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A29737 A chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of the Romans goverment [sic] unto the raigne of our soveraigne lord, King Charles containing all passages of state or church, with all other observations proper for a chronicle / faithfully collected out of authours ancient and moderne, & digested into a new method ; by Sr. R. Baker, Knight. Baker, Richard, Sir, 1568-1645. 1643 (1643) Wing B501; ESTC R4846 871,115 630

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as the Poict●●ins Xaingtonois and Lymo●sins in a sort consented to it yet the Count of Armigni●ck the Count of Comminges the Viscount of Carmayn and many others so much distasted it that they complained thereof to the King of France as to their Supreme Lord who upon examination finding their complaint to be just he thereupon by advise of his Councell Summons Prince Edward to appeare in person to answer the complaint whereunto Prince Edw. made answere that if he must needs appeare he would bring threescore thousand men in Armes to appeare with him and had certainely brought his Army that Summer against Paris if he had not fallen into Symptomes of a Dropsie which Walsingham saith was wrought by Enchantments But upon this answer of the Prince King Charles sends defiance to King Edward who thereupon prepares Armes both by Sea and Land to oppose him The French enter upon the Territori●s of the Prince and defeate divers of his Troopes in revenge whereof Iohn Chandos the Princes Lieutenant assaults Terrieres in the Province of Tholouse and takes it The Count of Perigourd a●saults Royanville in Quer●y and puts all the English to the sword in revenge whereof Iames Audeley Sene●chall of Poicton assaults the City of Brosse and takes it In the meane time Robert Knols by some called Robin and by others Arnould or Reynold Knoll had drawne Perducas de Albert to the party of the English and thereupon wen● and encamped before the Fort of Darc●ell in Quercy which Iohn Chandos understanding went also and joyned with him in the Siege but finding they could doe no good there they removed and Besieged the City of Damme and when they could doe no good there neither they marched forward tooke the Fort of Froyus Rochevaudour and Villefranche and that done returned to the Prince at Angoulesme At the same time the Earles of Cambridge and Pembroke having spent nine weekes at the Siege of Bordeille at last tooke it but other Captaines of the English did yet more for they scaled Belleperche in the Province of Bourbon where the Mother of the Duke of Bourbon and of the Queene of France was and take her prisoner About this time Philippa Queene of England King Edwards Wife died and was buried at Westminster but this hindred not the proceeding of the English in France the Earle of Pembroke enters Anjou where he takes many Townes the Duke of Lancaster doth the like about Callice and marching forward plants his Campe before Harfleur with a purpose to burne the King of France his Navy but being watched by the Count Saint Poll was forced to forbeare that designe and so passing other wayes and spoyling all the places where he passed he returned to Callice Winter now was drawing on and Iohn Chandos desiring to recover the Abby of Saint Silvin in Poictou which not long before had beene betraied to the French was in the enterprise discovered and being assaulted by greater forces was slaine in the place to the great griefe of the Prince of Wales and of the English Lords but dying without issue his estate which amounted to foure hundred thousand Franks came to the Prince At this time the Dukes of Anjou and Berry with two great Armies enter upon the Territories of the Prince of Wales whereof the Prince advertised assembles Forces to oppose them but when the newes was brought him of the taking of Limouges he was so much troubled at it by reason of the Bishop of that place was his Gossip and one in whom he specially had affiance that he resolved to recover it at any price and not to spare a man that had any hand in the rendring it up and thereupon taking it by force he commanded to sacke and pillage it and would not be staied by the cries of the people casting themselves downe at his feete till passing through the Towne he perceived three French Captaines who themselves alone had withstood the assault of his victorious Army and moved with the consideration of their valour he then abated his anger and for their sakes granted mercy to all the Inhabitants So much is vertue even in an enemy respected by generous minds In the meane time