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A13043 The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.; Annales Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1580 (1580) STC 23333; ESTC S117590 888,783 1,248

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man might iudge which way the victorie would encline but at length the men of King Charles began to breake and then the Englishmen began to thrust in among them and did so much that they discom●●ted their enimies There were slayne the Earle Dowglas Duke of Turon Iames Dowglas Earle of Wighton Iohn Earle of Boughan with the Uicount Nerbon and many other to the number of tenne thousand sayth Fabian foure Robert Fabian thousande sayeth mine Author a Frenchman who sayeth that the Duke of Bedford bare himselfe most valiantly fighting with an axe so fiercely as he had the prayse of all other The Earles of Salisburie and Suffolke gouerned themselues also right valiantly The Lord of Torsy and other Lords of Normandy which before had taken part with the Englishmen this day turned to the French hoping that the Englishmen shoulde haue lost the battell True it is that the Frenchmen would neuer suffer their King Charles to be present in person at any battayle but when they thought to pitch a fielde they sent him into some strong Towne By the losse of this battayle fought on the seauentéenth of August before Vernole in Anno reg 3. Perche King Charles was put to great hinderance so that he was not able in puissance to giue the Englishmen any battayle hauing ynough to defende and kéepe his Townes and fortresses against them The Duke of Bedford returned into Normandy where he punished many that fledde from him the day of the battayle Then went he to Paris where he found the Duke of Burgoigne who receyued him and the Dutches of Bedforde The Duke of Burgoigne enamored vvith the Countesse of Salisburie vvhere of came great displeasure and losse to England by the breach of amity betvvixt the English and the Burgonions his wife the sayde Duke of Burgoignes Sister right ioyfully and made to them great feast at whiche feast also were the Earles of Salisburie and Suffolke the olde Quéene of France mother to King Charles and many other greate estates of diuers nations amongst the whiche the Duches of Bedford was holden for the most gallantest Lady of all other and with hir the Countesse of Salisburie a very faire Lady The Duke of Bedford that had neuer iusted before iusted there The Duke of Burgoigne was a very goodly amiable mā of personage doing excellently well whatsoeuer he tooke in hand and especially in dansing and iusting he excéeded all other of his Countrey At this feast he became desirous of the Countesse of Salisburie and some messages passed betwixt them which came to the Earle of Salisburies eare whereof he was nothing contented with the Duke and therfore sought to do him displeasure afterward This feast being ended the Duke of Burgoigne went into his Countrey of Burgoigne and there tooke to wife the Duches of Neuers which had bin wife to his Unkle the Duke of Neuers and had by hir two Children She was halfe sister to the Duke of Burbon but she liued not long with him The D. of Burgoigne also gaue his sister the yongest named Agnes The second cause of breach of amitle betvvixt England and Burgoigne in marriage vnto Charles de Barbon Earle of Cleremont for the which the Duke of Bedford and other Englishm● were wroth for that he made suche alliance with the enimies without their accord This yeare the Frenchmen repaired the Castell of Mouns in Champaigne which had bin a little before destroyd by the Englishmen and now it was well stuffed with victuals and men which began to make sore war to the Countrey but shortly after the Earle of Salisburie beséeged thē and with him Messire Iohn de Luxenburg who did so much that the Castell was yéelded to him The D. of Bedford with his wife the Duches lay for the most parte in Paris leading there a pleasant life with the Lady whom he greatly loued and was lodged in y e house of the Tournels ●éere to the Castel Saint Anthony where he made faire buildings and his men still made sore warres againste the French towards the Riuer of Loyre and other places vpon base Normandy and toward the Duchie of Alanson This yeare in Englande Edmond Mortimere Earle of March with many other Lords a great retinue were sent Earle of March sent into Irelād into Ireland where the sayd Earle of March ended his life Simon Seman Bythewater the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Michaell Stockfish monger the 28. of October This yeare 1424. the warres began in Henault by reason of Iaqueline Duches of Henault daughter to Duke William Iaqueline Duches of Henault of Henault Unkle to Phillip Duke of Burgoigne and also daughter to Duke Iohn of Burgoignes sister wife to the ●●renamed William and so double Cousin german to Phil●●p Duke Phillip now liuing This Iaqueline was married ●● Iohn Duke of Brabant hir Cousin german Cousin ger●●n also to Duke Philip of Burgoigne and before that she ●●s married to the