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A73271 The summarie of English chronicles (lately collected and published) nowe abridged and continued tyl this present moneth of Marche, in the yere of our Lord God. 1566. By J.S.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgements Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1566 (1566) STC 23325.4; ESTC S124615 158,676 423

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tribute a thousand markes and to hold the Title of the Crowne by the byshop of Rome Anno. 14. M date 1212 Hēry fitz Alwyn S Rādolph Eilād Constātin Iosue This yeare fell great discention betwene Discention betwene y e Kynge and his Lordes the kyng and his lordes partly for that he wold not maynteyne the lawes of kyng Edwarde partly for the displeasure he bare vnto them for that they ayded hym not agaynst the bishop of Rome so that a greatnumbre of people were raysed on bothe parties The Earle of Chester wyth the other lordes toke the Citie of London and held theym there Other saye that a greate part of this variance betwene Kynge Iohn and his barons was forbecause the Kyng would haue exiled the Earle of Chester who oftentymes had aduised the kyng to leaue his cruelnes and his accustomed aduoutrye whiche he exercised with his brothers wyfe and others But by meanes of the Archebyshep af Cantorbury and other prelatez a peace was taken for a whyle This yeare on the .xi. day of Iuly a Great fyre in Southwarke and London great part ▪ of Southwarke was brent and in the moneth of August next folowyng was muche harme doone in London by fyre The kyng and his lordes met wyth A Charter to the Barons great strength on either partie vppon Baramdowne where a charter or writyng was made and sealed by the king so that the Barony was with it contented and departed in peace euery man into his countrey Anno. 15. M Roger fitz Alwyne S Martin fitz alis date 1213 Peter Bate The peace whiche in the laste yeare was agreed betwene kyng Iohn his barons was this yeare by the Kynge biolated and broken Wherfore the lordes assembled to them great powers and made cruell warre vpon the king in so muche that he was constrayned to sende into Normandy for ayde Thē camme into Englande a Normane knight named Foukis de Brent whiche broughte with hym a companye of Normans Flemmyngs and Picards He and his cōpany were so cruel that they destrosed as wel religious houses ●s other and dyd muche harme to the lande puttyng the lordes to the worse the kynge made Foukes and other of his company wardens of castels and stronge holdes in Englande The lordes seynge the kynge perseuer in his wronge and that he woulde in no wyse be induced to hold his own grantes but to do all thyngs after pleasure and nothyng after lawe or iustice caste in their myndes how they myght bring the realme in a better rule and by one consent wrote to Philip king of Frāce that he would send som noble man into Englande and they would yeld the land vnto hym This yere kynge Iohn caused to hee drawen and hanged at Warham one Piers of Pomfret his sonne executed Piers of Pomfret and his sonne for speakyng of dyuers thynges agaynste the Kyng Anno reg 16. M date 1214 Roger fitz Alwyn S Salomō basing Hugh basyng KYng Iohn laying siege to the castell of Rochester wanne the same and K. Iohn be sieged y e castel of Rochester toke therin certayn gentylmē and sent them to dyuers prysons placyng strangers in the same Castell The barons held them together at London abiding the commynge of Lewes sonne to the Frenche kyng whyche landed in England with a great armye and so came to Rochester and wanne it with small payne he caused all the strangers therin to be hanged and after came to Lōdon where certain alliances and couenantes were establyshed and cōcluded betwene the lordes and hym and receiued of them homage Then he with the Lordes departed frome London and gat the castell of Rigate of Gilforde and of Fernham and frome thens to Wynchester where the Citie was yelded wyth all other holdes in those parties and then he wyth the lordes came agayne to London At whose cōmyng the tower of London was delyuered to them they slew all straungers that had ben placed by the Kynge in any place King Iohn beyng thus ouerset with his lordes sent messangers to y e bishop of Rome shewyng to hym the rebellion of his lordes and how they labored his destruction Wherfore the bishop of A Legate frō Rome Rome with all haste sent a Legate into England called Swalo The whiche after his commyng commaunded Lewes to returne into Fraunce and laboured boured to the vttermost of his power ▪ to appease the Kyng and his haronye but all his labour was in ▪ vayne Anno reg 17. date 1215 W Williā Hardel S Iohn Crauers Andrew Newlād This yeare kyng ▪ Iohn dyed ▪ of the the Flixe as is recorded in Policronicon at the towne of Newarke he was bowelled in the abbey of Croghton and buried at Worcester It is written that he buylded the abbey The abbey of blacke monkes in Winchester of Bewley in the new forest in re compence of the parysh Churches whiche he there ouerturned to enlarge the forest and an abbey of Blacke monks in the citie of Winchester He deceasse● in the yere of our Lord. 1216. the .xix. of October when he had reigned 17. yeares .vi. moneths and. 13. dayes ¶ Henry the thyrde Anno Regni .i. date 1216 HEnry the sonne of Iohn of the age of nyne yeares was proclaymed Kynge of England who began his ▪ reigne the .xix. day of October in the yeare of our Lorde 1216. and deceased in the yeare 1272. thi .vi. day of Nouember So he reigued .lvi. yeres and .xxviij. days The noble mou with their retinue kept sharp warre with Lewes th● frenche kynges sonne who by the conenants made before with the English men claymed the crowne But after certayn s●icmishes and battailes Lewys Hēry crouned at Glocester began to desyre peace which was concluded and Henry was crowned at Gloucester Anuo 1. W Iacob Aldermā S Benet Couētrie date 1216 Wil. Glūtiuers Swale y ● Legat accursed Lewis y e frēche kings sonne He accursed Lewlyn prince of Wales interdicted his lād At the last Lewis toke a. W. marks or as som authors affirin .xv. W. markes of money departed this realm Anno. 2. W Serle merrer S Tho. Bokerell date 1217 Ra●e Holyland VVHen the lād was deliuered frō straungers inquisitions were made to know what ꝑsons assisted Lewas against the kyng of which y ● king pardoned many of the laye men But the spirituall men were put to such synes that they were compelled to lay● all that they had to pledge And also to sue to Rome to be assoyled Raynolffe Erle of Chester toke hys iourney to the holy lande Anno. 3. date 1218 W Serle Mercer S Iohn Wayle Iosenus Spicer A parliamente was holden at London ii ● of euery plough lande by vertue wherof was granted to the kyng .ii. s. of euery ploughe lande through Englande This yeare kyng Henry beganne to buylde the newe worke of the ●●●●rche Westminster abbey of westmynster Anno. 4. date 1219 W Serle mercer S Rich. Wimbeldey Iohn
Wayle Alexander Kyng of Scottes maried the lady Iane syster of Kyng Henry This yeare was great harme doone Spirites firy dragōs in England by violence of whirle windes and fiery dragons and spirits wee sene flying in the ayre This yere was a proclamation made that all straungers shoulde auoyde the realme except such as came with merchandise and to make sale of them vnder the kynges saufe condude whiche was doone to auoyde Foukes de Brēt and his complices who kepte the. castell of Bedford agaynst the Kyng This yere was kyng Henry secondly Hēry crouned the second tyme. The castels of Chartley Beston the abbey● of Delacresse built crowned at Westminster date 1220 This yeare Rainolph earle of Chester came out of the holy land into England and began to buylde the castels of Chartley and of Beston and after buylde the abbey of Delacresse Anno. 5. W Serle mercer S Richard Renger Iosence le Iosue THis yeare was a counsel holden at Oxenford of the bishops of Englād wherin one was condemned whiche taught that he was Iesus Christ and to confirme the same he shewed the tokēs of woundes in his handes bodye and fete He was therefore crucified on a Crosse at Alburbury tyll he dyed Anno. 6. W Setle mercer S Richard Renger date 1222 Iosens Iosue A conspiracy was made against king Henry by one Constantine in the citie of London for the which he was drawen hanged and quartered the morow Execution after our Lady day assumption Which conspiracie so moued the Kyng that he was in mynde to haue cast downe ▪ the walles of the citie Anno. 7. W date 1222 Serle mercer S Richard Renger Thomas Lābert This yere Iohn kyng of Hierusalem came into England and required ayde of kyng Henry to wynne agayne Hierusalem ▪ but he returned agayne with small comfort This yeare the King began the foūdation Salisbury buylded of Salisbury mynster Anno. 8. M date 1223 Richard Renger S Williā Ioyner Tho. Lābert Thys yeare the Lordes and gentilmen The firste graunte of wardes to the kyng of Englande fyrste graunted to kyng Henry and his heires the ward and mariage of theyr heires whyche was then by learned men called the begynnyng of euyls Anno. 9. M date 1224 Richard Renger S Iohn Trauers Andrew Bokerel Richard the brother of kyng Henry ouercame the Frenchemen recouered Poytiers and kepte the Gascoynes in due ▪ obedience Anno. 10. M date 1225 Rycharde Renge● S Roger Duke Martin fitz William This yeare the pleas of the crowne were pleaded in the Tower of Lōdon Lewis kyng of France wan certain castels in the countrey of Poytiers shortely after spoyled the citie of An●owe Anno. 11. M Rycharde Renger S date 1226 Stephen Bokerell Henry Cobham In this yere wes graunted by king Henry of the Sheriffes of the Citie of Shiriffewike of Lōdon Middlesex Free ▪ warreyn London the sheriffewike af London Middlesex for the sum of CCC pound by the yeare It was also granted to the citie free warren that is to saye free libertie to hunt a certain circuite about the citie It was also granted that the ce●isens of Lōdon shold passe tole free through Toll free ▪ out all England●and also graunted by the kyng that all weeres in y e Thames shoulde be plucked vp and destroyed for euer Anno. 12. M Roger Duke S Stephē Buckerel date 1227 Henry Cobham The liberties of the Citie were this yeare confirmed and to eche of the sheriffes The cities liberties ratified was graunted to haue .ii. clerks and two officers without any more Anno. 13. M date 1228 Roger Duke S Walter Winchester Robert fitz Iohn Kyng Henry sailed with an army in to Britayne agaynste Lewes kynge of France where after spoyling the coūtrey a peace was concluded betwene the .ii. yong princes Anno. 14. M date 1229 Roger Duke S Richar. Fitz William Iohn Wobborne This yere was ordeined by y e Ma●or and rulers of the Citie of London that No sheriff in London past one yeare ●o sheriffe of that citie should continue lenger / in office then one yere because that they should not by long continuance of office become couetous bribers Anno. 15. M date 1230 Roger Duke S Michael of Sainct Cleue Walter Guff●ide This yeare was muche harme doone Great fyre in London in London by fyre which began in the house of a wydowe named dame Iane Lambert Anno. 16. M Anbrewe Bokerel S Henry Edmonton Gerrarde Bate Variance grewe betwene Kyng Henry and his lordes because he put from Warre betwene the king his lordes his seruice Englishemen and trusted straungers as wel in his counsayle as other officers nere about him Anno. 17. M Andrew Bockerel S date 1232 Symon Fitzmare Roger Blunt IN this yere the king began the foundation of the hospitall of saint Iohn S. Iohns without Oxenford begon without the east gate of Oxenforde In which yere also fell ▪ wonderfull sore wether with such thunder lightning that the like had not ben sene And ther folowed an earthquake to the gret fear Great tempestes of the inhabitauntes of Huntingdon and nere therabout Anno. 18. M Andrew Bokerell S. date 1233 Ra●e Ashewy Iohn Norman THis yere the king put from him the strangers and restored the English men to their offices The Iewes dwelling in Nor wiche were accused for stealyng of a chylde whom they purposed to haue crucified Fredrike the Emperour maried Isabel sister of the king of England Anno. 19. M date 1234 Andrew Bokerel S Gerrard Batte Robert Ardell King Henry maried Elinor y e daughter of the earle of Prouance There appeared as it were hostes of men fyghting in the element The statute of Merton was fyrst enacted The statute of Merton at the parliament of Merton Anno. 20. M date 1235 Andrew Bokerel S Henry Cobham Jorden Couētry Quene Elinor founded the hospital of Saint Katherins besydes the tower S. Katherines by the ●ouer un●lt of London for the reliefe of poore women date 1236 Anno. 21 M Andrew Bokerel S John Thesalan Garard cord wauer Octobo●ea a●legate came into Englād ordened good ordināces for y e church But not all to the pleasure of the yong clergy of England Wherfore as he one day passed thorow Oxenford the scholers sought occasion against his seruantes and fought with them and ●●ue one of the same and put the legate in suche feare that he for his safegard tooke the belfray of O●ney and there helde him tyl the kinges officers comming from Abingdō deliuered him and conueid him to Wallingford Syr Simon Mountford maried the kings syster named Elianor countesse of Pembroke Anno. 22. M Richard Renger S date 1237 John Wilhall John Gōdresse A clerk of Oxenford or more verely King Henry like to haue bene slayne a souldior faining him self mad enterprised to haue slayn King Henry in his chamber at Wodstocke but he was taken and put to death at Couentry This yere was
had land and dwelling within this realme date 586 CAreticus began to rule the britons this mā as witnesseth al writers loued ciuile warre was odible both to god and to his subiects they moued the Saxons to warre vpon him who toke from him a gret part of his land The Saxons hearyng of the discention Gurmundus builded Gurmund chester betwen Careticus his britons beynge accompanied with Gurmundus kyng of Ireland made war vpon Careticus in suche wyse that hee was fayne to take the towne of Cicester where they assaulted him so sore that he with his men fledde from thence into Wales by whiche meanes he lefte a great part of his dominion and shortly after ended his lyfe when he had reigned .iij. yeres date 589 THe Britaynes whiche were chased by their enemies into Wales as is before sayd held them in those parties and assaulted the Saxons some while in one coast some while in an other vnder sundry dukes and so continued the space of .xxiiij. yeres In Britayne Ethelfridus gouerned the Northsaxons who made such continuall warre vpon the Britons and chased them so sore that it is thoughte he slew mo of them then all the other Saxons kynges By this crueltie the faith of Christ was almost vtterly extinguished amōg the Britains which had continued sence the tyme of Lucius about 400. yeares and many of the Britaynes were chased out of the Iland the reste remayned in Wales who there kept the Christen Faythe which they had receiued The britains being chased out of their The Saxons had the whole possession of this realm countrey into Wales the Saxons obteined the whole dominion of this Ilād Sauing a part of Scotlād which was subiect to y ● Pictes and Scots the Britons kept thē selues in Wales In Anno d●i 596. S. Gregorie sent S. Augus came into Englande S. Austēs of Cātorb S. Pauls churche in London s Andrews in Roches s Peters at west buylt 613. Augustin Melitꝰ Iustꝰ Iohn with other lerned men to preach the christen faith to the Angles whiche were first receiued of Ethelbert kyng of Kente whom they cōuerted to the faith with diuers of his people This Ethelberte as some write firste began to buylde S. Austins in Cantorbury S. Poules church in London s Andrews in Rechester he also excited a citisē of Lōdon to buyld the abbey of Westmynster CAdwan duke of Northwales was made soueraigne of the Britaynes who conunynge oute of Wales gaue strong battaile to Ethelfride kyng of Northumberlande theyr moste deadly enemy and in dyuers encountres so discomfited the sayd Ethelfride that he was forced to intreate for peace After which concord made betwene those ii princes they continued all their life time as two speciall and louyng frendes he reigned .xxij. yeares Also about this tyme began y e kyngdom The .vii. kingdom of Mercia or middle Englād vnder the strong painim Saxon called Penda which lordshyp conteined Hūtingtonshire Herefordshire Gloucestershire and other and was greatest of all other kyngdomes At that tyme reigned in dyuers parts of this lande Paulinus builded the great churche at Lincolne Iron cups fastened by welles fountaines to drink in 635. vii kynges Edwyn kyng of Northumberlande was baptised of y e holy bishoppe Paulinus and after hym many of his people he for the refreshyng of wayfaring menne ordeyned cuppes and dyshes of yron to be fastned by such clere welles and fountains as did runne by the wayes syde CAdwallyn the son of Cadwane began his reigne ouer the Britayns He was valyaunte and myghtie and warred strongly vpon the Saxones and made Penda kyng of Mercia tributarie to him he reigned .xlviij. yeres and was buried at London in S. Martins church by Ludgate Segebert kynge of Easte Angles or Norffolke ordeyned good learnyng to be taught and erected Schooles in The firste Schole in Cambridge builded dyuers partes of his dominion as he sometyme hadde seene in Fraunce By him was the fyrste common Schole founded at Cambridge Penda king of Mercia warred vpon Oswalde the good and holy kynge of Northumberland and siue him in battayle with many of his knightes Oswye the brother of Oswald obteyned the kyngdome of Northumberlande who siue Oswyne his brothers sonne and made Odilwaldus partaker of his kingdome Kenwalcus kyng of West Saxons was restored to his kingdome by the ●he bishops se of Winchester builded helpe of Anna king of east angles He builded the byshops see of Winchester and made Agelbert the first byshop of that see And after him was one named Wyne of whome the citie tooke the name of Wynchester Benet the monke and maister of the Glasynge brought fyrst into Englande The abbes of Abingt● Chertsty Barking builded ●euerēd Beda was famous in britayn This Benet brought fyrste the craft of glasyng into this lande Cissa begun to builde the abbey of Abingdon and Erkenwalde bishop of London builded the abbeys of Chertsey and of Bar●ing in Essex Chertsey in Southery was afterward destroyed by the Danes date 683 CAdwallader was ordeyned kynge of Britons and ruled onely .iij. yeres He vanquished and slewe Lothayre kyng of Kente and Athelwolde kyng of South saxons and then forsakyng his kyngly authoritie he went to The kinge became a monke Rome and there became a religious man and was buried at sainct Peters church at Rome He was the last king of Britayne And this lande after this The Iland called vniuersally England tyme was called Anglia and y e inhabitantes therof Angles or Englishmen and the Britayns were called Walshemen This happened 1791 yeres or as sayeth Fabian 18●2 after that Brute fyrste arriued in thys lande After the conquest of Cesar 735. yeres From the entryng of the Saxons vnder their leaders Hengist and Horsus in the tyme of Vortiger 236. or nere therabout Thus endeth the reigne of the Britons and now foloweth the reigne of the Saxons And although the Saxōs h●d deuided this realme into seuen seuerall kyngdomes yet I wyll nowe speake chiefely of the west Saxons in order because that in proces of tyme they subdued the other kynges and brought it agayn into one monarchie date 686 AMong the west Saxons reigned a noble man called Iewe of gret power and wisedome and therwith valiant and hardy in feates of armes very expert he mainteyned such war agaynst The colleg of Wels the abbei of Glastēburi newly builded The quene of west saxons was abbesse of Barkyng the kynge her husbād becam a religious mā the Kentyshe Saxons that he constrayned them to seke a●d intreate meanes of peace geuyng to him for the same great gyftes This man builded first the college of Welles the abbey of Glastenbury he payd y e Peter pens first to Rome when he had gouerned the west Saxōs by the space of .xxxvii. yeres by the earnest labour of his wif Etheldreda which was an holy womā and abbesse of Barking in Essex gaue vp his royal
