued the worthynesse of y e enimies to be sufficient ynough Consuetud de Lō for Phillip king of Fraunce in the quarrell of Arthur the son of Geffrey Iohns eldest Brother duke of Brytaine made war vppon King Iohn in Normandie and toke from him diuerse Castels and townes King Iohn granted the Shirifewike of London and Midlesex Sherife vvike of London let to ferme to the Citizens thereof for 300 pound yerely to be paid for that of auntient time it had bene so accustomed to be fermed as king Henrie the first before he had graunted to the same Citizens for 300. pounde yearely Also he gaue them full aucthoritie to chose and depriue their Sherifes at theyr pleasure Sherifes Arnolde Fitz Arnolde Richard Fitz Barthelmew Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne King Iohn made a lawe that no tunne of Wine of Poiters 1200 Price of vvines Gual Couen should be solde dearer than twentie shillings of Anioye foure and twentie shillings and of French wine fiue twentie shillings vnlesse the same French wine were so good that some woulde giue for it sixe and twentie shillings eyghte pence but not aboue A sexter of wine of Poiters no dearer than twelue pence nor white wine aboue sixe pence King Iohn hauing made peace beyonde the sea he required Annoreg 2 Taske aide of his Realme of xxx M. markes wherefore an edict was made that euery plow land should pay thrée shillings which troubled the lande very sore considering the escuage that went afore for euery Knights fée two markes whiche before neuer payde aboue twentie shilling The king being deuorced from his wife Isabel the Earle King Iohn deuorsed Mathew Paris Ypodigma Radul Cogshal of Glocesters daughter he passed ouer the sea paide thirtie M. markes to the French King vanquished his enimies and returned into Englande with Isabel his wife daughter to the Earle of Angolesme and crowned hir Quéene at Westminster on the eight of October Sherifes Roger Dorset Iames Bartelmew Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne King Iohn went to Lincolne where he met with William King of Scottes did homage King of Scottes Rotland Lorde of Galloway and many other noble men who did to him homage on the one and twētith day of Nouember A noble man of Aquitaine named Hugh Brune rebelling 1201 Hugh Brune rebelled against King Iohn inuaded diuers parts of the prouince bicause the King had maried the daughter of the Earle of Angolesme whom the sayd Brune had affied and had in his custodie wherefore the passed ouer and restrained the rebels from their attemptes The 25. of June there arose a cruell Tempest of thunder Ypodigma Annoreg 3. Tempestes lightning and hayle with a vehemente raine that destroyed corne cattell menne and houses by brenning them c. The 10. of July another Tempest much like to the former hapned so that the Medowes could not be mowed and the hay that was downe was carried away by the outragious course of waters that ouerflowed the grounde greate numbers of fishes through the corruption of the waters dyed many bridges borne downe corne and hay caried away many men drowned so that al men thought a new deluge had bene come Sherifes Walter Fitz Alis. Simon de Adermanbury Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne King Iohn sharplye warred vppon the Earle of March 1202 Radulphu● Cog. Hugh Brune and the Earle of Eue hys brother who béeing not able to resist they complayned to Phillip king of France as to their soueraigne and chiefe Lorde who sent ofttimes to King Iohn mouing him to cease from vexing them but that woulde not serue wherefore he was sommoned by the Annoreg 4. Nobles of Fraunce as Duke or Earle of Aquitaine and Anioy to come vnto the Courte of the Frenche King and to stande to the iudgement of hys Péeres all which Kyng Iohn denyed K Iohn sōmoned to the French Kings Court wherevpon the same Courte adiudged hym to be depriued of all his landes which he or his predecessours helde of the king of Fraunce c. King Phillip forth with assembled an armye and inuaded the Castel of Buteuant in Normandie which King Richard had buylded he rased it to the ground He tooke the land of Hugh Gorney and all the Castels there about He tooke the Castell of Albomarle with the County of Eue and all the land to Arches none resisting him Also Arthure Earle of Britayne being made Knight by the French King whose Arthure Earle of Britayne taken yonger daughter he had fianced he being but sixtéene yeres olde wente to Hugh Brune and Geffrey of Lucingnam and with 250. Knightes beséeged the Castell of Mirable in which Quéene Eleanor his Aunte was enclosed but King Iohn came with a power and deliuered his mother from daunger He tooke there his Nephew Arthure William de Brawsa Geffrey de Lucingham Hugh Brune Andrew Caueny Saluaricus de Mauleon and diuers others Great thunder and lightning with hayle as bigge as Hennes egges c. Sherifes Normand Brundell Iohn de Ely Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne The waters encreased and did much hurt in Englande 1023 Mathew Paris Annoreg 5. Earle of Britaine murthered Radul Cogshal Arthure Earle of Britaine from Falaise was broughte to Roane and put in the Tower vnder the custody of Robert de Veypont where shortly after he was dispatched of his life some say by the hands of his Uncle Iohn The King of France inuaded the Castels of Normandy tooke Lisle Dandely with the Castell and the Vale de Ruell in the whiche were Robert Fitz Water Sayer de Quincy and many other He toke the strong Castell vpon Seyne builded by King Richard which had bin valiantly kept by the Connestable of Chester Sherifes Walter Browne William Chamberlayne Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne King Iohn doubting treason in his owne men in December retourned into Englande where he gathered greate aydes of money Elianor daughter to the Earle of Poyters that had bin 1204 Ralph Cogshal Anno reg 6. wife to Lewes King of France and after to King Henry the seconde of Englande departed this life and was buryed in Westminster King Iohn sente Embassadoures to treate a peace with the King of France but he bycause the worlde wente with him woulde not agrée in any wise except Arthure mighte be deliuered to him aliue or if he were dead he woulde haue his Sister in mariage with all the lands on that side the Seas Shortly after he tooke Falaise Caen and so forth all the Countrey to Barflot Charburgh and Dunfront Roane Vernoll and Arches and so proude Normandy Angiow Briteyne Mayne Poitow and Thoraigne were within a short time deliuered to King Phillip King Iohn marryed Iane hys Bastarde Daughter to Lewlin Prince of Wales and gaue with hir
fifth of May and the. 24. of Maye entred London with them where he was receyued with greate honour of the Citizens and so conuayed to the kings pallaice at Westminster where the King sitting in his estate in Westminster Hall receyued them and after conueyed the French King to a lodging where he lay a season and after the sayde French King was lodged in the Sauoy which then was a pleasant place belonging to the Duke of Lancaster In the Winter following were gret and royal iustes holden in Smithfielde at London where many knightly sights of armes wer done to the gret honour of the king realm at the which were present the Kings of England Fraunce and Scotlande with many noble estates of all those Kingdomes wherof the more part of the strangers were prisoners Henrie Picarde Uintener Maior of London in one day dyd sumptuouslye feaste Edwarde King of Englande Iohn King of Fraunce the King of Cipres then arriued in England Dauid king of Scottes Edward Prince of Wales wyth many noble men and other and after the sayde Henrie Picarde kepte his Hall against all commers who soeuer that were willing to play at Dice and Hazard In like maner the Lady Margaret his wife did also kéepe hir Chamber to the same intente The King of Cipres playing wyth Henrie Picarde in hys Hall dyd wynne of hym 50. markes but Henrie being verye skilfull in that arte altering hys hande did after win of the same king the same 50. markes and 50. markes more which when the same king began to take in ill parte although he dissembled the same Henrye saide vnto him my Lord and King be not agrieued I couet not your golde but your play for I haue not bid you hyther that I might grieue you but that amongst other things I might trie your playe and gaue hym his money agayne plentifully bestowing of his owne amongst the retinue besides he gaue many riche giftes to the King and other Nobles and Knightes whiche dyned wyth hym to the greate glorie of the Citizens of London in these dayes Stephen Candish Barthelmew Frostling the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Stody Vintener the. 28. of October This sir Iohn Stody gaue vnto the Uinteners of London all the quadrant wherein the Uinteners Hal now standeth with the tenements round about from the lane yet called Studis Lane where is founded thirtéene houses for xiij poore people whiche are there kept of charitie rent frée About Halowntide Dauid le Bruce king of Scots was deliuered from the long imprisonmēt of a. xj yeres in the castel of Oldiham his raunsome being set a 100000. markes to be payde the next ten yeares following Normandie and Brytaine were soare spoyled and wasted Tho. Walsing Anno reg 32 Rob. Knovvles by Phillippe the King of Nauers brother Iacob de la Pipe and Roberte Knowles wyth manye other Englishe menne whyche were Captaynes of that companye who raged in warlike sorte in these Countryes the space of thrée yeares and more contrarye to the Kyng of Englandes pleasure Thys Roberte Knowles béeyng a meane man of birth became Captaine of many souldiours and did manye maruellous actes Isabel daughter to Phillippe the fayre king of Fraunce 1358 now wife to King Edward the second deceased apnd Risinges Registrum fratrum minorum iuxta London the. xxij of August and was buried in the Grey Friers Quire at London in a Tombe of Aliblaster Iohn Barnes Iohn Buris the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 33 Iohn Louekinstoke Fishmonger the 28. of October Iohn of Gaunt the Kings sonne by dispensation tooke to wife Blaunch dauhter of Henry Duke of Lancaster his kinswoman The French King vnder coulour of peace offered to King Edward Flanders Picardie Aquitayne and other lands which the Englishmen had ranged through and spoyled for the perfourmāce wherof messengers were sent into France but the Frenchmen would not perfourme the offer wherfore King Edward being angrie with a Nauie of Shippes passed the Sea to Caleis wherefore deuiding his armie into thrée partes committed one companie vnto Henry Duke King Edvvarde inuaded Burgundie of Lancaster another to Prince Edward and the third he reserued to himselfe and so passed into Burgundie In the meane season the Normans with a small Nauie 1359 Frenchmen arriued at VVinchelsea arriued at Winchelsey and partly brent the Towne and slew such as did withstand them wherefore the Prelates of England assembled from all partes in armour to withstande them but when they had prepared themselues to battayle the French were gone Simon of Benington Iohn of Chichester the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Anno reg 34. 1360 Simon Dolseby Grocer the 28. of October King Edward with his power rode through France by Picardie Artois Roan Champaine and so to Briteine destroying the Countrey before him And héere is to be noted that the fourtéenth day of Aprill and the morrow after Easter day King Edward with his host lay before the Citie of Paris which day was full darke of mist and hayle and so bitter colde that many men died on their Horsse backes with the cold wherefore vnto this day it hath bin called the blacke Monday The King of Nauarre vexed sore the marches of Normandie Thus was the Realme of France miserably beset on all sides At the last a finall peace was concluded on Peace vvith France this condition that King Edward should haue to his possession the Countreys of Gascoine Gwyen Poytiers Limosin Baleuile Exantes Caleis Gwisnes and diuers other Lordships Castels Townes and all the Landes to them belonging Tho. Wals without knowledge of any soueraigntie or subiection for the same This peace being confirmed by writing and by oth King Edward came into England and so streight to the Tower to sée the French King where he appoynted his raunsome to be thrée millions of Florences and so deliuered French King releassed him of all imprisonment and brought him with great honor to the Sea who then sayled ouer into France Iohn Denis Walter Berney the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Wroth Fishmonger the 28. of October King Edward the 24. of Januarie beganne a Parliament at Westminster where the forme of the agréement was redde and allowed of all estates where the King on the last of Januarie caused his Nobles to sweare to holde and Anno reg 35 1361 kéepe the sayde agréement especially those as well Prelats as other that were not at Caleis where he sware and other that were there with him A great dearth pestilence hapned in England which was called the second pestilence in which died Henry D. of Lancaster The seconde mortalitie in March at London and was buryed at Leycester in the colegiate Church which he had founded with a Deane twelue Chanons Prebendaries as many Uickers and other ministers accordingly There dyed also Reginald Lord Cobham and Walter Lib. Lichfield Fitz Waren valiant and famous
moneth of July was a preste for the Kyng made 1488 in the Citie of London of foure thousande pounde and shortly after was an other prest of two thousande pounde which were both repayde againe in the nexte yeare following These summes of money and manye more were leuied to ayde the Archeduke of Burgoigne agaynste the Duke of Brytaine Anno reg 4. Sherifes Maior William Isaac Ralph Tinley the 28. of September Robert Tate Mercer the 28. of October A taske of the tenth penny of all mens goods and landes was graunted to King Henrie to ayde the Duke of Brytaine against the French Kyng through which taxe sir Iohn Egremount and Iohn a Chamber wyth the commōs of y e North Iohn Skelton 1489 made an insurrection and slewe the Earle of Northumberlande and certaine of hys housholde seruauntes in a place called Coke-lodge by Thurske eightéene myles from Yorke on the eighte and twentith of Apryll Wherefore Iohn Achamber was hanged at Yorke vppon a Gibbet sette vppon a foure square Gallowes and the other his accomplices were hanged on the Gallowes round aboute him but sir Iohn Egremount fledde into Flaunders to the Lady Margaret Dutches of Burgondie It was ordayned by Parliament the Maior of London to Anno reg 5. haue conseruation of the riuer of Thamis from the bridge of Stanes vnto the Waters of Yendale and Medway William Capell Iohn Brooke the 28. of September Sherifes Maior William White Draper the 28. of October Roger Shaueloke a Taylour within Ludgate of London 1420 being a man of greate wealth slewe hymselfe for whose goodes was greate businesse and strife betwéene the Kings Almoner and the Sherifes of London but in the ende the Anno. reg 6 Almoner preuailed and gaue to the widowe hir goodes againe vpon condition that she shoulde marry with one of his seruauntes named William Flower Henry Coote Robert Reuell the 28. of September Sherifes Hugh Pemberton the 1. of February Iohn Mathew Mercer the 28. of October Maior 1491 The twelfth of March Sir Robert Chamberlaine knight was arraigned and adiudged at Stratforde of the Langthorne and after beheaded on the Tower hill King Henry required a beneuolence whych was granted towarde hys iourney into France The Citizens of London gaue toward this iourney 9682. l. 17. s̄ 4. d. to the whiche summe many Aldermen gaue 200. l. the péece and some of the meaner sorte 100. l. the reste the common people supplied Henry the Kings second sonne was borne at Greenwich Henry the kings son borne Anno. reg 7. Conduite in Grace-streete Dearth of corn the twoo and twentith of June The Conduite in Grace-streete was begunne to bée builded by the executours of sir Thomas Hill Grocer late Maior of London of his goodes Wheate was solde at London for twenty pence the bushel whiche was accompted a great dearth Thomas Wood William Browne the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Hugh Clopton Mercer and Bacheler the 28. of Octob. This Hugh Clopton Mayor of London and of the Staple a Gentleman borne at Clopton village halfe a mile from Stratforde vpon Auen by north continued during hys lyfe 〈…〉 Bacheler he builded the greate and sumptuous Bridge 1492 〈…〉 Stratforde vpon Auen at the Easté ende of the Towne 〈…〉 ys Bridge hathe fourtéene greate arches and a long cawsey with smaller Arches all made of stone newe walled on eche side at the west ende of the bridge he buylded a fayre large Chappell towarde the south ende of that towne and neare vnto the same a preatye house of Bricke and Tymber where he laye and ended his life He glazed the Chancell of the parishe Churche in that towne and made away of foure myles long thrée miles from Alesburie towardes London and one myle beyonde Alesburie The sixt day of Aprill the Mayor of London his brethren the Aldermen and the Craftes in their Liueries assembled in Paules Churche where Doctour Morton Chauncelour made to them an Oration declaring howe the Kyng of Spaine hadde wonne the great and riche Citie and countrey of Granade from the Turkes for ioy whereof Te Deum was sung wyth greate solempnitie In the moneth of May following was holden a greate and valiaunt iusting wythin the Kings Palaice of Shine Anno. reg 8. nowe named Richmonde the whyche endured by the space of a moneth sometime wythin the saide Palaice and sometime wythout vpon the Gréene before the Gate of the said Pallaice In whiche Justes sir Iames Parker Knight running against a Gentleman named Hugh Vaughan by casualtie was so sore hurte and brused that he dyed thereof The ninth of September King Henry tooke his voyage into Fraunce with a greate army to aide the Britons against the Frenche King where he besieged Bolloine til a truce was taken William Purchas William Welbecke the 28 of Sept Sherifes Maior Sir William Martin Skinner the 28. of October King Henry returned into Englande the seauentéenth of December Twoo Pardoners were sette on the Pillorie in Cornehill thrée market dayes for forging of false pardons wherewyth they hadde deceyued the people and gote much money and for that one of them hadde sayned hymselfe to bée a Prieste he was sente to Newgate where he dyed the other was dryuen oute of London wyth shame ynoughe The ninth of October was a ryo● made vpon the Easterling● 149● Fray against the Stiliard men Anno reg 9. or Stiliarde men by Mercers seruauntes and other of the Citie of London for the which many of them were sore punished Robert Fabian Iohn Winger the 28. of September Sherifes This Robert Fabian Sherife aforenamed and Aldermā made a Chronicle of Englande and of Fraunce beginning at the creation of the worlde and ending in the thirde yeare of the raigne of King Henrie the eight which booke is imprinted to the ende of Richarde the thirde Sir Ralph Austry Fishemonger the 28. of October Maior This sir Ralph Austry rooffed with tymber and couered with Lead the Parishe Churche of Saint Martin in the Vintrie of London and also glazed the same Churche very beautifully as partely appeareth The two and twentith of February were arraigned in the Guild hall of London foure persons Thomas Bagnall Iohn Scot Iohn Heth Iohn Kenington the whyche were Sanctuary men of Saint Martins le Grand in London and latelye before were taken out of the saide Sanctuarie for forging o● seditio●s billes to the sclaunder of the King and some his Counsell for the whiche thrée of them were iudged to dye and the fourth named Bagnall pleaded to be restored to Sanctuarie by reason wherof he was repriued to the Tower till the nexte Terme and on the sixe and twentith of February the other thrée with a Fleming and a Yeoman of the Crowne were all fiue executed at Tyborne The eyghte and twentith of Aprill Ione Boughton widowe 1494 was brent in Smithfielde for holding certaine opinions of Iohn Wicklife Wheate was solde at London
familie of Franciscane Friers which are called conuentuals at Canterbury Newcastell and Southhampton This noble Prince King Henry dyed at Richmond the Smart Henry the vij deceassed ●●ij of Aprill when he had reigned thrée and twenty yeares and eyght monethes and was buryed at Westminster in the 〈◊〉 Chappell which he had caused to be builded on the eleuenth of May. He left issue Henry Prince of Wales which succéeded in the Kingdome Lady Margaret Quéene of Scottes and Lady Mary promised to Charles King of Castile The Altare and Sepulture of the same King Henry the Sepulture of Henry the seauenth seuenth wherein he now resteth in his new Chappell at Westminster was made and finished in the yeare of ours Lorde 1519. by one Peter T. a Paynter of the Citie of Florence for the which he receyued one thousande pounde sterling for the whole stu●●e and workemāship at the hands of the Kings exequetors Richard Bishop of Winchester Richard Exequetors to Henry the seauenth Fitz Iames Bishop of London Thomas Bishop of Duresme Iohn Bishop of Rochester Thomas Duke of Norffolke Treasurer of Englande Edwarde Earle of Worcester the Kings Chamberlayne Iohn F. Knighte chiefe Justice of the Kings Benche Robert R. Knight chiefe Justice of the Common Place c. King Henry the eyght HEnry the eyght at the age Anno. reg 1. of eyghtéene yeares begā his raigne the xxij of Aprill Anno. 15●9 Of personage he was tall and mighty in witte and memorie excellent of suche maiestie with humanitie as was comely in such a Prince The The King married The King and Queene crovvned third of June he marryed Lady Katherine his first wife who had bin late the wife of Prince Arthur deceassed The sixth of June Iohn Darby ●owyer Iohn Smith Carpenter Iohn S●mpson ●ulle●●●ingleaders of false ●nes●es in London r●de about the Citie with their faces to the Horsse taytes and papers on their heads and were set ●● the Pillorie in Cor●ehill and after brought agayne to ●awgate where they dyed all within seauen dayes after for very shame On Midsomer day the King and Quéene were crowned ●● Westminster The nine and twentith of June the most noble and verrtuous Princesse Margaret Countesse of Richmond ● Darbye mother to King Henry the seauenth and Grandmother to King Henry the eyght dyed at Westminster whose noble Actes and most charitable déedes all hir life executed can not be expressed in a small volume The seuentéenth of July Edmond Dudley was arraigned at the Guild Hall of London and after Michaelmas Sir Richard Empson was arraigned and condemned at Northhampton and sent agayne to the Tower of London George Monex Iohn Doget Mer Taylor the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Thomas Bradbury Mercer the 28. of October Sir William Capell Draper the 12 of Ianuary Maiors The one and twentith of January began a Parliament at Westminster In February was a great fire in Thames streete néere vnto Wooll Key which began in a Flaxe wiues house and did much harine The xx of Aprill a peace was proclaymed betwixte England and France during the ●●ues of Henry the eyght King of England and Lewes the French King but it lasted not lo●● Doctor Colet Deane of Paules erected a frée Schoole in 1510 Paules Church yard in London and committed the ouersight thereof to the Mayster and Wardens of the Mercers Paules Schoole Anno. reg 2. bycause himselfe was ●o●●e in London and was sonne to Henry Colet Mercer sometime Maior of London On Midsomer ●igh● the King came pe●●●ly into Cheape in one of the ●oates of his 〈◊〉 and on Saint Peters night the King and Quéene came riding royally to the Kings head in Cheape there to behold the watch of the Citie o● Sir Richard Empson Knight and Edmond Dudley ●●●uier Empson and Dudley beheaded Edward Hall who had bin gr●●●● C●●●●ay 〈◊〉 ●● the late Kyng Henry the seauenth were beheaded at the Tower hill the seauenth of August Richarde Empson was buryed at the White Friers and Edmonde Dudley at the Blacke whose attacheme●●●● was thoughte ●● 〈◊〉 procured by the malice of the 〈◊〉 ●h●●wyt● they 〈◊〉 ●●●e were offended or else to shift the noyse of the streight execution of penall Statutes in the late Kings dayes This Edmond Dudley in the tyme of his emprisonmēt in the Tower of London compiled one notable Booke whiche he entituled The Tree of common wealth a coppye whereof The tree of common vvelth a Booke I haue giuen to the right honourable Earle of Leycester now liuing The xx● of September William Fitz Williams Merchāt Election of a Sheriffe Taylor was agayne the seconde time chosen Sheriffe for the yeare following whereof the sayde William hauyng knowledge absented himselfe and woulde not be founde wherevpon the time drawing néere that presentation must be made of the newe Sheriffes they in a full Court of the Maior and Aldermen with assent of the common Counsayle being present in solemne and due forme caused him to be thrice called and commanded to appeare vpon payne that should fall thereof but he would in no wise appeare nor any other for him wherefore in auoyding the ieoperdie of forfeyture of their liberties if they should not prepare an hable man of themselues to be Sheriffe with that other which the Maior yéerely chooseth they called a new assemble of the commons and then chose Iohn Rest Alderman Nevv election of a Sheriffe and Grocer for the other Sheriffe the whiche with Iohn Milborne his fellow before chosen by the Maior was presented before the Barons of the Kings Exchequer and there admitted and shortly after for so much as the sayde William Fitz William would not submit himselfe to the authoritie of the Citie he was disfranchised and dismissed of VVilliam Fitz VVilliams disfranchised his Aldermanship and ●ined at a thousand Markes to bée le●yed of hys goodes and Cattayles within the Citie Iohn Milborne Iohn Rest the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Henry Kebell Grocer the 28. of October The eyghtenth of Nouember was holden the Seriants feast at the Bishop of Elyes in Oldborne the new Seriants Seri●ants Feast were Mayster Newport Newdigate Fitzherbert Iohn Brooke Pigote Cariell Brooke of Bristow Palme Senior and Mayster Roo Henry the Kings first sonne was borne on New yeares Prince borne day but dyed on Saint Mathies day next following In the monethes of June and July the Scottes made sundrye 1511 Anno reg 3. entryes vpon the borderes of England with Shippes well manned and victualled who kept the narrow Seas against the Portingales as they sayd wherevpon Sir Edward Haward Lord Admirall of England and Lord Thomas Haward sonne and heyre to the Earle of Surrey wente to Andrevv Barton a Scottish Pirate the Seas by the King of Englands commaundement wyth certayne Shippes who about the end of July mette with the sayde Scottes and gaue vnto them a sharpe battayle wounded theyr Captayne Andrew Barton
Waltam-stow to Locke bridge towards London The vij of August a peace was proclaymed betwixt the Mary sister to King Henry married to the French King Kingdomes of England and of France And on the ninth day ●● October King Lewes of France marryed the Lady Mary sister to King Henry the eyght in y e great Church of Abvile Richard Hunne hauged in Lovv lards Tovver Richard Hunne a Merchant Taylor of London dwelling ●● the Parish of Saint Margaret in Bridgestreate who for de●●ing to giue a mortuarie such as was demaunded by the Parson for his childe being buryed had bin put in the Low●●ds Tower about the ende of October last before passed was ●●we the fift of December found hanged with his owne ●ir●le of silke in the sayd Tower and after he was burned ●● Smithfield This yeare dyed at Rome the Archbishop of Yorke Cardinall called Doctor Banbredge which was the Kings Embassador there And King Henry gaue the said Archbishop●●ke to Thomas Wolsey then Bishoppe of Lincolne who ●●rtly after gate to be Cardinall and Lord Chancellour On Newyeares euen dyed the French King Lewes the 1515 twelfth and the ninth of Aprill a new peace was concluded betwéene the King of England and Francis the new King of Anno reg 7. France In the moneth of May Charles Duke of Suffolke wedded Duke of Suffolke married he Kings sister the Lady Mary the Kings sister late Quéene of Fraunce And héere I thinke good to set downe some part of the procéedings of this so oft named Thomas Wolsey Archbishop his ascending vnto honorious estate and sodeiue falling againe from the same as I haue bin enformed by persons of good credite This Thomas Wolsey was a poore mans sonne of Ipswich The ascending of Thomas VVolsey 1516 in the Countie of Suffolke and there borne and being but a child very apt to be learned by the meanes of his parents he was conuayde to the Uniuersitie of Oxford where he shortly prospered so in learning as he was made Batcheler Anno reg 8. Batcheler of Art xv yeares old of Art when he passed not fiftéene yeares of age and was called most commonly through the Uniuersitie the boy Batcheler Thus prospering in learning he was made fellow of Maudelin Colledge and afterward appoynted to be Schoolemayster of Maudelin Schoole at which time the Lorde Marques Dorcet hadde thrée of his sonnes there a● Schoole committing vnto him as well their education a● Schoolemayster to the Marques Dorcets Children their instruction It pleased the sayde Lorde Marquesse a gainst a Christmas season to send as well for the Schoolemayster as for his children home to his house for their re● creation in that pleasant and honourable feast Then béeing there the Lorde their father perceyuing them to 〈…〉 right well employed in learning for their time he hauing a Benefice in his gift being at that time voyde gaue th● same to the Schoolemaister in reward of his diligence at his Thomas VVolsey gate a Benefice departure after Christmas to the Uniuersitie and hauing the presentation thereof repaired to the Ordinarie for hy● induction and being furnished of his instruments mad● spéede to the Benefice to take possession and being there fo● that intent one Sir Iames Paulet Knight dwelling there about tooke occasion against him and set the Schoolemayster Thomas VVolsey set in the stockes by Sir Iames Paulet by the héeles during his pleasure which after was neyther forgotten nor forgiuen for when the Schoolemayster mounted the dignitie to be Chancellour of England he sente for Mayster Paulet and after many sharp words enioyned him to attend vntill he were dismissed and not to depart out of London without licence obteyned so that he continued therewith VVolseys imprisonment reuenged in the middle Temple the space of fiue or sixe yeares who lay then in the Gate house next the stréete which hée reedifyed very sumptuously garnishing the same all ouer Gatehouse of the middle Temple nevv builded the outside with the Cardinals Armes with his hatte cognisances and other deuises in so glorious a sorte that he thought thereby to haue appeased his olde displeasure Now after the deceasse of the Lorde Marquesse thys Schoolemayster considering with himselfe to be but a simple beneficed man and to haue lost his fellowship in the Colledge which was much to his reliefe thought not long to be vnprogided of some other help and in his trauell thereabout he fell in acquayntance with one Sir Iohn Naphant Sir Iohn Naphant Treasurer of Caleis Thomas VVolsey his Chaplayne a very graue and auntient Knight who had a great ●●me in Caleis vnder King Henry the seauenth this Knight hée serued and behaued hymselfe so discretely that he obteyned the especiall fauour of his Mayster in so muche that he committed all the charge of hys office vnto hys Chaplayne and as I vnderstand the office was the Treasureship of Caleis who was in consideration of hys greate age discharged of hys roome and returned agayne into Englande and through hys instant labour hys Chaplayne Thomas VVolsey vvas Chapleyne to Henry the vij was promoted to bée the Kyngs Chaplayne and when hée had once cast Ancker in the porte of promotion how he wrought I shall somewhat declare He hauing there a ●ust occasion to be in the sight of the King dayly by reason hée sayde Masse before hym in hys Closet and that bée●ng done he spēt not the day in ydlenesse but would attend vpon those whome he thought to beare most rule in the Counsell the which at that tyme was Doctor Fox Bishop of Winchester Secretarie and Lord of the priuie seale also Sir Thomas Louell Knight a sage Counsellor Mayster of the Wardes and Connestable of the Tower these graue Counsellors in proces of time perceyued this Chapleyne to haue a very fine witte and thought him a méete person to be preferred to wittie affaires It chanced at a certayne season that the King had an vrgent occasion to send an Embassador vnto the Emperour Maximilian who lay at that present in the low Countrey of Flanders not farre from Caleis The Bishop of Winchester and Sir Thomas Louell whome the King counselled and debated with vppon this Embassage saw they had a conuenient occasion to preferre the Kings Chapleyne whose witte eloquence and learning they highly commended to the King the King commanded them to bring his Chapleyne before his presence with whome he fell in communication of great matters and perceyuing his witte to be very fyne thoughte hym sufficiente commaunding hym therevpon to prepare hymselfe to hys iourney and hauing hys depeach tooke hys leaue of the King at Richmond about noone and so came to London about four of the Clocke where the Barge of Graues ende was ready to launch forth both with a prosperous Thomas VVolsey Embassadour to the Emperour tyde and winde without any abode he entred the Barge and so passed foorth with suche spéede that hée arriued
ought to the King of Englande for their liberties and franchises It was further agréede that the yong Dolphin sonne and heyre to the French King shoulde marry wyth the Ladye Mary King Henries daughter of Englande if they bothe so lyked eche other when they came to age And then the Earle of Worcester with the Bishoppe of Ely and other were sente into Fraunce to make delyuery of the saide Citie of Tourney whyche was done on the tenth of February Iohn Allen Iames Spencer the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Thomas Mirfin Skinner the 28. of October The sixetéenth of Marche landed at Calleis sir Nicholas Vaux sir Edwarde Belknape sir William Sandes Knightes of the Garter Commissioners to ouer sée the making of a Pallaice before the Castell of Guisnes wherefore there was sente the Kings Mayster Mason Maister Carpenter and thrée hundred Masons and fiue hundred Carpenters one hundred Joyners many Paynters Glaziers Tylours Smiths and other Artificers both out of England and Flaunders to the number in all of two thousande and more The saide Pallaice was begunne the ninetéenth of Marche for the whyche tymber was boughte in Holand whyche tymber was so long that the same was bounden togyther and brought to Calleis wythout any shippe for no shippe myghte receiue it the other tymber and boorde was conueyed out of 1519 Englande And thus was there builded the goodlyest Pallaice of tymber that euer was wroughte and so curiously garnished wythin and wythout Then was prouision made in Englande and in Flaunders for victuall wine and all other thynges necessarie for the furniture of feasting and banqueting Then came into Englande Orleaunce Kyng of Armes in France made Proclamation at the Courte that the Kyng of England and the Frenche Kyng in campe betwéene Arde and Guisnes with eightéene aydes in June nexte ensuing should abide al commers being Gentlemen at the tylt tourney and at barriers And the like Proclamation was made in the Courte ●f Fraunce by Clarencius Kyng of Armes of Englande also in the Courte of Burgoigne in Almaine and Italie For the furnishing of those Justes there was deuised a tylt and all thyngs necessarie for that enterprice in a goodlye plaine betwéene Guisnes and Arde. Kyng Henrie being informed that his realme of Ireland was oute of order discharged the Earle of Kyldare of his office of Deputye and therevnto was appoynted the Earle of Surrey Thomas Howard Lorde Admirall wherefore the saide Earle in the beginning of April tooke leaue of the Kyng and the Duke of Norffolke his father and passed into Anno reg 11. Irelande with diuers Gentlemen or that hadde béene of the garrison of Tourney and hadde with hym one hundred Yeomen of the Kings Guarde and other to the number of one thousand men and there he continued two yeres and more in whiche space he had manye battels and skirmishes with the wilde Irishe Iohn Wilkinson Nicholas Partridge the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1520 Anno reg 12. Sir Iames Yarforde Mercer the 28. of October As King Henrie was at Canterburie with the Quéene in readinesse to haue passed the Sea he heard of the Emperor Charles his comming who arriued at Hith in Kent but landed at Douer on the sixe and twentith of May where he was mette by the Lorde Cardinall Wolsey who conducted him from the shoare of Douer to the Castel there where he was lodged On the nexte morning King Henrie came riding from Canterburie to the Castel of Douer where he saluted the Emperour And on Whitsonday earely in the morning these two noble Princes tooke their horses and rode to the Citie of Caunterburie not onelye to solempnise the feast of Pentecoste but also to sée the Quéene his aunte The noble personages of the realme of Englande and the Quéene with hir traine of Ladyes receyued and welcomed the Emperour to Caunterburie where he remayned tyll the Thursday nexte following whyche was the laste of Maye then he tooke hys leaue of the King and of all the Ladyes and so rode to Sandwich where he tooke hys Ships and sayled into Flaunders And the same daye the Kyng made sayle from the Porte of Douer and landed at Caleis aboute eleauen of the clocke and wyth him the Quéene and Ladyes and manye Nobles of the Realme The number of persons on the King and Quéenes side were 4334. and of horses 1637. besides the persons on the Frenche Quéenes and Duke of Suffolke hir husbandes and of the Cardinalles On the fourth of June the King wyth all hys Nobles as well the Quéene with hir traine of Ladies as other with the whole number of Nobles remoued frō Calleis to Guisnes into the moste noble and royall lodging before séene for it was a Pallaice made quadrant and euerye quadrant was 328. foote long whyche was in compasse 1312. foote aboute The seauenth of June the Kings of England and Fraunce met at the campe betwéene Guisnes and Arde wyth bothe their Swordes drawne and borne before them The tenth of June the King of Englande dyned with the Frenche Quéene in the towne of Arde and the Frenche Kyng dyned the same day wyth the Quéene of England in the new Pallaice made before the Castel of Guisnes which house was the moste sumptuous and costlye of Riches that hath béen● séene And after thys these two Kings mette euery daye after at Campe wyth diuers Lords and there iusted and turneyed fourtéene dayes and the two Quéenes met at Guisnes and at Arde dyuers tymes The foure and twentith of June these two Kings and Quéens with their retinues met at Camp where the Justs were kept there they banqueted daūced with maskings and disguisings that the like had not bin lightly séene almost all the night following and then tooke their leaue and departed and on the xxv of June the King of England and the Quéene and all the Court remoued from Guisnes to the Towne of Caleis where they rested On the tenth of July the King with a goodly company rode to the Towne of Grauelin in Flanders and there mette with Charles the Emperour and on the next morrow the Emperour and the Lady Margaret the Emperours Aunt Duchesse of Sauoy with many other great Estates came with the King of England to the Towne of Caleis whereby all the Lords and states of England were displaced of their lodgings and for solace against their comming was builded Banqueting house in the Tovvne of Caleis Richard Turpin a Banqueting house eyght hundred foote compasse like a Theatre after a goodly deuise builded in such manner as I thinke was neuer séene with sixtéene principals made of great Mastes betwixt euery Mast four and twentie foote and all the outsides closed with boorde and canuas Ouer it and within round about by the sides were made thrée Scaffolds or loftes one aboue another for men and women to stand vpon and in the midst of the same Banqueting house was set vp a great piller of Timber made of eyght great
Mastes bound togither with iron bands for to holde them togither for it was an hundred and four and thirtie ●ote of length and cost sixe pound thirtéene shillings foure pence to set it vpright The Banqueting house was couered ●uer with Canuas fastned with ropes and iron as fast as might be deuised And within the sayd house was paynted the Heauens with Starres Sunne Moone and Clowdes with diuers other things made aboue ouer mens heads and ther were great Images of wickers couered and made like great men of diuers strange Nations and diuers reasons were written by them of the Countreys that they were likened to be off and the Armes of those Countreys hanging by them Also there was made as it were many ships vnder sayle and Windmilles going and about the high piller of timber that stoode vpright in the midst was made Stages of Timber for Organs and other instruments to stande on men to play on them and for other Musitions and Pageants to be playde when the King of England and the Emperour should be at their Banquet but in the morning of the same day the winde beganne to rise and at night blew off all the Canuas and all the elements with Banqueting house defaced by tempest the Starres Sunne Moone and Clowdes and the wind blew out aboue a thousand Torches and other lightes of waxe that were prepared to giue light to the Banquet and all the Kings seates that were made with great riches besides all other things were all dashed and lost The same night the King with fiftéene persons more were richly apparelled and in a Maske went to the Emperours lodging and in the Chamber of presence daunced and reuelled and then departed On the twelfth of July the Emperour and the Lady Margaret supped with the King and the Quéene at the Checker where the same night were eyght companyes of Maskers and euery company twelue persons all in Gold Siluer and Ueluet richly apparelled The fourtéenth of July the Emperour departed from Caleis toward Grauelin The eyghtéenth of July the King of Englande with the Quéene departed from Caleis towards Calbais Iohn Skeuington Mer. Taylor Iohn Kyeme the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Bruges Draper the 28. of October King Henry kepte his Christmas at his Manour of Greenewich with much noblenesse and open Court and the tenth day of February in his owne person iusted with all commers In this time Edward Duke of Buckingham was accused Duke of Buckingham accused 1521 of high Treason wherefore the King directed his letters to the sayd Duke béeing at hys Manour of Thornebury in Glocestershire that incontinent he should come to his presence which commandement the Duke obeyed and came vpto Anno reg 13 London where he was streightwayes arrested by Sir Henry Merney Captayne of the Gard and conuayde to the Tower of London on the sixtéenth of Aprill before whiche time the Dukes Chancellour was taken which had confessed matter of high Treason concerning the Kings person There was also attached a Monke of the order of the Carthusians being of Henton Priory and Iohn Delaker the Dukes Confessor all these were prisoners in the Tower Shortly after the Duke was arraigned at Westminster the Duke of Norffolke sitting as chiefe Judge There were brought foorth against him witnesses Sir Gilbert Perke his Chancellour Iohn de la Court his confessor Charles Kneuet Esquire and a Monke Prior of Henton which had diuers times sayde to the Duke that he should be King of England Diuers presumptions were layd to him by Charles Kneuet which he would fayne haue couered but in the ende he was found giltie and had iudgement to be drawne hanged and quartered and on the seauentéenth day of May about eleuen of the clocke the sayd Edward Duke of Duke of Buckingham beheaded Buckingham Earle of Hereford Stafford and Northampton was beheaded on the Tower hill and his body buryed in the Friers Augustines Church such is the ende of ambition the credite of false prophecies and of euill life This Duke had begonne a great and sumptuous building at his Manour of Thornebury but left the same vnfinished He made a faire Parke hard by the same building for the which he tooke in much faire and fruitefull ground Also another Parke at East wood one mile off he enlarged at two times to the compas of sixe miles for the whiche déede and suche like he had many a cursse of the poore tenants Iohn Leyland The seconde daye of August Cardinall Wolsey passed Thomas VVolsey Cardinall vvent Embassador ouer from Douer to Caleis to treate a peace betwixte the French King and the Emperour and returned agayne to Caleis in the latter end of Nouember and from thence tooke his iourney to Blechingly where the King welcomed him and gaue him thankes for his great paynes King Henry wrote a Booke against Luther in Germany King Henry vvrote againste Luther and therefore the Bishop of Rome Leo the tenth named him defender of the faith to which Booke Luther answered very sharply nothing sparing his authoritie or maiestie This yeare was a pestilence in this land especially at Pestilence London and a dearth of Corne for wheate was at London sold for twenty Shillings the quarter Iohn Britaine merchāt Taylor Th. Pargiter the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Milborne Draper the 28. of October This Sir Iohn Milborne builded certayne almes houses adioyning to the Crossed Friers in London wherein he placed thirtéene aged poore people who haue their dwelling ●entfrée and two shillings sixe pence the péece the firste day of euery moneth for euer The sixth of March the French King attached all Englishmens Frenchmen attached goodes at Burdeaux and deteyned the Kings tribute and the French Quéenes dower Also all Frenchmens bodies and goodes were attached at London This yeare betwéene Easter and Michaelmas was made a generall proscription of all the Realme of England● The twentith of May Cardinall Wolsey rode through London to Douer there to méete with the Emperour being 1522 accompanyed with two Earles sixe and thirtie Knightes an hundred Gentlemen eyght Bishops tenne Abbots Anno reg 14. Cardinall VVolsey thirtie Chapleins all in Ueluet Satten and 700. yomen Charles the fifth Emperour came into England and was honourably receyued into London by the Maior Aldermen The Emperour came to London and Commons of the Citie the sixth of June the King accompanying him xj Pageants were made in the Citie and the Crosse in Cheape new gilt From thence he wente to Windsore and sate in the Stall of the Garter After great feastes iustes and honourable entertainement he departed to Hampton and sayled from thence into Spayne During this time the Earle of Surrey Lord Admirall brent Morles in Briteine and then returned not long after he passed ouer to Caleis entred Picardy and brente diuers Townes and Castels He beséeged Hesding but bycause Winter was néere he raysed his séege
Suffolke the Marques Dorcet the Earle of Wiltshire hir father the Earles of Arundale Darby Rutland Worcester Huntington Sussex Oxforde and many Byshops and Noble men euerye one in hys Barge whyche was a goodly sight to beholde shée thus being accompanyed rowed towardes the Tower and in the meane waye the Shippes whyche were commanded to lye on the shoare for letting of the Barges shotte dyuers peales of Gunnes and ere she landed there was a maruellous shotte out of the Tower I neuer hearde the like and at hir landing there mette wyth hir the Lord Chamberlaine with the officers of Armes and brought hir to the King whych receyued hir with louing countenance at the Posterne by the water side and kissed hir and then shée turned backe agayne and thanked the Mayor and the Citizens wyth manye goodly wordes and so entred into the Tower After whyche entrye the Citizens all this while houered before the Tower makyng greate melodie went not alande for none were assigned to lande but the Maior the Recorder and two Aldermen but to speake of the people that stoode on euerye shoare to beholde this sighte hée that sa●e it not will not beléeue it On Friday at dinner serued the King all suche as were appoynted by hys Highenesse to be Knights of the Bathe whiche after dinner were brought to their Chambers and that nighte were bathed and shriuen according to the olde vsage of Englands and the nexte daye in the morning the King dubbed them according to the ceremonies thereto belonging whose names here after ensue ninetéene in number The Marques Dorcet The Earle of Darby The Lord Clifford sonne and heire to the Earle of Comberland The Lord Fitz Walter sonne and heire to the Earle of Huntington The Lord Mountague The Lorde Vaux Sir Henrie Parker sonne and heyre to the Lorde Merle Sir William Winsore sonne and heyre to the Lorde Winsore Sir Iohn Mordant sonne and heyre to the Lorde Mordant Sir Frauncis Weston Sir Thomas Arondale Sir Iohn Hudlestone Sir Thomas Poynings Sir Henry Sauell Sir George Fitz William of Lincolnshire Sir Iohn Tindale Sir Tomas Ierney On Saterday the one and thirtith of May the Quéene The conueying of Queen Anne through the Citie to VVestm was conueyed through London in order as followeth To the intente that the horses shoulde not slide on the pauement nor that the people shoulde be hurte by horses and the highe stréetes where throughe the Quéene should passe were all graueled from the Tower vnto Temple barre and rayled on eche side wythin whiche raile stoode the Craftes along in their order from Grace Churche where the Merchauntes of the Stiliarde stoode vntill the lyttle Conduite in Cheape where the Aldermen stoode and on the other side of the stréete stoode the Conestables of the citie apparelled in Ueluet and Silke wyth greate staues in their handes to cause the people to giue roume and kéepe good order and when the stréetes were somewhat ordered the Mayor in a gowne of Crimosin veluet and a riche collar of Esses with two footemen clothed in white and red damaske rode to the Tower to giue hys attendaunce on the Quéene on whome the Sherifes with their officers did awaite till they came to the Tower hill where they taking their leaue rode downe the high stréetes commaunding the Conestables to sée roume and good order kept and so wente and stoode by the Aldermen in Cheape and before the Quéen with hir traine should come Grace-streete and Cornehill were hanged with fine Scarlet Crimosin and other grayned clothes and in some places with riche Arras and the moste part of Cheape was hanged with cloth of Tisshew Golde Ueluet and many riche hangings whyche made a goodlye shewe and all the windowes were replenished with Ladies and Gentlewomen to beholde the Quéene and hir traine as they shoulde passe by The firste of the Quéenes company that sette forwarde were twelue French men belonging to the Frenche Embassadoure clothed in contes of blewe Ueluet wyth sléeues of yellow and blew Ueluet their horses trapped with close trappers of blewe sarsenet powdred with white Crosses After them marched Gentlemen Esquiers Knights two and two after them the Iudges after them the Knights of the Bathe in violet gownes with hoods purfled with Miniuer like Doctors after them Abbots then Barons after them Bishoppes the Earles and the Marquesses then the Lorde Chanceloure of Englande after hym the Archebyshoppe of Yorke and the Embassadoure of Venice after them the Archebyshoppe of Caunterburie and the Embassadour of Fraunce after rode twoo Esquyers of honor wyth robes of estate rolled and worne Bauldrike-wise aboute their neckes wyth Cappes of estate representing the Dukes of Normandie and Aquitaine after them rode the Mayor of London wyth hys Mace and Garter in hys Coate of Armes whyche bare also hys Mace of Westminster hall after them rode the Lorde Wyllyam Howarde wyth the Marshalls rod deputy to hys brother the Duke of Norffolke Marshall of Englande whyche was Embassadoure then in Fraunce and on hys righte hande rode Charles Duke of Suffolk for that daye highe Conestable of Englande bearing the warder of siluer appertayning to the office of Conestableshippe and all the Lordes for the moste parte were clothed in Crimosin Ueluet and all the Quéenes seruauntes or officers of Armes in Scarlet next before the Quéene rode hir Chancelor bare headed the Sergeaunts and Officers at Armes rode on both the sides of the Lords then came the Quéene in a white Litter of white cloth of Golde not couered nor bailled whyche was ledde by twoo Palfreys clad in white Damaske downe to the grounde heade and all ledde by hir footemen shée hadde on a Kertle of white cloth of Tissue and a Mantle of the same surred wyth Ermyn hir haire hangyng downe but on hir heade shée hadde a coy●e wyth a Circlet aboute it full of ryche stones ouer hir was borne a Canapie of Cloth of Golde wyth foure guylte staues and foure siluer Belles for bearyng of the whyche Canapie were appoynted sixetéene Knightes foure to beare it one space on foote and foure an other space according to their owne appoyntment nexte after the Quéene rode the Lorde Browghe hir Chamberlayne nexte after him Wyllyam Coffim master of hir horses leading a spare horse wyth a syde Saddell trapped downe wyth cloth of Tissewe after hym rode seauen Ladies in Crimosin Ueluet turned vppe wyth Cloth of Golde and of Tissewe and theyr horses trapped wyth Golde after them twoo Chariots couered wyth redde cloth of Golde in the firste Chariote were twoo Ladies whyche were the olde Dutchesse of Norffolke and the olde Marchionesse of Dorcet in the seconde Chariot were foure Ladyes all in Crimosin Ueluet after them rode seauen Ladyes in the same sute their horses trapped and all after them came the thyrde Charyot all in white wyth syxe Ladyes in Crimosin Ueluet nexte to them came the fourth Chariot all red with eyghte Ladyes also in Crimosin after whome followed thirtie Gentlewomen all in