Earle of Pontioue son to King Charles le ●●●n aime eldest Brother to King Charles now liuing ●●t notwithstanding that she was thus married to the Duke of Brabant yet was she conuayed by Sir Robersart Knight and brought into England to the Duke of Glocester and there married to the sayd Duke of Glocester and so she Iaqueline married to the D. of Glocester had two husbandes aliue at once Brabant and Glocester ● thing thought vnreasonable both against God the world and the Church for she had bin four or fiue yeares in companie with the Duke of Brabant but there had fallen some variance betwixt them and so she was come from him into Henault About the last of Aprill began a Parliament at Westminster wherein was graunted a Subsedie of twelue in the Robert Fabian Parliament at London First Subsedie payde pound of all manner Merchandize comming in or passing out of this Realme thrée Shillings of a Tunne of Wine for the tearme of thrée yeares to be holden And furthermore it was enacted that all Merchant strangers should be set to an English host within fiftéene dayes of their comming to their port sale and to make no sale of any Merchandize ere All Strangers to be lodged vvithin English hostes they were so lodged then within fortie dayes following to make sale of all they brought and if any remayned vnsold at the sayd fortie dayes end that then all such Merchandize vnsold to be forfeyted Also that all Strangers that caried any woolles out of this land should pay xliij shillings four pence for a sacke custome where the English Merchants and Denisons payde but fiue nobles c. After the marriage had bin solemnized betwéene the Duke of Glocester and Iaqueline Duches of Holland as is aforesayde The Duke of Glocester goeth into Holland within a moneth after the Duke of Glocester assembled an armie of twelue hundred fighting men at the least all Englishmen and taking the Duches with him in cōpanie
should be sente to the Emperour about the matter with whome he was that the King and the Emperour should ioyne in those warres against the French King and that the Duke of Burbon should The Duke of Burbon Champion for the K. of England against the King of France be our Kings Champion and Generall in the fielde who had a great number of good Souldiours ouer and besides the Emperours armie which was not small and that the King should pay vnto the Duke monethly wages both for himselfe and his retinue in so much as Sir Iohn Russell Sir Iohn Russel lay continually beyond the Seas in a secret place both to receyue money of the King and to pay the same monethly to the Duke so that the Duke began the warres with the French King in his owne territorie and Dukedome which the King had confisked in his owne hands being not perfectly knowne vnto the Dukes enimies that he had any ayde out of England and thus he wrought the French King much displeasure in so much as the French King was constreyned 1525 to prepare a puissant Armie and in his owne person to resist the Dukes power and with force the King droue him to take Pauy a strong Towne in Italy with hys host for their securitie whereas the King encamped hym wonderously strong intending to enclose the Duke that he should not issue forth yet notwithstanding the Duke did many times issue forth and skirmished with the King Now let vs returne agayne to the Cardinall Wolsey who séemed to be sodeinly altered and to be more French Anno reg 17 than Emperiall howsoeuer it came so to passe but the French King lying in his Camp sent secretly into Englande a priuie person a very wittie man to treate a peace betwixt the French King and our King this person was named Iohn Iokin who was kept as secretly as might be for he was no Frenchman borne but an Italian a man of no great estimation in France and for his subtile witte elected to entreate of such Embassade as the French King had giuen him in commission This Iokin was secretly conuayde vnto Richmond and there remayned vntill the Cardinall resorted Iohn Iokin messenger from the French King thither vnto him where after Easter tearme ended he kept the feast of Whitsontide very solemnely in which season the Cardinall caused diuers times this Iokin to dine with him Thus continued this Iokin in England long after vntill at the last as it should he brought to passe the matter that he had in commission After this there was sente out immediatly a restreynt to Sir Iohn Russell into those partes where he made his abiding beyond the Seas that he shoulde reteyne that monethes wages still in hys ●ands vntill the Kings pleasure were to him knowne which should haue bin payde to the Duke of Burbon bée●ng then wyth hys retinue encamped within the Towne ●●●●●● for want whereof at his day the Duke and hys ●●n were sore dismayde when they saw there was not ●●●ey brought as it was wont to be and béeing in so dan●●rous a case and where victualles beganne to be s●ant ●nd very déere they imagined many wayes what shoulde ●● the lette some sayde thys and some sayde that so that they mistrusted nothing lesse than the very cause thereof in so much as at the last