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A78598 The charge against the King discharged: or, The king cleared by the people of England, from the severall accusations in the charge, delivered in against him at Westminster-Hall Saturday last, Jan. 20. by that high court of justice erected by the Army-Parliament; which is here fully answered in every particular thereof. Viz. The Parliaments propositions to the King. The Kings to the Parliament. The Kings condescentions to the Parliaments propositions. The overture of a treaty at Windsor. The massacre in London by vertue of the Kings commission. The coronation oath. The private articles, match with Spaine, and the match of France., King James death, Rochel. The German horse, loanes, and conduct money, privy seales, monopolies. Torturing our bodies, and slitting noses. The long intermission of Parliaments. The new liturgie sent to Scotland, calling and dissolving the short Parliament. The summoning this present Parliament. The Queens pious design, commissions to popish agents. The bringing up the northern Army. The Kings offer to the Scots of the plunder of the city. The Kings journey into Scotland. The businesse of Ireland solely cleered. The cloathes seized by his Majesties souldiers. The Kings letter to the Pope. The Kings charging the Members with his coming to the House. The list of armes and ammunition taken in his papers. ... The calling the Parliament at Oxford. The cessation in Ireland. The peace made there. The Kings protestation against popery. The letters to Marquesse Ormond. 1649 (1649) Wing C2046; Thomason E542_10; ESTC R204182 27,986 35

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THE CHARGE Against The King discharged OR The King cleared by the people of England from the severall Accusations in the Charge delivered in against him at Westminster-Hall Saturday last Jan. 20. by that high Court of Justice erected by the Army-Parliament which is here fully answered in every particular thereof VIZ. The Parliaments Propositions to the King The Kings to the Parliament The Kings Condescentions to the Parliaments Propositions The Overture of a Treaty at Windsor The Massacre in London by vertue of the Kings Commission The Coronation Oath The private Articles Match with Spaine and the Match of France King James death Rochel The German Horse Loanes and Conduct Money Privy Seales Monopolies Torturing our bodies and slitting noses The long Intermission of Parliaments The new Liturgie sent to Scotland calling and dissolving the short Parliament The summoning this present Parliament The Queens pious Design Commissions to Popish Agents The bringing up the Northern Army The Kings offer to the Scots of the Plunder of the City The Kings journey into Scotland The businesse of Ireland solely cleered The cloathes seized by his Majesties Souldiers The Kings Letter to the Pope The Kings charging the Members with his coming to the House The List of Armes and Ammunition taken in his Papers Cockerains Negotiation to the King of Denmark The Queenes going to Holland with the Jewells of the Crowne The Kings solemne Protestation The King proclaiming the Parliament Traytors The King setting up his Standard The calling the Parliament at Oxford The Cessation in Ireland The Peace made there The Kings Protestation against Popery The Letters to Marquesse Ormond Printed in the first Yeere of Englands Thraledome THE CHARGE AGAINST The King discharged WE unto whom for our Number Capacities and Interests the received and knowne Lawes and Constitutions of this Kingdome more justly convey the Rights of a Representative body of the Kingdome and people of England then unto any power whatsoever now through the wrath of God reigning do hereby freely and from our consciences declare before God and his holy Angells unto the whole world That we are so far from bringing his sacred Majesty unto a Tryall for any other or the Accusations in the Charge given in upon Saturday last against him that we stand fully assured admitting all and every of them true that by the cleare and revealed Will of God in his Word and the Lawes of this Realme he remaines lyable unto that supreme Judicature of Almighty God onely who hath passed an irreversible Act of Humane Indempnity unto him and his lawfull Successors And further whereby the whole world may take notice of the sence that we have of the impious insolence and unparaleld injustice of the present proceedings of the elected high Court of Justice against his Majesty We do from the whole evidence of our Consciences so berly informed hereby fully and absolutely acquit his sacred Majesty from all and every of the Crimes charged against him which as upon diligent enquiry it hath furnished us with matter abundantly to justifie his Majesties Innocence and satisfie our selves so we offer it on his behalfe for full satisfaction unto the world not knowing otherwise how to acquit our selves from the great guilt of the Approbation of the growing impieties of these times The certainty and sufficiency of which satisfaction as what onely is here proposed we will without recriminating unto the party now in power acting against his Majesty perspicuously and clearly demonstrate from the whole processe of matters betwixt his Majesty and the Parliament and the severall Overtures betwixt them since the commencement of these unhappy differences The Parliaments Propositions to the King 1 THat the two Houses shall nominate the Lords of the Privy Counsell and all the great Officers and Ministers of State and the Judges of the Land 2. That the Government of the Church by Archbishops Bishops c. be abolished and the Government to be set up shall be such as the two Houses of Parliament shall agree upon 3. That the Militia both by Sea and Land shall be disposed and executed by the two Houses of Parliament 4. That the custody and Command of the Forts and Castles shall be committed to such as shall be approved by the two Houses of Parliament 5. That all Peeres lately made or to be made hereafter shall not sit or Vote in Parliament but by the consent of the two Houses of Parliament These Propositions we find amongst the 19. which you tendred to his Majesty June 2. 