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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B13269 An acte of the relief graunted to the Kinges Maiestie by the Lordes and commons.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Edward VI, King of England, 1537-1553. 1549 (1549) STC 9427.3; Interim Tract Supplement Guide Harl.7615[14] 36,677 37

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be taken and accompted as percell of the somme that shal be due and payable in the hole at the yeres ende vpon the accompt made for the polle of his shepe ¶ ALSO we the kinges sayd subiectes by the aucthorytie aforesayd do geue and graunt vnto the kinges maiestie one other relief that is to saye viii pens of the pounde of the pryce and value of al and synguler wollen clothes carseyes fryses cottons kendales all other kinde of wollen clothes of what sorte or making soeuer they be that frō the feast of the Natiuitie of saint Iohn Baptist next cōming during thre yeres then next folowing shal be made by any persone to be put to sale the same relief to be leuied and gathered yerely during the said thre yeres of the maker of the sayd clothe in such maner and fourme as hereafter in this acte shal be declared PROVIDED alwaies and be it ordeined enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid that if it shall appere that the rate of viii pens of the pounde of the price and value of the clothe by suche clothier made as is aforesaid shall excede the rate of .xii. pence of the pounde of his goodes and cattals that then euerye suche clothier shall paye onely after the rate of viii pence of the pounde of the clothes not after the value of his goodes and cattals the relief payed the fyrst yere of his entier substaunce to be taken ▪ and accompted as percell of the somme that shal be due and payable in the hole at the first yeres ende vpon accōpte for the clothes by hym made as is afore said The second relief paied of his entier substaunce to be taken and accompted as percell of the some that shal be due and payable in the hole at the second yeres ende vpon accompt for the clothes by him made as is afore said And the third relief payed of his entier substaunce to be taken and accompted as percell of the somme that shal be due and payable in the hole at the third yeres ende vpon accompt for the clothes by him made as is aforesayd PROVIDED also and be it ordeyned and enacted by the aucthorytie aforesayd that if any persone to the ●ntent to defraude the kinges maiestie of the reliefs graunted by this acte or any parte therof do coloure and take vpon him by the assent or consent of the true owner therof to be owner or proprietary of any goodes shepe clothes or other thinges chargeable to the payment of the sayd relief and in dede shal be founde tryed or proued not to be iust and ryght owner therof vpon any informacion therof to be made in the kinges courte of exchequer wythin two yeres next after suche offence that not onlye suche goodes shepe clothes and other thinges or the value therof shal be forfayted to the kyng but also the partie so falselye colouring the same or pretending to be owner or proprietarye of the same shall forfeyte and lose to the kyng the treble value therof to be leuied of his goodes and cattals landes and tenementes to the kinges vse AND to the entent that the kinges maiestie may be iustly and truly satysfied of the sayd relief of the value and substaūce of euery mannes goodes and other sommes to be payed by siraungers denysens or not denysens by vs to his highnes geuen in maner and fourme afore expressed and in no part therof be defrauded as our entent and hope is his grace shall not be Be it ordeyned and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that the lord Chauncellour of Englande the lord Thresaurour of England the lord Presydent of the kinges most honorable counsayll the lord Priuie seale and the lord great Chamberlayne of England for the tyme beyng or two of them at the least wherof the lord Chauncellour or the lord Threasourer to be one of them shal and may name and appointe of and for euerye shyer rydyng and other places aswell within this realme as in wales and other the kinges dominiōs as also for euerie citie and toune beyng a countie of it selfe and of and for the Isle of wyght such certayne nomber of persones of euerye of the same shyres rydynges lathes wapentakes rapes cities tounes and Isle of wight and euerye other place and other the inhabitauntes of the same to be commissioners within the same wherof they be inhabytauntes and also of and for the honorable housholdes of the king our soueraigne lorde the ladie Marie and the ladye Elyzabeth graces the kynges maiesties listers certayne hed officers of the same to be commissioners of the same housholdes in what shyres or other places the sayd housholdes shal happē then to be the lord Chauncellour or lord Thresaurour and other with him before named in like maner may name and appoincte of euerye other suche borough and toune corporat aswell in England as in wales and other the kinges dominions as they shall thinke requisyte syx fyue foure thre or two of the hed offycers and other sad and honest inhabitauntes of euery of the sayd cyties boroughes