what for wante of victualles and other necessaries the Souldyoures and Captaynes beganne to grudge and mutter and at last for lacke of victuals were like all to perish The Souldyours being in this extremitie came before their Captaine y ● Duke of Burbon and sayd Sir we must bée of very force and necessitie constreyned to yéelde vs vp to our enimies and better it were for vs so to do than to sterue lyke Dogges When the Duke saw their extremitie he sayde vnto them with wéeping eyes Sirs quoth he yée are both valiant men and of noble heartes who haue serued me héere right worthelie and for your necessitie whereof I am perticipant I doe not a little lament but I shall desire you as you are noble in heart and courage so to take patience for a day or twayne and if succour come not then from the King of England as I doubt nothing that he will deceyue vs I will well agrée that we shall all put oure selues and our liues vnto the mercy of our Lorde wherewith they were all agréeable and tarrying the comming of the Kings money vntill the tearme of two dayes were past the Duke séeing no remedie called his noble Captaynes and Souldyoures before hym and wéeping sayde Yée noble men and Captaynes I sée no remedie in thys necessitie but eyther wée must yéeld vs vnto our enimies or else ●●mishe and to yéelde the Towne and our selues I know not the mercie of our enimies as for my parte I pass● not for their cruelties for I knowe very well that ● shall suffer death most cruelly if I come in their hand●● it is not for my selfe therefore that I doe lamente 〈…〉 it is for youre sakes it is for youre liues and safegar● of youre persons for so that yée might escape the dang●● of oure enimies handes I woulde most gladly 〈…〉 death therefore good companyons and most noble Souldyoures I shall require you all to consider the daungerous miserie and calamitie that wée stande in to sell o 〈…〉 liues most dearely rather than to be murthered lyk● Beastes if yée wyll bée agréeable wée wyll take vpon vs thys nighte to gyue oure Enimes an assaulte and by that meanes wée maye eyther escape or else gyue them an ouerthrowe and thus it were better to die in the Fielde lyke men than lyue prisoners in captiuitle and miserie to the whiche they all agréed then quoth the Duke yée perceyue that our enimies Campe is strong and that there is no waye to enter vppon them but one and that is so planted wyth Ordinance and strength of men that it is not possible to atteyne to oure Enimies that wayes to fighte wyth them in Campe. And also nowe of late you perceyue they haue hadde but small doubt of vs in so muche that they haue kepte but verye slender watche therefore my deuice shall bée thus There shall issue out of the Towne aboute the dead of the nighte from vs a number of you that bée of the most delyuerest to assaulte theyr Campe and they shall gyue the assaulte righte secretly euen directly agaynste the place of the entrie whyche is very strong and inuincible youre fierce and valiant assaulte shall be to them of the Campe so doubtfull that they will turne their strength of the entrie that lyeth ouer agaynst your assaulte to beate you from youre purpose then will I issue out of the posterne and come to the place of theyr strength newly turned and there or they be ware will I enter and fight with them in theyr Camp and winne their Ordinance whiche they haue newly burned and beate them wyth theyr owne
●●ces and then pleased them wonderous well Then ●●●pared they all that daye for the purposed deuise ●● kepte them secret and close without anye noyse or ●●tte off péeces within the Towne whyche gaue theyr Enimies the lesse ●eare of the assaulte but ●●●yghte wente to theyr Tentes and cowched 〈…〉 nothyng mistrusting that afterwarde immediately happened vnto them When the tyme came that all men were at rest the assaylants issued out of the Towne and there according to their appoyntment they gaue so cruell and fierce assault that they in the Camp had as much to do as was possible to resist them and euen as the Duke declared before to his Souldiours they within were compelled to turne their shotte that lay at the entrie against the assaylants With that issued the Duke and with him about fiftéene or sixtéene thousand men or more secretly in the night his enimies being not priuie of his comming vntill he was entred the fielde and at his entrie he tooke all the Ordinance that lay there and slew the Gunners then hée charged the péeces against his enimies and slewe them wonderfully he cutte downe the Tentes and Pauilions and murthered many within them ere they were ware of his comming so that he wanne the field or euer the King French King taken could arise to the rescue in so much as the King was taken in hys lodging or euer he were harnessed his Tentes were robbed and spoyled which were wonderous rith and in the spoyle and search of the Kings coffers the Duke of Burbon found the league vnder the great Seale of England newly made betwéene the King of England and the French King which once perceyued by him began to smell the impediment of his money which