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A15033 The English myrror A regard wherein al estates may behold the conquests of enuy: containing ruine of common weales, murther of princes, cause of heresies, and in all ages, spoile of deuine and humane blessings, vnto which is adioyned, enuy conquered by vertues. Publishing the peaceable victories obtained by the Queenes most excellent Maiesty, against this mortall enimie of publike peace and prosperitie, and lastly a fortris against enuy, builded vpon the counsels of sacred Scripture, lawes of sage philosophers, and pollicies of well gouerned common weales: wherein euery estate may see the dignities, the true office and cause of disgrace of his vocation. A worke safely, and necessarie to be read of euerie good subiect. By George Whetstones Gent. Seene and allowed. Whetstone, George, 1544?-1587? 1586 (1586) STC 25336; ESTC S111678 158,442 230

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wicked practises haue compassed the death of a great many with all which procéedinges the Cronicles will largely acquaint the Reader And certainely if outward actions of barbarous crueltie may condemne the blasphemie of the Pope his ministers in Fraunce Flaunders and Scotland haue already sent the same vnto hell haue elected him to be the Archtyrant of the earth For where was there a more sauage crueltie euer cōmitted then the massacre of Paris where by the traine of amitie the celebration of a marriage betweene the King of Nauarre and the Kinges sister which in outward appearaunce promised much peace and honour to the long afflicted realme the peeres of bloud and nobilitie of the religion to honour that wished accorde repaired vnto the Court where the good Admirall was slaine and by that stratageme or rather deuice of the Deuill many a thousand innocent and fearelesse Protestants in Paris and other cities of Fraunce were cruelly murthered which monstrous massacre although many other trecherous murthers in Fraunce reproch the Papistes with the extreamest name of crueltie is remembred with the blame and exclamation of the cruellest Pagans in the worlde This traiterous and butcherly warfare waspractised with the murther of the King and many noble men of Scotland The pretence of the tyrannical gouernment of the Spaniards in the low Countries and contrary to the auncient lawesof priuiledges ●…he said Countries at their first entraunce their killing and destroying of the principall nobilitie and persons most worthie of gouernement was coloured with the maintenance of the Romish religion but what excuse by religion haue they for the destroying and dishonourable murthering of many Romaine Catholiques among whome the right noble County of Egmond was that wayes especially affected euen forsooth some such reason as the theefe had who said he robbed none but Papistes when he spared not any that had a crosse in his pursse which crosse he tooke to be the marke of a Papist so the Spaniardes tooke these noble men for Protestants because they were of honourable dsspositions maintainers of their countries liberties and louers of vertue which are not the ordinarie markes of Papists the riches of these countries by common estimation aunsweared the vallew of the king of Spaines Indias and from this root procéedeth all their ruines The proud Spaniardes enuied the greatnesse of these Lordes and the prosperity of the people and to féed their owne wastefull humours they hungred after absolute dominion and possession of their riches In all matters of obedience that appertayned vnto the king they serued his maiestie with all faithfulnesse so that the Spaniard could pickt no quarrell of disloyaltie They were driuen to square about the Pope though these people obeyed the king they charged them with Catholicke disobedience vpon this cause as they alleadge more then these twenty yéeres the insolent Spaniardes with swoorde famine and many other cruell maners of death haue afflicted and destroyed the naturall people of those countries and haue ransacked spoiled the most of their fayre and rich cities And yet these proud Spaniardes vpon a true account haue neither gayned honor nor profit by the ruines of these most rich countries While the godly Prince of Orange liued the Spaniardes had many foyles and few honorable victories the compassing of whose death with the worthy destruction of their own mur thering instruments testifie the tiranous spirites both of the Pope and the king of Spaine that neither obey the lawes of God honor nor humainitie by working by anye meanes the deathes of their enemies After the good Prince of Orange was traiterouslye slaine the order whereof is vniuersallye knowne and condemned the afflicted people of these countrys by their increasing calamities soone missed the benefite of his graue counsels But God be praised for the life and happines of her sacred maiesty euen good Quéene Elizabeth who with a mercifull eye and a Princely hand hath both beheld and giuen large sucker to their afflictions to the afflictions of these appressed people of the low countries to them I say with royall defence publicke succour and to the persecuted Christiās of all nations as their calamities required her sacred maiesty euen her onely zeale and vertue hath preserued Scotlande from forraine outrage and ciuill destruction the yonge kinge of Scots whom God blesse with deuine and heroicall vertues confesseth her maiesty to be his mother by whom next vnder God he liueth and raigneth she hath giuen him a kingdome in redéeming of it foorth of the tyranny of straungers and disobedience of awelesse subiects Her mediation hath much pacified the furies of Fraunce and her clemencye hath refreshed the woundes of Portugall her mercy is the Phisition of forraine afflictions and her holinesse the sure grounde of Englandes peace and prosperity England at this day and from the first hower of her maiesties blessed raigne the wonder of