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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A43214 An exact survey of the affaires of the United Netherlands Comprehending more fully than any thing yet extant, all the particulars of that subject. In twelve heads, mentioned in the address to the reader. T. H. 1665 (1665) Wing H132B; ESTC R215854 72,394 218

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to compose their differences and in the Inter regnum to settle their Government the Male Line of Thierry of Aquitane failing in Floris the fifth's son Iohn the Government fell to Iohn Earl of Henaut Nephew to William King of the Romans and Earl of Holland by Alix his Sister who now the 2 d Earl of Holland gave to his Brother Guy the Seigniories of Amsterdam upon which he conferred many Freedoms Rights and Priviledges with design to reduce Seignior Rhenez of Zealand to Reason with its assistance and this is the first time that Amsterdam gave Law to Zealand who presumed upon the Flemish and Imperial assistance so far as to overrun Holland till William the 22th Earl of Holland Iohn of Henault's son with the Lord of Humpstead's assistance reduced them and with 320 Ships of France confined Guy of Flanders to his own Bruges This good Earl William as they called him having married Charles de valois his Daughters Neece to Philip the Fair of France settled his Brother Iohn of Beaumont in Goud and Schoonborn and strengthened his Uncle Guy Bishop of Vtrech by a Fort he raised at Skellingwerf to bridle the unquiet Frizons adding to Holland the Seigniories of Amstel and Woerden while Charles the Fair of France was bu●ie with the Flemish and the Emperour Lewis of Bavaria as busie with the Pope which he left to his son William the 23th Earl of Holland and Zealand who being allyed to Edward the 3d King of England troubled France and brought the troublesome West-Frizons 1345 to Reason and dying without lawful Issue returned his Government to his Sister Margaret then Empress and Wife to Lewis of ●avaria who being confirmed in the Earldom by her Husband in a full Diet solemnly taking the Earldoms Homage depute her son William under her Governour of Holland who being defeated by the Bishop of Vtrech and instigated by the Holland Faction of Cabillaux and Hoecks falls out with his Mother who her Husband being dead returned to the Government and after various successes in four Battels with her son gave it him upon condition he should reduce Vtrech and its Bishoprick which had troubled Holland with its pretensions for 260 years together as he did but dying childless left all to his Brother Albert of Bavaria who put the Towns and Castles in good hands reduced Delf and Gelders built Gildenburgh-Castle to secure the Sluices Weakned the Frizons reduced Vtrech defeated the Frizons again brought the Groeningeois to do Homage and Fealty Forced the rebellious Lord of Arleche to an accord married his 3d Daughter Margaret to Iohn Duke of Burgundy Earl of Flanders and Artois by whom she had Philip the good Duke of Burgundy Earl of Holland and Flanders and among many other children Joane Dutchess of Austria by whom came these Earldoms to the Emperour and the King of Spain After his death William af Bavaria his son and the 27th Earl of Holland and Zealand succeeded who was much troubled with the Lords of Arguel father and son and the Duke of Gelders to whom they had resigned their Interest until the Lord of Arguel being taken discovered all the Conspirators and particularly Count Egmond who thereupon yielded up his strong Fort Iselstein and retired till Jaqueline of Bavaria succeeded her father Albert the Factions called home Egmond contrived to displace Jaqueline and put in Iohn of Bavaria and Bishop of Leige in her place till the Pope dispensing with it she is married to Iohn Duke of Brabant by whose assistance she recovereth Gornchom of Count Egmond perswades the Hollanders and Zealanders to refuse Iohn of Bavaria and his pretended Grant from the Emperour insomuch that he was glad to come to termes with her Husband to hold some Lordships in Fee and quit all his Titles and Pretensions who after his death is declared Earl of Holland in right of his Wife in whose right he subdueth the old Faction of Cabillans and Hoeckins strengthneth Harlem takes Schoonhooen and brings the unhappy woman who had married now four times to declare Philip Duke of Burgundy Governour of Holland and after her death Earl which Earldom she resigned to him in her life time to ransom her 5th well-beloved Husband the Lord of Borselle from his hand Philip the first Duke of Burgundy and 20th Earl of Holland succeeding as right Heir by father and mother to the Government of Holland helped the Hollanders and Zealanders to chase the