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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A37588 Anno regni Caroli regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo septimo at the Parliament begun at Westminster the third day of November, anno Dom. 1640 ... : an act for the speedie and effectuall reducing of the rebells in His Majesties kingdom of Ireland to their due obedience to His Majestie and the Crown of England. England and Wales. 1641 (1641) Wing E1127; ESTC R41133 9,354 15

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Conditions or any other Hereditaments shall by the authoritie aforesaid be deemed vested adjudged and taken to be in the actuall and reall possession of Our Soveraign Lord the King His Heirs and Successors without any Office or Inquisition thereof hereafter to be found And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That two Millions and a half of Acres of Meadow Arable Land and profitable Pasture which are or shall be forfeited by the said Rebels or otherwise by vertue of this Act With Woods Boggs Loughes and barren Mountains cast in over and above and with all the Buildings and Edifices thereupon are and shall be by vertue of this Act for the satisfaction of such person and persons as shall underwrite any sum or sums of Money and pay the same according to the true intent and meaning of this present Act the same to be allotted and apportioned to each Vnderwriter according to the proportion of the sums to be underwritten and paid in and to be holden by such Rent and Tenure as in the said recited Propositions are expressed And be it further enacted That John Warner John Towse and Thomas Andrews Aldermen and Lawrence Halsted Esquire are and shall be hereby appointed and authorised to give their daily attendance at the said Chamber of London to receive all such Subscriptions and sums of Money and to give receipts for the same under their hands as shall be there tendred and paid according to this Act which said persons so appointed to receive the said sums of Money shall enter the names of the Vnderwriters together with the sum and time of Subscription into one or more Books to be kept for that purpose and shall from time to time issue out the said sums of Money in such manner as both Houses of Parliament shall by Order direct And be it further enacted That the Sheriffs of each Countie of England and Dominion of Wales shall receive all such Subscriptions and sums of Money as shall be by vertue of this Act tendred to them in their respective Counties and shall appoint dayes and places for that purpose and shal give receipts for the sums so received under their hands and return the sums subscribed and received together with the names of the Vnderwriters and the times of their Subscriptions to the Chamber of London to the hands of the said John Warner John Towse Thomas Andrewes and Lawrence Halsted or to any two of them with all convenient speed to be by them entred into Books to be kept for that purpose And they the said John Warner John Towse Thomas Andrewes and Lawrence Halsted or any two of them are hereby likewise authorised and required to give acquittances or receipts for all sums received of the said Sheriffs And that the said John Warner John Towse Thomas Andrewes and Lawrence Halsted and the said Sheriffs their officers and ministers their heirs and executors shall accompt for all sums of Money by them received according to this present Act to such persons as both Houses of Parliament shall direct And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said John Warner John Towse Thomas Andrewes and Lawrence Halsted and the said Sheriffs respectively to deduct and retain to their own use one peny out of every pound of all such sums of Money as they shall receive according to this Act towards their charges and pains in attending and receiving the said Subscriptions and sums of Money and in issuing out and returning up the same And be it further Enacted That when the Lords and Commons of this Realm of England shall in Parliament by Order Declare that the said Rebels are subdued and that this present Rebellion in the said Kingdom of Ireland is appeased and ended that forthwith after such Declaration made and sent to the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England for the time being the said Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper is hereby authorised and required to issue forth Commissions into all the said four Provinces of that Kingdom of Ireland for the surveying and setting forth of the said two Millions and half of Acres which Commission shall be to such effect and directed to such persons as the said Lords and Commons in Parliament shall appoint Which said Commissioners shall have power by this Act to survey all the Lands of the said Rebels and all the Lands forfeited by vertue of this Act and to assertain and measure forth of the same six hundred and five and twenty thousand Acres in every of the said four Provinces of Meadow Arable and profitable Pasture with Woods Bogs Loughes and barren Mountains cast in over and above with the Houses and Edifices thereupon and after the same measured and set forth shall indifferently divide the same by Lot among the severall Vnderwriters and among the heirs of such Vnderwriters as shall die before the division and the assignee and assignees of such of the Vnderwriters as shal assigne their shares or any part thereof before the said Division according to the Proportions mentioned in the said recited Propositions and according to the respective sums paid in as aforesaid and according to the purport of this present Act which Division shall be made in such manner as the said Lords and Commons in Parliament shall by Order direct in which division no manner of favour or advantage shall be given or allowed to any person whatsoever but all to be done and determined equally and by Lot and each Vnderwriters Land to be laid together or so neer together as conveniently may be And in case six hundred twenty five thousand Acres of the Rebels profitable Lands and of the profitable Lands forfeited by vertue of this Act shall not be found in each Province then so much of the said six hundred twenty five thousand Acres as shall be wanting in any one Province shall be made up in value out of the said Rebels Lands and for want thereof out of the profitable Lands forfeited by this Act in the other Provinces at the discretion of the said Commissioners respect being had to the value of the Lands in each Province according to the said propositions which said Commissioners shall return the said allotments and all their proceedings therein fairly ingrost in parchment into His Majesties Court of Chancery of this Kingdom there to remain of Record and into His Majesties Court of Chancery of the said Kingdom of Ireland to remain there likewise of Record And be it further Enacted That immediately after every Vnderwriter Heir or Assignee of any Vnderwriter shall have drawne his respective Lot containing the Meadow Arable and profitable Pasture with all the Woods Bogs Loughes and barren Mountains over and above together with the houses and edifices thereupon which shall be appointed for his share such Vnderwriter Heir and Assignee shal be and so shal be adjudged to be by vertue of this Act in the actuall possession