nations England I say of absolute gouernments onely in peace onely in prosperity onely free from féeling the vengeance of enuy many enemies be thou thankful for this deuine protectiō Englande or rather Englishe men be you counceled by the ouerthrowes of the fore recited monarchies kingdomes and common weales I haue presented you with these conquestes of enuy that you may be fore warned of your worst enemy euen this monster enuy which euer more contendeth against peace and prosperity you are plentifully blessed with both the blessinges and vniuersally besieged with enuy It is miraculous that you haue escaped the mischiefe of all her stratageames and dangerous war The Athenians were ignoraunt of no pollicy to withstād their enemy yet could find no defence against enuye but to tame and kéepe vnder their prosperitye they yéerly banished their noble men not such as had offended the law but those which the common people woulde haue banished their wisedomes made the common weale to florishe but neither their wisedomes nor force could banishe enuy out of the hartes of the people they feared this passion more then Alexanders power and good cause why for her venime poysoned Alexander her pollicy murthered Caesar and quelled most of the worthies We néede not search forraine examples to teach vs the power of enuy she destroyed the house of Brut at whose gouernment we begin our Englishe cronicles for Ferrex his brother Porrex striuing for sole soueranitie sought each others confusion Porrex slew Ferrex and their mother murthered Porrex in his bedde in whose deathes the linage of Brute was ended Enuy was the cause of the chaunges of gouernment by the Saxons Danes Britans and lastely the enuy betwéene Harold and his brother after the death of king Edward the confessor was the meane that crowned William the conqueror with the Diadem of England The mischief which enuy sowed in king Richard the secondes dayes brought forth continuall murders ciuill warres and deadly quarrelles during the raignes of sixe kinges that succéeded him To be short this passion since
in this long disquiet realme in the 24. yéere of his raigne he peaceably called this noble king Henry vnto his heauenly kingdome and as a visible signe that he blessed the ioyninge of these two kingly houses in one hee gaue vnto this noble king by Quéene Elizabeth his wife sundrye goodly children of which as the vndoubted heyre of the kingdome by both titles was crowned the victorious king Henry the eight CHAP. 4. A sommarie of the royall vertues of king Henry the eight THe most victorious king Henry the 8. sonne of king Henry the 7. beganne his triumphaunt raigne the 22. of Aprill 1509. whose inuincible courage was feared and admired through al Europe He was a moste bountefull Prince towardes well descruing subiectes the magnanimity of his countenaunce kept them in a louing obedience In the 5. yéere of his raigne a fore presagement that he should clymbe aboue the Pope of Rome The Emperour Maximilian the Popes lawfull soueraine and all the nobilitie of Holland Braband and Flaunders receaued wages vnder king Henries banner whose puissaunce discomforted and abashed the whole power of Fraunce This royall king besides that he was Alexander in fielde he was a Philosopher in the Uniuersity And in his great learning blessed his subiectes with the fruites of this olde Prouerbe happy are those people whose king is a Philosopher And doubtlesse where the Prince is learned the people are peaceably gouerned Science which containeth all duties with varietie of examples so liberallie instructeth the louers and followers of her lore In the thirtéenth yeare of his raigne the King wrote with his owne hand a booke against Martin Luther for which the Pope named him Defender of the faith but little fore-feared he that God would make him the capitall offender of the Romish superstition Saule breathing out threatnings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lorde receiued a speciall charge from the high Priests for the persecution of all sort of Christians at Damasco but God whose wisedome iudgeth the determinations of men wrought a wonderfull change in Saule for of a persecutor he made him a faithfull Apostle and chiefe strengthener of the Gentiles Euen so gratious●…ie dealed God with this most noble King whereas the Pope imagined to haue by this title made him the sustainer of hys Idolatrie God by his holie spirit moued him to vse the same to the first capitall disgrace of Antichrist the Pope But as the good Father Latimer certified his Maiestie the title Defender of the faith simplie considered was more then was due to any earthly prince whē his holy word deliuered by his Ministers both fostered and defended the same But in as much as it was Gods good will that vnder this kings and his offsprings authoritie the same should haue the most visible protection it may be lawfully thought that it was his will that the Pope should so intitle him as foreséeing by his wisedome that this prince in his séed should ouerthrow the Popes vsurped authoritie the most publike enimie of the true auncient and Apostolike faith Many interprete this prophesie of Esdras ecce leo concitatus de sylua rugiens c. loe a Lyon hastely running out of the wood roring who with a mās voice reprooued the saucie and misproud Eagle to figure thys noble prince Henry the 8. The rauening Eagle that had the victory ouer the foure beasts which God would haue had rained in the world that troubled the méeke c. is likewise interpreted to be Antichrist the Bishop of Rome The Armes of Rome which is the Eagle and the actions of the Pope wel approueth their interpretation Now who is more like to be this Lion that came roring out of the wood and shewed the rauening Eagles villanies to all the princes of the earth then King Henry the eight who euermore stoutly defied the Pope who euermore plainely painted his murthers deceits and abhominations then King Henry