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A07328 The reigne of King Henry the Second written in seaven bookes. By his Majesties command. May, Thomas, 1595-1650.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver. 1633 (1633) STC 17715; ESTC S122115 72,475 216

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Henry the 2d. surnam'd Short mantle King of England Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine Earle of Poicteres and Anjou Lord of Ireland c THE REIGNE OF KING HENRY THE SECOND Written in Seaven Bookes By his Majesties Command Invalidas vires Rex excitat juvat idem Qui jubet obsequium sufficit esse meum Auson LONDON Printed by A. M. for Benjamin Fisher dwelling in Aldersgate-streete at the signe of the Talbot 1633. TO THE SACRED MAIESTIE OF CHARLES BY THE GRACE OF GOD KING OF GREAT BRITTAINE FRANCE AND IRELAND DEFENDER OF THE FAITH c. THIS HISTORICALL POEM BORNE BY HIS COMMAND AND NOT TO LIVE BVT BY HIS GRATIOVS ACCEPTATION IS HVMBLY DEDICATED BY THE AVTHOR His Majesties most obedient Subject and Servant THO. MAY. THE REIGNE OF King HENRY the Second The First Booke The Argument of the first Booke The happy part of Henry's reigne is showne His first Triumphant yeares and high renowne His peace and power Enyo grieves to see And to disturbe his long tranquillity Descending downe to Lucifer below She craves some Vices aide to overthrow The causes of it there those tragike times Of Stephens reigne and Englands civill crimes So lately past Enyo does relate And shewes with griefe King Henry's present state The Fiend foretells what suddaine change shall be Of Englands peace and his felicity THe Second Henry first Plantagenet The first of Englands royall Kings that set Victorious footing on the Irish-shore And taught that warrelike nation to adore A forreine Scepter sound ye Muses foorth Declare how much his high Heroike worth By stormes of spitefull fortune oft assail'd As oft'gainst fortunes spitefull stormes prevail'd His glorious reigne but wrapt in various fate And though triumphant yet unfortunate How his great Vertues were too saddly try'de By rebell Subjects by the Papall pride And his owne Childrens strange impiety By opposition to ecclipse his high And great Renowne or higher to advance The fame of his undaunted puissance Vouchsafe dread Soveraigne Charles with that most cleare And gracious eye with which you use to cheare Poore suppliants while destinyes attend Your royall doome to view these lines and lend Your favours influence which can infuse Vertue alone into an English Muse. Shee else would tremble to approach too nigh So pure a minde so great a Majesty Vouchsafe to read the actions of a King Your noble Ancestour and what we sing In Henry's reigne that may be true renowne Accept it Sr. as Prologue to your owne Vntill this Muse or some more happy strayne May sing your Vertues and unaequall'd Reigne Those civill swords that did so lately stayne The land with slaughter now were sheath'd againe The rents of State were clos'd the wounds were cur'de Peace by victorious Henry was secur'de And justice waited on his awfull throne Without controll all feares all faction That tooke beginning with King Stephen's reigne With him descended to the grave againe Stephen deceas'd the Crowne of England now Came by accord t'empale young Henry's brow Which was before by right of birth his due But he least England too too long should rue In blood and slaughter their ambitious strife Came to accords of peace and during life Of Stephen respited his royall right Now like bright Phaebus to the longing sight Of all the People did young Henry ri●…e Before whose rayes all past calamities Like mists did vanish no sadd clouds accloy The aire of England with loud showtes of joy The People flock the Peeres their wealth display To grace his wish'd-for Coronation day His brave atchievements and that early fame Which he in France had gain'd had made his name Already lov'd in England and admir'd Him all the people for their Lord desir'd And now possest of him take faire presage Such youth would end in a triumphant age Then as when once the charriot of the Sunne Had beene misguided by bold Phaëton Iove walk'd the round and veiw'd with carefull eye If heaven were safe then from the starry sky Descending downe survey'd the scorched ground And there repair'd the ruines that he found To their dry channells he call'd backe the floods And with fresh verdure cloath'd the seindged woods Renew'd the herbage and redresse ordain'd For all that wronged Nature had sustein'd So Henry stablish'd in the Regall throne Iove-like surveyes his large dominion To see what parts of state might be decay'd What rents so long a civill warre had made With physicke fit he purges from the State Those humours that did stirre and swell so late Digests the reliques and by Princely arts And policy corroborates the parts And first of all those troopes of forreiners That from all parts during the civill warres Resorted hither to seeke spoyle and prey He banishes that at th' appoynted day Within the coasts no strangers did remaine Restoring England to it selfe againe And least the Crowne should want for that expence That must support the high magnificence Of such a Monarchy into his hands He boldly seizes all the royall lands Which either greatest men did uncontroll'd In those tumultuous times unjustly hold Or else King Stephen to support so badd And weake a title as they knew he had Had given freely as rewards to tye Their truth to him against their loyalty Nor did King Henry vindicate alone The state and wealth of his Imperiall Crowne But the just power and with a puissant hand Setled that sure obedience through the land That to his awfull Scepter did belong The greatest Peeres that were before too strong To be commanded he by force compell'd To yeild to him the Castles that they held And all the midland forts he rased downe The strength of nothing but rebellion Nor though as yet presumptuous Mortimer Had not forgot the late licentious warre But strove to guard against his Soveraigne By lawlesse armes the strength that he had tane Could he resist the King enforc'd to yeild To him those three strong Castles that he held Well did this reformation suite the thought Of such a great Heroike King who brought Besides his persons worth and true esteeme So lov'de a title to the Crowne with him Not from the Norman Conquerour did he Deduce alone his royall pedegree But from the ancient Saxon Kings beside As lineall heire to Edmund Ironside And in his happy birth did so conjoyne The conquering Norman and old Saxon line Which hearty love and reverence to his throne From all the English people justly wonne Who now forgate pleas'd with his lawfull power That they were servants to a Conquerour Great Grand-childe by the Femall side was he To Margaret the Queene of Scotland she Daughter to Edward sonne to Ironside Whose royall birth and blood was dignify'd By twenty faire descents of Saxon Kings All which the happy birth of Henry brings The more to England to endeare his reigne And heere your selfe most Gracious Soveraigne Your ancient right to Englands Crowne may see In Scotlands royall blood your pedegree Is farther drawne and no knowne king as you