this Maiors yeare Corne rose to fourtéene shillings the quarter and wood waxed scant in London and was sold for thirtéene and fourtéene shillings the thousand of ●illets and coles at tenpence the sacke by reason of the great death and sicknesse the last Sommer for lacke of hēlp and carriage King Philip being absent out of the Realme and Quéene Mary being dangerously sicke ended hir life at hir Manour of Saint Iames by Charing crosse the xvij of Nouember in the yeare 1558. when she had raigned fiue yeares four monethes and odde dayes The same daye deceassed Cardinall Poole at Lambheath and a little before two of hir Phisitions besides diuers Bishops and noble men Quéene Mary was buryed at Westminster and Cardinall Poole at Canterbury ¶ Queene Elizabeth ELizabeth our most gratious Anno reg 1. and soueraigne Lady second daughter to King Henry the viij to the great comfort of Englande was with full consent proclaimed Quéene of England France and Irelande Defender of the Fayth c. on the xvij of Nouember in the yeare of oure Lorde God 1558. Forthwith the Portes and Hauens were stopped and none suffered to passe out of the Realme without licence Proclamation was made forbidding all men to Preach saue such as should be appoynted also to alter any rytes or Ceremonies vsed in the Church saue as it was in hir graces Chappell The xxiij of Nouember Quéene Elizabeth came from The Queene commeth from Hatfild Bishops Hatfield in Hertfordshire vnto the Lord Northes house in the late Charterhouse of London the Sheriffes of London méeting hir Grace at the farther ende of Barnet Towne within the Shere of Middlesex and so rode before hir till the came to the Charterhouse Gate next Aldersgate where hir Grace remayned On Monday the eyght and twentith of Nouember about The Queene ●emoueth to the Tovver two of the clocke in the after noone Quéene Elizabeth rode from the Lorde Northes house along by the Barbycane in at Creeplegate then along by the wall to Bishopsgate which Gate was richly hanged where the Waytes of the Citie playde and ouer against the Kings head Tauerne a Scholler of Paules Schoole made a short Oration to hir Maiestie in Latin Uerses the company of the Mercers standing in theyr rayles next the Scholler and so all the other Companyes of the Citie in order from thence to Mart Lane ende nexte vnto Barking Church in Tower streete the Lorde Maior of London riding wyth Mayster Garter King at Armes bearing a Scepter before hir Maiestie whiche Lorde Maior mette hir at the Charterhouse Gate nexte Aldersgate where Mayster Recorder saluted hir Grace in the name of the Lorde Maior and the whole Citie and so with Lordes Knightes and Gentlewomen richly apparelled brought hir to the Tower of London but when hir Grace entered at Mart Lane a peale of Gunnes beganne to be shotte off at the Tower whiche continued almost halfe an houre The fifth of December the Quéene remoued by water from the Tower to Somerset place néere to the Strand The xiij of December the corpse of Quéene Mary was honourably conuayed from Saint Iames to the Abbey of Queene Mary buryed Westminster and there placed vnder a rich Hearse decked with penons banners and Schutchions of the Armes of Englande and France where she remayned that nighte and on the morrow after the Masse of Requiem and a Sermon preached by Doctor White Bishop of Winchester was ended she was buryed in the Chappell of King Henry the seauenth on the North side The xxiiij of December was solemne obsequie kept in Obsequie for Charles the Emperour the Abbey of Westminster for Charles the fifth late Emperour which deceassed in Spayne in the moneth of September last past Quéene Maryes herse yet standing altered with the Armes of the Emperour and richly hanged with a rich pall-cloth of gold lying on the hearse the Emperours Embassadour being chiefe mourner with other Péeres and Lords of England assistant with him c. The first of January the Lord Maior and Aldermen gaue in commandement to euery warde in London that the Procession Epistle and Gospell in English Parson or Curate in euery Parish Church in London should reade the Epistle and Gospell of the day in the Englishe tong in the Masse time and the English Procession then vsed in the Quéenes Chappell according to a Proclamation sent from hir Maiestie and priuie Counsell proclaymed in the Citie of London the xxx of December which commandement was that day obserued in most parish Churches of the Citis The ninth of January in the morning the Image of Thomas Becket which stoode ouer the dore of the Mercers Image of Thomas Becket throvvne dovvne Chappell in London toward the stréete was found broken and cast downe and a bill set on the Church dore deprauing the setters vp thereof The xij of January the Quéenes Maiestie remoued from hir place of White hall to the Tower by water the Lorde Maior of London and his bréethren the Aldermen in their Barge and all the Craftes of the Citie in their Barges richly decked with targets and banners of euery mysterie The Batchelers of the Maiors companie in their Barge with a Foyst hauing thrée toppes trimmed and richly decked to wayte on them which shotte off gunnes all the way all these awayted on hir Maiestie who tooke hir Barge about two of the clocke in the after noone the Lord Maior folowing after and euery company in order with great melodie of musicall instruments till hir grace was through London bridge and landed at hir priuie staire of the Tower Wharffe and then the Maior after leaue taken and thankes of the Quéene returned through the Bridge with the floud and landed at the Three Cranes Wharffe in the Uintrie The xiiij of January at which time the Londoners had made sumptuous prouision the Quéenes Maiestie passed through the Citie of London to hir Palace at Westminster Coronation the next day she was Crowned by Doctor Oglethorp Bishop of Carelile The xxv of January began a Parliament at Westminster Parliament before the States whereof Doctour Coxe late come from beyond the Seas and sometime Schoolemayster to King Edward the sixth made a learned Sermon In this Parliament the first fruites and tenthes were granted to the Crowne and also the supreme gouernemēt ouer the state Ecclesiasticall Likewise the Booke of commō Prayer and administration of the Sacraments in our vulgar tongue was restored to be done as in the time of King Edward the sixth In the Easter Holydayes preached at the Spittle Doctour Bill the Quéenes Almoner Doctour Coxe and Doctour Horne the two last came lately from beyond the seas On Lowsonday the seconde of Aprill Mayster Sampson made the rehearsall Sermon at Paules Crosse The iij. of Aprill the Quéenes Maiestie appoynted a cōference or disputation to be had at Westminster Church betwéene 1559 the olde Bishops and certayne learned men late A conference at VVestminster come
¶ The Chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ 1580. Collected by IOHN STOW Citizen of London Printed at London by Ralphe Newberie at the assignement of Henrie Bynneman Cum Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis ¶ Authours out of whom these Chronicles are collected ABbas Floriacensis Abraham Hartwel Adam Merimouth Aethicus Alfridus Beuerlacensis Alfridus Riuallensis Alexander Neckham Amianus Marcellinus Antonius Archiepiscopus Antiquitates Britan. eccle Antiquitates Glasconiae Antiquitates Calen. de Brist Antiquitates S. Pauli Londō Annales de Hide Annales Elienses Annales de Aquitania Arbor Successorum Asserius Meneuensis Aurea Historia Arnolds Chronicl● Andrew Bourde Anthonie Ascham Anthonie Anthonie Baptista Platina Bede de gestis Anglorum Brute Booke Canterburie Records Caesars Commentaries Capitolinus Carta Regia Chronica de Dorobernia Chronica Chronicorum Chronica de Burgo S. Petri. Chronica de Dunstable Chronica de Wigmore Chronica de Bury Chronica de Dunmow Chronica de Eaton Chronica de Tewkesbury Chronica Glasconiae Chronica de Eouesham Chronica de Tintern Chronica de Tinmouth Chronica de Colchester Chroniques de Normandie Chroniques de Britaine Chronica Colleg. Regis Oxon. Chronica de Hautenprice Chronica de Holland Chronica de Bromholme Chronica S. Albani Conradus Mendenbar Cornelius Tacitus Constitutiones de London D●● C●●●●●s Doro●h●●● Edmond Haddenham Edmerus Dorobernensis Engwerant Encomium Emme Epistola Bonifacij Eusebius Eutropius Eulogium Erasmus Roteradam Edward Hall Edmond Campion Freculphus Floriacensis Wigornensis Flores Historiarum Flaccus Albinus Francis Guicciardine Galfridus Monemutensis Galfridus Vinisalfe Gasperus Varerius Geruasius Dorobernensis Geruasius de Mappamundi Geruasius Tilberiensis Gesta Abbatis Albani Gildas Sapiens Giraldus Cambrensis Giraldus Corn●biensis Guilelmus Mahnesburiensis Guilelmus Nouoburgensis Guilelmus Thorne Gualterus Couentriensis Guilelmus Rishanger Gualterus Hemingford Guilelmus Gemiticensis Guilelmus Tailour Guilelmus Paston Guilelmus Shepeshed Gualterus Baker Guilelmus Dunthorne Georgius Lilius Guilelmus Packington Geffrey Chaucer Guilelmus de Wilum Gual Haddon Herodian Henricus Huntingdonensis Henricus Lecestrensis Henricus Blandford Hector Boetius Humfrey Lhuid Henrie Bradshaw Iacobus Bergomas Iacobus Lassabeus Iohannes Salisburiensis Iohan. Hanuile Iosephus Iohannes de Vigney Iohannes Rowland Iohannes Mandeuile Iustine Iohannes Rouse Iohannes Maior Iohannes Bale Iohannes Fordon Iohannes Capgraue Iocelinus de Barkeland Iocelinus Furnensis Iohannes Leylandus Iohannes Leoaffer Iohannes Taxtor Iohannes Pike Iohannes Beuerlacensis Iohannes Euersden Iohannes Blackeman Iohannes Truklow Iohannes Lewenclaij Iohannes Prington Iohannes Gower Iohannes Belandin Iohn Frosert Iohn Audley Iohannes Fortesc● Iohn Revstall Iohn S 〈…〉 Iohn Ca 〈…〉 Inscriptiones Glocest. Iohn Lidgate Iohn Harding Lampridius Leges Edwardi Regis Liber constitut London Liber Dunelmensis Liber Norwicensis Liber Tutsberiensit Liber s Martini magni Liber Lanthoni Liber Roffensis Liber Trinitatis London Liber Colne Liber Mona Ely Liber Bermondsey Liber pont London Liber Glocestrensis Liber Warwicensis Liber s Mariae de Southwark Liber Kenelworth Liber Bernewel Liber s Barthol Smithfielde Liber Colegij s Petri. Liber Edendon Liber Eastminster Liber Maior Vic. London Liber Eweline Liber Lichfielde Lilius Viraldus Liber Theokesburie Lodouicus Viues Marianus Scotus Martinus Polonus Mathaeus Paris Mathae Westmonasteriēsis Matheus Parkerus Marlin Melkin Nenius Necham Nicephorus Nicholas Treuitus Nicholas Vpton Nicholas Perotus Nicholas Bromefielde Old Records Oracul Sibil Orosius Osbernus Pausanias Panegeric Constancio dictus Pau. Orosius Pau. Diaconus Paulus Aemilius Petrus de Ikham Petrus Ramus Petrus Pictauensis Perce de Longtofte Phillippus Comineus Policraticon Ponticus Virunius Polidorus Vergilius Quadrilogium Radulphus de Diceto Radulphus Niger Radulphus Baldoke Radulphus Cogshall Ranulphus Higden Record ecclesiae de Assaphe Registrum noui Mona Registrum fratrum minorū Registrum monast de Hide Registrum de Wodbridge Registrum de ponte Rofensi Registrum de Clerkenwel Registrum mon. de Burie Registrum mon. s Albani Record ecclesiae Christi Can. Registrum mon. Cartuarien Registrū fratrū carmelitarū Registrum Maiorum Londō Registrum mon. de Bataile Registrum de Garter Richardus Cirencestrensis Richardus Southwel Richardus Diuiensis Richardus Canenicus Rogerus Houeden Robertus Gaguin Robertus Glocestrensis Robertus de Auesburie Reynwels Testament Robertus de Brune Robert Fabian Robert Greene. Richard Turpin Scala Temporum Scalamundi Speculum Historiale Sebastian Munster Sigebertus Gimblacensis Scala Chronicor Simon Dunelmensis Solinus Suetonius Smart Falconer Strab● Spartianus Sozomenus Sulcardus Socrates Theodoretus Titus Liui. Thomas Castleforde Thomas Sprote Thomas de Wike Thomas Walsingham Thomas Rudburne Thomas Delamore Thomas Hocline Thomas Moore Thomas Lanquet Thomas Cooper Thomas Churchyarde Vita Berini Vita Aldelmi Vita Erkenwaldi Vigetius Vita Albani Vita Guilelmi Longocampo Vopiscus Vox Clamantis Wolfangus Lazius William Norwel William Caxton William Beare William Lambert William Patten Ypodigma Neustriae Zozimus DROIT · ET · LOYAL HONI ◦ SOIT ◦ QVI ◦ MAL ◦ Y ◦ PENSE To the right Honorable the Lord Robert Dudley Earle of Leicester Baron of Denbigh Knight of the most noble Orders of the Garter and of Saint Michaell one of hir Maiesties moste Honourable priuie Counsell and Maister of hir Horsse THe good acceptatiō of my Summarie dedicated to your Lordship fiue yeares since right honorable my singular good Lord hathe so emboldened this Treatise growne now to a greater Volume that it presumeth with assured hope of like acceptance to present it selfe to your Honor vnder the protectiō therof to venture into the world and viewe of men and that the more boldly being an Historical Discourse of this oure natiue Countrie setting before our eyes to our instruction profite the incredible inconstancie continuall alterations of this transitorie world wyth the worthie exploites of our Kings and Gouernors What I haue performed herein to the common commoditie in searching out the truth and what varietie of worthy matters I haue recouered with no small coste and care out of the graue of Obliuion wherein they haue laine buried I referre to your honorable censure and the indifferent Reader not doubting but your Lordship whiche hath gotten grounded experience by the administration of most weighty affaires furnished your wisedome wyth diligent reading of sundrie Histories will bothe vouche safe to accepte this Monument of my affectionate minde with your wonted curtesie and shield it vnder the autoritie of your name against those whiche in this age requite honest endeuours with vnhonest speeches The Almighty God preserue your Honor with continual encrease of his benefits to his glory and your aduauncement Your Lordships most humble to commaund IOHN STOW ¶ To the gentle Reader AMongst other Bookes which are in this our learned age published in great numbers there are few eyther for the honestie of the matter or commoditie which they bring to the common wealth or for the pleasantnesse of the studie and reading to be preferred before the Chronicles and Hystories What examples of men deseruing immortalitie of exploites worthy great renowne
himselfe so neare y ● with the heate of his harneys he got a disease to the encrease of his sicknesse Also the kings horsse leaping ouer a ditch did burst the inner parts of the K. with the pain wherof he was sore afflilcted and retourned to Roane wher shortly after he ended his life The. ix day of Septem in the yere of King VVilliam dyed our Lord. 1087. when he had rained xx yeres xj monthes lacking fine days his body being brought w t great solēnitie in Cane in Normandie there to be buried in a Church whiche he had founded a certaine knight boldly forbod the burial of W. Malme him in that place affirming that by title of inheritaunce the ground was his that king William ought not to be buried Burial forbiddē to VVilliam Conquerour in the ground which by violence he had obtayned wherfore by consent of Henry his son this reproch was appeased with the payment of an hundred pounde of siluer He had issue by Matild his wife daughter to Baldwin Erle of Flaunders Robert Curthose vnto whom he gaue Normandie Richard that Issue of VVilliā Conquerour dyed yong William Rufus vnto whom he gaue England and Henry to whō he gaue his wiues inheritance treasure hée had daughters Cicily Abbesse of Cane Constance marryed to Alane Earle of Brytain Adale wife to Stephen Earle of Bloyse Margaret promised to Harold king of Englād Alianor betrothed to Alfonse King of Galicia King Williā commanded all prisoners to be released his tresure to be distributed vnto churches ¶ King William Rufus WIlliam le Rovvse or Rufus the thirde sonne of William Conquerour beganne his raigne the Anno reg 1. ninthe daye of September in the yeare of our Lorde 1087. and was crowned at Westminster by Lanfranke Archbishop of Canturburie y ● first day of October He was variable inconstant couetous cruel hée burdened his people with vnreasonable taxes pylled the ryche and oppressed the poore and what he thus got he prodigally spent in great banqueting and sumptuous apparel for he woulde neyther eate drinke or weare any thing but W. Malme Robert of Glocest S. Albons Cronicl that it coste vnmeasurably déere As for example it was in those dayes written and for vs now to be noted that in a mornyng hys Chamberlayne bringing him a newe paire of hosen he demaunding what they coste and the Chamberlaine The best paire of hose three shillings answering thrée shillings the king being wroth said away begger that thou art are those méete hose for a King to weare bring me a paire of a Marke or thou shalte sore repent it then his Chamberlaine fette another paire that were much worse than the first and sayd ●h●y cost a Marke wherewith King William was well pleased Thus farre haue I noted the saying of King William bycause it importeth the simplicitie of apparell in those dayes vsed so farre different from the excesse of this present time Odo Bishop of Bayon and Earle of Kent with his brother 1088 The Nobles ●ebes● Robert Earle of Mortaigne and Hereford and almost all the Nobles of England raysed warre against King William and would haue had Robert his eldest brother to be King but King William by f●irs words pacifying some of the principall conspirators beséeged the residue in the Castell of Rochester W. Malme and with muche labour lastly ouercame them An Earthquake ouerturned many houses and churches An Earthquake in England Lanfranke Archbishop of Canturbury deceassed He renued Anno reg 2. 1089 the great Church of Canturbury restoring xxv manors to the same He repaired the walles of that Citie builded two Hospitals the one of Saint Iohn the other at Harbaldowne Hospitall of Saint Iohn and Harbaldovvne He restored the Church of Rochester from four secular Clarkes to fiftie Monkes He alwayes attended his booke and trauelled to correct the corruption of Writers When Lanfranke was dead King Wilham kept in his owne hands the Churches and Monasteries of England after Mathew Paris G. Lilly their pastours were dead making great spoyle and lotting them out to ferme King William making warre against his brother Robert Anno reg 3. 1090 King VVilliam made vvarre on his brother Duke of Normandy tooke the Castels of Wallarroke and of Albemarle making great spoyle in his brothers Countrey but at length agréemente was made betwéene them that Robert should giue vp into the Kings hands the Castels that he had gotten of him and the King shoulde helpe him to get all that his father had England only excepted and also if one of them dyed without issue the other should succéede in the inheritance to which couenant were sworne twelue Princes of the Kings side and twelue Barons on the Dukes side Malcoline King of Scottes did homage and fealtie to King of Scots did homage Mathew Paris Great tempest King William of England A great tempest sell on Saint Lukes day in ●imdry places of England specially in Winchcombe where a great part of the Stéeple was ●uerthrowne with thundering and lightning and in London the winde ouerturned 606. houses and 606. houses ouerturned the rou●e of Bow Church in Cheape wherewith some persons were slayne foure of the ●afters of 20. foote in length were with such violence pitched into the strée●e that scantly Wil. Malme Gualter Couen foure foote of them remayned aboue grounde whiche were fayne to be ●●t euen with the same grounde bycau●e they could not be plucked out About this time one Iustinus sonne to Gurguntus Earle Anno reg 4. of Glamorgan and Morgannoke refusing to obey Rhesus sonne to Theodore Prince of South-wales sente Aeneas The vvinning of Glamorgan and Morganoke out of the VVelchmens hands sonne to Gedi●orus sometyme Lorde of Deme●ia into England to take muster of Souldioures and there receyued a great Armie vnder the conduct of one Robert Fitzhamon and ioyning with other tables out of Went and Brecini● met with Rhesus in Blacke h●ll and there ●●ewe him and s● paying the Englishmen their wages discharged them But they taking regard vnto the goodnesse of the soyle and the great variance which was then amongst the Welchmen as in foretime the Saxons had done they turned their force of armes against those which had entertayned them and soone displaced them wholly of all the Champion and the best of the Countrey which Robert Fitzhamon diuided amongst twelue Knightes whiche he broughte with him reseruing the better parte to hymselfe who building there certayne Castels and ioyning their power togither defended their Farmes and Lordships whiche they had taken and possessed whose heires peaceably enioy the same vnto this day but Iustinus scarsely reserued to himselfe and his the hilly Countrey The names of the twelue Knightes were these 1 William Lowdon 2 Richard Granuille 3 Paganus Turberuille 4 Robert Saintqui●ti●● 5 Richard Siward 6 Gilbert Vmfreuill 7 Roger Berkerowle 8 Reynald Sully 9 Peeter Soore
place called Chorengham Sir Walter Tirell shooting at a Déere vnawares hitte the King in the brest that he fell downe starke dead and neuer spake worde his men specially that Knighte gate them away but some came backe agayne and layde his body vpon a Colyars Cart whiche one sillie leane beast did draw vnto the Citie of Winchester where he was Radul Cogshal buryed on the morow after his death at whose buryall men could not wéepe for ioy This King was taken out of the world in the middest of his vnrighteousnesse who being wicked to his owne people and to strangers was most wicked to himselfe The Countreys about him he prouoked with warres and England was so miserably oppressed vnder him that it Io. Rouse could not recouer for he and his trayne spoyled and subuerted all things He reigned twelue yeares and eleuen monethes lacking eyght dayes He gaue vnto the Monkes called De Charitate in Southwarke Register of Berna●dsey the great newe Church of Saint Sauioure of Barmonds eye and also Barmonds eye it selfe He also founded of an olde Monasterie of Monkes a Ex C●●● goodly Hospitall in the Citie of Yorke called Saint Leonards for the sustentation and finding of the poore as well men as women He gaue the Churche of Saint Peeter in the Citie of Bathe to be a Bishops Sea and the mother Church of Somersetshire ¶ King Henry Beawclerke HEnry brother to William Anno reg 1. Io. Rouse Rufus and y ● first of that name for his learning called Beawclearke brought vp in the studie of the liberall artes at Cambridge chieflye through the trauell of Henrye Nowborough Earle of Warwike who appeased all debates of that time to the The. R●dborne W. Malme contrarie obteyned the dominion ouer this Realme of Englande and beganne his raigne the first day of August in the yeare o●●ure Lorde 1100. and was crowned at Westminster on the fifth day of August by Mawrice Bishop of London bycause at that time Ge●●● Dor● Anselme Archbishop of Canturburie was by persecution of William Rufus exiled This Henry borne at Selbe in Englande was a noble Prince strong and mightie of body high of stature and amiable of countenance He was excellent in wit eloquent and fortunate in battaile and for these thrée he had thrée notable vices couetousnesse crueltie and lecherie He maryed Mawde the daughter of Malcoline King of Scottes of whome he begate William and a daughter named Mawde At the beginning of his raigne he restored the state of the Cleargie aswaged the gréeuous payments reduced againe Saint Edwards lawes and amended them He put out of his Court all nice and wanton persons He reformed the olde vntrue measures and made a Measures reformed W. Malme Vlno novv called a yard W. Malme measure by the length of his owne arme whiche was then called Vlno an Elle and now the same is called a yarde or metewand c. He restored to his Subiects the vse of lights in the night Vse of light in the night permitted which lightes and also fire had him forbidden by his father to be vsed after the ringing of a Bell at eyght of the clocke at night Edgar King of Scottes did homage to this Henry This yeare Iordan Briset Baron the sonne of Raufe the Saint Iohns by Smithfielde sonne of Brian Briset founded the house of Saint Iohn of Hierusalem néere vnto London by Smithfield The same Iordan gaue fourtéene Acres of ground lying Clarken vvell Register of Clerken well Ex Carta in the field next adioyning vnto Clarken well to build therevpon a house of Nunnes wherein he with Murioll hys wife were both buryed in the Chapter house Robert Shorthose Duke of Normandy the Kings eldest 1101 Anno reg 2. brother whiche was nowe returned from Hierusalem made warre vpon his brother Henry for the Crowne of England who assembled a strong armie and landed at Portesmouth but by mediation a peace was made on condition that Tribute to Robert Shorthose VVinchester and Glocester brent Liber Glocestr Tevvkesbery builded Cronica de Theoksbery Henry should pay thrée thousand markes yearely to Duke Robert and if the one dyed without issue the longer liuer should inherit Winchester was brent the xvij of May and Glocester was brent the twentith of May Robert Fitzham who came with the Conquerour out of Normandy with Sibell his wife founded a new the Church of Theukesbery and was there buryed Robert de Belasine Earle of Shrewsburie eldest sonne to 1102 Robert de Belasme rebelled W●l Malme Floriacens●s Roger Mountgomery strengthned the Towne and Castell of Shrewsbury so did he the Castels of Bridgenorth Tichile and Arundell with vi●●uals and armed men against King Henry but the King being warned thereof he gathereth his power and beséegeth Bridgenorth whiche Towne was yéelded vnto him And this being knowne to them of Arundell they forthwith submitted themselues with condition that their Lorde Robert de Belasme might be permitted fréely to passe into Normandy Also they of Shrewsbury sent the keyes of their Castell and pledges of their obeysance and then Robert with his brother Ernulfus and Roger of Poytiers abiured this land for euer The Cathedrall Churche of Norwich was founded by Minster of Norvviche Anno reg 3. Register of Saint Barthelmew Hospitall of S. Barthelmevv 1103 Anno reg 4. Herbert Bishop of Norwich The Priorie and Hospitall of Saint Barthelmewe in Smithfield was founded by a pleasant I ester or Minstrell of the Kings named Reior who became first Prior there Before this time Smithfield was a laystow of all drdure and filth and the place where fellons and other transgressors were put to execution Roberte Duke of Normandy comming into Englande through the subtelty of King Henry his yonger brother released The yonger brother begyleth the elder to him the tribute of thrée thousand Markes of Siluer Hugh Lacy founded the Monasterie of Saint Iohn at Ex libre Lanthony Mathew Paris Lanthony founded Chro. Donmow Lanthony the Chanons of which place were since translated by Miles high Connestable and Earle of Here ford to a place néere vnto Glocester then called Hide since called Lanthony Iuga Baynard Lady of little Donmow caused Maurice Bishop of London to dedicate the Church of Donmow which the Priorie of Donmovv in Essex founded by the VViddovv of Baynard that buylded Baynards Castell in London had founded and the same day she gaue to it halfe a hide of land This Lady Iuga was late wife to Baynard that firste buylded Baynards Castle in London Great malice was kindled betwéene the two bréthren 1104 Anno reg 5. Robert and Henry wherevpon deadly warre ensued There appeared about the Sunne foure circles and a blasing Starre King Henry remayned in Normandy making strong 1105 Anno reg 6. Saint Iohns in Colchester warres vpon his brother Robert and Rorsia his wife Eudo Dapifere or sewer to King Henry founded the Monasterie
belonging An Earthquake in England Earthquake Henry Bloys Bishop of Winchester builded the Hospitall Liber canonitrinitatis of Saint Crosse neare vnto Winchester The same hadde béene a Hospitall in the Saxons time but after spoyled by the Danes There was greate darkenesse in England and the Sunne 1133 Anno reg 34. VVorcester brent became like the Moone in the thyrd quarter Worcester as it had oft before chaunced was sore defaced with fire Mawde the Empresse brought forth a sonne named Geffrey for which cause King Henrie went ouer into Normandie Robert Shorthose King Henries brother died in the Castel 1134 Anno reg 35 Robert Short●ose died 1135 Anno reg 36 Death of King Henrie Mathew Paris of Cardife and was buried at Glocester King Henrie remayning in Normandie vpō a day did eat Lampraies wherof he toke a surfeite and deceased the firste day of December Anno. 1135. when he had raigned 35. yeres 4. monthes his bowels braynes and eyes were buried at Roan the rest of his bodie was pondered with salt and wrapped in Bulles hydes bycause of the stincke which poysoned them that stood about him The Phisition which being hyred with a great reward to cleaue his heade to take out y e brain with the stinck therof died so that he enioyed not the reward that was couenaunted Thus among a gret many that king Henrie slew this Phisition was the last King Henrie was buried at Reding which he had founde● He also founded the Priorie of Dunstable he conuerted a rich Colledge of Prebends in the Towne of Cirencester into an Abbay of Chanons regular he also builded ● Leyland there an Hospitall of Saint Iohn and newe builded the Castel of Windsor with a Colledge there ⸪ ¶ King Stephen STephen Earle of Morton Anno reg 1 W. Malme Floriacencis Gernasius Do. Ypodigma and of Boloigne sonne to the Earle of Bloys Adela William Conquerours daughter and nephew to king Henrie the firste claymed the kyngdome the seconde daye of December Anno. 1135. He comming into Englande was repulsed by them of Douer shutte out by them of Canturburie but receiued of y e Londoners and Péeres of the land admitted king and crowned at Westminster on Saint Stephens daye by William Archbishop of Canturburie This was a noble man and hardy of passing comely fauour and personage he excelled in martiall pollicie gentlenesse and liberalitie toward all men especially in the beginning and although he had continuall warre yet did he neuer burden his commons with exactions But vniustly and contrarye to his othe made to Mawde the Empresse daughter Fire at London to King Henrie he toke on him the crowne of England Fire which began in the house of one Ailward neare Lōdon Liber trinitatis London Thomas Wikes 1136 Excester besieged Ger. Dorobor stone consumed Eastward to Algate and Westwarde to Saint Erkenwalds shrine in Poules Church King Steuen assembling a great armye of Englishmen and Flemmings entred into Deuonshire and besieged the Castell of Excester a long time whiche Baldwine de Riuers helde against him but at length when they within the Castel wanted necessarie things to liue by they compounded Baldwine with hys wife and children are disherited and expulsed the lande A battayle was fought at Goher betwixte Normans and Walshmen where a hundred and. xvj persons on bothe sides Battaile against the vvalchmen were slaine whose bodies laye in the fieldes and were horribly torne and deuoured of Wolues After this was made greate eruptions by the Walchmen who destroyed Churches Townes Castels corne cattayle slewe men women and children riche and poore or solde thē in forraine countries In October a sore battayle was fought at Cardigan in the which such slaughter of men was made that the men except which were led awaye captiue there were of women taken and ledde away that there remayned to the tenth a thousād their husbands with their small children partelye drowned partly brent partly slaine so that the bridge being broken ouer the riuer of Tinde there was a bridge made of mens bodies Anno reg 2. and horsses drowned In March King Steuen passed the Sea to subdue Normādie 1137 Ypodigma Rochester Richard Diuiensis where he toke many Cities and strong Castels The thirde of June Sainte Andrewe in Rochester was brent with all the Citie and the Bishoppes and Monkes houses The fourth of June Saint Peters the Archbishops sea in Saint Peters in Yorke Yorke Saint Maries without the wals and an Hospital whiche the Archbishoppe Thrusto● had builded with 39. other Churches also the Trinitie Church in the suburbes of the same Citie within a small time after were brent Also Saint Peters Church at Bathe and all the Citie the The Citie of Bath brent Liber Roff. Geruasius Dor● Floriacensis Anno. reg 3. 27. of June was brent And the same moneth the citie of Leogere was consumed with fire England began to fall into great troubles whych caused King Steuen to returne out of Normandy before he had finished his businesse there Kyng Stephen besieged Bedford and wonne it then he wēt 1138 Bedford besieged Floriacencis Geruasius with a strong power into Northumberlande where he stayed not long but went to Glocester where the Citizens receyued him with greate reioycing Miles the Kings Conestable broughte him into the Kings Pallace there where all the Citizens were to him sworne From thence he wente to Hereford bicause that he heard the Castel was holdē against him and on Whitsonday he sate crowned in the Churche of Hereford When they that kept the Castell sawe the Kyngs power to encrease they yéelded themselues The King tooke also the Castell of Webheleyge whych Geffrey Talbot hadde helde agaynste hym The same day that the Kyng departed Hereford brent out of Hereforde all beyond the Ryuer of Wye was brente by the saide Geffrey The King returned to Oxforde where he tooke Roger the Bishop of Sarum with the Byshop of Lincolne and his sonne Roger the Bishop of Eely escaping went to the Castell of Vies and kept it against the King but at lengthe it was deliuered The same time Robert Earle of Gloucester renounced his allegeaunce to King Stephen fortified Bristow and other Castells Also Miles the Kings Conestable reuolted Wherfore Bristovv besieged the Kyng besieged the Castell of Bristow but at length being wearyed he tourned to other of the Earles Castels and séeing hys enimyes still encreasing he called out of Flaunders Anno reg 4. Ypodigma men of warre wyth Wylliam de Ypers their leader whose counsell he chiefly followed The same yeare Roger Byshop of Salisbury a great builder Geruasius Do●o of Castelles and Houses departed this life There was founde in hys Coffers fortie thousande Markes of siluer besides much golde and dyuers Jewels that came to the kings hande so that he hadde gathered treasure but wist not for whom The Nobles sent for Mawd the Empresse promising hir
Mathew Paris Geruasius Battaile of the standarde Cro. Hautenprice the possession of the realme according to their othe made to hir In the meane time Dauid king of Scots promising to recouer the crowne of England for the Empresse Mawde hys Néece in most cruell wise inuaded Northumberland where by Thrustone Archbishop of Yorke the Scottes had an ouerthrow at Conton more than foure myles Northweast from Alnert●● and were slaine aboue x. thousand In the moneth of July Robert Earle of Glocester retourned 1139 The Empresse returned into England Geruasius into England with his sister the Empresse and a gret armie which arriued at Portesmouth The Empresse was receiued into Arundel castel by Adelize late wife to king Henry as then wife or Concubine to William Earle of Arundel Earle Robert wente to Wallingforde and thence to Glocester and raised those Countries The king helde his siege before Marleborough but aduertised Marleborough besieged of the Empresse arriuall he hasted towardes Arundel where being by faire spéech pacified he commanded his brother Bishoppe of Winchester to bring the Empresse vnto Bristowe and he himself followed Earle Robert with his army The Empresse stayed at Bristow till October and then went to Glocester hir comming thither being knowen Miles the high Conestable and many other nobles toke part with hyr against king Stephen The king besieged Wallingforde Castell but profited not VValingford castel besieged Floriacensis and therefore raysing a Tower of woodde before it stuffed it with men of warre and went to win the Castell of Malmesburie The armye of Earle Robert wanne the Citie of Worcester brent the moste part of it and laden with the spoyle departed thence The Shirife of that Citie in reuenge hereof destroyed the towne of Sudley and with the spoyle thereof retourned to Worcester After this the King with a great army came from Oxford to Worcester where he gaue the honour of high Conestableship Anno. reg 5. being taken from Miles of Glocester vnto William the sonne of Walter Beauchampe Shirife of Worcester and then retourned to Oxforde and so to Salisburie The King went to Reading and after with hys army towardes 1140 Notingham spoyled Geruasius Doro. Ely but the Bishoppe fledde to Gloucester to Earle Robert and the King wanne the Castell of Ely Robert Earle of Glocester with a gret power inuaded the towne of Notingham and spoyled it the townes men were taken slaine or brent in the Churches wherevnto they fled One of them more rich than the others was taken and led Anno. reg 6. Notinghā brent to his owne house by his takers to shewe them where hys treasure lay he bringing them into a low seller whilest they were busie to break open lockes Coffers he conueyed him self away shutting the doores after him set sire on y e house and soothe théeues to the number of thirtie were brent and by reason of this fire all the towne was set a fire and brent Kyng Stephen besieged Lincolne againste Ranulph Earle of Chester but Roberte Earle of Glocester came with a great 1141 Lincolne besieged King Stephen taken power and rescued the same chased the Kyngs armye and tooke him prysoner on Candlemas day firste he was had to Glocester and after to Bristowe there committed to prison The Empresse reioycing at this hir good happe departed from Glocester and came to Ciceste r with Byshops Barons and other in greate number from thence she went to Winchester where mette hir Lordes spirituall and temporall in great number the Citie with the tower and Crowne of the Realme was deliuered into hir hands The Bishop of Winchester that was king Stephens brother The Empresse obtayneth thè Crovvne accursed al that stoode against the Empresse and blessed those that tooke hir part From thence she departed to Wilton where the Archbishoppe of Canturburie came and saluted hyr When Easter was paste she went to Reding where she was receiued with all the honour that mighte be thence she went to Oxforde where the Castell was deliuered vnto hyr by Robert de Olly then went she to Saint Albons and was receyued with all honour Here the Citizens of London came and yéelded their Citie to hir wherevpon she went to London and so to Westminster where she being receyued with procession remained certain dayes taking order for the state of the Realme King Steuens wife and many Péeres of the realm made Ypodigma Geruasius Do. Floriacensis suite to the Empresse to haue the King restored to libertye and not to the kingdome promising to perswade with hym to become a Monke but she woulde not heare The Bishop of Winchester requested hir to giue vnto Eustace his nephew King Steuens sonne his fathers Earledome but it woulde not be The Citizens of London required hir to restore Kyng Edwardes lawes but she being puffed vp with pride would not graunte theyr requeste wherevppon they conspired to take hir prisoner but she aduertised hereof fled with shame The Empresse fledde leauing behinde hir all hir furniture of housholde and apparell Henrie Bishop of Winchester casting which way to deliuer his brother perswaded the Londoners to ayde him The Empresse got hir to Oxforde and frō thence to Gloucester and Ypodigma Floriacences Geruasius thē with hir assured friend Miles again to Oxforde bycause she trusted most in him she to do him honour gaue him the Earledome of Heneforde and now hauing got a great army about Lammes wente againe to Winchester and lodged in the Castel there The Bishop abashed of hir sodayn cōming departed out at one gate as she came in at another he getting a great army with the help of the Londoners besieged the Citie and the seconde of August committed the Citie to the VVinchester brent Geruasius Floriacensis fire with the whiche the Nunry and houses of office with more than twentie Churches some write xl and a greate part of the Citie with the Monasterie of Saint Grimbald the houses thereto belonging were brought to ashes About the exaltation of the crosse the Empresse being wearied of long siege got hir to horssebacke with hir brother Reginalde Earle of Cornewal and many other Earle Robert followed with a great number of Lords knights but the Bishops men setting on them slewe tooke a great number The Empresse fled to the Castel of Lutegershal heauy and The Empresse fled almost deade for feare from thence she was brought to the Castell of Vies and from thence to Glocester bound in a horse-litter like a deade carcasse Earle Robert being pursued was taken at Stobbridge w e Earle of Gloster taken Erle Waren and many other and presented to the Quéene as then new entred into Winchester Earle Robert was deliuered to William de Ypers who put him in prison in the Castel of Rochester Myles Erle of Hereford hardly escaped and came to Glocester Earle of Hereforde fled almost naked The Bishops men brent the Monasterie of Nuns at
Warwel c. the bookes and ornaments of the Nuns were taken and borne away and men slaine euen before the Altar These things thus done the Bishops wroth was somewhat appeased but his couetousnesse encreased so that being prompted therto by the Prior of the newe Monasterie in Winchester lately brent he toke of the crosse that was burnt 500. poūd of siluer 30. marke in gold thrée crowns with as many ●eats of fine Arabicke gold fret with precious stones all this he layde vp in his own treasurie King Stephen and Earle Robert being straightly kepte at length through mediation of friends a peace was concluded that they shold be deliuered the king to his kingdome and the Earle to his libertie William Mandeuile fortifyed the Tower of London and Iohn Beu●● Robert Bishoppe of London was taken at Fulham by Geffrey Mandeuel The King and Earle being set at libertie did not onely renew but multiply their malice the King repayred his power 1241 and expences the Earle went ouer the Sea to Geffrey Earle of Aniowe whom he found occupyed in wars againste certaine of his subiectes of Aniowe so that he could not come into England with him whervpō he taking Henry eldest son to Geffrey Earle of Aniowe and Mawde the Empresse with certaine chosen men of armes retourned into Englande King Stephen hearing that Earle Robert was gone out The Empresse besieged of the realme and the Empresse to lye at Oxforde with a gret power came and besieged hir a two monthes space Earle Robert with Henrie son to the Empresse and other his complices VVarham Castell besieged landed at Warham where he besieged the castel which was defended by Hubert de Lucy who at length yéelded the The Empresse flyeth Geruasiue same In the meane time the Empresse séeing that she was voide of all helpe with a womannish subtilitie deceiued the kings scout watch clothing hir self and hir company fiue in number all in white vpon a night wente ouer the Thamis a foote which was then hard frozen and white with snow that night she went to Walingforde and the Castell of Oxford was yéelded to the king After the winning of Warham castel Robert went to visit his sister the Empresse who was not a little ioyful to sée him and hir yong son Henrie whiche Henrie remayned at Bristowe for the space of foure yeares and there Anno reg 8. was brought vp in learning King Stephen after the robbing of many churches brenning 1143 and robbing of townes and villages by the handes of y e Flemming souldiers he and his brother Henrie Bishop of Winchester builded a castel of the Nunry at Wilton to represse the incursions of them of Salisburie Earle Robert the first of July fel sodainely vpon them in Wilton and set the town on VVilton brent King Stephen fledde Anno reg 9. Boxley fire The king with the Bishop fled with shame the Earles mē toke the kings people sackt his plate and other things Miles Earle of Herforde dyed and his eldest sonne Roger succéeded him William of Ypre founded Boxley Abbay in Kent King Stephen toke Geffrey Mandeuile Earle of Essex at 1144 Geruasiue D●r● S. Albons which Geffrey could not be set at libertie til he had deliuered the Tower of London with the Castels of Walden Plecy When the Erle was thus spoyled of his holdes he toke the Church of Ramsey and fortified it as he besieged the Castel of Burwel he was smitten in the heade with a Darte wherof he died Robert Marmon was also slaine at Couentrit and Ernulfus Erle Mandeuiles son that helde Ramsey church as a fortresse after his fathers deathe was taken and bannished Anno reg 10 1145 VVallingford besieged Anno reg 11 King Stephen besieged Wallingford but could not preuaile The Earle of Chester was reconciled to the King and was at this siege with him but shortly after when he came to the Court the king lying at Northampton he was taken and kepte prisoner tyll he hadde rendered the Castel of Lincolne and other fortresses whervpon he was the kings enimy euer after Geffrey Earle of Aniowe sent foure noble men with furniture 1146 of warriours to Erle Robert requesting him to send ouer his sonne Henrie and if néede required he would sende him backe againe with all spéede The Earle agréeing to his request brought the yong Henrie to Warham where he tooke shipping towards his father of whom he was ioyfully receiued there he abode two yeares and foure monthes in the meane time Earle Robert deceased and was buried at Bristowe Anno reg 12 1147 King Stephen entred Lincolne and there ware his crown after whose departure from thence the Erle of Chester came to recouer y ● towne but could not bring his purpose to passe Anno reg 13 The Empresse vvent into Normandie the Citizens shewed such defence The Empresse being weried with the discorde of the English nation went ouer into Normandie chosing rather to sit vnder the defence of hir husband in peace than to suffer so manye displeasures in Englande The Quéene laye at Saint Austines in Canturburie bicause 1148 Anno reg 14 S. Katherins W. Dunthome Liber trinitati● London she was desirous to sée the Abbay of Fe●ursham finished which she and hir husband had begonne to builde she also builded the Hospital of S. Katherine by the tower of London for poore brethren and sisters In the moneth of Maye Henrie the Empresse sonne 1149 with a greate companye of chosen menne of armes and other came into Englande and takyng wyth hym Ranulph Earle of Chester Roger Earle of Hereford and diuerse other he went to Dauid king of Scottes of whom he was ioy fully receiued and made knight When king Stephen heard that Dauid Kyng of Scottes with his strength and Henne sonne to the Empresse with his Western Lords were togither at Carlile he came to Yorke with a greate army for feare they should attempt any thing against that Citie and so lay there the moneth of August at length the one partye as wel as the other departed but Eustacius the Kings sonne béeing made knighte exercised manye cruelties in the landes of the Earles that tooke parte wyth Henrie the Empresse sonne Henrie the Empresse son sailed into Normandie Al Englād Anno reg 15 1150 Anno reg 16 Ex charta regia 1151 Ypodigma Geruasiu● was ful of trouble and noyse of warre set forth to fire and rapyne through discorde betwixt king Stephen and certaine Earles that toke part with Henrie the son of the Empresse Robert Earle of Ferrers founded the Abbay of Meriual Geffrey Plantagenet Earle of Aniow and Duke of Normandie deceased and left his sonne Henrie his heire King Stephen besieged the Castell of Worcester which he VVorcester besieged Anno reg 17 coulde not winne the last yeare and when he sawe now also that he coulde not obtaine his purpose he builded two Castels before the same stuffing
them with garrisons and wēt from thence but by Counsel of Roberte Earle of Leicester the kings Castels were ouerthrowen the Castel besieged deliuered from daunger A diuorcement was made betwéen Lewes king of France 1152 Mathew Paris Geruasius Doro. and Elianor hys Quéene bycause they were a kinne in the fourth degrée moreouer she was defamed of adulterie with an infidel c. Henrie Duke of Normandie maried Elianor whō Lewes king of Fraunce had deuorced from him and had by hir a son named William Kyng Stephen called a Parliamente at London declaryng to Theobalde Archebyshoppe of Canturburie and the other Byshoppes howe he woulde vtterly disherite Henrie duke of Normandie and confirme his owne sonne Eustace to be his successour by crowning him king but the Pope had sent a commaundement to the Archbishoppe prohibiting him to crowne king Stephens sonne bycause his father had vsurped the kingdome contrarie to his othe Whiche thing as was thought was brought to passe by the subtile policie of Thomas Becket a Chaplaine borne in London King Stephen and his sonne being not a little offended therewith caused the Bishops with their Primate to be closed vp in an house threatning with terrors to extort of them that which with prayers or price they could not obtain The Archbishop stiffely standing in his purpose some of the Bishops through fear went from him at length the Archbishop by a maruellous hap escaping got ouer the Thamis and so to Douer and thence transporting ouer the seas escaped the threates of the King and his sonne and depriued his son of his coueted honour Quéene Mawde deceased and was buried at Feuersham Anno reg 18 Norvvich increased Chronicle of Brom holma The people of Norwich obtained of the king to haue Coroners baylifes for before y t time they had no other Officer but a sergeant for the king that kept Courts and after this that is to say in the 37. yeare of Hemie the third they had licence to inclose that towne with ditches got of sundry hundreds c. Henrie Duke of Normandie furnished with an army came 1153 into Englande and at his first comming wan the Castell and towne of Malmesburie from thenceforth Roberte the noble Earle of Leicester began to take the Dukes part and to furnish him with things necessarie a thirtie Castels or moe through his counsel with them that kept them submitted themselues to the Duke at length it was decréed y ● the King should talke with the Duke touching peace to be had and so they met in a place wher y ● Thamis was most narrow the one standing on the one side the other on the other After long talke they returned the Duke to his men the king to his and so laying down weapon euery man departed in peace Eustace the kings sonne was angry with hys father for agréeing to this peace and therefore in a rage departed from Policraticon Iohn Sarisburien Iohn Taxtor Mathew Paris the Court towards Cambridge to destroy that Country Cōming to S. Edmunds Burie he was there honorablye receyued and feasted but when he coulde not haue such money as hée demanded to bestow among his men of war he went away in a rage spoyling the corne in the fields belonging to y e Abbay and caryed it into his castels thereby but as he sat him down to dinner he fel madde vpō receiuing the first morsel and miserably died and was buried at Feuersham The Duke besieged Stamfort Castel and wanne it and Stamforde Notingham and Ipsvvich besieged then he went to Notingham and wan that The King in the meane time besieged Ipswich and wan it At length thorough the great labour of the Archbishop of Canturburie and the other Bishops the king commanded the nobles to méet Ex charta regia Anno reg 19 King Stephen adopted Henry Ypodigma 1154 at Winchester where the duke being receiued with gret ioy the King in sighte of all men adopted him his son and confirmed to him the principalitie of all Englande The duke receiued him in place of a father graunting to him al the dayes of his life to enioy the name and seate of the kings preheminence Duke Henrie in the Octaues of the Ephiphanye came togither with the king to Oxforde where the Erles and Barons by the kings commaundement sweare fealtie to Duke Henrie sauing the kings honor so long as he liued This assurance being made they departed asunder but shortly after they met againe at Dunstable there to entreate of the state and peace of the kingdome Shortlye after Duke Henrie with king Stephen and certaine Lords of England came to Canturburie and from thence to Douer where they had communication with Theodrike Erle of Flaunders the Countesse the Dukes aunte When the King and the Duke had dismissed the Earle of Flaunders and were turning towards Canturburie the slaughter of the Duke was prepared by a conspiracie of the Flemmings which enuied both y ● duke peace but behold sodainly y ● kings yōger son Williā priuie with the conspirators on Barhā down fel of his horsse breaking his leg he gathered all y ● company about him in sorrow The duke in the mean time vnderstanding the appointed treason got him to Canturburie and so escaped hys enimies hands from thence by Rochester and London he came to the sea and passed ouer into Normandie William Archbishop of Yorke going to Yorke in the feaste of Pentercost was poysoned at Masse and dyed within fewe dayes after In October the king met the Earle of Flaunders again at Douer and talked with him After the Earle was dismissed the king was taken with a sodaine paine of the Iliake passion K. Stephen died Ger●a Doro. Ralph Cogshal and with an olde disease or running of the Emerodes and there in y ● house of the Monkes dyed the xxv of October when he had raigned xviij yeres x. monthes and odde days He foūded the Abbays of Cogshal in Essex of Furnes in Lancashire of Hurguilers and Feuersham in Kent where hys body was buried He founded an house for Nunnes at Carewe ¶ King Henrie the seconde HEnrie the seconde son of Geffrey Plantagenet and Mawde the Empresse began his raigne ouer this realme Anno reg 1. of England the xxv day of October in the yere of our Lord 1154. he was Crowned at Westminster the. xvij daye of December by Theobalde Archbishop of Canturburie he was somewhat red of face short of body and therwith fatte of speach reasonable wel learned noble in chiualry and fortunate in battayle wise in counsel one that loued peace lyberall to straungers but hard to his familiars vnstedfast of promise giuen to pleasure and a wedlocke breaker by his manhoode and policie the crowne of England was much augmented with the annexing of Scotland Ireland the Iles of Orcades Boytaine Peyters Guyen and other prouinces of Fraunce Thomas Becket Archdeacon of Canturbury was made the Kings Chancellour He held
