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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07680 Principles for yong princes Collected out of sundry authors, by George More, Esquire. More, George, Esquire.; More, George, Sir, 1553?-1632, attributed name. 1629 (1629) STC 18069; ESTC S113368 43,524 88

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them to pray to their God for his and the Armies deliuery out of that danger Which they presently did and incontinent a great thunder fell amongst the enemies and abundance of water vpon the Romans wherby their thirst was quenched and the enemy ouerthrowne without any fight But prayer will not auaile euery Christian vnlesse he walke vprightly for God wil not heare the prayers of those that lye and wallow in sinue as appeareth Joh. 9. And Dauid saith Psal 65. Jf J finde iniquity in my heart the Lord will not heare me And God saith when you shall extend and lift vp your hands I will turne mine eyes from you and when you shall multiply your prayers I will not heare you for your hands are full of bloud I saias chap. 1. Therefore if a man be in wicked or bloudy sinne his prayer is in vaine CHAP. 11. A Prince not to shed innocent blood IT behoueth therefore a Prince to be vertuous and to haue speciall care that he put not his hand in innocent blood neither by tyranny malice ambition pollicy or vpon false reports and informations For to be a Tyrant is odious to God and man and to bring himselfe to an euill end As the Emperour Nero who after he had put to death his mother Agrippina his wife Octauia his brother Brittannicus and his Master Seneca Besides many others being proclaimed an enemy to the Common-wealth could get no body to kill him but was glad to kill himselfe saying Turpiter vixi turpius morior The Emperour Caius Caligula amongst other his tyrannies caused at his dinner and supper ordinarily one to cut off before him the heads of poore prisoners wherein he tooke great pleasure in the end he himselfe was killed by his men who conspired against him Nabis the Tyrant who vsurped the gouernment of the Lacedaemonians sent for eighty of their yong Princes and without any cause put them all to death And shortly after Alexamenes vnder pretence to serue him with some company suddenly strucke him off from his horse and killed him And as these tyrants had their iust rewards so all others had the like measure And for their wicked instruments the people oftentimes did Iustice vpon them For Plutarch writeth that the wicked Counsellors and Instruments of Apollodus of Phalaris Dionysius Nero and other tyrants were cruelly tormented to death by the people and iustly saith he because they who corrupt or seduce a Prince deserue as much to be abhorred of euery one as those who should poyson a publicke Spring or Fountaine whereof all the people doe drinke But sometimes those Princes that doe vse instruments for their murthers will not auow their Commission but doe themselues many times put them to death whom they imployed therein sometimes secretly sometimes publikely either to rid themselues of the suspition and infamy thereof or for feare of discouery As Alexander Magnus at his fathers Funerals commanded publike Iustice to be done vpon those who himselfe had secretly imployed to kill him The Emperour Tiberius did not onely dissauow his Commission giuen to a Souldier to kill Agrippa but put to death Seianus his speciall fauourite and instrument of his mischiefe Caesar Borgia did the like by a fauourite of his And let no Prince thinke that he can so contriue his matters but in the end truth will be discouered and knowne to the world and through ambition many haue shewed themselues very barbarous and bloudy as Tullia daughter to Seruius seeing her selfe married to Aruus a man of milde disposition and her sister of a gentle spirit married to Lucius Tarquinius who was ambitious and she not enduring to be thus matched killed her husband Aruus and her sister and then married Tarquinius whom she perswaded to kill her father Seruius to haue the Kingdome and she being in the streets when he was killed went with her Coach very inhumanely ouer his body that his bloud besprinkled her cloathes Soliman King of the Turks when he heard the great noyse and shout of ioy his Army made for the returne of his sonne Sultan Mustapha out of Persia caused him presently to be strangled in his outward Chamber and his dead body to be cast out before the whole Army and one to cry with a loud voyce that there was but one God and one Sultan vpon the earth He put to death also Sultan Soba because he wept for his brother and Sultan Mahomet his third sonne because