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A07267 The history of Levvis the eleuenth VVith the most memorable accidents which happened in Europe during the two and twenty yeares of his raigne. Enricht with many obseruations which serue as commentaries. Diuided into eleuen bookes. Written in French by P. Mathieu historiographer to the French King. And translated into English by Edvv: Grimeston Sergeant at Armes; Histoire de Louys XI. English Matthieu, Pierre, 1563-1621.; Grimeston, Edward.; Commynes, Philippe de, ca. 1447-1511. 1614 (1614) STC 17662; ESTC S114269 789,733 466

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Charles the seauenth armes against his sonne the Dauphin and takes S. Maixaint and Niort 9. Estates assēbled at Clermont euery man seeks to recouer the kings fauour 10 Repentance of the Dauphin and the Princes of his party 11. King Charles the seauenth pardons his sonne and refuseth to pardon them thut had corrupted him 12 A new order in the Dauphins house 13. Instructions which King Charles giues him 14. Seige of Pontoise the Academies of military exercises The taking of Tartas 15. The taking of Diepe The Kings armie in Languedoc 16. Montbeliard taken Basil besieged 17. Suisses defeated at the Hospitall of St. Iames of Basil. 18. Truce betwixt France and England 19. Death of Margret Steward wife to Lewis the eleuenth 20. Life of King Charles the seauenth The idlenes of peace 21 Lewis the eleuenth retires into Dauphiné Refuseth to returne at the Kings command 22 He passeth into Flanders to Duke Philip who lodgeth him at Gueneppe 23. Practises of Lewis the eleuenth 24. Hatred and contrariety of humors betwixt Lewis and the Earle of Charolois 25. Birth of Ioachim of Valois first sonne to Lewis the eleuenth 26. Army of Charles the seauenth The Duke of Bourgondy in alarum 27. Distrustfull and suspicious nature of Charles the seauenth 28. His death with a collection of his principall actions THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE HISTORY of LEWIS the XI ISabel of Bauaria Disinheriting of Charles the Dauphin an ambitious Princesse and a cunning woman but a cruell mother a Humane wisdome 〈◊〉 deceiued in matters which it thinkes i● hath foreseen● Charles the 5. had desired to seeke an alliance in Germany for his sonne to fortifie h●m against the English H● married Isabell daughter to St●phen D●●e or Bauaria 〈…〉 nature ●anded against Charles her sonne to transport he C●owne to strangers had so great power ouer the will and weaknes of Charles the sixt her husband as he disinherited the Dauphin his sonne and gaue the Crowne of France to Henry the fift king of England his son in lawe by a treaty made at Troie the xxi of May 1420. This declaration published at the Marble table was followed by another of the Kings Councell which promised to vse all the seuerities of Iustice against the Dauphin to punish him for the murder of Duke Iohn slaine at Monstereau A murther which making an altar vnto Mars of all France gaue him for offerings not prodigious showes of vices but an infinite number of braue men worthy of a more happy age and a better end He that knowes not the History cannot vnderstand that of the warres which it hath caused betwixt the kings of Fraunce and the house of Burgundy nor of those tragicall effects of malice and hatred which continued all the raigne of Lewis the xi But behold a true Table Charles the vi b Charles the 6. going from Mans in Iuly in the extrea●most heat of the day his head being couered with a great hood of scarlet he me● with a man 〈◊〉 ●eaded and bare-legged 〈◊〉 in white rugge at the en●ry of the forest who staying his horse by the reyac● said vnto him King ride no farther for thou art betraid These wordes to a spirit weakened with care watching distemperature and distrust turned his braine and made him mad O what misery did this poore head bring to the whole body of France for the infirmity and weaknes of his spirit Distraction of Charles ●he 6. suffered himselfe to be gouerned by Lewis Duke of Orleance his brother whom he loued dearely Philip Duke of Burgundy Vncle to the king by the father grew first iealous then an enemy to this great authority and his hatred tooke such deepe roote as it died not with him for Iohn his sonne was his heire and sware the ruine of the house of Orleance The two factions are framed Faction of Orleanois and Burgonians and the heads discouer their hearts by their deuises the motto of that of the Duke of Orleance was Ie l'enuie hauing a knotted staffe that of the duke of Burgundy was a Ioyners plan with this motto Ie le tiens th' one shewing how he would maintaine his authority and the other how he would ouerthrow it The Duke of Burgundies designes succeeded both to the ruine of himselfe and his house He grounded himselfe vpon the practice of the Townes and especially of Paris supplanting the Duke of Orleance of all c The credit and confidence which they haue in a man of commandement is the cheife support of his authority for from thence proceeds the loue of the people which is a buckler vnto the 〈◊〉 and a st●ong ram●i●e against 〈…〉 and wicked credit and loue and seeking to make him hatefull in the speeches but worse in the affections of the people who were otherwise incensed against him for some new subsidies which he had raised The first effect of this cruell hatred was that after many combustions both within and without Paris Death of Charles D. of Orleans and euen then when as they thought their minds were least inflamed the Duke of Orleance returning from the Queenes Palace where she then lay in and hauing past most part of the night by her on the 20. of Nouember 1407. fell into the hands of xviij murtherers which slew him It was a spectacle full of pitty the next day to see about this poore sicke King the widow d Valentine of Milan widdow to the Duke of Orleance Charles Philip and Iohn her sons Isab●l of F●ance the Kings daughter married to Charles eld●st sonne to the Duke of Orleance the Kings of Sicile and Nauarre with the Dukes of Berry Bourbon demaund iustice of the murther and her three sonnes assisted by the three Princes of the bloud imploring iustice They seek out the crime but they finde not the offenders The Duke of Burgundies hatred is a great presumption that these were the fruites of his reuenge The Duke of Burgundy flies into Flanders all mens eyes were cast vpon his which his conscience made him to hould downe He drawes the King of Sicile and the Duke of Berry apart and aduowes the fact he leaues Paris with fiue more in his company and recouers his country of Flanders in great hast so as the suspition was changed into apparant proofe Sone after he e The Duke of Bourgondy returning into France with a great army carried in a table two lances in saltire the one hauing a s●arpe head for the warre the other a burrhead for the tourney giuing the choyce of war or peace returnes with a mighty army they that would haue condemned him He returnes to Paris are now forced to seek his friendship Paris receiues him as the Demon Gardian of her wals he maintaines puqlikely that he had caused the Duke of Orleans to be slaine to free the estate from oppressions A Doctor of the Sorbonne vndertooke to iustifie him before the Kings Counsell with so great impudence and flatterie
preuailed in Normandy and Guyenne Peace treated at Pouilly and then a peace was treated betweene the Dauphin and the Duke of Burgundy vnder the assurance whereof the Duke came vnto the Dauphin being at Montereau Faut Yonne m The Dauphin sent Charles of Poitiers Bishoppe of Valence to the Duke of Burgundy to draw him to Monste●cau in Gasteacis for that he had refused to come by Tanneguy du Chastel saying that it were better for the Dauphin to com to Troye The 10. of Nouember 1419. he came was slaine vpon the bridge which was fortified with 3. barres The Duke hauing past the first entred into some apprehension of his fortune and meeting Tanreguy du Chastel he laid his hand vpon his shoulder saying Behold h●m in whom I trust and presenting himselfe vpon his knee Robert de Loire taking him by the arme sayd vnto him rise you are but too honourable who rising laid his hand vpon his sword to drawe it forward for that it hung too much back then said de Loire vnto him Doe you lay your hand vpon your sword before my Lord the Dauphin whereupon Tanneguy du Chastell stroke him so forceably vpon the face with a battell-axe as he made him to fall vpon his knee and cut off his chin another thrust his sword into his belly The body being stript was drawne into a mill and buryed the next day This death reuenged the house of Orleans but it gaue so great a share of the Realme to strangers as there remained very little for Charles who presently after the death of the Duke of Burgundy was declared by the king his father at the perswasion of his mother vnworthy to succeede vnto the crowne of France Hee might iustly haue appealed from these declarations to the Kings good sence but seeing him decay daily and that hee was still vnder the gouernment of this Medea he chose rather to appeale to God n Priuate persons haue many Iudges kings haue none but God saies M. Anthony Dion Nice●s the Iudge of Kings and to his sword lamenting with teares drawne from the bottome of his heart his owne miserie and that of France This disorder Death of K. Henry the fifth Charles the sixth contrary to the reason of nature the lawes of the realme was followed with strange changes Henry the fifth dies and 50. daies after Charles the sixth king of France Henry the sixth king of England is crowned at Paris Charles the seauenth at Poictiers there were two kings in one Realm two parties two armies but the English holde Paris and the first o In all factions the authority of the Senate is of great force Otho to shew the difference of his partie that of Vitellius said Nationes aliquas occupauit Vitellius imaginem quandam exercitus habet Senatus nobis cum est Sic fit vt h●c Resp. inde hostes Reip. constiterint Tacitus Hist. lib. 1. Senate who thought that all authoritie and soueraigne command was in effect on their side that the king had but the image some calling him for pitty sake Dauphin of Viennois and others in mocking King of Bourges or Earle of Ponthieu there remaining nothing to make him knowne to be the fourth sonne of Charles p Charles the 6. had 5. sonnes Charles who died of a ●●●sumption at 9. yeeres Lewis D. of Guyenne who died at 19. Iohn Duke of Touraine married to Iacquet of Bauaria in the yea●e 1404. Charles the seuenth borne in the yeer 1402. the fi●th was he of whom the Queene was brought to bed when the Duke of Orleans was slaine the sixth but a peece of the crowne He goes to field weake of all things of armes friends men and mony but strong in right and courage to maintaine the quality of his birth which the enuy of fortune and the conspiracie of his enemies could not take from him for his mother had brought him into the world vnder purple q The Emperors of Constantinople ordained that their wiues should bee brought in bed vnder purple 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nicetas lib. 5. and the flower deluce There is nothing so powerfull as a good cause maintained with a good sword nothing doth so much comfort the soule in aduersity nor moderate it in prosperitie as the iudgement of conscience when as she feares not to haue her intentions knowne to God and men But seeing himselfe forced to vanquish before he raigne that victories depend of the force of Armes and that the triumphant Chariot of Mars is not moued but by the force of gold and iron r Fower things do perpetually follow warre men iron siluer and bread but of these 4. the two first are the most necessary for that m●n and iron cannot furnish siluer bread but bread and siluer may find men and Iron● that the springs of his treasure are drawne dry and the royall reuenues held by his enemies he procures his subiects to assist him with taxes Taxes ordained The French who haue alwaies excelled other nations in fidelitie and deuotion towards their Kings not knowing what it is to haue good when they want did contribute freely cheerefully to the necessities of Charles who like a good Shepheard was content to fleece his 〈◊〉 and not to flea them France which had beene besieged 70. yeares Miseries of France last 70. yeares with the miserie and calamitie of warre might well haue beene without this cruell diuision which was no other thing then a conspiracie of the Children s Ciuill warre is a mortall seuer in an estate This ardent desire in the Graecians to make warre in Greece is called by Plutarch a conspiracy against themselues by the which they staid with their own armes the fortune which led them to the height of felicity and turned their weapons against their owne bowels to turne the points of their swords against their owne bowels to inuite their Ancient enemies to the funerals of her liberty and to bring back those cruell and bloudy dayes for the which England hath giuen to the two Edwards the proud titles of Lightening Edward the third and the Prince of Wales and Eagle There was nothing in generall but miseries confusions amasements and desolation The pesant being stript both of flesh and fat had nothing left but bones and they were bruised The Historie admires that euen the cattell hearing the bell a signe of the enemies approch fledde of themselues to recouer their retreates She had so lost her first excellence as she seemed a building of whose beauty no man could iudge but by the peeces that remained of her ruines Vertue and Fortune t For the greatnes and continuance of an Empire fortune or to speak better prouidence and destiny must agree with vertue Roma vt ageretur sublimibus incrementis faedere pacis aeternae virtus conuenit atque for●una quarum si altera defuisset ad perfectam non venerat summitatem Ammianus which in the beginning
corpus super humeros recipit et 〈◊〉 hostibus 〈◊〉 ad suos AEneas Sil. Munsterus It is not certaine how many were in the Suisses Army Haluuil the Suisse saith that they were 4000 the Chronicles of France speake of 5000. But whatsoeuer it were neither France nor England had any great cause to triumph for this Battell For they lost as many men as they must kill of the enemies to merit a triumph a A Triumph was not giuen for any victory except they had slaine 5000. enemies Val●●ius saith Neither did they giue it vnto the Victors when as the victorie had nad cost much bloud therfore Titus Liu●u● ia his 16. saith that it was refused to Artillius The Army that was before Farnsperg hearing of this defeat raised the 〈◊〉 and retired The Dauphin continued three daies vpon the place of Battell and to couer the nomber of men which they had lost caused them to be buried in diuers places as at Arlesheim Reinach and Esch Two Earles were interred at Montbelliard two at Isenheim The grand Pryor of France was slaine at this Battell with many other Noblemen They of Basill demand leaue to take a view of the dead men and to bury b Among the Grecians hee that demanded a dead body to bury it lost the fruit of the victory end renouned the triumph Plut. de Niceas Age●l●us them he would not refuse peace vnto the dead seeing he was willing to grant it vnto the liuing c Aeneas said vnto the La●ius who came to intreat him to haue their dead bodies to bury them Pacem me exa●●mis Martis sorte perempti oratis equidem 〈◊〉 concedere velim you pray to men slaine in the warres I peace should giue yea willingly I would grant it them that liue and that there was no likelihood that he would grow obstinate at the siege of Basil nor against the Suisses The begging Fryars were appointed for this act of pietie They made three pits to bury them in There were some that did breath three dayes after the battell They found some halfe burnt in the ruines of the Hospitall many in the hedges and a great number in the Riuer of Birs The Dauphin went to refresh himselfe in Alsacea His Court was at Ensisheim and the Armie lodged so at large in the country as it held from Montbelliard to Haguenaud Coun●●l of Basil seekes an accord with the Dauphin The Emperor assembled the Princes of the Empire at Ments to consult of the meanes to expell the strangers out of Germany The Councill of Basill sent d The Counci●l of Basill sent the Cardinall of Arles and Bishop of Basill vnto the Dauphin who did mediate a truce for twenty dai●s Embassassours vnto him to perswade him not to trouble the assembly to the which France was bound for the peace it had with the house of Bourgundy His Deputies were at Basil to vnderstand the will of the Fathers vpon this accord They of Berne and Soleure came thither yet there was nothing concluded but a truce of some few daies The Emperor Frederick gaue the Dauphin to vnderstand that if he did not retire himselfe the Empire would proclaime warre against him The Nobilitie of Germanie who had drawne the French and English into the country began to bee weary of their guests who dranke their wine without paying and made vergys of their Vines Mulhouse e Mulhouse was sometimes an imperiall ●own the Bish●p of Strausburge was gouernor and it was called 〈◊〉 It allied it selfe with the Suisses in the yeare 1464. and then in the yere 1506. it was made fellowburgis with all the Cantons Stump lib. ● of the Suisses commonweale freed it selfe from this storme refusing to receiue the Dauphins troupes When as hee saw that all the Empire began to rise against him The Dauphin retires into Lorraine and that the Suisses were like to haue their reuenge for the battell of S. Iames of Basill he went into Lorraine to see King Charles his Father who was before Mets being resolued to reuenge the King of Sicile who was much incensed against this Towne for that they had fauoured the Earle of Vaudemont against him The English who had refused a peace 1445 Truce betwixt Frāce and England prolonged tooke such taste in a truce f A truce is the bait● and charme of peace It is in the libertie of Princes to make it but when as the people 〈…〉 therof it is hard to 〈…〉 as it was prolonged for fiue yeares Such as tooke delight in the publike miseries for that they were profitable vnto them were not content they would haue the tempest cease but they still desired some winde to raise the storme Wee doe not alwaies finde spirits of that integritie but they preferre their priuate profit before the publike good Men of this excellencie haue been euer ingaged in great tempests the number of them which haue come to a safe port to make others haue been very small They grow like the Phenix at the end of fiue hundred yeares g A wise man such as the Stoicks discribe him neuer was nor neuer will be Quis sapipiens sit aut fuerit nec ipsi Stoici solent dicere Cic. And as great things happen rarely Seneca saith that fortasse tanquam Phaenix semel 500. annis nascitur Sen. Whiles that Rome was well gouerned the profession of Armes was in time of peace for an exercise and in the time of warre for necessitie and glorie euery man returned to his affayres hauing yeelded an account of his Armes witnessing still that hee carried them not for his owne priuate good but for the seruice of his country The ciuill warres troubled this order and therefore they said that Caesar and Pompey were held better Captaines then good Citizens and greater in valour then in integritie France was neuer fruitfull of such spirits as haue willingly made warre to haue peace and haue not troubled the peace to make warre h Marshall disciplin should be wel obserued if it did alwaies consist of men who after the war made no difficultie to return to their trades and labour but the libertie and disorder in warre is so great as it is hard to draw them to the rules of Duty and therefore warre makes theeues and peace hangs them During this Truce a marriage was made betwixt Henry the sixt King of England Marriage of Henry the sixth and Margaret of Aniou and Margaret of Aniow Daughter to Rene King of Sicile The Earle of Suffolk came to fetch her at Nancy the King was there present and the ioy was great but as any great ioy hath still some great sorrow attending it and pleasures strangle when as they imbrace most straightly i Ioy is commonly the beginning of sorow at riuers of fresh water die in the salt sea the sweetnes of life ends with sorrowes that are bitter King Charles receiued so great an affliction for the death
