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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A35228 An epitome of all the lives of the kings of France from Pharamond the First, to the now most Christian King Levvis the thirteenth : with a relation of the famous battailes of the two kings of England, who were the first victorious princes that conquered France / translated out of the French coppy by R.B. Esq. R. B., 1632?-1725?; Commynes, Philippe de, ca. 1447-1511.; Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. 1639 (1639) Wing C7322A; ESTC S108602 91,960 364

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about imposts having Malle●s as a token of their faction whereupon they were called Maillotins In the meane time Peter de Craon wounded Clisson Constable of France whereof the King intending a revenge fell into a frensie by reason whereof the kingdome was put into the hands of the Dukes of Berry and Burgundy who laying hands upon Clisson by an Act of Parlement caused him to be deprived of his estate and banished the kingdome The King of England marryed the Lady Isabell the eldest Daughter to Charles whereupon a Truce was concluded betweene the English and French for Thirty yeares But King Richard being afterward slaine shee was sent backe into France without a Dowry by reason whereof the Duke of Orleans presented a combate of seven French against seven English within the lists which combate the French gained Then also upon some rancors and dissentions ●etweene the houses of Burgundy and ●rleans for the government of the ●ingdome John the eldest sonne of ●e late Count of Burgundy caused the Duke of Orleans brother to the King to be slaine the 22. of November 1407 whereupon ensued all the subsequent disorders in France by meanes whereof the King of England gained the famous and memorable battaile of Agincourt and continued his warres for the space of 29. or 30. yeares during which he tooke Rouen and in a manner all Normandy In those times also the Duke of Burgundy was slaine at a Parlement upon the Bridge of Monte●●au Faux-yonne by those that accompanied the Dauphine who for that fact was by his Father Charles not yet in sense dis-inherited and in his place he instituted Henry King of England to whom upon a peace hee had given in marriage Katherine of France together with the government of France and Paris making warres against the Da●phin untill death which was followe● with that of the King who had befor● given consent to the Duke of Bedford to be Regent in France for young King Henry who was yet in his Cradle This Charles the 6. was of a magnanimous and Heroick soule full of the fire of true valour which upon any brave occasion broke forth in glorious actions which vertue was declared in his younger yeares by this answer to his Father Charles the fifth by whom 〈◊〉 Crowne of Gold enchased with precious Stones and a Helmet of Steele fairely guilt being propounded to his choise hee answered hee would rather chuse the Helmet than the Crowne Afterward being crowned King of France this Sonne of valour rising in the spheare of Majesty shined forth with early beames of valour for being shewed by his Officers his deceased Fathers rich Treasury and precious moveables and also his Armory full of warlicke Furniture and all sorts of Armes hee said ●e had rather have those Armes than 〈◊〉 Fathers Riches As this King and ●s Noblemen marched against the Duke of Britaine being entred the Forrest of Mans a man bare-headed and bare-legged attired in a Coate of white ●●ngge steps suddainly forth betwixt two Trees taking hold of the Raines of the Kings Horse and staying him ●nd unto him King ride no farther but ●eturne backe for thou art betrayed ●he King was amazed at this voice and the man being forced with blowes to leave the Raines of his Horse vanished Afterward it chanced that his Page being very sleepy let fall his Lance upon him which carryed the Helmet making a great noise like the rustling of Armes the King starts with amazement at this noise and seeing the Crimson Band●oll of the Lance having his spirits weakened with the former distemperatures transported with the imagination of this sound sleepy with labour and heate he imagins himselfe to be compassed in with many armed men which pursu'd him to the death Charles thus transported with this phrenzy layes hold on his Sword drawes it runnes violently after his Pages and calls them Traytors The Pages conceiving at first that hee had beene displeased for the disorder of the Lance flye from him The King follows after The Duke of Orleance runnes towards him to let him know the cause of his anger The King