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A73271 The summarie of English chronicles (lately collected and published) nowe abridged and continued tyl this present moneth of Marche, in the yere of our Lord God. 1566. By J.S.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgements Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1566 (1566) STC 23325.4; ESTC S124615 158,676 423

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Windsore Anno. 6. M date 1312 Iohn Gysours Grocer S Iohn Lambyn Adam Lutekyn This yere was manye good lawes made in the parliamente at London whervnto the king and his lords were sworne Anno. 7. M date Nicolas Faringdon goldsmith S Adam Burden Hugh Baytō The Englishe men encountered with Robert le Bruse and his Scots at Estriualen where was fought a stronge The 〈…〉 battell In the ende whereof the Englyshemen wer discomfited so egerly pursued by the Scottes that many of the noble men were slayne as Gilbert de Clare Erle of Glocester syr Robert Clyford syr Edmond of Manle with other lords and barons to the number of .xlii. knightes and .lxvii. barons be syde .xxii. men of name which wer taken prisoners and .x. M. cōmon souldiours slayne After this tyme Robert le Bruse reigned as king of Scotland Anno. 8. M Iohn Gysors Grocer S date 1314 Stephen of Abingdon Hamōd Chikwel A villayn called Iohn Poydras a tanners son of Excester in diuers places A barkers son made claym to the croune of England named himselfe the son of Edward the first said that by a false nourse he was stolne out of his cradel Edward that was now king put in his place which was but a carters son but shortly after he was conuict of his vntrueth and confessed that he dyd it by the motiō of a familiar sprite which he had in his house in likenes of a cat whom he had serued .iii. yere and he for his seruice was drawen and hanged at Northamptou Anno. 9. M date 1315 Stephē abingdō S Hamōdgoodchep Wil. Reading The castell of Barwike was yelded vp to the Scottes by the treason of Peter Spaldyng Two cardinalles beyng sente from Rome to conclude a peace betwene the king of England the Scots as they went through Yorkshyre were robbed by two Knights called Gilbert Midle●o● Walter Selby with 600. men which .ii. knightes had don many robberies in those partes or they were taken but they were afterward condemned drawen hanged at London And the King recompensed the Cardinalles double so much as they lost Shortly after syr Goss●en Deinuile and his brother Robert with two hundred in habite of Friers goyng about Notable ●heues in Friers apparell as exiled persons or outlawes did many great and notable roberies and despites they robbed and spoyled the byshop of Durhams palaces leauing nothing in them but bare walles such lyke robberyes for the which they wer after hanged at Yorke Anno. 10. M Iohn Wengraue S date 1316 Wil. Caston Rafe Palmer The Scottes entred the borders of Northūberland and most cruelly robbed and spoyled the countrey sparyng neither man woman nor chyld To this mischief was ioyned so exceding Great famine dearth and scarsitie that wheate was sold for .iiii. mark the quarter the cōmon peple did eat hors flesh other vile beastes many died for hunger Anno. 11. M Iohn Wengraue S date 1319 Iohn Prior Wil. Furnex Kinge Edward layde siege to Barwike The white battell But in the meane time the scots by an other way inuaded the borders of England wasted the countrey euen to Yorke slew a gret number specially of religious people Wherefore it was called the white battel King Edward was constrained to break vp his siege returne agayne into England Syr Hugh the Spencers the father and the sonne were of great power in Englād and by the fauour of the king practised suche crueltie and bare them selfe so hautie that no lord in this land durst contrary them in any thyng that they thought good whereby they were greatly hated of the nobles Anno. 12. M date 1318 Iohn Wēgraue S Iohn Poūtney Iohn Dalling The Lords and nobles of England detestynge the outragious pryde of the Spencers in suche wyse conspired against them that they caused the kinge halfe against his mind to banish them the Realme Anno. 13. M date 1319 Hamond Chikwel peperer S Symon Abingnon ▪ Iohn Preston This yere king Edward contrary to the mind of his lords reuoked the Spēcers from banishment and set them in like authoritie as they before had bene to the great disturbance of the realme and not long after pursued the barons and chased them from place to place as fyrst at Ledes castell in Kent after in the marches of Wales where he tooke the Mortimers and sent them to the Tower of London Anno. 14. M date 1320 Nicholas Faringdon goldsmithe S Reynolde at cundit Wil. Prodham This yere king Edward ouercam the barons of this realme in many battels Gret execution and toke many of them whome he put to death in diuers parts of this realm to the number of .xxii. noble men Master Iohn Baldocke a man of euill fame was made Chancelor of Englād who extremely pilled y ● cōmons of this realme for the which he was well rewarded after Anno. 15. M Hamond Chikwel Grocer S. date 1321 Richard Constantine Rich. Hakeney This yere the sunne appeared to mens The sunne appeared as blood sight as red as bloud and so continued the space of .vi. houres The last day of October the Irishmen by the ayde they had out of Englande droue the scottes out of theyr land At which time many noble men of Scotland wer slayne Among which was Edwarde lè Bruze the kinges brother Anno. 16. M Hamond Chikwel Grocer S date Iohn Grantham Rich. of Ely King Edward with a great army entred Scotland but with sicknes and other misfortunes that chanced amonge the soldiors he within short space was forced to return into England wherof syr Iames Douglas and the Scots hauinge knowledge pursued him in such wise that they slew many english men and had welnere taken the kyng at an abbey called Beighland frō the which he was forced to flee and leaue his tresure behind him Anno. 17. M date 1323 Nicolas Faringdon Goldsmith S Adam Salisbury Io ▪ of Oxéford Charles of ▪ France warred vpon the lands of king Edward in Gascoyne Guien and tooke there manye to wnes and castels Wherfore king Edwarde sent his wyfe Isabell to entreate with her brother Charles for peace or as Fro●sard saith the Quene her selfe fleyng che tyranny mischief of the Spē●ers fled with her yonge son Edward into France and was gently receiued of her brother which made greate promise to ayde her against the tyranny iniury of the Spencers Anno. 18. M date 1324 Hamond Chikwel G●●●●er S Be●et of Fulham Iohn Ca●sion Quene Isabel by the ayde and helpe of lyr Iohn of Haynold with a ●●nal company of Henoways returned into Englande to whom the Nobles and the King Edward taken prisoner commons gatheringe in great number pursued the kinge the Spencers and other enemies so egerly that ●hortlye after they toke them and kept the king in prison at Kenil worthe ▪ And after at Barkley they toke maister Robert bal docke the chancellor the Spenrers taken prisoners Robert Baldock the Chācellor both y e
d and viii d six pigeōs for one peny a fat goose for ii d a pyg for a peny so al other victuals after y e rate This yere appered a blasing sterre Anno. 12. M date 1337 Henry Darcy S Walter Neale Nicolas Crane King Edward sent Embassadors beyond the sea to allie with hym the erle of Heynault and other lordes whiche obeyde not the french king of who by the meanes of Iaques Dartuell he had great comfort bothe of the Flemmings diuers lords princes of those parts This yere the kyng granted that the officers of the Maior and Sheriffs of London should beare maces of syluer Anno. 13. M Henry Darcy date 1338 S Williā of Pomfret Hugh Marbre Kyng Edward for establishement of amitie betwene hym and the Hollanders Selanders and Grabanders sailed to And warpe where he concluded the matter with his aliances and by y ● consent of y e emperor Lewys was proclaimed vicar generall of the empire In this mean time certain frenchmē Southāpton robbed had entred the hauē of Southhampton and robbed the towne brent a great part therof and vpon the sea they toke ii great ships called the Edward and the Christopher Anno. 14. M Andrew Aubery grocer date 1339 S William Thorney Roger Frosham Kynge Henry helde a parliament at Great subsedye Westminster he demaunded the fyfthe part of euery mans goods The customes of the wolles to be paid .ij. yeares before hand and the nynth sheafe of euery mans corne Which was granted hym But before it were all payde the loue of the people dyd turne into hatred and their prayer into cursyng c. The kyng changed his coyn made Coyn changed the noble and half noble The noble at vi s .viij. d which is how .x. s̄ Kyng Edward entred the borders of France and made clayme to the whole realme of France as his rightful inheritance Armes of Englande and France entermedled and for more auctoritie named hym selfe kyng of France and entermedled the armes of France as it remayneth to this daye Anno. 15. M date 1340 Andrew Aubery grocer S. Adam Lucas Bartholomew marys The quene of England wife to king Iohn of Gaunt Edward beyng at Gaunt was deliuered of a sonne which afterwarde was called Iohn of Gaunt which was first earle of Richemount and after Duke of Gloucester Kyng Edward sailyng into Flaunders nye to the towne of Sluce mette Sattayl ou●e sea with the Frenche kynges nauy where was foughten a cruell battail Wherof the kyng of England had the victury and the Frenche flete that was in nūber 400. sayle was welnere destroied and the souldiors taken slayn drouned so that of 33000 four escaped aliue After this victory kyng Edwarde besieged Turney and the town of saint Omers At the end of .xi. wekes after the siege a peace was concluded for xii monethes and the kyng returned Anno. 16. M Iohn Oxenford vintener date 1341 S Rich. barkyng Iohn Rockesleye This yeare came into England .ii. cardinals to treate a peace betwene the kynges of Englande and of France who concluded it for .iij. yeares but it lasted not so long This yere the quene was deliuered of a man childe at Langley and was named Edmund of Langley and was kyng Edwards thirde sonne Anno. 17. M Symon Francis mercer date 1342 S Iohn Lufkin Rich. Kyslingbury This yere died Iohn duke of britain by reason of whose death war strife grewe and parts takyng by y e Frenche kyng and kyng Edwarde Anno 18. M date 1343 Iohn Hamond S Iohn Sewarde Iohn Aysesham This yere y e king called a parliamēt at Westminster In time whereof Edwarde hys eldeste sonne was created prince of Wales This yere y e king made a coin of fine gold and named it the Florentine y ● is A newe coyne to say the peny of y e valu of .vi. ● .viii d the halfpeny of y ● valu of .iii. ● .iiii. d the farthing of the valu of .xx. d which coyn was ordeined for his warres in France for the gold therof was not so fyne as was the noble before named Anno. 19. M date 1344 Iohn Hamōd S Geff. Wichingham Thomas Legget This yere y e king held a solemn feast The order of knights of the garter at his castel of Windsor where he de●sed the Order of the garter and stablished it as it is at this day And then he sayled into Sluce so into little Britain with a strong army He sent y e erle of Derby with a strōg army into Guyē for to ayde the erle of Northampton Anno. 20. M date 1345 Richard Lace● Mercer S Edmonde Heuenall Iohn Gloucester King Edward made a great preparation for the warres of Fraunce and Philip de Valoys kynge of Fraunce made as great preparatiō to defend his land agaynst him Anno. 21. M Geffrey Wichinghā S date 1346 Iohn Croydon Will. Clopton King Edward sailed into Normādy with 1100. sayle with his son Prince Edward they ouer rode spoiled destroied y e coūtrey before them vnto Paris gathered wōderful riches of prai which he sēt into Englād Shortly after he encoūtred y e french king nye the forest of Cresse when he had not in his host the eight man in comparison of y ● Frenche army and obteyned of them a traumphant victorie ▪ Wher was slain the kyng of Goheme with tenne other great princes .80 baners .1200 knightes and .3000 common souldiors After this victory kyng Edwarde wente toward Caleys and besieged it In the meane whyle Dauid of Scotlād made warre vpon the borders of England but the bishop of Yorke with other lordes gathered a great company aswell spirituall as temporall and nere vnto Durham did byd the kyng of Scottes battaile where was fought a cruel and fierce battaile But in the end the victory fell vnto the quenes syde there was taken the kyng of Scottes with many of his greatest lordes and there R. of scots taken was slayne one other aboue .15000 souldiours Anno. 22. M date 1347 Thomas Legget skinner S Adam Bramson Richar. Basingstoke This yere after kyng Edward had Caleys yelded lien afore Calais a yere more it was yelded vp to hym as ye maye reade in Iohn Frosarde Anno. 23. M date 1348 Iohn Lufkyn ●●shmōger S Henrye Pycarde Symō Dolell In the ende of this yere about August Gret plage the pestilēce begon in dyuers places of England and specially at London and so continued tyll that tyme twelue moneth Anno. 24. date 1349 Walter Turke fyshmonger S Adam Burye Rafe Lynne The King caused to be voyned grotes and halfe grotes the whych lacked ●teration coyne of the weyght of his former coyn .ii. ● vi d of a pound troy And about y ● end of August ceased the death in London which was so vehemēt and sharp that ouer the bodies buryed in churches and churchyardes monasteries and other accustomed burying places was buried in
neuer had but were called Lord of Irelande The .x. day of March a mayd was boyled in Smithfield for poysonynge A ▪ mayd boiled in smithefyeld many persons In Maye the .xxxiiii. yeare of his raigne king Henry toke a loane of money of all such as were aboue the value Anno reg 34. of 50. pounde and vp warde The Duke of Norfolk with an army royall was sente into Scotlande where he bourned and wasted all the marches and there taried without any battaile proffered by the king of Scottes vntyll the myddest of Nouember followyng Anno. 34. M Iohn Cotes Galter S Henry Hoblethorne Henry Hancotes After the departure of our army frō Scotland the king of Scottes made a roade into Englād did much harm but at the laste sir Thomas Wharton and syr William Musgraue with a fewe of the borderers mette with the Scottes on saynct Katherins eue the xxiiii of Nouember where by the greate power of God they beynge in number 15000. were ouerthrowen in whyche conf●ic●e was taken the lorde Maxwell the erles of Glencarne and Sassilles with all the capitaynes of the army And on saint Thomas euen the Apostle they were broughte to the tower of London where they lay that nyght the next daye folowyng they were by the kynges charge apparelled all in sylke and rode through the city to Westminster where they wer sworn to bee true prisoners and then were they delyuered to the custodye of dyuers noble men whiche honorably entertayned them In this season an Harolde of England rydynge on the borders syde to do a message was mette by certayne rebels which cruelly against all lawe of armes slewe him in his cote armor but they for this dede were sent to the king the yere folowing who executed them for that offence At newyeres tyde the Scottes that were taken by Carlile were by the kinge sente home agayne with greate giftes vpon condition to agree to certayne articles The thyrd day of Iune the Abrine a An. reg 15 lorde in Irelande with diuers of the wild Irish submitted thē to king Henry and in Iuly the sayde Abrine was created Earle of Clawricarde This yere in Iuly king Henry sent Goyng to Laundersey ouer 6000. men to Landersey whither also came the Emperour in proper person with a gret army and sho●tly after came down the french King in proper person with a gret army and offred to geue battell to the Emperour by reason wherof the siege was raysed The xxviii day of Iuly were brent Execution at Wyndsor three persons Anthony Person Robert Testwood and Henry ●ilmer This yere was a gret death in London A pestilēc● of the pestilēce therfore Michelma● terme was adiourned to saint Albons and there was kept to the ende Anno. 35. M date 1543 Syr Wil. Bowyer Draper S Iohn Toules Richarde Dobbes Syr William Bowier deceased the xiii day of Aprill about Easter and syr Raufe Warren serued out the residue of that yeare A roade was made into Scotlande by the garryson there who burned 60. villages and tooke great prayes bothe of men and beastes In Nouember the Englishmen that were sente to Laundersey came home agayne This yere beyng leape yeare chaunsed Foure eclipses foure Eclipses ▪ one of the Sonne the .xxiii. day of Ianuary and three of the Moone The beginning of March Germaine Execution Gardiner Larke parson of Chelsey be syde London