had troubled They propounded a peace with goodly conditions The Princes make show that they desired not warre but for the publike quiet and to liue without wrong They made many truces to treat that they which lasting but little was not much distinguished from warre d A short truce fauours more of war then peace Ign●uum tempus nec p●ce laetū nec bellis exercitum Cognatae induciis Insidie sunt as the middest doth alwaies leane more to one of the extremes then to the other The treatie was begun by diuers but the King ended it who one morning came by the riuer to Conflans Before he went out of the boat hee said vnto the Earle who attended him on the banke Enteruie● of the King Earle of Charolois Brother doe you assure me that to whom the Earle of Charrolois answered I as a brother e The word of an enemie is a dangerous assurance K Lewis the eleuenth had no other to goe into the Princes Army which were iust against him If there cōfidence hath vndone some it hath bin successefull to others and Scipio Africanus went vpon this assurance to Siphax who although he were abaroarian a cruell enemie to the Romane name yet the mildnes and generositie of Scipio made him a friend Ladislaus King of Bohemia went freely to Mathias King of Hungary his capitall enemy to end controuersies which could not be determined at Olmutz they became great friends Dubrau lib. 2● He receiued the King with much respect and the King spake vnto him with great mildnes which made his heart apt for any impression so great is the force of words and so well hee could handle his tongue the which he vsed as a pensill for all coulours He that will haue effects according to his owne heart must not spare words to his liking that may giue them Mens spirits are gouerned by words as a ship is gouerned by the helme and a horse by the bit and wee cannot say what power the sweetnes of words haue ouer the minde of man f Words are the Instrument by the which the minde of man is animated thrust forward and held backe A Prince that knowes how to vse them hath a great aduantage in all that he treates and when it is acompanied with such sweetnes as grauity is not wronged it workes what it lists in the hearts of men The King framing his speech to this tune said vnto the Earle Brother I know that you are a Gentleman and of the house of France why my Lord answered the Earle For that said the King When the foole Moruillier spake so boldly vnto you you sent me word that I would repent the words hee had spoken before the yeare were past you haue not failed and before the time The King spake these words with a countenance so free and full of affection although his heart were full of indignation and spleene as the Earle tooke delight in it He disauowed Moruillier and tooke the seales from him Princes play with their subiects and disauow them when as their negotiations are not answerable to their hopes He did walke long by the riuers side betwixt the Earle of Charolois and the Earle of S t. Paul and heard their Intentions g The King who thought nothing wel done if he were not an Actor went to the Earle of Charolois preferring the necessity of his affaires before the consideration of his quali●● for he held that the honor and glory of an action depended on profit Yet they had deputed som● of either side to treat For the King were imployed Charles of Aniou Earle of Maine The Signeur of Pressigny President of the Acounts 10. Dauuet President of the Parlament of Toul●s● For the Princes the D. of Calabria the Earle of Dunois and the E. of S t. Paul The Earle of Charolois demanded the Dutchie of Normandie for the Duke of Berry and the riuer of Somme for himselfe little for the publike and much for priuate men The King told him plainely that he would neuer consent to dismember the Duchie of Normandie but he was content to restore him the Townes of Somme and finding that the Earle of S t. Paul was the Oracle of the Counsels and will of this Prince he offered him the office of Constable By these offers the strict bond of this league began to be dissolued for there is nothing so fast bound but it is vndone when as one string begins to slip The King did and spake all things so cunningly mingly offers with threats and curtesies with braueries as the Earle applied himselfe to his intentions The day after this first conference h This conference of the King and the Earle was the end of the war It was not thought fit the King should seeke vnto the Barle but to do his busines hee past all formalities would not comit that to hope which he might doe by discretiō What doth it import to ascend to any place to vse staires of wood or ston or whether the key bee of gold or iron so as it open the Earle of Charolois mustred his Armie Muster of the leagues Armie in view of the King whether the King came with thirty or forty horse commending those goodly forces The Earle of Charolois speaking vnto them vsed these words My masters you and I are for the King our Soueraigne Lord to serue him when soeuer hee shall haue need of vs. The Kings offers bred a iealousie betwixt the Princes of the league euery man cared for his owne affaires The Earle of Charolois saw one day vpon his conferences and propositions three Councels and three bands whereat hee was discontented saying that there should not be any thing secret in his presence During these conferences and enteruiewe Isabell of Bourbon Countes●e of Charolois died the Earle mourned and the King did comfort him This death gaue some more facilitie to the peace for the marriage of the Earle with the Lady Anne of France the Kings eldest Daughter was propounded with the transport of the Counties of Bry and Champagne i In marriages of the daughters of France Kings haue somtimes giuen money sometimes lands of the Crowne vpon condition they should returne Charles the fift gaue to his two eldest daughters a 100000. franks of gold and to the rest 60000. Charls the sixt gaue eight hundred thousand to Isabell married to Richard the second King of England King Iohn gaue the Contie of Somiers in Languedoc to Isabel his daughter married to the Duke of Milan Lewis the yong gaue to Margaret his daughter married to Henry the third King of England the Contie of Vexin for her dowrie and preferment which the Kings Predecessors had neuer done in marrying their daughters The Earle of Charrolois affected nothing more but vpon the doubt which was made vnto him of the alienation of these two Prouinces he sent William Hugonet and Iohn Carandolet to Paris to know if these two peeces
dispose thereof by Testament h When as they say that women are incapable of dignities it is to be vnderstood of charges which consist in Functions and Offices A Woman cannot be a Consull a President or a Chancellour but when the dignity is patrimoniall and annexed to the Fee such a dignity may belong vnto a woman as wel as the iurisdiction The King caused a Consultation to be made of all the learned Lawyers of his Realme to know what his Neeces right was They found that it depended vpon this Maxime That the Nephew or Grand-childe represents his Father and Grand-father in the right of Primogeniture or first borne That this right is transferred to the children of the elder although hee die before the Father and holds the place of lawfull heire They did also consider the custome and common obseruation of this Realme where the eldest sonne dying and leauing a sonne hee succeedes the Grand-father as his Father should haue done The Grand-fathers second-sonne being excluded from all pretention for the Nephew excludes the Vncle and representation hath place in this Realme in Fees which are not diuisible In the time of King Charles the fifth his Maiesty sitting with the Peeres of France in his Court of Parliament Ioane of Brittany married to Charles of Blois i Charles of Blois and the Lady Ioane of Brittaine his wife did enioy this Dutchy fiue twenty years or thereabouts vntil that Iohn of Montford being succoured by the Forces of England slewe Charles of Blois in battle and expelled his wife out of the Dutchy was declared heire to the Dutchy of Brittany as representing her Father against Iohn Earle of Montfort her Vncle. She was daughter to the Duke of Brittanies second brother and the Earle of Montfort was the third brother Allain Lord of Albret as sonne vnto the eldest Vicount of Tartas who was deceased succeeded his Grand-father in the Landes of Albret and excluded from the succession the Lord of Sancte Bazille his vncle and the Lord of Oruall his Grand-fathers yonger brother k In the house of Albret there are many Earledomes The Earledome of Gaure the Earledome of Dreux the Earldome of Peyragore and many Vicounties and Baronies They held that house in the time of King Lewis the eleuenth to haue sixe thousand pound sterling of yearely rent King Philip in the yeare 1314. did iudge the suite betwixt Maud daughter to the Earle of Artois and Robert of Artois her Vncle and by his iudgement it was decreed that the daughter should succeed as the neerest vnto her father Lewis Earle of Flanders had but one daughter the richest heire of Chrstendome the which succeded her father in the Earledome of Flanders excluding the Duke of Brabant her Vncle and was married to Philip of France sonne to King Iohn and first Duke of Bourgondy l The Treaty of Marriage betwixt the Duke of Bourgondy and Margaret Princesse of Flanders was made the twelfth of Aprill one thousand three hundred sixtie nine the Dutchy of Guienne which comprehends all Gasconie as well that which is of the iurisdiction of Tolouse as of Bourdeaux and more was carried to the Crowne of England by the marriage of the daughter of William Duke of Guienne with Henry King of England m Elenor the onely daughter to William Duke of Guienne and Earle of Poitiers was married to Lewis King of France and beeing put away by him shee married againe to HENRY sonne to the King of England and Duke of Normandy Henry King of Nauare Earle of Champagne left one daughter who was married to K. Philip the Faire and succeded her Father in the Earledome of Champagne The last Earle of Poictou n The County of Poictou and the Towne of Poitiers were vnited to the Crowne by King Charles the seuenth in the yeare 1436. had one daughter named Margaret who was married to the eldest sonne of France and succeeded her Father notwithstanding that the Earle of Saint Valier her Vncle was then liuing Raymond the fifteenth and last Earle of Tolousa dying without Issue Male Ioane his onely daughter succeeded him and was married to Alphonso of France brother to the King Saint Lewis o The marriage of Alphonso of France and Ioane Coumtesse of To●ouse was treated in the yeare 1228. Matthew Earle of Foix dying without children in the yeare 1398. his sister surnamed Isabel succeeded him and was married to Archambaut of Grailly Lewis of Luxemburge Earle of S t. Paul had many children but his eldest sonnes daughter who was married to to the Earle of Vandosme was sole heire of all his lands as representing her Father who was the eldest p They hold that the Countesse of Vendosme did not succeede in the Earledome of Saint Paul by right of succession but by a Treaty of peace and that her Vncles were all incapable of this sucession for that the Landes of Lewis of Luxemburg her father had been confiscate The Earle of Lauragais left but one daughter who succeeded in the Earledome whereof she made donation to the French King The Earle of Castres had one daughter who was married to a yonger sonne of the house of Bourbon Earle of Marche who after her fathers decease succeeded in the Earledomes of Castres and Vandosme and excluded them of Montfort who were her Vncles from the succession Of this marriage were borne two sonnes Iames of Bourbon the elder who was Earle of Marche and of Castres and the yonger who was Earle of Vandosme Iames of Bourbon married Beatrix of Nauarre q Iames of Bourbon Earle of Marche married with Beatrix daughter to Charles the second King of N●uarre the fifteenth of August one thousand foure hundred and fiue Elenor their onely daughter was married to Bernard Earle of Armaignac and Perdiac who after her fathers death succeeded as well in the Earledome of Marche as of Castres and excluded the Earle of Vandosme from the succession True it is that these Earledomes haue remained in the house of Bourbon by transaction r The King made Donation of the Earledome of March to Monsieur de Bourbon and his wife The Duke of Nemours children beeing restored to their Landes there was a sute to ouerthrow this Donation and then an Accord was made by the which the Earledome of Marche remained to the house of Vendosme and Bourbon the Duke of Nemours children being otherwise recompensed William Vicount and Lord of Mountpellier although hee had many kinsmen of his name had no other heire but his daughter Mary wife to Peter King of Arragon Peronelle s Du Tillet saith that this Peronella of Bigorre had fiue husbands 1. Gaston of Bearne 2. Ninion Sance Earle of Sardaine 3. Guy of Montford 4. Rao●l Tescu 5. Boson of Mathas daughter to the Earle of Bigorre succeeded her father in the Earledome of Bigorre in the yeare one thousand two hundred sixty foure and was married to Boson of Mathas Vicount of Marsan and
great Princes good and wise going before this who had continued sixescore yeares or more and liued well and vertuously God gaue this duke Charles who contin●ally held his Subiects in great warres toyle and expence and in ● manner in Winter as much as in Sommer so as many rich men were slain or ruined by imprisonment in these warres The greatlosses began before Nuz and were continued by three or foure batels euen vnto his death so as in this last battell all the force of ●is Country was consumed and his men either slaine or taken pris●ners who might and would ha●e defended the State and honour if his house And so as I haue said it seemes that this losse hat● beene equall to the time that they were in felicitie for as I haue said to haue seene it great rich and honoured so I may say to ha● seene it all in his Subiects for I thinke that I haue seene and knowne the best part of Europe yet haue I not knowne any State or Country so much for so much nor of larger limits that did so much abound in riches moueables and buildings nor in prodigaliti expence feasting and good cheare as I haue seene during the 〈◊〉 I was there And if it seeme to any one who was not there in ●ose times that I speake too much others that were then prese● will happily say that I speake but little It is God which made this great and sumptuous building to fall suddenly that powerfull house which hath fed and maintained so many good men and hath been so much honored both far off and neere by so many trophees and victories as not any Neighbour in those times hath receiued the like And this felicity grace of God continued an hundred and twentie yeares when as all their Neighbours did suffer as France England and Spaine and they haue all come thither to require aide as you haue seene by experience of the King our Maister who in his youth and during the life of King Charles the seuenth his Father liued sixe yeares there in the time of the good Duke Philip who receiued him louingly From England I haue seene King Edwards two Brethren there the Duke of Clarence and the Duke of Glocester who afterwards called himselfe King Richard and of King Henries partie who was of the house of Lancaster I haue seene in a manner all that race there I haue seen this house honoured from all parts and then suddenly fall and to be the most desolate and ruinous house both in Princes Subiects of all her Neighbours Enemies THere is not any thing which a Prince should not doe to send an Enemie out of his Realme Lib. 4. Chap. 8. but he must not yeelde to giue him any land by the example of king Lewis the eleuenth to haue Edward the fourth repasse the Sea who said that hee would hazard all rather then giue him any places Enterprises WE must be slow and fearefull in Enterprises Lib. 2. Cha. 10. pursue them in such sort as we may be sure to be the stronger Such was Lewis the eleuenth In all Enterprises we must relie cheefely vpon God Lib. 2. Chap. 1. Battailes THe cheefest things in battailes are Archers Lib. 1. Chap. 3. 〈◊〉 as there be thousands for beeing in a small number they are not of any force and that they be ill mounted to the end that the bee not greeued to loose their horses or that they haue not any at 〈◊〉 And it is better for this kind of armes in a day of battaile to haue ●hose that neuer saw any thing then others that haue had much pra●ise The English hold this opinion who are the flower of all the ●rchers of the world Battailes are in the hand of God Lib. 1. Chap. 3. who disposeth 〈◊〉 victories at his pleasure Matters succeed not in the field as they are co●cluded in a Chamber Example of the battaile of Montlehery wherea●he Earle of Charolois did quite contrarie to that which had been resolued It is dangerous for any one to hazard his estate vpon a battell Lib. 2. Chap. 2. if he may auoide it For although the number be small that he loose yet the hearts of his men are danted and the change more then can be imagined as well in feare of their enemies as in contempt of of their Master and of their trustie seruants and they fall into mutinies and practises demanding more boldly then they were wont and they grow angry if they be refused One Crowne before would haue satisfied them better then three wil now And if he that hath lost be wise he will not at such a time hazard any thing with them that haue fled But onely stand vpon his gard and seeke out something easie to vanquish whereas they may be Masters to put fresh courage into them and take away feare Howsoeuer a lost Battell hath alwaies a great traine and bad for the looser True it is that Conquerors should seeke it to shorten their worke especially they that haue good footmen and better then their neighbours as wee may say at this day the English or Suisses I speake not this to contemne other Nations but those haue had great victories and their men are not to hold the field long without imploiment as the French or Italians can doe who are wiser or more easie to leade Contrariwise he that gaines growes into greater reputation and esteeme with his men then before His obedience encreaseth among his subiects In this estimation they grant him whatsoeuer he demands and his men grow more couragious and hardie Also the said Princes do sometimes grow so glorious and proud as they miscarry afterwards and hereof I speak vpon knowledge But such grace comes onely from God Euery one should be fearefull to hazard a battell that is not forced Lib. 2. Chap. 4. But if there be no remedie before he come to it he must cast all the doubts that can be thought on For commonly they that doe things fearefully make prouision for all euents and gaine oftener then they that proceed with pride yet when God will haue a hand in it nothing can preuaile Euery man should doe what he may Lib. 2 Chap. 3. and what he ought in a day of Battell and acknowledge that it is one of the accomplishments of the worke of God begun sometimes vpon small occasions and giuing victorie sometimes to the one and sometimes to the other And this is so great a misterie as Realmes and great Siegnories are sometimes ruined and others increase and begin to raigne Warre IT is an easie matter to begin Warre betwixt two great Princes but hard to pacifie it by reason of the accidents which happen For many exploits are done of either side to anoy his enemy which on the sudden cannot be recalled It is a great folly in a Prince to submit himselfe to the power of an other especially when they are in warre It is a great show of
His Humour disposition 105. Is constrained to grant the Gantois their demand 107. Is forced to raise the siege of Nuz and comes to Callice to the King of England 180. His profite and blame by the death of the Constable 205. His iourney against the Suisses 207. c. He looseth the battell but not his courage 211. Hee seizeth vpon the Dutchesse of Sauoy and her children 214. His affliction after the Battell of Morat 220. His defeat and death 224. An example of his Iustice 227. 227. Charles Prince of Nauarre makes warre against his father 151. Chastity and Beauty are rare companions 27. Choler and Praecipitation are two blind guides 67. Combustions in England 53. Complaints against Lewis the Dauphin 30. Complaints for the Pragmaticall Sanction 135. Confidence is the true cyment of friendship 187. Considerations of the King to haue a peace 179. Conspiracy against King Henry the sixt 54. Constantinople taken 123. Consultation taken to put the Hostages of Leige to death 108. Contention in Scotland for the Regency 230. Contentment of priuatemē makes them forget the publicke 96. Councell of Basile seekes an accord with the Dauphin 24. Counsels in perplexity 85. counsels sauor of the passions of counsellours 173. counsell contemned drawes on destiny 223. Courage of the women at the siege of Beauuais 165. Courtesy proffered but not meant 189. Crosse of S. Laud. 179. Croysado published against the Turke 64. Cruelties makes Princes odious 125. cruelties committed at the taking of Nesle 163. cruelty base and villanous 227. D Death of Charles Duke of Orleance 2. Death of the Signior of Contay 108. Death is sweete when it is the end and not the punishment of life 204. Declaration of the house of Bourgundy 36. Delight in publicke miseries for profite sake 24. Desire of rule sets father and son at variance 60. Desire to haue things as we wold makes vs oftentimes accept appearances for the things themselues 87. Dignities change the Maximes of conscience 48. Disability supplyed by Deputy 216. Disobedience rightly punished 81 Displeasure of the Duke of Bourgundy against his sonne 34. Disposition of the Earle of Charolois 33. Distraction of Charles the sixt 1. Dutchesse of Bourgundy drawsher husband to the treaty of Arras 8 Duke of Bourgundy flies into Flanders 2. and is slaine by Taneguy Du Chastel 4. E Earle of S. Paul is made constable of France 97. His naturall affection Ibid. His bad conduct 98. His pollicy 143. His dissimulation to creepe againe into the Kings fauour 168. the manner of his comming to the King 169. His double dealing with the King of England 181 Is abandoned of all his friends 196. His grieuous perplexities 198. Is deliuered prisoner to the King 200. His confessions Arraignement sentence and execution 201. 202. c. Ease found in conference of troubles and afflictions 27. Education is as another nature 16 Edward 4. proclaimed King of England 57. He declares himselfe for the Bourgundian 77. Hee sends the Garter to the Earle of Charolois 88. Is defeated taken prisoner 141. His passage into Frāce 177. His repentance for his passage 182. Eloque●ce naturall in Lewis the eleuenth 133. Embassage from the Fren●h King to the Emperor Frederick 176. Enemies that are ambitious must haue more work made thē then they can compasse 173. English well entertained at Amiens 187. Enterveiw of the Kings of France and Cistile 62. Enterveiw of the French King and Earle of Charolois 93. Enter veiw of the French King and King of England ●89 Estates assembled at Cl●rmont 13 Exploits done by captain Salezard at the siege of Beauuais 165. F Faction of the Orleano●s and Bourgonians 1. Famine extreame in Nancy 222. Fatality of names 6. Feare and the strange operation thereof 93. Ferdinand King of Naples seeks the alliance of the Queene of Cyprus 127. Fidelity deuotion of the French towards their Kings 5. France the Sanctuary of Popes 47 G Galeas Duke of Milan his death 229. His cruelties and whooredomes 230. Gantois profite by the Ligeois 110 George Castriot circumcised called Scanderbeg 120. Hee leaues the Turk ioynes with Iohn Huniades 121. Hee demands succors of the Pope 123 his death 124. His force and dexterity Ibid. Gyles of Brittany his Tragicall end 151. Good of a peace and necessity of affaires respect not formalities 9. Gouernement of Venice commended 129 Guienne giuen to the Kings brother 135. H Heirs teares are soon dryed vp 41 Henry the sixt King of England is crowned King of France at Paris 4. Hee flies into Scotland 57. Is imprisoned in the Tower of London 58. Is set at liberty againe 143. Henry King of Castile degraded 217. I Iames the first King of Scotland murdered 7. Iests should end when they begin to moue laughter 28. Iewes probation●waters 146. Impatience of the Earle of Charolois 67. Importance of the Office of the Constable of France 205. Indignities and insolences of people reuolted 103. Inequality of recompence after the battell of Montlehery 84. Inhumanity of the Duke of Bourgundy 164. Iniuries done to faith and reputation are not easily repaired nor recompenced 100. Insolence in victory punished 23. Institution of the order of Saint Michael 136. Intelligences continued betwixt Bourgundy Bourbō 139. Intelligēces of the Constable with the Duke of Bourgundy 177. Iohn Earle of Armagnac expelled his Country 154. accused by a Welchman 155. Desires a safe conduct to iustifie himselfe 156 Is reconciled to the King 157. And is afterwards slaine vnder the assurance of a Treaty 158. His incest 159. His superstition in holding it a bad presage to meete an Englishman with a Red Crosse. 160. Isabella of Cstaile marries Ferdinand of Arragon 218. K Katherine Cornari adopted by the Venetians 126. King Lewis in danger to be taken or slaine 116. His letters to the Lord of Lude 152. King and Queene of Cyprus driuē out of their owne Realme 126. King of Scotland giuen to Sorcery 234. and is slaine in fight by his Nobility 235. Knights habite of the Order of S t. Michael and the marke of the Order 137. Knowledge better how to die then to kill is the best and onely part of vallour 17. L League of Armagnac 2. Learning is silent when warre speakes 26. Letters from Amurath to Scanderbeg 121. And the answer ot it 122. Letters of the Solda● to the King of Cyprus 125. Letters of defiance from Edward 4. to the French King 178 Lewis excited against his father by bad counsell 10. He soliciteth the good Townes of France to ioyne with him 12. Is reconciled to his father 14. He desireth rather to be held a bad son then a bad master 15. He takes Deipe 20. Is too true in his threats promises of reuenge 29. auoyding one danger he fals into another 31. Is dispossest of his reuenewes in Dauphiné 32 His wandring being in Hunting 34. His coronation 42. His voyage into Brittany 52. Is made Arbitrator betweene the Kings of Castile and Arragon 62. Is receiued