his Christmas at Bermonsey where hauing conference Geruasius Doro. with his Nobles for the state of the Kingdome he 1155 promised to banish all Strangers Wherevpon William of Ipres and all the Flemings that had flocked into England fearing the indignation of the newe King departed the land And the Castels that had bin builded to pill the riche and spoyle the poore were by the Kings commandemente and counsell of his Chancellor throwne downe In March Quéene Elianor did beare a sonne at London called Henry after his father King Henry was sonne to Mawde the Empresse whose Line of the Saxons restored Gerua Doro. Radulphus de dec●te mother was Mawde Quéene of England wife to King Henry the first and daughter to Margaret Quéene of Scottes who was daughter of Edward which he begat of Agatha the sister of Henry the Emperoure Edwarde was the sonne of King Edmond named Ironside whose father was King Etheldred whose father was the peaceable King named Edgar the sonne of Edmond the son of Edward the seigniour the sonne of Alured c. A counsell was holden at Wallingford where the Nobles Anno reg 2. Ger. Dorobor were sworne to the King and his issue King Henry went ouer into Normandy where with long 1156 Anno reg 3. séege he tooke diuers Castels of Mirable Chinon and other and obteyned the homage and pledges of all Aquitaine and Gascoyne William the Kings eldest sonne died and was buryed at Reding King Henry returned into England and then with an armie 1157 King Henry vvent against the VVelchmen Reedifyed Castels Henry of Essex went against the Welchmen where he felled their wods fortified the Castell of Rutland and recouered many strong holdes He reedifyed the Castell of Basingwirke c. but he lost many of his men for Henry of Essex that bare the Kings Standerd as he was assayled amongst his enimies let fall the Standerd to the ground which encouraged the Welchmen and put the Englishmen in feare supposing that the King Iocelyn of ●racland had bin slayne The King notwithstanding got of a certayne King of Anno reg 4. Wales and other Barons homage and hostages and so rereturned Quéene Elianor brought forth a sonne named Richard at Oxford in the Kings Pallace there William Earle of Glocester was taken by the Welchmen Giraldus Cambre in the Castell of Cardife On Christmas day King Henry ware his Crowne at 1158 Winchester where after celebration of diuine seruice he set his Crowne vpon the Altar and neuer ware it after King Henry went into France and at Paris was ioyfully receyued of King Lewes who required to haue his daughter Margaret to be maryed to his sonne Henry which suite he obteyned and King Henry obteyned that as Seneshall to the French King he might enter into Britaine and call afore him suche as made warre one against another to appease them whereby he brought the Citie of Naunts to his dominion An Earthquake happened in many places Earthquake through England and the Riuer of Thamis was dryed vp that at London men might walke ouer the same dryshod Quéene Elianor brought forth a sonne named Geffrey Anno reg 5. Ypodigma A new Coyne was made in England King Henry tooke es●uage of the Englishmen the summe 1159 Geruasius whereof grew to 12400. pounds of siluer Of other Countreys subiect to him he gathered also an infinite exaction then passed towards Tholouse with an huge army and beséeged that Citie from Midsomer til Hallontide There were with him Malcoline King of Scottes and a certaine King of Wales and all the Earles and Barons of England Normandy Aquitaine Angeow Gascoyne but Lewes the French King so defended that Citie that the Kings purpose was frustrate and the séege raysed King Henry returned from Tholouse and Henry y ● King Anno reg 6. 1160 of Englands sonne not seauen yeares olde maried Margaret the French Kings daughter that was not yet thrée yeares Gerua Dor● Anno reg 7. 1161 Anno reg 8. Thomas Wikes ●● Beu●●la old Mathew Earle of Bolonia married Mary Abbesse of Rumsey daughter to King Stephen Theobald Archbishop of Canturbury deceassed and the Churche of Canturbury was voyde one yeare one moneth and fourtéene dayes King Henry caused all his subiects to sweare fidelitie to 1162 Mathew Paris his sonne Henry concerning his inheritance Thomas the Kings Chancellour tooke his othe first sauing his fidelitie to King Henry the father so long as he liued This Thomas was elected Archbishop of Canturbury and when he was consecrated he forthwith refused to deale any more with matters of the Court renouncing the Chauncellorship c. There came into England xxx Germaynes as well men as women who called themselues Publicanes their head and Wilbel Nouobur Ralphe Cogshall ruler named Gerardus was somewhat learned the residue very rude They denyed Matrimony and the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper with other Articles They being apprehended the King caused a Counsell to be called at Oxford where the sayd Gerard answered for all his fellowes who being pressed with Scriptures aunswered concerning their faith as they had bin taught and woulde not dispute thereof After they coulde by no meanes be brought from their errors the Bishops gaue sentence against them and the King commanded that they should be marked with an whote Iron in the forehead and whipped and that no man should succour them with houserome or otherwise they tooke their punishment gladly their Captayne Publicans vvhipped going before them singing Blessed are ye when men do hate you they were marked in the forehead and theyr Captayne both in the forehead and the chinne Thus being Anno reg 9. whipped and thrust out in the winter they dyed with cold no man reléeuing them Robert de Mountfort accused his néere kinsman Henry 1163 Ioc●lin of Bracland of Essex of high treason before the Nobilitie affirming that he in an expedition into Wales in a narrow and hard passage at Colleshele most fraudulently threwe away the Kings Standard and with a lowde voyce pronounced him to be dead and turned backe those that came to y ● Kings succour Indéede the foresayde Henry of Essex was perswaded that King Henry was slayne whiche vndoubtedly had come to passe if Roger Earle of Clare had not with quicke spéede come to with his retinue and raysed agayne the Kings Standarde to the encouraging of the whole army Henry withstoode the foresayd Robert and denyed all his accusations whereby in processe of time the matter came to be tryed by Combate They met at Reding to fight in an I●e Combate at Reading néere to the Abbey Thither also came much people to sée what ende the matter woulde come to And it chanced that when Robert had manfully powred out many and heauie strokes Henry turning reason into rage tooke vpon him the part of a challenger and not a defender who whilest he
manfully stroke was more stoutely striken agayne and endeuoring to conquer was conquered himselfe he being ouercome fell downe for dead and when he was thought to Henry of Essex ouercome haue bin slayne at the instance of suche of the nobilitie as were of kinne to him it was granted vnto the Monks there Flores Historiarū that his body should be buryed but afterward he reuiued and hauing recouered his health became a Monke in that place London Bridge was new made of timber by Peter of Colechurch Anno reg 10 London bridge made of Timber 1164 Geruasius Do. a Priest Chapleyne Malcoline the Scottish King and Resus Prince of Southwales and other did homage to King Henry and his sonne Henry at Westminster A Counsayle was holden at Claringdon in presence of the King and the Archbishops Bishops Lordes Barons c. wherein was recognised and by their othes confirmed many ordinances too long héere to recite Thomas Archbishop of Canturburie being sworne to the same shortly after sore repented and ●●ed the Realme went to the Court of Rome The six and twentith day of January was a great Earthquake Anno reg 11 1165 An Earthquake Mathew Pari● Gerua Doro. Anno reg 12. in Eely Norffolke and Suffolke so that it ouerthrewe them that stoode vpon their féete and made the Belles to ring in the Stéeples The King seased into his handes all the Archbishops goodes and rents and banished all his kindred The King led an innumerable army against the Welchmen Radul Cogshal of Flemings Scottes Pictes Aniowans and other but with so great a multitude he could not ouercome them The Welchmen tooke the Castell of Cardigan In a certayne asséege at Bridgenorth againste Hugh de Mortimere when the King was shotte at by one of the enimies a valiant man Hubert de Saint Clere Constable of Colchester did thrust himselfe betwixte the King and the danger of the stroke and so receyued death for him whose only daughter the King taking into his custodie he gaue hir in mariage to William de Languale with hir fathers inheritance who begate on hir a sonne bearing the name and surname of his Grandfather Quéene Elianor brought forth a sonne named Iohn The King passed ouer into Normandy and there holding 1166 a counsell appoynted a collection to be made through all his Countreys two pence of the pound of mouable goodes A Taxe for the first yeare and one penny the pound for foure yeares after Robert sonne to William Earle of Glocester deceassed Anno reg 13 1167 The warre was renued betwixt the King of Englande and the French King for the Citie of Tholose and Mathewe Earle of Bulloigne brother to Philip Earle of Flanders manned sixe hundred Shippes to haue come into Englande but by such preparation as Richard Lucy gouernour of England made he was stopped well ynough Mawde King Henries daughter was maryed to Henry Anno reg 14 1168 Iohn Taxtor Gerua Doro. Ypodigma Duke of Saxon. Conan Earle of little Britaine dyed and left for his heire a daughter named Constance which he had by the King of Scottes sister which Constance King Henry marryed to his sonne Geffrey Robert de Boscue Earle of Leycester dyed He founde● Anno reg 15 1169 Sca. Cron. Gerendon Leycester and Eaton Sca. Cro. the Monasteries of Gerendon of Monkes of Leycester called Saint Mary de Prate of Channons regular and Eaton of Nunnes was founded by Amicia his wife daughter of Ralph Montforde King Henry caused the Castell of Warwike to be builded Deruntius the sonne of Morcardus called Mack Murgh Giraldus Cambr. King of Leynster being expelled out of his kingdome came into Guyen to King Henry hnmbly requiring 〈…〉 ●●r his restitution who vnderstanding fully the cause ●●ereof gaue frée licence to all Englishmen that woulde to ●●●●e the sayde Deruntius wherevpon he returning into Englande couenanted with Richard Earle of Chepstow to g●●e him his daughter in marriage and with hir the succession of his Kingdome so that he would help him in the recouery of it and shortly after he promised to Robert Fit● Stephen and Mawrice Fitz Gerald large reuenues in Ireland for the like helpe King Henry helde his Court at Naunts where the Bishops Anno reg 15. 1170 and Barons of Britayne being present sware their fidelitie to the King and to his sonne Geffrey and then the King sayled into England but many of his company were Giral Cambr. drowned by the way Robert Fitz Stephen first of all Englishmen after the Conquest Englismnen transported into Ireland entred Ireland the first day of May with 390. men and there tooke Wexford in the behalfe of Deruntius King Henry caused his sonne Henry borne at London Henry the kings sonne Crovvned to be Crowned by the handes of Roger Archbishop of Yorke as he thought to the great quietnesse of himselfe and hys Realme but it proued farre otherwise Thomas Archbishop of Canturbury by the mediation of Pope Alexander and Lewes the King of France was restored to his Sea of Caunturbury In September Richard Earle of Chepstow surnamed Gualteru● Couen Strongbow sayled into Ireland with a thousand two hundred men of warre and by force tooke Waterford and Dub●●● and marryed Eue Deruntius daughter Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canturbury the xxviij of Anno reg 17 1171 December was slayne by William Tracy Baron of Braynes Reignolde Fitz Vrse Hugh Moruilt and Richarde Briton Knightes There was séene at S. Osythes in Estsex a Dragon of a Chro. Colchester maruellous bignesse whyche by mouing burned houses Ex Record King Henry returned from beyond the Seas and landed at Portesmouth in the moneth of August Nicholas Break espeare an Englishman borne at Langley in the County of Hartford sonne to Robert a yonger brother Pope Adrian an Englishman of the house of Breakespeares whiche Roberte after the death of his wife professed himselfe a Monke of Saint Albons leauing his sonne to prouide for his owne preferment this yong man passed into France was shorne a Monke and after chosen Abbot went to Rome was consecrated Bishop of Alba made Cardinall sente Legate to the Norwayes where he reduced that nation from Paganisme to Christianitie and after returned to Rome When Anastasius was dead he was chosen Pope by y ● name of Adrian the 4. During his Popedome he granted the regimente of Ireland King Henry Lord of Ireland Gesta Abbat Sanc●● Albani Regi●trū m●n Sancti Albani Iohn Bale Cimphriu● Anno reg 18. Giraldu● Cambr. Radul Cogshal Geruasius D●●● to the King of England wherevpon King Henry hauing caused Richard Earle of Chepstow to giue into his handes all the land which he had conquered in that Realme toke Shippe at Penbroke and sayled thither where the King of Conach Deruntius King of Corke Morice King of Methe the King of Vriell Duvenald King of Ossery Duvenald King of Limerike Machachelin Ophelon Machaleny Othne●hely
his tayle betwixte the Legate and the Archbyshop of Canturburie whiche Archbishop of Canturburie béeing lothe to remoue the other set his buttocke in his lappe but he had vnneath touched hym with his bumme when the Bishops and other of the Cleargie and Laytie stepte to hym pulled hym threwe hym to the grounde and beganne to lay on hym with fistes and battes so that the Archbishop of Canturburie yéelding good for euill was fayne to defende the other Archbishop who with his rent Coape gote vppe and away straight to the King with a greate complaynte but when the trueth of the matter was once knowen hée was well laughed at for hys remedye Richard Strangbow Earle of Chepstow deceassed and was Iohn Beuer. buryed at Dublin in Ireland William Earle of Arundell also deceassed and was buryed at Wimondham William Earle of Glocester bycause he had no sonne to Anno reg 23 Ypodigma inherite his landes and béeing loth to distribute them amongst his daughters he made Iohn the Kings sonne his successor A showre of bloud raigned in the Isle of Wighte two Cron. Tinmouth houres space The Church of secular Channons at Waltam was by 1177 Ypodigma Geruasius the Kings commandement newe builded and regular Channons placed there After the death of Rosamund the Faire daughter of Walter Rosamund Lord Clifford Concubine to Henry the second at Woodstoke he tooke priuily King Lewes daughter of France that was marryed to his sonne Richard Earle of Poytow for his Leman and had practised for a diuorce betwixt him and his Quéene Eleanor wherevpon followed great discord betwixt the Kings of England and France but méeting togither they agréed vpon peace for a time Richard Lucy the Kings Justiciar layde the foundation of the couentuall Church in the honor of Saint Thomas in 1178 a place which is called Westwood otherwise Lesnes in the territorie Lesnes Geruasius Walter Couen Gerua Tilberien of Rochester in the new Parish of Southfleete This Richard Lucy builded the Castell of Anger in Estsex in the diocesse of the Bishop of London The Citie of Yorke was brent On Christmas day at Oxenhall in the territorie of Derlington Anno reg 25. 1179 Cron. vinmouth in the Bishopricke of Duresme the earth lifted vp it selfe in the manner of an high Tower and so remayned from the spring of the day vnmoueable vntil the euening and then fell with so horrible a noyse that it feared the inhabitantes thereabout and the earth swallowed it vp and made there a déepe pitte which is séene vntill this day For a testimonie thereof Leyland sayth he saw the pittes there Iohn Leyland commonly called Helkettles The tenth day of Aprill the Church of Saint Andrewe in Rochester was consumed with fire Richard Lucy departed this life in the Abbey of Lesnes hauing changed his habite The Usurers in England were gréeuously punished for Anno reg 26 1180 Vsuters punished Gerua Dor● corrupting the Coyne the whiche besides other vexations were fettered two and two togither and carryed in Cartes to the Kings Court. A new Coyne was ordeyned in England Geffrey the Kings Bastarde sonne resigned the Byshopricke Anno reg 27 1181 of Lincolne and was made the Kings Chancellour This yeare Giraldus Cambrensis wrote his booke of the Itinerarium Cambri● Giraldi description of Wales wherein he noteth to haue happened in his time in the Prouince of Kemmeis a yong man borne in those partes to be persecuted with Toades as all within that Countrey had come crawling togither to vexe him A man deuoured by Toades and when innumerable numbers of them were killed by those that kept him and other of his friends and kinsmen Geruasius de mappa mundi yet came they still as if they had sprong like Hydraes head numberlesse at length when his friends were wéeried with watching they caused him in a Coffin to be hoysed vp into an high trée that was shred of all the boughes and made smooth but there was he not preserued from his venemous enemies which assaulted him créeping vp into the trée till they had eaten him to the bones that he dyed his name was Seisillus Elker her that is long legge Barnewell with the Priorie néere vnto Cambridge was fired Anno reg 28 1182 and brent Robert Harding a Burgesse of Bristow to whome King Henry gaue the Barony of Barkeley builded the Monasterie Saint Austins in Bristovv Anno reg 29 1183 of Saint Augustines in Bristow King Henry the elder went into France and there made his testament They of Aquitayne hated their Duke Richard for his crueltie and were minded to driue him out of the Earledome of Poytow and Dukedome of Aquitayne and to transpose those estates to his brother King Henry the yonger but when all men looked for victory to the yong King he King Henry the yonger deceassed Giraldus Cambr 〈…〉 1184 Gualterus Couen fell miserably sicke and dyed in the Castell of Limouicen about the beginning of June and was buryed at Roane King Henry returned into England and sent many men of warre into Wales for the Welchmen emboldned by the Kings absence had broken forth and slayne many Englishmen The Abbey of Glastenbury was brent with the Church of Glastenbury brent Saint Iulian. Heraclius Patriarch of Hierusalem came to King Henry Anno reg 31. desiring him of ayde agaynst the Turkes but the King bycause 1185 Herac●●us the Patriarke Gerua Doro. of the crueltie of his sonnes was counselled not to leaue his Dominions in hazard and to goe so farre off wherefore he promised the Patriarke 50000. Markes of Siluer This Patriarke dedicated the new Temple then builded Nevv Temple in the West part of London King Henry sente his sonne Iohn into Ireland that he Iohn the kings sonne Lord of Ireland Ypodigma might be made Lorde thereof The Pope sente him a Crowne of Peacocks feathers brayded with Golde This yeare dyed Hugh Mortimere founder of Wigmor● Abbey Mawde the Empresse Mother to King Henry the second The Empresse deceased deceassed she founded the Abbey of Bordesley Geffrey Earle of Britayne the Kings sonne of England dyed Anno reg 32 1180 Geffrey Earle of Britayne dyeth Giral Cambr. Mathew Paris Roger Houeden Iohn Taxtor at Paris about the beginning of August and was there buryed He left issue two daughters which he had by Constance daughter to Conan Earle of Britaine who also at the time of his death was great with childe and after brought forth a sonne named Arthur A great Earthquake threw downe many buildings amongst the which the Cathedrall Church of Lincolne was rent in péeces the fiue and twentith of Aprill The Cathedrall Church of Chichester and all the whole Chichester brent Citie was brent the twentith of October Néere vnto Orford in Suffolke certayne Fishers of the Anno reg 33 1187 A Fish like a man Ralphe Cogshall Monument in Colchester Sea tooke in
their nettes a Fish hauing the shape of a man in all poyntes whiche Fishe was kepte by Barthelinew de Glaunuile Custos of the Castell of Orford in the same Castell by the space of sixe monethes and more for a wonder he spake not a word All manner of meates he gladly did eate but most gréedily raw fishe after he had crushed out all the moysture Oftentimes he was brought to the Churche where he shewed no tokens of adoration At length when he was not well looked to he stale away to the Sea and neuer after appeared The Kings of Englande and of France mette betwixt Gisors Anno reg 34 1188 and Trye where they tooke on them the Crosse and dyuers other with them The King of England landing at Winchelsea hasted towards North-hampton where at Gedington Richarde Sothwel Rog Houed ●n●iq●●●●erl Gual Coue●● about eight or tenne miles from North-hampton he helde a Parliamente aboute the voyage into the holy land where many Articles concerning that voyage were concluded and the whole Realme troubled with paying of tithes towarde that voyage The Christians were appoynted to pay aboue lxx thousand pound and the Iewes lx thousand without any delay but by meanes of a discorde that fell betwixt the two Kings that voyage was stayed The Towne of Beuerley with the Church of Saint Iohn Beuerley brent Anno reg 35 Geruasius 1189 there was brent the twentith of September The Kings of England and of France with Richard Earle of Poytow the Legate and the Archbishops of Canturbury Roane Rhenes and Burges mette at Naunts the ninth day of June There Philip the French King required that his sister which had bin kept in England a two and twēty yeares ●odouicus vi●es Death of King Henry the second mighte be restored vnto Earle Richard as his wife and Earle Richard desired the same but King Henry denyed this request and so they departed a sunder and got them to armour The French King and Earle Richard pursued the King of England so hard that he was forced to yéelde to Richardus Cambr. all the requestes as wel of the French King as of his sonne Richard This was done at Gisors and so departing came to Azai where he fell sicke and departed this life the sixth day Ypodigma of July in the yeare of our Lord 1189. when he had raigned xxxiiij yeares ix monethes and xij dayes and was buryed at Fonteuerard in the Monasterie of Nunnes by hym founded He founded the Priories of Douer and of Stoneley and Basingwarke and the Castell of Rudlan He also began the stone Bridge ouer the Thamis at London He left issue Richard and Iohn ¶ King Richard Cuer de Lion RIchard the first borne at Oxford for his valiantnesse surnamed Anno reg 1. Cordelion or with the Lions heart the seconde sonne of Henry the second began his raigne the sixth day of July in the yeare of oure Lorde 1189. He was bigge of stature with a merrie countenance To his Souldyoures fauourable bountifull to his friends to Strangers a gréeuous enimie hard to be pleased desirous of warre abhorring ydlenesse enclined to pride lechery and auarice He comming from beyonde the Seas landed at South-hampton Geruasius Do. Mathew Paris the twelfth day of August and was Crowned at Westminster on the third day of September by the hands of the Archbishop Baldwine He commanded that no Iewes nor women shoulde be at his Coronation for feare of enchantmentes whiche were wont to be practised for breaking of whiche commmandement many Iewes were slayne the same day Elianor the olde Quéene who at the commaundement of hir husbande had bene long kept close prisoner was now set at libertie The Archbishop of Canturburie being sore offended wyth Erle Iohn the kings brother for takyng to wife Isabel countesse of Glocester his coosin in the thirde degrée wrote a threatning letter to the same Iohn commanding him not to touch the virgine and to appeare at a peremptory day before him to aunswere the matter King Richard gaue the Castels of Berwike and Rokesburgh to the Scottish king for the summe of x. M. pound he also sold to Hugo de Puteaco Bishoppe of Durham his own prouince for a great péece of mony and created him Erle of the same and then sayde in game I am a wonderous craftesman I haue made a newe Earle of an olde Bishoppe He solde the Priorie of Couentrie to Hugh Bishoppe of Chester for iij. C. markes which Hugh with a power of armed men inuaded the Priory chased the Prior away beat the Monkes lamed some cast some into prison and spoyling the other droue thē away brake the Hutches of the Churche brente their Charters and priuileges The King also fayned to haue lost his signet and made a newe and then caused to be proclaymed that who so euer woulde safely enioy those things which before time they had inrolled shoulde come to the newe seale wherby it came to passe that many which could not finde him in England went ouer sea to fine with him at his plesure He gaue his brother Iohn the prouinces of Notingham Deuonshire and Cornewal In this time were many robbers and out-lawes among Iohn Maior Outlavves in England the whiche Robert Hoode little Iohn renowmed théeues continued in woods despoyling and robbing the goods of the rich They killed none but such as would inuade them or by resistance for their own defence The sayde Robert entertayned an hundred tall men and good Archers with such spoyles and theftes as he got vppon whome foure hundred were they neuer so strong durste not giue the onset He suffered no woman to be oppressed violated or otherwise inolested poore mens goods he spared aboundantlye relieuing them with that whiche by theft he gotte from Abbayes and the houses of rich Carles whome Maior blameth for his rapine and thefte but of all théeues he affirmeth hym to be the Prince and the moste gentle théefe Till this firste yeare of King Richard the firste the Citizens Magistrates of the Citie of London since before the Conquest Robert Fabian of London hadde bene gouerned by Portgraues as Fabian sometime an Alderman of London in his Chronicle affirmeth whose names with the lawes and customes of the Cittie then vsed he sayeth were recorded in an olde booke written in the Saxon tongue called Domes daye sometime remayning in the Guilde Hal of London but now embezeled To this accordeth the Charter of the same Citie granted by William the Conquerour and diuerse other Records wherein I finde that the chiefe Magistrate of the Citie of Portgraue London in the time of king Edward last before the Conquest called the Confessor was called Portgraue whose name was Wolfgare In the time of William Conquerour and William Rufus Liber trinitatis W. Dunthorne Prouost Godfrey Mandeuile or Magnauile was Portgraue Richarde de Pare Prouost In the time of King Henrie the first Hugh Bouch Portgraue and Leofstanus Goldsmith Prouost
reg 4 Then the Archebishoppe of Rhoane wyth the consente of Earle Iohn toke vpon him the rule of the lande as Uice● Chauncellour Sherifes Nicholas Duke Peter Newlay Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne King Richarde hauing knowledge that Phillip of 1193 Fraunce inuaded Normandie and that Iohn his brother hadde made himselfe King of Englande made peace with the Saladine for thrée yeares and wyth a small companye retourning homewarde was taken prisoner by Leopolde Duke of Austria who broughte hym to Henrie Anno reg 5. King Richarde taken prison the Emperour and there kepte hym in prison a yeare and fiue monthes He was enuyed for hys valiauncie in that he hadde shewed more proofe of hys prowes than all the other had Wolfangus Lazius in hys booke de Romano Imperio affirmeth that Leopolde of Austria when he hadde taken king Richard for some iniurie done to the house of Austria hée King Richard of England builded the vvals of Vienna compelled hym to builde the walles aboute Vienna the chiefest Cittie of Austria the whyche Wals wythin oure memorie defended all Germanie from the inuasion of the Turke The rumor being spredde that King Richarde was taken Earle Iohn rebelled against King Richard as yée haue hearde forth wyth the Frenche King and Erle Iohn made a greate conspiracie togyther meaning to take the Kingdome of Englande herevppon a greate number of Flemmings were assembled at Witsa●●e and an innumerable multitude of Flemmings readye to come ouer but theyr messengers being taken their treason was bewrayed Elianor the olde Quéene caused the Sea coastes to bée watched ouer against Flaunders but notwithstanding Erle Iohn came secréetely into Englande to rayse the Walchmen and Scottes but the King of Scottes woulde not ayde hym The Walchmen in the partes about Kingstone and Windsore toke prayes abrode The Frenche King entred Normandie founde small resistaunce wanne diuerse Townes Gisors was deliuered to him then he hasted towards Roane besieged it but through the great industrie of Robert Earle of Leicester he profited little there and so returned into Fraunce Earle Iohn perceiuing his treason was discouered fortifyed hys Castels and passed ouer into Fraunce and ioyned with the Frenche King Sherifes Roger Duke Richard Fitz Alwyne Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne King Richard sent for his mother and the Archebishop of Rhoane to come vnto hym into Almayne being nowe in greate hope to bée deliuered and in the meane tyme the Archbishoppe of 〈◊〉 was made regent of England The Kings friendes entreating for his deliueraunce his The Kings raunsome Geruasius Doro. Radul Cogshal ransome was set at 100000. pound to wit to the Emperour 100000. markes to the Empresse 30000. markes and to y ● Duke of Austrich 20000. markes wherevpon commaundemēt was directed from the kings Iustices that al Bishops Prelates Earles Barons Abbots and Priors should bring in the fourth parte of theyr reuenewes towardes the kings raunsome and besids this the cleargie brought in their golden and siluer chalices and fléeced their shrines all whiche was coyned into money The order of the Cestercencies did giue theyr wool for one Mathew Paris Roger Houeden yeare c. all the money gathered for the Kings raunsome to remaine in the custodie of Hubert Archbishoppe of Canturburie Richarde Bishoppe of London William Earle of Arundel Hameline Earle of Warren and the Maior of London The King was restored to libertie the most parte of hys raunsome being paide and pledges left for the residue In the mean time letters were intercepted of Erle Iohn which he had sent into Englād touching treason one Adam of Saint Edmund Cleark being sent by Erle Iohn to prouide that his Castel might be fortified against King Richard came to London and dyned with Hubert Archbishoppe of Canturburie where he bragged of Earle Iohns prosperitie and familiaritie Recard●● ca●●●● with the French king for y ● which being suspected he was after dinner apprehēded by the Maior of Londō who toke frō him his letters and deliuered them to the Archbishoppe of Canturburie who on the next morrow called a Coūsel of the Earles and Barons and shewed them the letters wherevpon they al c●nsented that Erle Iohn should be dispossessed of all his lande in England and that his Castels should be besieged The same day the same Archbishop and Bishoppes excommunicated Earle Iohn and all his fauourers whiche troubled the peace of the kingdome And forth with the Archbishop 1194 besieged the Castel of Marleborough which belonged to Earle Iohn and toke it After this he besieged Notingham Castell The King taking ship at Antwerpe landed a● Sandwich on God●●● v●●●●alfe Gerua Doro. K. Richard the second time Crovvned Anno reg 6. the. 12. of March shortly after he besieged the Castell of Notingham and wan it and after that the Castel of Tikehil and then rode to Winchester wher he was again solemnly crowned on the xvij of April After this he called into his hands all such thing as hée had eyther giuen or sold by patentes or otherwise by whiche meanes he got a great sum of money and sayled into Normandie the xij of Maye where hauing a great army he tooke Taileburge and the countie of Angolesme Shortly after a peace was taken betwéene the two kings of England and Fraunce the xiij of June and also by meanes of Elianor the old Quéene Earle Iohn was reconciled to hys brother King Richard gaue to him the Erledomes of Morton Cornewal Dorset Somerset Notingham Darby Lancastre y ● Castels of Marleborough Luthegarshal with the forrests and Gual Couen appurtinaunces the honor of Wallingford Tikehil and Eye the Earledome of Gloucester with the Earles daughter Isabel though she were a kin to him but he kept certaine Castelles belonging to the said Earld●mes in his owne handes he remoued from him hys Concubines and toke to him his own wife which he had not knowen of a long time before Sherifes William Fitz Isable William Fitz Arnolde Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne King Richard sent messengers to the Pope complayning vpon the Duke of Austrich for misusing of him and his as they came by distresse of weather throughe his Countrey wherevpon the Pope excommunicated the Duke and enioyed him to release the ●●uenaunts that he constrayned the King to make and to sende home the pledges but the Duke refused this order contempning the Popes authoritie who shortly after dyed and was kept vnburied til his son had released the English pledges that lay in hostage for the mony behinde of K. Richards ca●nsome and further sware to stād to the iudgement of the Church for that offence of his father Hugh Bishoppe of Lincolne gaue to the king a thousande Anno reg 7. markes for his mantell of Sables which his predecessours were wont yearely to haue giuen them by the King Sherifes Robert Beasaunt Ioke de Iosue Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyne William Fitz Osbert a Citizen of London poore in degrée VV. vvith the ●earde Roger Houed Wil.
the Castell and Lordshippe of Elingsmore in the Marches of South-Wales Robert Fitz Parnell Earle of Leycester dyed without issue Liber Bernewell and then Simon de Mountford and Sayer de Quincy deuided the Earledome betwixt them bycause that Sayer de Quincy and the Father of Simon Mountford had marryed the sisters of the sayd Robert Sherifes Thomas Hauerell Hamond Bronde Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne The fourtenth day of January beganne a Frost whiche continued till the two and twentith day of Marche so Great Frost 1205 that the grounde coulde not bée tilled whereof it came to passe that in Sommer folowing a quarter of Wheate was solde for a Marke of Siluer in many places of Englande Dearth of corne whiche for the more parte in the dayes of King Henry the seconde was solde for twelue pence a Quarter of Beanes or Pease for halfe a Marke a Quarter of Otes for forty pence that were wont to be solde for foure pence Also the nno A reg 7. money was so sore clipped that there was no remedie but to haue it renued King Iohn gathered greate armyes of menne to haue gone ouer the Seas but béeing sayled onwarde of his voyage hée returned againe and tooke escuage two markes and a halfe of euery Knightes fée through Englande pretending a quarrell agaynste hys Barons bycause they Iohn Taxtor would not follow hym into the partes beyond the Seas Sherifes Iohn Walgraue Richard Winchester Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne The Earle of Salisburie the Kings brother Geffrey the Kings sonne begot on a Concubine and many other 1206 Ralph Cogshall Anno reg 8. Knightes were gone ouer before but all in vayne the charges was inestimable that had bin layde out aboute the preparation made for this iourney Greate Thunders and Lightnings brusting out of the Great Thunders Lightnings and hayle Cloudes were séene so that men thought the day of Dome had bin come many men and women were destroyed beside Cattell and houses that were ouerthrowne and burned The Corne in the fieldes was beaten downe with haylestones as bigge as Goose egges Aboute Maydestone in Kente a certayne Monster was A strange Monster founde stricken with the Lightning whiche Monster had an head like an Asse a belly lyke a man and all other partes farre discordante from any one liuing thing This deade body no man might vnneath come néere vnto for stenche Sherifes Iohn Holyland Edmond Fitz Garrard Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne King Iohn tooke the thirtenth parte of all mouable goodes both of lay and religious through England at which all men murmured The seauen and twentith day of January a great winde 1207 ouerthrew many houses and trées and a great Snow destroyed many beastes The Monkes of Canturbury by the aduise of the Pope elected Stephen Langton to be their Archbishop and then Anno reg 9. Mathew Paris Pope Innocent intending to obteyne the fauour of King Iohn towardes this election bycause he knewe that he did make diligent search for precious stones sent him an eloquent Epistle with diuers precious iewels which were of King Iohn well accepted and Stephen Langton was consecrate at Rome Then the Pope sent Letters to King Iohn humbly exhorting him to receyue the sayd Stephen Archbishop of Canturburie being therevnto canonically elected the rather bycause he was an Englishman borne and a Doctour of Diuinitie c. but King Iohn being greatly offended with the promoting of the sayde Stephen sent men in armour to expell the Monkes of Canturburie to the number of lxiiij out of the Realme and condemned them of Treason the Monkes went into Flanders and their goods and landes of their Churche was confiscate Also King Iohn sent threatning letters to the Pope whervnto the Pope made a large answere Quéene Isabell was deliuered of hir first sonne at Winchester and named him Henry Sherifes Roger Wincher Edmond Hardell Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne The xxiij of March William Bishop of London Eustachius Bishop of Ely and Malgor Bishop of Winchester by the 1208 England interdicted Nicholas Triuet Mathew Paris Ralphe Cogshall Popes commandement executed the interdiction vpon the whole Realme and they ceased through all England from ministring of Ecclesiasticall Sacraments sauing to them that were in perill of death and Baptisme to Children All the bodyes of them that dyed were buryed like Dogges in ditches and corners Many Bishops especially they that pronounced the interdiction fledde the Realme The King Anno reg 10 set all the Bishoprickes and Abbeys in the Realme into the custody of lay men and commanded all Ecclesiasticall reuenues to be confiscated Also doubting least the Pope should excommunicate him by name or discharge the Nobles of England of their allegiance towards him he laid holde vpon them specially such as he had in suspition and tooke pledges of them This yeare was graunted to the Citizens of London by Maior of London yearely chosen the Kings letters patents that they shoulde yearely choose to them a Maior Sherifes Peter Duke Thomas Neale the 28. of Septem Maior Henry Fitz Alwyne the 28. of October Richard the Kings second sonne by Isabell his wife was 1209 Wil. Packington borne By the procurement of Stephen Langton Archbishop of Canturburie licence was graunted to the conuentual Churches in Englande to celebrate diuine seruice once euery wéeke but the white Monkes had not this priuiledge bycause they had disobeyed the interdiction The Eschequer was remoued frō Westminster to Northhampton Eschequer at Northhampton by the Kings commandement He also gathered a great armie and wente towarde Scotland as farre as the Castell of Norham where the King of Scottes came to him and treated a peace for the which he gaue 11000. Markes of Siluer and deliuered his two daughters for a pledge By the Kings commandement through out all the Forestes of England all the ditches were made playne ground Cro. D●● Hedges breute Homage of freeholders VVelchmen did homage and the hedges brent After this he tooke homage of all fréeholders and sware all men to his allegiance from twelue yeares old vpward The Welchmen came to Woodstocke and did homage A Clarke of Oxford by chance killed a woman and then Anno reg 11 Oxford forsaken ranne away wherefore his thrée chamber fellowes whiche knew nothing of the matter were hanged at the Townes end which caused thrée thousand Maysters and Schollers to forsake the Uniuersitie of Oxford so that there taryed not one A prodigeous sight was séene one morning in the beginning Radulphus Cog. of Lent the Clowdes séemed to fighte with the Sunne from the Sunne rising till one of the clocke of that day The Arches and stone bridge ouer the Thamis at London London bridge builded of stone Fx libro pontis ●ondinensis S. Mary Ouery was this yeare finished by the worthie Merchants of London Serle Mercer William Alman and Bennet Botewright Mayster Fowle a learned man last Prior of Saint Mary Oueryes Church
There was also a yong man and two women broughte before them the yong man would not come in any Church nor be partaker of the Sacraments but had suffered himselfe to be crucified in whom y ● scars of al y e woūds were to be séene in his hāds head side Radulphus Cog. f●et he reioiced to be called Jesus of these women other One of the women being olde was accused for be●●● ching Radulphus Cog. Wal. Couentren Nicholas Triues the yong man vnto such madnesse and also altering hir owne name procured hirself to be called Mary the mother of Christ They being cōuict of these crimes and other were adiudged to be closed vp betwéene two wals of stone where they ended their liues in miserie The other woman Counterfaite Marie and Christ being sister to the yong man was let go bycause she reue●led the wicked fact On Saint Iames day the Citizens of London kept game● of defence and wrestling néere vnto the Hospital of Matild VVrestling Mathew Paris where they got the maisterie of the menne of the Suburbes The Baylife of Westminster deuising to be reuenged proclaymed a game to be at Westminster vppon Lammas daye wherevnto the Citizens of London repayred and when they had played a while the Baylie with the men of the suburbs harnised themselues and fell to fighting that the Citizens being foully wounded were forced to runne into the Citie where they rang the common Bel and assembled the Citizens in gret number and when the matter was declared euery man wished to reuenge the fact The Maior of the Citie being a wise man and a quiet willed them firste to moue the Abbot of Westminster of the matter and if he wold promise to sée amendes made it were sufficient but a certaine A tu●ult in London Citizen named Constantine Fitz Arnul●e willed that all houses of the Abbot and Baylie should be pulled downe whiche word being once spoken the common people issued out of the Citie without anye order and fought a ciuil battaile for Constantine the firste pulled downe many houses and of●times with a loude voyce cryed in prayse of the sayd Constantine the ioye of the mountaine the ioy of the mountaine God helpe and the Lord Lodowike A fewe dayes after this tumult the Abbot of Westminster Cro. D●n Abbot of VVestminster pat to his shifts came to London to Phillip Dawbney one of the kings counsel to complaine of the iniuries done to him which the Londoners perceyuing beset the house aboute and tooke by violence twelue of the Abbots horsses away cruelly beating of his men c. But whiles the foresayde Daubney laboured to pacifie the vprore the Abbot gotte out at a backe dore of the house and so by a boate on the Thamis hardlye escaped the Citizens throwing stones after him in great aboundāce These things being thus done Hubert de Burgo Justiciar Chief Iustice en tred the Citie of London vvith an army of England with a great armye of men came to the Tower of London and sent for the Maior and Aldermē of whom he enquired for the principal aucthours of this faction Then Constantine who was constaunt in the sedition was more constante in the aunsweare affirming that he had done it and that he hadde done muche lesse than he ought to haue done The Justiciar tooke him and two other with him and in y ● morning earely sent them to Falcatius by water with a gret number of armed men who brought Constantine to the gallowes Cōstātine vvith other hanged and when he sawe the rope about his necke he offered for his life 15000. marks but that would not saue him so he was hanged with Constantine his nephew Galfride that proclaymed his proclamation on the sixtéenth of August Then the Justiciar entring the City with a great army Mathew Paris Feete handes of many cut of caused to be apprehended as many as he coulde learne to be culpable whose féet and hands he caused to be cut off which crueltie caused many to flée the Citie The King toke of the Citizens 60. pledges which he sēt to diuers Castelles he desposed the Maior appointing a Gardien or kéeper ouer the Citie and caused a greate gybet to be made and after heauie threatnings the Citizens were reconciled paying to the king manye thousande Anno reg 7 Tempestes and dearth markes On holy Rode daye was great Thunder and lightning throughout all England and such great flouds of water followed with great windes and tempest which continued tyll Candlemasse that the yeare following wheate was sold for xij shillings the quarter Richard Renger Thomas Lambert the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Searle Mercer the 28. of October On Saint Andrewes daye a great Thunder ouerthrewe Great tempests Churches Castels and houses so that scantly any body escaped frée from harme by this Tempeste A Knight and hys wife and eyghte menne of hys housholde with the fall of his house were slaine in Pilardestune a villedge of Warwickeshire In a Counsel holden at London the Archbishop of Canturburie 1223 and other the nobilitie and Barons of the Realme required the king to confirme the liberties for the whiche the warre was moued against his Father and that himselfe at the departing of Lewes out of Englande sware to obserue where vppon forthwith the King sente his letters to all the Sherifes of the realm commanding them to inquire by the othes of twelue lawfull men in euery Countie what liberties were in England in the time of King Henrie his grandfather and to send the inqusition so made to London fiftéene dayes after Easter Iohn de Brennes king of Ierusalem and chiefe maister of K. of Ierusalem the Hospital there came into England and required ayde to winne Ierusalem but he returned with smal comfort Leolyn Prince of Wales founded the Castell of Mountgomerie Tho. Wikes and therewith certaine Englishmen in despighte of the King attempted to constraine William Marshall Earle of Penbroke and other to yéelde to them but the whole Countrey Anno reg 8. Sherifes Maior 1224 Mathew Paris rose in armour and ouercame them Iohn Trauers Andrew Bokerel the. 28. of September Richard Renger the. 28. of October The Earle of Chester and other rose against the king and hys Justiciars for the custodyes of the Castelles and landes whyche the Kyng demaunded of them Wherefore the Archbishop of Canturburie and the Byshops excommunicated al the perturbers of the king and the Realme The Earle of Chester and his complices perceyuing that the King had a greater number of men of armes then they and also fearing the excommunicatiō came to the king at Northampton yéelding their castels honors which appertayned to the Crowne Then the king layed siege about the Ral. Cogshall Bedford castel besieged Castel of Bedforde that Falcatius had long kepte by strength which siege he continued by the space of eight wéekes and toke the
Pallace of Westminster men did row with wherries in the midst of the Hall and they rode on Horsebacke to their Chambers A Parliament at Marton wherein was made the Statutes Anno reg 21 Statutes of Marton Sherifes Maior 1237 of Marton Henry Cocham Iordan of Couentry the 28. of Septem Andrew Bokerell Peperer the 28. of October By the Kings procurement Octobon a Cardinall came into England as Legate from y e Pope the second day of July This yeare passed a stormie and troublesome weather and very vnhealthfull so that no man coulde remember that euer so many folkes were sicke of the ague Iohn Scot last Earle of Glocester deceassed and the Countrey Anno reg 22 Nic. Triuet Iohn Beuer. Sherifes Maior returned to the King for lacke of heires Iohn Tolason Geruas the Cordewenor the 28. of Sept. Andrew Bokerell Peperer the 28. of October Simon de Mountfort sonne to Simon Earle of Mountford for doubt that Quéene Blanche mother to the French King was offended with him fledde into England and was made Earle of Leycester and Steward of England by King Henry and had the Kings sister Elianor widdow of William Nicholas Triuet Io. Beuerla Marshall giuen him to wife Octobone being lodged in the Abbey of Osney the Schollers 1238 Mathew Paris Ypodigma Legate put to his shiftes of Oxford slew his mayster Cooke who was also the Legates brother and the Legate for feare gate him into the Stéeple of the Church where he held him till the kings officers comming from Abingdon conuayed him to Wallingford where he accursed the misdoers Odo de Kilkenny as Standerdbearer of the Schollers was taken with twelue other and cast in prison and long after went from Saint Paules Church in London to the Legates Scholers did penance at London Iohn Beuer. house which was Durham place vngirded withoute gowne bareheaded and barefooted whereby they asked him forgiuenesse and then the Legate restored them to their Uniuersitie A Scholler of Oxford fayning himselfe madde enterprised to haue slayne the King in his Chamber at Wodstocke King in darge● Anno reg 23 but he was taken and after long emprisonment plucked in péeces with Horsses at Couentrie Iohn Coders Iohn de Wilehale the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Nicho. Triuet 1229 Richard Renger the 28. of October Simon de Mountfort whome the King had made Earle of Leycester after he had agréed with his elder brother Earle Almericus for the same Earledome being also Steward of Gascoine induced the King of England to recognise that he would hold of the King of France the land of the Baseles the chiefe Towne whereof is Bayon and was in times past a Kingdome of it selfe and so by acknowledging to be of the fée of the King of France excluded the King of Castile who chalenged the sayd fée to belong to the King of Spayne The Tower of London was fortified which the Citizens Mathew Paris Tovver of London fearing least it were done to their detriment complayned to the King who answered that he had not done it to their hurt but sayth he I will from henceforth do as my brother Ypodigma Anno reg 24 doth in building and fortifying of Castels who beareth the name to be wiser than I am Quéene Elianor bare a sonne named Edwarde at Westminster the 22. day of June Roger Bongye Ralph Ashwye the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1240 William Ioyner the 28. of October Richard Earle of Cornewall the Kings brother tooke his iourney towardes Ierusalem with many other noble men of England Upon Saint Georges night the stone gate and bulwarke Mathew Paris which the King had caused to be builded by the Tower Bulvvarke by the Tovver of London was shaken with an Earthquake and fell downe but the King commanded the same to be builded againe stronger than before Lewlin Prince of Wales deceased and then betwixt his bastard sonne Griffin his legitimate son Dauid nephew to y e K. of Englād by his sister great gréeuous destructiō rose for the principalitie but at length Griffin being taken of his brother was cōmitted to prison Many strange and great Fishes came ashore whereof xj were Sea Bulles and one of huge bignesse passed vp the Monstrous Fishes Riuer of Thamis through the Bridge at London vnhurt till he came as farre as the Kings house at Mortlake where he was killed Aldermen chosen in London whiche had the rule of the Wards of the Citie but were euery yeare changed Anno reg 25 Aldermen in London Sherifes Maior 1241 Iohn Gifers Michaell Tony the 28. of September Gerard Bat the 28. of October The Jewes were constrayned to pay twentie thousand Markes at two tearmes in the yeare or else to be kepte in perpetuall prison Gilbert Marshall Earle of Penbroke dyed without the Towne of Hereford being brused in Turneament and was Iohn Beuer. buryed at London in the new Temple Walter his brother hardly obteyned the Earledome bycause he procured that Turneament contrarie to the Kings will and pleasure This Walter dying without issue his heritage was diuided Nic. Triuet betwixt the sonnes of his fiue sisters The walles and Bulwarkes that were newly builded about the Tower of London in the building whereof the Bulvvarkes by the Tovver Mathew Paris King had bestowed more than twelue thousand Markes were agayne vnrecouerably throwne downe as it were with an Earthquake for which chance the Citizens of London nothing sory were much amazed for they were threatned that the sayde walles and bulwarkes were builded in despight of them to the end that if any of them woulde presume to contende for the Liberties of the Citie they might there be imprisoned and to the ende that many mighte bée Anno reg 26 layde in diuers prisons many lodgings were made there that no one should speake with another Iohn Viell Thomas Duresme the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1242 Nic. Triuet Ypodigma Roger Bongey the 28. of October King Henry with a great armie sayled into Normandy purposing to recouer Poyters Guine and other Countreys but after many bickerings to the losse of Englishmen he treated a peace Elianor daughter to Geffrey Earle of Briteyne and sister to Arthure ended hir life prisoner in the Castell of Bristow Iohn Fitz Iohn Ralph Ashwye the 28. of September Anno reg 27 Sherifes Maior Roger Bongey the 28. of October Hugo de Albeneto Earle of Arundell dyed and his inheritance was diuided among foure sisters Also Hubert de Burgo Earle of Kent dyed at his Manor of Banstede and was buryed in the Church of the Friers Preachers at London vnto the whiche Churche he gaue his noble Pallace at Mathew Paris Westminster whiche afterwardes the Archbishop of Yorke bought of them and made it his Inne since commonly called Yorke place now White Hall The Thamis ouerflowed the bankes about Lambeth and 1243 Great flouds drowned houses and fieldes the space of