Easterlings now Lords at Sea in sign whereof they bear to this day a little Besom atop of their Main-mast to shew they had swept the Sea of all competitors 1431 and with much adoe composed the Tumults raised in Amsterdam Harlem and Leyden upon an intollerable imposition by the Faction of the Hooks and Cabellans whom at last he reconciled and awed by the institution of a first President the Earl of Nassau by promoting his Bastard David to the Bishoprick of Vtrech by suppressing the factious Family of Brederode By his League with the English and seasonable Resignation of his Government to his discontented son the Earl of Charolois during his sickness who subdued the Ligeois razed Dirvant succeeded his Father and Margaret Sister to Edward the 4th King of England in whose time printing was first invented at Harlem and as he had the name of warlike so he goes on bringing the tumultuous Ganthois to his mercy the mutinous Town of Macklyn to a Ransom the Leigeoix to a submission notwithstanding that it was the French Kings Embassadour that had incited them to rebel upon a promise of 30000 men at a mouths warning for which neighbourly part he was even with that King by assisting the Duke of Brittain against him and taking him Prisoner He resolves to ruine the House of Brederode to which purpose he brings many of them to the Rack He makes the sullen Frizons bring him white Paper wherein he should write his own termes He refuseth to answer King Lewis the 11th of France his Citation 1470 to Paris He brings that King to a Truce gets the Dukedom of Gelders resigned to him defies the Emperour Sigismond at Nevis and brought h●m to an advantageous Peace prospering in all his undertaking but that against the pitiful Swi●●● whose whole Countrey he said was not worth the Bits of his Bridle nor the spurs of his Army After which he was slain at Nantes leaving all his Dukedoms Earldoms and Lordships to his Daughter Mary who the King of France neglecting the marriage of the Dalphin to her was Contracted according to former Treaties in her Fathers life time to Maximilian of Austria the Emperour Frederick's Son by whom she had Phillip Arch-Duke of Austria who undertaking the Government in her Right after an Assembly held at Bruges reduced the revolted Gelders settled such Governours in Harlem Rotterdam Leyden and elswhere as might over-awe Egmond and the ancient Factions of Hoecks and Cabillaux subdued Vtrech and the trajectings as Guardian to his son Philip of Austria with whom he goeth
Gorrechom and lost in the Watry and Marsh-Countrey about After Delf Wormer Ryp Graft Purmerend and Vlpendam in West-Friezland and Waterland insomuch that the Spaniards seemed very inclinable to a peace as seemed by their overtures to the Prince of Orange Which yet the States refused as appears by their sawcy Petition becoming Subjects that submitted only with their swords in their hands and their cutting the Dike and raising all the Sluices saying that they had rather have a spoiled Countrey than have lost one to prevent the taking of Leyden after which many other Towns had followed with their resolution to live and die with the Prince of Orange With which resolution they kept Leyden in so great extremity as to coyn Paper-money upon which was inscribed Haec Libertatis ergo for 11 months defeating the Spaniards ships about Leyde● with stratagems and wiles and keeping the Passages open for Supplies till Octob● 3d. It was after a months famine strangely relieved and quitted by the Spanirds and the Prince coming thither himself to see it fortified charitably recruited it by the Neighbours collections as a place that had cost the Hollanders a Million of Gold the Prince of Orange's two Brothers and a Cosin all three Princes of the Empire Whereupon their Soveraign offered with the intercession of the Emperour Maximilian very gracious Propositions of peace which could not be accepted in regard as the Earl of Switzenburgh observed at Breda where they traded the Rebls could not trust their Soveraign as indeed no security can satisfie men guilty of Treason against their Prince and therefore he that draweth his sword against his Prince must throw away the scabbard and never be reconciled to him it being reasonable that a disloyal Person should not think his Soveraign would be true to him when he hath been so per●idious to his Soveraign But the Treaty at Breda 1575 was not a little reputation to the men of the Revolt who being hitherto esteemed but turbulent Boulfeus are now respected as just Enemies in which capacity to preserve their Lives Wives Children Goods and what was dearer than all these their Religion they are their own words they bethink themselves of a Protector and 1. They propound the Empire which they laid aside as too