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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68015 Articles to be inquired of vvithin the dioces of Ely in the first visitation of the R. Reverend Father in God Matthevv, Lord Bishop of Ely.; Visitation articles. 1638 Church of England. Diocese of Ely. Bishop (1638-1667 : Wren) 1638 (1638) STC 10197; ESTC R960 26,209 24

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ARTICLES TO BE INQVIRED OF VVITHIN THE DIOCES OF ELY In the first Visitation of the R. Reverend Father in God MATTHEVV LORD BISHOP OF ELY Printed at London by Richard Badger 1638. The Tenour of the Oath to be ministred to the Church-wardens and any other of every Parish that shall be sworne to make Presentments YOu shall sweare that you and every one of you shall and will truly consider and diligently enquire of every one of these Articles here given you in charge and of all the branches thereof and make true answer to all particulars therein demanded and that all affection or favour or hatred or hope of reward or gaine or feare of displeasure or malice of any person and all other pretences set aside you shall and will present every such person of your Parish or within it as hath committed any offence or fault or made any default mentioned in any of these Articles or which is vehemently suspected or otherwise defamed of any such offence fault or default wherein you shall deale uprightly and fully according to the truth neither presenting nor sparing to present any contrary to the truth Having in this action God before your eyes with an earnest zeale to maintaine truth and vertue and to suppresse vice and to discharge your owne consciences So help you God and the Holy Contents of this Booke GOD SAVE THE KING Articles to be inquired of in the Dioces of Ely at the Visitation holden in the yeare of our LORD 1638. Chap. 1. Concerning Religion Doctrine and Church-government ARE there any abiding in your Parish or resorting to it who as farre as you know or haue credibly heard from persons of déeper iudgment do at any time preach teach deliuer publish or maintaine any heresie or any erroneous false opinion contrary to the faith of CHRIST or any sentence matter or cause which hath heretofore béene determined ordered or adiudged to be heresie by the authority of the Canonicall Scriptures or by the first foure generall Councels or any of them or by any other generall Councell determining the same to be heresie by the expresse words of holy Scripture Or are there any which do deny or impugne any of the 39 Articles of Religion agréed vpon in Anno 1562. and established in the Church of England And is the Declaration which the Kings Maiesty prefixed before those 39 Articles concerning the selling of the questions late in difference duly obserued by all within your Parish according to His Maiesties commandement 2 Be there any in your Parish that haue denied or perswaded any other to deny withstand or impugne the Kings Maiesties authority and supremacy in causes Ecclesiasticall within this Realme 3 Be there any in your Parish that haue affirmed that the Forme of consecrating Bishops and making Priests and Deacons as it is vsed in the Church of England is not holy right true and lawfull Or that the Gouernment of this Church vnder the Kings Maiestie by Archbishops Bishops Deanes Archdeacons and other Ecclesiasticall Officers is vnlawfull or antichristian 4 Is there in your Parish any that hath béene or is vehemently suspected to have béene present at any vnlawfull assemblies conuenticles or méetings vnder colour or pretence of any exercise of Religion or do any affirme and maintaine such méetings to be lawfull 5 Be there any abiding in or resorting to your Parish that are commonly reputed to be ill affected in matter of the religion professed in our Church or taken to be Recusant Papists or factious separatists refusing to repaire vnto the Church to heare diuine Seruice and to receiue the holy Communion Or that haue or do publish sell or disperse or conueigh to others any superstitious seditious or schismaticall Bookes Libels or Writings touching the Religion State or Ecclesiasticall gouernment of this Kingdome of England Present their names qualities and conditions if you know or haue heard of any 6 Haue any in your Parish spoken or declared anything in derogation or deprauation of the forme of Gods worship and the set forme of common prayer prescribed and established in the Church of England or in dislike of the administration of the Sacraments or of the other Rites and Ceremonies set forth and prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer and the Canons Ecclesiasticall