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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A46389 The continuation of the laws of Jamaica passed by the Assembly, and confirmed by His Majesty in Council, December 26th, 1695 :being the second volume of the said laws.; Laws, etc. Jamaica. 1698 (1698) Wing J123A; ESTC R42084 65,159 110

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The Continuation of the LAWS OF JAMAICA Passed by the Assembly And Confirmed by His MAIESTY IN COUNCIL December 26th 1695. Being the Second Volume of the said LAWS LONDON Printed for Charles Harper at the Flower-de-Luce over-against St. Dunstan's-Church in Fleet-street and Samuel Crouch at the Corner of Pope's-Head-Alley over-against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhil MDCXCVIII INDEX AN Act for Establishing a perpetual Anniversary Fast on the Seventh of June Pag. 3 An Act for Raising Money for and towards the Defence of this Island Pag. 5 An Act to Encourage Sea-faring Men and other Their Majesties Subjects Pag. 20 An Act for making Kingston a Parish Pag. 26 An Act for the better Securing of Port-Royal Pag. 29 An Act for Making and Clearing a Publick Road from St. Mary's and St. George's into the Parish of St. Andrew's Pag. 35 An Act appointing the Prices of Meats and Regulating Markets Pag. 36 An Act for Reimbursing Their Majesties Treasury Pag. 40 An Act to Reimburse Their Majesties Treasury and Incourage Their Subjects to come and Settle in this Island Pag. 42 An Act for Raising Money to Solicit in England the Affairs of this Their Majesties Island Pag. 52 An Act for Guarding the Sea Coasts Pag. 59 An Act for Raising Money as a farther Aid to Their Majesties for and towards the Defence of this Their Island of Jamaica Pag. 63 An Act appropriating several Sums of Money heretofore Raised to the immediate Service of this Island Pag. 79 An Act for Appropriating several Sums of Money for the speedy Relief of the Wounded and Distressed Inhabitants of this Island who have suffered by the late Invasion of the French Pag. 84 An Act for the Encouragement and Freedom of Servants and Slaves which have done or shall do any remarkable Service against the French during this present War Pag. 88 An Act for Prevention of Indebted Persons from Departing this Island in the Time of Martial-Law Pag. 93 An Act to Enable George Ivey Esquire to Sell his Estate for the Payment of the Debts of his Father William Ivey Esquire Deceased Pag. 98 ADVERTISEMENT THE Laws of JAMAICA passed by the Assembly and confirmed by His Majesty in Council April 17. 1684. To which is added the State of JAMAICA as it was under the Government of Sir Thomas Lynch With a Large Map of the Island Printed for Charles Harper at the Flower-de-luce over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street and are to be had of Capt. Thomas Hudson and Mr. Robert Cotes Merchants at Port-Royal AT THE COURT AT KENSINGTON The 26th Day of December 1695. PRESENT The King 's Most Excellent MAJESTY In COUNCIL Lord Keeper Lord Privy-Seal Duke of Norfolk Duke of Schonberge Duke of Shrewsbury Marq. of Winchester Lord Great Chamberlain Earl of Bridgwater Earl of Stamford Earl of Scarborough Earl of Romney Lord Godolphin Mr. Vice-Chamberlain Mr. Secret Trumbull Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer L. Chief Justice Holt. Mr. Russell Mr. Boscawen Mr. Smith WHEREAS by Commission under the Great Seal of England to Sir William Beeston Knight His MAJESTY 's Lieutenant Governour and Commander in Chief of the Island of JAMAICA bearing Dated the Twentieth Day of September One Thousand Six Hundrerd Ninety Two in the Fourth Year of His MAJESTY 's Reign His MAJESTY has been Graciously pleased to Authorize and Impower the Governour Council and Assembly of the said Island to Constitute and Ordain Laws Statutes and Ordinances which are to Continue and be in Force till His MAJESTY 's Pleasure he signified to the contrary And forasmuch as certain Laws have in pursuance of the said Commission been transmitted to His MAJESTY with the Humble Desire of the Governour Council and Assembly that His MAJESTY would be Pleased to pass the same in the Words following An ACT For Establishing a perpetual Anniversary Fast on the Seventh of June FORASMUCH as it hath pleased Almighty GOD Preamble the Great Creator and Judge of Heaven and Earth on the Seventh Day of June One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Two justly to punish the Inhabitants of this Island for their manifold Sins and Wickednesses committed against his Divine Majesty by a most terrible and dreadful Earthquake The Occasion of the Act the Earthquake which not only laid waste our Estates and Places of Habitations in general but also destroyed many Hundreds of People which tremendous Judgment was