should haue come vnto him from the King hauing vpon due search intelligence that all the matter was deuised by the Cardinall of Englande The Duke conceyued suche an indignation héerevpon agaynst the Cardinall that incontinente hée wente vnto Rome and there intended to sacke the Towne and to haue taken the Pope where at the first assaulte of the walles the Duke was the first man that was stayne yet notwithstanding hys Captayne 's continued their assaulte and at the sast wanne the Towne and the Pope fledde Rome sacked the people fled vnto Castell Saint Angell where hée continued long in calamitie All this notwithstanding which yée haue hear● when newes was brought into England of the taking of the French King great triumph was made for ioy thereof on the ninth of March. About such time as Cardinall Wolsey was determined Cardinall VVolsey suppresseth Priories to build his Colledges in Oxford and in Ipsvvich to erect his new Colledges in Oxford and Ipswich he obteyned licence and authoritie of Pope Clement the seauenth to suppresse about the number of fortie Monasteries of good same and bountifull hospitalitie wherein the King bearing with all his doings neyther Bishop nor temporall Lorde in this Realme durst saye any worde to the contrarie In the executing of this businesse fiue persons were his chiefe instruments who on a time made a demaunde to the Prior and Couent of the Monasterie of Daintrie for occupying of certayne of theyr groundes but the Monkes refusing to satisfie their requests streightway they picked a quarrell agaynste the house and gaue information to the Cardinall agaynste them who taking a small occasion commaunded the house to bée dissolued and to bée cōuerted to hys new Colledge but of thys irreligeous robberie done of no conscience but to patch vp pride whiche priuate wealth coulde not furnishe what punishmente hath since ensued at Gods hande sayeth myne Authour partly our selues haue séene for of those fyue persons two fell at discorde betwéene themselues and the one slewe the other for the which the suruiuor was hanged the thirde drowned hymselfe in a well the fourth béeing well knowne and valued worth two hundreth pounde became in thrée yeares so poore that hée begged to hys dying day and the fifth called Doctor Allane béeyng thiefe executor of these doyngs was cruelly maymed in Irelande euen at suche tyme as hée was a Bishop the Cardinall falling after into the Kings gréeuous displeasure was deposed and dyed miserably the Colledges whiche hée meante to haue made so glorious a building came neuer to good effect and Pope Clement himselfe by whose authoritie these houses were throwne downe to the ground was after enclosed in a dangerous séege within the Castell of Saint Angell in Rome by the Emperialles the Citie of Rome was pitifully sacked and himselfe narrowly escaped with his life The Tower at Greenewich was this yeare builded Greenevvich tovver builded Creations at Bridewell On the eyghtéenth of June Henry Fitz Roy which King Henry the eyght had by Elizabeth Creations at Bridevvell daughter to Sir Iohn Blunt Knight was created Earle of Notingham Duke of Richmond and Somerset Lieutenant Generall from Trent Northwards Warden of the East middle and West marches fore aneinst Scotlande Henry Earle of Deuonshire was created Marquesse of Exceter Henry Earle of Lincolne Thomas Earle of Rutlande Henry Earle of Cumberland were likewise created Robert Ratcliffe Lord Fitzwater created Uicount Egremunt Thomas Bolleyne Knight Treasourer of the Kings house was created Uicount Rochford Great murmuring was in all partes of the Realme for payment of money and Suffolke men to the number of four thousand rose in a tumult agaynste whome was sente the Duke of Norffolke and other commissioners by whose wisedome they were appeased and diuers executed Iohn Caunton Christopher Askew the 28. of Septemb. Sir Iohn Allen Mercer the 28. of October Sherifes Maior The eleuenth of February four Merchants of y e Stilyard did penance at Pawles Crosse and an Augustine Frier called Doctor Barnes bare a Fagot there was present the Lord Cardinall with eleuen Bishops Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester made the Sermon which was against Martine Luther of Germany and his doctrine A truce was taken betwéene Englande and France for a certayne space and Embassadors were sent into Denmarke 1526 for restoring of their King but the Danes woulde graunte nothing therevnto they did so deadly hate hym for hys crueltie The xxviij of Aprill came to the Court to Greenewiche Anno reg 18 Peace vvith France Mounsire Briond President of Roane and Iohn Iokin which President before the King and his Nobles made in the Latin tongue a solemne Oration the effect whereof was how dreadfull the warres had bin betwéene the Realmes of England and France He declared further of what power the King of Englande was and what conquest he might haue made in France the French King being prisoner whereof he humbly thanked him of his pitie and compassion that he had on them in their necessitie that he would consente to peace to the which Oration Sir Thomas Moore Chancellour of the Duchy of Lancaster made answere saying that it much reioyced the King that they first considered how by hys power he
