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A43208 Englands chronicle, or, The lives & reigns of the kings and queens from the time of Julius Cæsar to the present reign of K. William and Q. Mary containing the remarkable transactions and revolutions in peace and war, both at home and abroad, as they relate to this kingdom, with the wars, policies, religion and customs, success and misfortunes as well of the ancient Britains, as Roman, Saxon, Danish, and Norman conquerors, with copper cuts and whatever else is conduceable to the illustration of history / by J. Heath. Heath, James, 1629-1664. 1689 (1689) Wing H1325; ESTC R29472 167,333 265

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to be the greatest Malediction that could befal them so that the Priests to strengthen their Masters Power and make him more dreadful to the World lay idle for the space of six years and fourteen Weeks in which time there was neither publick preaching nor praying no Administration of the Sacrament Burial or Christning by which we may plainly see whatever the Papists pretend as to the Sanctity of their infalible Father how much he prefered his private revenge before the Service of God and this he denyed not to Hereticks but to Papists so that the people being greatly discouraged many parts of the Kingdom lay untilled and became as it were desolate when the King on the other hand prescribed the disloyal Clergy confiscated their Temporalities as also their Bishopricks Abbies and Priories puting them into the hands of Lay-men suffering the Clergy to be oppressed without taking notice of it or righting them by civil Justice declaring they had by obliging the Pope put themselves out of hi● protection yet some of the more prudent as the Bishop of Durham and his Successor the Bishops of Winchester and Norwich incouraged the King not to regard the Papal Curse as being weak and insignificant like wise the Abbots of Cistercian Order took no notice o● it but went on as before till such time as the Pop● suspended them for that contempt and the more t● shew his spleen Anathamatized the King by name whereupon some as well Nobles as Plebeans diserte his service for which in a stout resolution he b●nished and fined them but wearied out with th● practices of the Clergy against him and the Rebellio● of his Nobles he concluded it was better to give wa● to the humour of a petish Pope than to live in di●quiet and daily hazard his Kingdom whereupon Langton was offered to be confirmed the other Bishops and Clergy restored and that the Churches should have its Franchises as in the time of Edward the Confessor but not being willing as indeed he was not at that time in a condition to restore the Monies received for Ecclesiastical confiscations the Legate sent by the Pope would not come to a conclusion This being the state of Affairs and the Pope desirous to humble the King discharged his Subjects from their fealty and Allegiance to him which some taking as a good warrant utterly disowned him for their King and the Welsh thereupon took up Arms which so inraged the King that he caused the 28 Hostages which they had given for the security of their good behaviour to be hanged up at Notingham but by this time the Barons had invited Lewis Dauphin of France to invade the Kingdom promising to set the Crown upon his Head when in the mean time while Stephen Langton and other Bishops implored the Popes assistance to settle the Church which must otherways fall into ruine whereupon he decreed that King John must be deposed ere it could be settled sending to Philip the French King to take upon him the Crown and Kingdom offering him a pardon for all his sins in case he effected it King John upon notice of the spightful proceedings prepared to oppose the French or any other Invader by Sea or Land but in the mean time Pandulph the Pope's Legate came into England and so wrought with the King that he suffered himself to prevent the storm conditionally to be deposed and at the Knight Templers house at Dover he surrendred his Crown into the hands of the Legate some say whilst he kneeled the proud Priest kicked it off with his foot for the use of the Pope and to be disposed as he thought fit laying his Scepter Sword and Ring at the Legates feet and subscribed a Charter whereby he resigned his Kingdom to the Pope professing but how sincerely I suffer the Reader to judge he did it not through fear or force but of his own voluntary accord as having no other way to make satisfaction to God and the Church for his offence and from that time forward he would hold his Crown and Kingdom in fee of the See of Rome at the A●●al pension of 1000 Marks for England and Ireland a very hard case but necessity it seems has no Law so that the Legate having gained his ends more favourable than he could reasonably expect passed over for France to put a stop to King Philip's preparations but he declared that seeing the Pope had been the main Instrument in seting him on and that the charge was already very great he would not desist though the Pope should Excommunicate him and calling a Council of Peers all but Ferdinand Earl of Flanders approved his intentions and the Barons denied to aid him till he was Assailed of the Excommunication and that all their Laws and Liberties granted by Henry the First were restored which obliged the King to send divers rich Presents to Rome thereby to allure the Pope who upon the Receipt sent the Bishop of Tusculum who would have perswaded him to have made over the Kingdom of England but not only the Arch-bishop but all the Peers of the Kingdom opposed it so that in Parliament it was Enacted That since the King could not without the consent of Parliament bring his Kingdom and People to such a Thraldom therefore if the Pope should in the future attempt any such thing they with their Lives and Fortunes were ready to oppose it So that the Pope finding there was no good to be done this way sent his Authentick Letters for the repealing the Edict yet not without the restitution of 1300 Marks to the Clergy most of which came to his Coffers so that the King passed into his Transmarine Territories but before he could quiet the disturbances news came that the English Barons had bound themselves at the high Altar of St. Edmundsbury by Oath to pursue the King with Arms till he had granted them their Charter of Liberties granted in the Reign of Henry the First whereupon he found himself necessitated to return and finding they had not only seized London but were otherways very formidable a Council to reconcile differences was held in Runing Marsh between Stains and Windsor since called Council Mead and there he granted them Magna Charta and Charta Forestae and consented that 25 select Peers should command the rest who were bound by Oath to be obedient but the King long dijested not this abating of his Power but withdrawing himself he sent to complain of it to the Pope as likewise to his Friends abroad for Aid and was in both successful for at Rome by a definitive Sentence the Barons Charters were made void and both they and the King accursed if either of them observed the conclusion of the Treaty in Council Mead he likewise had considerable Forces sent him from Gascoin Brabant and Flanders so that he again took the Field dividing his Army in two parts when himself marching Northward and the Earl of Salisbury Southward they brought all into subjection and
another it was carried to VVinchester ●…nd buried in the Cathedral Church but since the ●…ones have been removed to and laid with those of ●…anute the Danish King This was the King who built VVestminster Hall ●…inety yards in length and twenty four yards two ●…eet in breadth yet when he came to see it he complained it was too little by half and therefo●… he would reserve it for a lodging Room He w●… slain as you have heard in the thirteenth year his Reign and the sorty sourth of his Age being t●… one and twentieth sole Monarch of England Thus Second William by misfortune's hand Drop'd in the Grave and left the wealthy Land Two Sons of the Great Conqueror met their fate VVhere he had laid the Country desolate The Reign ●and Actions of Henry the First King England c. HEnry the First English Monarch of that Nam● who for his great Abilities in Learning w● called Beau-clark or good Scholar upon the une● pected death of his Brother VVilliam and his Broth● Robert's being in the Holy Land waring again the Infidels upon many fair promises to the Nobl● and Commons procured himself to be accepted King and was Crowned at VVestminster Anno 11● Anselm being Archbishop of Canterbury and at fi● made it hisstudy to please all sorts striving to ma● his House and Court a pattern of Virtue and go● Living to the rest of his Subjects permiting the Pe● ple to have Fire and Candle in their Houses at the own discretion which under severe penalties had be● prohibited by his Father freeing the Churches fro● reservations upon vacancies allowing the Heirs Noblemen to possess their Fathers Lands without Redemption ingaging the Nobles to do the like by the Tenants allowing so it were not to his Enemies t● Gentry to marry their Daughters and Kinswomen whom they pleased and that the Widow enjoyi● Joynter should be at liberty to ma●●y whom 〈◊〉 ●…ased That the Mother and nearest Relations ●…ould be Guardians to Fatherless Children during ●…ir Minority That such as coyned