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A70912 The history of the five wise philosophers: or, The wonderful relation of the life of Jehosaphat son of Avenario King of Berma in India. To which is added, meditations on the seven stations of life, with the three great stepts [sic] to eternal salvation: as faith; to be our guide: hope, to be or comfort; and, charity to hide a multitude of faults. Also, instructions for children to be obedient to their parents. A treatise both pleasant, profitable, and pious, / by H.P. Gent. H. P., Gent.; Parsons, H.; Peachum, Henry. 1672 (1672) Wing P946 155,713 206

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them against all such as by any meanes endeavour to shake or subvert the same THEREFORE We under-subscribers and every one of Us do in the presence of almightie God promise and vow That in this present Parliament We shall faithfully and freely speak answer and expresse our selves upon all and every thing which is or shall be proponed so farre as we think in our conscience may conduce to the glorie of God the good and peace of the Church and State of this Kingdome and imploy our best indeavours to promove the same And shall in no wayes advise voyce nor consent to any thing which to our best knowledge we think not most expedient and conduceable thereto as also that we shall maintaine and defend with our Life Power and Estate His Majesties Royall Person Honour and Estate as is exprest in our Nationall Covenant And likewise the Power and Priviledges of Parliament and the lawfull Rights and Liberties of the Subjects and by all good means and wayes oppose and indeavour to bring to exact tryall all such as either by force practise counsell plots conspiracies or other wayes have done or shall do any thing in prejudice of the puritie of Religion the Laws Liberties and Peace of the Kingdome And further that we shall in all just and honourable wayes indevour to preserve union and peace betwixt the three Kingdomes of Scotland England and Ireland and neither for hope feare nor other respect shall relinguish this vow and promise Read in audience of the Kings Majestie and the Estates of Parliament who approve the same and appoint the said oath to be taken by all members of this Parliament and in all Parliaments hereafter before they proceed to any act or determination ACT VI. ACT ANENT THE RATIFICATION OF The Articles of the Treatie superscribed by the King and subscribed by the President of the Parliament August 26. 1641. OUR Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament Ratifies and approves the articles of the large treaty concerning the establishing of the peace betwixt the Kings Majestie and his people of Scotland and betwixt the two Kingdomes of Scotland and England And for his Majestie and his successours perpetually confirmes the same ordaining the same in all time comming to have the full force and strength of perfect security lawes and acts of Parliament Like as his Majesty for Himself and his Successours promiseth in verbo Principis never to come in the contrary thereof for any thing therein contained but to hold the same firme and stable and shall cause it to be truly observed by all his Majesties Lieges according to the tenour intent thereof for now ever Wherof the tenour followes WHereas by his Majesties Royall Wisedome and Princely care of the Peace and Happinesse of his Majesties Dominions a Treaty hath beene appointed for removing of all differences raised betwixt the two Kingdomes and betwixt the King and his Subjects of Scotland and for setling and assuring a firme and blessed Peace for all time to come and a Commission hath been given under the great Seale of England with approbation of both Houses of Parliament bearing date 23. of November in the 16. yeare of his Majesties raigne and in the words following CHARLES by the grace of God King of Scotland England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To our Right trusty and right welbeloved Cousins Francis Earle of Bedford William Earle of Hartford Robert Earle of Essex And to our right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin and Councellour William Earle of Salisbury And to our right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin Robert Earle of Warwick And to our right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin John Earle of Bristoll And to our right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin and Counsellor Henry Earle of Holland And to our right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin and Councellour Thomas Earle of Berks And to our right trusty and welbeloved Philip Lord Wharton William Lord Paget Edward Lord Kimbalton Robert Lord Brooke John Lord Paulet Edward Lord Howard of Estrick Thomas Lord Savil and