into the north partes and got from the Scots Cumberland and Northumberland which ▪ they said were geuen to thē by Maude his mother and set an order in that countrey Anno. 3. date IN Englande were sene .ii. sunnes in the fyrmamēt and in the Moone appeared a redde crosse King Henry went into Wales and Castell of Rutland abbey of Basingwerk built quieted that countrey and after builded the strong castel of Rutlande and founded the abbey of Basyngwerke Anno. 4. date 1157 ABout this tyme came into Englād certayn Germaines to the number of xxx which taught y e abrogatiō of the Sacramentes of the alter Baptisme and Wedlocke Anno. 6. date 1159 IEwes kinge of Fraunce gaue his daughter Margaret in mariage to Henry the sonne of kynge Henry of England By reason wherof was ●acifyed the warre betwene Englande and Fraunce for the landes of P●ytowe and others Anno. 7. date 1160 KIng Henry went into Scotlande and made war vpon king William so that he toke him and made him yeld the castel of Carlile the castel of Camburgh with diuers other and receiued of him fealtie and homage Anno. 8. date 1161 THis yere the citie of Canterburye Gret fire at Cantorbury was fiered by negligence a great part therof brent Anno. 10. date 1161 THomas Becket byshop of Canterbury fled to Rome to complayn vppon the king to the byshop Anno. 14. date 1167 KIng Henry caused Henry his eldest R. Henris so crouned his father being aliue son to be crouned king as he thoght to the great quietnes aswel of himselfe as of the realm but as it proued to the vtter disturbance of them bothe Anno. 17. date 1170 THomas Becket by the mediation of Alexander bishop of Rome and Lewes the French king was restored to his bishopricke and not longe after by certayne gentilmen he was slayne at Cantorbury Anno. 18 date 1171 KIng Henry sent Ambassade to Alexander bishop of Rome to purge him self of the deth of Thomas Becker Amonge other thinges it was enioyned him in his penance that it should be lawful to his subiectes as often as thē listed to appeale to the see of Rome that no man shoulde be accompted as king vntill such tyme as he were confirmed by the Romayne byshop Anno. 19. date THomas Becket was canonised by the byshop of Rome Anno. 21 date 1174 HEnry the sonne of kinge Henry of The kings sonne the second time crowned England was crouned the seconde time with his ▪ wife Margaret y e french kinges daughter Anno. 22. date 1175 KIng Henry the sonne by the settyng Henrye the son of king Henry rebelled against his father on of the king of France Elanour his mother and certaine other nobles toke armes r●i●ed dedly war against his naturall father Diuers strong battels were foughten as well in England by the deputies frendes of both parties as also in Normādy Poytow Guyen Britayn wher they wer corporally present but y ● victory fel alway to the father There toke party against king Henry the father Lewis king of France William kyng of Scotlande Henry Geffrey Iohn his own sons Robert Earle of Leicester Hughe of Chester and other But in the ende the sonnes with their alies were constrained to yelde to their father and desyre peace which he gentilly graunted and forgaue their trespace Anno. 24. date 1177 IN Englande fell grent wetherynge and tempest of thunder lightening in the middes of winter and in Sommer folowyng ●ell hayle of such gretnes that it slew both man and beast Anno. 26. date 1179 AT this time were manye Iewes in England which agaynst the feast of Easter did vse to sacrifice yong childrē in despite of christen religion Anno. 28. date 1181 Henry the eldest sonne of Henry of England ended his lyfe Shortly after began the warre betwene king Henry and Philip of France for homage that the Frenche kinge required to be done for the landes of Poytow and other for the castell of Gysours Anno. 29. date 1182 RObert Harding a bourgis of ●rystrow S. Iustes at bristowe builded to whō kyng Henry gaue the Garonye of Ge●klaye butlded the abbey of S ▪ Austen at Bristow Anno. 31. date 1184 HEraclius Patriarke of Ierusalem which had bene in diuers parts of Europe came to king Henry desyring him of ayde againste the Turkes but was denied therof Anno. 32. date 1185 At Bury the Iewes crucified a child in despite of Christes passion Anno. 34. date 1187 RYcharde Earle of Poytowe made warre against kyng Henry his father and taking part with the French king in proces of tyme wan from him diuers cities tounes and castels and namely the citie of Cenomannia For sorow wherof at the lengthe that is to say on the .vi. day of Iuly in the yeare of our Lord. 1189. king Henry ended his life when he had reigned 34. yeres 9. monethes and. 12. days he was buryed at Founteuerard King Richard the first called Cueur delion Anno regni ● date 1189 RIcharde the firste of that The fyrste batliffes in London name for his valiantnesse surnamed Cueurdelion beyng the second son of Henry the seconde was crowned King of England He began his reigne the .vi. daye of Iuly in the yere of our Lord .1189 and he deceased the yere of our Lord 1199. the vi day of Aprill so that he reigned .ix. yeres and .ix. monethes THe fyrste yere of his reigne the citisens of London obteined two officers to guide their Citie which were called Bayliffes whose names shal folowe here vnder Anno regni ● Baylyffes date 1189 Henry Cornhyll Richard Reine●y IN this yere y e Iewes were very brag here in this realm for that their number Iewe ●slain in england was so great But the commō people especially about London fel vpon them and despoyled them without pitie or mercy they so hated thē for theyr vsury and other euill conditions THis yere the king set at libertie Elianor Elianor released oute of prison his mother which lōg before at the cōmaundement of his father her husband had ben kept close prisoner But after her enlargement the realme was much gouerned by her KIng Richard gaue ouer the Castelles of Bar wike and Rokesburge to the Scottishe Kinge for the summe of x. ● .li. He also solde to the bishop of Durham his own prouince for a great piece of money and created him erle of the same Wherfore the king saide after in game I am a wonderous craftsman I haue made a newe earle of an olde bishoppe He gaue his brother Iohn many dignities as the prouinces of Notinghā De●o●shyre and Cornwall and created him earle of Lancaster Anno reg 2 ▪ Batliffes date 1190 Iohn Herlyon Roger Duke IN this yeare kyng Richarde betooke the guiding of this land to the bishop of Ely then beyng Chancelour of England and sayled into Normandy and when he had appoynted good gouernoures ouer that countrey he went to mete the frenche kinge and
hauynge made sure league one with an other went eyther of them onward of theyr iorney toward Ierusalem Thys time the Iewes in diuers Iewes in England robbed and many slewe them selues places of this Realme as at Lincolne Stamforde and Lynne were robbed and spoyled And at Yorke to the number of four hundred ▪ more had the●r maister vaines cut so bled to death Anno reg 3. Baylyffes date 1191 William Hauer shall John Bukmotte KIng Richard in his iourney to waedes Ierusalem subdued the Erle of King Richard went to Ierusalé and his brother rebelled Cipres and then ioyning his puisance with the Frenche kinges in Asia conquered Acon wher ther grew betwen king Richard and Philip the Frenche kinge a greuous displeasure Iohn the brother of king Richard toke on him the kingdome of Englande in his brothers absence King Richard restored to the Christians the citie of Ioppa and in many battels put the Turke to gret sorow Anno. 4. Bailiffes Nicolas Duke Peter Newlay date 1192 King Richard exchanged Cypres with Guye ▪ of Lesyngham for the kingdom of Ierusalem Wherfore the king of England a long time after was called king of Ierusalem An. reg 5. Bailiffes Roger Duke date 1193 Richard Fitz Alyn King Richarde hauinge knowledge that Philip of Fraunce inuaded Normandy and that Iohn his brother had made himselfe king of England made peace with the Turkes for .iii. ▪ yeares and with a small company returnyng King Richard takē prisoner home ward by Thrace was taken prisoner by the Duke of Ostriches men and brought to Henry the Emperour and there kept in streite prison a yere and .v. monethes Where it is sayd that he slewe a Lyon and toke out his hert Anno reg 6. date 1194 Bailiffes William Fitz Isabell William Fitz Arnold Iohn the kinges brother by the settyng on of the Frenche king made gret warre within the land toke by strengthe the castelles of Windsore of Notinghā others And the French king made strong warre in Normandy date 1195 Anno. reg 7. Bailiffes Robert Beysaui Io●e le Iosue Hubert bishop of Salisbury was by king Richard sēt into Englād to haue the guiding thereof and also to treate with the lords cōmons for the kings deliuerance The sayd Hubert was by the monkes of Christes church in Cantorbury chosen archbishop Anno. reg 8 ▪ date 1196 Bailiffes Gerrad de Anteloche Robert Durant THis yere king Richarde was deliuered Great ransume payde for the king out of prison for the summe of one C. M. pounds of sterlinge money for paiment of which ransom al y t wol of white monkes chanons was sold and rings crosses of prelates with vessels chalices of al churches thrugh the land and .xvii. shrines wer ap●d and spoyled of the golde and siluer c. King Richard beyng thus deliuered shortly after landed at Sandwich so came to London where when he had arested him with a certayne number of knightes he rode to Notingham and wan the castel after that the castel of Tikhill he deposed his brother Iohn Richard agayn cronned at Winchester crouned him selfe agayn king of England in the citie of Winchester then he called a parliament where he called agayn into his handes all such thinges as he hadde eyther geuen or sold by patentes or otherwise wy which meanes he gathered a summe of money and sailed into Fraunce wher shortly a peace was concluded betwene the two kings for one yere Then Iohn which had taken part against his brother made meanes to Elianor his mother by whose mediation he was reconsiled In this tyme one William with the William with the long beard longe bearde moued the common people to se●e libertie and fredome not to be subiect to the riche and mightye By which meanes he drew to him many great companies and with all his power defended theyr cause against the riche The king beyng warned of thys tumult commanded him to cease from those attemptes But the people s●il folowed him as thei before had done and he made to them certayn orations openly taking for his Theme this sentence Haurietis aquas in gaudio de fontibus Saluatoris Which is to saye Ye shall drawe in ioye waters forth of the welles of your Sauior And to this he added I am sayd he the sauiour of pore men ye be pore and haue assaied longe the harde handes of the rich men Now drawe ye therfore holsome water forth of my welles and that with ioye For the time of your visitation is com●n This William was taken in Bowe churche in Cheape but not withoute shedding of bloud for he was forced by fyre smoke to forsake the church And he with .ix. of his adherēts wer hanged date 1197 Anno reg 9 Bailiffes Roger Blunt Nicholas Ducket This yere the warre was renued betwene King Richard of England and Philip of France in whiche eyther of them ●ped diuersly An. reg 10 bailiffes date 1198 Constantine Fitz Arnold Robert le Beau. King Richard of England be●●eged the castell of Galiarde and was wounded Kinge Richard woūded to deathe with a quarell that was shot from the wall and therof died the .vi. day of Apryll in the yere of our Lorde 1199. when he had reigned .ix. yeres and .ix. monethes His bodye was buried at Founteuerard his bowels at Carlile his hart at Roan King Iohn Anno Regni ● date 1199 IOhn brother to Richarde afore named beganne his reigne ouer this realm of England the .vi. day of Aprill in the yeare of oure lord 1199. and decesed in the yere 1216. the .xix. day of October He reigned .xvii. yeres .vi. monethes and .xiii. dais Of person he was indifferent But of melancolye and angrey complexion An. reg 1. bailifies Arnold bitz Arnold date 1199 Richard Fitz bartilmewe Philip king of France in the quarell of Arthur duke of Britain whom certayn of the Lordes had named kyng of England made warre vpon kynge Iohn inuaded Normandy and tooke from him diuers castels and tounes iii. s. of euery ploughe land King Iohn hearyng therof assembled a counsayle wherin was graunted to him iii. s. of euery plough lande through England beside the subsedy of the spirituall landes he sayled into Normandy where he spent the time to his losse and dishonour But aboute Michelmas a truce was concluded betwene the two kinges of Englande and of France king Iohn deuorsed This yere was a deuorce betwene king Iohn his wife the erle of Glocesters daughter because of nerenesse of bloude and after he was maried to Isabel the daughter of the Erle of Engolcsym in France by whom he had i● sonnes Henry and Richard and .iii. daughters Isabel Elianor and Iane. date 1200 An re 2. bailifs Roger. Dorset Iames bactilmew aldorm● In thys seconde yeare Raynulphe Erle of Chester by thexample afore shewed by kinge Iohn lefre his own wife named Constance which he before had
maried and wedded one Clemens One Chronicle sath he did so to haue issue but he ther with displesed God so much ▪ y t he would suffer him to haue none issue but dyed without An. reg 3 Bailiffs Walter Fitz Ales date 1201 Simon de aldermābury THis yere in Yorkshyre were sene v Moones one in the east an other in ●●ue mones in the firmament the Weste the thirde in the northe the fourth in the southe and the fifthe in the myddes of the other and went compassing the other .vi. t●nes as it were the space of an houre and vanished away sone after In this yore were chosen .xxv. of the most substantial and wysest men of the xxv gouernours of the citie Citie of Lond● to maintayn and kepe the Assises of the same Citie of the whiche yerely the bailiffs wer chosen and after the Mayor and Sheriffes were taken of the same number An. reg 4. date 1202 Bailiffes Gyot tempest Normand Blundell Iohn de Ely THis yere fell excedyng lightnyng thunders other stormes of wynd and rayn with hayl of y e bignes of hennes egges which perished fruit corn houses and yong cattell Also spirites were sene in the ayre in likenes of foules bearyng fire in their bylles which set fyre on dyuers houses Philyp of France cōtinually made warre vpon the Duchy of Normandy tyl at the last he subdued the same with the prouinces of Guyen Poytiers Britayne whiche before pertayned to the crowne of Englande Kyng Iohn sailyng into Normandy warred on the borders of France but of his victories is little written Anno. 5. date 1203 Bailiffes Walter Browne Williā Chāberlain Dearth of wheate This yeare by meanes of euyl weather in the yeare passed wheate was sold for .xv. s. a quarter whyche was thought an extreme price King Iohn maried his bastarde daughter to Lewlyn prince of Wales and gaue with her the castell and lord shyp of Elyngsmore beyng in the marches of Southwales The byshop of Rome wrate to kyng Iohn gentilly requirynge hym to admytte Stephen Langton into the byshoprike of Cantorbury and the monkes by hym expelled from theyr own● abbeye to restore theym agayne to the same but the more hys lordes aduised hym so to do the more was he bente to the contrary In so much y t they returned without obteinyng their request ▪ Anno Reg. 6. Baylyffes Thomas Hauerill date Hamond Bronde The bishop of Rome deno●●●●ed king Iohn with his whole realme ▪ accursed Englande interdicted because he would not admit Stephen Langton to the bishoprike of Cantorbury but he litle regarded his threatnyngs and would not obey hym At this tyme in Suffolke a fish was takē like to a man was kept liuing A 〈◊〉 fysh was taken vi moneths vpon the land with rawe fleshe and fyshe and after when they saw they could haue no speche thereof they cast it agayne into the sea Anno re 7. Bayliffes Iohn Walgra●e date Richard de Winchester Kyng Philip of France subdued the Normādye ●ost countrey of Normādy ▪ which sens the tyme