Or do any preach speak and declare that the Booke of Common Prayer containeth any thing that is repugnant to the holy Scripture or not meet to be vsed Or do vse any scomfull words against those godly Sermons called the Homilies of the Church Chap. 2. Concerning Publike Prayer and the Administration of the Holy Sacraments c. 1 HAth any in your Parish caused procured or maintained any Minister to say any common or publike prayer or to administer the Sacrament of Baptisme or of the Lords Supper otherwise or in any other maner than is mentioned in the Book of Common Prayer Or hath any interrupted hindered let or disturbed the Minister in reading of diuine Seruice or administring the Sacraments in such manner as is mentioned in the said booke Or hath any interrupted him in his preaching or reading the Homilies 2 Is the Sacrament of Baptisme rightly and duly administred according to the forme prescribed in the Booke of Common Prayer with due obseruation of all Rites and Ceremonies prescribed to be vsed in the same without adding or altering of any part of any prayers or interrogatories Is the signe of the Crosse euery time vsed and the Surplice neuer but worne in the administring of it 3 Hath the administration of the Sacrament of Baptisme béene at any time deferred longer than till the next Sunday or Holiday immediately following the birth of the childe And do they all come to Church when a child is to be baptized at or about the beginning of diuine Seruice And is the baptizing performed immediately after the second Lesson 4 Hath the Sacrament of Baptisme béen refused to be administred to any children borne in or out of wedlock their birth being made known to the Minister of the Parish and they offered vnto him to be baptized Or haue any such children died vnbaptized 5 Haue the parents of the childe baptised béene at any time admitted to be Godfathers or Godmothers to the same Or haue any béene admitted to be Godfathers or Godmothers to any childe before they haue receiued the holy Communion Or haue there béene admitted more or lesse than two Godfathers and one Godmother for a male child and two Godmothers and one Godfather for a female Or haue any Godfathers or Godmothers vsed any other answers or spéech in Baptisme than is by the Book of Common Prayer appointed Or haue they giuen to the children baptised any name that is absurd or inconuenient for so holy an action 6 Haue any children béene baptised in priuate houses except vpon great necessity and if so what was the same or by any Lay-person or Midwife or Popish Priest or by any other than your owne Minister And haue all
nor to answer but to do what they list and to leaue out and passe by whom they will and what they will in their Presentments Or do you know of any that haue abused the Church-wardens or other Sworn-men in your Parish or giuen them euill words for executing of their office or to dishearten or deferr them from executing it as by hath and duly they are bound Chap. 7. Concerning the Parishioners DO any in your Parish prophane any Sunday or Holyday by any unlawful gaming drinking or tipling in Tauernes Innes Tobacco-shops or Alehouses in the time of Common Prayer or Sermon or by working or doing the work of their trades and Occupations Do any in your Parish buy or sell or kéep open their Shops or set out any wares to be sold on Sundayes or Holydayes by themselues their seruants or apprentises or haue they any other wayes prophaned the said dayes And hath the Kings Declaration concerning the lawfull sports and recreations béene published among you yea or no. If so when was it done in what manner and by whom 2 Is the fifth day of November obserued and kept in your Parish with Prayer and Thanksgiuing unto God in such forme as is by publike Authority appointed for the day Is the 27. day of March also well and duely obserued are the Bels usually rung in ioy of those dayes Do any in your parish take vpon them in such publike manner to obserue any other dayes in the yéere but these two 3 Is there any in your Parish that hath béene heard to impugne or speake against the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England or the lawfull use of them or to affirme by word or writing that the forme of making and Consecrating Bishops Priests and Deacons or any thing therin contained is repugnant to the word of God or that the Government of this Church under his Maiesty by Arch-bishops Bishops and other Ecclesiasticall Officers is Antichristian Or hath spoken reproachfully or disgracefully of the Kings Maiesties Courts Ecclesiasticall or of the procéedings thereof 4 Haue yon any in your Parish that doe come to the Sermon only and not