of the Arsacides it was discouered and preuented by the Scotchmen of whom afterward he made his guard of his royall person She past notwithstanding the ambushes of the English more by the prouidence of God then the foresight of men for whiles the English were busie in fighting with a ship which was lade with wine for Flaunders the Scotts vessell past freely and landed the Princesse at Rochell f Reuenge runnes alwaies against the enemie that hath most offended and in the contention of three Nations there is alwaies one that saues himselfe and does his busines She was conducted to Tours whereas the marriage was solemnized the 24. of Iune Murther of Iames King of Scotland But this ioy lasted not long in her fulnes newes comming of the death of the king of Scotland being miserably murthered with sixe and twenty wounds by his Vncle and Cousin in the sight of the Queene his wife who presenting herselfe vnto the murtherers and making a buckler of her body to defend her husbands receiued two wounds The thoughts of Lewis were in those dayes more inclined to Armes then to Ladyes Nature did dispence them from their seruitude and his breeding had diuerted him from all intemperance which makes men inferior to beasts and bound him to the exercise of vertue which makes Princes superior to Men. He had learned by the infancie of King Charles the 6. g Charles the fift meaning to try the generous disposition of his sonne did set a crowne of gold a scepter vpon a veluet cushion and on another an helmet and a sword Charles made choice of the sword and the helmet his Grand-father to lay hould of a sworde as soone as of a Crowne They did gird him with it sooner for necessity then to grace him more to defend himselfe then to adorne him So it is fit that a Prince should carry an honorable marke h In places whereas armes are in a degree of excellencie and necessitie the Prince and they of his bloud should make great esteeme of them which make profession of the most excellent and necessary profession of his estate He could no more draw it but against the English the French and the Burgundians were in the way of an accord The Dutchesse of Burgundy Duches of Bourgundy drawes her husband to the treatie of Arras Infanta of Portugall a good Frenchwoman was the cheef instrument She tould the Duke that he should be generally blamed if he refused a peace offered with honor and profit that indiscretion would not excuse the repentance of so preiudiciall a refusall She drew the heart of this Prince to her intention making it knowne that burning iron is not soner quencht in water then the heat of coller and reuenge is lost by the perswasion of a milde and moderate spirit and that nothing is vnpossible to Princesses of courage when as their vnderstanding hath power ouer their husbands i The effects are 〈…〉 they 〈◊〉 good to good and bad to bad Tamerl●nes wife flaid him long f●●m making warre against Buazet but being incensed by an iniurious wish which hee had made shee did animate her husband by an extreame fury against him Chalcondylas By her perswasions the Duke yeelded vnto the Kings youth the blowe which he had caused to be giuen being Dauphin and the excesse of his offence to the greatnes and maiesty of the King considering that forgetfulnes is an Antidote against the deadly poyson of Iniuries which may ruine the soule when it doth too egerly seeke reuenge and that it is a great folly to continue immortall hatred amongst mortall men k Reuenge continues iniuries makes them hereditarie A strange distemperature of men Quid iuuat tanquam in aeternam genitos it is indicere breuisfimam aetatem dissipare Sen. libr. 3. De ira What doth it auaile to make hatred eternal and to leade a short life The Counsell of Basil imployed it selfe seeing that whiles France was not in peace Christendome should be still in trouble They sent two Cardinals to mediate this peace to exhort the Kings of France and England and the Duke of Burgundy to cause their discords to cease to accord their wils for the defence of the Church To strayne their courages and tackle against the force of the winds that did shake that vessell that they should haue pitty of themselues and of their subiects The English growing obstinate not to leaue any thing had no part of this peace There is nothing so difficult in a Prince as restitution they left the Dutchies of Guienne and Normandy l King Charles the seuenth offered to the K. of England the Dutchies of Normandy and Guienne to hold them by homage of the Kings of Frāce as soueraignes and vpon such conditions as the Kings of England his Aneectors had enioyed them in the beginning to the King of England to quite the rest but the prosperity of his affaires doth preiudice him of the possession and the desire to continue a reueng trouble the soules of so many persons as reason had no more commaund Wilfulnes of the English opinion held the scepter A Royalty endures no equall The great God of peace who is all spirit all light all eye all seeing all hearing all m Treaties of peace are concluded when as men hold them broken and impossible they bee the effects of the eternall prouidence of that great God whom Clement Alexandrious cals 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 totus mens totus lu● totus oculus all minde all light all eye knowing inspir'd the hearts of these two Princes with the holy resolution of Concord and a ful forgetfulnes of iniuries so as the Duke seeing the King of England too difficult made his treaty apart They contented in euery degree the interests both of dead and liuing The Kinge transported to the Duke of Burgundy the Townes vpon the riuer of Somme whereof mention shall be often made st Quintin Corbie Amiens Abbeuille and others vpon condition to redeeme them for the summe of foure hundreth thousand old Crownes of gould The marriage of the Earle of Charolois and of Catharin the Kings Daughter was the seale of this treaty n The marriage of the Earle of Charolois with the Kings Daughter was the seale of this treaty hee was then but two yeares old and when he come to age he married isabel of Bourbon The Lady Catherine who was promised dyed at eighteene yeares of age the 28. of Iuly and was interred at Brusseis in S. Gould Charles Duke of Bourbon and Arthur Duke of Brittany with the Earle of Richmond Constable of France craued pardon of the Duke of Burgundy for the death of his father in the name of King Charles the vij It is a cruel thing when he must take a Law from his inferior but the good of a peace and the necessity of the Kings affaires forced him from all these formalities without this satisfaction a peace had not
he was freed from taxes Necessitie in whose schoole hee had learned great experience dispenst with him for the obseruations which are made in the choice of souldiers These were called Franke Archers who being well led did great seruices being able to indure all paine as beeing bred vp in discommodities and wants without cunning or malice They beganne their profession at the siege of Vernon The defects which are obserued in the life of this Prince as the griefes of Kings n The raignes of Princes doe not continue and end alwaies as they haue begdnne The first fiue yeares of Neroes raigne were iust Constant was good ten yeares cruell twelue and prodigall ten doe not alwaies incounter ends like vnto their beginnings His loues and his diuersions could not hinder it but that France hath giuen him the well deserued title of Victorious The end of the first Booke THE CONTENTS OF the Second BOOKE 1 KIng Lewis his going into France His entrie and Coronation at Rheims 2 The Duke of Bourgundy doth him homage and followes him at his entrie into Paris magnificence of the Parisians vpon this occasion 3 Estate of the Kings affaires with Pope Pius the second Reuocation of the Pragmatique Sanction 4 Discontent of the Noblemen of the Realme vpon the Kings first actions An obseruation of his Humors 5 His voyage and designes in Brittanny 6 Oppression of the people by new inuentions of Subsedies 7 Strange and furious reuolutions in England betwixt the houses of Lancaster and Yorke 8 Edward the fourth expels Henry the sixt King of England 9 Hee seeks to marry the Queene of France her Sister and takes a widdow in England 10 The King goes to Bourdeaux and there treates a marriage betwixt his Sister and the Earle of Foix. 11 Troubles betweene the Crownes of Castill and Arragon The Earledome of Rousilion engaged to the King 12 The Kings of Castille and Arragon referre their differences to the King 13 Enteruiew of the Kings of France and Castille vpon the Riuer of Vidaazo 14 The King returnes to Paris redeemes the Townes vpon the Riuer of Somme and visits the Frontiers 15 The Duke of Bourgundy comes to the King at Lisle to demaund his aduise touching a voyage which he pretended to make against the Turke 16 Ariuall of Lewis Duke of Sauoy at Paris 17 The King declareth his pretentions vpon the soueraigne rights of Brittany 18 The Earle of Charrolois stayes the Bastard of Rupembr● at the Haage 19 Ambassadors from the King to the Duke of Bourgundy vpon diuers complaints 20 The Duke of Bourbon first author of the league of the common weale Death of Charles Duke of Orleans 21 Charles Duke of Berry the Kings brother retires into Brittany 22 His Letters to the Duke of Bourgundy and his declaration vpon the taking of Armes 23 Death of Pope Pius the second to whom succeeded Paul the second a Venetian THE HISTORY of LEVVIS the XI THE SECOND BOOKE A Death which brings Scepters Crownes 1461 doth not alwaies meete with sorrow and teares When there is a question of the succession of the Realme An heyres teares are sone dried vppe a desire to raigne doth presently dry vp the teares which the law of Nature drawes from the eyes a There is no water whose spring is sooner dryed vp then that which flowes from a profitable mourning Lewis longed too much to be at home to be grieued when as they brought him newes that Charles the seuenth had quit him the lodging Hee had already spent two third parts of his age in obeying hee held the rest very short to command and to end at in great enterprises worthy of his qualitie b Life is very short for great entrriprises and inconstancie makes it much shorter Hee entertained the Iuie of his hopes in the ruines of this old building he did not hope for any light but by the ecclipse of this Sunne and his vowes were no let that his Father was not already among the God c The Romans held their Fathers dead in the number of the Gods and their Images were reuerenced as persons deysied Wherfore among the predictions which Antonin had of his adoption and successim to the Empire they note that In somrio saepe monitus suit penatibus suis Adriani simulacrum inserere Capitol Hee was often admonished in his sleepe that hee should place Adrians Image among his boushould Gods And what can a Kings eldest Son desire but to raigne euery obiect lesse thē a crown is vnworthy of his birth Lewis comes into France but the wishes are vnnaturall monstrous vpon vniust effects To desire for a crownes cause the death of him of whom he holds his life is ingratitude impiety The same day that Charles dyed Lewis was aduertised of his death d They that haue written that these newes were sent by Charles Duke of Aniou Father in lawe to Charles the seuenth are mistaken both in the name and matter for Lewis Duke of Anion liued since the yeare 1417. He went presently to horse to goe into France fearing least Charles his brother should make his profit of his absence The Duke of Bourgundy and the Earle of Chartolis accompany him with foure thousand horse chosen out of the flower of all the forces of their Estates and the Princes their friends He makes his entry into Rheims Hee entred into Rheims the fourteeene of August e The King arriued at Rheims the 14. August and caused himself to be annointed the next day A remarkable diligence They cannot goe too speedily to so great a Feast The Duke of Bourgundy being followed by the Earl of Charolois the Earle of Neuers the Earle of Estampes the Duke of Cleues the Earle of S t. Pol and many other Noblemen went out of Rheimes to the Abbcy of Saint Thierry to meet the King being attired in white and crimsin damask vpon a white courser caparonessed with the armes of France The next day he was anoynted and crowned The peeres of the Church were there in person The Duke of Burgundy Deane of the peeres The Duke of Burbon held the place of the Duke of Normandy The Earle of Angolesme for the Duke of Guienne The Earle of Eu for the Earle of Tholousa The Earle of Neuers for the Earle of Flaunders and the Earle of Vandosme for the Earle of Champagne The King is anoin●ed and Crowned The ceremony of his coronation was beautified with an other which they found very new and strange The King is anointed and Crowned The King drawing his sword presented it to the Duke of Bourgundy and intreates him to make him Knight He gaue this honour of Knight-hood to an hundred and seauenteene Gentlemen the first were the Lord of Beauieu Iames of Burbon the Earle of Geneua the Earle of Pontieu the Earle of Witembergh Iohn of Luxembergh and to the Marques of Saluces Sonne From the Coronation they went to the Royall feast whereas
France did belong vnto him The Earle of Foyx sent his Ambassadors and Deputies to the King being at Bordeaux to conclude the treaty p The cheife condition of the Marriage was that the children which should be borne without distinction of mal● or female should succeed in the counties of Foix and Bygorre He past to Bayonne to end a controuersie betweene the 2. Kinges of Nauarre and Aragon 1462. and Henry King of Castile his Nephew A controuersie begun with great spleene and was continued with the like and had not ended without excesse if he had not dealt in it for the parties flattered themselues in their pretentions were blind in their interests and found that the obscurenes proceeded rather from the thing then their owne blindnes But behold the causes and the effects After the death of Charles the third q Charles the third King of Nauarre taking delight to build at Olîta died suddenly in September 1425. the threescore and foure yeare of his age and the thirty nine of his raigne he was buryed at Pampeluna King of Nauarre the Crowne past from the house of France and Eureaux into that of Castile and Aragon not without trouble and discord Iohn second sonne to Ferdinand of Aragon married Blanch Infanta of Nauarre presumptiue heire of the Realme of Nauarre and widdow to Martin King of Sicilie and it was agreed by a treaty of marriage that in case she should die before her husband hee should raigne the rest of his life in Nauarre after king Charles the third his father in law Of this marriage was borne at Pegna Charles Prince of Viana born Charles Prince of Vianna a title belonging to the eldest Sonne of the King of Nauarre r Charles the the third King of Nauarre ereected Viana into a principalitie and did affect it to the eldest son of Nauarre in the yeere 1421. as Dauphin to that of France The Asturiez in Castille and Wales in England Charles the third his grandfather made him to bee sworne heyre of the Realme by the Estates after the death of Iohn his Father Charles being dead Iohn was declared King of Nauarre by some and Blanch his wife was acknowledged Queene by others yet both were crowned at Pampeluna Iohn had great warres with his brother the King of Castille Marriage betwi●t the Prince of the Asturies and Blanch of Nauarre who did confiscate the lands which he held in Castille Iohn Earle of Foyx reconciled them by a marriage betwixt Henry Prince of the Asturies sonne to Iohn King of Castille and Blanch Daughter to Iohn king of Nauarre s By the constitution of the marriage of this Princesse which was of 42112. Florens of gold wee may iudge in what estate K. Charles the third had left the Realme of Nauarre The marriage was celebrated with great pompe and solemnitie but the Prince was vnable to consummate it The which the Princesse did long dissemble Shee had great cause to complaine of this want and to wish her selfe to be a widdow or her husband vnmarried t The dissembling of couiu●all imperfections is very seemly especially in a woman Tullia a great Romane Lady is blamed for her ordinarie complaints murmùring at her husbands disabilitie De viro ad fratrem de sorore ad virū se rectius viduam illū caelibem futurum Tit. Liu. but like an other Eusebia shee did long suffer for the disabilitie of Constans desiring rather to wrong her youth and beautie then her modestie A while after Blanch Queene of Nauarre died and king Iohn married againe with Ione Henriques Charles Prince of Viana fearing that his alliance would keep him back from the hope of raigning and from the inheritance of the Queene his Mother did not dissemble his discontent u A desire to raigne makes the father iealous of the sonne Plutarc saith in the life of Demetrius that the greatest and most ancient of all Alexanders successors did glorie that he feared not his sonne but suffered him to approch neere his person holding a Iauelin in his band pretending that by the lawes of the Realme his Father by marrying againe had lost the fruit of the Crowne Behold all naturall affection is altered betwixt the Father and the Sonne The desire of rule makes them enemies the Father growes iealous and would not suffer his Sonne to come neere him armed On the other side this second wife seeing her selfe mother to Ferdinand did what she could to show that she was mother in law to Charles x What will not an ambitious mother doe and vndoe for her children D. Ioane lying in the bed of death by reason of a Cankar which did consume her remembring what she had done to assure the Realme vnto her Sonne spake often these words with sighes which are reported in the 21. booke of the history of Spaine O my Son thou hast cost me deare For him she had caused Don Charles to bee poysoned and neuer ceast vntill this young plant were qu●●●ht by the nipping cold of her bad intentions seeking to haue a share in the regencie of the Realme in the absence of the king who had reuiued the warre in Castille Hence sprung those two great factions Factions of Beaumont and Grandmont that of Beaumont which followed the intent of of the Prince against the King and that of Grandmont which was for the father against the sonne so as presently the Realme was diuided into two kings two constables Lewis of Beaumont Earle of Lerin was Constable to the Prince and Peter of Perault was Constable to the king The kings cause as the better and more iust remained victorious the Prince beeing twice ouerthrowne is forced to flye to Alfonso king of Arragon Valencia Sardinia Maiorca Minorca and Sicile hee had recourse vnto his clemencie and besought him to pardon him The king who could not forget the loue of a Father vnto him who shewed the dutie of a Sonne receiues him but hee had new aduertisments that hee made secret practises to trouble him wherefore he sent him prisoner vnto the Alferie of Saragossa from whence hee was drawne by the Cattallans who tooke armes for his libertie Charles of N●uarre poisoned by his mother in law but he went out of the prison to enter into a graue y Charles Prince of Viana died being forty yeares old a valiant Prince a great Historian a subtill Philosopher and a good Poet hee translated Aristotles Ethicks into the Castilain tongue and hee wrote the History of Nauarre vnto the time of King Charles his Grandfather For the very day of his deliuerie he was poisoned and dyed with much repentance for that hee had rebelled against the king his father The Infant Don Ferdinand was acknowledged heyre of the crowne of Arragon They of Cattellonia tooke armes to reuenge the death of Prince Charles The seditious who blow the cole of this desection said that his soule walked in the