the 8. nay who first catched him by the throte but King Henry the 8. When all christian princes stood in awe of his curse he banished all his authoritie out of England when the meanest Bishops in other realmes would checke their Kings in his cause he caused the whole Cleargy by his learned Councell to be iudged in a premunire for mainteining the power legantine of Cardinall Wolsey who being called by processe into the Kings bench were glad by submission to pray pay á hundred thousand pounds for remission When other princes feared to murmur against the Pope secretly King Henry in the name of himselfe and his Nobles wrote a booke against the counsell appointed by the Pope at Mantua signifying to the whole world that the Pope had no more authoritie then an other Bishop and how that the appointment of Counsels only appertained to the Emperour and other Princes of Christendome What Lion was euer so bold with the Eagle of Rome as this Lion of England What Lion is so like to come roring out of the wood as the Lion of England The Lion of Vennice commeth out of the water The Lion of England is proper passant bowes and arrowes which are his strength commeth out of the wood I would the Popes english fauourers would wey this prophelie with the pride enuy outrage both of diuine humane blessings setled in the hart and séene in the actions of this Emperious Pope and then by allegorie they would peraduenture repute him to be this ambitious Eagle signified by the armes of his sea capitol city Rome And on the contrary part if with the like regard they would behold the wonderful disgraces that this noble king by himselfe princely children hath daily giueth this enuious Pope they should haue large cause to beléeue that our Lion signified by the armes of England with his mans voice should set this misproud Eagles head aw●…y should vanish his wings weaken his kingdome in fine set his whole body of fire If they had any sence they might féele that our Lion in the name of the Lord thus saith hence thou misproud Eagle appeare thou no more neither thy horrible wings thy mischeuous heads thy rauening clawes nor thy hollow body cōpact of vanities The cause straight foloweth that thou once gone the earth may be refreshed that thy kingdome once fallen men may returne to freedom c. I demād what reckning they cā make of the egles 12. wings that ouerspread the earth by Gods appointment since our Lion first shoke him vp or as the text saith since the wind K. Henries thūdring voice spread abrod his wickednes Sée if Englād be not shronk frō him Scotlād denieth him Hol and Brabant and Flanders delieth him Germany paints him as a mōster Denmark is parted frō him France is deuided Polland is indifferent if Spaine Italy be constant they be well paid for their frendship The Eagle the Pope that sometimes was capitalis dominus as well as summus pontifex
authoritie or dissention Yea about this time that the fall of Antichrist might be visibly séene by the taking awaie of such Christian princes as were his setled supporters when as Lodowicke Guiccerdine reporteth ther was not any where either brute of pestilence or extraordinarie disease there died within the space of one yeare the Emperour Charles the fifth the Quéene of Hungary Quéene Mary of England two Kings of Denmarke Bona Sforza Quéene of Polonia Henry the third king of France Ierolme Priuli Duke of Vennice Hercules da este Duke of Ferrara and Paule the fourth Pope of Rome a change verie vniuersall wherein Gods prouidence is not to be ouerpassed with a light consideration whose will vndoubtedly was by the change of these princes the most of them drunken with Poperie to make a ready passage through Europe for the gospel of our sauiour Iesus Christ which vpon this change began to florish in most of the recited gouernements And albeit the fall of Antichrist in many places of the scripture be liuely presaged vpon the authority whereof there is sure and sound building when the prophesies and dreames of a number are but rotten foundations yet I hope I may without iust reprehension say that God many times acquainteth the minds of some good men with an imaginatiue knowledge of things to come which many yéeres after falleth out according to their presagement and for example belōging to our matter the reformation of the Church vnder her Maiesties raigne before her noble fathers death was set downe in this following prophesie Post H sequetur E post E quod mirum M M coronabitur breue confundetur Post M sequetur E vel A Et tunc conuertetur ecclesia In English E shall follow H next E with wonder M M shall be crowned and soone confounded Next vnto M E or A shall raigne Then shall the Church conuerted be againe Noble King Henry the eight first vnmasked this proude Pope King Edward the fixt the parragon of yong princes helped to vncase him Quéene Mary fauoured but liued not to strengthen him and now our soueraigne Elizabeth hath geuen him a mortall disgrace his painted Church abideth not the tuch Gods Church is vniuersally reuerenced The multitude are more delighted to reade a fewe godly sentences written vppon the Church wall then to sée his rarest rotten reliques layde vp in a golden chest Against her Maiestie he principally warreth as the chosen instrument of almightie God to abase his imperious mind to the wonder of the world and comfort of all good Christians CHAP. 8. Of the peaceable and honorable victorie that her Maiestie had against the french forces in Scotland which were raised with a determination for the inuasion of England the second yeare of her Maiesties raigne AFTER the death of Henry King of France his sonne Frances the second succéeded in the kingdome of France a prince of the age of sixtéene yéeres who being married vnto Mary Quéene of Scots and néece to the Duke of Guise suffered the affaires of the estate to be gouerned by the ambitious policy of the Duke and family of the Guises who hauing wished successe in their practises