Francis Lord Dunsmore Greeting Whereas divers of our Subjects of Scotland have by their severall Petitions humbly besought us that we would be gratiously pleased to grant unto them certaine Demands we reposing especiall trust and confidence in your great wisedomes and fidelities have named assigned and appointed you and by these presents doe name assigne and appoint you to be our Commissioners and doe hereby give and grant unto you or any ten or more of you full power and authority to treat with John Earle of Rothes Charles Earle of Dumfermling John Lord Loudoun Sir Patrick Hepburne of Wauchton Sir William Douglas of Cavers William Drummond of Riccarton John Smith Baily of Edinburgh Alexander Wedderburne Clerke of Dundy Hugh Kennedy Burgesse of Air Alexander Hendersone and Archibald Johnstoun or any of them Or any other deputed or to be deputed by our said Subjects of Scotland or nominated on their behalfe and to take into your serious consideration the said Demands and compose conclude and end all differences arising thereupon Or otherwayes as you or any ten or more of you in your wisedomes shall thinke fit And whatsoever you our Commissioners aforesaid or any ten or more of you shall doe in the premisses We doe by these presents ratifie and confirme the same In witnesse whereof We have caused these our Letters to be made Patents Witnesse our selfe at Westminster the three and twentieth day of November in the sixteenth yeare of our Raigne Per ipsum Regem AND IN LIKE MANNER A COMMISSION hath beene granted by the Committees of the Parliament of Scotland bearing date the last of October and the 4 day of November 1640. and in the words following WEe the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland being a full number of both the Quorums thereof under-subscribing Forsomuch as the Kings Majesty our dread Soveraign hath been graciously pleased upon our humble supplications to appoint a Treaty and Conference at Rippon betwixt our Commssioners chosen and sent by Us for that effect and a number of the Peeres of England who accordingly met and have accorded upon certain Articles as well anent the maintenance of our Armie as anent the cessation of Arms during the Treatie And because the time for the ensuing Parliament of England could not permit the Treaty to come to the wished conclusion there his Majestie was therefore likewise pleased to trans-ferre the said Treatie to London where the said Parliament is to hold that there these entrusted by his Majestie and Estates of Parliament may have the better time and place to treat and conclude thereanent Therefore Wee the said Commissioners being a full number of both Quorums thereof under-subscribing by vertue and conforme to the Commission granted to us by the Estates of Parliament doe not onely approve the said Articles already agreed upon and subscribed by our said Commissioners at Rippon but also doe by these presents give full power warrant
Majesty and Estates declares such other persons shall fill their places as his Majesty shall think fit by advice of the remanent Commissioners who must receive and admit them upon the said Commission and take their oaths for faithfull discharge of the same And his Majesty and Estates ordaines this present Commission to indure unto the _____ ay and while the famine be expresly discharged by his Majesties warrand with consent of the Estates for that effect And his Majesty with consent of the Estates foresaid findes declares and ordaines the acts decreets and ordinances of the Commissioners foresaid and of the other persons who shal be surrogate in their places by his Majesty in manner foresaid in the whole particulars above specified and every one of them to have the force strength and effect of a decree sentence and Act of Parliament And ordaines the Lords of Session to grant and direct letters of horning pounding and others thereupon upon a simple charge of ten dayes or otherwayes as shall be found necessarie Attour for clearing of all doubts and difficulties which may arise anent the rectifying of valuations or other particular heads following His Majestie and Estates have declared and declares that where valuations are lawfully led against all parties having interest and allowed by the former Commissioners according to the order reserved by them that the famine shall not be drawn in question nor rectified upon pretence of enorm lesioun at the instance of the Minister not being titular or at the instance of his Majesties Advocate for and in respect of his Majesties annuity except it be proved that collusion was used betwixt the titular and heretor or betwixt the Procutor Fiscall and heretors and titular which collusion is declared to be where the valuations are led with diminution of the third of the just rent presently