to the toombe of his Father at the Celestins at Paris the 21. of February 1504. by the commandement of king Lewis the twelfth his sonne After the battell of Azincourt he remained fiue and twenty yeares prisoner in England The English would not deliuer this Flower-deluce without ransome and to redeeme him the D. of Bourgundy payed three hundred thouthousand crownes What a change Iohn Duke of Bourgundy depriues Lewis of Orleans of his life Philip Duke of Bourgundy his sonne giues libertie to Charles of Orleans and to make the bond perfect he giues him the golden fleece and marries him to his Neece Mary of Cleues shee was the third wife hauing before his imprisonment married Is●bel of France widdow to Richard King of England and Bonna of Armagnac x The afronts which are receiued from great persons must not onely be disgested patien●ly but also after a constant manner murmuring auailes nothing Many haue made of scratchings incurable wounds oftentimes the iniury is doubled and renewes when as they make it knowne that it is receiued according to the designe of him that doth it x By Mary of Cleues hee had Lewis the twelfth his onely sonne and two Daughters Mary was promised to Peter of Bourbon and afterwards married to Iohn of Foix Vicount of Narbonne father to that Achilles of France Gastō of Foix Duke of Nemours of Germaine Queene of Arragon Anne of Orleans was Abbess of Fonteue●aud The Duke of Bourbon hauing opened the passage to this designe of the warre of the common-weale The Duke of Berry retires into Brittany they attended no more but to see the head Charles of France the Kings brother beeing at Poictiers and making show to goe a hunting whiles the king was in his deuotions steales away and goes vnto the Embassadors of Brittaine Iohn of Rommille vice chancellor of Brittaine and Tanequy of Chastell who were come to haue a Prolongation for other three monthes to make answere to the kings demands carried him away speedily by the meanes of the Lord of Lescon a Gascoine and led him into Brittanie y The King being gone in deuotion to our Lady of Pont in Limosin the Duke of Berry retires into Brittaine He was but eighteene yeares old hee held life so short and that of Princes which liue in subiection so troublesome as if he did not speedily know what it was to bee a master the knowledge would euer come to late He was welcome for this was the firebrand which they must cast to set France on fire The Duke of Brittanie promised him the seruice of his person and all the succors of his forces Hee declared the cause of his departure by letters which hee wrote to the Duke of Bourgundy and to the other Princes of their intelligence The most apparent was drawne from the bad gouernment of the affaires whereof the Princes of the bloud z It concernes the Princes of the bloud to look into the disorders of the estate and to assist the King faithfully to rearesse thē whiles there is heat in t●is bloud wee may hope for the life and continuance of the body which haue the chiefe interest and care of the whole bodie should apprehend the dangerous euents and had subiect to complaine to see vnworthy men without honor or merit to deale in that which should passe by their hands and to leap ouer their heads to great offices That his armes and his desires had no other obiect but to restore order vnto the Realme and there withall to ease the people of their oppressions the which he could not otherwise hope for but in making the King know in the beginning of his raigne a At the C●mming of new P●aces they make demands and pursuits for that which they d●sire the rest of the Raigne for when they are well settled they will no more beare speake That 〈◊〉 Petcennius hauing prepared his companions to mutine hee said Quando ausuros exposcere remedia nisi no●●m et nutantem adhuc Principem vel armis adirent Tacitus lib. 1. Annal. the extreame necessity whereinto it was brought His will was manifested more amply by his letters to the Duke of Bourgundy which Monstrellet setts downe in these termes Most deere and welbeloued Vncle I recommend me vnto you I let you vnderstand that of late I haue often heard the clamors of the Princes of the blood my kinsmen and other Noblemen of this Realme in all estates of the disorder and pittifull gouernment which now doth raigne by the councell of men being about my Lord full of all lewdnes and iniquity who for their owne profit and priuate disordered affections haue drawne my Lord into iealousie and hatred against you me and all the Noblemen of the said Realme yea against the Kinges of Castile and Scotland so long allyed vnto the Crowne b The most ancient alliances of the French haue beene with the Scots and then with the Castilians The Crowne of France hath had pretentions vpon Castille at the inheritance of the Lady Blanch of Castile mother to St. Lewis as euery man knowes In regard how the authority of the Church hath beene kept Iustice done and administred the Noblemen maintained in their rights and priuiledges and the poore people supported and freed from oppression I write no more vnto you for I know you are sufficiently informed and I am greeued at the said thinges as I ought to be as he whom it doth so neere concerne as euery man doth know c The Children of one family are interessed in the 〈…〉 and the Princes of the bloud in the gouernment of the estate and desire to prouide for it by the Counsell of you of the said Princes and kinsmen and other Noblemen who haue all promised to aid and serue me not sparing body or goods for the quiet of the Realme and the publick weale thereof and also to saue my person which I found to be in danger For incessantly and openly my said Lord and they about him spake such wordes of me d The words of such as are neerest vnto a Prince make men iudge of his intentions The Duke of Berry hearing that the seruants of the K. his brother spake freely against him thought that their discourses were framed vpō his Good words entertaine friendship and bad dissolues thē as I might with Reason haue cause to doubt I therefore left my said Lord and am come vnto my good Cosin of Brittaine who hath giuen me so good and commendable reception as I cannot sufficiently commend it and is resolued to serue me with body goods and all his power to the good of the said Realme and publicke weale And therefore my most deere and welbeloued vncle my intention and desire is to imploy my selfe with you and the said noblemen my kinsmen whose counsell I will vse and not otherwise to restore and redresse the said desolate Realme knowing that you are one of the greatest of the Realme whom
wont to say Che non potea la Republica crescere molto di potenze se non hauesse nell imprese di Terra impiegate le sue forze la quale cosa perche nō haue a prima fatts pero era stata molto ritardata et impedita quella grandezza alla quale se tale consiglio hauesse preso piu per tempo po teua caminare felicemente haue thought that this Common-weale had begun too late to inlarge it selfe vpon the maine land to make profit of her neighbours ruynes The two principall intentions which shee hath had for the greatnes of her estate to maintaine her selfe free and to become ritch haue succeeded for the one she hath alwayes maintained her selfe strong at Sea there beeing no other meanes to anoy her and she hath continued her traffick without the which she could not continue this goodly flower of liberty had been withered by the idlenes of her subiects The industry of marchandize should bee no lesse honorable vnto them then tillages to the old Senators of Rome both the one and the other in their labours and trafficke haue produced famous examples of publike vertues We must giue vnto Venice the glory of the best gouernment of all the Estates of the world the forme and order of her politick gonernment is in all parts so well disposed and obserued as this Common weale amidst so many diuers accidents of good fortune and bad was neuer troubled with any discord or domestick diuision which haue aflicted Aristocraticall Estates and driuen gouernours of Common-weales into such feares and distrusts as the Pallace where they haue assembled to resolue of publique affaires hath beene often dishonored with the losse of their liues or liberties h After that they of Miletum had expelled their tyrants they setled an Aristocraticall Estate but the people did still muti●e against this kind of Gouernment and the great men did still liue in such feare as they could not hold a Councell in safety but in shippes The Lords of Samos were murthered by the people when they were in counsell Inevitable stormes in estates which depend not of the power of one alone whereas the lesser are alwaies kept vnder by the greater and the poore cannot long indure the felicity of the ritch who so will keepe the poore people in such obedience must after the example of Rome allow them a share in the estate i The gouernment of Rome was diuided betwixt the Consulls Senate and people with such a conformity of their duties and common Offices as neuer common weale was better instituted The power of the one was bridled and restrayned by that of the other Nulla efferre se pars supra caeteras valet nequie impotenter superbire omnia quippe in 〈◊〉 statu manent cum aliorum cehibiatur impetus aliine in se quoque insurgatur perpeuo metuunt The Venetians haue made them subiect by meanes very pleasing vnto them they haue in a manner the best part of the liberty and their pleasures are not limited but by excesse they do their affaires quietly and the Senate hath all the care to maintaine them in liberty and rest The greatest disdaine not them that are meaner they contract Allyances together and do not restraine them from certaine publique charges There is a great temper betwixt Aristocratia and Democratia For the Gouerment retayning little of the one and much of the other is freed from disorders and corruptions which haue alwaies troubled ciuill tranquillity FINIS THE CONTENTS OF of the fifth BOOKE 1 THE King considers of the Preiudice which hee receiues by the obseruation of the Treatie of Peronne 2 Assembly of the Estates of the Realme at Tours by whose aduice the Duchie of Guienne is giuen to the Duke of Normandie Thé Duke of Bourgundy adiourned to the Parliament at Paris 3 The Court of Parliament complaines of the reuocation of the Pragmatick Sanction 4 Institution of the Order of S. Michel the first Princes and Noblemen were honored and the Knights bonds 5 Warre resolued by the Estates and begunne against the Duke of Bourgundy 6 A strange change in England The Duke of Clarence Brother to King Edward and the Earle of Warwicke take Armes against the King 7 Margaret wife to Henry the sixt the Duke of Clarence and the Earle of Warwick come into France for succors 8 Henry the sixt at libertie and Edward expelled the Realme 9 Exploits in Picardie and warre proclaimed against the Duke of Bourgundie 10 The Constable perswades him to giue his Daughter to the Duke of Guienne 11 Armie of the Duke of Bourgundy before Amiens 12 A marriage sought betwixt the heire of Castille and the Duke of Guienne 13 Birth of Charles Dauphin of France 14 Practises of the Constable to breake the promises of marriage made in Castille 15 Death of Pope Paul the second 16 New designes to draw the Duke of Bourgundy into the Townes of Picardie 17 Promise made by the King to restore Amiens and S. Quentin 18 Death of the Duke of Guienne changeth the affaires 19 Obseruation of the Duke of Guiennes life and the seueritie of the King his Brother Strange death of Gilles Sonne to Iohn the sixt Duke of Brittany 20 Troubles in Nauarre the King sends forces thither 21 Letters written by the King to the Earle of Lude Siege of Parpignan Peace betwixt the King and the King of Arragon 22 Iohn Earle of Armagnac expelled his Country and the pittifull discourse of his fortune and death THE HISTORY of LEVVIS the XI THE FIFTH BOOKE THE Duke of Normandy was no sooner aduertised that the King had promised by the Treaty of Peronne to giue him the Contries of Champaigne and Brie for his portion but hee presently besought him to giue him leaue to goe thither and not to suffer him to languish any longer for the enioying of his rest and quiet the cheefe part whereof consisted in not beeing troubled to seeke it a It is a part of rest not to be in paine to seek it The King who had promised nothing freely thought to discharge himselfe of his promises at a better rate Hee wonne the Sig r. of Lescun b He that wil winne a Princes heart let him first win the cheefe ministers which possesse him who are as it were the eyes by the which hee seees and the eares by the which he hears and vndrstands who was his Brothers whole Councell The King winnes his Brother by the practise of Odet of Rye to perswade him to be conformable to his intentions and to rest satisfied not with that which he desired but with what should be offered him Yet this practise was not so secret but the Duke of Bourgondy was aduertised by the Cardinall Bal●e a double heart and a turbulent spirit full of passion who wrate vnto him that the King treated with his Brother that they made no mention of him and that hee should looke to his busines This
that any other should deale in it Hee represented vnto him the greatnes and commoditie of the Estates which this marriage would bring him after the death of his brother and father in law makes him to apprehend it in such sort as this yong Prince who filled not his fantasie with small imaginations continued his first poursuite of an alliance with duke Charles assuring him that it would produce great effects for their common fortunes and profit o An apparent and important profit is a great motiō to diuert the effect of a promise The Duke of Brittanie promised vnto himselfe the honour of the mediation for a matter which did profit few men and offended many The King had no desire his brother should be so great p T●e Kings of France haue in former times repented themselues for that they had made their brethre● so great Charles the ●ifu gaue to Philip the hardie the Duchie of Bourgundy which K. Iohn had vnited vnto the Crowne ma●ied ●im to the heyre of ●lande●s The house of Bourgundy grew so mighty as it would equall it selfe with that of France The King of England sent often to the Duke of Bourgundy to diswade him from this alliance entreating him to consider that the Duke of Guienne Designe of the King of England succeeding the King who had no children and holding the countries belonging to the house of Bourgundy England did foresee her ruine and destruction The Duke of Bourgundy would haue no such sonne in Lawe he gaue a desire and appetite to all men with one hand and tooke all hope from them with the other he promised her to all gaue her not to any he made vse of his daughter to entertaine the loue of Princes and to passe ouer his affaires with more successe to repaire by pollicy the defects he found in his owne strength thinking that his weaknes did dispence him of his word and that fraud was glorious against his enemies q Deceit which makes an enemy receiue an affront is as commendable as it is to bee blamed when it deceiueth him that is not so declared whereas they say that fraud is glorious in warre it is not to be vnderstood in breaking words and promises but of politick fained and artificiall stratagems But he had no desire to marry her propounding vnto himselfe in this marriage more the aduancement of his owne designe then the contentment of his daughter hee promised her to Maximilian sonne to the Emperour Frederic Princes pretending to marry the Daughter of Bourgundy and inclined much to that party to doe his busines in Germany where he desired to purchase some credit for at the same time Sigismond ArchDuke of Austria had ingaged vnto him for fourescore thousand florins the Country of Alsatia and Brisgaeu with the County of Ferette r The Country of Alsatia Brisg●● the black Forrest the Contie of 〈◊〉 or Forrest Were ingaged by Sygismond Arch-duke of Austria for 80000. flori●● vpon condi●ion that the D. of Bourgundy should not alter any thing of the Lawes and Customes of the Country in the yeare 1496 Hee promised her in like manner to Nicholas sonne to the Duke of Calabria to draw him from the Kings allyance who had promised him his eldest daughter To the Duke of Guienne to trouble the Kings of France and England and to Phillip Duke of Sauoy for an other designe Yet the practise was so followed by the Duke of Brittaine and the Constable who promised in regard of that marriage to draw him into Amiens and S. Quintin as he gaue his word to consent vnto it and at the same instant hee assured the King of England that hee would not doe it his words vppon this subiect were neuer of one tune s It was a witty comparison of him that said that mens actions were like notes of musick sometimes in spaces sometimes in lines sometimes aboue and sometimes beneath and neuer or seldom straight for any long cōtinuance and did not accord with his heart The Dukes of Guienne and Brittanie being well aduertised that their hopes were crost by the King of England gaue the Duke of Bourgundy to vnderstand by their Ministers that without the assistance of the English they were strong inough and had sufficient intelligence to force the King to doe him right and that the principal end of their Armes being for the publike good of the realme they could not haue that successe which they expected imploying their ancient enemies and that so long as they had forces and meanes in France it was not needfull to seek them in England t W●ilest that wee may passe without succors we should not seek them Plato in his Lawes forbids to dig for water in a neighbors house before that hee had sought it in his owne These words were deliuered vnto him by Vrfe in the behalfe of Monsieur Wherevpon the Duke said to Philip de Commines Behold the Lord of Vrfe presseth me to make mine armies as great as I can and tels me that we shall doe great good vnto the Realme doe you thinke if I enter with the company that I shall lead that I shall doe any good Philip de Commines answered smiling In my opinion no Then the Duke said I loue the good of France better then my Lord of Vrfe thinkes for whereas there is but one King I would there were six He would gladly haue had the whole peece u Ambition striues to diuide and teare in peeces that which shee can not breake nor carry wholly away but knowing the impossibilitie that the ascent was too steepe and the top too slipperie hee had no care but to breake that which he could not wholly enioy x There is not any one of so great a courage but thinking to make himselfe a King he trembles the ascent vnto a royaltie is slipperie the top shaking and the precipise fall fearefull He prepared great forces and the King sent his into Guienne being incensed that his Brother had restored the Earle of Armagnac to his lands which had been confiscate and hee spoyles both the one and the other He wins his cheife seruants the more easely to chase him out of Guienne The Duke of Guienne prest the Duke of Bourgondy to succor him the Duke sent vnto the King to intreat him to suffer Monsieur to liue in peace The King answered that hee had no intent to alter any thing of his brothers portion but to keepe him from attempting beyond his bounds And behold a remarkable poynt of wisedome in this Prince whilest the Duke prepared his army he sent Peter D'oriole Chancellor of France vnto him and the Lord of Craon to make an ouerture of an accord A Peace treated and a promise made to restore Amiens A peace was treated and the King promised to restore Amiens and Saint Quentin the duke was so much greeued for the losse of these two townes and had so great
Aduentures vnto the thirtieth yeare Predictions vpon the life of Lewis the eleuenth hee aduertised King Charles the seuenth of his rebellion and how his gouernment would be wonderfull to men k This man was much esteemed by Duke Amedeus the Pope hee foretold the Schisme of the Church and the warre betwixt France and England Manasses a lew of Valencia continued these predictions vnto the battel of Montlehery Peter of Saint Valerien a Chanon of Paris and a great Astrologian was sent in the yeare 1435. into Scotland for the marriage of the Lady Margaret during his abode in Flanders hee consulted alwaies with Astrologians of future things and these impostors more hurtfull to a Common-wealth then Players l Sights entertaine the people and breed them vp ●n idlenesse And therefore Phillip Augugustus by an Edict banisht Plaiers out of France Nihil tam moribus alienum quam in spectaculo desidere Sen. whom his predecessours had chased away were alwaies in his eares Hee caused many iudgements to be made by Iohn Coleman his Astrologian who taught him to vnderstand the great Almanacke and vpon the great Coniunction of Saturne and Mars which was the eighth of Aprill about ten of the clocke eighteene minutes in the yeare 1464 He spake plainely of the troubles of the League and so did in like manner Peter of Grauille whom Lewis the 11. caused to come out of Normandy Conrade Hermgarter a Germaine left the Duke of Bourgundies seruice for the Kings who gaue him great entertainements But aboue all hee made great esteeme of Angelo Catho a Neapolitan who came into France with the Prince of Tarentum m Iohn Spirink did also foretel the Duke of Bourgundy that if he went against the Suisses it would succede ill the Duke answered that the fury of his Sword should vanquish the course of heauen and had foretold the Duke of Bourgundy and the Duke of Guelders their misfortunes The King gaue him the Arch-bishopricke of Vienna wherein hee could not reside for the great crosses he receiued from them of Dauphiné but was forced to retire himselfe to Rome His Chronicle doth also speake of the death of Maister Arnold his Astrologian during the plague in the yeare 1466. the which hee had foreseene and which vnpeopled Paris of aboue 40000. persons France had other kinds of men which did better deserue the fauour and bounty of the King then these Deuiners God is offended at the rashnesse of this science which vndertakes the knowledge of future things which is onely reserued to his eternall Prouidence and which in regard of man is all composed in with clouds and impenetrable darkenesse Vanity of Iudiciary Astrology The curious are deceiued for they tell them things that are either true or false n Fauorinus with this Dilemma mockes at Iudiciary Astrology Aut aduersa dicunt prospera Si dicunt prospera fallunt miser fies frustra expectando Si aduersa dicunt mentiuntur miser fies frustra timendo Either they tell aduerse things or prosperous If they fore-tell prosperous things and erre thou art a wretch in vaine expectance if they tell aduerse things and lye thou wilt be a wretch in fearing without cause They make themselues miserable in the expectation of prosperity which neuer happens They are miserable also in the apprehension of aduersities which they feare incessantly happen not but when they least dreame of them thinking they haue escaped them and howsoeuer lying deceiues hope and augments feare o Iudiciary Astrologyis forbidden by the reasons which Epiphanius produceth against the Manicheans Bas●le in his Exameron Chrisostome vpon Genesis Hom. 5. Augustin lib. 4. cap. 3. of 〈◊〉 Cofession● and by the Counciles of Tol●do The Church which hath the eternall truth for the verticall Starre of her establishment which doth alwaies looke vnto the Sunne of Iustice and Constancie not gouerning her selfe like vnto the Synagogue by the inconstancy of the Moone hath religiously and iudiciously detested the practice of Iudiciary Astrology which filles the eares with vanity and curiosity and the conscience with amazement If the curiosity had had any reflexion to the aduancement and beautifying of learning Barbarisme had not tyranized so long ouer so many good wits Princes cannot adde goodlier Crownes to the Palmes and Bayes of their vertues then those which good wits do dedicate vnto them as an acknowledgement of their fauours to learning p The glory which a Prince doth get by Armes is great That which comes from the fauour and protection of learning is immortal Int●r omnia quae vertute principum ac felicitate recreantur sint licet for tasse alia magnitudine atque vtilitate potiora nihill est tamē admirabilius haec libertate quam fouendis honorandisue literarum studijs i●partiūt Among all the things which are delighted with the vertue and felicity of Prinalthough it may be there are some to be preferred in greatnesse and profite yet there is nothing more admirable then that liberality which is bestowed to nourish honour the study of learning Eumenes Rhoet●r in orat pro instau scho King Charles the seuenth father to Lewis and King Charles the eighth his sonne had some care of the Vniuersity of Paris The first set downe an order for the decision of causes referred to the Court of Parliament The last declared what men should enioy the priuiledges of the Vniuersitie and how they should be inrowled in the booke of Priuiledges But wee do not finde that Lewis hath done any thing either with it or against it The President Thou whose History Europe doth no lesse admire for his eloquence and boldnesse then Italy did Titus Liuius and Greece Thucidides speakes of Iohannes Vulceus of Groningue and saith that he reformed the Vniuersity during the raigne of this King and this reformation shewes that there was some disorder The negligence of men was not so much the cause as the violence of times full of troubles and confusion which did not permit them either to teach or to learne These clouds of Ignorance were as darke in other Nations Barbarisme in in the time of Lewis The misery of that age was so great as who so should represent the potrraite of that Barbarisme would moue the minds of men both to pitty of so great ignorance and to feare that our negligence would bring vs soone into the like The sweetenesse of the Muses was but bitternesse their flowers all withered and their light all confusion the men of those times did not onely contemne learning but they did abhorre her beauty and said that it did not agree with the grauity and seuerity of other Sciences q Barbarisme being banished the schooles whereas the taught good learning it remained long among the Lawiers King Francis the first hauing seene these words in a Decree debotauit debottat commanded that al● the Actes of iustice and contracts should be made in Lattine For this cause the purity of