false Money ●…ould loose their Right Hand And if Men be de●…ved of their Genitals he ordained a certain Mea●…e to be a Standard Measure of Commerce accord●…g to the length of his Arm which is our Yard For●…ing all Debts due to the Crown before be came to ●… Renewing the Laws of Edward the Confessor And ●…e better to strengthen his Title he married Maud ●…ughter to the King of Scots by Margaret Sister to ●…gard Atheling joyning in Succession to the Saxon ●…ngs But by this time News came that Robert his ●…der Brother after refusing the Scepter of Jerusalem which for his Valour and Conduct upon taking ●…t City from the Insidels was offered him by all the Western Princes that commanded the numerous Army of Christians in that glorious Expedition was ●…nd●d with an Army at Portsmouth and that many ●… the English sided with him which put the King to no small consternation however having got by ●…s lenity and fair pretences the hearts of the greater ●…rt of the People he resolved not to forgo what ●… had gotten and thereupon tried so far the good ●…mper of his Brother that by Presents and large ●…omises he worked upon him to remit his Claim ●…ein of which he was to have three thousand Marks ●…id him yearly and gave him six Months Royal En●…tainment The Sunshine of Peace lasted not long before Be●…isine Earl of Shrewsbury and Roger Montgomery ●…ith divers other r●…d but being vanquished ●…ey sled to Normandy however he was perplexed ●…the Arch-Bishop who influenced by the See of ●…ome contended to regulate the Clergy and dispose ●… Ecclesiastical promotions as he pleased refusing Consecrate such Bishops as the King was desirous to advance yet the King fearless of what migh● happen in England upon notice his Brother at th● instigation of some English Fugitives was preparin● for a second Invasion He resolved to prevent it by carrying the War into Normandy which he effected with such precepitation that he overthrew Robert took him Prisoner and sent him to Cardr● Castle where at first he was only Prisoner at large having the priviledge of the Medows and Parks under a slender Guard but as some will have it at tempting his escape but others the People too much pittying his condition and the apprehensions i● wrought made the King confine him a close Prisoner and the better to secure himself against any attempts this poor Prince might make cause th● Twinkles of his Eyes to be put out or clouded i● darkness by burning Glasses and not long after h● lost his Life some say by a voluntary starving himself out of a disdain he took that the King his Brother sent him a Suit of his old cast Clothes with a● addition That they were good enough for a Prisoner however this unnatural act greatly eclipsed the glory o● this King and too plainly shewed that Crowns know● no Kindred when they stand in competion The Duke being dead King Henry seized upon his Dutchy of Normandy so that England may now be said to conquer Normandy though indeed it was unhappy for the English whom he began to restrain with a harder hand seeing he had removed the danger that threatned him banishing the Flemings who were desirous to instruct us in the Wollen Trade retracting many Grants he had passed and to strenghen his Alliance abroad he married Maud his Eldest Daughter to Henry the Fourth Emperor of Germany or the Romans and the Welsh promoting some disorders he forced them to obedience A● likewise these in Normandy where new trouble● arose and that which gave him hopes of the settlement of Affairs was the death of the Arch-Bishop who to raise the Popes Power had opposed ●im in his important proceedings and was a great Enemy to the Married Priests who were tolerated ●n this Kings Reign The High Court of Parliament some Authors will have to be constituted in his Reign Anno 1116. William Eldest Son to Robert the deceased Duke of Normandy being alive Lewis King of France toge●her with the Earls of Flanders and Anjou laboured ●o fix him in the Dukedom but were frustrated ●nd a great Battle Anno 1119 was fought between ●he two Kings wherein Baldwin Earl of Flanders with divers other Nobles and some thousands of Common Soldiers were slain and the Victory falling ●o the English occasioned great loss and dishonour ●o the French and the Earl of Anjou upon King Henry's return to Roan with Palms of Triumph gave his Daughter and Heiress in Reversion of that Province to William the Kings Eldest Son whose Nuptials were solemnized with great joy and hope of future happiness But all things are unstable in this World for the King setting sail for England and the Prince with his Bride his Brothers Sisters and other great Personages staying six hours sail behind ●o take leave of their Friends resolved notwithstanding to come up with the King before he landed 〈◊〉 that the Marriners running a desperate course
as ●eing elevated with Wine and good Chear fell soul ●n a Rock which broke the Ship to pieces yet the ●rince with his Bride and some others got into the ●ng Boat and might have gone off but the Coun●ss of Pearch crying to him from the Fore-castle ●or help he caused the Boat to turn and take her in ●ut before he could effect it so many leaped into it ●nd clung to its sides esteeming in that extremity their Lives as dear as their Princes that it sunk with the overlaiding and they were all drowned This doleful news coming to the Kings Earl by some of the Seamen that had escaped upon pieces of the Ship he greatly lamented the loss of his Children and though he was well in years yet in some measure to repair it he Married a second Wife viz. Adilicia Daughter to Jeffery Duke of Lorain but having no Issue by her he sent for Maud his Daughter who had been married to the Emperor her Husband being at that time dead and calling a Parliament caused Stephen his Sisters Son with his Nobles to swear her as to his lawful and now only Heir when sailing into Normandy after the toil of hunting eating a great meal of Lampries he presently fell sick and after seven days sickness dyed in the Town of St. Denis Anno 1135 his body was brought to Reading and buried in the Abby himself had founded and his Bowels and Brain at Roan nor did he dye without suspition of being poisoned for the very sent that came from his Brain was the death of the Physician that took it out The Wives of this King were two viz. Maud Daughter to Malcolm King of Scotland and Adilicia Daughter to Godfry Duke of Lorain his lawful Issue by the first was William and Maud by the last he had none yet is held to have fourteen Illegitimate Children He built many Abbies and Monasteries and was very charitable to the Poor In his time many Prodigies appeared and the Ground rent by an Earthquake sent forth such flames as destroyed some and indangered the lives of more He was King of England and Duke of Normandy fourth Son to William the Conqueror beginning his Reign Anno 1100 and Reigning 35 years being the 23 Monarch of England dying in the 65 year of his Age. Thus falls another Monarch soon or late All Crowns and Scepters in the dust must set All breath of Life the lowly and the high Must leave this narrow stage for vast Eternity The Reign of King Stephen with his Memorable Actions c. STephen Earl of Bloys Son to Adilicia Daughter to William the Conqueror and Stephen Earl of Bloys notwithstanding he had sworn Fealty to the Empress Maud laid claim to the Kingdom and by the interest and policy of his Brother Henry Bishop of Winchester and Roger Bishop of Sarum as also one Hugh Bigot who swore that King Henry upon his Death-bed taking a distaste at his Daughters proceedings had disenherited her and appointed this Stephen to succeed him in his Kingdom of England and Dukedom of Normandy so that upon these and other interests that were made he was Crowned at Westminster on St. Stephen's day Anno 1135 by William Curboil Archbishop of Canterbury the Prelates swearing to hold him King so long as he should preserve their Churches Rights and the Lay-Barrons in like manner swore Allegiance to him so long as he should keep his Covenants with them in preserving their Rights and Priviledges so that he accepted of the Crown and owned his Right as by Election The Charter containing his peoples Franchises Liberties and Immunities which he obliged himself to maintain he Signed and Sealed it at Oxford which was That all Liberties Customs Possessions granted to the Church should be firm and in force That Persons and Causes Ecclesiastical should appertain only to Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction That Church vacancies and the Goods of Church-men should be at the sole dispose of the Clergy That all ill usage touching Forests Exactions c. should be abolished and the Antient Laws restored to their Purity And for his security against the expected storm he caused or suffered many Castles to be erected which afterwards proved to his detriment This King took quiet possession of the Throne and had an interrupted Series of Tranquility for a time but by degrees the distractions came on that turned the Land into a seat of War for many years Baldwin de Redners was the first that openly began to declare himself in favour of the Empress Maud and hereupon the Welshmen took up Arms and falling upon the English not altogether provided gave them a considerable overthrow Nor did David King of the Scots forbear to invade this Kingdom and the Wesh incouraged by their former