in Quéene Maryes dayes about the winning of Callice hoped and hungred after the spoile and conquest of England And the better to colour their purpose they intituled the King of France in the right of the Quéene his wife to the Crowne of England and knowing the difference betwéene the Quéenes Maiestie of England and the Pope in matters of religion they easily obtained of Paulus the fourth a disablement of the Quéenes Maiestie and an approouement of the Quéene of Scots right but King Frances had béene well aduised if he had not accepted this gift vntill the Pope had set him in possession of the kingdome which would haue troubled both him and his whole Colledge of Cardinals This depriuation by the Pope the Guises practised to moue the Papists of England to their part taking and arming theyr purpose by degrées to worke a feare in her Maiesties loyall subiects they wrote a booke of the weakenesse insufficiencie of feminine gouernement and by their owne reasons wounded the strength of their owne title which they deriued from the Quéene of Scots This scandale of feminine gouernemente was soundlie aunswered by an vnnamed authour in an english printed book at Strasbrowgh entituled A safe harbor for good subiects And truely although the soueraigne place of rule the chiefe credit of knowledge in Artes and Mecanicall craftes together with all other giftes of grace nature and education be giuen vnto man yet there haue béene women that in all maner of artes qualities and vertues which haue equalled the perfitest of men Innumerable are the testimonies of womens profound learning pure chastitie rare constancie patient martyrdome and a number most valiant whereof Chawcer reciteth nine Woorthies aunswerable to the nine Woorthies of men And touching regall gouernement from whence this question is deriued the Iewes recorde the sage gouernemente of Quéene Alexandra with more renowne then they did the tyrannie of her husband Alexander with reproch whose bodie they were determined to haue giuen vnto the dogs as also to haue murthered his two sonnes to haue rooted out Alexanders name if that her wisedome had not redéemed out either Theodosia the Empresse of Constantinople with admired prudence ruled the whole Empire during her life The gouernement of Senobia was no lesse renowmed Dydo the Amazones and many other were absolute Quéenes Semiramis enlarged the bounds of her Empire and Quéene Tomyris slewe Cyrus and his whole hoaste c. But if the enuy of men would suppresse and murther the worthines of women yet the diuine vertues of our soueraigne Quéene Elizabeth doth and will alwaies kéepe aliue their diuine memorie Of whome Guiccerdine in his Commentaries although all his writing defendeth the pope and reproueth Religion thus reporteth The good Queene Mary being dead without issue Elizabeth her sister was proclaimed Queene c. a Princesse of great learning and ouer and aboue the Laten and her mother toong she is possessed of the French and Italian language which she eloquently speaketh a yong Lady of a hye spirit wise and endewed with rare and noble qualities He might haue added the Greeke Spanish and some other ordinarie tongues with many extraordinary vertues which may as hardly be sampled by anie other lyuing Creature as the Sunne by the fairest of the Planets The worthinesse and strength of whose Gouernment euen from the beginning confuted the scandule of this lybell which was grounded vppon noe generall Lawe of God or man There haue béene priuate Lawes in some perticular Gouernments to take away and to disable the absolute gouernment of women when the generall Lawe possessed them with Imperiall authoritie As in Rome the Law Voconia so called because Voconius Tribune of the people pronounced the same In Fraunce the law Salique which they fetch from king Pharamond which bindeth the present
gouernment of Fraunce no otherwise then the auncient statutes of the Danes Britans or Saxons doe at this day the Gouernment of Englande This vnnaturall Lawe had a barbarous beginning for the reporters thereof confesse that anno 420. the Franconians hauing abandoned their Countrey inhabited along the Rhine and especially about Treues The manners of these people being barbarous they liued vnciuilly without Lawe Which considered by Pharamonde their first Kinge the sonne of their Duke Marcomir He chose foure of the principall men of the Sicambrians whom he authorised by their wisedomes to giue a Law vnto the people The names of these foure were Vsucast Losocust Salgast and Visogust These foure made the Lawe Salique by which Lawe Emperiall gouernment say they is taken away from the daughters and heires of the Kinges of Fraunce This dead Lawe and many other to as little purpose were reuiued to bury the true and lawfull title of King Edwarde the 3. to the kingdome of Fraunce in the right of Quéene Isabell his mother the daughter heire of King Phylip le bel But King Edward nor his successors would not loose their right vpon such canterburie suggestions And some of them subiected the Frenchmen to English obedience And to this day the Armes and Imperiall title of Fraunce are ioyned to the honour of Englande To what purpose doth the law Mentall in Portugal forbid feminine gouernment King Philip deriueth his title from Marie the daughter of Iohn the third of that name king of Portugal and by that title is possessed of the kingdome It is God that disposeth kingdomes and the works of busie heads that vnlawfully séeke to withstand the law of nature in succession To be briefe this inuectiue prooued but a scare-crow it was indiscreatly written and negligently regarded King Francis or more truely the family of the Gwyses ancored their hope vpon the Popes sentence and in all the kings patents and other instruments caused to be intituled Frances of France Scotland England and Ireland king and in his shield quartered the Armes of England and to conquer the kingdome Come era apparente as Guiccerdine