1642. and we have premised them and placed them all by themselves that the world may see the true ground of the Quarrell wherein so much Blood hath been shed the Blood of Fathers Brothers and Children c. and that the world may judge who is guilty of all the Bloodshed Your Propositions concerning Papists we have omitted because his Majesty consented to them The Propositions which follow were added upon the Conjunction with the Scots and upon occasion of the Warres in England and Ireland and were treated upon at Uxbridge and tendred to his Majesty at Newcastle Hampton Court and the Isle of Wight 6. That all the Kings Declarations Proclamations c. against the proceedings of the two Houses be made null 7. That the King and all the Subjects of the three Kingdomes do take the Covenant 8. That there be a Reformation of and a unity and uniformity in Religion according to the Covenant in the Kingdomes of England and Scotland 9. That the Court of Wards and all Wardships be taken away 10. That the Treaties between the two Kingdomes be confirmed by act of Parliament 11. That the joynt Declaration of both Kingdomes of Jan 30. 1643. concerning those that adhere to the King in this War be confirmed by Act of Parliament 12. That an Act bee passed for paying the publique debts of the Kingdome 13. That the Cessation in Ireland be made void and that the Prosecution of the war be setled in the two Houses of Parliament 14. That Religion be reformed in Ireland according to the Covenant and as the two Houses of Parliament shall think fit 15. That the Deputy or chief Governour or other Governours of Ireland and the Presidents of the severall Provinces there and the Secretaries of State Mr. of the Rolles Judges of both Benches Barrons of the Exchequer the Vice-Treasurer and Treasurers of Warres of that Kingdome be nominated by both Houses of Parliament of England 16. That the Militia of London shall be governed by the two Houses of Parliament That the Tower of London be in the Government of the City and the chiefe Governour to be nominated and removeable by the Common Counsell 17. That all that hath passed under the great Seale of England in the custody of the Parliament-Commissioners be valid And that whatsoever hath passed the Kings great Seale since the 22. of May 1642. be made void As likewise whatsoever grants of Offices Lands tenements and heriditaments have passed the great
Exact Col. p. 630. That his Majesty sometimes denyed to receive your humble Petitions for Peace We conceive you meant the Petition which you sent to the Earle of Essex at Worcester about the end of Sept. 1642. to be presented to his Majesty then at Shrewsbury upon notice whereof his Majesty declared that he was ready to receive any Petition from you only he required that none of those persons whom he had particularly accused of High Treason should by Colour of that Petition be employed to his Majesty And so we accompt this charge amongst the insufficiencies of your Declaration Concerning the Overture of a Treaty at Windsor and his Majesties advance to Brainford We finde that when you sent your Messenger about this overture to the King at Colebrook the Earle of Essex being returned to London drew a great part of his forces and the London Trained Bands towards his Majesty sending others by the way of Acton on the one side and of Kingston on the other Wind for also being then Garrisoned by you so that if his Majesty had remained at Colebrook he would have been invironed by your forces Whereupon he resolved suddainly to fall upon the body at Brainford and having defeated them he made his way over Kingston and so retreated to Reading Nor was there any Cessation mentioned by your Messenger who brought that Overture to his Majesty And 't was not your feare for London or the slaughter at Brainford but the Kings escape that so much troubled you Concerning the bloudy Massacre in London by vertue of the Kings Commission Wee finde that to bee no other then a Commission of Array in English which was to have been made use of upon the Kings Motion with his Army toward the City As you had your Ordinances for the Militia ready upon all occasions to be executed in the Kings Quarters Concerning the Kings Coronation Oath We find it to be this and to be administred and taken thus Exact Col. 290. At the Coronation the Sermon being done the Arch-Bishop goeth to the King and askes his willingnesse to take the Oath usually taken by his Predecessors The King sheweth himselfe willing ariseth and goeth to the Altar The Arch-Bishop administreth these Questions and the King answereth them severally The Bishop Sir will you grant and keep and by your Oath confirm to the People of England the Lawes and Customs to them granted by the Kings of England your lawfull and religious Predecessors and namely the Laws Customs and Franchises granted to the Clergy by the