of Charles the simple that is to say the space of 300. yeres was ●ot in the possession of the kinges of France Anno re 8 Bailiffs Iohn Holylande date 1206 Edmonds fitz Gerrard About this tyme the Irishemen and Wales and Ireland re●elled shortly after the Welshemen rebelled for that he leuied on theim suche greuous taskes to warre agaynst France● so that the Kynge was fayne to rayse a great taxe throughout this Realme of Englande to wythstande theyr force He required of the white monkes syxe thousande marke but they refused the payement of so greate a summe so that the king toke great displeasure against them by reason wherof after his returne out of Ireland he exacted of them more then before he had desyred wher by he caused some abbottes to forsake theyr houses Anno Reg. 9. Bailiffes date Roger Winchester Edmond Hardell Kyng Iohn sayled into Normandy wher after certain s●●rmishes he made peace wyth kyng Philyp of Fraunce for .ii. yeares This yeare was graunted to the Citisons of London by the Kynges Lette●s patentes that they should yerely First ma●●●● of London chose to them selues a Mayre and .ii. Sheri●●es on S. Mathewes or Mychelmas day whose names were as foloweth Anno Reg ▪ 10. Maire Hēry ●●tz Alwyn S date Peter ●uke Tho ▪ Nele This yeare London bridge was b●gon to be buylded of stone The originall wherof was as foloweth Fyrste beyng no bridge but a Ferry the Feryman and his wife deceasynge lefte the same to their daughter a mayden named Mary Audery who with the goodes left to her by her parents buylded an house of systers whiche is the vppermost end of S. Mary Auderis churche vnto the whiche house she gaue the ouersyght and profite of the same ferry but afterward the same house of sisters was conuerted vnto a colledge of pristes who buylded the bridge of tymber and frome tyme to tyme kepte the same in reparations but consydering the great charges in repairyng y ● same in the yeare of our Lorde 1209. by the great ayde of the citisens of Lōdon and other they begon to build the same of stone and then the abouesaid college of priestes was conuerted vnto a priorie of chanons bearyng styll the name of the mayden whiche kept the ferry and so called S. Mary Auderie Anno. 11. M Henry fitz Alwyne S Peter le Iosue Williā Bloūd The Englyshemen which were sent by kyng Iohn to ayde the erle of Flanders chased the Frenchemen and in the hauen of Sluce compassed and tooke theyr whole nauy of ships which was in number 1020. sayle M Henry fitz Alwyne S date 1210 Adam Whetley Stephē le grase This yere Pandolph a legat cam frō A legate from Rome the bishop of Rome monishing y e king in sharpe maner y t he shold restore maister Stephen Langton to hys see of Cantorbury and the monks vnto their abbey The kyng callyng to mynd the daungers he was wrapped in bothe in his owne realme and also in Normādy The Kyng sworne to be obedient to Rome made promyse by othe to be obedient to the court of Rome At that tyme were graunted the Peter pence Anno reg 13. M Hēry fitz Alwyn S date Iohn fitz Pet Iohn Garlonde THis yeare Stephen Langton archbyshop of Cantorbury with the other exiles landed in Englande the kyng receyuyng them ●oyo●sly was there assoyled of the sayd byshop and after that ▪ the kyng makyng restitution to the byshop and other accordynge to the third article of his othe the land was released of the interdiction the the kyng makyng restitution to the bishop and other accordyng to the thirde The lande released of the Interdiction article of his othe the land was released of the interdiction the Kyng being bounden that as well he as his heires should euer after be fenders to the sea of Rome paying yerely
borne Edwarde the kinges sonne called Longshankes Anno. 23. M Williā Joyner S date 1238 Reimūd Bingley Rafe Ashewy This yeare on Candelmas day the king created syr Simō de Mountford Erle of Leycester Anno. 24. M Gerrard Batte S date 1239 John Gysors Michel Tony The King subdued the Welshemen which oftentimes rebelled An. 25. M Reymond Byngley S date 1240 John Doile Tho. Duresyne This yere were aldermen fyrst chosen The fyrste aldermen in London in London which thē had the rule of the wards of the citie but were euery yere changed as y e sherifs are now Anno. 26. M date 1241 Reymond Bingley S John Fitz John Rafe Ashewy KIng Henry sayled into Normandy with a fayre company purposing to recouer Poyteirs Guian other coūtreys but after many bickerings som what to the losse of Englishmen Henry treated a peace Anno. 27. M date 1242 Rafe Ashewy S Hugh Blunt Adam Basing THis yere the pleas of the crowne wer pleaded in the tower of Londō And in this yere Griffeth whiche Griffeth of wales brake his neck was sonne of Lewlyn lately prince of Wales entendyng to haue broken prison fell ouer the inner ward of the Tower of London and brake his necke Anno. 28. M date 1243 Michell Tony S Rafe Spicer Nicolas Batte THis yere Michell Tony Maior and Nicolas Batte Shiriffe were bothe conuict of per●ury by the othe of all the Aldermen Because Nicholas Batte had bene Shriue ouer one yere and for the same they were both deposed and other were in their places Anno. 29. M John Gysors S Robert Cornhill date 1244 Adam Bewlay RObert Grosthed bishop of Lincoln with other prelates cōplained to y e King of the wast of the goods and patrimony of y e church which daily was wasted by the aliant bishops clerks of this land who shortly wer auoided Anno. 30. date 1245 M John Gysors S Symon fitz mary Laurēce Frowike The labbey of Hayles builded This Richarde the Kinges brother builded the abbey of Hayles Anno. 31. M Piers Alleyn S John Doile date 1246 Nicolas Batte IN this yere was a mighty erthquake in England that the lyke to it was An earthequake not sene many yeres before This yere the king seised the fraunchise The kinge seised the fraunchises of the city ● of Londō Coyn changed ▪ of the citie of Londō for a iudgement ▪ that was geuē by the Maior and aldermen agaynste a wydowe named Margaret Diel but shortly the ▪ Maior and sheriffes were agayne restored to theyr offices and this yere was a new coyne and the olde called in Anno. 32. M Michel Tony S Nicolas Joy date 1247 Geffrey winton This yeare the wharfe of Quenes hiue in London was taken to ferme by the Communaltie of London to paye yerely fifty pound for the same Anno. 33. M date 1248 Roger fitz Roger S Rafe Hardell Iohn Tosalan This yere dyed Robert Grossehed a famous clerk and byshop of Lincoln who compiled many famous bookes whiche remayne to this daye in the latin and the frenche tongue the names wherof are partly declared by maister Bale in his story of English writers Anno. 34. M date 1249 Iohn Norman S Humfrey Basse Williā fitz Ric ▪ This yere was a great winde vpon A greate winde the day of Simō and Iude which did muche harme in many places of Englande Anno. 35. M date 1250 Adam Basing S Laurēce frowike Nicolas Batte The frier Augustins began to build or inhabite in wales at Woodhous King Henry maried his daughter Mary to Alexander king of Scots receiued of him homage for the realme of Scotlande Anno. 36. date 1251 M Iohn Toleson S The maior of London sworne in thex chequer Williā Durham Tho. Wimborn This yere was graūted by the king that wher before this time the citizens of London did present theyr Maior before the kyng whersoeuer he were and so to be admitted now he should come onely before the Barons of the exchequer and they shoulde admit him and geue him his othe Anno 37. date 1253 M Nicolas Batte S Many vilages in Englande drowned Iohn Northāptō Richard Picard This yere in the moneth of Ianuary the sea rose in such height that it drowned many vilages houses nere vnto it in diuers places of England This yere also the Thames sprang so highe that it drowned many houses about y e water side And this yere was graunted of the king that no citizen of London should paye scauage or tolle for any beastes by them brought as the● before time had vsed Anno. 38. date M Ri. Hardel Dra. S The liberties of London seased Ro. Belington Rafe Ashewy This yere also y e liberties of London wer again seased by the meane of Rychard Erle of Cornwalle because the Maior was charged that he loked not to the bakers for theyr syses of bread so that the citie was forced to please the Earle with 600. markes or they were restored agayne Alphonce king of Castel gaue Elinor his doughter in mariage to prince Edward the sonne of king Henry to whō his father gaue the princedome of Wales The kings eldest sōne prince of Wales and gouernance of Guian and Ireland wherof beganne that the kings of England ordeined their eldest sonnes princes of Wales Anno. 39 M date 1254 Richard Hardell draper S Stephen Oistergate Hen. Walmode THe king againe seased the liberties The liberties of Lon●on seased of the citie for certayn mony which the quene claymed for her right of the citizēs so that they gaue vnto his grace 400. marke and then were restored to their liberties agayne The. 22. day of Nouēber wer brought to Westminster 102. Iewes from Lincolne whiche were accused for crucifying Execution ●f the Ie●es of a chylde at Lincoln they were sent to the tower of London of these 8. were hanged and the other remayned long in prison Anno. 40. M Rich. Hardell draper date 1255 S Mat. Bokerel Iohn Mynor THis yere a peace was made betwen the citizens of London the abbot of Waltham who had ben long in controuersie for tol that he demaunded of the citizens that came to Walthā fayre but at the last the citizens were set free and bound to no toll Anno. 41 M Richarde Hardell Draper date 1256 S Rich. Ewyll William Ashewy GReat variance was betwene y e king the Londoners in so muche y t the The maior of London diuers Aldermen the sherifs depriued Maior diuers aldermen sheriffes were depriued of their offices and the gouernance of the citie cōmitted to certeine persons of the kings appointing The king for so much as he had oftentimes promised the restitution of certayne ancient lawes but neuer performed the same the lords murmuring against him to appeace their malice he held a parliament at Oxenford which The mad parliament was called the madde parliament because many things were there enacted which proued after to the confusion of the
Realme and death of manye noble men In confirmation of these actes wer chosen .xii. piers who altered and Twelue piers changed many thinges greetlye to the discontenting of the kinges minde Anno. 42. M date 1257 Rich. Hardell draper ▪ S Th. fitz Rich. Ro. Cathelion This yere Hugh Bigot Iustice and Roger Turkeley kept theyr courts in Bakers on the tumbrel the Guildhal of London and punished the Bakers vpon the tombrell where in times passed they were punished on the pillorye and they dyd manye other thinges agaynst the lawes of the citie Richard the kings brother retourned out of Almayn into England Anno. 43. M date 1258 Iohn Bisors Peperer S Iohn Adrian Ro. Cornhil King Henry fearing some rebellion of his nobles went into Fraunce and there concluded a peace After whiche peace finished the kyng retourned into Englande A Iewe at Tewkesbury fell into a A Iewe ●rouned in a priuie priuie vpon the saturday would not for reuerēte of his Saboth day be plucked out Richard of Clare ●ri● of Glocester hearing that the Iew did so gret reuerence to his Saboth day thought he would do as much to his holy day which is sonday and so kept him there tyll mondaye at which season he was found deade Anno. 44. M Willi● fitz Richard date 1259 S Adam brown Ri. Couentry In this yere the king commaunded a a ●olk mo●e at Poules crosse general assembly or meting at Poules crosse ▪ whor the king in proper person commaunded the Maior that the nexte day after he should cause to be sworna Othe to the king before his Aldermen euery striplynge of .xii. yeres of age and vp warde to be true vnto the king his heires kings of England and that the gates of the citie shold be kept with har●issed men Anno. 45. M Wil. Fitz Richard date 1260 S Io. Northāptō Rich. Pickard King Hēry published at Poules cro● the bishops of Rome absolutiō for him and al his that wer sworn to maintein the articles made in the parliament at Oxforde for whiche cause the barons of Englād begon to vtter theyr malice which they had long before conceiued against the king and caused an insurrection that continued three yeres Richard erle of Glocester decesed Gilbart de Clare was erle after him Anno. 46. M date 1281 Th. Fitz Thomas S Phi. walbroke Rich. Tayler THis yere was so gret a frost y t men A gret frost The barōs against the king rode on hors back ouer the thames The barons of Englande armed them against theyr king and all this yere ho uered about Londō other places they robbed and spoyled aliens and certayn other persons whom they knew to be against theyr purpose speciallye they slew the Iewes in all places Anno. 47. M date 1262 Thomas Fitz Thomas S Ro. Mountpiler Os●ern Bu●kessell 500 Iewes were slayn by the ciizās Iewes slayne of Londō because one Iew wold haue forced a christen man to haue paid more thē .ii. d for y ● vsury of .xx. ● for a weke Hugh le Spencer with the citizēs of London spoyled brent the manors of Richard the kinges brother which hither to had b●n a great stay of the warre betwene the king and his nobles Nere to Lewis in Sussex king Hēry A ba●tell at Lewis his barons fought a cruell battei in which the king him self with Richard his brother syr Ed. his son other noble men to the nūber of 25. wer taken and of the commons were slayue about 20000. Anno. 48. M Tho. Fitz Thomas date S Tho. Lamford Edward blune Debate and variance fel betwene Symon Mountford erle of Leicester and Gilbert de clare erle of Glocester chif capitains of y ● barons which torned to theyr gret euill For prince Ed. beyng now set at libertie allied him with the erle of Glocester gathering to him a The battel of Euishā gret power warred so freshly vpō Simon of Leicester that at the end he and Hugh spencer with many others of the nobles were slayn in the battel at Euisham in Worcestershyre The same yere was holden a parliament A Parliament at winchester at Wynchester where all the statutes made before Oxforde were disanulled abrogate And all writinges made for the confirmation of the same cancelled The citie of London was in greate London like to haue bene spoyled daunger to haue bene destroyed by the kyng for great ire and displeasure that he had conceiued against it because of the fornamed commotion he gaue vnto prince Edward the Maior of London and ▪ iiii of the beste Aldermen with al theyr goodes lands and put diuers other of the moste welthye into diuers prisons Anno. 49. M date 1264 Tho. Fitz Thomas S Peter Armiger Greg. Rockesie The kinge came to Westminster and shortly after he gauevnto diuers of his The kinge gaue diuers citizens of Lōdon with all theyr landes and goodes to his household seruātes honshold seruants vpon 60. housholdes houses within the citie with all such lands tenementes goods cattels as the sayd citizens had in any other places of Englande and then he made one Custos or Gacdein of the citie syr Othon Constable of the tower And after this the kinge toke pledges of the best mens sons of the citie that his peace should be surely kepte in the same the which were put in the tower of London and there kepte at the coste of theyr parentes And shortly after by greate laboure and suite made all the foresayd persons whiche shoulde be in the keping of the bailife of the castel of Windsor eyght onely excepte and all the other londoners 31. in nūbver were deliuered and came to London Dailye sute was made vnto the king to haue his grace and know his pleasure what fine he would haue of the citie for theyr transgressions by th● done for the whiche the king asked .xl. M. poūdes and stucke at .l. M. markes but the citizēs alledged for them selues the vnhabilitie of the citie as that many oftheyr citizens were fled the rest at home were spoiled and robbed of theyr goods For which considerations and many other the citizens besought the kinges moste gracious fauour to take of thē as they might beare Such continuall laboure was made to y e king that lastly it was agreed for .xx. M. marks to be paid by the citie for all transgressions and offences by them done certayn persons excepted which the king had geu● his son beyng in the tower of Windsor Then for the leuying of this fine were taxed as well seruantes couenaunte men as householders And many refused the liberties of y e citie for tobe quite of the charge of whiche number many neuer returned agayne King Henry besieged the castell of Kenelworth castel besieged Kenelworth which Henry Hastinges defended against him the space of half a yere then gaue it vp into his hands Anno. 50. M Williā fitz Richard S date