and tounes corporat according to the nomber multitude of people beyng in the same the whiche persones if any suche be therunto named of the sayd inhabitauntes of the sayd boroughes and tounes corporate not beyng counties in them selfes shal be ioined and put as commissioners with the persones named for such shyres and rydinges as the sayd boroughes and tounes corporat not being counties in them selfes be set haue there beyng which persones so named for of the sayd boroughes and tounes corporat not beyng coūties by reason of there dwellyng in the same shall not take vpon them ne none of them to put any parte of there commission in execution for the premysses out of the sayd borough or toune corporat wherin they beyng so named onely for the same be dwelling and also not to execute the sayd commission within the borough or toune coporat wher they be so dwellyng but ioyntly wyth thre at the least of the other commissioners wythin the shyre or rydyng and in that commission wherin they be so dwellyng at suche dayes and tymes as the sayd other commissioners for the same shere and ryding shal therunto lymyte and appoinct within the same borough or toune corporat not beyng countie corporat wherof they so be and not out of such borough or toune and in that maner to be aiding and assysting with the said other commissioners in and for the good executing of the effect of the sayd commission vpon peyne of euery of the sayd commissioners so named for euery such citie borough and toune corporat not beyng a countie to make suche fyne as the sayd other commissioners in the commission of and for the sayd shyre or riding so named or thre of them at the least shall by there dyscrecions set and certefye into the kinges exchequer ther to be leuyed to the vse of our souereygne lord the king in lyke maner as such or lyke sommes
had ben set and rated vpon euery such persone for the sayd relief The whiche commissioners so named of and for the said cities boroughes and tounes not beyng counties and only put in the said commission by reason of there dwellyng in the same shall not haue any part of the porcion of the fees and rewardes for the commissioners and the● clerkes in this acte afterward specifyed And the Chaūcellour of Englande or keper of the kynges great Scale for the tyme beyng shall make and direct out of the courte of chauncery vnder the kinges great seale seuerall commissions that is to saye to euerye shyre rydyng lathe wapentake rape citie toune borough Isle and housholde vnto suche persone and persones as by his discrecion and other with hym before appoincted and named in lyke maner and fourme as is afore rehersed shal be thought suffycient for the sessyng and leuyeng of the sayde relief in all shyres and places accordyng vnto the true meanyng of this acte whiche commissyon shal be directed and deliuered to the sayd commissioners or to one of them yerely duryng the saye thre yeres in maner and fourme folowyng that is to saye the fyrst yere before the tenth daye of Marche next commyng and the other two yeres yerely before the fyrst daye of Ianuary and to euery of the sayd commissions ten cedules conteynyng in them the tenour of this acte shal be affyled by the whyche commission the commissyoners in euery suche commission named according vnto this acte or as many of them as shal be appoincted by the kinges cōmission shall haue full power aucthoritie to put the effect of the same commission in execucion And that by aucthoritie of this acte after such commission to them dyrected yerely during the said thre yeres they may by their assentes and agrementes seuer them selfes for the execucion of their cōmissyon in hūdredes lathes wardes rapes wapentakes tounes parysshes other places within the lymytes of their sayd commissyon in such fourme as to them shall seme expedient to be ordred and betwene them to be commoned agreed according to the tenour and effect of the commission to them therin directed vpon whiche seueraunce euery person of this present parliament that shal be commissioner shal be assygned in the hundreth where he dwelleth PROVIDED alwaies that no persone be or shal be compelled to be any commissioner to and for the execution of this present acte but only in the shire where he dwelleth and inhabiteth and that any person being assygned to the contrarye therof in any wise shal not be cōpelled to put in execucion the effect of this act or any parte therof And it is also enacted by the aucthorytie of this present parliament that the commissioners and euery of them whiche shal be named lymyted and appoincted accordyng vnto this acte to be commissioners in euerye suche shire rydyng lathe wapentake rape cytie toune borough Isle and the sayd housholdes or any other place and none other shall truly effectually dylygently for ther parte execute the effect of this present acte accordyng to the tenour therof in euery behalfe and none otherwyse by any other meanes wythout omission fauour dread malice or any other thyng to be attempted and done by them or any of them to the contrary hereof and the said commissioners or as many of them as shal be appoincted by the sayd commission and none other for the execution of the sayd commission and acte shall the fyrst yere