to diuine Service or which use to come late to Church and to depart from Church before the Blessing be given wherewith they are to be dismissed at the end of Seruice Or that doe not reuerently behaue themselues entring into the Church and during the time of diuine Seruice Do all both men and women deuoutly knéele when the Generall confession of sinnes the Letany the ten Commandements and all Prayers and Collects are read as well as Baptismes Mariages and Burialls as at other parts of the diuine Seruice Do all vse due and lowly reuerence when the blessed name of the Lord IESUS is mentioned and stand vp when the Articles of the Créed are read Doe anymen couer their heads in the Church vnlesse it be for infirmity in which case they may only weare coifes or night-caps or then and there giue themselues to babling talking or walking and are not attentiue to the Prayers and Hymnes and to heare Gods word read and preached Doe all say Amen audibly and make such other answers both in the Letany and all other parts of diuine Seruice as by the rule of the Common Prayer booke are to bée made by the people 5 Do any within your Parish men or women being sixtéene yéeres of age and upwards or any other lodging or commonly resorting to any house in your Parish wilfully absent themselues from your Parish Church or Chappell vpon Sundaies and Holydayes and other dayes appointed at morning and euening Prayers or refuse to receive the Communion or perswade others from comming to Church or receiuing the holy Communion 6 Haue you any popish or puritanicall Recusants in your Parish that bée of insolent behauiour not without publike offence or that do boldly b●esse themselues in perswading seducing or withdrawing others either abroad or in their owne families from the Religion established in the Church of England And how long haue the said popish or puritanicall Recusants obstinately abstained either from diuine Seruice or from the Communion Whether of any long time or of late only 7 Are there any in your Parish who do absent themselves at any time from your owne Church and do resort to any other Parish or place to heare other Preachers Or are there any in your Parish that do communicate or that doe baptize their children in any other Parish Or doe the Parishioners of any other Parish resort vnto your Church how long haue they done so and vpon what occasion or licence 8 Is there within your Parish or in any Parish néere you that you know of in any house or family any one that is called or reputed a Chaplaine or that is known or supposed to haue entred into holy orders Or any that liue there in imployment as a Scholler Present there names if there bée any such and how long they haue béene there and his name in whose house they kéepe 9 Is there any in your Parish who do refuse to haue their children baptised or themselves to receive the Communion at the hand of your Minister because he is no Preacher or doth not edifie in their phansie 10 Doth any maried woman within your Parish after child-birth neglect to come to Church according to the booke of Common Prayer to giue thanks to God for her safe deliuerance valled in a decent manner as hath béen anciently accustomed doth she also come to Church at or néere the beginning of diuine Seruice that day and when the thanksgiuing for her is to bée said doth she goe and knéele in some conuenient place nigh to the Table but without the inclosure while the Priest standing within by her giueth thanks for her And doth she then offer her accustomed offerings and receiue the holy Communion if there be one 11 Are there within your Parish or thereunto resorting any players on Stage or with Puppits or any Musitians Fidlers Rimers or Iesters which do vse any prophane or filthy passages in their songs spéeches or gestures to the dishonour of God abuse of Scripture or the corrupting of good manners or which doe publish any thing scandalous to the Church or reproachfull to the holy Clergie 12 Do you know of any man or woman that hath abused their Parson Vicar or Curate or any other that is in holy Orders with contumelious words or unciuill gestures or déeds or behaued themselues rudely towards them Or that haue reproached either the mariage or the single life of Priests or haue said or done any thing else that did redound to the 〈◊〉 or dishonour of their persons or of their holy function and calling 13 Haue you any in your parish that are commonly known or reputed to bée blasphemers of Gods holy name common and vsuall swearers drunkards vsurers filthy speakers adulterers fornicators incestuous persons bawdes concealers of fornicators or adulterers Haue any in your parish béene detected of such