to submit himselfe to the mildest yoake seeing that hee could not remaine free o The miseries of ciuill diuision reduced Rome to that estate as hauing no hope euer to recouer her liberty she sought for nothing but for the mildest ser●itude Hee left vnto Henry the name of King onely for all the authoritie was in his hands he gaue to the Earle of Salisbury the Office of Lord Chancellor of England and to Richard Neuell his Sonne the gouernment of Callis He disposed of publike charges as he pleased still giuing them vnto those of his faction In the end the king discouers the Duke of Yorkes designe Queene Margaret his wife who had been aduertised thereof le ts him vnderstand that he did temporise but vntill the partie were made to ceaze both of the king and Realme and among his partisans the king was held but for a Tyrant As if his Raigne had been by vsurpation or constraint p Among many differences betwixt a King and a Tyrant they put this that a King raigns with the loue an● consent of the people and a Tyrant rules by constraint The king imparted this to his principall seruants D. of Yorke retires from the Court of England who were of aduise to restraine this great authoritie which the Duke of Yorke had within the Realme The Duke beeing suddenly aduertised thereof retired secretly to Wigmore in Wales Richard Neuell to his Castle of Midleham in the North Countie and Richard Earle of Warwicke to Callis so as the cruell seditions in England grew more violent then before during the which the French spoiled the coasts of Kent and Iames king of Scotland inuited by the same occasion entred by Roxborge The same cause which made this warre ended it q The sha●pest Ciuill wars are pacified when as strangers meddle to gaine by them The two parties agree against the third and although the Prince be offended yet it is better to remit the punishment The king of England let the Duke of Yorke vnderstand that the ciuill discord and the bad intelligence which was betwixt them had opened a gate to the enemies to inuade England that the common danger did binde them to vnite their forces to defend it and that hee was contented to forget all matters past vpon hope of a better conduct hereafter English cease their ciuill discords to war against the French excusing himselfe that matters had not alwaies gone directly being impossible for a Prince to obserue all the kinds of Iustice and equitie r Many things vniust of themselues are made iust when they are countenanced by necessitie or profit wherfore Plutark obserues That if there were question to accomplish al the kindes of iustice Iupiter himself might not in that case bee a Prince The Kings intention was allowed by all men the Duke of Yorke being loth to be the author of the ruines of the Realme declared that all his affections tended to his greatnes and quiet and to take away all occasions of doubt He came vnto the King to London with the chiefe of his faction The feare of a forraine warre quenched the ciuill s There is no such indiscretion as to hazard ones own to get another mans and to draw forth the bloud which is needfull for the life of the bodie It is more glorie for a Prince to maintaine himselfe them to grow great Preseruation safety is the essence of an estate profit it but an accessary Mens mindes altered with things past grew milder and all their wills were vnited in one accord for the defence of the Realme detesting the discord which had drawne them into a warre which was not necessarie nor could bee happie and made them a prey and triumph to their auncient enemie But as the fire of sedition is neuer so well quenched but there remaines some sparks in the ashes Troubles renewed in England which kindle again if they be a little blowne that there be alwaies some which delights in troubles for that it is their rest t Seditions commonly are fed supported by three sorts of men First the heads of factions Secondly they that cannot liue in safety in the time of peace Thirdly they which are out of the presse find themselues free from dangers and in danger for that they come not neere them being like vnto those riuers which enter into the sea and doe not mingle their streames the Duke of Yorke and the Earle of Salisburie being retired to their houses after this accord were presently forced to leaue them to reuenge an affront done to the Earle of Warwick at VVestminster where he had been set vpon by the kings guard and forced to saue himselfe by the Riuer of Thames with the hazard of his life They said that Queene Margret was the author thereof being very desirous to ruine the Nobility of England and to ouerthrow the cheefe howses u A King should maintaine great families neither can hee suffer thē to be w●onged but hee shal weaken the greatnes of his maiesty wherof the Nobility is the cheese piller In all estates the Nobles haue beene respected and distinguished from others euen amongst the Thracians the genl●emen went only vppon horseback and at Rome Noblemens wiues went in Littors who were the pillers of the Realme The warre began as soone as it was declared The three Richards are in field King Henry hauing leuied great forces comes to York Andrew Trollop who was come from Calleis with the Earle of Warwick thinking to serue the King when as he saw their armes turned against him left the Earle of Warwick to follow the King who in moment scattered his enemies and forced the Duke of York to passe into Holland there to attend vntill his Partisans had raised the ruines of that party Battaile before London whereas K. Henry was defeated Presently after the three heads of the faction returne into England with an intent to vanquish or to dye they present themselues at the gates of London they giue and winne a great Battell whereas the Victors saw tenne thousand men slaine and as many prisoners King Henry who seemed to haue beene raised vp to show the inconstancy of Fortune and the misery and vanity of man remained at the Victors discretion The English remembring that his grandfather had caused King Richard to dye in prison began to acknowledge the iudgements of Gods iustice who punisheth the Children for the offences of their fathers x Henry Earle of Harford and Duke of Lancastre tooke armes against Richard the 2. seazed on him puts him into the Tower of London and caused himselfe to bee crowned King and after that he had forced him to resigne the Crowne hee sent him to Langle● where hee was murthered In this great prosperity the make falls from the Dukes face He speakes plainely Duke of York declared Regent that whatsoeuer he had done was grounded vppon the rightes of the house of Yorke the
which belonged vnto him The Parlament did then consider the iustice not the fortune and respected the Maiesty of the King though hee were a prisoner intreating the King to rest satisfyed with the Regency of the Realm and to assure the succession to his house after the death of Henry He accepted the declaration of the Parlament but considering that Queene Margaret had a great Army on foot to set her husband at liberty Battell at Wakefield he resolued to fight with her He gaue her battell at Wakefield against the aduise of his Councell who intreated him to stay vntill the troupes which his sonne Edward Earle of March brought him were arriued Presumption troubleth his spirits with a motion contrary to that of Reason which should haue diswaded him from fighting y The violence of courage is dangerous vppon the point of a battell for it darkens the clearenes of Iudgement doth easily change it to the trouble of reason and to that perturbation which the Philosoph call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ● Some haue written that the Queene caused the head of the Duke of York to bee cut off carrying a Crowne of paper others say it was the Lord Cliffords deed for their forces were not equall although in the courage of the Commanders there was no other difference but that of sexe No no it shall not be said that the Duke of York who had so often fought in France without any other trench or defence then his owne armes is shut vp that he attends a woman and doth not go forth to fight with her He spake this and went forth with 5000. men and met her The Combate in the beginning was terrible and furious The Queen cuts off the Earle of Salisburies head The Queene shewed her selfe among the troupes exhorting the Souldiers to honour glory Richard Duke of York was slaine Richard Earle of Salisbury whose head soon after the Commons who hated him cut off the which with many others of the same faction was set vpon the walles of York to bee a terror and an example to other Rebells After this victory the Queene whose courage was eleuated vppon the apprehension of all sorts of dangers 2. Battell at St. Albons and who held them lesse then the captiuity of her husband resolues to loose her life or to restore him to liberty She goes directly to London and comming to S. Albons she encounters the Earle of Warwick who aduanced to succour his generall with the same courage that she had defeated the Duke of Yorke shee chargeth the Earle of Warwick puts him to rout and frees the King a The excellency of courage shewes it selfe when as the soule is carried beyond all showes and apprehensions of dangers fortitudo contemptrix est timendorum Senec. Epi. 89. Edward Earle of March being aduertised of the death of the Duke of York his father refused not to tread in his steppes and to imbrace the toile Edward Earle of March succeeds the Duke of York his father in his authority from whence he expected his greatnes and glory He staid in the Prouince of Wales and expelled Iasper Earle of Pembrooke The Earle of Warwick ioyned with him and with all their forces he came to London where he was receiued with incredible ioy and acclamations He was one of the goodliest Princes of his time and in great reputation his bounty courage and liberality were powerfull charmes to winne mens hearts the English thinking that hauing him they had all and that their felicity was tyed to the long continuance of his Raigne b A Prince can desire no greater proofes of the affection of his people then when hee beleeues that nothing can saile him so as hee faile not them From thence are come these goodly acclamations Augusto Constantine D●te nobis seruent vestra salus nostra salus ●od Theod lib. 7. tit 20. In te omnia per te omnia Antonine habemus A El. Lamprid Dion reports an excellent one 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we haue all in hauing you He is proclaimed King and for that hee would haue no companion in his royalty hee resolues to fight with King Henry and marched directly to York lodging in a little village called Touton Henry being prepared to receiue him would not shew himselfe for that it was Palme sunday desiring to spend that day in the seruice of God but the souldiers seeing themselues so neere would not referre the partie vntill the next day They come to hands the combat continued tenne howers and the victory hauing beene long doubtfull and in ballance betwixt both Armies sodainely inclined to Edward The King and Queene seeing all their troopes put to flight they saued themselues in Scotland with their seruants c The Regent of Scotland led K. Iames the third to meet with King Henry the 6. and Q. Margaret The good reception with the succor which he receiued caused him to restore Barwick to the Realm of Scotland and from thence Margaret passed into France to her father to demand succors Henry the 6. flies into Scotland Edward returned triumphing to London and caused himselfe to be crowned King at Westminster the 28. of Iune 1461. he called a Parlement where all that had bene decreed by King Henry the sixt was reuoked After that Henry had gathered together some forces in Scotland he returnes into England being followed by a great number of his ould seruants The Iustice of his cause gaue him good hope d Hee that hath reason on his side is alwaies accompanied with good hope hee pursues his quarrell with more courage and assurance be exposeth himselfe to all dangers and his subiects serue and succour him more willingly and in all accidents the iustice of his cause doth comfort him but he was repulsed with great dishonor by Iohn Marques of Mountague King Edward beeing aduertised of the practises of Margaret both in France Scotland and England to restore her husband to his crowne he sets guards vpon the Ports and passages of Scotland to stop her entrie but as there is no miserie more insupportable then the remembrance of what we haue been King Henry bare this change of condition so impatiently as not apprehending the danger neither of his life nor of his first captiuitie and not considering that fortune had neuer done him so much good but might doe him more harme e Miseries doe but begin when as they seeme to end There is not any man but may haue more harme then hee hath had good Neminem eo Fortuna pronexit vt non tantum illi minaretur quantum permiserat Sen. Epi. 4. he returned into England in a disguised habite where hee was discouered taken and presented to Edward Hen. the sixt put into the Tower of London who lodged him in the Tower of London If he had thought that he had gone forth as hee did to get the crowne hee would haue giuen him one of copper made fast
white Damask imbrodered thick with fine gold of Cypres with buttons of gold furred with fables a little black hat of his head with a feather of gold On either side of him were the Cardinall of St Susanne Bishop of Anger 's and Rene Duke of Anjou and King of Sicile o At the foote of the Kings scaffold were set The Vicont of Narbonne George of Pem 〈◊〉 the Lords of Tancaruille Chasttillon Buell Longueuille Lauall Aigle C●aon Cru●●ol la Forest The Prince of Piedmont a yong Infant was vppon one of the steps Princes which wer● about the King and of either side stood the Earle of Foix Prince of Nauarre and the Kings brother in law with the Earles of Neuers and Eu The Earle of Dunois high Chamberlaine of France was by reason of his gowt set vpon a little stoole behinde the King of Sicile with many other Noblemen There were two other places rayled in the one in the middest of the Hall neere vnto the Kings for the Princes of the bloud the Constable the Chancellor the Patriarke of Ierusalem the Arch-bishop of Ierusalem the Arch-bishop of Tours and other Bishops p In the second place railed in were the Marquis of Pont the Earle of Perche the Earl of Guise the Earle of Vendosme the Earle Dauphin and the Earle of Montfort The other being great and spacious which did inuiron the first of either side was for the Deputies of the three Estates Betwixt the Kings Theater and that of the Princes were two formes directly against the King on the one were the Peeres of France and on the other were the Officers of the Crowne Euery man being set q It is obserued that the Earle of S t Paul Cōstable of France was at the vpper end next vnto him Mon●●urde Tray●ell Chancellor of France in Crimson veluet co●es and a little beneath thē on the same forme the Archbishop of Tours the Bishops of Paris Char●res Perigueux Valences Limogis Senlis Soissons Aire Anranches Angoulesme Lodeue Neuers Agen Cominges Bayone and others and all the greatest of the State humbled before the Prince like vnto the rods and Maces of the ancient Magistrates of Rome r In the assemblies of the people of Rome the Magistrates did hold downe their rods and M●ces in signe of humilitie and spake standing the people being set shewing that they had no power to command and all Magistrates dealt by Petition vsing these words velitis Iubeatis the Chancellor rose from his place and presented himselfe vpon his kneee on the right side of the King who told him in his eare what his intention was Oration made by the Chancellor Hee made the Estates acquainted therewith in a long Oration the Deputies beeing prepared vpon the Kings instructions finde that they neither could nor ought to grant vnto Charles of France the Duchie of Normandie for his portion It was said that it should remaine vnto the Crowne and the King was intreated to maintaine the auncient lawes of the Realme concerning his Patrimonie holy sacred and inalienable either by contracts or by prescription of time and against any whatsoeuer and that the Princes of the bloud should not therein haue any more fauour nor priuiledge then priuate men s That which may make an alienation perfect and giue ● title of iust possession doth not comprehend those demands which are inalienable may be reunited although the alienation were made for euer yet the purchaser shall not recouer the price of the thing alienated the King himselfe being bound by oath at his Coronation not to alienate any thing and in doing so to giue vnto his Brother a portion with the title of a Dutchy or an Earledome the which should be worth twelue hundred poundes starling a yeare and a yearely pension of foure thousand and eight hundred pounds starling without drawing it to consequence t This clause of cōsequence was superstuous shewes from what respect it came For the portion was so small as no man would make it a President There are houses in France where the yonger sons would not bee so satisfied for the yonger brethren of the house of France The King gaue the Dutchy of Guienne besides the riuer of Charante Guienne giuen to the Kings Brother the countrie of Agenois Perigort Quercy Xanictonge the Gouernment of Rochell and the Bailewike of Auins hee changed the Parliament of Guienne from Bourdeaux to Poitiers This resolution was carried to Monsieur and to the Dukes of Brittany and Bourgundy his confederates Monsieur was so ill and so desirous to change the ayre as notwithstanding that hee found small profit in the change of his condition yet would he not refuse it the Lord of Lescun perswaded him to reconcile himselfe vnto the King and to accept of what he should giue him The Estates did also resolue that the Duke of Bourgundy should be adiourned to appeare in person before the Parliament at Paris Adiournement of the Duke to the Parliament of Paris to doe right vnto the Earle of Eu u Charles of Artois Earle of Eu dyed without children in the yeare 147● Hee was taken prisoner at the Battel of Azincourt and remained three twenty years in England for St. Valery and other lands which he detained The King was well pleased with this resolution for that he knew well that when the Duke should see himselfe charged in this manner he would make an answer according to his humorfull of contempt and that some grose-headed fellow executing his commission indiscreetly for profit would moue him and prouoke him to do somthing whereat the Court should bee offended and vrged to seeke reparation The same Court of Parliament sent Iohn Loyselier Complaints for the Pragmatike Sanction x The Deputies of the Court of Parliament let the K. vnderstand that the abolitiō of this Pragmatick was shamefull and iniurious for the Frāce had neuer had in like causes Ordinances which had taken their authoritie from the vniuersall all Church That as long as she had obserued this Pragmatick she was full of all prosperitie and feared of her enemies whom she had chased out of Normandie and Guienne and had seene Prelates of such holines as they had done miracles and Iohn Henry Councellors of inquests to represent vnto the King to the Estates the great preiudice which France had receiued by the abolition of the Pragmaticke Sanction that it was depriued of a rule which comprehended all the liberties and freedomes of the French Church approued in the Conciles of Basill and Constance That by the cessation of such decrees France must needs looke for some great confusion of the Ecclesiasticall Order and a generall impouerishment by the transport of gold and siluer beyond the Alpes But the King hauing obtained what hee desired against his Brother and the Duke of Bourgundy hee carried his thoughts to other things then to that which the Estates expected for