reporteth dyuers french forces were daily conuayed into Scotland who tooke and by force kept the strong townes and fortrises there The inhabitants oppressed thus with straungers were for their owne safegard driuen to sew vnto the Quéenes maiesty of England for aid to expel the french who sought the spoile and subuertion of Scotland The malicious purpose of the Guyses ioyned with commyseration of the daungerous affiction of Scotland the Quéene whereof was married and gouerned in France and so barred to vse the lybertie of her Crowne bound the Queenes Maiesty by the vertue of honour pollicie and charitie to sucker them with expedition To accomplish which matter her Maiestie sent a sufficient power towards Scotland by the Duke of Norfolke as generall who remained at Barwicke and the Lord Greay of Wilton being Liuetenaunt entred into Scotland and with her royall power ioyned with the Scots against the french who were soone weary of the English-mens comming But almightie God had set downe a more milde order to honour her Maiesty with the vanquishment of her enimies then by dynt of sword to accomplish which her highnesse sent Syr William Cycill knight at that time her Maiesties principall Secreatorie and nowe Lord Treasorer of England for the full knowledge of whose excéeding worthynesse I retourne the good reader to the Athenians commendation of the Philosopher Euxin and with him accompanied the learned and graue Gentleman Master Doctor Wotton to treat with the french who with their wisedomes so vanquished the french as to the quietnesse and safetie both of England and Scotland they forced them to depart with this following dishonour as Guicherdine reporteth who if he be pertiall it is in fauour of the french First that the King and Quéene of Fraunce and Scotland should leaue the Armes and title of the King of Englande and Irelande and that within sixe monethes at the furthest they shoulde cancell and renewe all their writings and instruments if there were any so made with the former Armes and Titles Further that the Realme of Scotland should be gouerned by the Counsell of twelue persons of the Nobilitie of the said kingdome whereof seuen shoulde bée nominated by the Scotish Quéene and siue by the thrée estates of the Parliament That the iniuries and trespasses committed on either part during the commotion should be forgotten and for the better assurance should be confirmed by the said Parliament That the Garrisons of french souldiers should retourne into Fraunce sauing onely in two fortes sixtie a péece subiect to the Iustice and paie of the Parliament of Scotlande That euerie man shoulde be rest●…red to his office in the saide Realme and that no french man should haue any more office benefite or administration what so euer in Scotland That the french shoulde not at anie time conuay Munition of warre or souldiers into Scotlande without consent of the saide Parliament with sundrie other straight obseruaunces on the behalfe of the french which Guicherdine concludeth Con grandissimo vantaggio honore della regina Inglese with the greatest aduauntage and honour of the Quéene of Englande a victorie no doubt of great glorie and honour Whereby her Maiestie not onelie deliuered her owne Countrey from the daunger of inuasion but also fréeed Scotlande from the bondage of forraigne Gouernment and thus her enemies hungring after an vnlawfull spoyle lost the disposement of an assured benefite which fortune befall to all those that miswish her Amen CHAP. 9. Of her Maiesties peaceable victorie against the rebels in the North ioyned with her quiet vanquishing of sundry other conspiracies to the vniuersall benefit of England PIus Quartus who succéeded Paulus 4. in the Popedome finding an abasemēt of the glorie with which his predecessours were honoured and fearing with all that the example of England Scotland Denmarke and Germanie would draw other Nations from the obedience of the Romishe erronious Church to the profession and receiuing of the Gospell of our sauiour Iesus Christ the life of the soule and destruction of this accursed Antichrist laboured with the consent of manie Princes to reuiue the Counsell or more properly the conspiracie of Trent A conspiracie I may iustly say the pollicy whereof was to kéepe vnder the glorious merite of our sauiour Iesus and to aduaunce to the highest degrée of reuerence the painted Idolatrie of the Pope And appointing for his Legates 5. Cardinals who with a great number of Bishops and other doctors of their Church the eyght day after Easter 1561. beganne this vnholy Counsell And truely as in the intent of their assembly was séene this saying of the Psalmist The kinges of the earth stande vp and the rulers take consell togither against the Lorde and his annoynted So likewise in their vaine idle successe this continuance of the Psalme is further séene He that
a she vvolfe The empire of the Meades chaunged into Persian Iust. lib. 1. The empire ●…nslated into Macidonia The enuy of Alexander Alexander poysoned thorough Enuy. Thessalus a tr●…i terous Phisition A necessary note for Pr●…ces Kinges for there owne sa●… ti●…s are bound to fauour their subiects Hippias a tyrant of Athe●… VVhere the feare of God stayeth not the loue of mony maketh passa●… for any mischief Counsels of K. ●…dinando The misery that follovved the incertainty of Alexanders succession A cruell part of Tamberla●…ne A good counsel reiected The hugenes of Alexanders monarchie The greatnes of the Romane empire The nature of ambition One poyson remedy for an other Ruff●… p●… 〈◊〉 death Pollisie of S●…licon Stilicons drift discouered Stilicons treason punished Rome sacked by Alaric Rome taken by the vandals Rome taken by Euriles and Toringnes Rome taken againe by the Gothes Rome taken againe by the Gothes Anno 830. Rome vvonne by the Sarizins Rome won by the Duke of Burbon Policies of the Popes to w●…nd out of obed●… 〈◊〉 and same of Constantinople The Pri●… ele●…tours Apoc. 1●… Can. si Papa de st●…et 42. Apocal. 