of the paiment of this relief of goodes before the .xx. daye of Marche and the other two yeres yerely before the .xvi. daye of Ianuary by vertue of the commissyons delyuered vnto them in fourme abouesayd dyrect their seuerall or Ioynte precept vnto viii vii vi v .iiii. or thre or moo as for the nomber of the inhabitauntes shal be requysyte of the most substanciall discrete and honest persones inhabytauntes to be named by the said cōmissioners or by as many of them as shal be appoincted by the said cōmission of in hundredes lathes rapes wapētakes wardes parishes tounes other places aswel wtin liberties fraūchises aūciēt demeanes places exempted and sanctuaryes as without within the lymytes of the shires ridinges lathes wapentakes rapes cities tounes boroghes or Isle aforesaid other places within the limites of there commission and to the constables subconstables batlliffes other like officers or mynisters of euery of the said hundredes tounes wardes lathes wapētakes parishes other places before said as to the sayd commissioners euery nomber of them vnto thre or two of them by there discrecion in diuisiō shal seme expedient as by the maner and vse of the parties shal be requisite straitly by the same precept charging commaūding the same inhabitaūtes constables other officers aforsaid to whom such precept shal be so directed to appere in their proper persones before the said cōmissioners or such nomber of them as they shall deuide them selfes according to the tenour of the sayd commission at certain dayes places by the said cōmissyoners or any nomber of them as is abouesayd within cities boroughes or tounes corporat or without in any other place as is aforesaid by ther discretions shal be limited therunto to do accomplishe all that to them on the part of our soueraigne lord the king shal be enioyned touching this acte cōmaunding further by the same precept that he to whose handes such precept shall come shall shewe or delyuer the same to the other inhabitaūtes or officers named in the same precept that none of thē faile to accōplishe the same vpō paine of fortie shillinges to be forfaited to the king AND it is further ordeined by the said aucthoritie of this parliamēt that the said daye place prefyxed limited in the said preceptes euery of the cōmissioners then beyng in the shyre hauing no sufficient excuse for his absence shall at the sayd day place prefixed for that parte wherunto he was limited appere in his proper person there the same commissioners being present or as many as shal be appoincted by the kinges commissiō shal cal or cause to be called before them the sayd inhabitaūtes officers to whō thei haue directed ther said preceptes which had in cōmaundemēt ther to apere by the said precept of the said cōmissioners And if any person so warned make default onlesse he thē be letted by sycknesse or lawful excuses that let then to be witnessed by the othes of two credyble persones Or if any so appering refuse to be sworne in fourme folowing to forfayte to the kyng fortie shyllinges so at euery tyme during the sayd thre yeres prefixed for the same cause vnto such time the nomber of euery such persons haue appered certefied in fourme vnder written euery of them so making default or refusing to be sworne to forfaite to the king fortie shillinges vpō the same apparaunce had one of the most substāciall inhabitauntes
any happen to bee set in twoo places vpon certificat thereof made the best and moste somme vpon hym so taxed to bee taken and abyde and the other to bee discharged so that thesame certificat of his assessyng and paiment bee made thereof in writyng vnder the seales of the Commissioners or of as many of theim as shal bee appoyncted by the kynges Commission whiche certificat so made shal be at all tymes a sufficient discharge for hym and the Collectour of thesame aswell against any Collectour that shall demaunde thesame vpon hym rated or taxed as against the kyng and all other persones And if any persone that ought to bee set by reason of his remouyng or resortyng to two places or by reason of his saiyng that he els where was taxed or by reason of any priuilege by his dwellyng or abidyng in any place not beyng foreprised in this Acte or any otherwise by his couyn or crafte happen to escape from the yerely assessyng and bee not sette and that proued by presentment examinacion or informacion before thesaied Commissioners or as many of theim as shal be by thesame Commission appoyncted or by the Barones of the kynges Exchequer or twoo Iustices of the Peace of that countrey where suche persone dwelleth then euery suche persone that by suche meanes or other wyse wilfully by couyn shall happen to escape from the assessyng of thesaied reliefes or of any of theim and not bee rated taxed and set shal be charged vpon the knowlege and proffe thereof with and at the double value that he should or ought to haue been sette at afore accordyng to his behauoure thesame double value to bee leuied gathered and paied of his goodes and cattalles landes and tenementes towardes thesaid relief and further to bee punished accordyng to the discrecions of the Barones Iustices or Commissioners before whom he shal be conuicted for his offence and deceipt in that