payed And which diminution shall be proved by the parties oaths It is alwayes declared that the provisions of the former Commission so far as they are conceived in favours of the Colledges Hospitals and Ministers are herein renewed As also that Ministers serving the cure who leade their teinds And that Colledges Schooles and Hospitals be not constrained to sell set nor dispone their teindes in prejudice of their successours notwithstanding of the valuations thereof Like as the Kings Majestie and Estates grants power to the saids Commissioners to do every thing necessary for setling and establishing the right of any teinds of the prelacies appointed by them in favours of the saids Kirks Schooles Universities and Colledges according to their severall divisions as also to set down rules and wayes how the same shall not thereafter be delapidate or made worse by the titulars for the time And his Majesty and Estates declares That all his Majesties subjects who are willing to buy their teinds shall be oblisht to pay the price thereof contained in the Act made thereanent within the space of two yeares after the famine beis valued and approven before the saids Commissioners And that after the expiring of the said time the titular shall not be compelled to sell the famine except they doe it of their owne good will With this declaration alwayes that in case the impediment induring the space foresaid flow from the titular by reason of his minority or other inability in that case the Heretor who offereth himselfe ready to buy his owne teind within the space foresaid shall have place so soone as the impediment is removed to buy his teinds notwithstanding of the expiring of the yeares and space above exprest And it is declared that if the heretors be minor and his tutors neglect the buying of his teinds within the space foresaid The minor shall have action for two yeares after his minority to compell the titular for selling of the saids teinds Likeas his Majesty and Estates of Parliament grants power to the saids Commissioners to give recompence to parties for the augmentation of stipends to be imposed by this present Commission in the same way as was done by some former Commissions as 1617. yeares Likeas it is hereby declared that where by mistaking and wrong compting there was a greater quantitie assigned to the minister out of any mans teinds nor is due by proportion according to the valuation that the Commissioners may rectifie the same without diminishing the ministers stipend or wronging his possession untill it be given out of other teinds in the paroch Likeas it is declared that where the assignations are made wrong in the quality that the same might be reduced to the just number of bols of meale beire and wheat answerable to the valuation With power also to the saids Commissioners to assigne the few dueties of the parts of land called Parsons and Viccars gleibes to the ministers and others serving the cure ACT XXXI COMMISSION ANENT THE ARTICLES Referred to Consideration by the Treaty 16. November 1641. OUr Soveraigne Lord with consent of the Estates of Parliament Considering that there are sundry heads of the Articles of the Treaty of peace betwixt his Majesty and his Subjects and betwixt his Majesties Kingdoms of Scotland and England which are referred to bee taken in consideration by the Commissionars to bee appoynted by his Majesty with consent of both Parliaments who shall have power to advise and treate thereupon and to report their proceedings therein to his Majesty and to the Parliament of both Kingdomes respective and specially the articles after specified And his Majesty with consent foresaid being willing that a Commission bee exped on their part for advising and treating upon the saids Articles with the Commissioners chosen or to bee chosen by his Majesty with consent of the Parliament of England within which is included the Kingdome of Ireland Therefore his Majesty with advise and consent of the Estates gives and grants full power and Commission to the persons after specified William Earle of Lothiane John Earle of Lindesay Lord Parbrothe and Struther John Lord Balmerino Sir Thomas Myretoun of Cambo Sir Thomas Hope of Kerse Sir Archbald Johnstoun of Wariestoun Sir John Smyth of Grottell Burgesse of Edinburgh Patrik Bell Merchant Burgesse of Glasgow and Mr. Robert Barclay Burgesse of Irving as also to John Earle of Lowdoun Chancellour of Scotland and Archbald Marquesse of Argyle Earle of Kintyre Lord Lorne or any of them two who beis at Court To bee of the Commission with the remanent Commissioners above named With power to the saids whole Commissioners above named or any five of them there being one thereof at least of every Estate to conveene with the Commissioners chosen or to bee chosen by his Majesty with consent of the Parliament of England within which is included the Parliament of Ireland as said is at whatsoever places and times convenient to bee accorded amongst them and there to consult advise treat and agree upon the speciall Heads and Articles following viz. Anent the Demand concerning the making war with Forreigners and anent Leagues and Confederations