much divided in it self 2. France which yet they waved as perfidious to them of the Religion in the Massacre at Paris and exhausted by their own civil Wars In this extreamity the distressed States by five Commissioners humbly submit themselves unto the Q of Englands Protection Or if necessity so required to acknowledge her for their Princess and Soveraign issued from the Earls of Holland and Zealand by the Lady Philippa Daughter to William the third of that name Earl of Henault and Holland c. Which the wise Queen entertained not immediately to prevent the jealousies of Neighbour Princes but 1. Received their Exiles to her Harbour and Countrey 2. Mediated for peace with a Protestation that upon refusal she would succour them 3. Gave them leave to leavy men and buy Ammunition in England And 4. Supplyed them with money upon security while the Spaniards mutiny for want of it The King of Spain breaks in the Merchants debts 14 Millions of Duckets the Pope dispensing with and nulling all his Bonds and Obligations The chief Commander Don Lewis with his Marshal Vitells dye All the Countrey is up against the King of Spains intollerable Impositions surprizing the Council of State he erected upon his Governours death the hatred of the Spaniards being by the Dutch Artifices become universal and all places petitioning against strangers meaning Spaniards The Queen of England being somwhat cold and indifferent the Provinces invite the Duke of Anjou the King of France his only Brother to their Protection who dealing in the late mentioned Mutinies surprized the Cittadel of Cambray and upon Don John of Austria the next Governours unpleasing carriage made up of st●atagems and threats joyned Braba●t in a strict League with Holland and Zealand against the Spaniards and their Tyranny joyning his Interest with the Prince of Orange for leavies in Germany and assistance from England From the last of which upon their promise to maintain their Religion and Allegiance they are assured of men and money by their Orator the Lord of Swevenghen and Captain Horsley it being her Interest rather to engage the Papists there than in her own Dominions with whom Secretary Wilson and Mr Wendebank went and payed the money receiving the States Obligation with the security of Brussels Gaunt Bruges Dunkirk Newport and Middleburgh where with free passages were made by raising the Sluices according to the Queens direction in several places of the Country for fear the Spaniards might prevail at Sea And the union was effected upon the Mutinies of Groninghen and Zuphten between the States for the expulsion of Spaniards with an acknowledgment of their Allegiance to the King of Spain By virtue of which Colonel Bal●our and his Engl●sh having brushed the Spaniards the States capitulated with Don of Austria whose vain conceits of Conquering England lost the Netherland and would have agreed with him could they have had any assurances for performance of Articles at the great conferences between his Deputies and the Prince of Orange at Gertrudenbergh May 22 1577 which failing his practises were discovered in setting the Provinces at variance among themselves that he might govern them all by his Letters to Spain intercepted and his vain attempt upon Antwerp Which made all the Provinces revolt from Don John some to the States-General at Brussels that declared onely for Liberty and Priviledges and others to the Prince of Orange with the States of Holland and Friezland that declared also for Religion CHAP. IV. How the English assisted the Hollanders and made them a Free State ESpecially when her Majesty the Queen of England the onely succour of the distressed States declared for them by Mr Wilkes whereupon Leeuwarden mutined and yeelded to them Antwerp is dismantled Germany sends in Aides ●reda is delivered up Groninghen is Tumultuous the Prince of Orange is invited to be Rovard or Governour of Flanders Don John of Austria is declared Enemy to the States notwithstanding his Army of 16000 Foot and 2000 Horse The Nobility revolt Amsterdam asserts its Liberty the pacification at Gaunt so much insisted on by the Queen is confirmed the Duke of Anjou offereth his assistance and marcheth to distresse Henault The case of the afflicted Netherlands is taken into consideration upon St. Aldegon's motion at the Imperial Assembly at Wormes whence the Duke of Anjou had 12000 men towards his relief of the Low-Countreys under the notion of the Defenders of the Liberty of the Provinces against the Spaniards and their Adherents Colonell Norris Stuart Captain Bingham and Candish saved the States whole Army by a brave Retreat they maintained for four miles with three Regiments in their shirts by Rymenant The Queen seasonably assisted them with 30000l when their