very violently layes at him not knowing him the Duke flyes and the King follows Thereupon all drawing neare unto him they take his Sword from him and his thick Velvet Jerkin and scarlet Cap and lay him on the ground Pope Vrban his Enemy triumphing and rejoycing at his misery said it was a just judgment of God for supporting and assisting his Competitor But the holy Scripture sayes O how happy is he that judgeth wisely of the afflicted representing an admirable example in Job who was accused by his friends that hee was an hypocrite good in shew but not in integrity of life Such is the judgment of the World accounting adversity a vice and prosperity a vertue measuring matters according to their passions and not with reason for GODS Judgments are just and righteous but the causes thereof are unknowne though GOD doth all well whatsoever he doth Henry the fifth King of England Anno 1412. THough it be more easie to succeed in victoryes than atchieve them yet this Henry maintained by the sword that Title of King of France which his Predecessor Edward the third had gained and as King Edward cut down the Flower of France in the Battaile of Cressey so Henry the fift exasperated by the Dolpins of France sending him a Tunne of Tennis Balls sent him backe such Iron Balls or Bullets that the French were neare brought to a great hazzard in this Tennis Court or field of Mars For hereby Henry wonne France teaching Princes that contempt addes a double courage when right is by contumelies fought with greater violence Afterward King Henry tooke Harflew and fought the memorable battaile of Agincourt wherein hee got a wonderfull and unexpected victory by a stratagem of erecting sharpe Stakes before the foote troopes whereupon the Horse issuing violently they were disranked and routed so that the earth blush't with blood to see the French so overtaken and also the Archers upon the nicke of this opportunity sent many showres of Arrowes whereby the whole Army on the French side was discomfited and the English Archers giving backe the French Horsemen ran themselves upon the sharpe poynted stakes At last the French maine Battaile was put to flight and then King Henry gave thankes unto God the giver of all victoryes This Battaile was famous triumphant and fortunate the successe whereof was celebrated with great joy at the Kings returne into England Princes being then most amiable as well as private men in the sight of their subjects when Fortune smiles on their attempts and Victories such as this was at Poictiers makes their vertues more apparant Afterward Truce being made with the French and by them broken hee invades France againe and takes the Towne of Harflew in Normandy and Cane Then proceeding in his Conquest of Normandy takes Fallais after a long siege and Articles of agreement confirmed by the King he besieges also Roane and
way for conquest as opinion of victory and learning is a great Engine in policy to bring about matters This King lost some reputation by his unchast Wife Elenor who following him to the Holy Land blotted her Fame with a sensuall imputation loving Saladin a Iester better than the King her Husband thereby shewing that lust is base and doth not regard either birth or honour Yet Lewis shewing the vertuousnesse of his minde and Noblenesse of disposition brought her backe in his owne Ship because he would not bee derided by any forraigne Prince but beeing safely landed he was much opprest with griefe in stead of casting her in the River which she had deserv'd he covered her shame and his owne by a divorce granted by a general counsell punishing her by shewing too much mercy while hee sought onely to be freed from the disgrace Philip 2. surnamed Augustus the 42. King of France Anno 1180. AFter the decease of Lewis 7 Philip 2. succeeded to the Kingdome Anno Domini 1180 out of which he chased the Jewes then there and by his prowesse and conquests acquired the name of Augustus and Conquerour He married Isabelle or Alice Daughter of Baldwin 4 Count of Flanders in favour of which Marriage hee resigned the County of Artois but afterwards taking upon him the cause of Lionor the Inheritrix of Elizabeth or Mabel Countesse of Flanders in the Counties of Vermandois and Valois against the Count Flamend who layd claime to the said Counties as being of the ancient stocke of Flanders hee tooke onely that of Vermandois leaving that of Valois to the said Flamend whereupon he being in an indignation went and performed homage to the King of Germany the eldest sonne of the Emperour for the County of Flanders Richard also Duke of Aquitaine second sonne of the King of England began to