he forthwith fell on the Subprior and smote him on the face with his fiste saying indéede indéede doth it become you English Traytors so to answere me Thus raging with othes not to be recited he rent in péeces the rich Coape of the Subprior trode it vnder féete and thrust him against a Piller of the chancell that he had almost killed him but y e Chanons séeing that their Sub-prior was almost dead they ranne and plucked off the Archbishop with such a violence that they ouerthrew him backwards whereby they might sée that he was armed and prepared to fight The Archbishops men séeing their mayster downe being all Strangers and their maysters countreymen borne in Prouance fell vpon the Chanons beate them tare them and trode them vnder their féete at length the Chanons getting away as well as they could ranne bloudy and mirie rent and torne to the Bishop of London to complayne who bade them go to the King at Westminster and tell him thereof wherevpon foure of them went thither the rest were not able they were so sore hurt but when they came at Westminster the King woulde neyther heare nor sée them so they returned without redresse In the meane season the whole Citie was in an vprore and readie to haue rong the common bell and to haue hewed the Archbishop into small péeces but he was secretly gotte away to Lambeth The Friers of the order of Preachers through Christendome and from Hierusalem were by a common conuocation assembled togither at their house in Holborne by London to entreate of their estate to the number of foure hundreth The King taking inestimable summes of money of all the rich mē in his Realme tooke of one Aaron a Jew borne in Yorke 14000. markes for himselfe and 10000. markes for English Ievves A marke of gold or of siluer vvas eight ounces the Quéene and before he had taken of the same Jew so much as amounted altogither to 30000. markes of Siluer and two hundred markes of golde to the Quéene In October the Sea flowing twice without ebbe made Tempestes so horrible a noyse that it was heard a great way into the land Besides this in a darke night the sea séemed to be on a light fire and the waues to fight one with another so that the Mariners were not able to saue their Shippes and to omitte to speake of other in one Hauen called Hureburne besides small vessels thrée noble and famous Ships were swalowed vp of the waues And at Winchelsea besides cotages VVinchelsea drovvned for salte fishermens houses bridges milles aboue 300. houses in that Towne with certayne Churches through the violent rising of the Sea were drowned A great Earthquake at Saint Albons on Saint Lucies day Anno reg 35 Sherifes Maior 1251 Maior of London svvorne Anno reg 36 Humfrey Beas William Fitz Richard the 28. of Septem Iohn Norman the 28. of October King Henry granted that where before time y e Citizēs of London did present their Maior before the King wheresoeuer he were so to be admitted now he should come only before the Barōs of y e Eschequer they should admit him Lawrence Frowike Nicholas Bat the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Adam Basing the 28. of October A great drought from Easter to Michaelmas for from the first of March til the Assumption of our Lady there fell Nicho. Triuet not so much as one drop of raine The Shepeheards of France England tooke their iourney towards the holy land 1252 Shepheards assembled W. Packington Anno reg 37 Sherifes Maior 1253 Iohn Taxtor to y e nūber of 30000. but their nūber vanished in short time King Henry made Alexander King of Scottes Knight at Yorke and gaue him his daughter Margaret to wife William Durham Thomas Wymborne the 28. of Sept. Iohn Toloson Draper the 28. of October The King tooke 40. s of euery Knightes fée to make his eldest son knight He purchased the tenthes of all spirituall liuings at the Popes hands for fiue yeares as it had bin in ayd of the holy land but in déede it was to make his sonne Edmond King of Naples and Sicill The Liberties of London were seased by the meanes of Richard Earle of Cornewal who charged the Maior that he looked not to the Bakers for Liberties of London seased their sises of bread so that the Citie was forced to please the Earle with 600. markes and were restored The King emprisoned the Sherifes of London in the Tower a moneth and more and after deposed them of their office bycause of the escape of Iohn Offrom that was vnder their warde in Newgate for the death of a Priour that was the Kings ally Ypodigma A great Floud hapned in Holland Lindsey and Holdernes Great floud Anno reg 38 Countreys of England the tenth of October which came vnto Alnigham where through a great portion of land with houses and people were drowned Robert Grosted Bishop Robert Grostede of Lincolne in Gréeke Latin and other languages did by an Epistle reproue Pope Innocent affirming that the Nicholas Triuet W. Sheepeshed Preaching Friers minorite Friers were infected with heresies This Robert Grostede borne in Suffolke this yeare deceased he gaue al his bookes to y e friers Minors at Oxford Iohn Northampton Richard Pickard the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior 1254 Edvvard prince of VVales Richard Hardell Draper the 28 of October Edward y t Kings eldest sonne wedded the Kings daughter of Spayne Elianor his father gaue him the Earledome of Chester and the gouernance of Guyen and Ireland The Bishop of Hereford in the Court of Rome feigning himselfe Procuratour for the Cleargy of England bound the small houses of Religion in 100. or 200. markes the péece Rodul de Diceto the greater houses in 300. or 500. markes the péece Saint Edmondsburie was bound in 700 markes to be paide to certayne Taxtor Anno reg 39 Merchant strangers and all this money was collected to expulse Manfred out of Naples Ralph Ashwye Robert of Limon the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1255 Mathew Paris Anno reg 40 Ievves hanged Nicholas Triuet Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October Cxlij Iewes were brought to Westminster which were accused of y e crucifying of a child named Hugh at Lincolne xviij of thē were drawne through the stréetes at Lincolne and after hanged y e other remained long prisoners The Earles Barons of England with assent of the Prelates caused proclamatiō to be made through all England that the Charters of liberties forests should be kept at their instance Boniface Archbishop of Canturbury accursed all those that shuld breake thē Lewlin Prince of Wales gathering a mighty ●ād of mē inuaded Cheshire which y e King had lately giuē to his son Edward and destroyed all things with fire sword till he came to the gates of the Citie of Chester to represse whose violēce a valiant
e rest were committed to seueral prisons Anno reg 50 Sherifes Maior 1266 Pierce Longtofe Robert Brune Edward Blund Peter Aunger the. 28. of September Thomas Fitz Thomas Fitz Richard the. 28. of October King Henrie came to Westminster and there gaue vnto diuerse of his housholde seruauntes aboute the number of thrée score housholdes and houses within the Citie so that the owners were compelled to agrée redéeme theyr houses and goods or else to auoyde them then he made Custos of the Citie sir Othon Conestable of the Tower who chose Baylifes to be accomptable to him Iohn Adrian and Walter Haruy. After this the King toke pledges of the best mens sonnes of the Citie the whiche were put in the Tower of London and there kept at the costes of their parents By great labour and sute made al the foresayde persons whiche were in Windsor Castell eight only except were deliuered and the king agréed with the Citizens for twentie thousand markes to be payd for the leauying of which fine were taxed as wel seruauntes as housholders and many refused the liberties of the Citie to be quit of the charge The Castell of Douer was yéelded to Edward the kings sonne into the which he put Guy de Mountfort to be kepte The Countesse of Leicester wife to Simond Mountfort yéelded the Castel of Pemsey to K. Henrie hir brother who forthwith banished hir the realm of England for euer About Alhalowntide the Quéene of England returned from beyonde the Seas with hir came a Legate named Othobone who shortly after his comming in counsel holden at Northampton accursed al the Bishoppes and Priests that had ayded Earle Simon against the King especially he cursed by name Walter of Worcester Henrie of London Stephen of Chichester and the Bishop of Lincolne Worcester shortly after deceased the other ● of Glocest ther thrée went to Rome and were assoyled The Legate also published the Popes Bull for the tenthes of Churches to bée payde to the king for the next yeare Sir Simond the yonger fled from Kenilworth Castel to the disherited Knightes who then were in the I le of Oxholme wher he remayned not lōg for through messengers with faire promises and hostages giuen by Edward the kings sonne he forsaking them went to London to the king his nobilitie but being priuily warned of their guile he made an escape got ouer into Fraunce The kéeper of Guy Mountfort about Easter being brybed let him go went with him into Fraunce this Guy wēt into Tuscane and serued Earle Rufus in whose war waxing famous he obtained to haue his daughter in mariage Robert Ferters Earle of Darby Henrie Hastings Baudewinde Battaile of Chesterfielde Wake Iohn Der●●le and other with theyr power being in the Towne of Chesterfielde in Darbishire there came against them Iohn Earle Waren sir Henrie of Almaine sir Waren of Basingborne and manye other Knightes who on Whitson euen met without the town on hunting sir Baudwyn Wake sir Hen●y Hastings sir Gregory Caldwel sir Iohn Clynton sir Roger Maundeuil sir Richard Caldwel and to y ● number of xxij Knightes al vnder one speare al which they chased and put to flight wherof when sir Iohn Danuil being in the towne had vnderstanding he with a small companye rode out pierced through the hoste wounding many and escaped Erle Waren entring the towne slew many a man and toke the Erle Ferrers who was sicke of the goute and had that day bene letten bloud him they sente to the Tower of London from whence but lately he had bin deliuered Henrie Hastings and his company comming to Kenilworth founde there sir Iohn de Eynuile and many other valiant Knights Sir William de la Knowe and sir Iohn de la Ware had well stored y e Castel of all things necessarie King Henrie hastyng Kenilvvorth Castel besieged thyther beganne his siege the morrowe after Midsommer daye whiche siege continued til Christmasse after for they within the Castell not fearing his force which was great set open theyr gates and neuer closed them daye nor night come who so would they came to theyr cost so that many a man was slaine on both sides and manye were taken and raunsomed At length the Legate the Archbishop two other Bishops came to make accorde betwéene the king and the disherited and also them of the Castle but the disherits nor they of the Castel would grant to the Kings will wherfore the legate a coursed them and all that were of theyr accord but they of the Castell not regarding the Legate nor his cursing in mockage therof clothed a priest their surgeon Phillip Porpeis in a cope of white setting him on the Castel wal as a white Legate against the red made him to accurse y e K. the Legate al their partakers Whiles this businesse lasted at Kenilworth the disherites toke y e I le of Ely strengthned it in such wise that they helde it long they robbed Norffolk Suffolke Cambridgeshire they spoyled y e Citie of Norwich ransomed y e rich men at their pleasure At Bartholmewtide y ● K. held a Parliament at Killingworth wherein by his Barons were chosen vj. persons whiche being sworne chose to thē other vj. these xij to make an accord betwéen the K. and the disherits y e first vj. were Walter Gefford Bishop of Bath Nicholas of Ely Bi. of Worcester Walter B. of Excester Roger de Sumerey Roberte Walronde Alayne de la Souch Barōs these vj. chose to them Gilbert E. of Glocester Humfry Erle of Hereford the B. of S. Dauids sir Iohn Bailiol sir Phillip Basset and sir Warayn de Basingborne if these xij could not agrée the Legate Henrie son to Richard King of Almaine shold be Umpiers these met and agréed at the last Anno reg 51 Sherifes Maior Iohn Hinde Iohn Walrauen the. 28. of September William Richards the. 28. of October By the kings cōmandement y e Bishops Abbots Priors Erles Barons knights of y e realme were assēbled at Northampton on y ● twesday next before Alhalownday ther to vnstand and to confirme by statute what the forenamed twelue stats had deeréed for the state of y e kingdome which was for y ● Barons y ● none should be disherite but y e Mountfort the Ferrers y ● other should redéeme their lands w t money at the hands of thē who had y ● same in possession of the Kings gift so y ● none payde aboue vij yeres value nor vnder iij. yeares value which was the lest this shal be assessed according to y e quātity of their trespasse The siege of Kenilworth yet continuing they within the Castel began to be sore troubled with y e flixe and also wer without hope of succour to come to thē whervpō on S. Thomas day before Christmasse they yéelded Kenilvvorth Castel ye elded y ● Castel to the K. with conditiō to depart w t life
also after the death of Simond Mountfort and Robert Ferrers the Erledomes of Leicester and Darbie and two daughters Beatrice and Margaret ¶ King Edward surnamed Longshanks EDvvarde the firste after the Conquest son to Henrie the third Anno reg 1 surnamed Longshanke beganne hys raigne the sixtéenth day of Nouember in the yeare 1272. being then in y ● parts beyond the sea towarde 1273 Ierusalem Of stature he was tall and mighty of bodye nothing grosse his eyes soméwhat blacke and in time of anger fierce of suche noble and valiaunt courage that he neuer fainted in most dangerous enterprices of excellent witte and greate towardnesse he was borne at Westminster Iohn Horne Walter Potter the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 2. 1274 Sir Walter Haruy Knight the. 28. of October This yeare fell a great variaunce at Oxforde betwéene the Northren and Irishmen wherein manye Irishmen were slaine The second day of August King Edward came into England from the Holy Lande and on the fiftéenth of Auguste hée with Elianor his wife were Crowned at Westminster by Robert Kilwarby Archbishop of Canturburie At this Coronation fiue hundred great Horsses were turned loase catch them who could Alexander King of Scottes did homage to King Edward The King caused Leolin Prince of Wales to be sommoned to his Parliament at Westminster but he would not come saying he remembred the death of his father Griffen Nicholas Winchester Henry Couentry the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Anno reg 3. Henry Welles the 28. of October On Saint Nicholas euen was great Earthquakes lightnings and thunder with a huge Dragon and a blasing Starre which made many men sore afrayde In a Parliament at Westminster Usury was forbidden Vsury forbidden Io. Rouse to the Iewes and that they might be knowne the King commanded them to weare a Tablet the breadth of a palme vpon their outmost garments He also ordeyned that Bakers making bread lacking weight assigned after the price of Corne should first be punished by losse of their bread the second time by emprisonment and thirdly by the Pillory millers for stealing of corne to be chastised by y e Tumberel A rich man of France brought into Northumberland a Spanish Ewe as bigge as a Calfe of two yeares which Ewe being 1275 First rotte of Sheepe Hen. of Leycester Tho. Walsing rotten infected so the Countrey that it spread ouer all the Realme This plague of moren cōtinued xxviij yeares eare it ended and was the first rot that euer was in England Lucas Batecourt Henry Frowike the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Gregory Rokesley Goldsmith chiefe mayster of y e Kings Mintes the 28. of October King Edward builded the Castell of Flint strengthned Io. Rouse Castell of Flint Anno reg 4. Bocland the Castell of Rutland and other against the Welchmen Amicia Countesse of Deuonshire and Lady of the Isle founded the Abbey of Bocland for Gilbert of Clare Earle of Glocester and Hereford hir Father Isabell hir mother and Baldwine Earle of Deuonshire The eleuenth day of September there was a generall 1276 Earthquake by force whereof the Church of Saint Michael of the Mount without Glastonburie fell to the ground and péeces of many famous Churches in England fell by force of the same Earthquake Gregory Rokesley and the Barons of London granted Canter Record Ex Carta Preaching Friers Church founded by Bainards Castell before vvhiche time their Church vvas in Holborne and gaue to the Archbishop of Canturburie Robert Kilwarby two lanes or wayes next the Stréete of Baynards Castell and the Tower of Mountfichet to be destroyed in the which place the sayd Robert builded the late newe Churche of the Blacke Friers with the rest of the stones that then were left of the sayde Tower for the best and choyse stones the Bishop of London had obteyned of King William Conquerour to reedifie the vpper part of Saint Paules Church that was then by chance of fire decayed Iohn Horne Ralph Blunt the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 5. 1277 Iohn Euersden Sherifes Maior Anno reg 6. 1278 Gregory Rokesley Goldsmith the 28. of October The Statute of Mortmaine was enacted Michaell Tony was hanged drawne and quartered for Treason Robert de Arar Ralph Feuto the 28. of September Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October King Edward gaue vnto Dauid brother to Leolin Prince of Wales the Lordship of Fredisham which Dauid attended in the Kings Court and did him pleasant seruice c. Michaelmas tearme was kept at Shrewsburie Iohn Adrian Walter Langley the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 7. 1279 Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October The King builded a strong Castell in Weast Wales at Llhampaterne vaier Reformation was made for clipping of the Kings coyne Ievves executed for which offence 267. Iewes were put to execution The worthie Souldiour Roger Mortimer at Killingworth Round Table at Killingvvorth Io. Rouse appoynted a Knightly game which was called the Round Table of an hundred Knightes and so many Ladyes to the which for the exercise of armes there came many warlike Knightes from diuers Kingdomes Robert Basing William Mazaliuer the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 8. First halfe pence and farthings round 1280 Pi●rce Longtofe Gregory Rokesley the 28. of October Where as before this time the peny was wont to haue a double crosse with a creast in suche sorte that the same might be easily broken in the midst or into four quarters and so to be made into halfe pence or farthings it was now ordeyned that pence halfepence and farthings shoulde be made rounde wherevpon was made these Uerses following Edward did smite round peny halfepeny farthing Robert Brune The crosse passes the bond of all throughout the ring The Kings side was his head and his name written The crosse side what Citie it was in coyned and smitten To poore man ne to priest the peny frayses nothing Men giue God aye the least they feast him with a farthing A thousand two hundred fourescore yeares and mo On this money men wondred when it first began to go At this time twentie pence wayed an ounce of Troy Regist of E●●ry weight whereby the peny halfepeny and farthing were of good quantitie Thomas Boxe Ralph de Lamere the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 9. Wilhel Rishanger Gregory Rokesley the 28 of October Dauid the brother of Lewlin Prince of Wales rose against the King and in the night season brake into the house of Roger Clifford when he was in his bed a sléepe on Easter day at night and sent him fettered in yrons as a théefe vnto Snowdon to his brother Lewlin He also rased and laid flatte on the grounde the Castell of Flint belonging to the King 1281 Sherifes Maior Anno reg 10 Great Frost and Snovv Liber Roffensis Rochester Bridge and fiue arches of London bridge borne dovvne William
of the Citie of London Gilbert Earle of Glocester dyed leauing issue thrée 1294 daughters and one sonne within age begotten of Iane his wife Robert Rokesley the yong corder Martin Ambresbery Sherifes Custos Ralph Sandwich the 28. of Sep. The thirtenth of October being Sonday all the Cleargie of England granted a Subsedie of the one halfe of their fruites and reuenues for one yeare to the King In the quindene of S. Martin the Justices Itinerants sate Anno reg 23 W. Packington without London in the Bishop of Couentries house at y ● stone Crosse Roger Pine esden Captain to the Welchmē sp●●led burned the Marches Great Snowes winds did great harme in England The water of Thamis ouerflowed the 1295 bankes a great breach at Rotherheath besides London and y e low grounde about Bermondsey and Tothill was ouerflowed Henry Box Richard Glocester the 28. of September Sherifes Custos Anno reg 24 Castel of Bevv marish Iohn Rouse Ghro Dun. Sir Ralph Sandwich The King passing y ● water of Conoway and so forth into Wales with an army against the Welchmen builded the Castell of Beawmarish in the Isle of Anglesey The Welchmen were cōsumed by famine their woods were felled and many Castels fortified their Captayne was taken brought to London and so for that time the warres seased The Frenchmen arriued at Douer spoyled the Towne 1296 Douer spoyled and brente a great parte thereof amongst other they slewe Thomas of Douer a Monke of great holynesse The King caused all the Monasteries in England to bée Wil. Paken Monasteries searched W. Sheepeshed searched and the money in them to be broughte vp to London He also seised into his hands all their lay fées bycause they refused to pay to him suche a Taxe as he demanded Moreouer he caused the wooll and leather to be stayed in England and there followed great dearth of corne and wine There rose a greate discorde at Oxforde betwéene the Discord betvvixte the Clearkes and Tovvnesmen of Oxforde Clearkes and Lay men and all bycause of two varlets of diuers Countreys which fell out about a small matter for vpon that occasion some tooke one part and some another and so all were deuided into partes in somuch that learned and lewde by flockmeale ranne to the fight and when the Schollers or Clearkes were gone out of their Hostles the Laitie perceyuing either none or else very fewe to be remaining at home entred the Clearkes lodgings and caryed away a great deale many kinds of stuffe to the great vnrecouerable damage of the Schollers In this skirmish was slayne Sir Fulke of Neyrmouth parson of Pichelesthorne and many other on eyther side The King hearing thereof sente Justiciaries to restore the peace and to condemne the murtherers which whē they came forced the Townesmen to pay the Scholers two hundreth poundes for domages done to them Iohn of Dunstable Adam de Halingbery the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Custos Anno reg 25. Sir Iohn Breton Was made Custos of London by the King Ralph Sandwich being remoued and the morrow after Saint Barnabes day all the Liberties were restored to the Citie of London the Mairaltie excepted Iohn Baliol King of Scottes contrary to his alegiance rebelled Wil. Packington Tho. Walsing wherefore King Edward hasted him thither and wonne the Castels of Berwike and Dunbarre he slewe of the Scottes fiue and twenty thousand he conquered Edenborough 1297 King Edvvarde vvon Bervvike Regalles of Scotland where he found the regall ensignes of Scotland as Crowne Scepter and cloth of estate c. In his returne he called a Parliament at Berwike where he receiued the fealties of all the great men of Scotland and their homages Thomas of Suffolke Adam of Fulham the 28. of Septe Sherifes Custos Anno reg 26. Sir Iohn Breton King Edwarde offered to Saint Edwarde at Westminster the Chayre Scepter and Crowne of Golde of the Scottish King The King encreased the tribute of the woolles talking for euery Sacke fortie Shillings where before that time they payde but halfe a marke The Scottes by the instigation of William Walleis rebelled and put the Englishmen to much trouble and losse of many men King Edward sayled into Flanders to rescue Guy their Earle which was gréeuously ouerset by the French King so 1298 that he had wonne muche of his landes but shortly after a peace was concluded for two yeares The Eschequer and the Kings Bench was remoued frō London to Yorke King Edward wanne the battell of Fankirke in Scotland vpon Saint Mary Magdalens day in whiche battell was Nicholas Triuet Tho. Walsing Scala Croni Battell at Faulkirke in Scotland slayne more than twentie thousand Scottes and William Walleis their Captayne fledde Anthony Beke Bishop of Duresme had at this battell such a retinue that in his company were two and thirtie Banners At this time the Towne of Saint Andrewes was destroyed no man there resisting The Citizens of London hearing of the great victorie Chro. Dun. obteyned by the King of Englande against the Scottes made great and solemne triumph in their Citie euery one according to their craft especially the Fishmongers which with solemne Procession passed through the Citie hauing amongst other Pageants and shewes foure Sturgeons gilded caryed on foure Horses then foure Samons of Siluer on foure Horsses and after sixe and fortie Knightes armed riding on Horsses made like Luces of the Sea and then Saint Magnus with a thousand Horsemē this they did on Saint Magnus day in honor of the Kings great victorie and safe returne This yeare the King payde to the Marchants of Gascoigne 150000. pounds sterling for his brothers expences there Richard Reffeham Thomas Sely the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Chro. Dun. Anno reg 27 Henry Waleis the 28. of October King Edward helde a great Parliament or counsell at Stepenheath by London in the house of Henry Waleis Maior of London Certayne persons of the Citie of London brake vp the Tonne in Cornehill and tooke out certayne prisoners for the whiche nine of them were punished by long emprisonment and great fines It cost the Citizens more than 1299 20000. markes to purchase the Kings fauoure and confirmation of their liberties The xxix of March a vehement fire being kindled in the lesser hall of the Pallace at Westminster the flame thereof VVestminster and the Kings Pallace consumed vvith fire Radul Baldoke Saint Martins in the Vintrie nevv builded being driuen with winde fired the Monasterie adioyning which with the Pallace were both consumed Saint Martins Church in the Uintrie at London was new builded by the executors of Mathew Columbers The king went to Yorke and so into Scotland with a great power A certayne rich Citizen of London deceasing a great nūber Io. Euersden of poore people were assembled to receiue his charitable doale amongst whome suddaynely rushed in the sonnes of 150. Beggars murthered at
one of them that made the shoute for ioy towards London where he was committed to the Tower and afterward condemned at Westminster in presence of the whole Parliament on Saint Andrewes euen next following and then drawne to the Elmes and there hanged on the common gallowes whereon he hung two dayes and two nightes by the Kings commandement and then was buryed in the Grey Friers Church He was condemned by his Péeres and yet neuer was brought to answere before them for it was not then the custome after the death of the Earles of Lancaster Winchester Glocester and Kent wherefore this Earle had that law him selfe which he appoynted for other The causes of his death laid against him were these First that he was consenting to the murthering of the Kings father Secondly for that he had receiued a great summe of money whereby the Kings honor was greatly abated at Stanhope Parke where he gaue a signe vnto the Scottes that they should flie Thirdly for that he caused certayne auntient déedes and Charters to be brent wherein the King of Scots stood bound vnto the King of Englande and especially for that he had caused a contra●t to be made betwixt the Kings sister and Dauid the sonne of Robert le Bruis Fourthly that he had vnprofitably consumed a greate deale of treasure which he found in the kings treasurie and in the treasurie of the Earles of Winchester and Glocester Fiftly for appropriating vnto himselfe the wardes and mariages of all England Sixtly for being an euill counseller to the King and to the Quéene mother and for being ouermuch familiar No Iustice with hir There died with him his friends Simon de Burford Knight brother to Sir William Burford that was Justice Anno reg 4. Iohn Deuerell Esquier who was desirous to haue made open confession of the Kings fathers cruell death but he could not be suffered King Edward the Bishop of Winchester Wil. Mountacute and very few others passed ouer 1●●0 Sea like as they had bin Merchants hauing with hym scarse xv horsemen He left Iohn of Eltham his brother Protector of the Realme He returned againe about the beginning of April and then helde a great Turniament at Dertford in Kent The xv of June was borne vnto king Edward Turniament a● Dertford Edvvard the blacke Prince borne his first sonne at Wodstoke who was after named Edwarde the blacke Prince The K. tooke into his hands all y e lands assigned to his mother and only left hir a 1000. pound the yeare About Michaelmas there was very solemne iusting of all the stoute Earles Barons and Nobles at London in Cheape betwixt the great Crosse and the great Conduit Turniament in Cheape at London Adam Meri Ro. Auesbery nigh Soper Lane which lasted thrée dayes where the Quéene Phillip with many Ladyes fell from a Stage notwithstanding they were not hurt at all wherefore the Quéene tooke greate care to saue the Carpenters from punishmente and through hir prayer whiche she made an hir knées she pacifyed the King and Counsell whereby shée purchased greate loue of the people Robert of Ely Thomas Whorwode the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Saint Lavvrence Pultney Sir Iohn Pultney Draper the 28. of October This Sir Iohn Pultney builded the Colledge in London called Saint Laurence Pultney and little Alhallowes a Parish Churche in Thamis streete and also the Carmelite Regist Carmil Friers Church in Couentrie Such a wet Sommer with excéeding rayne was this Late Haruest yeare that the Corne in the field could not ripe so that in many places they began not Haruest till Michaelmas The house of Croxton got not in their Wheate till Hallontide W. Sheepeshed and their Pease not before S. Andrewes tide The Monkes on Alhallowen day and Martelmas day were serued with Pease gréene in the coddes in stead of Peares and Apples King Edward held a solemne Christmas at Welles which Anno reg 5. he continued till the feast of the Epiphany where was manye strange and sumptuous shewes made 1331 In the beginning of August Edward Bailioll sonne and heire to Iohn King of Scottes came into England which Edward had bin before that time banished out of Scotland At his comming he declared what right he had in the Kingdome Henry Beawmont Earle of Bohune Gilbert Vmfreuill Earle of Angus Dauid Earle of Athels Richard Talbot Ralph Baron of Stafford Fulx Fitz Williams with many other noble men affirming they had right of inheritance in Scotland desired licence and ayde of the King of Englande to recouer the sayd Kingdome and landes due to them but the King hauing regard of the peace lately made and also for his sisters sake Quéene of Scottes woulde not suffer them to leade an armie through his lande wherefore the sayde Lordes getting a Fléete of Shippes entred the Sea and sayling toward Scotland landed at Kinkehorne where the Earle of Fife and Robert Bruse Bastard sonne to Robert Bruse with tenne thousand Scottes resisted them néere vnto Dunfermeling but the Englishmen put them to flight and slew many Afterward to wéete on Saint Lawrence day they had a sore conflict at Gledesmore where two thousand Englishmen ouercame fortie thousand Scottes By reason of the great throng of the multitude amongst themselues fiue Earles and many other were thronged to death On the morrow the Englishmen tooke the Towne of Saint Iohns well furnished with victualles The seauen and twentith of September Edward Baylioll Edvvard Baylioll resigned the Crovvne of Scotland to King Edvvarde of England Sherifes Maior Hospitall at Leycester was Crowned King of Scottes but afterward he resigned it to King Edward of England and remayned vnder his protection many yeares after Iohn Mocking Andrew Aubury the 28. of September Sir Iohn Poultney Draper the 28. of October Henry Earle of Lancaster and of Leycester high Steward of England founded the new Hospitall by the Castell of Leycester wherein were one hundred poore impotent people prouided for with all things necessarie Edward Baylioll and the foresayde Lords and Nobles Anno reg 6. Iohn Maundeuill continued the warres in Scotland vnto whome came many other noblemen of the Realme of England voluntarily seruing of their owne charges and beséeged Berwike The King of England gathered a great power and beséeged 1●●2 Berwike which at length was yéelded for want of victualles During this séege the Scottes sought many wayes to remoue the same leuying a great army ouer all Scotland but comming to the séege they could not bring their purpose to effect yet still prouoking the Kings army to battell wherevpon at length the two armies appoynted to fight and setting out vpon Halidowne hill there commeth forth of the Scottes Campe a certayne stout Champion of greate stature who for a facte by him done was called Turnebull he standing in the midst betwixte the two armies Callenge of Combate challenged all the Englishmen any one of them to fight with him a Combate at
Base court in the parish of Saint Giles without Cripplegate of Ba●bican at London London commonly called to this day the Barbicane bycause in old time y e same had bin a Burgekening or watchtower for the Citie The same day the King made twentie Knightes to Wil. Shepeshead wéete Sir Edward Mountacute Thomas Somarton Sir Isle Sir Darcy Richard Sir Damuory Sir Iohn Poultney Sir de Mere Roger Banant Roger Hilary Sir Bolingbroke Sir Butterell Sir Simon Swanland William Scotte William Basset Robert Sodington William Zoustes Sir Cogshall Roger Sangrauile Thomas de la More mine Authoure Tho. de la More and Iohn Strache In the same Parliament it was enacted that no wooll growing within the Realme of England should be transposed VVooll forbidden to be conuayed ouer the Seas out of the same but that it should be made into cloth in England and that all Fullers Weauers and Clothworkers of euery degrée being sufficiently instructed and cunning Priuiledges giuen to Clothvvorkers in their arte from what Countrey so euer they came into England should receyue and enioy certayne priuiledges yea and moreouer should liue at the Kings charges out of the Exchequer vntill they had prouided commodiouslie to liue by their art Although this Statute séemed at the beginning to be nothing profitable yet in short time the arte of clothing increased so much thereby that it was twentie times more vsed than before Also it was enacted that no man should after that time buy any cloth that was made beyond the Sea and that none should weare any Furres but such as might dispend one hundred pound by yeare Iohn Clarke William Curteis the 28 of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Poultney Draper the 28 of October After the feast of Saint Michaell a Parliament was holden Tho. de la More Anno reg 11 1337 at London and a Connocation was assembled by the Archbishop wherein the Cleargie graunted a tenth for thrée yeares and the commons a fiftenth in consideration of the Kings warres which was hote in Scotlande and also to resist the French King who made great bragges and shewed great crueltie for he outlawed slew and emprisoned all Englishmen and confiscated the goodes and Cattayles of all that were found in his Kingdome of France threatning that he would be reuenged for his friendes the Scottes Moreouer he left not so muche as one Towne or Castell in the Counties of Aquitayne or of Poyters that was not seized into his handes wherevpon King Edward sente into Brabant to take vp all the woolles whiche Merchants had brought thither and made sale thereof for readie money He also wrote Letters to the French King exhorting him that he woulde continue his olde amitie Sir Walter Many béeing the Embassadour for the King of Englande and desirous to reuenge the bloud of two Englishmen that were slayne comming a lande for freshe water in a certayne Islande called the I le of Agnes nigh vnto Flanders he caused all that hée founde in the sayde Island to be put to the sworde and tooke prisoner the Earle of Flanders brother who was Captayne of the I le Certayne of the Island men béeing fled into a Church Tho. Wals●●g were brent to the number of thrée thousande with the Church and all by the Welchmen The warres b●eing thus as aforesayde begonne betwixte the two Kingdomes the rumour thereof came vnto the Court of Rome wherevpon the Pope sent two Cardinalles for the reformation and ordering of the peace betwixte the two Kingdomes who comming to Westminster declared before the King the cause of their comming wherevnto the King answered that although without all reason they dyd séeme to restreyne hym of right and equitie for that hée ought to succéede into the Kingdome of hys forefathers the whyche hys aduersarie Phillip de Valoys dyd denye hym expelling murthering and emprisoning hys people and taking away the Dukedome of Aquitayne and Earledome of Poyters without cause maynteyning the Scottes and other Rebelles agaynste hym yet these iniuries notwithstanding hée was contented if they coulde take order for the quiet enioying of Aquitayne and other fées belonging vnto hym whiche hys predecessoures did enioy Moreouer for the dismissing of all ayde that the French King shoulde gyue vnto the Scottes at any tyme of Rebellion for the which he offered his money and also the mariage of his eldest sonne and also to resigne all suche rites and interest that he hadde to the Kyngdome of France The Cardinalles béeyng greately comforted with this aunswere departed hoping that all warres were nowe ended They tooke with them Iohn the Archbishoppe of Canterburie Richarde Bishoppe of Durham and Geffrey Lorde Scrope who altogyther wente on message with the Kynges aunswere to the Frenche Kyng hauing full authoritie to treate and conclude à peace These béeing so reasonable offers coulde not pacifye the furious minde of the Frenche King who reposed greate trust in the Scottes hopyng by them and through theyr meanes quite to dispossesse and to disherite the King of England of all the title he had Walter Neale Nicholas Crane the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Henry Darcy the 28. of October The King caused to confiscate all the goodes of the Lonibards and also of the Monkes of the order of Cluny and Cisteaux through the whole Realme The King tooke wooll to a certaine number of Sackes Anno reg 12 at a low price in euery Countrey the number that was set vpon Staffordshire was sixe hundred sackes price nine markes the sacke of good wooll but nothing was payde First the wooll was vniuersally taken Secondly for the halfe in whose hands soeuer it were founde as well Merchāts as other And the third time the King tooke a fiftenth of the comminalty to be payde in wooll price of euery stone contayning fourtéene pound two shillings The King appointed also all the Corne and glebe lands 1338 to serue for his warres About Saint Margarets day King Edward with Quéene Ro. Auesbery Philip his wife and a great army passed the Seas with a Nauie of 500. sayle of Shippes into Flanders and ●● to Cullen The fourth of October fiftie Galleys well manned and South-hampton sacked and brēt by the French ●irats furnished came to Southampton about nine of the clocke and sacked the Towne the Townesmen running away for feare by the breake of the next day they which fledde by helpe of the Countrey there about came againste the Pirats and fought with them in the whiche skirmish were slayne to the number of thrée hundred Pirates togither with their Captayne a yong Souldioure the King of Sicils sonne To this yong man the French King had giuen whatsoeuer he got in the Kingdome of England but he béeing beaten downe by a certayne man of the Countrey cried Rancon notwithstanding the husbandman layde him on with his clubbe till he had slayne hym speaking these words yea quoth he I know well ynough thou art a Fran●on
Scotlande where most victoriouslye he conquered it and the same Ile being called the I le of Man the kyng gaue it to the Conquerour franckelye and fréely to be possest and caused hym King of Man to be called and crowned king of that I le Then King Edward returning towards the south parts kept solemn torneymentes at Dunstable beyng accompanyed wyth 230. Knightes The same yeare was a Parliamente at Westminster wherein the Archbishoppe of Canterburie was reconcyled to the King before whom the Archbishoppe sware that althoughe the Kyng by hys counsell and consente hadde done homage to the French King for the Dukedome of Aquitaine and the Earledome of Poytowe yet he neuer consented therto as to be anye hurte or preiudice to the Kyng or that by hys counsel he myghte incurre fauoure or séeke to please the French King but for that presente tyme he thoughte it beste to be done both for the obtayning of peace and also for the profit of the Kyng and Realme After this Parliament the king commaunded Florences of golde to be made at the Tower of London that is to saye the peny of the value of sixe shillings eight pence the halfe penye of the value of thrée shillings foure pence a farthing worthe twentye Florences of golde Sherifes Maior Anno reg 17 pence Iohn Louekyn Richard Rifling bury the. 28. of Septem Simon Fraunces Mercer the. 28. of October In a Parliament at Westminster in the moneth of May the religious men that were possessours of Lands graunted to the king towards the maintenaunce of his warre al their iewels and plate as wel siluer as gold horsses carts wagons whervpon the kings treasure was notably enriched The same yeare auctoritie was giuen to the kings escheters 1343 to enquire and certifye the Counsell of al such persons which helde of the King any landes in Capite or by any A general suruey of the vvhole realme of England other fée to the value of one hundred shillings and that the names of all suche shoulde be enrolled and giuen vp for recorde Also certaine other were put in aucthoritie to signifie howe many sufficient and able bow-men were in euerye shire also what other sufficient men were able to beare armour for the defence of theyr Country and to sée them practised with suche kinde of weapon wherein they had beste skill and being thus assembled in all parts of the Realme speciallye suche as were of lawfull age commaundemente was giuen out that they shoulde be readye at the Kyngs commaundemente to fyghte agaynste theyr enimies King Edwarde and his nobles perceyuing the derogation Ro. de Auesbury Gual Homingford that was done to the realme by such reseruations prouisions and collations of benefices as the Pope practised here in England wrote to him requiring him that sith the Churches of Englande had bene founded and endued by noble and worthy men to the ende the people might be instructed by people of their owne language and that he beyng so farre off coulde not vnderstande the defaultes yet hys predecessours and he more than had bene vsed by diuerse reseruations prouisions and collations made to diuerse persons some straungers yea and some enimies to the Realme whereby the money and profits were carried forth theyr cures not prouided for according to the founders mindes they therefore vpon due considerations therof signifyed to him that they coulde not suffer such enormities any longer and therefore besought him to reuoke such reseruations prouisions and collations wholy to auoyde suche slaunders mischieues and harmes as mighte ensue and that the cures might be committed to persons méet for the exercises of the same beséeching him further wythout delay to signify his intention sith they ment to bestow their diligence to remedie the matter and sée that redresse might be had Giuen in ful Parliament at Westminster the xviij of May in the yeare 1343. Iohn Steward Iohn Aylesham the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Hamonde the. 28. of October Many being called to ayde the King against the Scots but not being ready they contributed their money wherewith the king might hyre souldiours in place of them that remayned at home King Edward caused to be called togither a great many Anno reg 18 Tho. Walsing 1344 Round Table at VVindsore of Artificers to the Castell of Windsore and began to builde an house whiche was called the Rounde Table the floure wherof from the Center or midde point into the compasse was an hundred foote and the whole Diameter 200. foote the Circunference thereof is 600. foote and thrée quarters The same time Phillip de Valoys king of Fraunce buylded Round Table in Fraunce Scala Croni a Rounde Table in his Countrey to the ende he mighte allure the menne of Warre of Germanie and Italie and so to kéepe them from the Kyng of Englandes Rounde Table Kyng Edwarde in succour of Iohn Mountfort Duke of Th● de la More Brytaine and of his wife and children who then remayned in the kings custodie sent the Earles of Northampton and of Oxforde Hugh Spencer and Richard Talbot Knightes and maister William Kilesby Clearke euerye one of them hauing vnder them many mē of armes and archers into Britaine who entred there-into in despight of al theyr enimies whych resisted them making many conflictes They toke as well walled Townes as other with diuerse Fortresses and Castelles both by assaulte and surrender by whiche meanes they had the whole Countrey vnder theyr subiection conquering till they came to the Towne of Morleis where Charles de Bloys mette them wyth a greate armye Therfore in the Champion grounde nygh vnto Morleys the Battayle as Morleys two armyes made greate and moste stoute battayle wherin the worthinesse of both sortes dyd full well appeare for they fought so stout on both sides that in the first conflict it chaunced as the like had not bene séene for the chiefe Captaines Charles de Bloys to whom the Frenche king hadde giuen the Dukedome of that Countrey and William de Bohune Earle of Northamton who for the defence of y e right of Iohn de Mountfort naturall heire and Duke of that lande the king of Englande had made a generall ouer the army of the English men who foughte so long wyth hande strokes in the fielde that daye that no manne but a lyar coulde giue more prayse to the one than to the other Thrée tymes that daye they beyng wearied on both sides wythdrewe themselues to take breathe and then fell to it again with Speare and shielde and sworde and Targe but in y e ende the right worthy and stoute Charles de Bloys his men fléeing away was also forced to flée himselfe wherevppon after many slaine on both sides the victorie fell to the Englishmen Geffrey Wichingham Thomas Legge the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Iohn Hamond the. 28. of October King Edwarde sente ouer Henrie Earle of Darbie son to the Earle of Lancaster his cousin
with more than fiue hundered men of armes amongst whom was the Earle of Ro. Auesbery Anno reg 19. Penbroke and Walter de Many with manye Archers into Gascoigne with Ralph Baron of Stafforde Seneshal of Gascoigne who being come thyther the sayde Earle made fiftie Knightes of his armye and after wanne manye walled Townes and Castelles making many worthy skirmishes and at length won the towne of Dagu●lown by assaulte to the kéeping wherof they appointed Ralph Stafford afterward they appointed thrée iourneys toward other townes as especially to Brigerecke so called for the strength thereof and also called the Chamber of Fraunce and also to y e town of Saint Iohn de Laruel and to many other greate and strong townes well fortified which with great toyles and diuerse daungerous assaultes they wan where the Earle of Darbie and his souldiours vndermining the Towers and Wals of the sayde towne were very sore assaulted by them whiche defended Thus he Conquered Cities Townes Castelles and Fortresses to the number of one hundred and fiftie bringing a greate parte of Gascoigne vnder subiection euen to Tolouse vnto the whiche Citie he did no domage neyther to the inhabitantes therof but that he made them wonderfully afrayde as certaine of them tolde me sayeth my aucthour their fear was such that the religious people were constrayned to beare armour and the Prior of the Carmelite Tho. de la More Friers of our Lady of Tolouse hauyng a Banner of our Ladye in Golde set in a fielde of siluer displayed the same prouoking thereby many to take armour About the second sonday in Lent the Earles being fully fraught with bootie prisoners gold and siluer they returned towardes Burdeaux where Iohn de Valoys eldest sonne to the French king being accompanyed with a great number of hyred Dutche souldiours besieged the Towne of Agnlowne and the Captaines thereof the Earle of Stafforde and other so entrenched the same Towne that without greate daunger the Englishmen coulde haue no accesse vnto them but the Earle of Darby bet awaye them that besieged the Citie and e●t soones new victualled the same notwithstanding they were not able to raise the siege bycause they hadde so entrenched themselues without the towne who refusing to fight in the fielde would aunswere that they came not to pitch a fielde but to besiege a Town wherefore they continued the same siege vntil the decollation of Saint Iohn but vnderstanding then that the King of England chaced his Father Phillip very sore at Grecie and fearing that he shoulde come verye late to the ayde of hys Father he gaue vppe the siege setting all his tentes on fire and fled in the darke but the Earle of Stafforde wyth hys power pursued them cut off theyr tayle tooke a greate manye of theyr horsses and prisoners and retourned After this certaine bowmen are mustered in England appointed to be sente ouer sea who commyng ouer are layde in garrison fordefence of the Countrey Also twenty thousande sackes of Wooll are graunted to the king Moreouer Geffrey de Harecourte a Norman came to the King requiring ayd against the French king who wrongfully withhelde hys landes from him at his first comming he did fealtie and sware homage to king Edward but afterward he reuolted Thomas of Hatfielde the Kings Secretary by meanes of Tho. Walsing the Kyngs letters to the Pope was admitted Byshoppe of Durham and when certaine of the Cardinalles sayde that the sayd Thomas was a light person and a lay man the Pope answered truly if the king of England at this time Ansvvere of the Pope had made his request for an Asse he should haue obteined it The same yeare dyed Adam Tarleton Bishop of Winchester that had bin long time blind after whome succéeded William Edendon Treasourer of England This man founded the Monasterie of Edendon the religious Liber Edendon bréethren whereof were called Bonhomes The same yeare dyed Henry Earle of Lancaster father to Henry Earle of Darby and was buryed at Leycester in the Monasterie of Channons the King and both the olde and yong Quéenes being present with Archbishops Bishops Earles and Barons in manner of all the lande whose sonne was then in Gascoigne doing chiualrous actes This yeare the Scottes to the number of thirtie thousande William Dowglas being their leader entred into Westmerland and brent Carelile Penreth with many other Townes wherefore the Bishop of Carelile with Thomas Lucy Robert Ogle and a great number compassed them in the night season and with lightes and noyse so disquieted them that they neuer durst go out for victuals nor giue their bodyes to sléepe but at the last Alexander Stragan stoutely prepared to go out for victualles whome the Bishop Scots ouercome and Robert Ogle mette and with a speare thrust him through the body so that the Scottes were soone after ouercome and slayne Edmond Hemenhall Iohn of Glocester the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Richard Laget the 28 of October This yeare was the first cōgregating and first Custos or gardian of the fraternitie of the Grocers in the Citie of London elected The Earle of Northampton and the other Lordes in Briteine Anno reg 20 committed certayne Castels wonne by them in Briteine to the safekéeping of faithfull Captaynes and Souldioures and then returned into England King Edward prepared to make a voyage into Normandy 1346 his Nauie being readie to transport him from Portesmonth King Edvvard sayled into Normandy and Porchester with the Earles of Northampton Arundell Warwike Harecourt Huntingdon Oxenforde and Suffolke the Bishop of Durham and Mayster William Killesby Clerke euery one of these leading a great armie of Souldioures well appoynted were embarqued and wayted for the winde from the first of June to the fifth of July and then Tho. de la More Tho. Walsing Ro. de A●esbury hauing a good winde they beganne to make Sayle with the number of one thousande Shippes of burthen and Pinaces and on the thirtéenth day of July they landed at Hogges in Normandy where on the shore of the Sea King Edwarde made his eldest sonne Knighte and also Prince of Wales and immediately the Prince made Knightes Mortimere Montacute Rose and other That night the King lodged in the Towne of Hogges and the next day the Towne was brent by the Armie Hogges in Normandy brent The night following King Edward lodged in Mercels where he stayde fiue dayes during whiche time all the Countrey with the Towne of Barbefleete was by his men consumed with fire From thence they departed to Veloygus which they set a fire then they went to Senet combe de Mount whiche is nigh the Sea and to Garantam thence to Serius and to Saint Lewes passing along vnto the Towne of Turney wasting all with fire and that night the Kyng lodged at Carmalin then to Gerin being a Religious house belonging vnto Cane leauing nothing behinde them vnspoyled Afterward they made an assaulte and entred the Citie Cane
