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england_n charles_n earl_n william_n 2,924 5 8.3270 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22362 Charles by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. to our right trusty and welbeloued cousin, William Earle of Northampton ... England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1625 (1625) STC 8773; ESTC S3766 3,110 1

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CHARLES By the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. TO Our right trusty and right welbeloued Cousin William Earle of Northampton President of Our Councell within the Dominion Principality and Marches of Walles greeting KNOW ye that for the great and singuler trust and confidence that We haue in your approued fidelitie wisedome and circumspection We haue assigned made constituted and ordeined and by these presents doe assigne make constitute and ordeine you to bee our Lieutenant within the Principality and Dominions of South-Wales and North-wales Our Counties of Glamorgan and Monmouth only excepted the Marches thereunto adioyning and the seuerall Counties of Worcester Hereford and Salop and in all corporate and priuiledged places within the Limits or Precincts of the Principalitie Dominions Marches and Counties aforesaid or any of them as well within Liberties as without And by these presents doe giue full power and authoritie vnto you That you from time to time may leuie gather and call together all and singuler Our Subiects of what estate degree or dignitie they or any of them bee dwelling or inhabiting within the Principalitie Dominions Marches and Counties aforesaid aswel within Liberties as without meet and apt for the Warres and them from time to time to trie array and put in readinesse And them also and euery of them after their abilities degrees and faculties well and sufficiently from time to time to cause to be armed and weaponed And to take the Musters of them from time to time in places most meet for that purpose after your discretion And also the same Our Subiects so arrayed tried and armed aswell Horsemen Archers and Footmen as other men of Armes of all kindes and degrees meet and apt for the Warres to leade and conduct aswel against all and singuler Our enemies as also against all and singuler Rebels Traytors and other offenders and their adherents against Vs Our Crowne and dignity within the said Principalitie and Dominions of North-Wales and South-Wales the Marches of the same and Counties and places aforesayd and euery of them from time to time as often as need shall require by your discretion And with the said enemies Traitors and Rebels from time to time to fight and them to inuade resist suppresse subdue slay kill and put to execution of death by all wayes and meanes from time to time by your discretion And to doe fulfill and execute from time to time all and singuler other things which shall be requisite for the leuying and gouernement of Our said Subiects for the conseruation of Our person and peace so by you in forme aforesaid to be leuied and to be ledde And further to doe execute and vse against the said enemies Traytors Rebels and such other like offenders and their adherents afore mentioned from time to time as necessitie shall require by your discretion the Law called the Martiall-Law according to the Law-martial And of such offenders apprehended or being brought in subiection to saue whom you shall thinke good to be saued and to slay destroy and put to execution of death such and as many of them as you shall thinke meet by your good discretion to be put to death AND further Our will and pleasure is and by these presents We doe giue full power and authority vnto you that in case any Inuasion of Enemies Insurrection Rebellion Ryots Routs or vnlawfull assemblies or any like offences shall happen to be mooued in any place of this Our Realme out of the limits of this Our Commission that then and as often as need shal require by your good discretion or as you shall be directed from Vs by any speciall commandement you with such power to be leuied within the limits of your Lieutenancie as you shall thinke requisite or as shall be directed from Vs as is aforesaid shall repaire to the place where any such Inuasion Rebellion vnlawfull assembly or Insurrection shall happen to be made to subdue represse and reforme the same aswell by battell or other kind of force as otherwise by the Lawes of Our Realme and the Law-Martiall according to your discretion AND further We giue vnto you full power and authoritie for the execution of this Our Commission to appoint and assigne within the Principalitie and Dominions of South-Wales and North-Wales the Marches thereunto adioyning and the Counties aforesayd from time to time Muster-masters and Prouost-Martials as you in your discretion shall thinke conuenient to vse and exercise that Office in such cases as you shall thinke requisite to vse the said Law-Martiall WHEREFORE Wee will and command you Our sayd Lieutenant that with all diligence ye doe execute the premisses with effect AND forasmuch as it may be that there shall be iust cause for you to bee attendant vpon Our person or to be otherwise employed in Our seruice whereby this Our seruice of Lieutenancie committed to your fidelity cannot be by you in person executed in such sort as We haue appointed the same THEREFORE Wee giue vnto you for your better ayde and assistance and for the better performance and execution of this same Our seruice full power and authority to appoint assigne and constitute by your writing vnder your hand and Seale within euery seuerall Shire and County of the said Principality and Dominions of South-wales and North-wales and the other Counties aforesaid respectiuely except before excepted from time to time so many persons of quality as to you Our said Lieutenant shall seeme meet and conuenient to be and the other Counties aforesaid respectiuely except before excepted from time to time so many persons of quality as to you Our said Lieutenant shall seeme meet and conuenient to be your Deputies in the said Shires and Counties and all Corporate and Priuiledged places within the same AND by this Our present Commission Wee giue vnto euery two or more of your said Deputies so being by you appointed and assigned as aforesayd full power and authority in your absence to doe and execute in euery County where they are deputed and assigned to be your Deputies as aforesayd and in all corporate and priuiledged places within the Limits or Precincts of the same County aswell within Liberties as without all and such and so much of euery thing and things before by this Our present Commission assigned and appointed by you to bee done and executed and so farre forth as by you in your said writings of deputation shall be to them prescribed and appointed to be done and executed AND Our further pleasure and commandement is That your said Deputies shall immediatly after your writings of deputation to them made as aforesayd take charge and care to see euery such point and thing of this Our Commission fully and perfectly executed in your absence as by you in your said writings of deputation shall be to them prescribed and appointed to be done and executed AND the better to enable them so to doe yee shall deliuer to euery two of your said Deputies so appointed and deputed for the sayd seuerall Counties as aforesayd a true transcript of this Our Commission subscribed with your hand And whatsoeuer you alone being present shall doe by vertue of this Our Commission or in your absence your sayd Deputies or any two or more of them shall doe according to the tenor and effect of your said writings of deputation to be made as is aforesayd the same shall be by these presents discharged against Vs. Our Heires and Successors AND further Wee will and command all and singuler Iustices of Peace Maiors Shiriffes Bailiffes Constables Headboroughs and all other Our Officers Ministers and Subiects meet and apt for the Warres within euery of the said Shires and Counties and all corporate and priuiledged places within the Limits or Precincts of the said Shires and Counties and euery of them aswell within Liberties as without to whom it shall appertaine That they and euery of them with their power and seruants from time to time shall be attendant aiding and assisting counselling helping and at the commandement of you and of your said Deputies or any two or more of them respectiuely as aforesaid in the Shires and Counties aforesaid and for the execution hereof in all points as appertaineth as they and euery of them tender Our pleasure and will answere for the contrary at their vttermost perils PROVIDED alwayes that this Our present Commission or any thing therein contained shall not in any wise extend to the County of Gloucester the Citie of Gloucester or County of the same City or to any of them or to the County Palantine of Chester or to the Citie of Chester or to any part thereof or to the Counties of Glamorgan or Monmouth or to any of them or to any part of them or any of them IN WITNES whereof We haue caused these Our Letters to be made Patents WITNES Our selfe at Westminster the ninth day of May in the first yeere of Our Reigne Per Dominum Custodem magni Sigilli Angliae virtute Warr. Reg. EDMONDS