aside the cares of governement And only feast on Loves transporting joyes But soone a weighty businesse destroyes His short delight the Pope is discontent That Becket suffers so long banishment And intermixing threats requires an end Of this debate King Lewis of France a friend To Becket's side and other Princes too Are forward for their owne respects to show Themselues complyers to the Popes desire Hence Henry's wisedome feares some raging fire Of warre while he is absent might breake foorth Beyond the seas and thinkes it therefore worth His passage ore assured that the sight Of him in armes would those weake Princes fright But yet before the King from hence depart For thee the dearest jewell of his heart Faire Rosamund as fearing where to hyde So sweete a pledge his loving cares provide A sumptuous bower did he at Woodstock build Whose structure by Daedalian art was fill'd With winding Mazes and perplexed wayes Which who so enters still deceived strayes Vnlesse by guidance of a clew of thread Through those obscure Maeanders he be led There with all objects that delight might lend And with such chosen servants to attend And guard her as had still beene faithfull knowne Dooes Henry leave this beautious Paragon And swiftly passing into Normandy Findes there no stirres in peace and amity King Lewis and th' Earle of ●…loys neere Ambois were Both met to parley with King Henry there And mediate with him for Becket's peace That all dissention now at last might cease Sixe yeares in exile had the Prelate liv'd By France supported since he first had striv'de Against his King and for the Clergy cause Oppos'de himselfe against the royall lawes Which made the name of Becket sound so farre Declare my Muse from whence this fatall jarre Arose and from th' originall relate By what degrees it had disturb'd the State The English Clergy if we trust record Of Monkes then living at that tyme was stord With all the blessings temporall they flow'd In wealth with strange immunityes endow'd And wanted nought but what they ought to have Knowledge and piety which essence gave First to that sacred stile of Clergymen Who dooes not know what fatall darkenesse then The mourning face of Europe had orespread How all th●… Arts and Sciences were fled And learnings sunne to these darke regions set Was not recover'd from Arabia yet As much did wisest writers of those times Complayne of their licentious Clergyes crimes The powerfull Prelates strove not to correct The vices of their Clerkes but to protect Their persons 'gainst the justice of the State And to affrout the civill Magistrate And pleading priviledge oppos'd to stand Not 'gainst the Vice but Iustice of the Land The meaner Clerkes by this impunity With greater boldnesse durst offend that high And sacred order so it ought to be Was growne a refuge for impiety And not a burden but an ease to men Which worst of people sought and thither then As to a place of safety Vices fledd And Iustice only thence was banished An hundred murders done by Clergymen And more in those nine yeares that Henry then Had reign'd ore England were before him proov'd At which King Henry was in justice moov'd Since it appear'd no punishments at all Or those too unproportionably small Too slight for that abhorr'd and crying sinne On the delinquents had inflicted beene By those that claim'd the power to punish them King Henry weighing in a just esteeme How much the Land and State was wronged then By this pretended power of Clergymen Strove to revive those ancient Lawes which were Establish'd by his Royall Grandfather Wise Henry Beauclarke to secure the State And from the Papall claymes to vindicate The Royall power those Lawes while Stephen kept Vnjustly Englands Crowne a while had slept Nor durst that King that had so weake a cause So bad a title to maintaine those Lawes In contestation 'gainst the power of Rome Then is the time for Papall claymes to come When Kings estates are in distresse and stand On doubtfull tearmes as almost every land Of Christendome has beene too sadly taught King Stephen knew not against whom he fought He thought the Empresse Maude alone had beene The foe to his estate but Rome stept in So in the age that follow'd when King Iohn Vnjustly did ascend the Regall throne And Englands Peeres in armes against him rose King Iohn suppos'd he had no other foes But only them 'gainst them his strength he bent But found a sterner foe Pope Innocent T was he that watch'd their tryalls and his prey That side was sure to be that lost the day So Crowes on Armyes waite because King Iohn Could not 'gainst them guard his usurped Crowne The Pope claymes that which whenthe King resignes His Holynesse straight to the King enclines Whom he before had curst the right was try'de When the Popes power and ends were ratify'd To Arthur and the realme the wrong was done To Innocent the satisfaction Those wholesome Lawes the noble Henry striv'de To have by act of Parliament reviv'de Which he had therefore call'd at Westminster The Prelates there and Peeres assembled were The Peeres and Commons all approov'de the Lawes Some Prelates only judging that the cause Of holy Church would be impeach'd thereby Refus'd by their assent to ratifie The Kings desire others more moderate Who weigh'd how great a profit to the State Losse of a shadow from the Church would be Would gladly yeild 'mongst those that did deny Becket was stoutest in resolue as he Was highest farre in place and dignity He was the stay of all and kept the rest From then assenting to the Kings request But how this famous Becket grew in state And whence he sprung Calliope relate A London Citizen by birth he was But of an active spirit and for place Of high employments ever seem'd to be By nature moulded borne for dignity The gratious fortunes of his youth had brought Him first to Court attendance and there taught Him all those wily garbes from thence the warre Receiv'd him as an able Souldier In which he came to be implanted high In Henryes grace then Duke of Normandy Who when he first gain'd Englands royall power Created Becket his Lord-Chancellour Oh haddst thou there great Henry stay'd thy grace And not advanc'd him to that higher place More happy farre perchance had Becket liv'd Nor on those termes had King and Clergy striv'd Thou hadd'st not then that sad example beene Of paenitence nor had Religion seene Those fooleryes that heathens may deryde When Becket was so strangely Deify'de But Canterburyes Prelate Theobald dead The King promoted Becket in his stead Though the wise Empresse whose direction In other things was followed by her sonne Mislik'de the choyse so all the Clergy did As then their speech and writings testify'de That he a Courtier and a Souldier Not learn'd enough was farre unfit to weare So high a Mitre but the Kings sole grace Was strength enough to lift him