he fled for feare leauing one onely aliue to auoyde the inconuenience of many Lords The Emperour Seuerus hauing vanquished Albinus and Niger his Competitor in the Empire embrued with blood put a great number to death and told his sonne Geta that he would not leaue him an enemy Geta asked him if those he put to death had neither parents friends nor kinsfolke yes said the Emperour a great number Then said Geta you will leaue vs many moe enemies then you take from vs. His sonne Bassianus hauing murthered his brother Geta to haue the Empire alone and doubting that the Senate would greatly mislike thereof made a shew that he was sorry for his brothers death and that he did it by the perswasion of Letus his fauourite whom therefore he put to death and all those that did assist him in that action likewise all those that were friends to Geta lest they should attempt any thing against him yet in the end he was killed Alphonsus King of Naples hauing vniustly murthered twenty foure of his Barons could neuer sleepe quietly for representation of their shapes which alwayes vexed him in his dreames And in the end hee fell into that feare of the French as leauing his Kingdome to his sonne he fled into Spaine to liue a in a Monastery making such haste as he would take nothing with him And his men perswading him to stay two or three dayes to make his prouision no no said hee let vs be gone doe you not heare how all the world cryes France France Hee knew himselfe to be so hated King Iohn of England murthered his nephew and in the end was murthered himselfe Richard likewise Duke of Glocester murthered his two nephews sonnes to Edward the fourth to make himselfe King and after was slaine in battell by Henry the seuenth for blood requires blood and let a bloody Prince neuer looke for better end CHAP. 12. A Prince to be circumspect in giuing credit to reports BVt many Princes haue been mightily abused by false reports and wrong informations yea sometimes by the nearest and dearest vnto them and those that should be most faithfull Dauid therefore prayed God to deliuer him from wicked lips and a lying tongue Psal 119. And in Eccle. 31. we are warned to take heed of our children and of our houshold seruants And in the sixt chapter it is said Seperate thy selfe from thine enemies and beware euen of thy friends for where a man doth trust the most there he may soonest be deceiued As was the Emperour Glaudius a
and therefore the people murthered him This Emperour was the more hated because he entertayned Halotus and Tygenlinus who were principall seruants to Nero and instruments in all his wickednesse So Otho likewise Emperor after Galba though hee thought by good words and liberality to get the hearts of the people yet did they hate him for that he had some about him who had beene instruments and Counsellors to Nero. The Kings of France for forty yeares giuing wholly to their pleasures permitted the Maior of the Palace of Paris to gouerne all at his pleasure which gaue opportunity to Pipin to make himselfe King Who being wise vertuous and well beloued was thereby admitted their King But the Emperour Tyberius giuing himselfe to pleasure and committing the gouernment to Seanus who grew proud thereof and tooke vpon him as he had bene Emperor and had statues made him before which they offered sacrifice and happy were they that had his fauour The Emperour hearing of his pride and insolency committed him to prison then those that did most honour him contemned him and spoke euill of him And the Emperour put both him and all his children to death Zoticus had that credite with Halingabalus as he was held Lord ouer all the rest his counsell as a Law and by his direction all Offices were sould Hee made Consuls the sonnes of slaues and base men And King Attolus gaue himselfe so to his pleasure as one Phylopaemen gouerned him as hee listed Insomuch that the Romanes when they did see any ship of Asia come by asked if the King was still in the good grace and fauour of Phylopaemen But Charles the seauenth King of France hauing diuers wise and faithfull Counsellours of meane parentage at the time he had ciuill Warre with the Duke of Burgundy whom the Duke of Brittany secretly fauoured mooued the Dukes to peace who answered if the King would remooue his Counsellours from him and take others that they would accord Whereuppon the Kings Councell perswaded him to accept thereof and they most willingly refused the Court and retyred themselues to their owne houses and so the Warre was ended Therefore a Prince should take care for the good education of his Nobility and honour the Noble and worthy families whereby they may