multitude but y t they wold haue him deliuered to them who brake the bakers head or els to breake open the gates of the saide bishops palaice who was the kings high treasorer for the which the kyng seased the liberties of the citie and discharged the Maior and Sheriffes of the rule of the Citie and committed the gouernement therof to a knyght of the courte called sir Edward Dalingrige Anno. 16. M date 1392 William Stonden Grocer S Gilb. Māsfield Thomas Newington This yere by the great sute labour The liberties of Londō restored of doctor Grauesend then bishop of Lōdon the liberties were shortly restored to the citisens of London Anno. 17. M date 1393 Iohn Hadley grocer S Dr●w Barentin Richarde Whittingion A truce prolonged betwene Fraunce and Englanoe for thre yeares This yeare died Quene Anne wyfe to kyng Richarde Anno. 18. M Iohn Frenche Mercer S date 1394 William Bramton Tho. Knolles Aboute this tyme was Wikliffe famous Iohn Wiklife in England Kyng Richarde made a voyage into Ireland whiche was more chargeable thē honorable And this yere was great tempest of wynd in England Anno. 19. M William More bintener S Roger Elys date 1395 William Sheringham A truce for .xxx. yeres was made betwene England and France and kyng Richard toke to wife Isabel the daughter of Charles the Frenche kyng Anno. 20. M Adam Bame goldsmith S date 1396 Thomas Wylforde Will. Parker The duke of Glocester king Richardes vncle with the erle of Arundel and Execution other was put to cruell deathe for so muche as they rebuked the kyng in certayn matters ouer liberally Anno. 21. M date 1397 Richard Whittingtō Mercer S Wil. Askham Iohn Woodcocke ▪ This yeare deceased Iohn of Gaūt duke of Lancaster He was buried in Poules Churche on the north syde of the quier The Duke of Hereford and also the the duke of Hereforde banyshed Duke of Norffolke were bothe banyshed the lande Anno. 22. M date 1398 Drewe Barēntine goldsmith S Iohn Wade Iohn Warner Kinge Richarde lette the realme of Englande let to ferme Englande to Ferme to syr Willyam Scrope Erle of Wiltshyre and to .iij. knyghtes Bushye Bagot and Grene And then in Aprill he wente with an army into Irelande leauynge for hys Lieuetenaunt in Englande syr Edmund of Langley his vncle and duke of Yorke Kyng Rychard beynge occupied in Irelande Henry Bolynbroke Duke of Hereforde and of Lancaster whiche was banyshed into France beynge sesite for of the Londoners came into Englande wyth a small power and landed in Holdernesse in Yorkeshire to whome the Commons gathered in greate numbre whereof Kynge Richarde hearynge aboute September he returned and landed at Mylforde hauen he went to the Castell o● Flint in Wales where he rested hym entendynge to gather more strengthe In the which tyme Henry Duke of Lancaster came vnto Bristowe where he tooke syr William Scrope Earle of Wilteshyre and Treasourer of Enggland syr Iohn Bushy and syr Henry Greene. Syr Iohn Bagot was there taken but he escaped and fled the other thre were put to execution Kyng Richard beyng in the cas●ell of Flynt Kyng Rychard takē prisoner by Hēry duke of Herford was taken and by Henry Duke of Lancaster sent to the Tower of London where shortly after he yelded vp and resigned to the sayd Henry all his power and Kyngly title to the crowne of Englande and Fraunce knowledgynge that he worthily was deposed for ▪ h●s demerytes and misgouerning of the cōmon weale ¶ Kyng Henry the fourth Anno regnl ● date HEnry the fourth was ordeyned King of England more by force then by lau full succession or election Which thyng tourned him to much vnquietnes and caused often rebellion in this Realm He began his reigne ouer this Realm the .xxix. of September in the yere of our Lord. 1399. and le●te the same the xx day of Marche in the yere 1412. So he reigned thirtene yeres six monethes lackyng nyne dayes Henry the sonne of Kynge Henry was chosen prince of Wales and duke of Cornewall Earle of Chester and heyre apparant to the Crowne he deposed three Dukes that is to saye of Albumarle Excester and Su●●●●y and the ●arqu●s of Dorset An. reg 1. M date Thomas ●●olles Grocer S William Walderne William Hyde Syr Iohn Hollande duke of Excester A conspiracie against king Henrye ▪ brother to Kinge Richarde the duke of Albumarle y e duke of Surrey with the Erles of Salisbury Gloucester and other that fauored Richard of Burdeux conspyred agaynst Kynge Henry and appointed priuely to murder him at a feaste whyche shoulde be holden at Windsore but theyr treason Execution ▪ was disclosed and they al put to death with as many knightes esquires as were of that aliance and confederacie King Richard was put to death in Kinge Rychard murdered Pomfret castel by a knight called syr Piers of Exton and after brought to the tower of London so through the citie to Poules barefaced ther stode ●●i dayes for all beholders and from thence to Lāgley and ther buried in a house of Friers but he was since remoued by Henry the .v. and lieth at Westminster Vpon the deathe of thys king Richard Iohn Gower doth write as foloweth O myrrour for the worlde mete Which shouldest in gold be bette Dox clam●tis By which all wise men by forsight Theyr prudent wittes may whette ●o God doth hate suche rulers as Here viciously do lyue And none ought rule that by theyr life Doo yll example gyue As this king Richard witnesseth wel His ende this playne doeth showe For God allotted him such ende and sent him so great ▪ woo As suche a lyfe deserude as by The chronicles thou mayst knowe Anno. 2. M date 1400 Iohn Frauncis Goldsmith S Iohn Wakell William Ebot Whyle the kinge was in Wales certayne persons enuying that he had so shortely obteyned and possessed the Realme blased abroade amongest the vulgare people that kynge Richarde was yet liuing and desyred ayde of the common people to reposesse his realme and royall dignitie And to the furtherance of their inuention they sette vppon poastes and caste aboute the stretes raylyng rimes against king Henry He beyng ne●led with those vncurteous prickes searched out the auctors and amongest other were founde culpable of thys cryme syr Roger Claryngdon knyghte with two of his seruauntes the Priour of Launde and eyghte Fryers Mynoures or graye Friers who were drawen hanged and Execution quartered at Tyborne in the moneth of February Owen Glendour of Wales rebelled Rebellio● in Wales and kinge Henry wente thither with a strong armye but they fledde to theyr mountaynes This yeare was greate scarsitie of Dearthe o● corne wheate and other grayne so that wheat was sold at Londō for .xvi. s a quarter Anno. 3. M Iohn ●hadworth Mercer date 1401 S. Wil. Venour Iohn Fremingham This yere the Condite standyng vpon Condite i● Cornehill bu●ded Cornehill in London was begon
Alexander Iden founde him in a gardeyn who in his defence slew the sayd Iacke Cade and brought his body to London where his heade was set on London bridge The Byshop of Salisbury was murdred The bishop of Salisbury murdred by the commons of the west countrey Anno. 29. M date 1450 Nicolas Wiford Grocer S Iohn Middleton William Dere The whole duchie of Normandy was yelded to the frenche kynge by meanes of the Queene and the duke of Somerset whiche caused so muche trouble in England that mortall war ensued Anno. 30. M William Gregory Skinner date S Mathew Philip Christopher warton A commotion began this yere by the The Duke of York began a commotion duke of Yorke and other noble men which was appeased for a time and the malice dissembled Anno. 31. M Gddfrey Feldyng Mercer date 1452 S Richard Lee Richarde Alley This yeare the Quene was delyuered of a Prynce who was called Edward Anno. 32. M Iohn Norman Draper date 1453 S Iohn Walderne Thomas Coke Before this Maiors yere the maior The maio● of London first rowe● to westminster sheriffes and commons were wont to ryde to westminster when the Maior should take his charge but this maior was rowed thither by water For the which the watermen made of hym a songe begynnynge Rowe the boate Norman c. The fire of enuye that a good space had couertly smouldered betweene the Duke of Yorke and the duke of Somerset with other of the quenes counsayle at this tyme brake oute in hot fierce flames of warres In so much● that betwene the Kyng who defended these persons and the Duke of Yorke with his alies at sainct Albons a cruell Battaile at S. Albons battaile was foughte In the ende whereof the victory fell to the duke of yorke And on the kynges partie was stayne the Duke of Somerset the erle of Northumberland the Lorde Clyfford with many other honorable men knightes and Squyers After whiche tyme the Duke with greate reuerence brought the Kynge frome Saincte Albons to London Where by a Parliament he was made protector of the realme the Erle of Salisbury Chauncellor and the erle of Warwike Captayne of Calaice Anno. 33. M date 1454 Stephen Foster fishemonger S Iohn Field Williā Taylor This yeare in London was a greate Fraye in London by sainctuarye men fray at saint Martins le grād by saintuary men who issued forth and hurte diuers citisens but it was appeased ▪ by the Maior and other There was suche greuons complaintes made thereof to the kyng by the Deane of Saint Martins that the liberties of the citie werin perill to be seised Anno. 34. M William Marrow Grocer date 1455 S Iohn Yong Thomas Oulgraue By meanes of the Quen● and other lordes the duke of Yorke was discharged of his protectorship which thynge was cause of new grudge and malice A great riot cōmitted in London agaynst A ryote againste the Lombard● the Lombardes and Italians because a mercers seruant was cast in prison for strikyng an Italian Anno. 35. M Thomas Canyngs Grocer date 1451 S Iohn Steward Rafe Derney At Erith within .xii. myles of London Great fysshes taken were taken .iiij. wonderful fishes wher of one was called Mors Marina the seconde a sword fishe the other two were whales A Fleete of Frenchemen landed at Sādwich spoyled Sandwiche spoyled the town with great crueltie Anno. 36. M Godfrey Boleyne Mercer date 1547 S Wylliam Edwarde Tho. Rayner A sained agremēt was made betwene the Kyng the Quene and the Duke of Yorke with his retinue● for ioy wherof a generall procession was celebrate in A generall procession saint Poules at London At which solemne feast the kyng in habite royall and his diademe on his head kept his state in procession before whom went hand in hand the Duke of Somerset the Erle of Salisbury the duke of Excester and the erle of Warwike and so one of the one faction an other of the other sect And behind the king the duke of Yorke ledde the Quene ▪ with great familiaritie to all mens syghtes But wo worth dissimulation for theyr bodies were ioyned by hande in hande whose heartes were farre in sunder as appered shortly after Anno. 37. M date 1458 Thomas Scotte Draper S Rafe Iossolyn Richarde Medtham The noble Science of printing was found in Germany ac Magunce byone The sciēce ●f printing ●●stinuen●d Iohn Cuthenbergus a knyght he foūd moreouer the Inke by his deuice that printers vsed xvi yeare after printing was found which was the yere of our Lord. 1458. one Conradus an Almain brought it into Rome Nicolas Iohn son a french man did greatly polishe garnysh it And now it is dispersed thorough the whole world as saith Poli●ore Dirgile Williā Caxton mercer o● London first brought it into England about the yere of our Lord. 1471. and first practised the same in the abbeye of saynt Peter at Westminster The duke of Yorke the Erles of Salifburye and Warwike with a greate Bloreheat fielde hoste met the kyng and other lordes of England vpon Blore heath nere to Lōdon where because Andrew Trollop a captain of Calaice the night before the battaile should haue ben fledde with a company of the beste souldiours to the Kynges parte The Duke of Yorke the Earles of March Salisbury and Warwike mystrustyng them selues to bee to weake departed with a priuye company and fledde The Duke into Ireland the .iij. erles into Gerneseye and after to Calays without any notable battaile Anno ●38 M William Hulyn fishemonger date 1459 S Iohn Plummer Ioh. Stocker The .iii. erles cōming frō Calice with a puisant army the .ix. day of July met kyng Henry at Northampton gaue Battaile at Northampton hym strong battayle In the end wherof the victorie fell to the Earles and the kynges host was dispersed chased and many slayne among whiche was the Duke of Buckingham the Erle of Shrewesbury the lord Egremount with other and the kynge taken in the fielde The duke of yorke returnyng into The Duke of Yorke made claim ●o y e crown Englande made suche clayme to the crown that by consent of a parliamēt he was proclaimed heyre apparant and all his progenie after hym The quene in this meane tyme had gathered a company of Northern men nere to a towne in the North called Battaile at Wakefield Wakefield in a cruel fight discōs●ted slew the Duke of Yorke with his son the erle of Rutland the erle of Salisbury was taken prisoner with diuers other noble men Anno. 39. M date 1460 Rich. Lee Grocer S Rich. Flemyng Iohn Lamberde The Quene with her retinue neare Second ba●●ayle at ▪ S. ●lbons saynet Albons discomfited the ▪ erle of Warwi●e and the Duke of Norfolk delyuered kyng Henry her husband Edwarde Earle of Marche and eldeste sonne to the Duke of Yorke came vp to London with myghtye power of Marchemen accompanied wyth the Earle of
through the citie shouels and spades and so many people folowed that it was wonder and within a shorte space all the hedges about the townes were cast downe and the dythes filled euery thing made plaine When the kings counsel hard therof they commanded the Maior to see that no other thyng ▪ were attempted and to call home the citizens whiche when they had done theyr enterpryse came home without any more harme doyng and so after the fieldes were neuer hedged Anno. 6. M date 1514 George Monoxe Draper S James Yarforde John Mundye A peace concluded betwen Englād and France Lewes the french king coupled in mariage with lady Mary y ● kinges sister on new yeres day folowing he ended his life wherfore king Henry sent agayne for his syster by the duke of Suffolke and other This yere Richarde Hunne a marchant taylour of London was founde hanged in Lollers tower Anno. 7. M date 1515 syr Wil. Butler grocer S Henry Worley Richard Gray William Bayly Lady Mary king Henries daughter Lady Mary borne was born at Grenewich in February Lady Mary the kinges sister before maried to the Frenche kinge returned into England and shortely after was maried to the duke of Suffolke Margaret the Quene of Scots kinge Henries eldest syster fled into Englād and laye at Harbottell where she was deliuered of a child called Margaret In Maye she came to London where she taried a whole yere before she departed into Scotland Anno. 8. M John Rest Grocer date 1516 S Tho. Seimer Rich. Thurstō This yere was such a froste that all Gret frost men with cartes might passe betwene Westminster and Lambeth On May euen this maiors yere the Euil May day An. reg 9. beginning of the .ix. yere of king Henry was an insurrection in London of yonge persons agaynst aliens of the whiche diuers were put to execution with theyr capitayne John Lincolne a broker and the residue came to Westminster with halters about their necks and were pardoned This was called euill May day Anno. 9. M syr Thomas Exmen Goldsmith date 1517 S Th. Baldrie Richard Symon Many died in England of the sweatyng The sweatinge sicknes sicknes and in especially aboute London wherfore the terme was one day kept at Oxenforde and adiourned agayne to Westminster The admirall of France came into England as ambassadour with a great companye of gentilmen and the Citie of Turney was delyuered agayne into the Frenche kinges hande for the The citie of Turney yelded french which he should pay .vi. C. thousande crownes ann for the castell that the kinge buylded .iiii. C. thousande and 23000. poundes turnoys and a peace was concluded betwene the kinges of Englande Fraunce and Castile for terme of their lyues Anno. 10. M date 1518 Thomas Myrtin Skynner S John Alleyn James Spencer This yere the Erle of Surrey was sent into Ireland as deputie and the Erle of Kyldare was of his office discharged Anno. 11. M date 1519 syr James Yarforde Mercer S John Wilkenson Nico. Partrige As king Henry was at Cantorburye with the Quene in a redinesse to haue passed the sea he heard of the Emperours comming with whom he met at Douer and accompanied him to Cantorbury where after the Emperor had saluted the quene his aunt he toke shipping into Flanders the last day of Maye king Henry passed ouer to Calais and met with Francis the French king at the campe betwene Arde and Buisnes Immediately after he met with the Emperoure with whom he went to Granelyn and the Emperour returned with wim vnto Calais wher he had great cheare after whiche tyme they departed and king Henry returned into this realme Anno. 12. M syr John Bruge Draper date 1520 S John Skeuington John Remble In this Maiors yere the .xvii. day of An. reg 13. The duke of buckingham beheaded King Henry first named defender of the faythe May which was in the. 13. yere of the kinge was the duke of Buckingham beheaded at London King Henry wrate a boke against Luther and therfore the byshop of Rome named him Defender of the sayth To whiche booke Luther aunswered very sharply nothyng sparing the auctoritie or maiestie of the king All frenchemen were attached in the citie of London and cast in prison The v. day of July the cardinall Wolsee rode through London to Douer to mete with the Emperour being accompanied with .ii. Erles .xxxvi. knightes an C. gentilmenne .viii. bishoppes .x. abbots .xxx. chaplaynes all in veluet and saten and. 700. ye●men This yere was a great pestilence death in London and other places Anno. 13. M date 1521 syr Iohn Milborne Draper S Iohn Britayn Thomas Pargeter This syr Iohn Mylborne builded Almes huoses builded certayn almose houses wherin be placed .xiii. aged poore people who haue theyr dwellings rent free and also .ii. s .vi. d. the piece payd to them the fyrst day of euery moneth for euer Charles the fifth Emperor of Rome came into England and was honorably An. reg 14 The Emperour Charles cōming to London receiued into London by the maior the Aldermen and Commons of the Citie the syxt of Iune the kinge hym selfe accompanyinge him from thence he went to Windsor and sate in the stal of the garter After great feastes iustes and honourable enterteynemente he departed to Hampton and sayled from thence into Spaine Duryng this time the Earle of Surrey Lorde Admirall brent Morles in Britain and then returned into the Realm Not long after he passed ouer to Calaice and entred Picardy and brent diuers tounes and castels He besieged Hesding but because winter drewe nere he raised hys siege and returned home Anno. 14. M Syr Iohn Mondye goldsmith S Iohn Rudston date 1522 Iohn Champneis The Lord Rosse and lord Dacres of the North burned the towne of Kelsey in scotland with foure score Villages and also ouerthrewe eightene towers of Stone with al theyr bulwarkes The Emperor Charles king Henry of England Ferdinando duke of Austrige the bishop of Rome the citie of Venice and diuers other in Italy wer confiderate against the french men The Turkes besieged the Rhodes The Rhodes taken by the Turkes Au. reg 15. The Kinge of Dēmark came into England and on Christmas daye tooke it to the greate shame and rebuke of Christen men The .xv. daye of Iune the Kinge of Denmarke and his Quene ariued at Douer and the .xxii. day of Iune they came to London and lay at the bishop of Bathes place The Earle of Surrey burned .37 villages in Scotlande and despoyled the countrey from the Easte marches to the Weste and ouerthrewe diuers holdes and castels Anno. 15. M date 1523 Syr Tho. Baldrie Mercer S Mic. English Nichol. Ieninges In December at the citie of Couentry one Philyp Scholemaster to the kynges hanchmen Christopher Pikering clarke of the Larder and Anthony Maynuile gentleman entended to haue taken the kinges treasure of his subsedye as the Collectors of the same came toward London