the good of the publike y In these Estates they did not thinke of the publike good nor of the peoples ease who complained for Lewis leuied much more then King Charles and dismist them giuing order for the intelligences which hee had vpon Amiens Abbeuille and St. Quentin Then representing vnto himselfe how much the discontentments of the great men of this Realme had ruined his affaires hee inuented a meanes to vnite their mindes to his will and to keep them firme by new bonds of honor and fidelitie Institution of the order of S t Michell the which hee found in the order of S t Michael making it not onely a recompence for vertue like to the Consulship of Rome but a marke of the Nobilitie of bloud and extraction z The dignity of Consull at Rome was as Valerius said vnto his soldiers Premium virtutis non sanguinis and went to seek out the vertuous in any house at any age Princes should haue things in their meere disposition which should be out of the commerce of their subiects 1469 and wherevnto they may not aspire but by the degrees of Vertue Honors which may bee recouered for money are no more honors for the sale may make them fall vpon vnworthy heads a The sale of honors makes them to be lesse esteemed vertue to bee contemned sufficiency lesse necessarie euery one thinking that he may attaine vnto it for money It is a great disorder when as such as are aduanced cannot say that they are bound vnto their vertue although they haue glorious shewes and that is not held rare which may be recouered for money b Glory is the desire of great courages Caesar would haue scorned him that should haue giuen him gold but hee dyed with desire to haue a crown of bayes Fortune may impouerish the greatest houses of Christendome but the honour which they hold from their Ancestors remaines for euer and a branch of Laurell which remaines of their fathers Crownes is more deere vnto them then any other thing Wee see not any Prince reduced to that necessitie as hee prefers siluer before honor And that King hath no great power in a Realme wheras they obtaine all for coyne The King making himselfe Generall of this Order The King great master of the order of S t Michel would also haue them that were neerest vnto him honored c By these orders the Prince becomes a companion to the whole Colledge Tiberius made an order of Knights which were caled Augustales and made himselfe grear master to the end it might haue more reputation hee would haue Drusus his sonne with T. Claudius and Germanicus his nephews to be of it Tac. An. Lib. 7. He gaue the first coller of the Order to Monsieur his Brother the second to Charles Duke of Bourbon and Auuergne Hee thought to draw in the Dukes of Bourgundy and Brittany but they would not bee bound to appeare at the Chapter With this Order were also honored the chiefe Noblemen of the Realme First knights of S t Michel d The ancient order of France was of the Knights of the starre institututed by King Iohn surnamed the good in the yeare 1351. the 6. of Ianuary the Knights weare a starre of gold in their hats and vpon their cloakes and the deuice was Monstrant regibus Astra viam A hundred and eight yeares after Lewis the eleuenth made the order of S t Michel the 1. of August 1469. A hundred ten yeares after that Henry the third instituted the Knights of the holy Ghost and in the yeare 1579. After an Age all things grow old Lewis of Luxenbourg Earle of S t Paul and Constable of France Andrew of Laual Lord of Loheac Marshall of France Iohn Earle of Sancerre Lord of Bueil Lewis of Beaumont Lord of Forest and Plessis Lewis of Estouteuille Lord of Torcy Lewis of Laual Lord of Chastillon Lewis Bastard of Bourbon Earle of Roussillon Admirall of France Anthony of Chabannes Earle of Dammartin Lord Stuard of the Kings house Iohn Bastard of Armagnac Earle of Comminges Marshall of France and Gouernor of Dauphiné George of Tremouille Lord of Craon Gilbert of Chabannes Lord of Curton Seneshall of Guienne Charles Lord of Crussol Seneshall of Poitou Taneguy of Chastell Gouernor of the Country of Roussillon and Sardinia The King reserued to make vp the number of six and thirty Knights to his Election at the first chapter The Duke of Bourgundy at the same time receiued the Order of England and the Duke of Brittanie that of Bourgundie the one instituted by Edward the third f Edward the third instituted the Order of the garter of fiue and twenty Knights in the yeare 1348. Philip that of the goldēfleece in the yeare 1428. of one and thirty Knights Amedee of Sauoy caled the greene Earle that of Anunciado in the yeare 1409. of fourteene Knights the other by Philip Duke of Bourgundy As this Order had one head so had it one certaine and determinate place one habite one marke or Ensigne of Officers one forme of reception one oath and one rule The place was the Church of Mont S t Michel The place for the assembly of the Order transferred since to Bois de Vincennes as well for that the place was then noted to haue neuer yeelded vnto that yoake of the ancient enemies of the Crowne of France as also for the King Charles the seuenth said that beeing vpon the bridge of Orleans when he entred with the Virgin Ioan he saw not by any fantastical visions of Southsayers like to Caesar g Caesar going to the warre against Pópey a South-sayer came vnto him transported said ● Caesar thou shalt ouerecome It was true and Caesar soone after writing vnto his friends sent them this word Veni vidi vici but truely that Arke-angell fighting on his right hand Hee appointed seates for the cheefe of the Order and Knights in the Quier of the Church with their Armes aboue their seates The habit was a long cloake of white Damaske downe to the ground The habit of the order with a border imbrodered with cockle shells of gold interlaced and furred with Ermines all of one length and one fashion with hoodes of Crimson vellet and long tippets the hood of the chiefe of the order was of Murry Skarlet h The Knights a●●ired in this habit are bound on S t Michels Eue to come vnto the Pallace of the chiefe of the Order to conduct him to the Euensong and the next day to Masse whereas euery one offers a pe●ce of gold for his deuotiō The marke or enseigne was a coller of Golde Marke of the order i They are alwaies bound to carry the coller but when they trauel remaine in their houses or goe a hunting then they may weare the Image of the Order in a silke ryband in the midest of which vpon a rocke was the Image of Saint Michael
foundation and to raise it for it can●otlast vpō light actions That of the E. of Warwi●k must needs be great hauing twise chang●d the estate of Englād and as it were disposed of the Crowne sent vnto the King to receiue him The King seemed to haue a great desire to see him and succour him He landed at Diepe and was conducted with all his troupe to Amboise The people flockt vppon the high-wayes to see those mournefull relikes of Troy Euery man had heard speake of the desolation of the house of Lancaster they did regard them as Prodigies of fortune whom she had chosen to be pittifull examples of her inconstancie Within six monethes the King gaue them meanes to returne into England The K. giue● succors to K. Henry with such forces as Edward durst not affront them Hee was forced to quit the partie and seeing how dangerous it was to stay vntill the Earle of Warwick came vnto the gates of London hee retired into Holland to the Duke of Bourgundie carrying nothing with him but a hope to returne k It is a poore equipage for a Prince which goes out of his estate with hope to returne but a retreat of this sort against a Prince that is stronger is honorable Valentinean the second left Aquilea to Maximin and fled into Thessalonica with Iustina his mother where he obtained succors of the Emperour Theodosius who restored him to the Contrie Sigon Lib. 9. Imp. Occident Behold Henry the sixt drawne out of prison and set in the royall throne Henry the sixt 〈◊〉 it l●bertie and Edward expelled but he continued but six monethes for Edward being relieued with ships and men from the Duke of Bourgundy returned into England and presented himselfe before the gates of London where he entred victorious The Duke of Clarence left the Earle of VVarwick l The Duke of Clarence being in France was sollicited and wonne by a Gentlewoman which came out of England from the King his Brother and he 〈◊〉 that belong in England he would turne to his side side King Henry was murthered in the Tower his sonne was detained prisoner Death of King Henry the sixt and soone after slaine The Earle of VVarwicke was slaine vpon the place and the Queen● was a prisoner Thus the Realme which Edward had lost in eleuen dayes was recouered in one so true it is that Estates change in a moment m The euersions and conuersions of the estates are most comm●●ty 〈◊〉 Breui bus momentis sūma verti possunt Tac. lib. 8. An. that it is hard to make good vse of things ill 〈◊〉 During these Tragedies the King who wisht they had continued longer the more to weaken the Dukes designes and to humble his thoughts continued the warre which he had begun in Picardie The Constable who would needs be a necessarie euill n Hibrea a wise Cittizen of Messala a Towne in Caria said smiling to Eutidianus a man very profitable but difficult and insupportable in the gouerment of publike affairs that hee was a necessary euill to the Towne for that no● man● could indure him for his roughnes nor ●liue without him for his good gouermēt to these two Princes was glad to let the Duke vnderstand what he could doe Amiens S t. Quentin taken He took S t Quentin Amiens opened her gates vnto him Abbeuille the Cittadell of Picardy had entred into the same partie if Philip of Creuecaeur Lord of Cordes had not entred The Duke not holding himselfe safe in the middest of the Constables friends retyred to Dourlans and from thence to Arras Being there he receiued a letter from the Duke of Guienne containing these wordes Labour to content your subiects and then care not for you shall find friendes The Duke seeing himselfe thus surprised and dispossest of the Townes which he did so much esteeme intreated the Constable not to presse this warre so hotly nor to doe the worst he could and to consider that the King without any precedent offence had taken armes and broken the treaty of Peronne before that he had disclaimed his friendship o The Romans before they made war Renunciabant amicitiam Germanicus being wronged by Piso Gouernour of Soria sent him word that he was no more his friend The Constable beeing glad to see the pride of his first maister humbled Pollicy of the Constable of S t. Paul makes the danger greater then it was hee threatens him with an ineuitable ruine if he did not open his eyes to those expediments which he propounded vnto him letting him know that in the darknes of his infidelity he did alwaies reserue a good day for his seruice p I neuer knew saith Phil. de Commines that man haue a good end that sought to terrifie his Maister and keep him in Iealousie Yet will he not declare himselfe to be other then a good Frenchman for to mannage his busines with honour the leape was too dangerous from S t. Quintin to Brussels The passage from one contrary to another is neuer made without violence q Mēs thoughts passe not sodainly from one extreame vnto an other they goe by degrees there must be a meane betwixt both to vnite the two extreames He promiseth to serue the Duke in effect in seruing the King in shew and to make knowne the fruites of his seruice by the bad intelligence and diuision which hee would still entertaine and was already framed betwixt the two brethren the King and Mounsire the only means for him to be in safety and his estate in peace r The hatred and discord of brethren is the ruine of States all well as of priuate families This mischeefe hath bin long in the world the examples are borne with it And if two brethren could not agree together in their mothers womb it is no wonder if two brethren being armed quarrell But to end this war which was begun and would continue with such cruell effects Hee councells the Duke to giue his daughter to the Kings Brother against him there was no other help but to win Monsieur in giuing him his daughter in marriage that all his desires should ayme at this marke as the true end of his contentment from the which he might wander by many waies s They say we may come to one end by diuers meanes But to hit one marke there is but one direction the straightest lines are the shortest we may misse by diuers meanes ayming too high or too low on the right hand or on the left It is euen so in the actions of men and could not attaine vnto it but by this Allyance that if he were so resolued hee would follow his party and bring his head to his seruice with the Towne of S t Quentin and a good number of his seruants In a word that he would doe any thing yea set fire of the Temple of peace t There are seruants ●ound sit for all assaies
no more to let him know her constancy and to ●make her not as straw which smoakes x Affliction hurts some and ●rofits others as in the same fire Auruin rutilat et palea fumat et sub eadem tribula stipulae ●o●min●untur frumenta purgantur We must not consider that which is indured but he that indures and after what manner Tantum interest non qualia sed qualis quisque patiatur Nam pari modo exagitatum exhalat horibiliter C●num et s●a●iter Fragrat vnguentum Aug. but as a precious mettall which shines and is purified in the fire They were so extreame as if in the beginning they had let him see the least part or the choise of a cruell death with what a resolution would hee haue imbraced this to auoid the miseries of the other The most violent torments which a body can suffer are but light scratchings in respect of the burning wounds of the hearts greefe His Conscience gaue him deepe ones for they write that he had offended not onely the Kings Maiestie by this third reuolt but also that of the liuing God by a notable villanie Incest of the Earle of Armagnac marrying with his owne Sister vnder a false dispensation y They say that Ambrose of Cābray Feferendarie to Pope Calixtus the fourth gaue this dispensation for money for the which hee was accused and imprisoned in the Monasterie of Mont Oliuet A coniunction as abominable now by religion as it was in former times to be desired by the reason of necessitie z Wee reade in the 17. Book of the City of God an excelent passage vpon these incestuous marriages Commixtio sororū et fratrem quanto sit antiquior compellente necessitate tant● postea facta est damnabilior religione prohibente Presently after the death of King Lewis the eleuenth Charles of Armagnac his brother besought King Charles the eight to restore him to the lands and estats of the house of Armagnac and to bee admitted to answer the accusations layed against his brother shewing that by the seuerity of King Lewis the eleuenth and by the great credit which his enemi●s had Memory of the Earle of Armagnac restored hee could neuer obtaine a safe conduct to come and iustifie himselfe King Charles by the aduice of the Princes Prelats and other Noblemen of the Realme graunted it the third of Aprill 1483. and he was restored to the possessions of the house of Armagnac After whose death many pretended the succession a The Pretendants were Catherine of Alencon Countesse of Laual Charles D. of Alencon Charlotte of Armagnac wife to Charles of Rohan Alain of Albret The Cardinals of Luxembourg Louise of Lyon wise to Charls bastard of Bour ●on Seneshall of Thoulouza Francis Philebert of Seissell Afterwards the Court of Parlament by a decree of the seuenth of September 1510. b The Court of Parliament declared the goods of Iohn of Armagnac forfeited to the King and the seuenth of Sept. 1470. Fortie yeares after on the same day they receiue his heires to purge his crime and to rasie his memory receiued them to iustifie the Earles memory Charles Duke of Alençon whose Grandfather had married the Earle of Armagnac's Sister drew his iustificacion from the same reasons by which he was accused They said he had receiued Letters from the King of England and that Iohn Bon had brought them vnto the King with the answere His innocencie therein was very apparant for if he had receiued his letters and would haue made any answere he would not haue giuen them back vnto the bearer They were cunning practises said the Duke of Alençon of such as haue gouerned Lewis the eleuenth to tempt the fidelity of the Earle of Armagnac and to haue a share in his spoile That if Iohn Bon had been a true messenger to the King of England as he made shew to be he had not carried the Letters vnto the king That the Earle of Armagnac was naturally an enemy to the English Earle of Armagnac a great enemie to the English and being at Font arabic he carried himselfe in such sort towards them as men wondred how he could be banished for fauoring them c He that will iustifie himselfe must liue in such sort among them where hee is exiled as his Innocencie may be apparent and his returne more easie There haue been banished men who for the Integritie of their liues haue been more happie among strangers then in their owne houses He would not suffer his seruants to conferre or conuerse with the English which did trafficke in that Contrie and it hapened one day as the yong men of Bayonne were come to dance before the Countesse of Armagnac his wife an English man hauing a red crosse vpon his brest slipt into the hall with the people who are accustomed to follow dances The Earle who held the meeting of an English man with a red Crosse for as bad a presage as the ancients did a Moore with a crowne of Cypres d The ancient Superstitiō held it a bad presage to meet with a M●ore as Plutarque notes in Brutus The Emperor Seuerus meeting a Moore carrying a Crown of Cypres on his head Iratus ab occulis remoueri precepit et coloris eius tactus emine et Corona commanded his Gentlemen namely Carbon and pettie Santignem to driue him out and as they ranne after him with their naked daggers Mauleon his Stuard stept betwixt them saying that they were in a strange countrie and that the Townes-men might rise against such an act which the Earle of Armagnac seeing he tooke his Stuards staffe and chased the English man out of his lodging making him to leape downe the stayres That being parted from Fontarabie to goe vnto the Duke of Guienne by chance he found an English man at the Sea side whom he caused to be taken and carried him prisoner to Lestoré onely for that he was an Englishman King Francis the first King Francis quit his pretensions to the Contie of Armagnac e Marguerite of Orleans or of valois the onely sister to King Francis 1. was first married to Charles D. of Alencon and next to Henry the second of that name the 26. King of Nauarre the first yeare of his raigne by his letters pattents giuen at Compeigne in February 1514. resigned vnto the Duke of Alençon and to the Lady Margaret his wife and their children all his interest vpon certaine conditions the which happening it fell to the house of Albret Iohn Duke of Alençon was so wonderfully grieued at the miserable fortune of the Earle of Armagnac as all his affections grew cold to the Kings seruice and carrying alwaies from that time this vlcer in his brest he sought the Duke of Bourgondies protection All which did but hasten his miserie and the losse of his libertie We must end this discourse with these words that the reputation of the seruices of the Lords of the
done any great exploits by sea although that their coast be greater then that of their neighbors and that it is hard for a Prince that is not strong at Sea r To bee strong at sea is much more auaileable the ●t land for the getting and keeping of a great estate The realme of Portugall is growne mighty by Nauigation The Common-weale of Genou● had extended her limits farre is ciuill diss●ntions had not stayed their designes by Sea euer to ecrease or maintaine his Empire If France had tooke delight at sea she had made the Flower-de-Luce to flourish farre off The French haue contemned Nauigation but this contempt of nauall expeditions hath clipt her wings with the which she should haue flowne so high as all the world had been amazed They did beleeue in those daies that who so was valiant at Land could not be so at Sea A verie preiudiciall errour for a Captaine that hath been accustomed to fight with the windes sea and men will sooner become a Captaine at Land where they fight onely with men then a land souldior will become a good Sea-man When as the King of England was landed at Calice The D. of Bourgundy is prest by the English and found not the Duke of Bourgundy he held it for a scorne and euen then he discouered his weaknes and sent him word that if he did not aduance he would force him to thinke of that which hee did not desire Behold this Prince reduced betwixt two extremes all the wisedome of man could not shew him a meane He found it dishonorable to dislodge from before Nuz and hee found it dangerous not to ioyne with the English God had stroken him with an amazement for the good of France for if hee had attended the English at their passage and not vndertaken the voyage of Germanie those two Armies ioyned together had been able to doe that which diuided was impossible When as the King of England prest him to come with speede the Emperor offered him battell to make him raise his seege from before Nuz At the same time when as both Armies were in view and that Albert Duke of Saxonie who carried the Standard of the Empire and Albert Marquis of Brandebourg prest the Emperor to command a chargr the Trumpets whom they attended to giue the signe sounded the publication of a peace He is forced to raise the siege of Nuz the last day of May. The secret Article carried this condition that the Duke should giue his Daughter to Maximilian and declare her heyre of al his Estates if he dyed without any sonne Munster saith that the Emperor for the desire he had of this mariage did not all the harme he could unto the Duke and that hee gaue him ten thousand florins The Duke said that he did not retire but to obay the admonition which the Pope gaue him by his Legate to whom the place was deliuered to coulour his dislodging with some shew the which was the more troublesome vnto the Duke s It is a disgrace to dislodg after a long cōtinuance which alone should force Townes But he gaue the Duke this contentment that his enemies were not comprehended in this Treatie A conditionibus Pacis exclusi sunt Lud. Franc. Rex Sigismundus Exarch Austriae Out of the conditions of peace were excluded Lewis the French King Sigismond Archduke of Austria Rene Duke of Lorraine and the Suisses for that he knew the towne was reduced to extremities hauing neither patience not bread for aboue ten dayes hauing endured a whole yeare all the attempts of the assailant and all necessities which doe afflict and make desperate Townes which are sharply besieged He came posting with a small traine to Calice He comes to Calice to the King of England being loth to let the King of England see into what estate his wilfulnes at this siege had brought his Armie t The Duke of Burgundies armie had beene weakned at the siege of Nuz with the losse of foure thousand men the remainders did ouerrunne the countries of Lorraine and Bar whilest with a small traine he went to K. Edward to Calice The Constable who had presented a planke to passe the English into France now drawes it back He had promised that as soone as the Armies were ioyned hee would open the gates of S. Quentin and hee shootes at them that approch by the Dukes commandement And yet to giue a goodly name to a deformed thing u It is a great pittie said Cato 〈◊〉 his opinion against Catelyue that wee are come vnto those times where they doe attribute the name of wicked things to good Salust in Catel he seekes to make him beleeue by Lewis of Creuille whom he sent vnto him expressely that he had shewed reason and discretion in the fayling of his word that if he had receiued his men without some kinde of resistance he should make himselfe vnprofitable for his seruice loose the credit which he had with the French and the opinion esteeme which the King made of his fidelitie The Constable assures the Duke of his seruice That nothing could change his affection whereof he would giue him such infallible proofes against all men and without any exception beseeching the Duke that the Letter which he sent him might serue for an assurance of the same intention to the King of England These words vowed and sworne with vehemencie held the spirits of these two Princes in ballance notwithstanding that they doubted the contrarie x There is nothing difficult to beleeue when it is affirmed constantly and boldly sworne by any one although he were held a deceiuer The efficacy of an oath if it do not beget credit in the mind at the least it breedes a suspension and doubt of the contrary Guiceiardin saies in his first booke ●o non credo pu● quasi ●ssere qu●llo che multo e●●icacimentes afferma non faccia 〈…〉 negli animi de terminati a credere ill contrarie I do scarce beleeue it can be but that which is 〈◊〉 with great efficacy will breed some doubt and ambiguity even in those mindes that were resolued to bele●ue the contrary Charles assured Edward that if they did aduance S t. Quentin was theirs They that presented themselues first with an opinion to enter The Constable failes of his promise to the K. of England and Duke of Bourgundy were forced to returne their backs with speed and retire to the Armie which followed The King of England cryed out of treason and euen then resolued to be mindfull of reuenge y A failing in 〈◊〉 and faith is 〈◊〉 forgotten and the remembrance hath alwaies for assessors Choller and Reuenge Darius for that he would not forget the wrong which the 〈…〉 done him had alwaies a Page 〈◊〉 ●●uld him in his care when he sale downe to meat Sir remember the Athenians The Duke of Bourgundy gaue excuses and said that the Constable had a good