glorious King S. Edward your Predecessor according to the Lawes of God the true Profession of the Gospell established in this Kingdome and agreeable to the Prerogative of the Kings thereof and the ancient Customs of this Realme The King I grant and promise to keep them Bishop Sir Will you keep Peace and godly Agreement entirely according to your Power both to God the holy Church the Clergy and the People King I will keep it Bishop Sir Will you to your Power cause Law Justice and discretion in Mercy and Truth to be executed in all your Judgements King I will Bishop Sir Will you grant to hold and keep the Lawes and rightfull Customs which the Commonalty of this your Kingdome have and will you defend and uphold them to the Honour of God so much as in you lyeth King I grant and promise so to do Then one of the Bishops reades this admonition to the King before the People with a loud voice Our Lord and King we beseech you to pardon and to grant and to preserve unto us and to the Churches committed to our Charge all Canonicall Priviledges and due Law and Justice and that you would protect and defend us as every good King in his Kingdomes ought to be Protector and Defender of the Bishops and the Churches under their Government The King answereth With a willing and devout Heart I promise and grant my Pardon And that I will preserve and maintain to you and the Churches committed to your charge all Canonicall Priviledges and due Law and Justice and that I will be your Protector and Defender to my Power by the Assistance of God as every good King in his Kingdome in right ought to protect and defend the Bishops and Churches under their Government Then the King ariseth and is led to the Communion Table where he makes a solemn Oath in the sight of all the People to observe the Premises And laying his hand upon the Book saith The Oath The things which I have before Promised I shall perform and keep So help me God and the Contents of this Book So the defence and maintenance of the Lawes Customes and Franchises of the People and Clergy and of peace and godly agreement amongst them And of Law Justice and Mercy and of the Lawes and Rightfull Customes of the Commonalty and the Preservation and Protection of the Bishops their Churches and Priviledges is the sum of the Kings Coronation Oath And is not this also the ground of his late Quarrell For why did he at first refuse to grant you the Militia but in order to his Oath Exact Col. 290. because without that Power he could not as he was bound defend the Lawes the People and the Church And why doth he refuse to passe your Bill for abolishing Bishops Deans and Chapters c. but because he is bound by his Coronation Oath to protect them And were not these the particulars first controverted between you And were there not first Bills brought into your House about them and the Bils being rejected were they not afterward revived by Tumults And these two things are they not principally insisted on in all your Propositions and Treaties And in truth you are offended with his Majesty not because he hath broke his Oath but because he will not break it And would God you were as religious observers of your Oathes so often renewed before God and the whole World 8. Ecclesias 2.17 Ezek. 16.18.19 and especially of the Oath of Supremacie wherein you protest and declare that King Charles is the onely Supreme Governour in this Realm And you promise from henceforth to beare faith and true allegiance to the Kings Highnesse his Heires and lawfull Successors and to your power to assist and defend all Jurisdiction Priviledges Preheminence and Authority granted or belonging to the Kings Highnesse his Heires and Successors and united and annexed to the Imperiall Crown And for our parts we are resolved to adhere to our Oath of Allegiance wherein we promise that from henceforth we will bear faith and true allegiance to the Kings Highnesse his Heires and lawfull Successors and him and them will defend to the utmost of our Power against all conspiracies and attempts whatsoever which shall be made against his or their Persons their Crown and Dignity Of other his Majesties Vowes and Protestations and of the pacification with the Scots c. we shall speak more conveniently hereafter
termes from Ireland We find also that this would have been evidenced by some other of the Kings Letters to the Queen taken by you at Nasby which you have purposely concealed least they should too plainly discover the Kings detestation of that Rebellion and his rigid firmnesse to the Protestant Religion And from his Majesties avowed firmnesse to the Protestant Religion it was that the Sectaries at first joyned in arms against him and that the Popish Princes have not succoured him yea we are informed that great store of Priests and Jesuites are in your Army intruding and concealing themselves under the generall Liberty now practised in matters of Religion and combin'd with the Sectaries against the King as equall enemie to them both and if God doth not prevent it they are likely to destroy both the King and our Religion together We have heard that M. Henderson lying on his death-bed told his friends about him if they would preserve Religion they must preserve the King the admonition will serve as well for England as for Scotland The sum of your Declaration ANd now have we run through the severall particulars of your Declaration and we find that 1. You charge his Majesty with what you cannot take cognizance of as his Transactions with his Scotish Subjects and after an act of