and ther with to haue araysed men and taken the Castel of Kiling worth and thē to haue made battell against the kyng for the whiche they wer drawen hanged and quartered at Tyborne the reste that were taken were executed at Couentrie The souldiours of Guines tooke a An. reg 16. great bootie at a fayre in the towne of Morguison and syr Robert Ierningham and certayne dimilaunces of Calays toke diuers Frenche prisoners Anno. 16. M date 1524 Syr Wil. B●ylie Draper S Raufe Dodmer Wil. Roche Clement bishop gf Rome sent vnto The goldē rose king Henry in token of great loue the golden rose Gret triumph in England for the taking of y ● Frēch king by the Emperor The Cardinall obteined lycence of Cardinal suppressed abbeis the bishop of Rome to suppresse certain abbayes to the intent to erect two colledges one at Oxenforde an other at Ipswich and to indue thē with lands whiche colledges he began so sumptuously that it was not lyke they would come to good ende King Henry was like to haue bene King Henry in ieopardy drowned by leaping ouer a diche in folowing his hauke This yere was the castell or tower set vp at Grenewiche This yere the coyne was enhansed Coyne enhaunced in England A murmuring was in all partes of the realme for payment of money and in Suffolke .4000 men rose against the Duke and other commissioners which were appeased by the duke of Norfolk and other A true betwene England and France for a certayne space Anno. 17. M Syr Iohn Allen mer S Iohn Calton date 1525 Christ Askew The .xi. of February fyue men of the St●iarde did penaunce at Paules And an Austen fryer called Doctor Barnes bare a fagot at Paules y e same day there was present at that time the lord Cardinall with xi byshoppes the byshop of Rochester made the sermon against Martin Luther his doctrine The same yere the syxt day of September An. reg 18 Gould enhaunced was a proclamation for gold the Frenche crowne was valued at iiii s .vi. d. the Angel at .vii. s .vi. d. the Ryall ▪ at xi s .iii. d. and so euery piece after that value Anno. 18. M date 1526 syr Th. Seymer Mercer S Ste. Pecock Nic. Lābert The thyrde day of Iuly which was Anno. 19 in the .xix. yere of king Henry the lord Cardinall of Englande rode towarde Fraunce where he concluded a league betwene kinge Henry and the French kinge whiche both sente their defiance to the Emperour and a stronge armye into Italy to deliuer the byshop and driue the Emperors power out of that countrey The .xv. day of Iuly was one Harman Execution drawen and hanged for coynyng false golde This yeare was suche scarsitie of Scarsiti of bread bread at London and al England that many people dyed for default thereof And the bread cartes that came from Stratford to London were met by the way at Myles end by the citizens that the lord Maior and Sherifes of London were fayne to go and rescue the sayd cartes and se them brought to the markets appointed for the same Anno. 19. M Syr Iames Spencer Vintener S Iohn ▪ Hardy date 1527 William Hollis The fyrst day of Nouember the lord Peace proclaymed Cardinall with the Ambassadours of France were at Paules and ther was proclaymed a generall peace betwene king Henry of England and Frances the french king during theyr lyues twelue monethes and a day after The eyght day of December three scholers of Cambridge and one Forster a gentilman of the court bare fagots at Paules The fyfth of Ianuarye the Cardinall Generall procession with many bishops abottes and priors went a procession at Paules sang Te deum for the escaping of the Pope from the Emperor This yere a French Crayer of .xxx. tonne beynge manned with .xxxviii. frenchmen a flemish craier of .xxviii ● ship cha●ed to the ●ower wharfe ▪ tonne and xxiiii fleminges meting at Margate the one chased the other alōg the riuer of Thames to y e tower whare of London wher the lieuetenaunt stayed them and toke bothe the captaynes and their men The .xvii. day of Iune the terme was An. reg 20 ▪ ● sweating ●ickenes adiourned to Michelmas after because of the sweting sicknes that then reigned in Londō and other places of this Realme and also there was no suche watch in London at Midsomer as beforetime had bene acustomed The vii day of October cam to London A legate from Rome a legate frō Rome called Cardinal Campegius who afterward with Cardinall Wolsey sate at the Black friers in London where before them was brought in question the kings mariage with Quene Katherine as to be vnlawefull but they long time protracted the conclusion of the matter ▪ which delaye king Henry tooke very displ●asauntly in so much that shortly after the Cardinall Wolsey was deposed frō the Chauncelorship of England Anno. 20. M date 1528 S. Iohn Rudstone Draper S Ra. warrē Ioh. Long The .xxix. day of Nouember the parysh priest of Hony lane and the vsher of Saincte Anthonees schole bare fagottes at Paules and two other bare tapers of waxe The .viii. day of may a pouchmaker An. reg 2● bare a fagot at Paules A peace was agreed vpon betwene king Henry of Englande the Emperour the Frenche kinge the kinge of Boheme and Hungary The third day A parliament at the Blacke fiers of October the king came to his place of Bridewell and there he and his nobles put on theyr robes of parliament and so ▪ came to the blacke Friers and there sate in theyr robes and began the parliament The .xviii. day of October was the Cardinall discharged Cardinall discharged of his Chauncelorship the king seased all his goods and his palais at Westminster called yorke place into his handes The xxvi daye of October was syr s Thomas more made chauncelor Thomas More made Chauncelour of England and sworne kept his rome all one day William Tyndale translated the The new Testamente printed in english new testament into English and printed the same beyond the seas Anno. 21. M date 1529 Syr Raufe Dodmer Mercer S Mic. Dormer Walter Champion Commaundement was geuen by king Henry to the Bishops that Tyndales translation of the new testament shold be called in and that they should see an other set forth to the profit of y e people The .xxiiii. of January wer .iii. men Execution drawen from newgate to the towre hil and there hanged and quartered for counter●eyting the kinges coyne The xvi daye of Maye was a gybet Anno. 22. Execution set vp in Finsbury field a man hanged in chaynes for murderinge doctor Miles Dicar of saint Brides The v. day of July was one hanged Execution in chaynes in Finsbury field for murdering mistres Kneu●ts mayd at saint Anto●ins King Henry vpon occasion of delay Sute to
Rome for●ydden that the bishoppe of Rome made in his controuersie of deuorcemēt caused proclamation to be made in Septēber for● biddinge all his subiectes to purchase any thing from the court of Rome Anno. 22. M date 1530 syr To. Pargitour salter S Wil. Daūcie J. Choping The Cardinall beynge before caste The Cardinal dece●sed and conuict in a premunire in Nouember was arrested by the earle of Northumberlande at Cawood and died at the abbey of Leicester the. 28. daye of Nouember and was there buried The v. day of April was a cooke named One boyld in Smithfielde Richarde Rose boyled in a cauldron of brasse in Smithfield for poysonyng the byshop of Rochesters seruantes and other The wole clergie of England being Anno. 23. Clergie in premunire iudged by the kings lerned councel to be in the premunire for mainteyningr the power legatiue of the Cardinall were called by proces into the kinges benche to answere wherfore in theyr conuocation they concluded a submission wherin they called y ● king suprem King ●yrste named supreme head head of the church of England were contented to geue the king 100000 .li. to pardō them theyr offences touching the premunire by act of parliament The Kinges palaice builded at saint James whiche before was a house of susters The xix daye of Angust a batcheler of lawe called Thomas Bilney was burned The xxii ▪ day of October one Pa●t●ner a marchant and a glasier bare fagottes at Paules crosse Anno. 23. M date 1531 ● Nich. Lambert ●rocer S Ri. Gresham Edw. Altam The xxvii day of Nouember was a Execution monke of Bury burned in Smithfield The i●●i day of December was one Execution Ryce Grifyn a gentilman of Wales beheaded at the tower hil and his man hanged drawen and quartered at Tyborne for treason The .xxvii. day of Ianuary a Duche An. reg 24 Execution man bare a fagot at Paules crosse and the last of April was one Baynam burned in Smithfield The xxv day of May was taken be Gret fishes taken twene London and Grenewiche two great fishes called Herlpoles both a male and a female This yere the othe that the clergie Clergie ●worne was wonte to make to the byshoppe of Rome was made voide by statute and a newe othe confirmed wherin they cōfessed the king to be supreme head Syr Thomas More-after sute made Thomas 〈◊〉 was discharged of the Chauncelorship the .xvi. day of May. And the fourth of Iune the kinge dubbed Thomas Audeley knighte and made him keper of the great seale And not long after lord Chauncelor of England Thomas Cromwell maister of the Thomas Cromwel kinges Iewell house began to bee in great fauoure with kinge Henry and was now of the counsell The xv day of Iune were fiue men Execution drawen frō Newgate to the tower hil and there hanged and quartered for ●oyning of syluer and clipping of golde The ●yfth day of Iuly was a priest Execution drawen hanged and quartred for clipping of golde Also in Iuly the king put down the Crichurch put down Tower of London repayred priory of Chrichurch in London In August and September the king repayred the tower of London The fyrste of September was lady Anne Bulleyne made Marques of Pembroke at Windsor The vii daye of October the kinge went to Caleys and to Bulloigne and came ouer agayne the xiii day of Nouember Anno. 24. M syr Stephē Pecocke Haberda S date Ric. Reinold Iohn Martin Nic. Pinchō The .xv. day of December was a great fyre at the byshop of Lyncolnes place in Holborne Kinge Henry who had maried the King Henry maried lady Anne Boleine lady Anne Bulloyne on the xii day of April beyng Easter eue next folowing caused her to be proclaymed Quene of Englande The twelfth day of May one Pauier Anno. 25. Desperatiō beyng the towne clerke of London hong him selfe On Whitsonday beyng the last day Quene Anne crowned of May was the lady Anne Bulleine solemnely and honorably crowned at Westminster The xvii daye of Iuly were two A murder Marchauntes slayne on the water of Thames towarde Westminster by one Wolfe and his wife The 7. of September was the lady Ladye Elizabeth borne Elizabeth daughter to kinge Henry borne at Grenewich and ther christned at the friers church the x. day of September The v. day of October was a Fyre at barnardes castell great fyre at Baynardes castell The .24 of October being sunday ther was a scaffold set vp at Paules crosse and theron stode a nonne named Anne Barton of Courtopstrete besyde Cantorbury Anne bartō two Monkes of Cantorbury two obseruaunt friers the person of Aldermary in London called maister Golde an other prieste confessoure to the sayde Nonne and twoo laye men there preached at that tyme the byshop of Bangor called the Abbot of Hyde where he shewed theyr offences and so from thence they were sente to the tower of London Anno. 25. M syr Christopher Askew Draper S date Williā Forman Th. Kitson This yere Pope Clement cursed king Henry and the realme of England This curse was hāged on a churchdore at Dunkirke in Flaunders and taken downe by one William Locke a Mercer of London The .xxviii. day of Ianuary was a A gret fish taken great fysh taken at Blackewall called a whale and was broughte vppe to Westminster to the king to see and so brought downe to broken wharfe and there cut out Commissioners were sente all ouer An ' o the ●to the king England to take the othe of al persons to the acte of succession for the refusall of whiche acte doctour Fysher byshop of Rochester and syr Thomas More late lord Chancellor of England were sent to the tower of London The fyrst day of April Wolf and his Wolfe and his wife hanged wife wer hanged on two gybets at the turninge tree in Lambith marshe for murdringe of the two marchant ▪ strangers afore named The xx day of April wer two monkes Execution of Cantorbury two obseruant friets the person of Aldermary in Londō and the Nonne called the holy Mayde of Courtopstrete in Kente all these were drawen from the tower of London vnto Tyborne and there hanged and beheaded and theyr heades set on London bridge and other gates of the Citie of London The xx day of Aprill al the craftes Othe to the king and companies in London wer sworn to the kinge and to the Quene Anne and theyr heyres The xv day of May was a gret fyre Au. reg 16 at Salters hall in Breadstret The v. day of Iune were all seruants and prentises of the age of .20 yeres or aboue sworne to the king and Quene Anne his wife and to the issue of them The .ix. day of Iuly was the lord Datres of the north arrained at Westminster Lorde Datres of high treason where he so wittily and directly confuted his accusers
that to theyr great shame he was sound by his peres not gilty The xxii daye of Iulye was Iohn Frith brent Frith ▪ burned in Smithfield for his opinions and with him on yong mā called Andrew Hewet a taylors seruant The xi day of August was al the places Frier houses suppressed of the obseruant Friers put down and Austen Friers set in theyr places and the same obseruantes were put in places of gray friers c. The thyrtenth day of August was a Fyre at temple barre great fyre at Temple barre and much hurte done and certayne personnes burned The xvi day of August was burned The kings stable brent the kings stable at Charing crosse called mewes wherin was burned many great horses and great store of haye Thomas Cromwel was appointed and sworne maister of the Rolles the ix day of October Anno. 26. M Syr Iohn Champneis Skinner S Nic. Lewson date 1534 William Denham In Nouember by a parliament the Bishop of Romes autoritie abrogated byshop of Rome with al his authoritie was cleane banished this Realme and commaundement geuen that he should no more be called Pope but bishop of Rome and that the king should be ●eputed as supreme head of the Churche of England hauing ful aucthoritie to reforme all errors heresies and abuses in the same Also the firste fruites and ●irst frutes geuē to the king An. reg 27 tenthes of all spirituall dignities wer graunted to the king The .xxix. day of Aprill the prior of the Charter house of London the prior of Beual the prior of Exam and a brother of the same called master Reignoldes and a prieste called maister Iohn Haile vicar of Thistil worth wer al cōdemned of treason who wer executed the fourth day of May and theyr heads Execution and quarters set on the gates of the citie of London and at the Charter house of London was set one quarter The eighte day of Maye the kinge Polled heads commaunded all aboute his courte to poll theyr heades and to geue them ●nsample he caused his owne heade to be polled likewise The xxv day of May was ▪ a gret examination Examination of Hollanders Execution of heretikes born in Hollād there was examined .xix. men and vi women of the same countrey borne The iiii day of Iune a man and his wife borne in Holland wer burned in Smithfield for the arrians heresie The .18 day of Iune wer .3 monkes Execution of the Charterhouse named Exmewe Midlemor Nudigate drawen to Tiborne and there hanged and quartred The xxii day of Iune was doctor Bishop of Rochester beheaded Syr Thomas Mor● beheaded Disitation of abbcis fysher byshop of Rochester beheaded at tower hill The vi day of Iuly syr Thomas More was beheaded at the tower hill for deniall of the kings supremacie In October the king sent doctor Lee to visite the abbeis priories and nonneties in England to put out al religious persons that would go and al that wer vnder the age of .xxiiii. yeres and al such monkes chanons friers that wer so put out the abbot or pr●or shold geue euery one in stede of theyr ▪ habite a priests gown and xl.s of money And the nonnes to haue such apparel as secule● women weare and to go where they would he toke out of monasteries theyr reliques and chiefest iewels Anno. 27. M syr Iohn Alleyn ▪ mercer S date 1535 Hūfrey Monmothe Iohn Cottes The xi day of Nouember was a gret A generall procession generall procession at London by the kings cōmandemēt for the recouering of the Frenche kinge to his healthe The number of copes that were worn in this Procession was seuen hunbred and fourtene The laste daye of December the Names of Chauntries taken Lord Maior of London gaue commandement to all parishes in the same to bring in before him the names of a● the Chauntries in their parishes and who had the gift of the same The .viii day of Ianuary died lady Lady Katherine deceased Smal house● o● religion geuen to y e king An reg 28. Katherine dowag●r at Kimbalton and was buried at Peterborowe The ▪ 4. daye of February wer geuen to the kinge by a parliamen● with the consent of the abbottes ▪ all religi●us houses that wer of .300 marke and vnder On May day king Henry beyng at a Iustes at G●ene wich sodenly departed to Westminster hauing only with him ● persons The next day An Bulleine Execution Quene was had to the tower ▪ and ther for things layd to her charge beheaded the xi● day of May. The same time were apprehended Execution the Lord Rocheford brother to the sayd Quene Henry Noris Marke Sme●ō William Brierton Fraūcis weston all of the kings priuie chamber which also about matters touching the quene were put to death the .xxii. day of May The .xx. day of May the kynge maried Lady Iane daughter to syr Iohn Seymor knyght whiche at Whitsontide was openly shewed as Quene K. Henry maried lady Iane. The .viii. day of Iune the king held his court of parliament the bishops and clergie of this realme held a conuocation at Paules church in Lōdon where after muche debatyng of many matters they publyshed a booke of religion entitled Articles deuised by the kynges highnes In this boke is specially meutioned but .iii. sacramentes Cōmotion in Lincoln shire with the whiche the Lincolnshire men were offended and fearing the vtter subnertion of theyr olde religion taised a great commotion against whō the kynge dyd sende a stronge power wherof when the rebels hadde knowledge they desyred pardon brake vp theyr armie and departed home but their capitains were apprehended and executed The men of Lincolnshire beyng pacified within sixe dayes after began a newe insurrection in Yorkeshire for the same causes for they were persuaded that al theyr syluer chalices crosses sewels and other ornamēts shold be taken out of their churches These people were gathered togyther to the numbre of forty thousand hauyng for their badges the .v. woundes with the figure of the Sacramente and Iesus written in the myddest in token that they intended to fyght for the mayntenance of christen religion Anno. 28. M date 1536 Sir Rafe Warren Mercer S Rich ▪ Paget William Bowyer The .xii. day of Nouember sir Thomas Neweman bare a faggot at Poules Crosse for that he song Masse with good ale The .xiii. day of Nouember one master Mayster Pagyngtō slayne Robert Pagyngton a Mercer of London was slayn with a gunne as he was goyng to Masse at sainct Thomas of Akers Agaynst the rebelles of Yorkeshire the Kyng sent the Duke of Norffolke the Duke of Suffolke the Marques of Excester and other with a great army by whom after the daye and place was appointed to fyghte the Capitaynes of bothe parties had communication of peace and promyse was made to the rebelles that suche thynges as they wer greued with shold be