succeeded by a raging Sickness and Mortality that few or no Families Escaped Now that so signal a Visitation may be had in perpetual Remembrance and we and our Posterity may by humbling ourselves endeavour to appease God's imminent Wrath and prevent heavier Judgments We Your Majesties most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects Your Majesties Lieutenant-Governour Council and Assembly of this Your Island of Jamaica do most humbly beseech Your Most Sacred Majesties That it may be Enacted by Their Majesties Lieutenant-Governour Council and Assembly and it is hereby Enacted and Ordained by the Authority of the same that every Seventh Day of June unless it falls out to be on the Lord's Day and then the Day following shall be for ever hereafter set apart to be kept and observed by all the Inhabitants of this Island as an Anniversary Day of Fasting and Humiliation A Yearly Fast and that all and every the Inhabitants aforesaid shall upon the said Day Annually resort to some usual Place where Prayers and Preaching are used to be Ministred and there orderly and devoutly abide during the Celebration of Divine Service by Prayers Preaching Singing of Psalms c. And to the end that all Persons may be put in Mind of their Duty therein and be the better prepared to discharge the same with that Piety and Devotion as becomes them Be it further Enacted That every Minister shall give Notice to his Parishioners Notice to be given hereof by the Minister in the Church or other Publick Place of Divine Worship at Morning Prayer the Sunday next before every such Seventh Day of June for the Observation of the said Day and that he provide a Sermon suitable to that Occasion and that in such Parishes where there is no Minister this Act shall be published Annually in the Sessions next before the Seventh of June as aforesaid AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid That no Person or Persons whatsoever neither by themselves Servants or Slaves shall do or cause to be done any manner of Work in his or their Trade Calling or Plantation And that no Shop Tavern Coffee or Punch-House be kept open on the said Day on Penalty of forfeiting Forty Shillings for every Person Penalty for Offenders by himself Servant or Slave so Offending as aforesaid to be Recovered before any of Their Majesties Justices of the Peace who are hereby Required and Empowered to award the same one Half of which Forfeiture shall be to the Church-Wardens for the use of the Parish and the other Half to the Informer or him that shall Sue for the same W. Bridgeman An
Evil disposed Persons to the Prejudice of Their Majesties Service and Injury to the Publick BE it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Church-Wardens and Surveyors of the High-ways shall proceed to the Discharge of their several Duties and the Justices and the Vestries in the several and respective Parishes and Precincts within this Island as well when Martial-Law is in Force as at any other time are hereby Required and Impowered to Meet and Raise such Parochial Tax or Taxes as by the several Acts is Directed and Appointed and the several Constables Collect Levy and Distrain for the same accordingly and any Justice Church-Warden Vestry-man Surveyor or Constable neglecting his or their Duty he or they so Offending shall incur the Penalty in the Acts mentioned any Act Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding AND be it further Enacted That this Act shall continue in Force during this present War with France and no longer WHICH Laws having upon the Perusal of the Right Honourable the Lords of the Committee of Trade and Foreign Plantations been Presented to His Majesty at this Board His Majesty was Graciously Pleased with the Advice of His Privy-Council to Approve and Confirm the same and pursuant to His Royal Pleasure thereupon Signified and Expressed all the said Laws as afore-mentioned are hereby Approved and Confirmed accordingly Will. Bridgeman AT THE COURT AT KENSINGTON The 26th Day of December 1695. PRESENT The King 's Most Excellent MAJESTY In COUNCIL Lord Keeper Lord Privy-Seal Duke of Norfolk Duke of Schonberge Duke of Shrewsbury Marq. of Winchester Lord Great Chamberlain Earl of Bridgwater Earl of Stamford Earl of Scarborough Earl of Romney Lord Godolphin Mr. Vice-Chamberlain Mr. Secret Trumbull Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer L. Chief Justice Holt. Mr. Russell Mr. Boscawen Mr. Smith WHEREAS by Commission under the Great Seal of England to Sir William Beeston Knight His MAJESTY 's Lieutenant-Governour and Commander in Chief of the Island of JAMAICA bearing Date the Twentieth Day of September One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Two in the Fourth Year of His MAJESTY 's Reign His MAJESTY has been Graciously pleased