and Singleton wer executed at Tiborne for denying the king to be supreme head of the churche and shortly one Ashbee was likewise executed for the same The .xxii. day of Marche the Lorde Admirall with a great nauy departed from London towardes Scotland The fourthe day of Aprill a gonne Houses blowen vp with gonpouder pouder house called the black swanne standing vpon the east sinithfield was blowen vp with other houses nighe adioyning and therin were burned fyue men a boye and a woman Vpon May day died the lord Thomas Anno. 36. Audeley highe Chancellor of England After whom succeded lord Thomas Writhesley The nauie sent by the lord admirall with whō was the lord Edward Seymor Earle of Hertforde the kinges lieuetenant and general captain of the army the fourth day of May arriued at Lith the hauen of Edenboroughe and toke the towne of Lyth and spoyled it Lithe and Edenborough takē after which they made toward Edenborough where at a certayne bridge the Scottes had layde theyr ordinance but by the policie of our Captaynes and souldiors the Scottes ordinance was won and discharged against thē selues after this the towne of Edenboroughe sent vnto the armye pretending to deliuer the Towne vpon certayne conditions to the behofe of oure Kinge But when the army entred they were inuaded by them for whiche cause the towne was destroied and wasted Kinge Henry and the Emperou● agreed ioyntly to inuade the realme of France with two great powers A proclamation made enhaunsinge Coynes in ●hanced the value of Gold to the rate of xlviii ● and siluer to iiii shil●inges the ounce It is to be noted that at this time the kinge caused to be coyned the base moneys Base moneys coyned which was called down the fifth yere ●f Edward the syxt and called in the second yere of Quene Elizabeth After the whitson holye dayes the Duke of Norfolke and the Lorde priuie seale with a great army tooke their boyage into Fraunce and besieged Motterell where they laye vntyll the kinge hadde wonne Boloigne Not longe after the Duke of Suffolk with many other noble men passed the seas and encamped before Boloigne on the East syde The xiiii day of Iuly kinge Henry King Henry went to ●oloigne with a goodlye companye passed from Douer to Casaice and the 26 ▪ day encamped on the north syde of Boloigne after whose comming the town was so sore battered with gonneshot and certayne of their Towers beynge vndermined so shaken that after a monethe●s ●●ege the capitayne sente woorde to the king that he would yelde the towne to his behofe vpon condition that al whiche were within myghte departe with bagge and baggage whiche conditions king Hēry graūted the Boloigners Boloign● wonne departed to the number of 4454. and the xxv day of September the kinge entred into highe Boloigne with the nobilitie of this realme and the trompettes blowing The fyrst of October king Henry departed from Boloigne towarde Douer The nynthe daye of October in the nighte the French men came vnwares vppon the Englishemen in base Boloigne and slewe of them a great number Howe beit they were shortely hased from thence Anno. 36. M William Laxton Grocer S Iohn Wilforde date 1544 Andrewe Iudde This yere was taken by the kinges shippes of the west countrey and of the English coast the number of 300. frenche shippes and more The vii day of Iune a gret army of An. 37 Frenchmen came nere to the hauen of Boloigne and skir●ished with the englishmen and this army beganne to
Douer and Sandwiche From whence to Caleys or Boloigne in Fraunce is the distaunce of .xxx. myles From this Angle whiche is agaynst France to the third Angle whiche is in the Nortte in Scotlande the mayne whereof boundeth vpon Germany but no land seene and there the Iland is lyke vnto a wedge euen at the very angle of the land in Scotlād The lēgth whereof is .vii. hundreth myles Agayne the length from this Corner at Douer in Kente to the vttermoste part of Cornewall beynge sainct Michaels mount whiche is the wes●e part or weast angle is supposed to be CCC myles From this left Angle ▪ beyng the west part and thuttermost part of Cornwall whiche hath a prospect towards Spayn in whiche part also standeth Irelande situated ▪ betwene Britayne and Spayne to the north angle in the further part of Scotland in which part the Iland dothe ende the length is .viii. hundred myles in whiche part there be very good hauens and saufe harboroughs for shippes and apt passage into Ireland beyng not past one day saylynge but the shorter passage is from wales to waterford a towne in Irelande vppon the sea coaste muche like to that passage betwene Douer and Calaice or somwhat more but the shortest passage of all is out of Scotland Frō this last angle to Hampton whiche is a towne vpon the sea coast with a hauen so called toward the south and therfore called Southhampton betweene the Angles of Kent and Cornewal they do mesure by a straight lyne the whole lengthe of the Iland and doo say that it cont●ineth viii C. myles as the breadth frome Menena or Saint Dauids to yarmouth which is in the vttermost part of the Iland towardes the east dothe conteyn CC. myles for the breadth of the Iland is in the south part which part is the front and begynnyng of the Land and endeth narowe or as it were in a straight So the circuite or compasse of the Iland is .xviii C. myles whiche is CC. lesse then Cesar dothe recken or accompt Thus muche I haue thought good to take ●ut of Polydore touchynge the dyuisyon of Englande with the fourme and situation of the same Muche other good matter that Author doth alledge whych here for breuitie I do omitte referryng those that desire to knowe farther hereof to that Boke where he shall fynd the style and story both pleasant and profytable THE RACE OF THE KINGES OF ENgland since Brute the first of this Realme and in the margent are placed the yeres before Christ his byrth when euery king began their reigns tyl ye come to Cimbilinus in whose tyme Christ y e Sauior of the worlde was borne then foloweth y e yeres frō Christ his byrthe date 1108 AFTER THE commune and beste allowed opinion of the ●moste auncient and beste approued Authors Brute the sonne of Syluius Posthumius arriued in this Ilād ▪ at a place now called Totnes in Deuonshire the yere of the worlde 2855. the yere before Christes Natiuitie 1108. wherein he first began to reigne named it Britayne● which before was called Albion And. London buylded therin he buylded the noble citie of Lōdon na●ed it new Troy buildyng there a Temple to Appolin wherein He established the Troyane Lawes in this kyngdome he placed an Archf●amyn He deuide● the same Iland among his thre sonnes vnto Locrine he gaue the middell part of Britayne nowe called Englande with the superioritie of all this I le Vnto Camber he gaue Wales and to Albanacte Scotlande After whiche partition he decessed when he had reigned xxiiii yeares and was buried at London then called newe Troye as is aforesayde date 1084 Locrine the eldest sonne of Brute reigned .xx. yeares he ch●sed the Hunnes which inuaded this Realme and pursued them so sharply that many of them with their kyng were drowned in a ryuer whych departeth England and Scotland And for so much as the king of Hūnes named Humbar was Howe the Ryuer of Humber tooke that name there drowned the Ryuer is tyll this daye named Humber This kyng Locrine had to wyfe Guendolyn daughter of Corineus duke of Cornewall by whome he had a sonne named Madan he also kept as paramour the bean tifull lady Estrild by whome he had a daughter named Sabrine And afterthe death of Corineus duke of Cornewall he put from hym the said Guendolin wedded Estryld but Guendolyn repaired to Cornewall where she gathered a greate power foughte with king Locrine and siue hym he Howe the Ryuer of Se●er●e tooke ▪ that name 1063 was buried at Troinouant She drowned the lady Estrylde with her doughter Sabrine in a ryuer that after the yong maidēs name is called Seuern Gwendoline the daughter of Corineus and wife to Locrin for so muche as Madan her sonne was to yonge to gouerne the land was by common assent The quene reigned during the minoritie of her son of all the Britains made ruler of the whole Isle of Britayn which she well and discretely ruled to the comforte of her subiectes .xv. yeares and than left the same to her sonne Madan date 1053 Madan the sonne of Locrine and Guendolyne was made ruler of Britayn The King deuoured by wol●es he vsed great tiranny among his Britons And beyng at his disport of huntyng he was deuoured by wylde wolues when he had reigned .xl ▪ yeres He left after hym .ii. sonnes named Mempricius and Manlius date 1009 Mempricius the sonne of Madan beyng kyng by treason slewe his brother Manlius after whose death he liued in more tranquillitie where thorough he fel in slouth and so to lechery taking the wiues and daughters of his subiectes and lastly became so euyll that he forsoke his wife and concubines and fell to the synne of Sodomye with beastes wherby he becam odible to God and man And goinge on hunting The king deuoured of wolues lost his cōpany was destroied of wild wolues wherof the land was then ful whē he had reigned .xx. yeres date 989 Ebrank the sonne of Mempricius was made ruler of Britaine he Had xxi wiues of whom he receiued .xx. sonnes and .xxx. daughters whiche he sent into Italie there to be maried to the bloud of the Troianes In Albany now called Scotland he edified the Dūbritain Edēbrugh Bāburgh and Yorke builded ▪ castel of Alclude which is Dūbritain he made y e castell of Maidens now called Edenbrough he made also y e castell of Bamburgh he builded Yorke citie wherin he made a tēple to Diane and set there an Archeflame and there was buried whā he had reigned .lx. yeares date 929 Brute Grienshielde the sonne of Ebranke ruled this lande .xii. yeres was buried at Yorke leauynge after hym a sonne named Leill date 917 Leill the son of Brute Greneshielde being a iust mā louer of peace in his time builded Carleil made ther a ●●ple placing therin a Flamin to rule y ● same according to y ● laws of their goddes at
made tributarie vnto hym Denmarke In London he made the hauen which at this day retaineth the name ▪ of him called Belins gate and as Iohn Leylande writeth builded y ● tower of Londō He maried his daughter Cambria vnto a prince o● The tower of London first builded Almayn called Antenor of whō these people wer called Cymbri Sycābri Finally after he had reigned with his brother and alone ▪ xxvi yeres he died and after the pagan maner with great ●ompe was burned his ashes in a Carlyon builded The olde tēple nere to temple bar built vessell of brasse set on a high Pinacle ouer Belyns gate he builded Carlion and also the temple of Concord which after the opinion of many ●s now the parishe church of the Temple date 375 Gurgunstus sonne of Beline succeded his father He subdued Dēmark compelling them to continue their tribute He reigned .xix. yeares and was buried at Carlion date 356 Guinthelinus sonne of Gurgūstus was crowned kynge of Britayne A prince sober quiet who had to wife a noble woman named Marcia of excellent learnyng and knowledge She The third laws we● Marcian lawes deuised certain lawes which lōg time among the Britains were greatly estemed and named Marcian lawes Finally when this vertuous prince had reigned .xxvi. yeres he dyed and was buried at London date 330 Cecilius the sonne of Guinth●line Marcia reigned vii yeres of him ther remaineth nothing notable But that The picts first inhabited the marches of scotlād Englād in the first yere of his reigne a people of Almaine called Picts arriued here in Britayn and possessed those parties whiche nowe be the marches of bothe ●ealmes England and Scotland Cecilius was buried at Carlyon date 323 Kymarus succeded Cecilius reigned thre yeares in Britayne he was slayne as he was huntyng date 321 Elanius called also Danius was kyng of Britayn .ix. yeares date 311 Morindus the bastard son of Dan● began to reigne in Britayn he fought with a kyng who came out of Germany arriued here slew him with al his power Moreouer out of y ● Irish seas in his tyme came foorth a wonderfull The kyng deuoured by a monster monster whiche destroied much● people ▪ wherof the kyng hearyng wol● of his valiaunt courage nedes fyḡh●●with it by whom he was clean deuoured when he had reigned .viii. yeares date 303 Gorbomānus eldest sonne of Morindus Cābridge Graunthā builte reigned .xi. yeres A prince iust ● religious he renued the temples of his gods and gouerned his people in peac● and wealth Oure englishe Chronicle faith he buylded the townes of Cambridge and of Grantham date 292 Archigallo ▪ brother o● Gorbomannus was crowned kyng of Britayn● ▪ he was in conditions vnlike to his brother for he deposed the noble men and exalted the vnnoble He extorted from men their goodes to enrich ▪ his treasurie for whiche cause by y e estates of the ●ealme he was depriued of his royall The kyng depriued ●igni●ie when he had reigned v. yeres date 286 Elidurus the third sonne of Morin●us and brother to Archigallo was e●ected king of Britayn a vertuous ●entyl price who gouerned his people ●ustly As he was in hūting in a forest ●y chance he met with his brother Ar●higallo whom most louyngly he im●raced and found the meanes to recon●ile hym to his lordes and than resigned to hym his royall dignitie when ●e had reigned .v. yeares date 281 Archigallo thus restored to his royal estate ruled the people quietly iustly ● ▪ yeares and lyeth buried at Yorke date 272 Elidurus aforenamed after the deth of his brother Archigallo for his pity and Iustice by the generall consent of ●he Britains was again chosen Kyng But he reigned not passyng two yer●s but that his yonger brethern Vigenius and Peredurus raised warre agaynste hym toke h●m prisoner and caste hym into the Tower of London Where he remayned as they write ▪ durynge theyr Reygne date 270 Vigenius Peredurus after the takyng of their brother ▪ reigned together vii yeres Vigenius thā died ▪ Per●durus The town of Pickering bu● ded reigned after alone .ii. yeres He ●uilded the towne of Pickeryng after the opinion of dyuers writers date 261 Elidurus the third tyme was made kyng of Britayne ▪ who continued his latter reigne honorably and iustly but beyng sore bruised with age and troubles he finished his lyfe when he had nowe lastly reigned .iiii. yeares and was buried at Carlile date 258 Gorboman reigned in Britayne .x. yeares Morgan was crowned kyng of britayn who guyded the realme peacibly xiiii yeares date 324 Emerianus brother to Morgan succeded in the realme of Britayne And when he had tirannously reigned .vii. yeares he was deposed date 225 Iuall was chosen king of Britayn for his iustice and temperance whiche gouerned peacibly .xx. yeres date 207 Rymo gouerned this realme of Britayne .xvi. yeares In his tyme was great plentie and peace date 191 Gerun●ius reigned here in Britayn xx yeares Catillus reigned peacibly in britain x. yeres ▪ he houng vp all oppressors of the poore people to geue ensample vnto other Coilus succeded Catellus in the realme of Britayn who quietly reigned xx yeares date 143 Porer a vertuous and gentil prince reigned in Britayn .v. yeares date 138 Chirinnus king of Britain through his dronkennesse reigned but one yere date 137 Fulgen his sonne reigned two-yeares in Britayne date 135 Eldred reigned in Britayn one yere Androgius likewise reigned one yere in Britayne date 134 date 133 Varianus the sonne of Androgius succeded his father in this realm of britayne He wholly gaue himselfe to the iustes of the flesh reigned .iii. yeres date 136 Eliud kyng of Britayne reigned .v. yeares who was a great Astronomer date 124 Dedantius king of Britayn reigned v. yeares date 120 Detonus reigned in this land of Britayne .ii. yeres date 118 Gurgineus reygned .iii. yeares in Britayne date 115 Merianus was kynge of Britayne ii yeares date 113 Bladunus gouerned Britain ii yers date 111 Capenus reigned kyng of Britayne iii. yearrs date 108 Ouinus ruled Britain .ii. yeares date 106 Silius reigned in Britayn .ii. yere● ▪ date 104 Bledgabredus was .x. yeres kyng al Britayne He delited muche in Musyke and gaue hym selfe to the studye thereof date 94 Archemalus was kynge of Britayn ii yeares date 92 Eldelus reygned kyng of Britayne iiii yeares In this tyme dyuers prodigies we● Prodigioꝰ signes in y ● ayre sene as globes of fyre burstyng out of the ayre with great noyse date 88 Rodianus was kynge of Britayne two yeares date 86 Redargius reigned king of Britain iii. yeares date 83 Samuliꝰ reigned in Britayn .ii yeres date 81 Penisellus was made kyng of Britayne who gouerned it .iii. yeres date 78 Pirrhus ruled Britayn .ii. yeares date 76 Caporus was kyng of Britayne .ii. yeares date 74 Dinellus the sonne of Caporus a iust vertuous prince gouerned this realme of Britayn .iiii. yeares