dis-acknowledge the King whereupon the King made warre against him and tooke some Townes from him but they were immediately accorded by the Popes Legate by whose perswasion they entred a League upon an expedition for the Holy-land But this agreement was incontinently broken upon new differences which happened betweene the Kings of England and France during which the King tooke into his possession the Counties of Mans and Tours whereupon King Henry of England tooke a conceite and dyed in the Castle of Chinon whereupon Richard his sonne undertaking the Kingdome marryed Adele Sister to King Philip and they both went to the Holy Land where arriving they tooke the Towne of Acre the twelfth of July 1191. After upon some jealousies conceived betweene them Philip returned into France leaving the charge of his Army to the Duke of Burgundy And because Philip Count of Flanders was deceased the King retained to himselfe the County of Artois which hee gave to Prince Lewis Whereupon England made warres against him which were ended by the death of Richard to whom John being substituted and losing the battaile at Bonnivel the King caused his sonne Lewis to be proclaimed King of England which hee afterwards left to Henry the sonne of John After that King Philip sent his sonne Lewis against the Albigeois and as the said Philip held a Parliament at Nantes he deceased of a Feaver in the 43. yeare of his Reigne in the Moneth of July Anno Domini 1223. This King being to joyne battaile with the Emperour Otho having caused a gilt Bowle to be filled with Wine and sopps of bread hee said Princes and Lords of France heere with me assembled let every one that is resolv'd to live and dye with me this day shew his resolution by taking a sop out of the Bowle of Wine and eating it as I have done which words being spoken the Cup was presently emptied and afterward the battell being joyned the King got the victory Being informed by his Courtiers that some Royall Jurisdictions belonging to the Crowne were usurped by the Clergy his answer was I had rather connive at some petty injuries than commence Suits against the Semitears of God and his Church This King having put away his Queen Gelberge the King of Denmarke complained to the Pope of this wrong done to his Sister and a day of hearing was appointed before the Popes Legate in the Bishops Hall at Paris Philips Case was well defended by his Advocates but when none appeared to plead for the Queene a young man unknown● steps forth of the presse and demands audience and having deliver'd the truth and pleaded against the King for the Queene and when his Speech was ended hee returned into the presse againe and was never seene more neither was it ever knowne from whence he came The amazed Judges remitted the Cause to the Councell and King Philip did ride presently to Bois de Vinennes where Gelberge was confined and having embrac'd her receiv'd her into favour and lived with her afterward in nuptiall love And heereby it may bee discerned that no man can bring Nature to any perfection for this worthy Prince was much troubled in minde and divided in his thoughts by loving this Gelberge whom he could not forsake for she had got such strong possession in his affection that he could not turne her remembrance out of his heart pass'd away to her by deed of gift Thus hee that could overcome his Enemies could not conquer his passions He reigned 44. yeares and by his vertue governed the State with such wisedome that all his troubles had a happy faire end from whence this conclusion may be drawne That a vertuous King is in the end happy howsoever hee bee compassed in with difficulties Lewis the 8. and 43. King of France Anno 1223. LEwis the eldest sonne of Philip succeeded to the Crowne Anno Domini 1223. Hee together with his wife Blanch sister to the King of Castile was Crowned at Rheimes the 6. of August to whom afterwards the Surname of Montpensier was given because he dyed there In the beginning of his reigne he renewed the ancient consideration and allyance which was betweene France and Almany and upon his returne he led his Army into Guienne where in a set battaile he overthrew the English whereof Savary of Maleon had the command by meanes whereof the French tooke the townes of Niot S. John D' Angely and Rochelle leaving nothing of the Countrey of Guienne on this side the River Garonne unreduced to the obedience of the King Insomuch that all the Lords as well of Pojctou as Lymosin and Perigort came to sweare him fealty and obedience Amanry also sonne to the Count of Montfort came to resigne into the hands of the King of France the right which his Father had left him in the Countries of Alby Languedoc Agenois Quer●y and the County of Tholouze whom in recompence he made his Constable knowing him to be a man capable of such a charge The yeare following Richard Brother to the King of England besieged Rochelle but hearing of the comming of the French Army he passed over Dardonne with his forces and so