success continued to spoil the Frontiers and under the favour of another Scotish Invasion wherein under the leading of their King the Scots committed almost unparallel outrages The Nobles conspired against King Stephen betaking them to their respective Castles and strong Holds declaring that they were slighted and rejected in favour of the Flemmings and especially one Willinm de Ypre his chief counsellor and privado to follow whose directions he had neglected that of his Peers But the Scots instead of assisting these Lords making many other Invasions made great spoil and havock of their Houses Castles and Estates seeming rather to aim at a conquest than any thing less So that those in the North marched against them and being animated by Thurstan Archbishop of York by whose Authority Ralph Bishop of Durham being made General undertook but by what Warrant I know not to forgive the sins of all that should fall in Battle and secure them from punishments and pains in another Life the English fell on with such fury that they drove the Scots out of the Field with great slaughter nor could the presence of their King and the Prince his Son restrain them from open flight into Scotland and King Stephen following this advantage obliged them to sue for Peace however he found himself but slenderly assured in the Hearts of his People especially of the Nobles which made him prepare for the worst and hearing the Empress Maud was landed with a small train not exceeding 140 men at Arundel he hasted to oppose her but she being a Woman of great Policy coloured over her Intentions protested she came in peace only to spend the remainder of her days in a Country wherewith she was so much delighted and although the King had some little mistrust he nevertheless dissembled it and gave her Royal Entertainment causing her to be conveyed to the City of Bristol appointing it for her reception scarce had the Empress continued at Bristol two Months before she privately withdrew to Wallingford expecting the Forces her Brother Earl Robert was raising on her behalf But the King having notice of many underhand contrivances besieged that place whilst his Brother the Bishop of Winchester under a pretence of friendship and important
bring Which shows the frailness of each earthly thing The Reign of Henry the Second King of England c. HEnry Plantaginet commonly called Fitz Empress was three times Crowned first by Theobald Arch-bishop of Canterbury at Westminster then at Lincoln and lastly at Worcester and being setled in the Realm he demolished sundry Castles that had given too much incouragement to the falling off of such as at any time grew discontented some that had Honours unduly conferr'd on them he divested and reduced to a private State purged the Land of Forreign Soldiers and chiefly of the Flemings that had come over with King Stephen choosing his Council out of the most Worthy and Learned Men restraining the Incroachments and Oppressions of the greatest Persons without respect of their greatness which made the Lord Hugh Mortimer fall off and take up Arms against whom King Henry went in person and had been slain at the Siege of Bridgnorth had not Hubert d' St. Clare one of his Courtiers stepped between as the Arrow was coming and lost his own Life to save his Masters but this Lord soon reduced and the face of calmness appearing at home he passed into France to do Homage to King Lewis for his Provinces of Normandy Acquitain Anjou Main and Lorain which he claimed as his right 〈◊〉 in himself and partly in Eleanor his Queen and there he adjusted differences between himself and his Brother Geofry and after being highly Caressed and Entertained he returned to England where as much as in him lay intending to live peaceably he contracted an Alliance with Malcolme King of Scots restoring him the 〈◊〉 of Huntingdon The Welsh about this time making Inroads and greatly indamaging the English the King marched against them and joyned Battle but in the heat of the Fight his Standard was cowardly abandoned and his person in danger to be slain or taken Prisoner for which Henry d' Essex Standard bearer being accused by Robert d' Montford as the main cause of the dissertion the Combat as usual upon such Accusations was allowed them at Reading and Essex being overcome the King was notwithstanding contented to spare his life upon condition he became a Monk which accordingly he did and was immediately shorn but in conclusion the Welsh were subdued and the King returning in Triumph was Crowned together with Eleanor his Queen at Worcester where they both at the Offertory laid their Crowns on the high Altar vowing never to wear them after and this was the last of the three Crownings and his Brother Geofry now dead he seized upon sundry Citys and strong places in Normandy and setling his Affairs in that Province he returned to England where Becket Arch-bishop of Canterbury influenced by the Pope began to trouble the Kingdom not only at the Council Tours privately surrendring those Honours the King had heaped upon him to the Pope and from him receiving them again thereby to cast off the acknowledgements he had to the King or his Prerogative but countenanced all manner of violence in the Clergy even to murther so that the complaints of above a hundred Murthers done by the Clergy coming to the King's car and he not finding them punished by Church Censure brought some of them under the Civil Power commanding Justice to be administred without partiality as well to the Clergy as Laity to that end appointing Ministers of Justice in all parts of the Land whose charge it was to enquire into crimes of that or the like nature But this was opposed by Becket with a high hand challenging the King with invading the Rights of the Church demanding at the same time the Castle of Rochester and sundry other places as belonging to the See of Canterbury This made the King assemble all the Bishops in Convocation at Westminster Becket excepted where it was agreed That no Appeals should be made to Rome without the Kings Licence That no Arch-bishop or Bishops upon the Popes Summons should go out of the Land without the like leave That no Bishop should excommunicate any person holding of the King in chief or put any of his Officers under interdiction without the like Licence That Clerks criminals should if the King thought fit be tried before Secular Judges But although the King urged Becket to agree to them yet he absolutely refused it sending thereupon complaints to the Pope who for his profit and interest not desirous to break with England commanded Becket to yield to the King without any Salvo's or exception which not without much stomaching the matter he at last consented to on the word of a Priest and swore that he would observe the Laws which the King called Avitae as being made in the Reign of his Grandfather yet he refused afterwards to set his Seal saying What he had done was rather in some measure to pleasure the King than out of conscience For which and his continuing obstinate he was condemned to the confiscation of his Goods and the Bishop of Chichester in the name of the other Bishops disclaimed and for the afronting the King in his Palace with his Cross he was adjudged as a Traytor and perjured person and that he should as such be taken and imprisond which made him flee into Flanders where Pope Alexander and Lewis the French King openly declared for him which so far incensed King Henry that he banished his Kindred commanding his Sheriffs and other Officers to seize such as appealed to Rome as likewise the Kindred of those Clergy that were with Becket excluding him from being prayed for as Arch-bishop Becket being by this time in France excommunicated the Bishop of London and proceeded in the like nature with others so that there were scarce any found in the Kings Chappel to perform the Service This made him send to the Pope for Legates to absolve his Subjects and settle a peace in the Kingdom and although accordingly they were sent yet Becket standing off with much obstinacy nothing was effected wherefore as some Historians will have it to spite the Arch-bishop the more and the more firmly to establish the Kingdom he caused Roger Arch-bishop of York to Crown his Eldest Son Henry and at the Coronation Feast the King carried up and served at the Table the first Dish of Meat whereat the Arch-bishop whispering the young King said Rejoyce my fair Son for there is no Prince in the World that hath such a Servitor attending at his Table as you have this day To which the early raised Stripling replied Why wonder you at that my Lord seeing my Father knows he doth nothing that is unbeseeming him for as much as he is Royally born on one side but as for our self we are Royally born on both as having a King to our Father and a Queen to our Mother Upon which proud speech the old King told the Arch-bishop That he repented the too early advancement of the Boy And now by the mediation of Friends the old King and Becket were reconciled and all