his life when he had reigned .xxxviij. yeares and was buried in the north Isle of Paules church in London aboue the aultar In the seconde ▪ yeare of this Kynges reigne a greate part of the city of London was A great fire in London wasted with fyre But ye shall vnderstand that the citie of Lōdon had most housyng and buyldyng frome Ludgate toward Westmynster littel or none wher y e chief or hart of y e Citie is now excepte in diuers places was housyng ▪ but they stode without order So that many townes and cities as Cantorbury Yorke and diuers other in Englande passed London in buyldyng But after the conqueste it increased and shortely after passed and excelled all the other date AFter the death of Etheldred greate variance fell betwene the englishemen for the election of theyr kyng for the citisens of London with certayne other named Edmund the son of Etheldred a yong man of lusty and valyant Edmūde with the Ironsyde courage in martiall aduentures bothe hardy and wise and one that could ve●y well endure all payns Wherfore he was surnamed Ironsyde but the more part fauored Canutus y e Dane By meanes wherof betwene those two princes wer foughtē many great battails in the which either party sped diuersly to the great slaughter of them that toke their parts But lastly it was agreed that the two captains should trie their quarell betwene them selues only In whiche fight although Edmund semed to haue the vpper hand yet he condescēded to deuide the realm and make Canutus felow with him in y e kingdom An Englishe Earle called Edricus whiche by his falshode wrought much hurte to his naturall countreie and lastly was aucthor of the deathe of the noble Edmund And therof hym selfe brought fyrst knowledge to Canutus the Dane sayinge in thys wise Thus haue I done Canutus for loue of thee To whom he answered sayinge For my loue thou hast murdered thyn own soueraigne Lorde whom I loued most entierly I shall in rewarde thereof exalte thy head aboue all the Lordes of A iust reward geuē Englande And forthwith cōmaunded hym to be beheaded and his heade to be set vpon a speare on the hyghest gate of London These princes reigned together ii yeares Thys Edmund was buried at Glastenbury date 1018 VVHē Canutus was stablyshed in the kyngdom he had knowlege howe Olanus kyng of Norway in his absence inuaded the countrey of Denmarke wherfore in al hast he sped him thither ward by the māhod of the englishe souldiours obteined of theym a noble victory and recouered Norway to his seignorie Wherfore when he retourned into England hee demeaned hym toward all men as a sage gentyll and moderate prince and so continued xx yeares Canutus subdued the Scots wherby he was king of .iiij. kyngdoms that is to say of England Scotland Denmarke and Norwaye And after his deathe was buried at S. Swithins at Winchester date 1038 HArold the sonne of Canutus by his wyfe Elgina for hys swyftnes surnamed Harefoote began his reigne ouer this realme of Englande ▪ In the begynnynge he shewed some token of crueltie in that he banyshed his stepmother Emma and toke from her fuche iewels and treasure as she hadde He reigned .iii. yeares He was buried at Westmynster and after at S. Clementes without Temple barre date HArdikenitus kyng of Denmarke after the deathe of Harolde was or deyned Kynge of Englande He for the iniurie done to his mother Emma caused the corps of Harolde to bee taken out of the sepulchre and sinitynge of the head caste it with the body into the riuer of Thames where by a fysher it was taken vp and vnreuerently buried at S. Clementes as afore is sayd He burdeined his subiectes with ●ractions and tribute and in meat and ●ynke was soo prodigalle that hys tables were spreade .iiij. tymes in the day and the people serued with greate excesse when he had reigned .iij. yeres he died sodeinly at Lambeth not without suspection of poysonyng and was buried at Winchester Hardikenitus beyng dead the Danes were beaten slayn and driuen out of this land into their owne countrey xxxiij yeares after that Swayn began fyrst to reigne date EDwarde the sonne of Egelrede or Etheldred by the aduice of Goodwyne and Leofricus Earle of Chester after the death of Hardikenitus was sēt for out of Normādy to take on him the gouernance of ▪ this realme of Englande whiche he guided with muche wisedome and Iustice frome whome issued as out of a fountayn very godlinesse mercy pitie and liberalitie to warde the poore and gentilnes and iustice towards al men and in all honest lyfe gaue most godly exaumple to his people He discharged y e englyshemen of the great tribute called y e Dane gelt which was often before tyme leuied to the impouerishing of y e people He subdued the Welshmen whiche rebelled and made warre vpon their borders William bastard duke of Normandie William bastarde Duke of Normādy about this tyme came with a goodly company into Englande and was honorably receiued to whom the king made great chere ▪ And at his returne enriched him with great gifts pleasures and as some write made promise to him that if he died without issue the same William shoulde succede hym in the kyngdom of England Harold the sonne of the Erle Goodwin went to Normādy wher he made faithful promise to duke William that after the death of Edward he woulde kepe the kyngdome to his behalfe on which condition he brought with him at his returne his brother ▪ Tosto Kyng Edward finished his last daye when he had reigned foure and twenty yeares .vii. monethes and odde dais He purged the olde and corrupt lawes The laws of S. Edwarde the confessor and picked oute of theym a certayne whiche were moste profytable for the commons And therfore were they called the common Lawes For restitution whereof happened dyuers commotions and insurrections in this Land He was buried at Westminster date HArolde the eldest sonne of Earle Goodwyne beynge of greate power in England and therwyth valyaunt and hardye tooke on him the gouernaunce of thys lande nothynge regardynge the promyse that he made to Wyllyam Duke of Normandye Wherefore whenne Wyllyam sente to hym Ambassades admonyshyng hym of the couenauntes that were agreed betwene them Harolde would in no wyse surrendre to hym the kyngdom whyche Wyllyam claymed not only for the promise that was made to hym but also bycause he was the nexte of kyng Edwards bloud Whenne Wyllyam Duke of Normandye perceyued that he coulde not William Duke of Normandy conquered this lande by any meanes bryng Harolde to fulfylle hys promyse nor by trea●●e to yelde vnto hym the kyngedome By force he entred the lande to whome Harolde gaue stronge and sharpe battayle In the ende whereof William chased the Englyshemen slewe Harolde and obteyned the gouernance of this lande when Harolde had reigned but .ix. monethes He was buryed at
wente into Northūberland repaired such holdes castels as the Scots by their warres had impayred builded other Newcastel vpon Tine builded ●als church brent with lightening there besydes as the newe castell on Tyne c. This .v. yere the roofe of Salisoury Church was cleane consumed with lightnyng Anno. 6. date 1092 In England fell wonderful aboundance of raine and after ensued so gret frost that horses and cartes passed commonly ouer great riuers when it thawed Gret frost the gret cakes of yce brake down many great bridges Robert Curthois duke of Normādy Normandy morgaged to the king of england layd his dukdome to pawne to his brother William of Englande for tenne thousand poundes This .vi. yeare Hugh Lupus Earle of Chester sente to Normandy for Ancelme to builde an abbey at Chester Chester abbey built whiche he after builded and then was made archbishop of Cantorbury and after was exiled by William Rufus Anno. 7. date 1093 MAlcoline kyng of Scottes for displeasour tak● with the vnkindnes of William Rufus inuaded the marches The kinge of Scottes slayne in England of England and in Northumberland was slayne with his eldest sonne Edward by Robert Mo●bray which was Earle of that prouince This yere was so gret a pestilence Gret pestilence that many men laye vnburied Anno. 8. date 1094 ENgland and Normandy were greued Gret morrein of mē ▪ with exactiōs and murreyn of men so sharply that tillage of the earth was layed asyde for .x. yere wherby ensued gret hunger and scarsity the yeres folowing And many strange and vncouthe fightes were sene as hostes of Sightes in the ayre men fightyng in the saye fiery flames and such other Anno. 10. date 1096 THe .x. yere was sene a blasing sterre of great brightnes Anno. 11. date 1097 ABoute this time William Rufus builded Westminster hal who misliking the same for that it was to smal was determined to make a bigger and that it should serue for a chamber Anno. 12. date 1098 THe .xii. yere the ryuer of Thames gret flou● rose so hye that it drowned manye townes in England In England at a towne called Finchauster A wel 〈…〉 flames fyre sene the 〈◊〉 in Barkeshyre a wel cast out bloud as before it had done water and after by the space of .xv. dayes gret flames of fyre were sene in the element Anno. 13. date 1099 VVilliā Rufus beyng at his disport of hūting by glaūsing of an arrow that Walter Tyrell a frenche knighte did shote was wounded to death in the newe forest in Hampshire on a Lammas day and buried at Winchester King Henry the first called Beauclerke Anno Reg. 1. date HEnry the brother of William Rufus and the fyrste of that name for his learnyng called Beauclerke began his dominion ouer this realm of England the first day of August in the yeare of our Lord. 1100. and reigned .xxxv. yeares iiij monethes and one day Anno. 2. date RAnulphe bishop of Durham procured Robert Curthoise duke of Normandy to warre vppon hys brother Henry for the crown of England who assembled a strong army and landed at Portismouth But by mediation peace was made on this condition that Henry Tribute to he duke of Normādy should pay three thousande markes yerely to duke Robert Anno. 3. date 1102 IN this thirde yere of Kynge Henry The priory hospitall of S. Bartholomewe in Smithfield begon to be builded the churche hospitall of saint Bartholomew in Smithfield was begon to be founded by a minstrel of the kynges named Rayer And after finished by good and wel disposed citizēs of the citie of London and especially by Richard Whittingtō This place of smithfielde was at that day a laystowe of al ordure of fylth and the place wher felons and other transgressours of the Smith●●●●ld a laystowe kinges lawes were put to execution Anno. 4. date 1103 RObert Duke of Normandye commyng into England by the entreatie of kyng Henry his wife released to hym the tribute of three thousande markes Anno. 5. date BVt it was not long ere that by meanes of yll reportes gret malice was kindeled betwene the two brethren and shortely therevpon deadly warre sprang in the end wherof Robert was taken and kept in perpetuall prisō in Cardiff by his brother who immediatly seised the duchye of Normandy and held it in his possession Teukesbury ▪ abbey builded Syr Robert le Fitzhā builded Teukesbury and there was buried Anno. 6. date 1105 RObert Earle of Shrewesbury and Rebellion in Shropshyre and Cornwall William of Cornewall rebelled agaynst kynge Henry and were taken and condempned to perpetuall imprisonment Anno. 7. date 1106 IN England appered a blasing starre betwene the south and the weste and agaynst that in the east appered a great beame as it were stretching towarde A blasynge sterre the sterre and shortly after were seene two moones the one in the Easte and thother in the west Anno. 9. date 1108 HEnry the emperor desyred to wife Maude y e eldest daughter of kinge Henry of England beyng then but .v. yeres of age nor able to be maried Anno. 10. date 1179 IN the. 10. yere of his reigne the king maryed Robert hys bastarde sonne to Mabe●●●●●ghter heyre of Roberts Fitzha●● and made him the fyrst earle of Gloucester who after buylded the strong castel of Brystowe And the priorie The strong castel of bristow built Euishā abbey builded of saint Iames in the northesyde of the same citie wher his body was buryed And his sonne Erle William began the abbey of Euishan Anno. 13. date 1112 AT Shrewesbury in England was A greh erthquake a great earthquake and the riuer of Trent was so dried that the space of one daye men went ouer dryshod And this yere the king builded the abbey of Hide abbey builded Hyde without the wals of Winchester that of old time was within the wals A blasyng sterre appered sone after and ther vpon folowed a harde winter A blasynge sterre deathe of men scarsitie of victuals and morayne of beastes Anno. 15. date 1114 King Henry of Englande gaue his daughter in mariage to the Emperour with great dower and made William his sonne Duke of Normandy wherof began the vsage and custome that the kinges of England made theyr eldeste sons dukes of Normandy Anno. 18. date LEwes inuaded Normandy with muche cruelty and toke the city of Lignes in Cauise Wherfore king Hēry assembled a stronge armye met with Lewis in playn field and fought with him a cruell and deadly battell in the ende wherof Lewes was ouercome constreined to flee the field Henry recouered the town of Lingnes Anno. 20. date 1119 VVilliam Duke of Normandy and The kings children drouned in the sea Richard the sons of king Henry of England and Mary his doughter Richard earle of Chester with his wyfe the kinges nece and other to the number of ▪ 160. persons passyng
king Barwik● wonne Edward Wherfore kyng Edward hasted him thither He wan from him the castels of Garwicke and Dunbarre He slewe of the Scottes .xxv. M. and toke prisoner syr William Douglas other noble men He conquered also Edenbrough where he found the reg●●ensignes of Scotland that is to wit the Crowne the Scepter and clothe of estate Anno. 26. M Syr Iohn Britton S date 1298 Iohn de stortforda William de Stort forde Certain persons brake vp y ● Tonne in Cornehyll and toke out certayn pr●soners that thither were cōmitted by syr Iohn Britton for the whyche .ix. of them were greuously punished by lōg ●mprisonement and great fines The tunne aboue named is nowe the cundit in Cornhill The kyng cōmyng agayn into England Liberties of London graunted and so to Winchester the citizēs of Lōdon made suche labour vnto his grace that they obteined graūt of their liberties that had in some part be kept from them by the terme of .xii. yeres or more Anno. 27. M date 1299 Henry Walleis S Richard Reshā Thomas Sely This yere the kyng made cruel war vpon the Scots had of them a great victorie and then yelded th●im selues agayn to his grace and mercy This yere also the king called in certayn coynes of money called pollards C●ocardes and rosaries Anno. 28. M date 1300 Elis● Russell S Iohn Armencer Hēry Fringrith Kyng Edward hearyng of the vntruth and rebelliō of the Scots made his third voyage against them wherin he subdued a great part of the land and toke the castell of Estriuelyn with other and made the lords sweare to hym ●●●●ltie and homage Anno. 29. M Elis Russell S date Luke Hauerynge Rich. Champeis Thys yeare the kyng gaue vnto Edward his son the princedom of Wales and ioyned thervnto the dukedome of Cornwall and the erledom of Chester Anno. 30. M Iohn Blunt S Robert Caller date 1302 Peter Bosham This yeare the Kinge helde a greate Parliamēt at Cātorb parliament at Cantorbury Anno. 31. M Iohn Blunt S Hugh Pourte date 1303 Symon Parys This yere kyng Edward made great warres in Scotland where he had many great victories Anno. 32. M Iohn Blunt S date 1304 William Combmartein Ioh. de Burford This yeare the king caused great in quirie to be made of y e behauior of his Iustices throughout his realm which was called Troyly Baston Anno. 33. M Iohn Blunt S Roger Paris date Iohn Lincolne Wylliam Wales which had done s● many displeasures to kyng Edwarde Execution at Lōdon in Scotland was taken drawen hāged anb quartred at London on Saint Bartholomews eue and his head sette on London bridge The nobles in Scotland in a parliamente at Westmynster voluntarily wer sworn to be tru to the king of England and kepe the land of Scotland to his vse agaynst all persones Anno. 34. M date 1306 Iohn Blunt S Raynold Doderil William Causon Roberte le Bruse contrarye to hys othe to kyng Edward before made assembled the lordes of Scotlande and caused hym selfe to be crowned When kyng Edward hearde of this treason he went wyth haste into Scotlande where he chased syr Roberte le Bruse and all the power of Scotlande and toke many of the noble mē prisoners Anno. 35. M date 1307 Iohn Blunt S Symon Belet Godfrey de la conduite The warres continuynge in Scotlande Kyng Edwarde deceased the noble kyng Edwarde ended his lyfe the seuenth day of Iuly in the yere 1307 when he had