Knightes and fiue Bishops to wéete Reginald of Worcester Michael of London Thomas of E●lie Iohn of Lincolne and Robert of Cicester To Worcester was preferred Iohn of Barnet to London Simon Sudburie to Ely Simon Langham to Lincolne Iohn Bokingham to Cicester William Linlinere Leonell Earle of Hulster by his wife and sonne to King Edward went into Ireland to recounter the Irishmen that vexed the English Edward Prince of Wales tooke to wife by dispensation the Countesse of Kent daughter vnto Edmond Earle of Kent brother to King Edward the second she had bin before wife vnto Thomas Holland and before that she was wife to the Earle of Salisburie and diuorsed from him A route of the great company of the Englishmen were cōmanded to depart out of France and they discomfited in Anuerne the Frenchmen and tooke diuers prisoners of the nobles of France that had bin afore takē of the Englishmen and there was slayn Iaques de Burbon and the Countie of Salbrig Also a route of Britons part of the great company aforesayd were discōfited in Limosin alias Garet by Wil. Felton knight of England at that time Steward of y e Countrey for K. Edward William Holbech Iames Tame the 28 of September Sherifes Maior Sore rempest of vvinde Iohn Peche Fishmonger the 28. of October The King helde his Christmas at Windsore and the xv day folowing a sore and vehemēt Southweast wind brake forth so hideous that it ouerthrew high Houses Towers Stéeples and Trées and so bowed them that the residue which fell not but remayned standing were the weaker The first fiue dayes of May at London in Smithfield were Anno reg 36 Iusting in Smithfield Justes holden the King and Quéene being present and the most part of the Chiualrie of England and France and of other Nations to the which came Spanyards Cipriets and Armenians Knightly requesting the King of Englands ayde againste the Pagans that had inuaded their confines The 1362 First Staple of vvool at Caleis staple of wools notwithstāding the oth receiued of the King of England and other great men of the land is sent to Caleis In the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paule King Edward at Westminster by his Charter gaue to the Abbot of Westminster and Couent two Stagges of his Uenison yearely to be taken in the Forest of Windsore Edward Prince of Wales about the feast of Saint Margaret Edvvard the Kings eldest sonne Prince of Aquitayne at Westminster in presence of the great men of y e Realme receyued of his father the principalitie of Aquitayne fealtie and homage first made to him but yet he left not the principalitie of Wales the Duchie of Cornewall the Counties of Chester and Kent Simon Islip Archbishop of Canterburie did ordeyne that Priestes became theeues for lacke of liuing ● more should not be giuen to Priestes for their yearely stipend than thrée pound sixe shillings eyght pence whiche caused many of them to steale Iohn of Saint Albons Iames Andrew the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Stephen Candish Draper the 28. of October The sixtéenth day of October began a Parliamente at London which continued till the feast of Saint Brice the thirtéenth Tho. Walsing of Nouember on which day the King was borne hauing now accomplished the 50. yeare of his age wherevppon he pardoned such as were giltie of Treason to his person releassed prisoners reuoked outlawes and at the petition of the commons he commanded pleas to be vsed in English and not in French as they had continued since the Conquest He made Leonell his sonne Earle of Hulster then being in Ireland Duke of Clarence and his son Iohn Earle of Richmond he made Duke of Lancaster and Edmond his sonne he made Earle of Cambridge In the saide Parliamente was granted to the King for Subsedie of vvoolles thrée yeares following sixe and twentie shillings eyght pence of euery Sacke of wooll to be transported beyond the Seas Ioane Quéene of Scottes and wife to Dauid Bruse and sister to King Edward the third dyed and was buried in the grey Friers Church at London by hir mother Sea Cro. A Priest in London was murthered and being cutte in four quarters was cast contemptuouslie in foure partes of y e Citie y ● doers wherof were not knowne what they were Sir Iohn Cobham Knighte founded the Colledge of Cobham Colledge Anno reg 37 1363 Three Kings came into England The French King dieth Cobham in Kent The French King the King of Cipres and the King of Scottes came all into England to speake with King Edwarde who receiued them with great honor and gaue them great giftes the Kings of Cipres and of Scotland returned home shortly but the French King fell sicke at London whereof he shortly after died A Frost in England lasted from the midst of September Great Frost Adam Merim● to the moneth of Aprill Richard Croydon Iohn Hiltoft the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Cro. col reg ●●x● Iohn Not Peperer the 28. of October This yeare