behalfe And it is further ordeigned and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid that not onely euery assessour shal be rated taxed and assessed yerely duryng thesaied three yeres for the value of his goodes and cattalles by the Commissioners or the moste part of theim by whom he is appoyncted to bee an assessour but also that euery Commissioner assigned and deputed for the orderyng taxyng ratyng and leuiyng of this relief graunted to the kynges Maiestie of twelue pence of the pounde of the value of euery mannes goodes dwellyng within the precinct and limit of his Commission for his awne substaunce in goodes shal be sessed taxed valued and rated yerely duryng thesaied three yeres by the examinacion and sessyng of the rest of the Commissioners named in thesame Commission or the moste part of theim after suche value of his goodes and cattalles as is mencioned in this Acte And that all persones of the estate of a Barō or Baronesse not being maried and euery estate aboue shal be examined and charged of the paiment of this relief of their goodes before the lorde Chauncellor the Lorde Theasaurer of Englande and lorde priuey seale for the tyme beyng or other persones by the kynges aucthoritie to be limited and thei to bee charged yerely duryng thesaid thre yeres for their goodes and substaunce accordyng to their examinacion aforesaied And the sommes vpon them set with the names of the Collectours appoyncted for the gatheryng and paiyng of thesame be extreated deliuered and certified at daies and places aboue specified by thesaied Chauncellor Theasaurer and lorde priuey Seale for the tyme beyng or suche other persones as shal be appoyncted by the Kynges highnes AND it is further ordeined and enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that after the Taxes and Assessementes of thesaied sommes vpon and and by thesaied examinacion and certificat as is aforesaied made thesaied Commissioners shall yerely duryng thesaied three yeres within .x. daies nexte after the Taxacion and Assessement of paiment of thesaied Relief by writyng Indented to bee made of thesaied Taxacion and Assessement vnder the seales and signes manuelles of thesaied Commissioners deliuer vnto sufficient and substanciall inhabitauntes Constables Subconstables Bayliffes or other officers ioyntly of Hundredes Tounes Parishes and other places aforesaied within their limites or to other sufficient persones inhabitauntes of thesame onely by the discreciō of thesame Commissioners and as the place and parties shall require aswell the particular names and surnames as the remembraunce of all sommes of money Taxed and sett of and vpon euery persone aswell manne as woman chargeable to this Act housholder and al other inhabitauntes and dwellers and all Fraternities Guyldes Corporacions Misteries Brotherhoddes Compaignies and Cominalties corporat or not corporat within thesaied Parishes tounes places contributory to this Act of relief By aucthoritie of whiche writyng or estreat so deliuered thesaid officers or other persones so named and deputed seuerally shall haue full power and aucthoritie by vertue of this act unmediatly after the deliuery of thesaid writyng or estreate to demaunde leuie and gather of euery persone and Fraternitie Guyld Corporacion Mistery Brotherhod Compaignie and Comminaltie corporate or not corporate therin specified the somme or sommes in thesame writyng or estreat cōprised And for non paiment therof to distrain the goodes and cattalles of suche persone Fraternitie Guylde Corporacion Mistery Brotherhod Compaignie and Comminaltie corporat or not corporat and the distresse so taken to kepe by the space of eight daies at the costes and charges of the owners thereof And if thesaied owner doo not paie suche somme of money as shal be taxed by this acte within the same viii daies then thesaid distresse to be apprised by .iiii .iii. or two of the inhabitantes where suche distresse is taken and also to be solde by thesaid Constable and other collector for the paiment of thesaid money and the ouerplus commyng of the sale and kepyng thereof if any be to bee immediatly restored to the owner of the same distresse whiche saied officers and other persones so deputied to aske take gather and leuie the saied sommes shall answere and bee charged for their porcion onely to theim assigned or limited to be gathered leuied and comprised in the saied writyng or estreate to theim as is aforesaied deliuered vnto the vse of our souereigne lorde the kyng his heires and successors and thesaid somme in that writyng or estreat cōprised to pay vnto the high collector or collectors of that place for the colleccion of the same in maner and fourme vnder written to be named and deputed and the same inhabitaūtes and officers so gatheryng the same perticular sōmes for their collecciō therof shall reteigne for euery .xx. s̄ so by theim receiued and paied .ii. d. and that to be allowed at the paiment of their colleccion by them to be made to the high collector or collectors PROVIDED alwaies and be it ordeigned and enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that if any persone not beyng the kynges subiect naturally borne denisen or not denisen beyng aboue the age of .xii. yeres