reigned 34. yeres 7. monethes and. 21. dayes He lyeth buried at Westminster in the chapell of sainte Edwarde vpon the south syde in a plaine tombe of marble at the head of his father King Edwarde the second Anno R●gni 1 ▪ date EDward the seconde son of the first Edward and prince of wales borne at Carnaruan began his reigne ouer y ● realm of England the .vii. daye of Iuly in the yere of our lord 1307. who was deposed the. 25. day of Ianuary and in the yere 1326. so that he reigned 19. yeres He was fayre of body but vnstedfast of maners and disposed to lightnes he refused the company of his lordes and men of honour and hanted the company of villains vile persons He gaue him selfe to ouermuche drinkinge and lightly would disclose thinges of gre● councel and besyde that he was geuen to these vices of nature He was made much worse by the counsel familiaritie of certain euil disposed persons ●s Piers of Gaueston Hugh Spencer others whose wanton counsel he folowing gaue him selfe wholly to the appetite and pleasure of the body not regarding to gouerne his cōmon weale by sadnes discretion and iustice Anno. 1. M date 1307 Syr Iohn Blunt S Nicolas Pigo● Michell Drury Kyng Edward toke to wyfe Isabell the daughter of Phillip the fayre king of Fraunce He gaue Piers of Gaueston the ●arledome of Cornwall and the lordeshyp of wallingford and was ruled a● by his counsell Anno. 2. M date 1308 Nicolas Faringdon Goldsmith S William Basyng Iohn Butler The king calling to mind the displesure done vnto him and his familiar Piers Gauestō by y e bishop of Chester commanded him to the tower of London where he was strayghtlye kepte many dayes after But the lordes per●eauing the king geuen all to wantonnesse and that he was much prouoked thervnto by y ● meanes of Piers Gaueston caused the king to banish him the realme and so he wente ouer into Ireland where the king notwithstanding comforted him with many riche giftes and made him chief ruler of that countrey Anno. 3. M Thomas Romayn S date 1309 Iames of s Ed. Roger Palmer The kinge and his lordes were at gret strife for the banishment of Piers of Gaueston in so much that the kinge woulde not be pleased vntyll he were agayn restored the Rhod● won by christen men Crouched friers This yere was the Is●e of Rhodes recouered from the Turke by the knightes of the order of saint Iohn Baptist This yere the crouched friers came fyrst into England Anno. 4. M Rychard Rofham S date 1310 Symon Croppe Pet. Blacknay Pie●s of Gaueston more and more encreased in so much that he had the custody of all the kynges iewels and tresure of the which he tooke a table and a A table with 〈◊〉 payre of tresse●s of golde and conueighed them with other iewels out of the land He also broght the kyng to manyfolde vices as adultery and such other Wherfore the lordes agayne banished him out of England into Flaunders to the kinges great displeasure Anno. 5. M date Iohn Gysours Peperer S Symon Merwood Rich. Wilforde Piers of Gaueston was agayne by the king called out of Flaunders wherfore the lordes being confederate besieged him in the castel of Scarborough where they toke him and brought him to Gauersyde besyde Warwicke and Execution in Gauersyde smote of his heade to the great discontenting of the kinges mynd This yere the kings fyrst sonne named Edward was borne at
Spencers the father and the sonne the earle of Arundel with diuers other brought them to ▪ the toun of Hereford Anno. 19. M Richard Betain Goldsmith S date 1325 Gilbert Mordon Iohn Cotton The morow after Simon and Iude syr Hugh Spencer y ● father was put to Great execution death at Bristowe and after buried at Winchester and on saint ▪ Hughes day folowing was syr Hugh his son drawen hanged quartered at Hereford and his head sent to London and sette emong other vpon the bridge After Robert Baldock the Chancellor was sent to London to Newgate where he died miserably The earle of Arundell was put to deth at Hereford and king Edward was by parliament deposed from King Edward deposed his kingdom when he h●d reigned x●●yere syxe monthes and .xviii. dais and not longe after was murthered by syr Roger Mortimer and was buried a● Glocester Edward the third Anno Regni 1. date 1326 EDwarde the thirde after the deposing of his father was crowned king of England He began his ▪ reigne ouer this realm the .xxv. day of Ianuary in the yere of our lorde 1326 and deceased the. 21 ▪ day of Iune in the yere 1377. so he reigned 50. yere and. 5. monethes lackinge 3. daies In ●●ates of armes he was very expert as the noble enterprises by him atchi●ued do wel declare Of his ●●beraliite clemencie he shewed many gret examples Briefly in al princely vertues he was so excell●t that few ●●oble men before his time were to be ●●pared to him At the beginning of his reigne he was chiefly ordred by syr Roger Mortymer and his mother Isabel In this fyrst yere of his reigne he confirmed The liberties of London confy●med the liberties of the citie of London and ordeyned that the maior of the city of London should syt in all places of iudgem●t within the liberties of the same for chiefe Iustice the kinges person only excepted and that euery alder man ▪ that had ben maidr shold be iustice of peace in all London and Middlesex and euery Alderman that had not bene maior should be iustice of peace within his owne warde Diuers other priu●leges he graunted to the citie The king went toward Scotland hauing vnderstanding that the scottes were entred into England as farre as Stanhop parke He beset them rounde about hopynge to haue broughte them bnder his subiection But when he thought to be most sure of them by treason of some of his host the scottes escaped cleane returned back into scotland About the .xxi. day of September Kinge Edward the seconde murdered Edward y ● second was murdered in the castell of Barkley by syr Roger Mortimer and was buried at Glocester Anno. 1. M date 1326 Richard Britayn Goldsmith S R●c Roting Roger Chacellor The King maried the lady Philip the earles doughter of Henawde in the citie of Yorke The kinge helde his parliament at A Parliament at Northampton Northampton wher through the counsaile of sy● Roger Mortimer the old Quene his mother he made with the scots an vnprofitable and dishonorable peace For why he restored to them all theyr writings charters and patentes wherby the kinges of Scotlande had bounde them selues to be tributarye ●o to the crowne of England with other like vnprofitable conditions Anno. 2. M date 1327 Mamo●de Chikwell Grocer S Henry Darcy Iohn Hawden Dauid the yong prince of Scotland maried Iane the syster of Kinge Edwarde whom the Scottes in derision called Iane makepeace The scottes made many ●ymes agaynst thenglishmen for the fond disgui●ed apparell by them at that tyme worne amongest the which this was one Long beardes hartlesse Scottish ● tauntes Paynted hoodes witlesse Gay Cotes gracelesse Makes England thriftlesse Anno. 3. M Iohn Grantham Grocer date 1328 S Simō Frāc●s Henry Combmarten Edward erle of Kent vncle to king Edward of England beynge falselye Execution accused of treason was by syr Roger Mortimer put to death at Winchester Prince Edward was borne at Wodstock The .xvii. of October syr Roger Mortemer was taken in Notingham castell and sent to the Tower of London Anno. 4. M Symonde Swalond date 1329 S Richard Laza● Henry G●sors Syr Roger Mortimer was accused for diuers points of treason as y t he murdered king Edward the second that through him the scots escaped at Sta●●hope parke for receiuynge summes of money of the Scottes for which accusations he was shortely a●ter drawen Execution ▪ and hanged at London Edward Baylel the sonne o● Iohn Baylel late king of scottes by lysence purchased of king Edward entred into to Scotland clayming the crowne by the right of his father where he vanquished the Scottes and was crouned at Stone Anno. 5. M date 1330 Iohn Pountney Draper S Robert Ely Thomas whorwod The king with a great army wente into Scotland and at Halid● hil gaue the Scottes battaile wherin he obteined a triumphant victory and slew o● them .viii. erles 900. knightes of barons Barwike wonne and esquires 400. 33000. cōmon souldiors he wan Edenbor●we Barwike and many other castels and gane the gouernance of Scotlande to Edward Baylel Anno. 6. M date 1331 Iohn Pountney Draper S Iohn Mocking Andrew Aubery The king of France sent .x. shyps toward Scotland which wer ●o wether driuen into Flau●ders that they were little worth after that time Anno. 7. M date 1332 Iohn Preston Draper S Nicolas Pikr Iohn Husbande Kyng Edwarde wente agayne into Scotlande and layd siege to the castel of ●ylbridge He wan it by strength set the countrey in quietnes and came back to the castel of Tyne where shortly after Edward Ba●lel kyng of Scottes came and dydde hym homage and sware vnto hym fealtie Anno. 8. M Iohn Pountney draper date 1333 S Iohn Hamond William Hansarde Embassadors were sent frō Philip de Valoys king of France for to conclude vpon certayn articles of variāce betwene their lord and the kyng of Englande but it toke none effecte Anno. 9. M Reignold at Cundyte date 1334 S Iohn Hyngston Walter Turke This yere kyng Edward sent ambassadors into France to cōclude a peace whiche likewise toke none effect Anno. 10. M Iohn Pon̄tney draper date 1335 S Walter Wordo● Richard V●ton This yere king Edward made claime to the crowne of France and therfore proclaimed open warre betwene Englande and France Anno. 11. M date 1336 Iohn Poūtney draper S William Brickelsworth Iohn Northhal This yere the kyng considering the charge he had with warrs in Scotlād and also that he intēded to haue against the Frenchmen gathered togither treasure by dyuers and sundry ways wher of the maner is not expressed but such great plentie came to his handes that money was very scant throughout the whole Realme by reason of whiche scarsnes vitaile and other merchandise were excedyng good cheape for at London Cheape of vitailes a quarter of wheate was sold for ij s̄ A fat oxe for .vi. s̄ .viii. d A fatte shepe for vi
the Charter house yarde of Great pestilence London I. M. persons And also many persons of good credite yet liuinge in the citie of Lōdon affirme that they haue redde the lyke written on a plate of laton fastned on a crosse of stone in the same Charter house churcheyarde and also to haue seene recorded in one olde Booke of the sayd Charter house that at that tyme the sayde mortalitis was so great that there remayned not the tenth person alyue throughout the realme Anno. 25. M Richarde Kyllyngburye S date 1350 Iohn Notte Wylliam Wocester This yeare kyng Edward hadde a goodly victory vppon the sea agaynste the Constable of Frāce where he toke xxii of their shyps Anno. 26. M Andrew Aubery grocer S Iohn Wrothe date 1351 Gibbon Staindrope This yere the castel of Guynes was yelden vnto y e englyshmen dwellinge in Calice by treason of a French man Also the englishmē being in Britain had a goodly victory ouer the Frēchmē where they toke many noble men prisoners Anno. 27. W date 1352 Adam Francis mercer S Iohn Peache Iohn Stodeney This sommer was so long dry that it was called after the dry sommer for from March till the later end of Iuly Dry Sommer fell litle rain or none by which reason corne that yere folowyng was scant Anno. 28. maior date 1353 Adam Francis mercer S Iohn Welde Iohn Lyttle The duke of Grunswike made an appeale agaynst Henry duke of Lancaster for whiche was waged battaile in the frenche Kynges courte and beynge bothe ready within the lystes to fyght the french king staied the matter and toke the quarel into his handes so that either of them departed the freld without any stroke striken Anno. 29. W date 1354 Thomas Legget Skinner S Williā Totingham Richar. Smelt For so much as the townes in Flāders Woll staples keptat Westmin Chichester Lincolne Bristow Cātorbury brake their promise beefore tyme made by Iaques Dartuel and now fauored the French partie king Edward remoued the market and staple of wol out of Flanders into Englande as to Westminster Chichester Lincolne Bristow Cantorbury Also this years was the house of the Friers Augustins in London finished Fryer Augustines churche in London builded which was reedified by syr Humfreye Bohune Erle of Hertforde and Essex whose bodye lieth buried in the quier of the said hous before the high aultar Anno. 30. W Simond Francis Mercer date 1355 S Tho. Forster Thomas Brandon Edward prince of Wales nie to the city of poitiers ioined battel with king Iohn of Frāce of whō y e prince by his marcial policy wan a noble victory not withstāding y t he had in his armye but 800. souldiors on the frēch part wer 6000. fighting mē In this cōflict king Iohn was takē with his yong son Phi●●p and many of his nobles brought into England Anno. 31. W Henry Picard date 1356 S R●ch Notinghā Thoma ●osell● Great and royal iustes were holdē in Iustes in smithfiel● smithfield before the king of England the Frēch king being prisoner y ● king of Scots and diuers other nobles Anno. 32. W date 1357 Iohn Stody vintener S Stephē Cādish Barthol Frostlyng This yere Dauid le Bruze king of Scots was set at libertie when he had put kynge Edward suretie of 10000. marke for his ransome Anno. 33. W date 1358 Iohn Lufkyn fyshmonger S Ioh. Barnes Iohn Burys The Englyshemen in Britain toke the towne of Ancore and diuers other and put them to great raunsome Anno. 34. W date 1359 Symon Dolel grocer S Simon Bedington Iohn Chichester A fynall peace was concluded betwene the kynges of Englande and of Fraunce on this condition that kynge Edward should haue to his possession the countreis o● Gascoyn and Guyen Poytiers Lymosyn Galeuile Xantes Calice Guines and diuers other lordshyps castels townes ▪ and al the landes to them belonging without knowledge of any soueraigntie or subiection for the same and the kyng of Fraunce should pay for his raunsome 300000. crownes and so kyng Iohn returned into France Anno. 35. W Iohn Wrothe fishmonger date 1360 S Iohn Denys Walter Burney Kyng Edward returned frō Caleys into England and brought with hym many noble mē of Frāce for hostages This yere men and beastes perished in Englande in dyuers places with thunder and lightenynge and stendes were sene in mans likenes and spake vnto men as they trauailed by the way Anno. 36. W Iohn Peche fishmonger date 1361 S Williā Holbeche Iames Tame This yeare was great death and pestilence The secōde pestilence in Englād which was called the second mortalitie in whiche dyed Henry duke of Lancaster then was Iohn of Gaunt the kyngs third sonne which had maried the dukes daughter made duke of Lancaster Also there were sene this yere in the ayre Castelles and hoostes of menne fyghtyng Anno. 37. M date 1362 Stephen Candishe S Io. of S. Albōs Iames Andrew This yere was a great wind in England Greate wynde wherwith many steples towres were ouerthrowen King Iohn of France came into England shortly after died at y e Sauoy in London Also this yere was a great frost in England whiche lasted frome the myddest of September to the moneth of Aprill Anno. 38. M date 1363 Iohn Notte peperer S Rycharde Croydon Iohn Hiltofte Prince Edward sayled into Burdeaux receiued the possession of Guyen that kyng Edwarde ▪ had newly gyuen vnto hym Anno. 39. M date 1364 Adam Burye Skinner S Symon Mordant Io. of Motford This yere the kyng began the foundation S. stephēs chapell of sainct Stephens Chapell at Westmynster whiche was fynished by Richard the secōd and sonne of prince Edwarde Anno. 40. M Adam of Burye Skinner date 1365 S Iohn Bukilsworthe Iohn Drelande Adam of Bury was maior one parte of the yere Iohn Luf●yn y e residue This yere the kyng comanded that Peter pence shold no more be gathered nor payd to Rome Anno. 41. M Iohn Louekyn fishmōger S date 1366 Iohn Warde Williā Dickman This yere was borne the second son of prince Edward named Richarde Anno. 42. M Iames Andrew Draper date 1367 S Rich. Torgold William Dickman This yeare appered Stella cometa that is a blasing starre And the Earles Blasyng sterre of Armenak of Brett and of Perygort with other nobles of the Duchye of Guyan appealed the Prince of Wales in the Frenche kynges courte that he had broken the peace and wronged them as in exacting of them ouer great summes of money c. But the French kyng deferted it for certayne causes to longe here to recite Anno. 43. M date 1368 Symon Mordon fishmōger S Adā Wimbingham Rob. Girdler This yeare the Frenche Kyng proceded in iudgement vpon the appellation before made by the erle of Arminak the lord of Bret and erle of Perygort agaynst prince Edward Whervpon discorde and variance began to take place betwene the two kynges those lordes which before were sworne to