to Authorize and Impower the Governour Council and Assembly of the said Island to Constitute and Ordain Laws Statutes and Ordinances which are to Continue and be in Force till His MAJESTY 's Pleasure be signified to the contrary And forasmuch as a certain Law has in pursuance of the said Commission been transmitted to His MAJESTY with the Humble Desire of the Governour Council and Assembly That His MAJESTY would be Pleased to Pass the same in the Words following viz. An ACT To Enable George Ivey Esquire to Sell his Estate for the Payment of the Debts of his Father William Ivey Esquire Deceased WHEREAS William Ivey Esquire Preamble lately Deceased was Seized in his Demesnes as of Fee of and in several Plantations Lands Tenements and Hereditaments with the Appurtenances in the Parishes of Clarendon Vere and S. Katherines and elsewhere within this Island and of several Negroes and Stock thereunto belonging and appertaining All which said Plantations Lands Tenements and Hereditaments together with all and every the Negroes thereon being or thereunto belonging by his Last Will and Testament bearing Date the One and Twentieth Day of September One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Nine he devised to George Ivey Esquire his Eldest Son and his Heirs and for want of Issue of him the said George to William Ivey Second Son of the said William the Testator and the Heirs of his Body with divers Remainders over and of his said Will made the said George his Eldest Son sole Executor who since has duly proved his said Father 's said Will. AND whereas the said William the Testator was at the time of his Decease indebted to the Royal African Company of England and to divers other Persons by Judgment Bonds and otherwise in the Summ of Two Thousand Pounds and upwards and forasmuch as the Personal Estate of the said William the Testator not including the said Negroes and Stock was so very inconsiderable that the said George Ivey by Reason of the Intail aforesaid without the Assistance of an Act of the Assembly has no way left of Paying his Fathers said Debts unless by the Sale of all the said Negroes and Stock left upon and belonging to the Lands and Plantations so Intailed which must inevitably Ruin and Destroy the said Plantations c. AND forasmuch as it is highly just and reasonable that no Act of the said William Ivey the Testator should prevent or hinder all or any part of his said Estate from being lyable and subject to the payment of his just Debts or debar the said George his eldest Son from disposing of and applying the same for the payment and discharge of the same and forasmuch as William Ivey Consent of the Second Son the second Son of William the Testator to whom the next remainder in Tail after the Death of George the Tenant now in Possession without Issue of his Body is limited has upon Consideration of the Sum of Four Hundred Pounds testified and declared his Consent to the Passing of this present Act BE it therefore Enacted by Their Majesties Lieutenant-Governour Council and Assembly and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority of the same that for the Payment of the Debts aforesaid it shall and may be lawful to and for the said George Ivey and he is hereby fully Authorized Impowered and Enabled to Sell Dispose of or Convey or by his last Will and Testament to Devise all or any part or parcel of the said Plantations Lands Tenements and other Hereditaments above-mentioned together with all and every the Negroes thereunto belonging or appertaining to any Person or Persons whatsoever in such manner and form and as amply and effectually to all Intents Constructions and Purposes as if the same had Descended to him the said George Ivey and he were thereof Seized and Possessed in Fee-Simple and no such Intail and Remainder or Remainders as aforesaid had ever been made limited or created and the Purchaser or Purchasers Devisee or Devisees of the same or any part or parcel thereof shall be deemed adjudged and taken to be Seized thereof and of every part and parcel thereof to them and their Heirs for ever as if the said George had suffered a Common Recovery in Their Majesties Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster of all or any part or parcel of the said Premises Purchaser c. secured to the Use or Uses of the Purchaser or Purchasers Devisee or Devisees and of their Heirs for ever and the said Purchaser or Purchasers Devisee or Devisees their Heirs or Assigns shall and may hold occupy and enjoy the same free from any Estates Uses Limitations Remainders Charges and Provisoes had made or created in and by the said last Will and Testament of the abovementioned William Ivey the Testator any Law Custom or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding WHICH Law having upon the