almoste in sunder yet in suche sort that ●●me● horssemen mighte ryde ouer it and for the purpose he hadde a greate stone whiche was layde vppe in a hole made in forme of an Arche beyng in the foreparte of the Tow●e hangyng ouer the Bridge in whyche hée appoynted a Faythfull Souldiour should bée in the tyme to throwe downe the sayde stone vppon the Bridge that wyth the fall thereof the Bridge beyng halfe cutte in two should be broken in sunder and so that hole where the stone was layde shoulde bée wrought in suche sorte that hée wythin shoulde perceiue throughe the hole howe manye dyd enter in ●●●●●● were made priuie to this practise neyther did many knowe of the kings presence or of the prince of Wales who when they had wroughte thys feate secretely conueyed themselues into the Towne The daye before the tyme of delyuerie of thys Towne Geffrey Cherney ●●●●● fifteene of his faithfullest menne wyth the g●●a●●● parte of the golde whiche was to be payde who shoulde also ●●y● the faythe of Emericus and the order of the Castell who searching euery where in euery Tower and corner whiche they could finde open coulde perceyue nothing contrarie to theyr lykyng wherevpon on the next day in the morning they set vp the French kings standerde in the highest Towre of the Castell and the auntientes also of Geffrey and of other Lordes vpon other Towers and places Then the people of the Town who kept common watch and warde not knowing of this secrete deuice were gretly terrifyed therwith in so muche that they taking weapon in hande beganne to giue a charge against the Castell by and by the French men who hadde entred the day before toke Thomas Kingstone then fléeing awaye quite ignoraunt of that whiche was deuised and forceably they set him in the stockes Then certaine of them being sent out to the French men their companions and maisters who laye without in ambushes shewed them the auntients and standerd set vp and all to be well euen as they woulde haue it hastning them forwarde to come to the defence of the Castell againste the townes men wherfore they rysing from their lorking places aduaunced themselues in pride and bragging and came by heapes in at the gates of the Castell The townes men perceyuing this had muche adoe to forebeare their handes from them had not their chiefe leaders withdrawen them from it least some daunger should haue happened to them that laye hid by and by those that laye hid closed vnder the Arches of the Walles prepared themselues to breake out vpon their enimies In like sorte also he that with the great stone man shut vp in the hole after that he sée so many entred in ●●●éeming that his fellowes were sufficient to ouerthrowe the● with that great stone put to his custodie hée brake the drawe bridge by the whiche the enemies had entred in but being once in coulde not goe that waye out againe when the stone was thus downe and had discharged the thing for the which it was layde vp the French men deceiued by that pollicy they wer enclosed safe ynough At the noyse of this stone and the bridge that brake these armed men of whom before I spake breaking downe their counterfaite wall behinde the which all the deceyte was hyd they presently set themselues in order to inuade the French men bidden to a bitter breakfast The conflict was sharp for a good season but at the length the enimies being ouercome yéelded themselues to the plesure of the conquerours They which were without and had not entred as soone as they perceyued theyr companions to be deceyued fled after whome the king with scarce sixtéene men of armes and as many Archers followed a pace the runnawayes not knowing what company woulde followe them many in thys chase were wearied and many moe slaine and in a small time the king ouercame daungerous and great labours but at length when it was vnderstoode by them that fledde howe fewe there were that chased them fourescore armed men turned them against the king I dare not ascribe thys Tho. de la More boldnesse of the king in chasing of his enimies to hys wisedome but only to the s●outnesse of his minde the whiche is wel knowen through Gods grace to be brought to good effect by his meanes though the daunger were neuer so gret for when he perceyued that the French men had turned thēselues to withstande him he caste away the scaberde of hys sword and comforting his men about him setting them in good order exhorted them to play the men lustily The Archers being placed in the Marche against the sides of the enimies stoode on dry Hilles which were compassed aboute with quag-myers and foggie places that neyther horssemen nor footemen might approch them but they should rather be drowned in mud than come néere to hurt them these also did the king comfort saying to them doe well you Archers play the men lustily and knowe that I am Edwarde of Windsor Then the presence of the king and necessitie of the matter styrred vp theyr hartes to doe well the Archers vncouering theyr heades stripping vp theyr sléeues bente themselues to bestow theyr arrowes in such sort that they might not be loste and as the French men drewe towardes thē they saluted thē after with their arrowes The armed men of both partes stoode in order to fighte vppon a long and narrowe causewaye the bredth whereof was not able to receiue scarce twentie men of armes in a fronte hauing on both sides thereof the Marishe in the whiche the Archers were placed who gauled and wounded theyr enimies on the sides fléeing as thicke as hayle The kyng and his men before wyth the Archers on the side slewe and tooke a greate manye and manye of them stoode stoutlye to it till at the length by the comming of the Prince of Wales the Frenche were putte to flighte after a long chase in pursuing the enimies they returning backe againe to Caleis numbred those which were fledde as well as those whiche were taken and they founde that for the taking of the Castell as the prisoners reported there came a thousand men of armes and sixe hundred armed men but they which serued were aboue thrée thousand among thē which were taken was Geffrey Charney and his sonne Edwarde 1●50 de Renty Robert Danquile Otto de Gulo the Baron of Martingham Baldyne Saylly Henrie de Prees Garinus Baylofe Peter Renel Peter Dargemole Eustace de Riplemount and manye other Lordes Knightes and Baronets who were chased and ranne away with theyr auntientes as the Lorde de Mountmarice also Laundas who maried the Lady Saint Paule Countesse of Penbroke in England also y e Lord Fenas the Lorde Planckes and another Eustace de Replemount There were slaine in the skirmish the Lord Henrie de Boys the Lord Archibalde many others whose names the Conquerors were not able to certifie Thus by pollicie and deuised treason the aucthours
from his subiectes by such petitions or demaundes but liue of his owne and continue his warre for as it was aunsweared there his owne goods pertayning to the crowne sufficed both to the finding 1378 of his house and mayntayning of his warres of the same were bestowed by fitte ministers and for the kéeping of the money two Citizens of London were appointed William Walworth and Iohn Philpot. The English men hearing of a number of Spanishe shippes to remayne at sluce for wante of winde assembling a great companye of armed men and a great nauie meant to take the seas their chiefe Captaynes were Thomas of Woodstocke Erle of Buckingham the duke of Brytaine the Lord Latimer the Lord Robert Fitz Walter sir Robert Knowles and many other valiaunt personages who being entred the Sea tasted Fortune disfauourable for by a tempestuous winde that rose theyr shippes were scattered in sunder theyr mastes are broken downe theyr sayles rent and many of the small vessels that were victuallers were drowned at length the shippes got togither againe and arriued in Englande and being nowe rigged are eftsoones freight with men and to the Sea they go About y ● same time sir Hugh Caluerley making a iourney towards Bulloign found a Barge in y ● hauen of y e town y ● bare y e name of the towne another that was the French Kings a xxvj other vessels more and lesse all the which with a great part of the suburbes of Bulloigne he caused to be dispoyled taking with him whatsoeuer was there to be desired with certayne prisoners he droue afore him also a gret bootie of shéepe and beastes whiche he founde pasturing néere the towne which might well serue to victuall Caleis for a great time he recouered the same day the castel Marke of which through negligence before had bin lost The English fléete whereof we spake returned without any great good successe they toke an eyght Spanish shippes in the Brytish coastes neare to Brest and more had takē if there businesse had bin so well done as was pretended and therefore the fléete returned home so tossed with stormes and contrarie weather and after with intestine discorde that it séemed there wanted among them gods fauour The Lorde Percy this fléete remaining for the mending of his shippes whilest the other were abrode went now to the sea wyth a great ship and some smaller vessels and méeting with fiftie ships laden with French wares and marchandize of whiche some were of Flaunders some of Spaine he set on them al who beholding his bolde enterprice and thinking that he hadde some ayde at hande gaue ouer to make resistaunce and so xxviij escaping by flight xxij yéelded themselues to the sayd Thomas Lord Percy Sir Hugh Caluerley with a power secretly armed wente to the towne of Staple where the fayre was then to the which were come manye Merchauntmen from Bulloigne Mutterel Amience and Paris where he falling on them that were vnarmed slewe many toke many to be put to their ransomes sacked al the goods and set fire in the town so that it was wholy consumed few places excepted This done he returned to Caleis with his men in safetie bringing from that faire wares which turned to the greate profit of the Calisians many yeares after The men of Winchelse and Rie gathered a gret number of people togither and imbarqued themselues towardes Normandie desirous to requite y e losses which before they had receiued and so in the night arriuing in a Town called Peters Hauen entred the same slaying so many as they met those whom they thinke able to pay raunsome they carry to their shippes they spoyled the houses with the Churches where they founde many rich spoyles which sometime had bin by the French men fet from Ric and especially the belles and such like which they shipped set the rest on fire and thē they land at Wilet not far from thence wher they practised y e like cheuance so with theyr riche spoyle returned home About the same time Iohn duke of Lancaster requested y e y e mony granted to the K. by y e cleargie laitie might be cōmitted to his custodie affirming y t he would kepe y e enimies of from the coastes of England by the space of one yeare with y t mony moreouer bring to passe some further great commoditie to whose importunate petitiō the Lords although against theyr willes agréed They appoint therfore y e firste day of Marche to méete in counsel in which euery of those shold go forth on this iourney least y e sea should in y e mean time want those y ● shold kéepe it there wer ix ships hired of thē of Baion to defend y e sea land frō incursions of the Frēch others These ships being furnished with sufficiēt nūbers of armed mē w ein a short time coasting y e seas met the nauy marchandice of y e Spaniards entring battayle with them in short time take xiiij of their ships laden w t wines other marchandize returne to England ioyfully vnto sir Robert Knowles captain of Brest they giue the firste fruites of theyr pray an C. tunne of their beste wines as they passed by him homewardes In the meane time Henrie y e bastard calling himself King of Spain hearing y ● they of Baion had done such harme vnto his people that the D. of Lācaster had prepared a gret nūber to enter y e sea he was sore afraid thinking y e he minded not only to defēd the sea but rather to séeke his kingdome which by right of his wife y e lawful inheritour of Spaine he ment to chalenge wherfore y e said Henrie cōmanded a nauie to be prepared of al his land y t he might stay the said D. from entring his country if he might to take him prisoner which happily they had done if y e king of Portingale w t almost an inumerable nūber had not entred y e kingdome of Spain y e self same time y t the bastard Henrie prepared him selfe against y e D. but the D. deferring his iourney from day to day they y ● wer appointed captains ouer the nauie w e certain mē of war got thē to y e sea there to stay for the Dukes comming estéeming it more glorious to liue on the sea by prayes taking frō the enimies than to liue by spoile of their owne countreymen at home When they had certain dayes wa●ted vp downe the Seas the Spaniardes met with them with an armed company of men so that either part in hope of pray ioyned togyther in fighte but oure menne hauyng the winde and weather contrary to them lost the victory to theyr enimies some escaping by flight and some being taken amongst the which sir Hugh Courtney a noble Knight was one About the same time Iohn Mercer a Scotte gathering togither no small number of French men Scots and Spaniards set vpon certaine ships of Scaborow
little talke with the King they recited the conspiracie wherby they had bin indited and they shewed forthe also th● letters which he had sente to the Duke of Irelande that he shoulde assemble an armye to their distruction c. in the ende the King promised on the nexte morrow to come to Westminster and there to intreate at large for reformation of all matters In the morning the King came to Westminster wher after a little talke the Nobles sayde that for his honour and commoditie of his Kingdome it was behouefull that the traytours whisperers flatterers and vnprofitable people were remoued out of place and that other mighte be placed in theyr roomes which when the King had graunted they iudged that Alexander Neuell Archbishoppe of Yorke Iohn Forde Bishoppe of Durham Frier Thomas Rushoke the Kings Confessour Bishoppe of Chichester shoulde be banished They expulsed also the Lorde Souch of Haringworth Burnel and of Beamount Albery de Vere Baldwine de Bereforde Richard Aderburie Iohn Worth Thomas Clifford and Iohn Louel knights not as altogither dismissed but to appeare at the next Parliamēt there were certain Ladyes also expelled the Courte as vnprofitable They arrested Simon Burley William Elmham Iohn Beauchamp of Holte stewarde of the kings house Iohn Salisburie Thomas Treuet Iames Barnes Ni. Dagworth and N. Brember Knightes They toke also the Chaplens Richarde Clifforde Iohn Lincolne Richard Mitforde Nicholas Slake Deane of y ● kings Chapel Iohn Blake an Aprentice of the lawe all whyche was sent to diuerse prisons The thirde day of Februarie a Parliament was begon at Westminster to y ● which the Lords came with a sufficiente army this Parliament continued vntil the feast of Pentecost 1388 The xj of Februarie was Robert Tresilian Justice of y ● Kings Bench a Cornishman arested at Westminster wher he had laine hid in sanctuarie and was the same day drawn from the Tower of London to Tiborne and there with a great adoe was hanged consequently by iudgemente of the Lords Nicholas Brembar Knight was put to the like execution After which Iohn Salisburie Iames Barnes knights were by iudgement of the Parliament drawn and hanged then Iohn Beauchampe of Holt the Kings stewarde whome the King purposed to haue made Baron of Bridgenorth was drawen and hanged Iohn Blake Esquire was hanged and drawne and Iohn Vske a Sergeaunt at armes was drawn and hāged Lastly on the fifth of May sir Simō Burley Lord Chamberlayne to the King and Conestable of Douer was beheaded although the Earle of Darbie did what he coulde to saue him for the which great dissention rose betwixt hym and the Duke of Glocester There was condemned also in the same Parliamente these Justices Roberte Belknape Iohn Holte Roger Fulthorpe and William Brough Iohn Locton Richarde Graye Justices with the Lordes before fledde were all banished There was granted to the King of the Cleargie half a tenth and of the Laytie half a fiftéenth and of the Marchāts twelue pence of the pounde thrée shillings of the Tunne liij shillings foure pence of the sack of Wool The Duke of Glocester and sir Iohn Cobham asked pardon of the Abbot of Westminster for violence done in y e sanctuarie of Westminster in the taking of the Justice Trisilian The laste saue one of May there were deliuered out of the Tower W. Elmhame T. Treuet and Nicholas Dagworth Knights Also the first of June Iohn Holand the Kings brother was created Erie of Huntington The thirde of June the king in the Church of Westminster renewed the othe which he toke when he was crowned and all the Lordes sware homage and fealtie to him and all the Bishoppes did excommunicate all those that would go about to hinder the statutes of this last Parliament or y ● Anno reg 12 great Charter After Whitsontide Richarde Earle of Arundale with a companye of valiaunte men wente to the sea and foughte with certain ships of his enemies taking drowning or brēning lxxx shippes he entred into the I le of Beas which he spoyled and brent The same yeare the Scottes prepared themselues that as soone as the truce was exspired they mighte be readie to inuade the North partes and with a great army entred Englande committing gret slaughters of people and toke booties in euery place and ledde away manye prisoners and burned Townes and approched to Newcastel vpon Tyne and picht theyr Tentes not farre from thence There was then in the same Towne sir Henrie Percy the yonger and Syr Ralph his brother both desirous of warlike renowme and sore enimies to the Scottes Thys sir Henrie came vpon them on the sodayne and assayled them in the campe making greate slaughter of them William Douglas also chiefe Captaine of the Scottes beholding the thing that a thousande times he hadde wished that is sir Henrie Percy within his Campe rydeth againste him but was slayne by the sayde Henrie and then commeth the Earle of Dunbar with an excessiue number of Scottes and toke the sayd Henrie with his brother Ralphe slaying many Englishe menne in that place but yet the Scottes loste manye of theyr beste men Thys battayle was at Otterborne the soarest fought that Battaile at Otterborne Iohn Belandine Iohn Maior ● Frosert ●●h Rudborae Parliament at Cambridge euer was betwéene Englishe menne and Scottes sayeth Froysert The seauenth of September a Parliament was holden at Cambridge in which were newe statutes ordayned for seruauntes wages for beggers for weapons not to be born of playes or games none to be vsed but shooting of the staple to be brought from Middleborow to Caleis c. and in the ende a tenth of the Cleargie and a fiftéenth of the Laytie Thomas Austine Adam Carlehul the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Nicholas Twyforde Goldsmith the. 28. of October The sixth of October as sir Iohn Treuet rode wyth the King to the kings lodging whiche was at Bernewel as he forced his horsse too much with the spurres the horsse falleth and breaketh the inner parts of the rider who liued tyl the next day King Richard discharged the olde officers of his Courte 1389 and also his Counsellours appointing other at his pleasure he toke the Seale from Thomas Arundale Archbishop of Yorke and deliuered it to William Wickam Byshoppe of Winchester and made him Chauncellour the Bishoppe of Excester his Treasurer and Edmund Stafford Kéeper of the priuie Seale A truce was graunted for thrée yeares betwixt Englande and Fraunce A fighting among Gnats at the Kings maner of Shine where they were so thicke gathered that the ayre was darkned with them they fought and made a great battaile Two partes of them being slayne fel downe to the grounde the thirde part hauing got the victorie flew away no mā knew whether The number of the deade was such that mighte bée swepte vppe wyth Besomes and Bushels filled wyth Anno reg 13 them Michael at Pole sometime Earle of Suffolke and Chauncellour of England deceased at
of the people and falling away from the King whiche hapned shortly after Roger Mortimere Earle of March and of Vlstar in Ireland Earle of March slaine in Irelād Cro. Pet. Coledge W. l. Wilum lying there in a Castel of his there came on him a great multitude of wilde Irishmen to assayle him and he issuing out fought manfully till he was by them hewen to péeces whose death the King determined to reuenge About Candlemas dyed Iohn of Gaunt D. of Lancaster at the Bishop of Elyes Inne in Holborne by London and was Duke of Lancaster deceased 1399 honourably buryed in S. Paules Church at London his sonne Henry Duke of Hereford being then beyond the seas About Whitsontide King Richard with a Nauie of 100. Ships sayled from Milford Hauen towards Ireland and arriued King Richarde sayled into Ireland at Waterford on the last day of Maynfrem whence he marched with his armie of thirtie thousande to Kilkenny fourescore miles within the Countrey and there remayned xiiij dayes tarying for Edward Duke of Aumarle On Midsommer euen he went from thence toward Mackmore who Anno reg 23 remayned amongst the woods with 3000 mē right hardy and such as séemed but little to feare the Englishmen At the entring of the woods the King commanded fires to be vsed so that many a house and many a village was brent there the King made the Duke of Herefords sonne Knight with ten other 2500. Pioners were appoynted to fell the woods and make wayes for y e Englishmen The Irishmē feared greatly the shot of the Englishmen but yet with their Dartes they assayled and slewe diuers as they caught them at aduantage The Unkle of Mackmore came in and yéelded himselfe The Vnkle of Mackmore submitted to King Richard to the King with a withie about his necke and many other naked and bare legged did the like all which the King pardoned After this the King sente to Mackmore promising him that if he would come in as his Unkle had done with the withie about his necke he should be pardoned but he vtterly refusing sayd he would fight to death in defending his right for he knew the Englishmen wanted victualles and more than they had brought with them could not be bought for Gold or Siluer There was already such scarcitie that there were some four some sixe that had but a small lofe of bread to liue by the day and some that eate not a grayne in fiue dayes togither The King therefore departed the 28. day of June toward Diuelin at what time Mackmore sent a beggar with notice to the King that hée would be his friend and aske him mercy or else if it pleased him to treate of peace to send some noble mē to him whervpon the Earle of Glocester was sent who led with him the reregard wherof he was captayne being two C. Lances a M. Archers betwixt two woods farre from the Sea they mette with the Irish Mackmore himselfe rode on a white Mackmore a good horseman Horsse without saddle or other furniture that cost him as was sayde foure hundred Kowes whiche Horsse he ranne downe the hill that the beholders reported they neuer had séene Hare nor Déere to haue runne so swiftly In hys righte hande he bare a Darte greate and long whiche he threwe excéeding well He was a mightie strong man of personage There the Earle and hée talked a good whyle aboute the murthering of the Earle of March and after of other thynges but agrée they coulde not and so departed The Earle aduertised the King what he had foūd which was nothing but that the enimie woulde crie mercie so as he might be sure to haue peace without other griefe otherwise he would so long as he liued defend himselfe wherefore the King in his wrath not knowing what lette might happen sware that he would neuer depart Irelande till he had him eyther aliue or dead The host dislodged for lacke of victualles they were a thirtie thousands at their comming ouer that lay then at Diuelin fiftéene dayes the King forthwith deuiding his armie into thrée partes sente them out to séeke Mackemore promising an hundreth Markes to him that could bring him in which offer was well hearkened vnto for it sounded well but he could not be caught and the same day Edwarde Earle of Rutlande Duke of Aumarle Connestable of Englande arriued with an hundreth Sayle of whose comming the King was verie glad though he indéede had taried long and mighte haue come muche sooner They remayned sixe wéekes at Diuelin and heard no newes out of Englande the passage was so dangerous the winde béeing contrary and tempestes so greate at length came a Shippe with heauie newes how the Duke of Hereforde and now by the deceasse of his father Duke of Lancaster was arriued in England at Rauenspore The Duke of Hereford returned into Englande beside Wadlington in Yorkeshire and had beheaded William Scrope Earle of Wilshire Treasourer of Englande Iohn Bushy Henry Greene and other and had caused Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury to preach againste King Richarde who also shewed a Bull procured from Rome promising remission of sinnes to all those whiche should ayde the sayde Henry in conquering of his enimies and after their death to be placed in Paradise which preaching moued manye to cleaue to the Duke Upon this newes the King being perswaded to make hast ouer the Duke of Aumarle sayde it was better to stay till hys Shippes mighte bée brought togither for there were but an hundreth readie to make Sayle wherevpon Iohn Mountacute Earle of Salisburie was sente with a power whilest the King going to Waterforde mighte gather hys Fléete who promised within sixe dayes to haue followed hym The Earle of Salesburie landed at Conwey where hée was soone aduertised howe the Duke had taken the more parte of Englande and that all the Lords were got to him with more than thréescore thousand men The Earle of Salesburie caused to sommon the Welchmen and them of Cheshire to come to him so that wéening the King had bin arriued at Conwey within foure dayes there were come togither fortie thousand men ready to goe against the Duke of Hereford where they stayd fourtéene dayes but when they saw the King came not they stealed away and left the Earle of Salisburie in manner alone so that vnneath he had a C. men with him The Duke of Hereford aduanced towards the Earle of Salisburie who withdrew him into Conwey The King through euill counsell King Richard returned out of Ireland and landed at Milford Hauen stayd after the Earles departure eyghtéene dayes and then arriued at Milford Hauen from whence about midnight following desguised like a Priest for feare to be knowne with thirtéene persons only who went to Conwey thinking the Earle of Salisburie had there helde the fielde There were with him the Dukes of Excester and Surrey and the Earle of Glocester that continued faithfull vnto the last
any of them had of y ● said names Castels Dominions possessions and liberties shold be surrendered vp into y e Chancerie there to be canceled and that they stand in state whiche they had in name and possession before the saide daye ●f the sayde arrest The King to shew to all men in all Countries about by what right and title he had taken vpon him the crowne and realme sent Ambassadours to Rome Iohn Treneuant Byshop of Hereforde Iohn Cheyne Knighte and Iohn Cheyne Esquire Into Fraunce he sent Walter Tricklowe Byshop of Durham Thomas Percy Erle of Worcester and William Heron Into Spaine Iohn Trenor Bishop of Saint Dauids and fir William P●t Knight Into Almaine the Bishoppe of Bangor with other The Scots in time of the Parliament taking occasion by the absence of the Northren Lordes and bycause the same tyme the North parts were sore oppressed by a great Pe●●●lence entred as enimies into those parts and toke the Costell of Warke and kept the same a certain time but at lēgth spoyled and ●●terly ruinated it and many other mischients they did in the Country Thomas Manbery duke of Norffolk which was exiled dyed at Venide in his returne from Ierusalem Also the Duches of Glocester dyed and hir sonne heir● Humfrey dyed of the pestitence when hée was sent for forth of Irelande The King helde his feast of Christmasse in his Castel of Windsor where Iohn Holland late Duke of Excester Erie of Huntington Thomas Holand late Duke of Surrey Earle of Kente Edwarde late Duke of Aumerle and Earle of Rutlande sonne to the Duke of Yorke Iohn Mountacute Eri● i● Sabsburie Thomas Spencer sir Ralph Lumley sir Thomas Blunt sir Benedict Cely Knights with other that fauoures King Richarde conspired against King Henrie and appointed priuily to murder him vnder the colour of Justing and other pastimes pretended And the time approching of theyr purpose they sent messengers to London with letters to the Duke of Aumerle that he shoulde not fayle to come at y e day appointed with his company to helpe to do the feate whervnto he was sworne but his minde being altered hée bare the letters streighte to his Father the Duke of Yorke who caused a number of his men forthwith to carrye his son to the King where he shewing his letters the King woulde not beléeue them but the same morning came the Maior of London to the Court and informed him of the matter whervpon the King made no tariance but got him forth toward London in companye of the Maior and other But before the King coulde gette London on his backe his enimies were come to Windesore and entred the Castell with an armed band of 400. mē on the fourth of Januarie at night where vnderstanding that the King was escaped theyr hands being sore amazed they withdrewe from Windesore vnto Sunning a certaine manour neare to Reading where the Quéene wife to King Richarde then lay where they persuaded hyr houshold that King Richarde was escaped out of Romfrete ●astel and they would go to him from thence they went to Walling forde and after to Abingdon mouing the people to take armes vppon them and to goe méete their King Richarde After this they came to Farindon in the vale of White Horsse in Barkeshire and the same daye to Circester on the xij day late in the eneni●g and there harbored with a greate number of men of ar●es and many Archers ther they bruted that K. Richard was escaped forth of prison and that hée was there with them and to make their words tō haue the more credite they had got a Chaplaine of King Richardes called Madeleine so like to hym in all proportion and fauor that one could vnneth be descerned from the other many times sayth mine aucthour I haue séene him in Ireland ride with the King his Master so faire a Priest and goodly a person he had not lightly séene They put him in armoure with a Crowne on his Helmet so as all men mighte take him for King Richard On the morrow being Wednesday the people of that towne misliking of their procéedings fought against them and at length toke the chiefest of them and ledde them to the Abbay there and put them in a fayre chamber vnder safe custody And on the Thursday the said Lordes fearing the people imagined howe to escape out of theyr handes and caused some of their seruauntes to sette fire on certaine houses in the Towne thinking that therevppon the people woulde departe from them and séeke to staunche the fire but it chaunced contrarie for the people turned into a maruellous rage against them ranne vppon them with great violence and drew them into the market place and there they beheaded the Duke of Excester the Duke of Surrey and the Earle of Salisburie the thirde day after the Epiphanie● their seruauntes that were with them were by and by taken and as prisoners bound and brought to Oxforde and on Monday following were beheaded in the Castell there to the number of .xxvj. persons Also sir Thomas Blount Knight was beheaded with them The wéeke nexte following was beheaded Thomas Spencer Earle of Glocester at Bristow and about the same time was beheaded Iohn Holland Earle of Huntington brother to King Richard on the mothers side at Plashy in Essex not long after was sir Barnarde B●ocas beheaded at London and a Prieste named Iohn Maudelen that was like King Richarde and another Priest called William Feribe The Bishoppe of Carlile was impeached and condemned of conspiracie but was pardoned The sixth day of Februarie King Henrie caused y e blank Charters made to king Richard to be brent at the standert in Cheape of London King Richard was imprisoned in Pomfrait Castel where xv dayes and nightes they vexed him with continuall hunger thirste and colde and finally bereft his life with suche a kinde of death as neuer before that time was knowen in Englād He dyed the xiiij day of Februarie whose body was brought to the tower of London and so through the Cittie to Paules Church bare faced where he stoode thrée dayes for all beholders and had seruice where king Henrie was present From thence he was carryed to Langley and there buried in the church of y e Friers Preachers Upō his death the famous and excellente Poet Iohn Gower wrote certaine verses which may be englished thus O Mirrour for the world meete which shouldst in Golde be bette By which all wise men by foresight their prudent wittes may whette Lo God doth hate such rulers as here vitiously do liue And none ought rule that by their life doe ill example giue And this King Richarde witnesseth wel his ende this plaine doth shew For God allotted him such ende and sent him so great woe As such a life deservde as by the Cronicles thou mayst know The King with a great armye went into Scotlande spoyled 1400 the Country and returned to Yorke wher two Knights the one a Frenchman
Countrey but when it came to martial affayres their owne Archers turned theyr handes againste them whome they shoulde haue defended There were flayne aboue eleauen hundred of our men Sir Edmunde Mortimer was taken and the Welchwomen when y e battayle was done vsing the deade carcasses to shamefullye to bée spoken woulde not suffer them to be buryed without great raunsome The Kyng went wyth a greate power into Wales to pursue Owē Glendouerdew where he profited nothing but loste muche for the Welchmen conuayed themselues into vnknowen places wherefore the King constrayned by necessitie returned into Englande after he had spoyled brent the Countrey The same time the Scottes cruelly entred into England for they supposed all the Lords beyond Humber to be occupyed in the parties of Wales but the Erles of Northumberlande Henrie Percie and his sonne Henrie with the Earle of Dunbarre that a good whyle agone hauing forsaken the Scottes had sworne to be true to the King of England with a number of armed men plentie of archers sodainly came to resiste the Scottes as they woulde haue retourned home after they hadde spoyled and brente the Countrey but nowe vppon a sodayne theyr waye was forelayde so that they muste néedes abyde and take a place to fighte vppon they chose therefore a mountaine neare to the Towne of Wollor called Halydowe Hill in the whiche they place themselues wyth theyr armed men and Archers which when our men beheld leauing the way in which they stoode against the Scottes they clynie the hill that stoode ouer against the Scottes and without delaye of time our Archers placed in the valley set their arrowes against the Scottes battayle that they might by some means force them to come downe on the other side the Scottishe Archers let flye at our men who yet after they felt the grieuous waighte and as it had bin a shower or tempest of the arrowes shotte by the Englishmen they fledde The Earle Dowglas perceyuing his men so to flée for he was their generall leader tooke hys Speare and manfullye wyth a multitude came down the Hyll trusting doubtlesse in his armour and y e armour of hys complices that hadde bin thrée yeares in makyng and forced himselfe to runne vpon the Archers whiche when the Archers sawe they stepped backe and shotte so fiercely that they pierced the armed mens bodies stroke throughe theyr Helmets ryued their Speares and rente theyr armoure wyth lyghte adoe Earle Dowglas hymselfe was wounded in fiue places the residue of the Scottes that were not come beside the Hyll turnyng backe from the arrowes that flewe fledde awaye but theyr flyghte nothing auayled them whilest the Archers followed them but that they were compelled to yéelde themselues Earle Dowglas also was taken and manye drowned in the Riuer of Tweede whylest they knewe not the Fourdes to the number of fiue hundered as was sayde In thys battayle no Lorde no Knighte nor Squire gaue anye stroke to the enimyes but onely God gaue the victorie to the Englishe Archers the Lordes and armed menne béeyng onelye lookers on That daye the flower of the Scottishe Chi●alrye was taken to witte the Earle Dowglas Murdake the eldest sonne of the Duke of Albanie that was heyre apparente to the Realme of Scotlande The Earles of Murrey Angus and Orkeney the Lordes of Mountgomorie Erskin and Gram with manye other Knyghtes to the number of fourescore besides Esquires Yeomen whose number was not knowne There were slayne of Barons the Lord Gordon the Lord Iohn of Swinton that was false to both the Realmes c. This battayle was fought on the fourtéenth of September Richard Marlow Robert Chicheley the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Anno reg 4. Sir Iohn Walcot Draper the 28. of October Edmond Mortimere which before was taken by Owen Glendouer dewe now professed to take Owens part against King Henry and did contract mariage with the daughter of the sayd Owen In a Parliament at London which beganne the morrow after Michaelmas day and lasted seauen wéekes there was granted to the King a tenth and a halfe of the Cleargie a tenth of the borough townes and a fiftéenth of the commōs through the Realme The messengers that had bin sent for Ioane late wife to Iohn of Mountfort Duke of Briteyne returned with hir into England and landed at Falmouth in Cornewall The King met with hir at Winchester the seauenth of February where they were married in the Churche of Saint Swithen The sixe and twentith of February she was Crowned at Westminster In the Sommer following by the Townes of Bedforde 1403 and of Broklesward Monsters were séene oft-times mornings and euenings to come out of the woods vnder diuers coulours in the likenesse and similitude of mē of warre which met one with another and séemed to fight cruell battayles which although they that were a farre off might sée yet they that were néere hande could not sée nor finde whiche thing deceyued many that coueted to approch come néere Henry Percy the yonger did sodeinly shew himselfe to be the Kings enimie vnto whome ioyned Thomas Percy Earle of Worcester Unkle to the sayde Henry and to make their conspiracie excusable they did write vnto the Shires Battayle at Shrevvsburie about that they pretended nothing against the alleageance nor fidelitie which they ought to the King neyther to gather to any other ende an armie but only for the sauing of their persons and for the better gouernement of the common wealth bycause the payments and taskes graunted to the King for the safe custodie of the Realme were put to such v●es as they ought not to be and were vnprofitably consumed and wasted Moreouer they complayned that bycause of the euill slanders which their enimies had made of them they durst not personally appeare in the Kings presence vntill the Prelates Barons had intreated for them that they might be permitted to purge themselues before the King and bée lawfully iudged by their péeres so that many that saw these letters did praise their diligence extoll their fidelitie towards the common wealth But the King being disquieted with these doings that he might appease the communaltie he wrote to them that he maruelled much that séeing the Earle of Northumberland Henry his son had receiued the most part of the paymēts summes granted to him by the Cleargy cōmunaltie for y ● defence of the Marches of Scotland what occasion they had to make such manifest slanders c. but the yong Henry Percy puting his cōfidence in the ayd of Owen Glendouerdew and Edmond Mortimer Earle of March with the Welchmen and men of Cheshire published that King Richard was aliue and was with them whom if any mā would sée they should without delay come in armour to y ● Castell of Leycester which declaration made diuers variable motiōs in the hearts of many caused thē to wauer King Henry considering all things wisely gathered togither as many as he could and came
might say The South windes warme did blow with heate pestiferous Pestilence And Pestilence did beare great rule in Cities populous For at London in short while it consumed aboue thirtie thousand men and women and in the Countrey Townes great mortalitie fell among the husbandmen so that great households dyed cleane vp and the houses were emptied About the fiftéenth day of August deceassed Sir Roberte Knowles Knight at his Manour of Sconethorp in Norffolke Sir Robert Knovvles Iohn Leyland he was brought to London and there honourably buried in the white Friers Church which he had newly reedifyed and builded This Sir Robert Knowles had bin a most valiant Captayne in the warres of France during the raigne of Edward the third and Richard the second whose force the Realme of France both felt and feared so did the Dukedome of Briteine Register of Bermondsey and all the people from hence to Spayne Of him in his life were made Uerses in Latin which may be englished thus O Robert Knowles most woorthy of fame Verses by thy prowesse France was made tame Thy manhoode made the Frenchmen to yeeld by dint of sword in towne and field This Sir Robert Knowles founded in the Towne of Colledge and Hospitall at Pontfract Pontfract a Colledge to the honor of the holy Trinitie with an Hospital ioyned therevnto In the which Colledge was placed a Mayster and 6. or 7. Priestes and in the Hospitall 13. poore men and women He was once minded to haue made this Colledge at his Manour of Sconethorp but at the request of Constance his wife a woman of meane birth and somtime of a dissolute life afore hir mariage he turned his purpose and made it in the very place of Pontfraite wher she was borne enduing the same with 180. pound lande by yeare He also builded the faire new greate bridge at Rochester ouer the riuer of Medeway with a Chappel and a chauntrie at the East end therof In the which chappel was sometime a table hanging wherein was noted the benefactours to that Bridge as followeth Sir Roberte Knoles founder of the Trinitie Chappell at Rochester Bridge Constaunce wife to Knowles Sir Iohn Cobham Lord principall benefactour to the making of Rochester Bridge Margaret wife to Cobham Thomas Boucher Cardinall Iohn Morton Archbishop Henrie Chicheley Archbishop Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham Iohn Langedon Bishop of Rochester Thomas Arundale Archbishop Sir Iohn Cornewal Lord Fanhap Richard Whittington William Cromer Geffrey Boleyne Maior of London Iohn Darby Draper Alderman of London William Midleton Mercer of London William Martin Justice Sir Willlam Nottingham chiefe Barron of the Exchequer William Wangforde Iohn Buckingham Bishop of Lincolne Iohn Kempe Bishop of London Sir William Richal Sir Iohn at Pole All these had giuen money or landes towards the building and repayring of the sayde Bridge Iohn Warner a Merchaunt of Rochester made the newe coping of Rochester Bridge and William Warham Archbyshop of Canter burie made the yron pikes and bars aboute the same coaping This sommer Henrie Prince of Wales besieged the Castel of Abrustwich but not long after Owen Glendouerdew Anno reg 9. Sherifes Maior entred into it and placed new kéepers Henrie Pontfract Henrie Halton the. 28. of September Sir William Stondon Grocer the. 28. of October In Nouember a Parliamente being called at London a taxe of money was leuied of the whole Realme This yeare was a sore and sharpe Winter and suche aboundance of Snow which continued December Januarie Februarie and March so that almoste all small Byrdes dyed through hunger and colde Whiles the King helde a great Counsell at London with the nobles of the Realme Henrie Earle of Northumberlande and Thomas Lorde Bardolfe came againe into England who after long iournying when they came to the Towne of Thriske they caused to bée proclaymed that who so woulde haue libertie shoulde take vp armour and weapon and follow them whervpon much people resorted to them but sir Thomas Rockley Sherife of Yorkeshire with other Knightes of that Countrey went against them and at Bramham Moore nere to Hasewold fought with them a great battayle and slew the Earle whose head was streyght wayes cutte off The Lord Bardolph was sore wounded and taken aliue but dyed shortly after This battayle was fought on the xviij day of February The Erles head was put on a stake and caryed openly through the Citie 1408 of London and set on London Bridge The Bishop of Bangor was taken with the Lordes but pardoned of his lyfe bycause he was not founde in armour The King wente to Yorke and there condemned such as transgressed confiscated their goods pacified the Countrey hanged the Abbot of Hayle who had bin in armour and returned to the South partes againe Upon the seuenth of September there were suche flouds of rayne as the olde men of that age had neuer séene before Edmunde Hollande Earle of Kent whilest he besieged the Castell of Briake in Brytaine he was wounded with an arrowe of a crossebowe in the heade notwithstanding he toke the Castel and destroied it to the ground and not long after his braines rotted and he died Anno reg 10 Sherifes Maior Thomas Ducke William Norton the. 28. of September Sir Drew Barentine Goldsmith the. 28. of October Aboute the feaste of Al Saintes the Cardinall of Burges came into Englande being sente from the Colledge of Cardinalles to informe the King and Cleargie of the vnconstaunte dealing of Pope Gregorie as also he had informed the Frenche King and his Cleargie and realme to the end that those two Kings might sette to theyr helping handes to induce the sayde Gregorie to obserue the othe he hadde made and that by the magnificence of those two Kings cōcorde mighte be made in the Church vnto the whiche businesse the Frenche Kyng hadde gladlye graunted and sente messengers vnto Pope Gregorie who notwythstandyng 1409 was obstinate The Kyng of Englande when hée vnderstoode the Cardinalles message hée commaunded that curtesie and gentle entertaymente shoulde be gyuen hym and offered to beare hys charges so long as hée woulde abyde in Englande After the feaste of the Epyphanye the Archebyshoppe of Canterburie caused to assemble at London all the Cleargye of the Realme to chose personages méete to go to the general counsel holdē at Pisa where vnto were chosen Roberte Holam Bishop of Salisburie Henrie Chiseley bishop of Saint Dauids and Thomas Chillingdon Prior of Christes Churche in Canterburie and the Kyng had sente before Iohn Coluile Knighte and mayster Nicholas Rixton Clearkes wyth letters to be giuen to thē And in y e letter to the Pope it was writtē most holy father c. if y e prouidēce of y e Apostolike sea wold vouchsafe to consider how gret harme and danger is sprong vp through out the whole worlde vnder pretence of Scisme and chiefly the destruction of Christian people whiche aboue the nūber as men say of 200000. are perished by the raging
the number of thréescore and foure The tenth of September Iohn Claydon Skinner and A Skinner a Baker brent Richard Gurmonfrench Baker in Lombardstree●e of London were brent in Smithsield Iohn Michel● Thomas Allin the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Mooregate first made in the vvall of Lōdon Thomas Fawconar Mercer the 28. of October This Thomas Fawconar Maior caused to breake the wall of London néere to the ende of Colmanstreete and made there a Gate vpon the moore side where was none before He also caused the ditches of the Citie to be cleansed and a comm●● priuie that was on the moore without the wall to be taken downe and another to be made within the Citie vpon Walbrooke into the which brooke he caused the water of citie to be turned by grates of iron in diuers places Our Embassadors the Bishops of Durham Norwich returning now the second time out of France declared to the King that the Frenchmen did but vse fraude and deceiptes wherefore the King being stirred vp vnto anger determined to a●at● their ●●●rnin●●● and to teach them to vnderstād their fully in ●●aking of a ●●éeping Dogge and forth with the King commanded all the Pre●●tes and Nobles of the Realme to come to London there to intreate of waight● affaires cōcerning y ● Realme at y ● which time the Archbishop of Canterbury held a great counsayle in y ● which were chosen 〈◊〉 of the Cleargie of England to go to the generall Counsell that should be holden at Constance a Citie of Germ●● and so there were sent the Bishops of Salisburie Bath and Hereford and with them the Abbot of Westminster and the Prior of Worcester and many other wise men in co●●●●●● of the Earle of Warwike whose presence did thē much honour This yeare the order of Church seruice throughout Anno reg 3. 1415 Order of Church seruice in England altered England was changed from the vse of Saint Paule to the vse of Salisburie which was to the great disliking of many men in those dayes When King Henry percey●ed that the Frenchmen had with deceite entreated him with fayned promises and faire words he gathered his ●a●y togither apointed his bowmē● men of armes prepared his engins all things necessary ●or y ● warres cōmanding all y ● should go w e him to be ready against the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist and to m●e●e him at Hampton The eyghtenth day of ●●●e King Henry with many Lords and others rode from London toward South-hampton the Maior 〈◊〉 and Craftes of the C●tle 〈…〉 ing him on his ●●●y to ●he ●owne of Kingston vpon Thamis while●● the King 〈◊〉 ●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 where he abode for his reli●●●● and ●●●ffe ●●nging to the warres On the last ●● July was discouered a great conspiracie Conspiracy disclosed Tho. Wals Regist Maior against him by three 〈…〉 is 〈◊〉 of all the rest he pat greatest trust and confid●●●● 〈…〉 of them was Henry Scrope Lord Treasours the second Richard ●a●●e of Cambridge brother ●o Edward Duke of Yorke and Sir Thomas Grey a Knight of the North these had made Edmond Earle of Ma●●h 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vpon a Booke not to d●●●●ose their counsell and then ●●l●● him that they thought to 〈◊〉 the King and to 〈◊〉 the sayd Ed●●ō●● King the which ●● he refused to take vpon him they would ●●ey him where vppon the Earle prayse them to giue him one hou●es spa●e to take ●●uise●ent what was best to doe whiche being granted the Earle went secretly and ●ol● the King● ther●●● who caused them forthwith ●o be apprehended and brought before him where they confessed the ●●●ason for the which on the sixth of August they were ar●●●gned in y ● Kings presence and the same day all three beheaded The Earle was buried head and all bu● the other hea●● were ●e●●● the one to Yorke the other to Newcastell vpon Tine and there se● vp On the eleuenth of August the King tooke shipping and entred the Sea with a thousand Sayle Enguerant sayth King Henry sayled into Normandy Tho. W●●s Titus Liuius Enguerant 1600. Sayles and the third night after arriued at Kedeca●x in Normandy whiche is betwixte Hereflete and ●imflete of whose comming all the Cities and States of th●●● partes being aduertised were striken with great feare The King the Dukes of Clarence and of Glocester his bréethren the Duke of Yorke his Unkle the Earles Barons Knightes Gentlemen and Souldiours 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an●●●● ● there and tooke land without any resistance and the King forthwith falling to the ground vpon his knées deuoutely prayde to God that to his honor he would giue him iustice of his enimies He had at his landing in his host sixe thousande Speares and xxiiij thousand footemen besides Gunners and other enginars artificers and labourers of whome the King had great abundance The King gaue to diuers Gentlemen the order of Titus Liuius Knighthoode and assigned the bearing of his Standarts and Banners to such mē as he knew to be of great strength and prowesse All thing being set in good order and array the King with all his host ascended to the toppe of an high hill there nigh and there he rested the next day On the sixtéenth day of August the Duke of Clarence leader of the foreward in good ordinance entred his iourney towarde a Towne called Herefleete distant from Kedecamp scarcely thrée leagues where he lodged his host in a field before the towne The King at his comming lodged himselfe nigh to the first warde not farre from the Towne The Earle of Suffolke Michaell at Poole Chiefetayne of the rereward lodged on the other side before the Towne Other noble men that had the conduct of the two wings lodged them one on the right hād the other on the left Forthwith were sent to the Towne men of armes in great number to sée the scituation thereof who shortly returned with a great pray of Cattell and enformed the King of all his demaundes Hereflete is the key of the sée of all Normandy and is scituate Enguerant Description of Herefleete vpon the Sea side by the Riuer of Seene betwixte two hilles and through the middle thereof runneth a Riuer whiche not farre from the same Towne entreth into the Seane and from thence both those Riuers in one descende into the Sea where as a great and goodly Hauen is belonging to the same Towne which Hauen is garnished with the defence of two faire and strong Towers and in the same Hauen a right great Nauie of Shippes may ride in safetie and if the inhabitants of this Towne enclose and képe within the Towne the course of the foresayd Riuer by their sluces as they may right well do then the Riuer riseth without the Towne so high that it forecloseth all entries to the walles so that no man may approch the towne on that part This Towne is also defended with high and thicke walles and towers and is also enuironed with broade