multitude but y t they wold haue him deliuered to them who brake the bakers head or els to breake open the gates of the saide bishops palaice who was the kings high treasorer for the which the kyng seased the liberties of the citie and discharged the Maior and Sheriffes of the rule of the Citie and committed the gouernement therof to a knyght of the courte called sir Edward Dalingrige Anno. 16. M date 1392 William Stonden Grocer S Gilb. Māsfield Thomas Newington This yere by the great sute labour The liberties of Londō restored of doctor Grauesend then bishop of Lōdon the liberties were shortly restored to the citisens of London Anno. 17. M date 1393 Iohn Hadley grocer S Dr●w Barentin Richarde Whittingion A truce prolonged betwene Fraunce and Englanoe for thre yeares This yeare died Quene Anne wyfe to kyng Richarde Anno. 18. M Iohn Frenche Mercer S date 1394 William Bramton Tho. Knolles Aboute this tyme was Wikliffe famous Iohn Wiklife in England Kyng Richarde made a voyage into Ireland whiche was more chargeable thē honorable And this yere was great tempest of wynd in England Anno. 19. M William More bintener S Roger Elys date 1395 William Sheringham A truce for .xxx. yeres was made betwene England and France and kyng Richard toke to wife Isabel the daughter of Charles the Frenche kyng Anno. 20. M Adam Bame goldsmith S date 1396 Thomas Wylforde Will. Parker The duke of Glocester king Richardes vncle with the erle of Arundel and Execution other was put to cruell deathe for so muche as they rebuked the kyng in certayn matters ouer liberally Anno. 21. M date 1397 Richard Whittingtō Mercer S Wil. Askham Iohn Woodcocke ▪ This yeare deceased Iohn of Gaūt duke of Lancaster He was buried in Poules Churche on the north syde of the quier The Duke of Hereford and also the the duke of Hereforde banyshed Duke of Norffolke were bothe banyshed the lande Anno. 22. M date 1398 Drewe Barēntine goldsmith S Iohn Wade Iohn Warner Kinge Richarde lette the realme of Englande let to ferme Englande to Ferme to syr Willyam Scrope Erle of Wiltshyre and to .iij. knyghtes Bushye Bagot and Grene And then in Aprill he wente with an army into Irelande leauynge for hys Lieuetenaunt in Englande syr Edmund of Langley his vncle and duke of Yorke Kyng Rychard beynge occupied in Irelande Henry Bolynbroke Duke of Hereforde and of Lancaster whiche was banyshed into France beynge sesite for of the Londoners came into Englande wyth a small power and landed in Holdernesse in Yorkeshire to whome the Commons gathered in greate numbre whereof Kynge Richarde hearynge aboute September he returned and landed at Mylforde hauen he went to the Castell o● Flint in Wales where he rested hym entendynge to gather more strengthe In the which tyme Henry Duke of Lancaster came vnto Bristowe where he tooke syr William Scrope Earle of Wilteshyre and Treasourer of Enggland syr Iohn Bushy and syr Henry Greene. Syr Iohn Bagot was there taken but he escaped and fled the other thre were put to execution Kyng Richard beyng in the cas●ell of Flynt Kyng Rychard takē prisoner by Hēry duke of Herford was taken and by Henry Duke of Lancaster sent to the Tower of London where shortly after he yelded vp and resigned to the sayd Henry all his power and Kyngly title to the crowne of Englande and Fraunce knowledgynge that he worthily was deposed for ▪ h●s demerytes and misgouerning of the cōmon weale ¶ Kyng Henry the fourth Anno regnl ● date HEnry the fourth was ordeyned King of England more by force then by lau full succession or election Which thyng tourned him to much vnquietnes and caused often rebellion in this Realm He began his reigne ouer this Realm the .xxix. of September in the yere of our Lord. 1399. and le●te the same the xx day of Marche in the yere 1412. So he reigned thirtene yeres six monethes lackyng nyne dayes Henry the sonne of Kynge Henry was chosen prince of Wales and duke of Cornewall Earle of Chester and heyre apparant to the Crowne he deposed three Dukes that is to saye of Albumarle Excester and Su●●●●y and the ●arqu●s of Dorset An. reg 1. M date Thomas ●●olles Grocer S William Walderne William Hyde Syr Iohn Hollande duke of Excester A conspiracie against king Henrye ▪ brother to Kinge Richarde the duke of Albumarle y e duke of Surrey with the Erles of Salisbury Gloucester and other that fauored Richard of Burdeux conspyred agaynst Kynge Henry and appointed priuely to murder him at a feaste whyche shoulde be holden at Windsore but theyr treason Execution ▪ was disclosed and they al put to death with as many knightes esquires as were of that aliance and confederacie King Richard was put to death in Kinge Rychard murdered Pomfret castel by a knight called syr Piers of Exton and after brought to the tower of London so through the citie to Poules barefaced ther stode ●●i dayes for all beholders and from thence to Lāgley and ther buried in a house of Friers but he was since remoued by Henry the .v. and lieth at Westminster Vpon the deathe of thys king Richard Iohn Gower doth write as foloweth O myrrour for the worlde mete Which shouldest in gold be bette Dox clam●tis By which all wise men by forsight Theyr prudent wittes may whette ●o God doth hate suche rulers as Here viciously do lyue And none ought rule that by theyr life Doo yll example gyue As this king Richard witnesseth wel His ende this playne doeth showe For God allotted him such ende and sent him so great ▪ woo As suche a lyfe deserude as by The chronicles thou mayst knowe Anno. 2. M date 1400 Iohn Frauncis Goldsmith S Iohn Wakell William Ebot Whyle the kinge was in Wales certayne persons enuying that he had so shortely obteyned and possessed the Realme blased abroade amongest the vulgare people that kynge Richarde was yet liuing and desyred ayde of the common people to reposesse his realme and royall dignitie And to the furtherance of their inuention they sette vppon poastes and caste aboute the stretes raylyng rimes against king Henry He beyng ne●led with those vncurteous prickes searched out the auctors and amongest other were founde culpable of thys cryme syr Roger Claryngdon knyghte with two of his seruauntes the Priour of Launde and eyghte Fryers Mynoures or graye Friers who were drawen hanged and Execution quartered at Tyborne in the moneth of February Owen Glendour of Wales rebelled Rebellio● in Wales and kinge Henry wente thither with a strong armye but they fledde to theyr mountaynes This yeare was greate scarsitie of Dearthe o● corne wheate and other grayne so that wheat was sold at Londō for .xvi. s a quarter Anno. 3. M Iohn ●hadworth Mercer date 1401 S. Wil. Venour Iohn Fremingham This yere the Condite standyng vpon Condite i● Cornehill bu●ded Cornehill in London was begon
man and turned all the rage of wildnes into sober and wise behauior and vice into vertue and that he might not be agayne corrupted he charged all his olde companions that vpon payne of theyr liues none of them shold come within ten myles of the place that he was lodged in This yere about haruest tyme was syr Iohn Oldecastel knight appeached Oldcastel for an heretike and committed to prison but he brake out of the tower and wente to wales where he lyued .iiii. yeres after Anno. 1. M date 1413 Wil. Crowmer Draper S Iohn Sutton Iohn Mycol Certayne adherentes of the forenamed syr Iohn Oldecastell assembled them in Thickets fielde nere vnto S. Gyles in great number whereof the kinge beyng informed toke the fielde afore them and toke of them so manye that all the prisons in and about London were filled The chief of thē whiche were .xxix. wer condempned by the Clergie of heresie and attaynted of high treason as mouers of war against theyr king by the temporall law in the Guild hall and adiudged for treason to be drawen and hanged and for herefye to be consumed with fyre whiche was executed accordyngly in January folowyng The chiefe wherof was syr Robert Acton knighte Iohn Browne Esquier and Iohn Beuerley priest Anno. 2. M Thomas Fauconer Mercer S Iohn Michell date 1414 Thomas Allein This yere the king made great prouision to sayle into France with an army while he was shipping of his peple syr Richard erle of Cambridge syr Richard Scrope treasorer of England and syr Thomas Graye knighte were arrested for treason and so strayghtlye examined that it was cōfessed that they were purposed to haue slayn the king by the corrupting of the Frenche men Execution wherfore they were all three adiudged to dye and were headed at Hampton Then king Henry toke shipping with a great power and sayled into Normā die toke the town of Harflew wher he was compassed about with a greate host of frenchmē to y e nūber of 40000 He hauinge but. 13000. footemen and 2000. speares He slew of his enemies Battell of Agincourt 10000. and toke pri●oners nie as many ▪ This was called y e battel of Agincourt Anno. 3. M date 1415 Nicholas Wotton Draper S William Cambridge Allein Euerard This yere the ▪ Emperour Sigi●mond came into Englād to entreat a meanes of peace betwene the kinges of England Fraunce but all was in vaine for in the ende no peace coulde be con ▪ cluded and king Henry went agayne into Fraunce Anno. 4. M date 1416 Henry Barton Skinner S Robert Wodington Iohn Couentre This yere in France kinge Henry obteined many victories and gotte all the townes and holdes in Normandy sauing Rohan whiche he strongly besieged This yere on Ester day was a great A fraye in saint Dunstons Church fraye in saint Dustons Church in the Easte parte of London the beginners therof was the lord Strange and syr Iohn Trussel knight through the quarell of theyr two wyues through the whiche fraye manye people were sore wounded and hurt and one Thomas Petwarden Fishmonger slayne out of ●●●●de wherfore both the fraiers were brought to the counter in the Pultrey and the lord Strange for beginning the sayd fray was the next sunday accursed at Paules crosse Anno. 5. M Richard Marlowe Iremonger S date 1417 Henry Reade Iohn Gedney This yere syr Iohn Oldcastell was Execution sent vnto London by the lorde Powes out of Wales the whiche syr Iohn for he●esye and treason was conuicte and for the same was drawē to saint Giles fielde where he was hanged on a new payre of Gallowes with cheynes and after consumed with fyre About this time the person of Wrotham The person of Wrothā with his concubine in Norfolke whiche had haunted newe Market heath and there robbed spoyled many of the kings subiects was with his concubine brought vp to Newgate where he lastly died Anno. 6. M date 1418 Wil Seue●●ke grocer S Rafe Barton Io ▪ Parnesse King Henry conquered Roan subdued al Normandy and was proclaymed Regent of Fraunce for terme of the lyfe of Charles beyng then kinge And after his decease y e croun of Frāce with al rightes belonging to the same to him and his heyres For confyrmation wherof he toke to wife Catherin● the daughter of Charles Anno. 7. M date 1419 Richarde Whittingtō Mercer S R. Whitttngham Iohn Butler This yere king Henry returned into England so to London and at Westminster Katherin his wife was crowned the xxiiii day of February Anno. 8. M date 1420 Wil. Cambridge gro S Iohn Butler Iohn Welles The duke of Clarence king Henries brother was ouerset by the Dolphin of France and slayn to the kinges great displeasure King Henry went agayn into France and made warre vpon the Dolphin Anno. 9. M Robert Chichely Grocer S date 1421 Richard Gosselyn Wil. Weston The beginning of this yere Q. Catherin was deliuered at Windsor of a yōg prince whose name was Henry and the tenth day of August was the newe wether cocke set on Paules steple And this yere the Queene returned into Fraunce to Kinge Henry where was a ioiful meting but ●f●er folowed sorow for shortly after the king beyng at Bois in Vincente he wexed sicke Shene and Sion builded died the last day of August in the yere of our lord .1422 when he had reigned nine yeres fyue monethes ten dayes he builded the Shene and Sion and lyeth buried at Westminster King Henry the syxt Anno Regni 1. date HEnry the syxt beynge an infant of .viii. monethes of age began his reigne ouer this Realme of England the last day of August in the yeare of oure lord .1422 he was deposed the fourthe day of Marche in the yere 1460. So he reigned .xxxviii. yeres syxe monethes foure days continuing the time of his youth he was committed to the gouernaunce of Duke Humfraye of Glocester his vncle when he came to ●ans state he was of wit and nature symple gentle and meke loued better peace then war quietnesse of mynd then busines of the world honesty then profite rest ease then trouble care all trouble vexation vnquietnes and iniuries that euer happened to him which were many great he suffred so paciently that he reputed them to be worthely sente to him of God for his offences He fauored good letters excellently wel in token wherof he erected Kings colledge at Cambridge and the colledge at Ea●on b●ilded two famous Colledges the one at Cābridge called the kinges colledge the other at Eaton by means wherof good learning greatly increased In the beginninge of his reigne died king Charles of France by reason wherof the kingdome of Fraunce should come vnto king Henry and the nobles of France excepte a fewe that helde with the Dolphin deliuered the possessiō therof vnto the duke ▪ of Bedford Regent of Fraunce to the vse of king Henry Anno. 1. M William Walderne Mercer S
hearde of in Wales dyuers noble men with their retinue forsakyng Richard gathered to him in greate number so that his strength in shorte space greatly increased At a vyllage nere to Leicester called Bosworthe he mette with his enemies wher betwene them K. Richar● slayn in y e fielde was foughten a sharp battaile In conclusion king Richard with dyuers other was slayn and Henry obtayned a noble victorie After which conqueste he was immediatly crowned kyng of Englande in the fielde and the deade corps of kyng Richard was broughte to Leicester and there buryed at the Stay friers churche Kyng Henry the seuenth Anno Regni .i. date HEnry the seuenthe began his reigne ouer this Realme of Englād the xxii day of August in the yere of our Lord. 1485. and deceased in the yere 1509 the xxii day of Apryll So he reigned xxiii yeres .viii. monethes he was a prince of meruailous wisedome and policie and of great iustice temperāce and grauitie He so behaued him in the tyme of his reigne that notwithstandyng many and great occasions of trouble vnquietnesse and warre he kepte his realme in right good rule order Wherfore he was greatly estemed and reuerenced of foreyn princes This yeare maister Thomas Ilam Alderman of London and marchaunt of the Staple newe made the greate Cunduite in Cheape of hys owne goodes This yeare was the sweating sycknes of the whiche a wonderfull multitude dyed And in London besydes other there dyed Thomas Hyll Maior on the .xxvii. daye of September in whose place was chosen syr Wyllyam Stocker Draper who receyued hys othe at the vtter gate of the tower of London but he lykewyse deceased about seuen dayes after in the whiche seuen dayes departed other foure Aldermenne as Thomas Ilam Rycharde Rawson Thomas Norlande and Iohn Stocker brother to Syr Wyllyam Stocker And thenne was chosen for Maior Iohn Warde Grocer who continued that office the full of Thomas Hylles yeare that is to saye tylle the feaste of Symon and Iude. Anno. 1. M Hugh Brice goldsmith S date 1485 Iohn Tate Iohn Swan The .xxx. daye of O●●ober the king was solempnely crowned at Westmynster The Kynge ordeyned a numbre of Firste ye●●men of th● garde chosen Archers and other strong and hardy persones to geue dayely attendance on his person whom he named ●●omen of his garde The Kyng sent the Lorde Treasourer with maister Braye and other vnto the Lorde Maior of London requirynge hym and his Citizens of a prest o● .vi. M. marke wherefore the Maior with his brethern and cōmon counsell of the Citie assembled theym selues and by their auctoritie was graunted a prest of MM. poundes the whiche was leuied of the f●llow shyppes and not of the wardes for the more ease of the poore people This yeare the beautifull Crosse in ●he crosse Cheape ylded Cheape was newe buylded and made Toward the buyldyng whereof Thomas Fysher mercer gaue .vi C. marks This yeare wheate was at iii. ● the bushell bay salte at .ii. ● .viii. d and iii. ● the bushell Anno. 2. M date 1486 Syr Henry Colet Mercer S Iohn Perciual Hughe Clopton This yere y e kyng maried Elisabeth Henry ●aried 〈◊〉 Elisa●●th eldest daughter of Edward the fourth by whiche meanes the two families of Yorke and Lancaster the whiche hadde longe caused Diuysyon was knyt together in one About this tyme Francis Louel and Humfreye Stafforde rebelled in the north with them was Martin Swart which cōmotion was quieted by y ● policy ●●ttayle at ●●oke of the Duke of Bedforde but not without bloudshedde