David King of Scots died without issue and Robert Stuart his Nephew succeeded him in the kingdome and was Crowned at Scone At this time Robert Knolls with a great Army is sent into France where making many attempts with valour enough but with little successe he was comming home though with no gaine yet with no losse till Bertrand de Gueschlyn assaulting him slew the most part of his men and so this great Army on a sudden came to nothing It seemes Knolls his action was the lesse succesfully by reason some young Lords that wen● with him sco●ning to ●e 〈◊〉 his command as being but a new man and risen fro● a low estate were refractory to hi● directions And indeed what can a Generall do if he have not as well reputation of person as of place And now the Prince of Wales his eldest sonne Edward dying 〈◊〉 Bu●de●●● the 〈◊〉 with his wife and his other sonne Richard come over into England at whi●● time the vallant knight Walter de M●●ny died at Lond●n and was buried in the Monastery of the Chartreux which he had builded leaving one onely daughter married to Iohn Earle of Pembroke This Earle of Pembroke was soone after sent Go●ernour into Aquita●ne but set upon by the way by Spaniards in favour of the Fr●●ch was by them taken prisoner and carried with other into Spain●● who being chained together as the manner is one Evans a Welsh Fugitive● who gave ●●●selfe out for the right Heire of Wales cam● unto him foolishly playing upon him with scornfull language as though to insult over another mans misery could s●●le for a co●diall to mitigate his owne And now upon the taking of this Earle the Princes Dominions in France are either taken away or ●all away faster then they ●ere gotten Gueschly● enters Poictou and takes Montm●rillon Chauvigny Luss●● and Mo●t●onti●r straight after followes the Countrey of Aulnys of Xaintoigne and the rest of Poic●ou then Saint Maxen● Neele Auln●y then Benaon Marant Surg●rs 〈◊〉 and at last they came to Thouars where the most part of the Lords of Poic●o● that held with the Prince were assembled at which time King Edward with the Pr●●ce the Duke of Lancaster and all the great Lords of England set forward to their succour but being driven back● by tempest never came to give them assistance so as Thouars yeelded upon composition Yet did this preparation of the King stand him in nine thousand Markes that it may be truly said it cost him more now to lose Townes then it had cost him before to win them so great oddes there is betweene the Spring and Fall of Fortune After this the Duke of Lancaster is sent over with another great Army who passed up into many parts of the Country but King Charles resolved to hazard no
but ●ow he means to be in earnest and therefore sends over the Duke of Suffolk with an Army the foure and twentieth of August attended with the Lord Montacute and his b●other Sir Arthur Poole the Lord Herbert sonne to the Earle of Worces●er the Lord Ferrers the Lord Marney the Lord Sands the Lord Barkley the Lord ●owis and the Baron Curson Sir Richard Wink●●eld Chauncellour of the Duchy of Lancaster Sir Iohn Vere Sir Edward Nevile Sir William Kings●on Sir Richard Weston Sir Andrew Winsore Sir Robert Winkfield Sir Anthony Winkfield Sir Edward Guildford Sir Edw Grevile Sir Edw Chamberlaine Sir Thomas Lucy Sir Everard Digby Sir Adrian Foskew Sir Richard Cornwall Sir William Courtney Sir William Sidney Sir Henry Owin sand many other Knights and Gentlemen In the whole Army were six hundred Demylaunces two hundred Archers on Horsback three thousand Archers on foo● and five thousand Bilmen Also seventeen hundred taken out of the Garrisons of Hammes Guysnes and Callice in all ten thousand and five hnndred besides two thousand six hundred labourers and Pioners With this Army the Duke of Suffolk took the field his vauntguard was led by the Lord Sands Cap●aine of the right wing was Sir William Kingston of the left Sir Everard Digby Captain of all the Horsmen was Sir Edward Guildford Marshall of Callice the Duke himselfe led the Battaile and Sir Richard Winkfield the Reareward The Dukes first enterprise was the winning of Bell Castle which the Lord Sands and the Lord Ferres assaulted and had it yeelded to them and then Sir VVilliam Skevington was placed Captaine in it At this time the Duke of Bourbon high Constable of France began to have his mind aliena●ed from the King of France and ●o draw him the more on the Duke of Suffolk sent Sir Iohn Russel afterward created Duke of Bedford to him who passing in disguised apparell so prevailed with him that he professed to take part with the Emperour and the King of England