to the place Which by those factious stirres that must ensue Shall both the King himselfe and Becket rue But now when hee deny'de to give assent Vnto those lawes proposde in Parliament The King was moov'de the other Bishops all Fearing his wrath from Becket's party fall Hee stiffely stands alone although to gayne Him to his side the King had striv'de in vayne Pope Alexander though hee knew the cause To bee his owne and g●…eatly fear'd those lawes Yet since his Papall diade●… did stand On doubtfull te●…mes and th' Emperours strong hand Did then support the Antipope he strove In every thing to keepe King Henryes love He therefore wrote to Becket to assent Without all clauses to the Kings entent Becket repaires to Woodstock to the King Humbly submits himselfe and promising That he now freely without any clause Of reservation would accept the Lawes Is by the King receiv'd to grace againe Who much rejoyces thinking that the maine Opposer of him now was growne his owne A Councell straight he calls at Clarendon Assur'd that all the Bishops now would signe What he propos'd to them the rest encline To his desire Becket revolts againe Seemes to repent his promise to complaine That he in that had rashly sinn'd before A●…d in that kinde resolues to sinne no more The King deluded and enrag'de at this So unexpected a revolt of his Threatens th' Archbishop but a Princes threats Cannot prevaile with him nor all th' entreats Ofth ' other Bishops and those Peeres that love The quiet of the State have power to moove His resolution now the fatall wound Was growne past cure nor must this kingdome bound The maladyes of such a spreading sore King Henry's fill'd with gr●…efe and scorne the more His great soule weighs the meannesse of his foe The more his wrath fed by disdaine doth grow He grieves yet scornes to grieve so when a net Which treacherous hunters in the woods have set To b●…●… snare for smaller beasts doth stay By chance a noble Lyon in his way The royall beast with greater shame then greife Teares his base bonds and almost scornes releife The more King Henry calls to minde how he Had raisd this Becket from a low degree Against the wills of all he still doth finde More fuell for his wrath-enflamed minde At last resolv'd he cites him to appeare Before his Iudges and to answer there Vpon accompt for such large summes as he When Chancellour of England formerly Had from the King detayn'd for Seignioryes Vnjustly held for proud enormityes And disobedience in a high degree Vnto the King his state and dignity To these will Becket scarse vouchsafe replyes But being no Layman at their Courts denyes At all to answere or obey their doome From thence appealing to the Court of Rome But that discharg'd him not the Parliament Then at Northhampton did with one consent Confiscate all his goods the Bishops there Pronounc'de him by the mouth of Chichester To be a perjur'd and a factious man Disclaim'd him for their Metropolitan And all obedience to him Becket now Weary'd with these calamityes that grow And fearing worse disgraces every day 〈◊〉 secret me●…nes at last to scape away And from the kingdome in disguise is gone To plead his cause before the Papall throne Oh what unwearyed Muse at large cantell Each severall jarre that from that day befell How Becke●… to the Pope resign'd his Pall How in his wrath king Henry banish'd all Beckets allyes and kinne how oft 'gainst Rome In contestation he was forc'd to come The Papall power against the royall right How oft it was debated in the sight Of Christendome how Henry by entreats Sometimes and sometimes like a King with threats Main●…ain'd his cause how oft the dreadfull doome And interdicting thunderbolt of Rome Was fear'd in England and for Beckets jarre Whole nations likely to be drawne to warre How oft did forraigne Princes interpose Some to increase the wound and some to close How many vaine Commissions had beene spent How many fruitlesse Legacies were sent How many dayes of bootlesse parleys set How of●… with him the King in person met Seven yeares had past since this debate beganne Six●… yeares had Becke●… as a banish'd man At Pontinew and Saint Columba liv'd Maintain'd by Lewis of France who oft had striv'd Or seem'd to strive and so had Flanders Lord In vaine till now in making this accord But now accord although in vain●… is made For though King Lewis and Bloy●…es Earle perswade King Henry all offences to forget That pa●…t before and Becket to submit Though both agreement make and Becket bee With Henry's leave returned to his See The Church from thence no lasting concord findes Seldome is factious fire in haughty mindes Extinguish'd but by death it oft like fire Supprest breakes forth againe and blazes higher This end ends not the strife nor drawes more nigh The Churches peace but Beckets tragaedy THE REIGNE OF King HENRY the Second The Fourth Booke The Argument of the fourth Booke Th' o●…casion heere and Noble deeds are showne That first brought Ireland to the English Crowne From Wales Earle Strongbow and Fitz-Stevans bring In aide of Dermot Leinsters banish'd King Their forces ore Archbishop Becket slayne D●…oes with his blood his owne Cathedrall staine King Henry sends to plead his innocence Before the Pope to England goes from thence Himselfe in person into Ireland sailes In which his power without a warre prevailes And gaines that land without the aide of swords In royall state he feasts the Irish Lords And heares the w●…nders of that I le thence he To England sailes and th●…nce to Normandy FAire Floras pride into the Earth againe Was sunke cold Winter had begun his reigne And summond beautious daylight to restore To night those howers which he had stol'n before King Henry then in Normandy resolv'd To make abode and in his thoughts revolv'd Th'a●…aires of Ireland tidings daily came From thence and spread his valiant servants fame What noble actions they had there atchiev'd How many townes already were receiv'd By that small strength which they transported ore From Southerne Wales unto the Irish shore Fame had already fill'd his Princely eare With what Fitz-Stephens what Fitz-Girald there What noble Raimond had with handfulls wonne And private men against a Land had done Be●…des what great Earle Strongbow's actions were 〈◊〉 was already growne the Ilands feare Fame is not onely due though lowder farre She needes must speake of those to deedes that are By potent Monarchs or huge armies done That change the worlds estate and overrunne With speed the farthest spreading Emperies No deedes of worth can fame at all despise Though done by few and those the meanest men Nor did she onely sound Romes glories then When Pompeys lawrell'd Charriot show'd at once The vanquish'd VVest and Easterne nations Nor when great Caesar's triumphs did extend F●…om farthest Thule to Cyrenes end She did record Romes infant honours too What poore