called still Mount Hebert This Lewis as was said being nine yeares in England was therefore surnamed D'ontremer or from beyond the Seas Hee was disloyall and unfortunate for though he endured much affliction and many unkind fortunes yet hee was not mended in his life by his sufferings nor had learned to embrace Vertue whose Beauty appeares most faire and comely when her eyes are fill'd with teares making sorrow looke with a sweet and lovely countenance It is that which in a Prince is most glorious causing him to fixe his minde onely upon that which may prove beneficiall to the Church and State But this was not the object wherein this Monarch was delighted so that he was deprived of that excellency which by Vertue is attained Besides he did degenerate from the blood of Charlemaine for birth nor adversity did enlarge his narrow thoughts to take pleasure in noble actions Hee came came unto the government after a long absence which made his returne more gratefull to the Subjects while his Enemies thought to creepe into his affection by the tender of fained service especially William Duke of Normandy thus Prosperity commands counterfeited offers of fidelity Lotharius the 34. King of France Anno 954. THis Lotharius succeeded to the Crowne the 12. of November Anno Domini 954. Hee gave Burgundy and Aquitaine to Duke Hughes and would have made him Governour of Aquitaine But Count William defending his right shut the Gates of Poitiers against him Hughes deceased the 16. of June Anno Domini 956 leaving Hughes Capet Otho Odo and Henry with whom the King fell into some differences concerning some Castles which he had seized from them All which were appeased by Bruno Arch-bishop of Cologne Unkle to the King who was sent by the Emperour Otho After this the King made an Assembly of the Princes and Prelates of France at Soissons for the surprising of Richard Duke of Normandy who plotted against the King but he could not be found In the meane time Arnulph the old Count of Flanders being dead who before had made a donation of his Lands to King Lotharius caused his body this yeare 965. to be transported into Flanders thereby to receive the submissions of their fidelity Lotharius Anno Domini 966. espoused Hemina or Emma Daughter to Lotharius the ● King of Italy and Adeleide Daughter to the Emperour Otho as also Matilde Sister of this our Lotharius was married unto Bernard King of Burgundy Afterwards the King intending to make Warres upon Richard Duke of Normandy at the instigation of Thibault Count of Chartres was enforced to come to an agreement with him A while after Lotharius wrought with Ranier and Lamhert sonnes of the late Count of Monts in Haynaut to make him a way for the re-entry upon the Kingdome of Loraine which the Almaines detained from him which was a cause that Otho to cut off his designes gave the Lower Loraine to Charles the brother of Lotharius to bring him thereby into his disaffection The King passed with his forces as farre as Aix where he thought to have surprised the Emperour who to require him went before Paris from whence hee was notably repulsed whereupon they came to an accord and Loraine continued to Charles who then added to his Coate of Armes an Arme proceeding out of the clouds After the death of Otho King Lotharius falls againe upon Loraine which hee did not long enjoy because hee dyed immediately after Anno Domini 985. This Kings life was a meere blanke wherein no brave actions were inscribed for the example of posterity being a fruitlesse branch and the first that grew out of his stock excepting his sonne who derived from him no sap of vertue but was also barren in goodnesse Hee did so contemne his brother Charles whom his Father had left no portion but his favour thereby to increase his respect to his eldest brother so that the Emperour whose assistance hee desired undertooke the quarrell From whence this Note may be collected that there is no depending on the favour of Kindred who looke for much reverence and will doe no justice in rewarding desert which they rather contemne untill Vertue despis'd breeds open hatred But Charles ayded by the Emperour was undiscreete in his carriage for the ayde received from the Emperour made him to cleave too fast to the Germans and disclaime the French as if kindnesse had altered his nature