Towne of Moun●iour de Villers the towne of Ewe the Towne of Gurney the newe Castle and generallye all the places in that part This yere Quéene Iane the Kings stepmother being de●amed by certaine persons of some wicked practice by witch craft or 〈…〉 that she had deuised against the 〈…〉 the counsell of 〈…〉 dolph a Doctour of Diuinitie hir Confessor 〈…〉 ing all hir seruaunts put from hir was committed to the custody of Iohn Wellam who appoynted nine seruaunts to attend hir brought hir vnto the Castell of Pemsey to be gouerned vnder his prouidence Frier Randolph ●●● sent to the Tower where at length to wéete in Anno. 〈…〉 the fifte of June he was slaine by the Parson of the Tower falling out at wordes with him And after Quéene Ioane was deliuered Kyng Henry sente his brother Humfrey Duke of Gloucester accompanyed wyth the Earle Marshall and a greate power of armed men to laye siege afore the Towne and Castell of Yuory which Town after many assa●●ts and battayles the Duke tooke by force But the Castel thereof was not yelded til the thirtéenth of May. The King also sent the Earle of Huntington wyth a power from Maunt to the Towne of Pontois by which if it were taken he might haue the more sure and easie passage to Paris Those whyche were sent at the entry of the night were come nygh vnto Pontois where in a Wood they lefte their horses and that done in the darkenesse of the night they went on foote to the ditches of the Towne whych then were drye where parte of them lay on the banks of the ditches with their Ladders in their handes ready to scale the walles when time shoulde serue and the residue hyd them in the Uines where they might be ready to enter the town at the opening of the gates At the breake of the daye they of the towne changed their Watche at the whych change the ●●●●es were lefte without Watches for the time But the Englishmen séeyng time to accomplishe their intent ●aysed their Ladders and scaled the walles and by that meanes entred the Towne where some of them forthwyth brake the gate and made entry for the reste of their company whiche when the garrisons of the Town perceyued as mē amazed they turned themselues to flight But not long after they armed them and assayled their enimies but to the Englishmens great auayle the Earle of Huntingdon w t his company set spurres to theyr horsses and hasted them to the succour of their first company whereby the Frenchmen as al discouraged and in dispaire to saue the Towne at the sight of these newe rescues that came to the Englishmen leauing behinde them all their riches and substaunce endeanoured themselues to escape by flighte and so the towne of Pointois auoyded of all Frenchmenne was lefte frée to the English After these enterprises thus atchieued the king with all his company came to this Towne of Pointois where he aboade a certaine time from whence he sent the Duke of Clarence w t a chosen power of men to Paris to view y e scituation and strength thereof before which Citie when he had tarried certaine dayes and had séene all that him liked and that none of the Frenche men woulde issue out of the Citie to fight with him he returned to the King and assertayned him of al that he had séene On the. xviij of August King Henrie with all his hoste departed from Pointois And bycause the Castell of Bokinvillers Bokinvillers yeelded had done certaine inhumane cruelties to the Kings landes that bordered thereabout to the intente to represse theyr malice the King lodged himself not far from thence and sent certaine to assault the same Castle where both the inhabitants and garrisons feared so much the King that as men desperate of all succours they yéelded both Castel and goods And then all the townes Castels and holdes within a great circuite without abyding battaile yéelded them to the King but that strong and mightie town of Gysors wherof the Castel is much more defensible than the Town would not submit to the King wherefore on the last day of August the King with all his host toke his iourney thyther and enclosed the Towne with his pauilions and tentes Betwyxt him and them of the Towne were many sharpe battayles and cruell assaultes but at all times the Englishmen put the Frenchmen to flight wherfore the inhabitantes and garisons of the towne and Castel deliuered the same to the King in the xxiiij of September Richard Whitingham Iohn Butler the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Richard Whitington Mercer the. 28. of October King Henrie returned with his army to Maunt where he deuided his host into thrée battayles whereof he deliuered the one to the Duke of Glocester whome he sente to subdue the Towne of Saint Germaines which after manye battayles and assaultes in short time was yéelded to him the seconde battayle he sent to the Castell of Mount Oye which in like manner was yéelded with the thirde battayle the King in hys owne perfom went to besiege Mewlance which aboue al other was most strong The situation of this town was in a plenteous I le betwixte two armes of the sea c. notwithstanding when the inhabitauntes and Garisons sawe the great prouision of the King they yéelded the town on the last day of October from thence the Kyng returned againe to Maunt and sente the Duke of Excester to besiege the Castle of G●●●arde whiche to him was yéelded the xx of December King Henrie kept his Christmasse in the Citie of Roane he sent the Earle of Salisburie to take the Towne of Fresvey which in shorte time he toke The Earle Marshal and the Earle of Huntington were sente by the Kyng to subdue the Prouince of Shenon where the Dolphin had deputed a Captaine with a strong power whiche Captaine mette the two Earles and gaue them battayle but the Englishmen remayned conquerors And thus those two Earles subdued the prouince of Shenon without any other great resistaunce Whilest these and many other victories wer atchieued the King continuing in the Citie of Roane the ambassadors of Charles the French King of the Duke of Burgoigne came to the King to treate of peace where of the King they were right honourably recoyued and sent with him to the French King and the Duke of Burgoigne hys ambassadours wyth full aucthority to conclude this long soughte peace the principall ambassadour was the Earle of Warwicke in company of certaine Bishops and other discrete men accompanyed with a strong power of armed men These ambassadors were first brought to the Duke of Burgoigne bycause hée was next vnto them and after they toke their iourney vntil they came to the Citie of Troys where they founde King Charles Anno reg 8. 1420 of Fraunce with the Quéene his wife and that beautifull Lady Katheren theyr daughter And entring into communication of peace with the Kings counsell of Fraunce the
man might iudge which way the victorie would encline but at length the men of King Charles began to breake and then the Englishmen began to thrust in among them and did so much that they discom●●ted their enimies There were slayne the Earle Dowglas Duke of Turon Iames Dowglas Earle of Wighton Iohn Earle of Boughan with the Uicount Nerbon and many other to the number of tenne thousand sayth Fabian foure Robert Fabian thousande sayeth mine Author a Frenchman who sayeth that the Duke of Bedford bare himselfe most valiantly fighting with an axe so fiercely as he had the prayse of all other The Earles of Salisburie and Suffolke gouerned themselues also right valiantly The Lord of Torsy and other Lords of Normandy which before had taken part with the Englishmen this day turned to the French hoping that the Englishmen shoulde haue lost the battell True it is that the Frenchmen would neuer suffer their King Charles to be present in person at any battayle but when they thought to pitch a fielde they sent him into some strong Towne By the losse of this battayle fought on the seauentéenth of August before Vernole in Anno reg 3. Perche King Charles was put to great hinderance so that he was not able in puissance to giue the Englishmen any battayle hauing ynough to defende and kéepe his Townes and fortresses against them The Duke of Bedford returned into Normandy where he punished many that fledde from him the day of the battayle Then went he to Paris where he found the Duke of Burgoigne who receyued him and the Dutches of Bedforde The Duke of Burgoigne enamored vvith the Countesse of Salisburie vvhere of came great displeasure and losse to England by the breach of amity betvvixt the English and the Burgonions his wife the sayde Duke of Burgoignes Sister right ioyfully and made to them great feast at whiche feast also were the Earles of Salisburie and Suffolke the olde Quéene of France mother to King Charles and many other greate estates of diuers nations amongst the whiche the Duches of Bedford was holden for the most gallantest Lady of all other and with hir the Countesse of Salisburie a very faire Lady The Duke of Bedford that had neuer iusted before iusted there The Duke of Burgoigne was a very goodly amiable mā of personage doing excellently well whatsoeuer he tooke in hand and especially in dansing and iusting he excéeded all other of his Countrey At this feast he became desirous of the Countesse of Salisburie and some messages passed betwixt them which came to the Earle of Salisburies eare whereof he was nothing contented with the Duke and therfore sought to do him displeasure afterward This feast being ended the Duke of Burgoigne went into his Countrey of Burgoigne and there tooke to wife the Duches of Neuers which had bin wife to his Unkle the Duke of Neuers and had by hir two Children She was halfe sister to the Duke of Burbon but she liued not long with him The D. of Burgoigne also gaue his sister the yongest named Agnes The second cause of breach of amitle betvvixt England and Burgoigne in marriage vnto Charles de Barbon Earle of Cleremont for the which the Duke of Bedford and other Englishm● were wroth for that he made suche alliance with the enimies without their accord This yeare the Frenchmen repaired the Castell of Mouns in Champaigne which had bin a little before destroyd by the Englishmen and now it was well stuffed with victuals and men which began to make sore war to the Countrey but shortly after the Earle of Salisburie beséeged thē and with him Messire Iohn de Luxenburg who did so much that the Castell was yéelded to him The D. of Bedford with his wife the Duches lay for the most parte in Paris leading there a pleasant life with the Lady whom he greatly loued and was lodged in y e house of the Tournels ●éere to the Castel Saint Anthony where he made faire buildings and his men still made sore warres againste the French towards the Riuer of Loyre and other places vpon base Normandy and toward the Duchie of Alanson This yeare in Englande Edmond Mortimere Earle of March with many other Lords a great retinue were sent Earle of March sent into Irelād into Ireland where the sayd Earle of March ended his life Simon Seman Bythewater the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Michaell Stockfish monger the 28. of October This yeare 1424. the warres began in Henault by reason of Iaqueline Duches of Henault daughter to Duke William Iaqueline Duches of Henault of Henault Unkle to Phillip Duke of Burgoigne and also daughter to Duke Iohn of Burgoignes sister wife to the ●●renamed William and so double Cousin german to Phil●●p Duke Phillip now liuing This Iaqueline was married ●● Iohn Duke of Brabant hir Cousin german Cousin ger●●n also to Duke Philip of Burgoigne and before that she ●●s married to the Earle of Pontioue son to King Charles le ●●●n aime eldest Brother to King Charles now liuing ●●t notwithstanding that she was thus married to the Duke of Brabant yet was she conuayed by Sir Robersart Knight and brought into England to the Duke of Glocester and there married to the sayd Duke of Glocester and so she Iaqueline married to the D. of Glocester had two husbandes aliue at once Brabant and Glocester ● thing thought vnreasonable both against God the world and the Church for she had bin four or fiue yeares in companie with the Duke of Brabant but there had fallen some variance betwixt them and so she was come from him into Henault About the last of Aprill began a Parliament at Westminster wherein was graunted a Subsedie of twelue in the Robert Fabian Parliament at London First Subsedie payde pound of all manner Merchandize comming in or passing out of this Realme thrée Shillings of a Tunne of Wine for the tearme of thrée yeares to be holden And furthermore it was enacted that all Merchant strangers should be set to an English host within fiftéene dayes of their comming to their port sale and to make no sale of any Merchandize ere All Strangers to be lodged vvithin English hostes they were so lodged then within fortie dayes following to make sale of all they brought and if any remayned vnsold at the sayd fortie dayes end that then all such Merchandize vnsold to be forfeyted Also that all Strangers that caried any woolles out of this land should pay xliij shillings four pence for a sacke custome where the English Merchants and Denisons payde but fiue nobles c. After the marriage had bin solemnized betwéene the Duke of Glocester and Iaqueline Duches of Holland as is aforesayde The Duke of Glocester goeth into Holland within a moneth after the Duke of Glocester assembled an armie of twelue hundred fighting men at the least all Englishmen and taking the Duches with him in cōpanie
othe Item it is accorded appointed and agréed that the said Richard Duke of Yorke shal be called reputed from hence forth very and rightfull heire to the crownes royall estate dignitie and Lordshippe aboue saide and after the decease of the saide King Henry or when he will lay from him the saide crownes estate dignitie and Lordshippe the sayde Duke and his heyres shal immediately succéed to the saide crownes royal estate dignitie and Lordship Item the saide Richard Duke of Yorke shall haue by authoritie of this present Parliament castels manors lands and tenementes wyth the wardes marriages reliefs seruices fines amercementes offices anowsions fées and other appurtenaunces to them belonging what soeuer they be to the yearely valewe of tenne thousande markes ouer al charges and reprises where of fiue thousand markes shall be to his owne state thrée thousande fiue hundred markes to Edward his first begotten sonne Earle of March for his estate and one thousande pounde to Edmond Earle of Rutland his seconde sonne for his yearely sustentation in suche considerations and suche intent as shall be declared by the Lords of the Kings Counsell Item if any person or persons imagine or compasse the death of the sayde Duke and thereof probably be attaynte of open déede done by folkes of other condition that it be déemed and adiudged high treason Item for the more establishing of the sayde accorde it is appointed and consented that the Lordes spirituall and Temporall being in thys present Parliament shal make othes to accepte take worship and repute the said Richard Duke of Yorke and hys heires as aboue is rehearsed and kéepe and obserue and strength in as muche as apperteyneth vnto them all the things abouesayd and resist to their power all them that woulde presume the contrarie according to their estates and degrées Item the sayde Richard Duke of Yorke Erles of March and Rutland shall permitte and make other to helpe ayde and defende the sayde Lords and euery of them against althose that wyll quarrell or any thing attempt against the sayde Lordes or anye of them by occasion of agréemente or consenting to the sayde accorde or assistaunce giuing to the Duke and Earles or any of them Item it is agréed and appointed that this accorde and euery Article thereof be opened and notifyed by the kings letters patents or otherwise at such times and places and in maner as it shall be thought expedient to the sayde Rycharde Duke of Yorke with the aduise of the Lordes of the Kings Counsel The King vnderstandeth certainely the sayde title of the sayde Richarde Duke of Yorke iust lawfull and sufficient by the aduise and assent of the Lordes spirituall and Temporall and the Commons in this Parliament assembled by aucthoritie of y ● same Parliament declareth approueth ratifyeth confirmeth and accepteth the sayde title iust good lawfull and true and therevnto giueth his assent and agréemente of his frée will and libertie And ouer that by the sayd aduice and aucthoritie declareth entitleth calleth stablisheth affirmeth and reputeth the sayde Richarde Duke of Yorke very true and rightfull heire to the Corones Royal estate and dignitie of y ● realms of England and of Fraunce and of the Lordship of Irelande aforesaid and that according to y ● worship and reuerence that therto belongeth he be taken accepted and reputed in worship and reuerence by all the states of the sayde Realme of Englande and of all hys subiectes thereof fauyng and ordayning by the same aucthoritie the King to haue y ● saide Corones Realme royal estate dignity and preheminence of the same and the sayde Lordshippe of Ireland during his life naturall And furthermore by the same aduice and authoritie will consenteth and agréeth that after his decease or when it shall please his highnesse to laye from hym the sayde Corones estate dignitie and Lordshippe the sayde Richarde Duke of Yorke and hys heyres shal immediatelye succéede him in the sayde Corones Royall estate dignitye and worshippe and them then haue and inioye any acte of Parliament statute or ordinance or other thing to the contrarie made or interruption or discontinuaunce of possession notwithstanding And moreouer by the saide aduise and aucthoritie stablisheth graunteth confirmeth approueth ratifieth and accepteth the said accorde and al things therein contayned and therevnto fréely and absolutely assenteth agréeth and by the same aduice and authoritie ordayneth and establisheth that if anye person or persons ymagine or compasse the deathe of the sayde Duke and probably be attaynt of open déede done by folkes of that conditions that it be déemed and adiudged highe Treason And furthermore ordayneth and establisheth by the sayde aduice and aucthoritie that all statutes ordinaunces and actes of Parliament made in the time of the said King Hērie the fourth by the whiche he and the heyres of his bodye comming of Henrie late King of England the fifth the sonne and heyre of the sayd King Henrie the fourth and the heires of King Henrie the fifth were or be inheritable to the saide Crownes and Realmes or to the heritage of the same bée adnulled repelled dampned cancelled voyde and of none effect And ouer this the King by the saide aduice assent authoritie ordayneth and establisheth that all other actes and statutes made afore thys time by acte of Parliamente not repelled or adnulled by like authoritie or otherwise voyde be in such force effecte and vertue as they were afore the making of these ordinaunces and that no letters pattents royalx of record nor actes Judicial made or done afore this tyme not repelled reuersed ne otherwise voyde by lawe be preiudiced or hurte by this present acte Also it was ordayned by the same Parliamente that the sayde Richarde Duke of Yorke shoulde be called Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewall and Earle of Chester and protectour of Englande In the moneth of December the Duke of Somerset and the Earle of Deuonshire wente into the Northe Countrey with eighte hundered men and anone after the saide Duke of Yorke the Earle of Rutlande his sonne and the Earles of Salisburie a little before Christmasse with a fewe persons wente into the Northe also for to represse the malice of the Northerne men the whiche loued not the Duke of Yorke ne the Earle of Salisburie and were lodged at the Castell of Sandale and at Wakefielde Then the Lorde Neuill brother to the Earle of Westmerlande vnder a colour of Friendshippe came to the Duke of Yorke requyring of hym a commission for hym to rayse the people for to chastice the Rebelles as he sayde but when he hadde raysed to the number of eighte thousande menne hée broughte them to the Lordes of that Countrey that is to saye the Earle of Northumberlande Lorde Clifforde and the Duke of Somerset that were aduersaries to the Duke of Yorke and on the laste of December they fell on the sayde Duke Richarde killed hym and his Sonne the Earle of Rutland and many other knights and Esquiers to witte the Lorde Harington
Thomas Harington Knighte Sir Thomas Neuil sonne to the Earle of Salisburie and Syr Henrie Ratforde Knight and other to the number of 2200. The Earle of Salisburie was taken aliue and ledde by the Duke of Somerset to the Castell of Pomfraite and had graunte of hys life for a greate summe of money but the common people of the Countrey whyche loued hym not toke hym out of the Castel by violence and smote off hys heade When the death of these Lordes was knowen ●● the King he commaunded writs and commissions to be sent into the shires to the people and to goe againste the Rebelles into the Northe to suppresse them but they of the Northe came sodainelye downe to the Town of Dunstaple robbing all the Countrey and people as they came spoyling Abbayes Priories and Parish Churches bearing awaye Chalisses bookes ornamentes and other whatsoeuer was worth the carriage as thoughe they had bin Sarisens and no Christians againste whom the twelfth of Februarie the Duke of Norffolke and Suffolke the Erles of Warwicke and Arundale the Lord Bonuile and other with the King wente out of London towarde Saint Albons and when they heard that they of the Northe were so nyghe they tooke a fielde beside a little Towne called Sandriage not farre from Sainte Albons on Barnarde Heathe in a place called No mans Lande where the Kyng stoode and sawe hys menne slayne on bothe sydes tyll at the laste throughe the wythdrawyng manye of the Kentishmen with their Captaine Louelace that was the vaward King Henries parte lost the fielde the Lords fled and the King wente to Quéene Margaret that was come w t the Northerne men and hyr sonne Edwarde The Earle of Warwicke wente towarde the Earle of Marche that was comming towarde London out of Wales The Lord Bonuile woulde haue withdrawen him but the King assured hym to haue no bodylye harme neuerthelesse at the instance of the Quéene the Duke of Excester and the Earle of Deuonshire he was beheaded at Saint Albons and wyth hym Syr Thomas Kyriell of Kente This battayle was fought on Shroue Twesday the seauentéenth of February Exlibre Norwicensis in the whiche was slain 1916 persons The same day Thomas Thorpe Baron of the Exchequer was beheaded at High Gate by the commons of Kent Then the Citizens of London dreading the malice of the Quéene and the Duke of Somerset sente vnto them the Dutchesse of Buckingham with other to treate for to be beneuolent to the Citie for the which a summe of money was promised and that they shoulde come to the Citie wyth a certayne number of persons where vpon certayne speares and men of armes were sente to haue entred the Citie before the Dukes commyng whereof some were slayne some sore hurte and the remnaunte putte to flighte by the Commons who tooke the Keyes of the gates and manfully defended the Citie vntill the comming of Edwarde Earle of Marche where-throughe King Henrie wyth Quéene Margaret and the Northerne men were forced to return again Northwarde The thirde of Februarie Edwarde Earle of Marche foughte wyth the Welchmen beside Wigmore in Wales neare vnto Mortimers Crosse whose Captaynes were the Earle of Penbroke and the Earle of Wilshire where he put them to flight and slewe of the Welchemen aboute foure thousande Owen Tewther whome Iohn Leylande sayeth shoulde be called Me●●dicke Father to the sayde Earle Penbroke whiche Owen hadde married Katherin mother to King Henrie the sixth was there taken and beheaded and afterward buried in the a Chapel of the Gray Friers Church in Hereforde the day before this battayle about tenne of the clocke before noone were séene thrée Suns in the firmamēt shyning a like cleare which after closed togither all in one The eight and twentith of Februarie Edward Earle of March accompanied with the Erle of Warwicke a mightie power of Marchmen came vp to London where he was ioyfully receyued and on the seconde day of March being Sonday all hys hoste was mustered in Saint Iohns fielde where was redde among the people certaine Articles and pointes that King Henrie had offended in and then it was demanded of them whether the said Henrie were worthy to raigne still and the people cryed nay naye Then was it asked if they would haue the Erle of March to be theyr King and they sayde yea yea then certaine Captaynes were sente to Erle of March elected King the Earle of March at Baynardes Castel and tolde the Erle that the people had chosen him King whereof he thanked God and them and by the aduise of the Archbyshoppe of Canterburie the Byshoppe of Excester and the Earle of Warwicke wyth other hée tooke it vpon hym The Dutches of Yorke mother to Edwarde Earle of Marche fearing the fortune of the worlde sente hyr two yonger sonnes George and Richarde ouer the seas to the Citie of Vtricke in Almaine where they remayned tyll their elder brother had got the Crown Also Phillip Malpas Alderman of London Thomas Citizens of Lōdon fled Vaghan Esquire Maister William Atclife with many other fearing the Quéenes comming to London shypped them in a shippe of Antwerpe purposing to haue sayled thyther but by the way they were taken by a French shippe named the Colmapne and at length delyuered for greate raunsome Edwarde Earle of March being elected as is abouesaid Edvvard Erle of March toke on him the kingdome on the next morrowe went in procession at Paules and offered there and after Te Deum beyng sung he was with gret royaltie conueyed to Westminster and there in the Hall sette in the kings seate with Saint Edwards Scepter in his hand and then asked of the people if they would haue him King and they cryed yea yea Then after certaine homages by hym receyued he was with Procession conuayed into the Abbay there and sette in the Quire as King whyle Te Deum was singing that done he offered at Saint Edwardes Shryne and then returned by water vnto Saint Paules and was there lodged wythin the Bishops Pallaice Thus tooke he possession of the Realme vpon a Tuisday being the fourth of Marche and was proclaymed King of England by the name of Edward the fourthe when King Henrie hadde raigned thirtie yeares eight monthes and odde dayes ⸪ ¶ Edward Earle of March EDvvarde Earle of Marche borne at Roane sonne and heyre to Anno. reg 1 10. Rouse Richarde Duke of Yorke about the age of eightéene yeares began his raigne the fourth day of March by the name of Edward the fourth in the yeare 1460. he was a man of noble courage and greate wit but in his time was muche trouble vnquietnesse in the realme The twelfth of Marche Walter Walker a Grocer that VValter VValker beheaded dwelt in Cheape for words spoken touching King Edwarde was beheaded in Smithfield This Grocer is he whom Maister Hal mistaketh to be Burdet of whom ye shal finde in the xvij yeare of this King The same xij day of Marche in the afternoone
busynesse betwéene the two mothers so the Ladye Margaret Countesse of Richemond brought to a good hope of the preferment of hir sonne made Reynold Bray chiefe solicitor of this conspiraoie geuyng hym in charge secretely to inuegle suche persons of Nobilitie to ioyne wyth hir and take hir parte as he knewe to be faythfull This Reynold Bray within fewe dayes broughte to his lure sir Gyles Daubeney sir Iohn Ch●nie Richard Guilford and Thomas Rame Esquiers others In the meane season the Countesse of Richemond seat Christopher Vrfwike into Britaine to the Erle of Richmond to declare to him all agréementes betwéene hir the Quéene agréed but she rementbring that the Duke of Buckingham was one of the first inuentors of this enterprise sent Hugh Conway Esquier into Britaine with a great sum of money to hir sonne giuyng him in charge to declare to the Earle the great loue that y e most part of the nobilitie of the Realme bare toward him wylling him not to neglect so good an occasion offered but with all spéede to fettle his minde how to returne into Englande giuing him Counsell to take land in Wales When y e Earle had receyued this ioyfull message he brake to the Duke of Britayne all his secretes aduertising hym that he was entered into a sure and stedfast hope to obtayne the Crowne of England desiring hym of helpe towarde the atchieuing of his enterprise which the Duke promised and after performed Whervpon the Earle sent into England Hugh Conway and Thomas Ram to declare his comming shortly into England In the meane season the chiefe of the conspiracie in England beganne many enterprises which beyng neuer so priuely handled yet knowledge thereof came to Kyng Richard and because he knewe the Duke of Buckingham to bée the chiefe heade and ayde of this commination he thought it most necessarie to plucke hym from that parte where vppon he adressed his louing letters to the Duke to exhorte the Duke to come to the Courte but the Duke required the Kyng to pardon hym excusing himselfe that he was not well King Richard not content wyth this excuse directed to the Duke other letters wyth checkyng wordes commaunding hym wythout delaye to repayre to hys presence The Duke made to the messenger a determinate aunswere that he woulde not come to his mortall enemye and immediatelye prepared warre agaynste hym and by this meanes Thomas Marques Dorset came out of Sancturie gathered a great bande of men in Yorke shire syr Edwarde Courtney and Peter his brother Byshoppe of Excester raysed an other armie in Deuonshire and Cornewall In Kent ●ir Richard Calfortle and other gentlemen rayses a comparrie But King Richarde in the meane tyme had gotten together a great strength with whom he remoued from London towarde Salisburie to the entent he myght set on the Dukes army the King was starce two dayes tourney from Salisburie when the Duke of Buckingham accompanyed with a great powre of wilde Welchmen which in the ende forsooke him The Duke with his powre marched through the forest of Dene intending to haue passed the ryuer of Seuerne at Glocester and there to haue ioyned in armie with the Courtneys other Westerne men which if he had done no doubte but King Richard had béene in great ieoperdie But before he could attayne to Seuerne syde by force of continuall raine the riuer rose so high that it ouerflowed all the countrey adioyning which rage of water lasted x. dayes by which inundacie the passages were so closed that neyther y e Duke could come ouer Seuerne to his complices nor they to hym d●wing which time the Welchmen lyngering ydle and wythout money or victuall sodainly scaled and departed The Duke thus left almost alone was of necessitie compelled to flie and conueyed himselfe into the house of Humfrey Banister his seruaht beside Shrewesburie whom he had tenderly brought vp which whē it was knowne to his adherents euery man shifted for himselfe and fled And some of them sayled into Britaine among the which were Peter Courtney Byshop of Excester and sir Edward Courtney his brother Thomas Marques Dorset Iohn Lord Welles sir Iohn Bourchier sir Edmond Woodvile brother to Quéene Elizabeth sir Robert Willoughbie sir Gyles Daubney sir Thomas Arundale sir Iohn Cheynie and his two brothren sir William Barkerley sir William Brandō and Thomas his brother sir Richard Edgecombe and Iohn Halwell Edwarde Pownyngs c Proclamation was made and a thousande pound promised to who so coulde bring out the Duke of Buckingham where vpon Humfrey Banister bewrayed his guest and Humfrey Banister betrayeth his maister maister to Iohn Mitton then Sherife of Shropshire whiche with a stronge powre apprehended the Duke in a little groue adioyning to the manors of Humfrey Banister and in great haste conueyed him to the Citie of Salisburie where King Richard than kept his housholde This Banister after Banister that be trayed his maister miserably plagued let the like traitors looke for the like or vvorse to them and theirs vvithout speedie repentance he had betrayed his maister his sonne and heire waxed mad and dyed in a Bores stye his eldest daughter was sodainely striken with a foule leperie his seconde sonne maruellously deformed of his lymmes and made lame his yonger sonne in a small puddle was drowned and he himselfe being of extreme age arraygned and found guiltie of a murther and by his clergie saued And as for his thousande pounde King Richarde gaue him not one farthing saying that he which woulde be vntrue to so good a maister would be false to all other The Duke after he had confessed all the whole conspiracie Duke of Buckingham beheaded vpon the second of Nouember without araignement or iudgement was at Salisburie beheaded Whilest these things were thus handled in England Henrie Earle of Richmond prepared an armie of fiue thousand Britons and fortie wel furnished shippes When al thyngs were prepared and the day of setting forward was appoynted which was the. xij of October the whole armie hoysed vp sayles and tooke the sea but toward night the wind turned and so huge a tempest arose that the ships were dispersed a sunder some driuen into Normandie some againe into Britaine In the morning after when the tempest was asswaged the Earle approched to the South parte of England at the mouth of the Hauen of Pole in Dorcet where he might sée all the bankes full of men of warre appoynted to defend his arriuall wherfore he gaue charge that no man shoulde lande vntil such tyme as the whole Nauie were assembled but after that he perceyued none of his ships to appeare he hoysed vp Ankers and away where he arriued safe in Normandie and returned by lande into Britaine where he was soone aduertised that the Duke of Buckingham had loste hys head and that the Marques Dorcet and a great number of Noble men of England had a little before enquired for hym there In the meane season King Richarde apprehended in
the Ladye Elizabeth than for lacke of that affinitie the whole Realme shoulde runne to ruyne Wherefore hée sent to the Quéene being in Sanctuarie diuers and often messengers whiche shoulde excuse hym of all things before agaynst hir attempted and after shoulde so largelye promyse promotions not onely to hir but to hir sonne Thomas Marques Dorset that they shoulde bryng hir if it were possible into some wan hope The Messengers so perswaded the Quéene that shée beganne somewhat to re●ent in so muche that shée faythfully promysed to yéelde hir selfe to the Kyngs wyll and pleasure And so shée first delyuered vnto Kyng Richardes handes hir fyue daughters Afterwarde shée sent letters to the Marques hir sonne beyng then at Paris wyth the Earle of Richemond wylling hym in any wyse to repayre into Englande where for him were prouided great honours assertayning hym that all offences on both parties were forgiuen and forgotten After that King Richarde hadde thus pleased the mutable mynde of Quéene Elizabeth he caused all hir daughters to bée conueyed into his Palace with solempne receyuing Nowe nothing was contrarie to his purpose ●ut that his mansion was not voyde of a wyfe and first 〈…〉 abstayned both from the bedde and companye of hys wyfe after he complayned to many of the infortunate barrennesse of his wife After this he procured a common rumor to be published among the common people that the Quéene was dead When the Quéen heard tell that so horrible a rumor of hir death was sprong amongst the communaltie she sore suspected the world to be almost at an ende with hir and not long after howsoeuer it fortuned the Quéene departed out of this life and was with due solemnitie buryed at Westminster The King thus losed out of the bonds of Matrimony began to cast a fancie to Lady Elizabeth hys Néece making much suite to haue hir ioyned with him in lawfull Matrimonie but bycause all men and the Mayden hir selfe most of all detested thys vnlawfull copulation hée determined to deferre the matter till he were in a more quiet case for all thys season he was oppressed with weighty affayres on euery syde considering that dayly parte of the Nobilitie sayled into France other priuily fauoured the Earle of Richmond amongst the noble men whome hée most suspected these were the principall Thomas Lorde Stanley Sir Wyllyam Stanley hys brother Gilbert Talbot and sixe hundred other of whose purpose though King Richard were ignorant yet he gaue no credence to any one of them and least of all to the Lord Stanley bycause he was ioyned in Matrimonie wyth the Lady Margaret mother to the Earle of Richmond for when the sayde Lorde Stanley would haue departed into hys Countrey the King in no wyse woulde suffer hym to departe before he had lefte as in hostage Anno reg 3. in the Courte George Stanley Lord Strange his first begotten sonne and heire Whyle Kyng Richarde was thus troubled sodeynely hée hearde newes that the Castell of Hames was delyuered into the handes of the Earle of Richmonde by the meanes of the Earle of Oxford and that not onely he but also Iames Blunt Captayne of the Castell were fledde into France to ayde the Earle of Richmond Henry Earle of Richmond obteyning of King Charles a small crue of men and borowing certayne summes of money of hym and of dyuers other hys priuate friendes hée departed from the French Court and came to the Citie of Roane Whyle he taryed there making prouision at Harefleete in the mouth of the Riuer of Seyne for all things necessarye for hys Nauye tydings were broughte to hym that Kyng Richarde béeyng wythout Children and a Widdower intended shortly to marrye wyth Lady Elizabeth hys brothers daughter whyche newes hée tooke of no small momente for thys thyng onely tooke away from all hys companyous theyr hope to obteyne an happye enterprise by reason whereof hée iudged that all hys friendes in Englande woulde shrinke from him yet notwithstanding Earle Henry of Richmonde bycause he woulde no longer linger and wéerie hys friendes lyuing betwéene hope and feare determined in all hast conuenient to sette forwarde and caryed to hys Shippes armour weapons vitiayle and all other ordinances expedient for warre which béeyng done onely accompanyed wyth two thousande men and a small number of Shyppes weyed vp hys Anckers and in the kalendes of August hée sayled from Harefleete wyth so prosperous a wynde that the seauenth day after Henry Earle of Richmond landed at Milford Hauen hée arriued in Wales in the euening at a Port called Milford Hauen and incontinente tooke lande and came to a place called Dale and at the Sunne rising remoued to Hereford West where he was receyued of the people wyth great ioy From thence he remoued to Cardigan fiue mile from Hereford West whether came to the Earle Richard Griffith with all his men and power After him the same day came Iohn Morgan wyth hys men Then the Earle aduanced forwarde making no abode in anye place and sodeynly hée was ascertayned that Sir Walter Harbert and Rice appe Thomas were in harnesse before hym readye to encounter wyth hys Armye and to stoppe theyr passage Wherefore he first determined to set vpon them and eyther to destroye or to take them into his fauour and after with all hys power to gyue battayle to King Richarde But to the intent his friendes shoulde knowe with what de●teritie he attempted his enterprise forwarde he sent messengers with letters and instructions to the Ladye Margaret his mother to the Lorde Stanley and his brother to Talbot and to other declaring to them that he holpe with the ayde of his friendes intended to passe ouer the riuer of Seuerne at Shrewsburie and so to passe directly to the Citie of London requiring them as his speciall trust was in the hope of their fidelitie that they woulde méete him by the waye with all diligent preparation When these messengers were departed he marched forward towardes Shrewsburie in his passage there mette and saluted him Rice ap Thomas with a goodly band of Welchmen which submitted himselfe whole to his order and commaundement In the meane tyme the messengers laden with rewardes returned to him the same daye that he entred into Shrewsburie and made relation to him that his friendes were readie in all poyntes to doe all things for him which they myghte doe The Earle Henrie continued his iourney and came to a little towne called Newporte and pitched his campe on a little hyll adioyning reposing himselfe there that nyghte In the Euenyng of the same day came to him sir George Talbot with the whole power of the young Earle of Shrewsburie then beyng in warde which were accounted ij thousand men And thus his power increasing he arriued at the Towne of Stafforde and there paused To whome came sir William Stanley accompanyed with a fewe persons After that the Earle departed from thence to Lytchfield and lay without the walles in campe all that night The
next morning he entred the towne and was lyke a Prince receiued A day or two before the Lorde Stanley hauing in his band almost fiue thousand men lodged in the same towne but hearing y e the Earle of Richemond was marching thetherward gaue to hym place dislodging him and his and repaired to a towne called Adrestone there abiding the comming of y e Earle and this he did to auoyde all suspition being afraide least if he should be séene openly to be a fawtor or ayder to the Earle his sonne in law before the day of batiayle that King Richard which yet did not vtterly put in him mistrust woulde put to some cruel death his sonne heire apparāt George Lord Strange whom King Richard had in hostage King Richard at this season kéeping his house in the Castle of Notingham was informed that the Earle of Richmond with such banished men as were fled out of England to him were arryued in Wales and that all things necessarie to his enterprise were vnpurueyed and very weake nothing méete to withstande the power of suche as the King hadde appointed to resist him yet notwithstandyng he sent to Iohn Duke of Norfolke Henrie Earle of Northumberlande Thomas Earle of Surrey and to other of hys trustie friendes willyng them to muster and viewe all theyr seruauntes and tenaunts and to electe the moste couragious and actiue persons of the whole number and with them to repaire to his presence with al spéede Also he wrote to Robert Brakenburie Lieutenaunt of y e Tower commaundyng him with his power to come to his armie to bring with him his fellows in armes T. Bouchier and sir Walter Hungerford and diuers other Knights Esquiers in whom he had cast no small suspition While he was thus ordring his affayres tidings came that the Earle of Richmond was passed Seuerne and come to Shrewsburie with out any detriment or encombraunce At which message he was sore mooued and cryed out on them that contrarie to their othe had deceyued him and in all haste sent out to viewe what way his enemyes kepte and passed it was declared to the king that the Earle was encamped at y e towne of Litchfield Wherof whē he had perfect knowledge he hauing cōtinuall repayre of his subiects to him he incōtinently made his battayles to set forwarde toward y e way where his enimies as was to him reported intended to passe and kéeping his array he with great pomp entred y ● towne of Leycester after the Sunne set The Earle of Richmond reysed his Campe from Lichfield to Tomworth and in the midde way passing there saluted him Sir Walter Hungerford and Sir Thomas Bourchier Knightes and diuers others which submitted themselues to his pleasure Diuers other noble personages likewise resorted to him withall their power There hapned in this progression to the Earle of Richmond a strange chance for he was not a little afrayd bycause he could not be assured of his father in law Thomas Lord Stanley whiche as yet enclyned to neyther partie wherfore the Earle accompanyed with twenty light horsemen lingring in his iourney behind his host in the meane while the whole armie came before the Towne of Tomworth and when he for darkenesse coulde not perceyue the steppes of them that passed on before and had wandred hyther and thither séeking after his companye he abode in a little Uillage about thrée miles from his armie where he tarried all night The next morning in the dawning he returned and by good fortune came to his Armie excusing himselfe not to haue gone out of his way by ignorance but of purpose this excuse made he priuily departed agayne to the downe of Aderstone where the Lorde Stanley and Sir William his brother with their bands were abiding then the Earle came to his father in law in a little Close where he saluted him and Sir William his brother and after consulted how to giue battayle to King Richard if he would abide whome they knew not to be farre off with an huge armie In the euening of the same day Sir Iohn Sauage Sir Brian San●ord Sir Simon Digby and many other leauing King Richarde turned and came to the Earle of Richmond with an elect companye of men In the meane season King Richard marched to a place méete for two battayles to encounter Battayle at Bosvvorth by a Uillage called Bosworth not farre from Leycester and there he pitched his field refreshed his Armie and tooke his rest The next day after King Richard being furnished with men and all abiliments of warre bringing all his men out of their Camp into y e playne ordered his forewarde in a maruellous length in which he appoynted both horsemen and footemen and in the forefront he placed the Archers Ouer this battayle was Captayne Iohn Duke of Norffolke with whome was Thomas Earle of Surrey hys sonne After this long vauntgard followed King Richarde with a strong company of approued men of warre hauyng horsemen for wings on both sides of his battayle After that the Earle of Richmond was returned from the communication wyth hys friendes hée wyth all diligence pitched hys Fielde iust by the Campe of hys Enimies and there he lodged that nighte In the morning betime he caused hys men to put on theyr armour and apparrell themselues to fight and gyue battayle and sente to the Lorde Stanley requiring hym wyth hys men to approche néere to hys armye and to helpe to set the Souldyers in array he answered the Earle shoulde sette hys owne men in good order whyle hée woulde come to hym in tyme conueniente The Earle made hys fore-warde somewhat single and slender according to the small number of hys people In the front hée placed the Archers of whome hée made Captayne Iohn Earle of Oxforde To the right wing of the Battayle he appoynted Sir Gilbert Talbot to be the leader To the lefte wing he assigned Sir Iohn Sauedge and hée wyth the ayde of the Lord Stanley accompanyed wyth the Earle of Pembrooke hauyng a good companye of horssemen and a small number of footemenne for all hys whole number excéeded not fyue thousande menne besyde the power of the Stanleys whereof thrée thousand were in the fielde vnder Sir William Stanley The Kyngs number was double so much or more When both these Armyes were thus ordred and all men ready to set forwarde King Richard called hys Chiefetaynes togyther perswadyng them to be valiaunt c. But his people were to him vnfaythfull in his ende as he was to hys Nephewes vntrue and vnnaturall in his begynnyng When the Earle of Richmond knewe that the King was so néere embattayled he rode aboute hys armie giuyng comfortable wordes to all men after the whiche he made to them a pithie Oration perswadyng them to haue the victorie for that they were to fyght in a iust quarrell he had scantlye finished hys saying but the one armye espyed the other betwéene bothe armyes there was a great marrishe which the Earle
and temporal from thence wēt to the Tower of London by land ouer London bridge his nobles riding after the guise of Frāce vpon small Hackneys two and two vppon a Horsse and at London Bridge ende the Maior of London with his brethren and the Craftes met and receyued the King and the King procéeded to Grace Church corner and so to the Tower On the morrowe being the feast daye of Simon and Iude King Henrie created Thomas Lord Stanley Earle of Darby Edwarde Courtney Earle of Deuonshire and Iasper Earle of Penbroke was created Duke of Bedforde all at one time in the Tower of London On the thirtith of October King Henrie was Crowned at Westminster and ordayned a number of chosen Archers being strong and hardie persons to giue dayly attendaunce on his Parson whome he named Yeomen of the Guarde The seauenth of Nouember beganne a Parliamente at Westmi●ster for the establishing of all things in the whiche he caused to be proclaimed that al men were pardoned of al offences and shoulde be restored to their landes and goods which would submit themselues to his clemency After this he began to remember his especial friendes of whom some he aduannced to honor and dignitie and some he enriched with possessions and goods and to beginne the Lord Chandew of Brytaine he made Earle of Bath sir Gyles Dawbeney was made Lord Dawbeny sir Robert Willoughby Lorde Broke and Edward Stafford eldest sonne to Henrie late D. of Buckingham he restored to his dignitie and possessions The Parliament being dissolued the King redéemed the Marques Dorset and sir Iohn Bourcher whom he had left as pledges at Paris for mony there before borrowed And sent also into Flaunders for Iohn Morton Byshop of Ely The eightéenth daye of Ianuarie King Henrie married the Lady Elizabeth eldest daughter to Edward the fourth by whiche meanes the two families of Yorke and Lancaster which had long bene at great diuision were vnited made one King Henrie sente the Lorde Treasurer with Maister Bray and other vnto the Lorde Maior of London requiring 1486 Loane to the King hym and the Citizens of a Preste of 6000. markes wherefore the Maior with hys brethren and Commons graunted a prest of two thousand pound which was leuied of the cōpanies and not of the wards which prest was repayred againe in the yeare next following Anno. reg 2. Wheate was sold for iij. shillings the Bushell and Bay salt at the like price In the moneth of September Quéene Elizabeth was deliuered of hir first son named Arthur at Winchester Iohn Perciuall Hugh Clopton the 28. of Septemb. Sir Henry Collet Mercer the 28. of Octob. The beautifull Crosse in Cheape was newe builded towarde the building whereof Thomas Fisher Mercer gaue 600. markes Sir Richarde Simon a wily Priest came to Geralde erle of Kildare and Deputie of Irelande and presented to hym a lad his Scholler named Lambert whom he fained to be y e sonne of George duke of Clarence lately escaped the Tower of London And the childe hadde learned of the Prieste such Princely behauiour that he lightly moued the Earle and manye Nobles of Irelande tendering the bloude royall of Rycharde Plantagenet and George his sonne as also maligning the aduancement of the house of Lancaster in Henry the seauenth eyther to thinke or make the world wéene they thought verily this childe to be Edward Earle of Warwicke the Duke of Clarence lawfull sonne And althoughe King Henrie more thā halfe marred their sport in shewing the right Earle thorowe all the streates of London yet the Lady Margaret Dutches of Burgoigne sister to Edwarde the fourth Iohn de la Poole hir nephewe the Lorde Louell sir Thomas Broughton Knight and other Capitaines of thys conspiracy deuised to abuse the colour of this yong Earles name for preferring their purpose which if it came to good they agréed to depose Lambert and to erecte the verye Erle in déede nowe prisoner in the Tower for whose quarrell had they pretended to fight they déemed it likely he should haue béene made awaye wherfore it was blazed in Ireland that the Kyng to mocke his subiects had schooled a boye to take vpon him the Earle of Warwickes name and had shewed hym aboute in London to blind the eies of simple folke and to defeate the lawfull inheritor of the Duke of Clarence theyr Countreyman and Protectour during hys lyfe to whose lynage they also diuided a tytle of the Crowne In al y e hast they assemble at Diueline and there in Christes Church they crowned this Idoll honouring him with tytles emperiall feasting and triumphing rearing mighty showtes and cries carying him thence to the Kings Castel vppon tall mens shoulders that he might be séene and noted as he was surely an honourable boy to looke vppon In thys meane tyme the Earle of Lincolne and the lord Edward Hall Louell hadde gotten by the ayde of the sayde Margaret aboute 2000. Almaines with Martin Swart a Germaine and in martiall actes verye experte to be their Capitaine and so sayling into Ireland and at the Citie of Diuelin caused yong Lambert to bée proclaymed King of Englande and so with a greate multitude of Irishemen of whome Thomas Gerardine was Capitaine they sailed into Englande wyth the newe king and landed at Fowdrey within a little of Lancaster trusting there to be ayded with money by sir Thomas Broughton one of the chiefest of thys conspiracy Kyng Henrie not sléepyng in his matters when he had gathered hys host togither ouer the whych the Duke of Bedforde and the Earle of Oxforde were chiefe Capitaines he went to Couentrie where he being certified that the Erle of Lincolne was landed at Lancaster with his newe King he remoued to Notingham to whom shortly after came George Talbot Earle of Shrewsburie the Lorde Straunge sir Iohn Cheyney with manye other In this space the Earle of Lincolne beyng entred into Yorkeshire directed his way to Newarke vppon Trent and at a little village called Stoke thrée or four miles from Newark nighe to the King and his armye planted his Campe. The nexte daye following the king diuided hys number into thrée battailes and after approched nighe the town of Stoke where bothe the armies ioyned and foughte egrelye on bothe partes but at the length the Kyngs forewarde sette vppon the aduersaries wyth suche a violence that they slewe manye and putte the reste to flighte For there their chiefe Capitaines the Earle of Lincolne and the Lord Louel s●r Thomas Broughton Martin Swart and the lord Grardin or after Champion Morise Fitz Thomas Captaine of the Irishemen were flaine and other aboue foure thousande This battaile was fought on the sixtéenth of June Lambert and the priest wer both taken to the no small griefe of Margaret Dutchesse of Burgoine Anno. reg 3 Sherifes Maior Iohn Fenkell William Remington the 28. of Septem Sir William Horne Salter the 28. of October The xxv of Nouember Quéen Elizabeth was Crowned at Westminster In the
