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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A64508 A third dialogue between the Pope and a phanatick, concerning affairs in England by the author of the first and second, who is a hearty lover of his prince and country. Hearty lover of his prince and country.; Ferguson, Robert, d. 1714. 1684 (1684) Wing T907A; ESTC R1259 29,364 58

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to inthrone the Good Old Cause without those mighty Engins of Popular Pamphlets and Parliaments and therefore pray proceed in your methods of Propagation for that is the utmost we can hope for in this Age. Ph. Well then I consider that the Cause can never be maintain'd by meer Mechanicks and should we send our Youth to Universities they would be taught Obedience to Statutes and wear off the Natural Abhorrence of white Linnen and Liturgy and thus being disciplin'd in those Seraglio's they would become a kind of Janisaries and be taught to destroy that Religion into which they were Born and this we have found by fatal experiments And therefore to prevent this mischief we have erected our Private Gymnasia and in these Seminaries we Read to our Youth the Politicks and Divinity of Geneva here they are taught the Natural Philosophy and all the Liberal Arts and Sciences of Sedition and Rebellion These Gymnasia are our Spiritual Artillery-Grounds here my Veterane Champions instruct their Young Volunteers in the management of Tongue and Face how to fire a Mouth-granado how to beat all the Points of War upon the Pulpit-drum when to lye in Ambuscade and when to raise their Batteries against the Government how to Vndermine a Throne and Sap the walls of a Cathedral Po. This Essential Policy for neither Popery nor Presbytery can be Propagated without Seminaries and therefore I suppose the design of your Gymnasia was borrowed from Doway and St. Omers which places my Cardinal Bentivoglio ingeniously stiles Military Stations where my Spiritual Souldiery are disciplin'd in the Arts of Holy War and are drawn out from thence to defend the Catholick Cause in England Now you and I may every year send forth our several Detachments from these Spiritual Garrisons and so we may beleaguer the Church of England on Both-sides the only fear is that Lewis should beat up our Quarters in Flanders and Charles should dismantle your Cittadels in England Ph. Besides these Artillery-Companies I have a Flying Squadron of Neutral Clergy quarter'd within the Lines of the Church of England and these by their whispers in the Desk and Noise in the Pulpit do me more service in the Church than all my Doctors in the Synagogue for you know one piece of Ordnance within the Ship whose mouth is directed to the keel if it be well charg'd and fir'd must do more fatal Execution than a thousand shot at two mile distance These men teach their people to clamour against the Canonical Clergy and the Heights of Hierarchy and dispose them for an easie Compliance to the Model of Geneva and therefore upon the first revolution they and their whole Brigades will come over to our Triumphant Banners These men Resemble that Asian Sect which the Turks call the Raphasis who are neither Zealous Musselmen nor devout Christians but according as their humour and Interest move them can Worship either Christ or Mahomet and go indifferently in Pilgrimage to Meccha or Jerusalem Po. These Ecclesiastick Neuters and Lay-trimmers must do you excellent Service and therefore I advise you to Court and admire these men as the Greater Saints and Wiser Subjects for they must be Zealous Loyallists who uphold the Height and Honour of a Government but men of Cold and Trimming Tempers will betray it with Indifferency and Moderation and look upon its Ruine with half a smile What were they who ruin'd my Authority in England in the days of Henry the Eighth but Trimming Papists What were my Gibellines that shaked the Papacy in the Thirteenth Century but Prudential Catholicks And those Bishops in the Councel of Constance and the Basilisks of Basil who usurp't the Prerogative of deposing Popes and Decreed Me Inferior to a General Councel were all Romish Trimmers and therefore why should not the Church of England suffer by Trimmers as well as the Church of Rome Ph. Sir Let me alone to make my advantage of these mens Tempers But to proceed My most Infallible art to continue the Reputation of the Good Old Cause is the Eminency of a Politick Sanctity and Si vis fallere Plebem finge Deos is as good Latin in England as ever it was at Rome Po. Pray Let me know wherein your Sanctity consists Ph. In Sabboths and Sobriety for as for Faith