For there was slayne the Earle of Lyncolne the lord Louell Martyn Swart and other aboue iiii thousand Thys yeare was borne Prynce Arthur in the moneth of September Anno. 3. M William Horne Salter S Iohn Fenkyll date 1487 Williā Remington This yere was Quene Elisabeth crowned at Westmnster vpon S. Katherins day In Iuly was an other prest for the king made in y e city of London of .iiii. thousand poūds which was sessed on● y ● crafts or felowships shortly after was the thirde prest of .ii. M .li. which was leuied as the other whiche were bothe repayed agayne the next yere folowing These summes of moneye with many ●o whiche his grace borowed of his lordes and other was to ayde the arch duke of Burgoyn agaynst the duke of Britayne In the ende of this Maiors yeare was Iohn Ashsleye the sonne of syr Iohn Ashley knight with .ii. other drawen from Westminster to the tower hyll and there beheaded Anno. 4. M Roberte Tate Mercer S date Wyllyam Isake Rafe Tinley Thys yeare was a taske of the tenthe peny of all mens goodes and landes through which the cōmōs of the north slewe the Erle of Northumberlande wherfore Iohn Chamber their captain with other was hanged at Yorke Anno. 5. M date 1489 William Whyte Draper S Wylliam Capell Iohn Brooke This yeare one Roger Sha●elocke Desperation a taylor dwellynge within Ludgate slewe hymself For whose goodes was muche busynes betwene the kyngs am ner and the sheriffe Anno. 6. M date 1490 Iohn Mathewe mercer S Henry Coote Ro. Reuell Hugh Pēbertō Syr Robert Chamberlayn beheaded Execution This yere the kyng required a beneuolence whiche was to hym graunted toward his iourney into France This yeare Creplegate of London Creplegate of London buylded was new buylded at the costes charges of syr Edmund Shaw goldsmyth late maior of the same Citie In Iuly was Henry the kynges seconde sonne borne at Grenewiche Condite in Gracious strete This yere the beautifull cundite in Gracious strete was begon to be builded The stone worke wherof was finished in the yere 1494. But the first water ran out therof on the .xix. day of March in the yeare 1503. the .xix. yere of Henry the .vii not before Which Cundite was buylded of the goodes by the executours of sir Thomas Hyll grocer as it dooth appere by certayne verses written on the same Cundite Thomas Hyll knight late Maior of this Citie With his wife Dame Elisabeth of their charitie For the loue of God weale of the cōmonaltie Of theyr costes onely this thyng did edi●ye Out of the ground with all things necessary In this Maiors tyme wheat was at xx d .xxii. d y e bushel which was then accōpted deare Anno. 7. M Hugh Clopton mercer date 1491 S Tho. Wood Wil. Brown This yere king Henry toke his voiage into France with a great armye to aide y e Britōs against the french king Anno. 8. M Wil. Martin skinner date 1492 S Wil. Purchas Wil. welbeck This yeare was a peace concluded betwene the kinges of Englande and Fraunce and kyng Henry returned agayne into Englande ▪ In the moneth of Ianuary two pardoners were set on the pillory .iii. market days for forgyng of a false pardon wherwith they had deceued many people and for that one of them had fained hymself to be a priest he was sent to Newgate where he
through the citie shouels and spades and so many people folowed that it was wonder and within a shorte space all the hedges about the townes were cast downe and the dythes filled euery thing made plaine When the kings counsel hard therof they commanded the Maior to see that no other thyng ▪ were attempted and to call home the citizens whiche when they had done theyr enterpryse came home without any more harme doyng and so after the fieldes were neuer hedged Anno. 6. M date 1514 George Monoxe Draper S James Yarforde John Mundye A peace concluded betwen Englād and France Lewes the french king coupled in mariage with lady Mary y ● kinges sister on new yeres day folowing he ended his life wherfore king Henry sent agayne for his syster by the duke of Suffolke and other This yere Richarde Hunne a marchant taylour of London was founde hanged in Lollers tower Anno. 7. M date 1515 syr Wil. Butler grocer S Henry Worley Richard Gray William Bayly Lady Mary king Henries daughter Lady Mary borne was born at Grenewich in February Lady Mary the kinges sister before maried to the Frenche kinge returned into England and shortely after was maried to the duke of Suffolke Margaret the Quene of Scots kinge Henries eldest syster fled into Englād and laye at Harbottell where she was deliuered of a child called Margaret In Maye she came to London where she taried a whole yere before she departed into Scotland Anno. 8. M John Rest Grocer date 1516 S Tho. Seimer Rich. Thurstō This yere was such a froste that all Gret frost men with cartes might passe betwene Westminster and Lambeth On May euen this maiors yere the Euil May day An. reg 9. beginning of the .ix. yere of king Henry was an insurrection in London of yonge persons agaynst aliens of the whiche diuers were put to execution with theyr capitayne John Lincolne a broker and the residue came to Westminster with halters about their necks and were pardoned This was called euill May day Anno. 9. M syr Thomas Exmen Goldsmith date 1517 S Th. Baldrie Richard Symon Many died in England of the sweatyng The sweatinge sicknes sicknes and in especially aboute London wherfore the terme was one day kept at Oxenforde and adiourned agayne to Westminster The admirall of France came into England as ambassadour with a great companye of gentilmen and the Citie of Turney was delyuered agayne into the Frenche kinges hande for the The citie of Turney yelded french which he should pay .vi. C. thousande crownes ann for the castell that the kinge buylded .iiii. C. thousande and 23000. poundes turnoys and a peace was concluded betwene the kinges of Englande Fraunce and Castile for terme of their lyues Anno. 10. M date 1518 Thomas Myrtin Skynner S John Alleyn James Spencer This yere the Erle of Surrey was sent into Ireland as deputie and the Erle of Kyldare was of his office discharged Anno. 11. M date 1519 syr James Yarforde Mercer S John Wilkenson Nico. Partrige As king Henry was at Cantorburye with the Quene in a redinesse to haue passed the sea he heard of the Emperours comming with whom he met at Douer and accompanied him to Cantorbury where after the Emperor had saluted the quene his aunt he toke shipping into Flanders the last day of Maye king Henry passed ouer to Calais and met with Francis the French king at the campe betwene Arde and Buisnes Immediately after he met with the Emperoure with whom he went to Granelyn and the Emperour returned with wim vnto Calais wher he had great cheare after whiche tyme they departed and king Henry returned into this realme Anno. 12. M syr John Bruge Draper date 1520 S John Skeuington John Remble In this Maiors yere the .xvii. day of An. reg 13. The duke of buckingham beheaded King Henry first named defender of the faythe May which was in the. 13. yere of the kinge was the duke of Buckingham beheaded at London King Henry wrate a boke against Luther and therfore the byshop of Rome named him Defender of the sayth To whiche booke Luther aunswered very sharply nothyng sparing the auctoritie or maiestie of the king All frenchemen were attached in the citie of London and cast in prison The v. day of July the cardinall Wolsee rode through London to Douer to mete with the Emperour being accompanied with .ii. Erles .xxxvi. knightes an C. gentilmenne .viii. bishoppes .x. abbots .xxx. chaplaynes all in veluet and saten and. 700. ye●men This yere was a great pestilence death in London and other places Anno. 13. M date 1521 syr Iohn Milborne Draper S Iohn Britayn Thomas Pargeter This syr Iohn Mylborne builded Almes huoses builded certayn almose houses wherin be placed .xiii. aged poore people who haue theyr dwellings rent free and also .ii. s .vi. d. the piece payd to them the fyrst day of euery moneth for euer Charles the fifth Emperor of Rome came into England and was honorably An. reg 14 The Emperour Charles cōming to London receiued into London by the maior the Aldermen and Commons of the Citie the syxt of Iune the kinge hym selfe accompanyinge him from thence he went to Windsor and sate in the stal of the garter After great feastes iustes and honourable enterteynemente he departed to Hampton and sayled from thence into Spaine Duryng this time the Earle of Surrey Lorde Admirall brent Morles in Britain and then returned into the Realm Not long after he passed ouer to Calaice and entred Picardy and brent diuers tounes and castels He besieged Hesding but because winter drewe nere he raised hys siege and returned home Anno. 14. M Syr Iohn Mondye goldsmith S Iohn Rudston date 1522 Iohn Champneis The Lord Rosse and lord Dacres of the North burned the towne of Kelsey in scotland with foure score Villages and also ouerthrewe eightene towers of Stone with al theyr bulwarkes The Emperor Charles king Henry of England Ferdinando duke of Austrige the bishop of Rome the citie of Venice and diuers other in Italy wer confiderate against the french men The Turkes besieged the Rhodes The Rhodes taken by the Turkes Au. reg 15. The Kinge of Dēmark came into England and on Christmas daye tooke it to the greate shame and rebuke of Christen men The .xv. daye of Iune the Kinge of Denmarke and his Quene ariued at Douer and the .xxii. day of Iune they came to London and lay at the bishop of Bathes place The Earle of Surrey burned .37 villages in Scotlande and despoyled the countrey from the Easte marches to the Weste and ouerthrewe diuers holdes and castels Anno. 15. M date 1523 Syr Tho. Baldrie Mercer S Mic. English Nichol. Ieninges In December at the citie of Couentry one Philyp Scholemaster to the kynges hanchmen Christopher Pikering clarke of the Larder and Anthony Maynuile gentleman entended to haue taken the kinges treasure of his subsedye as the Collectors of the same came toward London
within this Realme from Brutus the first Kyng of the same I purpose briefly to make a Description of this noble Realme gathered out of Polydore Virgil reported in his worke of the Englishe hystorie who saieth That all Britayn which by two names is called England and Scotland is an Iland in the Ocean sea situate ryght ouer against the Region of Gallia one part of which Isle Englishmen do inhabite an other parte Scottes the thirde parte walshemen and the fourth part Cornishmen All they o●ther in language cōditions or lawes do differ amonges them selues England so called of Englishemen whiche did winne the same is the greatest parte whiche is deuided into xxxix Counties which we cal Shires ▪ wherof ten that is to say Kent Sussex Surrey Southampton Barkeshire wilteshyre Dorsetshire Somersetshire Deuonshire Cornwall do contein the first part of that Iland ▪ whithe part boundyng toward the Southe ▪ standeth betwene the Thames and the Sea From thence to the riuer of Trent whyche passeth through the middes of Englande be xvi shires wherof the first vi standing eastward are Essex Middlesex Hertfordshire Suffolke Northfolk and Cambridge●shire the other ten which stand more in the middle of the countrey are these Bedford Huntingdon Buckyngham Oxford Northampton Rutland Leicester Notingham warwike and Lincolne After these there be vi which border westward vpon wales as Glocester ▪ Hereford worcester Salop Stafforde and Chester Aboute the middle of the Region ●ye Darbyshire yorkeshire Lancashire and Cumberland On the left hande towarde the west is westmerland Against the same is the Bishoprike of Durham and Northumberlande whiche boundeth vpon the Northe in ▪ the marches of Scotland Those shires be diuided into .xvii. Byshoprikes whiche by a Greke worde be called Dioceses Of whiche Dioceses Cantorbury and Rochester bee in Kente Essex Middlesex and part of Hertforde ▪ belongeth to the Bishoprike of London The Byshop of Chichester hath Sussex ● winchester hath Hampshire Surrey and the Isle of wyght Salisbury hath Dorsetshire Barkeshire and wylteshire Excetour hath Deuonshire and Cornwall Bathe and welles hath Somersetshyreworcester hath Glocestershyre worcestershire and part of warwikeshire Hereforde hath parte of Shropshire and Herefordshyre Couentrie and Lichefelde Staffordshyre and thother part of warwikeshyre Chester hath Chesshyre Darbyshyre and a piece of Lancashire nere the riuer of Repel The Diocesse of Lincoln which is the greatest hath eight shires lying betwene the Thames and Humber as Lincolne Northampton Leicester Rutlande Huntingdon Bedforde Buckingham Oxford and the residu● of Hertfordshire The Bishoprike of Ely hath Cantabrigeshire and the I le of Ely Suffolke and Norffolke be in the circuite of Norwiche Diocesse And this is the Prouince of the Archebishoppe of Cantorburye which is the Primate of all Englande wyth wales whiche hath iii● Diocesses as hereafter shal be declared ▪ The bishop of yorke hath yorkeshire Notynghamshyre and a piece of Lancastshyre The Byshop of Durham hath the byshoprik so commonly called Northumberlād Carlis●e cōteineth Cūbreland westmerlād And this is y e other prouince of tharchbishop ▪ of yorke whych is an other Primate of Englande and was of long tyme also primate of all Scotland But these Diocesses take their names of the Cities where those seas be placed The chiefe wherof is London wherein the beginnyng was the Archbishops sea but afterwardes transposed to Cantorbury a citie in Rent placed in a soyle amiable plesant London standeth in Middlesex on the northsyde of the Thamis That most excellēt and goodly Ryuer beginneth a little aboue a village called w●nchelcombe in Oxfordshire still increasyng ▪ and passeth fyrste by the vniuersitie of Oxenford and so with a meruailous quyete course by London and then breaketh into the frenche Ocean by mayn tydes which twise in xxi●ii houres space doth ebbe and flowe more then .lx. myles to the great cōmoditie of trauailers by whiche all kyndes of marchandise be easyly conueyd to London the principall store and staple for al cōmodities within this realm Vpon y e same riuer is placed a Stonebridge a work very rare meruailous which bridge hath xx Arches made of ●●i● squared stone of height 〈◊〉 ●ote of bredth .xxx. foot distāt one from an other xx foot cōpact ioyned together with ●aul●es sella●s ▪ Vpon both sydes be houses builded that it seemeth rather a continuall streete then a Bridge The Ocean sea doeth bounde Englande the first part of Britayne east and South wales and Cornewall west The riuer of Twede deuideth England and Scotland north The length of the Island beginneth at Portsmouth in the south part and endeth at Twede in the Northe conteinynge CCCxx myles This Realm aboue other is most fruitful on this syde Humbre for beyōd it is fuller of mountaines And although to the beholders of that countrey a far of it may seme plaen yet it is ful of many hils those for the most part voyde of trees the valleys wherof be very delectable in habited for the most part by noble men who accordynge to ancient and olde order desyre not to dwell in Cities but nere vnto valleyes and riuers in seuerall villages for aduoidyng of vehemēt wynds because y e Iland naturally is stormy Humbre hath his beginnyng a littell on this syde yorke and by and by runneth southward and then holdeth his course eastward and so into the main sea greatly increased by the ryuers of Dune and Trent Trent beginneth a little from Stafforde running through Darbyshyre and Leicestershyre passyng by Lichfielde and Notyngham on the right hande Dune on the left so that both those riuers do make an Ilande which is called Auxolme and then ioynyng together on this syde King ston vpon Hull a goodly marchant towne they fall into Humbre by whiche riuer they may aryue out of Fraunce Germanie and Denmarke England is fruitfull of beasts and aboundeth with cattell wherby thinhabitauntes bee rather for the moste grasiers then ploughmen because they geue them selues more to fedyng then to tyllage So that almoste the third part of the countrey is imployed to cattell dere redde and fallow goates wherof there be store in the north parts and conies for euery where ther is ioly maintenance of those kyndes of beastes because it is full of great woddes whereof there riseth pastyme of huntyng greatly exercised specially by the nobilitie and gentlemen Of Scotland an other part of Britayn I purpose to say nothynge because I haue promised onely and briefly to remembre thaffa●res of myn owne countrey as best trauailed acquainted with the knowlege of the same ▪ wales the third part of Britayn lyeth vpon the left hand whiche like a Promontar●e or forelande or an Isle as it were on euery side it is compassed with the mayne sea except it be on the east part with the riuer of Sabrine commonly called Seuerne which deuideth wales from Englande Althoughe some late writers affirme Hereford to be a bound betwene wales and Englande and saye that wales