fewell were rowed vp to Holborne Bridge as they of old time had bin accustomed which was a great commoditie to all the inhabitantes in that parte of London Also the Tower néere to the blacke Friers was taken downe by the commandement of the Maior The sixth of May Sir Iames Tirell Knight Lieutenant of Guisnes Castell and Sir Iohn Windham Knighte were beheaded on the Tower hill and a Shipman was hanged and quartered at Tiborne all for ayding Edmond de la Poole Earle of Suffolke Thys yeare were brought vnto the Kyng thrée men taken Men brought from the nevv found Ilands in the new found Ilands by Sebastian Gabato before named in Anno 1468. these men were clothed in Beastes Skinnes and eate raw Flesh but spake such a language Anno reg 18. as no man could vnderstand them of the which thrée men two of them were séene in the Kings Court at Westminster two yeares after clothed like Englishmen and could not bée discerned from Englishmen Henry Keble Nicholas Nines the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Bartholmew Rede Goldsmith the 28. of October The Chappell of our Lady aboue the East ende of the high Aultare of Westminster Churche with a Tauerne called King Henry the seauenths Chappell at VVestminster the white Rose néere adioyning was taken downe in whiche place a most beautifull Chappell was then forthwyth begonne to be buylded by Kyng Henrye the seauenth the charges whereof as I haue bene credibly informed amounted to the summe of fourtéene thousande pounds Elizabeth Quéene of England wife to Kyng Henry the Queene Elizabeth deceassed seauenth dyed of Childbed in the Tower of London on the twelfth of February and was solemnely buryed at Westminster King Henry the seuenth being himselfe a brother of the Sixe Kings of England breethren vvith the Taylors Company in London before they vvere entituled Merchant Taylors 1503 Taylors company in London as diuers other his predecessors Kings before him had bin to wéete Richard the third Edward the fourth Henry the sixth Henry the fifth Henry the fourth and Richard the second Also of Dukes eleuen Earles xxviij and Lords xiviij he now gaue to them the name and title of Merchant Taylors as a name of worship to endure for euer This yeare about the later end of March the prior of the Prior of Shene murthered Charterhouse of Shene was murthered in a cell of his owne house by meanes of one Goodwine a Monke of the same Cloyster and his adherents artificers of London On the xxv of June at the Bishop of Salisburies place in Fléetestréete was the noble Prince Henry the second sonne of King Henry the seauenth assured in matrimonie to the Lady Katherine late the wife of that excellent Prince Arthure The fifth of August deceassed Sir Reginald Bray Knight Treasurer of the Kings warres and was buryed at Windesore The eyght of August the King of Scottes marryed Margaret Margaret the Kings daughter maryed the eldest daughter of King Henry the seuenth A drye Sommer hauing no notable rayne from Whitsontide Anno reg 9. to the later Lady day in haruest Christopher Hawes Robert Wittes the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Thomas Granger the 11. of Nouember Sir William Capell Draper the 28. of October Maior The xiij of Nouember was holden within the pallace Sergeants feast of the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth the Sergeants feast where dined the King and all his nobles and vpon the same day Thomas Granger newly chosen Sheriffe of London was presented before the Barons of the Kings Exchequer there to take his oth and after went with the Maior vnto the same feast whiche saued him money in hys pursse for if that day that feast had not bin kepte he must haue feasted the Maior Aldermen and others Worshipfull of the Citie This Feast was kept at the charge of tenne learned men newly admitted to be Sergeants to the Kings law whose names were Robert Bridnell William Greuill Thomas Marow George Edgore Iohn Moore Iohn Cutler Thomas Elyot Lewes Pollard Guy Palmis William Fayrefax On the xxj day of Nouember at night beganne a perillous Fire on London Bridge fire at the signe of the Panyer vpon London Bridge néere to Saint Magnus Church where sixe tenements were brent ere the same could be quenched The seauenth of January were certayne houses consumed Fire with fire againste Saint Butolphes Churche in Thamis stréete The xxv of January beganne a Parliament at Westminster Parliament of the which was chosen speaker for the commons Maister Edmond Dudley The xxvij of March was an house brent againste Sainte 1504 Martins le grand in London A newe Coyne was by Parliament appoynted that is Nevv Coyne to say Grote and halfe Grote which bare but halfe faces the same time also was coyned a Grote whiche was in value twelue pence but of those were but few coyned This yeare Alume which many yeares had bin sold for Alume deere sixe shillings an hundred and lower arose to fiue Nobles an hundred and after to foure Markes c. The forenamed Sir William Capell Maior of London caused in euery ward of London a Cage with a paire of Stocks Anno reg 20 Cages and Stockes ordeyned Hunsditch paued Sherifes Maior therein to punish vagabonds Also he caused all Hunsditch to be ouerpaued the which many yeares before lay full noyously and perilously for all trauellers that way Roger Acheley William Browne the 28. of Septemb. Iohn Winger Grocer the 28. of October About Christmas the more parte of the prisoners of the Marshalsey in Southwarke brake out and many of them béeing Prisoners of the Marshalsey brake out shortlye after taken were put to execution speciallye those which had layne for Felouie or Treason The xv of Aprill a money maker one of the Coyners of 1505 the Tower was drawne to Tiborne and there hanged There was great strife in the Guild hall about choosing Anno reg 21. of the Sheriffe for the Taylors woulde haue had Mayster Fitz Williams Tailor and the other commons chose Roger Groue Grocer Richard Shore Roger Groue the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Thomas Kniesworth Fishmonger the 28. of October This Thomas Kneisworth of his owne goodes builded the Conduit at Bishopsgate He gaue to the Fishmongers Conduit at Bishopsgate builded certayne tenements for the whiche they be bound to finde four Schollers that studie Arte two at Oxford and two at Cambridge euery of them foure pound the yeare They bée bound also to giue to twelue aged poore people of their company to euery one of them at Barthelmewtide a winter garment for euer Also to giue to the prisoners of Ludgate and Newgate euery yeare forty shillings c. The fifth of January in the night the Kings Chamber Richmond on fire was fiered at Richmond the which might not be quenched till many curteyns carpets rich beds and much other stuffe was consumed Through great
whereof he dyed slew many of his men and tooke many prisoners with two Shippes the one called the Lion the other a Barke called Ienny Perwine which Shippes were brought to Shippes taken from the Scots Blacke Wall the seconde of August and the Scottes to London where they were kept as prisoners in the Bishop of Yorkes Place and after sent into Scotland Nicholas Shelton Thomas Mirfine the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Roger Acheley Draper the 28. of October The fiftéenth of January began the Parliamente at Westminster Sir Robert Sheffeld Knight sometime Recorder Parliament of London was speaker for the Commons During this Parliamente in the moneth of March a Yeoman of the Crowne one of the Kings Gard named Nevvbolt hanged Newbolt slew within the Pallace of Westminster a sernant of Mayster Willoughbyes for the whiche offence the Kyng 1512 cōmanded to be set vp a new payre of Gallowes in y e same place where the sayde seruante left his life and vppon the same the sayd Newbold was hanged and there remayned on the Gallowes by the space of two dayes King Henry sente the Lorde Darcy with a goodly company Anno. reg 4. of men into Spayne to ayde the King hys Father in law against the Moores but ere he arriued a peace was concluded betwéene them In August Sir Edward Poynings accompanyed with the Lorde C●nton and diuers other was sente into Gelderland with fiftéene hundred Archers to ayde the Prince of Castell at the request of Margaret Duchesse of Sauoy and Regent of Flanders Edward Haward Lord Admirall of England through hys too much hardinesse was slayne before Brest in Britayne after whome hys brother Thomas Haward was made Admiral About the moneth of August the Nauyes of England and France méeting at Briteine Bay fought a cruell battayle in the which the Regent or Soueraigne of England and a Carike of Brest in France being crappeled togither were burned and their Captaynes with their men all drowned the English Captaine was Sir Thomas Kneuet who had with him Sir Iohn Carew and seauen hundred men In the Frenche Carrike was Sir Piers Morgan with nine hundred men which were all brent or drowned Robert Holdernes Robert Fenrother the 28 of Septemb. Sherifes Maior William Copinger Fishmonger the 28. of October Richard Hadden Mercer The Stéeple and Lantarne of Bow Church in Cheape Bovv Steeple builded was this yeare finished By Friers this yeare a great parte of the Kings Pallace Kings Pallace at VVestminsier brent Sca. Tempo of Westminster and the Chappell in the Tower of London and many other places in England were brent In a Parliament at Westminster was granted to the king two fiftéenes and four demies and head money of euery 1513 Duke tenne Markes an Earle fiue pound a Lorde four pound a Knight four Marke and euery man valued at Great subsedie eyght hundred pound in goods to pay four Markes and so after that rate till him that was valued at fortie shillings payd twelue pence and euery mā that tooke fortie shillings wages xij d. euery mā womā at xv yeres or vpward 4. d. In Aprill the King sent a great Nauie of twelue thousand men to the Sea On May euen Edmond de la Poole was beheaded on the Tower hill his brother Richard was after slayne in France King Henry hauing sent ouer a great and puissant Armie King Henry beseegeth Turvvyne into France to beséege the Citie of Turwine himselfe accompanyed with many noble men and vj. C. Archers of his Gard all in white gabberdines tooke his Ship at Douer on the last of June in the morning When the King was shipped and made Sayle all his armie followed to the number of foure hundred Shippes and the winde was so that they were brought the same night into Caleis Hauen On the nexte morrowe being the first of July Thomas Lord Howard Admirall of England landed at Whitsandbay and entred spoyled and brent the Towne and returned to his Shippes The xxj of July the King passed out of the Towne of Caleis in goodly array of battell and tooke y e field and notwithstanding that the fore-ward of the Kings great Armie were before Turwine yet the King of his owne battayle made thrée battayles the Lord Lisle Marshall of the host was Captayne of the fore-warde and vnder him thrée thousand men Sir Richard Carew with thrée hundred men was the right hand wing to the fore-ward and the Lorde Darcy with thrée C. men wing on the left hand The scourers and fore-riders of this battayle were the Northumberland men on light geldings The Earle of Essex was Lieutenant Generall of the Speares and Sir Iohn Pechy was vicegouernour of the Horsemen Before the King wente viij C. Almaynes all in a plump after them came the Standert with the redde Dragon next the Banner of our Lady and nexte of the Trinitie vnder the whiche were all the Kings houshold Then went the Banner of the Armes of England borne by Sir Henry Guildford vnder which Banner was the King himselfe with diuers noble men and other to the number of thrée thousand mē The Duke of Buckingham with vj. C. men was on y e Kings left hand On the right hād was Sir Edw. Poynings with other vj. C. mē egall w t the Almains The L. of Burgainie w t viij C. mē was wing on the right hande sir William Compton with the retinue of the Byshoppe of Winchester Fox and Maister Thomas Wolsey afterward Cardinall of eighte hundred was in manner of a rerewarde sir Anthony Oughtred and sir Iohn Neuell with the Kings speares that followed were foure hundred and so the whole armye was eleauen thousande and thrée hundred men The Maister of the ordināce set forth the Kings artillerie as Faulcons Slyngs Bombards powder stones bowes arrowes and suche other things necessarye for the fielde the whole number of the carriages were thirtéene hundred the leaders and driuers of the same were ninetéene hundred men The King laye the firste nighte betwixte Calkewell and Freydon the nexte night before the Castel of Gwisnes at Bocarde the next night he laye beside Arde a good waye wythout the Englishe pale when he was a little beyonde Dernome there came a greate hoste of French men that purposed to haue sette vpon him but the Kyng with his hoste kepte their ground and shotte their greate ordinaunce wherewyth the aray of the French men was broken The fourth of August the King in good order of battell came before the Citie of Turwine and planted his siege in warlike wise The eleuenth day of August Maximilian the Emperor came to King Henrye who was receiued with greate triumph betwéene Aire and the campe The Emperor and all his seruants were reteyned with the King of Englande in wages by the daye euery person according to his degrée and the Emperor as the kings souldioure ware a Crosse of Saint George with a Rose and so hée and all
Maiestie at which time the King gaue the Almoner the Bishoprike of the same Sea Thomas VVolsey Bishop of Turney towards hys paynes and diligence susteyned in that iourney and when the King had established all things agréeable to his will and pleasure and furnished the same with noble Captaynes and men of warre for the safegard of the Towne hée returned agayne into Englande taking with him diuers noble personages of France being prisoners as the Duke of Longuile and Uicount Clarimont with other whiche were taken there in a Skirmishe after whose returne immediately the Sea of Lincolne fell voyde by the death of Doctor Smith late Bishop there the which Benefice his Grace gaue to his Almoner late Bishop of Turney elect who was not negligent to take possession thereof and Thomas VVolsey Bishop of Lincolne made all the spéede he could for hys consecration the solemnization whereof ended he found the meanes that he gate the possession of all his predecessors goodes into his hands It was not long after that Doctor Bambridge Archbishop of Yorke dyed at Rome being there the Kings Embassador vnto the which Sea the King immediately presented hys late and newe Bishop of Lincolne so that he had thrée Bishoprickes in his hands in one yeare giuen hym then prepared he for his translation from the Sea of Lincolne vnto Thomas VVolsey Archbishop of York the Sea of Yorke after whiche solemnization done he béeing then an Archbyshop Primas Angliae thought himselfe sufficiente to compare with Canterbury and therevppon erected hys Crosse in the Court and euery other place as well within the precinct and iurisdiction of Canterbury as in anye other place And for as muche as Canterbury claymeth a superioritie ouer Yorke as ouer all other Bishoprikes within Englande and for that cause claymeth as a knowledge of an aunciente obedience of Yorke to abate the aduauncing of hys Crosse in presence of the Crosse of Canterburie notwythstanding Yorke nothing minding to desiste from bearing thereof in manner as I sayde béefore caused hys Crosse to be aduaunced as well in the presence of Canterburie as elsewhere wherefore Canterburie being moued therewith gaue vnto Yorke a certayne checke for hys presumption by reason whereof there engendred some grudge betwéene Yorke and Caunterburie Yorke intending to prouide some suche meanes that hée woulde bée rather superior in dignitie to Canterburie than to be eyther obedient or equall to hym wherefore hée obtayned to be made Prieste Cardinall and Legatus de Latere vnto whome the Pope sente a Cardinals Hat wyth Thomas VVolsey Cardinall certayne Bulles for hys aucthoritie in that behalfe Yet you shall vnderstande that the Pope sente hym thys worthye Hatte of dignitie as a Iewell of hys honoure and aucthoritie the whych was conueyed in a varlets budget who séemed to all menne to bée but a person of small estimation Wherfore Yorke beyng aduertised of the basenesse of this messenger and of the peoples opinion thought it méete for hys honour that this Iewell should not be conueyed by so simple a person therefore caused him to be stopped by the way immediatly after his arriualin England where he was newly furnished in all manner of apparell wyth all kynde of costlye silkes whyche séemed decent for suche an hyghe Embassador and that done he was encountred vppon Blacke heath and there receyued wyth a greate assemblye of Prelates and lustie gallant Gentlemen and from thence conducted throughe London with greate triumph Then was greate and spéedie preparation made in Westminster Abbey for the confirmation and acceptance of thys hygh order and dignitie the whyche was executed by all the Byshoppes and Abbots aboute or nyghe London wyth theyr rych Myters and Copes and other ornaments which was done in so solempne a wise as had not bene séene the like vnlesse it had bin at the Coronation of a myghty Prince or King obtayning thys dignitie He thoughte himselfe mée●e to beare aucthoritie among the temporall power as among the spirituall iurisdiction wherefore remembring as well the tawntes sustained of Canterburie as hauing a respecte to the aduauncement of worldlye honor and promotion found the means with the King that he was made Lord Chancelour Thomas VVolsey lord Chācelour of Englande and Canterburie whiche was Chanceloure dismissed who had continued in that roume since long before the deceasse of Henrie the seauenth Nowe being in possession of the Chancelorshippe and endued wyth the promotions of the Archebyshoppe and Cardinall de Latere hauyng power to correcte Canterburie and al other Byshops and spirituall persons to assemble hys Conuocation when he would assigne hée tooke vpon hym the correction of matters in all their iurisdictions and visited all the spirituall houses hauing in euerye Diocesse all maner of Spirituall Ministers as Commissaries Scribes Apparators and al other officers to furnish hys Courts and presented by preuention whom he pleased vnto al benefices throughout all thys Realme And to the aduauncing further of his legantine iurisdiction and honor he hadde Maisters of his Faculties Maisters Ceremontarum and suche other to the glorifying of his dignitie Then had he his two great Crosses of Syluer the one of hys Archebyshopricke the other of hys Legacie borne before him whyther so euer he wente or rode by two of the tallest Priestes that hée coulde gette wythin the realme And to encrease his gaines he had also the Byshopricke of Durham and the Abbey of Saint Albons in commendation And after when Doctor Foxe Byshop Thomas VVolsey Byshoppe of VVinchester of Winchester dyed he surrendred Durham into the Ryngs handes and tooke to him Winchester Then had he in hys hande as it were in Firme the Bishoprickes of Bathe Worcester and Hereforde sorasmuch as the Incumbents of them were strangers and made their abode continually beyond the Seas in their owne Countries or else at Rome from whence they were sente in Legation to thys Realme vnto the King and for their rewarde at their departure Kyng Henrie the seauenth gaue those Bishoprickes and they béeing strangers thoughte it more méete for the assuraunce to suffer the Cardinal to haue their benefices for a conuenient summe of mony payd them yearely where they remayned than either to be troubled with the charges of the same or to be yearely burdened with the conueyance of theyr reuenues vnto them so that al the spiritual and presentations of these Byshoprickes were fully in hys disposition to prefer whom he listed He had also a greate number daylye attending vpon hym both of Noble men and worthye Gentlemen with no small number of the tallest Yeomen that he coulde gette in all the Realme insomuche that well was that Nobleman and Gentleman that coulde prefer a tall Yeoman to his seruice Ye shal vnderstande that he had in his Hall The order of the Cardinalies house continually thrée boordes kepte with thrée seueral principall officers that is to say a Stewarde whych was alwayes a Priest a Treasourer a Knight and a Comptroller
wyth suche a noyse of Drummes and flewtes as seldome hadde béene hearde the like At theyr entring into the Chamber twoo and twoo togyther they went directlye before the Cardinall where hée sate and saluted hym reuerentlye to whome the Lorde Chamberlaine for them saide Sir for as muche as they bée Straungers and can not speake Englishe they haue desired me to declare vnto you that they hauyng vnderstanding of this your triumphaunt banquet where was assembled suche a number of excellent Dames they coulde doe no lesse vnder supporte of youre Grace but to repayre hyther to viewe as well their incomparable beautie as for to accompanye them at Mumme chaunce and then to daunce with them and sir they require of youre Grace licence to accomplishe the saide cause of their comming To whome the Cardinall saide he was very well content they should so doe Then went the Maskers and first saluted al the Dames and returned to the moste worthiest and there opened their greate cuppe of Golde filled wyth Crownes and other péeces of Golde to whome they sette certaine péeces of Golde to cast at Thus perusing all the Ladyes and Gentlewomen to some they loste and of some they wonne and perusing after this maner al the Ladies they returned to the Cardinal with greate reuerence powring downe all their Golde so lefte in their Cup whych was aboue twoo hundred crowns At all quoth the Cardinall and so caste the Dice and wan them whereat was made a great noise and ioy Thenquoth the Cardinall to the Lord Chamberlain I pray you quoth he that you would shew them that me séemeth there should be a Nobleman amongest them who is more méete to occupye this seate and place than I am to whome I woulde moste gladly surrender the same according to my duety if I knewe him Then spake the Lorde Chamberlaine to them in Frenche and they rownding him in the eare the Lorde Chamberlaine saide to my Lorde Cardinall Sir quoth he they confesse that among them there is suche a Noble personage whome if your Grace can appointe hym oute from the rest he is content to disclose hymselfe and to accept your place with that the Cardinal taking good aduisement among them at the laste quoth he me séemes the Gentleman wyth the blacke Bearde shoulde be euen he and with that he arose oute of hys Chayre and offered the same to the Gentleman in the blacke Bearde with his cap in his hande The person to whome he offered the Chayre was Sir Edwarde Neuil a comely Knight that much more resembled the Kings person in that Maske than anye other The King perceyuing the Cardinall so deceyued could not forbeare laughing but pulled down hys visar and Master Neuels also and dashed out suche a pleasaunt countenaunce and chéere that al the noble estates there assembled perceiuing the King to be there among them reioyced very much The Cardinal eft soones desired his Highnesse to take the place of Estate to whome the King aunswered that he woulde goe firste and shifte hys apparell and so departed into my Lorde Cardinalles Chamber and there newe apparelled him in whych tyme the dishes of the banquet were cleane taken vppe and the Tables spred againe with new cleane perfumed clothes euery man and woman sitting stil vntill the King with all his Maskers came among them againe all newe apparelled then the King tooke his seate vnder the cloth of Estate commaunding euery person to sit still as they did before In came a newe banquet before the Kyng and to all the rest throughout all the Tables wherein were serued two hundred diuers dishes of costly deuises and suttilties Thus passed they forth the night with banqueting dauncing and other triumphes to the great comforte of the King and pleasant regard of the Nobilitie there assembled Thus passed this Cardinall his time from day to daye and yeare to yeare in suche greate wealth ioy triumph and glorie hauyng alwayes on hys side the Kings especial fauor vntil Fortune enuied his prosperous estate as is to the worlde well knowne and shall be partely touched hereafter This yeare in the moneth of May were sent out of Englande xij C. Masons and Carpenters and thrée hundred laborers Castell of Turney builded to the Citie of Tourney to builde a Castell there to chastice the Citie if it chaunced to rebel and to diminish the garrison that then laye there to the Kings greate charge Henry Worley Rich. Gray the 28. of Sep. William Bayly Sherifes Maior Lady Mary the Kings daughter borne 1516 Sir William Butler Grocer the 28. of October Lady Mary King Henries daughter was borne at Greenewiche on the eleauenth of February Margaret Quéene of Scottes King Henries eldest sister who had after the death of hir first husbande Iames King of Scots The Queene of Scots fledde into Englande flaine at Bosworth married Archibald Duglas Earle of Auguise fledde into Englande and lay at Harbottle where shée was deliuered of a childe called Margaret But shortlye after Archibalde Douglas hir husbande wente home agayne into Scotlande wythoute leaue taking wherefore the Kyng sente for hir to London where shée was roally receyued and lodged at Baynardes Castell and there she tarried a whole yeare ere she returned Thomas Seimer Rich. Thurstone Broderer the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Greate fr●ste 1517 Anno reg 9. Euil May day Iohn Rest Grocer the 28. of October The Thamis was frozen that men with horse and Carts might passe betwixte Westminster and Lambeth On May euen was an insurrection of yong persons and Apprentises of London against Aliens for the whyche fact tenne payre of Gallowes were made with whéeles to be remoued from stréete to stréete and from dore to dore wherevpon diuers yong men were hanged wyth theyr Captaine Iohn Lincolne a Broker the residue to the number of four hundred men and eleauen women tyed in ropes al along one after an other in theyr shyrtes came to Westminster hall wyth halters aboute their neckes and were pardoned Margaret Quéene of Scottes returned into Scotland to the Quene of Scots returned Earle of Anguise hir husbande Thomas Baldry Richard Simonds the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1518 Svveating sicknesse Anno reg 10 Sir Thomas Exmew Goldsmith the 28. of October Manye dyed in Englande of the sweating sicknesse in especiallye aboute London wherefore Trinitie Terme was one daye at Oxforde and then adiourned to Westminster In the moneth of July Cardinall Campeius came into Englande from the Pope to exhorte king Henry to make war on the Turkes After long sute made of the Frenche King and hys councell Cardinall Campeius it was agréed that the Citie of Tourney shoulde be delyuered to the Frenche King he paying sixe hundred thousande Crownes for the Citie and foure hundred thousand Crownes for the Castell the whyche the King had buylded whiche was not fully performed and also he shoulde pay thrée and twentie thousande pounde Tournois the whych sometime the Citizens of Tourney
solemnne Procession and lodged that nighte The nexte morning the Cardinall rode towarde Amiens and passing on his way he was encountred with noble personages who made to him diuers Orations whiche he answered extempore Afterwarde the Frenche King with a goodly company mette with the Cardinal embraced eche other The preace was so thicke that diuers had their legs hurt with horses Then the King and the Cardinall on his right hande rode forth towardes Amiens euery Englishe Gentleman accompanyed with an other of Fraunce The traine of these two● Princes endured two long Englishe myles they were nobly receyued into the Towne of Amiens with shot of Guns and costly Pageants vntil the King had brought the Cardinall to his lodging and then departed for that nighte the King being lodged in the Bishoppes Pallaice The next daye after dinner the Cardinal rode to the Courte to the King at whiche time the king kepte his bedde yet neuerthelesse the Cardinall came into his bed chamber where on the one side of the bed sate the Kings mother and on the other side the Cardinal of Loraine accompanied with diuers other Noblemen of Fraunce and after a shorte communication and drinking of a cuppe of Wine he departed to hys owne lodging Thus continued the Cardinall and the king in Amiens the space of a fortnight and more consulting and feasting eche other dyuers tymes Then the King and the Cardinall remoued to a Citie called Champaine whych was more than xx English myles from Amiens they were both lodged in the great castel of y ● town wherof y ● Cardinal had the one halfe assigned him for his lodging the king the other halfe And like wise they denided a long Gallerie béetwéen thē where was made in the midst a strong wal with a window a dore The King the Cardinal would many times méete at the same window talke and diuers times they woulde goe into the other at the said dore Then came there to my lord Cardinal y ● Lord Chancelor of France with al the kings counsellers where they toke great paines dayly in consultation insomuch that y ● Cardinall of England fel out with the Chancelor of France laying to hys charge that he went about to hinder the league whyche before his comming was cōcluded insomuch that Madam Regent hir self many Nobles of France with much labor trauel coulde scarcely bring the Cardinal to his former state of communitation he was in suche a wroth against the Chancelor by these meanes he brought other things to passe that before he could not attaine whiche was more for feare than for any affection to the matter he had the heades of the Counsell so vnder his gyrdle The next morning after this conflict he rose early about foure of the clocke and sate him downe to write letters into Englande vnto the King commaundyng me of hys Chapleines to prepare hym ready to say Masse insomuch that the Chaplaine stoode in his vestures vntill four of the clocke in the afternoone al which season the Cardinal neuer rose to eate or drinke nor to make water but continually wrote and aboute the houre of foure in the afternoone he made an end commaunding Christopher Gunner the Kings seruant without delay to ride Post into Englande with those letters whome he dispatched away or euer he dranke and then went to Masse and said his seruice with his Chapleine and after went bothe to dinner and supper all at once The nexte night after the Cardinall made a great Suppe● for Madam Regent for the Quéene of Nauar and other ●●●ate estates of Ladies and noble women and at the middest of the said banquet the Kings of Fraunce and of Ni●●●● came so day ●elye in vnlooked for and tooke their place in the lowest parte of the banqu●t The supper and banquet being finished the Ladyes and Gentlemen fell to daūcing and so passed awaye the moste of the nighte ere they departed Shortely after the King caused a wilde Bore to be lodged for him in the For rest of Champaigne and thither the Cardinal rode wyth hym to sée hym hunt where the Lady Regent with a number of Ladyes and Damoisels were standyng in Chariots looking on the toyle on the oute side whyche was pitched there for that purpose among whom stoode the Cardinal to regarde the hunting in Madam Regents Chariot and wythin the Toyle was the King with diuers minion Gentlemen of Fraunce readye furnyshed to thys highe and daungerous enteprice of the hunting the King beyng in his doublet and hozen all of shéepes colour cloth hauing in his ●●ippe a brace of greate white Greyhoundes who were armed as the maner there is and the reste of the Kings Gentlemen being appoynted to hunte this Bore were likewise in their doublets and hoss holdyng eache of them in theyr handes verye sharpe Bore speares Then the King commaunded the Kéepers to vncouche the Bore and that euerye person béeing within the Toile should go to a standing among whome were dyuers Gentlemen and Yeomen of Englande and incontinent the Bore issued out of his den and followed with an hounde came into plaine where béeing scaled a whyle and gazing vpon the people and incontinent pierced by the hounde he spyed a lyttle bushe standing behinde a banke ouer a ditche vnder the whiche laye two Frenche Gentlemen and thither fledde trusting there to haue defended himselfe who thrust his head snuffing into the same bushe whyche caused the two Gentlemen to flye from thence as from the danger of death Then was the Bore by pursuite of Hunters and the hounde driuen from thence who ranne straighte to one of the Cardinalles foote men a very ta●● yong Yeoman who hadde in his handes a ●●●●line with the whiche he was faine to defende hymself from the Bore a greate while the Bore continually ●oyning at hym with his tuskes so that he was faine at laste to pitche his Iaueline in the grounde betwéene him and the Bore the whiche the Bore brake with the force of hys foyning and with that the yeoman drew hys sword and stoode at defence and therewith the Hunters came to the rescue and putte him once againe to flight with that he fledde to an other yong Gentleman of England called Maister Henry Ratcliffe who was sonne and heyre to the Lorde Fitz Walter who had borrowed by chance of a Frenche Gentleman a very fine and sharp Bore speare where with he thruste the Bore in the mouth and so into the throate wherevpon the pastime was ended The Cardinall passing diuers dayes in consultation in other matters expecting the returne of Christopher Gunner at the laste he returned with letters againe vppon receite whereof the Cardinall intended to remoue being then at Masse in hys Closet he consecrated the Chauncelour of Fraunce Cardinall and putte vppon hym his Habite hys Hatte and Cap of Scarlet and then tooke hys iourney returning againe into Englande makyng suche necessary expedition that he came to Guis●es where he was nobly
that at ●●ght of the clocke they shoulde lose their Maister Here is the ende and fall of Pride arrogancie of men Example of pride and arrogancie exalted by fortune to dignities for in hys tyme he was the haughtiest man in all hys procéedings alyue hauing more respecte to the honor of his person than he had to his spirituall profession wherein should be shewed all méekenesse 〈◊〉 a●● charitie The Cleargie of Englande beyng iudged by the Kings The Cleargie condemned in the Premunire learned Councel to be in the premunire for maintaining y ● power Legan●ine of the Cardinall were called by pro●e●● into the Kings Bench to aunsweare wherefore in their conuocation they concluded a submission where in they called the King Supreme head of the Church of England and were contented to giue the King 100000. poundes to pardon King Henrie supreame head their offences touching y ● premunire by acte of Parliamēt The fift of Aprill one Richard Rose a Cooke was boyled 1531 A Cooke boyled in Smithfielde for poysoning of diuers persons at the Bishop of Rochesters place King Henrie purchased the Hospitall of Saint ●ames ●éere to Charing Crosse and al the medows to the same adioyning Anno reg 23 The Kings house at Saint Iames. gyuing the sisters of the house pencions during their liues and then builded thereof a goodly Mansion with a Parke whiche he caused to be walle● about with Bricke The 〈◊〉 of August Thomas Bilney a Bacheler T. Bylney burned of Law 〈…〉 Norwich Richard Gresham 〈◊〉 Alth●●●●h● 28. of September Sherifes Maior Rice Griffyn executed Sir Nicholas Lambard G●●cer the 28. of October The fourth of December sir Rice Gryffyn was beheaded at the Tower hill and buryed at the Crossed Friers Iohn Hewes hys man 〈◊〉 to Tybor●● hanged and quartered The 17. of May deceassed Robert Thorne Bacheler and Merchant Taylour of London who gaue by his Testament his debts firste being paide is to be destributed in the citie Robert Thom his charitie in the Citie of London of London 500. l. to pore housholders in the xxv Wardes 20. l. in euery warde To reléeue prisoners in the Counters 50. l. To pore Maides mariages 50. l. To the foure prisons about London Newgate Ludgate Kings bench Marshalsea 100. l. To Aldermarie Church in London 10. l. Summe 710. poundes In the Citie of Bristow to the making vppe of the Frée Robert Thorn● his charitie in the tovvne of Bristovve schoole of Saint Bartholomew 300. l. to be diuided in the parishes among the poore housholders 300. l. to the redemption of the frée farme of prisage there 200. l. to the Almes houses there 100. l. to Thomas Moffit Maister of the Grammer Schoole 25. l. and to Robert his sonne 10. l. to the poore prisoners in Bristowe 50. l. to poore maides Mariages there 50. l. towarde making of a place for Merchants for the stréete in Bristow 100. l. to the repayring of hyghe wayes from Camer Marche to Bristow at the discretion of his executors as néede requyred and to the other high ways about Bristow 100. l. to Saint Nicholas Churche in Bristowe 20. l. to the four orders of Friers there euerye order 20. l. more to the prisoners of Bristowe 100. l. to the Chamber of Bristow 300. l. for the prouision of corne and wood more to the Chamber 500. l. to the reléefe of yong men that practise Clothing to the pore people of Bristow 500. l. And ouer and besides all this to be distributed in déedes of Charitie at the discretion of his executors 1000. l. Summe 3735. poundes Legacies to his sisters children other kindred amounted to 5142. l. 6. s̄ 8. d. His debts forgiuē wer 83. l. 5. s̄ 10. d. The residue of hys goods he gaue to his brother Nicholas Thorne The 28. of May Fryer Forrest was put in prison for contrarying Frier Forrest the Preacher before the King The othe which the Clergie had vsed to make to the Bishop Clergy svvor●e to the King of Rome was made voyde by statute a new othe confirmed wherein they cōfessed the king to be Supreme head The fiftéenth of May sir Thomas Moore after great sute Si● Thomas Moore made by him was discharged of the Chancelorship The fourth of June the King dubbed Thomas Audeley Lorde Audley made Lorde Chauncelour Knight made him kéeper of the greate Seale and not long after Lord Chancelor The fiftéenth of June fiue men were hanged and quartred Coyners and Clyppers executed Christes Church suppressed at Tower hill for coyning and clypping In the Moneth of July the King suppressed the Priorie of Christ church in London he sent the Chanons of that house to other Priories and gaue their Church plate and lands to sir Thomas Audley The thrée and twentith of Auguste William Warham Archebyshoppe of Canterburie deceassed The King repayred the Tower of London The firste of September the Lady Anne Bolleine was Marchionesse of Penbrooke made Marchionesse of Pembrooke at Windsore and then was gyuen hir by the King one thousande pounde by yeare The eleuenth of October King Henrie landed at Calleis with the Duke of Richemonde hys bastarde sonne the Duke of Norffolke Lord Treasurer of England the Duke of Suffolke the Marquesse of Excester the Erles of Darby Arundale Oxforde Surrey and Rutlande the Vicount Lisle King Edwarde the fourth his bastarde sonne the Lord Matrauers the Lord Sands Lorde Chamberlaine of the Kings house the Lorde William Hawarde the Lorde Bray the Lorde Montague the Lorde Cobham the Lorde Mordant the Lorde Dawbney the Lorde Grey the Lord Clinton the Lorde Vaux the Lorde Mountegle the Lorde Rocheford wyth diuers other Lordes the Bishoppes of Winchester London Lincolne and Bathe sir William Fitz William treasourer of the kings house sir William Pawlet Comptroller sir William Kingstone Capitaine of the Guarde sir Iohn Page sir Iames Boleine sir Anthony Browne sir Edwarde Neuell sir Thomas Cheyney sir Iohn Russell sir Richard Page sir Ralph Eldercare sir Edward Baynton sir Edwarde Santener sir Griffyth Deene sir Iohn Dudley sir Iohn Femer sir Henry Long sir Anthony Hungerforde sir Iohn Brudges sir Arthur Hoptō sir Anthony Wingfielde sir William Paston sir Edmonde Bedingfielde sir Thomas Strange sir William Hawte sir Edwarde Wotton sir William Askewe sir Iohn Marleant sir William Barington sir William Essex sir Giles Strangweis sir Edwarde Chamberlaine sir Giles Caple sir Iohn Sent-Iohn sir Walter Hungerforde sir William Gascoine sir Lionel Norrice sir Edwarde Boloine sir Thomas Lisle sir Iohn Ashton sir Thomas Palmer sir William Boloine sir William Finche sir William Pellam sir Thomas Rotherham sir Iohn Norton sir Richarde Sandes sir Iohn Neuell and thyrtie Esquiers with manye Gentlemenne and all theyr traines The towne of Calleis had at thys season xxiiij C. beddes and stabling for two thousande horses besides the Uillages about The xxj of October King Henrie rode towarde Boloigne and was by the
waye at Sandingfielde mette by the Frenche King and many Nobles of France who rode al to Boloigne and were there lodged On the xxv of October King Henrie returned againe to Calleis accompanied with the Frenche King the King of Nauarre the Cardinall of Loraine and many other Dukes Byshoppes and great estates of Fraunce Gas●oine Brytaine and Normandie And the xxviij of October Kyng Henrie made the King of Nauarre Knight of the Garter and the nexte daye the Frenche King with the King of Nauarre and all the greate Lordes of Fraunce rode againe to Boloigne and King Henrie of Englande rode wyth them to Sandingfielde where he made to the Frenche King a costlye banquet and there the thrée Kings departed like louing brethren in great amitie the xiiij of Nouēber King Henrie landed at Douer Richard Reynold Nicholas Pinchon the 28. of September Sherifes Iohn Martin Butcher Sir Stephen Pecocke Haberdasher the 28. of October Maior Kyng Henrie kepte hys Christmasse at Greenewiche and after Christmasse sir Thomas Audeley Lord Kéeper of the great Seale was made Lord Chauncelor of England and then beganne a Parliament in the whiche it was enacted that no person shoulde appeale for anye cause oute of thys Realme to the Court of Rome and also that Quéene Katherine shoulde from thenceforth be no more called Quéene but Princesse Dowager of Prince Arthur The twelfth of Aprill being Easter euen the Ladye 1533 Anno reg 25 Anne Bolleine who hadde béene priuily marryed to Kyng Henrie wente to hir Closet openly as Quéene and was proclaymed Quéene of Englande The sixe and twentith of Aprill Arthure Plantagenet sonne illegitime of Kyng Edwarde the fourth was created Viscount Lisle at Bridewell The twelfth of May Pauier towne Clearke of London hung himselfe The Kings highnesse addressed his letters to the Maior and Communaltie of London signifying vnto them that his pleasure was to solempnize the Coronation of his most deare and welbeloued wife Quéene Anne at Westminster on Whitsonday next ensuing willing them to make preparation as well to fetche hir Grace from Greenewiche to the Tower by water as to sée the Citie garnished wyth Pageants in places accustomed for the honor of hir Grace when shée shoulde be conueyed from the Tower to Westminster Wherevppon a common Counsell was called and commaundement gyuen to the Haberdashers of whiche Craft the Maior was that they shoulde prepare a Barge for the Bachelers wyth a Wafter and a Foyste garnished wyth Banners lyke as they vse when the Maior is presented at Westminster on the morrowe after the feast of Saint Simon Iude. Also all other Craftes were commaunded to prepare Barges and to garnishe them not onely with their Banners accustomed but also to decke them with Targets by the sides of the Barges and to sette vppe all suche séemely Banners and Bannerets as they hadde in their hal●es or coulde get to furnishe theyr sayde Barges and euery Barge to haue Minstrels according to whych commaundement greate preparation was made for all thyngs necessary for suche a noble triumph The nine and twentith daye of May béeing Thurseday the Maior and his brethren all in Scarlet and such as were knightes hadde collars of Esses and the residue hauyng greate Chaines and the Counsell of the Citie assembled with them at Saint Marie hill And at one of the clocke descended to the newe steire to their Barge whyche was garnished with manye goodly banners and streamers and richly couered in whiche Barge was Shalmes Shagebushes and dyuers other Instruments of Musicke whiche played continually After that the Maior and hys brethren were in their barge séeing that the companies to the number of fiftie barges were readye to waite vppon them they gaue commaundement to the companies that no barge should rowe nearer to another than twice the length of the barge and to sée the order kepte there were thrée Whirries prepared and in euerye one of them two officers to call on them to kéepe their order After whyche commaundement giuen they set forth in order as hereafter is described Firste before the Maiors Barge was a Foiste for a wafter full of Ordinaunce in whyche Foyste was a greate redd● Dragon continuallye ●●●●ng and casting wilde fire and rounde aboute the sayde foiste stoode terrible monstrous and wild men casting fire and making hideous noise nexte after the foiste a good distaunce came the Maiors Barge on whose righte hande ●●● the Bachelers Barge in the whyche were Trum 〈…〉 and dyuers other melodious Instrumentes the 〈…〉 of the sayde Barge and saile yardes and the toppe ●●●●elles were hanged wyth ryche cloth of Golde and 〈…〉 at the Fore-shippe and the Sterne were two greate banners ryche beaten wyth the armes of the King and the Quéene aud on the soppe castell also was a long streamer newly beaten with the saide armes the sides of the Barge was sette full of Flagges and Banners of the deuices of the companyes of Haberdashers and Merchaunt Aduenturers and the lasserers or cordes were hanged wyth innumerable Penselles hauing lyttle Belles at the endes whyche made a goodlye noyse and was a goodlye sighte wauering with the winde on the out side of the barge were thrée dozen Scutcheons in mettall of the Armos of the Kyng and Quéene whiche were beaten vppon square Buckeram deuided so that the righte side hadde the King colours and the lefte side the Quéenes whyche Scutcheons were fastened on the clothes of Golde and siluer hauging on the deckes on the lefte hand of the Maior was an other Foyste in the whyche was a mounte and on the mounte stoode a white Faulcon crowned vppon a roote of Golde enuironed wyth white Roses and redde whyche was the Quéenes deuice aboute whyche mounte sate Uirgins singing and playing melodiouslye Next after the Mayor followed hys Felowshippe the Haberdashers nexte after them the Mercers then the Grocers and so euerye company in hys order and laste of all the Maiors Sheriffes officers euery company hauing melodie in their Barge by them selues and goodly garnished wyth Banne●s and some couered wyth Sylke and some wyth Arras or suche like which was a goodly sight to beholde and in thy ● or ●er they rowed by Greenewiche to the pointe beyende Greenwiche and there they turned backward in an other order that is to● wéete the Maiors and Sherifs officers firste and the meanest Crafte nexte and so ascencendyng to the vpper moste Crafte in order and the Maior laste as thy goe to Paules at Christmasse and in that order they to wed downe warde to Greenewiche towne and there caste ancker makyng greate melodie At thrée of the clocke the Quéene apparelled in riche cloth of Golde entred into hir Barge accompanyed wyth dyuers Ladyes and Gentlewomen and incontinent the Citizens set forward in their order theyr Minstrels continually playing and y ● Bachelers barge going on the Quéenes right hand whyche shée tooke greate pleasure to beholde Aboute the Quéenes barge were manye noble menne as the Duke of
June being Saint Peters daye at eleauen of the clocke in the forenoone the Sheriffes of London accordingly as they were appointed were readye at the Tower to haue receiued the saide prisoner and him to haue led to execution on the Tower hill but as the prisoner should come forth of the Tower on Heire a Gentleman of the Lord Chancelors house came and in the Kings name commaunded to stay the execution till two of the clocke in the afternoone whyche caused many to thinke that the King woulde haue graunted his pardon But neuerthelesse at thrée of the clocke in the same afternoone he was brought forth of the Tower and delyuered to the Sheriffes who led him on foote betwixte them vnto Tyborne where he dyed His body was buryed in the Churche of Saint Sepulchres he was not paste foure and twentie yeres of age when he came thus throughe greate mishappe to hys ende for whome many sore lamented and likewise for the other thrée Gentlemen Mantell Frowdes and Roydon but for the saide yong Lord being a right towardly Gentlemā and such a one as many had conceiued great hope of better proofe no smal mone and lamentation was made the more indéede for that it was thought he was induced to attempt suche follis which occasioned his death by some light heads that were then aboute him The firste of July a Welchman a Minstrell was hanged and quartred for singing of songs whiche were interpreted to be prophecying againste the King In the moneth of August the King tooke his Progresse Progresse to Yorke towarde Yorke About this time Westminster and Bristow were made Bishopricke ● Rowland Hill Henrie Sucley the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Michaell Dormer Mercer the 28. of October On Christmasse euen at seauen of the clocke at nighte beganne a great fire in the house of sir Iohu Williams Maister of the Kings Jewels where many of those Jewelles were brent more imbezeled The Lady Katherine Haward whom the King had marryed for hir vnchaste liuing committed with Thomas Culpeper and Francis Derham was by Parliament attainted Culpeper and Derham were put to death at Tyborne y e tenth day of December The xxiij of January the King was proclaymed King of King Henry K. of Irelande Queene Katherine beheaded Irelande The 1● of February the Lady Haward otherwise called Quéene Katherine and the Lady Iane Rocheforde for beyng of hir Councel with Thomas Culpeper were both beheaded within the Tower of London The twel●th of March Iohn Dudley was created Viscount Lisle by the right of his mother Lady Elizabeth sister and heire to sir Iohn Grey Viscount Lisle who was late wife to Arthur Plantagenet Viscount Lisle late deceassed The seauentéenth of March Margaret Dauy a Maid was A Maide boiled in Smithfielde boyled in Smithfielde for poysoning thrée housholdes that she had dwelled in The eight and twentith of Marche the Parliament sitting 1542 George Feres Burgesse for the Towne of Plimmouth was arrested in London vpon a condemnation wherevppon the Sergeant at armes of the Common house was sente to the Counter in Bredstrete to fetch him but the Clearks would not delyuer him till the Sheriffes came them selues who in the ende deliuered him howbeit this matter was so takē in the Common house that the Sheriffes the Clearks and fiue officers wyth the partie plaintife were sent to the Tower The Sheriffes of London sent to the Tovver Anno reg 34 and there laye two dayes and were then deliuered by y e Speaker and common house the Sheriffes were deliuered from all charges excepte twentie pounde for their fées In Maye the Kyng tooke a loane of money of all such as were valued worth fifty pound or vpwarde In the moneth of August Iames Erle of Desmond in Irelande The Earle of Desmoude came and submitted himselfe to the King and so returned The firste of October the greate Oneale of Irelande was The greate Oneale created Earle of Tiron and hys base sonne Mathew Oneale Baron of Donmagan for Shane Oneale the onely sonne of his bodye lawfully begotten was then little estéemed The Duke of Norffolke entred Scotland the one and twentith Duke of Norffolke entred Scotlande of October burning and wasting all the Marches and there tarried wythoute anye battel proffered by the King of Scottes vntill the middest of Nouember Henry Hoblethorne Henry Hancots the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Coates Salter the 28. of October After the departure of oure armye from Scotlande the Kyng of Scottes made a roade into Englande and did muche harme but at the laste sir Thomas Wharton and sir William Scots ouerthrovvne Musgraue wyth a fewe of the bordurers met the Scots where they being in number 15000. were ouerthrowne in whiche conflicte was taken the Lorde Maxwell the Earles of Glencarne and Sassilles wyth all the Capitaines of the army to the number of one and twentie and on Saint Thomas euen the Apostle they were broughte to the Tower of London where they laye that night the nexte daye they were by the Kings charge apparelled in silke and rode through the Citie to Westminster where they were sworne to be true prisoners and then were deliuered to the custodie of dyuers noble menne whyche honorably entertained them At New-yeares tide they were sent home againe agréeing to certaine articles The 9 of February a proclamation was made whereby VVhite meate licenced to bee eaten in Lent the people were licenced to eate white meates in Lent but straightly forbidden the eating of fleshe Wherevppon shortly after the Earle of Surrey with diuers Lords Knights and Gentlemen were imprisoned for eating of fleshe in the same Lent contrarie to the saide Proclamation The 8. of May one Leche sometyme Bayly of Lowth who 1543 Anno reg 35 Somerset an Herault kylled had killed Somerset one of our Herraults of Armes at Dunbarre in Scotlande was drawne to Tyborne and there hanged and quartred And the twelfth of June Edwarde Leche hys brother and with him a Priest for the same facte were lykewise executed at Tyborne This yeare the firste caste péeces of yron that euer were Firste yron peeces caste made in Englande were made at Buckestede in Sussex by Ralfe Hoge and Peter Bawde The thirde of June the Obrine a Lorde in Irelande and dyuers of the wilde Irishe submitted them to Kyng Henrie In July the saide Obrine was created Earle of Clawricarde The 12 of July King Henrie married Ladye Katherine King Henrye marryed Ladye Katherine Par. Parre late wife to the Lorde Latimer and sister to the Marquesse of Northampton at Hampton Courte King Henry sent ouer 6000. men to 〈…〉 whether An army sent to Landersey also came the Emperou● with a greate armye ●●● 〈…〉 after came downe the Frenche King wyth a great army and offered to gyue battaile to the Emperour by reason whereof the siege was raysed then the Frenche men victualled the Towne and on the morrowe