Quirinus could 'gainst Tatius doo What Tullus then 'gainst Alba wrought and now Who does not Numa and Aegeria know How king Porsenna did for Tarquin come How ●…ocles kept the bridge how Claelia swumme The worthy deedes of her beginning age Gave to her after greatnesse faire presage Her greatnesse after gave this age renowne And made her infant honours clearely knowne Their noble deedes in Ireland gave presage Of her full conquest in this later age Her conquest now shall their first deedes renowne As long as Ireland serves the English crowne The yeare before when first the Westerne windes Blew on the waters when all various kindes Of flowers beganne to beautify the spring In aide of D●…rmot Leinsters banish'd King To whom that promise was ingag'd before The brave Fitz-Stephans lanching from the shore Of Wales with three tall ships accompany'd With his stout brother by the mothers side Fitz-Gerald safely crost the Ocean And with their Souldiers landed at the Banne A little creeke neere Wexford then scarce nam'd But ever since by his arrivall fam'd The ●…ext day after on the selfe same shore Maurice de Pendergast with two ships more Part of Fitz-Stephens company arriv'd And there by joyfull Dermot were receiv'd Who by that Prince his guidance and his aide With th' English colours and their armes display'd With dauntlesse courage able to supply The want of number in their company To Wexford martch'd which by assault they wonne The country neere together with the towne Dermot Mac Morough for such valour show'd Vpon Fitz-Stephans thankefully bestow'd There planted they that towne of all the rest Was first by English victory possest And has a lasting colony remain'd Which through all changes ever has retain'd The English manners their attire and though With Irish somewhat mixt their language too When famous Strongbow had in Wales receiv'd The newes of what Fitz-Stephans had atchiev'd With ●…resh supplies unto the Irish shore He sends his friend the valiant Reimond ore And shortly after with farre greater bands The noble Earle himselfe in Ireland lands Within the bay of Waterford which towne The next day after by assault he wonne Thither king Dermot came and brought with him His beautious daughter Eua Irelands gemme The pretious cause which drew the Earle so farre The faire reward of his victorious warre This beautious Lady when her father fled For aide to England then was promised To noble Strongbow and with her for doure Th' inheritance of Leinsters regall power Which here the King performes and with as high A state as might befit their dignity The marriage rites are celebrated now Mars smooths the horrours of his wrinckled brow And folds his bloody colours up a while The Paphian Queene in that delicious smile With which she charmes the Thracian God appeares His purple robe the pleased Hymen weares While Dermot gives with right of all those lands His beautious daughter into Strongbow's hands Nor was this marriage mannaged alone By those two Deities but from his throne Great Iove look'd downe and made that knot to be A worke belonging to his Deity By which himselfe did into union bring Two spatious lands and by that marriage ring Which noble Strongbow to his bride combin'd To Englands crowne the Realme of Ireland joyn'd A Ladies love when Dermot was decay'd In state and power first brought this forraigne aide And to his native land did him restore A Ladies love had banish'd him before And of his crowne and countrey him bereft The King of Meth had in an Iland left While he farre off into the land remov'd His faire but wanton Queene who long had lov'd This Dermot●…einsters ●…einsters king with flames unchast His love on her as her 's on him was plac'd Her Lords departure from her seife or fame Had Dermot learn'd and to the ●…land came Where soone he gain'd his wish a willing prey From thence he tooke the wanton Queene away Then as when once the ●…rojan Paris came And stole from Greece that farre renowned Dame 'T was not her husbands strength alone that sought Revenge a cause o●… that foule nature brought All Greece in Armes the Princes joyn'd in one And drew a thousand ships to Ilion So when this Prince his fatall Hellen gain'd The land was mov'd her wronged lord complain'd T'ambitious Rhotherike Connaughts King who claim'd The stile of Irelands Monarch and had aim'd At conquest of the land he wondrous glad Of such a faire pretence as now he had Rais'd his owne forces and 'gainst Leinsters King Did all th' incensed neighbour-Princes bring Whose force when Dermot could no way withstand Bereft ●…f all his strengths he fled the land And to great Henry's royall Court whom fame Then spoke the greatest king in Europe came The King that then remain'd in Aquitaine This Irish Prince did gladly entertaine Whom after feasting and magnificent Rewards bestow'd he with free licence sent To England there to gather without let What voluntaries he from thence could get In Southerne Wales Earle Strongbow then remain'd Fitz-Stephans too whose aide the King obtain'd On faire conditions to Fitz-Stephans he If wonne did promise Wexfords seigniory On th' Earle his daughter Eva to bestow Which promises were both performed now The marriage feasts of Strongbow now were done The revells ended all and Mars begunne Againe his threatning colours to display When th' Earle and old king Dermot ganne to weigh What acts remained further to be done And leaving there sufficient garrison Through Leinster all along they tooke their way For Dublin bent the countrey open lay To their victorious armes on every side No foe durst meete them or their force abide Proud Rhoderike himselfe swell'd with the stile Of universall Monarch of the I le Was glad to lurke within his proper bounds And keepe those safe retreates the boggy grounds Which in his owne peculiar Connagh lay Thus unresisted Strongbow kept his way Till he at last to Dublin came which soone By force and terrour of his name he wonne Faine would my Muse in this faire field proceede Of Irelands conquest and each noble deede A●…cheived there of trophees rais d to fame The armes of England and great Henry's name Faine would she sing but Beckets fatall jarre Againe revives and from a nobler warre Drawes backe her eager flight and turnes againe Her song ●…riumphant to a tragicke straine By this King Henry in his active mind Great deedes and forreine conquests had design'd Secure from trouble as in vaine he thought Since Beckets peace and reconcilement wrought That might twixt State and Clergy rise at home When lo from England swift-wing'd fame was come And to his grieved eare sad tidings brought What reakes his stout Archbishop there had wrought Since last he did his dignity obtaine And to his See return'd in peace againe That 'mongst his fellow Bishops some of late He did suspend some excommunicate For actions past before from whence it plaine Appear'd old grudges were reviv'd againe As al●… that were