17. 18. The names of the mountaines where Rome was builded 〈◊〉 2. circ●… 〈◊〉 Apocal. 17. Thes. 2. 2. Dan. 11. A ●…able moral●…zed by the Pope Pro. 8. VVis 6. Psall 144. Dan. 2. 4. 5. Ierem. 25. 27. Rom. 13. Pride and cruelties of the Pope Looke in the Cron. of Germany Apol. of the prince of Orange Epitaph of Boniface the Pope The Popes war ●…ant or letter vvritten in the 2. booke of counsels ●…o 810 Rob. barnes cronicle Euseb Nanc Psal. 19. Lopes de go●…or in his hist. of ●…nd A daungerous policie of the pope Anno 1070. Cerimoniae Eccles Rom. lib. tit 〈◊〉 A presumptuons commandement A good ●…ing bound vnto the law A pleasant aunsvvere Anno 740. This taxe vvas peter pence Anno 1181. Apoc. 17. Apoc. 15. Vn●…nty of M●…omets linage The vvicked counsel of the monek Se●… Mahomet an Ath●…ist A damnable pollicie A matter is better vnbegun then not effectually followed A pleasing persvvasion of Mahomet Mahomets death Califus and Hali successours of Mahomet He vvas borne in a tovvne of Samarie called Tricon T●…rt de here Lib. 1. cap. ●…0 Act. 8. S. Iustin. marty●… in his Apologie Iose. de bel Iud The Popes souldiers The Pope dr●…uē 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Plat. de vita G●…eg 9. Sab. 〈◊〉 par 3. A re●…rd for Co●…tiers An ●…ous re●…ge A proud request Originall of the Turkes Pom. Mel. Lib. de Cosmo 1. cap. 18. The Turkes infected with Mahomets religion Godfrey Bulloyne Ottoman 1. Succession of the Ottomans Or●…an 2. ●…at 3. The enuie of the Emperour and nobles first sure foundation of the Turkes Empire Baiazet who slew his elder brother So●… Victorie against the Christians Consta●… 〈◊〉 be●… 〈◊〉 Christians ouercome Miserie and ouerthrow of Baiazet Calapin Christians ouerthrowne Mahomet 6. Christians ouercome Turkes ouerthrovvne Bassa a 〈◊〉 Lord of 〈◊〉 Christians ourthrovvne Originall of the Ianissaires Mahomet 8. Constantinople conquered Io. Vaiuode Turkes defeated Christians ouercome Determination of the siegniorie of the christians in the East Fraunce the antient refuge of the pope Baiazet 9. Christians ouerthrovvne Beginning of the Sophy his empire Selim 10. Paracide Inhumaine mur●… This battaile vvas the 24. of August 1514 The Soudan ouercome Soliman 1●… Soliman his v●…tories The Hung●…ans slaine Selim 12. Mustafa Bassa cosen to the the●… vvhich honge on the left side of Christ. A●…urath 13. murdred 5. of his brethren Camp f●…o de his tu●… Originall of Tamberlaine Tamberlaines first attempts Enuy 〈◊〉 of Tamber●…es kingdome Tamberlaine king of Persia. Tamberlaines conquest Tamberlaines militarie discipline Creat●…es of Tamberlaines army Battaile betvveene Ba●…t and Tamber l●…ine Courage of B●…iazet Baiazet●… ouer throvv an●… misery A notable example Tamberlaines order at assaults A great cruelty Enuy ende of Tamberlain●…s kingdome Baptis Ignatius Ios. Simler d●… r●…epub Swi●… Henry king of Portugall a Cardinall A senere iudgement of king Henry The king of Spaine his owne iudge D●… Anthonio ●…de king by the 3. estates K of Spaines greedy desire of rule K. Anthonio put to ●…light A good example for traitours Tim. 2. cap. 3. Vertue the cog nizance of a gentleman Policie of the Medices A necessarie counsell to be followed 〈◊〉 Iudas kisse Iu●…ian de Medic●…●…ne Assemblie of the Segnew●… Fury of the multitude The archbishop hanged Barnard Baudin hanged The ground of the Florentine dukedome Enuy of the Gwyses firste cause of the troubles of Fraunce Deuision of Scotland ●…cre of Parts Murther of the king of Scots Tyrannie of the Spaniards in the ●…ovve countrie A staffe is soone found to strike a dog The prince of Orange diuelishly murth●…red Admonition to England and English men Pollicy of the Athenians to ●…dle enuy A pollicie of Demosthenes to get audiēce Varietie delightfull to the reader A law of Socrates Pitty vvithout charitie Ciuill vvarres of the Romans Honour giuen to peacemakers Octauian Chanius Preter Iohn A speciall honour The benefite of histories All the kinges named Henry of Englande vvere vvorthy kinges An. do●… 1400. Henry the 4. A 〈◊〉 for ●…es Enuy of N●…o Rom. 13. Iosep. bel Iude. Reg 1. 26. 1485 Antiquitye a great beauty of vertue A necessarye ●…onsideration King Henry the 7. compared to Alexander Seuerus 1509 1513 1521 Acts Cap. 9. Acts and Monuments Es●… 4. cap. ●…2 1530 Vide Chro. of England Cant. Cantico cap. 4. 1546 A vvonderfull victory in Scotland Muskelborrough feeld 1553 A godly po●… 〈◊〉 C●…p 〈◊〉 1. Sam. Cap. 〈◊〉 The protestants neuer rebelled in England The Papists cruelty without measure Comfortable examples for the godly in time of persecution Her Maiesties thankes-giuing Her Maiestie visibly blessed with the eight beatitudes in the 5. of Matth. A prouidence of God in taking avvay of seditious pa●…ls Lodo. 〈◊〉 Comment lib. 〈◊〉 Lod. Guic. 〈◊〉 Com. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lib. 3. The law Voconia in Rome ●…avv 〈◊〉 in Fraunce lib. sec de A●… ve●…d 10 2●… The law Mental in Scotland Lib. 3. 1560. Articles of accord betweene Englande and Fraunce taken out of Guicherdines Coment Lib. 3. 1561 Psal. 〈◊〉 Vide in the booke of the execut of Iustice in Engl. The Northerne rebels vanquished 1571 1570 Exod. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. The plagues of Aegypt and destruction of Pharao Actes 23. 24. The Queenes death practised by Negromancy Doctor Stories confession Plut. de defe●… orat Looke the chapter of her●… fol. 61. Psalme 4. 18. Actes 13. Genes 41. Exod. 8. 9. Esay 47. Daniel 2. Doctor Stories confession at his execution Prestall and Phaier deliuered foorth of the kings bench without triall Phaer executed for coyning Prestall condemned for ●…reason but not executed They ●…ors presume of her ●…iesties mer●… Murther punished Actes 28. Matth. 27. R. cap. 12. Reg. 2. Cap. 21. Genesis 4. Psalme 37. Madder and Barlow Somernile Psalme 64. Doctor Parry Parties letter to the Lord ●…sorer Marti●… Psalm 1. 7. 37. 52.