although the Barons were excommunicated yet they slighted it and incouraged the City of London which was Interdicted for adhearing to their Interests and sent to Lewis Dauphin of France their Letters of Allegiance confirmed with their Seals intreating King Philip his Father to send him in order to take possession of the English Diadem but the Pope advertised of what was in hand sent his Apostolick commands to Philip charging him not to suffer his Son to molest St. Peter's Patrimony with a Curse upon such as should assist him but it prevailed not for the hot-headed Prince sent over with a Fleet of 600 Ships and 80 Boats landing in Kent where he joyned the Barons whereupon the King retired towards Winchester and the Dauphin came to London where he was received in triumph the Citizens doing him homage as did the Barons at Westminster he swearing to them That he would restore all men their Rights and recover to the Crown whatever King John had lost so that most important places submitted During these Transactions the King ruined the Houses and Castles of the Barons in Arms and set forward from Lyn in Norfolk to give them battle but passing the Washes the Floods destroyed most of his Baggage with many of his Soldiers which obliged him to desist But the Barons not having their rents paid began to look back and perceiving their services slighted by the Dauphin and the places of trust bestowed on his French-men they thought it high time to reconcile themselves to their King which was hastened by the discovery the Viscount d' Melun made upon his Death-bed viz. That Lewis had sworn when established on the Throne to condemn the Barons to perpetual banishment as Traytors to their King and utterly root out their Kindred so that forty of them immediately addressed their Letters of humble submission to the King but it so unfortunately fell out that he was dead before they arrived The death of this King is variously reported some will have it to be of a Flux others of a Surfeit but Writers of best credit say that coming to Swinstead Abby after his great loss in the Washes and seeing the liberal profuseness of the Monks whilst his Army was in a manner half starved he said in a pet holding a Loaf in his hand That if he lived but half a year he would make it 12 times as dear which being overheard by a Monk he mixed poison in a Cup of Wine and served it to the King as he was at dinner by the force whereof he died some again will have it to be done by intoxicated Fruit. This John was King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Normandy Guyen and Aquitain sixth Son of King Henry the Second by Q. Eleanor and 27 sole Monarch of England he began his Reign on the 6th of April Anno 1199 reigned 17 years 6 months and 13 days dying of poison the 19. of October 1216. Thus from a troubled Throne King John descends And in his Grave all toil and trouble ends There factious Subjects Popes nor Galick Arms Disturb his rest with their too rude alarms Death can alone from cares of state give rest The slumbring Grave is with no fears opprest The Reign and Actions of Henry the III. King of England c. KIng John being dead the Barons almost with one voice and consent notwithstanding Lewis was yet in the Land with his Army chose Henry eldest Son to the deceased King about Ten years of Age Crowning him nine days after his Fathers Death and the Earl of Pembroke was constituted his Guardian who raised an Army and marched against the French giving them a great overthrow near Lincoln taking several of the Barons that stood out with about 400 Knights and Esquires Prisoners besides a great Booty the French had scraped together in plundering the Country and many of the French that scattered from the Battel were killed by the Peasants nor was the Fleet appointed to bring Supplies out of France better treated for being met by the English most of the French Ships were burnt sunk or taken so that the Dauphin was obliged with such Forces as he could Rally to shut himself up in London whither he was followed by the Earl and besieged by Water and Land which made the Monsieur begin to think of a timely Capitulation The substance was That Lewis and the Barons in Arms should submit to the Censure of the Church and that then he and as many as would goe with him should be permitted to depart the Land with a Promise never to return again in a design of harming it and that he should use his Interest with his Father that such things as belonged to the English Crown and were wrongfully detained should be restored and that when himself should be King of France he should peaceably part with them and that he should immediately render to Henry all Castles and Places taken in England during the War To this Lewis swore and for the better security of the Barons that had been in Rebellion Wallo the Legate the Earl of Pembroke and the young King swore they should be restored as well the Barons as others to all their Rights and Inheritances with their Liberties before demanded of King John that none of the Laity should suffer damage or reproach for the Side or Party they had taken and that the Prisoners taken in War or by Surprize should be released Upon this Lewis the Dauphin and as many of his Followers as were left passed into France yet the Kingdom was molested by sundry turbulent Persons whom no Concessions nor Favours could oblige and amongst these were William Earl of Aumarle Robert de Veipont c. which encouraged the Welsh to raise new Broils on the Frontiers And soon after one Arnulph a Citizen of London with divers others Conspiring to call in Lewis a second time Arnulph and two others were hanged and several had for the like Attempt their Hands or Feet cut off and the Barons finding their Liberties but slowly confirmed began to murmur Lewis extreamly vexed for the disgrace he had suffered in England upon the Death of his Father though contrary to his Oath seized upon Rochel and the County of Poictu both appertaining to the English and the true Cause he excused by pretending King Henry as Homager of Aquitain should have attended at his Coronation but that he neither did it in Person nor shewed any Reason for his being absent by his Ambassadors These Proceedings made King Henry n● at Age Call a Parliament which granted him Supply in order to raise an Army for the recovery of his Right but that not proving sufficient though he that Summer vanquished the French in a set Battel he pressed about 5000 Marks from the Londoners above their Fifteenths and the Clergy were not exempted but under pain of the papal Censure obliged to pay the Tax of Fifteenths but the greatest Summe he raised was by revoking the Charters and Liberties excusing it by
he surrendred himself and was committed to the Tower and soon after he with the Earl of Southampton were convicted of High-Treason in endeavouring to Leavy War against the Queen c. and the Earl of Essex on the 20th of February 1600 lost his Head on the Green within the Tower not only lamented of the people whose Darling he was but of the Queen her self who at the perswasion of his Enemies had in the heat of her passion signed the Warrant for his Death divers others were Executed on this occasion as it were to bare so great a Man company nor did the Queen enjoy her self after the fall of this Favourite but hastened her own Death by grief dying on the 24th of March 1602 and was buried in Henry the Seventh's Chapell at Westminster when she had Reigned 44 Years 4 Months and 7 Days and in the 69th Year of her Age. This Elizabeth was Queen of England France and Ireland Daughter to Henry the Eighth by his Wife Ann Bulloin in her Reign happened Earthquakes Blazing Stars and a Mortal Plague of which 40000 dyed in and about London She was the 43th sole Monarch of England c. Thus set the Glory of her Sex in Dust Whose endless Memory Fame keeps in trust When Eating Time shall Marble Tombs deface Her Name shall live belov'd in every place The Life Reign and Actions of James the First King of Great Britain c. THe name of the Tudors expiring in Queen Elizabeth gave way to that of the Stuarts James the Sixth of Scotland great Grand-child to James the Fourth and Margaret his Wife Eldest Daughter to Henry the Seventh succeeding to the Crown by reason of the failure of Issue by the Male Line who upon notice of the Death of Queen Elizabeth being invited by the Nobles set forward from his Kingdom of Scotland and entering England was received on the Frontires with great joy and conducted to London being met some distance by the Mayor and Aldermen and five hundred Horse who conducted him to the Charter-House prepared for his Reception but because the Plague raged the Coronation was deferred and the Popish Party who had earnestly expected the death of the Queen in hopes a Papist might succeed finding themselves disappointed laboured to prevent his establishment in the Throne and several were detected who had received Orders from the Pope to seize his Person and bring him to their own terms however on the 21st of July 1603. The King together with the Queen his Royal Consort were crowned at Westminster by Dr. Whitgift Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and the Conspirators being tryed at Winchester many were found guilty yet only Watson and Clark two Priests together with George Brook suffered death the King pardoning the rest mostly at the place of Execution and then in a dispute between the Bishops of the Church of England and the Puritan Ministers who pretended to a farther Reformation this wise Prince gave it for the first and by learned reasons so confuted the latter that they were utterly non-plussed and after that he caused the Holy Scripture to be new Translated from the Original and Anno 1604 he made peace with Spain