The xvii day of February was proclamation made that al strangers shold boyde the Realme within .xxiiii ▪ dayes next ensuinge vpon payne of confiscation of theyr goodes al free de●●sens marchantes embassadours and theyr seruantes except The xvii daye of February Henry Duke of Suffolk was condempned of Execution treason the fourth day after beheaded at the tower hill The. 23. of February about 240. prisoners of Wiats fa●●●●on went with halters about theyr neckes toward Westminster who had theyr pardō in chepe ▪ The x. of Aprill D. Cra●●er archbishop of Cantorbury D. Ridley o● London and Hugh Latimer ones by shop of Worcester were conueyed as prisoners from the tower of London to Oxford ▪ there to dispute with the diuines and learned men The .xi. day of Aprill syr Thomas Execution Wiat was beheaded at tower hill ▪ and after quartered his quarters were se● vp in diuers places and his heade 〈…〉 gallowes at Hay hill wher it w●● 〈◊〉 after s●olne away The 27. of Aprill the lord Thomas Gray brother to the late duke of Suffolke was beheaded William Thomas a gentleman and Execution certayne other persons wer apprehended for conspiring quene Maries death the same William Thomas for that offence the .xviii. day of May was drawē hanged and quartered at Tyborne The .xxiiii. day of May beinge the ●east of Corpus Christi a ioyner called Iohn Strete wold haue taken the sacrament out of the priests hands in Smith field in the time of procession but he was resisted taken put in Newgate The fourth day of Iune was taken Crosse in Cheape down all the gallowes that wer about London The same day began the crosse of Cheape to be new gyldid The .xv. daye of Iuly Elizabeth a The sprite in the wall wench of the age of .xvi. or xviii yeres did open penaunce at Paules crosse where she confessed that she beyng in●●ced by lewde councell had vpon the ●iiii day of Marche laste passed counterfait certain speches in an house nere vnto Aldersgate in London about the which the peple of the whole citie wer wonderfully molested The .xix. day of Iuly king Philip the emperours sonne arriued at South-hampton King Philip the .iiii. day after he came to Winchester and there was honourably receiued of the bishop and a gret number of nobles the next day he met with the quene with whom after he had long and familiar talke The second day beyng saint Iames day the mariage was in honorable maner solemnised betwen him and Quene Mary Shortly after king Philip and quene Mary departed from Winchester and with a goodly company were brought to London and there with great prouision wer receaued of the Citizens the .xviii. day of August At that time a man came as it Paules steple laye at Anker were flying vpon a rope from Pauls steaple to the deanes wall In October the emperor sent embassadours into England to yeld vnto his sonne king Philip the Dukedome of Millayne Anno. M. 2. P. 1. M date Iohn Lyon grocer S Dauid Wodroffe Wil. Chester The .xxiii. of Nouember Cardinall Cardinall Poole Poole came into England and was receyued with honoure in all places 〈◊〉 he passed ▪ At the same tyme he was by Parliamente restored to his olde estate and dignitie that he was putte from by king Henry the quenes father and shortely after came into the Parliamente house where the king quene and other states were al present Then he declaryng the cause of hys legasie fyrst exhorted them to returne to the cōmunion of the churche restore to the most holy father and pope his due aucthoritie secondly he aduertised them to geue thanks to God that had sent them so blessed a king and quene finally he signified for so much as they had with great gentilnes restored him to his honour dignitie that he most earnestly desired to see them restored to the heauenly court vnitie of the church The next day the whole court of parliamēt drue out the forme of a supplicatiō the summe wherof ▪ was that they greatly repented them of that schisme that they had lyued in And therfore desyred the Quene and the Cardinall that by theyr meanes they mighte be restored to the bosome of the holy church obedience of the seu of Rome The nexte day the king quene and Cardinall beyng present the lorde Chancellour declared what the parliament had determined concerning the Cardinals request and offered vnto the kinge and Quene the supplication before mentioned which beyng read the Cardinall in a large oration declared how acceptable repentaunce was in the sighte of God c. Immediately he ▪ makinge prayer vnto God by authoritie to hym committed absolued them and restored them to the church of Rome When all thys was done they wente all vnto the chapell and there synging Te deum with greate solempnitie declared the ioye and gladnesse that for this reconciliation was pretended The ii day of December beyng sonday the kinges maiestie the lord Cardinal and diuers other of the nobilitie repaired to saint Paules church in London and so vnto a window of the same directly against the crosse wher the byshop of Winchester being lord Chācellor of England made a sermon ▪ declaryng how this realme was agayne restored to the church of Rome The 27. of Decēber the prince of P●amont The prince of Piamōt duke of Sauoy with other lords wer receiued at Grauesend by the lord priuie ●eale other ▪ so cōueyd along the riuer of Thames to Westminster In the beginning of Ianuary the parliament was dissolued Wherin it was enacted that the statutes before tyme made for the punishment of heretikes and the confirmation of the popes power should be reuiued and in so good force as euer they had ben before king Henries reigne and that such actes as wer made against the supremacie of the Pope should be cleane abrogated The ix day of Ianuary the prince of The prince of Orenge Orenge beyng receiued at Grauesend was conueyed along the riuer of Thamis and landed at Suffolke place The iiii of February Iohn Rogers Execution ▪ was burned in Smithfield The .vii. of February the lord Strange being maried at the court the same day at nighte was a goodly pastyme of Iuga cana by Iuga ca●● ▪ cresset lyght there were .lxx. cresset lightes The xviii of February the bishop of Execution ▪ Ely with y e lord Mountacute diuers other ▪ well apparelled rode forth of the citie of Lōdon towards Rome ambassadours frō the king quene counsel The xvi day of March a weauer of Shordit●h was burned in Smithfild On Easter day one William Flower with a wod●ni● woūded a priest as he was ministrynge the sacrament to the people in S. Margaretes churche at Westminster for the which offence the sayd William had his right hand smitten of and for opinions in matters of religion was burned in sainct Margarets churchyard the .xxiiii.
The Summarie of English Chronicles Lately collected and published nowe abridged and continued tyl this present moneth of Marche in the yere of our Lord GOD 1566. By I. S. ❧ ¶ Imprinted at London in Fletestrete by Thomas Marshe ☞ The Contentes of this Boke as foloweth ▪ 1 FIrst a Kalender at large 2 A rule for the beginnyng and endynge of the Termis 3 The Description of Englande Wales and Cornewall 4 The names of all the kynges of England from Brute who was the fyrst kyng to this present ▪ with the true accompte of yeares wherin euery kyng beganne theyr Reygne howe longe they reigned and what notable thynges hathe bene doone durynge theyr Reignes ▪ 5 The names and yeares of all the Bailiffes Custos Maiors and Sheriffes of the Citie of London since the Conquest 6 The buyldyng of the moste auncient Cities Townes Castelles with other Antiquities and Monumentes wythin thys Realme by whome and aboute what tyme they were buylded ▪ 7 Howe a man may iourney frome any notable towne in England to the Citie of London or from London to any notable towne in the same Realme ▪ with many other notable matters as partely may appere noted in the margine of the same Booke ●L Ianuary hath .xxxi. dayes ▪ ●ii ● Circumcision of Christ ●   b Octa. of Saint Stephen 2 xi c Octa. of Sainct Iohn ●   d Octa. of Innocentes 4 xix e Deposition of sainct Edward 5 viii f Epiphania Domini 6   g ●ran●●a ●●●●he●m● 7 xvi ● Lucian priest ● ● ● Lewes confessor 9   c Paule the first Heremite 10 xiii d Sol in Aquarius 11 ii e Richardus mar●●r 12   f S. Hilarius martyr 13 x g Felicis 14 xviii ● Archadius martyr 15 vii b S. Mauricius 16   c Saincte Anthonie 17 xv d Prisce virgin 18 iiii e Wolstan byshoppe 19   f Fabian and Sebastian 20 xii g Agnes virgin 21   ● Vincent martir 22 ● b Emerense ●3   c Timothe bishop 24 ix d Conuersion of S. Pauls 25   e Policarpe byshop 26 xvii f Iulian confessor 27 vi g Valerii byshop 28   ● Theodore priest 29 xiiii b Basilius byshop 30 〈◊〉 c Saturniue Victor ▪ 3● KL ▪ February hath .xxviii. dayes   d Brigide virgin Fast 1 xi e Puri●●cation o● Mary 2 xiv f Blase byshop 3 viii g Gilbert confessor 4   k Agathe virgin 5 xvi b Amandus byshop conf 6 v c Anguli byshop 7   d Paule bish Sol in 〈…〉 8 xiiii e Appoline virgin 9 ●● f Scholast●●e virgin 10   g Desiderius byshop 11 x ● Dorothe vir 〈…〉 12   b Wolfrane byshop 13 xviii c Valentine martir 14 vii d Faustine Ioui●e 15   e Iulian virgin 16 xv f Polycron●us byshop 17 ●●iii g Symon byshop 18   ● Sabyn and Iulian martir 19 xii b Milbred virgin 20 j c Lxxix martyris 21   d Cathedra Petr● 22 ●x e Fast 〈…〉 23   f 〈…〉 Apostle 24 xvi● g Alexandee byshop 25 ●i ● Eusebius priest 26   b Augustine 27 xiii● c Oswalde byshop 28 KL Marthe hath ▪ xxxl iii d Dauid byshop ●   e Chadde consessor 2 xi f Maurice confessor 3   g Adrian byshop 4 xix ● Fo●e Eusevi● 5 viii v Vidor Victorin 6   c Perpetue Felix 7 xvi d Deposit of Felix 8 v e Quadraginta mar 9   f Aggeus prophete 10   g Gorgonius mar 11 xiii ● Gregorius byshop 12 ●i b Theodore martir 13 ● c Longius mar Sol 〈…〉 14   d Cyriaci martir 15 xviii e Hilarius byshop 16 vii f Patrick Gertrudis 17   g Edward kyngand confessor 18 xv ● Ioseph the husbād of Mary 19 ●iii b Cuthbert byshop 20   c Benedict abotte 21 xii d Aphrobosius byshop 22 j e Theodore virgin 23   f Fast 24 ix g 〈…〉 25   ● Castor martir 26 xvii b Eulalie virgin 27 vi c Victor martyr 28   d Augenii mar 29 xiiii e Quirin● mar● 30 iii f Ade●mus byshop 31 KL Aprill hath .xxx. dayes   g Theodore virgin 1 xi ● Mary Egiptiace 2   b Richard byshop 3 xix c Ambrosius 4 viii d Martianus mar 5 xvi e Sixtus bishop 6 v f Egesippus 7   g Euphemii virgin 8 xiii ●   9 ii b Perpetuus byshop 10   c Marcus martir 11 x d Sol in 〈…〉 12   e Oswalde archbyshop 13 xviii f Guthlarie 14 vii g Olife 15   ● Isidore 16 xv b Aniceti 17 ●iii c Eleutherius byshop 18   d Alphege 〈…〉 19 xii e Tyburtius 20 j f Sother virgin 21   g Symon byshop 22 ●x a S. George mar 23   b Lucretia 24 xvii c Marke E●●n●el●●●● 25 vi d Anastasii 26   e Ditalis martir 27 xiii● f Petri Mediolanensis 28 ii● g Clete byshop 29   ● Depositio Erkenwald 30 KL May hath xxxi dayes xi b Philip and Iacob ●   c Athanasii byshop 2 xix d Inuen of the crosse 3 viii e Floriani martyr 4   f Godard 5 xvi g Iohn port latyn 6 v ● Iohn of Beuerley 7   b Apparitio Mich 8 xiij c Genguifi martyr 9 ●j d Gordian and Epimachy 10   e A●●ent●on day 11 x f Sol in Gemin● 12   g Boniface martyr 13 xviii ● Sophia vyrgin 14 vii b Seruacii confessor 15   c Translat of S. Bernard 16 xv d Dioscorides martyr 17 iiii e Dunston byshop 18   f Bernardyne 19 xii g Helene Quene Fast 20 j ● ●●●●so●day 21   b Vrbane martyr 22 ●x c Translation Francis 23   d   24 xvii e Adelme byshop 25 vi f Augustin of England 26   g Be●e priest 27 xiiii ● Trinitie ●●●●day 28 iii b 〈…〉 29   c Corona mar● 30 ●i d Marcell martyr 3● KL June hath .xxx. dayes   e Corpus Christi 1 xix f Erasmus byshop 2 viii g Basill 3 xvi ● Petro●i confessor 4 v b Boniface byshop 5 ● c Melon byshop 6 xiii d Translatio Wolstane 7 ii e Wilhel●ni confessor 8   f Trans Edmond 9 x g Iue confessor 10   ● ●arna●e ●ostle 11 xviii b Sol ●n Cance● 12 vii c Anthony 13   d Basill byshop confessor 14 xv e Vite Wodeste 15 iiii f Trans Richard 16   g Botulphe 17 xii ● Marr● Marciliani 18 i b Geruasie 19   c Trans Edward 20 ix d ●alburge Vyrgin 21   e Albane martyr 22 xvii f Fast 23 vi g 〈…〉 24   ● Trans Helene 25 xiiii b Iohn Paule 26 iii c Achasius confessor 27   d Fast 28 xi e 〈…〉 29   f Comme of Paule 30 KL ●ul● hath .xxxi. 〈…〉 xix g Octa Iohn Baptist 1 viii a Visitation of our Lady 2   b Trans of S. Thomas 3 xvi c Translation of S. Martyn 4 b d Zoe Vyrgin and martyr 5   e Octa. Peter and Pause 6 xiii f Translation of S. Thomas 7 ii g Deposition of Grymbald 8
within this Realme from Brutus the first Kyng of the same I purpose briefly to make a Description of this noble Realme gathered out of Polydore Virgil reported in his worke of the Englishe hystorie who saieth That all Britayn which by two names is called England and Scotland is an Iland in the Ocean sea situate ryght ouer against the Region of Gallia one part of which Isle Englishmen do inhabite an other parte Scottes the thirde parte walshemen and the fourth part Cornishmen All they o●ther in language cōditions or lawes do differ amonges them selues England so called of Englishemen whiche did winne the same is the greatest parte whiche is deuided into xxxix Counties which we cal Shires ▪ wherof ten that is to say Kent Sussex Surrey Southampton Barkeshire wilteshyre Dorsetshire Somersetshire Deuonshire Cornwall do contein the first part of that Iland ▪ whithe part boundyng toward the Southe ▪ standeth betwene the Thames and the Sea From thence to the riuer of Trent whyche passeth through the middes of Englande be xvi shires wherof the first vi standing eastward are Essex Middlesex Hertfordshire Suffolke Northfolk and Cambridge●shire the other ten which stand more in the middle of the countrey are these Bedford Huntingdon Buckyngham Oxford Northampton Rutland Leicester Notingham warwike and Lincolne After these there be vi which border westward vpon wales as Glocester ▪ Hereford worcester Salop Stafforde and Chester Aboute the middle of the Region ●ye Darbyshire yorkeshire Lancashire and Cumberland On the left hande towarde the west is westmerland Against the same is the Bishoprike of Durham and Northumberlande whiche boundeth vpon the Northe in ▪ the marches of Scotland Those shires be diuided into .xvii. Byshoprikes whiche by a Greke worde be called Dioceses Of whiche Dioceses Cantorbury and Rochester bee in Kente Essex Middlesex and part of Hertforde ▪ belongeth to the Bishoprike of London The Byshop of Chichester hath Sussex ● winchester hath Hampshire Surrey and the Isle of wyght Salisbury hath Dorsetshire Barkeshire and wylteshire Excetour hath Deuonshire and Cornwall Bathe and welles hath Somersetshyreworcester hath Glocestershyre worcestershire and part of warwikeshire Hereforde hath parte of Shropshire and Herefordshyre Couentrie and Lichefelde Staffordshyre and thother part of warwikeshyre Chester hath Chesshyre Darbyshyre and a piece of Lancashire nere the riuer of Repel The Diocesse of Lincoln which is the greatest hath eight shires lying betwene the Thames and Humber as Lincolne Northampton Leicester Rutlande Huntingdon Bedforde Buckingham Oxford and the residu● of Hertfordshire The Bishoprike of Ely hath Cantabrigeshire and the I le of Ely Suffolke and Norffolke be in the circuite of Norwiche Diocesse And this is the Prouince of the Archebishoppe of Cantorburye which is the Primate of all Englande wyth wales whiche hath iii● Diocesses as hereafter shal be declared ▪ The bishop of yorke hath yorkeshire Notynghamshyre and a piece of Lancastshyre The Byshop of Durham hath the byshoprik so commonly called Northumberlād Carlis●e cōteineth Cūbreland westmerlād And this is y e other prouince of tharchbishop ▪ of yorke whych is an other Primate of Englande and was of long tyme also primate of all Scotland But these Diocesses take their names of the Cities where those seas be placed The chiefe wherof is London wherein the beginnyng was the Archbishops sea but afterwardes transposed to Cantorbury a citie in Rent placed in a soyle amiable plesant London standeth in Middlesex on the northsyde of the Thamis That most excellēt and goodly Ryuer beginneth a little aboue a village called w●nchelcombe in Oxfordshire still increasyng ▪ and passeth fyrste by the vniuersitie of Oxenford and so with a meruailous quyete course by London and then breaketh into the frenche Ocean by mayn tydes which twise in xxi●ii houres space doth ebbe and flowe more then .lx. myles to the great cōmoditie of trauailers by whiche all kyndes of marchandise be easyly conueyd to London the principall