That relates to things not seen and is a Virtue of it self Invisible Obedience to Superiors is meer Human Courtship and Slavery and therefore doth not become the Privilege and Freedom of Saints Meekness Humility and Charity are all but Good Nature But to be Sober and keep a Sabboth are the most Popular signs of Grace and Sanctity Po. This is as gross a Cheat as the Tears and Bleeding of a Romish Image for if Sobriety be the Grand Essential of Religion Mahomet was a diviner Prophet than Jesus for he was so far from Turning Water into Wine that his Alcoran has Turn'd Wine into Water and not only denied his Disciples the whole Firkins but doth not allow them the juyce of one single Grape And if to keep a Sabboth be the Great Character of a Saint the Jew is as much a Christian as you Ph. Alass this is too fine and Metaphysical for the Pia Maters of the Unthinking Crowd and notwithstanding these reasons the Cheat is popular and must prevail a Stanch and demure Assassin will pass for a greater Saint in the opinion of the Vulgus than a Damning Carowsing Cavalier and he who like the Pharisee can spend the whole Sabboth in Synagogues and Long-prayers may Plot against Caesar and Rob Widows Houses for six days after and yet keep the Reputation of a Saint Po. I know that a Reserv'd soberness must command the Peoples Veneration but I most admire how you can Impose upon them that Melancholy Imposture of Sabbatizing Your Turkish Brethren when the Prayers of their Mosques are ended can upon their Sabboth return to their common business without the least charge of Profanation The Jews in Barbary after their devotions of the Synagogue do spend the rest of their Sabboth in the utmost Gaiety and briskest festivity Your Dutch Brethren make no more scruple of Taverns or Tables upon a Sunday than they did in burning the ships at Chattam The whole Catholick Church did never look upon the Sunday as a Jewish Sabboth but a Christian Festival indeed they always took care for the Solemnities of publick Religion but when those Devotions of the day were ended it did never forbid any Innocent Mirth or diversion but thought that Agreeable to so great a fesival Your ancient Canons under King Edgar did enjoyn that upon the Sunday all people should abstain from Trade or Merchandize they thought there was too much busie Care and Uneasiness in those affairs to consist with the chearful diversions of a Festival and it was wisely provided by the Law of Canutus that no Criminal should be put to death upon the Lords day for such Executions of Justice were Acts and Spectacles
the Publick Devotions of the Sunday be duly performed no man can offend by such diversions But tho' you use this argument for Popular seducement yet this is not your Rule of Practice No question but to Pray and Worship God is far more Religious than to Shed Blood but yet you forgot this Divinity at the Battel of Edg-hill and made no scruple of Murder and Rebellion tho' it was upon that day which you call the Sabbath For Subjects to make Prayers and Supplications for Kings and all in Authority and to live a Quiet life in all Godliness and Honesty and to leave it to the Lord of the whole world to influence the minds of Princes and to dispose of their persons and Crowns no question but this is far more Religious than to usurp the Divine Prerogative and set up whom we fancy and pull down what Prince we please but yet you and I don't think our selves obliged to this height of Perfection But how did you resent the September Thanksgiving Ph. Ah! Sir it was to me a more melancholy day than the Parliament-fast in the Popish Plot. Po. The appointing that Thanksgiving upon a Sunday was in my opinion a Politick design of the English Court to cure the Nation of that sullen distemper of Sabbatizing by that cunning Essay of Mirth and Dominical Triumph Ph. I declam'd against those prophane Bonefires as Sacrifices to Moloch and making the Children pass through the fire The Author of the Practice of Piety hath recorded so many remarks of divine Vengeance upon Sabbath-breakers that I did hope those unhallow'd fires would have made some Cities like unto Sodom and Gomorrah and left some Towns in Ashes I did expect that the Gunpowder would have Sabbatized and would not have been so Diabolical as to have flasht into Fire and Brimstone However I thought the Cannons might have prov'd like the fiery Furnace and have destroyed those men who kindled the Flame But those Triumphing Prophanations being not revenged by any fire or Thunderbolts from Heaven I have lost my argument from Providence and the Tories will fancy that the fire and smoak of that day was a kind of