the one had beene depriued of his benifice the other two saw their Sisters dishonoured by the voluptuousnes of this Prince y Galeas Duke of Milan defloured the Sister of Charls Viscount master of his ward robe and then gaue her to one of his Mignons to abuse Paul Iou. The conspiracie being resolued and they furnished with courage and armes for the execution they go to him being at the doore of St. Stephens Church in Milan approching neere him He is slaine at the Church doore making shew to salute him Iohn Andrew Lampognano strook him in the windpipe z They write that Lampognano to accustome and incourage himselfe to this execution did euery day stabbe the Dukes picture with a dagger and after his cruell meditations executed his desseigne Ierosme Olgiato in the throat and stomacke and Charles Viscount wounded him in the belly It was impossible to escape presently the Dukes Seruants seazed of them The first being content to die seeing that Galeas was dead cried out as they cut him in peeces After this manner I desire to die Ierosme was taken aliue and being condemned to be fleied and quartered vpon a scaffold aliue he saied making no other repentance for this crime that of so cruell a death the reputation would be perpetuall a Ierosme Olgiati beeing strecht out vpon the scaffold to be quartered said Mors acerba fama perpetua stabit vetus memoria facti Burt. Lib. 5. Hist. Florent A bitter death but a perpetual fame the memory of the fact shall remaine old The King was not so much greeued for the death of Galeas as he had beene for that of Francis Sforce Lewis xi a friend to Francis Sforce the best of his good friendes frō whom he receiued 500. men at armes and 3000. foot led by Galeas against the league of the Commonweale and to whom he was resolued to retire if he might not haue entred into Paris When as the King saw himselfe freed of one enemy Lewis sends an Ambassador into Scotland he studied what he should do to be reuenged of another and remembring that K. Edward had past the seas for the D. of Bourgundies passions hee desired to cry quittance with him and therfore he sent Robert of Ireland a Scottishman and a Sorbonist with two French Gentlemen to perswade Iames 3. King of Scotland to make warre against England but the Estate of Scotland was so full of bad humours as they could not stir this bodie without danger of an incurable disease b Whilist that a body is found it feeles not the putrified and corrupted humors which are disperced into diuers mebe●s but as soone as one part is grieued all gather together run thither It is euen so of states whilst they are in peace but vpon the first trouble any thing that is wicked seditious and rebellious discouers it selfe The King was but seauen yeares old when he succeded to his Father Contentiō in Scotland for the Regency and the diuision was great to know who should haue the Regencie and Gouernment of the Realme Some were for Queene Marie his Mother Others were for Iames Kenneth and George Douglas Earle of Anguse The Queene caused her selfe to be declared that which she would be they that were for her saied that if they regarded Proximitie there was not any neerer vnto the Sonne then the mother If they did consider the good of the childe not any one could haue more care then she If they could not contend with her in the degree of Proximitie it were indiscretion to call her affection and fidelitie in doubt hauing therein nature for her Caution If they respect the common good the condition of her birth was considerable for that being a stranger no way possest with loue nor passion they should not finde that she would support the one to the preiudice of the other as they might doe which had Alliances Kinsmen and Intelligences within the Realme who carried their dessignes beyond the Kinges life and might builde vpon his toombe As for her the death of her Son could bring her no other fruits but a perpetuall sorrow and therefore she was bound to desire his health and preseruation Kenneth seeing this Scottishmē hate the commaund of women stirs vp the people to apprehend the iniurie which was done vnto the Lawes of a Realme which had alwaies detested the rule of Women as contrary to that of nature c Gynecoratis or the gouernment of women is directly against the laws of nature which hath giuen vnto men se●ce wisedom arms and commaundment and hath taken it from womē and the law of God hath wisely decreed that the woman should bee subiect vnto the man not onely in the gouernment of realms and Empires but also in euery mans priuate family Bodin Lib. 6 cap. 5. and which had seen the raigne of an hundred Kings and not any one of their Daughters that succeeded Shall wee not finde saied hee among so many thousands of men one man that is capaple to commaund men must a Nation which hath no other experience but armes beforced to subiect their swords to the lawes of a distaffe and suffer themselues to be gouerned at the discretion of a woman and of a strange woman d The first woman which opened the waie for the rule of women in Scotland was Mary Stuard and Mary the Daughter of Henry the 8. in England To pacifie this discord they resolued to leaue all matters as they were for a moneth during the which the passions of both parties were but the more enflamed Many within the Realme desired rather to obey the Queene then any other that should be of an equall condition or superior vnto them But as in such occasions a man of credit and authority workes wonders drawing the hearts and opinions of men as he pleaseth Iames Kenneth Archbishop of St. Andrew giuing the Parlament to vnderstand e Cato desirous to let the Romans vnderstand that the commandemēt of women was shameful spake these wordes vnto them All men cōmand women wee cōmand men and women command vs. Plut. that to giue the authority to the Queene was to contradict the auncient Lawes of the Realme to expose Scotland to dangers and Scottishmen to the scorn of a shamefull gouernment and who should iustifie the reproach which might be made vnto them to commaund men and to be commaunded by women That Scotland neuer knew what the gouernment of women was they found no names in their language to expresse it they had neuer seene woman preside in their Councels nor Parliaments nor to dispose of Iustice nor of the Treasure and that which other Nations call Queene Scotland cals the Kings Wife f The history of Scotlād reports the wordes of Iames Kenneth Mairoes nostri adeo erant a cura publica muliaeribus mandanda alieni vt si omnia rerū vocabula excutias ne mul●ebus quidem imperii nomen opud eas
that which hee loues and to ruine that which he hath raised In the end this charge of Lord Steward is returned into the house from whence it went It did honor others Charles of Bourbon Earle of Soissons doth honor it at this day by the great and goodly qualities which heauen addes to the greatnesse of his birth he restored order in the kings house and reuiued the glory of his Maiesties seruice With the same courage that Iohn the second followed the King against his rebellious subiects he serued him against forraigne enemies e He was present at the great Assembly at Ambois with all the Princes of the bloud and the chiefe Officers of the Crowne to resolue a warre against the house of York in England against the duke of Brittanie where there was a league made for the defence of the house of Lācaster and Edward sonne to King Henry the sixth was married to the Earle of Warwicks daughter and was imployed with the Duke of Bourbon to disperse the storme wherewith King Edward the fourth threatned France being come thither not so much to fight as to receiue the triumph which the vanity of his ambition promised him The proofes of his seruice are not verified by those of recompence and wee may say that this Prince beeing not present at the distributions of the great honours of the Realme had no great share in the Kings fauours and bounty Wee see him hold his ranke at the Coronation and in the Assembly of the Estates but being none of those that were honoured with the first colours of the Order of Saint Michael hee hath remained in the ranke of those great Spirits whose contentment dependes onely of themselues All the Princes of the bloud cannot haue all the honours of the Realme All Planets make not a shadow the refusall of a dignity augments the glory of him that hath well deserued it and the concession doth not make him famous that is vnworthy f They ordained statues for them that had made war in Affricke against Tacfarinates though they did not vāquish him Dolabella went thither defeated him slue him he demanded the same honours which had been giuen to others which Tiberius refused Taci●us thereupon said Sed neque Blesus illustrior huic negatus honor gloriā intendis He had sixe daughters Ioane of Bourbon married to Iohn the second Duke of Bourbon Catherine married to Gilbert of Chabannes Ioane wife to Lewis of Ioyeuse Charlotte married to Engelbert of Cleues Earle of Neuers René Abbesse of Paintes and then of Fonteuerard and Isabell Abbesse of Caen and two sonnes Lewis Earle of Vendosme g Lewis of Burbon ha● 2 sons Iohn Earle of Vendosme and Lewis of Roche-sur you head of the house of Montpensier who married Mary of Luxemburg and Charles his eldest sonne the first Duke of Vendosme married Frances of Alençon and had by her seuen sonnes and six daughters the second of his sonnes was Anthony who married Ioane of Albret Queene of Nauarre and heire of the house of Foix Albret Bearn and Armagnac Of their marriage was borne Henry the fourth king of France and Nauarre their third sonne was Lewis of Bourbon Prince of Condé father to Henry Prince of Condé to Henry Prince of Conty to the Cardinall of Vendosme and to Charles Earle of Soissons and Grand-fahter to Henry Prince of Condé first Prince of the bloud The yonger sonne of Iohn the 2 d Earle of Vendosme was Lewis head of the branch of Montpensier and of Roche-sur-yon whom death hath cut off from this great tree There remains one daughter promised to the Duke of Orleans the Kings second sonne Death freed the Earle of Vendosme from the cares which a longer life had augmented by the iealousies and distrusts which the King conceiued of all the Princes of his bloud which kept him continually in the diuers agitations of hatred and feare It is impossible but that he who by his extreame rigors seuerities hath offended many should feare alwayes hee cannot trust his subiects as his Children seeing he hath not entreated them as a Father h Loue is a strong guard of a Princes person Agesilaus said that he wold liue safe without gardes if he cōmanded his Subiects as a good father doth his children He must be beloued of his subiects and feared of strangers Amorem apud populares me●● apud hostes quaerat Tacit. he hath his share of the feare which hee hath made common Wheresoeuer hee casteth his eyes he seeth markes of his seuerity so hee findeth not any one but puts him in feare hee hath feare of his Children feare before him and feare behind and as in his life hee had alwayes desired more to be feared then loued so in the end he found himselfe composed of the same humor fearing more then he loued Hitherto it seemeth he did not trust any man but Peter of Bourbon Lord of Beaujeu his son-in-law in whom he had so great a confidence as he referred vnto him all the care of his affaires when as the pleasure of hunting entertained him in the Forrests not for some few dayes but whole moneths The Author of the Annals of the house of Bourbon who hath seene the originals of many great treaties speakes after this maner This Peter of Bourbon Lord of Beaujeu was in such fauour with the king as his Maiesty desiring to retire himselfe from affaires kept commonly at Chamois and places thereabout a Countrey at that time full of wood and wilde beasts causing the said Lord Peter of Bourbon his son-in-law to remaine at Montereau-faut-yonne to bee chiefe of the Councell to whom all men repaired for their dispatches which had any businesse in Court i A Prince must be feared and loued but for that it is difficult to haue these two things concurre together it were better and more safe to be feared for that Princes which haue grounded themselues vpon the loue of the people haue found that there is nothing more inconstant men do sooner offend him that makes himselfe to be loued then hee that is feared yet must they not in seeking to bee feared make themselues odious The King loued the woods and hunting to free himselfe from cares reposing all vpon the said Lord of Beaujeu His Maiestie also said That hee did hate deadly them of Bourgondy Aniou Alençon and the Dukes of Brittanie for their pride And contrariwise that hee loued Charles of Artois Earle of Eu for that hee retained nothing of the arrogancy of his predecessours and them of Bourbon more for their mildnesse and humility k It is not the first testimony which the kings of France haue giuen of the mildnesse wisedome and moderation of the Princes of the house of Bourbon When as King Charles the ●s●h passed from Au●gaon where hee had seene Pope Clement the sixth i●to La●gueclock to settle an order for the coplaints of the Countrey against the oppressions which they
the Kings Authority to restraine him from this liberty Hee made of men as an Auditor doth of Counters placing some for hundreds others for thousands some for ten and some for vnits He allowed many petty Companions in his Cabinet who could not remember the condition of their fore-fathers without blushing or disavowing them s Honor meeting with an vnworthy subiect hath lesse luster and esteeme When as the people of Athens saw that Yperbol●● 〈◊〉 decayed man and who had nothing to loose was intreatreated equally with good men they dissolued the 〈◊〉 an honorable punishment for those whose vertue was suspected In like manner they tooke it ill at Roma when as Flauius being freed by Appius was made Edilis Curulis But for all that he did not leaue to haue about him and to imploy in great charges Noble-men issued from houses which were then illustrious both by their owne vertues and by those of their fore-fathers Of this number was Iohn of Daillon Lord of Lude The Lord of Lude and Imbert of Baterney Lord of Bouchages They came in fauour with this Prince by diuers meanes and maintained it in like maner The Lord of Lude had been bred vp with this Prince and the affection which begins so soone doth not wither easily Philip de Commines addes this reason that he knew well how to please the King Fortune fauoured the merits of Imbert of Baterney Imbert of Baterney Lewis Dauphin of France retiring himselfe into Dauphiné and going from Moras to Romans hee staied in a valley vnder the Castle of Baterney to take the coole aire and demanding some refreshing in the heate of the season and the tediousnesse of the way the Lord of Baterney sent some things vnto him and came himselfe to doe his duty hee brought with him Imbert of Baterney being then but a youg man who carried a Hauke with the which hee kild some Partridges t The pleasure of hunting which had beene the ra●ing of his fortune was in a manner the cause of his ruine Claude of Seyell saith that going to 〈◊〉 to see the Dauphin hauing had him to field to see his Haukes flye the king was much inc●sed thinking that he had a designe to make him see the wo●ld and to know it The Dauphin tooke pleasure in it and commanded him to come vnto him to Romans for that hee had a desire to see that Hauke flye againe He went and did so please this Prince as he demanded him of his father and from that time he neuer abandoned him vntill his death He made him great in riches and honor as he was in merit and vertue Charles of Artois Charles of Artoix Earle of Eu hauing remained three and twenty yeares prisoner in England returned into France and was much beloued of king Lewis the eleuenth for that he held nothing of the sower arrogant humors of his predecessors he continued in the Kings seruice at such time as the Noble-men left him to follow the Princes Armie He reconciled the King and the Duke of Brittanie and soone after died in Iuly in the yeare 1471. without any children Iohn of Bourgondy Earle of Neuers his Nephew was his heire u The accord betwixt the king and the Duke of Brittany was made at Saumur in the yeare 1469. and the difficulties were decided by the de●terity of the Earles of Eu and Dunois Iohn of Orleans Bastard of Orleans Earle of Longueville base sonne to Lewis Duke of Orleans was the greatest and most fortunate Captaine of his time he alone of all the Noblemen of the league of the Common-weale pursued the fruits which France expected of such an enterprise He was chiefe and President of the Commissioners appointed for the reformation of the disorders of the Realme and died before he could see the effects of that which hee had so earnestly pursued in the yeare 1470. Andrew of Laual Andrew of Laual Lord of Loheac Lewis 11. tooke from him the dignity of Marshall of France wherewith Charles 7 had honoured him and rewarded his seruice Hee restored it vnto him againe when as necessity made him know that none was more capable then he For his sake he gaue vnto his brother the Lord of Chastillon the Office of great Maister of the Waters and Forrests Alaine of Albret purchased the surname of Great by the same greatnesse of courage which gaue the sword of France to Charles of Albret his grand-father Alaine of Albret x Charles of Albret was not onely entreated but in a manner forced by the King to receiue the sword of Costable The king p●t it into his hand the Dukes of Orleans Burgondy Berry Bourbo girt him with it a little before hee had caried Charles the seuenth vnto the font He left the league of the Common-weale as soone as he was entred into it and remained more constant in the assurance of his word then the Duke of Nemours his great corage found nothing impossible He was often wont to say that he which had force in hand needed no other thing He married Francis Vicountesse of Limoges and was father to Iohn of Albret King of Nauarre Iohn of Bueil Iohn of Bueil Earle of Sancerre presently after the coronation of Lewis the eleuenth was dismist from his Office of Admirally y The Earle of Sancerre was Admirall of France by the death of Pregent of Coitiuy Son-in-Law to Giles of Raix Marshall of France for no other reason but for that he had serued Charles the seuenth He returned to Court and fauour but yet he stood alwayes vpon his guard against that Lyon which strooke with his paw when they least thought of him Iohn of Andie Iohn of Andie Bastard of Armagnac Lord of Lescun and Earle of Cominges was Admiral of France after the dismission of the Earle of Sancerre and then Marshall of France he chased the Brittains from Baieux and was Gouernour of Dauphine Ioachim of Rouvault Ioachim of Rouvault z Hee had done great s●ruices vnder King Charles the seuenth and had beene present at the battell of Fromigny and at the siege of Bourdeaux The King gaue him the place of Marshall of France and Monstrelet saith that Charles the seuenth made him constable of Bourdeaux and that hee tooke his oath in the hands of the Chancellors of France Lord of Gamasches serued him worthily and couragiously in the warre of the Common-weale and was the cause of the preseruation of Paris He alwayes coasted the Duke of Bourgondy his Army to keepe it from scattering to the hurt of the Kings subiects and that it should not make profit by the surprise of any places in passing Then he cast himselfe into Paris and by his presence fortified the courages which an accident rather feared then foreseene had much deiected The King gaue him the gouernment with a troope of two hundred maisters and made him Marshall of France Tanneguy of Chastel Tanneguy