store and staple for al cōmodities within this realm Vpon y e same riuer is placed a Stonebridge a work very rare meruailous which bridge hath xx Arches made of ●●i● squared stone of height 〈◊〉 ●ote of bredth .xxx. foot distāt one from an other xx foot cōpact ioyned together with ●aul●es sella●s ▪ Vpon both sydes be houses builded that it seemeth rather a continuall streete then a Bridge The Ocean sea doeth bounde Englande the first part of Britayne east and South wales and Cornewall west The riuer of Twede deuideth England and Scotland north The length of the Island beginneth at Portsmouth in the south part and endeth at Twede in the Northe conteinynge CCCxx myles This Realm aboue other is most fruitful on this syde Humbre for beyōd it is fuller of mountaines And although to the beholders of that countrey a far of it may seme plaen yet it is ful of many hils those for the most part voyde of trees the valleys wherof be very delectable in habited for the most part by noble men who accordynge to ancient and olde order desyre not to dwell in Cities but nere vnto valleyes and riuers in seuerall villages for aduoidyng of vehemēt wynds because y e Iland naturally is stormy Humbre hath his beginnyng a littell on this syde yorke and by and by runneth southward and then holdeth his course eastward and so into the main sea greatly increased by the ryuers of Dune and Trent Trent beginneth a little from Stafforde running through Darbyshyre and Leicestershyre passyng by Lichfielde and Notyngham on the right hande Dune on the left so that both those riuers do make an Ilande which is called Auxolme and then ioynyng together on this syde King ston vpon Hull a goodly marchant towne they fall into Humbre by whiche riuer they may aryue out of Fraunce Germanie and Denmarke England is fruitfull of beasts and aboundeth with cattell wherby thinhabitauntes bee rather for the moste grasiers then ploughmen because they geue them selues more to fedyng then to tyllage So that almoste the third part of the countrey is imployed to cattell dere redde and fallow goates wherof there be store in the north parts and conies for euery where ther is ioly maintenance of those kyndes of beastes because it is full of great woddes whereof there riseth pastyme of huntyng greatly exercised specially by the nobilitie and gentlemen Of Scotland an other part of Britayn I purpose to say nothynge because I haue promised onely and briefly to remembre thaffa●res of myn owne countrey as best trauailed acquainted with the knowlege of the same ▪ wales the third part of Britayn lyeth vpon the left hand whiche like a Promontar●e or forelande or an Isle as it were on euery side it is compassed with the mayne sea except it be on the east part with the riuer of Sabrine commonly called Seuerne which deuideth wales from Englande Althoughe some late writers affirme Hereford to be a bound betwene wales and Englande and saye that wales
Waltham abbey Waltham abbey whyche he hym selfe hadde buylded and was the laste that reigned of the bloudde of the Saxons in thys Realme Kyng Williā Conqueror Anno Regni .i. date 1067 WIlliam Duke of Normādy surnamed Conqueror Bastarde sonne of Roberte the sixt Duke of that duchye and nephew vnto kyng Edward the Confessour beganne his dominion ouer thys Realme of England the .xiiij. daye of October ▪ in the yeare of oure Lorde 1067. and deceased in the yeare 1087. the nynthe daye of September and reigned xix yeares .xi. monethes lackyng fyue dayes He vsed greate crueltie towarde the Englyshe menne burdenynge them with greuous exactions By meane whereof he caused diuers to flee the lande into other coūtreyes And lyke as hee obteyned the kyngdome by force and dent of sweard so he chaunged the whole state of this cōmon weal and ordeined new lawes at his pleasure profitable to hymselfe but greuous and hurtfull to the people This William was wise and politike riche and couetous and loued well to be magnified He was a fayre speaker and a great dissembler A man of comly stature but somdeale grosse bealied sterne of countenance and stronge in armes and had great pleasure in huntynge and makynge of sumptuous feastes Anno. 2. date 1068 The towne of Excetour the north Two castels buylded at York one other at Notingham an other at Lincolne umbers rebelled which were both subdued and greuously punyshed date 1909 This kynge William buylded foure strong castels Twayne at Yorke one at Notyngham an other at Lincolne whiche he furnished with garrisons of Normaynes Anno. 3. CAnutus kyng of Denmarke beyng encouraged therto by certayne Englishe outlawes inuaded the Northe partes of Englande and passed thorough to Yorke from whe●s he was driuen backe by William and forced to flee into his owne countrey Anno. 4. date The Scots with their kyng Mal●olyne inuaded Northumberland and spoyled the countrey Anno. 6. date Kyng William by the counseyle of the Erle of Hertford caused the money and ryches of the abbeys to be brought into his treasory he made also the new Forest in the countrey of Southamptō The newe forest in Southampton for y e atchiuing of which enterprise he was forst to cast downe diuers townes churches .xxx. myles of length and replenished the same with wylde beastes and made sharpe lawes for the maintenaunce increase of the same Anno. 10. date Roger erle of Hertford Ranulphe earle of Norffolke conspired agaynst kinge William beyng in Normandy both whiche were by him outlawed and chased oute of the Realme And Waldiffe that was duke of Northumberlande Earle of Huntingdon and Northampton who vttered the conspiracie Execution at Winchester was beheaded at Linchester and buried at Crowland Anno. 13. date At this time Oswalde Byshop of Salisbury was famous in England The kyng gaue the Erledome of Northumberlande to Walter byshoppe of Durham who was after slayne by the men of Northumberland Anno. 15. date 1081 RObert the eldest sonne of William inuaded his fathers Duchie of Normandy wherewith William beynge gretly displeased gaue his son a strong battayle in which it fortuned Roberte to me●e vnwares in the field with his father and bare him to the earth But perceiuyng by the voyce who it was forthwith he ●epte from hys horse and saued his father By whiche deede he was reconciled and peace betwene them was agreed Anno. 16. date 1082 shrewes Wēlok abbeis built About this .xvi. yere earle Waryng erle of Shrewsbury made two abbeis wherof the one was in y e suburbes of Shrewsbury the other at Wenloke Anno. 19. date 1085 KYng William caused a newe manner The number of men cattel how many hids of lād was noted in england of tribute to be leuied throughout this Realme for euery hyde of lande that is twenty acres .vi. s. And not long after commaunded a valuation to be taken of all landes fees and possessions and diligent search also to be made what number of men and cattell were within this land And accordyng A greuous exaction to the quantitie number therof gathered an other payment Anno. 20. date Englande was vexed with manye plagues For greate morayne fell emonge cattell brennynge ●euers and Gret plag● in england honger emong people greate bareynnesse vpon the earth and muche hurte was done in many places by the misfortune of fyre specially in London For a part of Paules was brent y e .vii. A parte of Paules church brēt of Iuly Kyng Williā builded two abbeis in England one at Battel in Sussex y e other nere to Londō called Barmondsay He builded the third at Cane Battel abbey Barmondsey abbey builded in Normandy He ended his life the .ix day of September and was buried at Cane in Normandy he had .v. childrē Robert to whom he gaue Normandy Richard who died in his youth William Rufus and Henry which were kinges after him And one daughter named Adela who he gaue in mariage to Steuen Erle of Bloys who got on her Steuen that after was kynge of Englande William Rufus or William the red kyng Anno regni 1. date 1087 WIlliam Rufus the second sonne of William conqueror began his reigne ouer the realme of Englande the ninth day of September in the yere of our Lord 1087. and deceased in the yere of oure LORDE 1100. the firste day of August so that he reigned .xii. yere .xi. monethes lacking .viij. days He was variable and inconstant of his demeanor very couetous and ther withall cruel For he burdened his people with vnresonable taxes He pilled the ryche and oppressed the pore And caused many to lose their landes for small causes And what he thus got by pillyng of his people he prodigally and wastfully spent in great bankettynge and sumpteous apparell Robert Curthoise his elder brother came with an armie into England against William wherof when the said William had knowledge ▪ he entreated peace Anno. 2. date DIuers Lordes of this realme conspired against William Rufus assaulted diuers tounes within Englād they stirred in like maner against him Robert Curthoyse duke of Normādy the second time But Willian vanquished the traitours chased them oute of this realme and made peace with his brother Robert This second yere was A gret erthquake a great earthquake the .xi. day of haruest that ouerturned many houses and churches in England Anno. 3. date THe Scottes spoyled Northumberland ▪ Wherfore williā Rufus prouided a nauy and sayled thither wher after diuers conflictes and skirmishes a peace was concluded Anno. 4. date 1090 A great tempest fell on sainct Lukes The rose of Bowchu●h● s●●e hundred houses in London blowen down day in sundry places of England specially in Winchecombe where a great parte of the steple was ouerthro wen with thundring lightning and in London the wynd ouertourned .vi. hundred houses and the roofe of Bowchurche in Cheape date IN this yere William Rufus
wente into Northūberland repaired such holdes castels as the Scots by their warres had impayred builded other Newcastel vpon Tine builded ●als church brent with lightening there besydes as the newe castell on Tyne c. This .v. yere the roofe of Salisoury Church was cleane consumed with lightnyng Anno. 6. date 1092 In England fell wonderful aboundance of raine and after ensued so gret frost that horses and cartes passed commonly ouer great riuers when it thawed Gret frost the gret cakes of yce brake down many great bridges Robert Curthois duke of Normādy Normandy morgaged to the king of england layd his dukdome to pawne to his brother William of Englande for tenne thousand poundes This .vi. yeare Hugh Lupus Earle of Chester sente to Normandy for Ancelme to builde an abbey at Chester Chester abbey built whiche he after builded and then was made archbishop of Cantorbury and after was exiled by William Rufus Anno. 7. date 1093 MAlcoline kyng of Scottes for displeasour tak● with the vnkindnes of William Rufus inuaded the marches The kinge of Scottes slayne in England of England and in Northumberland was slayne with his eldest sonne Edward by Robert Mo●bray which was Earle of that prouince This yere was so gret a pestilence Gret pestilence that many men laye vnburied Anno. 8. date 1094 ENgland and Normandy were greued Gret morrein of mē ▪ with exactiōs and murreyn of men so sharply that tillage of the earth was layed asyde for .x. yere wherby ensued gret hunger and scarsity the yeres folowing And many strange and vncouthe fightes were sene as hostes of Sightes in the ayre men fightyng in the saye fiery flames and such other Anno. 10. date 1096 THe .x. yere was sene a blasing sterre of great brightnes Anno. 11. date 1097 ABoute this time William Rufus builded Westminster hal who misliking the same for that it was to smal was determined to make a bigger and that it should serue for a chamber Anno. 12. date 1098 THe .xii. yere the ryuer of Thames gret flou● rose so hye that it drowned manye townes in England In England at a towne called Finchauster A wel 〈…〉 flames fyre sene the 〈◊〉 in Barkeshyre a wel cast out bloud as before it had done water and after by the space of .xv. dayes gret flames of fyre were sene in the element Anno. 13. date 1099 VVilliā Rufus beyng at his disport of hūting by glaūsing of an arrow that Walter Tyrell a frenche knighte did shote was wounded to death in the newe forest in Hampshire on a Lammas day and buried at Winchester King Henry the first called Beauclerke Anno Reg. 1. date HEnry the brother of William Rufus and the fyrste of that name for his learnyng called Beauclerke began his dominion ouer this realm of England the first day of August in the yeare of our Lord. 1100. and reigned .xxxv. yeares iiij monethes and one day Anno. 2. date RAnulphe bishop of Durham procured Robert Curthoise duke of Normandy to warre vppon hys brother Henry for the crown of England who assembled a strong army and landed at Portismouth But by mediation peace was made on this condition that Henry Tribute to he duke of Normādy should pay three thousande markes yerely to duke Robert Anno. 3. date 1102 IN this thirde yere of Kynge Henry The priory hospitall of S. Bartholomewe in Smithfield begon to be builded the churche hospitall of saint Bartholomew in Smithfield was begon to be founded by a minstrel of the kynges named Rayer And after finished by good and wel disposed citizēs of the citie of London and especially by Richard Whittingtō This place of smithfielde was at that day a laystowe of al ordure of fylth and the place wher felons and other transgressours of the Smith●●●●ld a laystowe kinges lawes were put to execution Anno. 4. date 1103 RObert Duke of Normandye commyng into England by the entreatie of kyng Henry his wife released to hym the tribute of three thousande markes Anno. 5. date BVt it was not long ere that by meanes of yll reportes gret malice was kindeled betwene the two brethren and shortely therevpon deadly warre sprang in the end wherof Robert was taken and kept in perpetuall prisō in Cardiff by his brother who immediatly seised the duchye of Normandy and held it in his possession Teukesbury ▪ abbey builded Syr Robert le Fitzhā builded Teukesbury and there was buried Anno. 6. date 1105 RObert Earle of Shrewesbury and Rebellion in Shropshyre and Cornwall William of Cornewall rebelled agaynst kynge Henry and were taken and condempned to perpetuall imprisonment Anno. 7. date 1106 IN England appered a blasing starre betwene the south and the weste and agaynst that in the east appered a great beame as it were stretching towarde A blasynge sterre the sterre and shortly after were seene two moones the one in the Easte and thother in the west Anno. 9. date 1108 HEnry the emperor desyred to wife Maude y e eldest daughter of kinge Henry of England beyng then but .v. yeres of age nor able to be maried Anno. 10. date 1179 IN the. 10. yere of his reigne the king maryed Robert hys bastarde sonne to Mabe●●●●●ghter heyre of Roberts Fitzha●● and made him the fyrst earle of Gloucester who after buylded the strong castel of Brystowe And the priorie The strong castel of bristow built Euishā abbey builded of saint Iames in the northesyde of the same citie wher his body was buryed And his sonne Erle William began the abbey of Euishan Anno. 13. date 1112 AT Shrewesbury in England was A greh erthquake a great earthquake and the riuer of Trent was so dried that the space of one daye men went ouer dryshod And this yere the king builded the abbey of Hide abbey builded Hyde without the wals of Winchester that of old time was within the wals A blasyng sterre appered sone after and ther vpon folowed a harde winter A blasynge sterre deathe of men scarsitie of victuals and morayne of beastes Anno. 15. date 1114 King Henry of Englande gaue his daughter in mariage to the Emperour with great dower and made William his sonne Duke of Normandy wherof began the vsage and custome that the kinges of England made theyr eldeste sons dukes of Normandy Anno. 18. date LEwes inuaded Normandy with muche cruelty and toke the city of Lignes in Cauise Wherfore king Hēry assembled a stronge armye met with Lewis in playn field and fought with him a cruell and deadly battell in the ende wherof Lewes was ouercome constreined to flee the field Henry recouered the town of Lingnes Anno. 20. date 1119 VVilliam Duke of Normandy and The kings children drouned in the sea Richard the sons of king Henry of England and Mary his doughter Richard earle of Chester with his wyfe the kinges nece and other to the number of ▪ 160. persons passyng