and seisin of all the said lands with all things thereunto belonging mentioned in his said Lot and that he shall may forthwith after his Lot so drawn as aforesaid enter upon have and enjoy to him and his heires all and singular the Meadow Arable profitable Pasture Woods Bogs Loughes Waters Fishings and barren Mountains together with the Houses and Edifices thereupon and in his said Lot contained with all Easements and Commodities thereunto belonging And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid That all and every person and persons which within three moneths after the allotment so to be made as aforesaid shall have one thousand Acres or more of the said two millions half of Acres lying together in the Province of Leinster or two thousand Acres or more lying together in the Province of Conaght or one thousand five hundred Acres or more lying together in the Province of Munster or three thousand Acres or more lying together in the Province of Ulster shall have power by vertue of this Act for every such thousand two thousand fifteen hundred and three thousand Acres to create a Mannor within the limits of the said lands respectively and to reserve tenures to hold of himself and his heirs as of his said Mannor or Mannors at his will and pleasure And that every such person shall have a Court Leete and Court Baron and shall have full power to hold a Court Leete and Court Baron within the Precincts of every such Mannor and to enjoy all such Royalties Franchises Fines and Amerciaments Suites Services and Immunities as to view of Franke pledge or Court Baron is usuall and belonging And also within each respective Mannors to have and enjoy as aforesaid all Deodands Felons goods and goods of Felons of themselves together with all Wayfes and Strayes And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That no part of the monie which shall be paid in according to this Act shall be imploied to any other purpose then the reducing of the said Rebels untill the said Rebels shall be declared to be subdued by the said Lords and Commons as aforesaid And that the said monies shall be imploied for the speedie and effectuall subduing of the said Rebels by sending over into the said Realme of Ireland and disposing there such forces of Foot and Horse Monies Ammunition Victuall and all other things necessary to a warre in such manner as the said Lords and Commons in Parliament shall from time to time direct and the overplus of the said money if any shall be to be disposed as the said Lords and Commons shall likewise direct And be it likewise enacted by the authority aforesaid That Plantations shall be regulated Corporations created Churches erected and Preaching Ministers maintained within the Limits and Precincts of the Lands so to be divided in such manner as by Commissioners to be nominated and directed by the said Lords and Commons in Parliament shall be ordered and provided And it is further enacted That the Lord Chancellour or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England for the time being shall upon direction to him given by the said Lords and Commons in Parliament issue out one or more Commissions for this purpose directed to such persons and in such manner as the said Lords and Commons in Parliament shall order and appoint And for the further encouraging and securing of all such persons as shall pay any sum of money towards the perfecting of this great Work Be it likewise enacted by the authority aforesaid That all Patents which shall be granted of any of the said Rebells goods or Lands or of any goods or Lands forfeited by vertue of this Act and all Pardons which shall be granted to any of the said Rebells before attainder after the three and twentieth of October one thousand six hundred fourty and one without the assent of the said Lords and Commons in Parliament shall be adjudged void and of none effect And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the Commissioners authorised by this Act to set forth the underwriters Lands as aforesaid shall fourty dayes before they set forth the same or any part thereof cause Proclamations to be made by vertue of this Act in every Countie of the said Kingdom of Ireland to this effect viz That every person which had any right title or interest the three and twentieth of October one thousand six hundred fourty one in or out of any of the said Rebells Lands or the Lands forfeited by this Act lying within the Countie where any such Proclamation shall be made shall enter his claim to the same upon record in His Majesties Court of Chancery in the said Kingdom of Ireland within twenty dayes after the said Proclamation so made in the said Countie And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That every person which after the first day of March one thousand six hundred and fourty shall make enter into or take any Compact Bond Covenant Oath Promise or Agreement to introduce or bring into the said Realm of Ireland the authority of the Sea of Rome in any case whatsoever or to maintain or defend the same shall by vertue of this Act forfeit to His Majestie His Heirs and Successours all his Lands Tenements and Hereditaments entailed or not entailed Goods and Chattels which he had or shall have in his own name or any other person or persons had or shall have in trust for him at the time of the making entring into or taking any such Compact Bond Covenant Oath Promise or Agreement other then such Lands Tenements Hereditaments Goods and Chattells as shall be bona fide and for valuable consideration sold before the said three and twentieth of October one thousand six hundred fourty one And further be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any person since the three and twentieth day of October one thousand six hundred fourty one be or hereafter shal be in Rebellion within the said Kingdom of Ireland and be dead or shall die before attaindor or pardon for the same All the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments Estate or Estates Goods or Chattells which such person had or shall have or any other person had or shall have in trust for or to his use the said three and twentieth of October or at any time thereafter shall be by vertue of this Act forfeited to His Majestie His Heirs and Successours and shall be adjudged to be in the actuall seisin and possession of the King His Heirs and Successours by vertue of this Act. And further be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whereof any person in the said Kingdom of Ireland was seised the three and twentieth of October one thousand six hundred fourty one or at any time after shall be seised of any Estate tail or whereof any other person or persons shall be seised in trust for him for any trust of inheritance who shall be