to winne new Example of the conference which was made at the Mercers grange which was since called the Market for that both parties did debauch one anothers men Treaties of peace should be managed by the most faithfull Seruants of Princes Lib. 1 Chap. 9. and men of middle age least their weaknesse cause them to make some dishonest bargain or to amaze their Maister at their return more then is needfull they should be rather imployed that haue receiued most fauours from him But especially wise men for no man euer made his profit of a foole and these treaties should be rather handled a farre of then neere There was neuer so good a marriage but some dined ill Lib. 1. Chap. 4. Example in the Treatie of Conflans where as some did what they would others got not any thing There are some good people which haue this glorie to think that they will end matters whereas they vnderstand not any thing Lib. 1. Chap. 16. for sometimes their Maisters discouer not vnto them their most secret intents In the company of such who most commonly goe but for shew and many times at their owne charge there goes alwaies some meane man which doth negotiate apart Princes should haue a wise care to whom they commit their affaires Lib. 1. Chap. 16. and so should they also haue that are imploied for them and deale in such businesse He that could excuse himselfe and not meddle vnlesse he saw that they themselues vnderstood it well and had an affection vnto the matter should be very wise It is an honor for a Prince to feare that which is to be feared and to foresee it A Prince if he hath age should be verie warie not to make this excuse I did not thinke such a thing would haue happened for it is not allowable Princes feare not to thrust their Seruants into danger when they haue neede In Treaties Princes must imploy men that are pleasing and such as will passe ouer all things and all wordes to attaine vnto the end of their Maisters desseignes Allyances BEtwixt the Kinges of France and the Emperors there are great oathes and confederacies not to attempt one against another The first Suisses that were seene in this Realme Lib. 1. Chap. 6. and who haue giuen credit to them that haue come after them were at the Siege of Paris in the war of the common-weale whereas they behaued themselues most valiantly and in all other places where they were imploied The English are in a manner vnprofitable in the wars of France If the Duke of Bourgundy would haue made vse of them Lib. 4. Chap. 5. it had bin needfull that for a season hee should haue accompanied them to help to direct and gouerne their Armie according to the manner of our warres For there are none more ignorant nor more vntoward when they first passe But in a short space they become good Souldiers wise and valiant There is but one high Chamberlaine in England Lib. 6. Chap. 2. and for that there is but one it is a great office The English are the best Archers in the world Lib. 1. Chap. 3. The English are suspicious Lib. 6. Cha. 11. The English haue a common saying Lib. 3. Chap. 8. whereof they haue sometime told me treating with them That in battails which they haue had with the French they haue alwaies or most commonly won But in all treaties with them they haue euer lost And in my opinion I haue knowne men in this Realme as worthy to manage a great Treatie as any other in the World and especially of the breeding of our King The Florentines did euery three months change their Lords who had al the gouernment of the Cittie Lib. 6. Chap 5. The English are not so subtile in Treaties and Accordes Lib. 4. Chap. 9. as the French and whatsoeuer is saied they goe grossely to worke but they must haue patience and not debate matters cholerickly The Italians take not Townes besieged so speedily as the French Lib. 6. Chap. 5. They know not so well how to force places and to defend them but to hold the fielde and to settle a good order for their victuals and all other thinges necessary to hold the field they vnderstand it better then we do I doe not thinke that I lie Lib. ● Chap. 2. to say that I beleeue that since the first battaile of Granson vnto the death of the King our Maister the said Townes and priuate men of the Suisses haue gotten of our King a Million of Florins of the Rhin of the Townes I meane but foure Berne Lucerne Friburge Zurich and their Cantons which haue their Mountaines Suisses is one yet it is but a Village I haue seene one of this village being an Ambassadour with others in a very meane habit who notwithstanding gaue his aduice with the rest Soleuure and Ondreual are called the other Cantons The English Lib. 6. Chap. 2. as well Nobility Commons as Clergie are inclined to warre against this Realme as well vnder colour of their quarrels which they pretend as for the hope of gaine for that God hath suffered their Predecessours to win many great battels within this Realme and to haue a long possession both in Normandy and in Guyenne which they had held three hundred and fiftie yeares when as King Charles the seuenth won it first as I haue said elsewhere at what time they carried great spoiles and riches into England as well of Princes and Noblemen of France which had been their Prisoners and in great numbers as of Townes and places which they had taken in the said Realme and hope still to doe the like But hardly should such an aduenture haue happened in the time of the King our Maister for he would neuer haue hazarded his Realme by putting himselfe and all his Nobilitie on foot to fight with them as they did at Agincourt but would haue proceeded more wisely if it had come to that point The Earledome of Flanders is a smal matter Lib. 6. Chap. 7. without the Country of Artois which lies betwixt France and them and is as it were a curbe vnto them Offices and Estates are more desired in Paris then in any other place of the World Lib. 1. Chap. 6. for they that haue them make of them what they can and not what they ought There are Offices without fees which are sold for aboue eight hundred Crowns and others which haue very small entertainment are sold for more then their wages amount vnto in fifteene yeares Wherefore seldome doe any disappoint themselues And the Court of Parliament maintaines this Article It is reason for it concernes them all Among Counsellors there are also some good and worthy men and in like manner there are some ill conditioned So is it in all Estates House of Bourgundie her greatnesse and fall AFter along felicitie and great riches Lib. 2. Chap. 9. and three
he haue force and authoritie where he liues ouer others if he bee learned and hath seene or read it will either amend him or impaire him For the bad impaire with much knowledge and the good amend Yet it is credible that knowledge doth rather amend him then impaire him were there nothing but the shame to know his owne euill it were sufficient to●keepe him from doing ill at the least not to wrong any man whereof I haue seene many experiences among great personages whom knowledge hath drawne from many bad desseignes and also the feare of Gods punishment whereof they haue greater knowledge then ignorant men who haue neither seen nor read History IT is a great aduantage for Princes to haue read Histories in their youth Lib. 2. Chap. 6. where they may plainely read of such assemblies and of the great fraudes deceipts and periuries which some of the ancients haue vsed one against another hauing taken and slaine them that haue relyed vpon such assurances It is not said that all haue vsed it but the example of one is sufficient to make many wise and to giue them a will to stand vpon their gard And in my opinion one of the greatest means to make a man wise is to haue read ancient Histories and to learne to gouerne himselfe wisely thereby and by the example of our predecessors For our life is so short as it suffic●th not to haue experience of so many thinges Besides we are decayed in age and the life of man is not so long as it was wont to be nor their bodies so strong All the Bookes that are written were to no vse if it were not to reduce things past to memory where we see more in one booke in three monthes then twenty men liuing successiuely one after another can see by the eye or learne by experience Although that enemies nor Princes be not alwaies alike notwithstanding that the subiect be yet is it good to be informed of thinges past Nourishment ALl men that haue beene great Lib. 1. Chap. 9. and done great matters haue begun very yong And it cōsists in the education or coms from the grace of God This is spoken by the Author vppon the good education of Lewis the eleuenth without the which it had beene impossible for him to haue surmounted those great difficulties which he had in the beginning of his raigne and to blame that of the noblemen of his time who were not bred vp but to shew their folly in their speach and apparrell They haue no knowledge of any learning and there is not a wise man among them They haue Gouernors to whom they talk of their affaires and not to themselues and they dispose thereof and there are such Lords which haue not sixescore and ten pounds starling yearely rent which take a glory in saying speake vnto my officers thinking by these wordes to seeme great men In like manner I haue often seen such seruants make their profit of their maisters giuing them to vnderstand that they were beasts And if happily any one returnes and desires to know his owne it is so late as it serues him to small purpose A Princes subiects haue cause to greeue when they see his Children ill bred vp and in the hands of bad conditioned men Nature A Naturall wit perfectly good excells al other sciences that may bee learned in the world Example of Lewis the eleuenth who without any knowledge of learning had the reputation and the effects of the wisest Prince of his age Hope ALL well considered our only hope must be in God In the end of the first Book for in him lies all our assurance and all bounty which cannot be found in any worldly thing But euery man knowes it too late and after that he hath need yet it is better late then neuer Age. THe fathers old Age makes him to indure the Insolencies of his sonne patiently Lib. 1. Chap. 2. Example of Philip Duke of Bourgondy who dissembled the bad vsage of his sonne the Earle of Charolois to them of th● house of Croy. Foresight VVIsemen discerne so farre off as their life is not sufficient to see halfe of those things which they haue foreseene Lib. 3. Chap. ● Carelesnes and vigilancy MAd and distracted Princes are not to bee blamed if they gouerne their affairs ill Lib. 6. Cha. 4. but they that haue their iudgments sound and are well disposed of their persons if they spend their whole time in idlenes and folly they are not to be pittied if they fal into misfortunes But they which diuide their times according to their age somtimes seriously and in Councell and somtimes in feasts and pleasure are much to be commended and the subiects are happy to haue such a maister An Alphabeticall Table of the principall matters contained in the first seuen Bookes of this History A ACcord betwixt the King of Castile Portugal fol. 220. Affaires of a Prince are then effected with most safety and aduantage when he hath won that person who is most in credit and authority with the other with whom he Treates 166. Affection of Maisters to bad seruants is the cause of much disorder 14. Alphonso King of Portugall comes to demand succours in France 215. But is refused by the French King 218. Alphonso proclaimed King of Castile 217. His death Ibid. Amazment breeds strange effects 80. Ambition hath no other law then the fancy of the Ambitious 77. Amurath puts Scanderbegs brethren to death 120. growes fearefull of Scanderbegs valour Ibid. Army of the Earle of Charolois 79. Articl●s of a peace betweene France and England 165. Attempt against the Duke of Bourgundies life discouered by the King 206. B Balue the Cardinall imprisoned in a cage of his owne inuention 132. Basile besieged by Lewis the Dauphin 22. Battell of Firmigny 30. Battell at Montlehery 81. Battell at Wakefield 56. Battell of Varna 121. Battell of Morat 213. Battell of Nancy 224. Beauuais besieged 164. Birth of Charles the eight 146. Boldnesse after danger past 86. Bothwell in great fauour with the King of Scotland 232. C Cadet rescueth the Earle of Charolois 83. Challenge sent to the Duke of Bourgundy 3 Charles the seuenth disinherited by his father Charles the sixt 1. Hee armes against his sonne Lewis the Dauphin 12. He takes the Castle of S. Maxiant 13. His reprehension of the Duke of Bourbon 14. His fragility 26. His Death 27 Charles Duke of Orleans led prisoner into England 3. He dieth for sorrow 69. Charles of Nauarre poysoned by his Mother in Law 61. Charles Duke of Berry retires into Brittany 70. His solicitatiō of the Duke of Bourgundy to assist him for reformation of disorders in France Ibid. Campobasse his treason against the Duke of Bourgundy 223. Charles Earle of Charolois afterwards Duke of Bourgundy his negligence in trayning his Army 82. Is in danger to be slaine or taken 83. His repast among dead bodies 84. Runs into vnseene danger 94.
as it was incredible they would fall into the like miseries and if they had any such desire this enteruiew of the two Princes would make them desist Which reason made the Duke consent to receiue the King at Peronne As soone as Cardinall Balue and du Chastell had acquainted the King with the Dukes resolution hee set forward to meete him and parted from Noion vppon a letter which the Duke wrote vnto him with his owne hand for the assurance of his comming Error which the K. could not repaire but with danger stay and returne An error which was seconded with many errors x In errors of importance the first step disorders all It is more easie not to enter then to get forth One error followes an other and that of iudgemēt brings that of the heart and an error of an ill setled iudgement and one of the most remarkable of the life and conduct of this Prince He went to se a Prince whom he had newly offended what could hee hope for but to see himselfe forced to repayre this wrong He had sent men to Liege to make it reuolt hee should haue giuen ouer this practise and consider that if it did succeed Peronne should bee an infallible prison to him from whence hee should neuer be freed vntill he had done reason vnto the Duke to the blemish of his courage and honor y It is a dishonour to bee forced to disauow his own thoghts and intentions The K. had sent men to trouble the D. at Liege hee had done it through indiscretion now he is forced to pacifie it and to stay the busines more then hee thought to aduance it If this consideration were not able to stay his voyage yet it should haue bound him to seeke for other assurances then in words and paper Two errors the K. committed in the assurance of his person and remember that he himselfe had not much regarded that which hee had promised at Constans that they might yeeld him the like measure and that there is nothing so light as an oath when as the breach thereof presents some priuate commoditie z The desire of profit of reuēge or pleasure is the ram which ouerthrowes an oth Neither of the three doth moderate the paine The diuine is vndoubted misery to periures and that of the world is shame Moreouer hee had no child and committed his life vnto a Prince whose Ambition would haue confounded heauen and earth to raigne hee gaue it in guard to him who would ruine his estate holding it more commendable to be rash then a coward a The rashnet of a priuat man may be excused when it hath no traine The life of Sparta depends not vpon that of Calicratidas but that of a prince which is the spirit that giues life and motion to an estate is alwaies blamed It is the second error which he committed in the conduct of his owne safety for hee had trusted the Princes that were in league against him He comes to Peronne to the Duke comming to parle with them at Bois de Vincennes who desired to seaze vpon the royall authoritie and to gouerne France at their owne pleasures Hee went thither without any gards b It is dangerous to trust the faith of a prince who hath been an enemy hee beeing the weaker Tosime blames Valeriā of indiscretion who went to Sapor with a small troope being accompanied by the Duke of Bourbon the Cardinall his Brother the Cardinall of Balue the Earle of S. Paul and the Gouernor of Roussillon The Duke receiued him without the towne and conducted him to the lodging which he had caused to bee prepared for him Presently after arriued the Bishop of Geneua the Earle of Bresse the Earle of Romont all three brethren to the Duke of Sauoy the Marshall of Bourgundy the Seig r of Lau Poncet of Riuiere and the Sieg r of Vrfe all carrying S t Andrewes Crosse and in their hearts some apprehension of wrong c The King had kept the Earle of Bresse the Signior of Lau in prison and he had taken Pi●●ll from the Marshall of Bourgundy The King being aduertised hereof grew very distrustfull and had his thoughts troubled and confounded with repentance d There is not any thing more vnworthy wherinto a Prince may fall then repentance especially in errors which may not bee twice committed for that he had not better considered of his voiage He sent to intreat the Duke to lodge him in the Castle for that all these Noble men that were come did not conceale it that they were his enemies The Duke was glad that the King had made choise of the lodging which he durst not haue giuen him He is lodged in the Castle and intreated him not to doubt any thing The two Princes gaue order to their Councels e Princes which haue any cōtrouersies should referre them to their Councels to auoide the bitternes and ●eat wherein to contention may draw them to consider of the meanes to end their quarrels They renewed the Treatie of Conflans wherevnto some few things were added in regard of the Duke But Monsieurs condition grew better for in exchange of the Duchie of Normandie he had Champagne and Bry with all the rights and the Duke of Brittaine entred into the Treatie as an Allie Matters standing vppon these termes newes came vnto the Duke that the Kings Embassadors had made them of Liege reuolt f The Leigeois in this reuolt made more hast then the King expected for his designes were not yet well digested and he held them not so able that they had seazed vpon the Towne of Tongres imprisosoned their Bishop Cousin germaine to the Duke and slaine fifteene or sixteene of his Chanons and seruants The Duke caused the gates of the Town and Castle to be shut fayning that some one had taken a Casket of Iewels he fortified his guards about the Castle and told some of his trustie seruants that the King was come thither to deceiue and betray him The K. in a manner a prisoner Hee was so transported with Choller as if the first to whom he reported these newes would haue cast oyle into the fire g The first motions of Princes in their choller passe speedily to resolutions of reuenge whē they incounter men that comfort and incourage them and had not rather quencht then kindled the wood he had resolued to doe what he had said against the King But there were not any but Phil. de Com. and two groomes of his chamber who did not aggrauate any thing If neuer King of France hath seene the image of feare but vpon the front of his enemie it now presents it selfe in the eyes of Lewis who stood amazed in a sad mediation of his error complaining his misfortune with that of Charles h Hubert E. of Vermandoi● caused Charles the simple to dye in prison King Lewis his sonne to reuenge this iniury
called an assembly of the Princes and chiefe noblemen and propounded this question which he seemed to receiue from the K. of England to haue his aduice What punishment that farmer descrued who hauing inuited his maister to come vnto his house had put him to death All concluded that the crime was punishable and Hubert said that hee ought to be hanged You shall bee said the King you haue condemned your selfe And hee had noe sooner spokē the word but hee was hanged the simple being lodged at the foot of the Tower where he had beene imprisoned He made some offer to pacifie the Duke and to giue hostage to procure such satisfaction from the Liegeois as was fit He had friends in the Dukes Councell i The aduice of that which was done in the D. counsell came as it was said from Phil. de Commines and casting twelue or fifteene thousand Crownes among them And he himselfe writes after this manner The King had some friend which aduertised him that he should haue no harme if he did yeeld vnto those two points but if he did otherwise hee thrust himselfe into very great danger he was by that meanes aduertised of the Resolutions which were taken wherof the mildest and most moderate were not pleasing vnto him The first opinion was that they should keep promise with him so as he would declare himselfe an enemy to them of Liege The second that being offended as he was it was dangerous to giue him liberty to reuenge himselfe The third that they should send for the Duke his brother and the other Princes to consult what was to be done In the end they past by this straight that he was constrained and it is the greatest violence that may be done vnto a King to consent vnto a a warre against them of Liege who had relyed vppon his protection The Duke continued three dayes in great alterations and past the third night in such disquietnes as he did not vncloath himselfe but lay downe vppon his bed then rising sodainly he would walke and talke to Phillip de Commines his Chamberlaine whose integrity and moderation did serue to calme those violent stormes that troubled his soule He was wholly French k Philip de Commines became a Partisan to the King who drew him into France gaue him the signory of Argenton in Poictou and the Seneshalship of the same Country and from that time some thought he resolued to retire himselfe into France But it is not credible that there was any trechery in him The vptightnes and sincerity of his writings frees him from suspition If he had been blemished with infidelity ingratitude vices which dissolue al humane society l All the greatest reproches are comprehended in these two wordes Ingrate and trecherous Nihil aeque Concordiam humani generis dissociat et distrahit quam hoc ingratitudinis vitium Sen. the King had not trusted him with so many great and important affaires The Duke went early in the morning vnto the Castell to the King who was already aduertised of what he would say vnto him and had time to thinke of his answer and to fit it not so much vnto reason as to necessity m Amazement should neuer bee seene on a Princes forehead He should be maister of his wordes but much more of his countenance for his lookes do often contradict them and betray the secrets of the heart and aboue all to carry so euen a countenance as the Duke should not discouer that he had any ill game or that he had any apprehension to loose for if he had thought that hee had made him affraid he would haue done him a mischeefe n Many times a bad designe begun is not ended when as he that doth it thinkes that he is not discouered And it is a maxime grounded more vpon experience then Conscience in such occasions not to do so much or to do more all together The Duke was accompanied by the Lordes of Crequy Charny and la Roche He could not by the humility of his wordes so well dissemble his proud and threatning gesture The Duke coniures the King to go to Liege but the trembling of his voice discouered the motion and storme which choller caused in his heart ● And then there is no great reason in humble wordes and respectiue countenances when as the effects are contrary and that the inferior braues the superior o To what end s●rues respect and humility of wordes if the action be proud The day when K. Iohn w●● taken at the battell of Poict●ers the prince of Wales serued his maiesty at supper bareheaded The King intreated him to sit downe It belongs not to the subiect answered the Prince and yet hee held him prisoner He demanded of him if he would hold the treaty and come to Liege to help to reuenge him and the Bishop of Liege his kinsman of the Liegeois who by reason of his comming were reuolted The King granted it the Peace was sworne vppon Charlemaignes crosse and the whole towne was full of ioy for this accord the 12. of October 1468. 1468. Oliuer de la March reports this otherwise then Phillip de Commines The King saith he was not well assured but as soone as he saw the Duke enter into his Chamber he could not conceale his feare but said vnto the Duke Brother I am not safe in your house and in your Country and the Duke answered yes sir and so safe as if I should set an arrow come towards you I would put my self ● before you to preserue you And the King said vnto him I thank you for your good will and will goe where I haue promised you but I pray you let the peace be presently sworne betwixt vs. Then they brought the Arme of St. Leu and the King of France sware the peace betwixt him and the Duke of Bourgondy and the Duke of Bourgondy sware the said peace and promised to keepe and entertaine it with and against all men The next day they parted and came to Cambray p Notwithstanding their speeches vnto the Duke of Bourgōdy that hee should be blamed to break the assurance which he had promised the King hee still answered Hee hath promised me and hee shall hold it I will make no Conscience to force him Peter of Goux his Chācellor was one of those which counselled him not to off●nd the King Oli. de la March. and entred into the Contry of Liege in the beginning of winter The King had no forces but his scottish garde and 300. men at armes The Duke held a Counsell in the sight of Liege what he should do Some were of opinion that he should send back part of his Army for his forces were too great against a demantled towne which could not be releeued seing the King was with him He gaue no credit to this Counsell and it succeeded well for he could not be too strong hauing a mighty