THE ACTS MADE IN THE SECOND PARLIAMENT OF OUR MOST HIGH AND DREAD SOVERAIGNE CHARLES By the grace of God King of Scotland England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. Holden at Edinburgh in the severall Sessions thereof according to the dates therein mentioned Acts past and done in this present Session of Parliament the eleventh of June 1640. EDINBURGH Printed by Robert Young and Evan Tyler Printers to the Kings most excellent MAJESTIE ANNO 1641. Cum Privilegio Regiae Majestatis ACTS PAST AND DONE IN THIS PRESENT Session of PARLIAMENT the eleventh of June 1640. ACT I. ACT ANENT THE CHOOSING OF Robert Lord Burghlie to be President in this Court and Session of Parliament in respect of the absence of the Kings Commissioner THE Estates of Parliament presently conveened by His Majesties speciall authoritie Considering that in respect of the absence of His Majesties Commissioner they are necessitate to make choyse of one of their number to be President in this present Session of Parliament And understanding the sufficiencie of Robert Lord Burghlie for that charge They all in one voice with one consent did nominate elect and choose the said Robert Lord Burghlie to bee President and to proceed in this present Session and Court of Parliament for discussing and handling of the matters to be determinat thereintill ACT II. ACT ANENT THE CONSTITUTION Of the Parliament and all subsequent Parliaments THE Estates of Parliament presently conveened by His Majesties speciall authoritie Considering that this present Parliament was indicted by His Majestie for ratifying of such Acts as should be concluded in the late Assemblie of the Kirk for determining all Civill matters and setling all such things as may conduce to the publick good and peace of this Kirk and Kingdome And considering the severall complaints of this Kirk unto Parliaments from time to time proceeding from her continuall experience of prejudice and ruine through many persons and specially of Prelates their attempting to voyce or do any thing in name of the Kirk without either bearing Office in the Kirk or having commission from the Kirk And the Acts of the late Generall Assemblie condemning the office of Bishops Archbishops and other Prelates and the civil places and power of Kirkmen as their voycing and ryding in Parliament and craving the abolishing of these Acts of Parliament which grants to the Kirk or Kirkmen vote in Parliament to be abrogate as prejudiciall to her Liberties and incompatible with her spirituall nature Considering also that there are conveened in this present Parliament by His Majesties speciall indiction warrant and authoritie the Nobilitie Barons and Burgesses the Estates of this Kingdome who have a full and undoubted power to proceed and determine in all matters concerning the publick good of this Kingdome and that notwithstanding of the absence of the Prelates who by former Lawes were appointed to bee members of Parliament And to the effect none presume to move any question there anent The saids Estates now conveened as said is have declared and by these presents declares this present Parliament holden by the Nobilitie Barons and Burgesses and their Commissioners the true Estates of this Kingdome to be a complete and perfect Parliament and to have the famine power authority and jurisdiction as absolutely and fully as any Parliament formerly hath had within this Kingdome in time by-gone And ordaines all Parliaments hereafter to be so constitute and to consist onely in all time comming of the Noblemen Barons and Burgesses as the members and three Estates of Parliament And rescindes and annulls all former Lawes Acts of Parliament made in favours of whatsoever Bishops Archbishops Abbots Pryors or other Prelates or Churchmen whatsoever for their ryding sitting or voycing in Parliament either as Churchmen or the Clergie or in name of the Church or as representing the Church as an State or member of Parliament by reason of their Ecclesiasticall Offices Titles Dignities or Benefices and namely the 231. Act Parl. 15. K. Ja. 6.1597 anent the Kirk and specially parsons and prelates representing the third Estate and the 2. Act Parl. 18. K. Ja. 6.1606 anent the restitution of the estate of Bishops and their representing the third Estate with all Acts and Constitutions of Convention Councell or Session and all practises and customes whatsoever in so far as the same or any