welnéere of all Italy is cleane shut out of the kingdom of Naples the Dukedom of Florence Ferrara Mantua Millaine Parma Vennis the state of Genua c. so that to come to his segniorie of Bologna he is driuen to the lower way by Rac●…onati Maddona de Loreto Ancona and by exchange with the Duke of Vrbin patcheth a passage so that in respect of her ancient limits this proud Eagle is welni●…h brought into the case of Platoes cocke with neuer a feather on her back the end of this Eagle shall be confusion the text so saieth the lion shal rebuke her vnrighteousnes rent her asunder shal deliuer the rest of the people of trouble make thē ioifull The Lion of England euen King Henry the 8. and his posterity hath made a faire reuealement of this prophesie the godly expect that the Eagle shall vanish to nothing with the thundering blasts that the English Lion hath shal storme vpō her she feareth the same therfore bendeth all her secret forces to disquiet the Lion S. Augustine long ago séeing certaine english boies to be sold as slaues in Rome thus prophesied bene vocantur angeli quia nitent vt angeli in quo regno euangelium dei florebit they are properly called English-men because they shine as Angels in which kingdome the Gospell of Christ shall floorish The learned Doctor Erasmus writing a paraphrase of the foure Euangelists dedicated the first to the Emperour the second to the french King the third to the noble King Henry and the fourth to the Emperours brother the Pope was wiped out of his trauell as one not destined to haue the protection of this pretious iewell To King Henry the eight he dedicated his paraphrase of S. Luke and in his Epistle wrote that he had sent him Luke the Physition by circumstances reputed his Maiestie through his godly and religious procéedings to be the spirituall Physition that by the working of the holy Ghost purged the soules of many from the grosse errors of Antichrist I leane not so much to these moderne prophises although there be a common Prouerbe Vox populi vox dei the Scriptures giueth light sufficient that from these partes the Gospell of our Sauiour should be visibly reuiued In the fourth Chapter of Cantica Canticorum be these words Vp thou north wind and blow vpon my Garden that the smell thereof may be caried on euery side yea then my beloued may come into his Garden and eate of the sweete fruite that growe therein This winde is vp at the Almighties call his commission is well blasted abroade This noble King Henry as it is interpreted this Lion this winde ordained and sent of God first shooke the wicked tyrant of Rome first blewe the blast that hath almost blowne his authoritie out of all Christendome The Pope in his quarrell almost armed all Christian princes against this Lion but they feared or failed to do him hurt In the Popes quarrell many seditions were sowen in England in fearing the communaltie that the King would begger them with impositions The Northerne men openlie rebelled and the whole realme was in armes readie bent against their proper intrailes but God frustrated the deuisers counsels and preserued vs from the wilfull murther of our selues When the kings power and the rebels were ready to méete he parted the armies with a suddaine swelling of the water while after a parle the Rebels were willing to acknowledge their faults and with the kings gratious pardon departed to their owne houses a wonderfull prouidence of God that would not haue the rebels perish in their ignorance nor the good subiects murthered in so vnnaturall a battaile The vngratious Cardinal Poole stirred a great power in France but the french were more afraid to venter then was king Henry in his aged daies that they woulde enter into England His mind was inuinsible and euen of God all his procéedings were blessed their happy successe testified no lesse who in the 37. yeare of his triumphant raigne ended his life in peace whose death made England vnhappy in that the most toward and godly prince Edward the sixt his only sonne and heire of the Crowne was of so tender age CHAP. 5. A sommarie of the most excellent gifts of King Edward the sixt THe godly and most toward yong Prince King Edward the sixt being but of the age of nine yeares began his raigne the 31. of Ianuarie 1546. This prince in his tender age was indued with such towardnesse wisedome learning and all goodly gifts as Europe seldome or neuer fostered the like By reason of his tender yeares the Duke of Somerset his vncle was made Protector both of the King and his Realme who for the discretnesse of his speach the wisedome of his behauiour and vertue that accompanied all his actions was worthely reputed to be better able to gouerne at tenne then many princes at thirtie yeares of age There wanted no gift of nature learning or education that might renowne a good King but that mightely grew in his yong yeares as the vndoubted heire not only of the crowne but of all the vertues of his most noble father He aduanced the Gospell to which by Gods holie spirit his godly father gaue frée passage in England whose deuout zeale witnessed that this heauenly blessing was no lesse planted by his Grace by his godly councels and wisedome By his especiall request and letters the Citizens of London erected thrée néedefull Hospitals viz. for the sicke and aged they erected S. Thomas Hospitall in Southwarke for the fatherlesse child and infant they erected Christes Hospitall and for the sturdy vagabond they erected Bridewell by his godly meanes this charitable worke was sowne His wonderfull victory against the Scots may not be forgotten where was slaine 13000. Scots and but 60. Englishmen And truly if his subiects would haue béen imitators of his pietie charitie temperance and other christian duties their enuy ambition crueltie and other gréeuous sinnes had not so highly moued Gods wrath as that his vengeance would not suffer vs in any perfect yéeres to enioy this right gratious King Edward sample of all goodnes and by his death for a time reaued vs of the fruition of the Gospell the foode of our soules and in place of both to further punish our vnthankefulnesse he sent vs a prince that held a hard hand ouer vs that not only stopped the passage of the Gospell but persecuted the godly professors thereof euen Quéene Mary good King Edwards sister part of whose actions followeth CHAP. 6. An abstract out of the proceedings of Queene Mary LADY Mary the eldest daughter of king Henry the eight began her raigne ouer the realme of England the sixt of Iuly 1553. Touching her naturall disposition she was vertuouslie and well giuen but by reason that her bringing vp was vnder Papists and her youth throughlie instructed in the superstitions of Papistrie anone after that she was setled in her