and this change drew on the justly conceived hatred of the French and thereby overthrew his estate by carrying too open a shew of disaffection for the wrong done by his brother and righted by the Emperour Lastly as we said Lewis dyed but the remembrance of his Reigne survived to his disgrace and ignominy in succeeding ages leaving his sonne Charles to bee the last King of this second Race Lewis 5. the 35. King of France Anno 986. AFter the decease of Lotharius Lewis the fift his onely sonne succeeded to the Crowne Anno Domini 986 and was consecrated at Rheimes The Continuator of Aimoynus writeth that he reigned nine yeares as also another Chronicler call'd Hugh is of the same opinion Neverthelesse it may be proved by certaine testimonies that Lotharius dyed An. Dom. 985 to whom Lewis succeeded and that Hugues Capet began not to reigne before the yeare 987 or 988 so that it appeares that this could not reigne above two yeares and was enterred at S. Cornelius of Compeigne Moreover Glaber testifieth that Lewis married one Blanche which was brought him out of Aquitaine who finding him not a man left him and retired into her Country which makes a likelyhood of that which is written touching his death moreover that if she were Daughter to the Duke of Aquitaine that she by consequence must be Niece to Hugues Capet This Lewis dyed as many are of opinion in the same manner as his father did by the meanes of his Wife Blanch not leaving issue to succeed him Odoramus gave him the surname of Doe nothing because hee had no leasure to performe any thing memorable by the reason of the brevity of his Reigne Moreover whilest Charles Duke of Loraine was the next by right to succeede him as being his Fathers brother so is it that Hugues Capet sonne of Hugues le Blanc tooke part against him pretending that as many do write that Lewis had resigned the Crowne to him by testament and will But others are of opinion that he confiding to the power that hee had in France and to the favour which the Nobility and the popularity of France did beare him and through the discontent of having a Competitor who was exceedingly beloved and affected of the Almaines and that he was too slow in gaining the succession of the Kingdome fallen to him and through the ill will he bore him because hee had married the Daughter of Hebert Count of Troyes encouraged him to contest against him for the Crowne Hugh Capet the 36. King of France Anno 987. HVgh Capet was proclaimed King
against those of the Faction of Rollon and also those that inhabited upon the River Loire from whence he was recalled to receive the oath of the Lorainers excepting that of Duke Gislebert and Rotharius Arch-bishop of Treues Afterwards having espoused Berthe the Daughter of the Duke of Swede and because having a hope to attaine the Empire he passed into Italy where hee overthrew Berengarius and drove him out of Italy and at his returne having made peace with the Normans hee went against William Duke of Aquitaine whom hee enforced to acknowledge his estate to have dependance from the Crowne And upon the parting of Estates of the Kingdome which was held at Attigny hee had gone into Loraine had hee not beene hindered by a fit of sicknesse which retained him at Rheimes After that he went against the Normans but through the rebellion of the Lorainers who had surrendred the upper Loraine into the power of the Emperour Henry he was enforced to make peace with the Normans which continued not long because having recommenced their wonted courses he was constrained to purchase his peace with a great summe of monies that hee might goe against the Duke of Aquitaine who was now in rebellion from whom hee tooke Nevers The bruite of the Hungarians comming into France gave him to understand of the revolt of Count Heribert who accompanying himselfe with Hugh le Blanc went to take an Alliance with Henry the Emperour in Loraine and in his returne released King Charles out of prison who went to meete William Duke of Normandy to enter a League against Rodulph This beginning of Warres being pacified betweene them Heribert caused Charles againe to be imprisoned who dyed shortly after at Peronne In those times there were great contentions amongst the Paires of France concerning the Provinces which proceeded from the politick slights of the Emperour who sought to hold the partialities of France in an equality for feare lest the tranquillity of France might not produce a trouble to his estate in Loraine Rodulph deceased the twelfth or fifteenth day of January Anno Domini 939. This Roul was an usurper and his reigne was troublesome and unfortunate and for hee and