Fletstret builded late Maior of London finished of his owne cost without any one peny charge to the citie This yeare dyed Robert Chicheley An obite for maister Robert Chicheley grocer and twise maior of Londō who willed in his testament that vpon his mind day a good competēt diner shold be ordeined for .2400 poore men hous holders of the Citie if they mighte he found and .xx .li. in money distributed amongest them whiche was to euery man .ii. d Anno. 18. M date 1439 Robert Large Mercer S Robert Marshall Philip Malpas A prieste was burned at the Tower hyll on the .xvii. day of Iune which of Execution at Tower hill the common people was counted an holy man for y t he sayd the postern shold sinke and such like things they made theyr praier to him and arrered a gret heape of stones and pight ther a Crosse by night vntyl a cōmaundement was geuen by the king to the contrary The posterne of East Smithfielde agaynst the tower of London sanke by The postern sanke night .vii. foote into the earth the xvii● of Iuly Anno. 19. M Iohn Paddisley goldsmith S Iohn Sutton date 1440 William Wetinghale Elianor Cobham wife to Humfrey duke of Giocester Roger Bolinbroke aconning negromancer and Margery Iourdemain cōmonly called the witch of Eie were accused that by sorcery enchantmentes they practised the kin ▪ ges death as by an image of waxe whi the through their diuilish incantations should litle litle wast and consume and so like wise the king to weare out of his life Wherfore beyng examined conuict Elianor Cobham was iudged to do penaunce as to beare a taper .iii. days through the chiefest stretes of the Citie of London and so to be exiled to the Isle of Man Roger Bolinbroke was diawen hanged and quartered at Execution Tiborn and Margery Iourdmayn the witch was burnt in Smithfield Anno. 20. M Ro. Clopton Drauer S Wil. Combis date 1441 Rich. Riche This yere was a fray in Fletestrete A gret fray in Fletstret betwene the Innes of Courte and the inhabitantes of the same strete whiche fray began in the night and continued tyll the next day wher were many men slayne and hurt on both parties Anno. 21. M date 1442 Iohn Thirley Ironmonger S Tho. Bewmount Ri. Nordon The steple of Paules church in London Paules steple a fyre was set on fyre with lightning lastly quenched by greate diligence of many men but chiefly through the labour of a priest of Bowe in cheape Anno. 22. M date 1443 Thomas Catworth Grocer S Nicolas Wilford Iohn Norman An acte was made by the Common counsell of London that vpon the sonday should no maner of thinge within the francheses of the Citie be boughte of solde Anno. 23. M date 1444 Henry Fro wicke Mercer S Stephen Foster Hugh Wyche King Henry toke to wife Margaret the Kinges daughter of Sicile Henry Chicheley byshop of Cantorbury Alsoules college and Bernarde colledge b●●lded died who in his life time builded two houses for students in the vniuersitie of Oxenford called Alsoules colledge and Bernard college Anno. 24. M Symond Eyre dra S date 1445 Iohn ▪ Derby Godf. Filding This Simond Eyre builded the Leaden Leaden hal builded hal in Londō and also a beautifull chapell in the east end of the same Anno. 25. M Iohn Onely mercer S date 1446 Robert Horne Godf. Boloyne Humfrey duke of Gloucester and Humfraye duke of glocester arested protectour of England was at the parliament of Bury arrested and .vi. days after he was found dead in his bed He was buried at saint albones William Wams etc byshop of Winchester Mary Magdalen colledge builded and Chancelour of England erected the famous college of Mary Magdalen in Oxenford Anno. 26. M Iohn Gidney draper S date 1447 Wil. Abraham Tho. Scotte This yere was taken the towne of Fogers from the Englishmen which was the cause that Normādy was lost afterward Anno. 27. M Stephen Brown gro S date 1448 Wil. Catlow Roan yelded Wi. Marlow This yere Roan was yelded to the Frenche king Anno. 28. M Tho. Chalton mercer S date 1449 Wil. Hulyn Th. Caninges The Marques of Suffolk was banished the land for .v. yeres who fayling towarde France was met on the sea by A murder a ship of warre and there presently beheaded by the capitayn called Nicholas of the tower the dead corps caste vp at Douer vpon the sandes The commons of Kent in gret number ▪ A commotion in Kēt by Iacke Cade assembled on black Heath hauing to their capitaine Iacke Cade naming him self Mortimer Against whom the king sent a great army but by the sayd rebelles they were discomfited and syr Humfrey Stafford and William his brother with many other slayne After this victory the capitaine and rebelles cam to Londō and cut the ropes of the drawe bridge and entred the citie and stroke his sword on London stone saying Now is Mortimer lord of this citie Vpon the third day of Iuly he caused the Lorde Say to be brought to the Guilde hall of London there to be arraigned Whiche before the kinges Iustices desyred to be tried by his peres but the capitain perceiuing his delay by force tooke him from the officers and at the standard in Cheape smote of his head He also beheaded syr Iames Cromer at the miles ende And pytching these two heades on two polle● entred the Citie and in despite caused them beynge borne before him in euery strete to kysse together After thys murder succeded open robberie within the citie But the Maior and other sage Maiestrates perceauinge theym selues nother to be sure of goodes nor lyfe determined to repulse this vngracious company and sente to the Lorde Scales keper of the tower who promysed his ayde with shoting of ordinaunce and Mathew Gough was appointed to assist the Maior so the capitaines of the Citie tooke vpon them in the nighte to kepe the bridge prohibyting the Kentish-men to passe The rebelles hearing the bridge to be kept ranne with great force to open that passage where betwene bothe partes was a fierce encounter The rebelles draue the Citezens from the stoulpes at the Bridge foote to the drawe bridge and set fyre on diuers houses In conclusion the rebels gat the drawe bridge and drowned and flewe many This conflict endured tyll .ix. of the clock in the mornyng in doubtfull chaunce so that both partes agreed to desiste from fyght tyll the next day vpon condition that neyther Londoners shoulde passe into Southwarke nor the Kentishmen into London Then the archebishop of Cantorburye beynge Chancellor with the bishop of Winchester passed into Southwarke wher they shelved a generall pardon for all oftenders vnder the kinges greate seale whiche they caused to be proclaymed wherevpon the whole multitude retyred home but throughe a proclamation beyng made that who so coulde apprehend the sayde Iacke Cade should haue a thousande markes one
builde a fort which before they departed they accomplished Worde was brought that the french menne entended to lande in the Isle of Wighte Wherfore the kinge wente to The kinge wente to Portismouth where wa● drowned the Mary Rose Frenchemē landed at the Isle of Wight Port●smouthe At whiche tyme of the kinges abo●e there a goodly shippe of Englande called the Mary Rose with syr George Care we the capitaine and many other gentilmen were drowned in the middest of the hauen by greate negligence and foly Certayne frenchemen landed in the Isle of Wighte but they were dryuen awaye with the losse of theyr captayn and many souldiours In August the lorde Edward Seymor Earle of Hertford was sent by the king into Scotland with an army of xii thousand men where he destroyed diuers townes and greately endomaged the Scottes This yere the .xii. day of September S. Giles church br●t the Churche of sainte Gyles without Creplegate was brent Anno. 37. M date 1545 syr Martin Bowes Goldsmith S George Barnes Rafe Alleyn The .xxiiii. day of Nouember a parliament begon at Westminster where was graunted to the king a Subsedye of .ii. s .viii. d. of the pounde of mouable Chaūt●●●●s giuen to king Henry goods and ▪ iii● shilings the pound in landes to be payd in two yere and all colledges Chauntreys and hospitalles were committed to the kinges order duringe his lyfe to alter and transpose which he promised to do to the glory of God and the common profite of the realme About this time the Lorde Admirall landed in Normandy and brente the suburbes of Tr●iport and diuers villages along the Sea coaste and destroyed and tooke almost all the ships in the hauen The stewes other like borthel houses The stew e● put downe wer by the kinges commandement put downe in all partes of the realme In February should a woman haue ben burned in Smithfield for clipping of golde but the kinges pardon came she being at the stake redy to be burned T●is yere the citizens of Londō leuied An. reg 3● The Condit a●a●g●t● Lothbury builded in the citie two fiftenes for the cōueyance of more water to the citie and then was the condites at A●g●te and at Lothbury begon to be builded This yere the xiii day of Iune beyng ● generall ●rocession Whitsonday a continuall peace was proclaymed in the citie of London betwene the king of England and the French kinge with a solempe procession at the time of the proclamation geuing lande and prayse to God and at night throughout the citie great bon ●yers were made The xrvii day of Iune doctor Crom● recanted at Paules crosse The xvi day of Iuly were burned in Smithfielde Anne Aske we gent●lwoman Iohn L●ssels gentilman Nicolas Execution Otterden Priest and Iohn Hadland Taylour And Doctor Shaxton sometyme byshop of Salisbury preached at the same fyre and recanted his opinions perswadinge them to do the like but they would not The .xxi. daye of August came into The admi●al of Frāce ●anded at ●he tower ●har●e Englande to do his duety from the Frenche kinge Mounsyre Deneball high Admirall of France with great Triumphe and also broughte with hym the S●cre of Diepe and xii galeis wel besene in diuers pointes and landed at London at the tower wh●rfe where he was honourably receyued with manye nobles and pi●res of this Realme with greate shootynge of gunnes and so broughte to the Byshoppe of Londons Palaice and lay● there two nightes On Monday th● xriii day of August he rode to Hampton Courte where the King laye and before he came there Prince Edward receaued him with a companye of fyue hundred coates of veluet and the princes liuerie were with sleues of cloathe of Golde and halfe the coate embroudered with golde And there were to the number of eyghte hundred horses royally apparailed whiche broughte him to the manour of Hampton court to his father Anno. 38. M Hen. Hoblethorne merchant tailour date 1546 S Rich. Iaruis Th. Curtise In Ianuary Thomas duke of Norfolke was sent to the tower of London and condempned to perpetuall prison And shortely after his sonne the Earle of Surrey was condemned and beheaded the. xix day of Ianuary These thinges beyng doone about Execution the ende of Ianuarie King Henry departed out of his life appointing his ●●st heyre to be his yong son prince Edwarde and the seconde lady Mary his daughter by his first wife Quene Katherine and the thirde lady Elizabeth by his second wife Quene Anne Bolleyne Edward the syxt Anno Regni 1. date 1546 EDward the syxte beganne his reygne the xxviii day of Ianuarie in the yere 1546. when he was but .ix. yeres olde He deceased in the yere 1553. the v● daye of Iuly so he reigned .vi. yeres v. monthes and viii dayes By his fathers will were appoynted .xvi. gouernours and ouerseers of this yonge prince the chiefe wherof was his vncle erle of Herford who shortly after was made Duke of Sommersette and Protectour of the kinge and realme the .xix. day of February he rode solemnely with the nobilitie of the Realme from the tower to Westminster throughe the Citie which was richely hanged euery condite ●onning with wene with pageantes being richely apparailed to receaue him at euery place with Orations of S. Paules church lay at ancre his prayse And on the Southesyde of Paules churchyard an Argosie came from the Batt●lment of Paules churche vppon a Cable beynge made faste to an anker at the De●nes gate lying vpon his breast ayding him self neyther with hande nor foote and after ascended to the middest of the same Gable and tombled and playd many pretie toyes whereat the kinge with the nobles of the Realme laughed righte hartily the .xxv. of Februarye he was crowned Kinge at Westminster with great solempnitie The Lorde Protectour with the Images taken downe reste of the Counsayle sente Commissioners into all partes of the Realme ● willing them to take all Images oute of theyr Churches with them wer sent diuers preachers to perswade the people from theyr beades and such lyke Procession forbidden also procession was commanded to be no more vsed And shortely after was a Parliamente wherein besyde other Chaūtries geuen to y ● king thinges Chauntries were geuen into the kinges handes to be vsed at his pleasure And also an order taken for the vse of the Lordes Supper that it shoulde be in bothe kyndes of breade and wine In August the Duke of Somerset and the Earle of Warwicke with a noble army were sent into Scotland and nere to Edenboroughe at a place called Muskelboroughe the Englishmen and Scottes mette where betwene them was foughten a cruel battayle Muskelborow field The victorie fell to the Englishmen and the Scottes were slayne aboue .xiiii. thousande and taken prisoners of Lordes knightes and gentilmen xv hundred Anno. 1. M date 1547 Syr Iohn Gresham mercer S The. White Robert Chertsey This second yere
miles from Oxenford a woman brought forth a child which had .ii. perfe●●bodies frome the nauel vp ward and w●re so ioyned together at the nauell that whenne they were layde in length the one head and body was eastward and the other west the legges for bothe the bodies grewe out at the myddes where the bodyes ioyned and had but one issue for y ● excrement of both the bodies they lyued xviii dayes and when they were opened it appered they wer womē childrē Great fyshes taken The .viii. day of August there were taken about Quinborough thre greate fyshes called Do●phines or by some called Rigs and the weke folowing at ▪ Blackwall wer .vi more taken and brought to London there solde the ●east of thē was greater then any horse The same moneth of August began the great prouision for the pore in Lōdon towardes the whiche euery man was contributorie and gaue certayn money in hande and promised to geue a certain wekely The first house whiche was begon was at the Gray friers in Newgate market The .vii. day of October were two great fyshes takē at Grauesend which Great fyshes were called whirlepoles they wer afterward drawen vp aboue the bridge The .xiiij. day of October y e bishop of Durhā Cuthbert Tunstall was depriued from his byshoprike Anno. 6. M date 1552 George Garnes haberdasher S Will. Garrct Iohn Maynarde This sir George Garnes haberdasher gaue y e windmil which stādeth toward the east in Fins●ery fielde to the poore almose people of the same companye And also he gaue to be distribute to the poore people of the parish of S. Bartholomew the little .xviii. d in breade euery sonday for euer The .xxi day of Nouember the children were taken into the Hospitall at the gray friers to the numbre of iiii C In the sommer past kyng Edwarde went in progresse into the weste countrey where he had so muche exercise of haukyng and hunting as was thought by some to bee da●ngerous vnto hys healthe Towarde wynter he retourned to London and frome thense to Grene wiche where all the 〈◊〉 season was passed with muche pleasantnesse and myr●he vntyll at length in Ianuarye he fell sycke of a cough whiche ended in co●sumption of the lyghtes The .xx. day of May .iii. great shippes Voyage to Moscouie well furnyshed were set forth for the aduentu●e of the vnknowen voyage to Moscouia And .ii. other shyps were sente foorth to seke aduentures southe wardes In May Lorde Gylsorde the Duke of Northumberlandes fourthe sonne maried lady Iane the Duke of Suffolkes daughter whose mother being thē alyue was daughter to Mary kynge Henryes syster The .xxii. daye of Iune was a verye great terrible clap of thunder aboute Great thunder rii of the clock at noone which bet open one of the doores of saint Denyse c●●●●ch in London tore of both lock and lynyng of the same doore Kyng Edward beyng about the age Kyng Edwarde deceased of xvi yeres as is said before was lōg sick of a consumption of the lightes the ▪ vi day of Iuly ended his lyfe The x. day of Iuly the death of kyng Edward● was publyshed The same day in the after noone about fowero● the clocke the Lady Iane doughter of the lady Frances the duchesse of Suffolke whiche Lady Iane was maried vnto the Lorde Gylforde Dudley the fourthe sonne vnto the Duke of Northumberland was conueyed by water to the Tower of London and betwene vi● and .viii. of the clocke in the euening proclamat●ō was made through out the citie whereby was declared that kyng Edward beyng dece●sed by his wyll had assigned the sayde Lady Iane to be quene and thervpon so proclaymed Quene of Englande This matter was very greuously taken of y e common people and a great numbre of gentilmen for the ●one they bare to lady Mary and the right of her title For when it was heard that the Ladye Mary was fled to Framingham castel in Suffolke the people of the countrey almost wholly resorted vnto her and in Oxenford syr Iohn Williams in Buckynghamshire syr Edmunde Peckham and in dyuers other places many men of worshyppe gathered great powers and with al spede made toward Suffolke where lady Marye was The .xiii. day of Iuly by appoi●t mente of the counsell of the duke of Northumberland the Earle of Huntingdon the lord Grey of Wilton and dyuers other with a greate numbre of men of armes wente to fetche her by force and was on theyr way as farre as Bury But the .xix. daye of Iulye the counsell partely moued wy●h the right of her cause partly consydering that the most of the Realm was wholly bente on her syde chaunged theyr myndes and immediately came in●o Cheapesyde with the kynge of Heraldes where they proclaymed the ladye Lady Mary proclaymed quene Mary Quene of Englande kepyng as prisoners in the Tower lady Iane lately proclaimed and lorde Gylford her husband and the duke returnyng to Cambridge on the twentye daye at nyght beyng apprechended of the gard he with other was brought to the tower of London the fiue and twentye of Iulye Thus was the matter ended without bloudshed whiche men feared woulde haue brought the deth of many thousandes ¶ Quene Marye Anno Regni .i. date 1553 MAry the eldest daughter of kyng Henrye the .viii. began her reigne ouer thys realme of Englande the .vi. day of Iuly in the yeare of oure Lord. 1553. and deceased in the yere of our Lorde 1553. the. 17. day of Nouember so she reigned .v. yeares .iiii. moneths .xi days she was proclaimed Quene at Lōdon the .xix. day of Iuly and the .xx. day at the castel of Framyngham and afterward being accompanied with a goodly band of noble men gentylmen and commoners gathered out of all partes of the realme came to London and entred the tower the .iii. day of August In her fathers tyme and brothers time and other were caste into the Tower some for treason layde to their charge as the Duke of Norffolke and the lorde Courtneye some for matters of Religion as Doctour Tonstall byshop of Durham and other whiche continued there prisoners at the Quenes commyng to all these and manye other she granted pardon and restored them to theyr forme● dignities Lykewyse dyd she vnto Doctour Gardener byshop of Wynchester whome she set at libertie made hym hygh chancellor of England the lorde Courtney made erle of Deuonshire The .xi. day of August certayne gentylmen A wherrye ouerturned mindyng to passe through London bridge in a wherrye were there ouerturned and seuē of them drowned The .xiii. day of August one master Bourne a Canon of Poules preached at Paules Crosse whose talke mysliked the audience that some cryed Pull hym oute and one threwe a dagger at hym which hyttyng one of the syde postes rebounded backe agayne then maister Bradforde and Iohn Rogers two preachers of kyng Edwards time with muche laboure conueyed the sayd maister Bourne oute of the