kingdome by suffering the bloodie Bishops to misuse her Emperiall sword she in their procéedings outragiouslie tyrannised the true professors of the Gospell which God her noble father and good brother his instruments bée therefore praysed had taken a sound holde in the hart of England whose crueltie and contrarietie in Religion may no wayes slaunder her godlie father and his off-spring We sée the Rose trée that bringeth foorth the swéete Rose lykewise bringeth foorth sharpe prickels but to come more néerer the matter the kyrnell of the best apple will growe to be a crabbe vnlesse some good fruite bee grafted on the stocke and looke what the Sience is suche will be the trée looke what is ●…owen in youth is euer séene in age the following example teacheth a good pollicie to haue an eie vnto Schoolemaisters and the education of Papistes children The séede of Idolatrie superstition and send Ceremonies were sowne in the heart of Ladie Mary béeing a childe which grewe to the disworship of God and the destruction of the godlie Ladie Mary béeing a Quéene But God no doubt suffered thys prickle to growe of thys gréene Rosier and thys irreligion to be grafted of thys religious stocke to chasten the sinnes of England who hauing a righteous Prince peace and plentie both of spirituall and temporall blessings neyther saluted the giuer of thys goodnesse with hartie thankes nor sought the continuance thereof with a dutifull regarde of the Kings Maiestie but in some of her members hauing an eye fixed vppon the Kings tender yéeres and not an hart setled vppon hys firme vertues she began to worke matters hatefull to GOD offensiue to the Prince and most hurtfull to her selfe and therefore God 〈◊〉 Englande of the most milde vertueus godlie and well disposed Prince King EDWARD the sixth and in wrath sente vs euen suche a Prince as the Prophete speaketh of that shoulde oppresse vs with most greeuous bondage that should by taxes great impositions take frō vs the fruites of the feeld vineyards oliue trees and should giue them to his lords and seruants Euen Quéene Mary that imposed many great summes of money vppon vs to enrich strange Lords that by committing the waightie affaires of the publike weale to Bishops almost wilfully lost Callis an auncient ornament belonging to England which Citie the notorious Atheist Gardener vaunted that he would kéepe with a white wand an vnlikely matter that his courage serued him to defend Callis against the power of a puissant King with a white wand that armed troupes to gard the vnresisting Martyrs to burning but which stained her gouernement with euerlasting crueltie she by her ministers in fyue yéeres tyrannouslie burned fiue times more innocent and quiet Protestants then good Quéene Elizabeth in 27. yéeres raigne by her lawes hath executed notorious Papists that committed treason when my soule durst sweare that there be double the number of the poore Protestants that then constantly professed the holie Gospell that now in their harts wish her Maiesties depriuement both of life and crowne and yet liue This persecution made many to flée the Realme for their consciences sake but they sought not libertie by rebellion they confessed this bondage and persecution to procéed from the Lords heauie displeasure and humblie awaighted his fauour for their deliuerance No one hath more cause to exclaime of this hard gouernement then our gratious Quéene Elizabeth She was not entertained like the daughter of a mightie King and heire apparant of a rich kingdome Good Lady she was emprisoned her attendance small her libertie nothing When her innocencie disprooued publike accusations the Cleargie sought her life by secret tyrannie sought it do I say yea they had wrought it had not God beyond mans expectation wonderfully deliuered her Maiestie her assured friends despaired of her worldly welfare her Maiestie that behelde the bloody knife a sharpning misdoubted not her deliuerance Her friends trembled because there was no measure in the Papists crueltie her Maiestie looked chéerefully because she knew the Diuell had no might but such as God suffered In the holie Bible the louing embracements whereof was her Maiesties persecution her excellencie had learned these pretious comforts and in them reposed The Lord sayeth Who so honoreth me him will I make honorable In another place Dauid sayeth Who so dwelleth vnder the shadow of the almighty him God couereth with his wings and keepeth safe vnder his feathers I know saith he the Lord helpeth his annointed and euen from heauen heareth them Some trust in chariots some in horsses but we in calling vpon the Lord. God can and oft times doth pine man and beast euen in the middest of plentie God where he setteth too his hand worketh wonders and sturdie strength standeth in no stead God thus speaketh to Dauid and yet by a spiritual interpretation maketh like promise to all kings and princes that hartely séeke his glorie Because thou hast set thy loue vpon me I will see thee rid from all thy troubles I will defend thee why so it followeth Thou hast knowen my name thou seekest my glorie and therefore whensoeuer thou callest vpon my name I will heare thee yea I am with thee in all thy calamities and will deliuer thee from them I will set thee higher in honor send thee long life and shew thee thy saluation Her Maiestie builded vpon these comforts her soule desired and hoped to be an instrument of his wonderfull glorie examples of Scripture told her that those whome God had appointed to any speciall seruice euen those he guided through mortall dangers he preserued Ioseph from the murthering enuy of his brethren to saue old Iacob his father his malitious brethren and al Israel from the sharp death of famine Against the tyranous decrée of Pharao which was that the Midwiues should kill all the male children of the Hebrewes his prouidence saued Moses from drowning and made him his instrument to leade the children of Israell out of the bondage of Pharao vnto the land of promise God in the deapth of the sea fetched Ionas the Prophet foorth of the Whales belly to saue Niniuey from destruction God deliuered Peter forth of the prison tirannie of Herod the Iewes that he might open the gates of faith and preach the way of saluation euen vnto his enimies God sundry waies miraculouslie deliuered Paule from the vengeance of death to preach the Gospell of saluation vnto the Gentiles at Philippos in Macedonia he caused him Sylas to be deliuered forth of prison In Lycaonia the Iewes the people stoned him and drew him forth of the City as a dead man God raised and reuiued him againe God againe redéemed him out of the hands of the Iewes when as forty of them swore they would neither eate nor drinke vntill they had slaine Paule yea God in his extremitie stood by him comforted him saying Be of good cheere Paule for as thou hast testified of me at