continue in the Vertue and Valour of their Ancestors and the Prince thereby be the better serued In Rome there was a Law made called Prosopina by which the off-spring of Siluius of Torquatus and of Fabricius were more honoured and priuiledged then any other because they were ancient Families and more valiant then others They had a Law also that those who were descended of wicked persons as of Tarquinius Superbus of the Consull Escaurus of Catelin of the Censor Fabatus and of the Traytor Bicinus should beare no Office in the Common-wealth nor dwell within the circute of Rome But Nobility marrying basely do oftentimes degenerate For when nature sayth Plato produced man she gaue vnto him three properties of the mettals as to those that were fit to gouerne the people the property of Gold To them of force and valour to defend the Common-wealth the property of Siluer and the property of Iron and Brasse to handy-craftes men and common people to work and labour And he sayth that marrying the Noble with the Ignoble is to mixe good mettal with base mettall which is the ouer-throw of Nobility and changing of gouernment of the Common-wealth Therefore he counselleth euery o●e to marry with their equals Nobles with Nobles and ignobles among themselues CHAP. 22. A Prince not to place a Stanger in Authority A Prince is also to haue speciall regard that hee giues not a Stranger authority in the Common-wealth nor trust him too much For the ancient Romanes would neuer giue any charge or Office in the Common-wealth to a Stanger Insomuch that after the Battell of Cannas for want of sufficient men to be Senators in Rome Spurius Curulius making a motion to haue had some of the Latis chosen for Senators they would not agree thereunto but all hated Spurius for that motion And William King of Cicily descended of the house of France making a French-man his Chancellour the Noble-men much grieued thereat conspired and in one night killed all the French-men in Cicily in Apulia and in Calabria Charles the 8. King of France expulsed the Spaniards out of Naples by the helpe of the Neapolitanes and placed Frenchmen in all authority and gouernment there Whereupon the Neapolitans grieued made a generall reuolte and did driue out the French-men againe The Duke of Britaine hauing married an English woman was so affected to the English as his subiects much disliked thereof and hee mistrusting th●m sent for English-men to gouerne vnder him but before they came his owne subiects seized vpon all the Forts and Townes in Britany and forced the Duke to flye into England The Prince of Wales placing English-men in all Offices and authority in Aquitaine made the Country-men grudge thereat and in the end reuolte by which meanes Aquitane was lost Alexander King of the Epirots giuing entertainement to a number of the Lucamans banished out of their Country and after making Warre against their Country thought he should be well serued by them who promised to yeelde their Country into his hands but they made a secret compact with their Country-men to the contrary for drawing the King into a conuenient place for their purpose they shewed themselues his enemies and he swimming a riuer to escape in landing was killed by one of them The Emperour Gordian making an Arabian his Lieutenant called Phillipus a man of base parentage he procured the Emperours ouerthrow and in the end killed him most barbarously Charles Duke of Burgundy was betrayed by an Italian the Earle of Campobach and killed before Nancy CHAP. 23. Dangerous for a Prince to take ayde of a Stranger ANd if a Prince take ayde or succours of a stranger stronger then himselfe he may thereby endanger his estate For the Esterques called but to aide the Citty of Vulture subdued it The Herules Gothes and Lombards called into Italy for succours became Lords thereof So did they of Franconia with their King Pharamond by the Gaules now France And the Saxons did the like by England The Turkes in like manner got the East Empire and Hungaria called first in by the Emperour of Constantinople and by the States of Hungaria Cairaam a Pyrate called by the Inhabitants of Alger to expell the Spaniards after hee had vanquished the Spaniards slew Selin Prince of the Towne and made himselfe King leauing the estate to his brother Aradin Barbarossa Saladin a Tartarian Captaine called by the Calipha and Inhabitants of Cair to driue the Christians out of Soria after the Victory agaynst the Christians slew the Calipha and became absolute Lord thereof The Romanes called into Cicily by the Mamertins or Campanois to aide them did subiect both them and all Cicily in the end Francis King of France had a