Lord Mowbray and divers others No part of al his large dominions was free from warre Normandy invaded by Lewis of France and young King Henry Aquitaine by his Sonne Richard possessed against him as the Dutchy of Brittaine was by Geoffrey The Northern parts of England were all wasted by the great strength of William K. of Scotland the Easterne parts much afflicted by those mercenary troops of Flemmings which the Earle of Leister brought over besides the forces of the Earl o●… Nor●…olk This great Monarch whose felicitie was so lately the envie of his neighbour-Princes is now become the pittie of them all and the injuries done to his estate and person are much lamented by some Princes too farre off to lend him succour But be hold the turning of Fortune againe it pleased God againe to lift him from this depth of calamitie to the height of honour Hee now found the benefit of his frugality and that large treasure which hee before had gathered was his great assistance in procuring mercenarie souldiers to his side besides some faithfull Lords there were whom we have named in the storie that were deeply moved at their masters injuries and so Nobly served him that within three yeares after the beginning of these combustions King Henry according to his owne wishes beheld a happy and victorious end of them as is before expressed Let the fourth Act continue about seven yeares that next ensued a time of honour and highest happinesse to this great King after his troubles were allended according to his wish the King of France daunted the martiall King of Scotland his prisoner all rebels under his feet his Sonnes brought to acknowledge their duty and all his large dominions in great securitie While the mightiest Monarchs of the Christian world admired his wisedome and great successe astonished almost at so wonderfull a change as they now beheld His sumptuous Court was filled with congratulating Ambassadours of whom at one time there were moe seene then ever had beene together in the Court of England as namely from the two Christian Emperours Manuel of Constantinople and Frederike of the Romans from the Kings of Navarre and Aragon ●…om the Archbishop of Triers and the Earle of Flanders During the time of this happinesse hee marryed his two youngest daughters for the eldest was married before to the Duke of Saxony to the Kings of Sicily and Arragon Hee called Parliaments in which according to his minde hee was furnished with treasure he wisely setled the estates of Church and Common-wealth and besides many other wholsome happy constitutions he first appointed Iudges Itinerant for the six circuits of the Realme of England The last and tragicall Act may be considered in the five following yeares untill the end of his reigne and lif●… The date of his felicitie was now expired and nothing followed but trouble and calamitie The beginning of which was a second revolt of his two Sonnes Henry and Geoffrey which was soone taken off by the untimely death of both the Princes as is before declared in the Poëm besides the ill successe in the affaires of Ireland under the government of Iohn his youngest sonne Those troubles that arose from Philip King of France and prevailed against Henry in his old age more then any enemy had beene able to doe before which had not fallen so heavily upon him if Richard then his eldest sonne had not unnaturally forsaken his father and joyned in confederacy with King Philip. That miserable dissention broke the heart of old King Henry and was the end both of his reigne and life FINIS THE SINGLE AND COMPARATIVE CHARACTERS OF HENRY the Sonne and RICHARD LEt it not seeme impertinent if the Reader therby may be informed or delighted to deliver the Characters of these two Princes the eldest Sonnes of King Henry the Second who bore so great and stirring parts in the history of their fathers reigne They were Princes of greatest eminence in those times and upon whom the eyes of Christendome were most set a large Stage they had to act upon and early occasions to discover their worth They were both tall of stature beyond the ordinary height of men of comely visage and majesticall presence for courage and magnanimity they were thought equall and both admired for royall vertue though of a nature different Henry was beloved for his sweetnesse Richard honour'd for his gravi●… Henry was affable and wondrous liberall Richard severe and full of constancy Henry was addicte●… to martiall sports and pastimes Richard more inclined ●…o warre it selfe One was Courtly the other serious One beloved for mercy the other feared for Iustice. The one a refuge the other a terror to all offenders Two Princes brothers of so great worth and yet so diverse have seldome beene observed Yet well might they spring from one root their father Henry in the mixture of his nature was knowne to containe both their different Characters and iudged to have a minde as one ●…peakes of Augustus Caesar full of varietie How much the sweetnesse and lovely carriage of young King Henry had wonne upon the world let one observation which some of his owne time thought like a miracle teach us to judge How strange was it that a young Prince rising in armes against his father possessed neither of lands nor treasure much lesse of a good or just cause was followed almost by all the neighbouring world against a King of so large a territory and so full of treasure that in this great defection from him hee was able almost with mercenary souldier●… to vindicate his right against all those potent enemies This young P●…ince had gained to his side not onely his brothers Richard and Geoffrey and most of the great Nobility of England but the Kings of France and Scotland the Earle of Flanders and many other great forraigne Princes So many rich gifts of minde and body were heaped on this young Henry saith a Writer of his time that Nature as it were envying what she had bestowed soyled it againe with one staine the vice of ingratitude and disobedieuce to so good a father Which sinne of his was thought the cause that plucked downe Divine vengeance and untimely cut off that flourishing youth which was judged worthy if God had prolonged it to have ruled a greater Empire The severity and industrious courage of Richard the second Sonne let this declare the Earledome of Poictou and the Dutchy of Aquitaine which were the inheritance of his mother Eleanor were committed to his government whilest he was very young Yet in that tender age so manly were his vertues so awefull was the hand which he carried over the rebellious and stubborne subjects of those Countryes that he soone reduced them to a more quiet state and setled obedience then any of their former Princes had ever done As he was stout in the action of warre so was hee constant and unwearied in pursuing his fortune and making the full use of any successe according to that marke that Lucan gives of Iulius Caelar Nil credens actum cum quid superesset agendum Hee was so severe in punishing their offences that hee began so great a resemblance sometimes has vice with vertue to be taxed of cruelty till the wiser sort had fully considered the quality of his actions and the necessity of such proceedings How prevalent he was in the managing of warres to omit those great high exploits which he afterwards atchieved when hee was King of England by this one sad observation we may somewhat i●…dge after the untimely deaths of his two brothers Henry and Geoffrey when hee onely of the Sonnes was left at mans estate and unnaturally warred against his father assisted onely by Philip King of France hee more prevailed then his brother Henry with a farre greater confederacy had beene able to doe in the foregoing warres Henry the Sonne had many and great Princes as ●…efore wee shewed that sided with him And yet so victorious an end did old King Henry make of that businesse that hee saw his greatest and most glorious times after the conclusion of that warre but when Ric●…ard revolted from him assisted onely by Philip of France the father was inforced to suffer more and stoope lower than any imagined that a Prince of so great a spirit and power could ever have bin brought unto By which finally his heart was broken and a period set to all his worldly glory Richard in that was more unhappy than his brother Henry that his unna●…urall wars we●…e able to give so deepe and uncurable a wound to his fathers heart and lent him no time at all to obtaine his pardon as Henry had done nor could the father liue to bee a witnesse of Richards forrow and true repentance as hee had beene of the others Which notwithstanding was many wayes after the death of old King Henry testified by Richard and last of all when himselfe was dying he commanded his servants to bury him at Fonteverard and lay him acrosse at his fathers feet to whom his disloyalty and unnaturall revolt as hee with griefe acknowledged had beene so great a crosse FINIS * Polydore Vi●…gil in H. 2 * The Monke of Nuborough lib. 2. has all this * The Monke of Nuborough Ibidem * Hovden Chronicon de passione mi●…aculis Thomae a Math. Paris b Gervase of Dover * Aurea legenda in vita Thomae * Silu Giraldus Cambr. relates all these wonders * Hoved●…n * William Parvus * Stoutvile Glanvile Vrsy Ballioll Vinfriville * Will. Parv●… * William Archbishop of Try