and proceeded to a Uniting the Kingdoms of England and Scotland and took upon him the Stile of King of Great Britain banishing the Jesuites and Seminary Priests who began a fresh to disturb the Government which made them as their last Shift or rather cruel revenge contrived that hellish Plot called the Gunpowder-Plot wherein they bound themselves by Oaths and Sacraments for the more secretly carrying it on but nothing escapes the Eyes of the Almighty who when they were in the highest expectation of success turned their Wisedom into Foolishness for by a Letter directed to the Lord Monteagle whom one of the Conspirators was desirous to spare the Nest they had so long been making was found and in it thirty six Barrels of Powder intended to blow up the King Lords and Commons in Parliament this was discover'd under great heaps of Billets but the very Morning they were to assemble in Parliament and Guy Faux at the Vault Door under the Parliament-House Cloaked Booted and Spurr'd with a Dark-Lanthorn and Matches ready to lay the Train upon which the Conspirators were pursued and in the dispute John and Christopher Wright Thomas Piercy and Robert Catesby were slain and Anno 1605 on the 27th of January Sir Edward Digby Thomas Winter Robert Winter Ambrose Rookwood Thomas Bates Robert Keys and Guido Faux were found guilty and Executed as Traitors at the West-end of St. Pauls and in the Palace-Yard In memory of this signal Deliverance the fifth of November the Day on which it was discovered by Authority of Parliament was enacted a perpetual day of Thanksgiving Henry Garnet and divers others concerned in this Plot were Executed at sundry Times and Places Garnet confessing it though a Jesuite and warning the Roman Catholicks not to practice any Treason against their Prince for God would certainly discover and defeat it And soon after there happened Insurrections in the Shires of Liecester Warwick and Northampton about throwing open Inclosures Headed at last by John Reynolds but were dispersed and quieted without much Trouble and the King to honour the City entered himself a Brother of the Cloath-workers Company and by his Example many Nobles were made free of that and divers others the New Exchange was finished Anno 1609 and furnished with Wares being called by the King Britain's Burse The Priests and Jesuites were commanded to depart the Kingdom The Body of Mary Queen of Scots Mother to King James was Anno 1612 removed from Peterborough to the Royal Chappel at Westminster and there splendidly Interred and the Kingdom remained in great Tranquility But to abate the Joy Prince Henry the King 's eldest Son dyed November the 6th of a Feaver though not without some suspicion of Poyson to the great Grief of the Kingdom whose Darling he was And Frederick the Electour Palatine of the Rhine coming into England was married to the Lady Elizabeth the King 's eldest Daughter in the Royal Chappel at White-Hall on the 14th of February following but soon after at the Instance of the Bohemians taking upon him the Rule of that Kingdom he was routed by the Emperour's Forces who seized likewise the Palatinate and the King gave the Citizens of London the Province of Vlster in Ireland and instituted the Order of Baronets limiting them within the number of 200 and to cease with the failure of Issue and Anno 1614 the New River was brought to London to the great refreshment of the City which was much stinted for want of Water being only supplied by a few Conduits in the neighbouring Fields and this year a Divorce being sued out between Robert Devereux and his Countess on her Pretence of his Insufficiency she married Robert Carre Earl of Somerset and the King 's great Favourite for inveighing against which Marriage they procured Sir Thomas Overbury first
interposing as some Authors have it ●…tween two Deuelists he was unfortunately run ●…rough after he had reigned six years Edred succeeding Edmund Anno 946. the Danes be●…n to gather courage not without being privately a●…mated by some treacherous English and amongst ●…em Weelstan Arch-Bishop of York so that ●… the ●… caused himself to be Crowned King of Northum●…rland against whom Edred marched with a great Army but had the Rear of it surprised by the underhand dealing of Woelstan however he made his party good put the Danes to the rout and returned with victory He made St. Germans in Cornwal a Bishops See which was by Canute the Dane translated to Credington and at last setled at Exeter by Edmund the Confessor where ●it at present remains This Edred was Tenth sole Monarch of England and reigned Nine years Edwy succeeded Edred Anno 955 and was crowned at Kingston upon Thames where it is repoted he committed Adultery with a great Lady his near Kinswoman in the sight of his Nobles and afterwards caused her Husband to be slain that he might more freely enjoy her He thrust out the Monks and put married Priests in the places of those that affected a single Life Banished Dunstan who is now stiled a Saint and the same that is reported to have taken a shee Devil by the Nose with a pair of Tongues for disturbing him at his Forge These things turned the Peoples Affections against the King to a degree of laying him aside and swearing Fealty to Edgar which made him pine to death after he had Rul'd Four years and was buried in the New Abby Church at Winchester Edgar began his Reign Anno 159 he recalled Dunstan and outed the married Priests making a Penalty against Drunkenness and the Land at that time being pestered with Wolves he laid a yearly Tribute of three hundred Wolves Heads upon the Prince of Wales and upon the Noble-men and Free-holders according to the largeness of their Possessions so that in a few years they were all destroyed He made it his business once a year to ride the Circuit of his Kingdom to inquire of Abuses done by his Judges in Illegal Actings or those that were done by private Persons one to another inflicting severe punishments on such as he found tardy yet he have himself up to prodigeous Lust insomuch that casting his Eyes upon any Women he liked he would have his satisfaction by fair means or force and killed Ethelwald an Earl and one of his principal Courtiers with a Spear as he was hunting in the Forest because he had married a beauteous Lady Daughter to Duke Orgarus when he had sent him to fetch her for his own use and then took her to Wife He deflowred a Nun called Wolfe-child and got on her a hopeful Brat which was afterwards Sainted by the name of Edith and afterwards another Nun called Ethelflede on whom he begot his Son Edward who succeeded him he had peace except a little bickering with the Welsh all his Reign feared a broad and at home having the greatest Navy of any King before him some Authors reporting it consisted of Three thousand Ships He was crown'd at Kingston upon Thames by Otho Archbishop of Canterbury and reigned sixteen years Edward the Thirteenth sole Monarch of England began his Reign Anno 975 and was usher'd in by a Famine and a Blazing Star with great contentions between the Monks and Married Priests Dunstan taking taking part with the former and Duke Alfarus with the latter and meeting to Dispute in an upper Room the press being great the Flour fell down and many were wounded only Dunstan's Chair stood fixed upon a Post which gave such credit to the Monks who without doubt had contrived the sinking of the Four as appeared by the Chair being fixed that they gained the point and the Married Priests were turned out suffering great necessity no Man daring to entertain or relieve them Soon after this the King going a Hunting and being near the Castle of Queen Elfreda his Mother-in-Law he separated from his Company and went to pay her and her Son a visit But the treacherous Queen to advance her own caused one of her Servants to stab him in the Back whilst he was drinking on Horseback at her Gate whereupon turning his Horse he fled the farther Treachery but not finding his retinue he through loss● of blood fainted and falling in the next Wood expired when he had reigned four Years Ethelred the Son of Edgar and Elfreda succeeded Edward who for his slowness in Affairs was Nick-named The Unready he was Crowned at Kingstone upon Thames the ordinary Seat of the Saxon Monarchs and upon his Coronation day a Cloud was seen throughout England half resembling Blood and half Fire and in the third year of his Reign the Danes Landed in divers parts of this Kingdom committing great Outrages and much about the same time a great part of London was laid in Ashes The King not being able to oppose the Torrent of the Danish power compounded a Peace for 10000 Pounds a Year but finding their Advantage they soon raised it to 40000 l which 〈◊〉 heavy upon the Nation and was called Danes Guilt o● Danes Money nor did this suffice them but they pillaged and ravag'd the Country so extreamly that the King to free his Sublects from the Oppressions they groaned under gave them private notice on St. Brices day to fall upon the Danes in all the Cities and Towns where they quartered which was done with so much secresie that most of them were cut off this being done on the 13 of November Anno 1002. the News flew into Denmark whereupon new swarms came over under the Leading of Swanus who destroyed all before them with Fire and Sword in such a terrible manner that the People fled to the Woods and Mountains and although the King bought his Peace at the price of 30000 Pounds yet not long after they flew 900 Monks and such as were of Religious Orders in Canterbury and having gotten a great sum of Money from the Archbishop Aphegus for his Ransom they notwithstanding ston●d him at Greenwich so that the King perceiving their treachery and cruel dealing and that he was no ways capable of opposing their fury he sent Emma his wise with her two Sons to her Brother Richard Duke of ●●●mandy and soon after left the Kingdom to follow them but Swanus being stabbed by his own Me● and Canutus his Son set up in his stead Ethelred returned but finding many Treasonable Designs carried on against him by Edricus one of his Dukes and a powerful Enemy in the Land which he was no ways able to oppose he died for grief when he had Reigned thirty seven years and was the fourteenth sole Monarch of England Edmund the Eldest Son of Ethelred Sirnamed Ironside succeeded him Anno 1016. and was Crowned at Kingstone upon Thames by Livingus Arch-bishop of Canterbury though Canute then Reigned as King at Southampton This Edmund