clause thereof tends or may be extended to the effect foresaid as being found and declared prejudiciall to the Libertie of this Kirk and Kingdom and to the puritie of the true reformed Religion therein established And prohibites all persons whatsoever to call in question the authoritie of this present Parliament upon whatsoever pretext under the pain of treason ACT III. ACT ANENT THE CHOOSING of Committees out of every Estate THe Estates of Parliament presently conveened by vertue of His Majesties speciall authority Considering that there have divers questions arisen in this present Parliament anent the freedome of the Parliament either to choose or not to choose Committees for Articles when they resolve to choose anent the manner of election of them anent their use and power By reason the same is not yet determined nor set down by any Acts of former Parliaments for removing whereof avoyding the great prejudice which by experience they find will hereby redound to this Kingdom and to the liberty freedom dignity of the supreme Courts of Parliament They have thought it necessary that a solid Order be set down as wel declaring the Liberty of the Parliament in the manner of their proceedings by themselves alone or by Committees for Articles as prescribing the form and manner of the election of these Committees for Articles and defining their use power and manner of proceeding to be observed in all times coming AND THEREFORE have statute and declared That according to the Liberty of all free Judicatories anent their own preparatorie Committees all subsequent Parliaments may according to the importance of Affairs for the time either choose or not choose severall Committees for Articles as they shall think expedient And that any subsequent Parliaments making election of Committees for Articles to prepare matters for them shall proceed in manner following To wit That these of the Noblemen shal be named and chosen by the Noblemen themselves out of their number And by the Barons Commissioners of Shires by themselves out of their number And the Burgesses Commissioners of Burrowes by themselves out of their number The names of the which persons so named and chosen out of every Estate not exceeding for every Committee the number prescribed by the Act of Parliament 1587. being openly read and made known to the whole Estates sitting in plain Parliament The said Estates having received any propositions which are ever first to bee presented to themselves by an Act shall authorize the said persons with power to treat reason and consult upon the expediencie or inexpediencie of such Articles allanerlie as shal be committed and
tryall and censurethere so that the same be reciprocall to both Nations but other Criminalls and Debts to be referred to the Laws THE PROPOSITIONS AND ARTICLES Given in by the Scots Commissioners after the Lord Loudoun his return from the Parliament of Scotland THat the Treatie of Peace may bee brought to a speedy and happy close wee did offer to your Lordships consideration the particulars following 1 That so soone as the Scottish Army shall remove out of England to Scotland the English Garrisons of Barwick and Carlile should remove simul semel 2 Lest Malefactors who have committed Theft Murther and the like crimes crave the benefit of the Act of Pacification and Oblivion for whom it is no wayes intended there would be an exception from the said Act of all Legall pursuit intended or to be intended within the space of an yeere after the date of the Treaty Again all Theeves Sorners Out-laws Fugitives Murtherers Broken men or their Receptors for whatsoever Theft Reifs Harships Oppressions Depredations or Murther done or committed by them and all lawfull Decrees given or to be given by the Parliament or any Commissioners to be appointed by them for that effect who shall have power to dignosce and take cognition whether the same fals within the said Act of Pacification and Oblivion or not 3 It is desired that the demand concerning the not making or denouncing of warre with Forraigners without consent of both Parliaments may be condescended unto by the King and Parliament of England which is ordinary and universally observed in all mutuall Leagues which are both defensive and offensive And because the wars denounced by one of the Kingdomes with Forraigners although made without consent of the other Kingdome will ingage them by necessary consequence or if the consideration of that Proposition shall require longer time then the present condition of the important affaires of the Parliament may permit and lest the speedie close of the Treaty bee thereby impeded It is desired that this Demand with the two other Articles of the same nature the one concerning Leagues and Confederations and the other concerning mutuall