who having ten thousand Almans in his pay it was thought fit for encourag●ment of the English to proclaime in the Army the accesse of so powerfull an assistant and therupon the Duke of Suffolk removed to Ard and so forward into Picardie At Cordes between Terwyn and Saint Omers there came to him the Lord of Isilst●yn and with him of Spaniards Almans and others three thousand Foot-men and five hundred Horse With these forces the Duke marching on took first the rich Town of Anchor then the Castle of Bounguard and then by assault the Towne of Bray though two thousand good men of war were in it After this the Towres of Cappe and Roy Lihome and Davenker and then came before ●he Towne of Mount-Dedyer in which were a thousand foot and five hundred horse yet upon Sir William Skevingtons Batteries was yeelded to him From hence he removed to Roy where he rested a while with hi● whole Army and there on Alholland-day in the chiefe Church of Roy made Knights the Lord Herbert the Lord Powis Oliver Manners Arthur Poole Richard Sands Robert Ierningham Robert Salisbury Edward Beningfield Richard Corbet Thomas Wentworth William Storton Walter Mantel George Warram and Edward Seymour that was after Duke of Somerset The day after the Army removed to a place called Neele from thence to Veane and then ●o Beauford where the Duke made Iohn Dudley and Robert Vtreight Knights and from thence on the eighth of November to a place called Mount Saint Martin here the Welshmen began to murmure that they might not returne home the winter being so far spent but there was to the number of a thousand persons under the leading of Sir Iohn VValloppe who having no wages but what they could got by booties and were therefore called Adventurers and by some Kreekers and these had more desire to stay then the VVelshmen had to be gon for the great gaines they made by the spoyles of so many Townes that were taken The thirteenth of November the Duke removed to a place within two miles of Boghan Castle defended by great Marishes that lay before it but the frost being at that time so great that many lost their fingers and toes with cold and some died Sir Edward Guildford acquainted the Duke that he thought the marishes were hard enough frozen to beare great Ordnance whereupon the Duke bid him venture it then and goe on which he resolutely did and had the Castle presently delivered up to him In this meane time the King hearing in what state the Army stood had prepared six thousand men to be sent to the Duke for a reliefe under the leading of the Lord Montjoy but before they could be put in order to passe the Sea the Duke partly by extremity of the weather and partly by the murmuring of the Souldiers was constrained to breake up his Army and returne to C●llice In this meane time the Scots knowing that the strength of England was gone into France tooke boldnesse to invade the Marishes but then the Earle of Surrey Treasurer and high Admirall of England with six thousand men being sent against them tooke divers of their Castles and Holds and at Yedworth skirmishing with a great Garrison of Scots overthrew them and tooke and burned both the Towne and Castle And now the French King finding that the Scots did not worke any great trouble to the English whereby to keepe them from molesting of France and thinking it to be for want of the Duke of Albanies presence whom they accounted their Governour he therefore prepared a Navie of Ships to transpo●t him into Scotland but when the Duke of Albany heard that Sir William Fitz-williams was sent with a great Fleet to stop his passage he brought his Ships into the Haven of Brest and gave it out that he would not goe into Scotland that yeere which being told to the King of England he commanded that his Ships also should be laid up in Havens till the next spring And now see the cunning of the Scot for when he saw the Kings Ships discharged he then boldly tooke shipping himselfe and sailed into Sc●tland whither being come he presently levied a great Army and approached the English Borders but when he heard the Earle of Surrey was coming against him with a mighty power he then sent a Her●uld to him● promising of his honour to give him Battaile and if he tooke him prisoner to give him good quarter To whom the Earle answered that he would not faile to abide his Battaile but if he tooke him prisoner the quarter he would give him should be to cut off hi● head and send it for a Present to his Master the King of England At this time to the Earle of Surrey being at Alnewicke came the Earles of Northumberland and VVestmerland the Lords Clifford Dacres Lumley Ogle and Darcye with many Knights Gentlemen and other Souldiers to the number of forty ●housand and from the Court came the Master of the Horse Sir Ni●holas Carew Sir Francis Bryan