So long a title to two Crownes can show Then to the North with puissant Armes he makes A prudent Voyage and by Conquests takes To keepe entire his kingdomes ancient bounds From Malcolme King of Scotland all those grounds That to the Crowne of England did belong No Cities could withstand no forts so strong But yeild to Henryes force there with the rest Newcastle Carleill he againe possest But least injustice any staine should be To his great deedes in thankefull memory Of what King Malcolme in the warres had done For th' Empresse Mawde he gives him Huntingdon A midd-land County rich and fitter farre For the b●…hoofe of both from whence no warre Nor troubles could arise and which before Had beene possess'd by Malcolmes Ancestor Yet did one deed with sad injustice blot The reputation he before had gott Whilest too must thirsting for encrease of lands He seiz'd out of his brothers Geoffrey's hands The Earldome of Aniou forgetting both The sacred tyes of Nature and of Oath That Oath which once so solemnly he swore His Father Geoffry Anious Earle before Knowing that Henry was by birth to be Both Englands King and Duke of Normandy Had given that Earldome to his second sonne Geoffrey and put him in possession Of three the strongest Castles in the Land But falling sicke when deaths approching hand He felt mistrusting that hi●… eldest Sonne The potent Henry might when he was gone Diss●…ize young Geoffrey made his Barons sweare For at his death Prince Henry was not there That his dead corps should not enterred be Till Henry had beene sworne to ratify His will Prince Henry though unwillingly Yet rather then his fathers hearse should lye Vnbury'd still that Oath b●…fore them tooke Which afterward when Englands King he broke And though possessed of so many lands And large estates out of his brother's hands That Earledome tooke by force of armes away And did in lieu a yearely pension pay But though the King could for that oath obtaine A dis●…ensation from Pope Adrian A higher power it seem'd would not dispense But afterward in kinde did recompence ●…hat foule misdeede for when King Henry meant To Iohn his yongest sonne the governement Of those three Castles thence his eldest sonne Tooke first pretence for that rebellion Against his father so what injury Impiety had wrought Impiety Reveng'd and scourg'd by an unnaturall sonne What was 'gainst nature by a br●…ther done Yet could not Henry's deedes of highest fame Teach stubborne Wales to tremble at his name Or feare t' offend him by rebellious warre Till she had felt him there a conquerer And beene herselfe enforced to implore His grace and favour with one triumph more T'en●…ich his conquering head not all her great Rough woods could yeild her souldiers safe retreat Nor could those high and craggy mountaines bee Of proofe 'gainst Henry's magnanimity Although the Welsh rely'd not on the aide Of hills and woods their Prince was not afraide To joyne in battell with the English strength Where though stout Owen and his powers at length Subd●…'de did yeild themselves yet so they fought That they true fame to Henry's conquest brought Who now triumphant backe to England goes And leaves strong forts to aw rebellious foes ●…o guard the coasts and marches and appeare ●…e lasting trophees of his conquests there Those large dominions which he held in France The fame alone of his great puissance Preserv'd from tumults from rebellions free Or feare of any forreine enemy King Lewis himselfe was there too weake a foe To doe him damage or his power orethrow Beyond the seas yet though each neighbouring state With envy trembled at the prosperous fate Of Englands King such moderation hee Had shew'd so rul'd his power with equity Seeking no lawlesse and unjust encrease That Europe then possest a happy peace This peace when feirce Enyo had beheld And saw all seedes of warre and faction quel'd She sigh'd and wept for nought could pleasing bee To that dire mayde but warres calamity Nought but dissention did to her seeme good No sights but feilds and rivers stain'd with blood Were her delightsome prospects into aire She mounts and fill'd with fury and despaire Shakes as she flyes her now-extinguish'd brand Which gives no blaze at all then taking stand Above the shore of fruitfull Normandy Vpon a lofty cliffe viewes from on high Great Henry's large dominions that extend From Scotland Northward to the Southerne end Of spatious rance which those high mountaines bound Nam'd from Pirenes death ore all that ground She sees and gnashes for disdaine to see No streaming Ensignes no hostility The murdrous swords to sythes were turn'd againe And cheerefull plowmen till the fertile plaine The heardsmen heare their bullocks gently lough And their owne folds the fearelesse shepheards know Am I then banish'd quite shall Peace quoth she Boast through these lands so great a victory Over Enyo will no power orethrow These nations quiet rest if heaven allow This lethargy and still would have it so I will descend and see what hell can doo A spatious cave there was not oft before Descry'd by mortall eye within that shore Which wealthy France doth to the North display And Brittaines Ocean bounds thither they say The wise Dulichyan Heroe by advi●…e Of beautious Circe came to sacrifice And there restor'd by blood of bullocks slaine To silent ghosts the use of speech againe Through that darke vault did Phoebus nere shoot ray Nor ever glided beame of cheerefull day The grove of Proserpine oreshadow'd quite That dismall shore and damps of drery night Condens'd the aire no birds those boughs did grace Nor with sweet musicke cheer'd the balefull place No Tritons play'd nor did blew Proteus feede His scaly ●…locke nor faire Halcyon breede Beneath the shelter of so sadd a shore But greisly fiends and furyes evermore In hideous shapes did to the cave repaire And ghosts sad●… murmurs did afright the aire Who in unnumber'd companies attend Thither the feirce Enyo did descend And all her strongest arts and charmings bring To hold converse with Hells infernall king The Feind himselfe was busy farre below And ranne with gnashing envy too and fro To finde out plotts of ruine and survey His Master-vices who fast chained lay In adamantine cavernes and from thence So pleas'd the great Creators providence To curbe their might for mankindes sake least all The world should in a quicke confusion fall With all their force at once and licens'd power They cannot goe for soone they would devoure All states all lands and worke more tragicke woe Then earthquakes fires or pestilence can doe Within their severall denns the Vices lay And ore the doores proud pictures did display What severall feates and conquests they had wrought What States what kingdomes they to ruine brought For of destroying housholds or the fall Of private men they made no boast at all And as sterne Aeolus is forc'd to locke The boistrous winds in caves of strongest rocke By Ioves