the Castell of Quinborough was builded by King Edward The ninth day of Aprill died Iohn King of France at the Anno reg 38 1364 Sauoy beside Westminster through griefe of minde that the Duke of Angiow one of his pledges had deceyued him and came not into England according as he had promised and sworne His corps was honourably conueyed to Douer and so to Saint Denis in France where he was buried Iohn de Mitford Simon de Mordon the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Anno reg 39 1365 Sherifes Maior Adam of Bury Skinner the 28 of October Ingram Lord of Cowsie married Lady Isabell the Kings daughter at Windsore Iohn Bukulsworth Thomas Ireland the 28. of Septemb. Iohn Loukin Fishmonger Adam of Bury Skinner The 28. of January Iohn Louekin Fishmonger was elected Maior and Adam Bury remoued by the Kings commandement The King commanded that Peter pence should no more Anno reg 40 Peter pence forbidde be gathered nor payde to Rome Saint Peters pence is the Kings almes and all that had twentie peny worth of good of one manner cattell in their house of their owne proper should giue that penie at Lammas The third day of Aprill was borne at Burdeaux Richard 1366 sonne to Edward the blacke Prince who was after King of England by the name of Richard the second Iohn Ward Thomas at Lee the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Louekin Fishmonger the 28. of October This Iohn Louekin Stockfishmonger four times Maior of London twice by election and twice by the Kings appointment Iohn Leyland for that he was borne in the Towne of Kingston Hospitall at Kingston vpon Thamis vpon Thamis he builded there a Chappel called Magdalenes ●o the which he ioyned an Hospitall wherein was a Mayster two Priestes and certayne poore men and for that the Saint Michael● Church in Crooked Lane builded parish Church of Saint
Paris Iohn Walcotte Iohn Loueney the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir William Vener Grocer the. 28. of October In the moneth of Nouember Iohn Duke of Lancaster came from the parties beyonde the seas into Englande after he had abidden in Spaine and Gascoigne thrée yeares space who in Spaine first tasted great misfortunes yet in the ende brought his matters to very good case not with the force of men but by the fauour of God for when he came firste to y t partes of Spaine with an armye sufficient ynoughe through wante of victualles they first dyed through hunger and after through flixe so that 1000. famous knightes of hys armye dyed miserably the residue leauing the Duke fled to the French army King Richard with his Quéene Anne held their Christmasse at Woodstocke and the Duke of Lancaster in the Castle of Hertforde The same time Iohn Hastings Earle of Penbroke as he was desirous to Just he was stroken about the priuie partes by the Knight that ranne against him called 1390 sir Iohn Saint Iohn where he dyed In a Parliamente at London it was ordayned that none shoulde purchase prouisions at the Popes hands ther was graunted to the King xl shillings of euery sack of wool and of the pound sixe pence Iohn Duke of Lancaster was made Duke of Aquitaine by the Rood and Bonet which the King gaue him and Edward the Duke of Yorkes sonne was made Earle of Rutlande to whom the king gaue the Castell of Okam Anno reg 14 A great Pestilence in the North parts of England so that in a little space a. 1100. were buried in the Citie of Yorke A Merchant of Dertmouth waged the Nauie of ships of the Ports of his own charges 34. ships laden with Wine to the summe of 1500. Tunne A wofull variaunce rose in Oxforde for the Welche and Southerne Schollers assaulted the Northerne whereby many murders were done on each side and a fielde was appointed but by helpe of the Duke of Glocester it was appeased and the Welch men bannished Iohn Francis Thomas Viuent the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Adam Bawme Goldsmith the. 28. of October The. x. xj and. xij of October the King helde a greate Courte at London in the Bishops Palace and a greate insting in Smithfield to the whyche Courte came many strangers forth of Fraunce Almain Zealand and many other parts bringing with them horsses and armour in which pastimes there was giuen first the Badge of the White Harte wyth golden chaines and crownes And vpon Saint Edwardes day the King helde his feaste in his Regalibus sitting crowned at masse with his Scepter c. and likewise the Quéen and they sat likewise at the table at Kenington crowned at which solemnitie were presente the Earle of Sainte Paule and hys wyfe sister to the Kyng of Englande and the Earle of Ostreuaunt who was made Knyghte of the Garter The Duke of Glocester toke hys iourney toward Spruys 1●91 but being tossed with infortunate stormes driuen nowe hyther nowe thyther was so farre distant of hope that he dispayred of life and at length after he had passed the Barbarous coastes of Denmarke Norway and Scotlande he arriued in Northumberlande and came to the Castel of Tinmouth where hauing refreshed himself certain dayes he toke his iourney towards his maner of Plecy Such