all which the Duke made colourable answers but most of them being proved by sufficient testimony he asked upon occasion Whether the subjects of another Prince who is confederate and in league with the Queen are to be accounted the Queens enemies● to which Catiline answered They were and that the Q. of England might wage War with any Duke of France yet hold firm Peace with the French King When it grew towards night the L. high Steward demanded of the Duke if he had any more to say for himself who answered I rely upon the equity of the Laws After this the Lords withdrawing a while and then returning the Lord Steward beginning at the lowermost asked them My Lord de la Ware Is Thomas Duke of Norfolk guilty of these crimes of High Treason for which he is called in question He rising up and laying his hand upon his breast answered guilty in like manner they answered all After this the Lord Steward with teares in his eyes pronounced sentence in forme as is used A few dayes after were Barnes and Mather executed who conspired with one Herle to make away certaine of the Councellors and to free the Duke but Herle revealed the businesse presently to whom Barnes when hee saw his Accuser brought forth smilingly said Herle thou wert but one houre before mee else I had beene in thy place for the accuser and thou in my roome to be hanged at the same time with them was hanged also Henry Rolfe for counterfeiting the Queens hand But though the Duke were now condemned yet the Queen was so tender of his case that it was foure Moneths after before he was executed at last on the second of June at eight of the clock in the morning he was brought to the Scaffold upon the Tower-Hill and there beheaded At this time and upon this occasion a Parliament was Assembled wherein amongst other Lawes it were Enacted that if any man shall go about to free any person imprisoned by the Queens expresse Commandement● for Treason or suspition of Treason and not yet Arraigned he shall lose all his goods for his life time and be imprisoned during the Queens pleasure if the said person have beene Arraigned the Rescuer shall forfeit his life if condemned he shall be guilty of Rebellion In the time of this Parliament the Queen created Walter Devereux Earl of Essex being before but Viscount Hereford because he was descended by his Great-grand-mothers from the Bourchiers and made the Lord Clinton who had large Revenues in Lincolnshire Earl of Lincoln Also she called forth Iohn Paulet of Basing the Marquesse of Winchester's son Henry Compton Henry Cheyney and Henry Morris for Barons by Summons Within ten dayes after the Dukes death William Lord De-la-ware Sir Ralph Sadler Thomas Wilson Doctor of the Laws and Thomas Brumley the Queens Solicitour were sent to the Queen of Scots to expostulate with her That shee had usurped the Title and Arms of the Kingdom of England and had not renounced the same according to the agreement of the Treaty at Edinburgh That shee had endeavoured the marriage of the Duke of Norfolke without acquainting the Queene and had used all forcible meanes to free him out of prison had raised the Rebellion in the North had relieved the Rebels both in Scotland and in the Low-Countries had implored Aids from the Pope the King of Spaine and others had conspired with certaine of the English to free her out of Prison and Declare her Queen of England Lastly that she had procured the Popes Bull against the Queen and suffered herself to be publikely named the Queen of England in Forreigne Countries All which accusations she either absolutely denyed or else fairly extenuated and though as she said she were a free Queen and not subject to any creature yet she was content and requested that she might make her personall answer at the next Parliament About this time the King of Spain by his Embassadour here complained to the Queen that the Rebels of the Netherlands were harboured and entertained in England contrary to the Articles of the League whereupon the Queen set forth a severe Proclamation That all the Dutch who could any wayes be suspected of Rebellion should presently depart the Realm which yet turned little to D'Alva's or the King of Spains benefit For hereupon Count Vander-Mark and other Dutch going out of England surprized the Brill first then Flushing and afterwards drew other Towns to Revolt and in a short time excluded the Duke D'Alva in a manner from the Sea And