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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14347 A discourse or traictise of Petur Martyr Vermilla Flore[n]tine, the publyque reader of diuinitee in the Vniuersitee of Oxford wherein he openly declared his whole and determinate iudgemente concernynge the sacrament of the Lordes supper in the sayde Vniuersitee.; Tractatio de sacramento eucharistiae. English Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.; Udall, Nicholas, 1505-1556. 1550 (1550) STC 24665; ESTC S119144 134,300 226

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A discourse or traictise of Petur Martyr Uermilla Florētine the publyque reader of diuinitee in the Uniuersitee of Oxford wherin he openly declared his whole and determinate iudgemente concernynge the Sacrament of the Lordes supper in the sayde Uniuersitee The Right honble Charles Viscount Bruce of Ampthill Son and Heir Apparent of Thomas Earl of Ailesbury and Baron Bruce of Whorleton 1712 ¶ To the right honourable Sir Wylliam Parre knight Lord Parre Erle of Essex Marquesse of Northampton Lorde great Chamberlaine of Englande and Knight of the moste noble ordre of ȳ● Garter Nicolas Udall wisheth grace and peace in Christ with helthe honour and longe prosperitee PErusyng of late righte honourable and my synguler good Lorde a certayne discourse of the righte excellente Clerke Petur Martyr wryten in Latin concerning the Sacramente of the bodye and bloud of Christ whiche is of the Gr●kes called Eucha●istia because it pertayneth to the remembraunce of his moste tendre goodnesse in redemyng the worlde and to rendreyng of perpetuall thankes vnto hym therfore I confesse I was with the sayde treatise woondrefully rauished For first and formost wheras by reason of innumerable abuses detestable erroures and foule abominacions through the crafty conueighaūce of the purpurate whore of Babylon by litel litell conueyghed into the Churche there is no poynet concerninge oure religion so ferre entrieked or darkned as the mist●rie of this ●acrament this wryter throughe his singuler gifte of grace his right profounde learnynge and his highe iudgemente aswell in the scriptures as also in the doctours and in the generall councell wadeth so depein searchyng and boultyng out the trueth of this mat●er that he maketh it so clere so plaine and so eu●dent to all mennes y●es whiche either can or wyl see that neither there can now be any ferther doubtyng of the veritee and trueth of thys sacramente What it is nor any more bee saied for the right institucion and ordre therof how it should be vsed Wherfore me thought I could not better employ or bestow my trauaill then in translatynge this tractise into the Englyshe tounge to thentente that so profytable a thinge might not bee hiddden from the people which hauynge bothe an earnest zele to enbrace the trueth and a readye wille to folowe the kynges maiestees moste godly procedynges are muche hindred and kept backe from their desire partelye through ignoraunce because thei are not duely enstructed taught th●rin and partely through the malice of the moste peruerse Papistycall leaueners of Chystes doctryne whiche to mainteyne theyr owne luc●e and glorye ceasse not as Antechrystes owne trustie knyghtes to weorke as muche as in theym lyeth that the symple people maye styll continue in blyndenesse and errour But all prayse all thankes all laude and glorye be vnto oure moste louynge heauenly father and to hys onelye begotten sonne Iesus Chryste oure lord with the holy ghoste proceding from theim both who haue i● these oure dayes so opened the yies of the worlde that not onely the iugleyng sleyghtes of the Romysh Babylon be so throughly espyed that they can no longer deceiue and hir moste cruell tyrannye so vanquyshed that she maye nowe no longer reygne in Chrysten peoples consciences as she hath by goddes sufferaunce for oure synfulnesse many longe yeres dooen Neither is it possible that the excedynge mercye and fauour of god towardes this royalme of Englande maie more euidently appere then it is by these two tokens folowinge declared the one that it hath pleased him by his moste puissaunt and mightefull arme to deliuer vs oute of the bondage of this Romishe Egipte ferre passinge the yoke seruitude whyche the children of Isarel suffred vnder Pharao and the other that of his espiciall grace he hath vouchesalued to open the yies of oure hertes that we maye see the trueth and to giue vnto thys royalme the righte knowelege concernynge thys moste holy sacramente whiche the subtille and craftie illusyon of Sathan by the instrumente of the saide purpurate whoore of Babylon had made of a moste pure fountayne of water springinge vp into euerlastinge life a foule stynking puddle of idolatrie and supersticyon to endelesse damnacyon of a most precious and heauen iewel a most vile and deyulyshe abominacyon of a moste comfortable medycyne a most deadly present poyson Blissed therfore be the name of the lord our god for euer euer who of his infynite mercy botomlesse goodnesse hath cast his most fauourable yie vpō this royalme of Englād illumining the hertes of the same most gladly and cherefully to enbrace his ghospell and giuing vs to ou●e Kinge suche a Godlye Iosyas as in his tender yeares of childehoode neither forgeateth ne ceasseth with the moste feythfull aduise and trustie assistence of his moste noble sapient Counsaylours to trauayle aswell that the woorde of God maye bee syncerely and purelye set foorthe and taughte vnto all his moste derely beloued subiectes as also that this sacramente of the Lordes body and bloude maye bee reduced to the right vse accordyng to the first institucion therof in the primatiue Churche And forasmuch as the whole processe of this discourse is bothe consonaunt vnto the worde of God that it cannot be doubted of but that it is true and also so iustely agreynge with the kinges Maiestees moste godly procedinges that the people maye by readyng or hearyng herof be throughly satisfied and perswaded vniuersally to enbrace and folow the other I thinke it as I haue said a weorke right expedient and necessary to be hadde in the Englishe toungue aswell for the instruction of suche as can reade as also for the helpe of some good persones curates whiche though they haue a good zele forwardnes to set forth the kīges maiesties most christian procedynges yet for defaulte of sufficiente learnyng the more is the pietee are not of themselues hable neither throughly to enstructe their flocke of all the trueth nor to satisfy the ignoraunt in suche doubtfull cases or questions as maye haplye aryse aboute this matier nor finally to stoppe the mouthes of sedicious Papistes or of suche as are malicious and indurate enemies againste the pure doctrine of Christes ghospell And althoughe in treactynge of suche hygh matiers it can not bee auoided but that by reason of some schoole termes or argumentes there must nedes bee many thynges that maye seme to passe the capacitee and vnderstanding of the vnlettred sorte yet is not suche a notable good weorke as this discourse of Petur Martyr or as his disputacions vpon the same matier therfore to bee suppressed or kepte as it wer hidden vnder the bushel For yf no booke should bee sette foorth but suche as euery bodye yea euen of the vnlearned and grosse multitude mighte bee hable to vnderstande whan they heare it or reade it than what should Chauncer Goore Lidgate and others doe abrode whom some euen of the learned sorte doe in some places scarcely take than were it vayne to set foorthe Chronicles or