others that had beene servants to the Crowne being now Kings and Dukes thought to make their Dominions proper to themselves and not depending on the Crowne which bred much confusion in France Italy and Germany The Church did now strive to advance the Authority of the Pope of Rome gaining a great opinion among Christians in the Empires declining estate and growing so great a Monarch that he assumed primacy above Kings and Emperours which they and their subjects refused to acknowledge In these times a young Maide attired like a Boy went with a learned man to Athens and returned from thence so good a Scholler being well read in many Authors of exquisite learning and profound knowledge and so expert likewise in the holy Scriptures that after the death of Pope Leo shee was created Pope John the eight but afterward being with childe by one of her Groomes she was as shee went in solemne procession according to the custome and order observ'd amongst the● delivered of a childe in the open streete Thus the Empire the Realme and the Church were in those times much distemper'd and disgraced price and ignorance breeding many miseries and reproachfull accidents Lewis 4. the 33. King of France Anno 939. LEwis son of Charles the Simple was recalled out of England by the Princes of France and at the instance of Hugh le Blanc was crowned at Laon by the Arch-bishop of Rheims the 19. of July An. Dom. 939. From thence hee went to recover the City of Langres from Hugh le Noire brother to King Rodulph and having entertained the Lords of Burgundy before he came to Paris hee discarded Hugh le Blanc and for his owne Mother that he might make use of her counsell which caused Hugh to allye himselfe to the Emperour Otho by taking his sister in marriage and to reconcile Heribert Afterwards they went to follow the King even into Burgundy who in revenge fell upon Loraine which caused the Emperour to depart out of Almaine to oppose him but they made a peace betweene themselves This notwithstanding the King could not obtaine peace of his adversaries untill the Dukes of Normandy Aquitaine and Bretagne being encouraged by Pope Stephen embraced him and they wrought so that the Emperour accorded with the Princes Hugh Heribert who awhile after that was taken by the King and hanged because he had imprisoned his Father which so much disturbed the repose of France together with the death of William Dukes of Normandy who was murthered by the Count of Flanders that Warres being enkindled over all France the King was taken prisoner by the Normans from being recovered by Hugh le Blanc who delivered him to Count Thibaut who detained him longer for the space of a yeare The Emperour Otho seeing this debated the cause of Hugh le Blanc and began to maintaine the Kings so long untill carrying himselfe indifferent hee came to reape the fruite of both their ruines without any danger at all In conclusion this last Warre which had continued seven or eight yeares being ended by an agreement betweene the King and Duke Hughes in the City of Soyssons the King dyed of a strange malady in the Moneth of September or according to others the 12. of November Anno Domini 954 after he had reigned about 19. yeares leaving by his wife Gerberge Lotharius and Charles This King as it is formerly briefly mentioned to revenge the death of his Father whom Hebert Earle of Vermandois had kept a prisoner in the Castle of Peronne untill hee there dyed caused one in the habite of an Englishman to come in haste to his Court at Landun with Letters which himselfe had written though fained to be sent from the King of England The messenger being entred and the Letters read softly to the King by his Secretary the King smiled and said The Englishmen are not so wise as I esteem'd them to be for our Cosin Harmant King of England hath signified unto me by these Letters that in his Countrey a labouring man inviting his Master to dine at his house caused him to be slaine and now hee desires your counsell my Lords what punishment this fellow hath deserved Whereupon Thibaut Earle of Bloys said that hee was worthy to be tortur'd and then hang'd on a Gibbet which sentence all the Lords there present and also Hebert Earle of Vermandois did confirme and allow Whereupon the Kings Officers there provided in a readinesse apprehended the said Hebert Earle of Vermandois unto whom the King said Hebert this wicked Labourer is thy selfe who didst put to death thy Lord and Master King Charles my Father for which thou hast condemned thy selfe to dye by thy owne judgment Whereupon Hebert was hanged on a Gibbet on the top of a Mountaine neare Lodun which since his Execution is