the next day a Truce was concluded yet Simon de Monfort Earl of Leicester who headed the Baron's Army carrying the King about with him as his Prisoner got into his hands all the strong Holds These Proceedings in England putting a stop to the Pope's Revenue he sent Cardinal Ottobon his Legate to Excommunicate the Barons but they for a while despised it yet soon after falling out amongst themselves many of them came over to Prince Edw. who had taken the Field with an Army so that he enclosed the Earl of Leicester's Camp at Evesham and obliged him to battel where the Earl lost the day with his Life and had his Head Hands and Feet chopped off as a mark of Infamy By this Overthrow the King was rescued and set at liberty when to heal the long Divisions a Parliament was called at Winchester by whose Approbation the King seized the Charters of London and other Cities and Towns that had proved disloyal and the Legate proceeded to excommunicate the Bishops of Winchester London Worcester and Chichester for taking part with the King's Enemies And now Prince Edward with a great Train took a Journey to the Holy Land and the King more firmly to settle the Nation called a Parliament at Marlborough where the Statutes called by the name of the place were enacted but having been at Norwich to quiet a tumult and punish such as had burnt the Priory Church upon his return he fell sick at the Abby of St. Edmund in Suffolk and after a short Languishment dyed Anno 1272. from whence he was conveyed to Westminster and there buried in the Abbey This Henry King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Guyenne and Aquitain was eldest Son to King John his Wife was Eleanor Daughter of Raymond Earl of Provence by whom he had Issue Edward Edmund Richard who dyed young also John William and Henry Margaret married to Alexander the Third King of Scotland Beatrix married to John the First Duke of Bretaigne and Katharine who dyed young He began his Reign the 19th of October 1216. and reigned 56 Years and 28 Days being the 65th Year of his Age he was the 27th sole Monarch of England He was very charitably given and founded many Churches and Religious Houses In his time four Suns appeared from the Rising to the Setting after which followed a great Famine and eighteen Jews were hanged for crucifying a Child and others severely punished for circumcising another that had been christened Thus dyed Third Henry when on England's Stage H 'ad sway'd the Sceptre near a long liv'd Age The longest Reign the Nation e'er beheld Yet Life wound off by time the Cedar's fell'd The Reign and Actions of Edward the First King of England c. KIng Edward at the death of his Father Henry was warring in the Holy Land where he did Wonders in his own Person insomuch that the Sarazens dreading his Prowess the Governour of Damascus under a feigned Friendship sent a Villain to assassinate him who seeming as if he was about to deliver him a Letter stabbed him in three places in the Arm with a poisoned Dagger and had repeated the Wounds but that the Prince struck him down with his Foot whereupon his Guards came in and cut the Wretch in pieces as he lay on the floor yet these wounds by the Chirurgions were accounted mortal unless some one would hazard his own Life by sucking out the Poison but when every one shrunk back Eleanor his Wife who would by no means be persuaded from accompanying him in that tedious Journey chearfully undertook it and effected the Cure without any Injury done to her self for which generous Undertaking he raised Crosses and Monuments to her Memory in England The News of his Father's death no sooner reached him but setling the Affairs of the War he returned to England where together with his Queen he was crowned by Robert Kilwarby Archbishop of Canterbury at whose Coronation 500 Horses were let loose in a large Forest to be possessed by those that first caught them and upon notice the Welsh were in Arms he marched against them overthrew and slew Lewelin their Prince in a great Battel whose Head crowned with Ivy was set upon the Tower and utterly subduing those Mountainiers he made his Son Edward born amongst them at Caernarvon Prince of the Country And going for France he sate as a Peer of that Kingdom in consideration of the Lands and Territories he held there and upon his return banished the Jews to the number of 15000 for bringing in base Money and exacting Extortion Alexander the Third King of Scotland who had married King Edward's Sister being dead and the Lords Bruce and Baliol for want of other Heirs standing in competition for the Kingdom Edward by his Authority became Umpire and adjudged it to the latter promising to support his Right by Arms for which he was to become his Homager but that Prince being in the Throne to please his People who feared the English Greatness might be prejudicial to them hearkened to Proposals with France and suffered his People to enter the North parts of of England with Fire and Sword Edward drove them back with great slaughter entering Scotland and making such terrible Destruction that the Cities and Towns for the most part surrendred the Scotch Nobles sued for Peace and in the Parliament held at Berwick they acknowledged him their King swearing to be true Subjects to him for ever after sealing a solemn Instrument to that purpose whereupon King Edward leaving John de Warren Earl of Surry and Sussex as his Viceroy in that Kingdom sent John Baliol the late King Prisoner to the Tower of London and brought away with him the Crown Sceptre and Cloth of State burning their Records abrogating their Laws altering the Form of their Divine Service and transplanting their learned Men to Oxford He brought likewise the Marble Chair wherein the Kings of Scotland were wont to be crowned from the Abbey of Schone and sent it to Westminster upon which is written this prophetical Distich Ni fallat Fatum Scoti quocunque locatum Invenient Lapidem regnare tenetur ibidem Where'er this Stone the Scot shall placed find There shall he reign for there his Rule 's assign'd This was verified in King James the first upon the uniting the Kingdoms but more of that in his Reign King Edward going into France to recover such places as the French had taken in the latter end of his Father's Reign and refused to restore especially in Gascoign the Scots rebelled and under the leading of one William Wallis fell upon the English at an advantage near Striveling Bridge and put them to the rout killing amongst others Hugh de Cressingham the Treasurer and having flead him divided his Skin in parcels amongst them as a Trophie of their Revenge and committed many other outrages which hastened the King's Return at which time he summoned a Parliament at York giving the Scots a day to appear but they
10000 l and about 80000 of them took their Oaths to become his Liege Subjects making Sir Edward Poinings Governour and Thomas Wolsey his great Favourite Bishop of that City nor did this Success remain to the English in France alone but at the same time in England for the Scots invading England with a powerfull Army and having pierced as far as Northumberland the Earl of Surry gave them battel with a great overthrow in Folden Field where James their King one Archbishop 2 Bishops 2 Abbats 12 Earls 17 Lords a great number of Knights and Gentlemen and about 8000 common Soldiers slain and allmost all the rest taken prisoners This memorable Battel was fought on Septemb. 9. 