this errour to suffer the Protestant party to get possession of the Sea-towns hath been the cause they have been able to hold out even all this long time against the King of Spain And now many military men having little to do at home got them into the Netherlands some to Duke D'Alva but the far greater number to the Prince of Orenge The first of whom was Thomas Morgan who carryed three hundred English to Flushing then followed by his procurement nine Companies more under the conduct of Humphry Gilbert and afterward it became the Nursery of all our English Souldiers At this time Charls the French King setting his mind wholly at least seeming so upon the Low-Country War concluded a peace and entred into a league with Queen Elizabeth which was to remain firm not only during their two lives but between their successors also if the s●ccessor signifie to the surviver within a yeer that he accepteth it otherwise to be at liberty It was likewise agreed what aid by Sea or Land they should each of them afford to other upon occasion and for ratification of this League Edward Clinton Earl of Lincoln and Admirall of England was sent into France with whom went the Lord Dacres Rich Talbot Sands and others The French King likewise sent the Duke of Memorancy and Paul Foix i●to England with a great train that the Queen in the presence of them and the Embassador in Ordinary might sweare to the league which she did at Westminster the seaventeenth of May in the yeer 1572. The day after she made Memorancye Knight of the Garter Memorancye whilst he tarryed in England made intercession in his Kings name that what favour could be without danger might be shewed to the Queen of Scots and then made much a do again about the marriage with the Duke of Angiou but being hopelesse to make conclusion thereof by reason of the diversity of Religion he returned into France for now was great provision making ready for the mariage between Henry King of Navarre and the Lady Margeret the French Kings Sister to which solemnity with notable dissimulation the Queen of Navarre and the chief of all the Protestants were allured being born in hand that there should be a renovation of love and a perpetuall peace established The Earl of Leicester likewise and the Lord Burleigh were invited out of England and out of Germany the sons of the Prince Elector Palatine under
sonne the Earle of Richmond h●ve both of them Titles before mine and then I cleerly saw how I was deceived w●●●eupon I determined utterly to relinquish all such fantasticall imaginations concerning the obtayning the Crown my selfe● and found there could be no better way to settle it in a true establishment then that the Earle of Richmond very heire of the house of Lancaster should take to wife the Lady Elizabeth eldest Daughter to king Edward the very heir of the house of York that so the two Roses may be united in one now saith the Duke I have told you my very minde When the Duke had said this the Bishop was not a little glad for this was the marke he had himselfe aymed at and thereupon after some complements of extolling his device he said Since by your Graces incomparable wisdome this noble conjunction is now moved It is in the next place necessary to consider what friends we shall first make privy of this intention By my truth quoth the Duke we will begin with the Countesse of Richmond the Earles Mother who knoweth where he is either in captivity or at large in Brittaine And thus was the foundation laid of a league by these two great men by which the death of the two young Princes was fully revenged and it was not talk● of onely but presently put in execution for now is Reynold Bray imployed by the Bishop to his Mistresse the Dutchesse of Richmond Doctor Lewis the Dutchesses Phisitian was imployed by her to the Queen Elizabeth Hugh Conway and Thom●● R●me were imployed to the Earle of Richmond to acquaint them but in most secret manner with the intended plot and to procure their promises to the propounded marriage which was no hard matter to make them all willing to their own wishes This done Instruments are imployed to draw in parties to the confederacy Bray by his credit drew in Sir Gyles Danbe●y Sir Iohn Cheyney Richard Guildford Thomas R●me and others Vrswick likewise drew in Hugh Conway Thomas Colepepper Thomas Roper with some others Doctor Lewis drew in Edward Courtney and his brother Peter Bishop of Exceter It is memorable that Thomas Conway being sen● most part by Sea and Thoma● R●me most part by Land yet came to the Ea●le of Richmond in Brittaine within the space of little more then an houre