Coronation day But most of all though least discerning why Vnusuall joy the Vulgar testify Not good but new things please the peoples eyes Nor dooes King Henry in his love surmise That all the face of England all the state Were witnesses enow to celebrate His sonnes high honour but King William too Arriv'd from Scotland must be brought to doo His homage to him as to Englands King And with him must his brother David bring The sacred oile in banish'd Becket's stead Is by Yorkes Prelate powr'd upon his head The Diadem which was possess'd before Empales his brow whilest all the Peeres adore Two Sunnes at once and ill presaging see What a●…ter proov'd a fatall prodigy How ill Imperiall Majesty can brooke A sharer seeke not farre nor neede you looke S●…oryes whose credit time has ruin'd quite Nor neede you read what old Tragaedians write Of this ●…add Theame or east your pitying eyes V●…on the Theban brothers tragoedyes O●… brothers blood that Romes first walls did stayne The s●…arious heavens as Poets wisely faine Brook'd not old Saturne and his Iupiter By every age and dire examples neere To us how oft has this sadd truth been proov'd How many sonnes and fathers have been moov'd To parricide to set themselues but free From that which Henry makes himselfe to be Rivall'd in reigne but if he still retayne Full Regall power what more dost thou obtaine By this thy father's kinde donation Young King then title and a fruitlesse throne How vaine thy Scepter is when thou shalt see The power divided from the dignity Yet doe not so mistake thy fate no lesse Nay greater farre esteeme thy happinesse Then if thou now wert seiz'd of all alone The ●…ares and dangers waiting on a Crowne Have made some feare the burden or despise That sacred jewell of unvalewed price A prudent King when he awhile survey'd The glittering splendour that his Crowne display'd Was sighing heard to say if those that view Farre off thy flattering gloryes only knew How many cares and g●…efes in thee are found They would be loath to take thee upp from ground This wisest Monarch if he now should see Thy royall State young King would envy thee And count thee happy sure that doost alone Weare without cares the glories of a Crowne That from the burden of a King art free Invested only with the dignity Yet this prerogative b●…ings no content To thee that seem'st to want th' accomplishment Of royalty the power and Regall s●…ay Nothing alas this Coronation day Has brought thee to but to a nearer sight Of what thou hast not nor is yet thy right Thy stirring minde meetes torture with a throne But Tantalized in dominion The cause alas of woes that must ensue And thy great father too too soone shal rue That dayes solemnity in truest state The Court of England strove to celebrate And with such great magnificence as might The Majesty of that high presence fitt Where all at once three Kings two Queenes were mett Besides so many high borne Princes great In same and wealth the feasting boords were fill'd With what this Iland or ●…ich France could yeild S●…ch cates as those with which old Poets fain'd In Thessaly the Gods were entertain'd At s●…lver-footed Thetis bridall feast Where ●…ove himselfe vouchsaf'd to be a guest Where aged Chiron waited at the boord And brought what aire earth waters could af●…ord When all rich Tempe and th' adjoyning seas Were search'd besides what then the Najades What young Palaemon Glaucus and the greene Sea-nymphs had brought to grace their beautious queen The choisest Wines that France or Spaine could yeild In cupps of gold studded with gemms were fill'd And antique Gobletts where the Carver strove To aequall natures skill beasts seem'd to moove And pretious birds their glistering wings display'd The faire and m●…ssy vessels that convey●…d The feast to them did far in their high rates Exceede the valew of those sumptuous cates King Henry wanton with excesse of joy Which now he thought no fortune could destroy How soone deceiv'd how soone enforc'de to finde The errour in his ill-presaging minde To testifie a great affection And grace the state of his young-crowned Sonne Himselfe as sewer will vouchsafe to waite Vpon his sonne who sitts in Regall state And to his table the first dish present The Lords and Princes all with one c●…nsent Applaud the King 's great love but secretly Are stroke with wonder these strange rites to see Some seeke examples for it some within Themselues doe sadly from that sight divine When Yorkes Arch-Bishop the young King bespake Rejoyce my Princely sonne and freely take The comfort of your state no Monarch know On Earth has such a servitour as you With that the Prelate gently smil'd but he With a proud looke replyes why wonder yee Or thinke these rites so strange my Father ●…ooes My birth is farre more Royall well he knowes Then his he only by the Mothers side With high Imperiall blood was dignify'de His father was but Anjous Earle but I Derive from both my Parents royalty A King and Queene th●…y all with wonder heare King Henry sigh'd and gan even then to ●…eare What after might ensue from such a pride But at that triumph he resolv'd to hide His feares or griefes instead of which the Court Was fill'd with Revells with all Royall sport All showes that high magnificence could give There art in strange varietyes did strive Both to perplexe and please the eyes of all ●…ut nature more for to the festivall From every part the choisest beauties came There like a fire aetheriall every Dame Did blaze more bright then Elements could make While from the Countreys they all flock'd to take Survey of Kingly gloryes while they sought To view the lustre of a Court they brought The lustre with them and might seeme to be Themselues that splendour that they came to see Amidd'st those sparkling beauties Cupid sate Loves powerfull God and rul'd in highest state Arm'd with his fires and shafts resolv'd to be In Henry's Court a greater King then he Whose yoake the King must suffer On the state Of Cupid there the little Loves did waite Throughout the Court they tooke their wanton flight With wings unseene and when they list would light Vpon the Ladyes shoulders or their breasts Their Ruffes or tires they feele not those light guests Which they give harbour to Bold Lycence there Sweete reconciled Anger blushing Feare Vnsafe Delight did with pale Watching fly Desiring teares with Wanton perjury And all the rest They say the beauteous Queene Of Love her selfe upon that day was seene Approching London up cleare Thames his streame Borne on a sounding Triton's backe she came The River smooth'd his face to entertaine The Queene of Love with her lig●…t footed traine The silver Swans ador'de her all 〈◊〉 way And churking did their snow-white wings display The river-nymphes that saw her comming thought Some sweete atchievement now was to be wrought That Cupid sure