Oblivion 2. That touching the Occurrences and Transactions in England and Ireland you charge his Majesty falsly maliciously illegally unreasonably 1. Falslly that the King never made any proposall fit for you to receive That he hath not kept his Coronation Oath That he betrayed Rochell That by his two Maximes he hath laid a foundation of Tyranny That he protected evill Counsellors That after you had shut the Ports hee gave Passes to Papists to go over into Ireland who were afterward in the head of the Rebells That by his Guard he abused your Committee at York and protected Berwicke against the Posse Comitatus And that he set up a mock-Parliament at Oxford c. yea you charge his Majesty with things rejected by him when they were proposed to him as the bringing over the German Horse The bringing up the Northern Army to the City and to secure the Tower not forgetting that you suppressed Col. Gorings second examination about that businesse There are also other falsities in your Declaration as that a storme from Denmark had fallen upon Hull and the Magazine there had not the Sweds about that time invaded the King of Denmarks Dominions c. 2. Maliciously by misrepresenting his Majesties actions That the King sometimes denied to receive your humble Petitions for peace Concerning the Kings advance to Brainford Concerning his Commission and the bloody Massacre at London Concerning his giving the 5. Counties to the Irish Committee Concerning the 40. Proclamations sent into Ireland Concerning the Kings Letter to the Earle of Ormond to thank Muskerie and Plunket Concerning his Letter to the Pope Concerning the Kings going to your House when by the way we cannot forget your suppressing Captain Ashleys examination at Grocers Hall Concerning Cockrans Negotiation in Denmark concerning the Holland Fleet concerning his Majesties Protestations against bringing over Forraigne Forces against bringing up the Northern Army and against making warre against this Parliament concerning his Commission to the E. of Glamorgan c. 3. Illegally that is for what the King did according to Law as the charging the five Members with Treason the Commission of Array his proclaiming some Traytors Also we find that he had a Judgement in Law for the Ship-money the Canons Ceremonies c. were also according to Law Nor can you by your owne Law charge him with what he did upon the Certificate of his Attourney and Solicitor in case of Monopolies nor with what he did by the advice of the Privy Councell concerning Scotland dissolving the Parliament and the Cessation in Ireland 4. Vnreasonably 1. With the grievances of the Kingdome after they were remedied by severall Acts of Parliament as Ship-money Monopolies c. 2. With what his Majesty justly had satisfied as Coate and conduct money and inclosing Commons 3. With what was done by Courts of Justice as the Whipping c. 4. With what was done by King James as the Articles with Spain and France 5. With what the Queen did as her designe if there were any 6. With what the Irish Rebells say calling themselves the Kings or the Queenes Army c. 7. With what your selves are guilty of as the not prosecuting the Duke of Buckingham The long intermission of Parliaments caused by your Remonstrances The rise of the Irish Rebellion by your not suffering the Army to be transported the delaying the Earl of Leicester c. 8. For refusing your unreasonable desires concerning the Commission when he went into Scotland And the Commissions to the Lord Brooke and the Lord Wharton 9. For what the King did in Order to his necessary defence as the Guards and preparation of Armes and Ammunition at Whitehall The List of Armes and Ammunition found amongst his Majesties Papers The Vessell that arrived neer Hull with Armes and Ammunition Cockrans Negotiation in Denmark The pawning the Jewells of the Crown his Letter to Sir John Heydon for Ordnance c. His Declaration to bring in Money Plate c. His Guard at York and setting up his Standard And from these your false malicious illegall and unreasonable allegations and charge how can you conclude that his Majesty hath broken his trust with the Protestants in France Scotland Ireland and this Kingdome And that he hath endeavoured to inslave us by German Spanish French Lorraign Irish Danish and other Forraign Forces And that he hath wholly forgotten not only his duty to the Kingdome but also the care and respect he oweth to himselfe and his own family and that you will repose no more trust in him but settle the present Government without him Let our strength be the Law of Justice 2 Wisd 11 And because you iterate and reiterate his Majesties Breach of trust and your resolutions thereupon we also reiterate our faith of that point We beleeve the Kings Power to be fiduciary and the Kingly Office a great trust but that he is intrusted as he is impower'd by God and only by God 2 Wisd 2 3. S. Paul tells us Ro. 13. That there is no power but of God And that the Powers that are are ordained of God and that the chiefe Magistrate is the Minister of God Arm'd by God with the sword to execute wrath upon him that doth evill And when you can out of the holy Scriptures shew us as cleare a Derivation of Politicall Power and trust from the People we will assent to your opinions and submit to your resolutions Besides when S. Paul writ this Epistle to the Romans Nero was their Emperor And so he that resisteth Nero resisteth the Ordinance of God And they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation Now if that bloody Tyrant and Persecutor Nero