1513. King Hen. victorious in France the French sought all Ways for an Accommodation and at last Pope Leo becoming Moderatour a Peace was concluded and soon after Lewis XII married Mary the King 's younger Sister at Albeville with great splendour yet he lived but 82 days after for being aged and infirm and over striving himself to pleasure a beautious lively young Lady it no doubt contributed to the hastening his End and upon his Death the Queen returning for England was privately married at Callais to Charles Bradon Duke of Suffolk her first Lover and from whom she had unwillingly parted to fall into the Arms of Majesty And now by the too free Access of Foreigners Trade greatly decreasing one John Lincoln and other aggrieved persons put up a Bill of Complaint and it was read by the Minister at the Spital Sermon This so animated the Rabble that getting together on May day 1517. they fell upon plundered and destroyed the Houses of the Strangers committing many Outrages on their Persons Nor was the Magistracy able to quell them for being all in an uproar the Lieutenant of the Tower who had no Good-Will for the City played the Great Guns upon it but the Rage of the Multitude spent they retired to their respective Habitations yet several were taken and tried of which number Lincoln and 13 more most of them youths were hanged in divers places of the City and about 200 Men and Boys and 9 Girls and Women went in their Shifts only being bare headed footed and legged and Ropes about their Necks to Westminster where at the upper end of the Hall the King sate and after he had sharply reproved them and they on their knees had begged Mercy Wolsey by the King's command pronounced their Pardon whereat with a joyfull Cry they threw up their Halters in token of deliverance from death and this day ever since is called Evil May day and soon after Tournay was restored to the French in consideration they paid the King 600000 Crowns in twelve years and the Dauphin to marry the Lady Mary King Henry's Daughter when she should be of sufficient years of Consent but if the Marriage took no effect then the City to be restored and Wolsey who by this time had bought him a Cardinal's Cap to have 1000 Marks a year for the profits of the Bishoprick and Wolsey having power with the King to doe all remembring a former Affront put upon by Edward Stafford Duke of Buckingham he used his interest to the destruction of that great Peer who was beheaded on Tower-hill upon pretence of aspiring to the Crown In the Year 1521. the Emperour Charles V. in his way to Spain landed at Dover for Refreshment and at the King 's earnest Request came to London and was royally entertained with all the Magnificence and Splendour the Court abounded with at that time and King Henry having written a Book against Martin Luther and sent it to the Pope he in recompence to his Zeal for the Roman Church sent him the Stile of Defender of the Faith which has ever since remained to the Kings and Queens of England sending him likewise a Consecrated Rose The Peace between England and France by reason of misunderstandings growing to a Conclusion a Parliament was assembled at the King's Palace in Black-Fryers granting him half the yearly Revenues of all Spirituall Livings to be paid for five years and the tenth part of all Temporal Substance to carry on his Wars so that not staying to expect War he sent to meet it commanding the Duke of Suffolk to pass over with an Army who taking many Towns and Castles and every where worsting the French returned Victorious and the King banished the Scots out of England confiscating their Goods but upon the Mediation of his Sister a peace was concluded for a time yet there was Martial business abroad for the Irish rebelled and siezing upon the Earl of Kildare who bore the Kings Authority in that Kingdom they sent him bound to England with many Accusations against him for which he was committed to the Tower and Wolsey who hated him signed a Warrant for his Execution without the knowledge of the King whereupon the Lieutenant went to Court and the Trick being made known to the King Wolsey was severely checked and the Earl had the King's Sgnet sent him for his security About this time overtures being made by the Emperor's Ministers in consideration of Marriage with the Lady Mary the French having rejected the Match and some scruples arising about the Legality of her Birth as being born on a Queen that had been his Brother's Wife the King began to fall into a dislike of his Marriage and sent to Rome to sue out a Divorce but finding delays in that Cour● he desired a Cardinal might be sent to hear the Cause and accordingly Cardinal Campius was sent whose Mules casting their Sumpters in Cheap-side the Cardinal's Treasure was discovered to consist o● old Shooes broken Meat tatter'd Breaches and Rags which raised no small Laughter in the people This Cardinal sate with Wolsey and other Clergy men but when the King expected the issue of the Matter instead of giving the definitive Sentence he dissolved that Court and referred the Cause to the Pope which so incensed the King that he Commanded him to depart the Kingdom and sent Dr. Cranmer to Rome to justifie the proceedings to the Pope who with other learned Men bringing the Opinions of almost all the Universities of Europe under their Seals that it was not Lawfull to Marry 〈◊〉 Brother's Wife the Divorce was made yet the Queen lived in England till she dyed and King Henry proceeded to take to Wife Ann of Bullen a very beautifull Lady who to that end he had before made a Dutches and honoured with many favours but better she had been without them as by the sequel wi● appear Cardinal Wolsey whose power was such tha● he seemed to sway both King and Kingdom bega● about this time to be lessened in esteem and shortly after for not only disliking but striving to cros● the King's Proceedings in the Divorce and new Marriage had first the great Seal of England taken from him then several of his Bishopricks which he had ingrossed which begining of disgrace made him more liable to
the Revenge of some Courtiers whom he had i●jured and they soliciting the King to proceed further he commanded him to leave the Court and retire to York but as he was on his way he was overtaken and arrested by the Earl of Northumberland and his House and Furniture siezed Hi● Charge was for speaking Arrogant Words against the King which were interpreted that he meant to take revenge for his disgrace but at Leicester Abby in his way to London taking an Italian Confection to break Wind from his Stomach he dyed not without suspition of Poisoning himself rather than after so great a share of Power and Grandure as he had possessed to fall into the hands of his Enemies His last words were these viz. If I had served my God as faithfully as I have served my King he would not at this time cast me off As for his Birth it was mean being the Son of a Butcher at Ipswich rising from a low degree by his Policie Cuning and prompt Genus About this time Queen Ann was delivered of a Daughter Christened by the name of Elizabeth afterward our renowned Queen of England and two years after of a dead Child but the Popish party at Court perceiving this good Queen strongly to incline to the Lutheran Doctrine and encourage those of the Profession they found an opportunity to strike in with some displeasure of the King 's and accuse her of Incest and Adultery with her Brother the Lord Rochfort which appeared upon no other Foundation than his waiting upon her whilst she was in Bed to inquire of her Health and for joy of her recovery presuming to salute her however she was beheaded on Tower-Hill making a very Pious and Christian-like end and for the same Fact dyed Her Brother in like manner on the 19th of May 1536. and the next day the King gave a greater light into this cruel Execution by Marrying the Lady Jane Seymour Daughter to Sir John Seymour which looked as though the removing one from his Embraces was only to make way for the other Wolsey as is said being dead Thomas Cromwell a Black-smith's Son of Putney who had been an under Favourite of the Cardinals began to rise in the Kings esteem being first made Master of the Jewel-house then Barron of Okeham then Earl of Essex after that great Chamberlain of England and Vicar General of the Spiritualities he was a great favourer of the Reformed Religion and strove what in him lay to promote it but this and his greatness proved his downfall by raising powerfull Enemies at Court against him so that after he had done many great things for the King and Kingdom he was Arraigned Condemned and lost his Head however some change of the Face of the Romish Worship made the Monks and Fryars invite the Plebeans to take up Arms under pretence of redressing Grievances and reforming matters of State and were headed in Lincolnshire by one Mackarel a Monk but being promised by the King their requests should be partly answered they laid down their Arms but it was not long before another rout got together under the name of Pilgrims carrying in their Banner the Picture of Christ with his five Wounds the Chalice Cake and other foolish Devices declaring for Holy Mother Church and a Reformation in State These assembled in Yorkshire to the number of 40000 Commanded by one Diamond a Fisherman who Stiled himself the Earl of Poverty and one Robert Aske yet upon the approach of the King's Forces though they had for a time appeared very formidable being promised as the former some Redress of their Demands and a Pardon for what had passed they dispersed themselves yet upon these and the like stirs several of the Ringleaders were taken and Executed as four Abbots two Pryors three Monks and 3 Priests nor did Captain Mackerel escape this Execution and of Temporal Persons dyed the Lord Dacres Sir Robert Constable Sir Francis Bigod Robert Aske and divers others and now the Churches began to be purged of Images and other Trumpery which greatly inriched the King's Coffors for many of them were of Gold and Silver set with precious Stones and those of Wood were burnt nor were the Monasteries and Religious Houses long delayed of which there were suppressed Monasteries ●645 Colledges 90 Chanceries and Free Chapels ●374 So that