supply in case of forreigne invasion may all three be remitted to Commissioners to be chosen by both Parliaments who shall have power to treat and advise there upon for the good of both Kingdomes and to report to the Parliaments respectivè 4. It is desired That the Articles concerning Trade and Commerce Naturalization mutuall Priviledge and Capacity and others of that nature already demanded may be condescended unto by the King and Parliament of England And namely that demand about the pressing of ships or men by Sea or Land Or if shortnesse of time and exigencie of affaires may not permit the present determination of these Demands It is desired that the same except so many of them as are already agreed unto by the Commissioners for Trade may be remitted to the Commissioners to be chosen by both Parliaments who shall have power to treat and advise thereof for the good of both Kingdomes And to make report to the Parliaments respectively And that the Charters or Warrants of the Scottish Nation for freedome of shipping in England or Ireland from all Customes Imposts Duties and Fees more then are payed by the Natives of England and Ireland granted by King James under the broad Seal of England upon the eleventh of April the thirteenth yeere of his Reigne and confirmed by King Charles the nineteenth of April the eighth yeere of his Reigne may be ratified and enacted in the Parliament of England 5. That the extracts of Bands and Decreets put upon Record and Register in Scotland may have the like faith and execution as the French Tabelliones have in England or Ireland seeing they are of alike nature and deserve more credit and if this cannot be done at this time that it be remitted to the former Commission from both Parliaments 6. The manner of safe conduct for transporting the money from England to Scotland by Sea or Land would be condescended upon in such a way as the charges be not exorbitant 7. The tenour of the Commission for conserving of peace would be condescended unto together with the times and places of meetings and whole frame thereof the draught whereof when it is drawn up in England is to be represented to the Parliament of Scotland that they may make like Commission and name their Commissioners for that effect 8. The Parliament of Scotland doe joyne their earnest hearty desire and crave the Parliament of Englands concurrence that none be in place about the Prince his Highnesse but such as are of the reformed religion 9. That an Act of Parliament of publike faith for payment of the 220000. pounds of the brotherly assistance which is arrear may be presently framed and expedited according to the termes agreed upon 10. It is desired that the Quorum to whom the Scots should addresse themselves for payment of 220000. pounds be condescended upon 11. That the order for recalling all Proclamations c. made against his Majesties subjects of Scotland be drawn up and intimated in due forme and time with the publick thanksgiving at all the Parish Churches of his Majesties Dominions 12. It is desired that the Articles concerning the Castle of Edinburgh and other strengths of that Kingdom may be understood to be that the same shall bee disposed of for the weale of the Kingdome as the King and Parliament shall think expedient THE ENGLISH LORDS COMmissioners answer THat upon the disbanding of the Scottish Army the Garrisons of Barwick and Carlile shall be removed according to the Article of the Treatie on that behalfe The second Article is condescended unto according to the provision added to the Act of Oblivion and Pacification The third demand concerning the making of war with forreigners with the other two Articles concerning Leagues and Confederations and concerning mutuall supply and assistance against forraine invasion is agreed to be referred to Commissioners to be chosen by his Majesty and the Parliaments As likewise the 4.5 and 6. Articles concerning Trade Commerce Naturalization mutuall priviledge and capacity and others of that nature and the demands concerning the extracts of Bands and Decreets and the maner of safe conduct for transporting of moneys from England to Scotland are all referred to be taken in consideration by the Commissioners to be appointed by both Parliaments who shall have power to advise and treat thereupon and report to the Parliaments respectively 7 It is just that the tenour of the Commission for conserving of peace should be agreed upon by mutuall consent but the closing of the treaty not to stay hereupon but to be left to the Commissioners to be named 8 To that desire concerning such as should be placed about the Prince the King hath already given a cleere and satisfactory answer 9 That there be an Act of Parliament of publike faith for securing the paiment of 220000 pounds which is