a mortalitie increased in Norffolke and many other Countries that it was not vnlike to the greate pestilence within Yorke there dyed a. xj thousand persons The Citizens of London toke out of the Orphans cheste Anno reg 15 2000. markes to buye victualles and the. xxiiij Aldermen eache of them layde out twentie pounde to like purpose of buying corne which was bestowed in diuerse places where the poore mighte buye it at an appointed price and suche as lacked money to pay downe put in suretie to pay in y t yeare following A Brewer that dwelt at the signe of the Cocke in Westcheape by the little Conduite neare vnto Powles gate was murdered in the night time by a théef that came in at a gutter windowe as it was knowne long after by the confession of the same théefe when he was at the Gallowes to bée hanged for fellonie but the Brewers wife was firste brente therefore and thrée of his men drawne to Tiborne and there hanged wrongfully Iohn Chadworth Henrie Vamer the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Hinde Draper the. 28. of October A Parliament began at London on the Friday next after the feast of Al Saintes wherin halfe a tenth by the Ceargie and halfe a fiftéenth by the Laitie was granted to the king which mony should serue for the treatie to be had for peace with the French men whiche treatie the Duke of Lancaster should prosecute King Richarde with Quéene Anne his wife foure Bishoppes as many Erles the Duke of Yorke many Lords and fiftéene Ladyes helde a royall Christmasse at Langley neare to Saint Albons The same Christmasse day a Dolphin came forth of the sea and playde himselfe in the Thamis at London to the Bridge for shewing hapily the tempests that were to follow within a wéeke after the which being séene of the Citizens and followed was with much difficultie intercepted and broughte againe to London shewing a spectacle to many of the height of his bodye for he was ten foote in length These Dolphins are fishes of the sea y t followe the voyces of men and reioyce in playing of instrumentes and are wont to gather themselues at musicke These when they play in riuers with hastie springings or leapings do signify Tempest to follow The seas containt nothing more swift nor nimble for oftentimes with theyr skippes they mount ouer the sayles of shippes The King sent to the Londoners requesting to borrowe of 1392 Tho. Walsing them one thousande pounde whiche they stoutely denyed and also euil entreated bette and néere hand slew a certain Lumbard that woulde haue lent the King the sayde su●●me which when the King heard he was maruellously angried and calling togither almost all the nobles of the lande hée opened to them the malitiousnesse of the Londoners and cōplayned of theyr presumption the whyche noble men gaue counsell that their insolencie shoulde with spéede be oppressed and theyr pride abated By the Kings iudgement therefore was the Maior of London and the Sherifes with other of the best Citizens arrested the Maior was sente to Windsor Castel and the other to other prisons til the King with his counsell should determine what should be done with them and there it was determined that from thenceforth the Londoners shoulde not chose nor haue anye Maior but that the King shoulde appointe one of his Knightes to be ruler of the Citie their priuiledges were reuoked their liberties adnulled and their lawes abrogated The king then appointed to be Warden of the Citie a certayne Knighte called sir Edwarde de Dalingrige but he was quicklye deposed by the King bicause men said
wherevnto we haue euer bene and will be as true as any of his subiectes aliue wherof we call God our Lady S. Marie and all the Saintes in heauen vnto witnesse and record In the meane time the Earle of Wilshire treasurer of England The Earle of VVilshire and other spoyled Nevvbery the Lorde Scales and the Lorde Hungerforde went to Newberie whiche longed to the Duke of Yorke and there made inquisition of all them that in any wise had fauoured the sayde Duke whereof some were founde guiltie and were drawen hanged and quartered and all the inhabitauntes of the Towne were spoyled of their goods From thence the Earle of Wilshire went to Southampton where vnder The Earle of VVilshire stale ouer the Seas colour to take the Earle of Warwicke he armed fiue gret Caraks of Iene with souldioures taking victuals of the Kings price without payment and put a great part of hys treasure into the sayde Caraks and after sayled about in the sea and at laste stale into Dutchlande sending backe againe hys souldiours into Englande Then were the Kings Priuie seales for money priuie seales directed to all Bishops Abbots Priours and other states to lende the Kyng money therewith to wage souldiours to kéepe the Sea coasts but the commons of Kēt dreading the like vengeance to be taken vpon them as was done vpon them of Newberie sent priuily messangers to Caleis The men of Kent sent to Galeis for the Earles to the foresayde Earles beséeching them in all haste possible to come to theyr succour whervpon the said Erles sent ouer into Kent the