Britayn and exercised all tyranny and exaction vpon the people for whiche cause hee was abhorred of all the Britayns and by them was slayne when he hadde reygned fower yeares Then was the realme a good space without heade or gouernoure In the whiche tyme they were nowe and then very muche vexed wyth the foresayd Barbarous people and other foreyn enemies Nere about the yere of Christ 427. The scots and Pictes inuade Englande the Britaynes were inuaded agayn by the Picts and Scots which not withstandyng the foresayde walle that was made by the Romains spoiled the coūtrey very sore so that they were driuen to seke newe helpe of the Romaynes who sent to them a company of souldiors which again chased the Picts and A walle of stone betwene Englande and Scotland made a wall of stone of the thickenes of viii foot in height 12 ▪ foot Which thing when they had done comforting the Britons and admonishyng theim hereafter to trust to their own māhod strength they returned again to Rome The Scottes and Pictes yet once agayne entred the lande of Britayne spoylynge the countreye and cha●yng the commons so cruelly that they wer altogether comfortiesse and broughte to suche myserie that eche robbed and spoyled other and ouer this y e groūde was vntilled whereof ensued greate scarcitie and hunger and after hunger deathe In this necessitie they sent for The scots Picts in uaded thys Realme so sore that y e Romaines refused to defende the same but rather to lose theyr tribut ayde to Aetius the Romayne capitayn beynge then occupyed in warres in a part of France but they had no comfort at hys hande And therefore were forced to send ambassade to Aldroenus kyng of lyttle britayne to desyre ayde and comforte whyche they obteyned in condition that yf they atchieued the victory Constantine his brother shold be made king of britayn for to that day they had no gouernour Whiche thyng of the ambassadoures beyng graunted the sayd Constantine gathered a company of souldiors and wēt forth with them And when he had manfully vanquished their enemies obteined the victory accordyng to the promise made he was ordeined their kyng and guyded this lande .x. yeres Here endeth finally the dominion tribute of the Romains ouer this lād whiche had continued by the space of 483. yeres from the tyme that Brute began to rule this land 1541. After the city of Rome was builded 1585. yeres THen it folowed that when Constātine brother of Aldroenus had chastd and ouercome the Picts and Scottes as is beforesaide he was crowned kyng of greate Britayne and guyded the lande the space of .x. yeares in quietnesse date 433 In the court of Constantine Kinge of britayne was a certaine Pict in so greate fauour and authoritie wyth the king that he mighte at all times come The kinge slain in his chāber by a Picte to hys presence who watchynge his time by secrete meanes traiterouslye slewe the king in his chamber date 443 THen Constantius his eldest sonne which for his soft spirit was made a monke at sainct Swithens in Winchester by y e means of Vortiger duke A Monke made king of Englād ▪ of Cornewal was taken out of y e c●oister made kinge vnder whose name the fors●●d Vortiger ruled all the land and vsed great tirannie Constantius king of britain was slaine of certaine Pictes or Scottes The Kyng traiterously slayn by certayne Pictes whō Vortiger had ordeined for a gard to the kinges bodie Whereof when Vortiger had knowledge he wept and made semblaunt of greate sorowe and heauines and caused the said Scottes or Pictes to be put to deathe thoughe he in dede wer the chief causer of their treason and murder So this Constantius reigned but .v. yeares And Aurelius and Vther the kynges yonger brethren fied into Britayne date 448 VOrtiger was by force ordeined k●g of Britayn and gouerned y ● realme xvi yeares not without trouble For the nobles of Britayne suspected that Constantius was not murthered with out his consent and therfore alienated their myndes from hym In Britayn was so great plentye of Great plentie of corne grayne corne and fruite that the lyke had not ben sene many yeares before Whicde plenty was cause of idelnes gluttony lechery and other vices so y ● through their incontinent and riotous liuyng ensued so great pestilence mortalitie that the lyuing scantly suffised to bury A great pestilence the dead The Pictes and Scots also hauing knowledge of the deth of their knightes whiche were slayne by Vortiger for murderyng of the kynge inuaded The scots and Pictes spoiled this lande and in mooste cruell wyse spoyled the lande of Britayne Vortiger beynge sore abashed for so muche as he knewe the myndes of his people to be alienated from hym sent for the Saxons named Angli which had no place to dwell in and gaue to thē inhabitance in Kent By their help The fyrste Saxons entryng this realme and manhode in many batails he vanquished and droue back the Pius and other enemies and therfore had theim euer after in great loue and fauour Hengist one of the captaynes of the Saxons found meanes that Vortiger kyng of Britayne maried his daughter Kyng Vortiger deuorced frō his lauful wife and maried Rowan y e daughter of Hengist y e Saxon. Rowan a mayden of wonderfull beautie and pleasantnesse but a myscreant and Pagane For her sake the kynge was deuorced from his laufull wife by whome he had .iii. sonnes For whiche dede wel nere all the Britons forsoke hym and the Saxons daily encreased both in fauour multitude and auctoritie from this time sought alway occasion to extingny she vtterly the power of the Britains and subdue the lande to them selfe The Saxons couenanted wyth the Britons that they shuld attend to their worldly busynes and the Saxons as their souldiours would defend y e land from the incursions of all enemies for which seruice the Britains shuld geue to them competent meate and wages And vnder this pretence caused more Saxons to be sent for entendynge at conuenient tyme by force to haue the lande in their subiection Sainct Germain came into britayne Pelagius heresye in England to reduce them from the heresy of Pelagius ▪ to the faith of Christ The Britaynes considering y e dayly repaire of the Saxons into this realm shewed their kyng the ieopardye that might therof ensue ▪ and aduertised him to auoyde the danger and expell them out of the realm but all was in vayn For Vortiger by reason of his wife bore such fauor towardes the Saxons that he would in no wise heare the coūcelle of his subiectes Wherefore they Vortiger depriued of his kingdom with one wylle and mynde depriued hym of hys royall dignitie and ordeyned to theyr Kynge his eldest sonne Vortimerus date 464 VOrtimer as before is sayd beynge The kyng poisoned by his stepmother made kynge in all
Waltham abbey Waltham abbey whyche he hym selfe hadde buylded and was the laste that reigned of the bloudde of the Saxons in thys Realme Kyng Williā Conqueror Anno Regni .i. date 1067 WIlliam Duke of Normādy surnamed Conqueror Bastarde sonne of Roberte the sixt Duke of that duchye and nephew vnto kyng Edward the Confessour beganne his dominion ouer thys Realme of England the .xiiij. daye of October ▪ in the yeare of oure Lorde 1067. and deceased in the yeare 1087. the nynthe daye of September and reigned xix yeares .xi. monethes lackyng fyue dayes He vsed greate crueltie towarde the Englyshe menne burdenynge them with greuous exactions By meane whereof he caused diuers to flee the lande into other coūtreyes And lyke as hee obteyned the kyngdome by force and dent of sweard so he chaunged the whole state of this cōmon weal and ordeined new lawes at his pleasure profitable to hymselfe but greuous and hurtfull to the people This William was wise and politike riche and couetous and loued well to be magnified He was a fayre speaker and a great dissembler A man of comly stature but somdeale grosse bealied sterne of countenance and stronge in armes and had great pleasure in huntynge and makynge of sumptuous feastes Anno. 2. date 1068 The towne of Excetour the north Two castels buylded at York one other at Notingham an other at Lincolne umbers rebelled which were both subdued and greuously punyshed date 1909 This kynge William buylded foure strong castels Twayne at Yorke one at Notyngham an other at Lincolne whiche he furnished with garrisons of Normaynes Anno. 3. CAnutus kyng of Denmarke beyng encouraged therto by certayne Englishe outlawes inuaded the Northe partes of Englande and passed thorough to Yorke from whe●s he was driuen backe by William and forced to flee into his owne countrey Anno. 4. date The Scots with their kyng Mal●olyne inuaded Northumberland and spoyled the countrey Anno. 6. date Kyng William by the counseyle of the Erle of Hertford caused the money and ryches of the abbeys to be brought into his treasory he made also the new Forest in the countrey of Southamptō The newe forest in Southampton for y e atchiuing of which enterprise he was forst to cast downe diuers townes churches .xxx. myles of length and replenished the same with wylde beastes and made sharpe lawes for the maintenaunce increase of the same Anno. 10. date Roger erle of Hertford Ranulphe earle of Norffolke conspired agaynst kinge William beyng in Normandy both whiche were by him outlawed and chased oute of the Realme And Waldiffe that was duke of Northumberlande Earle of Huntingdon and Northampton who vttered the conspiracie Execution at Winchester was beheaded at Linchester and buried at Crowland Anno. 13. date At this time Oswalde Byshop of Salisbury was famous in England The kyng gaue the Erledome of Northumberlande to Walter byshoppe of Durham who was after slayne by the men of Northumberland Anno. 15. date 1081 RObert the eldest sonne of William inuaded his fathers Duchie of Normandy wherewith William beynge gretly displeased gaue his son a strong battayle in which it fortuned Roberte to me●e vnwares in the field with his father and bare him to the earth But perceiuyng by the voyce who it was forthwith he ●epte from hys horse and saued his father By whiche deede he was reconciled and peace betwene them was agreed Anno. 16. date 1082 shrewes Wēlok abbeis built About this .xvi. yere earle Waryng erle of Shrewsbury made two abbeis wherof the one was in y e suburbes of Shrewsbury the other at Wenloke Anno. 19. date 1085 KYng William caused a newe manner The number of men cattel how many hids of lād was noted in england of tribute to be leuied throughout this Realme for euery hyde of lande that is twenty acres .vi. s. And not long after commaunded a valuation to be taken of all landes fees and possessions and diligent search also to be made what number of men and cattell were within this land And accordyng A greuous exaction to the quantitie number therof gathered an other payment Anno. 20. date Englande was vexed with manye plagues For greate morayne fell emonge cattell brennynge ●euers and Gret plag● in england honger emong people greate bareynnesse vpon the earth and muche hurte was done in many places by the misfortune of fyre specially in London For a part of Paules was brent y e .vii. A parte of Paules church brēt of Iuly Kyng Williā builded two abbeis in England one at Battel in Sussex y e other nere to Londō called Barmondsay He builded the third at Cane Battel abbey Barmondsey abbey builded in Normandy He ended his life the .ix day of September and was buried at Cane in Normandy he had .v. childrē Robert to whom he gaue Normandy Richard who died in his youth William Rufus and Henry which were kinges after him And one daughter named Adela who he gaue in mariage to Steuen Erle of Bloys who got on her Steuen that after was kynge of Englande William Rufus or William the red kyng Anno regni 1. date 1087 WIlliam Rufus the second sonne of William conqueror began his reigne ouer the realme of Englande the ninth day of September in the yere of our Lord 1087. and deceased in the yere of oure LORDE 1100. the firste day of August so that he reigned .xii. yere .xi. monethes lacking .viij. days He was variable and inconstant of his demeanor very couetous and ther withall cruel For he burdened his people with vnresonable taxes He pilled the ryche and oppressed the pore And caused many to lose their landes for small causes And what he thus got by pillyng of his people he prodigally and wastfully spent in great bankettynge and sumpteous apparell Robert Curthoise his elder brother came with an armie into England against William wherof when the said William had knowledge ▪ he entreated peace Anno. 2. date DIuers Lordes of this realme conspired against William Rufus assaulted diuers tounes within Englād they stirred in like maner against him Robert Curthoyse duke of Normādy the second time But Willian vanquished the traitours chased them oute of this realme and made peace with his brother Robert This second yere was A gret erthquake a great earthquake the .xi. day of haruest that ouerturned many houses and churches in England Anno. 3. date THe Scottes spoyled Northumberland ▪ Wherfore williā Rufus prouided a nauy and sayled thither wher after diuers conflictes and skirmishes a peace was concluded Anno. 4. date 1090 A great tempest fell on sainct Lukes The rose of Bowchu●h● s●●e hundred houses in London blowen down day in sundry places of England specially in Winchecombe where a great parte of the steple was ouerthro wen with thundring lightning and in London the wynd ouertourned .vi. hundred houses and the roofe of Bowchurche in Cheape date IN this yere William Rufus
Warwike and by agreement of a councell was proclaymed kyng of England and called Edwarde the fourthe Shortely after he pursued kyng Henry towarde Yorke Battaile a Sherborn where he gaue a sore battayle to the kyng and his company This fyghte was so cruelle and fierce that in the fyght and chase were slayne .xxx. thousand of the commons besyde menne of name the whyche were the Earles of Northumberlande and Westmerland Kyng He●ry rayne t●flie the ●ā● the lorde Clyfford Andrewe T●●llep and other to the numbre of eleuen And kynge Henry loste all and was fayne to flee the lande when ▪ he had reigned eight and thyrty yeres .vi. monethes and foure dayes And Queene Margarete with the yong prince fled to her father the duke of Angeowe ¶ Kynge Edwarde the fourth Anno Regni .i. date 1460 FOward the fourth began his dominion ouer this Realme of Englande the fourthe day of Marche in the of our Lorde 1460. and lefte ▪ the same the ix day of Aprile in the yere 1483. so he reigned xxi● yeres one moneth and fiue dayes He was a man of noble courage great wyt but in his time was muche trouble ▪ and vnquietnesse in the Realme Anno. 1. M date 1461 Hugh Wiche grocer S Iohn Looke George Irelande This yere the Staplers of Caleis demaunded of kyng Edward .xviii. thousand poundes which they had lent him to mainteyne his warres against king Henry but their sute was finally regarded and lastly denied Anno. 2. M date Thomas Cooke Draper S Williā Hampton Barth● Iames Margarete the Quene and wife to Henry the sixt lāded in England but hauyng smal succour and euil fortune was sayn to take the seas again and by tempeste of weather was dryuen into Scotland Anno. 3. M Mathewe Philyppe goldsmyth S Robert Basset date 1463 Thomas Muschampe The lorde Mountague hauing the Battayle ▪ at Exham rule of the North discōs●ted king Hēry commyng out of Scotland with a great power to recouer y e crown this is called the battaile of Exham in whiche were taken the Duke of Somerset the lorde Hungerford the lorde Roas whiche were after put to deathe with many other Kyng Edwarde was secretly maried to Elisabeth Gray late wife of six Iohn Gray For whiche mariage rose greate variance betwene the king and the erle of Warwicke his chiefe friende and mainteyner This yere was king Henry taken in King Henry takē prisoner a wodde in the north countrey by one named Cantlowe and arested by the erle of Warwike and presented to the kyng Edward and sent to the tower where he remayned longe after in the Dungeon Anno. 4. M Rafe Iosselyn draper S date 1464 Iohn Tate Iohn Stone This yere the king ordeyned a newe New coyn coyne as the ryall the angell the halfe aungell and the farthyng ryals were x. ● y ● angel .vi. ● .viii. d And the grotes were made of lesse value then they were by viii d in an ounce The syluer that before was at .ii. ● .viii. d the oūce was now inhanced to .iii. ● .iiii ▪ d the ounce and fyne golde that before was .xxx. ● the ounce was now inhanced to .xl. ● the ounce And this yere was quene Elizabeth crowned at Westminster on whitson●ay or the .xxvi. day of May. Anno. 5. M