Incense and Burnt-offering Po. I am afraid that the English Nation will become so wise and Ingenious as to see through this Cheat and recover their ancient Freedom and Generosity and the want of Puritanick Scruples will be a mighty disadvantage to the Cause Ph. I grant that the Supererrogating Superstition of the Sabbath is the Principal Foundation of Puritanisme but I am secure of this advantage for the Church of England it self does contribute to this delusion for tho' Paul tell us that the Ministration written in Stone is done away yet Moses is read every Sabbath day in the English Churches as well as in the Jewish Synagogues and when the Minister as if he came just from Mount Horeb proclaims with a loud voice Remember thou keepest holy the Sabbath day it is impossible the people should forget to Sabbatize and by this frequent Repetition of the Fourth Commandment the word Sabbath must be continued in its popular vogue and Sunday will be thought Profane and Paganish and hence it is that not only my Disciples but the undiscerning Proselytes of the Church of England do commonly stile the Lords day the Sabbath day and do mistake it for the very Sabbath in the Fourth Commandment Po. I see the Church of England was resolved to have the Reformation according to Law and after the Patern of the Mount but I wonder they are not asham'd to Charge me with the Doctrine of Equivocation when they themselves do every Sunday Equivocate both with God and Man For the people are enjoyn'd in express terms to observe the Jewish Sanction of the Sabbath and to keep Holy the Seventh day and yet all this time the First day of the Week is only Intended and when that Law of the Sabbath is fully pronounc't the people are taught to Pray Lord have mercy upon us and incline our hearts to keep THIS Law So that the best sence which can be put upon that mistaken Ejaculation is this Lord we pray thee to give us grace to keep the Seventh day but thou knowest we mean the first Ph. My Rabbi's tell me that the Ten Commandments being a Peculiar Sanction to the Jews were never received into any ancient Liturgy of the Greek or Latin Churches but the inserting them into the English Service was a very Fortunate Innovation and I shall improve the advantage for the Church of England is now under an inextricable Dilemma if they continue this Mosaical Sanction as part of their Christian Service it must perpetuate the humor of Judaizing If they should alter or expunge the Laws of Moses it would cause such Popular Outcries that they dare not adventure the consequence It is the opinion of some that the Evangelical Beatitudes were designed to answer the Ten Commandments and therefore like them were delivered from the Mount But yet if the Convocation should place those Beatitudes and the whole Pandect of Christian Laws in the room of the Two Tables it would not amount to popular Satisfaction for the Common people have as much if not more veneration for Moses than they have for Christ for they do not murmur against the Pictures of Moses and Aaron tho' expos'd in their holy places but if these two Jewish Saints were removed and the Pictures of Christ and his Apostles introduced into Churches the people would clamour against the change as rank Popery Po. Well you have abundantly convinc't me that a Judaizing Puritanisme must continue in England as long as the Ten Commandments are continued in the Common-Prayer-Book but have you no other Stratagem to propogate the Good Old Cause Ph. Truly at present I have no more in prospect but only the hopes of a Toleration to have our Religious exercises confin'd to Private Families is like the restraint of Simple Marriage and will never propagate with expedition but a Toleration is a kind of Spiritual Polygamy and if I can once again but espouse the Teeming Crowds we shall Multiply like Jews and bring forth Captains of Fifties and Captains of Hundreds and Captains of Thousands Po. If ever you have an Indulgence you must thank Rome for the favour but you can never expect it upon the account of your own Merit for all your Plots and Associations your Insolencies and Conspiracies are dated from the Last Indulgence and tho' the King might forget that you denied his Father the favour of his own Chaplains yet he can't but remember how you abused his Grace and what where the mischiefs of the Late Toleration and therefore I am afraid you will be deceiv'd in the hopes of a Second Indulgence Ph. To give the King his due he is a Prince of great Humanity and good Nature and his anger being appeas'd by a few bloody Sacrifices I hope he may be persuaded that a freedom of Conscience in matters of Religion