and Townes in the like order as afore and thus to continue for euer as in the indentures tripartite more playnely may appeare Cardinall Poole who had long time bin forth from this Cardinal Poole Realme and now in great estimation in the Court of Rome was sent for by Quéene Mary to returne into his Countrey of England The third of Nouember the weathercocke of Paules was set vp which cocke wayed fortie pound his length VVeathercock of Paules from the bill to the tayle was four foote and his breadth ouer the wings thrée foote and a halfe the which cocke béeing of copper was ouer gilt The thirtéenth of Nouember Doctor Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury Lady Iane that was before proclaymed Quéene and the Lord Guilford hir husband were arraigned at the Guild hall of London and condemned of Treason The Parliament was dissolued on the sixth of December And on the one and twentith of December beganne Latine seruice in the Church throughout England the Church seruice to be done in Latine as was enacted by the last Parliamente and as the same had bin left in the last yeare of King Henry the eyght In the beginning of the moneth of January the Emperour sent a noble man called Ecmondane and certayne other Embassadors into England to conclude a marriage betwéene King Phillip his sonne and Quéene Mary of Englande The fourtéenth of January D. Stephen Gardener Bishop of Winchester Lord Chancellour of England in the Chamber of presence at Westminster made to the Lordes Nobilitie and Gentlemen an Oration very eloquent wherein hée declared that the Quéenes Maiestie partly for amitie and other waightie considerations had after muche suite on the Emperours and Prince of Spaynes behalfe made determined by the consent of the Counsell and Nobilitie to match hir selfe with the sayde Prince in most godly and lawfull matrimonie and declared further that she should haue for hir ioynter thirtie thousand Duckets by the yeare with all the lowe Countrey of Flanders and that the issue if there happened any betwéene them two lawfully begotten should bée heire as well to the Kingdome of Spayne as also to the sayde lowe Countrey He sayde therefore that they were all bound to thanke GOD that so noble worthy and famous a Prince would vouchsafe so to humble hymselfe as in thys marriage to take vppon hym rather as a Subiect than otherwise for the Quéene and hir Counsell shoulde rule all thynges as ●●e dyd before and that there shoulde bée of the Counsell no Stranger neyther to haue the custodie of anye Fortes or Castels c. nor beare anye rule or office in ●he Quéenes house or else-where in all Englande with ●yuers other Articles there by hym rehearsed where●●e hée sayde the Quéenes pleasure and request was ●●at lyke good Subiectes for hir sake they woulde most ●●●inglye receyue him with reuerence ioy and honoure The next day the Lord Maior of London with his bréethren the Aldermē were sent for to the Court and to bring with them fortie of the head commoners of the Citie vnto whome before the Counsell the Lord Chancellour made the like Oration desiring them to behaue themselues like good subiects with all humblenesse and reioycing The purpose of this marriage was so gréeuously taken of diuers men that for this and for Religion they in such Conspiracy sort conspired against the Quéene that if the matter had not broken out before the time by them appoynted men thought it would haue brought much trouble and daunger The xxv of January Sir Iohn Gage Lord Chamberlayne certified the Lord Maior of London that Sir Thomas Commotion in Kent by Sir Thomas VViat Wyat with certayne other Rebels were vp in Kent aboute Maydestone wherevpon great watche was kepte and that night the Lord Maior rode about to peruse the same and euery night after two Aldermen did the like in the day time the gates of the Citie were warded by substantiall Citizēs The xxvij of January the Lord Treasurer came to the Guild hall from the Counsell to request the Citizens to prepare fiue hundred footemen well harnessed to go agaynste Wyat which was granted and made ready the same night and on the morrow were deliuered to their Captaines and sent to Grauesend by water The xxix of January the Duke of Norffolke with the Captayne of the Gard and other souldiers The Duke of Norffolke sente against VVyat and the Captaine and Souldiers that were sent from London minded to assault Rochester Castell where Wyat and his people lay but before the setting forward of these VVyat strengthened vvith the Queenes Ordinance men the Duke sent Mayster Nory an Herault vnto Rochester with the Quéenes Proclamation of pardon to all such as would desist from their purpose who comming to the bridge woulde haue gone through into the Citie but they that kept the bridge would not suffer him till that the Captayne came who at the last granted the same to be read ●● the Citie but holding a Dagge against him cryed speak●● softly or else they would shoote him thorough so that they would not suffer the people to heare the Proclamation which béeing ended each man cryed they had done nothing wherefore they should néede any pardon and in that quarrell which they had taken in hande they would lyue and dye neuerthelesse at the last Sir George Harpar receyued the pardon outwardly and béeing receiued vnder the Duke of Norffolkes protection came on forwarde againste the Kentishmen and euen as the company were set in a readinesse and marched forward toward the Bridge Brette béeing Captayne of the fiue hundred Londoners of which the more parte were in the fore-ward turned himselfe aboute and drawing out his sword sayd these or like words Maysters we go about to fight against our natiue Countreymen of England and our friends in a quarrell vnrightfull and partly wicked for they considering the great and manyfolde miseries which are like to fall vpon vs if we shall be vnder the rule of the proude Spanyards are héere assembled to make resistance of their comming for the auoyding of so great mischiefes and inconueniences likely to light not only vpon themselues but on euery of vs and the whole Realme wherefore I thinke no English heart ought to say against them much lesse by fighting to withstande them and therefore I and others meaning such as were in that ranke with hym will spende our bloud in the quarrell of this worthy Captayne Mayster Wyat and other Gentlemen héere assembled which words once pronounced each man turned their Ordinance agaynst their folowers and therevpon cryed a Wyat a Wyat of which sodeyne noyse the Duke the Captayne of the Gard and other béeing abashed fledde forthwith immediatly came in Mayster Wyat and hys company on horssebacke rushing in amongst as well the Garde as the Londoners and sayde so many as wyll come and tarrye wyth vs shall be welcome and so many as wyll departe good leaue haue they and so
to haue cōsented to Wiats conspyracie The xviij of Marche being Palmsonday the Lady Elizabeth the Quéenes sister was by the Lord Treasurer and the Earle of Sussex conueyed to the Tower of London from Parliament Westminster by water The tj of Aprill the Parliament beganne at Westminster whyche was appoynted to haue béene kepte at Oxforde Barons created The v. of Aprill sir Iohn Williams was created Baron of Tame and Saint Iames. The vij of April sir Edward North was created Baron of Chartlege at Saint Iames. The viij of Aprill sir Iohn a Bridges was created Baron Chondoys of Sudley Saint Iames. Catte hanged in Cheape The same viij of Aprill then being Sonday a Catte with hir head shorne and the likenesse of a Uestment caste ouer hir with hir fore téete tyed togither and a round péece of paper like a singing Cake betwixte them was hanged on a Gallowes in Cheape neare to the Crosse in the Parish of Saint Mathew whyche Catte being taken downe was carryed to the Bishoppe of London and he caused the same to be shewed at Paules Crosse by the preacher Doctor Pendleton The x. of Aprill Doctor Cranmer Archbyshop of Canterburie Disputation at Oxforde Doctour Ridley Byshoppe of London and Hugh Latimer once Bishop of Worcester were cōueyed prisoners from the Tower of London to Windsore and after from thence to Oxforde there to dispute wyth the Diuines and learned men of the contrary opinion The xj of April sir Thomas Wiat was beheaded on the Thomas VViat beheaded Tower hill and after quartred hys quarters were set vppe in dyuers places and hys head on the Gallowes at Hay hill neare Hyde Parke from whence it was shortly after stolne conueyed awaye The xxvtj of Aprill Lorde Thomas Grey brother to the late Duke of Suffolke was beheaded The xiiij of May Gerrard Fitz Garret was created Erle of Kyldare and Baron of Ophelley for him and his heyres at Saint Iames. William Thomas Gentleman and other were apprehended for conspyring Quéene Maries death the same William Thomas for the matter was drawne to Tyborne and hanged and quartred the xviij of May. The xix of May Ladye Elizabeth was conueyed from the Tower of London by water to Richemonde from thence to Windsore and so by the Lord Williams to Ricot in Oxfordshire and from thence to Woodstocke The xxv of May Edward Courtney Earle of Deuonshire The Erle of Deuonshire sent to Fodringaye was deliuered oute of the Tower by sir Ralph Chamberlaine of Suffolk and sir Thomas Tresham Knights who conueyed him to Fodringay Castel in Northamptonshire there to remaine vnder their custodie The x. of June Doctoure Pendleton preached at Paules A Gunne shotte at the preacher Crosse at whome a Gunne was shotte the pellet whereof went very neare him and lighte on the Churche wall But the shooter coulde not be founde The xxtj. of June was Proclamation made forbidding the shooting in handgunnes and bearing of weapons The fiftéenth of July Elizabeth Croft a wenche abo●●● Anno reg 2. A Spirite in a vvall the age of eightéene yeares stoode vppon a Scaffolde at Paules Crosse all the Sermon tyme where shée confessed that she being moued by dyuers lewde persons therevnto hadde vppon the fouretéenth of Marche laste before passed counterfaited certayne speaches in an house withoute Aldersgate of London thoroughe the whyche the people of the whole City were wonderfully molested for that all men mighte heare the voice but not sée hir person Some saide it was an Angell and a voyce from Heauen some the holy Ghoste c. Thys was called the Spirite in the Wall she hadde laine whistling in a straunge whistle made for that purpose whiche was giuen hir by one Drakes then were there dyuers companions confederate with hir whiche putting thēselues among the preasse tooke vppon them to interprete what the Spirite saide expressing certaine seditious words againste the Quéene the prince of Spaine the Masse and Cōfession c. The xix of July the prince of Spaine arriued at Southampton the fourth day after he came to Winchester in the euening and there going to Churche was honorably receyued of the Byshoppe and a greate number of Nobles the nexte daye he met with the Quéene wyth whome he had long familiar talke On Saint James daye the marriage was solempnized betwéene him and Quéene Mary at whyche time the The marriage of King Philip and Queene Mary Emperors Embassadour being present pronounced that in consideration of the marriage the Emperor had giuen vnto his sonne the Kingdome of Naples The solempnitie of thys marriage being ended the King of Harraults proclai●●ed their Tytle as foloweth Philip and Marie by the grace of The Kings stile God King and Quéene of Englande Fraunce Naples Hierusalem and Ireland Defendors of the Faith Princes of Spaine and Sicile Archdukes of Austrich Dukes of Millaine Burgundy and Brabant Counties of Aspurge Flaunders and Tyrroll whyche being ended the Trumpets blewe the Kyng and Quéene came forth hand in hande and two Swords borne before them Shortly after King Philip and Quéene Marie remoued frō Winchester to Basing frō thence to Windsore then to Richemont from thence by water to Southwarke acompanyed with the Noble men Ladies the King in one barge the Quéeni● an other and landed at the Bishop of Winchesters staires neare to S. Mary Oueries Church so passed through that place and parke into Suffolke place where they rested that night And the next day being the xviij of August they rode thorough Southwarke ouer the Bridge and so thorough London where they were with great prouision receiued of y e A man slyding from Paules steeple citizens passing through Paules Churchyard a man came ●lydyng as it were flying vpon a rope from Paules Stéeple The second of September sir Anthony Browne Maister of the Horse was put by and made Marques Mountague for him and his heires Males with the gifte of xx markes the yeare of Surrey at Hampton Court Dauid Woodroffe William Chester the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Lion Grocer the 28. of October The xxvj h● October a Spaniard was hanged at Charing Crosse for killing of an Englishman there was offered A Spaniard hanged for his life by other strangers 500. Crownes but all that woulde not stay Justice The xij of Nouēber the parliament began at Westminster The xxiiij of Nouember Cardinall Poole came out of Brabant into England and was receiued with much honour he was by Parliament restored to hys olde dignitie that he was put from by King Henrie and shortly after came into the Parliament house where the King Quéene and other states were present Then he declared the cause of his Legacie first exhorting them to returne to the Communion of the Churche and restore to the Pope hys due aucthoritie Secondly he aduertised them to giue thankes to God that had sent them so blessed a King and Quéene Finally he signified
reg 7. the North partes of the Element séemed to be couered wyth flames offyre procéeding towards the middle of the firmament where after it had stayed nigh one houre it descended West and all the same night being the next after the chāge of the Moone séemed as light as it had bin daye Sir Richard Mallery Mercer the 28. of October Maior The twentith of Nouember in the morning throughe negligence of a Maiden with a Candle the snuffe falling in an hundred pounde waighte of gunne poulder thrée houses in Bucklerslourie werefore shaken and the Maide dyed two dayes after The d●e and twentith of December begas●e a Fro●e The Thani●●●rosen ouer whyche ●●● 〈…〉 so extreamly that on Neweyeres euen people wēt ouer and along the Thamis on the Ice from London bridge to Westminister some played at foote ball as boldely there as if it had bin on the dry land diuers of the Court being then at Westminster shotte dailye at prickes sette vpon the Thamis ● And the people both men and women went on the Thamis in greater number than in anye stréete of the Citie of London On the thirde daye of January at night it beganne to thawe and on the fifth daye was no Ice to bée séene betwéene London bridge and Lambeth whyche caused greate ●loudes and highe waters that bare downe Bridges and houses and drowned manye people in Englande especially Ovves bridge borne dovvne in Yorkeshire Owes bridge was borne away wyth other The thyrde daye of February Henry Stuarte Lord Darlo●● Henry Stuarte marryed the Quene of Scots aboute the age of ninetéene yéeres eldest sonne of Mathew Earle of Leunex who wente into Scotlande at Whitsontide before hauing obtayned licence of the Quéenes Maiestie tooke his iorney towarde Scotland accompanied with ●iue of his fathers men where when he came was honorablye receyued and lodged in the Kings lodgings and in the Sommer following marryed Marie Quéene of Scotlande Aboute this time for the Quéenes Maiestie were chosen and sent commissioners to Bruges the Lorde Montacute Knight of the honorable order of the Garter Doctour Wotton one of his Maiesties honorable Counsell Doctor Haddōon●●● the Maisters of 〈…〉 to hir highnesse with other 1565 Maister Doctor Aubrey was for the Merchant Aduenturers of Englande They came to Bruges in Lent Anno. 1565. continued there till Michaelmasse followyng and then was the diet prolonged till March in 1566 and the Commissioners returned into Englande The two and twentith of Aprill the Ladye Margaret Lady Liunex sente to the Tovver Countesse of Liunex was commaunded to kéepe hir Chamber at the White hall where she remayned till the xxtj. of June then conueyed by sir Frauncis Knolles the Guard to the Tower of London by water On Midsomer day Donell Mac Cartie More was created Baron of Valencia and afterwarde the same daye Earle of Glankerre at White hall On S. Peters euen at night was the like standing watch VVatche at Midso●uer in London as hadde béene on the same nighte twelue moneths The xvj of July about nine of the clocke at night began Tempest at Chel●●forde a tempest of lightning and thunder wyth showres of haile whyche continued til thrée of the clocke the nexte morning so terrible that at Chelmsforde in Essex 500. acres of corne were destroyed the Glasse windowes on the East side of the Towne and of the Weast and South sides of the church were beaten downe wyth also the tiles of their houses beside dyuers Barnes Chimneys and the battlements of the Churche whiche were ouerthrowen The like harme was done in manye other places as at Leedes Cranebrooke Douer c. Christopher Prince and Margraue of Baden wyth Cicelie Margraue and Marques of Baden his wyfe sister to the King of Swethlande after a long and daungerous iorney wherein they had trauelled almoste xj moneths sayling from Stokeholme crossing the Seas ouer into Lifeland from whence by land they came aboute by Polland Pruscy Pomerland Meckeburge Friseland and so to Ant●arpe in Brabant then to Callais at the laste in September 〈…〉 at Douer and the xj day of the same they came to London and were lodged at the Earle of Bedfordes place neare vnto Iuie bridge where wythin foure dayes after that is to ●aye the xv of September she trauelled in childe bed and was delyuered of a man childe whyche childe the laste of September was christned in the Quéenes Maiesties chappell of White hall at Westminster the Quéenes Maiestie in 〈…〉 owne person being Godmother the Archebyshoppe of Canterburie and the Duke of Norffolke Godfathers at the c●ri●●●ing the Quéene gaue the childe to name Edwardus Fortunatus for that God had so gratiously assisted hys mother in so long and daungerous a iourney and brought hir so safe to lande in that place whyche she moste desired and that in so shorte time before hir deliueraunce Iohn Riuers Iames Hawes the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Mariage of the Earle of VVarvvike Sir Richarde Champion ●rape● the 28. of October The eleauenth of Nouember the right honourable Ambrose Earle of Warwike marryed Anne eldest daughter to the Earle of B●dforde for the honor and celebration of whiche noble marriage a goodlye chalenge was made and obserued a● ●estminster at the T●●● with ech one sixe courses at the Tourney twelue strokes with the Sword thrée pushes wyth the punchion staste and twelue blowes with the Sworde at Bar●iars or twentie if any were so disposed At tenne of the clocke the same daye a valiant serui●eable Robert Thomas slaine man called Roberte Thomas Maister Gunner of Englande destrous also to honour the fea●● and marriage day in consideration the saide Earle of Warwike was Generall of the Ordinaunce wythin hir Maiesties Realmes and Dominions made thrée traines of great Chambers which terribly yéelded forth the nature of their voyce to the greate astonishment of diuers who at the fyring of the seconde was vnhappilye staine by a péece of one of the Chambers to the greate sorrowe and lame●●ation of many The foure and twentith of December in the mornyng Anno reg 8. there rose a greate storme and tempest of winde by whose rage the Thames and Seas ouerwhelmed many persons and the greate Gates ●● the Weaste ende of Paules Church in London betwéene the whyche standeth the Brazen Piller Paules Gate blovven open were throughe the force of the winde then in the weasterne parte of the worlde ●lo●en open In January M●ns●eur Ra●buley ● Knight of the Order Order of Sainte Michaell in Fraunce was sent ouer into Englande by the French King Charles the ninth of that na●●e wyth the Order who ●● Windsore was stalled in the behalfe of the saide French King wyth the Knighthoode of the moste honorable order of the Garter and the four and twentith of January in the Cha●pell of hir Maiesties Pallaice of White ●all the saide Monsieur Rambuley inuested Thomas Duke of Norffolke and Robert Earle of
Naylor were called to bring in the sayd Naylor Champion for Simon Lowe shortly thervpon sir Ierome Bowes leading Nailor by the hand entreth with him the lystes bringing hym downe that square by which he entred being on the left hād of the Judges so about til he came to the next square iust against the Judges there making curtesi● first with one leg then wyth the other passed forth til be came to the middle of the place then made the lyke obeysance so passing till they came to the Bar there he made the like curtesie and his shield was held vp aloft ouer his head Nailor put off his nether stocks so bare foote and bare legged saue his silke S●auilonions to y e ankles his dublet sléeues tyed vp aboue the elbow bare-headed came in as is aforesaid Then were the sureties of George Thorne called to bring in the same Thorne immediatly sir Henrie Cheyney entring at the vpper ende on the right hand of the Judges vsed the like order in coming about by hys side as Naylor had before on that other side so comming to the Bar with like obeysance helde vp his shield Proclamation was made that none should touch the Bars nor presume to come within the same except such as were appoynted After all this solempne order was finished the L●chiefe Justice rehearsing the maner of bringing the Writ of right by Simon Low of the answere made thervnto by Paramore of the procéeding therein and how Paramore had chalenged to defend his right to the lande by battel by his Champion Thomas Thorne and of the accepting the tryall that was by Lowe with his Champion Henrie Naylor then for default in appearance in Lowe he adiudged the land to Paramore dismissed the Champions acquitting the sureties of their band● He also willed Henrie Naylor to render againe to George Thorne his Gauntlet wherevnto the sayde Naylor aunsweared that hys Lordeshyp myghte commaunde hym any thing but willingly he would not render the saide Ga●tlet to Thorne excepte hée coulde winne it and further he chalenged the saide Thorne to playe wyth hym halfe a score blowes to shew some pastime to the Lorde chiefe Justice and the other there assembled but Thorne aunsweared that hée came to fighte and woulde not playe Then the Lordo chiefe Justice commending Naylor for his valiaunt courage commaunded them bothe quietly te departe the fielde c. The sixetéenth of July Rebecca Chamber late wyfe to A vvoman brēt at Maydstone Thomas Chamber of Herieitesham was founde culpable of poysonyng the saide Thomas Chamber hir husbande at the assises holden at Maidstone in the Countie of Kent For the which farre hauyng well deserued she was there brent on the nexte morrowe The seauenth of September the Duke of Norffolke was Duke of Norffolke sent to the Tovver remoued from the Charterhouse to the Tower of London prisoner The two and twentith of September deceassed Iohn Iewell Bishoppe of Salisbury deceassed Byshoppe of S●lisburie in hys life a most eloquent and diligent Preacher but a farre more painfull and studious Writer as hys workes remayning beare witnesse whereby hys fame shall neuer dye Henrie Milles Iohn Braunche the 28. of September Sherifes Maior The Christians victorie againste the Turkes Sir William Allin Mercer the 28. of October The ninth of Nouember great reioycing was made at London with hanquetting and bonefyres for ioye of the late come newes of a maruellous victorie obtayned by the christian army by sea against the Turkes the sixth of October last passed wherein were taken and sunke of the Turkes Galleis and Brygantines two hundred and thyrtie there were slaine of the Turkes more than thyrtie thousande besides a great number of prisoners taken and aboute twelue thousande Christians that had bin slaues wyth the Turkes were set at libertie The Christians loste seauen Galleys and Anno reg 14 were slaine aboute sixe or seauen thousande The thyrtith of December Reynolde Grey was by the Earle of Kent Quéenes Maiestie restored Earle of Kent The thyrtéenth of January deceased Sir William Peter Sir VVilliam Peter deceassed Knight who for hys iudgement and pregnant witte hadde béene Secretary and of priuie Councell to foure Kings and Quéenes of thys Realme and seauen times Lorde Embassador abroade in forraine landes he augmented Exceter Colledge in Oxforde with landes to the value of an hundred pounde by yeare and also builded ●enne Almes houses in the parishe of Ingerstone for twenty pore people ten within the house and tenne wythout the house hauyng euerye one two pence the daye a winter gowne and two loade of wood and among them féedyng for sixe Ky●e Winter and Sommer and a Chaplaine to saye them seruice daylye The sixetéenth of January the Lorde Thomas Hawarde Duke of Norffolke arraigned Duke of Norffolke was arraigned in Westminster hall before George Lorde Talbot Earle of Shrewsburie hyghe Steward of Englande for that daye and there by hys Péeres founde guyltie of hyghe treason and hadde iudgement accordynglye The eleauenth of February Kenelme Barney and Edmonde Mather Barney and Roli● executed Mather were drawne from the Tower of London and Henrie Rolfe from the Marshalsea in Southwarke all thrée to Tyborne and there hanged bowelled and quartred for treason Barney and Mather for conspiracie and Rolfe for counterfayting the Quéenes Maiesties hande The Quéenes Maiestie hearing credibly by report that Conueyers of Belles Lead other churche goods are to be punished to the example of their too many follovvers certaine lewde persons vnder pretence of executing Commissions for inquiries to be made for lands concealed contrarye to hir Maiesties meaning chalenging lands ●●ocks of money Plate c. letting not also to make pretence to the Belles Lead and other suche thyngs belonging to Parishe Churches or Chappels Hir Maiestie meaning spéedily to wythstande suche manner of vnlawfull practises commaunded that al Commissions then extant and not determined for inquisition of any manner of concealementes ●houlde be by Supersidias oute of hir Exchequer reuoked ●●d also appoynted spéedye remedye to be had against suche 〈◊〉 as more a● large app●●●●th by a Proclamation ●●is 〈…〉 〈◊〉 ●● 〈◊〉 ●● haue some speciall ●●r● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the 〈◊〉 but also to the refor●●ng ●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and iniurious attempts of dyuers that of late time by other colour th● for hir Maiesties vse had taken away the lead of Churches and Chappels yea and Belles also out of Stéeples and other co●mon g●●d●● belonging to parishes an example not to be suffred vnpunished nor vnreformed And so hir Maiestie e●t●●●●es chargeth hir Justices of hir Assise to prouide seuere remedy bothe for punishement and reformation thereof Dated at Westminster the thirtéenth daye of February the fourteenth yers of hir raigne The tenth of March deceassed sir William Pawlet knight Sir VVilliam Pavvlet Lorde Treasourer deceassed Lorde Sent-Iohn Earle of Wiltshire Marques of Winchester Knight of the Honourable
order of the Garter one of the Quéenes Maiesties priuy Counsell and Lorde high Treasorer of England at his Manour of Basing Thys worthy man was borne in the yeare of our Lorde 148● the firste yeare of King Richarde the thirde and lyued aboute the age of 87. yeares in sixe Kings and Quéenes dayes He serued fiue Kings and Quéenes Henrie the seauenth Henrie the eight Edwarde the sixth Quéens Marie and Quéene Elizabeth All these he serued faithfully and of them was greately fauoured Hymselfe did sée the chyldr●n of hys children● children growen ●o the ●●●ber of ●03 A●●●● blessing gyuen by God to men of hys ●●●●ing The xxv and xxvj of March by the commaundement of the Quéenes Maiestie hir Councel the Citizens of London assembling at their ●●●●●all Halles the Maisters chose oute ●he mo●●e 〈◊〉 ●●● 〈◊〉 persons of euerye their companies to 〈…〉 e● of thrée thousande whom they appoynted to be Pikemen and 〈◊〉 ●h● Pikemen were forthwith armed in ●a●●●●●r●e●● and ●●●●r furniture according there vnto the Gunners had euery of them hys Callyuer with the furniture and 〈◊〉 on theyr hea●es To these were appoynted dyuers valiant Capitaines who to ●●aine them vp in warlike ●ea●● 〈◊〉 them ●●r●ce euery wéeke sometimes in the Artillery yarde teaching the Gunners to handle their péeces sometime at the Miles end and in Saint Georges fielde teaching them to skyrmishe In the whyche skyrmishe wythe Miles end the tenth of Aprill one of the 〈◊〉 of the Goldsmiths company was shot in the 〈◊〉 wyth a péece of a scowring sticke lefte in one of the Calyuers whereof he dyed and was buryed the twelfth of Aprill in S. Paules Churcheyarde al the Gunners marching from the Miles end in battaile ray shotte off theyr Calyuers at hys graue On May day they mustred at Grenewich before y e Quéens Maiestie where they shewed manye warlike feates but were hindred by the weather whych was all day showring they returned that nighte to London and were discharged on the nexte morrowe The fourth of May Walter Deueroux Lorde Ferrers of Earles of Essex and Lincolne created Chartley and Viscount of Her●fonde was created Earle of Essex And Edwarde Fines Lorde Clinton and Say hyghe Admirall of Englande was created Earle of Lincolne The eight of May the Parliament beganne at Westminster Barons made and that same daye in the Parliament by the Quéenes Maiesties Writtes sir Henrie Compton Knight Lorde of Compt●n in the Hole sir Henry Cheyney Knight Lorde of Tudington sir William Pawlet Knight of Basing and sir Henrie Norrice Knight Lorde of Rycote were called Barons into the higher house In this Parliament for so muche as the whole Realme of England was excéedingly pestred with Roags Uagabonds and sturdy beggers by meanes wherof dayly hapned diuers horrible murders theftes and other greate outrages it was enacted that all persons aboue the age of fourtéene yeres beyng taken begging vagrant and Roags brente through the ●are wandring misorderly shoulde be apprehended whipped brent through the gri●●le of the right eare with a hote yron of one ynch compasse for the firste time so taken The foure and twentith of May Martin Bulloke was hanged on a Gibbet by the Well with two Buckets in Bishoppes gate stréete of London for robbing and most shamefullye murdering of a Merchaunt named Arthure Hall in the Personage of Saint Martine by the saide Well Thys Martin hadde procured the saide Arthure Hall to come to the sayd Personage to buy of hym certaine Plate but after the saide Arthure hadde well viewed the same he saide this is none of your Plate it hathe Doctor Gardeners marke I knowe it to be his that is true said Martin Bullocke but he hath appoynted me to sell it c. After thys talke whyles the said Arthure was weighing the Plate the same Martin fetcht out of the Kitchen a thicke washing Bée●le and commyng behinde hym strake the saide Arthure on the head that hée felled him with the firste stroke and then strake hym againe and after tooke the saide Arthures Dagger and sticked hym and wyth hys knyfe cut hys throate and after woulde haue trussed hym in a Danske Cheste but the same was too shorte wherevppon he tumbled him downe a paire of stayres and after thinking to haue buryed hym in the Seller hys legges being broken with the fyrst fal and stiffe he coulde not drawe hym downe the Seller staires béeyng wynding wherefore he cutte off hys legs wyth an Hatchet and in the ende trussed hym with Strawe in a drye fat and saying it was his apparell and Bookes caused the same to be carryed to the water side and so shipped to Rye The sixe and twentith of May the right honorable Earle of Lincolne departed from London towardes Fraunce Embassador being accompanyed with the Lords Dacres the Lord Riche the Lord Talbot the Lord Sandes and the Lord Clinton sir Arthure Chambernowne sir Ierome Bowes and sir Edwarde Hastings Knightes wyth dyuers other Gentlemen who takyng ship at Deuer cutte ouer to Bolongne where they were very honorably receyued from thence conueyed by iorneys to Paris where they were lodged in a house of y e kings named Le Chasteau de Loure being attended on by the Kings Officers Fiue dayes after they wente to the King at a house called Madril where the Kyng wyth his two brethren the Admirall and the moste parte of the Nobles of Fraunce mette them a distance from the place and broughte them into the house where they dyned and remayned till Sondaye followwyng from whence the Kyng and hys nobles with the nobles of Englande came to Paris the Kyng his two brethren and oure Embassador ryding in one Coche togither and the Nobles of England and Fraunce being so placed also in Coches came to the saide Castell of Loure and there dyned After dinner the King our Embassadour with the Nobibilitie of bothe Realmes wente to a Churche named Saint Germaine where the Frenche King his brethren and Nobilitie hearde Euensong the Noble men of Englande withdrawing them into a Chappell til Euensong was done were then fetched thence by the Nobles of Fraunce to the Kyng and hys brethren that awayted their commyng where was League vvith Fraunce confirmed in Fraunce confirmed the league whyche hadde bin concluded at Blois the ninetéenth of April deputies beyng there for the French partie Frauncis Momorencie Reignold Virago Sebastian de Lanbespine and Paul de Foix. And for the Quéene of Englande sir Thomas Smith and Maister Walsingham Embassadors Thys being done they departed without the wals of Paris to a Garden of pleasure where they supped after supper the King departed to his place of Madrill and the nobles of Englande to the Castell of Loure On Monday the Admirall feasted the Nobles of Englande On Tuisday the Duke of Aniow the Kings brother and on Wednesday the Duke of Alanson hys yonger brother and so passed in banquetting and feasting wyth riche giftes on bothe partes On Fridaye the Nobles of
Chancellor to the Uniuersitie as is testified by the Charter of K. Henrie the sixth bearing date the 37. yeare of his raigne whyche was the yeare of Christ 1459. Iesus Colledge was founded by Iohn Alcocke the 29. Byshop Iesus Colledge of Ely who did conuert the Monastery of Saint Ra●●gond the Abbesse liuing a dissolute life the Monasterie then destitute of gouernement the edyfices fallen in ruine and in conclusion the Nuns departing thence leauing it desolate into a Colledge of Chaplaines and Scholers the yeare of Christe 1446. This Iohn Alcocke was borne in Kingstone vppon Hull and therefore builded there a Fréeschoole The rentes of Iesus Colledge hathe bin more amplified by sir Robert Reade Knight Doctour Eleston Doctor Royston and Doctor Fuller Christes Colledge was founded by King Henry the sixth Christs colledge who named it Gods House as it was sometime a greate Hostell so called King Henry the seauenth granted hys Charter to Lady Margaret hys mother Countesse of Richemont Darby to encrease the Students there translating it at hir disposition so that from thenceforth it should be called Christes Colledge 1505. Saint Iohns Colledge being firste an Hostell of religious Chanons was erected by Nigellus the seconde Bishoppe of Ely Treasourer to King Henrie the firste the yeare of Christe 1134. Those Chanons lyued by the name of the Hospitall and brethren of Saint Iohn vntil the yere of Christ 1510. though at that time so farre decayed that there was but a Prior two brethren and by the dilapidations of their goods moueable and vnmoueable they abased their reuenues within the space of ten yeres last paste from the summe of an hundred and fortie pounde to thirtie pounde c. Wherevpon King Henrie the eight Richarde Byshop of Winchester Iohn Bishoppe of Rochester Charles Somerset Lorde of Herbert Thomas Louell Henry Marne Iohn Sent-Iohn Knights Henry Horneby and Hugh Ashton Clearks executors of y e testament of Lady Margaret Countesse of Richmont Darby grandmother to King Henry the eight mother to King Henry the seuenth vpon the suppressiō of the said priorie she being preuented by death leauing behinde hir sufficient goodes and committing the same to those hir friendes and executors they erected the saide Colledge Magalene Colledge was firste an Hostell or Hall inhabited Magdalene Colledge by dyuers Monkes of sundrye Monasteries Edward Duke of Buckingham translated the same to a Colledge naming it Buckingham Colledge who builded vp the Hall in the yeare of Christe 1519. After him Thomas Audley of Walden sometime Chauncellor of Englande tooke on him to be Founder of the saide Colledge and going aboute to establishe the same was preuented by death so that what he had begonne he left vnperfect and altogither vnfinished Trinitie Colledge was founded by King Henrie the eighte Trinitie Colledge in the yeare of Christ 1546. This Colledge was builded in the plot where somtime Edwarde the thyrde builded his house called the Kings hall in the yeare of Christ 1334. There was ioyned vnto this Hall a Colledge called Michael house with an Hostell called Phisicke Hostell and after the building there being made of thrée King Henrie the eight named it Trinitie Colledge Michael house was firste founded by Harnious de Stanton Priest Chauncellor of the Exchequer to Edwarde the second of whome he obtained licence to erect the saide Colledge in the yeare of oure sauiour Christ 1324. ¶ And thus farre of the Uniuersitie of Cambridge with the Colledges and Halles in the same ¶ The Vniuersitie of Oxford was instituted by King Alfred a Saxon after the byrth of Christe 873. yeares And hathe Colledges VNiuersitie Colledge founded in the time of King Vniuersitie Colledge Alfred by sir William Archdeacon of Duresme in the yeare 873. The Uniuersitie Church alias Saint Marie Church was begun to be reedified in y e time of Doctor Fitz-Iames after Bishoppe of London he procured much money towardes the building of it The battlements of it were full of Pinacles but by tempest were most of thē thrown down in one night Balioll colledge Baliol Clledge was founded in the tyme of Edwarde the first by Iohn Balioll K. of Scotland in the yere of Christ 1263. Merton Colledge was founded in the time of Edwarde the Merton Colledge firste by Walter Merton Byshoppe of Rochester the yeare of Christ 1276. Excester Colledge was founded in the time of Edward the Excester Colledge seconde by Walter Stapleton Bishoppe of Excester 1316. And augmented in the time of oure Soueraigne Ladye Elizabeth by sir William Peter Knight in the yere of Christ Anno. 156● Oriall Colledge was founded in the time of Edwarde the Oriall Colledge seconde by sir Adam Browne Almoner of the said King the yeare of Christe 13●3 Queenes Colledge was founded in the time of Edwarde the Queenes Colledge thyrde by Robert Eglishfielde in his owne grounde and by him called the Queenes hall he was Chapleine to the Lady Philip wife to the same Edward the yeare of Christ 1340. Newe Colledge was founded in the time of King Richard Nevv Colledge the seconde by William Wickham Byshoppe of Winchester the yere of Christ 1375. Lincolne Colledge was founded in y ● time of Henry the fifth Lincolne Colledge by Richard Fleming Bishop of Lincolne 1430. and augmented in Richard the thirds time by Thomas Rotheram Byshop of Lincolne in the yere 1479. Alsoule Colledge was founded in the time of King Henry y ● Alsoule Colledge sixth by Henry ●iche●y Archbi of Canterburie in y ● yere 1437. He also founded Barnard Colledge in Oxford since suppressed by K. Hēry the eight now reedified by sir Thomas White and by him called Saint Iohns Colledge Diuinitie Schoole was founded in the time of King Henry Diuinitie schoole the sixth by Humfrey Duke of Gloucester 1447. Magdalen Colledge was founded in the time of king Henry Magdalen Colledge the sixth by William Wainflet Bish of Winchester 1459. He builded a good part of Eaton Colledge begon by Henry y ● sixth he builded a Fréeschoole at Wamflet Brasen nose Colledge was founded in y ● raigne of King Henry Brase nose Colledge the seuenth by Wil. Smith B. of Lincolne in the yere 1513. The same William Smith sometime Bishop of Lichfielde ordayned an Hospitall there for pore folkes and a Gramer Schoole for pore folkes children Also at Farneworth where he and his parents had their originall he bestowed x. pound the yere foreuer to one that should teach a Gramer schoole Corpus Christi Colledge was founded in the raigne of Henrie Corpus Christi Colledge the seauenth by Richard Foxe Bishop of Winchester himselfe being a Fellow in Pembrooke hall in Cambridge he endowed the same Colledge with 40. ● 8. s̄ 11. d. of yerely rent for euer the yere 1516. Christes Churche was founded in the time of Henry the Christes church eight by Thomas Wolsey Cardinal Archebishop of Yorke in the yere of
Glastenburie brent Pag. 213 Gorbodug king Pag. 24 Gorbomanus king Pag. 29 Gorbonian king Pag. 30 Gospell preached in England Pag. 57 Godwin Sands Pag. 173 Good Parliament Pag. 467. euil Parliament Pag. 519. lay mans Parliament Pag. 559 Golden Rose sent from Rome Pag. 933 Gold enhaunsed Pag. 941 Grantham builded Pag. 29 Grantbridge or Cambridge Pag. 122 Grey Friers in England Pag. 259 Grifithe of Wales brake his necke out of the Tower of London Pag. 269 Grauesend Bishop of London Pag. 315 Groates halfe groates coyned Pag. 420 Grey Friers in Londō an Hospital Pag. 1053 Great and wonderful tempestes Pag. 1106 Gardner made Lord Chauncellour Pag. 1071 deceased Pag. 1099 Great Hary a slip brent Pag. 1071 Great seale taken from the Lord Riche page Pag. 1050 Greenewich Towne builded Pag. 240 Giles Church brent Pag. 1032 Great flouds Pag. 1099 Great fishes Pag. 1053 Great muster in London Pag. 1015 Gwindolen Queene Pag. 19 Gurgustus king Pag. 23 Gurgustius King Pag. 28 Guinthelinus king Pag. 28 Gurguinus king Pag. 30 Guinouer wife to Arthur Pag. 81 Gurmondchester builded Pag. 88 Guy Earle of Warwicke slew Colbronde Page 131 Guisnes gotten by the English Pag. 421 Gunnes muented Pag. 480 Guilde Hall in London builded Pag. 573 Gunne shot at the Preacher Pag. 1091 H. HAdrianus a Romaine Pag. 54 Hadley in Essex Pag. 124 Harold a Dane King Pag. 141 Hardicanutus king Pag. 142 Harold king Pag. 146. slaine Pag. 147 Hartes leapt into the Sea Pag. 240 Hales Owen reedified Pag. 251 Halfepence and farthings round Pag. 299 Handes of men cut of for rescuing of a prisoner Pag. 306 Hastings brent Pag. 472 Harlow Castel wonne Pag. 721 Hayle stones Pag. 18. ynches about Pag. 870 Hayle in Northamptonshire did muche harme Pag. 1174 Hailestones figured like mē heads Pag. 103 Hangman hanged Pag. 1013 Helius king Pag. 31 Helen mother to Constantine Pag. 69 Hengest Saxon. Pag. 80. king of Kent Pag. 83 Hengest first king of Kent Pag. 190 Hereforde Bishoppes Sea founded Pag. 106 Hereford brent Pag. 164 Hen●ie the first Pag. 176 Hereford brent Pag. 189 Henrie the seconde king Pag. 200 wenteagainst the Welchmen Pag. 201 Hergelius Patriarke Pag. 214 Hedges burned Pag. 237 Henrie the third King Pag. 252 Herdesmen go toward Ierusalem Pag. 340 Hugh Spencer executed Pag. 349 350 Henrie Percy created Erle of Northumberland Pag. 471 Henrie bastard of Spaine Pag. 475 Herfleete besieged Pag. 589 Henrie sonne to Iohn of Gaunt created Duke of Hereforde Pag. 527 accufeth the Duke of Norffolke Pag. 528 banished Pag. 529 returneth into Englande Pag. 532. chosen king Pag. 540 crowned ●42 conspiracie againste him Pag. 544. entreth Scotlande Pag. 547. in great daunger Pag. 549 marieth the dutches of Brytaine Pag. 553. conspiracie against him Pag. 563. writeth to the Pope Pag. 571. ended his life Pag. 576 Henrie Beauchamp created duke of Warwicke Pag. 648 Henrie Lord Bourcher made Earle of Essex Pag. 713 Henrie son to Henrie the seauenth borne Page 865 Henrie sonne to Henrie the fourth made prince of Wales Pag. 541. his demean of at his fathers deathe Pag. 576. crowned king Pag. 583. entreth Normandie Pag. 588. Pag. 599. returneth home Pag. 597. deceased Pag. 614 Henrie the sixth borne at Windsor Pag. 612 King of England and of Fraunce Pag. 618 crowned Pag. 633. at Paris Pag. 635. fled into Scotlande Pag. 712. disherited Pag. 713 taken Pag. 717 ●estored Pag. 725. sent to the Tower prisoner Pag. 727. murdered Pag. 729. his cōmendation Pag. 730 his Colledge Pag. 731. his death Pag. 756. buried at Windsor Pag. 84● Edward Prince borne in Sanctuarie Pag. 726 Pag. 807. King of Englande Pag. 7●● his aunswere to his mother Pag. 805 murdered Page 828 Henrie Earle of Richmonde landed at Mylford hauen Pag. 851. proclaymed king Pag. 858 drowned Pag. 861. besieged Buloigne Pag. 866 builded a Chapple at Westminster Pag. 875. Hospitall of the Sauoy Pag. 891. deceased ibidem his sepulchre Pag. 892 Hingwer the Dane slayne Pag. 123 Honorius Emperour Pag. 73 Hokenorton a towne Pag. 129 Houndsdich Pag. 139 Hofen a payre for a king three shillings Page 168 Howses blowne down in Cheape Pag. 170 Hospital of Saint Leonard at Yorke foūded Pag. 175 Hospitall of Saint Giles Pag. 183 Hospital of Saint Crosse builded Pag. 185 Hospital of s Thomas in Southwark Pag. 244 Hospitall at Oxford Pag. 263 Hospital of Saint Marie at London Pag. 265 Hospital at Lecester founded Pag. 365 Hogges in Normandie brent by Edward the third Pag. 394 Hospitall at Kingston founded Pag. 461 Housekeeping of the Earle of Warwike Page 722 House at London bridge fell into the Thames Pag. 748 Humber a Riuer Pag. 18 Humfrey Duke of Glocester chalengeth to cōbat with Philip D. of Burgoign Pag. 625. marieth Elianor Cobham Pag. 631. dyed at Bury Pag. 650. debate betwene the D. of Glo. and the Bi. of Winchester Pag. 627 I. I Ago King Pag. 23 Saint Iames in Bristowe builded Pag. 181 Iames Churche at Garlike Hithe builded Pag. 349 Iaqueline Dutchesse of Henalt Pag. 623 married to the Duke of Gloucester Pag. 624 Iames son to the King of Scottes taken Pag. 567. released of his imprisonment Pag. 629 Iacke Cade a rebel Pag. 652. Pag. 653 entred London Pag. 659. pardoned Pag. 661. beheaded Page 663 Iames house purchased by the king Pag. 798 Ida firste King of the Northumbers Pag. 107 Iewels hāged and left in the high wayes not touched but of the owners Pag. 127 Iewes robbed Pag. 220. imprisoned Pag. 238. spoyled Pag. 246. their Synagogue Pag. 262 Iewes borne in Englande Pag. 273. hanged Page 275 Iewe drowned Pag. 277. Iewes spoyled Pag. 278 Iewes executed Pag. 298. their Synagogues destroyed Pag. 301. banished Pag. 304 Iewes and Leapers poysoned waters Pag. 341 Iedworth in Scotland brent Pag. 933 Iewels and Church Plate called into the Kings hande Pag. 10●7 Ioseph of Aramath ●7 Iohn the Kings sonne made Lord of Irelande Pag. 294 Iohn the Kings brother rebelled Pag. 221. 223 Iohn King Pag. 230. diuorced Pag. 231. sommoned to the Frenche Courte Pag. 232. resigned the Crowne and absolued Pag. 243. crossed to Hierusalem Pag. 245. fled Pag. 249. hys treasure drowned Pag. 250 Iohn Eure helde landes in Scotlande Pag. 319 Iohn Kirby hanged Pag. 480 Iohn Ball hanged Pag. 489 Iohn Wraw hanged Pag. 491 Iohn Philpots worthiness● Pag. 476. Pag. 479. deceassed Pag. 495 Murder in Westminster Church Pag. 477 Iohn Northamptons sedition Pag. 493 Iohn Holand created Erle of Huntingtō Page 507 Iohn Duke of Lancaster entreth Spaine Pag. 500. made Duke of Aquitaine Pag. 510 marryeth Katherine Swinford Pag. 518. dyeth Pag. 530 Iohn Gower Pag. 548 Sir I. Oldeastel cōuict Pag. 584. executed Pag. 599 Iohn Beaufort made Duke of Somerset Page 647 Iohn Dauy loste hys hande in Cheape Page 713 Iohn Duke of Bedford regent of France married Anne daughter to the Duke of Burgoigne Pag. 619 Saint Iohns in Smithfielde suppressed Page 1019 Ione Butcher brent Pag. 1047 Ile of Shepey Pag. 115 Ile of Wight
firste christned Pag. 115 Ile of Ely besieged Pag. 247 Ipswiche besieged Pag. 198 Iron gunnes first cast Pag. 1026 Irelande inhabited Pag. 28 Issue of William Conquerour Pag. 167 Istleworth by the Thamis Pag. 279 Isabel the Queene sent into France returned and made an army againste the King hir husbande Pag. 348. shee besieged Bristow Pag. 347 Ithancester a Citie in East Sax. Pag. 99 Iuall King Pag. 30 Iulius Frontinus a Romaine Pag. 45 Iulius Agricola a Romaine Pag. 45 Iulius Seuerus a Romaine Pag. 54 Iulius Amilianus Pag. 64 Iulius Maximus Pag. 64 Iulius Philippus Pag. 64 Iulianus Apostata Pag. 71 Iustices punished Pag. 304 Iustes at Lincolne Pag. 405. at Windsore Pag. 408. at Woodstocke Pag. 431. in Smithfielde Pag. 459 Iustes in Smithfielde Pag. 718. at Richmont Pag. 866. in the Tower of London Pag. 874 Iur●rs on the Pillerie Pag. 718 Iusting of Chalengers Pag. 1018 Iustes at Greenewich Pag. 1006 Iustes at Westminster Pag. 1151 Iustices condemned Pag. 507 Insurrection in the North. Pag. 864 Ill May day Pag. 923 Iuogo de Can a pastime at Court Pag. 1096 Images brent at Chersie Pag. 1013 Images forbidden Pag. 1036 Image of Thomas Becket defaced c. Pag. 1110 K. KInimacus king Pag. 23 Kymarus king Pag. 28 Kingdome of Northumberland Pag. 87 Kentish Saxons Pag. 89 Kings euill healed Pag. 145 Kensham builded Pag. 181 Kenelworth Priorie Castel built Pag. 181 Kenelworth Castel besieged Pag. 290. yeelded Pag. 291 Knighten guilde Pag. 102 Knarisborow Pag. 251 Kenington or Kingston Castle Pag. 283 King of Man Pag. 387 Kings a Prince and other Pag. 455 King Castle Pag. 465 King and Queene of Denmarke arriued in England Pag. 932 King Henries marriage with Queene Katherine called in question Pag. 959 King Henrie supreme head of the church Page 978 King Henrie the eighte besieged Turwine Pag. 898 Kings stable brent Pag. 1003 King Henrie married Lady Iane. Pag. 1007 King Henrie his gift to the Citie of Lōdon Pag. 1034 Sir Edmund Kneuet araigned for striking one in the Court Pag. 1021 King Henrie married Ladye Anne of Cleaue Pag. 1017 King Henrie Pag. 8. went to Boloigne Pag. 1029 Knightes made by the Earle of Sussex Page 1144 L. LAncaster builded Pag. 28 Lanthony founded Pag. 178 Late haruest Pag. 364 Labastie in Frāce brent by the Eng. Pag. 425 Lambert brent Pag. 1014 Lambeth Ferry drowned Pag. 1010 Leil King Pag. 21 Legion of the Romaines Pag. 21 Lecester built Pag. 22. repayred Pag. 130. Monasterie Pag. 206 Legetoun or Lutone in Hertfordshire Page 129 Leedes Castle in Kent built Pag. 163. besieged Page 342 Lewes in Sussex Pag. 172 Lesnes in Kent founded Pag. 212 Lewes arriued in England Pag. 249. returned into Fraunce Pag. 253 Legat put to his shiftes Pag. 266 Leaden Hall builded Pag. 649 Lewes de Bruges Lord Grantehuse made Earle of Winchester Pag. 738 Legate from Rome Pag. 959 Letanie in English Pag. 1029 Llhanpatren Vaier Castel builded Pag. 298 Licinius Valerianus Pag. 64 Licinius Gallicinus Pag. 64 Lichfielde an Archbish Sea Pag. 105. 110. 130 Lincolne Minster founded Pag. 109. a Bishops Sea Pag. 166. burned Pag. 183. besieged Page 191 Lincolne Colledge in Oxford Pag. 1217 Librarie at Yorke Pag. 112 Liganburge Pag. 114 Limen a Riuer Pag. 124 Lieth taken and spoyled Pag. 1028. besieged Page 1115 Lincolneshire men executed Pag. 1011 Liberties in Southwark purchased Pag. 1046 Liberties of the Stilyarde seased Pag. 1050 Lightning and thunder Pag. 1121 Londō builded Pag. 18. tooke name of Lud. Pag. 31. repayred and made habitable Pag. 124 empaired by fire Pag. 134. brent Pag. 166. Pag. 185. Pag. 187. bridge brent Pag. 241 Liberties of London seased Pag. 274. taken and helde by the Earle of Glocester Pag. 292. vncurteous to the King Pag. 512 Liberties seased Pag. 513 London the Kings especiall Chamber Page 814 Locrine King Pag. 18 Lollius Vrbicus a Romane Pag. 54 Lombards goodes confiscate Pag. 376 Lord Cassels slayne Pag. 557 Loue to King Henry the vij Pag. 861. 864 Lord Dacres of the North arraigned Page 1003 Lone of money to the King Pag. 861. 864 Lord of merrie disportes Pag. 1055 Lord of misrule Pag. 1055 Locke and key weyed but one wheate corne Pag. 1195 Lud King repaired London Pag. 31 Ludgate builded Pag. 31 Lucius King Pag. 54. baptised Pag. 55 Ludlow Castell taken Pag. 285. towne spoyled Pag. 691 M. MAdan King deuoured Pag. 19 Marcus Antonius Pag. 64 Macrinus Emperour Pag. 64 Maximius a Romane Pag. 66 Maximus Emperour Pag. 71 Malgo King Pag. 87 Maldune in Estsex Pag. 99. 129 Martins Church at Douer founded Pag. 93. by Ludgate Pag. 88 Malmesbury buylded Pag. 115 Marius King Pag. 58. ●●ew Roderike King of Pictes Pag. 54 Manchester repaired Pag. 130 Maior of London repaireth to Paules wherefore Pag. 158. Pag. 219. yearely chosen Pag. 237 rowed to Westminster Pag. 674. conseruer of the Thamis and Medway two Riuers Pag. 864. feast kepte at the Guild hall Pag. 874 Mawde the Empresse Pag. 190. obteyned the crowne Pag. 191. fled Pag. 192. beseeged Pag. 194. flyeth Pag. 194. Walingford beseeged Pag. 190. Pag. 195 Marleborough Castell beseeged Pag. 224 Mart at Westminster Pag. 271 Mad Parliament Pag. 276. at the new Temple Pag. 277 Martins Churche in the Vintrey newe builded Pag. 309 Margaret daughter to Edward the fourth marryed to the Duke of Burgoigne Page 719 Martin Swart Pag. 863 Merchants of England receyued with procession Pag. 872 Merchant Taylors Pag. 876 Maltot Pag. 490 Mayd boyled in Smithfield Pag. 102 Margraue and Marquesse of Baden landed at Douer Pag. 1127. returneth out of England Pag. 1129 Memprisius King deuoured Pag. 19 Merianus King Pag. 31 Mercians or middle England Pag. 88 100 Medeshamsted now Peterborough Pag. 101 Medway a Riuer Pag. 124. drie Pag. 181 Measures reformed Pag. 176 Men brought from new found Ilandes Page 875 Men drowned at London bridge Pag. 1059. againe Pag. 1067 Mercers Chappell in London Pag. 292 Midleton or Milton in Kent Pag. 125 Min●s or coyning places Pag. 130. in Ireland Page 239 Michelney Pag. 131 Minories without Aldgate founded Pag. 306 Middleton in Dorsetshire brent Pag. 330 Michaels Church in Crooked lane builded Pag. 462 Morgen King Pag. 22 Mortalitie Pag. 23. Pag. 336. more of kine Pag. 340 Mother slew hir sonne Pag. 24 Morindus King deuoured by a mōster Pag. 28 Morgan King Pag. 30 Mordred the Traytor slayne Pag. 86. hys children slayne Pag. 87 Monkes Pag. 1200. slayne Pag. 108 Monasterie at Winchester founded Pag. 127 Monster Pag. 235. 270 Monsters appeare Pag. 553. Monster Pag. 1053 Monstrous birthes Pag. 1117 Montgomery Castell founded Pag. 258 Monasteries rifled Pag. 162. 307 Monmouth Castell rased Pag. 286 Mortimer escaped out of the tower Pag. 346 Mortimer beheaded Pag. 362 Mayden of God Pag. 633. brent Pag. 634 Mouing of the earth Pag. 1150 Monkes goodes confiscate Pag. 376 Mooregate of London builded Pag. 587 Mercers prentises of London against the Pag. 8● strangers Pag. 679 ● Monox his almes deedes Pag. 902