date 1465 Rafe Verney Mercer S Sir Hen. weuer William Constātine This yere the .xi. day of Februarye the quene was deliuered of a daughtēr who was named Elizabeth Anno. 6. M date 1466 S. Io. Yōg Groce S Iohn Brown Henry Brice Iohn Darby Alderman for that he refused to pay for the cariage awaye of a dead dogge lying at his gate and for vnmete language which he gaue vnto the Maior was by a courte of Aldermen assessed with the fyne of fiue poūd whiche he payde euery peny Anno. 7. M Thomas Owlegraue Skynne● S date 1467 Humf. Heyforde T. Stalbrok Syr Thomas Cooke alderman of London was accused of treason and arraigned of the same and founde not gyltie but yet by reason of the Lorde Treasorer who was not his frend he was deteyned in prison and could not be delyuered vntyll he had fined ▪ with the kynge for 8000. poundes whiche he payde A great iustes was in Smythfielde betwene the lorde Scales and the bastarde of Burgoyn Anno. 8. M William Tayler Grocer S date 1468 Symon Smith Willyam Hariot This Williā Tayler Maior of London Charitable dedes of William Tayler afore named gaue to the Citie of London certaine tenementes for the which the citie is bounde to pay for euer at euery fiftene to be graunted to the kynge for al suche people as shall dwel in Cordwainer strete ward that shal be sessed at .xii. d the pece or vnder Whiche charitable woorke oughte not to be forgotten but remayn in remembrance to the exaumple of them who are able to doo the lyke The grudge whiche the erle of Warwike had conceyued against kyng Edward for the forsaid mariage declared it selfe openly ▪ so that he adioyned him with the duke of Clarence the kynges brother and by their meanes stirred so the Northern men that they diuers tymes rebelled and turned the kyng and the realme to muche trouble But shortly the kyng demeaned hymself that the Battayle at Badbery rebelles were suppressed Wherfore the erle of Warwike perceiuyng his part to be weakened fled with the duke of Clarence and other into France Anno. 9. M date 1469 Richarde Lee grocer S Rich. gardiner Robert Drope The Duke of Clarence the Erles of Warwike Pembroke and Oxenforde landed at Darthmouthe to whome by meanes of ▪ proclamations that wer publyshed in the name of kynge Henry the commons gathered in so great companies that Edward fearing his part ● Ed. fled into Flanders fled into Flanders to the Duke of Burgoyn Then was Henry the sixt set at libertie and agayn proclaymed kynge by meanes of the erle of Warw●ke and other ▪ Edwarde proclaimed vsurpe● of the Crowne but that continued not longe The erle of Worcester was beheaded at the tower hyll Execution ▪ Anno. 10. M Io. Stokton mercer S date 1470 Iohn Crosby Iohn Warde Quene Elisabeth wife to Edwarde the fourth beyng in the sanctuarye of Westminster was deliuered of a price who afterward was Edward y e fifthe King Edward being returned out of Flaunders arriued in the north parte of England with a very smal company of souldiors but by meanes that he vsed and through his brother the duke of Clarence who turned nowe to hys part he cam so puisant to London that he entred the citie and toke kyng Henry Ba●nettte field on Ester day in the byshops palaice and then wēt against the erle of Warwike whom he vanquished and slew with his brother Marques Mountague on Glademore heath nere Barnet ten miles frō London Shortly after at Teukesbury he Battaile at T●uksbury ▪ ouerthrew Quene Margaret the wife of Henry In which battaile was takē the sayd Margaret with Edwarde the
and ther with to haue araysed men and taken the Castel of Kiling worth and thē to haue made battell against the kyng for the whiche they wer drawen hanged and quartered at Tyborne the reste that were taken were executed at Couentrie The souldiours of Guines tooke a An. reg 16. great bootie at a fayre in the towne of Morguison and syr Robert Ierningham and certayne dimilaunces of Calays toke diuers Frenche prisoners Anno. 16. M date 1524 Syr Wil. B●ylie Draper S Raufe Dodmer Wil. Roche Clement bishop gf Rome sent vnto The goldē rose king Henry in token of great loue the golden rose Gret triumph in England for the taking of y ● Frēch king by the Emperor The Cardinall obteined lycence of Cardinal suppressed abbeis the bishop of Rome to suppresse certain abbayes to the intent to erect two colledges one at Oxenforde an other at Ipswich and to indue thē with lands whiche colledges he began so sumptuously that it was not lyke they would come to good ende King Henry was like to haue bene King Henry in ieopardy drowned by leaping ouer a diche in folowing his hauke This yere was the castell or tower set vp at Grenewiche This yere the coyne was enhansed Coyne enhaunced in England A murmuring was in all partes of the realme for payment of money and in Suffolke .4000 men rose against the Duke and other commissioners which were appeased by the duke of Norfolk and other A true betwene England and France for a certayne space Anno. 17. M Syr Iohn Allen mer S Iohn Calton date 1525 Christ Askew The .xi. of February fyue men of the St●iarde did penaunce at Paules And an Austen fryer called Doctor Barnes bare a fagot at Paules y e same day there was present at that time the lord Cardinall with xi byshoppes the byshop of Rochester made the sermon against Martin Luther his doctrine The same yere the syxt day of September An. reg 18 Gould enhaunced was a proclamation for gold the Frenche crowne was valued at iiii s .vi. d. the Angel at .vii. s .vi. d. the Ryall ▪ at xi s .iii. d. and so euery piece after that value Anno. 18. M date 1526 syr Th. Seymer Mercer S Ste. Pecock Nic. Lābert The thyrde day of Iuly which was Anno. 19 in the .xix. yere of king Henry the lord Cardinall of Englande rode towarde Fraunce where he concluded a league betwene kinge Henry and the French kinge whiche both sente their defiance to the Emperour and a stronge armye into Italy to deliuer the byshop and driue the Emperors power out of that countrey The .xv. day of Iuly was one Harman Execution drawen and hanged for coynyng false golde This yeare was suche scarsitie of Scarsiti of bread bread at London and al England that many people dyed for default thereof And the bread cartes that came from Stratford to London were met by the way at Myles end by the citizens that the lord Maior and Sherifes of London were fayne to go and rescue the sayd cartes and se them brought to the markets appointed for the same Anno. 19. M Syr Iames Spencer Vintener S Iohn ▪ Hardy date 1527 William Hollis The fyrst day of Nouember the lord Peace proclaymed Cardinall with the Ambassadours of France were at Paules and ther was proclaymed a generall peace betwene king Henry of England and Frances the french king during theyr lyues twelue monethes and a day after The eyght day of December three scholers of Cambridge and one Forster a gentilman of the court bare fagots at Paules The fyfth of Ianuarye the Cardinall Generall procession with many bishops abottes and priors went a procession at Paules sang Te deum for the escaping of the Pope from the Emperor This yere a French Crayer of .xxx. tonne beynge manned with .xxxviii. frenchmen a flemish craier of .xxviii ● ship cha●ed to the ●ower wharfe ▪ tonne and xxiiii fleminges meting at Margate the one chased the other alōg the riuer of Thames to y e tower whare of London wher the lieuetenaunt stayed them and toke bothe the captaynes and their men The .xvii. day of Iune the terme was An. reg 20 ▪ ● sweating ●ickenes adiourned to Michelmas after because of the sweting sicknes that then reigned in Londō and other places of this Realme and also there was no suche watch in London at Midsomer as beforetime had bene acustomed The vii day of October cam to London A legate from Rome a legate frō Rome called Cardinal Campegius who afterward with Cardinall Wolsey sate at the Black friers in London where before them was brought in question the kings mariage with Quene Katherine as to be vnlawefull but they long time protracted the conclusion of the matter ▪ which delaye king Henry tooke very displ●asauntly in so much that shortly after the Cardinall Wolsey was deposed frō the Chauncelorship of England Anno. 20. M date 1528 S. Iohn Rudstone Draper S Ra. warrē Ioh. Long The .xxix. day of Nouember the parysh priest of Hony lane and the vsher of Saincte Anthonees schole bare fagottes at Paules and two other bare tapers of waxe The .viii. day of may a pouchmaker An. reg 2● bare a fagot at Paules A peace was agreed vpon betwene king Henry of Englande the Emperour the Frenche kinge the kinge of Boheme and Hungary The third day A parliament at the Blacke fiers of October the king came to his place of Bridewell and there he and his nobles put on theyr robes of parliament and so ▪ came to the blacke Friers and there sate in theyr robes and began the parliament The .xviii. day of October was the Cardinall discharged Cardinall discharged of his Chauncelorship the king seased all his goods and his palais at Westminster called yorke place into his handes The xxvi daye of October was syr s Thomas more made chauncelor Thomas More made Chauncelour of England and sworne kept his rome all one day William Tyndale translated the The new Testamente printed in english new testament into English and printed the same beyond the seas Anno. 21. M date 1529 Syr Raufe Dodmer Mercer S Mic. Dormer Walter Champion Commaundement was geuen by king Henry to the Bishops that Tyndales translation of the new testament shold be called in and that they should see an other set forth to the profit of y e people The .xxiiii. of January wer .iii. men Execution drawen from newgate to the towre hil and there hanged and quartered for counter●eyting the kinges coyne The xvi daye of Maye was a gybet Anno. 22. Execution set vp in Finsbury field a man hanged in chaynes for murderinge doctor Miles Dicar of saint Brides The v. day of July was one hanged Execution in chaynes in Finsbury field for murdering mistres Kneu●ts mayd at saint Anto●ins King Henry vpon occasion of delay Sute to
Flaunders made great prouision for warre agaynst the Saincte Quintins Frenche kyng The Quene in her husbands quarel sent ouer an army of one thousand horsemen .iiii. thousand foote mē .ii M. pioners to ayd king Philip wherof y ● erle of Pēbroke was general The .xxiiij. day of Aprill Thomas Scarboroughe castell taken Stafford and other englishemen ▪ to the numbre of .xxxii. persons cōmyng out of Fraunce toke the castell of Scarborough which they enioyed .ii. days and then were taken and brought to London where on the .xxviii. daye of May the sayd Thomas Stafford was beheaded at the Tower hyl and vpon Execution An. reg 5. the morowe were thre of his company drawen to Tyborne and there hanged and quartered This yere on y ● .xv. day of Iuly died the lady Anne of Cleue at Chelsey was buried at Westmin y ● 8 of August The .x. day of August were taken of France the chiefest capitaynes that the Frenche kynge had as foloweth The duke of Montmorency Constable of Fraunce and his sonne called Monsieur de Meru the Duke of Monpencier the Duke of Longueuile the Mareshall of S. Andrewe the Ringraue Coronall of the Almaines Roche du Maine the Conte of Roche fou●ault The Vicount of Touraine the Baron of Curton the prince of Mantua besyde many gentylmen and capitaynes The .xviii. day of Auguste was taken the towne of S. Qui●tin by kyng Philip with the help of englyshmen This yeare before haruest ▪ wheate Dearthe plentie of corne in one yeare was solde for ii●i marke the quarter Malte at foure and forty shyllynges Beanes at fortye shyllynges Rye at forty shyllyngs the quarter and pease at .xlvi. shillynges .viii. d But after haruest wheate was sold for ▪ v. s. the quarter malt at .vi. s .viii. d rye at .iii. s .iiij. d and in the countreye wheate was sold for .iiij. s. the quarter malte for ▪ iii● s .viii. d and ●n some place a bushell of rye for a pound of candels whiche was .iiii. d Anno ▪ M. 5. 10. 4. M date 1557 Thomas Curteys fishmō●er S Richarde Malarie James A●tam The first of January the frenchmen Calice lost came to Calaice with a great army layd siege thervnto and within .iiij. or v. days wer maisters therof and shortly acter wan all the pieces on that syde the sea The Frenche Rynge also inuaded Flanders and spoiled and brent Dunkicke before king Philyp could com to the rescue but before the Frenche men returned out of Flanders the Flemmynges and the englyshe ships meting with them vpon the sandes betwene Dunkicke and Brauelyn slewe of them a great numbre This winter the quarterne agues continued in lyke maner or more vehemētly then they had don the last yere wher throughe dyed so many prieste● that a great number of parishes in diuers places of this Realme were vnserued Execution This yere in June were .vii. burned at one stake in Smithfield and in July were sixe burned at Brainforde Anno. M. 6. P. 5. M Sir Thomas Lee Mercer date 1558 S Tho. Hawes Rich. Champion Kyng Philippe beyng absent out of this realme Quene Mary beyng dan gerously sycke ended her lyfe the. xvij day of Noumber when she had reigned .v. yeres .iiii. moneths and .xi. days The same day dyed Cardinall Poole and a lyttell before two of her phisitions and dyuers by shops and noble men whom the quene estemed greatly ¶ Quene Elizabeth Anno Regni 1. date 1558 ELizabeth oure moste gracious soueraign lady to the great comfort of England was with ful consent proclaymed queene the xvi● day of Nouember in the yere 1558. Not long after she came from Hatfielde in Hertfordshire vnto the Charterhouse in London and wēt from thens to the tower wher she remayned vntil the .xiiii. day of January folowing at whiche tyme the Londoners hauynge made sumptuous prouisiion she passed through y ● citie to her palaice at Westminster she wyng very comfortable gentil coūtenance vnto y ● people the next day folowynge her grace was crowned in Saint Peters church at Westminster by doctor Oglethorpe bysh of Carlile The report of this was very ioyful to suche as in Quene Maries tyme for religiōs sake fled into Germany and other countreys whervpon they nowe shortly returned home agayne The twenty day of Januarye beganne a Parliament at Westmynster A parliamētnt west minster and in thys Parliamente the Fyrste ●ruiles and Tenthes were restored to the Crowne and also the supreme gouernement ouer the state Ecclesiasticall lykewise the booke of common prayer and administration of the sacra mentes in our vulgar tongue was restored Shortely after the quenes maiestie appointed a conference or disputation to be had at Westminster churche concernynge matters of religion but the matter came to none effec● The .vii. of April was a ioyful peace proclaimed betwixt our souerain lady Elisabeth quene of England and Henry the Frenche kyng At the feast of John Baptist the seruice in the mother tongue was fully established throughout this realme and the Masse with other Latine Seruice was cleane ▪ abolyshed About Bartholome wtide the church Images burned wardens of churches in London with their persons and ministers broughte foorthe the Roodes and other images of their churches and brent them before their churche doores Anno reg 1. M Sir Wil. Hewet cloth worker date S Tho. Lodge Roger Martin Many men of warre were conueyde An. reg 2. The maior of London begynneth his yeare y ● 18. daye of October whiche is in the firste yere of the quenes maiesties reigne And y ● quenes second yeare beginneth on the .17 day of Nouember fo●owyng Houses ●lowen vp ●n croked ●ane ●ase mo●eys called ●n out of France into Scotland wherby it was suspected that they woulde sodeinly inuade this realme whervpon the Quenes maiestie sent the Duke of Norffolke towardes Scotlande as generall and the lorde Grey of Wylton beynge lieutenant entred Scotlande with a sufficient power to ioyne with the Scottes and Frenchemen And in the ende her grace sente sir Williā Cicill knight her maiesties principal secretarie with maister doctour wotton to treate with the Frenchmen who by their wisedomes enforced the Frenchmen to depart to the greate quietnesse bothe of Englande and Scotland The .v. day of Iuly through shoting of a gonne whiche brake in the house of one Adrian Arten a ducheman in croked lane and settyng fire on a firkyn a barell of gunpower .iiii. houses were cleane blowen downe dyuers other sore hurt and bruised This yere on Michelmas euen before noone it was published by proclamation that the teston of the best sort beynge marked with the porte ●uleys shold then forthwith be taken for .iiii. d ob ▪ and the second sorte beyng marked with the greyhound for .ii. d q. the third and worst sort not beyng marked with one of those markes afore named ●ot to be taken for any value the thre peny piece which was ●oyned for .iiii.