the Bible was read in English Register Books appointed and Weddings and Christen●ngs Commenced in due order to hinder Clandestine Iniquities for upon their being demolished great numbers of Childrens Sculls and Bones were found which had been Murther'd stopt up in the Walls and other places to hide the Infamy of the Lascivious Nuns and Fryars c. But by this means the Revenues siezed swarms of Monasticks were turned out to shift which made them labour to incense not only many of the Commons but some Noblemen and Gentlemen against the King and the Pope sent a Bull Excommunicating the King but the Bull bearer being taken as he was fixing it upon the Bishop of Londons Palace he was as a Traytor conveyed to Tyburn and there hanged with the Bull about his Neck and the Marquess of Exceter the Lord Montacute and Sir Edward Nevile were Executed at Tower-Hill for Conspiring to depose Henry and place Cardinal Reignald Pool Grand-son to the Duke of Clarence in the Throne The Lady Jane Seymour whom Henry hade made ●his Queen dying in Child-bed with Prince Edward afterward our Edward the Sixth the King Married the Lady Ann Sister to the Duke of Cleve and she being sent over the King no sooner fixed his Eyes on her but he took dislike a to her Person and pretending he had been deceived in the Report of her Beauty the Beding was refrained and a Divorce procured in Parliament barring her the Tittle of Queen and he proceeded to Marry the Lady Catharine Howard Neice to the Duke of Norfolk but she soon after run the same Risque as Ann of Bulloin had done for she had not been Married much above a year before she was accused of Fornication and Adultery the one with Francis Derham before Marriage and the other with Thomas Culpeper after she was Queen for which she together with the Lady Jane Rochfort lost her head on Tower-Hill the latter suffering for Concealing the Fact of the former though the Queen declared to her Confessor to the last she was innocent as for Derham and Culpeper they were Executed at Tyburn nor did the Countiss of Salisbury Daughter to George Duke of Clarence and Mother to Cardinal Pool escape the cruelty of the King for upon a suspition she held Correspondence with her Son she was attainted in Parliament and beheaded upon that Attandure and about the same time the Lord Leonard Grey lost his Head for Treason and for refusing to deny the Pope's Supreamicy and acknowledge the King's upon a Statute acknowledging the King Supream Head in his own Kingdom John Fisher Bishop of Rochester and the famous Sir Thomas Moor Lord Chancellor
of England were beheaded and yet by the contrivance of the Papists the bloudy six Articles were brought in a sa Snare to those of the Reformed Religion upon which account many suffered the Flames and amongst others Dr. Barns and Mrs. Ann Askew who refusing after Tortures to comply were committed to the devouring Fire and the King Married the Lady Catharine Parr who favoured the Lutherans and was of the Reformed Church whose Life the Papists often put in danger but she escaped the Snare and out-lived the King who having invaded both Scotland and France upon the disappointment in the Match proposed and agreed on between Prince Edward and the Lady Mary of Scotland Heir and Heiress to the two Crowns and won Bulloin in France wasting Scotland wsth Fire and Sword and taking upon him the Title of King of Ireland he fell sick in January 1547. and made his Will that in default of Issue his Son and two Daughters should successively possess the Trone and giving great Sums to charitable Uses dyed the 28th of the same Month. This Henry was King of England France and Ireland second Son to Henry the Seventh he Reigned 37 Years 9 Months and six Days and was the forty sole Monarch of England the Issue he left behind him were Edward Mary and Elizabeth who succeeded him in the Sovereignty he dyed in the 56th year of his Age and was buried in the Chapell at Windsor Thus the Eighth Henry ends his bloudy Reign Beauty it self with him can't Pitty gain Yet met by Death amongst the Dead he lies And with his Life he ends his Cruelties The Life Reign and Actions of Edward the Sixth King of England c. PIous Edward the Sixth far from his Fathers temper was born on the 12th of Ostober 1537. occasioning by his Birth the Death of his Mother Queen Jane for in her hard labour King Henry having notice it was a Son for which he had passionately longed and that either the Child or the Mother must perish he intimated he could have more Wives but knew not whether he should have another Son whereupon the Chirurgeons having dozed the Queen with strong Spirits to make her senseless of the pain by making a large Incision took forth the Birth but by that usage the Queen soon after dyed This Prince was Crowned at Westminster on the 20th of February 1547. having the three Swords delivered to him as King of England France and Ireland and upon this he told them there was yet another Sword to be delivered to him viz. The Holy Bible which is the Sword of the Spirit and without which no King can Govern well Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset and his Mothers Brother was made Protector over his Minority and hereupon it was concluded the Scots should be compelled to make good the Marriage which otherwise they refused to do wherefore a great Army was raised and led by the Lord Protector into Scotland and vanquished the Scots in Muschelborough Field after an obstinate and bloudy Fight with great slaughter of their men chasing them about five miles so that there dyed the Lord Fleming with sundry others of quality and ten thousand of lesser note and one thousand were taken Prisoners amongst whom of note were the Earl of Huntly the Lords Yester Hobby and Hamilton the Earl of Cassis and the Lord Weems so that the English without any farther opposition sacked and burnt Lieth the Island of St. Colmes Brougherag Roxborough Humes Castle and other places which obliged many of the Scotch Nobility and Gentry to come and cast themselves at the Proctor's Feet beseeching him to spare their Country entering into terms with him on condition of Peace whereupon he returned to England and a Parliament was called and the bloudy six Articles repealed those Colledges Chapells and Religious Houses that King Henry had spared were given to the King Edward and Commissioners appointed to purge the Churches of Images which accordingly was done but in the West Mr. Body one of the Commissioners was stabbed to the heart by a Priest and to justifie the murther 10000 of the Cornish and Devonshire Rusticks took Arms Headed by Humphry Aurundell six other Gentlemen and eight Priests who straightly besieged Exceter but were beaten off after they had done considerable mischief yet they continued in Arms ●nd sent the King sundry Articles to be aggreed to viz. That they might have Mass Celebrated as in times ●ast that they might have Holy Bread and Holy Water in ●membrance of Christ's Body and Bloud that the six Articles might be again in force with some others to which the young King pittying their ignorance returned them an answer with a general Pardon if they submitted but that not prevailing and the multitude still encreasing an Army was sent against them which put them to flight at Honiton and beat ●hem before Exceter and on Cliff-Heath utterly dis●omfitted them with considerable slaughter and all the Popish Trumpery which the Priests had brought ●nto the Field to encourage them were trampled under Feet and Aurundel Holms Winsland and Bury ●our of their Ring-leaders were taken and Executed ●nd a Miller's man near Bodmin taking upon him by ●is Masters directions to personate him Sir Anthony Kingstone Marshal of the Field commanded him to ●e hanged the Fellow confidently affirming himself to be the Rebellious Miller till he came to the Gallows yet there declared he was but his man yet this late Confession stood him in no stead for Sir Anthony caused him to be hanged telling him he could never do his Master better Service but the troubles ended not thus for the Priests being unhived and deprived of their Roast-meat stir'd up the people in other parts of the Kingdom and especially those in Norfolk were Headed by one Robert Kett a Tanner who Stiled himself the King's Deputy to redress Grievances issuing out Writs and Warrants in the King's name and chusing an Old Oake to sit in Council called the Oake of Reformation to which Tribunal all Complaints and Grievances of the Rusticks were brought to be redressed and Orders were sent for the plundering Gentlemens Houses taking Arms and Amunition out of Ships c. making themselves Master of the City of Norwich over-throwing the Marques of Northampton but the Lord Dudly Earl of Warwick being sent against them forced the City and caused Sixty of such as he there had taken i● Arms to be immediately hanged however th● Rebels intrenched and fortified their Camp at the foot of a Hill called Duffin-dale encouraging themselves upon a vain Prophecy that Hob Dic and Hic meaning the Rusticks should with their Club● fill up the Valley of Duffin-dale with the Bodys of the slain On the 27th of August the Earl prepared to give them Battel when the better to retard him the Rebels set in the head of their Battel all the Gentlemen and others that they had taken Prisoners coupled in Irons however Captain Drury with hi● Band of Almains broke in furiously and