France would oft avow He thought King Henry did not goe but fly Prepares to crosse the seas from N●…rmandy And takes aboord besi●…es his faithfull men Those Lords with him that were his prisoners the●… Leister and Chesters Earles with many moe But when he hoys'd his sailes crosse windes gan blow The Seas grow rough as if the Seas conspir'd And windes to crosse what he so much desir'd King Henry sighes and lifting his sad eyes To heaven thus speakes oh God thou onely wise If my entents in E●…gland may succede If her afflicted state my pre●…ence neede And that my safe arrivall there may be Her health and cure of all her malady Then grant me passage thou whose onely becke Has power the windes and swelling Seas to checke But if my presence to her coast may prove More cause of woes and fiercer tumults move If my revenging hand may launce the sore Too deepe and make it greater then before Let these crosse windes still keepe me from that shore Oh let me never see my England more Rather then these my armes should onely gaine My right and not the nations peace maintaine Let me loose all and my unthankefull sonne Before his time po●…sesse her as his owne Rather then seat a long and tragicke warre Within her bleeding bosome farre oh farre Let my sad state from thence be banished Too much already has that Iland bled For Princes strifes and Soveraigneties dire love Oh if my landing may auspicious prove For Englands peace and quench all factious fire Let windes and Seas consent to my desire His pious prayer was heard the swelling Maine Smooth'd his rough face the wind turn'd faire againe And gave presage to his rejoycing minde Of what successe he should in England finde By which his navy soone is wafted ore And at Southampton safely set on shore Departing thence before he seeke his foes Or realmes sicke parts in Pensive wise he goes Himselfe to visite slaughter'd Becket's shrine Whether the Lega●…es did before enjoyne That paenitence or that 't were voluntary At three miles di●…ance off from Canterbury The King himselfe alighting from his horse Does barefoote thither take his pensive course Whil'st paines with his humiliation meete And ruthlesse stones doe cut his tender feete Leaving the peoples wondring eyes from thence A bloody tracke of his sharpe paenitence But when he came to slaughter'd Becket's shrine Oh there could worship greater then divine Have beene he had perform'd it on his face He prostrate fell and weeping kiss'd the place Which yet of Becket's murder bore the staine There with submissive praye●…s he strove to gaine Pardon for that which others wrought and he Was guilty of but accidentally But yet as if no teares could expiate Nor prayers could cleanse so foule a crime as that To such esteeme in that blind age's thought Was this supposed Martyr Becket brought The pensive King goes farther bares his backe And on his flesh refuses not to take Rod-stripes from each blind Monke that there did live Which they as freely to their Soveraigne give A strange example sure but let the sage Nor censure them nor Henry but the age But ere great Henry from that city went More glorious newes as if chang'd Fortune meant To recompence him for her threats so late And now on all sides make him fortunate Was thither brought to his rejoycing eare That Scotlands King was taken prisoner The warlike William who had made almost Without resistance on the Northerne coast So many inrodes such rich spoiles had wonne And so much wracke in severall places done Huge was his army but by different wayes D●…spers'd they sought securely for their preyes Ranging abroad and pillaging without Controll the townes and hamlets round about Five gallant Yorkshire Knights whom glorious Fame Was pleas'd to grace to Alnwicke Castle came To enter thither secretly they meant The misty weather favour'd their intent Vnseene they came although the strength were small For but foure hundred horse were they in all Such prize to them did friendly fame ordaine As greatest armies have beene proud to gaine A captive Monarch from the Castle towers They view'd farre off the scatter'd Scottish powers Whose armie 's greatest part from thence was gone And led by severall Captaines marched on To spoyle some other parts the Knights at last Who in their active thoughts did hourely cast Some brave designes by scouts that had descry'd The Scotts proceedings all were certify'd Which way King William with small guards abroade Was gone and thither with their troopes they rode Oretooke and charg'd him there the King although Amaz'd to meete so suddainly a foe Did not forget he was a King but made As brave resistance as the strength he had Would give him leave the trumpets sound in vaine To draw to rescue of their Soveraigne His stragling troopes whom sweetnesse of the prey Had carryed thence and scatter'd every way The Knights prevaile the King 's surprised there And to New-castle borne a prisoner Oh mocke of fortune he that enter'd late The English bounds so strong a Potentate Guarded with fourescore thousand Souldiers As if he sought to gaine by 〈◊〉 warres The Kingdome 's conquest not a meaner prey By this small troope is captive borne away Pleas'd with this newes triumphant Henry goes From thence to London where with all true showes Of joy and duty they receiv'd their King And with an army marches thence to bring The realmes sicke parts unto their former state No towne no fort how proud so ere of late And strongly mann'd durst now resist or stay His course fame opens him a bloodlesse way Huntingdon Castle 's yielded to his hands Nor durst Earle Bigot with his Flemmish bands That lately strooke such terrour through the land Resist his Lord but into Henry's hand Did freely yield Bungay and Fremingham His two strong forts and humbly kneeling came To sue for mercy which he there obtain'd The like did Ferrers Darbies Earle and gain'd His pardon too contented now to yield Those two strong Castles which he long had held As much stout Mowbray was enforc'd to doe And with himselfe resign'd his Castle too So did the forts then kept in Leisters name And to Northampton Duresmes Prelate came To give three Castles freely to the King Thither did then the Knights of Yorkeshire bring Their royall captive Scotlands King and there Presented him as Henry's prisoner Who could have hop'd to fin●…e such blest successe From such a warre what greater happinesse Could ore-joy'd Henry in his largest thought Have wish'd to see or all the starres have wrought So high a conquest gain'd by fame alone So many Castles without slaughter wonne No blood in purging of rebellion shed And in three weekes all England q●…ieted Without the sword no fields with slaughter stain'd What Prince ore sonnes and subjects ever gain'd So just and true a triumph or could see In civill warre a joyfull victory This conquest was ore hearts not