lord Fawconbridge to know if their déedes woulde accorde with theyr wordes and anone the people of Kent and other shires adioyning resorted to the sayde Lorde Fawconbridge in greate number When the Earles knewe the wylling heartes of those people they prepared to come into thys lande againste whose comming a long Ballet was fixed vpō the gates of Canterburie made in fauour of the Duke of Yorke and the sayde Earles beginning thus In the daye of fast and spirituall affliction The celestiall influence of bodies transitorie c The Erles of March Warwick and Salisburie arriued at Sandwich where met wyth them Thomas Bourcher Archebyshop of Canterburie The Earle entred into London who with hys crosse borne before him and a greate number of other people accompanyed them to London into the whiche Citie they entred on the seconde of Julye wyth them came the Popes legate to treate of peace if néed wer Th●n was a conuocation of the Clergie holden in S. Paules Church where the sayde Earles being present the Earle of Warwicke recited the cause of their comming into the lande with the misgouernements thereof and then made open othe vpon the crosse of Canterburie that they had euer borne true faith and alegiaunce to King Henry Then the Earles of March and Warwicke with the Lords Fauconbridge Clinton Borser Priour of Saint Iohns Audley Burgavennie Say and Scrope the Archbyshop the Popes legate the Bishops of Excester Ely Salisburie and Rochester addressed thē forth to the King at Northampton leauing the Earle of Salisbury to be gouernour of the Citie in their absence The Lorde Scales and Hungerforde that before the comming of the Earles were in the Citie of London and would haue had the gouernance thereof went to the Towre of London and with them the Lordes Vessy Louel Delaware Kendale a Gascoigne Knightes sir Edmond Hampden Thomas Brune Sherife of Kent Iohn Bruyn of Kent Geruayes Clyfton treasurer of the King house Thomas Tyrel the Dutchesse of Excestex many other Then was the Tower of London besieged both by water and lande that no victualles might come to them And they that were within the Towre cast wilde fire into the Citie and shotte manye small Gunnes whereby they brent and slew mē women and children in the stréets also they of the Citie layde greate Gunnes on the furtherside of the Thamis against the Tower and brake the Wals in diuerse places The King lying in the Friers at Northāpton ordayned a strong and myghtie fielde in the Meddowes beside the Nunrie hauing the riuer at his backe The Earles with their power comming to Northampton sent certaine Byshops to the King beséeching him to admit y ● Erle of Warwicke to come to his presence to declare their innocencie which request being denyed by the Duke of Buckingham the Earles sent an Heralde of Armes desiring to haue hostages for his safe comming and going but he might not be heard The thirde time the Erle of Warwicke sent worde to the King that at two houres after noone he would speake with him or dye in y ● field The Bishop of Hereford a white Frier the kings Confessour incouraged the kings parte to fight wherfore after the battayle he was committed to the Castelf of Warwicke where he was long prisoner The tēth of July at two of y ● clocke after noo●re y ● Earles of March Warwicke let cry through the field y ● no man should lay hand vpon the King ●e on y ● cōmon people but on the Lordes Knights Espuiers then both hosts incountred foughte halfe an houre the Lord Grey that was the Kings vaward breake the fielde and came to the Earles partie and was a great helpe to them in obtayning the victorie many on the kings side were flayn many y ● fled were drowned in y e riuer y ● Duke of Buckingham the Erle of Shrowesburie y e Lorde Beaumont the Lord Egremont were slain by y ● Kings ●ēt w t many Knights Esquires y e kings ordinaunce of Guns might not be shot there was so gret rayne that day When the field was done the Earles had the victorie they came to the King he being in his tent said in this wise Most noble prince displease you not though it haue pleased God of his grace to grant vs the victorie of our mortal enemies y ● which by their venemous malice haue vntxuely stirred moued your highnesse to exile vs out of your land woulde haue vs put to finall shame and confusion we come not to y ● intent for to vnquiet ne grieue your sayde highnesse but for to please your noble person desiring tenderly the high welfare prosperitie therof of al your realme and to be your true liegemen while our liues shall endure The King of these words was greatlye recomforted anone was led to Northampton with procession where he rested thrée dayes came to London the sixtéenth of July and was lodged in the Byshops Pallaice The nintéenth of Julye they that were in the Tower of London for lacke of victualles yéelded and came forth of the which afterward some were drawn and headed The Lorde Scales late in an euening entred a Wherry with thrée persons and rowing towarde Westminster there to haue taken Sanctuarie was descried by a woman and anone the Wherry men fel on him killed him