upon whose information of the plot the Earle acquaints the Duke of Brittaine with it who though by Hutton King Richards Ambassadour he had by many great offers been sollicited to detaine him in prison yet he both readily promised and really performed both his advice and ayde to the Earles proceedings In this meane time Bishop Morto● not without asking the Dukes leave though without obtaining it secretly in disguise gets him into his Isle of Ely and there having done the Earle good Offices by procuring of friends he thence passeth into Brittaine to him from whence he returned no more till afterward the Earle being king sent for him home and made him Archbishop of Canterbury But though all these things were carried closely and Oath taken by all for secresie yet came it to King Richards knowledge who notwithstanding dissembling it sends for the Duke of Buckingham to come unto him and he putting off his comming with pretended excuses is at last peremptorily sent for to come upon his Allegiance when he returned this resolute answer that he owed no Allegiance to such a perjur'd inhumane Butcher of his owne Flesh and Blood and so from that time preparation for Arms is made on both sides The Duke had gotten a good power of Welshmen and the Marquesse Dorset having gotten out of Sanctuary was labouring in Yorkeshire to raise forces the like did the two ●ourtneys in Devonshire and Cornwall and Guilford and R●me in Kent King Rich●rd setting forward with 〈◊〉 forces the Duke of Buckingham doth the like intending at Glocester to have 〈◊〉 Severn and so to have joyned with the two Courtneys but such abundance o●●aine at that time fell that the Severn was broken out and impossible to be passed 〈◊〉 which the Welshme● seeing and taking it for an ill signe they secretly sl●pt away so as the Duke le●t well neer alone without either Page or so much as a Footm●● repaired to the house of one Humfry Bannister neere to Shre●sbury who having been raised by him and his father before him he thought himselfe safe under his roofe But Bannister upon Proclamation made by king Richard that whosoever could apprehend the Duke should have a thousand pound for his labour like an ungratefull and perfidious wretch discovered him to Iohn Milton High Sheriffe of 〈◊〉 who took him in a pilled black Cloak as h● was walking in an Orchard behinde the house and carried him to Shrewsbury where king Richard then lay ●nd there without Arraignment or Legall proceeding was in the Market place beheaded Whether Bannister received the Proclaimed reward from the hand of the King is uncertaine but certaine it is that he received the reward of a Villaine from the hand of Divine Justice for himselfe was afterward hanged for man-slaughter his eldest daughter was deflowred by one of his Carters or as some say strucken with a foule Leprosie his eldest Sonne in a desperate Lunacy murthered himselfe and was ●ound to have done so by the Coroners inquest and his younger Sonne in a small puddle was strangled and drowned Upon this disaster of the Duke of Buckingham his complices shifted for themselves s●me taking Sanctuary some keeping themselves in unknown places but many convayed themselves into Brittaine to the Earle of Richmond● of whom the Marquesse Dorset Iohn Lord Wells the Bishop of Exceter and his brother Sir Ioh● 〈◊〉 Sir Edward Woodvile brother to Queen Elizabeth Sir Willoughby● Sir Giles Da●beney Sir Thomas Arundell Sir Iohn Cheyney and his two brethren Sir Willia● B●rckly Sir William Brandon and his brother Thomas Sir Richard Edgecombe Hollowell and Poynings Captaines were the chiefe Whil'st these things are in doing king Richard receives intelligence from Hutton his Ambassadour leiger in Britaine that the Duke not onely refuseth to restaine the Earle of Richmond but intendeth also to give him assistance whereupon the king ●●oke present order for preparing his Navy to stop the Earles landing in any Port of England Upon the twelveth day o● October in the yeer 1484. The Earle of Richmond with forty Ships and five thousand waged Brittain tooks to sea but that Evening by tempest of weather his whole Fleet was dispersed so as only the Ship wherein the Earle himselfe was with one little Barke was driven upon the Coast of Cornw●ll where discovering upon the shore great store of Armed Souldiers to resist his landing he hoysed sayle and returning toward France arrived in Normandy from whence sending Messengers to Charles the Eighth King of France he was by him not onely kindely invited to come to his Court but was ayded also with good s●mmes of money to beare his charges After this the